A DICTIONARY OF EGGON This is a version of a dictionary of the Eggon language apparently prepared by I.D. Hepburn in the 1940s. Mr. Hepburn was also responsible for the translation of the New Testament into Eggon. A photocopy of the original was taken by Ian Maddieson and the present draft edition has been prepared from the photocopy. The initial typing was done by Clement Madugu in Kaduna and the computer text-processing was carried out by Roger Blench in Cambridge. The text has been modernised in many places and the intention is to use this as a basis for publishing a modern tone-marked dictionary of Eggon. Additional entries have been added on the basis of fieldnotes from the files of Ian Maddieson. This is an appropriate place to pay tribute to the author of this dictionary which displays an extremely wide range of interests and elicits a great many unusual lexical items. [DRAFT PRINTOUT.] Roger Blench Kay Williamson Educational Foundation 8, Guest Road Cambridge CB1 2AL United Kingdom Voice/ Ans (00-44)-(0)1223-560687 Mobile worldwide (00-44)-(0)7847-495590 E-mail
[email protected] http://www.rogerblench.info/RBOP.htm January 6, 2015 Eggon dictionary Main text Introduction The Eggon language is spoken by a large number of people in south-western Plateau State in Central Nigeria (Map 1). These represent the modern Local Government Areas of Akwanga, Lafia and Nasarawa-Eggon. The main towns of the Eggon people are Akwanga, Nasarawa-Eggon, Kagbu and Wana. They stretch as far south as Lafia and west of Akwanga as far as the railway line.