Evaluating the Impact of Real-time Transit Information on Ridership and Mode Share Contract # DTRT12GUTC12 with USDOT Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R) Final Report June 2015 Principal Investigator: Dr. Kari Edison Watkins, PhD, PE National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management O. Lamar Allen Sustainable Education Building 788 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0355 P: 404-894-2236 F: 404-894-2278
[email protected] nctspm.gatech.edu Note: This report was previously published as the dissertation of Dr. Candace Brakewood: Brakewood, C. Quantifying the impact of real-time information on transit ridership, 2014, https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/54029 Portions of the work have also been published in final format as the following archival publications: Brakewood, C. and K. Watkins, “A Method for Conducting Before-After Analyses of Transit Use by Linking Smart Card Data and Survey Responses” in Public Transport Planning with Smart Card Data, edited by F. Kurauchi and J. Schmocker, CRC Press, 2016 Brakewood, C., G. Macfarlane, and K. Watkins, “The Impact of Real-time Information on Bus Ridership in New York City”, Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 53, pp. 59-75, 2015. Brakewood, C., S. Barbeau and K. Watkins, “An experiment validating the impacts of transit information on bus riders in Tampa, Florida”, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 69, pp. 409-422, 2014. Readers are encouraged to seek out these publications for final edited versions of the work for the purpose of referencing.