The Ithacan, 1931-10-07

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The Ithacan, 1931-10-07 Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC Ithacan, 1931-1932 10-7-1931 The thI acan, 1931-10-07 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1931-10-07" (1931). Ithacan, 1931-1932. 2. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ithacan, 1931-1932 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. PLEASE BE PRESENT F R E S H M E N ! BE AT THE FOOTBALL COURTEOUS TO THE GAME SATURDAY UPPERCLASSMEr--·. THE ITHACAN IT PAYS. Official Publication of tlze ~t11dents of Ithaca College VOLUME II THE ITHACAN: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1931 NL"~!BER 2 ITHACA COLLEGE GERTRUDE EVANS Joseph Lautner Returns From INSTRUCTOR WEDS WHAT COLLEGE ELECTED TO FILL President Williams Delivers LOCAL MINISTER LIFE MAY MEAN NATIONAL OFFICE European Tour; Summer Spent From an essay by Le Ba­ :Miss Ruth I. Aldrich of Fre­ Splendid Address in the First ron Russell Briggs, dean of The t,\·entv-first national bien­ donia and the Rev. \Villiam F. the faculty of Arts and Sci­ nial conventi~n of Sigma Alpha Hastings, pastor of the First Con­ At Conferences and Festivals ences, Harvard University. Iota, national fraternitv for wo­ General Assembly of Year gregational Church of Ithaca, "At college, if you have men, was held recently ·in :\.:Iinne­ Lautner Succeeds Witherspoon as Chairman of Vocal were married at 4 o'clock Thurs­ Mr. lived rightly, you have found apolis, 2Hinncsota. The business President Urges Closer Friendships Among Students, Offi­ Division of Anglo-American Conference at Lausanne; day afternoon, Sept, 3, in the First enough learning to make you sessions of the convention were es­ cers, and Faculty Than Ever Before· Announces Attended Festivals at Bayreuth and Salzburg and Methodist Episcopal Church of humble, enough friendship to pecially interesting, and many pro­ Celebration of Fortieth Anniversary of Ithaca College· Fredonia. Opera in Munich and Paris make your heart large and gressive features \liere discussed and Band Plays and Ithacans Are Distributed ' . ,..~~------------- Mrs. Hastings received her A.B. adopted. These included a definite­ Joseph Lautner, tenor and di­ warm, enough culture to degree from Cornell University in ly outlined program which will be The fir,t assembh· of the school rector of the opera department of ITHACA COLLEGE teach vou the refinement of 1920, and her M.A. degree in of real ·practical and inspirational year 1931-32 was h~ld in the Little Ithaca College, has returned to re­ TO HAVE A FINE simpli~ity, enough wisdom STUDENT COUNCIL 1927 from the same institution. assistance to members, and will Theatre, Thursday, October first, sume his duties after a summer FOOTBALL TEAM to keep you · sweet in pov­ HOLDS ITS FIRST From 1927 until 1929 she was an help Sigma Alpha Iota to aid more under the chairmanship of Direc­ spent in Europe. While there, he erty and t e m p e r a t e m The Ithaca College football assistant professor of ·English at effectivelv the advancement of mu­ MEETING OF YEAR tor Brown. attended the Wagner Festival at wealth. Here you have team is· fast rounding into shape. Nebraska Weslyan University, sic in An;erica. At .one of the meet­ The Band students, under the Bayreuth, the Anglo-Amrican Con­ learned to see great and The weeks in training at Camp and from 1929 until the present ings it was also voted to co-operate The initial meeting of the Stu­ direction of Craig :'.\IcHenry, seem­ ference on Vocal and Choral prob­ small in their. true .relation, Singing Cedars and the every day she has been the professor of Eng­ with the :'\ational Federation of dent Council for this vear was call­ ed to ha\·e acclimated themselves lems at Lausanne, the Mozart Fes­ to look at both sides of a ques­ practice on the football field have lish at Ithaca College. Mrs. Hast­ :Music Clubs in their protest ed hr Preside1;t Ra/Brown, Sat­ readily after rncation as they tival at Salzburg, and other musi­ tion, to respect the point of begun to shmv some signs o.f fruit. ings is a member of the Phi Beta view of even, honest man or against the jazzing of the classics. urday at 10 :30 a.m. in the library opened the program "·ith two cal performances in :Munich and In preparation for one of the Kappa society and also of the woman, ·and .to recognize the building. After the reading of the splendid band renditions inter­ Paris. At the convention, :'.\1iss Gers spersed \\'ith their o,,·n spirited hardest schedules an Ithaca Col- Mortar· Board, the senior honor­ point of view that differs minutes and the treasurer's report, trudc Evans, director of publicity ,·oices and cheerful whistling The season in the summer in Eu­ lege team has faced in years, Coach -ary society at Cornell. most widelv from vour own. the president addressed the council of Ithaca Collge, "·as elected to ,rhich acted as a panacea to the stu­ rope is one that is rich and varied Freeman has built up an aggrega- The Reverend Mr. Hastings Here \'OU h·ave fou~d the de­ concerning the plans for the en­ --calculated to provide musical succeed the late Hazel Ritchev· as dent body. The nation! anthem tion which is bound to make those received hi~ B.S. degree in 1919 mocra~y that includes neither the · national president of Sigma suing year. Among the many cred­ fare for hordes of foreign enthusi­ who love the game sit up and take from Haverford College, B.D. de- rich nor poor, and the quick itable suggestions submitted were was sung by the students followed Alpha Iota. l\-liss Evans, who has by prayer from Reverend Bout­ asts. At the Wagner Festival in notice. · gree in 1924 and his St.M. from sympathy that listens to all that the Student Scampers be re­ Bavreuth, under the general direc­ been the president of the Eta prov­ well of the First Baptist church. In Long, Hickey, Leavitt, Union Theological Seminary m and helps all by the very lis­ ince for some time, has been active­ vived and that the Council sponsor tio~ of Frau Winifred, the widow Director Brown introduced Cra,vley, Bergen and a score of 1925. l\.fr. Hastings also holds a tening. Here too, it may be ly associated with Sigma Alpha a banquet in recognition of the of the late Siegfried Wagner, and Reverend Boutwell who immedi­ others, Freeman has excellent ma- Master's degree from Columbia at the end of a long struggl_e, Iota for the past eleven years. is work done by the staffs of The the musical direction of Furtwang­ It ately warned his audience against terial. If he can put into his team University. He served as the pastor you have seen-if only in indeed a distinct honor to have lt/zaca11 and The Cayugan. These ler and Toscanini, Mr. J,,autner an adversary. -In a masterly the punch which was sadly lacking of the Watchung Congregational transient glimpses-that .aft­ been elected to an office of such suggestions are to be discussed and was able to attend the entire Ring phrased wav -he informed the stu­ last year, he should loose .but one church in Montclair, N. J. until er doubt comes reverence, aft­ prominence, and the election comes acted upon at the next meeting. cycle. The festival was more near­ dents the ;dversarv was not the game, possibly that with St. Law- he came to the Congregational er anxiety peace, after faint­ as the reward for untiring efforts ly perfect than usual, in the opin­ Short reports \\·ere then given local police force, the communitv rence at Canton. church of Ithaca. He has been in ness courage, and that out of on the part of !\1iss Evans in the ion of Mr. Lautner, and the first by Clarke 2\Jarnard and Maurice clergy, or a conspiracy of teacher; The freshman football eleven is Ithaca for five years. ,Yeakness ,ve are made interes.ts of Sigma Alpha Iota. act of The T1 alkyrie was the out­ \Vhitney, edit;rs of The Itlzacan but least of all suspect~-ourselves. to play but one game according to The Rev. William F. Hastings strong. Suffer these glimp­ and theCa_rugan, respectively. -:Mr. standing bit of work of the entire ;'Hiss Evans was graduated from A resume of his talk could be the schedule; St. Lawrence fresh- of Sinclairville, father of the bride­ ses to become an abidin~ vi­ :\Iaynard announced that he in­ course. The attendance was un­ Ithaca College in the voice and pi­ found in t,,·o of his quotations, men at Canton on October 10. groom, and the Rev.- Lawrence sion, and you have the su­ tended to follow the precedent es­ usually good. ano department in the class of "You can fool others, perhaps, The only home game of the sea- Meric Barnard of Fredonia per­ preme joy of life." tablished br Ray Brown, editor cif While he was in Bayreuth, Mr. son for the varsity is to be played formed the-ceremony. 1922. \Vith the· exception of one about yourself, but vou can't af­ year, during which she maintained Tlze Ithacan last year, and that ford to fool yourself'' and "There Lautner was entertained at \Vahn­ October 10 against Oswego Nor- within the next three weeks, he fred, the Wagner home, and was mal. A large crowd is expected to Miss Lucile Millard, formerly a vocal studio in her home town, is more of you for you to find." be in attendance.
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