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Once-A-Week, 1929-30

1-30-1930 Once-A-Week, 1930-01-30 Ithaca Conservatory and Affiliated Schools

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Recommended Citation Ithaca Conservatory and Affiliated Schools, "Once-A-Week, 1930-01-30" (1930). Once-A-Week, 1929-30. 14.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Once-A-Week, 1929-30 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ONCE-A-WEEK OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENTS OF THE ITHACA CONSERVATORY AND AFFILIATED C'"";> SCHOOLS G"

Publislzed by the students ~f tlze ltlzaca i1lstitution of Public Sc/zoo/ Music ltlzaca Conservatory of Music including Ithaca School of Plzysical Education Westminster Clzoir Sc/zoo!- Williams ltlzaca Band School Sclzool of Expression and Dramatic Art :Martin Sclzool of Speech Correction

s. HESTER FOSTER, Editor-in-Chief


Phi Mu .4/plia J,fu Phi Epsilrm Sigma A /plza Iota The Amards

Phi Deftt1 Pi

be more interesting than ever before. 1dl Theatres, l\fr. :Hintz of the Ithaca The_ Scampers of 193 o Sigma is presenting a "Song Journal ;'/ews, and :Hr. Boochever, Ad­ Review"; :Hu Phi Epsilon, "YVith vertising l\Ianager at Cornell, are the Originality and Stage Apology to R i ch a rd Haliburton"; judges for the fr~rnities. Since all Amards, "Satan's Ho I id a y"; Phi the acts have been/rcv.hiwed and passed Effects Featured Epsilon Kappa, "The Acrobatic Min­ bv the Scampers Committee so that no strels"; Phi !\Iu Alpha, "On \Vaves of 0;1e act will fall below the par of the others, judging will be dep:!ndant on the ::\fonday night, February 11th, Ether"; Phi Delta Pi, "Gambles of the .' originality and performance of the pre­ 0 the first sho\\'ing of the "Scampers D\\·arfs" and Kappa Gamma Psi, "Ver­ of l ·130" will be presented in the Little sion of ::\'lodern Salome." s~ntation. The tickets are dated for both Mon­ Tht·atre. Tickets are now on sale at l\fr. Talcott has kindlv consented day and Tuesday nights and since there t~e rnrious dormitories and fraterni­ to act as master of ceremo~ies, so there will be no res:!rved seats it would be ties, or maj' be procured at the office, \\'ill be no lapses in the evening's enter­ tainment ,vhile the settings are being advisable to come early and get a good ~e Corner Bookstore, Rothschilds or scat for this "all-vaudeville" perform­ re'.:1an Kings for fifty cents. changed. ance. 1 Ile program this year promises to Mr. Saperstein, :Manager of the Cor- ONCE-A-WEEK , MID-WEEK EVENTS

lnterfraternity Costume Junior Prom Sigma and Sinfonia will appear in the Ball HE Junior Prom, to be held on the Coming attractions of Mid-week. 1 fourteenth of February this year, Amards, Kappa Gamma Psi, and HE Interfraternity Costume Ball prophises to be one of the most brilliant T will be held in the gymn on Wed­ and successful proms that the Conser­ will also present nesday night, February 13. This is the vatory has seen. A well chosen com­ acts. first entertainment which has ever been mittee, under the able direction of its sponsored by all the fraternities in the chairman, Joseph Roman and the class Phi Delta Pi and Phi Epsilon Affiliated Schools and is a decided step officers, is doing everything in its power Kappa will be represented. in making the lnterfraternity Council to give to the students and the faculty Everyone is striving for "100%" an active, rather than a talked-of pro­ of the Conservatory a Prom which will and so let us all be ject. be long remembered. The Prom this Since this is the only event, ( other year comes, not as a single dance itself, Rooters for than the Annual Band Concert_ being but rather, as ·a brilliant anti-climax presented at Bailey Hall) planned for to a week of activities which includes Scampers of 1930. · Wednesday there should be an en thus- · tea dances and track meets. '-======;;;;;;;;! _ iastic crowd in attendance. Tickets for The decoration committee, under the the Junior Prom are good for admit­ supervision of Miss Dorothy Loesges, Mid-Week tance,-or bring.your dollar with you. -is planning something new and inspir­ Music will be furnished by Ray Moe- ing in the way of beauty. The orches­ ry's orchestra, a n d dancing will last tra, the famous "Wes" Thomas. band; from 9 to 1 o'clock. Start looking over well known and recognized by all the HIS is the first time in the history your possessions now and drag out a students, will be placed in an atmos­ T of the Conservatory and Affiliated pair of over-alls, a sun-bonnet, a Span­ phere which, coupled with the excellence Schools that such an extensive program ish sha,d or a mandarin coat, so you of the music itself, will lend enchant­ has been planned for the pleasure of ,rill be all set for the first Mid-Week ment to lovers of the ,raltz, the two­ the students. Heretofore, our Mid­ Dance. And don't forget-it's a costume step and the "Tiger Rag". \Veek entertainments have been provid­ affair. The price of the Prom this year has ed by the students rather than for the been lowered to three dollars, in the students, and we've spent hours of spare hopes that every student of the Con­ time practising for exhibitions-either Tea Dances servatory will be able to attend. Never dramatic, musical or physical. in the history 'of Block Week has such True the members of the vanous a stupendeous program been planned N Tuesday afternoon, February fraternities are putting on the "Scam­ for the school. Through the -assistance O 11th, the Iota and of the Student Council, the Prom has pers of 1930", but with the existing Phi Mu Alpha fraternities are giving spirit of co-operation which has per­ been made the major attraction of the a combined tea dance at the Phi Alpha week. In order that the other activities vaded all fraternity activities this year, House. · such work has become a pleasure. Be­ so carefully planned might · not be The next tea dance is being held at slighted, the ticket to the Prom is made sides, the "Scampers" are only on for the Mu Phi Epsilon House. It is being Monday and Tuesday nights and there to include the other events of the week, given in conjunction with the Kappa excepting the Scampers and the basket­ are seven other events to be enjoyed Gamma Psi fraternity. during the rest of the week. ball game on Saturday night ,rith Al­ The last tea dance is being given by fred University. Providing, of course, that one has the Phi Epsilon Kappa fraternity at bought or been presented with a Junior their house on Court Street, on Friday It is not a case of whether or not Prom ticket, for the "Scampers" and afternoon. you should attend the Prom as a mat­ the basketball game are the only events ter of duty to the school. It is, of course, All the tea dances begin at 4 in the a school function. It is not yot,~ duty, to which admission is not included in afternoon and last until 7 in the evening. the Prom ticket. One can go to the Cos­ however, but your priviledge to attend All holders of Prom tickets are cordially the Junior Prom this year. Soc"ial ac· tume Ball without a Prom ticket if invited to attend. he pays a dollar, but one must have tivities are one-half the life oi anl' a Prom ticket to be admitted to the school; the Junior Prom is a ,ialf of tea dances, the Faculty Meet and the Scam per Tickets Now that social life. Junior Prom. ~======,,,-:--, Of course, during this time there's the On Sale little formality of registering to be cared Junior Prom. Tickets for, and the second term begins offici­ HE tickets for the "Scampers of I ally on the Thursday of Mid-Week. T 1930" are now on sale at the front Now on Sale I But classes will probably be rather de­ office, Corner Book Store, Treman I sultory, for the faculty and board of Kings, Rothschilds, or Mayers. These directors are most anxious to make this tickets are fifty cents there are no re­ Get Your Ticket Earl: I The Student's Week. · served seats. ---= ONCE-A-WEEK "Mid-Week" Junior Prom Committee Notice to Juniors

ENERAL Chairman, Joseph Roman; r"l-"'HE "1\1Iid-Week" program, which Orchestra, Dorothy Tenant, Chair­ Oi\IPLI:\IE~TARY tickets for theJun­ ; will be held February 10th to the G man, Robert York, Robert Wall is. C ior Prom, including admission to J:,d1 inclusive, is as follows: Decorations, Dorothy Loesges, Chair­ the tea dances and Faculty Track :Meet }londay, February 10-"Scampcrs of man, Edith Hendricks, Charles Beach­ 0'.\1LY, may be obtained in the lobby IS.30". ler. Programs, Eleanor Leonard, Chair­ Tuesday, February 11-Tea Dance, during the time the tickets arc on sale. man, :\'Lary Klein, Janet Rice. Refresh­ Phi Mu Alpha, Sigma· Alpha Iota at The ticket admission to the Costume ments, Helen l\1cGiveny, Chairman, Ball may be obtained on the Prom tick­ th!: Phi Mu Alpha House, 3 :30 to 6 :30 Richard Messer, Frances N able. Pub­ P. "Scam,pers of 1930" at 8: 15 ;\'I. licity, :Martin Kemmerer, Chairman, et for 50 cents. Otherwise admission to P.:\I. Louise Teed, Elizabeth Tavis. the Costume Ball will be one dollar. ·Wednesday, February 12-B and The chairman of the committees will Concert, Bailey Hall. "Interfratcrnity please meet with their respective com­ Co111pli111entary tid-ets are 11011-trans­ Costume Ball". mittees and be able to make some report f erab!e. All complimentary tickets will Thursday, February 13-Tea Dance. before the next regular meeting. be marked and checked at the door. lHu Phi Epsilon, Kappa Gamma Psi, JOHN FAGt;E at the Mu Phi Epsilon House, 4 to 7 Pres. Soph Class P. }J. Faculty Track Meet in the gpnnasium at_ 9 o'clock. Friday, February 14--Tea Dance. politan Opera House tomorrow evening. The organization stands at the verv Phi Epsilon Kappa from 4 to 7 P.M. ll • Junior Prom 11 to 3 AM. head of similar choirs and has made very ~He- Saturday, February 15 - Breakfast successful tours both of ,the United Dance. Amards, Delta Phi, Phi Delta States and Canada, as "·ell as of Eur­ Pi, at Nrn,man Hall. Basketball game, ope. ESTABLISHED 1868 "I. S. P. E. vs. Alfred University". In­ The Philadelphia program will in­ formal dance following. clude a "Hosanna" by Orlando Gibbons, Christmas Song by Von Herzogenbcrg VALENTINES DAY FEBRUARY 14 WESTMINISTER CHOIR and Sebastian Bach's "Sing Ye Unto the Lord" in the first group. A feature IN PHILADELPHIA WE HAVE THEM of the second set of choruses wi!l be Famous Choral Organization in Con- "Come Hither Ye Faithful" by Frances ! !VALENTINES!! cert at l\1Ietropolitan :McCollin of this city, and "Exultate Deo" by Palestrina. Other important For everybody-young and old. You'll Copied from the Philadelphia Public Ledger numbers on the program will be Bach's like them. COME IN WHILE they HE Davton \Vestminster Choir "Our Days arc as a Shadow", arrange­ a re fre,h and new. under the direction of its founder ments of nm spirituals and the Russian Srnior E11gra-vmg I!eadq11artl'rs Tand leader, Dr. John Finler YVilliam­ numbers of Tschesnckokk and Kopo­ oon, will give a concert at the }1etro- loff."

When Wanting White Studio Offici(l/ Plzotograplzers to

Fruits 1930 CAYUGAN Wafers Cheese 306 E. State Street Cig~rettes Pickles Olives Coming Events -will call for good looking Hosiery, Silk Undies, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, G.) To Silk Scarfs, Vanities, Silk and Lace Collars and a ne,,· dress ornament. E. H. Wanzer Bush & Dean, Inc. "The Grocer" 151 E. State St. Phone 2062 ---- ONCE-A-WEEK Once-A-"\t\Teek Once More--A Song Art Exhibition Opened Book By C. G. Hequembou-.·g Official Publication of the students of the "ONE of the crying needs of our Unusual Photographic Studies Sho·.ni Institution right now is a Song­ In New Studio; Artist Train- ITHACA CONSERVATORY book, published by the student body", ed in Paris and remarked one of the "live-wire" mem­ bers of this same student body. It is the AFFILIATED SCHOOLS opinion of this writer that \\:C all agree N art exhibition will be held at with him. Assuming that we do agree A the new studio of C. G. Hcg­ with the proposition, why not take ac­ quembourg at 220 Fall Creek D'rive. Published Every Thursday tion and at once! The exhibit will include unusual photo­ The starting of practically every pro­ graphic studies, several of which rw·nt­ ly won praise in a Paris presentation. Subscription: $1.50 in advance gressive project seems to lie with the Student Council, the students support, l\.,lr. Hequembourg has recently return­ maintain and provide representation in ed from Europe where he spent the last S. HESTER FosTER. ------• - - Editor this body for just such things-and the year studying in Paris. His studio to be knO\vn as "Heque's", is equipped in FRLDERICK ALLEN - .. ----- .Asst. Editor Council has displayed wisdom and exe­ cutive ability in a superlative degree. the most up-to-date style most of the fur­ M..\RY Evi:LvN RATZELL -- Businns .41 gr. Certainly if the Student Council should nishings and scenic effects having been Rom:RT YoRK .. ----- Asst. Business .J/gr. take up the m at t e r of an "Affiliated imported from abroad. GF.n"rRliDr. EvA:ss ------Faculty .rfd-:.,isor Schools Song Book", we will have one. Mr. Hequembourg is a graduate of Cornell University and, while in college ~~ HORTON PRINTING CO, Dean Williams gave encouragement to this movement last ,veek, when he was quite active in undergraduate af­ played as encores two numbers written fairs. He was one of the founders of the EDITORIAL by students, at the Band Concert given Savage Club and was secretary of the Wednesday evening. Masque, the society from which the pre­ l\tlay we suggest that the Student sent Cornell Dramatic Club has sprung. ~Ir. Hequembourg received part of HE Once-a-\Veek regrets the un­ Council discuss the matter, and if it fortunate wording in the opening seems practical to take it up at this his art training under noted masters both paragraphT of the article under the gen­ time, that they appoint a committee to in Europe and this country. In addition Hequembourg is the author of sev'. eral heading Athletics published in the study the matter and submit a plan. :VIr. eral published plays. Everybody in the last issue if this magazine. It \\·as not Judging from the sentiments expressed Conservatory, both Faculty and students the intention of the writer of this article, in various quarters of the schools, there are cordially invited to attend this ex­ ( nor of this magazine) to convey the is no doubt that every department \\·ould hibit of beautiful photographs. impression that "basketball enthusiasts" cooperate in the project. were confined to any department of the Institution. Every department has shown "The Brat" Tonight 1,;femory genuine loyalty and keen interest in all Special Student Performance the games played at home, and enthusi­ DELIGHT \\'rLI.IA;\!SOX astic interest in the reports of the out­ HOSE who have not secured their Falling leaves, of-town games. Fading flowers, When we sec our own team fighting tickets for the special student per­ T Setting sun, for the honor of our own Institution formance of the three act comedy "The Dieing hours, can we think of departments! \Vhen Brat" given tonight in the Little Theatre Homing birds, they need our cheers, songs, and inspir­ may get these at the reduced prices today. Restless sea, ational music--thcy get it. \Vhether we "The Brat" is said to be a charming Pink-gray twilight brings to me are studying music, dramatics, physical study in which people rate themselves Eventidc,-and memory. education or what-not, the team on that and others according to social position. floor is our team- and we want them (An all too prevalent habit). The in­ (This poem was written by Delight to win! The Athletic Association has cidents arrange themselv·es around such \Villiamson, the daughter of Dean and every right to feel that they have the interesting types as "The author", an Mrs. Williamson. Miss \Villiarnson is united cooperation of the entire Institu­ eldest son of a family of high school a student in the Ithaca High School, tion. \Ve wanted competitive athletics­ standing. "The Brat" an odd, half­ and has written many poems, ~tories, now we have them and we arc going starved but honest little ,vaif, who is and several book-length novels. The to support them, not as departments, but found by the author and taken to his poem printed here was written on Oc­ as an Institution! aristocratic home for "scientific obser­ tober 15, 1929 and is printed here for vation." The author's younger brother the first time.) the family "black sheep", who falls in Important Notice love with "the Brat." The consequent Of all the liberal arts music has the scenes-some intense and some merry­ greatest influence over the passio'l,, and which follow in rapid succession make it is that to which the legislator ought HERE will be an assembly beginning for rich entertainment. The solution to give his greatest encourage111:·:1t. T at 8 :15 as usual, on Thursday to the problem is finally brought about, -Napolt:011 /. morning, February 13, (Thursday of and we arc told that it carries in its · Mid-Weck). wake a wealth of comedy, pathos and Art has no fatherland, and :·H that Classes for the new term will begin opportunity for fine acting. Students is beautiful ought to be prized by us, on that day and these will be prcceedcd arc advised to take advantage of this no matter what clime or regi.1n has by a very important Thursday morning opportunity to sec an excellent show produced it. Assembly. All arc urged to be present. for the small sum of twenty-five cents. -Wrber. ONCE-A-WEEK Mr. Lautner Takes Conservatory Glee Club on Those Going on the Initial Trip of Season Carbondale-Hawley

ists chosen arc Hester Fost · o ,/ e1, s prano, ., 1 Tr1"p Evelyn Johnson, second soprano, and l",._ •/ ;,, , ·11· L ,,;._,,, I "' ,. '' L1 ian cgro. contralto. An added fca- 0 · ' --- ture to th~ ~oming program will be a/ THE following will ;,?;O on the Car- group of v10hn solos by Dorothea Koch. bondale-Hawlcy tnp: Much credit should be given to l\fr. First Sopra1,zos , .: '; ;l~ Lautner for the splendid program which Janet Rice - };"vv~;J,/.,: ·J/) ~-1 he r~as prepared for ~he ~lub to sing. ~lc~a Dromgoole {', ~.. :t~ ,.;I_;,.!:_! I he program which is to be sung on Flo1ence Recd - £';,: ~ /'7--: 1,,,. ,:;:.- the first tour is as follows· ?viartha Shannon - .,~~-- , 1 , · Mildred Latshaw- ,u,tv· .,::,,,<'.' .Y'.-'"' ~ I. I ., :1 "t/'· a. The Keel Ro"· ...... Scotch Folk Song icster Foster - L-tt,-V,.1Ll-~A..--(.( :'. ..'-!;,,1: •.·,' : ":.·\ the High School and in Hawley will III. Leona Arthur-·;•.-.-_.".,// ./ r sing in the ·Methodist Church. Later on a. Romance ...... IF'ienlawski Evelyn Johnson-f:;.t1.t(,:'/,.1 , .. /. in the Spring, the Glee Club "·ill go to b. Londonderry Air ., ...... Kreisler First Altos · · Philadelphia and vicinity and give a c. Sicilianne and Rigavdon ...... N~il?red Brownell,,. ~ t.i_rr,.J,_, I/. ). number of concerts. Besides these con­ ...... Francovcr-Kreisler Li!li~n Legro - fw.u.,u,:_ ./ :~(afj_._, certs, they "·ill also give concerts in and IV. Eumce De Haas - 0-l-~j-,- · i > about Ithaca. Dorothea Koch l\•Iary Gi!bcrt-°"1:far1•1 :---,?" · During the past three years the Glee a.The Dragon-flies ...... l\Jary Evelyn Ratzell- ·-c / •' .(..;.~ ( ! · AVRDD-VRJRQ {I . ,. ,-.... Club has grown steadily and at the be­ ...... Rimsky-J{orsakov Second Altos r-' 0 ginning of this year had an enrollment b. I'1n Con1ing Ho111e...... \T eln1a l\1iniun1 - :-:!Cl l \.\. · ~ · ... / of over fortv. Last week trv-outs were ...... Palm_r;ren (1878- ) Dorothy Hc\\'itt- ·.:,. ' .·:/. held for th~sc who could i,makc" the c. Sound Sleep ...... ::\Iargarct Jacobs-".- _. . . ..,, ,.,',, "'"" first trip. The thirty girls chosen arc ...... I' auglzan-TF liliams ( 1872- ) Dorothy Tennant 1'-ic :,; · ' --'- listed on the opposite side of this page. d. The Mandolin...... Grace Jessop •. ~;.:: , .. · · The pianists for the Club are Char­ ...... Debussy (,1862-1918) Pianists lotte Andrews with Helen Hoffman e. Beautiful Blue Danube ...... Charlotte Andrews _ ';; . .- : · '· ; ·.-... · ...... !. Strauss (1804-1849) Helen Hoffman - ,'.:.. · playing second piano parts. The solo- I

WELCOME Make your photographic Come in and get acquainted J.E. Van Natta headquarters here The Flying Finger L. C. Smith Corona Kodaks 5.00 up Brownies 2.00 up Rented .. Sold .. Exchanged Head's Camera Store 204 N. Aurora St. Opposite-Ithaca Hotel-Tel. 2915 109 North Aurora St. Ithaca Linens Yarns Jewelry Unique Gifts

BURT'S Phone 5663 Chas. Brooks BuRTON F. RooT, Prop. THE NORTH SIDE PHARMACY Jeweler Soda Fountain, Confectionery, The best sodas and sundaes Dealer in Conservatory Pins Cigarettes, Cigars and in town Magazines 507 N. Cayuga 152 E. State Street 218 N. Aurora 102 N. Cayuga '---~ ======;;11 \Ve invite your Banking Business DIAL 9288 FOR · 2yes E:1,:ami1zed--Glasses Fitted Wilson & Burchard First Nationial Bank 7-Passengcr Cadillac Sedans of Itlzaca for any trip Opticians and Optometrists BRILLHART 204 N. Geneva St. :::20 E. State St. Opposite Ithaca Hotel Tioga and Seneca Sts. ONCE-A-WEEK Phi Mu Alpha N ates Mr. Macmillen Accept, Honorary Membership LL interest seems to be focused on AST Tuesday evening, January 19, :viid-\Veek; not for its social s!de L we had as dinner guests, Mr. and to Kappa Gamma Psi alone,A but because it mean_s a relaxation l\tlrs. Hedgepeth. after a week's struggle with exams. Carmela Ippolito, violinist, a The frosh looks forward to :Mid­ chapter Honorary member of Epsilon ELTA c HAP TE R announces wit:1 \V eek as his first real taste of college Chapter, has received considerable pub­ D great pleasure that Francis l\tlac­ social life, while the upper classman licitv lately because of the numerous suc­ millen, nationally known artist, h2~ awaits it anxiously because he kno\\·s cessful concerts given in various music accepted our invitation to become ,1 centers. l\!Iiss Ippolito will be remember­ what it means. chapter honorary member. This is our ed by many as the \Yinner of the master There has been much happening at third acceptance this term, having takrn scholarship granted by Cesar Thomson, in Oscar Zeigler and William Coad on the house preparing for this series of at the time when he was master teacher our Founder's Day. Mr. l\1acmillcn events. The house has been redecorate~ in the violin department of the Ithaca will come to Ithaca in the near future and refurnished-but you better wait Conservatory. The violinist's most re­ to give Master lessons and at that time until our tea dance \,·ith Sigma Alpha cent appearances has been in Boston, De­ will be taken into membership. Iota at our house Feb. 11 and see \vhat troit, New York and other cities. has been done because we expect you Dayton Newton played with the Le­ Sigma Alpha Iota desires to express at heigh Band in N cw York last week. all up. this time to the student body the assur­ The following men have been pledged ance . of their \Yholhearted cooperation Alfred Patten spent a week in· New thus far this year: in the "Scampers of 1930", and with York and as a result secured a position in the boy's preparatory at Tilton, New Dean Ernest S. \Villiams ( chapter their \,·illingness to help make Mid­ \\Teek of 1930 a most successfpl one. Hampshire, where he will be the Direc­ honorarv). tor of Piano and the Glee Club. Hora~e Mack ( chapter honorary). )fr. Patten graduated from the Pub­ George Krueger, \Vestminster Choir It is the nature of instrumental mu­ lic School Music Department with a School. · sic in its highest form to express in Bachelor of '}fosic degree in 1929. He Earl Evans, \Nestminster Choir sounds what is inexpressible in words. was the winner of the Gold lVIedal in School. -Richard Wagner. Piano in 1929. He was a member of Hmrnrd Faris, \Nestminster Choir Student Council, Editor of t h e 1929 School. Cayugan was a charter member and Clark Maynard, P. S. M. First President of Kappa Gamma Psi. \\iilliam Glen Thomas, l\J. Charles Fronheiser, Band School. P. S. He spent last summer as director of Ed\\'ard Summers, P. S. )1. Robert York, Band School. events and was an assistant teacher 111 ;_\,lartin Kemmerer, P. l\J. :Marlow Schemahorn, Band School. S. the Educational Department. Charles Gulko, Band School :\' at Rosenthal, General lVIusic. A. Edwin O'Dell, Band School. H. L. Hoffman, Band School. T. Delmar \Veisncr, Ban.

"COFFEE SHOPPE" Theatrical Make-Up (Under New Management) Everything 111 usical \Vhen in need of Cold Cream, Face LUNCHES 11 :15-2:30 Powder, Spirit Gum, Crepe Hair, "OF COURSE" Liners, Grease Paint, etc., remember 50c that we have a complete line of DINNER 5-7 :30 HICKEY'S LYCEUM STEIN'S MAKE-UP Open from 5 -A.M.-1 A.l\1. MUSIC STORE 50c A. B. Brooks & Son Soda Fountain Service 105-11 S. Cayuga St. Pharmacists Prescriptions 126 E. State St. H. H. LOUGHLIN 105 N. Tioga St. 1.

Inc~rporated 1868 Phone 5657 ITHACA ITHACA The Monarch Restaurant TRUST SAVINGS " Best Place to Eat " co. BANK Best Coffee Resources Over 8½ Millions Res,.;urces $9,000,000 Every Banking Facility ONCE-A-WEEK

of a lesson. Dalcroze Eurythmics For these illustrations he used three Demonstration De­ of his New York students, who were as- ; sisted by Miss Margery Schneider, di­ For Your lights Audience rector of Eurythmics in the Conservatory and a former pupil. of Mr. Boepple's'. who gave demonstrat10ns of the advanced Amusement! HE Dalcroze Eurythmics epitom­ work. For the less intricate forms of T izes fundamental principles in the the :vork, a class from the Conservatory, education of every child, as well as the pupils of Miss Schneider's performed adult musician, was ably and conclu­ the demonstration . STATE sively demonstrated by Mr. Paul Boep­ ple, director of the American Institute Grace, accuracy and marvellous con­ Now Playing of Dakroze Eurythmics, in his lecture trol and concentration was presented VAUDEVILLE by both groups. Mr. Boepple improvised and illustrations given before a large au­ at the piano, while the students followed Featuring dience in the Little Theatre, Saturday with the rhythmic movements illustrating afternoon, January JOHNNY ELLIOT 25 the music. Outstanding amcng these il­ This demonstration was given primar­ lustrations was an improvised three part and his ily for parents of the children in the Jun­ fugue, presented by the three students ''GEORGIA PEACHES" ior departments, and consequently it was from the New York Studios. impossible to provide seating accomo­ Also Mr. Boepple's explanation of the dis­ dations for the entire student body of "HARMONY AT HOME" the school. Opportunity will undoubt­ covery, developement, purpose of Dal­ edly be provided for students in this In­ croze Eurythmics was both interesting A fl Tall.:ing stitution to witness a similiar demon­ and convincing, proving to his hearers the importance of this phase of education to stration of the work accomplished by this SUNDAY splendid method, in the near future. all engaged in the study of music. The speaker was introduced by Dr. IRENE BORDON! John Finley Williamson who stated Personals Ill briefly the purpose of the demonstration "PARIS" and the emphasis being placed upon this phase of education in the Conservatorv. Lovell Corey and James Nichols Songs-Talk-Dances Mr. Boepple's lecture was illustrated by motored to the home of the latter in snatches of "class-\\·ork" which he ex­ East Aurora, N. Y. over the \YC~k-end. plained were not prepared as for a pro­ Miss Dorothy Loesges spent the week­ gram, but ,\·as rather given in the nature end at her some in Scio, N. Y. STRAND

Now Playing BULL'S SHOE STORE BANK RESTAURANT and NOR:VIA SHEARER For the latest in AUDITORIUM 111 "THEIR OWN DESIRE" FOOTWEAR 5th Floor-Savings Bank Bldg. 102 East State-Cor. Cayuga Luncheon 11 :30 to 2-Dinner 5 :30-7 :30 All Talking Limited a la carte and other varia­ tions of service gladly extended.. Facilities for acceptable handling of SUNDAY Shoes for Everyone any social affair. "SHOW OF SHOWS" at MRS. MARY K. ALBERGER, Hostess fVitlz Tl'clmirolor lv[ oderate Prices DIAL 2514 \CRESCENT\ Now Playing FOR CHARTER SUE CAROL GEO. O'BRIEN in "LONE STAR RANGER" All Talking

SUNDAY LUPE. VELEZ Ill "TIGER ROSE" DEAN OF ITHACA, Inc. All Talkillg 401-409 E. State Street Dial 2531 ITHACA, N. Y. ONCE-A-WEEK

Pictures in Local ATHLETIC Theatres

ASSOCIATION STATE An unusal act features the vaudevilir WARREN WILLIS, President at the State this week. It is called the ROGER SCHWARTZ, Treas. ]OHN FAGUE, Sec'y. Georgia Peaches and one dancing act of unusual merit. Each of the girls have been prize beauty winners in the re­ spective towns from which they come. HE Athletic Association is now a Boxing The all talking photoplay "Harmony T permanent and working part of At Home" is adapted from the stage part of our school. It is you, our Stu­ play "The Family Upstairs". dent Body who have made this possible. t;CH enthusiasm is being sho~vn Starting Sunday the famous star Irene The instigators and backers of this or­ by the candidates for the boxmg Bordoni is seen in an all talking, sing­ ganization realize that without the lo­ team.M Such experienced men as Paul Re­ ing, dancing photo play "Paris". Some yal and full hearted support that you gan, Harry Berrtch and Karl Witzler very fine technicolor scenes are shown. have given to them, they could have ac­ are out for the team and are also help­ STRAND complished nothing, We especially thank ing Coach O'Connell to whip t~e men the Band School boys for the way they into condition for some meets which are Norma Shearer is now at this thea­ have supported and upheld the enthus­ planned for next term. tre in her latest all talking photoplay, iasm at the basketball games. Practising periods for both boxing and "Their Own Desire". The cast includes "VV ARREN Wrurs, Pres. wretling are held every Monday and Lewis Stone and Robert Montgomery. Thursday at 8 :30 p .. m. and on Tuesday Starting Sunday the famous all tech­ NE of the outstanding accomplish­ at 7 :30 p. m. nicolor, "The Show of Shows". The O ments of the year was effected at greatest stars including John Barrymore, a recent meeting of the Student Council Winnie Lightner, Richard Barthlemess when plans were made for the organi­ Wrestling and hundreds of others will be seen in zation of an Athletic Association in I. this production. C. M. The primary motives of the As­ sociation,· as set forth by the Council, HE wrestling team is fast becoming CRESCENT are first, to develope a more cooperative T a formidable squad under the su­ Zane Grey's story, "The Lone Star attitude among the various schools, and perb guidance of Coach O'Connell,. The Ranger" has been made into an all second, to assure favourable interest team has been learning the holds neces­ talkie and is now showing at this thea­ and cooperation in the extensive sports sary to bringing their prospective oppon­ tre. The cast includes Sue Carol and program adopted by officials of the Aa­ ents to the mat and beginning :Monday George O'Brien. sociation. For several years no body of evening will attempt to master the more Starting Sunday, Lupe Veley "·ill be this nature has been active in I. C. M. difficult mat holds. seen in "Tiger Rose'' the famous stage Officers of the Athletic Association We are very proud of the number hit. elected by members of the Student Coun­ of men ,rho have turned out for this cil are Warren Willis, president; John "he-man" sport, but we feel that in Fague, secretary ; and Roger Schwartz, order to rightly represent our Schools treasurer. Until the Association has be­ we should have more men out. Meets F(lmlty and Students are invited come more firmly established these men are being arranged by our manager, to (lttend the will appoint managers for the various John Fague. WINTER EXHIBITION teams which will represent I. C. M. on No mater what school you belong to, fields of competitive sport. if you are at all interested in these two Of Unusual Portrait Photograpli.1• Much has been accomplished by this sports we want you to come over and At newly formed athletic body. Its officers try out for them. have been instrumental in creating the interest accorded the basketball squad "HEQUE" of I. C. M. The chief aim of the Asso­ every member the Conservatory and ciation already seems to have been ach­ of STUDIO Affiliated Schools automatically assumes ieved. The officers of the association 220 Fall Creek Drive membership in te newly formed Athletic with valuable assistance from the Stu­ ITHACA, N. Y. Association. There is no fee for such dent Council have engaged the interest membership. and cooperation of the Military Band In view of the fact that the 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon plan is receiving encouraging support School. The martial music from this or­ 2 :30 P.M. to 6 :00 P.M. from the faculty, and since great detail ganization affords an attraction at each Evenings by A ppointrnent is involved in planning for an extensive game second only to the varsity squad itself. sports program, it is but natural that HOW TO GET THERE! officials of the new body anticipates the Take Eddy or.Stewart Ave. Car, '.'.'! Further evidence of the activitv of the cooperation of every man and woman off at HIGHLAND AVE., walk ONE bl<:tk Association lies in the fact that sched­ in C. M. The attendance at basket­ SOUTH to the Studio which is 011 ::,r I. corner. ules are being arranged for teams of ball games has been encouraging. Let wrestlers, boxers, baseball players and · us continue with loyal cooperation in TELEPHON'E 31587 trackmen. support of the Affiliated Schools latest By a ruling of the Student Council enterprise. I.:;;;======·-