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This … Back to list bargaining from ATA President Greg Jeffery Page 4 SEE PAGE 3 Learn from the past. Inspire the future. February 13, 2018 Volume 52, Number 11 News Publication of The Alberta Teachers’ Association CORY HARE Students at Edmonton’s Calder School made more than 300 valentines for women and children who have accessed the services of local women’s shelters. Here, Grade 3 student Jenna Kanash displays her work. See story on page 8. Meet the new standards Change and stability Province announces long-awaited New top execs embrace standards for teachers, principals change while maintaining and superintendents. standard of excellence. Read Jonathan Teghtmeyer’s editorial Read Dennis Theobald’s on page 2. See story on page 4. Q&A on page 2. Cellphone free One Alberta school reports Respectful schools happier times after removing cellphones from class. New online toolkit helps teachers create safe and See story on page 7. caring environments. See story on page 5. WHAT’S ONLINE? Leadership hopefuls Bargaining survey Teachers’ convention FAQ Candidates seeking to lead the Alberta Party share Collective bargaining updates AP their thoughts on education. Serve on an ATA committee See page 6. Trauma awareness: resources for teachers Publication Mail Agreement #40065477 The Alberta Teachers’ Association, as the professional organization of teachers, promotes and advances public education, safeguards standards of professional practice and serves as the advocate for its members. Editor-in-Chief: Jonathan Teghtmeyer | [email protected] | 780-447-9477 ATANEWS Managing Editor: Cory Hare | [email protected] | 780-447-9438 Advertising and Business Manager: Jen Janzen | [email protected] | 780-447-9417 February 13, 2018 Volume 52, Number 11 Designers: Erin Solano and Kim vanderHelm Copy Editors: ATA Editorial Staff New standards provide opportunity to highlight teacher quality Fortunately, my lesson went well We are often subjected to tired and even loss of certification through the EDITORIAL and, fortunately, my principal based misinformed charges that bad teach- Association’s practice review process. his evaluation on more than a single ers are protected or hard to get rid of, Teachers do not shy away from these Jonathan Teghtmeyer observation of my lesson. By the end including from some former ministers obligations and commitments. We are ATA News Editor-in-Chief of the year, I was recommended for a of education. However, the charges are professionals, and as the professional continuous contract. often rooted in a mythical narrative that association of teachers, the ATA is The process felt very open, fair and has pervasively followed our profession committed to upholding high standards eyes opened wide and I drew a reasonable — largely because I had a around the world and throughout time, of practice. My long, slow breath as my prin- clear definition of the standard I was despite good evidence to the contrary. Our system of teacher growth, su- pervision and evaluation is fair and cipal laid out the list of detailed criteria being measured by. I hope that the passing of an updated thorough, and it is based on trust and In 1997, Alberta’s Teaching Quality TQS, along with the introduction of the that he would be using to evaluate me professionalism. But it is all built upon the following week. Standard (TQS) was the first of its kind leadership and superintendent leader- the foundation provided by the Teach- A young first-year teacher, I was in Canada. Now, 20 years later, we have ship standards, can allow us to highlight ing Quality Standard. initially intimidated by all of the things an updated TQS. It is an important doc- the comprehensive system of teacher that I needed to demonstrate for the ument because it provides the bedrock quality assurance that we have in place Correction upcoming observation of my lesson. on which the entire system of teacher in Alberta. Mea culpa. Last week, in my tribute I had seen the Teaching Quality Stan- quality assurance is built. Teachers are extensively evaluated to the now retired executive secretary, dard in university, but it wasn’t made Our Teacher Growth, Supervision and as they enter the profession in order Gordon Thomas, I wrote that I took the Evaluation policy is a fine policy that to gain continuous employment and real for me until that moment. I took the record of youngest ATA staff officer has served Alberta’s teachers, students earn permanent certification. After that, criteria home, reviewed it and checked hired from Dr. Thomas. After reading and the public education system very they are actively supervised by princi- it against the lesson plan I was intend- the article, he informed me that the well. It is based on trust, professional- pals who collect data from a variety of record actually belongs to Mary-Jo ing to deliver. ism and collegiality. Many international sources. They also commit to ongoing Williams, hired in 1969. I’m not sure Sure, I could demonstrate that I un- experts say that Alberta’s regard for the continuous professional learning and where I got the false information from, derstood the subject discipline, that professionalism of teachers is why our growth in order to ensure that teaching and I regret that it was published. students learn differently and how to system performs so well. quality is continuously advancing. Of course, my ability to fact-check this assess a range of learning objectives, The TQS has a clear set of competen- If a principal has reason to believe article was hampered by the fact that but could I demonstrate an analysis of cies and indicators that teachers are ex- that a teacher is no longer meeting my go-to fact-checker was also the sub- a long list of contextual variables, or an pected to meet throughout their careers. standards, they can initiate an evalua- ject of the article. My sincere apologies understanding of the legislated, moral These are fair and objective criteria to tion at any time. Processes following a to Dr. Williams. ❚ and ethical frameworks within which be used throughout the teacher growth, poor evaluation can lead to a program I welcome your comments—contact I worked? supervision and evaluation process. of remediation, loss of employment or me at [email protected]. New leadership dedicated to maintaining level of excellence other staff officers of long standing On the economic front, teachers budget for 2018/19 (posted now for Q & A marks a generational transition and also will want to see the Association members at As you provides us the opportunity and chal- working to improve their conditions of go through the budget, you will note Dennis Theobald lenge to reassess what we are doing professional practice and employment that the Association’s elected leader- ATA Executive and how we are doing it. Processes and even in the face of threatened austerity ship has attempted to anticipate and Secretary standards for the operation of a com- and “compassionate cuts.” Our capacity address the issues I have identified plex $36 million per year enterprise to respond effectively at the bargaining above in a focused and material way. I like the Alberta Teachers’ Association table and in the public arena depends encourage you to engage in a thought- Question: Dennis, what change can are evolving and we must keep up. on building the involvement and com- members expect to see now that you ful dialogue with your district repre- But outside the walls of the Associ- mitment of members. sentatives and table officers about the have taken over the role of executive ation, the nature of teaching and the We are continuing to see the emer- secretary while, at the same time, new budget to provide them with direction social, political and economic milieu gence of new challenges relating to people are also in place as associate that they can then provide to me. within which we practice our profes- inclusion, diversity and increased and assistant executive secretary (Brian So, everything is changing and that sion are changing as well. We need to incidents of violence in the classroom. Andrais and Joni Turville, respectively). is nothing new. What is constant is the understand, anticipate and respond to In each of these instances, the Associ- commitment of my colleagues and me Answer: The short answer is “not these changes. ation will continue to lead principled to our profession, our Association and One specific example is the very and constructive efforts to identify much and everything.” to you. dynamic political situation in the the practices, policies and resources The Alberta Teachers’ Association is I want to conclude by acknowledging province. As we approach a general necessary to address these challenges. much bigger than one person or even and thanking now retired executive election in the spring of 2019, Alber- At the same time, teachers will have three people, regardless of their titles. secretary Gordon Thomas who, in my tans will need to weigh the merits and to adapt their practice to respond to Members can be assured that staff 17 years with the Association, has pro- platforms of several parties, some new new practice standards and curricu- throughout the organization will con- vided me with practical advice, wisdom tinue to do their very best to serve and to the political scene. The next elec- lum. They will expect their Association and friendship. I can’t pretend to be support teachers. The day-to-day work tion will be a competitive affair, and I to continue to advocate for appropriate Gordon, but with your support and that will continue to be done and to be done anticipate we are in for some raucous support from the province and their of my colleagues, I can be the very best to the level of excellence expected of campaigning.