CELEBRITY OVERLEAVES Compiled by Shepherd Hoodwin August 29, 2021
CELEBRITY OVERLEAVES Compiled by Shepherd Hoodwin August 29, 2021 • This is a list I’ve compiled from various channels, including myself. • ET means essence twin. • Ratios such as 81/19 refer to male/female energy ratio. • I don’t include channels already represented in Celebrities, a compilation by Emily Baumbach. That information can be found at http://www.itstime.com/famous.htm. • See also "Entities—Traits and Celebrity Members" PDF or at https://shepherdhoodwin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Entities—Traits-and- Celebrity-Members.pdf. KEY to source of overleaves: CQY: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro from chelseaquinnyarbro.net DG: Dave Gregg JS: José Stevens, mostly from http://www.powerpathseminars.com/movie-reviews.htm MC: A Michael channel from her list, mostly quoting Yarbro group MFM: Messages from Michael MFTM: Michael for the Millennium ML: A poster on a Michael teachings list, from memory of Yarbro group SC: Sarah Chambers 1996-98 SH: Shepherd Hoodwin TR: Original group unpublished transcripts 1973-1977 VH: Varda Hasselmann Stacey Abrams SH 4/17/2020: 7th- Amy Adams SH 12/5/2016: priest, mature priest, discarnate warrior ET, discarnate artisan ET, priest/scholar warrior/king casting, 41/59, 46 casting. frequency, 14 previous cycles, Julian “Cannonball” Adderley DG acceptance, pragmatist, passion, 1/26/2020: 6th-mature sage, scholar physical/emotional part, ET, sage/artisan casting. greed/stubbornness, saturnian/jovial. Gustave Adolph TR: 6th-old server, Bella Abzug SH 6/28/1991: 4th-mature growth, idealist, power, stubbornness, sage, discarnate warrior ET, triple saturnian/lunar. warrior casting, 81/19, 31 frequency, Ben Affleck SH 2/8/2000: 4th-mature 12 previous cycles, dominance, scholar, discarnate sage ET, realist, aggression, king/server casting, acceptance, moving/intellectual part, greed, spiritualist, passion, venusian/martial/jovial.
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