Liturgy at

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of Our Lord + January 12, 2020 + 9am & 11am

In the waters of the Jordan, Jesus is revealed as the beloved Son of God. Through this great epiphany, Jesus fulfills all righteousness and becomes the servant of God who will bring forth justice and be a light to the nations. In the waters of baptism we too are washed by the Word, anointed by the Spirit, and named God’s beloved children. Our baptismal mission is to proclaim good news to all who are oppressed or in need of God’s healing. [1] Help us create SACRED SPACE by powering down Please do not use cell phones and other electronic devices. The ringing of the meditation bowl calls us to silence, centering and reflection as we prepare for worship. If the rituals and practices of our liturgy are new to you, please participate as you feel comfortable and are able. As you pass the baptismal font upon entering or leaving the church you may dip your hand in the water and make the sign of the cross. This is an ancient body prayer to remember you are a baptized child of God. Simply touch your forehead to chest, then your left to right shoulder. GATHERING

prelude Christ, when for us you were baptized Johann G. Walther (1684-1748) Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)

Turn to face the cross as it enters; you may bow as the cross passes, honoring the mystery of our salvation. Our liturgy is multi-sensory and shows the significance of our bodies and all of God’s creation. Used in many religions, the sweet smell of incense represents the rising of our prayers and the aroma of Christ spreading in procession throughout the world. We honor (cense) the primary symbols of the liturgy: the people, font, ambo (lectern), book of scriptures, cross, and table (altar).

gathering hymn When Christ’s appearing was made known


greeting During the greeting the presiding minister and assembly bow toward one another. We learn from eastern cultures the deep significance of a bow as a sign of mutuality and the presence of Christ among us.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And also with you. canticle of praise

[3] prayer of the day Let us pray…Amen.

Please be seated.


first reading Isaiah 42:1-9

The first Servant Song is appointed because Christians have seen in it a description of Jesus Christ, the one chosen by God to bring forth justice throughout the world. By baptism, believers are called into the way of Christ to be a new creation, to receive the name of God and become lights in the world.

Response: Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God.

Psalm 29 Paraphrase: Michael Morgan

The assembly sings the Psalm paraphrase together.


[5] second reading Acts 10:34-43

This passage from Acts is chosen to coordinate with the gospel from Matthew 3. The sermon put into Peter’s mouth places baptism as the beginning of Christian ministry. All who believe in the name of Jesus receive forgiveness.

Response: Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God.

Stand to welcome the gospel as Christ—the Word of God—as it is proclaimed among us in this place and time. Turn to face the book as the gospel is read in the midst of the assembly, a sign of Christ among us.

gospel acclamation Setting: John Ferguson

The cantor/choir sings the alleluia first and the assembly repeats. The cantor/choir sings the verse.

A voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased."(Matt. 3:17) Alleluia…

As the gospel is announced, you may trace a small cross on your forehead, lips and breast, a prayer that the Word may dwell in our minds, on our lips and in our hearts.

gospel Matthew 3:13-17

At his baptism, Jesus hears the voice of God, receives the Spirit of God, and is acclaimed Son of God. For Christians, this narrative illumines Christian baptism, when believers also are adopted as children by the name of the triune God.

Before the gospel After the gospel The holy gospel according to Matthew. The gospel of the Lord. Glory to you, O Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. Alleluia…(sung as above)

sermon Following the sermon there is a time of silence for reflection and quiet meditation. Our liturgy is not only made up of words, gestures, and music, but also moments of silence.

[6] Stand hymn of the day #304 Christ, when for us you were baptized

At 9am the liturgy continues with the thanksgiving for baptism below. At 11am the liturgy continues on pg. 9 with the baptism. thanksgiving for baptism Following an introduction, the presider continues: I therefore ask you to profess your faith in Christ Jesus, reject sin, and confess the faith of the church. Do you renounce the devil and all the forces that defy God? I renounce them. Do you renounce the powers of this world that rebel against God? I renounce them. Do you renounce the ways of sin that draw you from God? I renounce them. Do you believe in God the Father? I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God? I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,

[7] the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. You have made public profession of your faith. Do you intend to continue in the covenant God made with you in holy baptism: to live among God's faithful people, to hear the word of God and share in the Lord's supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people, following the example of Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth? I do, and I ask God to help and guide me. People of God, do you promise to support and pray for one another in your life in Christ? We do, and we ask God to help and guide us. Let us pray. We give you thanks, O God, that through water and the Holy Spirit you give us new birth, cleanse us from sin, and raise us to eternal life. Stir up in your people the gift of your Holy Spirit: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in your presence, both now and forever. Amen. May the Spirit descend anew on us, that we may faithfully serve you and live as your beloved daughters and sons.


At 9am the liturgy continues with the prayers of intercession on the next page.

BAPTISM presentation Assembly response: We do. profession of faith Renunciation of Evil Do you believe in God the Father? I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God? I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,

[9] the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. thanksgiving at the font The Lord be with you. And also with you. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. baptism Sung twice after the baptism:

Clothing with a White Robe Laying on of Hands Signing with the Cross Presentation of a Candle welcome Let us welcome the newly baptized. We welcome you into the body of Christ and the mission we share; join us in giving thanks and praise to God and bearing God’s creative and redeeming word to all the world.

prayers of intercession After each petition: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

peace The peace of Christ be with you always.

And also with you.

The assembly is invited to share God’s peace with one another saying, “Peace be with you,” or similar words. Be seated.

[10] MEAL setting the table A special welcome to newcomers! We invite you to fill out the yellow slip in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate when you come up for communion or as you depart. Offerings may be put in the basket on the way to communion. Loose/undesignated offerings support ministries that Holy Trinity has identified as core to our values to support people who are homeless, hungry, refugees, LGBTQ+, and our anti-racism work. In addition to giving via cash or check and online at, contributions may also be made via Venmo (@HTChicago or use the QR code on the inside back page of the bulletin). offertory hymn (stand) #455 Crashing waters at creation

[11] great thanksgiving The thanksgiving includes the following: dialogue

preface It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise to you, almighty and merciful God, through our Savior Jesus Christ. By the leading of a star he was shown forth to all nations; in the waters of the Jordan you proclaimed him your beloved Son; and in the miracle of water turned to wine he revealed your glory. And so, with all the choirs of angels, with the church on earth and the hosts of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn:

holy, holy This ancient song is the musical climax of the liturgy and uses texts from Isaiah and Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. At the words “blessed is he who comes,” some make the sign of the cross as a connection to our baptism into Jesus’ death and resurrection.


thanksgiving at the …Let us proclaim the mystery of faith: table Some responses during the Thanksgiving at the Table echo the presiding minister. Others are as … With the baptized in all times and all places, we praise you, O God, follows: Blessed and Holy Trinity, now until the end of time.

the lord’s prayer As a sign of openness to the divine presence, you may join the presider in praying the Our Father with the ancient gesture of extended hands.


Please remain standing.

breaking of the bread

Be seated.

communion All are welcome at Christ's table, including children. Bread is received in the hands. Wine is received either by drinking from the (silver) common cup, or by saving the bread and dipping it in the second (glass) cup. Gluten-free wafers are available from the presiding minister. Those not communing may come forward for a blessing, keeping your hands folded over your chest. For those unable to consume either wine or bread, communion is received fully in either element alone. Holy Trinity’s radical welcome is also an invitation to baptism and a deeper connection to community. If you are not baptized, please speak to one of the pastors to learn more about the process of adult baptism.

[14] communion anthem (9a) When Jesus came to Jordan Hal H. Hopson (b. 1933)

When Jesus came to Jordan to be baptized by John He did not come for pardon but as the sinless one. He came to share repentance with all who mourn their sins, To speak the vital sentence with which good news begins. He came to share temptation, our utmost woe and loss, For us and our salvation to die upon the cross. So when the dove descended on him, the Son of Man, The hidden years had ended, the age of grace began. Come, Holy Spirit, aid us to keep the vows we make; This very day invade us, and ev’ry bondage break. Come, give our lives direction, the gift we covet most: To share the resurrection that leads to Pentecost. (Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000)

(11a) Down Galilee’s slow roadways Michael Burkhardt (b. 1957)

Down Galilee’s slow roadways a stranger traveled on From Nazareth to Jordan to be baptized by John. He went down to the waters like soldier, scribe and slave, But there within the river the sign was birth and grave. Arising from the river he saw the heavens torn; It seemed the sky so open revealed the Spirit’s form. The holy dove descended amid the glorious voice: “You are my own beloved, my child, my heart, my choice.” We too have found a roadway; it led us to this place. We all have had to travel in search of hope and grace. But now beside this water again a voice is heard. “You are my own, my chosen, beloved of your Lord.” (Text: Sylvia G. Dunstan, 1955-1993) silence ~stand~ prayer Let us pray. brief silence …Amen.

[15] SENDING blessing Having heard the word and shared the eucharist, we are sent to live our baptism through words and deeds, making known the love of Christ, and working for justice and peace in our families, communities, and world. Turn to face the cross as it recesses, you may bow as it passes, honoring the mystery of our salvation. sending hymn #310 Songs of thankfulness and praise sending Go in peace. Let your light shine! Thanks be to God! postlude (9am) Songs of thankfulness and praise James Woodman (b. 1957) (11am) La Rejouissance (from Fireworks Music) George F. Händel (1685-1759)

TODAY TAKE A POINSETTIA HOME WITH YOU! 10am Coffee Hospitality (sanctuary) Hosted by Nora Shaffer 10am Sunday School Age 4 through First Grade- Passavant Hall (2nd Fl.) Grades 3 through 6- Spiritual Life Center (1st Fl.) 10am Confirmation Class- St. Mark Room (2nd Fl.) Sparkling Second Sundays after the 11am Liturgy and Taking Down Christmas Decorations (sanctuary) Tour and Q& A after the 11am Liturgy (meet by the sanctuary piano) Whether you are new to Holy Trinity or you’ve been attending a while and would like to learn more, join us for a 20-minute tour and Q&A. Grab a sparkling beverage and meet Beau Surratt by the piano.


presiding minister Pr. Michelle Sevig crucifer (9am) Maggie Peyton preaching minister Pr. Craig Mueller (11am) Cassie Moran

minister of music David Brackley acolyte (9am) Kyla Cisneros, Katie Peyton organist (9am) Deacon John Weit torchbearers (11am) Megan Moran, Evelyn Stang cantor (9am) Ayriole Frost

assisting minister (9am) Ken Duckmann readers (9am) Kent Swanson, Brian Jones (11am) Patty Erickson (11am) Michael King, Tiffany King

sacristan (9am) Pr. Matt James intercessor (9am) Daniel Schleis (11am) Ernest Vasseur (11am) Joel Cruz

altar preparation (9am) Rich Campbell communion (9am) Jenna Peyton, Sarah Borgeson (11am) Anne Hulslander assistant (11am) Deacon Julie Sevig, Ann Sanders

incense (9am) Matt James meditation (9am) Barbara Wahler (11am) Ernest Vasseur bell (11am) Erik Friend

coffee host Nora Shaffer welcome (9am) Adam Bueling, Adam hospitality Damerow, Emily Pizzimenti (11am) Martin Collerd, Norm Kaiser, Michael Schnell

bread Lora Swanson


Today we welcome in Jonah Michael Wright baptism: Parents: Jon and Rachel Wright Sponsors: Brooke Kaufman, Caryn Hines

[17] Volunteer Prepare, cook the meal at Holy Trinity-Lakeview's kitchen and Opportunity: deliver to the youth homeless shelter where you will set-up, sit Prepare and Serve a Meal for The Crib down and eat a meal with the youth at the shelter. Following the Shelter meal we go back to the church to clean-up. It is an extremely Saturday, January 18, fulfilling and interactive serving experience! If this is your first-time 6pm volunteering - no worries! Someone will always be a part of the volunteer team who served before, so you will have someone to guide you. Sign-Up: On the sheet at the back of the church or at Questions? Contact Ken Duckmann ([email protected], 773-551-257)

Kids Night Out Our next KIDS Night Out will be on Saturday, November 16 in January 18 Passavant Hall at HTLakeview. The kids deserve a night out, away from their parents, to play and enjoy the company of others from HTLC. There will be free-play time and structured time for learning a Bible story and doing a craft. A simple dinner is provided. Ms Audrey, from the nursery, will host each KIDS Night Out and Annika Sevig will be her assistant. Families pay $5-$20, whatever seems right for your family. Pre-registration and RSVP are required by January 14. Contact Pastor Sevig [email protected] for more information or to register.

Coffee Hospitality Signup sheets for coffee hospitality hosts and flower sponsorships Hosts and 2020 are on the back table. More information about each opportunity is Flower Sponsorship Signups available on the signup sheet.

Call for Applications: Holy Trinity's Mission Endowment Committee is pleased to Mission Endowment announce for the sixth year in a row the availability of a small Fund Grants number of grants that will extend our commitment to and support of mission beyond our congregation. Registered charities qualified under IRS §501(c)(3) are eligible to apply for grants of up to $1,500 with the endorsement and signature of a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. The grant deadline for 2020 annual grants is

[18] January 31, 2020. You can download the application form at Any questions which are not answered by reading the form may be directed to Susan Boin, Mission Endowment Fund Committee Chair, at [email protected].

Centering Prayer Whether you already practice Centering Prayer (a Christian kind of Monday, January 20 meditation) or would like to learn, you are welcome: once a month on Monday evenings, 6:20 – 6:50 pm in the sanctuary.

Call for Applications: Holy Trinity's Mission Endowment Committee is pleased to Mission Endowment announce for the sixth year in a row the availability of a small Fund Grants number of grants that will extend our commitment to and support of mission beyond our congregation. Registered charities qualified under IRS §501(c)(3) are eligible to apply for grants of up to $1,500 with the endorsement and signature of a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. The grant deadline for 2020 annual grants is January 31, 2020. You can download the application form at Any questions which are not answered by reading the form may be directed to Susan Boin, Mission Endowment Fund Committee Chair, at [email protected].

Annual Meeting Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the Annual Meeting of January 26 the Congregation on Sunday, January 26 following the 11am service. Plan now to bring a dish to share for the potluck lunch.

Book Group January Eat, Drink, Read. The first book group meeting of the new year will 27 be on Monday, January 27 at 7:30 PM. We'll be discussing the novel Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng. Please contact Becky Sims ([email protected]) for more information and where to meet. You're welcome to join us, even if you don't have time to read the book!

Serve at the Lakeview Holy Trinity volunteers assist with working the pantry counter, Pantry January 28 + restocking food, repacking bulk foods, sorting clothing and other 5:30pm + 3945 N. Sheridan Rd. various jobs that may be needed. Sign up at the back of the church, online at or contact James Perez at [email protected] .

[19] Super Bowl Party Join us to watch the Super Bowl (and the commercials) on the big February 2 screen! Sunday, February 2 in Passavant Hall at HTLakeview. Doors open at 4:30pm. Pizza provided. Bring food and beverages to share. For more information or to volunteer to help out, contact Christian Cisneros ([email protected])

Daytimers Program If you're free during the day on a Wednesday, you're welcome to and Luncheon attend! February 5 at 10am: Say It Forward Say It Forward Conversations with health care providers about treatment decisions can be intimidating in this era of high tech medicine. Learn ways you can make sure your values are respected and your voice is heard no matter what your situation. Bring your questions about Living Wills, Health Care Powers of Attorney, and other directives. Led by Myron Erickson, Holy Trinity Associate Member and VP of Mission and Spiritual Care for Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center Sign-up at to let others know what you will bring so there is a balanced menu. The Daytimers group meets every other month for a special program and lunch. You are also welcome to the attend the 9:30am eucharist that day.

Metro Chicago Synod Another Pebble (the synod's antiracism ministry) invites all Antiracism Gathering congregations it is in covenant with to a gathering on Feb. 8, 2020. February 8 You are invited to interact with Metro Chicago Synod congregations engaged in the transformational work of antiracism as we: reflect on racism and its devastating effects; share the work our congregations are doing; learn some tools to assist on our journey; and enjoy some surprises! Bishop Yehiel Curry will be the featured speaker. Child care will be provided (by our own Audrey Frost!). This is a time to share ideas, challenges, and successes. ALL are invited, as this work is congregational and not just the work of a few. Breakfast and lunch will be provided; please register at so we have an accurate count. The event runs from 8:30-3:00 and will take place at Concordia Place, 3300 N Whipple. Contact Barbara Wahler ([email protected]) if you have questions.

[20] Serve with the Night Prepare, create the "meals in a bag" at HTLakeview’s kitchen and Ministry Youth deliver to the youth outreach team (YOT) where you will set-up, Outreach Team February 6 hand out the "meals in a bag" to the homeless clients that the YOT serve. Following we go back to the church to clean-up. It is an extremely fulfilling and interactive serving experience! Signup to volunteer at the back of the church or online at

Upcoming January 15 + King Jr., renewer of society, martyr, Commemorations died 1968 An American prophet of justice among races and nations, King was an eloquent preacher, a leader of the nonviolent resistance to race- segregated society, and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Born on this date, he was assassinated on April 4, 1968.

January 17 + Antony of Egypt, renewer of the church, died around 356 One of the earliest of the Egyptian desert fathers, Antony gave away his sizeable inheritance and became a hermit. Later he became leader of a group of monks who devoted themselves to prayer, worship, and labor.

January 17 + Pachomius, renewer of the church, died 346 Born in Egypt, Pachomius became a Christian while a soldier. He became a hermit (a solitary monk) and organized others into a religious community. His rule for monasteries influenced later ones in both the Eastern and Western churches.

January 18 + Confession of Peter Today the church remembers the apostle Peter's great acknowledgement of Jesus as "the Christ, the Son of the living God." This festival serves as a fitting beginning to the week in which we particularly pray that all Christians might be united in faith and witness.

[21] POINSETTIAS & GREENS SPONSORS  George Ahlgrim, in memory of parents, relatives, and friends, and in thanksgiving for blessings received  Kelly Armstrong, in memory of Bill & Dorothy Armstrong  The Ashby family, in memory of Grandma & Great-Grandma Gladys Smith  Ed Beach and John Bumatay, in memory of Burt Beach  Richard Bough and David Easterbrook, in memory of Anthony J. Reisman  Richard Boyum, in memory of Art and Orpha Boyum  Unni Duckmann, in honor of her grandchildren: Anthony, Emily, Johanna, Lilianna, and Ellamarie  Patty Erickson, in memory of Ben Davis  Kerry Fleming, in memory of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fleming  Phyllis Geistlinger, in honor of Tim and Emmy's marriage and Neil and Crosby's engagement  Andy Halvorson, in Memory of Domenick DeSantis  Colleen and Chris Hanna, in memory of Colleen’s sister, Cathy Fleming  Lynn Horn, in thanksgiving for God's Son  Randy and Linda Johnson, in memory of Ike Mayrens, Clint Johnson and Jean Mayrens  Tony and Geraldine Kruse, in memory of all who can't share Christmas with us  The Licklider Family, in thanksgiving for their Holy Trinity family  Mark and Kathy Lund, in memory Arnold and Hazel; Jim and Ina; Jim K.; in honor of their daughters and granddaughters; in thanksgiving for Holy Trinity and all the faithful servants  Beth and Steve Mankowski, in thanksgiving for their children, Paige and Adam  Martin and Lauren Modahl, in memory of Harold Raffetto  Craig Mueller and Ernest Vasseur, in memory of Jim Kozel  James Perez and Ken Duckmann, in memory of Alvaro and Marta Miranda (grandparents), Ken and Lillian Duckmann (grandparents), Charly Jakobsen (grandmother), and Ken Duckmann, Jr. (father)  The Peyton family, in thanksgiving for Hank, Marsha, and Tim Ingersoll  Emily and Tony Pizzimenti, in memory of Joe Yanos  Dawn Roscoe, in memory of Wilma Roscoe  Randy Wilson and Becky Sims, in memory of Doug Wilson and Roger Sims  Carol and Rob Schickel, in thanksgiving for Holy Trinity  Tom and Kathy Schmidt, in thanksgiving for the staff and people of Holy Trinity  Barbara Wahler, in memory of Margery Wahler and Dorothy Thrash; and in thanksgiving for the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago  Karol Weigelt and David Stahl, in memory of Claire Evans, in thanksgiving for family blessings throughout the year  Peter Wong, in thanksgiving for God’s blessing  Rachel and Jon Wright, in memory of Kay Ziegler and Virginia Davis


Whoever you are, wherever you're from, whatever the color of your skin, your gender identity, or your documentation status whomever you love or marry, however you vote, or whatever your feelings about religion or spirituality, you are welcome here. If the rituals and practices of our liturgy are new to you, please participate as you feel comfortable and are able. If this is your first time, please fill out a yellow slip in the pew rack and place it in the offering basket on your way to communion. This helps us get to know you. More information on Holy Trinity, , worship practices, marriage and at the welcome table. To families with small children: We are glad you are here! If your child needs a break from the service, feel free to walk to the narthex/back of the church. Nursery: open 8:45am – 12:15pm. Use the garden entrance on Addison; nursery is inside the door. Special children's materials are on a rack at the back of the church. Sunday School for children age 4 through First Grade (in Passavant Hall upstairs) and grades 3 through 6 (Spiritual Life Center, first floor) takes place each Sunday at 10am. For more information about Sunday School, contact Pr. Sevig ([email protected]). Offerings: We thank you for your generous support of Holy Trinity. We seek to do church differently as we address racial justice, climate change, and take stands for the rights and dignity of all people created in the image of God. Most of our congregation gives online and you can set up one-time or recurring donations at Checks and envelope offerings support Holy Trinity’s overall ministry unless designated otherwise. Photos and Social Media: As worship services and most Holy Trinity gatherings are public events, please know that your presence here means that you may be included in photos or videos that may be posted on HTLC social media. If you do not wish to be in photographs or videos, or if you do not want photos of your children used, please complete the form at HTLC social media administrators will make every effort to not include them in HTLC social media.

[23] STAFF Lead Pastor Craig Mueller [email protected]

Associate Pastor (HTLakeview) Michelle Sevig [email protected] Holy Trinity: Lakeview Associate Pastor 1218 W. Addison Street, 60613 (HTLoop) Ben Adams [email protected] [email protected] Pastoral Counselor/Pastor for Holy Trinity: Loop Wellness Ministries Brooke Petersen 637 S. Dearborn Street, 60605 [email protected] [email protected] Minister of Music (HTLakeview) David Brackley 773.248.1233 [email protected] Administrator and HTLoop Musician Beau Surratt Purpose Statement [email protected] Open to the Mystery… Music Assistant Ayriole Frost Connect, Strengthen, and Serve with Joy! [email protected] Administrator Guiding Principles (Finance and Building) Paul Strome Act with courage [email protected] Be radically inclusive Assistant Organist Cultivate empowering relationships (HTLakeview) Deacon John Weit Delight in God’s beauty Children’s Choir Director Engage With Intention (HTLakeview) Lauren Haines Walerow Nursery Attendant (HTLakeview) Audrey Frost Seminarians Melissa Hrdlicka, Troy Spencer (HTLakeview); Sarah Krolak, Reed [24] Fowler (HTLoop)