WHITE PAPER ISSUE 4 NYC Recovery at a Glance – The Rise of Buses and Micromobility Suzana Duran Bernardes, Zilin Bian, Siva Sooryaa Muruga Thambiran, Jingqin Contact:
[email protected] Gao, Chaekuk Na, Fan Zuo, Nick Hudanich, Abhinav Bhattacharyya c2smart.engineering.nyu.edu Kaan Ozbay, Shri Iyer, Joseph Y.J. Chow, Hani Nassif Executive Summary the third week of June but are 16% higher than the corresponding speed from April 2019. However, bus New York City (NYC) is entering Phase 4 of the state's speeds have not reduced uniformly across the city. reopening plan, starting July 20, 2020. This white paper updates • The daily number of Citi Bike trips (8) began increasing by travel trends observed during the first three reopening phases mid-April with peak ridership days, matching days with and highlights the spatial distributions in terms of bus speeds higher temperatures, which may indicate recreational trips. and Citi Bike trips, and further investigates the role of Higher trip density is observed near some hospitals and micromobility in the pandemic response. parks during March to June. • Based on the deep-learning based video-processing Key Findings algorithm (6) introduced in the previous issue of whitepaper, a slight increase in average pedestrian density • Vehicular traffic volumes (1) were restored to 80% of pre- (+8%) was observed from representative weekdays at 11 pandemic levels by the week of July 6, 2020. Despite the locations in NYC. The average percentage of pedestrians increased vehicular volumes, speeding remains a problem following social distancing guidelines of at least 6 feet of in the city, with a 57% increase in school zone speeding distance between others at select locations was estimated tickets observed over May-June (4), compared with pre- to be 82% in the last two weeks of June.