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Bee Gee News October 8, 1947

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News October 8, 1947" (1947). BG News (Student Newspaper). 829.

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Volume XXXII Bowling Green. Ohio. Wednesday. October 8. 1947 Number 3 Voice Instructor Gives 4,469 Enroll Key Candidates For Fall Term Committees Named Second Annual Recital Total enrollment for the fall Reign in Parade Mr. Warren S. Allen, baritone, will present his second term is 4,469, according to John Key King and Queen candidates annual recital Friday night at 8:15 in the Main auditorium. W. Bunn, registrar. Of these will reign in the second annual For Homecoming Miss Myrtle Jensen will accompany him on the piano. Both 2,828 are men, 1,644 arc women, Key Parade Oct. 18. All frater- musicians appear as part of the faculty concert series spon- nities, sororities, and organized making the ratio one woman to housing unite are eligible to enter Full Week End Planned sored by the department of music. 1.72 men. floats for this event. Mr. Allen, instructor of voice, received his master's de- Described as "big" and "not- The parade was originally set cree in» music this summer from i for Oct. 11, but had to be post- the University of Michigan. His able" by Mr. Bunn, this year's en- For Expected 2,000 Alumni poned because of Migration Day. undergraduate work was taken at rollment far exceeds any previous Southwestern college, Winfield, record in the history of the uni- Groups entering candidates are Approximately 2,000 alumni are expected to bo on the to turn in an eight by ten dull campus when the university stages its annual HomecominK, Kansas, where he was student di- versity. The former high had reetor of the A Cappella choir in finish photograph to the Key office October 24-25. Dr. Walter A. ZaugK has been named (?eneral been .1,938, recorded at the begin- 1940. not later than Oct. 17. chairman of the special committees in charne of the projiram. ning of the 1946-47 year. The His initial appearance in Bow- The parade, scheduled for 2:30 A full week end is expected with the Kent Slate football ling Green occurred last year with present figure is 272 over the pre- Saturday afternoon, will start on game heading the list of activities planned. The annual Miss Maaqko Ono, soprano. diction made by Mr. Bunn in Aug- Thurstin avenue and proceed to "S'Rully dniu-e, sponsored by the ust. the circle, where candidates will lnhi-fraternity HIUI Pan-Hellenic Members of Phi Sigma Mu, hon- be introduced. orary music fraternity, will ushci At the time the present seniors Council Accepts councils, will be held in the Wo- Additional information con- for this event. There will be no were freshmen in 1944 the enroll- man's building on Friday, Oct. 12, admission charge. cerning the event will be released from 9-18 P m. with the Women's ment totaled 1,386, 250 of whom to housing units this week by Key New Phi Beta Independent Society following up The four part program is as fol- were V-12 trainees. editor, Doris Smart. lows: "Invocazionc de Orfeo" from with an all-campus dance Satur- "F.uridice" by Peri; "Per la gloria Of the present number, 1,81ft Mu Fraternity day night at the same place and d'adorarvi" by llononcini; "Turn are freshmen, 1,440 are sopho- Phi Mela Mu, newest recognised same time. to Me." old Scotch air by I.awson; get shot! mores. 678 are juniors, and 444 fraternity on campus, was accept- The contest for the best decor- and "Song of Momus" by Boyce, are seniors. There are 92 gradu- Influenaa injections will be ated dorm, fraternity house, or so- ed by the Interfniternity council rority house will be held as usual Section two opens with two ate students. given to students at the Univer- Weingartner numbers, "Der Ode last Wednesday, Oct 1. and there will be no restrictions on The College of Education has sity hospital next week. Dr. W. Garten." and "l>u bist ein kind;" The fraternity was organised in the cost of the decorations used the largest enrollment of the three H. Brown, university physician, this year. Janet Foulkes, chair- "Auf dem Kirchhof" by Brahms; has asked for the full coopera- February l'.M7 and plans to peti- and "Heimliche Auffordcrung" by colleges, having 1,583. Liberal man of the Awards and Rceogni- tion of all students. Last year's tion the national fraternity. Zeta tions committee states that all Strauss. Arts, with 1,549, is a close second. serious epidemic might have "L'angelus" by Bourgault-Hu- Beta Tau, in the near future. decoratlOM should be completed Warren S. Allen, baritone, will Business Administration students been avoided if all students had coudray; "Voice que le printemps" Present members include: Stun by 10 a.m. Suturdny, Oct. 16. present hit annual recital Friday number 1,245. received injections. by Debussy; "Un grand sommcil night in the auditorium. Mi»» Gordon, Long Island, N. V.; presi- The University Theater will noir" and "Dfinsons 1B giguc" by K. H. McFall, dean of freshmen, have as its contribution J. I'. Mar- Myrtle Jensen will be his accom- dent; Harold Jeffe, 1'nssnie, N. J., Szluc" complete part three. reports that there are 1,889 veter- quand'l "The Late George Aplcy" panist. vice president; Harry Spector, "Promesse de mon avenir" from ans enrolled in the university. with Ronald Kern in the leading , N. Y., secretary; role. This satire on life on Beacon "I.eRoi de Lahore" by Massenet Public Law 16, rehabilitation act Treble Clef and introduces the final section. Other which provides for training oi vet- Joe Finkelstein. Brooklyn, N. Y., street will begin its four-day stand selections are "May Day Carol" on (lit. 22. The play is directed crans who have been injured in treasurer; Mitchel Kerens, Chica- by Taylor; "Green River" and pep rally by Professor F.lden T. Smith, service, covers 130 of that number. A Capella Choir go, 111.; Michael llillig, Jnmicn, "Serenade" by Carpenter; "Dis- head of the speech department. Migration Day pep rally will The remaining 1,769 arc here N. Y.; and Monroe Rappnport, To- snnnance" by Borodine; and "My be Friday from 4:50-5:15 p.m. Dr. Zaugg stated he would like under the specifications of Public Members Named ledo. Lady Walks in Loveliness" by in front of the Men's gym. Law 346, known as the "G. 1. Bill." to have each campus organization Charles, The new local is without an ad- decide at once upon its plans for The band and cheerleaders In addition to the above total Treble Clef club and A Cappellu visor at the present since Dr. the Homecoming program and con- will lead the atudenti. are a number of veterans who arc choir will be larger thin year, ac- Maurice Ncwburgcr, former ad- tact the Program chairman, l.aura attending without benefit of either cording to Dr. James Paul Ken- visor, is not with the university Heston. Grad Students law. Many of these plan to use nedy, because of the unexpected wealth of talent in the university. this year. Meetings are held in The special committees named the veterun administration benefits any avnilablc campus building During try outs last week, the were as follows: in professional schools after com- until adequate permanent quarters Apply Now For Band Uniforms following women were chosen for pleting preparatory work here. can be found. Invitation — Walter A. Zaugg, Mr. Bunn notes that, whereas Treble Clef: chairman; I. Willinm Miller, Wil- 1st Soprano -.Catherine Mueller, Helen liam Zimmerman. Alex Emerick, Record Exam To Arrive Soon almost all the men in last year's E. Mueller. Marjorte Huber. Shirloy J. freshman class were veterans, for- Wagner. Joyce Crockett, Maryle Hicks, Betty Sanders, Mary II. Alstettcr. Bowling Green State university Uniforms for the new men's mer service men comprise only 500 Virginia Clymer. Annabelle Sparling. Publicity — Paul Jones, chuir- has a««in been designated as a marching hand, which will he royal Audria Groemng. Lillian Gray. Ruth Le- going to graduate? of the present freshman class. bau. Lois Goodnight. Janice Fuller, Fannie man; Robert Eastman, Dora Tcr- center for the administration of blue with burnt orange and white His conclusion is that veterans Smallz, Louise Brandt. Marian R. Roberts. bizan, Lois Rubel, Jane Cnrlton, the Graduate Record Examination, trimmings, have not arrived yet. Anne McKmloy. Dorothy Foster, Glenna K. All candidates for graduation have fairly well "caught up on Cherry, E. loann Herd. Belly |. HuJt, Clera W. K. Stellar. according to Dr. K. H. McFall, However, they will be here for the in June 1948, including seniors their back education." He says, 1. Price. Shirley F.gains. Pat Musolf. Jac- Reception and Registration— Examiner. Students who are en- whole campus to view at the next queline Smith, Phyllis Paugh, Virginia who will complete requirements "The university population will Cerny, Alice K DeLamater, Beverly Heil in January, must fill out an L. F. Manhart, chairman; I. W. gaged in or contemplating grad- home game on Oct. 18. man. probably remain stable for the application for graduation in Miller, W. K. Singer, Mary II. Al- uate study arc eligible to take this This year's 02 piece hand, which 2nd Soprano Lenore Lusk, Lela Schro- next few years." lueke, Janice Miller. Carmah Lawler, Leo- the Registrar's office between stettcr, Virginia Marion, Ned Eto- examination. will be led by Jim Armbruster, na Krill, Elaine A. Lewis. Beatrice Gtlmer, Foreign students total 43 this October 8 and Oct. IS. Dinette, Betty Langc. Results on this examination are sophomore from Port Chiton, and Nancy Wilier, Joann Simpson, Marilyn required before a candidate is ad- year, while 601 are out-of-state Redman. Margaret Manharl, Muriel Joy Program—l.aura Heston, chair- assistant, John Wright, freshman residents. Hutchmnon. Carolyn Kerr. Marguerite mitted to many of the nation's from New Philadelphia, is in need Spilxer, Pegqy Ann Bannger, Sophie Papa- man; Carolyn Shaw, Elisabeth Most students arc attending on rhrist, Louise Marie Long. Velma Btsher Roulet, Gordon Wnrcl, Robert Bull, leading graduate schools. In other of six French horn players and Marilyn Weisz. Doris Smart, Marian Gales. Betty Bejeck, Wilma Auten. institutions the candidate's score such instruments as bassoon, flute, a full-time basis, but 63 are on Elamo Went. Joanne Sizer, Dons WolJe, Senate Approves a part-time enrollment. Nelda Rudolph, Alice M. Elton. Peggy on this examination is requested and oboe. Nordon. Ruth Wonnell, Violet Elamo Ways and Means—I. W. Miller, when application is made for a Schneider, Helen Burdo, Nancy Heininger. Alpha Phi Omega chairman; A. B. Conklin, Richard Arthur Zucl/.kc, band leader, be- scholarship or a fellowship. 1st Alto—Marilyn Miller. Ruth E. Lyon, Fleming, Pete Sherry, Barbara Os- lieves that the increased enroll- Lillian Rossow. Belly Mishlor, Jean The examination is a series of Rudolph, Patricia Thompson, Avaloo Dres- A local chapter of the nation- mun, Jo Ann Shaw. ment should warrant more interest Bring Your Chairs tests designed to show the nature ser, Barbara Trapp, Bermco Man, Lois al Alpha Phi Omega, service or- in the band. Any man interested Cannon. Joan Syverlnen. Judith Twist, ganization, was approved by the Homecoming Queen Flection— and extent of a student's know- Or Sit On The Floor Jeanne Gray, Ruth Wilson. Dorolhy Karan- Student Council, William Zimmer- in playing with the marching band lonis, Joanne Haskins. Student Senate Monday evening. ledge and understanding in com- man, chairman. houldould attend practices on Monday, Come early in the day or on 2nd Alto Sue Swearingen. Elinor Elsass, The organisation is open to all parison with that of other college ™ "] Donna M. Slroh. Nannetle Sandndge, Bar- Ttudents. There are eight general Wednesday, and.Fnday from 4 to Saturday, advises Paul F. Leedy, bara Francis, Jayne M. Baxter, Flossie college men of good standing who Crowning of Homecoming teste that cover broadly the princi- 6 P-»- and on *»tuiday mornings. librarian, if you want to find a Beer. Edith M. Ludwig, Ruth Jordahl. Kalh were members of the Boy Scouts. Queen—Women's Athletic Associ- place to study in the library. The ryn Givtskos. Helen Tsarones, Mary Volas, ation, Reva Bailey, chairman. pal areas of a liberal education. After football season the march- Maribelle Brehman, Louise Lund, Connie Campus improvement was dis- busiest hours of the day are 9 Praeger, Ruth E. Roberts, Marione Lichty, Included are questions on mathe- ing band will combine with the cussed by Senate members and Awards and Recognitions—Jan- a.m.-12 in.. 1-4, and 7-9 p.m. Louise Stallbohm. Agnes Carey, Patricia matics, physics, chemistry, bio- girls' band, for an Eastern tour. Simon, Mary A. Hodge, Margaret Carter. action was taken to provide street et Foulkes, chairman ; W. E: Steidt- logical science, social studies, lit- The girls' band is also in need of During the week ending Sept. Glenna A. Stubb. signs and traffic warnings for the mann, W. E. Steller, Glenn Knerr, erature, fine arts and general vo- members. 27, 6,272 books were used as com- A Cappella members are: campus area. A committee was Marilyn Shane. pared with the 4,038 in circula- 1st Soprano—Phyllis Greenler, Joyce appointed to comprise rules and The Friday Night Program—In- cabulary. The band boasts an honorary Crocket, Margaret Nauls, Joyce Frey, Jane The examination will be admini- fraternity. Kappa Kappa Psi, tion the first week last year. Ntcodemus, Fannie Small?. Christine Bol- regulations governing hazing next ter-fraternity and Pan-Hellenic There are nine professional librari- linger. Pal Sanguineltl, Shirley Flggans, fall. Councils, Alex Emerick and Betty stered in Bowling Green on Octo- which held its first meeting of the Norma Burl, Peggy Hitchens, Coeleen ber 27 and October 28.. Appli- year last Monday. Band members ans and 36 hourly workers to take VanLear, Marilyn Horn. Sandera, chairmen. may join this fraternity by eligi- care of the circulation. 2nd Soprano—Ruth Dibllng, Phyllis cation for admission to the exam- Meier, Leona Krill. Lois S Auben, Marion The Saturday Night Program— ination must be filed before noon bility through service. The new periodical room is ex- Banning. Marilyn Weiss. Ruth Wonnell. oops—our mistake Women's Independent Society, on October 9, in Room 217 Admini- pected to open within the next few 1st Alro— RulhLyor.s, Virginia Hadsell. Mary Helen Alsletter, Chairman. Mr. Zuelzke has been at Bowling Lelha Fledderlohann. Donna Cunningham. Campus traffic rules, as pub- stration Building. Green for three and a half years. weeks and will relieve the strain on Mary Jo Werner. Jeanne Gray. Helen the reading room. The classrooms Burdo, Joan Housholder lished on page 1 of last week's He graduated from the Cincinnati 2nd Alto- -Barbara Tanner, Margaret Bee Gee News, are not in effect. Conservatory of Music and ac- arc open every evening for study- Harms, Connie Praeger, Belly |. Steele*. "Study Techniques" ing. Barbara Ward, Kay Bayless, Agnus Carey. The student court rulings pub- Meeting Places quired his bachelor's and master's Betty J. Jennings, MarJarte Lichly. Patricia lished last week were taken from degree there. The belated opening of the Evans. last year's constitution. To Be Taught In 217A Now Available periodical room is due to the delay 1st Tenor—Douglas Avery, James Dunn. James Sprunger, James Carstensen. For- This year, due to increased en- Classes on "How to Study" are Requests for rooms in which to in the delivery of equipment and rest Warner, William R. Conner, Ed Weith. furniture, which has been ordered Paul Butler. David Jackson, Carl Thomas rollment, traffic regulations on held on Saturday mornings in hold organizational meetings must AWS Officers 2nd Tenor—Ronald Sprunger, Marlin Ide, campus will be the same as those Room 217 of the Ad building by be cleared in the Registrar's office. since July 1946, from the manu- Richard I. Smith, John Searle, Fred Way, Replaced In facturer. "We hope to have it Ronnie Bowers, Nathan Brenner, Ralph used throughout the city of Bow- Dr. Kenneth H. McFall, Director Requests for use of the university Culbertson, William Burt. ling Green. of Guidance. auditorium, the Practical Arts open in a few weeks but it's any- Baritone—Roy Jackson, lames Newton, New Election Don Harlg, Eugene Superko. George Bell. These classes are open to those auditorium, studios in the P.A. body's guess," Dr. Leedy said. Harold Bayless, Robert Boroughf, Robert approved by Dr. McFall and those building, or other university facili- Mary Martha Buchanen, junior Jones. Bass—Richard Ohlemacher. John Hilde- Faculty Dames Club who wish to participate in this ties will be handled by Miss Shir- from Lima, and Margaret Van brand, Gordon Mosher, Harold Entsminger. Tilburg, sophomore from Mans- Registrar Asks For Raymond Yeager. Jac Smith, Rodger Pow- extra-curricular course. ley Gernert in Dr. F. J. Prout's ell, John Come ton Russell Smith, Byron Postpones Meeting office. field, were elected recording sec- Slderas, Guy Smith. Individual diagnosis and coun- retary and treasurer of Associa- Address Changes Because the Wood County Bene- selling are also available for vet- erans whose applications for them tion of Women Students at the All students who have had ad- fit auction is also being held on Mum Talks To Pro-Lawyers are approved by the dean of the Walsh Play Scores Hit Legislative board meeting Thurs- dress changes since their original Wednesday, Oct. 15, Faculty college in which they are enrolled. day. registration are asked to report to Former Bee Gee student, At- Dames, the university faculty A forthcoming "Play of the They include: speech facility, Mary Martha, an Alpha Xi the Registrar's office at once. torney Robert Riegle will speak at wives' organization, has postponed Month" is*"After All, It's Spring," hearing acuity, reading ability, in- Delta, is program chairman for Records of the new address should the first meeting of the newly their regular meeting to Oct. 22. a three-act comedy by Prof. Fred- terests, aptitudes, abilities, re- Kappa Phi and a member of Book be filed in the Registrar's office formed Pre-Law club to be held Nora Fauley, chairman of the erick G. Walsh of the Speech de- medial reading, and personality. partment. and Motor. Margaret is a Theta and in the office of the University tonight. hostess committee, announced that A file listing hundreds of vo- He has sold it to The Play Club, Phi. Mailing Service. He will speak on the subject the later meeting, which will allow the New York publishing firm, The new officers will replace This is done so that in case of "Our Court System." This is the members to participate in the auc- cations is open at all times in Dr. McFall's office, open from 8 a.m. which gave him honorable mention thoee elected in the spring who emergency any student may be theme of the club throughout the tion, will be held at 2:46 in the last year for "And Say Amen." didn't return to school this fall. reached immediately. semester. faculty room of the Falcons' Nest. to 5 p.m. Pag* 2 BEE GEE NEWS Ree Qee New* Coffege Confusin' 3>ite @OHde pon N.tto-i.i. aovMTwHa ■• the intrigued sauce pan expert. unconfirmed report that new temporary housemother to Alpha "But why are you in college Nitional Advertising Service, Inc. Xi Dell's will be Dean Audrey K. Wilder . . . Eileen Grover of CIU,I PmlUlttr, l^funwto reading about sauce pans? Do *?0 MAOiaON A.I NlW V


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SOTTUS UNDEt AUTHOBTT OF THI COCfcCOlA COATANY IT COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF TOLEDO ^ O '»«? The C-C Co. BEE GEE NEWS Pag* 5 Juckuttp it a/uuutd Falcons Engage Redskins by Tommy Foy and Ed Chealock The Press club and the Sports department In "Migration Day" Tilt of the Bee Gee News are sponsoring a "Migra- by Bill Day tion Day" this Saturday when the university » The Falcons of Rowling Green State university, victori- football team travels to Oxford to meet Miami ous in but one start out of three this season, sharpen their university in their annual tilt. Two hundred claws this week for Saturday afternoon's invasion of Oxford, tickets have been sent here from Miami and Ohio, where they will tangle with the Redskins of Miami uni- they will be on sale today and Thursday in- versity. This game is "Migration Day" for Rowling Green stead of today and Friday as listed on the and a large turnout is expected to he on hand when the 2:00 posters in the Well and the Nest. The price of *$>kick-otT timr loiiios around. these tickets are $1.25. Nothing would bo mor< satisfy With the enormous amount of cars that Spavin i+t SkoAti ing to Conch Whittaker's squad are seen on the campus this year, it should be than to come back from this en- no trouble at all to get rid of these 200 ducats. by Kathy Arnold gagement with victory No. 2 to When Bowling Green and Miami meet on the Congratulation* and a fur Tommy Foy their credit and an even break for gridiron the spectators are always sure of a dollar airartl got'* to -rViij/ Ward bang-up ball game. Anyone who witnessed last year's clash the season so far. But the Falcons for naming this column. Kay, a will go into this contest as the between the two will heartily agree. transfer student from Ohio Wesle- underdogs and only a fight re- FROM THE PRESS BOX yan, is majoring in Physical Edu- miniscent to the battle that was Varsity club planning to crack down on cation. staged here last year when Miami students sporting unearned athletic letter was glad to settle for a i> to 0 Physical Education Club victory, will save them from their awards . . . also nixed by the VC is the wearing Physical Education rluli will third defeat. of high school letters . . . sweaters sans letters hold its first nesting tomorrow Back from absorbing a 20-18 are OK . . . Small College Division of the Offi- night at 8 in the North gym of the setback at the hands of the Uni- cial Football Guide for '46 ranks Max Minnich Woman's building. It will be a versity of Dayton Flyers. Bowl- second best punter in the nation. Russ Maples joint meoting of men and women, ing Green finds themselves in is rated sixth. Max averaged 40.9 yards per followed by a social get-tOgethor. fairly good condition for this boot while Russ hit 38.8 ... In addition to their Miss Harris, a specialist in recrea- game. C.onrgc Crump Battered assistant coaching duties, Mark Welker and tion from Michigan State Normal n broken hand in the Dayton fray Dorothy Fornia Added college, will conduct the activities. Danny Marazon, both '46 Falcon gridders, have and Jack Lewis received a knee taken over the scouting chores at Toledo Waite All women physical education injury, but Lewis is cspoctcd to be ready to go against the Red- Hi . . . last week Waite was listed among the majors are required to attend, also To Physical Ed. Staff sophomore, junior, and senior men skins. rl„ . . state's top five by INS . . . Next week the Fal- majoring in physicul education. Coach Sid Oillman of Miami E4 Ch„lock cons wil, face )riple |hrea, All-Ohio halfback Miss Dorothy Fornia, the sports' specialist from Youngs- One dollar dues will be payable will field a team that is boasting Ara Paresghian when they tussle with the Redskins at Oxford town, is a new instructor in the Women's Physical Education at this meeting. a perfect record to far this season, . . . also on the Miami roster is lullback Paul Dellerba, brother department. Swan Club Tryouts having taken victories over Mur- of the Cleveland Browns' Spiros Dellerba . . . AU-American eager Before coming to Bowling Green, she taught at Ohio Sixty girls tried out for Swan ray State Teacher's college and Don Otten was an interested spectator at the Falcon Central State university, Wilmington college, and Ohio Wesleyan. club last week. Competition is Kent State in their only two Michigan donneybrook ... Red Lowry, '46 Orange and Brown During the summer she has done camp and park work at keener this year than ever before. starts of the year. Since the be- breakaway back, whose two touchdowns ruined Kent State last —«>Youngstown, Ohio. Anyone who missed the first tryout ginning of the 1048 football seascai Miss Forma, assistant professor, the Kedakim have lost but one season, is now assistant football coach at Findlay Hi . . . Wayne and would like to have a chance SJIE's Keep is teaching courses for freshmen should report tonight at 7 to the game to an Ohio school, Cinci- Rudy, '43. is making tape and towel history as trainer ol SMU s physical education majors, soccer Natutorium. nnati, in the last years Thanks- Mustangs . . . The new Athletic department bus will be aban- service classes, and is in charge of Bowling Club giving Day contest. B. (i. and doned for the William and Mary game in favor of better accom- Clean Record junior majors who arc officiating The second meeting of the How- Miami have met on the gridiron modations by train . . . The IM independent touch football league and coaching. She is, also, ad- ling cluh will be held Friday night) six times before this year and the SAE'l touch football team caked gets underway this week with five teams seeing action . . . visor of the Woman'! Athletic as- Oct. 10, at 6:80 in Koom 107, Falcons have come out victorious out a 2-0 triumph over Kappa Sig- sociation, Bowling club. Badmin- Woman's building. If you haven't twice while the boyi from Oxford ma to keep pace with Kappa Tau, ton club, and intramural sports. triad "Ut and would like to join have copped four of the games. 12-0 conquerors of Beta Sigma, Her special interest in physical contact lima Itarton at the Wo- Leading the T formation attack Flyers Defeat Falcons and 1'i Theta, who took the mea- education is in sports, and she is man's building. for Coach (lillman will be half- planning to expand the interests Intramural Sports backs I'util Shoulta and Ara sure of Sigma Chi, 12-7, as Fra- and activities of the W.A.A. She Hockey and soccer intramural l'arseghan. Both of these boys 20-13 At Dayton ternity league No. 1 swept nit" hopes tit have several sport days teams have started league play. ure fast, shifty runners and its second week of action last Wed- with other colleges. Watch the bulletin board in the dangerous once t hoy get an open- In the third contest of the season the Bowling Green nesday. Miss Fornia attended Ohio State Woman's building for the latest ing. Hill Johns'on, powerful run- university where she received her ner and excellent linebacker, will Falcons fell in defeat to the powerful University of Dayton PiK.A. took over top position in schedule. eleven, 20-13, in the Dayton stadium last Saturday afternoon. It.S. and M.A. degrees. be in the fullback slot and Cap- League No. 11 by virtue of a last tain Bill Hoover, letterman in The Dayton Flyers grasped an early lead in the game when minute forward pass that sunk Harriers Defeaeted 1942, 45, and 4<> will hold down Art Bok, Dayton halfback, ran off left tackle for forty-six ('hi Theta. ti-0. Meanwhile, Sigma left end. yards and a touchdown. Dobbins converted the extra point Nu brought their percentage up to Practice Starts By Ball State In the forward wall, Paul Diet- for the Flyers and the score was 7-0. .500 in downing A.T.O. by the In Opening Meet zel, captain of the I'.Mti team, nt Crippled by numerous injuries,* identical one touchdown margin. For Wrestlers center and Nick Vracin, sopho- the Bowling Green team gave up Shortly before the end of the The Phi Delts momentarily rested Ball State's cross country team more guard, will lead the attuck. another touchdown in the second half, Wayne Bloker, B. G. center, upon their unblemished record by Howling (ireon State university placed seven out of the first tan At the tackles will be Bill Me- quarter as Ed Toscani, Flyer blocked a Dayton punt which roll- drawing the week's bye. will open its wrestling schedule in men to defeat the Falcon harriers, Cormick and John Weaver, both quarterback, threw a short pass ed into the end zone and was re- Play in both divisions was tight December, this being the first team Saturday, in the initial meet of big boys and both letterman from into the end rone to Shroyer for covered by Bob Schnclker, Falcon and once again every tilt was a since before the war. the season at Muneie, Indiana. last years squad. the second touchdown of the e«me. end, for a touchdown. Ennis low scoring affair. Indications are Coach Robert Leiman an- Low score indicates the winner in Miami's squad of this year is Dobbins failed to convert the extra Walker kicked the extra point and that the races for the league titles nounced that 86 men attended the a cross country meet, and the rated the best they have had since point and the scoreboard showed a the half ended with the score 13-7 are to be wide open battles with no first wrestling meeting:. The only final tally was Ball State 19; Gillmnn took over the coaching 13-0 lead for Dayton. in favor of the Flyers. team incapable of pulling an upset. letterman back is Jack Witheln. Bowling Green, 44. duties, which includes his 11145 Ohio College Champions, but in their first go of the year against Murray State they looked anything e platter that's causing plenty of chatter but impressive. Coach Whittaker will have his charges geared up in juke circles is "Skitch" Henderson's latest for this one in hopes that maybe —"Skitch" Henderson's Newest Disc (or Capitol instrumental-Dancing With a Deb." Boy he can pull an upset and put the Falcons back on the victory road. —what a record! He can be sure of having a good It's obvious "Skitch" has had plenty sized crowd of It. (J. students in the cheering section backing him "Shilcb" *nd torn* of of experience in tickling those ivories, up Saturday as a large number are bis side-men looking and he follows that experience rule in planning to attend this "Migration over tn arrangement of Day" tilt. "Dinting With « Deb." smoking too. "I smoked many different <3 brands and compared," says "Skitch." EMPLOYEE ATHLETIC The deadline date for pur- "My choice from experience is chase of employee ahtletic ac- Camel." tivity card hat been extended to Cct. 18. These cards may be Try Camels. Compare. Let your purchased by all employees of own experience tell you why more the university for $5.00, and it will admit them to all home uni- people are smoking Camels than versity athletic contests. ever before!

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Page 6 BEE GEE NEWS "Vocations" Will Be Staff Treats 673 Gee And Gesling On Reserve Pilots May Now Political Science Dot Kanouse Named SCF Speakers Topic Colds at Johnston Leave Of Absence Fly At Toledo Airport Honorary Lists Quill Type Prs»xy Former pilots with reserve com- New officers of Quill Type were A talk on "Vocations" will be Dr. W. H. Brown, university John E. Gee and, Martha M. missions can now fly at Toledo air- Qualifications installed at the first meeting by Itivon Sunday, Oct. 12, by Carl physician, and his hospital staff are Gesling are on a four-day leave of the advisor, Dr. Edwin G. Knepper. Klair, n member of the faculty at port. Contact should be made Pi Sigma Alpha, political science breathing easier after conquering absence from the education de- They are: Dorothy Kanouse, presi- Waite hiith school, Toledo, at the a 'cold' wave which in less than a with the airport as soon as pos- honorary, will hold a meeting in dent; Betty Lou Reidmiller, vice partment. They are assisting in roRUlnr Student Christian Fellow- month brought 173 students to sible, since 48 hours of flying time the early part of October after president; Connie Lehman, secre- ship meeting. These meetings are Johnston hall for throat sprays a workshop evaluation conference plus 24 hours of ground school are which a new group of members tary; Virginia Rehor. correspond- held in the Practical Arts auditori- and cold shots. on teachers' problems in Williams required each year to keep such ing secretary; Robert Roland, trea- um from II until 7 p.m. every Sun- will he initiated. The time of A sudden Up-surge in cold cases county schools. Working in a surer; Ruth Grisier, publicity day. commissions active. this meeting will be announced was noted Sept. 22 when 111 pa- consultant capacity, Dr. Gee and chairman; and Annette Jackson, Every Friday evening, from 6:30 For further information rail Lt. later. program chairman. until 8:00, Rev. Hollis Hayward, tients, mostly cough, and sore Miss Gosling are cooperating with throat cases, were treated. But R. E. Crowe, 25^5, between 0 and The requirements of this honor- Miss Nellie Ogle, guest speaker director of s.c.F., is host to a the State Department of Educa- Monday, Sept. 29, a week later, 7 p.m. ary are: a .'J-point average in poli- for the evening, spoke on her trip small discussion group nt his home, tion. tical science and 10 semester hours to Panama. 22'.i N. Proepeel St. Any member the number of cold stricken stu- dents had reached a record peak Until their return Oct. 10, other FOUND: Cloth change purse in fiont ol of political science. One of the The next meeting will be held wishing to join this group, may Laboratory school. Ownwi may cluim by of 131. members of the education depart- courses must be on a junior-senior Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. in Studio B of the sign up in the S.C.F. office. idonlifying contents. Call 89S2. Margaret level. Practical Art's building. The S.l'.F. also has seven "In- Only 110 students complained ment staff will meet their classes. Manhatt tcresl Groups," The chairmen are of colds on the following day, but as follows: Ralph Scott, Campus other ills and discomforts brought Action; June Cater, Community the day's total of calls to 191, a Service; l.cia Schrolucke. Worship semester high. Since the Sept. 29 and Bible Study i Louise Stall- high mark the cold cases have lnihni, Recreation) Connie Praeger been on a downward trend. and Marjorie Henry, Publicity; The theory that our high con- Jean Groaenbaugh, Public Affairs; centration of cold virus is due to Jim l.inihacher, Dramatics, overcrowding and poor ventilation Also on the agenda of the was advanced by Dr. Brown. He ^te^ KINGS /SPORTS SCF.. the week of November 2-7 suggested that students sacrifice has been set aside at Christian Liv- campus 'contacts,' shun crowds if ing Emphasis Week. Plans have possible, and avoid excessive fa- bean made for various assemblies, tigue. ReCOrdl at the hospital show Bpeeches( bull sessions and con* ferences throughout the week. that few colds have been accom- 0 CHESTERFIELD General chairman, Myron Jackson, panied by fever, and there seems is in charge of activities for that to be no danger of a repetition of week the influenza epidemic which wor- ried the staff last year. Slightly over half of the 1,281 New Debate Squad patients listed since the beginning Will Total Thirty of the semester were treated for colds. Poison ivy, rash, athletes Professor Harold Mikle. iissi.'- foot, cramps, insect bite, cuts, taiit professor of speorh, an- bruises, earache, and hendache nounced that the debate squad for were some of the other ills. this year lias boon almost com- Also listed are 2K chest x-rayed pleted. He said that the squad students, a fractured jaw, and two will consist of approximately thir- fractured ankles. Football and ty men and women. The squad other types of campus huddles con- mombera are either experienced or tributed these more shattering unexperienced debaters, Profes- cases. No broken hearts are listed sor Mikle expressed his delight in to date. tlio line display of talent and in The Health Service staff under the line representation of the Mr. Brown includes Helen Marsh, freshman class. Thelma Stephenson, Mildred Hoof- Several tonmi m e n Is are er, and Minnie Harris as day nurs- planned for this year. The first es. Marie Sekinger is night nurse. will he held at Denniaon univer- sity, Nov. 1. Tin- first State Wo men's tournament is in December Home Ec Club Holds and the l'i Kappa l>elta province First Meeting Oct 15 tournament will he held sometime this spring al Hope college in The first meeting of the Home Michigan. In these debates, ami Economics club will be held Wed- the Othen which have heen nesday, Oct. 15, in studio H of the planned, the central theme will be, Practical Arts building at 7 p.m. "Resolved: That a Federal World All home economics students are Government Should He Kstab- invited to atend. Members should lishcd." check the bulletin hoard to locate The squad meets for practice in their "little sisters." Shat/.el hall, Room No. 2 on Mon- days ami Wednesdays at .'( nnd I p.m. and also Thursdays nt 7 p.m. in LOS Ad. Professor Mikle said that there is still room for any QfrltVluat^ prospective debaters and those In- terested should attend the next squad mooting. End. Thura. Ocl. 9 Matinee Daily 12:4fi Opportunity Club Award 9$ mm fOR r/ti $148.00 Teresa Wriirht and Kay ■inland in KICK OffJ Trouble With Women

Fri.. Sat. Oct. 10-11 Matinee Daily 12:16 Myrna I.oy, Wm. Powell in Song of The Thin Man

4 DAYS SUN.. WED. Oct. 12-15 Matinee Daily 12:45 Welcome Stranger Starring Barry Fitzgerald and

GREYHOUND LYRIC There's no need of missing those out-of-town games this Ends Thurt. Oct. 9 Fall when Greyhound's Matinee Daily 2:15 budget-saving fares are so Life With Father low. You can hop one of starring Irene Dunne and Greyhound's frequent sched- ules and be at the game in a few short hours with money Fri., Sat. Oct. 10-11 left over for fun. Call your Driftin' River local Greyhound or rtmrrns with Eddie Dean travel agent far fares and Plus Chapter No. 1 schedules. "BLACK WIDOW" On* Rd Way Trip Sun., Man. Oct. 12-13 OXFORD $4.00 $7.20 Doors open 2:15 Sun. (Miami) James Mason and Kathleen BALTIMORE. MD. 9.60 17.30 Ryan in (St. Bonavantun ) WILL1AMSBURC 11.80 21.25 Odd Man Out (William and Mary) Four Corner. Phona 8171 TwSS,, Thura. Oct. 14-16 Ray Milland in GRKTHOUND tSKMDML Lost Weekend Also Jennifer Jones and Joseph Cotton in GREYHOUND Love Letters CaaaijkilMI. loan, • aha. ToarcC.