Bios in the Next Millennium

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Bios in the Next Millennium Bios 1 18-11-96 10:42 Page 1 Bio News Vol 2. No. 1, October, 1994 A monthly newspaper for the appreciation and protection of the bio-environment, a shift from an anthropocentric to a biocentric vision Greece Drs150/ Overseas $1.00 Bios in the Next Millennium t the threshold of the new millennium, tech- ñ generate environmental action groups, nological progress has expanded the hori- utilising both the enthusiasm of youth and the Azons of human understanding. Technology experience of retired people to tackle local may serve as a pathway leading to the revelation issues; of the truth and to a better future. ñ encourage life-supporting economic strate- However, in the present meta-industrial era, gy to replace destructive policies, and a world- society is undergoing a crisis of values. The pre- wide interdisciplinary exchange of information sent destruction rate threatens not only aesthetic promoting the appreciation of the bio-envi- values but also the very essence of bio-diversity ronment. Exchange of bios-supporting data on our planet. What is in danger nowadays is bios, between cities, individuals, universities, etc; life itself. Every moment that a clock is ticking, ñ promote the establishment of a computer- some form of life disappears. ized Bank of Ideas in which scientists, aca- Many of the threats to the present world are BIOS demicians and philosophers, as well as every due to the near-sighted approach adopted in deci- individual, may deposit their thoughts, to cre- sion-making processes. A perception of ate a rich source of information and reflections timescales may provide the guidelines for a far- on bios; sighted policy in the future. A millennium vision ñ organize a World Referendum so as to in decision making can give the needed unifying allow people throughout the world to express dimensions allowing for the shifting of thought their willingness to preserve bios on our planet; from personal or national issues to the real Since society is flexible and dynamic, educa- essence of the continuation of the chain of life. tional systems have to be continuously revised. Bios has existed for hundreds of millions of years. By the time proposals and studies are imple- In terms of the long chain of evolution of life, the mented, they tend to be already outdated. The presence of human beings is realised only in the more we understand the most unique gift of the last few seconds. universe, bios, the more successful we will be in In the course of human history, several political source of inspiration and strength for building a humankind and for improving quality of life for fulfilling the needs of the community, the country systems have been developed. Tyranny and harmonious future. future generations. or the world. One realizes that humanity possess- democracy are among the older ones; new terms In order to ensure the harmonious co-exis- In addition to the theoretical search for val- es the option for alternative futures. The rapid like capitalism and socialism have been proposed tence of all forms of life, the Biopolitics Interna- ues, action will be needed in order to use the rate of technological advancement provides the as alternative models of society. However, bios tional Organisation has stressed the need for a progress of technology for preserving the bio- ascending ladder of knowledge and the linking has been tested in unlimited varieties which have new era of bio-culture based on the shift from environment: bridge between the present and the future. survived through the powerful selection of evolu- anthropocentric to biocentric values. ñ develop a bio-syllabus and new curriculum Waves of energy penetrate our soul and cre- tion. The hope is that bios may provide the Protection of bios may become a unifying materials for pre-school, elementary, middle ate a dimension of hope for the future. Light desired dimensions and expanding strategies for vision for humanity. National defense could and higher levels of education and audio-visual waves, in the whole spectrum of wavelengths the future. become the defense of bios rights. International materials on issues related to bios and the bio- reveal to our senses the miracle of creation. The symmetry and beauty of bios, as revealed cooperation may lead to a new era of bio-diplo- environment; Sound and music, through melody, rhythm and in the micro-environment, the scale of the cell, macy, by facing as enemies the destruction of the ñ introduce a positive feeling among the harmony are transient waves to the beauty of and the macro-environment, could become a ozone layer, pollution, starvation and disease and unemployed by paying a “Green Salary” the microcosmos and the macrocosmos. promoting better physical and mental health. instead of benefits, with the commitment to Waves of communication, through media, Galaxy or galaxies And what am I All human beings belong to the same body of work for the protection of the bio-environ- modulate our daily action and thought. are small dimensions a neutron to the galaxy humanity. Differences of religion, colour, lan- ment (planting of trees, cleaning of cities etc.) Bio-culture may serve as a lever to uplift the not infinity or a galaxy to the guage and tradition, constitute an enrichment of ñ encourage the creation of a clearing-house spirit of humanity toward a greater maturity and Neutrons are small neutron? humanity rather than a reason for division. Fur- for both dedicated individuals and established deeper understanding of the positive aspects of very small (Oscillations, 1983, Dr. Agni thermore, humanity is a part of the body of bios. organizations to provide, through the use of progress. The hope is to spread the value of love not infinity Vlavianos-Arvanitis) Joint efforts to protect bio-diversity, the real computer link-ups, a network of people wish- for bios, as a source of joy and solidarity for the wealth of nations, are crucial for the survival of ing to cooperate; whole of humanity. Inside...Inside... Page 2 ~ Bio-Environment Atmospheric Pollution in Greater Athens Page 3 ~ Bio-Education BY ANGELIKI DANTOU trolling the level of lead and carbon monox- is necessary. This is already underway, assist- ide in the atmosphere (with yearly averages ed by the European Union, with the construc- Bio-Economics ollowing a serious increase in atmo- below the national quality limits imposed by tion of a new subway system. At present, the spheric pollution in the Greater Athens the E.U.) must be considered an achievement. car is the main means of transportation for Page 4 ~ Bio-Business Farea during the1970s, a series of mea- It is mainly due to a series of legal measures; most Athenians, with an average of 1.5 pas- sures was undertaken by the Greek govern- a) the reduction of lead concentration in fuel sengers per circulating car. Hopefully this Page 9 ~ Bio-Legislation ment in order to stabilise and eventually to meet E.U. standards (0.15 gr/lt); b) voting trend will be halted when the Athens reduce the concentration levels of most pollu- for financial incentives so that old cars are metropolitan subway opens in 1998. Page 10 ~ Bio-Olympics tants. Since 1990, the concentration levels of replaced by those with catalytic converters; As far as industry is concerned, emissions Health primary pollutants (except carbon monoxide) c) imposing a compulsory emissions inspec- are usually associated with a high concentra- have decreased, but those of certain photo- tion for all privately-owned and government tion of sulphur dioxide and its consequence, Page 11 ~ Classified ads and chemical pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide vehicles; and d), imposing regular checks on acid rain. announcements and ozone, have been rising. industrial emissions and central heating The alarming increase in this pollutant in These trends in atmospheric pollution dur- installations. the 1970s (with a peak of 112 Ìg/m3 in 1978) Page 12 ~ BIOgraphy ing the last decade can be explained in terms Pollution by traffic is very difficult to con- led to drastic legal measures, the most of the economic, demographic and social real- trol because of the high concentration of pub- important of which concerned the reduction Goals and progress ity of the Greater Athens Area (GAA): lic and private activities in Athens. This was of sulphur concentration in fuel from 3.5% of the Biopolitics ñ Between 1981 and 1991 the population of brought about by the lack of proper urban to 1% and in mazout (central-heating oil) International the municipality of Athens decreased by 5%, planning in the past. 19 out of 23 hospitals, 4 from 1% to 0.7%. In addition, a five-year while the population in surrounding areas of the ministries, more than 80% of public project for pollution minimisation in indus- increased. In cities located in Eastern Attiki service headquarters, 70% of legal compa- try resulted in a decrease in total industrial AKHAROV this increase reached 28%. This demographic nies, 60% of medical offices, are located in emissions by 23 % between 1986 and 1990. S shift, combined with geographic and meteoro- the centre of the GAA. Overall, Athens is the For 6 years, between 1978 and 1984, the FESTIVAL logical parameters, is the key to understand- location for more than 55% of sites of eco- results of this policy were spectacular, with SPECIAL ing the increase in photochemical pollution. nomic activity in Greece. an average 10% reduction per year. BIO-EVENT ñ From 1980 to 1990 the number of cars in Consequently, decentralisation is crucial in The sulphur dioxide concentration was 47 GAA doubled (640,000 in 1980 as against order to achieve pollution reduction at Ìg/m3 in 1984 but from then on there has been PAGES 5-8 1,200,000 in 1990).
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