Initiatives of Institutionalization of CBR Program
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BRIEF PROFILE OF SAN JOSE DE BUENAVISTA, ANTIQUE, PHILIPPINES Some Facts: LGU PROFILE Municipality: San Jose de Buenavista Status: Capital Town Proximity : 96 kms from Iloilo City 20 hours by boat to Manila Total Land Area: 4,450 hectares Land Use Residential : 936.0 has Commercial: 120.0 has Agro-Industrial: 162.0 has Transport Utilities: 109.5 has Light Industrial: 4.0 has Institutional: 38.0 has Tourism Reserve Area: 71.5 has Conservation Area: 160.0 has Agricultural Area: 2,614.0 has No. of Barangays: 28 ( all urban) 14 coastal 14 inland Total Population : 50,287 ( Projected Population as of 2008) WhatWhat makesmakes thisthis LGULGU CBRCBR experienceexperience specialspecial && unique?unique? CCREATING AN ENVIRONMENT OF INCLUSIVENESS BUILDING UP FOUNDATION REACHING OUT & MOBILIZATION OF FOR SOUND CBR BROADER INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT MANAGEMENT CreatingCreating anan environmentenvironment ofof inclusivenessinclusiveness Through Policies and Planning Mechanism… EXECUTIVE ORDER LOCAL LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE AGENDA ThroughThrough InstitutionalInstitutional StrengtheningStrengthening…….. ORGANIZATION OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF THE DISABLED PERSONS COORDINATING UNIT GovernanceGovernance StructureStructure ofof Council/CommitteesCouncil/Committees onon DisabilityDisability AffairsAffairs Chief Executive Gov. Civil/Religiou MCWDP DPO Business Agencies s Social Training & Health Education Advocacy Accessibility ICT Services Employment AMS Dep Ed MSWDO TESDA MEEO MEO BNS PFPMP SPED ADP-San Jose DTI Print & Media MPDO BHW DOH DAY CARE PT DOLE MIO PNP Midwives PAFP WORKERS Parent’s group PESO Business Group MHO Private schools SB Save the & colleges Senior Citizen Children ADSHAI St. Joseph Orphanage Home for the Aged POS NGOs MOBILIZATION OF MORE SUPPORT FROM VARIOUS SECTORS BuildingBuilding upup FoundationFoundation forfor SoundSound CBRCBR ManagementManagement INFORMATION, EDUCATION. DATA BASE COMMUNICATION AND ESTABLISHMENT ADVOCACY NETWORKING AND CONVERGENCE OF EFFORTS ReachingReaching outout andand mobilizationmobilization ofof aa broaderbroader institutionalinstitutional supportsupport toto CBRCBR LOCAL VOLUNTEERS REACHING MASS DISSEMINATION OF CBR OUT TO PERSONS WITH PROGRAM AND SERVICES DISABILITY StartingStarting andand sustainingsustaining basicbasic lifelife skillsskills amongamong thosethose withwith cerebralcerebral palsiespalsies MobilizedMobilized effortsefforts andand resourcesresources ofof PersonsPersons WithWith DisabilityDisability familiesfamilies Inclusion in regular school and Special Education provision Loving & more responsive community of national and local government offices, private sector and non- governmental organizations Enabling family of Persons with Disability TheThe challengeschallenges andand responseresponse toto thesethese challengeschallenges…… ChallengeChallenge 1.1. MakeMake peoplepeople inin thethe LocalLocal GovernmentGovernment understandunderstand andand appreciateappreciate whywhy LGULGU shouldshould getget involveinvolve inin CBR.CBR. Response: Start with series of orientations and advocacy campaigns ChallengeChallenge 2.2. MakingMaking CBRCBR involvementinvolvement moremore institutionalinstitutional ratherrather thanthan thethe MayorMayor’’ss personalpersonal commitment.commitment. Response: Local Government tools and mechanisms such as: ELA, Local Issuances (EO and Resolution) ChallengeChallenge 3.3. TheThe orchestrationorchestration ofof initiativesinitiatives && strengtheningstrengthening ofof DisabledDisabled PeoplePeople’’ss OrganizationOrganization && ParentParent’’ss GroupGroup toto achieveachieve greatergreater result.result. Response: The organization of the Municipal Council for the Welfare of the Disabled Persons and Provision of Resources and Functional Secretariat. OUROUR COMMITMENTCOMMITMENT AnAn institutionalizedinstitutionalized CBRCBR ProgramProgram inin thethe locallocal governancegovernance processesprocesses ofof SanSan JoseJose dede BuenavistaBuenavista andand alsoalso inin thethe heartshearts andand mindsminds ofof itsits citizenry.citizenry. DURODURO GIDGID NGANGA SALAMAT!SALAMAT! THANKTHANK YOU!YOU!.