Vol XXVI \

Published by ArAI^SRIDGMAN Stoughton. Mass.

Pliotograplis from Jolley, 304 Boylston Street,

Engravings by Star Engraving Co.. 117 Summer Street, Boston

Composition and Presswork ty The Pcqua Press, Inc., StougKton, Me OCT 9 1947


"Coming events cast their shadows before,"—and the coming of the Constitutional Convention cast a "shadow" over many measures that would otherwise have taken the time of the Legislature of 1917. "Coming ev- ents cast their shadows before,"—and the coming of the Country into the greatest war of history also had its effect upon the Legislature of 1917.

It had new and grave issues to meet and it met them wisely and well. It made generous provision for the men in uniform, who were to be called to fight for American principles, and also generous provision for the welfare of those dependent upon them. Doubtless a longer experience with the conduct of the war would have broadened and deepened the currents of

legislation ; but any sins of omission will be corrected by legislators who will follow those of 1917. Especially notable was the reception on Satur- day, May 12, of Marshal JofTre and his fellow-representatives of the French

Republic, a fuller account of which is given on page 19. Such an event is without parallel in the history of any Legislature. The zeal and efficiency of the members was proven by making the session really the shortest for many years, while it was prolonged several days by "war" legislation. The great preponderance of Republicans tended to lessen party considerations; and the legislation, as a whole, was progressive, sound and for the public interest. The members were in close touch with the desires of their con- stituents and with those of vhe Adniinistration, uo there was a co-ordination of effort for the public good. A. M BRIDGMAN Editor and Publisher. MASSACHUsi-f?^ 7eGISLATURE, 1917

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LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS Hon. A. P. Langtry, Sec'y of State Hon. C. L. Burrill, State Treasurer Hon. , Lieutenant Governor Hon. Alonzo B. Cook, State Auditor Hon. H. C. Attwill, Atty. General A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917

THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Hon. David L. Parker Hon. R. F. Andrews Hon. Timothy J. Buckley Hon, Herbert P. Wasgatt Hon. Frederick H. Tarr Hon. James H. Harris Hon. Channing Smith Hon C H. Wright Stanley R. Miller* Edward F. Hamlinf Henry F. Longt

: * Asst. Secretary . Gov.'s Secretary f Executive Clerk % Gov.'s A SOUVENIR OF

MASSACHUSETTS MEMBERS OF CONGRESS A. T. Treadway F. H. Gillett Calvin D. Paige Samuel E. Winslow John J. Rogers Augustus P. Gardner M. F. Phelan Fred W. Dallinger Hon. Hon. John W. Weeks Alvan T. Fuller Peter F. Tague Geo. Holden Tinkhain J. A. Gallivan Wm. H. Carter Richard Olney, 2d Wm. S. Greene Joseph Walsh MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917

OFFICERS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE H. D. Coolidge, Senate Clerk Rev. E. A. Horton, Senate Chaplam Hon. H. G. Wells, President Hon. Channing H. Cox, Speaker Chaplam J. W. Kimball, House Clerk Rev. D. W. Waldron, House 10 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 11

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MARSHAL JOFFRE AND COMMITTEE OF NOTIFICATION Alvin E. Bliss Henry Achin. Jr. Chauncey Pepin George J. Brunell President Henry G. Wells Hon. Charles L. Gifford MARSHAL JOFFRE Hon. ('larence W. Hobbs, Jr. Hon. James P. Timilty Ernest A. Larocque Alfred M. Bessette C. J. McNulty John W. Craig MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 1^


Never in the history of the state was there such a scene presented as was witnessed on Saturday, May 12. The Senate and House met in joint convention, agreeably to the provisions of an order previously adopted, for the purpose of receiving and doing honor to the Marshal of , Joffre. and other members of the French Mission to the . President Wells was in the chair. A committee, consisting of Senators Hobbs of Worcester, Gifford of the Cape and Timilty of Suffolk; and Representatives Bliss of Maiden, Achin of Lowell, Pepin of Salem, Brunell of Webster, Larocque of Fall River, Bessette of New Bedford and McNulty and Craig of Boston were appointed to wait upon Governor McCall, Marshal Joffre and the other members of the French Mission and invite them to honor the Convention with their presence. The Governor and Marshal Joffre, and other menibers of the Mission, the justices of the Supreme Court and other civil and military officers entered, the Convention rising and greeting them with enthusiastic applause. Gov. McCall, Marshal Joffre and M Emile Hovelaque, inspector-general of education in France, were then presented to the Convention and addressed its members, the speech of Marshal Joffre being translated for the Convention, after he had finished, by Judge Hugo A. Dubuque of Fall River. M. Hovelaque making his address in English. The Convention was then dissolved and the guests proceeded to the Hall of Flags, where they gave a reception to the members of the Convention. In the evening there was given, at the Copley-Plaza hotel, in Boston, a "dinner in Honor of the Commission of the Republic of France to the United States by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." Besides the members of the Legislature and Executive Council, there were present Governor McCall and the other state officers and mayors of cities, members of Congress and many other distinguished guests. Those present of the Mission, were "M. le Marechal, Joffre, Marechal de France; M. Ic Vice-Amiral Chochei)rat, Doyen des Vice-Amireax francais; M. le Marquis de Chambrun Depute

(descendent de Lafayette) ; M. M. Simon, Inspecteur des Financ;^s et Hovel- aque Inspecteur General de I'lnstruction Publique; Lt. Colonel Fabry, Chef du Cabinet; Lt. Colonel Remond (Artillerie) du Grand Quartier General; Commandent Requin, du Ministerre de la Guerre; Lt. de Tessan, de la 10 erne armee; Medecin-Major Dreyfus; M. Pins, caporal d'Etat Major; M. Dewael. secretaire d' Etat Major." The "menu:"—Petite marmitc; Filet de sole Morney; Poularde pochee ivoire; Jambon d'York au Madere; puddin nesselrode." The banquet hall was festooned with the flags of the Allied Nations and of the United States, and addresses were made by Gov. Mc- Call, Marshal Joffre, M. Hovelaque and others. M. Rene Viviani, the head of the Mission, was not present at any of the receptions in Boston having been obliged to visit Montreal in his official capacity on the same date. 20 A SOUVENIR OF

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COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE Eames B G. Collins Hon. A. W. Colburn Hon. C. S. Smith Edward B Dunbar, (CI) Williams, (H Ch) Hon. C. A. Kimball, (S Ch) E. P. W. L. Morrill George W. Love Charles H. Beaman C. H. Granger D. T. 24 A SOUVENIR OF


COMMITTEE ON BANKS AND BANKING A. Young Hon J F. Cavanagh Hon. J. R. Tetler Howard F. Furness Myron Simon Swig, (H Ch) Hon. E. T. McKnight, (S Ch) J. E. Freehng^ (CI) Bernard F. Me-rriam L. S. Hamburger J. H. McAllister Joseph McGrath 26 A SOUVENIR OF

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COMMITTEE ON CITIES Fitzgerald L. E. Maybury Hon. J. E. Beck Hon. J. L. Harrop Hon. J. I. Woodill, (CI) A. E. Bliss, (H Ch) Hon. J. R. Tetler, (S Ch) H. C. John G. Johnson Julius Meyers Frank H. Putnam Joseph W. Wharton William Foster Alfred J. Moore John J. Kearney M. A. Flanagan 28 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917

COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Hon. Geo. F. Hart Hon. E. F. McLaughlin J. S. Smith T. Weston, Jr. F-H. Smith, Jr., (H Ch) Hon. E. E. Hobson, (S Ch) C Boothman, (CI) Albert M. Chandler Walter A. Hardy John J. Murphy Thomas A. Wmston 28 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE. 1917 31

COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Hon. F. W. Cross Hon. G. B. Churchill H. W. Jarvis John C. Hull E. K. Bowser, (H Ch) Hon. J. W. Bean, (S Ch) Wm. B. Baldwin, (CI) Thomas W. Baxter Edwin H. Gibson John P. Englert Michael H. Jordan 32 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE. 1917

COMMITTEE ON ELECTION LAWS Hon. C. W. Hobbs. Jr Hon. J. F. Cavanag:h Arthur E. Burr J. E, Freeling John M. Gibbs,(H Ch) Hon. Herman Hormel,(S Ch) C. A. Bennett, (CI) John Wooldredge John Mitchell Roland D. Sawyer Denis J. Sullivan 34 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 35^

COMMITTEE ON FEDERAL RELATIONS Hon. M. E. Nichols Hon. D. J. Buckley F. F. Clauss W. F. French H. Achin Jr., (H Ch) Hon. G. A. Hastings, (S Ch) W. S. Conroy, (CI) Walter T. Packard Edward B. Eames Eden K. Bowser F. B. McKinney 36 A SOUVENIR OF

COMMITTEE ON COUNTIES Hon. C. D. Brown Hon. G. D. Chamberlain Julius Guild W. E. Tarbell J. T. Bagshaw.CH Ch) Hon. G. B. Churchill, (S Ch) N. G. Gleason,(Cl) J. K. Chandler James F. Kiernan John W. Williams Dennis F. Reardon MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE,J9 17 37

COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES AND GAME Hon C W Eldridge Hon. C. D. Brown M. E. Streeter James M. Lyle (CI) J. S. Smith, (H Ch) Hon. C. S. Smith, (S Ch) B. G. Collins, G. Oscar Russell George Penshorn George W. Bowman John H. Parker 38 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 39

COMMITTEE ON HARBORS AND PUBLIC LANDS Hon. O. T. Mason Hon. E. N. Dahlborg J. A. Hirsch J. D. Bentley F. Mulveny, (H Ch) Hon. C. D. Brown, (S Ch) Walter Haynes, (CI) Walter L. Mellen Walter Perham Michael F. Malone Lewis R. Sullivan 40 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 41

COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Hon. J E. MacPherson Hon. E. E. Hobson Hon. A. Sanford Hon. K. L. Nash W. W. Kennard, (H Ch) Hon. J. F. Cavanagh, (S Ch) V. Brogna, (CI) E. S. Abbott Arthur E. Burr Roger Wolcott Daniel W. Lincohi L. Makepeace Harold L. Perrin Frank E. Raymond Joseph L. Barry William H. Mahoney 42 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 43

COMMITTEE ON LABOR E. Cowdrey Hon. C. L. Gifford Hon. J. B. Hull W. L. Williams Henry Harvey E Frost, (H Ch) Hon. F. W, Cross, (S Ch) C. H. Morrill, (CI) William N. Stetson William A. Moore Matthew A. Higg-ms W. J. Manning 44 A SOUVENIR OF

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COMMITTEE ON LEGAL AFFAIRS Hon. R. Knowles Hon. E T. McKnight Hon. E- G. Morris James E. Tolman Wesley E. Monk, (H Ch) Hon. E. H. Perley, (S Ch) W. J. Foley, (CI) Henry W. Jarvis R. N. Butterworth J. Wasserman James G. Moran Russell T. Bates M. A. Murray William J. Granfield Eugene A. Lynch 46 A SOUVENIR OF

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COMMITTEE ON MERCANTILE AFFAIRS Hon. W. E. McLane Hon. C. S. Smith Hon. D. J. Buckley Fred E. Cady Joseph 0. Knox,(HCh) Hon. C.W. Eldridge, (SCh) M.J.FitzGerald, (CI) Frederic F. Clauss James E. Odlin Ward M. Parker William F. Runnells Clarence A. Briggs David J. Maloney EF. Harrington George, E. Curran 48 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 49

COMMITTEE ON METROPOLITAN AFFAIRS ^'i^hols Hon. Herman Horniel t"v TT Hon. C. S. Lawler F. J. Brown John H Sherburne, (HCh) Hon. H.A. Wilson, (SCh) A.P. Beardsley,(Cl) Ihomas Weston, Jr. Joseph H. Perry P. R. Ammidon Martin Hays Jay K. Benton Martin M. Lomasney J. H. Mclnerney J. A. Oakhem 50 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 51

COMMITTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS Hon. F. W. Cross Hon. J. I. Fitzgerald Fred Butler E. W. Allen J. T. Potter, (H Ch) Hon. J. E. MacPherson, (S Ch) W. F. French. (CI) Martin R. Lane W. A. Bartlett Lawrence F. Quigley Thomas J. Corbett 52 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 53

COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL FINANCE G. Gleason R. B Martin Hon. J. E. Beck Hon. J. W. Martin, Jr. N. A M Chandler, (H Ch) Hon. R. Knowles,(S Ch) G. G. Southworth (CI) L. Murphy Clarence M. Hall John R. Hudson William J. Holland D. 54 A SOUVENIR OF

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COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH Howard F. Furness Hon. G. Jackson Hon. E. F. McLaughlin F. Mulyeny H (CI) Frothingham,(H Ch) Hon. G. F. Hart,(S Ch) Peter 1. Adams, C. B. James W. Haye^ Thomas Leavitt William L. Johnson George D. Morse 56 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 57

COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS Hon E. H. Perley Hon K. L. Nash Hon. D. J. Buckley Fred Butler F.P. Greenwood, (HCh) Hon. EN. Dahlborg,(SCh) C.A.Winchester, (CI) Charles H. Annis Jacob Bitzer E A Larocque D L Kelley W. P. French W. E. Tarbell Henry E. Dean Thomas H. Brennan 68 A SOUVENIR OF





COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC LIGHTING Hon. J. R. Teller Hon. J. L. Harrop Hon. J. P. Timilty J. Halliwell J. E. Tolman, (H Ch) Hon. J. E. Beck, (S Ch) A. L. Nason, (CI) Henry Achin, Jr. Martin Hays John M. Gibbs Fred J. Burrell Edward J. Cox Thomas M. Joyce M. J. McNamee Frank J. Burke 60 A SOUVENIR OF

COMMITTEE ON INSURANCE Lawler H. E. Frost Hon (; A. Hastings Hon. A. Sanford Hon. C. S. G B Waterman, (HCh) Hon. W. E. McLane,(SCh) John W. Craig, (CI) James Morrison Arthur W. Frail Frank Bartlett J. T. Bagshaw William A. Kneeland George H. Carrick Park W. Allen C. S. O Connor MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 61

COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE Hon. G. D. Chamberlain Hon. G. B. Churchill A. L. Whitman G. A. Whitney J. Weston Allen, (H Ch) Hon. J. B. Hull, (S Ch) C. J. McNulty, (CI) Isaac U. Wood George A. Wales Henry S. Clark Henry J. McLaughlin 62 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 63

COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS Hon. W. E. McLane Hon. E. H. Perlev Hon. J. P. Timiltv C Pepin Victor F. Jewett,(H Ch) Hon. C. W. Hobbs,(S Ch) T. F. Donovan, (CD Essex S. Abbott John Mitchell Francis M. Hill Horace W. Hosie Joseph A. Saunders Walter A. Hardy Arthur E. Marsh M. E. Bradley 64 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 ^5

COMMITTEE ON ROADS AND BRIDGES Hon. A. W. Colburn Hon. G. A. Hastings G. B, Waterman G. O. Russell Carl C. Emery, (H Ch) Hon. G. H. Jackson, (S Ch) J. W. Moulton, (CI) Merrill E. Streeter Chauncey Pepin Arthur Bower Thomas E. Dowd 66 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 67

COMMITTEE ON RULES Hon.C.W. Hobbs,Jr. Hon.C.W.Eldridge Hon.J.W. Bean Hon.E.F. McLaughlin C. H. Cox,(HCh) Hon. H. G. Wells, (SCh) R.T. Kent, (CI) Alvin E. Bliss Victor F. Jewett W. W. Kennard Fitz-Henry Smith, Jr. S. I. Collins Charles F. Rowley B. Loring Young John L. Donovan Alfred J. Moore 68 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE. 1917 69

COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL WELFARE Hon. H. A. Wilson Hon. E. E. Hobson F. P. Greenwood James R. Ferry Geo.L.Richards,(HCh) Hon. G.D. Chamberlain, (SCh) Wm.G.Lord,( CI) Horace E. Dunkle John Glenn Orr John T. Crowley Daniel J. Young 70 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 71

COMMITTEE ON STATE HOUSE AND LIBRARIES Frail Hon E. N. Dahlborg Hon. J. I. Fitzgerald G. A. Whitney Arthur W. James M. Lyle, (H Ch) Hon. O. T. Mason, (S Ch) Wm. E. Odlin, (CI) Julius Guild ' Albert L. Whitman Charles A. Kelley John Cronin 72 A SOUVENIR OF


COMMITTEE ON STREET RAILWAYS Hon. C. A. Kimball Hon. 0. T. Mason Hon. J. E. MacPherson George Bunting G. M. Worrall, (H Ch) Hon. J. W. Martin, Jr., (S Ch) R. T. Kent, (CI) Charles H. Hartshorn Kenneth P. Hill George E. Lilley William Fleming John L. Donovan William J. Manning John H. Lynch Daniel W. Casey 74 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 75

COMMITTEE ON TAXATION Hon. R. Knowles Hon. C. L. Gifford Hon. E. G. Morris E. H. Perry C. F. Rowley, (H Ch) Hon. M. E. Nichols, (S Ch) B. H. Spinney, (CI) C. H. Hartshorn Frederic J. Brown Elmer L. Briggs Henry A. Savage Arthur W. Paine Roland D. Sawyer John P. Mahoney Edward Carr 76 A SOUVENIR OF

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COMMITTEE ON WATER SUPPLY Hon. G. H. Jackson Hon. H. A. Wilson Alvin L. Wilson G. C. F. Allen Geo. A. Lindberff,(H Ch) Hon. J L. Harrop,(S Ch) Geo. F. Dennis, (CI) William M. Haskins David S. Mcintosh Alfred M. Bessette C. H. Slowey 78 A SOUVENIR OF

COMMITTEE ON TOWNS Hon C. A. Kimball Hon. G. F. Hart Francis M. Hill Frank E. Lyman John N. Osborne, (H Ch) Hon. K. L. Nash,(S Ch) George S. Marsh, (CI) Winthrop Magee George J. Brunell Albert C. Bray R. P. Harriman MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 79

COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS Hon. J. W. Bean Hon. J. W. Martin, Jr. Hon. J. B. Hull Hon. J. P. Timilty J.E. Warner, (HCh) Hon. C.L. Gifford, (SCh) B.L. Young:, (CI) S.I. Collins Jacob Bitzer Frank E. Lyman G. W. P. Babb Fred E. Pierce Harrison H. Atwood Dennis A. Murphy Martin M. Lomasney J. H. McAllister 80 A SOUVENIR OF

JOINT SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON COMMISSIONS Hon. J. W. Bean Hon. J. B. Hull J. H. Sherburne J. W. Allen Fitz-Henry Smith,Jr.,(HCh) Hon. J.W.Martin,Jr.,f SCh) J.M.Gibbs,(Cl) Robert T. Kent Roland D. Sawyer John H. Lynch Daniel W. Casey MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 81 82 A SOUVENIR OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 83

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DANIEL WEBSTER As one of the foremost "Legislators" of Massachusetts (for he was once a member of the Massachusetts House), it is eminently proper to place here, close beside the "Old State House" this rare but peculiarly interestinR picture of him beneath his favorite tree at his New Hampshire Home. 88 A SOUVENIR OF



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Built in 17-J8, on site of burned Town Hall, at head of State Street. In foreground occured "Boston Massacre" March 5, 1776. Been used as State House, City Hall, Boston Host Office. British troops quartered here, 1708. Gen. Gage held council of warhere before battle of Bunker Hill. Declaration of Independence read from balcony in view; from other end Washinston re-

viewed procession in 17.'*'.t. Here State Constitution planned and ratified. William Loyd Gar- rison took refuge here from mob Oct., 1835, it being then used as City Hall. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 89



THE GOVERNOR HIS EXCELLENCY, HON. SAMUEL WALKER McCALL, Republican, Winchester, born in East Providence, Pa., Feb. 28, 1851; New Hampton (N. H.) Academy, 1870, Dartmouth College 1874. Studied law with Staples & Goulding, Worcester; admitted to the Bar 1875. Law offices in Boston. Editor-in-chief Boston Advertiser; Mass. House 1888-89, 1892 committees on Judiciary (chairman). Election Laws (chairman). Administrative Boards

(chairman) ; Ballot Law Commissioner 1890-91. Delegate Republican Na- tional Convention 1888, Delegate-at-large 1900, 1916. In Congress 1893- 1913, Committees on Judiciary, Ways and Means, Library (chairman). Writer on historical and political topics; books,—Life of Thaddeus Stevens, Life of Thomas B. Reed, , Business of Congress, The Liberty of Citizenship. Degrees of LL.D. conferred by Dartmouth, 1901; Oberlin, Ohio.1908; Tufts, 1914; University of Maine, 1915; Columbia, 1916; Trin- ity, 1916; Williams, 1916. Member Massachusetts Historical Society, Am- erican Antiquarian Society. Cosmos Club, Washington; University Club, N.

Y. ; Saturday, Union, and University Clubs, Boston, etc. Second term. Vote of State: J. Hayes, Soc-Lab., 3893; C. R. Lawrence, Pro., 5938; SAMUEL W. McCALL, Rep., 276,123; F. W. Mansfield, Dem.. 229,883; D. A. White, Soc, 10,582. THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR HON. CALVIN COOLIDGE, Republican, Northampton, born in Ply- mouth, Vt., July 4, 1872; Amherst College 1885. Lawyer. City council 1899; city solicitor 1900-01; clerk of courts 1903; chairman Republican city committee 1904; mayor 1910-11; vice-president Nonotuck Savings Bank. House 1907-08, committees on banks and banking, constitutional amendments, judiciary, mercantile affairs; Senate 1912-13, agriculture (chairman), cities, legal affairs, (chairman), municipal finance, railroads

(chairman) ; Lawrence strike (special, chairman) ; transportation in wes- tern Massachusetts (special, chairman) ; president in 1914-15, (chairman of Senate and Joint Rules). Lieutenant Governor 1916-17, committees on pardons, charitable institutions and prisons; finance, accounts and warrant; nominations. Vote of State: CALVIN COOLIDGE, Rep., 283,166; A. H. Evans, Pre, 7518; S. J. McBride, Soc, 13,006; T. J. Maher, Soc. Lab., 3062; T. P. Riley, Dem., 198.236. SECRETARY OF STATE HON. ALBERT P. LANGTRY, Republican, Springfield, was born in Wakefield, July 27, 1860; public schools. Editor and publisher of Spring- field "Union." In House 1910-11, on committees on mercantile affairs, election laws (chairman), fisheries and game, rules. Chosen secretary of state, by Legislature, 1911, to fill vacancy. Chairman State House commis- sion 1914-16. Third term as secretary of state by popular vote. 90 A SOUVENIR OF

Vote of State: T. F. Brennan, Soc. Lab., 7378; L. R. Eyges, Dam., 185,- 587; L. A. Grout, Soc, 14,369; ALBERT P. LANGTRY, Rep., 279,153. TREASURER AND RECEIVER GENERAL HON. CHARLES LAWRENCE BURRILL, Republican, Boston, bom there Jan. 3, 1862; English High School 1882. Banking business; assistant cashier Second National Bank; vice-president Adams and American Trust Companies; president Paul Revere Trust Company; a governor of Boston City Club; secretary Boston Y. M. C. U member Boston Press, City and Art Clubs. Third term as treasurer and receiver general. Vote of State: CHARLES L. BURRILL, Rep., 280,910; F. E. Oelcher, Soc. Lab., 3776; E. K. Sheldon, Soc, 13,970; Henry N. Teague, Dem., 187,- 969. AUDITOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH HON. ALONZO B. COOK, Republican, Boston, born there July 31, 1866; Sherwin Grammar, Roxbury High schools; Boston University Law School; member Massachusetts and Federal bars. Ex-President Sherwin School Alumni; former public administrator; Masons, Knights Templar, of Malta, A. H. Artillery Shrine ; Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Knights & Company, Sons of American Revolution; Massachusetts Republican, Lincoln Republican, Dorchester Republican clubs; associate member G. A. R. Third as state auditor. term . .„„ Vote of State: J. Bearak, Soc, 14,279; F. Bohmbach, Soc. Lab., 4422; ALONZO B. COOK, Rep., 272.588; J. B. N. Souliere, Dem., 187,088. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL HON. HENRY C. ATTWILL, Republican, Lynn, bom there March 11, 1872; Law School 1893. Lawyer. House 1896-7-8, committee on judi- ciary; Senate 1899-01, drainage (chairman), constitutional amendments, judiciary (chairman), probate and chancery, street railways; investigation metropolitan water board (special), revision Public Statutes (special). Assistant district attomey 1905-10; district attorney 1910-14. Third term. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL

District No. 1. HON. DAVID L. PARKER, Republican, New Bedford, born there Aug. 30, 1851; Friend's Academy. Mayor two years. Board Public Works three years; postmaster four years; director Pierce Manufacturing Company, Potomska Mills, and other corporations; Knights of Pythias, Veteran Fire- men's Association, Wamsutta, Dartmouth, Yacht Clubs; honorary member City Employee's Union, City Guards. Committee on finance, accounts and warrants; harbors and public lands and railroads; military and naval affairs (chairman), in Council of 1915-16-17. Vote of district: J. M. Coldwell, Soc, 6839; DAVID L. PARKER, Rep., 42,287. District No. 2 HON. RICHARD F. ANDREWS, Republican, Boston, bom in Lynn, April 13, 1863; Boston public schools. Studied law; in real estate and in- surance business; member Sons of Veterans, Roxbury Club. Dudley Asso- ciation, Columbian lodge Masons; director Joseph Warren Co-operative Bank, member Corporation Institution for Savings in Roxbury; Roxbury Board of Trade, Roxbury Improvement Society; Dorchester Young Men's Republican, Middlesex, Lincoln and Algonquin Clubs, Republican State Com- mittee in 1915, Roxbury Historical, military and charitable societies. Com- mon council 1893-4-5. House of Representatives 1897-98-99, committees MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 91 on insurance (chairman), and elections. Executive Council of 1916-17, committees on pardons, charitable institutions and prisons; military and naval affairs; nominations. Vote of district: RICHARD F. ANDREWS, Rep., 3,539; all others, 9.

District No. 3 HON. TIMOTHY J. BUCKLEY, Democrat, Boston, bom in Ireland. April 24. 1870. Lawyer. House 1906-07, committees on fisheries and game, harbors and public lands, prisons; Council 1914-17, pardons, charitable institutions, prisons, harbors and public lands, railroads (chairman) ; State House (chairman), nominations; standardization of salaries (special).

District No. 4 HON HERBERT P. WASGATT, Republican, Everett, was born in (South) Boston Aug. 26. 1865; educated in public schools. Shoe manufac- turer since 1884; treasurer of the Andrews-Wasgatt Company, Everett. Mt. Talbot lodge Masons (P. M.), East Boston Council. St. John's chapter (P. H. p.), William Parkman commandery Knights Templar, all of East Boston; Palestine lodge and Bethsaida chapter of Everett; Treasurer Everett lodge Elks, treasurer Everett Board of Trade; president Everett Trust Compfiny; President Mayors' Club; board of aldermen 1908-09; mayor 1911; school committee 1912-13-14-15-16-17. Committees on finance, ac- counts and warrants; State House; military and naval affairs; standardiza- tion of salaries (special), in Council of 1915-16-17. Vote of district: HERBERT P. WASGATT, Rep., 39,627; all others, 6.

District No. 5. HON. FREDERICK H. TARR, Republican, of Rockport. bom there Oct. 8. 1868; public schools, Amherst College class of 1891; 1896. Taught school 1892-3-4. Lawyer since then. Member Massachusetts Bar Association, executive committee Essex County Bar Association; President Rockport National Bank; special counsel for United States before the American-British Arbitration Tribunal at Washington, 1915; member Asher lodge Masons; Bethlehem commandery Knights Tem- plar; Granite lodge Odd Fellows; Gloucester Board of Trade; chairman Republican town committee in 1898-1916. House of Representatives 1904- 05; committee on judiciary, Executive council 1916-17, committees on par- dons, charitable institutions and prisons;, harbors and public lands and rail- roads: State House, military and naval affairs,. Vote of district: P. B. Flanders, Soc, 7404; FREDERICK H. TARR, Rep., 37,420. District No. 6 HON. JAMES G. HARRIS, Republican, Medford, bom in New Bruns- wick, May 4, 1872; Educated in Colby Academy, (N. H.), Brown University 1899. Publisher and with American Book Company, school and text books. Sagamore lodge Masons, St. Omer commandery Knights Templar, Aleppo Temple Mvstic Shrine. Chairman Medford republican city committee 1915- 17; alderman 1912-16, (President 1916). City Club. Royal Arcanum. On committees on harbors and public lands and railroads; military and naval

Vote of district: JAMES G. HARRIS, Rep., 42,327; all others, 25.

District No. 7. HON. CHANNING SMITH, Republican, Leicester (Cherry Valley), bom in (North) Providence, R. I., June 15, 1868; public schools, Phillips (Exeter) Academy, Philadelphia Textile School, Woolen manufacturer. Quinsigamond lodge Masons, Worcester; Worcester Grange; Sons of Amer- ican Revolution. Appointed by Gov. Foss to first State Board Labor and Industry; Past President Textile Manufacturers' Association of Worcester County. Committees on harbors, public lands and railroads; State House 92 A SOUVENIR OF and military and naval affairs, standardization of salaries (special chair- man), Executive Council 1916; 1917, finance accounts and warrants; har- bors, public lands and railroads, State House. Vote of district: F. V. Justen, Soc, 4935; CHANNING SMITH, Rep., 38,717. District No. 8. HON. CHARLES H. WRIGHT, Republican, Pittsfield, born in Hinsdale Sept. 12, 1870; Pittsfield High School, Williston Seminary, 1888; Williams College (A. B.), 1892; George Washington University (LL. B.) 1894; pri- vate secretary Congressman Wright in 1892-5; lawyer in Pittsfield since 1895. Common council 1897-8; alderman 1899; board of health 1900-08 (chairman); commission to revise city charter 1903-04; assistant district attorney 1906-14; appointed examiner of titles in land Court 1898; trustee western diocese Epicopal church. Masons (past master Crescent lodge) Scottish rite; Elks (P. E. R. Pittsfield lodge; P. D. D. western Massachu-

Washington, D. C. ; Park and setts) ; Trustee of St, Andrew's church, Country clubs. On committees on pardons, charitable institutions and prisons; finance, accounts and warrants; State House (chairman), military and naval affairs in Council of 1915-16-17. Vote of district: J. H. Dudley, Dem., 23,560; T. F. Loovern, Soc, 2849; CHARLES H. WRIGHT, Rep., 36,013.

MASSACHUSETTS IN CONGRESS SENATORS HENRY CABOT LODGE, Republican, Nahant, born in Boston, May 12, 1850; 1871. Profession, literature. Massachusetts House two terms; 50th-53rd Congresses inclusive; Senate since March 4, 1893. Chairman Republican National Convention 1900; chairman committee on resolutions National Convention 1904; also in 1916; chairman National Con- vention 1908; on Alaska Boundary Commission; regent Smithsonian Insti- tution. JOHN W. WEEKS, Newton. Republican, born in Lancaster, N. H., April 11, 1860; public schools, U. S. Naval Academy 1881. In command Div. of auxiliary navy in Spanish-American war; Burnett camp S. W. V. Alderman; mayor; 50th and subsequent Congresses; chosen Senator Jan. 14, 1913; was next highest on first ballot for President at Republican National Convention, 1916. REPRESENTATIVES

ALLEN TOWNER TREADWAY, 1st district, Republican, Stockbridge, bom there Sept. 16, 1867; Amherst College 1886. Masons. Hotel pro- prietor. Mass. House 1904; Senate 1909-11 (president 1910-11). 3d term. FREDERICK H. GILLETT, 2d district. Republican, Springfield, born in Westfield, Oct. 16, 1851; Amherst College 1874; Lawyer, Mass. House 1891-92. Congress since 1892. CALVIN D. PAIGE, 3d district. Republican, Southbridge. Cotton manufacturer. Bank director and president. Director Home Market Club. Mass. House 1878; Executive Council 1907-08; presidential elector 1904; delegate to National Convention 1884; 63d, 64th and 65th Congresses post office and post roads in 64th and 65th Congresses. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 93

SAMUEL E. WINSLOW, 4th district, Republican, Worcester, bom April 11, 1862; Harvard 1885. Manufacturer. Chairman state committee 1893-94; delegate to National Convention 1908. Staff of Gov. Brackett (colonel). 3d. term; Interstate and Foreign Commerce. , 5th district, Republican, Lowell, bom there Aug. 17, 1881; Harvard 1904; its Law School 1907. Lawyer. 3d term; elections No. 2 and foreign commerce. , 6th district. Republican, Hamilton, born in Boston Nov. 5. 1865; Harvard 1886 Asst. adj. gen. staff of Gen. Wilson in Spanish-American war. Trustee and public official. Maes. Senate 1900-01. Elected to 57th Congress to fill vacancy; all subsequent; ways and means. Resigned from Congress May 15, 1917, to accept an ap- pointment as Colonel in the United States Army. MICHAEL F. PHELAN, 7th district. Democrat, Lynn, born there Oct. 22, 1875; Harvard 1897; its Law School 1900. Lawyer. Mass. House 1903-05. 3d term; banking and currency, elections No. 3, public buildings and grounds. FREDERICK W. DALLINGER, 8th district, Republican, Cambridge, born there Oct. 2, 1871; Harvard College 1893; A. M., same, 1894; LL. B.. same, 1897. Lawyer. Mason, Odd Fellows, Grange. House 1894-5, committees on county estimates, election laws, metropolitan affairs, taxa- tion; Senate 1896-97-98-99, counties (chairman), engrossed bills, constitu- tional amendments (chairman), probate and chancery, metropolitan affairs (chairman). American, Massachusetts. Middlesex, Boston Bar associations; Boston City, Colonial (Cambridge), Massachusetts, Middlesex, Massachusetts Republican, Appalachian Mountain clubs; author of "Nominations for Elec- tive Office" (Longman's 1897), and other works on political science. 2d term; education, elections No. 1. ALVAN T. FULLER, 9th district, Independent, Maiden, born in Boston Feb. 27, 1878; public schools. Merchant; owner of Packard Motor Car Company of Boston. Brought from Europe in 1899 the first two motor cars entered in the port of Boston. Masons. Delegate to National Repub- lican convention, 1916. In Mass. House, 1915, on committee on taxation. PETER F. TAGUE, 10th district, Democrat, Boston, born there June 4, 1871; public schools. Manufacturing chemist. Mass House 1897-98, 1913- 14; Senate 1899-00, committees on cities, federal relations, metropolitan affairs, engrossed bills, prisons, railroads, rules. A. O. U. W., K. C, M. C. O. F. 2d term; post office and post roads. GEORGE HOLDEN TINKHAM, 11th district, Republican, Boston, bora there October 29, 1870; Harvard College 1894; Lawyer; Trustee. Boston Common Council, 1897-98; Boston Board of Aldermen 1900-1901-1902; State Senate 1910-1911-1912. committees on banks and banking (chairman), harbors and public lands (chairman), constitutional amendments, legal af- fairs, education, milk investigation (special 1910); 64th Congress, commit- tees on District of Columbia, expenditures in the state department (minority

chairman) ; 2d term. JAMES A. GALLIVAN, 12th district. Democrat, Boston, bora there Oct. 22, 1866; Harvard College 1888. Journalism. Mass. House 1895-96, Senate 1897-98; committees on banks and banking, engrossed bills, mercan- tile affairs, ways and means, congressional redistricting, history of the "Ancient Codfish." K. C, A. O. H. Street commissioner 1900-14. 3d term; appropriations. WILLIAM H. CARTER, 13th district. Republican, Needham, born there June 15, 1864; Comer's Commercial College. Manufacturer of underwear. Park commission; Mason's Shrine; Odd Fellows; Mass. House 1906, com- mittee on public lighting; Republican State Committee 1907. Elected to 64th and 65th Congresses. —


RICHARD OLNEY, 14th district, Democrat, Dedham, bom in Milton, N. H., Jan. 5, 1871; Brown University 1892. Wool merchant in Boston. Chairman Leicester selectmen 1902-3. Massachusetts House 1903, com- mittee on ways and means. Member State Minimum Wage Commission, 1911. 2d term; military affairs in 64th and 65th Congresses. WILLIAM S. GREENE, 15th district. Republican, Fall River, born in Tremont, 111., April 28, 1841; removed to Fall River 1844; its public schools. Real estate and insurance. Common council 1876-79 (president 1879); mayor 1880-81; postmaster 1881-6; elected mayor 1886; general supt. of prisons of Mass. 1888-93; mayor 1895-6-7; postmaster April 1. 1898, to May 31, '98, when elected to 55th Congress to fill vacancy; mem- bGr of flli Con 2*1*6 ssGs since. JOSEPH WALSH, 16th district. New Bedford, Republican, bom in Boston, Dec. 16, 1875. House of Representatives, Mass. 1906. Presiden- lal elector 1912. 2d term, roads. THE SENATE HON. HENRY G. WELLS, President, Republican, of Haverhill, Fourth Essex district, including Amesbury, Boxford, Georgetown, Groveland, Haverhill, Merrimac, Middleton, Peabody, was born in Bridgeport, Ct., Oct. 12. 1879; Haverhill public schools, Tilton, N. H., Seminary, Wesleyan Uni- versity of Middleton, Ct., 1902; Harvard Law School 1905. Lawyer. Masons, Grange, Royal Arcanum. House 1910-11-12, committees on insur- ance (clerk, chairman), election laws, congressional redistricting (special); Senate 1913 constitutional amendments (chairman), insurance, legal affairs, public institutions; 1914, judiciary, public lighting (chairman), rules, recess on legislative procedure (chairman); 1915, public lighting (chairman), rail- roads, rules, taxation (recess); 1916, rules (chairman), Boston "Elevated" (recess); 1917 rules (chairman). Vote of district: G. A. Anderson, Soc, 1708; HENRY G. WELLS, Rep., 8038. BRISTOL COUNTY First District.—Attleboro, Berkeley, Dighton, Easton, Mansfield, North Attleborough, Norton, Raynham. Rehoboth, Seekonk, Taunton.—HON. JOSEPH WILLIAM MARTIN, JR., Republican. North Attleborough, bom there Nov. 3, 1884; public schools. Editor and part owner North Attleboro Chronicle. Delegate to National Republican Convention, 1916. House •912-13-14, committees on counties (chairman), public lighting, rules, towns, (chairman) ; Senate 1915-16-17 counties, election laws (chairman), municipal finance, street railways (chairman), ways and means, commis- sions (special, chairman). Vote of district: R. Davol, Rep. Ind., 4938; JOSEPH WILLIAM MAR- TIN, JR., Rep., 6485. Second District.—HON. WALTER McLANE, Republican, Fall River, born in Taunton, Dec. 30, 1863. Senate 1912-17, committees on bills in 3d reading, federal relations, (chairman), fisheries and game, insurance (chairman), liquor law (chairman), railroads, taxation; revision of rules (special), mercantile affairs, social insurance (special), state finances (re- cess 1917). Third District.—HON. RICHARD KNOWLES, Republican, New Bed- ford, born in Boston, Jan. 1, 1889; House 1914-15, committees on taxation (clerk), ways and means; Senate 1916-17, bills in 3d reading (chairman), federal relations, legal affairs, municipal financial (chairman), taxation. ESSEX COUNTY First District.—Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 7 Lynn, Nahant, Swampscott. HON. GEORGE H. JACKSON, Republican, Lynn, bora in Lowell, March 9, MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 95

1865; Haverhill public schools. In Nov. 1881, entered employ of A. M. Bridgman, then editor and owner of Haverhill Gazette and editor and pub- lisher of this "Souvenir." Job printing for his own account in Haverhill and Old Orchard Beach, Me. Removing to Lynn in 1890, has ever since been connected with the Lynn Item. Common council 1899-1900; alderman 1901-02; A. C. Moody lodge Knights of Pythias; East Lynn lodge Odd Fellows, Beulah lodge of Rebekahs; Lieut. Col. Mudge Camp Sons of Veterans, Lynn lodge of Elks, Lynn Typographical Union, past president East Lynn Republican Club. House 1902-3-4-5-6, committees on harbors and public lands, metropolitan affairs (clerk), printing (clerk), liquor law, public health (chairman); Senate 1915-16-17; insurance, municipal finance, public health, roads and bridges (chairman), water supply (chairman), re- districting (special), workmen's compensation insurance (special). Vote of district: G. F. Hogan. Pro., 495; GEORGE H. JACKSON, Rep., 7141; C. H. McGlue, Dem., 4798; J. E. Van Sciver, Soc, 622. Second district.—HON. E. HOWARD PERLEY, Republican, Salem, born there Dec. 10, 1875. Committees on engrossed bills, legal affairs (chairman), public institutions, rail roads. State House and Libraries, taxa- tion (recess) ; Senate 1915-17. Third District.—Essex. Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester, Newbury, Newburyport, Rockport, Rowley, Salisbury, Topsfield, Wenham, West Newbury.—HON. CHARLES D. BROWN, Republican, Gloucester, born Newburyport June 5, 1862; public schools. Formerly book-seller and stationer; postmaster Sept. 1898 to April 1915. Acacia lodge Masons, William Ferson chapter, Bethlehem commandery Knights Templar, Ocean lodge Odd Fellows (past grand), Fernwood lodge A. O. U. W. ; Gloucester common council 1893, (president 1894), ex-president Commonwealth Club of Gloucester; member Essex Republican Club. House of Representatives 1895-96-97, committees on mercantile affairs (clerk), printing, taxation (chairman), water supply, redistricting (special); Senate 1916, counties, fisheries and game (chairman), harbors and public lands; 1917, same; social insurance (recess 1917). Vote of district: CHARLES D. BROWN, Rep., 7051; all others, 6. Fifth District.—HON. JAMES R. TETLER, Republican, Lawrence, born there Aug. 26, 1877. House 1909-10, committees on federal relations, pay roll (chairman); Senate 1914-17, banks and banking, cities (chairman), counties (chairman), military affairs, public institutions (chairman), public lighting. State House and Libraries, building legislation (recess). HAMPDEN COUNTY First District.—HON. GEORGE D. CHAMBERLAIN, Republican, Springfield, born in Troy, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1858. House 1913-16, commit- tees on cities, mercantile affairs, municipal finance (chairman), rules, social welfare, commissions (special), building legislation (recess); Senate 1917. counties, public service, social welfare (chairman). Second District.—HON. DANIEL J. BUCKLEY, Democrat, Chicopee, born there March 30, 1876. Committees on cities, military affairs, public service, State House and Libraries, House 1912-16; Senate 1917, federal relations, mercantile affairs, public institutions. MIDDLESEX COUNTY First District.—Ashland, Framingham, Holliston, Hopkinton, Natick, Newton, Sherborn, Weston.—HON. JAMES E. MACPHERSON, Republican, Framingham, born there Jan. 12, 1888; Dartmouth College 1910, Harvard Law School 1914. Lawyer. Garfield council Royal Arcanum; Hope lodge A. 0. U. W., Masons. Committees on bills in 3d reading, judiciary, legal affairs House 1915-16; Senate, 1917, judiciary, military affairs (chairman), street railways Vote of district: JAMES E. MACPHERSON, Rep., 9328; all otliers, two. Second District.—HON. JAMES W. BEAN, Rep., Cambridge, bom in Somerville May 11, 1866. House 1909-12 committees on rules, ways and 96 A SOUVENIR OF means, milk investigation (special), Congressional redistricting (special); Senate 1915-17. education (chairman), engrossed bills, public institutions, rules, ways and means, redistricting (special), commissions (special). State finance (recess, chairman). Third District.—HON. CHARLES W. ELDRIDGE, Republican, Somer- ville, born in Boston Oct. 16, 1877. House 1911-13, committees on mer- cantile affairs (chairman), prisons. State House and Libraries (chairman); Senate 1914-17 federal relations, fisheries and game (chairman), mercantile affairs (chairman), rules, Boston "Elevated" (special), street railvi^ays (recess). Fourth District.—Everett, Maiden, Melrose.—HON. JAMES F. CAV- ANAGH, Republican, Everett, Lawyer, born in Chelsea, June 19, 1872; Everett public schools, Y. M. C. A. Evening Law School, Boston University Law School LL. B. and LL. M. Insurance business, 1889-1907, when began practice of law. House 1910-12 committees on banks and banking (chair- man), insurance, railroads, rules, taxation; Southbridge Savings Bank in- vestigation (special 1910), special to investigate money lenders (chair- man, 1911); Senate 1915, banks and banking, judiciary, metropolitan

affairs (chairman) ; 1916, banks and banking, election laws, judiciary (chairman), workmen's compensation insurance (recess, chairman); 1915- 16, chairman Terminal Commission of Massachusetts; 1917, banks and banking, election laws, judiciary (chairman). Vote of district: JAMES F. CAVANAGH, Rep., 9963; F. E. Simpson, Dem,. 3858. Fifth District.—Concord, Hudson, Lexington, Lincoln, Marlborough, Maynard, Stow, Sudbury, Waltham, Wayland.—HON. SMITH, Republican, Lincoln, born there Dec. 19, 1857; public schools. Farmer, one of largest in Lincoln, president Old Dominion Copper Mining Company and the Arizona Commercial Mining Company. Selectman 1898 till now, except 1914; Chairman assessors 1890-96, inclusive. Middlesex Club, Boston Chamber of Commerce, Boston City Club, American Society Mining Engineers, Lincoln Grange. Committees on agriculture, fisheries and game (chairman), mercantile affairs. Senate of 1917. Vote of district: W. L. Bishop, Dem., 5143; CHARLES SUMNER SMITH, Rep., 7079. Sixth District.—Arlington, Medford, Stoneham, Wakefield, Winchester, Woburn.—HON. EDWIN T. McKNIGHT, Republican. Medford, bom Marr Corner, N. B., Canada, Oct. 11, 1869; New Brunswick University 1894; Harvard Law School 1897. Attorney at law, Masons. Boston common council 1903-05. House of Representatives 1906-07, committees on parishes and religious societies, probate and chancery, bills in 3d reading (chairman), street railways; Senate of 1917, banks and banking (chairman), engrossed bills, legal affairs. Vote of district: EDWIN T. McKNIGHT, Rep., 9838; W. L. Tuck, Dem., 5341. Seventh District.—HON. CHARLES A. KIMBALL, Republican, Little- ton, bom there Feb. 23, 1867. House 1914, committee on education; Senate 1915-17, agriculture (chairman), engrossed bills (chairman), street railways, towns (chairman). Eighth District.—Ashby, Chelmsford, Dracut, Dunstable, Groton, Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Lowell, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend, Tyngsborough, Westford.—ARTHUR W. COLBURN, Republican, Dracut, bom there Dec. 1, 1877; public schools. New Hampshire College 1897. Farmer. Select-

man, assessor and overseer of poor, 1903-6 (chairman 1906) ; school com- mittee 1901-2-3; registrar 1908; tax collector 1909-10-11-12-13-14-15-16- 17. Centralville lodge Odd Fellows, Dracut Grange (past master). House 1915, committee on agriculture (clerk), 1916, roads and bridges; Senate 1917, agriculture, engrossed bills (chairman), roads and bridges. Vote of district: ARTHUR W. COLBURN, Rep., 7024; J. T. Sparks, Dem. Ind., 6393. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 97 SUFFOLK COUNTY First District.—HON. JOHN E. BECK, Republican. Chelsea, bom in Boston, May 10, 1869. Editor, publisher Chelsea Gazette. Alderman 1898-01; mayor 1908. House 1902-5, committees on fisheries and game, printing (clerk), street railways; Senate 1905-06, cities, drainage (chair- man), harbors and public lands (chairman); House 1913-14. cities, metro- politan affairs, taxation; Senate 1916-17, bills in 3d reading, cities, muni- cipal finance (chairman), public lighting (chairman). Second District.—Wards 3, 4, 5 Boston, Wards 1. 2 Cambridge.—HON. JOHN I. FITZGERALD, Democrat, Boston, born there July 18, 1882; pub- lic schools. Contractor; real estate. M. C. O. F., A. O. H,, Hendricks Club, St. Joseph's Total Abstinence Society. House of Representatives 1916, committee on ways and means; Senate 1917, cities, military affairs. State House and Libraries. Vote of district: JOHN I. FITZGERALD, Dem., 8305; B. F. Thompson. Rep., 1552. Third District.—Wards 9, 10, 11 Boston.—HON. EDWARD GEORGE MORRIS, Democrat, Boston, bom there Dec. 14, 1879; public schools. Broker. Heptasophs; Hillside. Gustan and Madison social clubs, St. Au- gustine's Lyceum; M. C. 0. F. Committee on banks and banking. House 1915; same (clerk), social insurance (recess) 1916; Senate, 1917, engrossed bills, legal affairs, taxation. Vote of district: R. W. Gloag, Rep., 1812; EDWARD GEORGE MOR- RIS, Dem., 8476. Fourth District.—Wards 2, 6, 12 Boston—HON. EDWARD F. MC- LAUGHLIN, Democrat, Boston, born there June 6, 1883; public schools.

Insurance. Elks, M. C. O. F. ; House 1913-15, committees on social wel- fare, rules, railroads; Senate 1916, bills in 3d reading, constitutional amend- ments, public health; 1917, constitutional amendments, public health, rules, social insurance (recess). Vote of district: T. Grieve, Rep., 2163; EDWARD F. McLAUGHLIN, Dem., 6181. Fifth District.—HON. MALCOLM E. NICHOLS, Republican, Boston, bom Portland, Me.. May 8, 1876. House of Representatives 1907-09, com- mittees on education, metropolitan affairs; Senate 1914, legal affairs, public lighting, taxation; 1917, federal relations, metropolitan affairs, taxation, state finances (recess). Sixth District.—Wards 13, 14, 15 Boston.—HON. JAMES P. TIMILTY, Democrat, Boston, born in Roxbury, March 28, 1865; public schools. Con- ti'actor. Member of Eagles, A. O. U. W., president of city and town em- ployees, president of Pavers' Union, president Democratic city committee. Senate 1911-12-13-14-15-16-17, committees on drainage, nieicantile affairs, public lighting, railroads, rules, ways and means, redistricting (special), building legislation (special), taxation (recess, 1917). Vote of district: M. A. Stone, Rep., 5015; JAMES P. TIMILTY, Dem., 5454. Seventh District.—Wards 17, 18, 20 Boston.—HON. CHARLES S. LAWLER, Democrat, Boston, born there Sept. 17, 1879; public schools. Compositor. House 1913-14, 1916, committees on education (clerk), met- ropolitan affairs, redistricting (special), Boston "Elevated" (special, 1916); Senate 1917, bills in 3d reading, insurance, metropolitan affairs. Vote of district: L. M. Campbell, Rep., 4463; CHARLES S. LAWLER, Dem., 6556. Eighth District.—Wards 16, 22, 23 Boston.—HON. HERMAN HOR- MEL, Republican. Boston, born there Oct. 15, 1873; Boston Latin School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Bohemian, American Sclavonic, Roslindale Masonic, German American Singing Society, Boston City, Lin- coln Republican clubs and Republican Club of Massachusetts, associate G. A. R., Republican city committee 1901-17, (secretary 1906-10, president —


1911-17); Committees on bills in 3d reading, election laws (chairman), affairs; Senate of 1917. metropolitan tt^t^ht * xt TT/^T^n/rr^r Vote of district: S. H. Borofsky, Dem., 5208; HERMAN HORMEL, Rep., 6710. Ninth District.—Wards 19, 21, 24 Boston.—HON. ALPHEUS SAN- FORD, Republican, Boston, bom North Attleborough July 5, 1856; Bow- doin College 1876. Lawyer. House of Representatives 1888, 1890, com- mittees on election laws (chairman), judiciary. Alderman 1893-94-95. Committees on bills in 3d reading (chairman), insurance, judiciary, Senate

Vote of district: N. T. Merritt, Jr., Dem., 4427; ALPHEUS SANFORD, Rep., 5534. WORCESTER COUNTY First District.—HON. JAMES L. HARROP, Republican. Worcester, born in England April 2, 1866. House 191.3-16, committees on cities, in- (special) Senate surance, mercantile affairs, water supply, redistricting ; 1917, cities, public lighting, water supply, street railways (recess). Second District.—HON. CLARENCE W. HOBBS, Republican, Worces- ter, born in Woodfords, Me., Oct. 1, 1878; Harvard 1902, its Law School 1904. Lawyer. House 1910-12, committees on engrossed bills, judiciary (clerk), elections (chairman), legal affairs (clerk); Senate 1913-17, cities (chairman), constitutional amendments (chairman), election laws, fisheries and game, judiciary (chairman), railroads (chairman), rules, redistricting (special, chairman), building legislation (special). Delegate to 1917 Con- stitutional Convention. Third District.—Ashbumham, Athol, Fitchburg, Gardner, Leominster, Lunenburg, Phillipston, Royalston, Templeton, Westminster, Winchendon. HON FRED W. CROSS, Republican, Royalston, born there Sept. 15, 1868; Cushing Academy, Ashburnham 1896; Williams College 1900. Teacher, pub- lic speaker, lecturer. Phi Beta Kappa Society; justice of peace, notary public; school committee 1907-09; overseer of poor 1908-09. House 1914- 16, committees on education (chairman), labor; Senate 1917, education, labor (chairman), military affairs. Vote of district: FRED W. CROSS, Rep., 8148; E. J. Dailey, Dem., 4781; J. H. Karvonen, Soc, 603. Fourth District.—Auburn, Bellingham, Blackstone, Douglas, Franklin, Grafton, Hopedale, Mendon, Milford, Millbury, Millville, Northborough, Northbridge, Oxford, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Sutton. Upton, Uxbridge, Webster, Westborough.—HON. GEORGE FRED HART, Republican, Web- ster, born there Nov. 9, 1859; Nichols Academy, University of Vermont Medical School 1884. Physician and surgeon. Webster lodge Masons, 32d degree Mason, Mt. Sinai lodge Knights of Pythias, Massachusetts Medical Society, associated boards of health; selectman 1910-12, board of health 1897-1911. House 1913-16. committees on public health (chairman), State House and Libraries; sub-committee on reorganized State Board of Health 1914; Senate, 1917, Constitutional amendments, public health (chair- man), towns. Vote of district: GEORGE FRED HART, Rep., 7940; J. T. McLoughlin, Dem., 5013. COMPOSITE DISTRICTS Berkshire District.—Adams, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Dalton, Florida, Han- cock, Lanesborough, New Ashford. North Adams, Pittsfield, Savoy, Williams- town, Windsor.—GEORGE A. HASTINGS, Republican, North Adams, born in Richmond, 1858; public schools of West Stockbridge and private academy. Pharmacist in North Adams for 25 years. On board of assessors 1891-95 inclusive; City Council 1898-99-00, 1908-09-10; president North Adams Industrial Company; trustee Hoosac Savings Bank; president Chamber of Commerce 1909. Committees on federal relations (chairman), insurance, roads and bridges, Senate of 1917. —


Vote of district: E. M. Hall, Dem., 5499; GEORGE A. HASTINGS, Rep., 7158; L. C. Pinney. Pro., 320. Berkshire, Hampshire and Hampden District.—HON. JOHN B. HULL, Republican, Great Barrington, born in Stockbridge, July 17, 1871. House 1913-15, committees on rules, ways and means; Senate 1916-17, constitu- tional amendments, labor, public service, roads and bridges, ways and means, commissions (special). Cape and Plymouth District.—Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Carver, Chatham, Chilmark, Dennis, Duxbury, Eastham, Edgartown, i^'almouth, Gay Head, Gosnold, Halifax, Hanson, Harwich, Kingston, Mashpee, Nan- tucket, Oak Bluffs, Orleans, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Provincetown, Sandwich, Tisbury, Truro, Wellfleet West Tisbury, Yarmouth.—HON. CHARLES L. GIFFORD, Republican, Barnstable, born there March 15, 1871; dealer in real estate, conveyancer. Delegate to Republican National Convention 1916. House 1912-13, committees on insurance, pay roll, public service; Senate 1914-15-16-17. bills in 3d reading (chairman), labor, military affairs (chairman), taxation, taxation (recess, 1917), towns (chair- man), ways and means. Vote of district: A. L. Braley, Dem. Cit., 1441; CHARLES L. GIFFORD, Rep., 6052. Franklin and Hampshire District.—Amherst, Ashfield, Belchertown, Bernardston, Buckland, Charlemont, Chesterfield, Colrain, Cummington, Deerfield, Enfield, Erving, Gill, Goshen, Granby, Greenfield, Greenwich. Had- ley, Hatfield, Hawley, Heath, Levereit, Leyden, Miadiefield, Monroe, Mon- tague, New Salem, Northfield, Orange, Pelham, Plainfield, Prescott, Rowe, Shelbume, Shutesbury, South Hadley, Sunderland, Ware, Warwick, Wendell, Whately, Williamsburg, Worthington.—HON. GEO. B. CHURCHILL, Republican, Amherst, born in Worcester, Oct. 24, 1866; Amherst College 1889; University of Berlin, Germany, Ph. D., 1897. Teacher; professor in Amherst since 1898. Author, lecturer. Boston Authors' Club, Univer- sity Club (Boston), Phi Beta Kappa. Delegate from 2d Congressional Dis- trict to the Constitutional Convention of 1917. Committees on counties (chairman), education, public service, Senate of 1917. Vote of district: GEORGE B. CHURCHILL, Rep., 8065; L. Michelman, Dem., 3164; G. L. Varney, Soc, 389. Norfolk District.—Avon, Braintree, Canton, Dedham, Dover, Fox- borough, Holbrook, Medfield, Medway, Millis, Milton, Needham, Norfolk, Norwood, Plainville, Randolph, Sharon, Stoughton, Walpole, Wellesley, Westwood Wrentham.—HON. ORION T. MASON, Republican, Medway, born there April 4, 1865; public schools. Been railroad agent, express agent, now market gardening. House 1905, 1914, committees on public health and State House; Senate 1915-17, agriculture, counties, harbors and public lands. State House and Libraries (chairman), street railways. Vote of district: ORION T. MASON, Rep., 11,675; all others, 9. Norfolk and Plymouth.—Abington, Cohasset, Hanover, Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Norwell, Quincy, Rockland. Scituate, Weymouth, Whitman. HON. KENNETH L. NASH, Republican, Weymouth, born there July 14, 1888; Brown University 1912, Boston University Law School. Teacher, tutor, lawyer. Played with Cleveland with American League in 1912-13; with St. Louis in National League in 1914. In House 1914-15-16, com- mittees on legal affairs, public lighting, towns (clerk), redistricting (special); Senate 1917, judiciary, public institutions, towns (chairman). Vote of district: A. P. Henderson, Pro., 243; G. E. Mansfield, Dem., 4493; KENNETH L. NASH, Rep., 6885; W. O. Souther, Jr., Rep. Ind., 4055, Norfolk and Suffolk District.—HON. HERBERT A. WILSON, Republi- can, Boston, born there Nov. 27, 1870. House 1913-16, committees on banks and banking, metropolitan affairs, redistricting; Senate 1917, metro- politan affairs, social welfare, water supply, social insurance (recess). Plymouth District.—HON. EDWARD N. DAHLBORG, Republican, Brockton, bom there May 30, 1887; public schools, Bryant & Stratton Com- mercial College 1904, Suffolk Law School 1915; Lawyer. Masons, Knights 100 A SOUVENIR OF of Pythias, Nunekatessett Canoe Club, Common Council 1912. House of Representatives 1913-14-16, committees on pay roll, public institutions. State House and Libraries; Senate of 1917, harbors and public lands, pub- lic institutions (chairman), State House and Libraries. Vote of district: EDWARD N. DAHLBORG, Rep., 7984; W. F. Russell, Dem., 5664; Z. Thibadeau, Soc, 925. Worcester and Hampden District.—Barre, Berlin, Bolton, Boylston, Brimfield, Brookfield, Charlton, Clinton, Dana, Dudley, Hampden, Hard- wick, Harvard, Holden, Holland, Hubbardston, Lancaster, Leicester, Ludlow, Monson, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Palmer, Paxton, Peters- ham, Princton, Rutland. Southbridge, Spencer, Sterling, Sturbridge, Wales, Warren, West Boylston, West Brookfield, Wilbraham,—HON. ERNEST E. HOBSON, Republican, Palmer, born there Sept. 29, 1878; public schools, University of Maine Law School 1900. Lawyer. Royal Arcanum (past grand regent of Massachusetts), Palmer Grange, C. W. Cross camp Sons of Veterans, past senior vice district commander of Massachusetts; Thomas lodge Masons (senior warden). House 1907-09, committees on judiciary, public lighting and rules; Senate of 1917 Constitutional amendments (chair- man), judiciary, social welfare. Vote of district: ERNEST E. HOBSON, Rep., 10,037; all others, 7. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE SPEAKER HON. CHANNING H. COX of Ward 7, Boston, Republican, was born in Manchester, N. H., Feb. 28, 1879; Dartmouth College, Harvard Law School 1904. Lawyer. Masons, Elks; Republican, University, City, Lincoln clubs; Boston, Massachusetts bar associations. Republican city committee 1906-09, common council 1908-09. House 1910-11-12-13-14, committees on bills in third reading, (chairman), judiciar- (chairman), legal affairs, meo-- cantile affairs (chairman), rules; special on public utilities; acting speaker several weeks in 1913. Speaker in 1915-16-17; chairman of rules. BARNSTABLE COUNTY District No. 1.—GEORGE F. DENNIS, Republican, Sandwich, born New Bedford, Aug. 7, 1872. House 1916-17, committees pay roll, water supply (clerk). District No. 2.—Chatham, Dennis, Harwich, Yarmouth.—WILLIAM N. STETSON, Republican, (South) Yarmouth, born Harwich, Oct. 27,1855; public schools, Commercial traveler 25 years; grocery business; scallop fisheries. Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Daughters of Rebekah; moder- ator of town meeting; town auditor; sealer of weights and measures; special police 10 years. Committee on labor. House 1917. Vote of District: C. R. Bassett, Ind. 350; WILLIAM N. STETSON, Rep., 818. District No. 3.—JEROME S. SMITH, Republican, Provincetown, born there Nov. 19, 1850. House 1912-17, committees on fisheries and game (chairman), constitutional amendments, labor, towns. BERKSHIRE COUNTY District No. 1. —Clarksburg, Florida, Wards 3, 4, 5, 6 North Adams, Savoy.—JAMES TRACY POTTER, Republican, North Adams, bom in Bennington, Vt., Jan. 26, 1870; Andover Academy 1890, Yale College 1894. Lawyer. Greylock lodge Masons, Composite royal arch chapter (high priest), St. Paul's commandery Knights Templar (eminent commander); exalted ruler North Adams lodge Elks; commander Lincoln camp Sons of Veterans; captain Co. M Second regiment Mass. Inf. since 1908; enlisted in Mexican Border Service June to November, 1916; r.ow in war with Ger- MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 101 many. Three years chairman Republican city committee; school committee

(clerk, 1906-7-8) ; city council 1913-15. House of 1915-16-17, commit- tees on bills in third reading, military affairs (clerk, chairman). Vote of district: J. Drysdale, Pro. Ind., 665; JAMES TRACY POTTER, Rep., 1175. District No. .2—Hancock, New Ashford, Wards 1, 2, 7 North Adams, Williamstown.—GEORGE B. WATERMAN, Republican, Williamstovni, born there July 10, 1862; public schools, Glen Academy. Agent National Ex- press Company and agent T. W. Richmond & Co.; member firm of Water- man & Moore, coal, lumber and building business for 18 years; real estate and insurance; postmaster, Selectman 1907-8 (chairman). Cemetery Com- mission (clerk) 1896 to present. House of 1895, committee on cities; on roads and bridges in 1915; insurance, roads and bridges (clerk) 1916; in- surance (chairman), roads and bridges, 1917, Delegate to Constitutional Convention 1917. Vote of district: T. J. Crowley, Dem., 891; GEORGE B. WATERMAN, Rep., 1122 District No. 3.—CORNELIUS BOOTHMAN, Republican, Adams, born Williamstown, March 13, 1885. Lawyer. House 1916-17, committees on election laws, constitutional amendments (clerk). District No. 4.—FRANK BARTLETT, Republican, Pittsfield, born Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1854 House 1900-02. 1917, committees on prisons (clerk), public service (chairman), insurance; Senate 1915-16, cities (chair- man), constitutional amendments (chairman), insurance, public service. ROBERT T. KENT. Republican, Pittsfield, born West Stockbridge Dec. 30. 1883. House 1915-16-17 committees on street railways (clerk), rules (clerk), insurance, workmen's compensation insurance (recess), com- missions, (special). JOHN GLENN ORR, Republican, Pittsfield, bom Yonkers, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1857. House 1917, committee on social welfare. District No. 5. —Becket. Dalton. Lee. Lenox. Monterey, Otis, Richmond, Tyringham, Washington.—JOHN H. McALLISTER, Democrat. Lee, born there Aug. 10, 1869; public schools and private school of Spencer, la. Veterinarian. Evening Star lodge Masons, Lee Grange, Animal Inspector. House 1915, committee on public health; 1916, public service, towns; 1917, ways and means, banks and banking, state finances (recess). Vote of district: C. N. Foote Rep., 1129; JOHN H. McALLISTER, Dem., 1349; all others, one District No. 6.—Alford, Egremont, Great Barrington, Mount Washing- ton. New Marlborough, Sandisfield. Sheffield, Stockbridge, West Stockbridge. —PETER I. ADAMS. Democrat, Stockbridge, bom Alford Jan. 8, 1863; public schools* Farmer. Selectman 1911-14, 1916; deputy Massachu- setts State Grange 1912-17. Cincinnatus lodge Masons, vice president Housatonic Agricultural Society; director Berkshire County Farm Improve- ment League: president Stockbridge Club. Committee on public health. House of 1917 (clerk). Vote of district: PETER I. ADAMS, Dem., 1412; C. Geibel, Soc, 55; C. E. Searing, Rep., 1055. BRISTOL COUNTY District No. 1. —Attleboro, North Attleborough.—WILLIAM A. BART- LETT, Rep. Ind., North Attleborough, born there Dec. 3, 1878. House 1917, committee on militarv affairs. GEORGE M. WORRALL, Republican, Attleboro, born in Marshfield, Dec. 11, 1869; public schools. Real estate and insurance: Assessor 1905-13 (chairman), selectmen 1907-12 (chairman); Ezekiel Bates lodge Masons, Orient lodge Odd Fellows. House 1913-17, committees on election laws. State House and Libraries, street railways (chairman), street railways (re- cess, 1917). 'Vote of district: W. A. Bartlett, Rep. Ind., 2334; F. A. Brown, Dem,, 579; M. L Furbish, Rep., 1738; GEORGE M. WORRALL, Rep., 2370. 102 A SOUVENIR OF

District No. 2.—Easton, Mansfield, Raynham,—JAMES G. MORAN, Republican, Mansfield, born there May 2, 1870; public schools, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, Y. M. C. A. Law School of Boston. Rail- road business, postmaster; lawyer. St. James lodge Masons. Committee on legal affairs, House of 1917. Vote of district: JAMES G. MORAN, Rep., 1514; C. E. Walker, Dem., 610. District No. 3.—MATTHEW A. HIGGINS, Dem., Taunton, bom Stoughton. Jan. 25, 1860. House 1914-17 committees on fisheries and 'game, labor, pay roll, public service. District No. 4.—Wards 2, 3, 4 Taunton.—JOSEPH E. WARNER, Re- publican, Taunton, bom there May 16, 1884, Harvard College 1906, its Law School 1908. Lawyer. Common council 1907-11. Elk, Odd Fellow, K. P.. Mason. House 1913-14-15-16-17, committee on ways and means (clerk, chairman), state finances (recess, chairman, 1917). Vote of district: H. H. Sanford, Dem., 609; JOSEPH E. WARNER. Rep., 1259. District No. 5.—C. A. BRIGGS, Republican, Taunton, bom there Aug. 21. 1871. House 1899-01, 1916-17, committees on federal relations, mer- cantile affairs, water supply. District No. 6. —DAVID L. KELLEY, Republican, Fairhaven, bom there April 26. 1889; Masons. Committee on insurance, public institutions, House 1916-17. District No. 7.—Wards 1, 2, 3, New Bedford.—ALFRED M. BESS- ETTE. Republican. New T?edford, born in Fitchburg, March 25, 1876; pub- lic and private schools. Druggist. Nashawena tribe No. 99 Red Men (past sachem). New Bedford lodge Elks, New Bedford lodge Moose, Fraternal Order of Tigers. Committee on water supply. House of 1917. GEORGE H. LTLLEY. Republican. New Bedford, born there June 25, 1885 Committee on street railways. House 1916-17. Vote of district: ALFRED M. BESSETTE, Rep., 2844: D. H. Cook, Rep. Ind., 1665; GEORGE E. LILLEY, Rep., 2900; J. T. Sloane, Dem., 2025. District No. 9.—Wards 1, 2 Fall River —.JOSEPH E. FREELING, Re- publican, Fall River, born Schenectady, N. Y., March 19. 1871: Public schools. Telegrapher. Ausable River lodge Masons. Fall River royal arch chapter. Godfrey de Bouillon commandery Knights Templar, Aleppo temple Mystic Shrine. Moose, Republican city committee last nine years (chair- man, 1912-13). Committee on banks and banking House 1916; same (clerk), and election laws, 1917. ISAAC U. WOOD. Republican, Fall River, bom there June 18. 1861; public schools. Druggist. Knights of Pythias, Masons. House of 1916- 17, committees on public lighting, public service. Vote of district: T. Donahue, Dem.. 1762; JOSEPH E. FREELING, Rep.. 2469; ISAAC U. WOOD, Rep., 2361. District No. 10.—Wards 3, 4, 5 Fall River.—WILLIAM S. CONROY, Democrat, Fall River, bom Hoosick Falls. N. Y., Oct. 2, 1877; Christian School. Brothers' College of Troy N. Y., 1899. Mill operative. Fall River council Knights of Columbus, Fall River aerie Eagles No. 570; Loom-fixer's Organization (delegate to National Convention in New York 1911). Alder- man 1913-14-15-16. Committee on federal relations (clerk), House of 1917. EDWARD F. HARRINGTON, Democrat, Fall River, bom there Aug. 10. 1878; parochial cchool, business college. Common council, alderman: Fall River council Knights of Columbus, Y. M. I. A. Temperance Society. Bishop Stang court Catholic Order of Foresters, Sons of St. Patrick, Sacred Heart Holy Name Society, division I. A. O. H. House 1909-17, committees on libraries, mercantile affairs, water supply. Vote of district: WILLIAM S. CONROY, Dem., 2239; EDWARD F. HARRINGTON, Dem., 2192. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 103

District No. 8.—JOHN HALLIWELL, Republican, New Bedford, born Mossley, England, Feb. 27, 1864. House 1914-17, committees on muni- cipal finance, public lighting, building legislation (recess). WARD M. PARKER, Republican, New Bedford, bom there July 19, 1891; Merchant. Elks. City Council 1915. House 1916-17, committee on mercantile affairs. GILBERT G. SOUTHWORTH, Republican, New Bedford, bom there March 9, 1883; public and private schools. Jewelry worker; harness maker; mule spinner. Alderman 1915-16. Committee on municipal finance (clerk). House 1917. District No. 11.—JAMES T. BAGSHAW, Republican, Fall River, bom in Allendale, R. I., Jan. 31, 1869. Real estate. Alderman-at-large 1903- 4-5-6. House 1914-17, committee on counties (chairman), elections (clerk), insurance, redistricting (special). ERNEST A. LAROCQUE, Republican. Fall River, born St. Cesaire, P. Q, Canada; public and private schools, Holy Cross College of Faraham, P. Q. Decorator 12 vears; insurance eight years; tea and coffee salesman. Knights of Pythias, Elks,; Calumet, Citizens' Social, Watuppa Boat, East End Social and Laurier clubs. Moose; Twenty Associates; alderman 1913- 14-15. House 1916-17, committee on public institutions; social insurance (recess, 1917). FRANK MULVENY, Republican, Fall River, bom there June 14, 1885. Lawyer. House 1911-17, committees on elections (clerk), harbors and pub- lic lands (chairman), judiciary, legal affairs, public health, railroads, water supply (chairman). Vote of district: J. T. Bagshaw, Rep., 4921; ERNEST A. LAROCQUE, Rep., 4636; Frank Mulveny, Rep., 4721. DUKES COUNTY BENJAMIN G. COLLINS, Republican, Edgartown, born there Dec. 25, 1860. House of Representatives 1900-01-02; 15-17, committees on fisheries and game, labor, agriculture, social insurance (recess, 1917). ESSEX COUNTY District No. 1.—SAMUEL I. COLLINS, Republican, Amesbury, bom in Salisbury, March 4, 1851. Real estate, dairy farming. House 1911- 17. committees on fisheries and game, public service, roads and bridges (clerk and chairman), rules. State House and Libraries, ways and means. Delegate to Constitutional Convention of 1917. Vote of district: SAMUEL L COLLINS, Rep., 1364; N. Huntington, Soc, 155; H. J. Quinn, Dem., 650. District No. 2.—Wards 1, 2, 3 Haverhill.—WILLIAM F. FRENCH, Re- publican, Haverhill, born there March 31, 1873; public schools. Assistant paymaster United States Navy; newspaper work. House 1916-17, commit- tee on military affairs (clerk), federal relations, state finances (recess, 1917). Vote of district: WILLIAM F. FRENCH, Rep., 1043; all others, none. District No. 3.—Wards 4, 6 Haverhill.—ESSEX S. ABBOTT, Republi- can, Haverhill, born in Lynn, March 11, 1870. House 1913-16-17, commit- tees on judiciary, railroads, recess on workmen's compensation insurance. District No. 4.—CHARLES H. MORRILL, Socialist, Haverhill, born there Oct. 6, 1874. House 1910-17, committees on education, labor, social welfare, taxation. Delegate to 1917 Constitutional Convention. ARTHUR L. NASON, Republican, Haverhill, bom there Oct. 24, 1872; public schools. Shoe business. Moose, Mizpah lodge Odd Fellows, Cham- ber of Commerce. House of Representatives 1906-7-8-9, 1917, committees on roads and bridges (clerk, chairman), parishes and religious societies, (clerk), public lighting (clerk); Senate 1910-11-12 drainage (chairman), cities, education, roads and bridges, water supply (chairman), cold storage (special, chairman, 1911). 104 A SOUVENIR OF

Vote of district: C. H. Morrill, So., 2239; ARTHUR L. NASON. Rep., 1804; A. L. Wales, Rep., 1598. District No. 5. —Wards 1, 2 Lawrence, Methuen.—ARTHUR BOWER, Republican, Lawrence, bom in Bradford England, Sept. 2, 1877; Methuen and Lawrence grammar and evening High schools, Business Industrial School. Instructor. Odd Fellows, Loom-fixers' Union, Ward One Improve- ment Society, City Council 1907-08. House of Representatives 1914-15, 1917, committees on counties, education, roads and bridges. GEORGE BUNTING, Republican, Methuen, born in Lawrence, Aug. 31, 1868. House 1907-8, committees on pay roll, taxation; Senate 1909-10, drainage (chairman), counties (chairman), engrossed bills, taxation, towns; House 1915-17, street railways. Vote of district: A. H. Adamson, Soc, 347; ARTHUR BOWER, Rep., 2399; G. BUNTING, Rep., 2699; J. Kavanagh, Dem., 1571; C. L. Martin, Soc, 447; F. W. Schlapp, Dem., 2168. District No. 6.—Wards 3, 4 Lawrence.—MICHAEL H. JORDAN, Dem- ocrat. Lawrence, born there Feb. 7, 1862; public schools. Wool sorter. Lawrence nest Owls, Wool Sorters' Union, Wool Sorters' Benefit Associa- tion, Holy Name Societv. Committee on federal relations. House of 1916. Vote of district: MICHAEL H. JORDAN, Dem., 2072; all others, none. District No. 7.—FREDERICK BUTLER, Republican, Lawrence, bom there Sept. 21, 1884. Banker and broker; clothing. Masons. House 1914- 17, committees on elections, military affairs, public institutions, rules, re- districting (special). District No. 8. —MICHAEL A. FLANAGAN, Democrat, Lawrence bom there Feb. 21, 1890. House 1917. committee on cities. District No. 9.—Andover, Middleton. North Andover.—NESBIT G. GLEASON, Republican, Andover, born in Lawrence, Nov. 11, 1872; public schools. Express business and American Woolen Company. Town auditor since 1901; Republican town committee many years (chairman 1909-10);

St. Matthews lodge Masons (past master) ; past grand steward Grand Lodge

(1908) ; Mt. Sinai chapter royal arch of Lawrence; Lawrence council royal and select masters (Thrice 111. Master) ; Bethany commandery Knights Tem- plar; Ancient Order Accepted Scottish Rite; Lowell lodge of Perfection of Lowell; Lowell Princes of Jerusalem (sovereign master); Mt. Calvary chapter of Rose Croix of Lowell; Massachusetts Consistory, 32d degree, of Boston; Aleppo Temple of Mystic Shrine; Andover lodge Odd Fellows and Daughters of Rebekah. Delegate to Constitutional Convention of 1917 from 9th Essex District. Committee on counties (clerk), municipal finance (clerk), House of 1916-17. Vote of district: NESBIT G. GLEASON. Rep., 1920; all others, five. District No. 10.—Da.nvers, Hamilton, Topsfield. Wenham.—GEORGE DRESSER MORSE, Republican, Danvers, born in Chelsea, Oct. 16, 1850; its public schools. In blacking business. Member Amity lodge Masons, Holten royal arch chapter. Chairman Danvers financial committee. Com- mittee on public health, House of 1917. Vote of district: J. E. Dow, Rep. Cit., 486; GEORGE D. MORSE, Rep., 1386; E. V. Murphy, Dem., 525. District No 11.—WILLIAM H. MAHONEY, Democrat, Peabody, born there May 21, 1882. Committee on judiciary, House 1917. District No. 12.—GEORGE F. C. ALLEN, Republican, of Lynn, born there Jan. 31, 1868. Committee on public service, water supply. House 1916-17. CHARLES B. FROTHINGHAM, Republican, Lynn bom there Nov. 11, 1858. Committee on taxation, cities, redistricting (special), public health, House 1915-17. District No. 13.—ERNEST W. ALLEN, Republican, Lynn, bom Pea- body, July 19, 1886. Committee on military affairs, House 1917. THOMAS W. BAXTER, Republican, Lynn, born in Nottingham, Eng- land, Aug. 9, 1867. Committees on education, pay roll, water supply, House 1916-17. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE. 1917 106

FRANCIS M. HILL, Republican, Saugus, born Boston, Feb. 28, 1882; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University Law School 1905. Lawyer. Lynn school committee 1909-10. House 1911-12-13, committees on constitutional amendments, engrossed bills, judiciary, legal aflPairs (clerk); 1916-17 railroads and towns; taxation, (recess, 19 17). District No. 14.—CHARLES H. ANNIS, Republican, Lynn, bom there Jan. 12, 1859. House 1913, committee on federal relations; 1915-17 pub- lic institutions, building legislation (recess). JOSEPH L. BARRY, Republican, Lynn, born there Nov. 21, 1880. House 1913-15,1917, committees on banks and banking, federal relations, judiciary. JAMES E. ODLIN, Republican, Lynn, born in Laconia, N. H., April 10, 1857. House 1900-01, committees on constitutional amendments, judiciary (clerk), special on revision of Public Statutes; on mercantile affairs. State House and Libraries, House 1916-17. District No. 15.—JAMES D. BENTLY, Republican, Swampscott, born in New Brunswick, Feb. 6, 1884. House of 1916-17, committees on har- bors and public lands, public lighting. District No. 16.—JOHN N. OSBORNE, Republican, Marblehead, bom there Jan. 28. 1853. House 1914-17, committees on elections, public ser- vice, towns (chairman). District No. 17.—Wards 1, 5 Salem.—CHAUNCEY PEPIN, Republican, Salem, bora in Quidneck, R. I., March 5, 1869. Watch maker; musician. House 1912-16, committees on elections (chairman), mercantile affairs, railroads (clerk), water supply. Vote of district: H. E. Day, Rep. Cit., 760; CHAUNCEY PEPIN, Rep.. 1242. District No. 18.—DENIS J. SULLIVAN, Democrat, Salem, bom Pea- body, July 24, 1889. House 1915-17, committees on education, election laws, harbors and public lands. District No. 19.—MARTIN R. LANE, Republican, Beverly, bom there March 4, 1882. Committee on military affairs, House 1917. District No. 20.—FRANK E. RAYMOND, Republican, Essex, bom there April 4, 1882. Committees on fisheries and game, judiciary, House of 1916-17. District No. 21.—Wards 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Gloucester.—HON. JAMES E. TOLMAN, Republican, Gloucester, public schools, University of Michigan, Boston University Law School L. B., Knights of Pythias (P.C), Red Men, Masons, Odd Fellows (past noble grand). Common council 1899-1901 (president 1900-01), mayor 1903-04; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention 1904. Lawyer. House 1909, committee on public lighting (clerk); Senate 1910-11, bills in third reading (chairman), consti- tutional amendments, legal affairs (chairman), mercantile affairs, public lighting (chairman), special on congressional redistricting; House 1914-16, legal affairs, public lighting (chairman). Vote of district: D. A. Graves, Dem. Cit., 490; JAMES E. TOLMAN, Rep., 1489. District No. 22.—Wards 1. 2, 7 Gloucester, Rockport.—JAMES Mac- FARLANE LYLE, Republican, Gloucester, bom there Jan. 10, 1886. Sales- man. House 1914-17, committees on fisheries and game, harbors and public lands, military affairs. State House and Libraries (chairman). Vote of district: JAMES M. LYLE, Rep., 1197; E. J. Martin, Ind. Cit, 326; G. E. B. Strople, Ind., 278. District No. 23.—Ipswich, Newbury, Wards Precinct 1, 6 Newburyport, Rowley, West Newbury.—WILLIAM F. RUNNELLS, Republican, Newbury- port, bom in Searsport, Me., Feb. 1865; High school. Studied law with his father; admitted to bar at Belfast, Me., April, 1887. IN 1893, removed to Newburyport, to take charge of the Albert Russell & Sons Co. foundry and machine plant, and has held that position ever since. Water commissioner ;


1899-00-01 (chairman 1901). Common council three years (president 1913-14); alderman 1915 (president); chairman Republican city committee 1910-15. St. Mark's lodge Masons, Odd Fellows, A. O. U. W., Grange and other societies; Dalton and North End boat clubs of Newburyport, Boston City Club. Especially interested as representative in legislation favoring interests of farmers in his district, opposing, especially, unfair milk legis- lation. Committee on public service, House 1916; mercantile affairs, 1917. Vote of district: P. Newell, Ind., 346; WILLIAM F. RUNNELLS, Rep., 200; W. Clarke, Dem., 363. District No. 24.—Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Newburyport.—CARL C. EMERY, Republican, bom in Haverhill, Nov. 4, 1888; public schools. Grocer. Com- mon council 1912; alderman 1913-14 (president 1914); Essex County Re- publican Club; Newburyport commandery Knights Templar; Elks. Com-

mittee on roads and bridges, House 1915-16-17 (chairman 1916-17) ; redis- tricting (special, 1916); social insurance (special, 1917). Vote of district: CARL C. EMERY, Rep., 1475; all others, none. FRANKLIN COUNTY District No. 1.—Ashfield, Buckland, Charlemont,Colrain, Conway, Hew- ley. Heath, Monroe, Rowe, Shelbume, Whately.—ALBERT C. BRAY, Re- publican, Buckland (Shelbume Falls), born there Oct. 21, 1866; public schools. Farmer. Town clerk and treasurer since 1894; selectmen (clerk of same) since 1902; assessor (clerk of board since 1894). Mountain lodge Masons of Shelbume Falls. Committee on towns. House of 1917. Vote of district: ALBERT C. BRAY, Rep., 1358; all others, 3. District No. 2.—FREDERICK E. PIERCE, Republican, Greenfield, bom Glenwood, la.. May 5, 1862. House of Representatives 1916-17, committees on military affairs, ways and means. District No. 3.—Bernardston, Deerfield, Gill, Leverett, Leyden, Mon- tague, Sunderland.—CHARLES H. BEAMAN, Republican, Leverett, bom there Oct. 18, 1870; public schools. Farmer; wooden box manufacturer; lumber business; Town road commissioner 1894-96; Selectman and overseer of the poor 20 years, 1897-00 and from 1902-1917 (chairman since 1906) constable since 1897; library trustee since 1915; Republican town commit- tee since 1912; Amherst lodge Odd Fellows; past master Leverett Grange. Committee on agriculture. House of 1917. Vote of district: CHARLES H. BEAMAN, Rep., 1310; all others, eight. District No. 4.—Erving, New Salem, Northfield, Orange, Shutesbury, Warwick, Wendell.—WILLIAM A. MOORE, Republican, New Salem, born there Sept. 15, 1859; public schools, New Salem Academy. Miller and grain dealer. New Salem Grange. Committee on labor, House of 1917. Vote of district: WILLIAM A. MOORE, Rep., 1329; all others, one. HAMPDEN COUNTY District No. 1.—Brimfield, Holland, Monson, Palmer, Wales.—FRED E. CADY, Republican, Monson, bom in Greenfield, Oct. 15, 1866; public schools, Brimfield Academy. In newspaper work. Committee on mercan- tile affairs. House 1915-16-17. Vote of district: FRED E. CADY, Rep., 1138; J. L. Fuller, Pro., 58; J. F. Roche, Dem., 827. District No. 2.—Agawam, Blandford, Chester, East Longmeadow, Granville, Hampden, Longmeadow, Ludlow, Montgomery, Russell, South- wick, Tolland. West Springfield, Wilbraham—CLARENCE H. GRANGER, Republican, Agawam (Feeding Hills), born there Oct. 23, 1871; public schools, Connecticut Literary Institute of Suffield, Conn., Brown Universi- ty 1895 (not graduated). Farming, tobacco growing, lumbering. Hamp- den lodge Odd Fellows, City Homes lodge Moose, West Springfield Grange (past master); school committee 1902-1914; Republican town committee since 1901 (chairman, 1908-15). Committee on agriculture, House of 1917. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 191 7 107

GEORGE WASHINGTON LOVE, Republican, West Springfield, born in New York City, May 28, 1858. State House and Libraries, House 1916; agriculture, 1917. Vote of district: J. F. Barry, Dem., 1837; CLARENCE H. GRANGER, Rep., 2498; GEORGE W. LOVE, Rep., 2181. District No. 3.—WILLIAM J. GRANFIELD, Springfield, Democrat, born there Dec. 18, 1889. Committee on legal affairs. House 1917. Delen gate to Constitutional Convention, 1917. JOHN MITCHELL, Republican, Springfield, born there Sept. 4. 1877. House 1912-17, committees on fisheries and game, public institutions, rail- roads, social welfare, elections, election laws. Delegate to 1917 Constitu- tional Convention. District No. 4.—Wards 3, 6, 7 Springfield.—CHAUNCEY A. BEN- NETT, Republican, Springfield, bom there June 23, 1880; its High school. Die maker; general insurance. Republican city committee 1906-17; Fish and Game Club, associate member Veterans of Foreign Wars (John J. Leonard post). Committee on election laws (clerk), House of 1917. GEORGE W. BOWMAN, Republican, Springfield, born East Chatham, N. Y., April 28. 1862; public schools. Carpenter and electrician. Hamp- den lodge Odd Fellows; Ousamequin tribe Red Men (past sachem). Com- mittee on fisheries and game. House of 1917. Vote of district: L. E. Allen. Pro., 167; CHAUNCEY A. BENNETT, Ren., 3018; GEORGE W. BOWMAN, Rep., 2772; W. E. Higgins, Pro., 105; P. F. Mansfield, Dem., 1392; J. B. Tierney, Dem., 1039. District No. 5. —Ward 4 Springfield. —WILLIAM FOSTER. Republican, bom Cleathom, England, January 21, 1869; public schools and Eanville Academy. Woodworker, construction and cabinet. City Council 1914-15, defeated Democratic and Progressive fusion nominee; re-elected 1916, serving one of two year term ; on committees on charities, ordinances, elec- tions, fire departmnt, revision of building ordinances and mayor's messages; secretary of two special committees to provide employment in 1914-15; committee on city property, (secretary). DeSoto Lodge Odd Fellows; past regent Equity council. Royal Arcanum. Committee on cities, House of 1917. Vote of district: C. E. Burt, Pro., 61; E. J. Daley, Dem., 721; WIL- LIAM FOSTER, Rep., 1021; L Silverman, Soc, 70. District No. 6. —ARTHUR E. MARSH. Republican, Springfield, bom there Nov. 20, 1885. House 1916-17 committees on elections, federal re- lations, railroads. District No. 7.—Ward 8 Springfield.—MERRILL E. STREETER, Re- publican, Springfield (Indian Orchard), bom in Wilbraham, Aug. 2, 1850; public schools. Carriage maker; cement contractor 1911-15. Indian

Orchard lodge Masons (tyler) ; Common council 1903; Alderman 1904-05. House 1913-17 committee on federal relations, fisheries and game, roads and bridges, redistricting ^special, 1916). Vote of district: V. Lizoto, Soc, 95; W. J. McCann. Dem., 693; G. G. Makepeace, Pro., 93; MERRILL E. STREETER, Rep.. 1312. District No. 8. —JOHN W. WILLIAMS, Republican, Chicopee; born England June 8, 1875 Committee on counties, House 1917. District No. 9.—Wards 1, 2, 4 Holyoke.—JOHN J MURPHY, Democrat, Holyoke, bom there March 26, 1889; parochial and High schools. Holyoke correspondent Springfield Union; secretary Paper City Baseball League four years. Committee on counties. House 1915; same (clerk) 1916; con- stitutional amendments, 1917. Vote of district: JOHN J MURPHY, Dem., 1723; all others, none. District No. 10.—Wards 3. 6 Holyoke.—JOHN CRONIN, Democrat, Holyoke, born there Dec. 19, 1874; public schools. Master plumber. Com- mittee on State House and Libraries, House of 1917. Vote of district; JOHN CRONIN, Dem., 1423; F. W. McKenzie, Rep., 108 A SOUVENIR OF

District No. 11.—EUGENE A. LYNCH, Democrat, Holyoke, born there June 13, 1885. Committee on legal affairs, House 1917. District No. 12.—Westfield.—PARK W. ALLEN, Westfield, Democrat, bom there March 12, 1889; public schools, Massachusetts Agricultural Col- lege 1911. Insurance. Westfield lodge Odd Fellows. Committee on in- surance. House of 1917. Vote of district: PARK W. ALLEN. Dem., 1373; G. W. Roraback, Rep., 1174. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY District No. 1.—Northampton.—MICHAEL J. FITZ GERALD, Demo- crat, of Northampton, born there March 10, 1878; public schools. Barber, proprietor for 12 years. Common council 1910-11 (president 1911); alderman 1912-13. Past grand knight Northampton Council K. C; past dictator and secretary Northampton lodge Moose; Meadow City court Am- erican Order of Foresters; exalted ruler Northampton lodge Elks; Red Men member city planning board. Committee on mercantile affairs. House of 1916; same, (clerk), 1917; street railways, (recess, 1917). Vote of district: MICHAEL J. FITZ GERALD, Dem., 1640; R. March, Rep., 1399. District No. 2,—Chesterfield, Cummington, Easthampton, Goshen. Huntington, Middlefield, Plainfield, Southampton, Westhampton, Williams- burg, Worthington.—FRANK E. LYMAN, Republican, Easthampton, bom in Grafton, Vt., Sept. 15, 1866; public schools. Farmer, milk dealer. Town finance committee; town war committee on conservation of food in 1917. Delegate to Constitutional Convention of 1917. Ionic lodge Masons, East- hampton lodge Moose, Easthampton Grange. J. A. Loomis camp Sons of Veterans. Selectman 1907-15 inclusive; secretary of Republican town com- mittee 1912-15; president Republican Club 1913-15; Hampshire County Republican committee 1916; chairman of celebration of 125th anniversary of settlement of town, in 1915; chairman of committee that secured the town new union stations, passenger and freight; chairman Board of Sur- vey 1912-15. Committee on ways and means, House 1915-16-17. Vote of district: FRANK E. LYMAN, Rep., 1916; all others, three. District No. 3.—Amherst, Hadley, Hatfield, South Hadley.—ALVIN R. WILSON, Republican, born in Heath, Feb. 2, 1855. Massachusetts State College, 1877. Farmer. Past chaplain lona lodge Odd Fellows; charter member South Hadley Grange; member Municipal Lighting Commission; Water Commission of Fire District No. 2 one year, selectman one year, assessor two years. Committee on water supply. House of 1916; same and dGctioTis 1917 Vote of district: ALVIN R. WILSON, Rep., 1842; all others, one. District No. 4.—ROLAND D. SAWYER, Democrat, Ware, bom Ken- sington, N. H., Jan. 8, 1874. House 1914-17, committees on education, election laws, taxation, commissions (special). Delegate to Constitutional Convention, 1917. MIDDLESEX COUNTY District No. 1.—JOHN H. LYNCH, Democrat, Cambridge, bom in Salem, Oct. 28, 1884. House 1914-17, committees on street railways, water supply, commissions (special). District No. 2.—Wards 4, 5, 6, 7 Cambridge.—ALBERT MINOT CHANDLER, Republican, of Cambridge, born there Aug. 29, 1878; public schools. Harvard College 1900, its Law School 1903. Lawyer. Common council 1908-11; Board of Trade, ward and city committee (vice president 1913), Republican Club of Massachusetts, Harvard Club, Boston City Club, Elks, Mizpah lodge Masons. Committee on social welfare (clerk) House 1915; municipal finance (chairman) 1916; same and constitutional amend- ments, 1917. FREDERICK F. CLAUSS. Republican, Cambridge, born in Watertown, July 28, 1879. Committees on federal relations, mercantile affairs. House 1915-17. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 109

JULIUS MEYERS, Republican, Cambridge, born in Posen, Ger., Dec. 6, 1854. House of Representatives 1906, 10 committeees in public health, printing, (chairman), street railways, revision tax laws (special); 1917

Vote of district: ALBERT M. CHANDLER, Rep., 3072; F. F. CLAUSS, Rep., 2917; T. A. Glennon. Dem., 2510; J. T. Lynch, Dem., 2174; F. J. Mc- Tighe, Dem., 2053; JULIUS MEYERS, Rep., 3125 District No. 3.—Wards 8, 9, 10, 11 Cambridge.—PHILIP R. AMMI- DON, Republican, Cambridge, born there Nov. 24, 1884; public schools. Harvard College 1905, its Law School 1908. Lawyer. Charity lodge Masons, Cambridge royal arch chapter; Cambridge lodge Elks. Cambridge Board of Trade, Boston City Club. Committee on taxation (clerk). House of 1916; metropolitan affairs, 1917. GEORGE H. CARRICK, Republican, Cambridge, born there May 16, 1875; its public schools, B. Y. M. C. Evening Law School 1910; spe<:ial course in Harvard Law School and Harvard Graduate School 1910-11,1911- 12. Real estate and insurance; lawyer. Amicable lodge Masons; Cam- bridge lodge Elks. Committee on insurance. House of 1917. KENNETH PAGE HILL, Republican, Cambridge, bom Chelmsford, Sept. 8, 1890. Committee on street railways, 1916-17. Vote of district: PHILIP R. AMMIDON, Rep., 2974; J. P. Brenan, Dem., 2600; GEORGE H. CARRICK, Rep., 2987; P. J. Curley, Dem., 2520; J. P. Good, Dem., 2740; KENNETH P. HILL, Rep., 2768. District No. 4.—Newton.—J. WESTON ALLEN, Republican, Newton, bom in Newton (Highlands), April 19, 1872; Newton and New Haven pub- lic schools; Yale University, 1893; Harvard Law School, 1896. Lawyer. Committees on bills in third reading (chairman), banks and banking, public service (chairman), commissions (special), House 1915-16-17. HENRY W. JARVIS, Republican, Newton, bom in Auburn, Me., Aug. 15, 1869; Bowdoin College 1891, University of Maine Law School 1893. Lawyer. Alderman 1915-15. New England Alumni Association of Mich- igan (past president), Bowdoin, Hunnewell and Newton Golf Clubs, New- ton Board of Trade. Committees on engrossed bills (chairman), educa- tion. House 1916; education, legal affairs, 1917. THOMAS WESTON, JR., Republican, Newton, bom there Aug. 12, 1875; Harvard College 1895, its Law School 1899. Teacher one year; lawyer. Fraternity lodge Masons, Newton lodge Elks, Harvard Club of Boston, Twentieth Century and Massachusetts clubs. Alderman 1904-09 (vice-president 1907; president 1908-09). Committee on legal affairs. House 1915; constitutional amendments, metropolitan affairs (clerk) 1916; constitutional amendments, metropolitan affairs, 1917. Vote of district: J. WESTON ALLEN, Rep., 4712; J. C. Brimblecom, Rep., 3186; HENRY W. JARVIS, Dem. Ind., Rep. Ind., 3299; THOMAS WESTON, JR., Rep., 4483. District No. 5.—Waltham.—JOHN M. GIBBS, Republican, Waltham, bom St. John, N. B., July 13, 1874; Boston and Waltham schools. Harvard College 1898; Boston University Law School 1902. Monitor lodge Masons (steward), Waltham royal arch chapter (steward), Adoniram council (prin- cipal conductor); Waltham Grange, N. P. Banks camp, Sons of Veterans; James A. Dermody camp, Spanish War Veterans; Old Colony Club of Ply- mouth, Massachusetts Club; Republican ward and city committee 1901-02- 03; alderman 1908-09-10-11 (president in 1910-11). Committees on en- grossed bills (chairman), election laws (chairman), legal affairs, public lighting, commissions, (special, clerk, 1917), street railways (recess, 1917). House 1915-16-17. JOHN R. HUDSON, Republican, Waltham, born in Newton, Aug 25, 1872; public schools of Watertown, Pearson Preparatory School of Boston, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Pharmacist. Member Elks, Eagles, Moose, A. O. U. W., Massachusetts Forestry Association, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Massachusetts State Pharmaceutical Association, Am- —

110 A SOUVENIR OF erican Pharmaceutical Association, Nation Association of Retail Druggists, Waltham Chamber of Commerce, Animal Aid Society, Director of Watch City Co-operative Bank, Waltham Rifle Club; associate member Co. F, 5th regiment; treasurer B. T. Club, City Club, Waltham Republican Club. Wal- tham board of aldermen 1908-09-10. Committee on municipal finance. House of 1917. Vote of district: J. J. Burns, Dem., 1692; JOHN M. GIBBS, Rep., 2873; JOHN R. HUDSON, Rep., 1970; T. J. Riley, Dem., 1766; D. Roberts, Rep. Ind., 997. District No. 6.—THOMAS H. BRENNAN, Democrat, Natick, bom there Sept. 25, 1875. Committees on election laws, public institutions, social welfare. House 1915-17. District No. 7.—Framingham.—BERNARD F. MERRIAM, Republican, Framingham, bom in Southbridge, Oct. 18, 1857; public schools. Book- keeper; treasurer Cordaville Woolen Company since 1889; director Hamil- ton Woolen Company of Southbridge; president Rockfall Woolen Com- pany of Middletown, Ct., trustee and treasurer Dean Academy of Franklin; director of Framingham National Bank; selectman 1894 and 1903; town treasurer 1910; school committee 1914-17. Committee on banks and bank- ing. House of 1917. Vote of district: E. J. Carey, Dem., 1129; BERNARD F. MERRIAM, Rep., 1619. District No. 8.—EDWARD CARR, Independent, Hopkinton, bom in Dublin, Ire., Dec. 18, 1868. House of Representatives of 1914 and 1917, committees on bills in third reading, legal affairs; taxation; Delegate to Constitutional Convention, 1917. District No. 9.—JOHN H. PARKER, Democrat, Marlborough, born in Manchester, N. H., Aug. 27, 1859. Committee on fisheries and game. House 1915-17, redistricting (special). District No. 10.—ROWLAND P. HARRIMAN, Stow, Republican, bom in Sudbury, Dec. 27, 1864. Committee on towns. House 1917. District No. 11.—WALTER PERHAM, Republican, Chelmsford, born Salem, N. H., Oct. 23, 1870. Committee on harbors and public lands, House 1917. District No. 12.—JOSEPH A. SAUNDERS, Republican, Pepperell, born there Dec. 3, 1862. Committee on counties, pay roll, railroads, public service. House 1915-17. District No. 13.—Concord, Lincoln, Sudbury, Wayland, Weston. BENJAMIN LORING YOUNG, Republican, of Weston, was bom there Nov. 7, 1885; Harvard College 1907, its Law School 1911. Lawyer, office 60 State street, Boston. Member Weston Grange; Monitor lodge Masons, Waltham; selectman 1910 to date; Board of Parole for State Prison and Massachusetts Reformatory 1913-15. On committee on ways and means. House of 1916; 1917, rules, ways and means (clerk), state finances (recess, 1917). Vote of district: BENJAMIN LORING YOUNG, Rep., 1723; all others, one. District No. 14.—DENNIS A. MURPHY, Democrat, Lowell, bom there Sept. 6, 1876. House 1911, 1913-17 committees on federal relations, pub- lic health (clerk), public lighting, public service, ways and means. CHARLES H. SLOWEY, Lowell, Democrat, born there Oct. 27, 1886. Committee on water supply, House 1917. District No. 15.—Wards 3, 6, 7, 8 Lowell.—HENRY ACHIN, JR., Re- publican, Lowell, born there June 30, 1883; public schools. Insurance. Common council 1909-11. House 1912-17, committees on federal relations (chairman), insurance, public lighting, roads and bridges. On reception committee Marshal Joffre by joint convention, June 1917. VICTOR FRANCIS JEWETT, Republican, Lowell, born in Tyns- borough, Nov. 26, 1881. Vinegar manufacturer. House 1912-17, com- ^ MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 lU mittees on election laws, railroads (chaiirman), rules, taxation; tuberculosis (special); Boston "Elevated" (recess). FRANK H. PUTNAM, Republican, Lowell, bom there Aug. 30, 1880; public schools. Wholesale produce dealer (George E. Putnam & Son). Pentucket lodge Masons, Ahasuerus council, Mt. Horeb chapter. Pilgrim commandery Knights Templars; Scottish rite bodies of Lowell; Massachu- setts consistory; Vesper Country Club. Committee on cities. House of 1917. Vote of district: HENRY ACHIN, JR., Rep., 5357; VICTOR FRANCIS JEWETT, Rep., 5214; FRANK H. PUTNAM, Rep., 5309; all others, none. District No. 16.—THOMAS J. CORBETT, Lowell, Democrat, bom in England, May 10, 1883. Committee on military affairs. House 1917. District No. 17.—Billerica, Burlington, Dracut, North Reading Tewks- bury, Wilmington.—JEREMIAH K. CHANDLER, Republican, Tewksbury, born there Sept. 30, 1863; public schools. Market gardener and florist. Centreville lodge Odd Fellows; selectmen 1911-16, inclusive (chairman, 1916) overseers of poor same years (chairman 1914-15); assessor 1912- 16. Committee on counties, House of 1917. Vote of district: JEREMIAH K. CHANDLER, Rep., 1645; all others, five. District No. 18.—Reading Stoneham, Wobura.—FRED J. BROWN, Re- publican, Woburn, born there Sept. 1, 1855; public schools, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1877. Treasurer "0. D. C. Company," 33 West street, Boston. School committee 1912-17 inclusive; alderman 1906-9

(president 1907-8) ; trustee, executive committee Choate Memorial Hospital; president Warren Academy Industrial School; president Associates Post 161,

G. A. R. ; associate Woburn Mechanics Phalanx; Towanda Club; Boston Chamber of Commerce; Boston Fruit & Produce Exchange; vice-president, trustee and investment committee Woburn Five Cents Savings Bank; director and investment committee Woburn Co-opertive Bank. Committee on metropolitan affairs, House 1915-16-17; also on taxation, 1917. EDWARD B. FAMES, Republican, Reading, bom in Wilmington, April 15, 1856; public schools. For 20 years dealer in fruit and produce in Boston market and wholesale lumber dealer since then. Past master Good Samaritan lodge Masons, and trustee of general fund; Reading lodge Odd Fellows, Reading Grange, Good Fellowship Club, Market Men's Relief Asso- ciation of Boston; street commissioner three terms of one year each, and assessor three terms of one year each; trustee of Reading Odd Fellows Build- ing Association; committee on agriculture. House 1916; same and federal pplo'fiQTig 1917 Vote of district: D. P. Blake, Dem. Ind., 1707; FRED J. BROWN, Rep., 3010; EDWARD B. FAMES, Rep., 2767; L B. Forbes, Cit., 1368. District No. 19.—EDEN K. BOWSER, Republican, Wakefield, bora Sackville, N. B., June 26, 1874. House 1914-17, committees on judiciary, education (chairman), federal relations, redistricting (special), social in- surance (special). District No. 20.—HOWARD F. FURNESS, Republican, Everett, bora there May 24, 1889; its High School. Mortgage broker. Everett lodge Elks, Everett Board of Trade, Everett Board of Health, 1914-15; camp A. P. Martin Sons of Veterans; Mizpah lodge Knights of Pythias; chairman Re- publican city committee 1913-14-15. House of Representatives 1915, com- mittee on banks and banking (clerk) ; banks and banking and public health, 1917. FRED P. GREENWOOD, Republican, Everett, born in Alstead, N. H., May 29, 1855. House 1911-17, committees on education, military affairs, public institutions, public service, social welfare. Vote of district: J. F. Fay, Dem., 1208; HOWARD F. FURNESS, Rep., 3226; F. P. Greenwood, Rep., 2963; W. W. Peirce, Dem., 1085. 112 A SOUVENIR OF

District 21.—Maiden.—ALVIN E. BLISS, Republican, Maiden, born in Brookline, Sept. 16, 1858; Brookline and Maiden public schools. Whole- sale and retail dry-goods business 1876-1886; electric light and gas business since, being general superintendent Charles H. Tenney & Co. Mason, 32d degree; Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows (all branches), Moose, Elks, Eagles; Maiden Club, Melrose Club Boston City Club; Kemwood, Nayesset; Melrose Athletic clubs; Belmont Spring Country Club (executive commit- tee). House 1910-11-12-12, 1915-16-17, committees on cities (clerk and chairman), constitutional amendments, election laws, municipal finance (chairman), rules; recess committee on municipal finance (chairman). LLOYD MAKEPEACE, Republican, Maiden, born in Birmingham, Eng. March 5, 1876; Birmingham schools. Admitted to Suffolk bar in 1897. Lawyer. Converse lodge Masons, Tabernacle chapter of Maiden, Melrose council Beauseant commandery Knights Templar; Middlesex Bar Associa- tion; Maiden Club, Deliberative Assembly; Maiden Co-operative Bank. Committee on metropolitan affairs, House of 1916; judiciary, 1917. GEO. LOUIS RICHARDS, Republican, Maiden, born there Dec. 14, 1858; educated in its public schools and by private study. Manufacturer of special machinery. Member Boston City, Massachusetts Mayors' (former president), Middlesex, Massachusetts Republican clubs; Converse lodge Masons; life member Maiden Y. M. C. A.; chairman director Boys' Club Federation (N. Y.); Board of Trade; honorary member Post 40, G. A. R., and secretary of its associates; trustee Pine Banks Park; incorporator In- ternational Y. M. C. A. College; vice-president Maiden Boy Scouts Council; president Maiden Rifles Association; vice-president Massachusetts Bible Society; incorporator Blackstone Savings Bank (Boston), also af Maiden

Savings Bank; Common Council 1891-2-3-4 (president 1893-4) ; school board 1895-1900; mayor 1908-9. Committee on social welfare. House 1916; same (chairman), 1917. Vote of district: ALVIN E. BLISS, Rep., 4843; LLOYD MAKEPEACE, Rep., 4540; GEORGE LOUIS RICHARDS, Rep., 4474. District No. 22.—Melrose.—HARRY C. WOODILL, Republican, Mel- rose, born in Halifax, N. S., June 16, 1872. Commercial college. Sales- man. Masons. Registrar 1904-12; alderman 1913-14; city committee 1902- 16; Clerk committee on cities in House 1915-17, social insurance (recess) 1916. Vote of district: HARRY C. WOODILL, Rep., 2610; all others, none. District No. 23.—Wards 1. 3, 4, 5 Somerville.—WILLIAM FLEMING, Republican, of Somerville, born in Saugus, Oct. 19,1869; Boston public schools. Printer. Soley lodge Masons, De Molay commandery Knights Templar; president Somerville Board of Aldermen, 1916; Middlesex and Massachusetts Republican Clubs; School committee, 1916. Committee on street railways, House 1917. HARVEY E. FROST, Republican, Somerville, bom in Lawrence, Oct. 2, 1875; public schools. Former financial secretary and treasurer Board of Trade; Winter Hill lodge Knights of Pythias; Fourth of July Association, N. E. O. P., Winter Hill lodge Golden Cross (past commander), several other clubs. House 1914-15-16-17, committees on insurance all four years, labor (chairman 1915-16-17). WILLIAM KENNARD, Republican, Somerville, born there Sept. 3, 1874. Lawyer. House 1912-15-17, committees on elections, cities (chair- man), election laws (chairman), judiciary (chairman), water supply, rules, workmen's compensation (recess). Vote of district. WILLIAM FLEMING, Rep., 3971; HARVEY E. FROST, Rep., 3778; WILLIAM W. KENNARD, Rep.. 3675. District No. 24.—Wards 2, 6, 7 Somerville.—WILLIAM P. FRENCH, Republican, Somerville, born in Sebec, Me., April 30, 1874; public schools, Boston Evening Law School (Y. M. C. A.). Lawyer. Member Somerville and Charity lodg© Masons, New England lodge Odd Fellows, Arcadia lodge Knights of Pythias, Wonohaquaham tribe Red Men, Somerville lodge Elks. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 113

Medford council Royal Arcanum (P. R.) ; Clarendon, Park Street, Tri-link, Sons of Maine and Appalachian Mountain clubs. Committee on legal affairs House 1916; public institutions, 1917. JOSEPH O. KNOX, Republican, Somerville, born in Boston (Charles- town), May 28, 1878. Salesman. House 1914-15-16-17, committees on mercantile affairs (chairman), taxation (special, 1917), metropolitan af- fairs (clerk), street railways, redistricting (special). JOSEPH H. PERRY, Republican, Somerville, bom in Livermore Falls, Me., May 4, 1869. Manufacturer paper boxes. Committees on mercan- tile affairs, metropolitan affairs, public institutions, House 1915-16-17. District No. 25.—Winchester, Ward 3 Medford.—WILLIAM AIKEN KNEELAND, Republican, Winchester, born Fredonia, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1884; Boston Latin School 1900; Dartmouth College (A. B.) 1904; Boston Uni- versity Law School (LL. B.), 1907. Lawyer, and law teacher in Boston University Law School. William Parkman lodge Masons, Waterfield lodge Odd Fellows; Boston City Club; Winchester finance committee 1914-15-16. Republican town committee 1911-12-13-14-15-16, (secretary 1911-13 in- clusive). Winchester Committee of Fifteen on Public Safety, 1917. Com- mittees on engrossed bills and insurance. House of 1917. Vote of district: J. F. Cassidy, Dem., 604; WILLIAM AIKEN KNEE- LAND, Rep., 1681. District No. 26.—Wards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 Medford.—FRED J. BURRELL, Republican, Medford, born there March 12, 1889; public schools. Pub- lisher of Textile Reference Books; treasurer of Bowlette Company; since 1911,manager of Burrell Advertising Agency, 161 Devonshire street, Bos- ton. Committee on public lighting, House of 1917. Delegate to Consti- tutional Convention of 1917. JAMES MORRISON, Republican, Medford, born in Ireland, Feb. 19, 1857; National Schools. Real estate and insurance, Medford and 71 Kilby street, Boston. Massachusetts Real Estate exchange, ex-president South Medford Republican club (charter member 1898), the oldest political club in this state; Boston Y. M. C. A.; Everett lodge Odd Fellows, Winter Hill lodge A. O. U. W., Winter Hill lodge N. E. O. P., Friendship lodge K. P,; president Third Session jury of Superior Court, county of Middlesex, 1913. Committee on insurance, House 1916-17. Vote of district: FRED J. BURRELL, Rep., 2893; J. F. Dyer, Dem., 836; J. J. Ford, Dem., 890; Luther B. Lyman, Rep. Cit., 1548; JAMES MORRISON, Rep., 1866. District No. 27.—Arlington. —JACOB BITZER, Republican, Arlington, born in Durrwangen, Wurtemburg, Germany, Jan. 16, 1865; public schools. Bethel lodge Odd Fellows (past grand); selectman 1910-13; president Ar- lington Boat Club 1914; Middlesex Club, Republican Club of Massachusetts; finance committee of Arlington several years; chairman Republican town committee; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention 1912 from Eighth district. Committees on ways and means, public institutions, build- ing legislation (recess), House 1915-17. Vote of district: JACOB BITZER, Rep., 1801; J. P. Donnelly, Dem., 837. District No. 28.—Belmont, Lexington.—JAY R. BENTON, Republican, Belmont, bom in Somerville, Oct. 18, 1885; Belmont public schools, Hop- kinson School, 1903, Phillips Exeter Academy 1904; Harvard College 1908; Boston University Law School 1911. Lawyer, Vice-President Boston Uni- versity Law School Association; Massachusetts Bar Association, Boston Bar Association, Middlesex Bar Association; Belmont Republican Town Com- mittee, (secretary 1909-1911; chairman 1912-1917); Alternate Delegate Republican National Convention, Eighth Congressioinal District, 1916; Masons 32 degree, K. T., Shrine; Elks; Massachusetts Sons of Revolution; Harvard Club of Boston. Committees on engrosed bills (chairman), met- ropolitan affairs. House of 1917. Vote of district: JAY R. BENTON, Rep., 1861; all others, none. 114 A SOUVENIR OF

DUtrict No. 29.—Watertown.—WESLEY E. MONK, Republican, Watertown, bom in Stoughton, Aug. 21, 1874; public schools. Lawyer.

Board of selectmen 1912-14, (chairman 1913-14) ; Board of Trade, Uni- tarian Club; Pequossette lodge Masons (past master), Waltham royal arch chapter; Isaac B. Patten camp Sons of Veterans; director in Watertown Old Folks' Home; town counsel 1916-17; attorney of Watertown Savings Bank; chairman Republican town committee 1911-12. House of 1915, committee

on legal affairs (clerk) ; same 1916 (chairman) ; same 1917 (chairman). Vote of district: WESLEY E. MONK, Rep., 1496; J. M. Oates. Dem., 1218. NANTUCKET COUNTY EDWARD H. PERRY, Republican, bom in Boston, Aug. 6, 1866. House 1914-17, committees on public service, taxation. NORFOLK COUNTY District No. 1.—JOHN A. HIRSCH, Republican, Dedham, bom in Nor- wood, July 9, 1861. Committee on harbors and public lands House 1916- 17. District No. 2.—Brookline.—CHARLES F. ROWLEY, Republican, Brookline. bom in Titusville, Pa., Aug. 3, 1882. House 1915-17, committee on metropolitan affairs, rules, taxation. JOHN H. SHERBURNE, Republican, Brookline, bom in Boston, Jan. 29, 1877; private schools. Harvard College 1899. Lawyer. Masons. Major First Battery Field Artillery M. V. M., Col. 1st Regt. Field Artillery, N. G. Mass., on Mexican border 1916. House 1912-17, committees on constitu- tional amendments (chairman), election laws (chairman), metropolitan affairs (chairman), rules. State House and Libraries, commissions (special 1916). District No. 3.—Quincy.— RUSSELL T. BATES, Republican, Quincy. bom there Aug. 11, 1892; public schools. Bates College, Boston University Law School 1916. Member firm Bates Brothers Seam-face Granite Co. and Bates Brothers' Heating & Plumbing Co. Lawyer. Committee on legal affairs, House of 1917. DAVID S. McINTOSH, Republican, Quincy, bom there Aug 1, 1885; its public schools. Granite manufacturer. Member Clan McGregor No. 5 Scottish Clans, Civic Association, Y. M. C. A. Committee on water supply, House of 1917. ALBERT L. WHITMAN, Republican, Quincy, bom in Boston, Jan. 6, 1856; public schools. Masons (lodge, chapter, council, commandery), Aleppo Temple Mystic Shrine; Odd Fellows, Red Men, Knights of Pythias,

Vote of district: RUSSELL T. BATES, Rep., 2637; J. P. Bigelow, Rep. Ind., 1015; E. J. Fegan, Cit., 1750; J. J. McDevitt, Dem. Cit., 1148; DAVID S. McINTOSH, Rep., 3447; L. J. Mainati, Dem. Cit., 576; A. Nelson, Pro., 308; J. R. Nelson, Rep. Ind., 1591; ALBERT L. WHITMAN, Rep., 2909. District No. 4.—ROGER WOLCOTT, Republican, Milton, born there July 25, 1877. House of Representatives 1909-12, committee on elections (chairman), railroads, street railways (chairman), constitutional amend- ments (chairman), congressional redistricting (chairman); 1917, judiciary. District No. 5.—Weymouth.—BURGESS H. SPINNEY, Republican, Weymouth, born there Feb. 9, 1889; public schools. Banker. Republican town committee 1916-17; (treasurer, 1917); Orphan Hope lodge Masons, South Shore commandery Knights Templars. Committees on taxation (clerk) House 1917. Vote of district: D. J. Slattery. Dem., 1135; BURGESS H. SPINNEY, Rep., 1409. District No. 6.—Avon, Braintree, Holbrook.—ARTHUR W. PAINE, Re- publican, Holbrook, bom there Nov. 21, 1864; Educated in its public schools, Adams Academy (Quincy), and Chauncey Hall School (Boston). In boot and shoe business until 1906. Chairman board of selectmen, overseers of —


poor and assessors 1907-14 inclusive; chairman appropriation and finance committee 1914-15; chairman water commissioners 1916-17; chairman Re- publicar town committee 1916-17. Norfolk Union lodge Masons, royal arch chapter, Bay State Commandery Knights Templars, Aleppo temple Mystic Shrine; Past Chancellor Norfolk lodge No. 119 Knights of Pythias. Com- mittees on taxation. House of 1917. Vote of district: E. J. Megley, Dem., 967; ARTHUR W. PAINE, Rep., 1545. District No. 7.—Randolph, Sharon, Stoughton.—GEORGE ALBERT WALES, Republican, Stoughton, bom there March 26, 1858; public schools, commercial college. Grocer 1875-8; shoe trade 1878-1903, as foreman, superintendent, manufacturer; water commissioner; post-master 1903-16. Rising Star lodge Masons; Stoughton lodge Odd Fellows, Mt. Hebron en- campment; Republican town committee (secretary, treasurer, chairmah), also on representative and senatorial district committee many years; or- ganizer, director and auditor of Stoughton Co-operative Bank 1886-1910; Old Stoughton Musical Society; trustee Historical and Antiquarian Society; Board of Trade; Grenadier and other organizations. House of Represen-

tatives 1895-6, committees on elections and public health (clerk) ; 1917, public service. Vote of district: J. O'Leary, Dem., 1190; GEORGE ALBERT WALES, Rep., 1289. District No. 8.—Norwood, Walpole.—JULIUS GUILD, Republican. Walpole, bom there March 30, 1850; public schools. Farmer; Retired. Selectman 19 years, (chairman in 1900-1-2-3-4-5, 1909-10). Orient lodge Masons of Norwood, Reliance lodge Odd Fellows; Walpole lodge A. O. U. W; Walpole Grange; former superintendent of streets; school committee, four years, Postmaster from Jan. 1, 1911, to March 13, 1915. House of 1909- 10; committee on water supply; on agriculture, 1916; counties. State House and Libraries, 1917. Vote of district: JULIUS GUILD, Rep., 1238; J.P. Riley, Dem., 965. District No. 9,—Dover, Medfield, Medway, Millis, Norfolk, Wellesley. —HAROLD L. PERRIN, Republican, of Wellesley, was bora in Wellesley (Hills) Dec. 22, 1889; Wellesley schools; Boston University 1910 A. B.; 1911 A. M.; 1912, LL. B.; 1913, L. L. M., Ph, D,; also in Harvard graduate school 1913. Lawyer. Professor of Law in Boston University, College of Business Administration. Wellesley lodge Masons (marshal 1914); Col- lege societies of Phi Beta Kappa. Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi, Executive committee Norfolk County Republican Club, Wellesley Country Club, Bos- ton City Club, Republican town committee 1911-16; secretary Wellesley Board of Appeals 1912-16. Committees on engrossed bills, legal affairs, House 1916; judiciary, 1917. Vote of district: HAROLD L. PERRIN, Rep., 1727; all others, none. District No. 10.—HORACE W. HOSIE, Republican, Franklin, bom in Coshocton, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1864. House 1916-17, committee on railroads. PLYMOUTH COUNTY District No. 1.—ELMER L. BRIGGS, Republican, Plymouth, bom there Feb. 22, 1880. Committee on taxation. House 1917. District No. 2.—Duxbury, Marshfield, Norwell, Pembroke, Scituate. WALTER HAYNES, Republican, Scituate, born in Boston, Dec. 21, 1876; public schools. Banker; broker; real estate business. Chairman town ad- visory board; notary public. Committee on harbors and public lands (clerk). House of 1917. Vote of district: WALTER HAYNES, Rep., 956; J. J. Shepherd Rep. Ind., 621. District No. 3.—Cohasset, Hingham, Hull. —GEORGE S. MARSH, Re- publican, Hmgham, born there Feb. 18, 1858; public schools. Manufactur- ing and mercantile business; optician 20 years; postmaster 1911-15; trustee Hingham Institutions for Savings since 1915; selectman and assessor since —


1916. Past master Old Colony lodge Masons; secretary of same since 1916. Committee on towns (clerk), House of 1917. Vote of district: GEORGE S. MARSH, Rep., 1360; all others, four. District No. 4.—Hanover, Hanson, Rockland.—EDWIN H. GIBSON, Republican, Hanover, bom in Franklin, 111., Oct. 22, 1876; educated in pub- lic schools, Northern Illinois Normal School, Dixon Business College, De- Pauw University 1904, Boston University School of Theology 1910. Teacher; clergyman. Phoenix lodge Masons, North River lodge Odd Fellows; school committee of Hanover since 1912. Committee on education, House of 1917. Vote of district: W. J. Barry, Dem., 1093; EDWIN H. GIBSON, Rep., 1214. District No. 5.—JOHN T. CROWLEY, Democrat, Abington, bom Som- erville, Nov. 15, 1872. House 1915, committee on towns; 1917, social wel- fare. District No. 6.—JAMES F. KIERNAN, Republican. Wareham, born there Feb. 1, 1884; Brown University 1908, University of Maine Law School. Lawyer. Committee on counties, House 1917. Vote of district: L. H. Bullard, Dem., 531; JAMES F. KIERNAN, Rep., 833 District No. 7.—WILLIAM M. HASKINS, Republican, Middleborough, bom in Chillicothe, O., April 13, 1853. Committee on towns (clerk). House of 1916; water supply, 1917. District No. 8.—Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater. EDDY P. DUNBAR, Republican, West Bridgewater, born there April 3, 1860; public schools. Farmer and butcher. Fellowship lodge Masons, West Bridgewater Grange, Howard lodge Knights of Pythias (past chancel- lor). Committee on agriculture (clerk). House of 1917. Vote of district: EDDY P. DUNBAR, Rep., 1022; E. S. Le Lacheur, Ind., 850 District No. 9.—Wards 3, 4 Brockton.—WALTER T. PACKARD, Re- publican, Brockton, bom there Sept. 24, 1870; public schools. Farmer. St. George lodge Masons; West Bridgewater Grange (past master). Old

Colony Pomona Grange (past master) ; director Plymouth County Trust Company of Brockton. Committee on federal relations. House of 1917. Vote of district: J. F. Clark, Dem .,1010; WALTER T. PACKARD, Rep., 1833. District No. 10.—Wards 1, 2, 5 Brockton.—WILLIAM B. BALDWIN, Republican, of Brockton was born in Fall River, Sept. 18, 1854; public schools. East Greenwich Academy, Wesleyan University 1876, Carpet sales- man; then insurance; retired. Committee on education. House of 1916; same (clerk), 1917. J. EDWIN MAYBURY, Republican, Brockton, born in Braintree, March 4, 1879. Telephone test man Brockton Exchange. Common council 1911- 12; alderman, 1913-14. House 1915-17, committees on cities. Vote of district: WILLIAM B. BALDWIN, Rep., 2169; J. T. Conley, Dem., 1652; J. EDWIN MAYBURY, Rep., 2006; J. A. Thomas, Dem., 1640. District No. 11.—Wards 6, 7 Brockton.—FRANK A. MANNING, Dem- ocrat, Brockton, born there June 25, 1889; public schools. Shoe worker. Brockton aerie Eagles, Brockton Cricket Club, Div. 1 A. O. H., Veteran Firemen's Association, Jefferson Club. Common Council 1911-13. House 1914-15-16-17, committees on harbors and public lands, street railways. Vote of district: J. Curley, Soc, 213; O. W. Langley, Rep., 1408; PRANK A. MANNING, Dem., 1596. SUFFOLK COUNTY District No. 1.—EDWARD J. COX, Republican, Boston, born there Aug. 21, 1882. Committee on public lighting. House 1917. THOMAS A. WINSTON, Democrat, Boston, born there Sept. 25, 1886. Committee on constitutional amendments, House 1917. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 117

District No. 2.—MANASSEH E. BRADLEY, Democrat, Boston, bom in Donegal, Ire., Aug. 15, 1863. House 1895-6-7, 1903-4, committees on drainage, liquor law, manufactures, public service, water supply; 1916-17, military affairs, railroads, redistricting (special). JOHN J. KEARNEY, Democrat, Boston boni there March 14, 1883. House 1915-17, committees on cities, public health. State House and Li- 1)1*3.1*166 District No. 3.—MICHAEL J. McNAMEE, Democrat, Boston, bom there Jan. 26, 1889. Committee on public lighting. House 1915-17. CHARLES J. McNULTY, Democrat, Boston, bom in Charlestown, Nov. 17, 1885. Committee on public service, House 1916-17. District No. 4.—JOHN P. MAHONEY, Democrat, Boston, born Cardiff, Wales, May 26, 1888. Committees on education, engrossed bills, taxation, water supply, House 1915-17. HENRY J. Mclaughlin, Democrat, Boston, born there Dec. 7, 1876. House 1914-15, 1917, committees on federal relations, military affairs, pub- lic service. District No. 5.—Ward 5 Boston—VINCENT BROGNA, Democrat, Boston, born Montefalcione, . May 14, 1887. House 1912-14. 1916-17, committees on bills in third reading, judiciary, legal affairs, liquor law. JOHN L. DONOVAN, Democrat, Boston, bom there June 8, 1876. House 1900-1, 1912-17, committees on drainage, harbors and public lands, printing, rules. State House and Libraries, street railways, gypsy moth (special), redistricting (special), Boston "Elevated" (recess); street rail- ways (recess). MARTIN M. I-OMASNEY. Democrat, Boston, born there, of Irish parents. Dec. 3d, 1859: public schools. Real Estate. Alderman 1893-94-95, 1901-2-3; Senate 1896-97. House 1899, 1905-6-7-8-9. 1911-12-13-14-15, 1917 committees on enprrossed bills, constitutional amendments, harbors and public lands, manufactures, metropolitan affairs, public health, public ser- vice, ways and means: public utilities (special), redistricting (special); 1917, metropolitan affairs, ways and means. Delegate to 1917 Constitu- tional Convention. Vote of district: G. Bevillacqua, Rep.. 601: VINCENT BROGNA, Dem., 3003: A. M. DeVito. Rep.. 660; JOHN L. DONOVAN, Dem., 2974; G. L, Laricia, Rep., 509; MARTIN M. LOMASNEY, Dem., 3165. District No. 6.—JOHN W. CRAIG, Democrat, Boston, bom there March 2. 1880. House 1916-17, committees on counties, insurance. THOMAS F. DONOVAN, Democrat, Boston, bom there Sept. 26, 1890. House 1916-17, committees on insurance, railroads. Delegate to 1917 Con- stitutional Convention. JAMES W. HAYES, Democrat, Boston, bom there March 28, 1884. House 1916-17, committees on education, public health. District No. 7.—Ward 7 Boston.—HENRY A. SAVAGE, Republican, Boston, born in Wickham, England, Sept. 29, 1862; national schools and private tutors. Life insurance business until 1897: investment broker since. Gramercy lodge Masons No. 537, New York City; Lincoln and Boston City clubs; chairman Ward 12 Republican committee 1911-16; mem- ber Republican state committee, 1916. Committee on taxation. House of 1917. JOSEPH WALTER WHARTON, Republican, of Boston, bom in Col- chester, Ct., March 30, 1872; English High School of Boston. Clerical business. Revere lodge Masons; City Council 1907-8. Committee on cities. House of 1917. Vote of district: CHANNING H. COX, Rep., 2759; G. T. Daly, Dom., 1027; C. H. Plummer. Dem., 991: HENRY A. SAVAGE, Rep., 2563; F. J. Sullivan, Dem., 948; JOSEPH WALTER WHARTON. Rep., 2417. District No. 8.—Ward 8 Boston.—ARTHUR E. BURR, Republican, Boston, bom there July 23, 1870. House 1915-17, committees on election laws, judiciary. 118 A SOUVENIR OF

FITZ-HENRY SMITH, JR., Republican, Boston, born there Nov. 20, 1873; public schools, Harvard College 1896, Harvard Law School 1899. Lawyer. Committee on commerce, trade and commercial law American Bar Association, executive committee Maritime Law Association, Boston and Massachusetts Bar associations. Boston Chamber of Commerce, Direc- tor Bostonian Society, Ward 11 Republican committee. Republican Club of Massachusetts, Massachusetts club. House 1914-15-16-17, committees on constitutional amendments (chairman), metropolitan affairs, rules, com- missions (special, chairman). Vote of district: ARTHUR E. BURR, Rep., 2729; D. J. Corcoran, Dem., 1040; FITZ-HENRY SMITH, JR., Rep., 2220. District No. 9.—Ward 9 Boston.—WILLIAM J. FOLEY, Democrat, Boston, born (South) Boston. March 2, 1877. Committee on public ser- vice, House 1915; legal affairs, 1916-17. WILLIAM J. MANNING, Democrat, Boston, born there March 19, 1883; public schools. Teaming business. South Bay Associates, Pere Marquette council Knights of Columbus: specially interested in obtaining labor legislation. Committee on labor. House of 1917. Vote of district: W. J. FOLEY, Dem.. 2010; W. P. Hickey, Dem. Cit., 1541; J. Lewis, Rep., 230; WILLIAM J. MANNING, Dem., 1866. District No. 10.—DANIEL W. CASEY, Democrat, Boston, bom there Sept. 10. 1892. House 1915-17, committees on elections, street railways, commissions. CHARLES S. O'CONNOR, Democrat, Boston, born there March 1, 1879. Committee on insurance. House 1917. District No. 11.—Ward 11 Boston.—WILLIAM J. HOLLAND, Demo- crat, Boston, born there March 10, 1884. Committee on State House and Libraries. House 1916: municipal finance, 1917. DANIEL J. YOUNG, Democrat. Boston, born there Jan. 9, 1892; Bos- ton Latin School, Boston College 1914. Harvard Law School (one year). Teacher in Boston College High School 1916. Mt. Vernon council Knights of Columbus. Committee on social welfare, House of 1917. Vote of district: WILLIAM J. HOLLAND, Dem., 2800; DANIEL J. YOUNG, Dem., 2778. District No. 12.—THOMAS M. JOYCE, Democrat, Boston, bom there Dec. 8, 1880. Senate 1912-13, committees on banks and banking, counties, election laws, metropolitan affairs; House 1916-17, public lighting. JOSEPH OAKEM, Democrat, Boston, bom there (Roxbury) Jan. 5. 1882. Committees on metropolitan affairs, municipal finance, State House and Libraries, House 1915-17. District No. 13.—Ward 13 Boston.—FRANK JAMES BURKE, Demo- crat, Boston, bom in Roxbury, Sept. 8, 1885; Dudley Grammar, English High School, Bryant & Stratton Business College, University Preparatory School, Boston University Law School. Musician. Rose Croix Council K. C, Div. 18. A. O. H., Mass. Naval Militia, Central Labor Union. Boston Musicians' Protective Association, Local No. 9, A. F. of L. Committee on public lighting, House of 1917. GEORGE EDWARD CURRAN, Democrat, Boston, bom there Jan. 28, 1873; public schools. Theatrical contractor. Elks, Eagles, K. C. A. O. H., Irish Charitable Association, Theatrical Mechanics' Association. St. Alphon- sus. Pioneer, Shawmut, Marshall, Kearsarge, Boston Yacht clubs. House 1914-15-16, committees on military affairs, federal relations (clerk), tax- ation; mercantile affairs, 1917. Vote of district: FRANK J. BURKE, Dem., 1682; GEORGE E. CUR- RAN, Dem., 1686; J. H. Madison, Rep., 1281; T. E. Stevenson, Rep., 1211. District No. 14.—JAMES McINERNEY, Democrat, Boston, bom in Ireland, Dec. 13, 1871. House 1901-03, 1911-12, 1914, 1916-17, commit- tees on constitutional amendments, metropolitan affairs, military affairs, public lighting, public service, railroads, water supply. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 119

DENNIS F. REARDON, Democrat, Boston, born there June 28, 1868. House 1915, 1917, committees on water supply, counties. District No. 15.—JOHN P. ENGLERT, Democrat, Boston, bom in Bos- ton, Jan. 30, 1893. Committee on military affairs, House of 1916; educa- tion, 1917. ALFRED J. MOORE, Democrat, Boston, born there Aug. 7, 1889. House 1915-17, committees on cities, roads and bridges, rules. District No. 16.—Ward 16 Boston.—ADDISON P. BEARDSLEY, Re- publican, Boston, bom at (Ogilvia Wharf) Harborville, King's county, N. S., Feb. 8, 1874; public academy, Pennsylvania College Dental Surgery 1903. Dentist since 1903. Warren lodge Odd Fellows (past noble grand), Samaritan encampment, I. O. O. F., Knights of Malta; Massachusetts Den- tal Society, National Dental Association; Middlesex, Lincoln, Massachusetts Republican clubs; Republican city committee, 1909-14; secretary old Ward 21 Republican committee 1912-13-14; delegate to Republican state conven- tion 1910; Roxbury Improvement Society (president 1913-14), Roxbury Board of Trade, Roxbury Historical Society, Roxbury Charitable Society, member Advisory Board Roxbury School Center; delegate Boston United

Improvement Association ; Intercolonial Club, Massachusetts State Guard. Massachusetts Dental Society, National Dental Association. Committees on metropolitan affairs (clerk), public institutions. House of 1915-16-17. SIMON SWIG, Republican, Boston, born in Russia, May 15, 1865. In business in Taunton 1892 to 1914; now vice-president and director of Tre- mont Trust Company, 14 State street. Boston. Alderman in Taunton 1900- 03, 1908-09 (president 1909); board on abolition of grade crossing 1907;

Republican city committee 10 years (treasurer) ; Boston Chamber of Com- merce; trustee State Board of Hospitals for Consumptives; trustee of real estate properties; Warren lodge Odd Fellows; Concord lodge Knights of

Pythias (past chancellor) ; president Elm Hill Co-operative Bank, of Beth Israel Hospital; director Quimby Confectionery Company, of Atlantic Hide & Leather Company; Boston Chamber of Commerce. House of Represen- tatives (from Taunton) 1905-06, committees on election laws, printing, public health; from Boston, 1916-17, banks and banking (chairman), pub- lic health. Vote of district: ADDISON P. BEARDSLEY, Rep.. 2104; E. T. Curley, Dem., 1198; W. T. McDermott, Dem., 1403; SIMON SWIG, Rep., 2031. District No. 17.—Ward 17 Boston.—JOSEPH McGRATH, Democrat, Boston, born there Dec. 20, 1890. House 1915-17, committees on banks and banking, counties, railroads. DANIEL C. MURPHY, Democrat, Boston, bora there Dec. 14, 1887; public schools. Clerk. Committee on municipal finance. House of 1917. Vote of district: W. C. Connors, Rep., 1254; J. H. Dwyer, Dem. Ind., 392: H. S. Frost, Rep., 1671; JOSEPH McGRATH, Dem., 1766; DANIEL C. MURPHY, Dem., 1735. District No. 18.—Ward 18 Boston.—LEWIS R. SULLIVAN, Democrat, Boston, bom there Aug. 29, 1874. House of Representatives 1913-15, committees on constitutional amendments, public service, taxation; 1917. harbors and public lands. CHARLES A. WINCHESTER, Democrat, Boston, born there July 1, 1886. Committee on public institutions. House 1917. District No. 19.—Ward 19 Boston.—HON. HARRISON H. ATWOOD, Republican, Boston, bom in North Londonderry, Vt., Aug. 26, 1863; Phillips grammar school, Boston. Architect. A. F. & A. M., K. T, I. 0. O. F. House 1887-88-89-1915-17, committees on cities, liquor law, mer- cantile affairs, State House, ways and means. State finances (recess, 1917). In 54th Congress; alternate delegate to National convention 1888, 1892; delegate to same 1896, 1900, 1904, 1908. Republican state committee 1887- 88-89; city committee, 1884-97. THOMAS LEAVITT, Republican, Boston, bom there Aug 28, 1872. Editor and Publisher. House 1906, committee on mercantile aflfairs, print- 120 A SOUVENIR OF ing; Senate 1907, mercantile affairs, harbors and public lands, printing, bills in third reading; House 1917, public health. JACOB WASSERMAN, Republican, Boston, born Camnetz, Russia, Oct. 15, 1884; public schools. North Eastern College of Law 1908. Lawyer. Aberdour lodge Masons, Dorchester royal arch chapter; Welcome lodge

Knights of Pythias (past chancellor) ; King Solomon lodge Odd Fellows; Massachusetts lodge I. O. Bnai Brith, president; Lazarus Davis lodge L O. B. A., Director Harvard Improvement Association; director Young Men's Republican Club of Dorchester; Boston Bar Association; American Bar Association. Committee on legal affairs, House of 1917. Vote of district: E. B. Abbott, Pro., 272; T. J. Ahem, Dem.. 3221; HARRISON H. ATWOOD, Rep., 3513; S. W. Bingham, Pro., 151; P. J. Brophy, Dem., 3237; THOMAS LEAVITT, Rep., 3721: W. L. Murray, Dem., 3041; J. L. Spaulding. Pro., 220; JACOB WASSERMAN, Rep., 3639. District No. 20.—Wards 4, 5 Chelsea, Ward 4 Revere.—DAVID J. MALONEY, Republican, Chelsea, bom North Adams, Dec. 22, 1874; Pitts- field High School, Dartmouth College 1897, Boston University Law School. Editor Glens Falls (N. Y.) Daily Times; reporter Springfield Republican, Boston Post, Boston Traveler; lawyer from 1901 to now. Chelsea council Knights of Columbus, Chelsea lodge Elks, First Corps of Cadets; secretary Chelsea Board of Trade, trustee Chelsea Public Library, Boston Press Club, City Club. Committee on mercantile affairs. House of 1917. Vote of district: DAVID J. MALONEY, Rep., 1955; all others, three. District No. 21.—Winthrop.—WINTHROP MAGEE, Republican, Win- throp, bom in North Chelsea, (now Winthrop), May 9, 1851; its public schools. Grocery business until 1907; since then treasurer of Magee Ex- press Company; selectman and overseer of poor 1900-07, inclusive, 1913-17, inclusive; vice president Massachusetts Republican Club 1914-15; Winthrop lodge Masons (tyler), Winthrop royal arch chapter (tyler), William Parkman commandery Knights Templar; Zenith lodge Odd Fellows. Committee on towns. House of 1917. Vote of district: T. J. Barter, Dem., 555; WINTHROP MAGEE, Rep., 1797. District No. 22.—Wards 22, 23 Boston.—GEORGE W. P. BABB, Re- publican, Boston, bom there Aug. 20, 1866. House 1913, committee on cities: 1916-17, ways and means. HORACE E. DUNKLE, Republican, Boston, bom Haddonfield. N. J., Nov.. 19, 1877; public and private schools. Mt. Hermon School 1898 (not a graduate). Jamaica Plain Gas Company five years; insurance business ever since, connected with O'Brion, Russell Company, also with Royal Indemnity Company five years; now with Employers' Liability Company as insurance adjuster. Daniel Hersey lodge Odd Fellows (past grand), Eliot and Cen- tral clubs. Ward 22 Republican committee three years. Committee on so- cial welfare. House 1917. GEORGE PENSHORN, Republican, Boston, bom in Germany, June 6, 1867; public schools and a trade school. Roofing contractor. Eliot lodge Masons, seven years chief ranger American court Foresters, honorary mem- ber West Roxbury Improvement Association; Boston common council 1907- -8-9. Has traveled extensively in Great Britain and South America. Com- mittee on fisheries and game, House of 1917. Vote of district: G. Ainsworth, Pro., 238; GEORGE W. BABB, Rep., 4386; J. J. Conway, Dem., 3114; HORACE E. DUNKLE, Rep., 4118; J. E. Fletcher, Pro., 151; C. A. Hart, Pro., 152; T. A. Leonard, Dem., 3001; W. M. McMorrow, Dem., 3324; GEORGE PENSHORN, Rep., 4412. District No. 23.—Wards 1, 2, 3 Chelsea.—LAWRENCE F. QUIGLEY, Democrat, Chelsea, bom there Sept. 15, 1893; public schools (Chelsea Even- ing High and Boston Evening College). News-boy, messenger-boy. stock- boy; clothing salesman. Chelsea council Knights of Columbus, Chelsea lodge Elks, Catholic Order of Foresters, Division 10 A. O. H. Committee on military affairs, House of 1917. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 121

Vote of district: F. E. Henry. Soc, 145; J. M. Levenson, Rep., 1176; W. J. Pollard, Pro., 27; LAWRENCE F. QUIGLEY, Dem., 1427. District No. 24.—Wards 21, 24 Boston.—HENRY S. CLARK, Republi- can, Boston, born St. John, N. B., Jan. 5, 1858; public schools. Builder of many public buildings. Republican City committee 1901-03, 1906-7, Gate of the Temple lodge Masons, St. Omer commandery Knights Templar. Aleppo Temple Mystic Shrine; Dorchester. House of Representatives 1907, com- mittee on cities; 1917. public service. LEO S. HAMBURGER, Republican. Boston, bom there May 27, 1880; public schools. Harvard College 1902, Harvard Law School 1910. Lawyer. Gate of the Temple lodge Masons, St. Omer commandery Knights Templar; Harvard Club of Boston. Committee on banks and banking, House of 1917. ROBERT B. MARTIN, Republican, Boston, born in Dedham, Dec. 27, 1863. House 1916-17, committee on municipal finance. Vote of district: HENRY S. CLARK. Rep., 3473; W. T. Desmond, Dem., 2390; P. J. Fox, Dem., 2648; LEO S. HAMBURGER, Rep., 3282; W. John- ston, Dem., 2458; ROBERT B. MARTIN, Rep., 3700. District No. 25.—HON. MARTIN HAYS, Republican, Boston, bom in New York City, Oct. 14, 1876. Lawyer. House 1910, 1912-14, 1917, .committees on election laws, legal affairs, municipal finance,, public light- ing (clerk, chairman), street railways (recess); Senate 1915-16, banks and banking (chairman), legal affairs, public lighting (chairman), street rail- ways, commissions (special chairman). District No. 26.—FRANCIS B. McKINNEY, Democrat, Boston, bom there June 14, 1876. House 1917,, committee on federal relations. District No. 27.—RALPH N. BUTTERWORTH, Republican, Revere, bom there June 22, 1877. Committee on legal affairs, House of 1917. WORCESTER COUNTY District No. 1.—Athol, Barre, Dana, Petersham. Phillipston. —WIL- LIAM G. LORD, Republican, Athol, born there Sept. 7, 1871: Athol High school 1888. Real estate and insurance; auctioneer. Star lodge Masons, Union royal arch chapter, Athol commandery Knights Templar, Aleppo Temple Mystic Shrine; Corinthian lodge Knights of Pythias (past chan- cellor and grand representative); town moderator elected annually; advis- ory board Worcester County Farm Bureau. Committee on social welfare (clerk), House of 1917. Vote of district: WILLIAM G. LORD, Rep., 1413; W. M. Welch, Dem., 671; all others, two. District No. 2.—Gardner, Hubbardston. Royalston, Rutland, Temple- ton, Winchendon.—CHARLES H. HARTSHORN. Republican, Gardner, born there Feb. 11, 1859; public schools. Chair manufacturing, at the bench for 13 years; since 1891 in manufacturing business for himself. Hope lodge Masons, Ivanhoe Commandery Knights Templar, Boston Con- sistory, 32d degree; William Ellison lodge Odd Fellows, Puritan council Royal Arcanum, Gardner Boat Club, Worcester Country Club, Republican Town Committee 20 years, (chairman six terms). Selectman 1906-11 (chairman 1908 and 1911), moderator town meeting last 16 years, chairman town advisory board 1914-16, director Gardner Trust Co. Committee on street railways. House 1916 and 1917; also on taxation. House 1917. J. WARREN MOULTON, Republican, Rutland, bom there April 30, 1867; public schools. Woolen manufacturer. Selectman 1906-15; con- stable 1889-1910; water commissioner 1908-10; Republican town committee since 1897 (chairman since 1913) ; Rufus W. Putnam lodge Masons of Rut- land, Mt. Zion council of Barre,, Athol royal arch chapter, Athol comman- dery Knights Templar, Aleppo temple Mystic Shrine; Wachusett Order of Eastern Star; Capt. Woodland camp Sons of Veterans; Hubbardston nest of Owls; Rutland Grange; justice of the peace. Especially interested and —


active to obtain legislation for state highways from Keene, N. H., through Gardner, Hubbardston, Rutland, and Holden to Worcester. House of Rep- resentatives in 1913, committees on roads and bridges; in 1917 on same (clerk). Vote of district: CHARLES H. HARTSHORN, Rep., 2391; C. B. Ken- dall, Dem., 1468; J. WARREN MOULTON, Rep.. 1746. District No. 3.—Hardwick, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Spencer, West Brookfield.—MYRON A. YOUNG, Republican, Spencer, bom Brockton (Campello), Nov. 18, 1852; public schools. Furniture business; boot and shoe manufacturing 1881-1912; retired. Director Spencer Na- tional Bank 1905-08 and president since then; trustee and on investment committee of Spencer Savings Bank; town treasurer and treasurer of sink- ing funds, 1907-12; treasurer of special town funds; president of Pine Grove Cemetery Corporation; chairman of Spencer finance committee; mem- ber Chamber of Commerce; Spencer lodge Masons; F. A. Steams post G. A. R. (associate member). Committee on banks and banking, House of 1917. Vote of district: W. Casey, Dem., 833; MYRON A. YOUNG, Rep., 1383. District No. 4.—Brookfield, Charlton, Leicester, Paxton, Sturbridge, Warren.—WARREN E. TARBELL, Republican, Brookfield, bom in Wor- cester, April 18, 1860; its public schools, Worcester Business College. De- puty sheriff since Jan. 1, 1891; bookkeeper 1880-6; general store in East Brookfield, 1886-03; local manager New England Brick Company since 1901. Justice of peace, notary public since 1906. Olive Branch lodge Masons, Good Will lodge Odd Fellows, Moose Hill encampment; Wachusett council Royal Arcanum; Elks, major in Worcester Continentals Co. C 2d regiment 1880-8, retiring as 1st lieutenant. Selectman 1896-8, 1913-17 (chairman 1914-15) water commissioner 1908-17, except 1910, (chairman). Vice President Massachusetts Deputy Sheriffs' Association, 1916; president, 1917. House 1906, 1915, 1917, committees on railroads, revision of tax laws (special, recess), street railways, counties, public institutions, taxation (recess, 1917). Vote of district: W. J. Mahan, Dem., 921; WARREN E. TARBELL, Rep., 1116. District No. 5.—DANIEL T. MORRILL, Democrat, Southbridge, bora in Worcester, Nov. 22, 1876. Marble and granite dealer. Committees on agriculture, elections, federal relations. House 1916-17. District No. 6.—Aubum, Oxford, Webster.—GEORGE J. BRUNELL, Republican, Webster, bom in St. Cesaire, Quebec, Nov. 5, 1866; Springfield public schools. Manufacturing confectioner. Knights of Columbus and Red Men. Worcester Commercial; Fish and Game Association, Worcester County Farm Bureau, Franco-American Club of Massachusetts, chairman of Webster Advisory Board; selectman 1909-10-11-12, 1914-15-16-17 (chair- man each year but 1909) ; chairman Webster Committee on Public Safety. House of 1912, committee on harbors and public lands; on towns. House of 1917. Vote of district: GEORGE J. BRUNELL, Rep., 1309; W. E. Wolfe, Dem., 1284. District No. 7.—Douglas, Millbury, Millville, Sutton, Uxbridge. WILLIAM L. JOHNSON, Republican. Uxbridge, bom Southborough, Oct. 23, 1856; Cambridge High School, medical department Harvard College 1878. Physician in Uxbridge 1879-1916. Solomon's Temple lodge Masons (master 1893-94), D. D. G. M. 19th Masonic District 1896-97; treasurer Court Purity Foresters of America 1891-1916; president Thurber Medical Association; medical examiner 7th Worcester district 1898-1916; chairman Board of Health, Uxbridge, 1896-1916, ex-chairman Republican town com- mittee; ex-president trustees of public library; ex-member school commit- tee. Committee on public health. House of 1917. Vote of district: WILLIAM L. JOHNSON, Rep., 1412; J. F. Tracy, Dem., 951. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 123

District No. 8.—Blackston©, Hopedale, Mendon, Northbridge.—JAMES ROBINSON FERRY, Republican, Northbridge. born Uxbridge, Oct. 4, 1859; public schools. Superintendent of tenements of Whitin Machine Works. Whitinville lodge Odd Fellows, Northbridge Grange, Mumford Fishing and Shooting Club, president Veteran Odd Fellows' Association of Worcester County, 1916; selectman 1901-17 (chairman 1910); overseer of poor 1911- 17 (chairman, 1911-17). House of Representatives 1913, committee on banks and banking, social welfare, 1917. Delegate to Constitutional Con- vention, 1917. Vote of district: D. F. Duggan, Dem., 1039; JAMES R. FERRY, Rep., 1297. District No. 9.—Grafton, Milford, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Upton, Westborough.—ARTHUR W. FRAIL, Republican, Upton, born in Hopkin- ton, Nov. 28, 1865; public schools. Machinist; last 10 years also in real estate and insurance. George Draper lodge Knights of Pythias, Milford lodge Odd Fellows, Oghneta tribe Red Men, associate member Major Fletcher post 22 G. A. R. of Milford, former member Republican town com- mittee in Hopedale and Upton, overseers of poor in Upton 1901-13 (chair- man 1912); Upton selectman 1916. House of 1916-17, committees on in- surance. State House and Libraries. WILLIAM A. MURRAY, Democrat. Milford, bom there June 17, 1889; Milford High School 1907, Boston University Law School 1910. Lawyer. Milford lodge Elks, Milford council Knights of Columbus, associate member post 22 G. A. R., Eagles, A. 0. H., Milford board of trade, secretary of Mil- ford finance commission. Committee on legal affairs. House of 1916-17. Vote of district: ARTHUR W. FRAIL, Rep., 2447; WILLIAM A. MUR- RAY, Dem., 2260; E. A. Pierce, Pro., 113; F. Prescott, Rep.. 2126; J. J. Sheehan, Dem., 1775. District No. 10.—GEORGE A. WHITNEY, Republican, Clinton, bom in Peru, Vt., March 10, 1854. House 1915-17, committees on insurance, labor, public service, State House and Libraries, towns. WATERMAN L. WILLIAMS, Republican, of Holden, bom there Aug. 10, 1867; public schools, Amherst College 1891, Harvard Law School 1895. Lawyer. Boston Bar Association; author of "Statutory Torts," etc. House

1908, committee on taxation (clerk) ; 1916, agriculture (clerk) ; 1917, agri- culture (chairman), labor.

District No. 11.—Ashbumham, Ward 1 Fitchburg, Leominster, Westmin- ster.—WALTER A. HARDY. Republican, Fitchburg, bom there Dec. 15, 1866; High School 1885. Brass founder and manufacturer. Member Aurora lodge Masons, Thomas chapter, Jerusalem commandery, 32d degree, Massachusetts Consistory, Apollo lodge Odd Fellows, Fitchburg lodge Elks, Fay Club. Committee on street railways. House 1916; constitutional amendments, railroads, 1917. JOHN C. HULL, Republican, Leominster, bom in Portland, Me., Nov. 1, 1870. House 1916-17, committees on elections, education. Vote of district: WALTER A. HARDY, Rep., 2407; JOHN C. HULL, Rep., 2118; E. N. Sibley, Dem., 1615. District No. 12.—Wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Fitchburg, Lunenburg.—HENRY E. COWDREY, Republican, Fitchburg, bom in Worcester, Nov. 12, 1859; public schools. Builder of special machinery, senior member of C h' Cowdrey Machine Works, Masons, Knights Templar, Aleppo Temple Mystic Shnne; Odd Fellows (past grand). Fay Club, Fitchburg common council 1898-99; board of aldermen 1903-04-05. Committee on labor in House of

JOHN WOOLDREDGE, Republican, Lunenburg, bom in Marblehead, bept. 9, 1851; public schools. Masons, Odd Fellows, Lunenburg Grange. Selectman, assessor and overseer of poor 17 years, (chairman of same for ^L^®^^^^- .Trustee of town library 20 years. House of Representatives 1906, committee on agriculture; election laws, 1917. ;


Vote of district: C. E. Bovellan, Soc, 284; HENRY E. COWDREY, Rep., 2607; A. J. Partan, Soc, 263; F. Richard, Dem., 1B53; W. J. Wheble, Dem., 1066; JOHN WOOLDREDGE, Rep., 2157. District No. 13.—JOHN G. JOHNSON, Republican, Worcester, born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 23, 1864. House 1916-17, committee on cities. District No. 14.—G. OSCAR RUSSELL, Republican, Worcester, born in Sweden, Dec. 17, 1876. House 1915-17, committees on fisheries and game, roads and bridges, social welfare. District No. 15.—Ward 3 Worcester.—MICHAEL FRANCIS MALONE, Democrat, Worcester, bom in Limerick, Ire., Nov. 25, 1879; public schools. Jewelry salesman. Common council 1909-10, alderman 1913-14. House 1915-16, committees on municipal finance, water supply. Vote of district: J. L. Gravel, Rep., 581; MICHAEL FRANCIS MA- LONE, Dem., 1180. District No. 16.—Ward 4 Worcester.—CHARLES A. KELLEY, Dem- ocrat, Worcester, born there March 24, 1860; public schools. Building con- tractor. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Worcester aerie. Alderman. Com- mittee on State House and Libraries, House of 1917. Vote of district: J. F. Jandron, Rep., 869; CHARLES A. KELLEY, Dem., 1183. District No. 17.—Ward 5 Worcester.—THOMAS E. DOWD, Democrat, Worcester, bom in Columbus, O., Feb. 8, 1872. House 1914-17, committees on military affairs, pay roll, roads and bridges. District No. 18.—Ward 6 Worcester.—GEORGE A. LINDBERG, Re- publican, Worcester, born there Aug. 15, 1881; public schools. Traveling salesman. Member "United Commercial Travelers"; trustee Aaron and Lucretia Bancroft School Commission Fund; common council 1911-12; Gus- tavus Adolphus Order Knights of Malta. House 1915-16-17, committee on water supply (clerk, 1916), (chairman, 1917). Vote of district: GEORGE A. LINDBERG, Rep., 1543; all others, none. District No. 19.—CLARENCE M. HALL, Republican, Worcester, born there Oct. 1, 1880. Committee on municipal finance. House 1917. District No. 20.—WALTER L. MELLEN, Republican, Worcester, bora there Jan. 10, 1868. Committee on harbors and public lands. House 1917. District No. 21.—Ward 9 Worcester.—HENRY E. DEAN, Republican, Worcester, born in Oakham, Sept. 29, 1862; public and High schools of Worcester and a business college. At 22 years, succeeded his father in manufacture of wire goods; retired in 1914 from business. Athelstan lodge Masons, Ridgley lodge Odd Fellows, Worcester lodge Elks, Worcester County Republican Club. House of Representatives 1907-08-09, on com- mittees on fish and game, harbors and public lands, prisons (chairman) school committee 1911-12-13-14-15-16; trustee Worcester County Mechan- ics' Association; secretary and treasurer Worcester Fox Club. Committee on public institutions. House of 1917. Vote of district: HENRY E. DEAN, Rep., 1492; all others, one. District No. 22.—Ward 10 Worcester.—DANIEL W. LINCOLN, Re- publican, Worcester, bom there Sept. 2, 1882; public and private schools, Harvard College 1904, Harvard Law School 1907. Lawyer. Republican city committee 1911-12, common council 1913-14, board of aldermen 1915. To Plattsburgh, N. Y. camp, June 24. 1917. Committee on legal aflfairs in House 1916; judiciary, 1917. Vote of district: DANIEL W. LINCOLN, Rep., 1863; all others, none. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, I9l7 125

THE CLERKS AND CHAPLAINS STANLEY RAND MILLER, Winchester, Governor's private secretary, born in Boston Sept. 19, 1882; Harvard College 1903, Harvard Law School 1906. Massachusetts Bar; treasurer McCall campaign committee 1914-15- 16; Boston Harvard Club, Republican Club of Massachusetts. HENRY FOLLANSBEE LONG, Republican, assistant private secretary to the Governor, Topsfield, bom there Sept. 29, 1883. House 1914-15, committees on public service (chairman), rules (clerk), water supply.

EDWARD F. HAMLIN, executive secretary, Newton, born in Plain- field, 1844; to Northampton 1857. Co. I. 52d regiment Sept. 1862, 1st seo*- geant; mustered out Aug. 14, 1863; 1st lieutenant and captain Co. H, 2d regiment, 1867; clerk in adjutant general's department 1874, clerk of Gov- ernor and Council 1877, title changed March 1898, held same office ever since; Masons, G. A. R., Republican Club of Massachusetts.

HENRY DINGLEY COOLIDGE, Concord, Senate clerk, born in Chel- sea, Aug. 26, 1858; public schools private instruction. Assistant clerk. May 1886 to 1889, when unanimously chosen clerk; unanimously re-elected every year since.

REV. EDWARD AUGUSTUS HORTON, Senate chaplain, bom in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 28, 1843; University of Michigan (A. M. 1880), Meadville Theological School, Heidelberg University. United States Navy in Civil War. Pastorates: Leominster 1868-75; Hingham, 1877-80; Second Church, Copley Square, Boston, 1880-1892; President Benevolent Fraternity of Churches, Boston, 1881-1901; president Unitarian Sunday School Society 1885-1910; former editor "Every Other Sunday"; author manuals of re- ligious and moral education; chaplain Massachusetts grand lodge Masons, also Kinsley post No. 113 G. A. R. ; Senate chaplain since 1904.

JAMES W. KIMBALL, House clerk, Swampscott, born in Lynn, Dec. 17, 1858; public schools. Printing business. Appointed House page 1882; then messenger; appointed assistant clerk 1888; elected clerk 1897, re- elected every year since. Golden Fleece lodge Masons.

REV. DANIEL WINGATE WALDRON, House chaplain, Boston, bora Augusta, Me., Nov. 11, 1840; Bowdoin College 1862, Andover Theological Seminary 1866. Congregational church. East Weymouth, April 13, 1867- May 14, 1871; Maverick church, East Boston, until Dec. 1, 1872; since Feb. 1873, with Boston Missionary Society, secretary, superintendent Preached "Election Sermon" Jan. 7, 1880. First elected chaplain 1879; re-elected annually ever since. 126 A SOUVENIR OP INDEX ILLUSTRATIONS The State Officers, Executive Council and Congress are followed by joint committees in alphabetical order, practically. Other important illus- trations are: State House (page 3), Council Chamber (page 6), Senate Chamber (page 10), Senate Reading Room (page 11), Hall of House (page 12). Opposite each committee is its usual room for meeting. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Portrait Sketch Portrait Sketch McCall, Samuel W. 4 89 Andrews, Richard F. 7 90 Coolidge, Calvin 5 89 Buckley, Timothy J. 7 91 Langtry, Albert P. 5 89 Wasgatt, Herbert P. 7 91 Burrill, Charles L, 5 90 Tarr, Frederick H. 7 91 Cook, Alonzo B. 5 90 Harris, James G. 7 91 Attwill, Henry C. 5 90 Smith, Channing 7 91 Parker, David L. A 7 90 Wright, Charles H. 7 92 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Carter, Wm. H. 8 93 Paige, Calvin D. 92 Dallinger, Fred W. 8 93 Phelan, M. F. 93 Fuller, Alvan T. 8 93 Rogers, John J. 93 Gallivan, James A. 8 93 Tague. Peter F. 93 Gardner, Augustus P. 8 93 Tinkham, Geo. H. 93 Gillett, Fred H. 8 92 Treadway, Allen T. 92 Greene, Wm. S. 8 94 Walsh, Joseph 94 LODGE, HENRY C. 8 92 WEEKS, JOHN W. 92 Olney, Richard, 2d 8 94 Winslow, Samuel E. 93 THE SENATE Bean, Jas. W. 31- 65-79-80 95 Jackson, G. H. 55 -65-77 94 Beck, John E. 27-53-59 97 Kimball, C. A. 23-73-78 96 Brown, Chas. D. 36-37-39 95 Knowles, Richard 45 53-75 94 Buckley, D. J. 35-47-57 95 Lawler, C. S. 60-49 97 Cavanagh, J. F. 25-33-41 96 MacPherson. J. E. 41 51-73 95 Chamberlain, G. D. 36-61-69 95 Martin, J. W., Jr. 53-73-79-80 94 Churchill, G. B. 36-31-61 99 Mason, Orion T. 39 71-73 99 Colbum, A. W. 23-65 96 McKnight, Edwin T. 25-45 96 Cross, Fred W. 31-43-51 98 McLane, W. E. 60 -47-63 94 Dahlborg, E. N. 39-57-71 99 McLaughlin, E. F. 29 55-67 97 Eldridge, C. W. 37-47-67 96 Morris, Edward G. 45-73 97 Fitzgerald, J. I. 27-51-71 97 Nash, Kenneth L. 41 57-78 99 Giflford, C. L. 43-73-79 99 Nichols, M. E. 35 49-75 97 Harrop, J. L. 27-59-77 98 Perley, E. H. 45 57-63 95 Hart, George F. 29-55-78 98 Sanford, Alpheus 60-41 98 Hastings, G. A. 35-60-65 98 Smith, C. S. 23 37-47 96 Hobbs, C. W., Jr. 33-63-67 98 Tetler, J. R. 25 27-59 95 Hobson E. E. 29-41-69 100 Timilty, James P. 59 63-79 97 Hormel, Herman 33-49 97 Wells, H. G. (Pres.) 9-67 94 Hull, J. B. 43- 61-79-80 99 Wilson, H. A 49 69-77 99 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Abbott, Essex S. 41-63 103 Allen, Park W. 60 108 Achin, Henry, Jr. 35-69 110 Ammidon, Philip R. 49 109 Adams, Peter I. 55 101 Annis, Charles H. 57 105 Allen. Ernest W. 51 104 Atwood, Harrison H. 79 119 Allen, George C. F. 77 104 Babb, George W. P. 79 120 Allen, J. Weston 61-80 109 Bagshaw, James T. 36-60 103 MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE, 1917 127

Portrait Baldwin, William B. Barry, Joseph L. Bartlett, Frank Bartlett, William A. Bates, Russell T. Baxter, Thomas W. Beaman, Charles H. Beardsley. Addison P. Bennett, Chauncey A. Bentley, James D. Benton, Jay R. Bessette, Alfred M. Bitzer, Jacob Bliss, Alvin E. Boothman, Cornelius Bower, Arthur Bowman, George W. Bowser, Eden K. Bradley, Manassah E. Bray, Albert C. Brennan, Thomas H. Briggs, Clarence A. Briggs, Elmer L. Brogna, Vincent Brown, Frederic J. Brunell, George J. Bunting, George Burke, Frank J. Burr, Arthur E. Burrell, Fred J. Butler, Frederick Butterworth, Ralph N. Cady, Fred E. Carr, Edward Carrick, George H. Casey, Daniel W. Chandler, Albert M. Chandler, Jeremiah K, Clark. Henry S. Clauss, Frederic F. Collins, B. G. Collins, Samuel L Conroy, William S. Corbett, Thomas J. Cowdrey, Henry E. Cox, Channing H. Cox, Edward J. Craig, John W. Cronin, John Crowley, John T. Curran, George E. Dean, Henry E. Dennis, George F. Donovan, John L. Donovan. Thomas F. Dowd, Thomas E. Dunbar, Eddy P. Dunkle, Horace E. Fames, Edward B. Emery, Carl C. 128 A SOUVENIR OF

Portrait Sketch Portrait Sketch Lomasney. M. M. 49-79 117 Parker, Ward M. 47 103 Lord, William G. 69 121 Penshorn, George 37 120 Love, George W. 23 107 Pepin, Chauncey 63-65 105 110 Lyle, James M. , 37-71 105 Perham, Walter 39 Lyman, Frank E. 78-79 108 Perrin, Harold L. 41 114 Lynch, Eugene A. 45 108 Perry, Edward H. 75 114 Lynch, John H. 73-80 108 Perry, Joseph H. 49 113 Magee, Winthrop 78 120 Pierce, Frederick E. 79 106 Mahoney, John P. 75 117 Potter, James T. 51 100 Mahohey, William H 41 104 Putnam, Frank H. 27 111 Makepeace, Lloyd 41 112 Quigley, Lawrence F. 51 120 Malone, Michael F. 39 124 Raymond. Frank E. 41 105 Maloney, David J. 47 120 Reardon, Dennis F. 36 119 Manning, Frank A. 73 116 Richards, George L. 69 112 Manning, William J. 43 118 Rowley, Charles F. 67-75 114 Marsh, Arthur E. 63 107 Runnells, William F. 47 105 Marsh, George S. 78 115 Russell, G. Oscar 37-65 124 Martin, Robert B. 53 121 Saunders, Joseph A. 63 110 Maybury, J. Edwin 27 116 Savage, Henry A. 75 117 McAllister, John H. 25-79 101 Sawyer, R. D. 33-75-80 108 McGrath, Joseph 25 119 Sherburne, John H. 49-80 114 Mclnemey, James H. 49 118 Slowey, Charles H 77 110 Mcintosh, David S. 77 114 Smith; F-H., Jr. 29-67-80 118 McKinney, Francis B. 35 121 Smith, Jerome S. 29-37 100 McLaughlin, Henry J. 61 117 Southworth, Gilbert G. 53 103 McNamee, Michael J. 59 117 Spinney, Burgess H. 75 114 McNulty, Charles J. 61 117 Stetson, William N. 43 100 Mellen, Walter L. 39 124 Streeter, Merrill E. 37-65 107 Merriam, Bernard F. 25 110 Sullivan, Denis J. 33 105 Meyers, Julius 27 109 Sullivan, Lewis R. 39 119 Mitchell, John 63 107 Swig, Simon 25 119 Monk, Wesley E. 45 114 Tarbell, Warren E. 36-57 122 Moore, Alfred J. 27-67 119 Tolman, James E. 45-59 105 Moore, William A. 43 106 Wales, George A. 61 114 Moran. James G. 45 102 Warner, Joseph E. 79 102 Morrill, Charles H. 43 103 Wasserman, Jacob 45 120 Morrill, Daniel T. 23 122 Waterman, George B. 60-65 101 Morrison, James 60 113 Weston. Thomas, Jr. 29-49 109 Morse, George D. 55 104 Wharton, Joseph W. 27 117 Moulton, J. Warren 65 121 Whitman, Albert L. 61-71 114 Mulveny, Frank 39-55 103 Whitney, George A. 71 123 Murphy, Daniel C. 53 119 Williams, John W. 36 107 Murphy, Dennis A. 79 110 Williams, W. L. 23-43 123 Murphy, John J. 29 107 Wilson, Alvin R. 77 108 Murray, William A. 45 123 Winchester, C. A. 57 119 Nason, Arthur L. 59 103 Winston, Thomas A. 29 116 Oakhem, Joseph A. 49 118 Wolcott, Roger 41 114 O'Connor. Charles S. 60 118 Wood, Isaac U. 61 102 Odlin, James E. 47-71 105 Woodill, Harry C. 27 112 Orr, John Glenn 69 101 Wooldredge, John 33 123 Osborne. John N. 78 105 Worrall, George M. 73 101 Packard, Walter T. 35 116 Young, B- L. 67-79 110 Paine, Arthur W. 75 114 Young, Daniel J. 69 118 Parker, John H. 37 110 Young, Myron A. 25 122 CLERKS AND CHAPLAINS Coolidge, Henry D. 9 125 Long, Henry F. 125 Hamlin, E. F. 7 125 Miller, Stanley R. 125 Horton. Rev. E. A. 9 125 Waldron, Rev. D. W. 125 Kimball, James W. 9 125