From: Ross K Nichols [email protected] Subject: United Bulletin - August 27, 2018 Date: August 27, 2018 at 7:01 PM To: [email protected]

August 27, 2018 / 16 Elul 5778

A global publication by Editor, Ross K. Nichols Social Sites World Union Press

Publishing important Biblical research and messages of current interest since 1944.

Donate to United Israel World Union, Inc. UI Jewish Calendars This week and next, we will be sending out our lovely new United Israel World Union Jewish Calendars.

Last week, we sent out a notice about the calendar mailing, requesting that all who want one send us your name and current physical mailing address. If you did not respond, please click the link below to update your physical address. This way we can be sure that you receive your calendar. We are currently updating our mailing list to include many new contacts who have requested one of our calendars. Once our mailing list is updated, several of us will be busy getting these shipped out to our faithful friends and supporters around the world. It is our hope to have these calendars to all of you prior to Rosh HaShanah 5779 / September 10th, 2018.

We want to say a special a thank you to the Trinker family who provide these calendars for us every year. The Trinker Family's involvement goes back to the earliest days of United Israel World Union. In fact, they are one of the pioneering families in our organization. Due to their generosity, we do not charge for these calendars.

New United Israel World Union Jewish Calendar United Israel Center South to Host Shofar Factory! We are pleased to announce that United Israel World Union will be hosting a Shofar Factory at the United Israel Center South in Saint Francisville, Louisiana on Monday, September 3rd from 2-5 PM. The actual presentation will likely only take an hour, but the center will remain open for fun and fellowship after the presentation. Rabbi Mendel Rivkin, Program Director of Chabad New Orleans will be putting on the presentation. This is a family fun event. Everyone will love this Shofar Factory Workshop. We are grateful that during this busy season, Rabbi Mendel Rivkin has agreed to come to the UI Center and give his popular presentation.

The workshop consists of a discussion of Shofars using visual aids such as various horns and posters. The discussion provides an overview of the historical, zoological and religious elements of the Shofar. The highlight of the program is the actual hands-on demonstration of how a Shofar is created, beginning with an unfinished horn and ending with a genuine Shofar. The demonstration is interactive, using many volunteers from the audience to saw, drill, sand and polish the horn, thereby turning it into a Shofar. Finally, the participants are then taught how to sound the Shofar as well as the proper sequence of notes sounded on Rosh Hashanah.

We hope to see many of you in attendance at the UI Center South, but for those who are unable to attend in person, we are pleased to share the experience with you via Live Stream on our Facebook Page and our YouTube Channel.

United Israel is offering this at no charge to ensure that anyone who wishes to participate may do so. We have already paid the fee associated with the presentation. If you would like to contribute, and are able to do so, feel free to visit our Donate page at our main website.

Let us know if you will be joining us either in person, or via the Internet! Here is the link to the event on our Facebook Page (Click Facebook icon below this article).

May you be inscribed and sealed for a sweet, healthy, prosperous and meaningful year of 5779! meaningful year of 5779!

From the The Torah reading this week, for those who follow the annual cycle of The Torah reading this week, for those who follow the annual cycle of readings is Ki Tavi (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8). This is the sixth of seven Sabbaths of Consolation. The associated Prophet reading for this Torah Reading is found in Isaiah 60:1-22.

"Remember the Torah of my servant Moses, the statutes and judgments that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel"

(Malachi 4:4 English / Malachi 3:22 Hebrew).

Torah Scroll Repairs In October of 2016, the UI Center South was presented with a Torah Scroll. This scroll came into the possession of United Israel World Union during Sukkot (October 17, 1965). The scroll is of Sephardic style, originally from Calcutta, India and dating to 1898. Many of the threads, which secure the pieces together have worn over time. This week I ordered the proper thread (known as gidim) in order to restore the scroll. Restoration will begin when the gidim arrives. In this photo James and Ralph are presenting the scroll at the dedication of the UI Center South. By the time I am done with the restoration, I will have carefully inspected the entire scroll.

Readers of the Bulletin can read more about this Torah Scroll by reviewing, The Strange Saga of "Eddie" Abrams, the 19th in the Remembering David Horowitz Series by Ralph Buntyn. Horowitz Series by Ralph Buntyn.

*It should be noted that the story of this scroll needs revision since it is now housed in the UI Center South in Saint Francisville, Louisiana.

Some of you may recall that this scroll also played a part in a most unusual Bar Mitzvah ceremony for William Vandor, son of Jono and Christine Vandor. Read the story about the Bar Mitzvah that involved cooperation between people on several continents! You can also view a video of the ceremony at this link, skillfully assembled by Jason "SpiritualBabies" in Ireland.

Join the Hebrew Torah Reading Team! For several years, various talented and dedicated lovers of Torah and Hebrew have worked very hard to share these affections with members of United Israel World Union. The Hebrew Torah Reading Team consists of people from around the world who gather weekly to practice reading the weekly Torah portion in Hebrew. Those who are ready to participate for Shabbat are then assigned a portion to read in one of two Shabbat readings (Erev and Boker). (Erev and Boker).

The current leader and organizer of the team is Lim Chong Kiat of Perth, Western Australia although he is quick to point out that others, both past and present have aided in this project. He assumed the leadership and organization of the team some time back and hopes to bring together past and present members in an attempt to build a cohesive group all dedicated to the advancement of Torah and Hebrew. Anyone who wishes to be a part of this effort is encouraged to email the editor.

Each year, the team reads through the entire Torah of Moses during the Festival of Sukkot (See Deuteronomy 31:10-13). Here is what was recently posted on the United Israel Facebook Group page soliciting people to join in this holy exercise.

"Sukkot 2018 is just round the corner and as is our tradition, we will gather and take it in turn to read the entire Torah.

Start time: 22 Sep 2018, 10.00AM US Central time

Please sign up here.

You can sign up for as many slots as you wish but it is recommended that you give yourself a break (and others a chance to read) after reading 30-45 minutes.

You must have a Skype account and must add 'limchongkiat' as a contact. Once accepted as a contact, you will then be able to join the reading session at your convenience.

The procedure is very simple - join the Skype call just before it's your time to read. When it's your time, just make your presence known to the ongoing reader when there's a slight pause in his/her reading e.g. at the end of a verse. The reader will then inform you as to where he/she's at and you continue reading from there until the next reader takes over from you.

During your reading, feel free to announce the book and chapter when you are starting on a new chapter, so that anyone tuning in will know where you are reading from.

The entire Torah reading will take 32-35 hours. You can also find the event on Facebook here.

Do come and join us!!"

We hope that many of you will join with our team in the fulfillment of this mitzvah!

Below, you will see Facebook and YouTube icons for the Hebrew Torah Reading Team pages on these respective platforms. Check them out! Reading Team pages on these respective platforms. Check them out!

I want to Join the HTRT

Regarding Moses: An Old Sermon Revisited Revisited On August 27, 1525, 493 years ago today, a now famous Christian preacher delivered a sermon that was intended to answer the question once and for all. The sermon was entitled, How Christians Should Regard Moses. For several years, on the anniversary of this sermon, I have published this article with slight edits and am doing so yet again this year. I originally wrote this for the growing number of Christians who have decided, based upon their own studies of Scripture that the Torah has significance for their lives.

How should Christians regard Moses? Are his words beneficial for the followers of Jesus? What of his laws? Are they contrary to faith? Have they been done away with?

The Sermon

The preacher set out to show that God gave only two public sermons from heaven. The first is recorded in Exodus chapter 19 and 20, the second is recorded in chapter two of the book of Acts. Though not mentioned by the preacher of this sermon, both of these events are reported to have taken place during the third month of the Hebrew year, 50 days after the Hebrew Festival of Passover, at the Feast of Shavuoth or Pentecost.

The author of the sermon was not interested however in finding correlation between the two events, but rather in pointing out the distinctions between the sermons designated by him as the Law and the Gospel. His sermon was intended to declare once and for all that “these two sermons are not the same.” Note the language of the sermon on this very point from the text of the preacher’s sermon.

“Now the first sermon, and doctrine, is the law of God. The second is the Gospel. These two sermons are not the same. Therefore we must have a good grasp of the matter in order to know how to differentiate between them. We must know what the Law is, and what the gospel is. The Law commands and requires us to do certain things. The Law is thus directed solely to our behavior and consists in making requirements. For God speaks through the Law, saying, ‘Do this, avoid that, this is what I expect of you.’ The Gospel, however, does not preach what we are to do or to avoid. It sets up no requirements but reverses the approach of the Law, does the very opposite and says, ‘this is what God has done for you; he has let his Son be made of flesh for you, has let him be put to death for your sake.’ So, then, there are two kinds of doctrine and two kinds of works, those of God and those of men. Just as we and God are separated from one another. So also these two doctrines are widely separated from one another. For the gospel teaches exclusively what has been given us by God and not – as in the case of the Law – what we are to do and give to God.”

The preacher continued his sermon by comparing the two sermons to two kingdoms – the temporal and the Spiritual – where the temporal equates to kingdoms – the temporal and the Spiritual – where the temporal equates to the Law and the Spiritual to the gospel.

He then identified yet another kingdom that resides between the temporal and the spiritual – one that is half and half as it were. According to the preacher, it is constituted by the Jews, with commandments and outward ceremonies which prescribe their conduct toward God and men.

From this platform, he went on to attempt to show that “here the Law of Moses has its place.” While admitting some good within this middle kingdom, he was clear to show that those things which apply to Gentiles are only those which are “written by nature into their hearts.” He preached this on behalf of a group he referred to as enthusiasts. This group “reads Moses (the Law), extol him and bring up the way he ruled the people with commandments. They try to be clever, and think they know something more than is presented in the gospel; so they minimize faith, contrive something new, and boastfully claim that it comes from the Old Testament. They desire to govern people according to the letter of the Law of Moses, as if no one had ever read it before.”

He saw no way to reconcile the two sermons. In fact he placed them against one another using very strong language. Notice the following quote from his sermon.

“We would rather not preach again for the rest of our life than to let Moses return and to let Christ be torn out of our hearts. We will not have Moses as ruler or Lawgiver any longer. Indeed God himself will not have it either.”

He further told those present at his sermon to tell those who would preach Moses to simply respond with the statement that “Moses has nothing to do with us.”

The preacher went on to state that the Sabbath was abolished and in fact he said that “not one little period in Moses pertains to us.”

Finally he sought to set the record straight and informed the laity of why they should even retain Moses at all and not as he put it, “sweep him under the rug.” He identified three things “to notice in Moses.”

Certain commandments are good for Christians. Not, said he, because Moses gave them, but “because they have been implanted in me by nature” and “Moses agrees exactly with nature.” He went on to share which commandments he gladly and willingly accepted. He said that he also accepted those things in Moses that he called “the promises and pledges of God about Christ” – promises that as he put it, “sustain faith.” The third thing to be seen in Moses as worth keeping it around are “beautiful examples of faith, of love and of the cross, as shown in the fathers, Adam, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and all the fathers, Adam, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and all the rest.”

The sermon discussed above was delivered on this very date (August 27, 1525), 493 years ago by a preacher named Martin Luther as part of a series of seventy-seven sermons on Exodus preached between October 2, 1524 and February 2, 1527.

I could not let the day pass without announcing that I stand with the historical Jesus against Martin Luther on the anniversary of his sermon and declaring that NOT “one jot or one tittle” will pass from the Torah until all is fulfilled – stating further that whoever breaks one of the least of the commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven, but whoever does and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

This gives me more reason than ever to Preach Moses Every Sabbath. The phrase “preaching Moses” comes from the New Testament book of Acts (15:21) as part of the decision of James concerning non-Jews coming into the faith. If Christians spent more time listening to the preaching of Moses every Sabbath, they would be less likely to be led astray by teachings that are contrary to sound doctrine.

Below this article you will find a button that takes you to the original article on our United Israel website. Please share this article with others who may find it of interest.


Word of his grace. (2007-2009). Retrieved from

Link to this article on the UI Website This work was obtained from the now defunct Information Agency. In 1999 the agency was merged into the Bureau of Public Affairs which is part of the United States Department of State. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of 17 U.S.C. § 105. I Have a Dream - 55 Years Ago! Fifty-five years ago, on August 28, 1963 an estimated 200,000+ people marched on Washington, D.C. in what was called the march on Washington for jobs and freedom. It was during this march that the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his now famous I Have a Dream speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The speech is arguably one of the greatest speeches of the twentieth century and is a hallmark of the Civil Rights Movement in America. In the speech, Dr. King referred to some of America's founding documents as justification for freedom for ALL. It was an appeal to all who heard his words, to live true to the words of our cherished beliefs that declared liberty and freedom to all of the citizens of America. It was an open challenge for America to live up to its creed, or as Dr. King put it,

"I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream – one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, 'We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.' I have a dream . . ."

Following the speech, Dr. King was recognized as TIME Magazine's Man of the Year in 1963 and in 1964, he became the youngest person to be awarded the Year in 1963 and in 1964, he became the youngest person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

To read the full article, and to watch the video of this speech and more, visit our website by clicking the button below. The full article includes an observation by the Editor, associating the work of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to the Torah of Moses. Check it out!

I Have a Dream Exodus - Gods and Kings A Review by Jon Langberg Publication

Los Angeles, CA : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, [2015]

Summary And Main Cast

Moses sets out to rise up against the Egyptian Pharaoh. He frees 600,000 slaves and they all journey across Egypt fighting deadly plagues. The epic tale of one man’s daring courage to take on an empire. Ridley Scott, film director. Christian Bale, actor. Joel Edgerton, actor. Ben Kingsley, actor.

Author’s Review & Grade:

OK, so they didn’t do the movie like the book. There were a few issues for me: 1) They weren’t as respectful as I thought they should be about the creator, 2) Moses was not known as a sword wielding hero of Egypt and 3) What they didn’t change, they left out. The aesthetics of the movie were good. Let’s face it; it’s been a long time since Chuck played Moses. My problem is that I’ve read the book and seen the original movie. This movie just doesn’t work for me.

On a 1 to 5 scale, we give this movie a 2 because of movie sophistication. However, I wouldn’t watch it again.

Consider Your Ways By Patty and David Tyler, Ministers and Members of the Board of Directors, UIWU which began on August 12, is the ,(אֱלול :The Hebrew month of Elul (Hebrew which began on August 12, is the ,(אֱלול :The Hebrew month of Elul (Hebrew 6th month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar, consisting of 29 days. This month is traditionally a season of reconciliation - a time of repentance and searching out one’s heart in preparation for the High Holy Days of Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets, aka Rosh Hashanah) and Yom Kippur. It is also a time for granting and asking for forgiveness.

While ancient Midrash sources tie this tradition to Moses ascending the mountain to receive the second tablets on the first day of the month of Elul, the prophet Haggai (Whose name means “My Holyday”) offers perhaps an additional message - one of repentance that is followed by action. This message is just as relevant today as it was in the prophet’s time. In Haggai 1:5 it is YHVH Himself who exhorts His people on the first day of Elul to “Consider Your Ways.”

The setting is 520 BCE Jerusalem following the return from the Babylonian exile—when the rebuilding of the Temple had been temporarily stalled. The people had labored in vain, sowing but not reaping, apparently as a punishment for neglecting the House of YHVH:

In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, came the word of YHVH by Haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, saying: 'Thus speaketh YHVH Sabbaoth, saying: This people say: The time is not come, the time that YHVH's house should be built.' Then came the word of YHVH by Haggai the prophet, saying: 'Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your ceiled houses, while this house lieth waste? Now therefore thus saith Ye have .שִׂימו לְבַבְכֶם, עַל-דּר כֵיכֶם .YHVH Sabbaoth: Consider your ways sown much, and brought in little, ye eat, but ye have not enough, ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink, ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages for a bag with holes. .שִימו לְבַבְכֶם, עַל-דַרכֵיכֶם .Thus saith YHVH Sabbaoth: Consider your ways Haggai 1:1-7

Within these two chapters of Haggai, YHVH commands the people Shemu l’vavkhem – Consider Your Ways – four times, this is not to be found elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible. This exhortation was not only for the people to repent of their complacency and disobedience, but was also a call to get up, roll up your sleeves, and get to work! Fast-forward to 2018 – The Nation of Israel’s 70th Anniversary

Haggai’s message was pivotal for the Jewish resettlement of Israel; perhaps it is a lesson to be revisited, that our support for The State of Israel should never falter, and that we too should roll up our sleeves and get to work, in whatever way we can, small or large. Remember, the current nation of Israel is the only state on the Middle East with fully democratic values that is the only state on the Middle East with fully democratic values that embraces equality, even for those of different religions or philosophies. While the modern state is considered to be 70 years old, the Israelite roots go four millennia deeper.

Consider for a moment that the tiny geographical state of Israel is a little over 8,000 square miles (compared with the state of New York where we live which is almost 55,000 square miles) and the impact it has on world politics. Israel has a population of almost 9 million people. The total number of Arabs living in the nations surrounding Israel is estimated at 366 million by the CIA Factbook (as of 2014). The area which they live in is over 5,000,000 square miles. None of these nations are full democracies and some of them are outright dictatorships or religious-type monarchies. In these countries, life is very restricted for women and those that don’t fit their view of society. While they continue to live under such restrictive rules, Israel lives in a very modern progressive way. But the world sees it differently.

According to Wikipedia, as of 2018, Israel has been condemned in 78 resolutions by the UNHRC - Human Rights Council. Since its creation in 2006—the Council has resolved more resolutions condemning Israel than the rest of the world combined. By April 2007, the Council had passed eleven resolutions condemning Israel, the only country which it had specifically condemned. Toward Sudan, a country with human rights abuses as documented by the Council's working groups, it has expressed "deep concern." Add to this the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and celebrity condemnation of the State of Israel and one wonders, what moral code do these folks live by? They condemn a free, democratic progressive state, which embraces all, and remain silent about the abundance of injustice that surrounds Israel. It is by far the human rights leader in its support of women and other religious inhabitants.

Israel does not have a constitution per se, but the Israeli Declaration of Independence states: “The State of Israel (…) will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race etc” None of the other nations that surround her come close to this type of justice system; Israel truly stands out as a “light to the nations,” embracing the Arab people that live in their midst and treating them with dignity and respect. This was also the philosophy of UIWU founder, the late David Horowitz. UIWU Heeds the Call to Shemu l’vavkhem!

What can we do? Get on board, role up your sleeves and help! Our goal at UIWU is to teach YHVH’s Torah Instruction and support the Nation of Israel. You can join us, here is a short list of what we are doing supporting the spread of the Torah and to support the Nation of Israel.

Following is a list of our current activities; visit the links provided and see how you can participate:

1. Every week we have an interactive Bible class given by Ross K. Nichols: a. Facebook b. YouTube

2. Every week we develop this newsletter under the editorial directorship of Ross K. Nichols with extensive input from many of our members;

3. We maintain the United Israel Website which is full of news, events, teaching and history;

4. UIWU and its members support local, national and international charities;

5. UIWU members are part of the political support for Israel, including: a. Attendance of the Anti-BDS rally at the UN; b. Attendance to the National Prayer Breakfast; c. Attendance to days honoring first responders in Israel;

6. UIWU supports other religious groups such as Chabad, local churches and synagogues;

7. Many of our members have written extensively, such as; a. Dr. James Daniel Tabor has published more than six books, written many scholarly articles, operates a blog, leads archeological digs and tours in Israel, is a documentary subject matter expert for channels like NatGeo, History, TLC and so on; b. Ralph Buntyn who has written extensively on the history of UIWU and even has a new book on the founder of UIWU David Horowitz (See the Link in this Bulletin below); c. Jodell Onstott has written a comprehensive, systematic investigation of Old Testament. See the author's website - here.

8. UIWU operates a center in Ir Ovot Israel (Biblical Tamar Park) at the Blossoming Rose park;

9. Ross Nichols supports several tours to Israel each year, including one led by Dr. James Daniel Tabor; (See links in this Edition)

10. UIWU holds an annual conference each April where we provide a weekend of teaching, music and fellowship; weekend of teaching, music and fellowship;

11. UIWU has regional centers including Charlotte, NC, St. Francisville, LA and Rome, NY; and Biblical Tamar Park in the desert of Israel.

How can you help? Join us!

Pastor Charles Taze Russell Pastor Charles Taze Russell This week in HaAretz, an article was published entitled, "Before Herzl, There Was Pastor Russell: A Neglected Chapter of Zionism." We encourage readers of the Bulletin to check out the informative article written by Philippe Bohstrom.

Charles Taze Russell should be familiar to readers of the Bulletin, because our own Ralph Buntyn wrote of him in a recent installment of the Remembering David Horowitz Series.

Here is a portion of what Ralph wrote:

"As 1985 drew to a close, David Horowitz also announced the publication of a new book. The Philosophical Library of New York, a long established publishing firm known for publishing some of the most important historical works on Science, Philosophy and Religion, had just released the new volume.

The new work titled “Pastor Charles Taze Russell; An Early American Christian Zionist” was compiled and written by Mr. Horowitz to chronicle one of America’s staunchest Christian supporters of the Zionist cause at the turn of the century.

The renowned Christian preacher and Bible scholar, Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916) was the first President of the Watchtower Society and is known to many as the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But few realize that Pastor Russell was an early advocate of Zionism and that he boldly predicted the imminent return of the Jewish people to Israel.

Researching the fascinating enigma of Pastor Russell for over fifteen years, Horowitz dedicated the new volume to the late John J. Hoefle of the Epiphany Bible Association, who was a life-long devotee of Pastor Russell. Horowitz credited Mr. Hoefle’s widow, Emily, for providing inspiration and valued assistance to his efforts.

David Horowitz immediately received two prestigious endorsements for his new book.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Benjamin Netanyahu, having seen and read an advanced copy, offered these comments: “David Horowitz sets the record straight about the beliefs and achievements of Charles Taze Russell. Recognition of Pastor Russell’s important role as an early American Christian advocate of Zionism is long overdue. Mr. Horowitz has performed an admirable service in restoring to public knowledge the story of this important Christian Zionist.”

Mr. Netanyahu’s good friend, the former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Jeane Mr. Netanyahu’s good friend, the former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Jeane Kirkpatrick, having also read an advanced copy of the historic volume, had this to say: “This is a fascinating account of a neglected man and a neglected chapter in the history of Zionism. David Horowitz’s well-written book on Pastor Charles Taze Russell makes for extremely interesting reading. I definitely recommend it.”

To read the full article by Ralph Buntyn, click the button below.

The Storytellers by Ralph Buntyn

Two-Part Series on The Kingdom of Heaven Over the past two weeks, Ross Nichols has taught on the subject of the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the first teaching, Ross covered the subject of Planting Heaven. In this class, he demonstrates that in Torah Reading Shofetim, we read instructions class, he demonstrates that in Torah Reading Shofetim, we read instructions for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. What is the basis for such a kingdom? What is the foundation for the Kingdom? Beginning with the Prophet reading, Ross works through some key phrases that provide insight into what it takes to plant heaven on earth.

In the second class, titled simply, The Kingdom of Heaven, Ross demonstrates that the Kingdom of Heaven is the meaning and goal of human history. He covered several texts from the Psalms and other passages from the Hebrew Bible, which speak about the Kingdom. He further shows that the message of the Kingdom should be proclaimed by the “holy ones.” Ross shows that the establishment of this Kingdom was part of the plan from the beginning of the redemption of Israel. He also demonstrates from Scripture that the human monarchy so prevalent in the Bible is a departure from the intended plan; that it was a rejection of the True King, and of the Kingdom. Another topic covered in this class is the eternal struggle AGAINST the Kingdom of God. From one of our viewers

The primary issue that Ross Nichols discussed in his last two talks was "planting heaven" on earth. He presented a Torah based thisworldly approach to Biblical eschatology and NOT Dualism- life after death, heaven, purgatory, hell, final judgement, a personal Messiah and resurrection of the dead. These latter issues can be speculated on but it is far better to focus on "planting heaven" on Earth- the thisworldly Biblical End of Days that we should turn to. You will note that Ross did not mention dualistic issues at all. It was such a pleasure to hear a Bible teacher present the totally thisworldly way as presented in the Hebrew Bible. It is the love of God, righteousness and justice in this world that are the core of the Biblical way. We can focus on them and help plant heaven here on earth. - BP

Check out the entries for each of these classes on our United Israel Website. The blog entry contains links to the video and audio files of the teachings. Click the hyperlinks below.

Planting Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven Podcasts and Programs of Interest We have two podcasts to recommend to readers of the Bulletin this week.

The first is the latest episode of Israel on My Mind with Jono Vandor and Ross Nichols. In this show, Jono and Ross discuss PepsiCo’s recent purchase of the Israeli Company Soda Stream, the real reason that Israelis always turn out to be among the happiest people on earth, magicians in search of the lost ark, the Episcopal Bishop who got caught, Cannabis flavored ice cream, worms that do complicated math problems and MUCH more! Don’t miss SodaStream and Cannabis Ice Cream.

In the second, from the fine folks at Galilee Green, Chana and Shmuel discuss the Hebrew meaning of "respect," the beautiful Beit Shemesh, and interview Naomi Geffen about a project to build a beautiful world one classroom at a time. They even make a plug for my new Biblical Beard Balm. Don't miss episode 10 - Galilee Green Podcast.

You can also order Olive Oil from the Galilee on their website. They will ship you a regular supply of the world's finest olive oil straight to your home from the Galilee. Tell them Ross sent you.

Watch the Promo Video for the Tour! Tabor - Nichols 2019 Israel Tour Tabor - Nichols 2019 Israel Tour Secure your seat today!

Tanakh Tour Four The Tanakh Tour, with Jono Vandor, Rabbi Tovia Singer, & Ross Nichols, will bring your Bible to life as you walk where Kings, Priests, and Prophets walked while experiencing the modern miracle that is the State of Israel. The tour highlights Israel’s past, present and future, by uniquely connecting people with the history, present-day realities, and prophecies contained in the Hebrew Bible.

If you want to join this tour, don't delay. Click the link below to register. Tanakh Tour Four Registration

Support United Israel World Union For those who wish to donate to United Israel, please visit our Donate Page. United Israel World Union, INC, is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit. All contributions are tax deductible. Your financial support enables us to do all that we do. You can make a one time donation or set up a recurring contribution.

We provide all that we do at no charge, trusting that those who benefit from our work, and who are able to do so, will support the work from our work, and who are able to do so, will support the work financially. In this way, everyone who wants to learn can do so.

We appreciate your interest in, and support of UIWU.

Donate to United Israel World Union, Inc.

The Book of David The Book of David David Horowitz: Dean of United Nations Press Corps and Founder: United Israel World Union

by Ralph Buntyn For 10 years, author Ralph Buntyn spent many hours with renowned United Nations correspondent and United Israel founder David Horowitz. They engaged in lengthy discussions about his foundational views drawn from his experience and unique vantage point in the two world bodies. The Book of David is based on his personal notes, extensive archival records and reflections from these conversations.

Pre-order the Hardcover Edition Today!

ISBN: 978-1-63051-584-3

$28.95 Pre-Order The Book of David


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Ross K Nichols United Israel World Union 2101 Sardis Rd North Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28227
