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The thI acan, 1962-63 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70

1-17-1963 The thI acan, 1963-01-17

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- Collegiate "Absolutely :\ot," ,,·as the comment from DL·an Clark-: t•>• 35 Thursday, January 17, 1963 N 9 clay when a group of Fraternity and Sorority Prc,idrnt, :1,b·d '------o. Press that their charters he reinstated. Dean Clarh 111cl1cate:d thar Fra­ Ithaca College, Ithaca, N. Y. ternities and Sororities have been wa

:-19 ?,~ ( .., .... '.' I'"? :~ them out. college days ones I shall never for- \,.,..... , ,., ...! ... x.,-::jj The Family Drug Store Sincerely, get, even if I want to. 210 N. Tioga Away from Home Florida Fruit Growers Sincerely, Association Anonymous Thursday, January 17, 1963 THE ITHACAN Page Three Review Religious Groups ORACLE CANCELS 'SCAMPERS 1 163 "A THURBER CARNIVAL)' Settle Problems; JUDGES DECISION; 1 NO TALENT1 After attending last night's opening performance of "A Thur­ Merger Complete The Oracle Society announced ber Carnival" in the College Theater, one would have to agree that the cancelling of this year's Scam­ Ithaca College's Newman Club Kennedy-Faubus pers and their decision to discon­ the American counterpart of Italy's Frederico Fellini, France's and Hillel have agreed to forget Roger Vadim, and Sweden's Ingemar Bergman has to be IC's Mr. tinue any possible future Scamper religious differences and merge Set For DebaJe productions. Robert Bardwell. What the three European masters accomplish according to Newman's President, on celluloid, Robert Bardwell equals on the Ithaca Stage-an 1 This decision was made after the Dick Carmody, On Controversy' realization that "there just isn't allegorical presentation of the futilities of our civilization. Mr. Carmody announced that "A Thurber Carnival" is the most complex of revues com­ WICB TV will host Orvil Faubus enough talent to handle it," as ex­ "some of my best friends are Jew­ posed· of the' social tragedies Mr. Thurber has written over the on its "Controversy" program this plained by a spokesman for the ish, and now is the time to put years to celebrate the hterate lunacies of the "good life." Serving week. The scheduled program calls Society. aside differences and join to unite as director, Mr. Bardwell has had the intelligence and imagination for a piped-in wire from the home This year's Scampers was to be against the UCF." to keep the scale small, but the symbolism fluorescent bnght. AI of Attorney General Robert Ken­ an original musical called "Run UCF representative, Ted Am­ Leach's scenery consists of roll-on sets that illustrate nothing so nedy. The topic of discussion will Twice As Fast," written by Jim mering, refused to comment on the much as ip.stabilicy. (An effect often employed by the aforemen­ be "Free Schooling and Its Im­ Aversa and Jay Tarses. The cast recent merger. He stated that his tioned European masters). At center stage, Steve Brown's frowning portance." and production staff have already group is getting their weapons musicians are rolled out periodically to play discordant jazz to Faubus, a conservative Governor been chosen, and the decision sharpened, though, and will agree temper the mood. from Arkansas, has been instru­ proved to be a "great disappoint­ to meet the others on any neutral The cast consists of a handful of expert tragedians who can mental in bringing education to the ment" to all involved. ground they choose. It is rumored be suggestive without a surplus of gestures or grimaces. Jim free peoples of Arkansas. Att. that the fracas will take place in Gregory has never looked so sad, and- Jay Tarses has never looked General Kennedy was recently in­ Stewart Park across from the so desperate. Kathy Keating is aptly pathetic and Roger Harken­ volved in a ·southern skirmis~ Duck Pond. rider is properly vague. Ardys Voohris has a distaste for what goes which saw a negro student, James on but JoEllen Zook has a sunny smile, no matter, for she is the Meredith, banned from attending youngest of the 1ot and is not supposed to realize yet that the Dorm Five Plans a Mississippi University because Thurber world will eventually defeat her. Al Rockwerk, Tim Hicks, of several parking violations. and Kay Wilson are meant to represent ironic love, life, and After Hours Boy These two men recently debated beauty respectively against a background of death. They ac- y· . p hotly on the subject "How To Use complish this feat with professional ease. 1s1tors rogram The National Guard" and Faubus At one time or another, the entire cast is involved in Mr. Dorm 5 on South Hill will soon indicated his objection to the Thurber's mundane dilemmas. When the curtain rises they regale be open to male students from 6 guardsmen trampling the lawns of the audience with single apothegms out of the Thurber lexicon in p.m. to 2 a-.m. it was announced beautiful estates. the course of a stately dance formation. Then we are off on a yesterday by Dean Clarke. trek through the books-Mr. Tarses entertaining the unicorn in In an effort to strengthen cam­ the garden ( the unicorn being a well known death symbol); Mr. pus friendships and cement male­ Slope Contest To Gregory narrating a \~ague story about the nig~t the bed fell on- female relationships, Dean Clarke father ( father symbohzmg death), and suggestmg later that the added that boys will be allowed in Freshman Boy In south (i.e. death) had really won the· war-a realization that all rooms, as long as quiet hours dampened the eyes of the first-night audience. are observed for those who want Tough Selection Since Mr. Thurber wrote tliese and the other sketches for to study. The Ski Club todar awaTded a $5 the printed page, there was an element of risk involved in staging Dean Clarke went on to explain prize to Jon Lieberman, a fresh­ them !tut Mr. Bardwell's fresh "new-wave" approach overcame that this experimental program is man, for his entry in the Name Tarses & Aversa every peril. Mr. Thurber knew the follies of our time but he pre- part of a plan to put IC students The Slope Contest sponsored by "Disappointed" £erred to regard neuroses as inevitable and tragic. The man who on their own and give them the the Club. The slope will be known is afraid to go to sleep because he wants to De awake when he freedom they have been demanding as "Go Slow, No Snow Slope." dies is typical. "Whom ao you think you are anyways" is more for so long. The startling action taken by the Lieberman's entry was one of 764 devastating than. such a retort ~o~ld be. if it. w~~e grammatical, entries and judges indicated the Board of Judges came after a for we must realize that we are hv1ilg amid pnm1t1ves. selection was a difficult one. Three study made on the decline of the style and taste, Thurber Carnival" is wonderful - a Spring Musicale In "A of the top selections were, "Tree sale of tickets to Scamper produc­ glorious world of meaningful phlegm. tions in the past three years. The Block Trail," "Rocky, Bumpy, -Jim Aversa Plans "Alice In sales went down 100 in 1960, 157 1 TraJI," and "Caution Trail.'' in 1961, and 378 in 1962. This re­ Wonderland 'Tale duction loss, if continued, could Ithaca College's Spring Musicale, cause too much damage to the THE NEW "Alice in Wonderland", will be pre­ FAHEY Nacinovich To treasury of the Oracle Society, and sented May 6-11 in the Little they therefore would rather not Rexall Pharmacy Theater. CO'-LEGE SPA Get NBC Position "take the chance." The play, based on a story by and This decision will end a heart­ Lewis Carroll, deals with a young Pete Atsedes, your host As Senior Exec. felt annual tradition of the college, Perfume Shop girl, played by Trina Sillen, who is It was learned this week that but it was unfortunately necessary. 154 E. State St . . ' the National Broadcasting Com­ College Spa the Most pany's position of Senior Execu­ AR 2-2222 tive Vice-President was iflled by 216 E. STATE STREET an Ithaca College student. Anthony FREE DELIVERY Nacinovich, a senior in Radio and Food Committee Television announced that he would accept the offer after 'several Institutes New months of deliberation. He will ITHACA HOTEL assume his duties at NBC this Dining Service KORIK'S June after graduation. The Student Council's Food Com­ BARBER SHOP · Mr. Nacinovich has made few Custom TallorJng mittee, after many meetings with contributions to the Television De­ Slater Food Service, has finally Ladies' and Men's pa:rtment. When questioned on this -5- instituted a new cafeteria system Suits and Coat made topic he stated, "I am of the opin­ at IC. to measure BARBERS ion, that WICB-TV is lacking in facilities and competent personnel. Bob McGuckin. chairman of the Alterations & Remodeling oommittee, stated that from now NO WAITING In view of' this, I choose not to Formerly JOHN the Tailor be associated with their operation. on students, carefully screened and The future of television at Ithaca selected by the committee wil I pre­ 2nd floor - 205 E. State St. Under Ithaca Hotel College will depend on whether or pare all foo