The U.F.A." to the Speech from the Throne
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Ml. McKae, F&derai. ^ OFFICIAL ORGAN THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING POOLS Vol. VI. CALGARY, ALBERTA, FEBRUARY 23, 1927 No. 5 Ottawa Tories and Liberals Still Unable to Understand Meaning of Independence and Co-operation in Politics Group Which Refuses to Align Itself With Either Political Party, but Offers Co-operation in the Passing of All Good Legislation, Baffling to Old Line Parties—Impressions of the House of Commons by a New Member / By M. LUCHKOVICH, M.P. OTTAWA, Feb. 21.—Two days Pat agreed; but tihe pastor after the 16th Parliament of noticed that while Pat attended During the session of the Canadian Parliament, Canada opened, a Liberal mem- church on Sunday evenings, he 'The U. F. A." will publish a series of articles on ber asked m© why the U. F. A. never came in the morning. In- the work of the session by members of the U. F. A. group did not sit on the Gov- terrogated on this matter, Pat group at Ottawa. The contribution of Michael ernment side of the House. A replied, "You see, pastor, it's Luchkovich, M.P. for Vegreville, is printed below. Tory member also wanted to like this: I go to my own church Mr. Luchkovich describes vividly the impressions of know whether our group would in the morning for the benefit a new member of the House, upon first coming in join the Tories or support the of my soul; I go to your church contact with the spirit of political partizanship as Liiberals. I inferred from the in the evening for the benefit of Parliament. remarks of these gentlemen exemplified in my donkey." Now, what we that our position was regarded want is an organization that will by both parties as anachronistic benefit the individual and an and paradoxieaL In other words they could not account for individual that will benefit the organization. I know of no the presence in the House of independent groups wholly medium whereby such an end can be attained more readily separalble from the two old parties. Thus early in the ses- than the Junior branch of the U. F. A. sion have I found that partyism, not only in the mulishness CHILL HAUTEUR OF and stupidity of its protagonists, but in the procedure of rhe SOME MINISTERS House, is still a very dominant factor in Parliament. How oar. this force be counteraoted ? The much hei-alded chivalry, courtesy and eloquence of the old Liberal party cannot very well be attributed to the pre- By discipline ? Well, hardly. It is said that when the _ sent administration. The magnetic faculties, the glamor first agricultural machinery was sent to remote Russian dis- supposed to have surrounded ministers of yore, find but little tricts by the Soviet Government, the priests in that country reflection in the present House. Indeed, with one bare ex- were despatched to the fields to reassure superstitious peas- ception, there is little trace of those profound qualities in our ants. But when the machinery began to snort and start, the leaders which used to fire the imagination of our youth since priests were the first over the fence and out of the field. In Confederation. I refer to the Speaker of the House, the the Dominion House we had an analogous incident when the Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, who by the way, is in the unique Progressives bolted, jumped the fence and sought a hyphen- position of being a non-partisan by virtue of his appoint- ated refuge in the Liberal fold. ment to the Speaker's chair. The prosaic complacency,, the EDUCATION THE MORE indifferent aloofness, the chiU hauteur of some of our Min- HOPEFUL METHOD isters can do anything but inspire. There is too much of the "divine right" attitude and too little of the chivalrous desire By education? More likely. We must begin at home. If to enlighten. The Minister of Immigration was rudely bumped we are to be genuinely progressive, we must be first educated out of this bumptiousness when, being queried by the oppo- progressively. I have noticed that even the rank and file in site side of the House on a certain paragraph to amend the the U. F. A. sometimes unconsciously fall into the old line Soldiers' Settlement Act, he rather offensively told some party channels of thought. The spirit is willing but the flesh honorable members that if they had any intelligence they is weak. The reason for such a paradoxical position involves would find it meant exactly what it said. The Minister's a psychological factor tha)t is quite obvious and which thus action resulted in a verbal chastisement he is not likely to need not be discussed in this short article. Suffice it to say forget. that we should take our youth when they are young and train them along progressive lines, so that when they reach PARTY ATTITUDE TO the so-called age of ^scretion their conduct will not be con- PRIVATE MEMBERS taminated by political see-sawing or opportunism. An instance of the way pai^tyism railroads attempts of Let me illustrate. An Irishman bought a grazing place private memibers to bring in legislation is found in the dis- for his donkey. The pastor of the village who owned the cussion about the Peace River Railway, brought on by Mr. only available premises promised to let Pat's donkey graze Kennedy. He wanted the Bouse to declare that the under- in his field if he, Pat, would come to diurch on Sundays. (Continued on page 19) 2 (106) THE U. F. A. February 23rd, 1927 itely ataitlinig iso, and forward same to the Minister of Finance at Ottaiwa, or to your The Campaign Against the own Member ait Ottawa. In drawiing up sudi a resolution it would be well to Income Tax cover these points: 1. The retention of tihe Tax. 2. Protest against any further reduc- Organization Committee Bulletin No. 1 tions being made in this Tax. GET BUSY AND DO YOUR SHARE. The purpose of this bulletin is to bring doing so, a reduction in the tariff, and Issued by the Organization Committee. to the notice of our members a very de- we must not lose sight of this point in STEPHEN LUNN, termined attempt that is being considering the policy advocated by those made by Secretary. for repeal of the the Retail Trade Bureau of Canada, to who are anxious the 0 do away with the Income Tax. During Income tax. the year meetings will be held from one ALL BULLETINS WILL BE PUB- We beUeve that the Income Tax is a side of Canada to the other and the LISHED IN "THE U. F. A." fair means of taxation as it is paid by speakers will attempt to influence public those, only, who have over a certain To All Officers and Members: opinion to the extent that a demand will amount of income. It is pointed out in During the last year the Oi-ganization be made to Parliament to aboKsh the tax. a recent copy of the Winnipeg Mirror Committee prepared material, and issued THE CHIEF that in the years 1924-25 only 3,068 farm- same in the form of bulletins, for the ARGUMENTS USED ers paid any Income Tax and they say purpose of trying to assist the Locals in The chief arguments they are using it is no wonder that we are favoring making their meetings more interesting, are that it imposes a tax on the citizens, "No abolition of the Income Tax." We and also to get a discussion on certain who, by their labor and thrift, earn would point out to them that we are only important matters. The iCommdttee is larger incomes than do the less energetic too anxious to have farming pay well of the opinion that this did not meet and progressive citizens. They claim enough so that we shall all be in a iwsi- with the success that was anticipated, that it discourages men in their best tion to do our share. so we are going to try a different years and causes them to emigrate to method for this year. The issuing of At the last meeting of the Canadian the United States where only a fraction bulletins will 'be discontinued and "The Council of Agriculture the following of earnings is taken in taxation as com- U. F. A." will be used for that purpose. resolution was adopted: pared with Canada- It is the intention of the Comonittee direct It is further argued that, while an "Whereas, the Income Tax is a to have in .the first copy of the paper ^he lia- income tax is a sound and wise policy personal tax and is based upon each month a subject for discussion by the in European countries whose develop- bility of each citizen to contribuite to the Locals. It is not the intention of the ment has reached a mature stage, and expenses of Government and should, Committee to give very much informa- where there is a vast accumulation of therefore, be retained as a permanent tion in connection with these subjects, wealth, it is a fatal policy for a young part of our system of taxation; and, as we believe that the best results will country like Canada. obtained if the members have to make They claim also "V^Tiereas, the Canadian Council of be that it is keeping capital out of this the necessary investigation themselves. Agriculture has already affirmed its con- covintry. We would suggest that a committee be viction that reductions in taxation should These arguments might appeal very appointed each month for the purpose apply to indirect taxes in preference to strongly to all of us if Canada was free of making a study of the subject pub- the Income Tax; of deibt and did not have to raise a very lished, and that this committee lead the large sum of money each year by means "Be it therefore resolved, that this discussion at the meeting of the Local.