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CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.493 2008 item 3004 ◆◆◇◇ GREEK & LATIN ◇◇◆◆ LEXICON & LINGUISTICS 1 ALCALAY (R.) THE COMPLETE ENGLISH-HEBREW DICTIONARY. Chemed Books/Yedioth Ahronoth, 2000. New Enlarged Ed. 3 vols(A-E,F-P,Q-Z). lar.8vo. almost clean. 8,920 2 ALLEN (W.S.) VOX GRAECA A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek. Cambridge U.P., 1974. 174pp. dw. bit foxing. 4,000 3 ARISTOTELES: JAEGER (W.) ARISTOTELES. Grundlegung einer Geschichte seiner Entwicklung. Berlin: Weidmann, 1956446pp. lar.8vo. cover sl.worn. 12,000 4 BAILEY (J.) TOTIUS LATINITATIS LEXICON CONSILIO ET CURA JACOBI FACCIOLATI, OPERA ET STUDIO AEGIDII FORCELLINI. Almni Seminarii Patavini Lucubratum. Edidit Anglicam Interpretationem in Locum Italicae Substituit Appendicem Patavinam Lexico Passim Intertexuit Pauca de Suo Distinctione per Obelos Facta huc Atque illuc Sparsit... (The Universal Latin Lexicon of Facciolatus and Forcellinus: A New Ed.) Londini: 1828. 2 tomes. folio. half calf. joint weak. 63,000 5 BAILEY (M.A.) DICTIONNAIRE GREC-FRANCAIS. Redige avec Le Concours de M.E.Egger. Paris: Lib.Hachette, n.d. Onzieme Edition Revue. xxxi,2227pp. lar.8vo. a thick vol. spine & text sl.foxing. fore-edges browned. 5,250 6 BEES (N.A.) CHRONICON MONEMBASIAE. A Study of its Sources and itss Value as a Historical Source; Accompanied by a Critical Education of its Three Versions of the Greek Text printed in Parallel columns. Chicago: Ares, 1909. 105pp. 12,000 - 1 - 7 BERSCHIN (W.) GRIECHISCH-LATEINISCHES MITTELALTER. Von Hieronymus zu Nikolaus von Kues. Munchen: Francke,1980. 363pp. dw. 12,000 8 BERTSCH (A.) KURZGEFASZTE HEBRAISCHE SPRACHLEHREE. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer,1956. 216pp. sl.scrached. 3,000 9 BETTS (G.) TEACH YOURSELF. LATIN. MCGRAW-HILL,2003. 369pp. pb. 3,000 10 BIRNBAUM (P.)(Trans.) DAILY PRAYER BOOK. Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem. N.Y.: Hebrew Pub., 1995. 790pp. leather binding. 4,000 11 BLAISE (A.) A HANDBOOK OF CHRISTIAN LATIN: Style, Morphology, and Syntax. Translated by G.C.Roti. Brepols: Geogetown U.P., 1994. xvii,157pp. Roy.8vo. 15,000 12 BLASS (F.) & DEBRUNNER (A.) A GREEK GRAMMAR OF THE NEW TESTAMENT AND OTHER EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. A Translation and Revision of the 9th-10th German Edition Incorporating Supplementary Notes of A.Debrunner by Robert W.Funk. Chicago U.P., 1961. xxxvii,325pp. 4to. dw. 6,500 13 BLASS (F.) & DEBRUNNER (A.) GRAMMATIK DES NEUTESTAMENTLICHEN GRIECHSCH. Bearbeitet von F.Rehkopf. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001. 18.Auflage. xxi,511pp. lar.8vo. 5,000 14 BUCK (C.D.) COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF GREEK AND LATIN. Chicago U.P., 1969. xvi,405pp. fore-edges foxing. 4,500 15 CAPPELLI (A.) LEXICON ABBREVIATURARUM DIZIONARIO DI ABBREVIATURE LATINE ED ITALIANE. Manuali Hoepli. Milano: Ulrico Hoeoli, 1999. ristampa. with tables. lxxiii,531pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 16 CART (A.) & OTHERS, LE LATIN ET LES AUTEURS LATINS. III. IV. Paris: Fernand Narhan, 1967. 2 vols. 3,000 17 CARY (M.) & Others (Ed.) THE OXFORD CLASSICAL DICTIONARY. Oxford C.P., 1964. 4to. xix,971pp. 6,000 18 CHASE (A.H.) & PHILLIPS (H.) A NEW INTRODUCTION TO GREEK. Harvard U.P., 1974. 3rd Edition Revised and enlarged. 221pp. 3,000 19 CHRISTES (J.) SKLAVEN UND FREIGELASSENE ALS GRAMMATIKER UND PHILOLOGEN IM ANTIKEN ROM. Wiesbaden: F.Steiner, 1979. 226pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 6,000 20 COLE (P.)(Ed.)STUDIES IN MODERN HEBREW SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS. The transformational- generative approach. Oxford: North-holland,1976. 285pp. pb. 5,250 21 COLE (T.) & ROSS (D.) STUDIES IN LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Yale Classical Studies. Volume XXIII. Cambridge U.P., 1973. ix,241pp. 4,500 22 CZECH: MIKULKA (Alois) VSELIJAKA KOUKATKA MALYCH I VELKYCH UCHECHTANKU Aby Nemeli Dlouhou Chvilku. Krajske Nakladatelstvi v Brne, 1963. color(chromolithograph?) illusts throughout. u.p. pictorial boards. 18.5 x 19.5 cm. 21,000 23 DALES (R.C.) & ARGERAMI (O.)(Ed.) MEDIEVAL LATIN TEXTS ON THE ETERNITY OF THE WORLD. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1991. 229pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 10,500 24 DHUODA: RICHE (P.)(intro.,text cri.,notes) MANUEL POUR MON FILS. Traduction par B.deVregille et C.Mondesert. Paris: CERF, 1997. 389pp. wrapper. 5,000 - 2 - 25 EGGER (A.E.) LATINI SERMONIS. Vetustioris Reliquiae Selectae. Paris: Hachette,Leipzig: L.Michelsen, 1843. xxij,428pp. contemporary marbled boards. a small stamped. 8,400 26 EICHTHAL (G.D.) DE L'USAGE PRATIQUE DE LA LANGUA GRECQUE./ DE LA REFORME PROGRESSIVE ET DE L'ETAT DE LA LANGUE GRECQUE./ LES TROIS GRANIS PEUPLES MEDITERRANEENS ET LE CHRISTIANISME. 1865-1870. presentation to the Athenaeum Club with Inscription by the Author. 22,78,48pp. last 2 items with title pages. 11,550 27 ERNOUT (A.) & MEILET (A.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE DE LA LANGUE LATINE. Histoire des motsParis: C.Klincksieck,1967. Quatrieme Ed. 4to.xiii,827pp. original cloth. cover rubbed. 12,000 28 FELDBAUSCH (F.S.) GRIECHISCHE GRAMMATIK ZUM SCHULGEBRAUCH. Griechische Chrestomaathie fur anfanger oder aebungen zum Uebersetzen aus dem Griechischen in's Deutsche. Heidelberg: F.Winter, 1826. 348,124pp. boards. 8,400 29 FOULQUIE (P.) DICTIONNAIRE DE LA LANGUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. avec la collaboration de R.Saint-Jean. P.U.F., 1962. xv,768pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 3,000 30 FREUND (W.) WORTERBUCH DER LATEINISCHEN SPRACHE, nach historische-genetischen Principien, mit steter Berucksichtigung der Grammatik, Synonymik und Alterthumskunde. nebst mehreren Beilagen linguistischen und archaologischen Inhalts. Lepzig: Hahan, 1834- 45. 4 Bde. lar.8vo. thick vols. half calf, corners of covers rubbed. joint strengthened by cloth tape. 36,750 31 FRISK (H.) GRIECHISCHES ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH, (C.Winter) 1973. 3 bdeblue cloth. 50,000 32 FUGIER (H.) RECHERCHES SUR L'EXPRESSION DU SACRE DANS LA LANGUE LATINE. Paris: Ed.Ophrys, 1985. 470pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 7,000 33 GAFFIOT (F.) LE GRAND GAFFIOT DICTIONNAIRE LATIN-FRANCAIS. Nouvelle edition revue et augmentee sous la direction de P.Flobert. Hachette-Livre, 2000. 1766pp. 4to. cover edge bit crease. 12,000 34 GEORGES (K.E.) KLEINES DEUTSCH-LATENISCHES HANDWORTERBUCH. Nachdruck der Siebenten, verbesserten und Vermehrten auflage von H.Georges. Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1982. 2871pp. stamped. 8,000 35 GLARE (P.G.W.)(Ed.) OXFORD LATIN DICTIONARY. Ox.C.P,1968. xviii,2126pp. 4to. 38,850 36 GORDON (A.E.) THE LETTER NAMES OF THE LATIN ALPHABET. California U.P., 1973. 70pp. wrapper. sl.foxing. 3,000 37 GRIMAL (P.) TEXTES LATINS 1re & 2e. Auteurs Notions sur Quelques Structures de la Langue Latine. Paris: F.Nathan, 1973,72. 2 vols. paperback. 3,500 38 GRIMM (J.& W.) DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH. (Leipzig:S.Hirzel,1854) Deutscher Taschenbuch, 1984. 33 Bde. lar.8vo. paperback. 65,000 39 GUILLAUME (G.) TEMPS ET VERBE THEORIE DES ASPECTS, DES MODES ET DES TEMPS SUIVI DE L'ARCHITECTONIQUE DU TEMPS DANS LES LANGUES CLASSIQUES. Avant-propos de R.Valin. Paris: Champion, 1968. xxi,134,66pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 6,300 40 HEHN (V.) KULTURPFLANZEN UND HAUSTIERE in Ihrem Ubergang aus Asien nach Griechenland und Italien sowie in das Ubrige Europa. Historisch-Linguistische Studien, Hrsg.von O.Schrader. Hildsheim: G.Olms, 1963. Mit Botanischen Beitragen von A.Engler & F.Pax. xxxi,665pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges sl.foxing. 12,000 - 3 - 41 HOFFMANN (F.) DER LATEINISCHE UNTERRICHT AUF SPRACHWISSENSCHAFTLICHER GRUNDLAGE. Anregungen und Winke. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellchaft, 1966. xiv,199pp. spine & fore-dhes spotted. 3,000 42 HOOKER (J.): OWENS (G.) KRITIKA DAIDALIKA EVIDENCE FOR THE MINOAN LANGUAGE, Selected Essays in Memory of James Hooker. Hakkert, 1997. xii,301pp. lar.8vo. pb. 8,400 43 HORNBLOWER (S.) & SPAWFORTH (A.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD CLASSICAL DICTIONARY. The Ultimate Reference work on the Classical World. Oxford U.P., 2003. 3rd Ed. Revised. 4to.1640pp.dw. 12,000 44 KIERCKERS (E.) HISTORISCHE LATEINISCHE GRAMMATIK. mit Berucksichtigung des Vulgarlateins und der Romanischen Sprachen. Damstadt: Wissenschaftliche, 1965. 2 Bde. sm.8vo. 13,000 45 KITCHER (P.) THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Science without Legend, Objectivity without Illusions. Oxford U.P., 1995. 421pp. paperback. 3,000 46 KLOTZ (R.)(Hrsg.) HANDWORTERBUCH DER LATEINISCHEN SPRACHE. Brauschweig: G.Westermann, 1857. 2 Bde. thick vols. 25,000 47 KRETSCHMER (P.) EINLEITUNG IN DIE GESCHICHTE DER GRIECHISCHEN SPRACHE. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970. 2., unveranderte Auflage. 428pp. lar.8vo. dw. 15,750 48 KUHNER (R.) AUSFUHRLICHE GRAMMATIK DER LATEINISCHEN SPRACHE. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche, 1966. 2 Bde in 3. 35,000 49 LAMBERTERIE (C.) LES ADJECTIFS GRECS EN-US. Semantique et comparaison. Peeters: Louvain-neuve, 1990. 2 tomes. roy.8vo. paperbacks. 15,750 50 LATHAM (R.E & HOWLETT (D.R.) DICTIONARY OF MEDIEVAL LATIN. (A-N.) From British Sources. London: Oxford Univ. 1975-2002. 7 vols.(not yet published O-Z) folio: wrappers. 25,000 51 LATHAM (R.E.) REVISED MEDIEVAL LATIN WORD-LIST. From British and Irish sources. London: Oxford U.P., 1965. xxiii,524pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fore-edges foxing. 6,000 52 LATTE (S.K.) LEXICA GRAECA MINORA. Hildesheim: Olms,1965. xvii,372pp. 14,000 53 LAVERTUJON (A.) LA CHRONIQUE DE SULPICE SEVERE. Texte Critique Traduction et Commentaire. Paris: Hachette, 1896. 2 vols. sm.4to. 15,000 54 LEFEVRE (M.Y.) LA LEXICOGRAPHIE DU LATIN MEDIEVAL ET SES RAPPORTS Avec Les Recherches Actuelles sur la Civilisation du Moyen-Age. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1981. 547pp. Roy.8vo. bit foxing. 15,000 55 LEUTSCH (E.L.A.) & SCHNEIDEWIN (F.G.)(Ed.) CORPUS PAROEMIOGRAPHORUM GRAECORUM. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1958.3 vols. 22,000 56 LEWIS (C.T.) A LATIN DICTIONARY. Founded on Andrews' Edition of Freud's Latin Dictionary. Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten. Oxford U.P., 1969. 2019pp. 4to. 16,000 57 LIBANIOS: LIBANII SOPHISTAE EPISTOLAE. Quas nunc primum maximam pertem e variis codicibus, manu exaratis. Edidit, latineconvertit & Notis illustravit Joannes Christophorus Wolfius. Accedunt in calce ejusdem Libanii epistolae a Francisco Zambicario olim Latine conveAmstelaedami: Jonssonio Waesbergios. 1738. folio(30x47cm). (xx),865pp. contemporary full calf. spine gilt decoration.