RF Annual Report
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The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report I 1915 THE RO'JELFK JAN r 1935 LIBRARY The Rockefeller Foundation 61 Broadway, New York 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Report for the Year 1915 To the Members of ike Rockefeller Foundation: I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a report on the activities of the Rockefeller Foundation and on its financial operations for the year 1915. The membership of the Foundation remained un- changed during the year, the following members having been reelected at the annual meeting of January, 1915, for a term of three years: Harry Pratt Judson, of Chicago, 111., Simon Flexner, of New York, N. Y., Starr Jocelyn Murphy, of Montclair, N; J, Appended hereto are the detailed reports of the Secre- tary and the Treasurer of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Director General of the International Health Com- mission, the Director of the China Medical Board, the Director of the Investigation of Industrial Relations, and the Chairman of the War Relief Commission. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR., President. 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation CONTENTS PAGE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY: Death of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller ...... 7 Funds Received 7 Expenditures 8 Activities of the Year 9 Offices of the Foundation . 10 International Health Commission II Medical Work in China 17 Investigation of Industrial Relations . 24 Mental Hygiene 26 Promotion of Governmental Research .... 29 War Relief : . 32 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE INTER- NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION 39 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CHINA MEDICAL BOARD 241 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE INVESTIGATION OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 265 REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE WAR RELIEF COMMISSION . 301 REPORT OF THE TREASURER 349 APPENDIX: I, Letter of Gifts 385 II. Relief of Unemployment in Colorado . .389 III. War Relief Appropriations . , . .394 INDEX = 397 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION . Report of the Secretary To the President of the Rockefeller Foundation; SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith my report as Secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation for the year 1915. Ci Respectfully yours^ JEROME D. GREENE, Secretary. 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION OFFICERS, MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES 1915 President JOHN DAVISON ROCKEFELLER, JR. Secretary JEROME DAVIS GREENE Treasurer LOUIS GUERINEAU MYERS Comptroller ROBERT HORNER KIRK Assistant Treasurer LEFFERTS MASON DASHIELL Executive Committee John Davison Rockefeller, Jr., Chairman Simon Flexner Stair Jocelyn Murphy Jerome Davis Greene Wickliffe Rose Finance Committee John Davison Rockefeller, Jr., Chairman Starr Jocelyn Murphy Jerome Davis Greene Nominating Committee Charles William Eliot Alonzo Barton Hepburn Wickiiffe Rose Members * To serve until the anneal meeting of 1918 . Harry Pratt Judson Simon Flexner Starr Jocelyn Murphy To setve until the annual netting of Charles William Eliot Wickliffe Rose Jerome Davis Greene Alonzo Barton Hepburn Charles Otto Heydt To serve until the annual meeting of 1016 John Davison Rockefeller John Davison Rockefeller, Jr, Frederick Taylor Gates 1 On January 36, 1916, the following additional members were elected: Martin Antonio Rycraon, to serve until the annual meeting oi IQXQ, and Hany Emerson Fosdick and FredeKicJi Strauss, to Krvo until the annual meeting ca 1518. 6 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION DEATH OF MRS. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER •f By the death of Mrs, John D. Rockefeller (Laura S. Rockefeller), which occurred at Tarry- town, New York, on March 12, 1915, the Rockefeller Foundation lost one of its honored Founders, for Mrs. Rockefeller's gift of June 7, 1913, was practically simultaneous with her husband's first direct gift to the Foundation after its incorporation; and her confidence in it as the guardian of trusts that were dear to her was shown by three more gifts during the same year. After her death, her executors, acting within the discretion given them by her will, and in accordance with her known wishes, allotted to the Rockefeller Foundation from the residuary estate a fifth large gift for the general purposes of the Foundation^ thus constituting an unrestricted fund which, whether preserved as endowment or applied outright to beneficent purposes, will commemorate the gentle and kindly spirit of the giver. o FUNDS RECEIVED The donations to the Rockefeller Foundation amounted on January i, 1915, to $100,073,000, of which $100,025,000 represented gifts from Mr. John D. Rockefeller and $48,000 gifts from Mrs. Rockefeller. These funds were increased during the year by a gift from Mr. Rockefeller 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 1 8 ' THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION of $12,000 par value consolidated 5 per cent, gold bonds of the Canada Southern Railway Company,1 the income of which is to be paid at the discretion of the Foundation to the Bap- tist Home for the Aged of New York City, and by a gift from the executors of Mrs. Rockefeller of securities valued, with accrued interest, at $340,873, making the total donations received by the Foundation since its establishment $100,425,873.2 EXPENDITURES The expenditures of the Foundation through its own organizations and by gifts or pledges to other agencies during the year 1915 (excluding expenditures on account of pledges made in former years) may be summarized as follows: Administration $66,542.48 Equipment, Library, etc 3Q>354* 33 International Health Board.. 441,301.23 China Medical Board 157*623.40 War Relief 582,339*58 Investigation of Industrial Relations 19,509.77 Scientific Studies of Govern- mental Problems 50,000. oo Gifts and Pledges to Un- affiliated Agencies for ob- jects designated by the Foundation 1,173,212.50 $2,520,883.29 1 This gift was supplementary to a gift of $25,000 made on December 15, 1914, for the same purpose and in the same securities. * See Appendix—Letters of Gift. Page 385. © 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation ACTIVITIES OF THE YEAR 9 Gifts for objects designated by the Founder in accord- ance with his letter of gift of March 6, 1914 ......... i^M6*1 • « $3,862,444.40 ACTIVITIES OF THE YEAR The activities of the Foundation have been divided during the past year, as before, into two main branches. The first comprises the work carried on by the Foundation through its own subsidiary organizations or agents, namely, The International Health Commission, The China Medical Board, The War Relief Commission,1 The Director of the Investigation of In- dustrial Relations. The second branch of the Foundation's activ- ities consists of its gifts to other agencies, a list of which will be found in the Treasurer's Re- port.2 Under this heading are also included certain gifts for charitable objects designated by Mr. John D. Rockefeller in accordance with the terms of his letter of gift of March 6, 1914, such objects being invariably approved by the Trustees or the Executive Committee as being consistent with the corporate purposes of the Foundation. 1 Under this heading are included certain contributions to war relief through unaffiliated agencies. 3 Page 349. 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 10 THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION OFFICES OF THE FOUNDATION On January 6,1915, the offices of the Founda- tion were established on the twenty-seventh floor of the Adams Building, 61 Broadway, New York City, nearly the whole floor having been secured for the use of the Foundation and the General Education Board. In April the head- quarters of the International Health Commission were moved from Washington to the space assigned to them in the offices of the Founda- tion, and the administrative facilities of the two organizations were consolidated. The rapid growth of the foreign work of the International Health Commission, necessitating an increase in the facilities for bookkeeping, cor- respondence, purchasing, etc., soon made it evident that the business side of the Founda- tion's organization should be expanded to meet the new needs. Accordingly, the office of Comptroller was created and the services of an engineer, Mr. Robert H. Kirk, were secured in that capacity. By vote of the- Committee, acting with the advice of Messrs. Price, Water- house & Company, Chartered Accountants, the Comptroller was charged with the duty of keep- ing the detailed accounts of the appropriations and disbursements of the Foundation, leaving to the Treasurer the custody of the securities and the drawing of checks upon duly authorized vouchers, with only the bookkeeping incident 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation INTERNATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION II to these latter operations. By tHese changes the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer have been given more time to assist the Finance Com- mittee by presenting the information needed in the care of investments; and, in accordance with approved usage, the function of keeping the books has been separated from that of collect- ing and paying out the income. At the same time, the Comptroller is of assistance to the executives in supplying the bookkeeping in- formation that is currently needed, while he also furnishes a check upon their expenditures by keeping track of the limits set by budgets or other authorizations* INTERNATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION The Annual Report of the Director General of the International Health Commission makes an impressive exhibition of the extensive activi- ties of the Commission in the relief and control of hookworm disease in the United States and foreign countries. During the year 1915; the work was actually in progress in Antigua, British Guiana, Dutch Guiana, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Trinidad in the West Indies; in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Panama in Central America; and in Egypt and Ceylon. In addition plans were made and a budget adopted for the extension of the work to Salvador, British Honduras and the Sey- chelles Islands. In the Federated Malay States 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation f I 12 THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION a special commission was at work to determine the role of hookworm disease and malaria as factors in the marked debility of the popula- tion.