Delta Sigma Pi

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Delta Sigma Pi THE INTERNATIONAL* FRATERNITY OF DELTA SIGMA PI Founded at New York University, School* of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. ?»*<* A fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to ~courage scholarship and f:be association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affilia­ tion between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a high standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. ?»*<* THE CENTRAL OFFICE OF DELTA SIGMA PI 222 W. Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois Telephone, Franklin 3476 ?»*<* THE GRAND COUNCIL Eugene D. Milener, Chi, Grand President. ....•...........•.......•.••••.. • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • . 420 Lexington Ave., Suite 550, New York, N.Y. H. G. Wright, Beta, Grand Secretary-Treasurer .. .... 222 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. Frank C. Brandes, Kappa ........................... 90 Fairlie St., Atlanta, Ga. John L. McKewen, Chi ............... 1231 Baltimore Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md. William E. Pemberton, Alpha Beta ................ 427 W. Erie St., Chicago, Ill. Rudolph C. Schmidt, Theta ................... 350 E. Congress St., Detroit, Mich. Edwin L. Schujahn, Psi . ................... 1200 Marine Trust Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y. Herbert W. Wehe, Lambda ..... .. ............. 121 Morey Place, Greensburg, Pa. Kenneth B. White, Gamma ... ....... ............ 1114 Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Tex. ?»*<* DIRECTORY OF ACTIVE UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS b The aniwnJty aame u followed by the chapter name an~ year '!f ~•talladon. Permanent chapter house addreueo and telephone num­ en an •~own; the name and addres• of the Head Muter u aLoo md&cated. Unle.. otherwise indkated all addreaae• are the 181111 city u the location of the chapter. ' ALABAMA (Alpha Siema, 1926) Uaivanlry of Alabama, School CREIGHTON (Beta Theta, 1930), Creiahtoa Uaivenity, CoUaa• of Commerce and Bu1ineu AdminiltratioD, Toucalooaa, Ala. of Commerce aad Finaace, Omaha, Neb. Thomaa F. Brutol, 729 lOth Ave. Lawrence Keller, 2770 Davenport St. ALABAMA POLY (Bote Lambda, 1931) Alobama Polytechnic l111titute, De_partment of Bn1in- Adminiotration.1 Auburn. Ala. DALHOUSIE (Beta Mu, 1931), Dalhou.U. Uainnit,, Deput· George G. Perry, Jr., 313 Witte! Dormitory, Aubur11, Ala. meat of Commerce, Halifas, Nova Scotia, Caaada. BAYLOR (Bota Iota, 1930), Boylor Uaivenlty, School of Buainea, DENVER (Alpha Nu, 1925), Uaiveroity of Deaver, School of Waco, Tu. Commerce, Accounts and Finance, Denver, Colo. Henry Alexander, Broou Hall. Robert Mile•, 709 S. Sherman. BOSTON (~am"'!', 1916), Bolton UnJvenity, Collaeo of B&Ui· DePAUL (Alpha Oma11a, 1928), DePaul Unlvanity, Collaaa of no• AdmlnutratioD, Booton. Mu1. Commerce. Chkago, Ill. William F. Clark, Jr., 20 Y2 St. Jamu St., Roxbury, Ma11. Donald W. MacAllister, 1465 W. 72nd St. CHIC,AGO (Alpha Poi, 1928), University of Chicago, School of DETROIT (Theta, 1921), Univeraity of Detroit, School of Com· Boan.... Chlcaao, Ill. merce aad Finance, Detroit, Mkb. Robert Cooney, 7600 But Bad Ave., Cbicoeo, Ill. Chapter Hou1e: 16925 Monic:a Ava. (Unlvenlt? 1-0643). CINCINNATI (Alpha Theta, 1924), Uamralty of CindDDoti Henry R. Dahl, 75 Church St., Highland Park, Detroit, Mich. College of Engineering and Commerce, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chap: DRAKE (AipJ;Ia Iota, 1924),, Drake Unlvenity, Colleaa of eo­ - Hoa111 265 S.natcw (Avan. 3965). mere• and Fana.nce, Dea Momea, Iowa. Odo W. Gampfer, 3112 Ahn111 Ave nue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Donald Weiland, 1349 25th Street, De• Moine•, Iowa. COLORADO (Alpha Rho, 1926), Uainnity of Colondo, School of Blllinau, Bonlder, Colo. fLORIDA (Beta Bra, 1929) Unlvanlty of Florida, CoUaae of Baaiaaa Adminiatradoa, GIWiaoville,1 Pia. Doaald D. Pucker, 936 Green Mr. Avonne, Boulder, Colo. Cheater B. Whittle, Alpha Tau Omeaa Houle. The Editor's Foreword THIS MONTH DELTA SIGMA PI cele­ ~rates _a~other im~ortant milestone in its history, Its_ Thirtieth Anmversary. It is therefore appro­ pnate th~t in this issue of THE DELTASIG we pre­ • sent a bnef history of the accomplishments of the fraternity in recent years and tell you something Contents for November, 1937 about our plans for the future. Your attention is p~rticularly directed to the articles regarding the h1s~ory of the ~raternity, the Deltasig Lodge, the • PAGE Chicago Alumm Club, the Delta Sigma Pi Alumni THE GRAND PRESIDENT's PAGE . • . • • 2 Placing Service, our National Endowment Fund DELTA SIGMA PI CELEBRATES THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY 3 and Life Memberships, etc. We are also happy THE DELTASIG LoDGE • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • . • • • • • 7 to present photographs of many of the present CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB HAS A BANNER YEAR . • . 9 active alumni workers who are contributing so DELTA SIGMA PI LIFE MEMBERS • . • • • • • • • • . 10 much to the present success of the fraternity. * VIEWS OF THE CENTRAL OFFICE OF DELTA SIGMA PI • • 14 PRACTI~ALLY EVERY successful chapter, of * PROFESSIONAL fRATERNITIES • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • 15 a~~ fraternity has active, capable alumni super- "-' VISIOn and we salute our Province Officers as one ~ THE DELTA SIGMA PI ScHOLARSHIP KEY PLAQUE • . • 18 of the most valuable groups in the national ad- * DELTA SIGMA PI ALUMNI PLACING SERVICE • • • . 21 ministration of the fraternity. Much of the sue- *THE PROVINCE OFFICERS OF DELTA SIGMA PI . • . • 22 cess that our individual chapters now enjoy is A PoRTFOLIO oF DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI • • • . • • 25 due to the inspiration, help and advice engendered "­ DELTA SIGMA PI CHAPTER HousEs • • • • . • • 29 by these capable and interested alumni workers. ~ DIRECTORY OF DELTA SIGMA PI ••....•....• Inside covers WE ALSO PRESENT in this issue a portfolio * of distinguished alumni who are achieving un- "-' usual success in the business and educational ~ • H. G. Wright. Editor field. This interesting department will be contin- ~ ued in future issues of THE DELTASIG. * • THERE ARE NO chapter letters in this issue. * The reason being that this issue was exclusively ,j,. -m Volume XXX. Number l «<- confined to material appropriate for a Thirtieth ~ Anniversary issue. Speaking of chapter letters we * PUBLICATION OFFICE-450 AHNAIP STREET, MENASHA, WISCONSIN are going to try something different this year pro- * EDITORIAL OFFICE-222 w. ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS viding we receive the cooperation of our chapters. "-' In all fraternity magazines for many decades past The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi is published four times annually in ~ the months of November, January, March, and May. Material intended chapter letters have been the subject of much dis- ~ for publication should reach the editorial office not later than the cussion and frequent justified criticism. Too often fifteenth of the month previous to publication. these chapter letters have proven to be of interest Subscription price: $3 per year. only to alumni of the particular chapter. This we hope to change in so far as THE DELTASIG is con­ Entered as second class matter, December 24, 1931, at the post office cerned. As an experiment, and unless the clamor at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of for their return in their old form becomes so February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, Section 538, P. L. & R., pronounced we hope to be able to discontinue 1932 edition. them entirely in the form and style in which they * have previously appeared. In their place our chap- * ters and alumni clubs will be invited to contrib- DELTA SIGMA PI is a charter senior member of the Professional In· ute special articles, timely, interesting and news­ terfraternity Conference, organized in 1928 to encour!lge high .scholar­ worthy covering the achievement of a chapter or * ship, professional rese_a~ch, adva~cement of professiOn~! ethics, an? alumni club as a group or the achievements of *the promotion of a spmt of com1ty among the professiOnal fraterm­ individual members. These should prove of greater ties in the advancement of fraternity ideals. * The members of the Conference are: ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho interest to our entire membership and will be a Chi, Scarab. CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma. welcome successor to the outmoded chapter let- COMMERCE, Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi. ter, a relic of by-gone days. Requiescat in pace. DENTISTRY, Delta Sigma Delta, Psi Omega, Xi ALL MEMBERS OF Delta Sigma Pi particu- -t, Psi Phi. EDUCATION, Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi larly you alumni are invited to contribute articles ~~ Delta Kappa, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi. and news items for our column. Those of you ENGINEERING, Theta Tau, Sigma Phi Delta. who may be journalistically inclined will be wel­ LAW, Gamma Eta Gamma, Delta Theta Phi, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Beta Gamma, Sigma Delta comed to our editorial staff. Kappa. MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nu I SEND cordial Christmas Greetings and Best Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Wishes for the New Year to all Deltasigs.-H. G. "-' Epsilon, Phi Rho Sigma, Theta Kappa Psi. WRIGHT ~ PHARMACY, Kappa Psi. PRINTED IN U.S.A. THE GRAND PRESIDENT'S PAGE • EuGENE D. MILENER, Johns Hopkins Grand President of Delta Sigma Pi As DELTA SIGMA PI reaches its thirtieth birthday; my first feeling is that the fraternity has g~o~ ~p-that it is mature. Several years ago we began m1tiatmg sons of alumni and that event caused me to feel that we were very definitely entering a new stage in the life of the fraternity. The first son of an alumni member to be initiated was John B. Morris, son ?f John P. Morris, both of Alpha Chapter. There are others, undoubtedly. In my heavy mail, one letter recently caused me particular pleasure. It was from an older member in a large city who was sending his son to a university in another city where we have a chapter. He wa.nted to know what procedure should be followed to make sure his boy would be invited to one of the rush smokers. It made me feel that Delta Sigma Pi had accomplished worth· while things during its thirty years on the campuses of American and Canadian universities.
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