The U.F.A." His Income to the State Than His Fellow Citizen Whose Ability Advertisers Will Render Their Own Organization a Service by to Bear Taxation Is Less
M. McRae, Federal OFFICIAL ORGAN THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING POOLS Vol. VL CALGARY, ALBERTA, MARCH 16, 1927 No. 8 laiODJiiiiiiuiiniiiuiiiiiuinmiiiiinmiiimiiflnnminiimiiaiiiniiniiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiii^ Legislature Endorses Government's I | Northern Railway Policy Staff Correspondence | The Budget Debate at Ottawa by D. M. KENNEDY, M. P Importance of Using Good Seed Alberta Wheat Pool Section How to Ship Eggs to the Pool Alberta Poultry Pool Section ijffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniH — 2 (178) THE U. F. A. March 16th, 1927 GREAT things are to be expected when the world's large^ builder of gear-shift automobiles announces the introduc- tion of a car which will revolutionize all existing conceptions of motor-car values. And great expectations are more than realized in the Most Beauti- ful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History, Modish, new Fisher-built bodies, with the newest, smart belted effect, finished in the most attractive of new Duco colors, possess- ing new, low, graceful lines — a host of new improvements and refinements, including massive full-crown fenders, new bullet-tyi>e head and cowl-lamps, new design radiator, new Air Cleaner and Oil Filter, new gasoline tank with gauge, new coincidental steer- ing and ignition lock, new sliding seats in the Coach model and many others too numerous to mention—all these you may find in the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History and — most amazing fact of all Selling at NEW, LOWER PRICES- -the lowest for which Che^ rolet has ever been sold in Canada. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED (Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited) WINNIPEG—OSHAWA—VANCOUVER ftrEctmomicalTrantportadom y CHEVROLET NEW AND LOWER PRICES Roadster ^655.00 Cabriolet B90X10 Touring 655.00 Roadster Delivery ...
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