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THE KEY of KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA THE KEY of KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA FEBRUARY-NINETEEN THIRTY~ONE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Continued on Cover III September 1-Editor's deputy must receive chapter news letter for October KEY, September 1-Alumnre editor must 1·eceive alumnre association news letter for October KEY. October 5 (on or before)-Conesponding secretary sends to grand president and province president an· swers to chapter questionnaires. October 7-Alumure finance adviser places monthly report in mail to national financial chairman. October 7-Treasurer places monthly financial 1·eport in mail to national accountant and province presi· dent. October 7-Corresponding secretary sends chapter's subscription ($2.00) to Banta's GTeek Exchange to the executive secretary. October 7-Treasurer sends copy of corrected budget to national accountant, national finance chairman, and province president. October 13-FOUNDERS' DAY. Wear Kappa colors, and have birthday coin celebration for Monmouth Memorial Fund. October 15-Province president sends informal report of her province to director of provinces. October 30-Registrar sends to executive secretary typewritten lists as follows: names and addresses of all active members; changes of addresses of last semester seniors, transfers and other initintcd gi1·ls leaving school since last 1·eport for KEY mailing list ; lists of conflicts with other fraternities. November 1-Editor's deputy must receive chapter news letter for December KEY. November 1-Alumnre editor must receive alumnoo association news letter for December KEY. November 5-Corresponding secretary sends to grand president and province president answers to chapter questionnaires. November 7-Treasurer places monthly financial report in mail to national accountant and province president. November 7-Alumnoo finance adviser places monthly report in mail to national finance chairman. November 15-Registrar sends to grand registrar annual report of chapter archives. November 15-Treasurer mails letter from national finance chairman and charge sheet to all pa1·ents of active and pledge members. November 15-Province president sends an informal report of her province to director of province11. November 30 (on or before)-Treasurer sends executive secretary per capita tax report and per capita tax for each member active at any time during the first semester. November 30-Province president submits informal report of her province to director of provinces. December 5-Corresponding secretary sends to grand president and province president answers to chapter questionnaires. December 7-Treasurer places monthly financial report in ma\1 to national accountant alld province president. December 7-Aiumnoo finance adviser places monthly report in mail to national :finance chairman. December 8 (or second meeting preceding Christmas holiday)-Election of officers except registrar. Cor­ responding secretary sends names and addresses to central office on blanks provided for this purpose. December 15-Province president sends an informal report of her province to director of provinces. December 15-Aiumnoo association secretary sends a report to the grand vice-president and province vice· president on blanks supplied by central office. December 20-Send Christmas gifts to Kappa's philanthropic funds. December 22 (or last meeting before Christmas holidays)-Installation of officers except treasurer. January 1-Editor's deputy must receive chapter news letter for February KEY. January 1-Alumnoo editor must receive alumnoo associations news letter for February KEY. January 5-C?rresp_onding secretary sends to grand president and province president answers to chapter queshonnaue. January 7-Alumnm finance adviser places monthly report in mail to national finance chairman. PRINTtD] [ IN U ·SA· WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER INITIATION treasurer sends initiation fees with addresses for THE KEY to executive secretary. REGISTRAR sends catalog cards for initiates. F~bruary Volum~ 48 1931 THE KEY Numb~r 1 Official Organ of Kappa Kappa Gamma ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contents A Beta Omega at Home in Helsingfors .. Frontispiece Board of Editors The Editor RPflects . 3 Minnie Stewart's Sister Becomes a Kappa ..... By Eleanm· V . V. Bennet 5 From the Land of Skis, Lakes, Reindeer-and Editor-in-Chief Paavq Nurmi .. ... ... By Madelon Brodie 7 HELEN C. BoWER, Beta Delta First Land Grant College in U.S. Now Has Kap- 15500 Wildemere Ave., pa Chapter ... By Ellenor Hutchins Hands !) Detroit, Mich. Fourth Canadian Chapter Welcomed to Kappa's Bond ......... By Marjorie Tow Bromley 11 Alumnre Editor Co-organize-r Plan Original With Kappa ..... MRs. DAviD RoBESON (Louise Noe), Kappa . ...... ..... .. ... .. By Clam 0. Pierce 13 3842 Watson Ave., Toledo, Ohio In Memoriam . 15 Alumnre Letters . 16 Editor's Deputy ·chapter Letters ...... ·................ ; . 80 DoROTHY WHIPPLE, Fraternity Directory . · 42 Beta D elta 2917 Hogarth Ave., Detroit, Mich. Entered as second class matter at the post-office at Columbus, Exchange Editor Ohio, and at the post-office at Menasha, Wis. MARTHA Coi\IBS, Omega Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for Oklahoma City Times, in Section 1103, Act 1 of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. Oklahoma City, Okla. Subscription price one dollar and fifty cents per year. Subscriptions and other business communications relating to Business Manage1· the publication of THE KEY should be addressed to the Business manager, 409-12 Ohio State Savings Bldg., Columbus, Ohio, by CLARA 0. PIERCE, September 20, November 20, January 20, and March 20, in order Beta Nu to become effective for the issues of October, December, January, 409-12 Ohio State Savings and April, respectively. Building Columbus, Ohio Published four times a year, in February, April, October, and December by George Banta, Official Printer to Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 450·454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin. Material intended for publication must reach the editor before the first of January, March, September, and November. MADELON BRODIE.. F~bruary Volum~ 48 1931 THE KEY Numb~r 1 OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA +++++++++~++++++++++++++++++++ Tlze Editor Reflects ... Upon Another Year nancial support of fraternity interests Which is by way of bringing greet­ could still be maintained. "To mature ing to the Greek world in general and and intelligent people there is some­ to the members of Kappa Kappa Gam­ thing pathetic and also laughable about ma in particular. these grown-up men and women who The new year remains the symbol for continue to take their fraternity affilia­ that desire of the human heart-an­ tions seriously," she declares, holding other chance. Maybe the chance to go that "more understanding and impar­ on as well and as happily as we are at tial advice" can be given the genera­ present. More than likely the chance tion now in college by "a sagacious to do better; to achieve more in our housemother or a discreet faculty ad­ working hours and to be a better visory committee" than by an alum­ friend to those whose friendship has nus or alumna. blest our lives. We agree that alumni infected with In any case, 1931 does give us an­ too much of what the writer calls the other chance. Shall we take it? . With " 'rah-rah' spirit" can be embarras­ each of its 365 separate and distinct sing. But we do not agree that opportunities? alumni are necessarily the abomination she terms them, nor yet a millstone about the neck of any fraternity group. True enough the student body Upon Alumni as an Abomination does not care, and rightly, for med­ Which we were surprised to find dling, emotional, or kittenish members someone considering seriously in a re­ who strain · the botids of sisterhood or cent issue of the Journal of the Ameri­ brotherhood. But how, on the other can Associa.tion of University Women. hand, is the national organization of The writer raised the question of any fraternity to be maintained, if not whether one should not graduate from with the aid of interested, intelligent, fraternity life as well as from collegi­ wise, and dignifi'ed alumni who give ate life. She felt that alumni contri­ their rna ture efforts to the growth and bute most when they touch least their strengthening of the institution which respective fraternities, even though meant much to them in their under­ she conceded that friendships and fi- graduate days, when other alumni, 8 4 THE KEY OF KAPPA KAPPA "GAMMA gone out before them, were helping Barney a most successful administra­ them to carry on? And how are the tion. chapters to be given the feeling of kin­ ship without the realization that there are older sisters or brothers at hand, Monmouth Memorial Fund patient, tolerant, understanding, to Chapters 100 per cent in birthday · whom they may take their problems, coin contributions: Mu, $33; Theta, confident that the advice they receive $31.80; Sigma, $30.60; Pi, $29; will be sympathetic, yet tempered by Lambda, $26.40; Eta, $25.£0; Gam­ wider experience and more seasoned ma Tau, $25.20; and Gamma Theta, judgment? $20.40. Perhaps·we may be accused of writ­ Chapters in which all actives have ing thus because we have put on a cap given at least 60 cents per capita: that fits! Perhaps we are making out Beta Mu, $34.65; Gamma Eta, a case for the alumni by virtue of the $23.83; Gamma Mu, $18.10; Beta fact that our editorial position classes Kappa, $14.75; Gamma Sigma, $9.60: us among those "who continue to take Xi, $8.~0. their fraternity affiliations seriously." Chapters which have given lump Be that as it may, we shall also con­ sums, but are not 100 per cent in rep­ tinue to believe that only through chap­ resentation: Iota, $18; Gamma Delta, ter organization plus alumni interest $16.80; Beta Beta, $14.40; Beta Psi, can any fraternity exist. For all $12.60; Delta (pledges), $12; Beta alumni enthusiasm · is not "efferve­ Upsilon, $11.40; Gamma Omicron, scent"; nor does it tend to discourage $9.60; Gamma Alpha, $8.40; Gamma "the development of independent think­ Delta, $8.40; Gamma Iota (pledges), ing and responsibility among the young $7.20; Kappa, $6.00 and Beta Pi, men and women." $1.80.
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    Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC Once-A-Week, 1929-30 1-30-1930 Once-A-Week, 1930-01-30 Ithaca Conservatory and Affiliated Schools Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca Conservatory and Affiliated Schools, "Once-A-Week, 1930-01-30" (1930). Once-A-Week, 1929-30. 14. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Once-A-Week, 1929-30 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ONCE-A-WEEK OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENTS OF THE ITHACA CONSERVATORY AND AFFILIATED C'"";> SCHOOLS G" Publislzed by the students ~f tlze ltlzaca i1lstitution of Public Sc/zoo/ Music ltlzaca Conservatory of Music including Ithaca School of Plzysical Education Westminster Clzoir Sc/zoo!- Williams ltlzaca Band School Sclzool of Expression and Dramatic Art :Martin Sclzool of Speech Correction s. HESTER FOSTER, Editor-in-Chief VOLUME ffi.Ii.L ] AN VARY 30, 1930 NrnrnER 14 ''THE SCAMPERS OF 1930'' GALA FRATERNITY REVUE ie Phi Mu .4/plia J,fu Phi Epsilrm Sigma A /plza Iota The Amards Phi Deftt1 Pi Phi Epsilon Kappa Kappa Gamma Psi be more interesting than ever before. 1dl Theatres, l\fr. :Hintz of the Ithaca The_ Scampers of 193 o Sigma Alpha Iota is presenting a "Song Journal ;'/ews, and :Hr. Boochever, Ad­ Review"; :Hu Phi Epsilon, "YVith vertising l\Ianager at Cornell, are the Originality and Stage Apology to R i ch a rd Haliburton"; judges for the fr~rnities.
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