Ollywood's Corners
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�' eAl.lP. c ., a- D~C ~ Slips Tha 'pas 194. In the Ni9ht B; nr E..,-11. at the Tail 0' th Cud "If the ring's oiling AIJng from him e bought it her- CLIPPINGS, Inc. self!"",. b ne Withers at the Bra lI: : "Before he 16 WWTEHALL ST. married her. he used to carry New York City ollywood's her books home tram school. Now, he carries her torch home from Lockheed." •••• , Corners By Marjorie Weaver at Mike Lyman'S: "That dame knows By THE YOUNG.MAN. so much about etiquette, she Inquirer even washes her hands before Philadelphia Pa ABOUT HOLLYWOOD be won drinking out of a fing~r bowl." of show .... by Jack Haley at Sardi's: Nov 16 1941 Kevin Kemble, young In the Tt1f. PbA¥I)U. Shakespearian actor now on "He's so hammy, even the but- e decid\ tons on his suit are made out tour with John Carradine's gO'b'" of cloves." ...• by Cookie Fair- company. writes that travel is at child at Romanoff's: "She's ~ <lfiag.~ast certainly educational in sur- thrown enough, bridal bou- Comedy Stays~ Hisl prising ways. Because of the r q uets ather own weddings to crowded condition in trains be able to pitch a nine inning • game." •..• tRio Rita' Bac1< and the 1943 custom of lending' ,l By Helen Walker at Lucey'S: a helping hand, Kevin's learned "Hollywood may be thickly March-Eldridge to prepare a baby's bottle, get populated but to me it's still shoes off a sleeping boy with- a bewilder-ness.' •..• by Leon- Show Continues out waking him and to amuse .ird Sues at the Savoy: "He's ike an oyster. He only pays a four-year-old kiddie by turn- "Cla-sh by Night," which opens to- tis bills during any month morrow. and "Om of This World," ing his pockets inside out, not vhich contains an 'R.' ...... opening Saturday, are discussed on to mention carrying suitcases 'f. 'f. 'f. Page 11. "HOPE FOR A -HARVEST," so- for laden mothers .... eli with! Marie Austin contends Cecil Kellaway, who spends phie Tread well's comedy, plays a sec- In] into that somebody should in- ond and last week at the Walnut rnUCJr Of hitl; i'! e time play- oent a cellophane -neun- prior to Broadway, with Fredric ing the piano and composing, paper so a wife can see her March as a lazy California Iand- received a rare cactus from a nes and owner, Florence Eldridge as the Iady husband at breakfast. friend. Cecil kept it for some ahe hot II who essays to reincarnate his ideals, months but nothing in the hew! It 'io 'io 'io and Alan R~~J;~_ a jovial Italian way of exotic bloom occurred. ~ bilious fruit-growel~er Vail directed When he moved it into the t under Movieland Mutterings for the Theatre GUild, sets .are by Watson Barrett. music room, it bloomed glori- Boom! Alan Reed tells about the ously under the influence of y bust- actor who put on a show at an "RIO RITA;' which played here the week of Oct. 27, returns to the boogfe-woogie, but the blos- usiness. insane asylum. After the per- formance, one of the inmates Forrest tomorrow for two more soms folded under the spell of weeks, with the same cast: Nancy tender love lyrics .... came up to the actor and told McCord, Alexander Gray, Jack Shee- him they liked him much be dress· han, Melissa Mason, Doris Patston ter than the last performe . I Raymond* Scott* *knows a and others. The locale is Texas, the .8I<e1· "Why is that?" inquired t e book is by Guy Bolton and Fred Scotsman who bought only tined, Thompson, songs are by Harry Tier~ Gay flattered ham. "Well. you s ," one spur. Figured if only replied the inmate. "you ney and .Josaph McCarthy. Epdie.1. SCanlon staged t01' the Slluberts. one side of the horse went, Ing a/ more like one of us." it. the other 'was sure to [ol- as a e dance low. jl1 as a .cademy CLIPPINGS, Inc.\ Boulevard Buzzings atlc ef- Young 15 WHITEHALLST. The Andrews Sisters cere- "3'bank New York City brated their tenth anniversary IumblDg CLIPPINGS, Inc. in show business by singinp ~e. 15 WHITEHALL ST. tor 80,000 war workers at the Tel. BOtrliD,l Gmm '-1556 Kaiser shipyards •... in cas e New York City you're wondering what hap- '$- CIIplW"'" OAY"-! pened to Janet Riesenfeld, for- . Army Tel. BOwlinR Green 9·1)~6 1lIIIItiII_. •.... mer Hollywood actress who 'raining! gained fame as a dancer and J... ~~1'" latest Poet Gazette writer: She has just sold a I Durbin, novel, "Gentleman From Mex- Pitteburgh Fa Helen l1ayes favorite ico," to Clasa Studios in Mex- eout two r.b 11 1942 ico City •••. wy, and By Vincent Johnson Brings Star Carl Esmond was consoling the widow of an actor. Finally THE ~eep 'Em Laughing cult :bighfoe\lnto congenial session to- Cast to WIBA he said: "Did John leave you w en Ed Gardner psys much?" The bereaved wi f e friends, Visit to Fred Allen a Helen Hayes is coming to town! quickly re!,l1.le·t' "Oh, yes- snick· CBS reported y~sterday that Believe it or not, the incomparable nearly every nignt." •••• EDDIE r DUffy's Tavern Helen, with her talented supporting cast of Victoria Regina, will entertain Eleanor P_ and David ON still in WhiCh Ed plays the role you tonight- over Statton WIBA- at L1chlne, ballet lqUter, are hunting 6~30, and she won't be alone. After CHES· of a bantering working out routines "Brooklyn bar- her sce-neyOU'll hear Alec Templeton for Andrew '.'Sensa. : eager keep, will have at the piano, Dinah Shore singing tions of 1 arist ir wed· its SWinginO" songs, Mischa Auer and Alap Bred 1p Dane Lussier e. ey ex· dOQrspadlocked a prize bit of comedy. There'll be an tary to Allan nksgiv. by the sponsor orchestra directed by Tom Jones, and Hervey •••• J after tomor- Harry Von Zell is Master of Cere~ row's broadcast. monies. minous PC !iJs;:, So Gardner a 2&yea.r Sounds like a big show, and it is. It's BoYS, l"- 'trr.. ~ay .be drap- the President's Diamond Jubilee Var- 'is and Ed G dn Ping In on the iety Program and all these people have .... died for "t ~r er S tar Theater the title. "'Die~=~ contributed their rervices to the com~ don" •••• hit of WI h the Jdea of selling Fred Allen l more a 5aloon. mlttee for the Celebration of the 0\& .. 'to will be In any .€Vf!nt. Ed's quaint tav- President's Birthday. M" ... DMs' f>bikJIofJhy: e since 'hrnaCUlar lS certain to enliven the It's all a part of the anual drive for • ow, hea.rd Over WJAS at 9 funds for that great charity _ The ",if.,Ii_" -1bIt#is he In their broadcasts, Ed and .f;;~ National Foundation for Infantile 11, 10 frequently use. the aame actors " itIIf '!'!PI >weom·~: Paralysis, Inc. They're atter our diInes Ii"".. fllOI'ltl Alan Reed Is Falstatl Open8ba~ and dollars. and of course 'We're aD tiIoNltl for Ali@ii nd O1ficer Clancy for happy to COIltrtbute. COM!" Gardner. Charlie Cantor plays Mr Helen Hayes Willmake the principal ~erage Listener tor Fred and plea. tor contributions, ablY ~ lIlo~ ~nneg&ll for Ed. JOhn by Ketti! Morgan, NatlODll1 ~ 011bo':'...~ Pioua appe of til. Commlttoo 1'Ilr with the a you ,,_ II> lll&Il.