Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2004 No. 87 Senate The Senate met at 9:47 a.m. and was Government and our country, which he authorization bill. Last night’s agree- called to order by the Honorable always referred to as ‘‘a country of ment provides for an additional hour of WAYNE ALLARD, a Senator from the kindness.’’ debate in relation to Senator LEVIN’s State of Colorado. Amen. missile defense amendment. The order The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s f also provides for the vote on the prayer will be offered by guest Chap- Brownback indecency amendment im- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE lain Rabbi Moshe Feller, of Saint Paul, mediately following the Levin vote. MN. The Honorable WAYNE ALLARD led Senators can, therefore, expect two The guest chaplain offered the fol- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: consecutive votes at approximately 11 lowing prayer. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the a.m. this morning. We have also United States of America, and to the Repub- reached an agreement to have all first- PRAYER lic for which it stands, one nation under God, degree amendments offered by 6:30 this indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Almighty God, Master of the Uni- evening. Given this agreement, I an- verse, the Members of the U.S. Senate f ticipate we will have votes throughout convene here today to fulfill one of the APPOINTMENT OF ACTING the day into the evening. If we are un- seven commandments which You first PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE able to complete the bill this evening, issued to Noah and his family after the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The we would then return tomorrow for a great flood, the command to govern by clerk will please read a communication series of votes on any remaining just laws. to the Senate from the President pro amendments and conclusion with final As related in the book of Genesis and tempore (Mr. STEVENS). passage. Under this scenario, we should its sacred commentaries, You issued at The legislative clerk read the fol- finish the bill either late tonight or to- that time the following seven laws: lowing letter: morrow morning. To worship You alone; There is much more work to do be- U.S. SENATE, Never to blaspheme Your Holy Name; PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, fore the Fourth of July recess. Al- Not to commit murder; Washington, DC, June 22, 2004. though an earlier agreement allows us Not to commit adultery, incest, or To the Senate: to go to class action, we will postpone any sexual misdeeds; Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of consideration of that measure in order Not to steal, lie, or cheat; the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby to begin the Defense appropriations bill Not to be cruel to any living crea- appoint the Honorable WAYNE ALLARD, a in order to provide the vital support, ture; and Senator from the State of Colorado, to per- vital monetary support, for our troops form the duties of the Chair. That every society govern by just who are fighting at this moment in the TED STEVENS, laws based on the recognition and ac- President pro tempore. war on terror overseas. knowledgment of You, O God, as the Mr. ALLARD thereupon assumed the Once again, I remind my colleagues sovereign ruler of all men and all na- Chair as Acting President pro tempore. we will continue to schedule votes on tions. the remaining judicial nominations Grant, Almighty God, that the Mem- f this week, and I anticipate consider- bers of the Senate constantly realize RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ation of several of those today. that in enacting just laws they are per- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- I also remind Senators to be in their forming your will. pore. Under the previous order, the seats at 2:15 today for the official pho- Almighty God, I beseech You today leadership time is reserved. tograph. This will take just a very few to bless the Senate and the entire Na- minutes if we have people on time. I f tion in the merit of one of the spiritual ask Senators to be here promptly. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY giants of our time and of our country, f the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi LEADER CANCER IN WOMEN Menachem Mendel Schneerson of right- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- eous, blessed memory, who passed pore. The majority leader is recog- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I take a away 10 years ago today. The Rebbe la- nized. few minutes to speak on a totally unre- bored with great love, dedication, and f lated issue on leader time and then we self-sacrifice to make all mankind will move to the bill unless there is an- aware of Your sacred presence. SCHEDULE other comment to be made. It is a very May his memory be for a blessing, Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- important message. It is an issue most and his merit be for a shield for our ing we will again return to the Defense people do not understand and it has to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7117 . VerDate May 21 2004 01:00 Jun 23, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JN6.000 S22PT1 S7118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 22, 2004 do with an issue of health care and You can quit and that is tough to do. CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT emergency health. It is regarding a I have counseled hundreds and hun- Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, no fundamental question which most peo- dreds of patients, being a heart sur- question more occupied the minds of ple cannot answer, cancer in women. geon, a lung surgeon, and lung cancer our Founding Fathers than how to I ask people to be thinking what the surgeon before. I have counseled hun- keep American democracy from devolv- appropriate answer is, What is the dreds of patients, probably thousands ing into despotism. deadliest cancer in women today? What of patients. It is tough to quit smok- The delicate and elaborate structure is the leading cause of cancer death ing. Nevertheless, if you put your mind of our Government is designed not among 55 percent of our population to it, you can quit, and if you quit you merely to represent the will of the today? Most people think breast can- can reduce that risk. American people but to prevent the cer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, or The best thing we can do is have peo- concentration and abuse of power. To one of the gynecological cancers. It is ple never start. That means we have an eliminate the prospects that tyranny not. The deadliest cancer is lung can- obligation to take the very latest sci- could take hold, the Framers not only cer. entific data, what we know today, and created a separation of equal powers, It is preventable and it does not have educate the American people. I argue, but they gave each branch authority to be that way. Therefore, the solution also, we need to educate people in high over its peers. comes with education. I will take 3 or school today because the easiest thing ‘‘Unless these departments be so far 4 minutes to comment. to do is stop people from smoking up The Journal of the American Medical connected and blended as to give each front. Association this spring published the a constitutional control over the oth- I urge my colleagues, educators, par- astonishing finding that lung cancer is ers,’’ James Madison wrote in The Fed- ents, and the media to convey that the No. 1 cause of cancer deaths in eralist Papers, ‘‘the degree of separa- message loud and clear. We know American women. In fact, breast can- tion . essential to a free govern- where smoking leads. It leads to addic- cer, all the gynecological cancers, add ment, can never in practice be duly tion, to cancer, contributes to heart those up and they still do not equal the maintained.’’ disease, to stroke, blood vessel disease, number of women who die from lung For our system to work, no part of cancer. and cardiovascular disease. We need to Government can be free from scru- The female death rate from lung can- educate young women to the con- tiny—not Congress, not the judiciary, cer has risen 600 percent over the last sequences of smoking before they have and not the White House. six decades. The last lung cancer oper- done irreparable damage to their lungs. Unfortunately, Congress seems to ation I performed was about 10 years Although I know my colleagues will have abdicated its role in our system of ago. Since then, the death rate has in- not read the Journal of the American checks and balances. Partisan loyalty creased. It is a problem that is getting Medical Association, the article itself is taking precedence over our constitu- worse. The death rate continues to is factual, very well researched. I be- tional responsibilities, and oversight grow, even though the rate of smoking lieve at least I have an obligation to has ground to a halt. There are few among women has begun to taper off share this with my colleagues so they clearer examples than Congress’ failure since the 1960s. The whole point is that can share the current state of the art to investigate the decision to withhold lung cancer can continue to strike even with their constituents and reverse a the cost estimates for its controversial after someone stops smoking.
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