The U.F.A." His Income to the State Than His Fellow Citizen Whose Ability Advertisers Will Render Their Own Organization a Service by to Bear Taxation Is Less
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M. McRae, Federal OFFICIAL ORGAN THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING POOLS Vol. VL CALGARY, ALBERTA, MARCH 16, 1927 No. 8 laiODJiiiiiiuiiniiiuiiiiiuinmiiiiinmiiimiiflnnminiimiiaiiiniiniiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiii^ Legislature Endorses Government's I | Northern Railway Policy Staff Correspondence | The Budget Debate at Ottawa by D. M. KENNEDY, M. P Importance of Using Good Seed Alberta Wheat Pool Section How to Ship Eggs to the Pool Alberta Poultry Pool Section ijffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniH — 2 (178) THE U. F. A. March 16th, 1927 GREAT things are to be expected when the world's large^ builder of gear-shift automobiles announces the introduc- tion of a car which will revolutionize all existing conceptions of motor-car values. And great expectations are more than realized in the Most Beauti- ful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History, Modish, new Fisher-built bodies, with the newest, smart belted effect, finished in the most attractive of new Duco colors, possess- ing new, low, graceful lines — a host of new improvements and refinements, including massive full-crown fenders, new bullet-tyi>e head and cowl-lamps, new design radiator, new Air Cleaner and Oil Filter, new gasoline tank with gauge, new coincidental steer- ing and ignition lock, new sliding seats in the Coach model and many others too numerous to mention—all these you may find in the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History and — most amazing fact of all Selling at NEW, LOWER PRICES- -the lowest for which Che^ rolet has ever been sold in Canada. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED (Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited) WINNIPEG—OSHAWA—VANCOUVER ftrEctmomicalTrantportadom y CHEVROLET NEW AND LOWER PRICES Roadster ^655.00 Cabriolet B90X10 Touring 655.00 Roadster Delivery .... 655.00 Coupe 780.00 Commercial Chassis .... 490.00 Coach 760.00 Utility Express Chassb - - - 645.00 Sedan 865.00 Prices at Factory, Oshawa. Landau Sedan 930.00 Government Taxes Extra. C-2827 —1 March 16th, 1927 THE U. F. A. (179) 3 SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING Commercial Display .... 20c per agate lina One Ye*r |2 00 per inch) Single Copies 10 cents (2.80 Livestock display ..(rates on application) Make remittances by money order or Published on the 1st and 15th of each month Classified 3c per word prepaid postal note. We cannot accept responsi- by No discount for time or space bility for currency forwarded through th^ THE UNITED FARWIERS OF ALBERTA New copy must reach us 8 days In ad- mail. Building Lougheed vance of publication to ensure insertion. CALGARY - ALBERTA Change of Address—When ordering a advertisements - taken for liquor, Official Organ of No change of address, the former as well as schemes. The Alberta Wheat Pool or speculative investment the present address should be given; None other than reliable advertisements The Alberta Livestock Pool otherwise the alteration cannot be mad«. knowingly accepted. Readers The Alberta Dmhy Pool will be will confer a favor by advising us The Alberta Ecc and Poultry Pool CIRCULATION promptly of unsatisfactory dealings with paid circulation, 6 Edrcor Average months advertisers. ending March 1, 1927 24,109 W. NORMAN SMITH Vol. VI. CALGARY, ALBERTA, MARCH 16, 1927 No. 8 PRINCIPAL CONTENTS page methods and expressions Which no business man would u^c Editoriai i in dealing vdth other business men whose attitude on a busi- Debate on Bill to Ratify Railway Agreement 4 ness question might differ from his own; methods, moreover, Neavs From the Alberta Wheat Pool Head Office 10 which have long been albandoned in such municipal council.^ as we know. W. Australian Fool Handles Over 87% Deliveries ! 1 Standards which are maintained in the business News and Views of the Wheat Pool 1 and Premier's Calmly Analytical Speech Answers Criticisms 12 municipal world should not be too high for legislative as- semblies. Inside Story of U. S. Grain Marketing Corporation Is Told.. 16 * * * Financial Effects of Interim Payment 16 The Budget Debate in the House of Commons 18 Mr. Giroux, the Liberal member for Grouard, in express- ing News From thf. Alberta Poultry Pool Head OFi^iCE 20 approval of the action taken by the Alberta Government Important Notice to All Pool Members 20 in respect to the E. D. and B. C. Railway, rightly declared Annual Meeting of C. C. A. in Winnipeg April 4th 20 that the interests of the people of the Province as a whole Whither Canada? 22 must be given prior consideration over the interests of any one small section. Cameron Believes New Grain Act Is Urgently Needed 22 The rates, he said, should not be set in U. F. W. A. AND Junior Branch 24 the interests of a few wholesalers, if this would mean loss Why We Should Study Co-operation 24 to the public as a whole. 4s * * Years Activities at Lone Ridge 24 Complete Reorganization of Grain Standards Board Askedj. 26 THE CURRENT ISSUE If War Comes in China 30 This week we publish the largest regular issue of "The U. F. A." since the foundation of the paper. The publication of a paper equal in size to any of our previous special num- EDITORIAL bers, and on an entirely profitable basis, is made possible as the result of steadily increasing recognition of the value of BRITISH the paper to advertisers. A PRINCIPLE In this regular number a greater volume of advertising When J. S. Woodsworth, M,.P., in behalf of his own and is in fact carried than in any of our annual Pool numbers in the TT. F. A. and Progressive groups, moved to limit the re- past years, and this by a substantial margin. ductions in income tax proposed by the Ottawa Government We do not intend to refer to this matter again in our to incomes of $10,000 and under, he was seeking one means editorial columns. We merely wish to point out that the the only means open to him—of bringing Canadian income value of the paper to the memlbership depends in large taxation more closely in line with that of Great Britain. measure upon the revenue tihat is put into it, that under In Britain the income tax is steeply graduated, so that the present conditions the revenue comes chiefly from advertis- man of substantial means pays a much greater proportion of ing, and that readers who see fit to deal with "The U.F.A." his income to the state than his fellow citizen whose ability advertisers will render their own organization a service by to bear taxation is less. mentioning this paper when replying to the advertisements. The choice of .$10,000 by Mr. Woodsworth was arbitrary, « * * but the private member works under strict limitations in "ENEMIES OF THE PEACE OF THE WORLD" advancing proposals of this character, and Mr. Woodsworth's Every advance the Chinese people m.ethod was right. made by towards the achievement of mastery in their household seems to The British income tax deserves the close study of all own be regarded certain of our Canadian daily papers as af- students of Canadian finance. The subject is given little or by an front to all foreigTi powers. It is refreshing, therefore, to no publicity in Canadian papers; and it is noteworthy that turn to the columns of the Ottawa Citizen, which is carrying whenever an attempt is made in Canada to apply, in one form or another, the most progressive and economically sound of on, consistently and courageously, an editorial policy of en- this Citizen does not stand alone British policies, the chief opposition comes from those who lightenment. In respect the are v/ont to proclaim most loudly their devotion to among Canadian dailies, but it is the most outspoken. We in full, page, its recent editorial ideals, British methods, and British traditions. publish on another comment * * * on the menacing situation in the Orient. While Premier Brownlee was speaking in the Legislature No reader of the Citizen, Which is one of the papers the family, could accuse it of anti-British on the E. D. and B. C. Railway bill, Mr. McGillivray was owned by Southam moved to apologize for certain expressions he had used in prejudice. It has always been an advocate of close fraternal Britain other the debate. The apology was as creditable to the Conserva- relationships between Canada and Great and British the Citizen tive leader as the expressions had been regrettalble. We be- nations under the crown. But has come conclusion that "the economic imperialists simply lieve Mr. McGillivray is too good a lawyer to adopt as his to the who skirmish on the outposts of motto in legal practice: "No case: abuse the plaintiff's see in Shanghai one more minor attorney", and he realizes that "abusing the plaintiff's at- Empire, or a brave gesture on the part of a minority of torney" should have no place in the discussion of public af- Europeans against a foreign rabble, are enemies of the Em- pire of the of the world." fairs. It is certainly not good policy in Alberta, least of all and peace in the rural districts, whiere in the last Provincial general election campaign more than one political party leader H. W. Wood gave Vancouver business men a taste of his created a bad impression at farmers' meetings by failure to plain talking the other day and they are still wondering. recognize this fact. They needn't wonder. Whatever Mr. Wood told them he * * * thoroughly believed himself. He does not camouflage or say The tone of political controversy is infinitely higher in one thing when he really means another. Vancouverites may Alberta today than at any time in the passt history of the question Mr.