CELEBRITY OVERLEAVES Compiled by Shepherd Hoodwin August 29, 2021

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CELEBRITY OVERLEAVES Compiled by Shepherd Hoodwin August 29, 2021 CELEBRITY OVERLEAVES Compiled by Shepherd Hoodwin August 29, 2021 • This is a list I’ve compiled from various channels, including myself. • ET means essence twin. • Ratios such as 81/19 refer to male/female energy ratio. • I don’t include channels already represented in Celebrities, a compilation by Emily Baumbach. That information can be found at http://www.itstime.com/famous.htm. • See also "Entities—Traits and Celebrity Members" PDF or at https://shepherdhoodwin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Entities—Traits-and- Celebrity-Members.pdf. KEY to source of overleaves: CQY: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro from chelseaquinnyarbro.net DG: Dave Gregg JS: José Stevens, mostly from http://www.powerpathseminars.com/movie-reviews.htm MC: A Michael channel from her list, mostly quoting Yarbro group MFM: Messages from Michael MFTM: Michael for the Millennium ML: A poster on a Michael teachings list, from memory of Yarbro group SC: Sarah Chambers 1996-98 SH: Shepherd Hoodwin TR: Original group unpublished transcripts 1973-1977 VH: Varda Hasselmann Stacey Abrams SH 4/17/2020: 7th- Amy Adams SH 12/5/2016: priest, mature priest, discarnate warrior ET, discarnate artisan ET, priest/scholar warrior/king casting, 41/59, 46 casting. frequency, 14 previous cycles, Julian “Cannonball” Adderley DG acceptance, pragmatist, passion, 1/26/2020: 6th-mature sage, scholar physical/emotional part, ET, sage/artisan casting. greed/stubbornness, saturnian/jovial. Gustave Adolph TR: 6th-old server, Bella Abzug SH 6/28/1991: 4th-mature growth, idealist, power, stubbornness, sage, discarnate warrior ET, triple saturnian/lunar. warrior casting, 81/19, 31 frequency, Ben Affleck SH 2/8/2000: 4th-mature 12 previous cycles, dominance, scholar, discarnate sage ET, realist, aggression, king/server casting, acceptance, moving/intellectual part, greed, spiritualist, passion, venusian/martial/jovial. intellectual/physical part, arrogance, martial/saturnian. Oberto Airaudi SH 7/30/2013: 5th moving/emotional part, martyrdom, mature artisan, discarnate sage ET, martial/jovial/solar. double sage casting, 73/27, 49 Jennifer Aniston SH 8/23/2004: 3rd- frequency, 12 previous cycles, flow, mature sage, male king ET, stoic, power, intellectual/emotional king/warrior casting, 41/59, 47 part, self-deprecation, frequency, 13 previous cycles, mercurial/saturnian. dominance, realist, observation, Jessica Alba SH 12/5/2016: moving/intellectual part, impatience, warrior/discarnate warrior ET, martial/solar. sage/priest casting. Kofi Annan DG 8/18/2018: 4th-old Alexander the Great TR: young king, priest, discarnate king ET, double dominance. scholar casting. Woody Allen CQY: mature artisan. SH: Harold Arlen SH 10/10/2007: 6th-young discarnate scholar ET, king/scholar priest, discarnate artisan ET, casting. scholar/artisan casting, 31/69, 72 Kirstie Alley SH 12/5/2016: sage, frequency, 9 previous cycles, growth, discarnate king ET, warrior/artisan idealist, reserve, intellectual/moving casting. part, arrogance, saturnian/venusian. Amenhotep TR: transcendental soul. Louis Armstrong SH 12/5/2016: sage, Ammachi MC: server; SH: male scholar male scholar ET, king/artisan casting. ET, warrior/king casting. Angeles Arrien MC: 3rd old. Amenhotep TR: transcendental soul. Fred Astaire SH 3/18/2015: 5th-mature Anastasia of Siberia SH 12/18/2009: 7th- artisan, male priest ET, king/server old priest, no ET, artisan/warrior casting, 45/55, 47 frequency, 13 casting, 51/49, 49 frequency, 15 previous cycles, growth, realist, previous cycles, acceptance, caution, emotional/moving part, spiritualist, observation, mercurial/martial/saturnian. moving/emotional part, no chief David Attenborough SH 11/25/2010: 1st- obstacle, saturnian/lunar. old priest, male scholar ET, Gillian Anderson MC: young artisan. priest/king casting. Pamela Anderson SH 12/25/2012: 3rd- Stylianos Atteshlis SH 10/21/1993: 6th- mature artisan, discarnate king ET, old scholar, discarnate sage ET, warrior/king casting in a king entity, double server casting, 73/27, 41 31/69, 47 frequency, 11 previous frequency, 12 previous cycles, flow, cycles, acceptance, spiritualist, idealist, passion, emotional/moving passion slide to reserve, emotional part, no chief obstacle, jovial/martial. center/ moving part, stubbornness, John Audubon SH 12/5/2016: sage, solar/martial. discarnate priest ET, priest/artisan Julie Andrews SH 3/29/1993: 7th-old casting. priest, female artisan ET, king/server Marcus Aurelius TR: old scholar. casting, 35/65, 61 frequency, 13 Jane Austen CQY: mature scholar. previous cycles, acceptance, Neem Karoli Baba MC: priest, spiritualist, passion sliding to reserve, acceptance, spiritualist, observation, intellectual/moving part, self- deprecation/impatience were erased; realist, passion, intellectual/moving SH: 4th old, discarnate server ET, part, impatience, saturnian/jovial. warrior/king casting, 41/59, 47 James Baldwin DG 2019: 5th-mature frequency, 10 previous cycles, sage, king ET, warrior/sage casting. stubbornness. Christian Bale SH 4/12/2016: king, Elwood Babbitt SH 4/23/1993: 3rd-old discarnate scholar ET, king/warrior priest, female king ET, scholar/artisan casting. casting, 34/66, 40 frequency, 12 Antonio Banderas SH 9/4/2020: server, previous cycles, growth, skeptic, discarnate priest ET, server/scholar passion sliding to reserve, casting. physical/intellectual part, impatience, Bela Bartok SH 7/23/2008: 4th-mature venusian/saturnian. king, discarnate artisan ET, Lauren Bacall SH 4/12/2016: king, male scholar/warrior casting, 31/69, 47 priest ET, king/artisan casting. frequency, 13 previous cycles, flow, George Bach TR: warrior, acceptance, realist, observation, idealist, passion, arrogance. intellectual/emotional part, Johann Sebastian Bach MFM: 2nd-old mercurial/solar. scholar. Angela Bassett MC: young warrior; SH Burt Bacharach MC: artisan. discarnate priest ET, warrior/warrior Kevin Bacon JS: mature artisan. casting. Joan Baez MC: mature priest; SH Kim Bassinger MC: young artisan. 4/30/2016: discarnate scholar ET, Carol Bayer Sager MC: artisan. king/server casting. Brandon Bays SH 4/6/2006: 4th-old Alice Bailey DG 7/4/2021: 6th-mature priest, discarnate sage ET, scholar/discarnate priest ET, king/artisan casting, 41/59, 47 server/scholar casting, acceptance, frequency, 13 previous cycles, idealist, observation, discrimination, pragmatist, passion, intellectual/emotional, no chief moving/emotional part, no chief obstacle. obstacle, solar/mercurial. Mark “Bill” Bailey DG 7/30/2017: 5th- Kimberly Beck Clark SH: 4th-mature mature scholar, discarnate sage ET, artisan, discarnate scholar ET, warrior/sage casting. scholar/priest casting, 82/18, 48 Alec Baldwin MC 4/1/2010: mature frequency, 10 previous cycles, artisan. SH: 4th mature, no ET, acceptance, spiritualist, power, king/double warrior casting, 49/51, 46 physical/intellectual part, frequency, 11 previous cycles, stubbornness/martyrdom, dominance, skeptic, observation, jovial/saturnian. intellectual/moving part, arrogance, Ludwig Van Beethoven MFM: 3rd-old mercurial/jovial. scholar. Daniel Baldwin SH 3/9/2007: 7th-young Art Bell SH 9/11/1998: 7th-mature sage, discarnate king ET, scholar, no ET, sage/server casting, warrior/scholar casting, 49/51, 47 47/53, 58 frequency, 12 previous frequency, 13 previous cycles, flow, cycles, discrimination, idealist, passion, intellectual/physical part, arrogance/stubbornness, arrogance, mercurial/saturnian. saturnian/lunar/mercurial. Kristen Bell DG 9/30/2019: 4th-mature Tony Blair SH 4/30/2016: artisan, sage, artisan ET, king/artisan casting. discarnate scholar ET, priest/artisan James Belushi SH 7/11/2011: 4th-mature casting. sage, male scholar ET, warrior/king Cate Blanchett JS: mature king; SH casting, 31/69, 47 frequency, 12 8/11/2016: male artisan ET, previous cycles, dominance, idealist, server/scholar casting. passion, physical/intellectual part, Christine Blasey Ford DG 10/4/2018: impatience, jovial/martial. 6th-mature scholar, priest ET, Candace Bergen MC: young scholar. scholar/warrior casting. Tom Berenger SH 4/12/2016: king, Helena Blavatsky SH 10/24/2008: 3rd- scholar female ET, sage/artisan old priest, male scholar ET, casting. warrior/king casting, 49/51, 38 Hector Berlioz MFM: mid-cycle young frequency, 13 previous cycles, priest. discrimination, spiritualist, Sandra Bernhard SH 12/5/2016: warrior, observation, intellectual/moving part, male priest ET, sage/king casting. arrogance, martial/saturnian. Leonard Bernstein CQY: mature sage. Harold Bloom DG 1/28/2020 5th-mature SH 12/29/1990: 7th-mature scholar, sage ET, scholar/sage casting. transitioning to 1st-old, discarnate Emily Blunt SH 8/11/2016: artisan, male artisan ET, warrior/scholar casting, priest ET, warrior/artisan casting. 36/64, 91 frequency, 14 previous John Boehner SH 4/14/2016: artisan, cycles, dominance, idealist, passion, discarnate priest ET, scholar/scholar emotional/moving part, arrogance casting. sliding to self-deprecation, venusian. Humphrey Bogart SH 8/11/2016: Annie Besant SH 1/4/2019: 7th-young scholar, discarnate king ET, artisan, discarnate warrior ET, priest/scholar casting. sage/server casting. Bono SH 4/30/2016: warrior, male priest Ambrose Bierce CQY: 5th-mature king. ET, scholar/sage casting. Bill Bixby DG 9/12/2018: 4th-mature Cher Bono MC: young artisan. sage, priest ET, artisan/scholar Cory Booker SH 12/5/2016: 5th-old casting. priest, discarnate scholar ET, Jack Black SH 12/5/2016: sage, sage/server casting, 55/45, 47 discarnate warrior ET, priest/king frequency, 10 previous cycles, casting. dominance, stoic, power, Linda Blair
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