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fin^S^r^-j _***' Annual Ratepayers' Meeting Friday 8 o'clock P.M.—Memorial Hall THE WEATHER The foUowing readings are for the 24 hours preceding 8 a.m. on tbe date* shown. Date Max. Min. Date Max. Min. Jan. 20 30 -8 31 25 -15 32 20 -6 23 35 8 34 26 -2 35 _ 20 -11 uers 26 3T 8 m,-S*SU HPapeF toiflt aGonsdena Dec. ivWcUl mubxsrs. VOLUME XXVI, No. 9 HANNA, , THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938 FOUR pro *t.M PEE YEAR IN ADVANCE Craigmyle and District Re-Elected President of U.F.A. for Eighth Year Doctor Heads DECISIONS OF UFA EXPECTED TO Board of Trade Sponsor College of Physicians aad RURAL YOUTHS MAKE PARTY STRONG STRATEGIC Enjoyable Social Evening Surgeons of Alberta FINISH SHORT Evening Pleasantly Spent at Cards Discuss Formation of Cancer Control and Dancing—Held in Larson's Association In Alberta—Interview FORCE IN ALTA. POUTICAL FUTURE Hall, January 21 Provincial Health Branches COURSE HERE CRAIGMYLE, January 25—Over 100 EDMONTON—Decision to submit a Some of Legislation to be Introduced During Legislature members and guests attended the so- brief to the royal commission on Do­ New Course for Urban Young ical evening sponsored by the Craig­ minion-Provincial relations was made Session Will Hinge on Court Decisions—Aberhart myle and District Board of Trade held last week at a meeting of the College People Opened in Hanna n Larson's Hall on Friday evening. of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta Monday Morning Government Waiting for Verdict* January 21st. A very pleasant evening Dr. W. A. Wilson of Edmonton was was spent at cards followed by an in­ elected president. FoUowing a six weeks' course under - EDMONTON, January 25—The con­ teresting program and community Other officers elected were: Dr. V. schedule "A" ot tto Dominion-Provin­ vention of the UFA. ln Edmonton U.F.W.A. President •singing. Lunch was prepared largely W. Lamb, Camrose Vice President; cial Youth Training Program, held tn last week—lc was the 30th annual as­ r.hrough the efforts of Major W. B. Dr. George R. Johnson, Calgary, reg­ Hanna boys and girls have returned sembly of the farmers' politic-econom­ -Vnderson after which dancing was en­ istrar; and W. G. Hunt Calgary, as­ to their homes ta tte country. This ic organization—made decisions which joyed. Thanks was especially tender­ sistant secretary. course, which waa especiaUy designed can be expected to prove of high im­ ed to Mr. Sorochan for leading the Formation of a cancer control asso- portance to the political future of all community singing, to the Norlle bro­ to give young men aad women resid­ ciaion in Alberta under a plan adopt­ ing on farms ta the surrounding dis­ Alberta and make the UF.A a strong thers and to MT. Frank Applegate for ed by the Canadian Medical Associa­ tricts three weeks at instruction along stragetic force again, either actively heir share in the orchestra music. tion under sponsorship of trustees of President Ed. Nelson expressed his ap­ agricultural lines, proved most success­ or passively. the King George Y cancer fund was ful and it is tte consensus of opinion preciation to all those who so gener­ discussed at the meeting. The convention decided by vote to ously gave their time and effort tc tbat real benefit resulted both from Members of the councU interviewed retain tbe UF.A affiliation witb the naking the social evening such a suc- and educational and social aspect. provincial health aod relief branches C.CF. ta federal affairs but turned ress. This school, tte first of tts kind estab­ down proposals to affiliate with the C. regarding problems affecting the med­ lished ta Hanna, waa ta charge ef CF. ta provincial affairs. Thus the Mrs. T. McKee, who has been a ical care of persons on relief and those Mr. Gordon Walker who waa assisted U.F.A. voted to remain ta exactly the house guest of Mrs. W. B. Anderson living ta tto drouth areas of Alberta. by five instructors, and 111 students same position as lt has had far tbe s now a patient in the Holy Cross Attending the meeting were Dr. WU- enroUed for tbe three weeks' instruc­ past five years but there are new im­ hospital. Her many friends in Cralg- son, Dr. Lamb, Dr. Johnson aad As­ tion. plications now. nyle wish her a speedy recovery. sistant Secretary Hunt; Dr. W. O. Anderson, Wardlow; Dr. R. B. Francis On Thursday evening laat, MT. Don­ A proposal that the organization Mrs. A. Read, and Mrs. M. Curran, Calgary; and Dr. A. E. Archer, La ald Cameron, of tto Department of Join a unity movement to co-operate vere Calgary visitors over the week end mont. Extension, and witb other political, groups within the wbo is in charge of courses under province was voted down as the deleg­ The annual meeting of the Uhlted schedule "A" sddreased tto youth FOUND DEAD Df BED ates chose to retain the UF.A.'s sep­ Church was held on Tuesday, January trainees after which to gave an illust­ F. B. Armstrong, CNJR. conductor, arate Identity and independence of ac­ 18th. After a singsong and a program rated lecture on the Scandinavian weU known and highly esteemed a- tion. Although the idea was not ex­ which consisted of a piano solo by countries arlth p*Mtt'**il1"* n faais to mong the members of the railway fra­ pressed however, the decision left the Jean Robson, report of Tuxis Parlia­ Denmark and Baedcn. These tildes ternity waa found dead ta bia hotel way open for U.FA. members, as in- MRS. F. J. MALLOY ment by Bill Paterson, a solo by Shir­ depicted the developmnt of folk room at Kindersley last Monday morn­ ! .divlduals ta various constituencies, to of Warner, who was re-elected ley Collicut, a piano solo by Dorothy schools and their influence on tte de­ ing. A heart seizure Is said to bave give and receive co-operation with president of the United Farm Wo­ Innis and a skit by the Y.P.S., reports velopment of co-operative activities. been tto cause of his sudden death. members of other parties ta unified men of Alberta by acclamation on of the various activities of the church These schools ln tto Scandinavian The late Mr. Armstrong, whose home action political action if it ls desired Thursday of last week tn Edmonton. were read. Lunch was then served by countries an regarded aa models for waa in Saskatoon bad worked out of That is, in constituencies where tbe Only other nominee for the office the Ladies' Aid and the meeting ad­ the reat of tte world to follow. Mr. ROBERT GARDINER Kindersley i^r a number of years. U.F.A. is strong, the organization was Mrs. Winnifred Boas of MiUett, journed. Cameron waa accompanied by tor. Al­ president of the U.F.A. who was re­ might nominate a candidate and other vice-president, who withdrew. Mrs. The annual meeting of the Craig­ ched by the Convention on tbe subject len Chambers, of Nanaimo, B. C, elected for tbe eighth year at the parties might support this candidate Malloy was vice-president for fonr myle School Distiict was held at tbe at future poUtical activities, "there­ youthful member of Tto Youth Em­ annual convention In Edmonton last rather than nominate their own. In years and a director-for five years school on Friday evening, January'21 fore tt ls not my purpose ta this ad­ ployment Committee, who also ad­ week. constituencies where another party prior to being vice-president. at 3 o'clock. Opportunity was given dress to attempt to direct your course UM DIRECTORS dressed tte gathering. Friday* ante' Expressing tbe hope that "nothing was stronger, the U.F.A. might decide the ratepayers to see the classes of do­ tag, the eve of their departure from will occur at this Convention that wiU of action." not to nominate a candidate, and in­ mestic science and shop work in oper­ Hanna. the student body gafterad in spUt our •ranks.'* President Gardiner President Gardiner pointed out tbat dividual members of the organization ation. A very small number of rate­ the Memorial HaU where a most en- "present economic system metes out RE-ELECTED FOR would then be free to vote for what­ LOCAL OFFICER payers were ta attendance. Mr. X_ ta his ffl*-*r****T address added that ever candidate was nominated by an­ Branum, the retiring trustee was re­ "conditions are tob|fto*imis to cont^n\- the same, conditlnns to everv farmpj —— tnrial evening nae mSsmtmtLmtt^ other group. elected. Tbe Board at present consists plate anything other than united ef­ irrespectiv* of- race, color or creed"; danciqg interspersed with songs ~ of O. Bell, chairman; L. Branum, and fort." Because the U.|F.A. believed "in tbat where opinions upon policy were musical selections. At tbe close of tto Among tbe two-score resolutions ad­ COMMENDH)BY P. f. Paterson. O. H. Ross was again control from the ground up, that ls divided the most important point to evening's entertainment Mr. Albert opted by the convention were those appointed secretary for the ensuing to say, that the responsibility ta mak­ decide is "what is our objective?" AU Fifteen Directors Elected Storch, on behalf of the etndents as­ asking federal subsidy of all farm year. ing decisions, important or otherwise, since "It is useless and a waste of sembled, ptaatnUd each af the In­ crops, establishment of a wheat board R-CWLP.HEAD rests upon the shoulders of the mem­ time to follow a path that leads in a Friday For Another structors arlth a gift ta appreciaton af with producer representation, contin­ direction other than the direction of tto valuable work tbey had tamtead HOME FROM BONSPIEL bers as a whole," Mr. Gardiner added uance of drouth area rehabilitation, in­ our objective." Term during their three weeks' stay in Haa­ The local rink wbich attended the in reference to the decision to be rea­ vestigation of livestock marketing, dis­ Const. J. M. Winkler Highly na. Calgary bonspiel. Alberta branch of AU 15 directors Of the UF-A. were continuance of the provincial govern­ School fer Girls Opened Commended for Work in the Royal Caledonian' Olub of Scot­ re-elected Friday for another year, ment's program of enlarged school un­ SCOTFIELD i YOUNGSTOWN I On Monday, Mr. J. H. Boaa, Director land returned home last Saturday be­ just as President Robert Oardiner and its until those already established Switzer-Hilts Case of Youth Training ta the province ing successful in capturing third place + + Vice-President Norman F. Priestley have been proved beneficial and until paid a visit to thia point and made ta the Alberta Pacific competition. had been re-elected earlier ta the an­ ratepayers ta other projected districts Late last fall two well known crim­ (From Our Own Correspondent) (From Our Own Correspondent) arrangements for the commencement The rink comprising Robt. Stanley, nual convention, held at the Masonic have been consulted, and censure of inals ta the persons of Oren Switzer SCOTFIELD, Jan. 25—The Annual YOUNG8TOWN, January _»—Mrs. of a six week's course for girls. This the provincial government's use of and Ouy Hilts were arrested and con­ skip, Otis Clark. S. A. Miller, and P. temple. A. Mathe report having enjoyed the Meeting of Scotfield School district Dahlin, of Duiuth, Minn., is at present course is for girls residing la urban patronage ln the civil service. victed on a charge of breaking and was held on Saturday Jan. 8th, with a visiting ber brother Mr. F. Ashmore. The directors aUoted by federal con­ centres only aad some 40 young wo­ entering. The two above mentioned keen competition throughout the bon­ Court decisions on various matters large number of ratepayers in attend­ She will leave Thursday morning for stituencies in the province, ate as fol­ men from Hana aat towns adjacent men were caught trying to enter the spiel also the hospitality of the Cal­ which are pending are being awaited ance. The financial statement bad Saskatoon where she wlU spend a few lows: have enroUed aad commenced their Schram store and made a get-away gary club and were highly pleased in by the Aberhart government his week, been written on the blackboard by days renewing acquaintances. Acadia—J. K Sutherland, of Han­ studies ao Monday. Mrs. K. Lyons Is from Sheerness. Constable 8. Mott, bringing home the first prize that was for some of the legislation to be In­ the Secretary Mr. McKeage and was Sunday last saw the first . of the na; Athabaska—P. 8. Beatt, of West- tn charge ot tte school aad is betag of the R.C.M.P. here was notified of ever won in the foothills city by a troduced during tbe legislature session considered quite satisfactory as were lock; Battle River—H. E. Spencer, of assisted by Mrs. D. Olmstead ate is the attempted break-in and he and Hanna rink. snowplow this year. As the road had which opens February 10 will binge also the other reports submitted by Edgerton; Bow River—G. E. Church, giving instruction In shorthand, Mia. Constable Winkler immediately pro­ been left so long many of the drifts to some extent at least on those ver­ the board. The matter of financing, of Balzac; East and West Calgary— S. E. C. Argue, who wiU tiiaiiial etas- ceeded to Sheerness from which point were packed hard and much time bad dicts. (a particularly difficult one) was gone A. J. Paul of Blackie; Camrose—J. E. sea in test aid and Mr. R. F. Haaaa, the two men were traced to Rowley CESSFORD to be spent cleaning them off. Ite tato ta much detail. The ratepayers plow returned to Hanna Sunday night Brown, of Castor— East and West wbo wiU teach typewriting. Mrs. Ly­ Among the cases awaiting Judgment and picked up by local constables. ons wiU teach household woanaaniea are the review of the Provincial Guar­ agreeing to drive vans to work out and again returned Monday cleaning Edmonton—James M. Bentley. of Recently Mayor I. F. Shacker was in and industrial art. Practically all tbe anteed Securities Interest act and tbe taxes.. The board for current year the highway as far as Cereal. Today North Edmonton; Jasper-Edson—T. F. receipt of the following letter from J. (From Our.Own Correspondent) rlaean are being held in tto household Provincial Guaranteed Securities Pro­ is Fred Hilt, board chairman; Albert the driver hopes to reach the end of lovelock, of Alcomdale; Lethbridge— H. McBrien, Commissioner Royal Can­ CESSFORD, January 24—E. Gordon economics room of tto local school ceedings act of 1937. a companion MacDonald and J. G. McCuUoch. his terriory at Alsask. Already many W. W. Scott, of Iron Springs; Macleod adian Mounted Police, commending of Pollockvllle waa tbe guest of Mr. and wbich has kindly been placed at tto measure. They purported to cut ta After having been closed since Dec. traveUers are taking advantage ot tto —M. H. Ward, of Arrowwood; Medi­ the Town Constable J. M. Winkler oo Mrs. G. Wahl last week end. disposal of tbe teachers by tbe Hkn^ half the interest to be paid on bonds M the snow plow opened the highway open road. cine Hat—J M. Wbea ttey, of Chanc­ hla valued assistance in tbe man hunt. Jack Cornell haa* been hauling feed na School Beard guaranteed by the province. The Al­ between Hanna and Youngstown on ellor; Peace River—Hugh Allen, of Hla Worship tbe Mayor of Hanna, for Wm. McKay and ice for the local Mr. J. L. Naylor,' Mr. E. Church and berta appeal court bas been reviewing Sunday and Monday, some very heavy HuaUen; Red Deer—Ronald Pye, of Hanna, Alberta hotel the past month. Rev. H. A. Whaley motored to Hanna Penhold; Vegreville—Rudolph Hennig, them this week. drifts, one just west of Scotfield made Sincere sympathy is extended from wttb Mr. Walker Monday. Mr. Nay­ of ; Wetaskiwln— Re—Oren Switzer and Ouy Hilts, Ed­ the work difficult. " Judgments In the appeals of Joseph monton, Alta.—Breaking and Entering this district to Mr. A. Hogarth whose lor returned ta his own car which had H. E. Heathe, of Lacombe. OYEN Unwin, M.L.A. for Edson and Oeorge witb Intent. wife passed on in a Calgary hospital Master Douglas Andrew is attending been left in Hanna after the last storm Powell, English "social credit expert," Dear Sir; last week. Scotfield school for the winter in December. months. (From Our Owe Correspondent) from their convictions and sentences In connection with the arrest and Hugh Fonrter is a visitor at the Mr. J. P. Auld, Mrs. Magill and Mr. en charges of criminal libel arising out home of MT. and Mrs. W. C. Griffith Mr. James Abrogast was a business L. Shaw were Hanna visitors Tuesday. HAND HILLS OYEN, January 25—At last tbe gov­ conviction Of tbo two above named ernment suOapl.w came through, go­ Of the "Bankers' Toadies" pamphlets well known criminals an charges of this week. visitor to Scotfield on Monday. The station agent from Hemaruka ing Tuesday aa far east aa Alsask and Of last October allegedly libelling nine Breaking and Entering, your Town Dora Hannaford who has been tak­ Mr. Jack Gordon has secured work journeyed across country with hla son (nnn Our Own Correspondent) Dr. Esler foUowed it to Oyen. Here's Edmonton men, ilso are being awaited. Constable, Mr. J. M. Winkler, rend­ ing the Youth Training Course in at Sandwich, Vancouver Island Hia Saturday last Tbey were met at tbe hoping they keep the road open. Unwin and Powell wtere convicted In ered this Force very valuable assist­ Hanna returned to her home Tuesday. many friends throughout the district station by Dr. Esler of Cereal who re­ HAND HULLS, January 25—Mr. and Nov. and sentenced to three and six ance and co-operation. Z have today Evelyn McBride wbo was a recent wish him every success in his new field turned to Cereal with tbe boy as it Mrs. P. ColdwiU were visitors at tto Tte Youth Training course com­ months ta Jail, respectively. Heating written to Mr. Winkler, personally, a visitor at Patricia returned to her of endeavor. was understood tbat he had contract­ home of Mr. and Mrs. C. White on menced Monday wtth 80 students reg­ ef tbe appeals was completed last Fri­ letter of thanks and appreciation and home. Walter Roberts returned to Youngs­ ed infantile paralysis. January 0. istered and close to a hundred ex­ day. pected Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker have also much pleasure ta drawing G. E. Griffith and Rodney visited town on Thursday last, having fully Saturday saw Um first game of Mrs. Fred Gibson spent last week and six instructors arrived oa Bun- But the government's chief expect­ your attention officially to the matter. their family ib PoUockvUle over tbe recovered from a severe attack of the hockey here. Ito local boys met a and ta Banna, measles. His sister Mary is also im­ day from Hanna and ttey. declare ancy Just now ls of the decisions of Tours truly, week end. team from Keystone and were able to A group of young folk motored to proving. themselves weU pleased with tte ar­ the supreme court of Canada on bo J. H. MacBrien, RusseU Campbell and Dave Allen chalk up a victory of 9 to 2. Sunday Drumheller January 20 aad enjoyed Mrs. S. Cummings lost practically rangements and housing accommoda­ press bill the bank licensing bill and Commissioner, have Just about completed their snow­ the local team journeyed to Scotfield the hockey Hatch. aU her chickens one nigbt recently tions, and with the large enrataant the bank taxation bill which were pas­ Royal Canadian Mounted Police mobile. where they met stiff opposition. Ite Tte regular meeting of Ite Hand when the dog got Into the pen and Students came from aa tar aa Acadia sed by the legislature last October and A number of the young people at­ final score was Scotfield 4 Youngstown Hills Lake Ladies' Aid waa held at tta killed about 20 of them. Valley, Esther, New Brigden aad tte ea which the Lieutenant-governor re­ tended the party at Wardlow last Fri­ S. home of Mrs. Anna Macdonald. Ar­ served royal assent. day and a good time was reported. Mr. Murray Peacock has bought furthaat point waa Buffalo which waa Mr. A. C. Anderson arrived tone an rangements were made for a general EXCEL K. Innes and B. Owens moved a considerable feed in Youngstown dur­ a 40 mile drive. Independence of the press in Alberta Friday from Calgary where to toa houae cleaning of the church. Ite large buUdlng across the river last ing the past two months. Meals are served ta the United with Its use as an unresponsible organ been spending a few daya on business. visitors were tte Messdames Joeberg, of government propaganda as tho pos­ Friday. The Red Truck is expected to call Galliger, MUligan, Miaifiaaii and Pete. •Church basement and girls' classes an (From Our Own Correspondent) • at Scotfield tomorrow (Tuesday) and sible alternative, is tha Issue in the EXCEL, January 25—Miss Florence MT. J. Green and son Bud who have At tte conclusion of the meeting lunch held there, the boys meeting ta tta been working on the EXD. at Brooks pick up some cattle far the Calgary The WM.S. of tto Church of Christ press bill. Although tbe banks have Forester, Bliss Thelma Gullekson and wiU meet at the home of Mrs. R. Mc­ waa earned by tte hostess assisted to MUler store. Tte girls' dormitory Is ia returned to their home bare. market. Misses Marion Brown, Ruth aad Pat been altogether silent about the result Mr. K. OuUekson left Sunday for llveen cn Thursday afternoon, Feb­ tte hotel, wtth Mrs. Wright aa house Grace Husband waa a PoUockviUe Tlie skating rink taa afforded a Macdonald,. to Alberta should tho bank licensing Oyen to attend the Youth Training ruary 3rd at 2:30 o'clock. mother and the boys are housed to and taxation bills be upheld, lt ia not classes. visitor last week end. good deal of pleasure to both adults (Continued en Page Four) MTs. Heiland wbo was taken to Oal­ and children during tbe paat few Miss C. Reavley, teacher ef Hand Impassible that implementation of Blanche Wade Is spending a few Carlyle Peacock la manager and Geo. gary with threatened mastoid ls re­ weeks. What was generaUy rnniiadcirl HUls Lake school distributed a WHY those bills migbt lead to Alberto clt­ days Witb Mends ta Hanna. McKeage ttaptal" of tto Scotfield ported to be doing nicely. to be a splendid game of hockey was mueh needed parcel of clothing re­ isens finding themselves suddenly re­ Mlaa Irene Arneson entertained the team. ceived from the Paige l j Red Cross, a- ANNUAL BONSPIEL TO MTs. W. J. Winning waa a week end played on tbe local Ice here on Sun­ funded their deposits and left with­ young people at a skiing party last Mr. and Mrs. J. Muirhead and chUd­ tnong tte vartoua needy families of tte BE HELD FEBRUARY 15, H, It out tbe bank facilities they now have. visitor at tbe home of ber daughter day afternoon between Youngstown Friday. y.j.-J and Scotfield, the latter winning ta a ren drove into Youngstown for a start. Willi I Practically every rural- bank branch Mrs. W. O. Orlffith. Announcement Is Blade this weak Mis. P. Hanson entertained at a very score 3 to 4. ne foUowing was tto visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. Coade on Mr. Bob Oinatoi is wintering his cat­ in the province lost money on its op- ttat tto tlst anneal bsnaplel af tte enjoyable dinner party Thursday ev­ lineup: Youngstown—Ansfu HaU, Monday. tle near Lacombe tbla winter. , orations laat year and tba banks are SOLOIST IN CALGARY Haaaa Carting Ctab wfll te haU to ening. ' Those present were Mr. R. E. goal;defence, F. Seymour, P. Welts, A. Wtawlng a couple of hours skating Mr. Doering is chopping straw tar ta no position to afford now taxation the earltng link aa Tnesday, Wed­ Bishop, and Mr. Jos. Barker and O. MT. Jack, Long well known local Coade; A. MeUom, c; L. MeUom, r.w. cm Friday last, a number of tte real- Mr. E_. GaU. whioh zona aa high aa $6,000 annually nesday aad Thai-day, Feb. SS, tg, B. Wade and families. saxaphone soloist waa in Calgary laat E. Whaley, l.w.; W. Roberta, D. Roy. dents repaired to tbe school building Presence of mind oa AM part of the par branch, or to permit government- 17. Tbere win be three aaata event* week where be appeared on tbe spec­ L. Brace, d. Scotfield—A. King, goal; aad spent tto- 'waning together bt so­ mother of wee Eddie Harrison (son of appointed "wnttiir boards to dictate In tto eeaapaMNon, eaeh carrying a court jit Panada might be- banded ial attraction program at the Capitol O. Peacock, D. Edwards, defence; G. cial intercourse. MT. and Mra. M. Harrison) prevented how business should ba dene, aa would enp and fear acta af priaaa W. SL down laat Saturday, developments in­ Theatre on Tuesday evening. Mr. McKeage, l.w.; H. Wells, c.; R. Bo- Horses on tto range are reported him from betag seriously burned when be the case under the licensing aet. McCoy la prsltont af tto dab. «- dicated that the court desired consid­ Long's saxaphone numbers were en­ hush, r.w.; L. Gordon lw.; J. flMHtimgr as standing the winter fairly weU tn ta got acid from a total y ea Ma D. Warwick Is Although tt was' believed at first erably more time. thusiastically received hy tta Calgary a; O. Peacock, r.w-; IX Warwick, d. spite of tte vary heavy snow and hands and face. Soda waa used freely ttat tbe decisions of tbe supreme CONTINUED NEXT WEEK audience. Henry Jackson acted as referee and hard ley crust. ta counteract tta Mid.

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PAOE TWO THK HANNA HEEALD, BANNA, ALBERTA THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1038 like dictatorships, ttoy bate sax, they plant growth. The Nile, in Egypt's case, supplies domestic situation witnessed the com­ pletion of a giant colonization scheme want to avoid committments abroad, the water and it ia upon that historic river, that Behind the Headlines at Ottawa and the whole nation was becoming and yet as two of the wealthiest and 'sVtmJBb* i fli || ill II* Egypt has, since time immemorial, depended for unbelievably strong. In fact, they be­ strongest powers of our times, they are Last week it.. was reported lh this whole structure of tto British Empire. gan to reach out for the trade of the (Continued from Page Two) A strictly independent weekly newspaper published every its existence. where. However tbey took shelter Thursday ta the Herald Building, Main Street column that the opposition ta this It is hardly a secret along Parliament Hanna, Alberta. Canada Egypt's history is a strange and eventful country to tbe proposed new trade a- HiU that the main object of tbe new Far East, ta South America and else- narrative. It was there that the Pharaohs ruled greement between the United King­ Anglo-American Trade Treaty is to behind tbe classical advice of George THE McCREA PUBLISHING COMPANY dom and tbe United States has beea foster a policy of reasonable mutual Washington to avoid any poUtical en­ There's No Time Uke SUBSCRIPTION BATES and the great pyramids were built. It was there growing Steadily, and well-informed concessions amongst the English- tanglements ta the Old World and ln Three montha la Canada 9 M tbat Thebes with its hundred gates arose and the sources on Parliament HIU predict that speaking democracies of the world ta general, the United States Government Correct Time! Six months ta Canada 1.00 monolith of Pompey's Pillar was erected. Civili­ a sensational fight will take place be­ order to combat the tactics of tbe to- was coldly Indifferent to the problems OM year ln Canada 2.00 fore this Dominion wUl be ready to taUtarian states such as Italy! Germ­ and dangers of Europe. Today, the zations came and went. Dynasties rose and fell. One yaar la United States 2.50 sanation any noble gesture or sarciflce any and Japan, who have formed an whole thing has changed radically. Have Your Timepiece Checked The children of Israel were made captive and es­ to help this Anglo-American effort at alliance that Includes extreme nation^ Both Great Britain and the United Over at Hanna, Alberta, Thursday, January 27, 1938 caped. War-like Macedonian Alexander the an historic union of material forces. alism as one of the main foundations States face similar problems at home and abroad. They have similar social It was stated bere that Canada's upon which their future poUcies are Great, was among the notable conquerors of the based. Gradually, it ls hoped ' that and industrial problems, especially a- JOE MILLS' JEWELRY RATEPAYERS' MEETING trade relations with these two nations bout strikes, unemployment, taxation, land. Rome's imperial eagles rose triumphant ov­ form the nucleus of this Dominion's several other nations wiU join this SHOP The annual meeting: of the ratepayers of er the nation, and finally the British arrived to group of domestic powers in a sort of cost of Uvlng, wages, and arbitary foreign trade and there are a great Government Interferences. On the WATCH EXPERT Hanna will be held in the Memorial Hal] on Pri­ many people ln Canada who do not economic union of a kind to replace hold sway and build up a new epoch. the almost emasculated League of Na­ scene Of the International poUtical day evening, January 28th at 8 o'clock for the want the Federal Oovernment to do strife, both powers are known to dis­ Farida is the first queen Egypt has known anything which may turn out to be of tions at Geneva, which ls nothing but purpose of receiving the report of the Mayor, a skeleton now. Already it is known since Cleopatra, world famous beauty, ruled in a nature that wiU jeopardize or risk Secretary-Treasurer. Auditor and chairmen of the these healthy features of the economic that a number of nations are prepared .the period of history when Rome was at its might­ to line up with tbe idea of the United various committees of the Council for the year progress of this Dominion. They point iest. In the interval between the two queens out that the Ottawa agreements of States and the British Empire and .ending December 31, 1937. they are France, Belgium, Soviet Rus­ there have been centuries of ups and downs for 1932 gave Canada an opportunity to increase the export business In the sia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hol­ These annual meetings are vitally important the Egyptian people, but Egypt's future can rich markets of tbe United Kingdom. land and two or three others. to all who pay taxes or take any interest in the readily be made a much more pleasing prospect Prior to these Agreements, Canada Economic nationalism should hard­ life and progress of a community. for the people of that land if the counsel of wis­ shipped to these big markets less than ly survive ta a world united ta this 1175,000,000 a year, but the steady in­ manner, and Italy, Germany and Ja­ During the preceding tweleve months the dom will prevail and* if warring factors can be crease has brought this figure to over pan would either have to become rea­ Mayor and Councillors have been devoting much united. $500,000,000 for 1937. Likewise, Can­ sonable and join ta this freer world- of their time in dealing with civic affairs. They ada's export business to the United trade areas or face bankruptcy and OTHERS' VIEWS States works out In a manner that giv­ ruination. AU experts agree that this bave been spending the ratepayers' money in dif­ es this Dominion a very favorable bal­ is the likely alternative that wlU be ferent departments and also trying to economize ance of trade, with the latest statistics faced by the totalitarian states of the THE ROOT CAUSE as far as possible. All will agree that these are of the Department of Trade and Com­ world within the next few months and v It is doubtful if the Alberta government can be de­ merce at Ottawa showing that ta the it is in the formation of this vital trying years in the administration of the Town feased solely by a barrage of criticism from speakers and year 1937 more than $75,000,000 in­ chain that Canada is an Important affairs. If there is any criticism to be offered tlfe newspapers opposed to lt. T_}e causes which brought the crease was noted over that of the pre­ link, with the present signs in Ottawa ratepayers meeting is the place for open discus­ governqient into power so overwhelmingly are too deep- ' vious year, the improvement being Indicating that the Canadian senti­ seated for that accomplishment. marked since the new Reciprocity ment favours a poUcy that wiU help sion. If there is commendation that also should Treaty began to function properly. In The people will have to be shown in a reasonable Oreat Britain and the United States be expressed at the same time. Every taxpayer other words, hardened business inter­ way that the relinquishing of freedom will not bring a- in this effort for international peace. should plan to attend the most important civic ests of this country are opposing aU not through arms alone but rather bout the desired security which they so ardently seek. the actions of the Government which through economic means. At least the event of the year—the annual ratepayers' meet­ Men hunger more for security than they do for free­ aim to give up economic values for majority of Canadians are inclined to ing. dom. However uncomplimentary that may be to de­ noble gestures or Ideals of promoting this point of view, if one may judge mocracy, nevertheless that is a true statement. better international relations between from tbe opinions expressed by their Freedom is a challenging thing; security Is a com­ the Empire and the United States, representatives in the Capital. and a bitter fight ls going on between THE U. F A. DECISION forting thing. In the last twenty-five years .there these economic-minded Canadians and has been a remarkable drawing to­ The United Farmers of Alberta in conven­ When a man has haunting insecurity his greatest the other citizens of the country, who tion assembled has decided to continue participa­ hunger is for security, and this hunger wiU color and gether of the forces of tbe Empire and are ready and willing to take this risk those of tbe United States. A quarter CALGARY BREWING _ MALTING CO. LTD. tion in political matters, co-operating with the C. control his poUtical actions at every turn. of substituting the United Kingdom of a century ago. Great Britain was preferences for certain concessions in CF. in the federal field at least. This move will It is also true that ln those countries where the peo­ faced with war clouds on the Europ­ ple surrendered their freedom in the hope of obtaining the American markets, even if a loss prevent any extensive development of the plan ean scene, and at home a domestic ls suffered, but they reason that it is situation was troubled with unemploy­ economic security, they have lost both. That ls true of worth while ta order to help the Moth­ for a united political front against the Social Russia, Germany and Italy. ment, class restlessness, growing tax­ erland ta the present tense interna­ ation and a number of other unheal­ Credit party. It also shows the strong feeling The biggest problem confronting political and ec­ tional crisis that is threatening the amongst U.F.A. members that there is mueh to be onomic leadership ta democratic countries of the world thy signs. In the United States, the gained by that organization remaining in politics. today is the finding of ways and means of establishing Those who favoured the continued participa­ economic security for the millions.—Brooks Bulletin. -M—^ tWmv Aecurity iiiMitqli*^—^ Notice tion of the U.F.A. in the political life of the pro­ SHOULD END RESTRICTION vince argued that the old U.F.A. government was Under the rules now being applied ta the carrying a scrupulously honest and able one and showed cut of the Dominion-wide Youth Training scheme, farm SUN LIFE OF CANADA ANNUAL MEETING OF RATEPAYERS much better administrative capacity than the young people are denied the opportunity to take any r *&E_V ' present government. They also maintained that courses except ln agriculture. Urban boys have a fairly w wide range of courses to choose from. fi PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting the U.F.A parent organization gained and main­ The authorities point out that only a small propor­ WHOLE -lift ASSURANCE CHILD EDUCATION of the electors of the Town of Hanna will be tained ita strength through the interest aroused tion of tbe youths who could profit by training under the ANNUITIES, ENDOWMENTS FAMILY PROTECTION held in the MEMORIAL HALL on FRIDAY the in the countryside by political activity. Such a Rehabilitation program can be given the opportunity to I HEAD OFFICE-MONTRIAl a tT nf [""""•'"' h rp r"**n»"-m j* "*•»-—»J«-_»«<_, -im—smr,y ot th» etoure—e. When there are so-many un*-* • Local Agent: Wm. Creighton 28th DAY OF JANUARY 1938 at 8 o'clock wo&ld %e a nonentity, attracting little interest employed young men and women ln the cities whose ap­ p.m. for the purpose of receiving the report of and slowly disintegrating. plications must be rejected, they do not wish to add to the difficulty of selection by throwing the courses in the Mayor, Secretary-Treasurer, Auditor, and In any event it may be expected that the lead­ other than agricultural subjects open to farm youth. It Chairman of the various committees of the ers of the U.F.A fully realize the dangers as is also desired to keep farm boys and girls as far as pos­ Council for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1937. well as the advantages of continuing in politics sible on the farms. and are prepared to meet them. The U.F.A. has a Whatever might be said about the normal times, it All ratepayers are urged to attend this meeting perfect right to follow its own course as outlined undoubtedly works a serious hardship today ln many rur­ as the Mayor will give a report of the discus­ by its own people and to develop its own destiny al areas where there has been a succession of crop fail­ ures. In many Instances famUies which include several Wedding - Birthday sions with the electric light Company regarding on any lines it sees fit. boys are today barely existing on dried out prairie farms. renewal of the franchise. It is now obvious that a united party opposed Not one of these boys can obtain a course except in ag­ Anniversary to Social Credit is out of the question. It may be riculture, the presumption betag that after the course Dated at Hanna this 19th day of Jan. 1938 that certain constituencies will develop unionism they will return home to work. But ta such cases what as a local move but there will be no welding of the boys need to do is to find work away from the farm. J. H. Stephens, They are in just as bad a predicament as the unemployed Gifts for Every Occasion Secretary-Treasurer the Conservative U.F.A. and Liberal' parties. youth of the cities. And ta such cases at least, they Probably in the end this is the better course. ahould have equal opportunities.—Western Farm Leader. Anyway that is the philosophical way to look at it. AGRICULTURE MUST ORGANIZE One course, and one course only, ls open to the farm­ WALK TO THE LEFT ers of Canada if they wish to get a fair deal in respect to Shilleto Drug Co. Ltd. It is doubtful if the great majority of ped­ their industry and this course is organization—organiza­ tion, locally, provtacially and throughout the dominion. estrians are aware of the fact that when walking "If Yon Get It From Shilleto't It's Good" Lew Hutchinson, who has just succeeded that grand old Public Notice on tbe highway approaching traffic it is a safety man, Dr. Henry Wise Wood, C.M.O., as president of the role to walk on the left hand side of the road. Alberta Wheat Pool makes this statement. It is not a Not only is it safer to keep to the left but it hackneyed, stereotyped, weatherworn statement, as ut­ ia compulsory under the Alberta Vehicle and tered by Mr. Hutchinson. It ls a statement, founded on TAKE NOTICE that all resident non-ratepayers, tihe thirty years of H. W. Wood's association with the co­ Highway Traffic Act. In case of a person walk­ such as renters, leaseholders, teachers, office employ­ operative movement ta Western Canada and on Mr. Hut­ ing along the highway on the right side of the chinson's* fifteen years' prominent association with the ees, farm help and others residing in the Hospital Dis­ road meeting with an accident in traffic no dam­ same movement. trict, who do not own property in the said District ages could be collected according to the Act. Mr. Hutchinson is practical. He is a worker, a keen bat who desire to take advantage of the minimum student, a shrewd observer and he weighs his statements. Failure in observing this rule* cost the life rate of One Dollar ($1.00) per day in the Hanna of a Tabelr citizen a few days ago. It is natural When he speaks, those who hear him feel instinctively CONFIDENCE that he has the soundest of reasons for what he says. Municipal Hospital are required to pay a Special perhapa that laws governing vehicle traffic on MT. Hutchinson, In common with thousands of farm­ highways are less publicized than the causes ers, from Prince Edward Island to Vancouver Island, sees Agreement Fee o! Ten Dollars ($10.00) on or before which bring disastrous accidents into being. An that the present economic system, as operated in Can­ Confidence has nothing to do with ada, discriminates against agriculture and therefore his epidemic will always attract more attention than age or size. A small industry may the laboratory fight against it. Therefore we first official utterance is a solemn warning to farmers I March lst 1938 think that if more publicity were given to the that they must unite nationally and so strengthen their have it and it's patron* swear by forces that they can function nationally—Country LUe THIS PRIVILEGE will be extended for the year 1938 Alberta Vehicle and Highway Act it would be a in B. C. all it sells. A great industry may to Residents outside the Hospital District on the payment, on means of lessening the number of serious ac- lose it—and be great no longer. or before March lst, 1938 of the sum of Twelve Dollars. ' cidents which occur all too frequently. The Alberta Brewing Industry THIS SPECIAL AGREEMENT gives yourself and fam­ ily the privilege of ratepayer rates (One Dollar per Day) TBI BRIDE OF THE NILE prize your confidence above all for the period of one year commencing January lst 1938. Moderns will have to slip back into ancient else. They hold firmly to the Any urban ratepayer whose tax for hospital purpose history to build np the background for the wed­ And now women have invaded man's does not amount to Ten Dollars will be required to pay the last lone sanctuary—the curling rink. fundamental principles thftt safe­ ding that took place last*week between Egypt's difference between such tax and the sum of Ten Dollars to —Ex. boy king, Farouk, and dark-eyed, sixteen year guard public interest by •electing tiie Secretary-Treasurer on or before the lst Day of March old Farida, daughter of an Egyptian high court 1938 failing which he will not be entitled to the Dollar per The negro witness was being cross- only the choicest ingredients for Day rate for the entire year. judge. examined abont a former friend. ALBEETA BEEBS. Egypt is one of the birthplaces of human civ­ "Oo you suggest he is a thief?" ask­ Any person seeking admission as a patient must be pre­ pared to pay, weekly, service in advanee. The Hospital ilization. From the Ethiopian plateaus, one im­ ed the counsel. Board reserves the right to refuse admission to any patient portant source of the great Nile, and,from Su- "I dont say he is a tief, sah," re­ failing to comply with this rule. meria, across the Red Sea, dawn men and women plied Uie negro, "but I do say dis. If I waa a chicken, an' I aaw him loafln' Send remittances with your- location' to* migrated into Egypt in primal times. There, a- around, I'd sure roost high." THE BREWING INDUSTRY OF ALBERTA long tbe banks of the tile-giving Nile they built __ one of the oldest civilizations in the world, Warden:"You say it's against your religion to break 99 rocks?" Hanna Municipal Hospital Egypt is pretty much a drouth-ridden land. ihe Best Prisoner: "Tes. What the Lord has joined together DISTRICT No. 9 IlMes along the parallels of latitude characterized let no man put asunder." •M- all round the'World by deserts. Like most dry A. W. WHITE, Secretary-Treasurer countries, its coil is extremely'fertile, only requir­ AND THEN THE WHISTLE BLEW Ttdc Advertisement Is Net 'inserted by the Alberta Liquor Control Board of Hanna, Alberto Bum "l boos yoar not a clock-watcher." by tbe Government df tbe Province of Alberta. ing the application of water to produce prolific Employe—"No, Tax a whistle-listener—work outside."

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THE HANNA BERALD, BANNA, ALBERTA THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938 -PAGE THREE •smwmm DETAILS OF MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENT AND TAX LEVY Auditor's Financial Statement for the Town of Hdnnq^ TRAVEL BARGAINS Alberta, for the Year Ending December 31, W37 s i Qcc^tZcryuJ^ & si 3 Receipts Payments Land , 214,786 68.078 146,708 4a1 -4,465.15 Balances December 31, 1936— BuUdlngs _c Improvements at Outstanding Cheques or Overdraft, Dec. 31, 1936— 66%% of value 631350 In Cash On 19,945 611305 46 26323.82 Municipal Account 59.00 Rental Value, Business 56,120 -tb EASTER* Bank Hand 56.120 44 2,469.28 Administration- Electric Light and Power 42,000 42.000 10 420.00 Municipal Account _.._ 6,509.57 1,618.66 8,128.23 Salaries—Sec.-Treas., 1,350.00; Auditor, 175.00 ._ 1,525.00 Special Assessments (Land) 2,493 2,493 Supplementary Revenue Ace 236.92 23692 IS 4736 CANADA Bond Premium, 12.00; Legal Expenses, 25.00 _ 37.00 Farm Land and BuUdlngs _ 35336 35336 10 352/16 Social Service Tax Trust Ace. _.. 434.81 _ 43481 L.T.O., 44.31; Elections, 24.64 Totals 7,181.30 1,618.66 8,799.96 Delegates' Expenses, 3130 100.45 Totals 982,485 88,023 894,462 36.667.97 TICKET* OH SALE DAILY 8,799.96 rCB. SOtb TO NMNCN Stti Printing, Postage, Stationery, Stamps 200.83 Receipt* en Account Mun. Taxation- Office Expenses, Repairs and Telephone, 118.61 VALUATION OF TOWN PROPERTY Itabtwm Limit - 4* daya Consolidated Mun. Taxes and Costs .. _ 32 852 32 Insurance 50.15 1 168.76 (Not Encumbered by Debenture Debt) Social Service Tax (Alternative Plan) _ 494.11 Real Estate (Land and BuUdlngs) ..: , Rentals, 180.00; Exchange 2.07 Ass. Pees, 25.00 ... 207.07 4399.71 Minimum School Tax _ _ 704 00 34,050.43 Flre Apparatus ^ 13,67556 Choice of Travel Sundry Administration Expenses r— Cement Sidewalks .'._ 11.06659 Coed ia Ctettm. ttat la Teartot Coronation Expense _ _ 164.72 Sleeper* and Standard S-Mpen, Advances and Charges Repaid— Youth Training, 5.85; Dog Tags, 6.68; Annual upon payment af malar berth Hospital and Sanitorlum 29,669.96 31.50 Statements, 76.68 - _._ — 89.21 Reserve for Depreciation 17350.99 tare. Unemployment Relief: By Cash 872.44 903.94 Annual Meeting, 14.46; Advertising, 21.45 Miscellaneous, 29.35 _ 65.26 TOTAL 12318.97 TMvtt m mmmmm Office Fuel and Light 57.43 2,615.73 Man. Revenue Other Than Taxes— an urn « *•"• SOCIAL SERVICES TAX Licenses, 330.80; Rentals, 20.00 350.60 Protection of Person and Property— Equalized Valuation Set by Alta. Assessm't Commission Dog Tags, _ _.' 116.00 Flre Department, 683.37; Police Dept., 1,45930 2,142.67 250,000.00 Assessed Value (DoUars Only) 761,106 Cemetery _ 45.50 Grants, Aid and ReUef, Health and Sanitation- Building Permits ..._ 8.00 M1U Rate:— 1 Mill Far farther Doctors _ 50.00 Current Levy 761.10 Commissions, D.M.A 41.06 Sanitation 1,393.80 particulars, enquire any Agent Canadian UtUities Limited 524.07 UncoUected December 31, 1936 326.99 Hospital BUls, 151.75; Unemployment and Indigent Penalties Added to 1937 25.99 Refund Overpaid Account . 8.40 ReUef 1,557.14 1,708.89 Lot Sold, 10.00; Miscellaneous, 35.00 45.00 1,138.63 Total Due 1,114.08 CANADIAN Grants (MisceUaneous) .75 3,153.44 Collected in 1937 .__ 404.11 Loans— PubUc Works-!- — Cancelled in 1937 _ 12.29 NATIONAL Municipal 7,000.00 Streets, 1.050.89; Sidewalks, 78.10; Street Authority for Cancellations: Consolidations Sundry— Lighting, 1,254.00 _.. _ 2,382 99 Discounts .25 155.00 Suspense .._ .. 216.00 Parks, 155; Cemetery, 153.75 _ ._... Arrears Due Town 607.43 Trust Moneys Received— Rinks, 602.62; Workmen's Compensation Bd. 60.99 663.61 Total Uncollected December 31, 1937 _ _ 607.43 Other PubUc Works Expenses, Weeds>, 7.80; Supplementary Revenue _ _ 145.94 Due Province December 81, 1936 and not Paid 750.00 Repairs to Town Property, 60.40 68 20 Paid Province During 1937 _ 437.13 Outstanding Cheques or Overdraft, Dec. 31, 1937- Stable Expense _•- 64232 StUl Due Province December 31, 1937 1,06257 Miscellaneous 1.00 3,913.12 Dr. W.A. LINCOLN Munlcipal Account _ 14.10 Announcea Naw Offices At Loans— STANDING OF LANDS FINALLY ACQUIRED BY TOWN 7,037.82 706 SOUTHAM BLDG. Municipal—Principal, 7,000.00; Interest, 37.82 t- C A L O A R V Sundry— o* >, •a ce Phones M4174 and WUSS Refund of Taxes, 19.00.... Milk Ucense, 2.00 21.00 fg H St- Where he will Conduct General N, 8. P. Cheque _ 195.97 ts l Dlagnoela and Specialise _k 24.00 240.97 .2 J& Surgery, Including Diaeaaee af Refund Educational Tax — •2 OS Women. Supplementary Revenue 21147 is Social Service, 437.18; School, 18,500.00; Hospital, 2,688.00 21,625.13 21,83.6.60 j- j9| |. . j

Balances December 31, 1937-- In Cash On At. Dec. 31, 1936 426 112 252 30598.71 640.16 x31.238.87 Bank Hand Acquired During 1937 76 46335 16,066.63 887.76 16,454.39 Municlpal Account 7,538.23 3,606 38 11,144.61 Total 502 158587 46,665.34 1.027.92 47393.26 Secretary's Petty Cash _ 5.29 5.29 Deduct 1937 10 5,235 449.63 11.12 460.75 Soc. Service Tax Trust Ace. 75.41 75.41 Standing at L MACLACHLAN Supp. Revalue Trust Ace. 44.34 44.34 Dec. 31st, 1937 492 153352 46315.71 131630 4733251 (x) . Lands forfeited previous to 1934 were removed from the Tax JEWELER Total 7,657.98 3,611.61 " 11,269 65 11,26965 RoU and have not since been taxed.

Total 52,269.00 VERIFICATION OF CASH ON HAND AT DECEMBER 31, 1937 Total 52,269.00 Above Cash on Hand Was Deposited January 3rd and 8th, 1938 Cash on hand at December 31, 1937, as per Cash Statement _ 3,611.67 Cash received between Dec. 31, 1937, and date of this Audit 222.46 CNR. Watch Inspector

Total 3,834.13 Hanna Alberta Assets Liabilities Deduct cash deposited tn Bank between Dec. 31, 1937 and date of .this Audit 3,654.12 Balance Dec 31, 1937 Outstanding Cheques, Dec. 31, 1937 In Cash On Cash on Hand Actually Counted by me at date of this Audit 180.01 (Mun. Only) Bank Hand (Municipal Only) . 14.10 Municipal Account 7,538.23 3,606.38 11,144.61 Accounts Payable— LANDS UNDER THE TAX RECOVERY ACT Social Service Tax Ace. .. 75.41 75.41 Auditor 175.00 Total Number of Parcels Forfeited in Town 492 W. O. TURNER, B__L 5.29 Secretys Petty Cash Ace. 5.29 Old Age Pension Board Estimated 1,65753; Number Under Tax Notification 20 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Workmen's Compensation Board, 13.25 1,670.78 Totals 7,613.64 3,611.67 11,225.31 11,225.31 Date Last Tax Notification Registered . 31st March 1937 NOTART Indigent ReUef 22.50 Date of Last PubUc Sale . 17th Dec. 1937 Municipal Taxes— HANNA — ALBERTA Mothers' Allowance, 2,867.25; Tax Recovery Lands Dealt With In 1937— UncoUected Taxes—Municipal _ _.. 86,951.07 3,14025 Number of Parcels Sold at Private Sale . • Sanatorium Charges. 2734)0 fh Social Service Taxes ._ _._..__ 607.43 87,558.50 M.H.O., 60.00; Health, 20.00; Office Expense, —Total Parcel* .--fi. r' '" "??'• fl 133.34; Street Lighting, 88.00 _ _ 29134 Taxes Cancelled Under Sec. 23 (8) In 1937— Accounts Receivable— N. 8. F. Cheques 195.97 Other Unpaid Accounts: Fire Department, 15.29; Municipal _. 2306.04 Orders Taken Set Inventories—SuppUes on Hand— Reserve for Rink, 111.36; Streets, 3455 160.90 Provincial 53.49 Dep. Town Property Repairs, 39.99; Stable, 11.70; Police CUT FLOWERS. FUNERAL PubUc Works 3,398.57 3,397.57 .40; Legal, 58.33 _..:..._ _ 110.42 Total Cancellations . 2359.53 WREATHS, ETC. Insurance — 65.94 Flre HaU _ 137.10 136.10 Receipts From Lands Sold or Leased in 1937—Private Sale 460.75 WYLIE'S DRUG STOWS Office Equipment _ 1,202.50 735.45 School Requisition _ ._._ 1,000.00 Above Receipts Have Been Credited as Follows:— Dept. Mun. Affairs, Balance 1936 and 1937 To Municipal 449.63 4,738.17 4,269.12 469.05 Social Service Tax Levy .*_ _ _ 1,062.87 7,700.00 To Provincial Trust , 11.12 Unexpired Insurance 92.26 561.31 Total Tax Sale and Lease Receipts Accounted Por 460.75 Sundry Liabilities (Municipal) Not Fixed Assets (Town Property) _ _ 12^18.97 Provided for Above- Sundry, Assets (Municipal) Not Provided Tax Suspense Account 414.00 Annual Financial Statement and For Above— UncoUected Trust Taxes and Collections Not Low Property Acquired by Tpwn Under Tax Remitted December 31, 1937—' Auditor's Report Recovery Act - 24,816.72 Supplementary Revenue Uncollected Taxes Dec. WINTER 3,146.28 31, 1987 ._ _ :.—_ 1.425.72 Less Reserve for Overvaluation _.._ 21,670.44 Supp. Revenue, Collections not Remitted, Dec. Town of Hanna School District No. 2912 of the EXCURSION Balances December 31, 1937— 145.94 1571.66 44.34 31, 1937 Supplementary Revenue Province oi Alberta, for the you* 1937 FARES 20,000.00 UncoUected Trust Taxes, Dec. 31, 1937— Reserve for Non-Collection of Taxes 1,425.72 Balance of Assets over LiabUities (Surplus) 86,776.64 Supplementary Revenue Statement of Receipts and Payments Vancouver Total 116,476.40 Total : 116,476.40 RECEIPTS Total Balance on Hand January lst 472.78 Victoria Outstanding Cheques from last year _ 25350 TkJeeU On .Sofa Daily te MAY I4tk Net Balance as at January lst (Deduct outstanding cheques) : RETURN LIMIT x Expenditure Revenue 219.48 First Class -THREE MONTHS Tax Levy 1937 (ConsoUdated) 36,667.97 Amount Received from Municipal CouncU Salaries, 1525.00; Office Expenses, 423.07 1,948.07 18500.00 Intermediate and 6,340.82 an requisitions , : '. Coach Class - • SIX MONTHS Discounts, 108.91; Taxes Remitted Penalties Added in 1937 Government Grants received by Treasurer, i_ 431630 by Council, 2,247.25 _ 2351.16 Taxes re-instated 8.00 Tuition Fees „ , 380.00 Legal, 83.33; Interest and Exchange, 37.82 _ 121.15 Social Service Tax Levy 761.10 Received ttom other sources ( Examination L. T. O. __ 33.91 Abo Specially Rodocod Social Service Tax Penalties 25.99 Fees) 392.00; Miscellaneous Receipts, 13.75 405.75 FIRST CLASS TICKETS Social Service Tax Cancellations, 1229; Special School Tax ... 680.00 44,483.88 Owt Sals Daily St Fstrmsry 28th 12.54 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 23,75053 Social Service Tax Discounts, .25 RETURN LIMIT. APRIL sOtk Refund Business Tax, 11.00; MisceUaneous Licenses , 328.60 Oeneral Expense, 269.24 _ 280.24 Dog Taxes _ _ 116.00 PAYMENTS Printing, Postage, Advertising and Stationery 367.59 Cemetery Lots Sold 4550 Paid Teachers' Salaries :______10,861.00 Enquire abaat Convention Expense and Membership, 5650; Election Relief Recovered 874.44 Paid Officials' Salaries, Secretary-Treasurer, Assessor, LOW FARES • Expense, 24.64; Insurance, 118.91 _ 200.05 5,314.71 MisceUaneous Revenue 44.00 1,408.54 Auditor, etc. — : , ——,. 125.00 to WASHINGTON. OREGON Paid on Debentures _ 6,394.39 end CALIFORNIA Fire Department, 664.16; PoUce Dept., 1,466.38 2,13054 Gross Proceeds of Sales of Forfeited Lands— Paid for erecting and repairing school house, stable, Health and Sanitation, 1, 686.80; Relief and outhouses, etc. ______38450 TRAVEL RAM. Commissions 41.06 1,506.75 En joy tho comfort at the mow Indigents, 1342.21 2,929.01 Paid for furniture—re. new Course ___ Paid for suppUes, stationery, postage, chalk, air-conditioned day teichii Mothers' Allowance, 180.00; Old brushes, palls, etc. — _—._-_— 653.07 alio Tourist a*nd tlaiida-d Age Pensions, 814.36 494.36 5,553.91 Paid for caretaktog 1,375.00; Fuel, 652.48; WllHHM 2,267.61 18,500.00 Light, 240.12 .A — Fall Info—nation from any ayaut School Requisitions Paid for Insurance : i____. 28150 Hospital Requisitions •- 3,688.00 Paid tat other purposes: Sanitation ... 180.00 Social Service Tax Levy( Alternative plan) 750.00 21,938.00 Bond, 6.00; Refunds, 5.00; Examination Fees, 392.00 ~ 403.00 CANADIAN Roads, Sidewalks, etc. 1,163.24; Cemetery, 153.75 1316.99 Tuning Piano * .-.— 5.00 588.00 Town Property Expense, 94.34; Street NATIONAL Lighting, 1,052.00 1,14654 (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) Rink, 689.48; Parks, 1.25 680.73 TAX STATEMENTS Consolidated Tax Supp. Rev. School Weeds, 7.80; W. O. Board, 74.24; Stable Expense, 640.72 — "- 722.76 3,876.82 Equalized Val. aet by Alta. Aaat Commission, $250,000.00 Assessed Value fbr each Tax (net) Dollars only 894,462 Deficits Assumed:—Depreciation 673.58 Rate of Taxation (mills oa the Dollar) __. 1 44-19-10M Balance (Surplus) 8576.48 Current Levy under Each Tax Heading 1—J.—j 8646757 fej.„_. Total 45,933.48 Total 45.933.48 Uncollected.at December 31,1936 (inc. Costs) 79,137.78 1505.09 Penalties and Costs added in 1937 _— 6.340.82 121.41 Taxes Reinstated IB 1937 8.00 30 TOTAL DUE 122,154.55 1,626.80 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE Auditor's Special Report (See. M (1), The Town ani Village Aot) Collections In 1887 (Including Costs) __ 32.85232 145.94 I have audited the accounts of the Town of Hanna for the year Social Service Tax:—. Hie alternative plan having been levied ln Cancellations Authorised In ISS. _—L 2,247.25 54.00 ending December 31st, 1987, and have Compared the aaid accounts with accordance wtth the letter of Department of Municipal Affairs per the Discounts on Taxes in 1897 re Consolidations 103.91 • .-Jf their relative vouchers and certify ttat in mr opinion tbe foregoing Supervisor- of Tax Recovery the accounts have been set up showing Uncollected Taxes December SL 1937 86,951.07 UM financial statements are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and $312.87 balance of Social Service Tax tot 1936 and $750.00 Social Servioe correct view of the f inancial attain of the Town, according to the hast Tax for ISST, namely, $1,062.87 dae Sbe Department of Municipal Af­ Trust Tens Collected toot aot paid at December Si, 1936 211.47 of my Information, the explanations given to me, and as shown by the fairs and the arrears of Social Service Tax as at 31st December 1837 as Collected In 1837

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PAGE FOUR THE HANNA HERALD, HANNA, ALBERTA THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938 they are of the opinion that together Financial Statement and Auditor's Report Hanna School *. these two powers control the wealth TRY District No. 2912 d iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHr/Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! and commerce, and any organization which sponsors freer world-trade und­ Continued from Page Three er the guidance Of these democracies KRUSCHEN Bond, 6.00; Refunds, 5.00; Examination Fees, 392.00; may prove a useful means to force the I FREE i Tuning Piano, 5.00 — — ,-... 588.00 Pkot«52t/frouncl [own totalitarian states to listen to reason, 1 TRIAL OFFER NOW ON 1 because today, more than at any time 1 Ask yonr drugg-rt for th* 76c Qismt 1 Cash on Hand —— 11.76 Mrs. Oeo. Sadusky of Hanna was a Mrs. Geo. Galvin of Calgary was a in the history of mankind, economics I Package. It contains ona regular • visitor in Calgary during thei week 1 bottle and atrial aisa bottle. Us* tha • Total Seal. Balance —— 692.46 visitor in Hanna over the week end. play an extremely vital role ln any • trial bottle first sad if BOt satisfied • Ttl. Cash Payments 23,061.82 end, returning on Monday morning. • • • 1 return the regular bottle unopened • 704.21 struggle hy force of arms. • and th* purchase price will be • Total Balance —__ * * • Miss Blanche Wade of Excel, ls PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT CFAC I returned. Outstanding Cheques 1550 Cash Book Balance Mrs. A. L. R. Davidson of Coleman spending a few days in town this week In fact the mere negotiations be­ as at Dec. 31, 1987 688.71 left for her home on Monday following visiting with friends. Richfield Distributors tween these democratic nations of the 1 GET YOURS NOW ] Net Balance 688.71 a few days' visit In Hanna, the guest • • • Continuing its popularity as a Sun­ world have been Instrumental ln caus­ of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Laughlin. Miss Hazel Six, of Calgary, arrived day feature is "Sabbath P-astorale," ing a marked change of attitude on CFAC weekly presentation heard each the part of the dictators, and the com­ Pumice ls being used in Italy to make T, C. Christian hereby certify that I have examined all the books, in Hanna on Sunday last, and will building blocks that are light, unaf­ vouchers, minutes of meeting, etc., of the Town of Hanna SJ}. No.2912 SCOUTS ATTEND SERVICE spend the next six weeks here as tea­ Sunday morning a 9:30 o'clock Fam­ pletion of this diplomatic scheme should open the way for political re­ fected by moisture, can be sawed or of the Province ot Alberta for the fiscal year ending December 31st, cher in the Hanna school. iliar hymns and national folk songs nailed, and are more resistant to heat 1937, and I further certify tbat I have counted the cash and examined The Byemoor First Boy Scout Troop ... are tbe order of these 30-minute stan­ construction, for fresh disarmament and sound than concrete. the Bank Books, or obtained information from the Bank regarding the attended church on Sunday morrdng. conferences, and perhaps, the rectifi- The regular monthly meeting Of the zas with the harmony supplied by the Bank Balance, snowing that there ls a balance on hand represented by At an Investiture Service held ay the actlon of tbe whole international sit­ Ladles' Aid of the First United Church Richfield quartet comprising Ian Actual Caah la hands of Treasurer (currency) • 11.75 Church Cub John Frederick Tfctomp- uation, with the strong possibility that will be held ln the church parlors on Smith, Fred Jarvis, A B. O'Riordon Total Bank) Balance 692.46 son and Albert Campbell were made Canada will have contributed more to Scouts and invested with the Tender­ and Roy Austin. Organist is Cecil STILL ON HAND 8th JANUARY, 1838 Thursday, February 3 at 3 pjn. Mes­ the success of this plan than history PICOBAC Above cash oa hand deposited 8th January 1938. foot Badge. Assistant Scoutmaster J. dames F. A. Mathe and Wm. Tant will Kappey, CFAC musical director who ls heard from the console of the Pal­ will ever be able to disclose through PIPE O. CHRISTIAN, C. A, Official Auditor J. Evans and Patrol Leader H. Boss act as hostesses. conducted the ceremony. ace Theatre organ. the sacrifices or unselfish gestures of TOBACCO • • • this young country ln the Interests of Outstanding Accounts Mrs. A. H. Foote and Eldon who for Sterling Products FOR A MILD,COOL SMOKE With the recent screen showing of greater Anglo-American co-operation. Amounts which were due to tbe District on December 31st 1937 Oyen the past few months had been residing in Calgary, returned to Didsbury the "Stella Dallas," Interest in the CFAC Balance due from the Municipality on requisitions ... 1,000.00 radio adaptation bounded to new 76.00 week end of January 8 and are re­ Advance on Salary , (Continued from Page One) heights. Packed houses with even Tuition Pees 10.00 siding in the Taylor residence on the the Snelder and Wade homes. En­ standing room at a premium were a k, Estimated Oovernment Or»nt —_ 1,113.90 corner of Shantz Avenue and Liesem- tertainments will be ln the Masonic daily occurrence at the Strand Theat­ Cash on hand and Total Bank Balance er Street.—Didsbury Pioneer. Hall. H. J. Austen ls in charge of kit­ re where the cinema story ran on de­ (Including Outstanding Cheques) 704.21 • * * / Special chen arrangements. manded "hold overs." Naturally, the­ Mrs. James Carswell was hostess to 1,903.11 The girls and boys are busy as bees atregoers were anxious to follow up TOTAL a number of friends at her home on and are having a grand time as well. from the screen ending, and today it Amounts which were owed by the District on December 31st, 1937 Saturday evening in honor of the tea­ The school board of the large unit is a safe bet that there is a near 100 Debenture coupons due and unpaid including thereon to chers of the Youth Training Move­ Clearance Sale met here on Friday with one newly- per cent audience for the CFAC serial December 31st 861.79 ment who left on Sunday morning for Oeneral Accounts, 32753; Account secured by Lein elected member, Jacob Frey of Acadia which continues on from a point 18 Oyen. An enjoyable evening was oi on Equipment; 356.00 — _ 683.23 months following the screen climax. VaUey. spent ln cards and music. The municipal auditors are in town TOTAL AMOUNT DUE AND UNPAID 1,545.02 Times are, dally, 9:45 to 10:00 a.m.; auditing the school and other books. WIVES OF CHURCH ELDERS sponsored by Philip's Milk of Magnes­ Winter Goods A. MacGregor of Prince Albert is SPONSOR BANQUET ia and Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder. Assets and Liabilities the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson. Royal Canadian Tobacco In a report on the United Church's Mr. French arrived on Saturday to Yesterday's top times and the fav­ Men's Doeskin Windbreakers, button style $1.45 ASSETS 25th Anniversary celebration appear­ Land and Buildings 78,088.21 take on hls old job as Bank of Tor­ orites of today are heard nightly in a ing in last week's issue of the Herald Men's Doeskin Windbreakers, with zipper $2.45 Equipment donated 260.00 onto manager. quarter-hour session of "Hits and En­ it was stated that the Ladies' Aid of Values to $5.00 in Heavy Windbreakers at $2.50 Furniture, Apparatus, Maps,-Supplies, etc. 4,201.00 cores," CFAC, Monday through Satur­ Mrs. Lowe left last Thursday for the Church was responsible for the Wool Windbreakers With Zippers, reg. $5.50, at $4.50 New Course Equipment _ 1,872.75 day, 11:00 to 11:15 p.m. The proced­ Calgary where she is taking medical banquet which was held ln the church Ubrary and Reference Books 321.50 ure of the program is to open with a Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters, reg. $2.45, at $1.95 treatment. parlors. A slight error was made in Total Taxes due District (as above) 1,000.00 current "rage" then a direct swing Jumbo Knit Wool Sweaters, reg. $3.95, at $3.25 1,903.11 this connection as it was the wives of Other Amounts Due District (as above) ... Miss Minnie Thygeson and Mlss back to the days when "Good News," Big Range of Odd Sweaters, on sale each $1.75 the managers and elders of the church Christine Kerr are taking the 6 week 'Me and My Shadow" and others were Men's Wool Mackinaw Breaks, reg. $3.75, at $1.98 TOTAL ASSETS 87,636.57 assisted by Mrs. S. B. Robinson who urban training course at Hanna. being hummed and whistled coast to were responsible for the banquet. Mrs. Men's Heavyweight Winter Pants, on sale at $2.75 Bob Oreen of Lanfine challenged coast. Listeners report it a good mem- LIABILITIES H. Orummitt acted as convener. Men's Wool Mackinaw Coats, at $5.00 Total of Debenture debt not yet due:— Oyen for the Cate's Cup on Monday ory-tlrring and welcome period. Boars' Wool Mackinaw Goats, at $3.95 Principal Only — 38,891.75 but again lost to Alex Wright. Interest on Principal to December 31 ..._ 413.06 39,304.81 The Eastern Star Card Party and A CORRECTION BOYS' AND MEN'S LEATHER OOATS AT CLEARING dance drew a large crowd this even­ It was Albert Edward Sim whose Behind the Headlines PRICES Outstanding Accounts (total amount due and ing. High scores were held by Mrs. marriage was reported last week to 1,545.02 Men's Dress Overcoats, reg. $16.50, at $13.95 unpaid as shown above) — W. V. Miller and D. M. Graham and Mrs. Bernice Violet Smart, both of (Continued on Page Four) Silvertone Overcoats, reg. $18.95, at $14.95 Cheques outstanding 1550 1,81052 consolation prizes went to Mrs. Conlin Scapa. unable to sit back and remain .inactive in any international crisis. The An­ Men's Dress Overcoats, reg. $25.00, at $17.95 Reserve for Equipment donated 250.00 and Joe Mahaffey. The Swingsters supplied the music. glo-American Trade Treaty is the key Men's Fur Lined Winter Caps, odd lines, at 79o Classified Advertising to the whole scheme, and many senti­ Boys' Pnr Lined Winter Caps, odd lines, at 69c TOTAL LIABILITIES _ 41,116.33 FEED FOR SALE mental men- and women of this coun­ Men's Heavy Lined Leather Mitts per pair 79c ST. PETER'S AMERICAN try are strongly ln favour of a policy PARTICULARS OF ASSESSMENT, TAXATION, ETC. FOR THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Men's Sheepskin Back Lined Mitts, per pair 95c YEAR 1937 OOOD GREEN HAMMERED STRAW which alms to aid these efforts of the —$5.00 per tank load. Phone R505, United States and the British Empire Men's Cotton Tweed Shirts, each .890 Total Assessed Value:—Municipal Plan Scapa 1937 Requisition on Town of Hanna 18500.00 Craigmyle. —9 to safeguard peace in the world since Winter Shirts, values to $1.25, sale 98c Service for Sunday, January 30th, Doeskin Winter Shirts, reg. $1.50, sale $1.29 Exact Cost of Operation of the School for the Year 22,97959 11 ajn. The atuiual congregation FOR RENT meeting of the Church will be held at Men's Fleece Shirts or Drawers, per garment 65c Insurance FOUR-ROOM HOUSE—Furnished 6th Men's Ribbed Wool Combinations, reg. $3.00, at $2.45 2 pjn. Saturday, January 29th. Ave. W. Apply E. A. Laughlin, Han­ The property of the district ls insured as follows:— Robt. if. Wulff, Pastor na. —9-tf. REDUCED PRICES ON ALL WINTER UNDERWEAR Building, 42,000.00; Furniture and Equipment, 5,000.00; LISTEN. BUY NOW! Liability, 6,000.00, 10.000.00; Limit Expires 23rd October 1938. ANNOUNCEMENT The policy expires 25th October, 1940; 10th October 1940; 10th Bring your eye troubles to Alex R. Men's Gummed Rubber Boots, per pair $1.50 ,a w m-faJsfltifK T'lflfY IftF "* "»—'**•"• "»*• McTavish. R.O. Graduate Optometrist .Sm.ms.mn.'* __. Men's Felt Lined Gum Boots Laced, pair $2.89 r ave examined the above Financial Statement, and to the best of Tuesday pjn. February 1st at Wylie's Men's Felt Shoes, leather soles, per pair $1.99 my knowledge, believe the same to be true and correct. Drug Store. Phone for appointments. Men's All Felt Boots, per pair $2.19 J. R. WADE, Treasurer, Hanna, Alberta —9 CANADA-I93a>9 Capitol i IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S X _TA Men's 1 Buckle Overshoes, pair $1.35 I hereby certify that the above information is in accordance with CARD OF THANKS INSPIRING PROGRAM f Men's 2 Buckle Overshoes, pair $2.25 the books and records of Town of Hanna School District No. 2812 of On behalf of the staff and students Men's 4 Buckle Overshoes, pair $2.95 tba Province of Alberta and from tbe Information given me I believe THEATRE of the Youth Training School, I de­ FRIDAY 8 PM. M.S.T. the aame to be correct. I further certify that I have not made a copy sire to express our sincere apprecia­ CJCA • CFAC • CJOC - CFCN Boys' One Buckle Overshoes, pair $1.25 of this Report for the School District Cash Book. Presents This Week End tion to the local committee for their Men's Felt Sock With Leather Stays, pair $1.79 kind co-operation ln the work of our CKBI • CFQC • CKCK C. CHRISTIAN, O. A., Box 564, Drumheller, Alberta Sonja Helnie and a galaxy of George Nimmo is on the way. George has his new Spring Date, 8th January,. 1938 ^-* school and to all others who assisted ice stars in us. I wish also to thank all of the Samples of Men's Suits and Overcoats. He will be at onr friends who made the stay of Mrs. Store Saturday, January 29 selling House of Stone Bnilt to tcriL* Walker and myself so pleasant. Fit Clothing for Men. Gordon B. Walker, Thin Ice" Supervisor Children's One Piece Snow Suits, sale $1.75 Children's Two Piece Snow Suits, sale $1.95 THE FARMERS'-CREDITORS Farmers! Big Range Girls' Ski Jackets, all colors $1.96 ARRANGEMENT ACT 1934 Notiee to Creditors of First Meeting Ladies' Fine Wool Sweaters, reg. to $3.00 $1.75 MONDAY, TUESDAY & Following Assignment of Receiving Womens' Fine Wool Stanfields' Uunderwear Order / values to $3.50, clearing at $1.40 WEDNESDAY IN THE MATTER of the bankruptcy Burns & Co. Winter Weight Combinations, reg. to $1.45, at 95c )f William J. Bryan, debtor. Ladies' Cotton Stockings, all sizes, pair 19c Notice is hereby given that Wm. J. WILL RE RECEIVING HOGS, Doable Feature Program Bryan of Delia, Alberta, made an as­ Rayon Hose, Heavyweight, clearing, per pair .35o White Blocks, each 80£ signment on the 17th day of January, CATTLE and LAMBS— 50c Quality Winter Weight Hose, pair 39o Iodized Blocks, each 85£ 1938; and that the first meeting of Byemoor Wednesday, Feb. 9 75c Quality Winter Weight Hose, pair 59c "RUSTLERS VALLEY" .red-tors will be held at my office, Endiang Thursday, Feb. 10 Ladies' Winter Orient or Penmans' Hose, reg. 1.00, for ..79c 50 lb. Sacks of Fine 95* Hanna, Alberta, on the 3rd day of Hanna _.___„Tharsday, Feb. 10 —and— February, 1938 at the hour of 2 o'clock Ladies' Fur Top Velvet Overshoes, pair $2.45 50 lb. Sacks of Coarse 90* n the afternoon. Paying 50c off Calgary price for Ladies' Dome or 4 Buckle Overshoes, pair $1.99 TO vote thereat proofs of claim and Ladies' Winteif Overcoats, reg. $16.50, sale $9.95 Free Running, per box 10* J proxies must be filed with me prior Hogs and Lambs thereto. Girls' Coats, a few left, and clearing at $3.95 . 7 lb. Sacks, each 20* "MNcr Usual Good Weights and Grade Those having claims against the es­ Ladies' Coats ,reg. to $32.50, clearing at $18.50 Ice Cream Sak, 8 lbs 25* tate must file same with tbe under­ Winter Weight Dresses, reg. to $2.75, at $1.50 signed before distribution is made; Odd Lines Ladies' Dresses, reg. to $4.95, at ..$2.95 otherwise the proceeds of the estate NEXT WEEK END wlll be distributed among the parties C G. GERMAN A FEW LONG STYLE DRESSES CLEARING AT ORANGES AND GRAPEFRUIT are now at thdr best entitled thereto, without regard to HALF PRICE claims not filed. both aa to quality and price. Onr Oranges are es­ DATED at Hanna, Alberta, this AGENT DRESS SKIRTS, CLEARING AT 20% OFF "SARATOGA" 20th day of February, A.D., 1038. 12x4 Flannelette Blankets, clearing per pair $2.29 pecially fine this season and larger and better col­ PHONE 105 HANNA W. O. Turner, Hanna, Alberta, Fancy Rayon Bed Spreads, 80x100 inches $2.59 oured. %s%i*^ Official Receiver All Linen Towelling, heavy weight, per yard .20c We Carry 5 Sizes o! Oranges, DISCOUNT OFF WOOL BED BLANKETS & AUTO RUGS Fancy Pyjama Cloth, heavy weight, special at .27c priced at 25*, 30*,35*, 40*, 55* AU Lines Winter Tweeds clearing at per yard ..29c Grapefruit, in 3 sizes, 5 for 25*, 4 for 25*, 10* ea. Dress Goods reg. to 45c clearing per yard ...... 29c Lemons, 300V per dozen .. ,\ 50* Flannelette, striped or plain white, per yard 14c SILKS ENDS CLEARING AT HALF REGULAR PRIOE EDINBURGH MANY REMNANTS AT MONEY SAVING VALUES Mod*. 420 SPECIAL, New Spring Styles Printed Crepe Dresses ....$3.45 P|§y'• Electric Lights $34.95 Onr Spring Showing of Wabasso goods are now on Personal table model for stan­ Show. This comprises the New Prints, Broadcloths, Pillow '• Wo have a special prioe ain 25 watt and €0 watt dard broadcast reception,. _ Cases, Pillow Casings, Sheets and Sheeting. Onr prices are tubes, no "C" Battery 's . bulbs of 15c each These are guaranteed for 1,000 •ary. Hotthern Electric lower this year. H^Jiours and should sell quickly. Prints, 36 inches wide, per yard 20c and 25c RADIO Printed Broadcloths, 36 inches wide, per yard _29o All New Shades in Plain Broadcloths 38 inches wide, yd. 20o Find out about the Battery lets that are really eco­ Pillow Cases, selling each .25c to 50o We carry a large stock of LINOLEUMS & other floor nomical to operate, without sacrifice of tonal quality. Ask to hear the "Mtrrophonic Tone Chsmber" In the Sheets, selling each ...$1.60 to $2.45 coverings. We have these in rugs or by the yard in remarkable A.C sets. 17 models, A.C and Battery, Sheeting, 81 inches wide, 9x4, unbleached, per yard 47c from $19.95 «0 $237.50. 6 foot, 9 foot, and 12 foot widths. Bleached Sheeting, per yd. .;..-**». 50c, 59c, 75c fer farther p-rllculmWtt literwlarwi tke turns of SEE THESE NEW GOODS NOW AND HAVE YOUR your nearest dealer, write SEWING DONE EARLY BUY AT NORTHERN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED C-lftry tarn onion . MILLER'S f Northern Electric Radios aid Appliances for sale by .%*»&& E. A. LAUGHLIN, HANNA, ALBERTA

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