_5___- 99 KIPP! t *•**. **-- XHtV Wmiii? fin^S^r^-j _***' Annual Ratepayers' Meeting Friday 8 o'clock P.M.—Memorial Hall THE WEATHER The foUowing readings are for the 24 hours preceding 8 a.m. on tbe date* shown. Date Max. Min. Date Max. Min. Jan. 20 30 -8 31 25 -15 32 20 -6 23 35 8 34 26 -2 35 _ 20 -11 uers 26 3T 8 m,-S*SU HPapeF toiflt aGonsdena Dec. ivWcUl mubxsrs. VOLUME XXVI, No. 9 HANNA, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938 FOUR pro *t.M PEE YEAR IN ADVANCE Craigmyle and District Re-Elected President of U.F.A. for Eighth Year Edmonton Doctor Heads DECISIONS OF UFA EXPECTED TO Board of Trade Sponsor College of Physicians aad RURAL YOUTHS MAKE PARTY STRONG STRATEGIC Enjoyable Social Evening Surgeons of Alberta FINISH SHORT Evening Pleasantly Spent at Cards Discuss Formation of Cancer Control and Dancing—Held in Larson's Association In Alberta—Interview FORCE IN ALTA. POUTICAL FUTURE Hall, January 21 Provincial Health Branches COURSE HERE CRAIGMYLE, January 25—Over 100 EDMONTON—Decision to submit a Some of Legislation to be Introduced During Legislature members and guests attended the so- brief to the royal commission on Do­ New Course for Urban Young ical evening sponsored by the Craig­ minion-Provincial relations was made Session Will Hinge on Court Decisions—Aberhart myle and District Board of Trade held last week at a meeting of the College People Opened in Hanna n Larson's Hall on Friday evening. of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta Monday Morning Government Waiting for Verdict* January 21st. A very pleasant evening Dr. W. A. Wilson of Edmonton was was spent at cards followed by an in­ elected president. FoUowing a six weeks' course under - EDMONTON, January 25—The con­ teresting program and community Other officers elected were: Dr. V. schedule "A" ot tto Dominion-Provin­ vention of the UFA. ln Edmonton U.F.W.A. President •singing. Lunch was prepared largely W. Lamb, Camrose Vice President; cial Youth Training Program, held tn last week—lc was the 30th annual as­ r.hrough the efforts of Major W. B. Dr. George R. Johnson, Calgary, reg­ Hanna boys and girls have returned sembly of the farmers' politic-econom­ -Vnderson after which dancing was en­ istrar; and W. G. Hunt Calgary, as­ to their homes ta tte country. This ic organization—made decisions which joyed. Thanks was especially tender­ sistant secretary. course, which waa especiaUy designed can be expected to prove of high im­ ed to Mr. Sorochan for leading the Formation of a cancer control asso- portance to the political future of all community singing, to the Norlle bro­ to give young men aad women resid­ ciaion in Alberta under a plan adopt­ ing on farms ta the surrounding dis­ Alberta and make the UF.A a strong thers and to MT. Frank Applegate for ed by the Canadian Medical Associa­ tricts three weeks at instruction along stragetic force again, either actively heir share in the orchestra music. tion under sponsorship of trustees of President Ed. Nelson expressed his ap­ agricultural lines, proved most success­ or passively. the King George Y cancer fund was ful and it is tte consensus of opinion preciation to all those who so gener­ discussed at the meeting. The convention decided by vote to ously gave their time and effort tc tbat real benefit resulted both from Members of the councU interviewed retain tbe UF.A affiliation witb the naking the social evening such a suc- and educational and social aspect. provincial health aod relief branches C.CF. ta federal affairs but turned ress. This school, tte first of tts kind estab­ down proposals to affiliate with the C. regarding problems affecting the med­ lished ta Hanna, waa ta charge ef CF. ta provincial affairs. Thus the Mrs. T. McKee, who has been a ical care of persons on relief and those Mr. Gordon Walker who waa assisted U.F.A. voted to remain ta exactly the house guest of Mrs. W. B. Anderson living ta tto drouth areas of Alberta. by five instructors, and 111 students same position as lt has had far tbe s now a patient in the Holy Cross Attending the meeting were Dr. WU- enroUed for tbe three weeks' instruc­ past five years but there are new im­ hospital. Her many friends in Cralg- son, Dr. Lamb, Dr. Johnson aad As­ tion. plications now. nyle wish her a speedy recovery. sistant Secretary Hunt; Dr. W. O. Anderson, Wardlow; Dr. R. B. Francis On Thursday evening laat, MT. Don­ A proposal that the organization Mrs. A. Read, and Mrs. M. Curran, Calgary; and Dr. A. E. Archer, La ald Cameron, of tto Department of Join a unity movement to co-operate vere Calgary visitors over the week end mont. Extension, University of Alberta and witb other political, groups within the wbo is in charge of courses under province was voted down as the deleg­ The annual meeting of the Uhlted schedule "A" sddreased tto youth FOUND DEAD Df BED ates chose to retain the UF.A.'s sep­ Church was held on Tuesday, January trainees after which to gave an illust­ F. B. Armstrong, CNJR. conductor, arate Identity and independence of ac­ 18th. After a singsong and a program rated lecture on the Scandinavian weU known and highly esteemed a- tion. Although the idea was not ex­ which consisted of a piano solo by countries arlth p*Mtt'**il1"* n faais to mong the members of the railway fra­ pressed however, the decision left the Jean Robson, report of Tuxis Parlia­ Denmark and Baedcn. These tildes ternity waa found dead ta bia hotel way open for U.FA. members, as in- MRS. F. J. MALLOY ment by Bill Paterson, a solo by Shir­ depicted the developmnt of folk room at Kindersley last Monday morn­ ! .divlduals ta various constituencies, to of Warner, who was re-elected ley Collicut, a piano solo by Dorothy schools and their influence on tte de­ ing. A heart seizure Is said to bave give and receive co-operation with president of the United Farm Wo­ Innis and a skit by the Y.P.S., reports velopment of co-operative activities. been tto cause of his sudden death. members of other parties ta unified men of Alberta by acclamation on of the various activities of the church These schools ln tto Scandinavian The late Mr. Armstrong, whose home action political action if it ls desired Thursday of last week tn Edmonton. were read. Lunch was then served by countries an regarded aa models for waa in Saskatoon bad worked out of That is, in constituencies where tbe Only other nominee for the office the Ladies' Aid and the meeting ad­ the reat of tte world to follow. Mr. ROBERT GARDINER Kindersley i^r a number of years. U.F.A. is strong, the organization was Mrs. Winnifred Boas of MiUett, journed. Cameron waa accompanied by tor. Al­ president of the U.F.A. who was re­ might nominate a candidate and other vice-president, who withdrew. Mrs. The annual meeting of the Craig­ ched by the Convention on tbe subject len Chambers, of Nanaimo, B. C, elected for tbe eighth year at the parties might support this candidate Malloy was vice-president for fonr myle School Distiict was held at tbe at future poUtical activities, "there­ youthful member of Tto Youth Em­ annual convention In Edmonton last rather than nominate their own. In years and a director-for five years school on Friday evening, January'21 fore tt ls not my purpose ta this ad­ ployment Committee, who also ad­ week. constituencies where another party prior to being vice-president. at 3 o'clock. Opportunity was given dress to attempt to direct your course UM DIRECTORS dressed tte gathering. Friday* ante' Expressing tbe hope that "nothing was stronger, the U.F.A. might decide the ratepayers to see the classes of do­ tag, the eve of their departure from will occur at this Convention that wiU of action." not to nominate a candidate, and in­ mestic science and shop work in oper­ Hanna. the student body gafterad in spUt our •ranks.'* President Gardiner President Gardiner pointed out tbat dividual members of the organization ation. A very small number of rate­ the Memorial HaU where a most en- "present economic system metes out RE-ELECTED FOR would then be free to vote for what­ LOCAL OFFICER payers were ta attendance. Mr. X_ ta his ffl*-*r****T address added that ever candidate was nominated by an­ Branum, the retiring trustee was re­ "conditions are tob|fto*imis to cont^n\- the same, conditlnns to everv farmpj —— tnrial evening nae mSsmtmtLmtt^ other group. elected. Tbe Board at present consists plate anything other than united ef­ irrespectiv* of- race, color or creed"; danciqg interspersed with songs ~ of O. Bell, chairman; L. Branum, and fort." Because the U.|F.A. believed "in tbat where opinions upon policy were musical selections. At tbe close of tto Among tbe two-score resolutions ad­ COMMENDH)BY P. f. Paterson. O. H. Ross was again control from the ground up, that ls divided the most important point to evening's entertainment Mr. Albert opted by the convention were those appointed secretary for the ensuing to say, that the responsibility ta mak­ decide is "what is our objective?" AU Fifteen Directors Elected Storch, on behalf of the etndents as­ asking federal subsidy of all farm year. ing decisions, important or otherwise, since "It is useless and a waste of sembled, ptaatnUd each af the In­ crops, establishment of a wheat board R-CWLP.HEAD rests upon the shoulders of the mem­ time to follow a path that leads in a Friday For Another structors arlth a gift ta appreciaton af with producer representation, contin­ direction other than the direction of tto valuable work tbey had tamtead HOME FROM BONSPIEL bers as a whole," Mr.
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