A D a M S , F R E D E R IC K L., White Plains, New York, B.A., Liberal Arts
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ADAMS, F REDERICK L., White Plains, BOWLBY, ALLAN P., Hudson, Massa BUTTINO, ANTHONY P., Buffalo, New York, B.A., Liberal Arts. chusetts, B.S., Accounting, D elta Sigma New York, B.S., Radio-T.V., Rho Tau ALDRICH, RONALD, Rochester, Ver Pi; Junior Vice President, Historian, Sigma Treasurer, Delta Kappa, Inter Fra mont, B.S., R adio-T.V., Sec. of the Jazz Ithacan, Government Club, Cayugan, In ternity Council Representative, Newman Society. tramural Softball. Club Recording Sec., Editor-in-Chief of BREESE, JOHN F., Greenport, New Ithacan, Inter-Religious Activities Coun ANGELINI, LOUIS A., Utica, New York, B.S., Physiotherapy, Phi Thelta cil, Major Productions, Radio-T.V. York, B.S., Music, Phi Mu Alpha, Recital Phi, Varsity Football, Intramural Basket Crews, Intramural Softball, Basketball. Chairman, Concert Band, Orchestra. ball, Softball. ATTLESON, EUGENE E., Cortland, CAN DEL LA. MICHAEL A., Marcy, BRENNAN, MICHAEL, East Bloom New York, B.S., Music, Phi Mu Alpha, New York, B S., Music, Kappa Gamma field, New York, B.S., Physical Educa Concert Band, Repertory Band, Sym Psi Social Chairman, Choir, M.E.N.C., tion, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Scampers, New phonic Orchestra, Choir, Chorus, Per Newman Club. man Club, Marching Band, Soccer, In cussion Ensemble, Marching Band, tramural Basketball, Softball. CARMEAN, RICHARD N., Pompton Brass Ensemble, M E N C , Scampers, M a B R O W N , E L E A N O R R., Odessa, New Plains, New Jersey, B.S., Physical Educa jor Productions. York, B.S., Music, Orchestra, Major Pro tion, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Varsity Club AUER, ALBERT, Mastic Beach, New ductions. Secretary, President, Majors Club, Var York, B.S., Physical Education. BROWN, GLEN E., Freeport, New sity Track (Co-captain), Varsity Foot ball (Co-captain), Intramural Softball. BAILEY, CHARLES P., Elmira, New York, B.S., Music, Phi Mu Alpha, Ward York, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Varsity Club, en Chaplain, Dance Band; M.E.N.C. C A R P E N T E R , M A R G A R E T S., Read Varsity, Frosh Basketball. Vice President, State President; Scampers, ing, Pennsylvania, B.S., Music, Sigma Concert Band, Choir. B A R T L E , G L E N D ., Syracuse, New Alpha Iota, Dorm. Treasurer, M.E.N.C., BROWN, JUDITH L., Ithaca, New York, York, B.S., Physical Education, Varsity Madrigal Ensemble, Choir. B.S., Speech, Theta Alpha Phi President, Club, Majors Club, Newman Club, Var CHAMBERLAIN, DAVID H., Ovid, Vice President; Chairman TAP Play sity Track. New York, B.S., Physical Education, Del writing Contest, Newman Hall Social ta Kappa, Freshman Football, Bronze B A R R E T T , B A R B A R A J., Voorheesville, Chairman, W ho’s Who. Gloves-Hobart College. New York, B.S., Physical Education, Phi BROWN, RICHARD M., Jamestown, Delta Pi, Corresponding Sec.; W A A „ New York, B.S., Physical Education, Phi C H A S E , C A R O L Y N S., West Winfield, Publicity Chairman; Adelphi. Epsilon Kappa, Majors Club, Varsity New York, B.S., Speech, Delta Phi Zeta BAXTER, CHARLES I., Greene, New Club, Varsity Football, Track, Intramural Vice President, Adelphi, Executive Com York, B.S., Physical Education. Basketball, Softball. mittee, M ajo r Productions, Radio Shows. B ELM A IN, CAROL A., Randolph, Ver BRUCE, SAMUEL G., Lyons, New CHESLEY, JOYCE M., Rutland, Ver mont, B.S., Music, M.E.N.C. York, B.S., Music, Kappa Gamma Psi mont, B.S., Music, Sigma Alpha Iota Vice President, Recital Chairman. Na B IA N C H 1, L E E M ., Seneca Falls, New Treasurer, Musical, Scampers, Operetta, tional Music Fraternity, M.E.N.C., Con Y o rk, B.S., Business Management, N ew Concert Program, Newman Club, cert Band, Orchestra, Brass Ensemble. man Club, Delta Sigma Phi. M.E.N.C. Marching Band, Chorus, Student Reci BLY, JUDY L., New York City, New tals, Major Productions, Who’s Who. CHRISTENSEN, OLE E., Connelly, York, B.F.A., Drama, Theta Alpha Phi, BUCHANAN, RUSSELL H., Buck New York, B.S., Music Education, Kappa Scampers, One Acts, Major Productions, Grove, Iowa, B.S., Business Management, Gam m a Psi, Concert Band, Reperatory T.V. Productions, Spring Weekend. Delta Kappa Epsilon, National Frater Band, Marching Band, M.E.N.C., Choir, BOLLHURST) BARBARA A., Buffalo, nity Inc., Inter Fraternity Council Vice Chorus, Woodwind Ensemble, Scampers. New York, B.S., Speech, Theta Alpha President, Junior Class Vice President, CIVITELLO, CAROLYN I. Mount Ver Phi, Dorm. Treasurer, Major Produc Economics Club. non, New York, B.A., English, Dorm; tions, One Acts. BUCKLEY, WILLIAM D., Miami Frosh Representative, Treasurer, Secre BONSOR, HERBERT N., Bath, New Beach, Florida, B.S., Radio-T.V., Rau tary, President, W.S.G. Representative, York, B.S., Physiotherapy. tau Sigma, Director T.V. Station, Cho Women Student Government Representa reographer of Show Case, Major Produc BORROW, STANLEY F., Bayonne, New tive to Student Council, Feature Editor tions, Cheerleader. Jersey, B.S., Business Management, V a r of Ithacan, Newman Club. BUEL, CLAYTON, Gilboa, New York, sity Club, Frosh, Varsity Baseball (co B.S., Physical Education, Phi Epsilon COLE, RICHARD E., Montour Falls, captain), Intramural Basketball. Kappa, Majors Club, Freshman, Var New York, B.S., Liberal Arts, Delta Sig BOUCK, BRUCE A., Schenectady, New sity Soccer. ma Pi, Historian; Adelphi, Honor Soci York, B.S., Physical Education, Varsity ety, Language Club, Intramural Basket BURRIS, JENE L., Montour Falls, New Club, Varsity Soccer, Intramural Bas ball, Softball. York, B.S., Physiotherapy, Pi Theta Phi ketball, Softball. Chaplain, Adelphi, Intramural Softball. COLEMAN, RICHARD W., Cortland, BOWER, JOHN J., Ithaca, New York, BUSCH, JAMES A., Ilion, New York, New York, B.S., Physiotherapy, Delta B.S., Physical Education, Varsity Club, B.S., Music, Kappa Gamm a Psi, Concert Kappa, Newman Club, Christmas Ball Majors Club, Varsity Golf, Intramural Band, Madrigal Group, Vocal Ensemble, Decorations Chairman, Intramural Bas Basketball, M.E.N.C., Chorus, Marching Band. ketball, Softball. 82.