St. James Lutheran Church Newsletter April 2021

1315 SW Park Ave, Portland OR 97201 |

Holy Week At St. James Worship Opportunities Sunday, March 28 Palm/Passion Sunday In-person: Sundays at 9:30am Palms distributed at the door 9:30am in our sanctuary (sign up online) Wednesday, March 31 Lenten Bible Study Online Online: Video available Thursday, April 1 Maundy Thursday Eucharist Sunday afternoons Noon The day of Jesus’ Last Supper www.

St. James April Jazz Vespers Friday, April 2 Good Friday Worship John Moak, trombone Noon The day of Jesus’ death communications/music/ Saturday, April 3 Holy Saturday Virtual (available April 18) 9:30am Contemplative Prayer The day of Jesus’ burial St. James Virtual Art Gallery Sunday, April 4 Easter Sunday Eucharist Artist of the Month: Craig 9:30 and 11am Jesus’ triumphal resurrection Gerke Wednesday, March 7 Lenten Bible Study Online visual-artists-group/

Rejoice and Give Thanks—Vaccine Fundraiser for Lutheran World Relief: April 5 - May 10 As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, I can't help but make the connection to a reopening after experiencing a year-long pandemic. The vaccine allows Americans the luxury of protection against this deadly virus. As Christians, we need to share the wealth. Many poorer nations do not have the resources to acquire vaccines. So, with the help of Lutheran World Relief, let’s help others gain access to this drug. The Endowment Fund has secured $5,000 in matching funds to support this cause. You can give through St. James and all funds collected will be matched up to $5,000. Together, St. James can give $10,000 or more to LWR to alleviate the suffering of others. We will collect the funds and give one big check to LWR on May 10. Thank you.—Mandy Ellertson, Council Vice President


One year ago, our Holy Week “gathering” of worship was around Michael’s organ music and my recorded voice as we imagined the sanctuary’s stained-glass windows. No in-person worship. The pandemic was raging and uncertainty accompanied it. Now in this 2021 Holy Week, hope dawns as more arms receive the vaccine. As our eight-week recorded Lenten Bible Study series comes to a conclusion on April 7, the musical group Peter, Paul, and Mary have been linked with those three Biblical characters who share their first names. One hopeful song they offered in 1972 contained these lyrics: “Weave, weave, weave me the sunshine out of the falling rain, Weave me the hope of a new tomorrow and fill my cup again.” This newsletter is filled with those hopeful signs of Easter life. In-person worship is up. Three will occur before Mother’s Day. Our school now has over seventy pupils enrolled five days a week. Construction plans for a new roof and HVAC system are concluding the design stage. An April fundraiser will get the vaccine to developing countries through Lutheran World Relief. Our Search Committee moves us closer to a permanent Director of Music. Three fun Open Space RE-formation Zoom gatherings are being prepared. Our Endowment Committee is tackling needs near and far. Join us in ministry as God weaves the sunshine out of the falling rain. - Pastor David

St. James Lenten Bible Study Peter, Paul, and Mary: How They Guide Our Lenten Journey Thank you to so many who are listening to Pastor David’s recorded Bible Study each Wednesday. Of the eight sessions, we have two left (March 31 and April 7). We are mixing the music of the 1960’s folk group with the Biblical figures of Simon Peter, the Apostle Paul, and Mary Magdalene. Tune in to the final sessions: Wednesday, March 31: During Holy Week we follow Jesus to the cross. Why are the passion narratives in the four Gospels different? What really happened? Why do we refer to the books as “gospels” rather than “histories?” What is a theological retelling? Wednesday, April 7: Mary was present at the empty tomb. Was Jesus resurrected bodily or spiritually? Was Mary, a female, the first Christian missionary who headed to France? Why didn’t that make it into your Bible? So as this study concludes, what do you think of Jesus? Listen each Wednesday—with a Bible in hand—on our St. James website:

Contact us at: 503-227-2439 St. James Lutheran Church Fax 503-227-0856 1315 SW Park Ave [email protected] Portland, OR 97201 Newsletter Production: Lilli Vellom Pastor David: [email protected] [email protected] Office Hours: 7:30am-2pm Newsletter editor: Kathleen McDonald

2 3 Signs of New Life Downtown Portland is showing signs of life. The Federal Courthouse cement barriers have been removed. The umbrella man whose rain protector was damaged now has a new one. St. James members are getting vaccinated as we anticipate Easter joy. Join us each Sunday for worship in any way you feel comfortable (online or in-person).

We Celebrate Three Baptisms Between now and Mother’s Day we will bring three children to the baptismal font at St. James: April 11 little Brooks Nelson, the child of John and Stacy Nelson April 25 infant Willow Mott, the daughter of Brooke Edwards and Harrison Mott May 9 Henry Ryan, the son of Meaghan Wheeler and Ryan Pierce. Congratulations as you become part of God’s family at St. James.

New Member Sunday We will receive a group of new members on Sunday, May 16. They have been worshiping with us in-person for several weeks and will officially become part of our St. James ministry that day. Welcome!

Feeding the Houseless In March a group of St. James volunteers gathered in Pioneer Chapel to pack boxes for food distribution. Five times a week, St. James provides food and needed items to those who live on our streets. One day, Pastor David brought out the items to a group that had decreased in number. When he inquired why there were fewer people, he was told, “Because they got their stimulus check!” Many thanks to all who donate specifically to this fund to help those on our streets.

Your Vaccine Story Our St. James April mid-month mailing will contain a few sentences of vaccine stories from members. Will you share your story? How long did it take to get signed up? Are you still waiting? Any reactions? Email your story to [email protected] by mid-April.

Oregon Lutheran Synod Assembly On April 30 and May 1, four members of St. James will serve as delegates to the Zoom gathering of 112 Lutheran Churches in our Oregon Synod. Our thanks to those from St. James who serve on your behalf: Council President David Scott, Council Vice President Mandy Ellertson, member Megan-Susuico-Scott, and Pastor David. This year’s theme is “Faithful in the Fray.”


4 New Easter Banner On Easter Sunday, April 4, a new banner will adorn our tower. The message to our downtown community is “Rejoice.” The old banner was worn and torn after thirty years of use. Our thanks to those who made this new banner possible.

Thank You For Your Offerings and Gifts Your faithful giving sustains our ministry. After a lower than expected January, our February giving was up. A first-quarter record of your giving will be placed in the mail in mid-April. Thanks for all the ways you give: in-person in the Sunday offering plate, electronically, by mail, or through a stock gift. Thank you.

Our Endowment Ministry The St. James Endowment Board met again via email to consider several new requests. Four of the requests were ones supported annually with Endowment Funds. They included:  Renewal of Sundays and Seasons (our annual liturgical source): $479;  Support of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (including an annual gift and ongoing support of local ministries): $5,500;  Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary: $15,000. This year’s contribution also honors two past members of St. James who received their doctorates at PLTS: recently deceased Bill Arbaugh and long-time St. James pastor, Joe Smith;  Ongoing support of Living Lutheran Magazine: $650. The Endowment Board felt privileged to be able to support PLTS in its ongoing education for Lutheran ministry. A new request was received for up to $5,000 for Lutheran World Relief, submitted by Mandy Ellertson on behalf of the St. James Justice Group. The purpose of this request is to match contributions received from a fundraiser that will be held at St. James in April to support LWR’s efforts in purchasing COVID-19 vaccines to distribute to people in underserved countries. All members of the Endowment Board enthusiastically approved this request and look forward to the upcoming fund drive. Members of the Endowment Committee are Kathleen McDonald (chair), Donna Dunlap (Secretary), Craig Gerke, Judith Smith, Walter Matera, and Pastor David.

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Reformation of Joy: Staying Connected This Easter Season Virtual Event Series: Rediscovering Fun & Community Each event will run about 45 minutes

Sunday, April 18, 11am Fellowship & Bingo Join members of the congregations for a time of fellowship and fun. Chelsea Kimmett and Lynn Warren will lead us through a virtual Bingo game! Simply log in to the Zoom meeting to join the game. Participants can play along using a digital bingo card, or can pick up a real bingo card from the church. Winners will receive a custom Beer Stein paired with your choice of beer or artisan soda!

Sunday, April 25, 11am Education & Lutheran Trivia Join us virtually for Lutheran Trivia. Chelsea Kimmett and Lynn Warren will lead us through this game using the website Kahoot! Log in to the Zoom meeting and join the game online. You can also play along on your phone. (Don't let the technology scare you, we will talk you through when you join the Zoom meeting!) Winners will receive a customized St. James Lutheran Tote Bag and Mask!

Sunday, May 2, 11am Wellbeing & At Home Self-Care Crafting Have you ever thought about making your self care products at home? Now you can with your fellow congregation members in this online afternoon social! Pick up your kits from the church starting April 25. Then join the live Zoom gathering and we will guide you through the process while we socialize! This is fun for all ages and requires no crafting skills!

Contemplative Prayer begins its 8th year at St. James Saturdays, April 3 (Holy Saturday), April 17, May 1, and May 15, 9:30- 11am Many thanks to those who participated in the Lenten Sabbath Reflection Day on Saturday, March 13. We observed silence, shared music, and participated in a guided meditation from Pastor David. This group meets on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month. The ministry began during Lent in 2014. We welcome new members to share our longing for silence and a compassionate, contemplative spirit. Contact Sue McBerry for more information.

2021 Directory Our office is creating an undated membership directory for 2021. The directory will be available in April. Please send a recent photo as well as any changes to your address and preferred contact information to [email protected].


6 St. James Lutheran Church March 16, 2021 Present were Paula Veseth, David Scott, Carl Cottingham, Sue Hammond, Mandy Ellertson, Esther Portnoy, Jim Siverson, Julie Hatch, Kathleen McDonald, and Pastor David; Charlotte Cook was absent. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Paula Veseth reported that February was another good month for giving. Just under $36,000 was received in cash contributions. The Child Development Center paid $5,000 in rent. Pastor’s Report: Pastor David discussed the new state guidelines for operating issued by Governor Brown. Multnomah County is now at moderate level. He noted there will be two services for Easter: 9:30 and 11am. Pastor thanked Karin Hatch and Lilli Vellom for recording the services. They are working toward livestreaming. Two baptisms are scheduled for April and one for May. There will also be new members joining St. James in May. The Child Development Center is working towards full rent payment. As of April 1 there will be 75 children enrolled. He also announced the upcoming Oregon Synod Assembly and a new fundraiser for April, headed by Mandy Ellertson. President’s Report: President David Scott reported that the financing for the St. James Apartments has been completed. David has met with Becky Bolt, Don Nielsen, and others regarding the Design Build Contract for the upcoming roof and HVAC project. A final draft of the Contract will be presented to Council. It is hoped that construction will start by August 16. Committee Reports: Endowment: Endowment Chair Kathleen McDonald presented five requests to Council. The requests included: 1. Sundays & Seasons: $479; 2. Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO): $5,500; 3. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (PLTS): $15,000; 4. Living Lutheran Magazine: $650. The new request, up to $5,000 to Lutheran World Relief is a matching gift to a new congregational fundraiser for the month of April. Music Director Search: David Scott reported that Music Director candidate Colin Stave will hold an audition at the 9:30am service on March 21. New Business: Lutheran World Relief Fundraiser: Mandy Ellertson proposed a new fundraiser to expand the idea of Justice through support of a Lutheran World Relief program that will buy COVID-19 vaccines for people in underserved countries. It will run from the week after Easter to Mother's Day. Synod Assembly: The Oregon Synod Assembly will once again be held via Zoom. Our delegates will be Pastor David, Mandy Ellerston, and David and Megan Scott. Choral Scholars: Gretchen Rodgers, chair of the Music Search Committee, requested financial support for the two Cantors who have been volunteering their services on Sundays for the past year. The issue was tabled until April. Old Business: Loan Refinancing Sinking Fund: The establishment for a Sinking Fund for St. James Apartments: Sue Hammond presented a new proposal to Council. Passed.

A Message from The Flame The organizing team of the Flame has chosen to merge with Queer Enough, a ministry of interfaith, inter-spiritual, searching people who have experienced feelings of isolation and non- belonging in institutions and within the LGBTQ+ communities. Using queerness and queering as a spiritual lens, Queer Enough works to celebrate, organize, lament, reflect, and deepen these relationships with ourselves, other persons, and all life. Pastor Matta Ghaly will conclude their role as bridge pastor on Easter; Murph Murphy will then serve. St. James was honored to provide space to the Flame for several years as a gift.

6 7 St. James Child Development Center The Child Development Center is rebuilding enrollment; families are starting to feel more comfortable sending children to care as a result of the vaccine roll-out. We are still operating under Emergency Childcare Guidance. The increased health and safety practices will remain in place until the end of April, and the order could be extended past that. We enjoyed a fun-filled month of March. There was quite a bit of excitement revolving around St. Patrick’s Day. Children were very interested in the leprechaun folklore, and we had a mischievous leprechaun visit the school the night before the holiday. Children set up leprechaun traps with gold and other shiny objects; while we didn’t catch one, it was still fun trying! The leprechaun created quite a mess with his silly antics, but he left us some special treats and games too. The weather has been getting nicer, and classrooms have been loving the courtyard playground and fresh air. Many groups have resumed their neighborhood excursions, and the toddler group has been walking to the athletic field at Portland State to play group games on the turf. We’re grateful to have over seventy children enrolled.

Remembering Pastor Bill Arbaugh April 20, 1927—February 28, 2021 William Charles Arbaugh was born to William and Clara Arbaugh in Goshen, Indiana in 1927 and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. His father was a Lutheran missionary in the Caribbean and Central America. Bill attended Valparaiso University and the Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary in Minnesota, and was ordained in 1950. After ordination, his first call was to Frederick Lutheran Church in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands where he served until 1951, then he went on to Lutheran Church in Las Vegas, Nevada until 1958. While this call was initially a six-month mission assignment, it stretched several years with continued building of the congregation and construction of a church building. After marrying Sandra Lee Schultz in September 1958, they moved to Corona, California where he was pastor at Bethany Lutheran Church. He accepted a call in 1962 to St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Vancouver, Washington. In 1986 they moved to Astoria, Oregon where he served at Peace Lutheran Church until his retirement in 1992. They then moved to downtown Portland where they lived for the next 23 years. Bill was passionate about travel, aviation, and education, and was also a member of the Oregon Stamp Society. He wrote several books about his father’s work in the Caribbean, Bill’s own correspondence with family, travels he and Sandra went on, and views of news and politics. Bill is survived by Sandra, sons David, James, and Stephen, as well as his sisters Nora Dorothy (Arbaugh) Zitzewitz and Mary Margaret Arbaugh. Bill and Sandra have five grandchildren.

LaVon Holden Memorial Service We will celebrate the life of longtime St. James member LaVon Holden at a Memorial Service held here on Saturday, April 10 at 2pm. LaVon died at age 75 on February 24. Our love surrounds her family.

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April 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 Holy Week Holy Week Holy Week Holy Week Holy Week Holy Week Holy Week

Palm/Passion Sunday 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC Bible Study recording Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday available 9:30am Eucharist 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the Noon Maundy Noon Good Friday 9:30am Virtual Houseless Houseless 8:30am Preschool CDC Thursday Eucharist Worship Contemplative Prayer

12pm Feeding the Houseless 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Easter Sunday 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC Bible Study recording 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 2pm LaVon Holden available Memorial The Resurrection of Our 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the Lord Houseless Houseless 8:30am Preschool CDC Houseless Houseless

9:30 & 11am Eucharist 12pm Feeding the DECEMBERHouseless 2020 7pm Virtual Coffee Hour 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8:30am Preschool 8:30am Preschool Second Sunday of 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 9:30am Virtual Easter CDC CDC Contemplative Prayer 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 9:30am Eucharist Houseless Houseless Houseless Houseless Houseless Houseless Houseless Nelson 7pm Virtual Coffee Hour 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Audio worship Third Sunday of Easter 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 10am Virtual Open 9:30am Eucharist 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the Space: “Freedom” Houseless Houseless Houseless Houseless Jazz Vespers available Houseless 10am Virtual Coffee 7pm Council 7pm Virtual Coffee Hour Hour 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Return to in-person Fourth Sunday of 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30am Preschool CDC 8:30-2pm Synod Easter worship Assembly (Zoom) 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 12pm Feeding the 3rd Sunday of Advent 9:30am Eucharist Houseless Houseless Houseless Houseless Houseless 9:30am Virtual Contemplative Prayer Mott Baptism 7pm Book Group9:30 via & 11am7pm Virtual Coffee 3pm Synod Assembly Zoom EucharistHour (Zoom)

12:30pm Virtual Open Space

12:30pm Virtual Coffee Hour

2pm Mims/Turner Wedding (private)

8 9 April Commemorations

April 4: Benedict the African, confessor, +1589 Born a slave on the island of Sicily, Benedict lived as a hermit until the pope ordered all hermits to attach themselves to a monastery, at which time Benedict joined the Franciscans. Though illiterate, he was highly respected as a confessor and later superior of his community.

April 9: , theologian, +1945 Bonhoeffer was a German theologian who wrote profoundly, yet in an accessible manner. In the Second World War, he became a leader of the Confessing Church in Germany that resisted the Nazi movement. Linked to a plot to kill Hitler, he was hanged shortly before the end of the war.

April 19: Olavus Petri, priest, +1552; , Bishop of Uppsala, +1573; renewers of the church These two brothers studied with Luther at the University of Wittenberg and then returned to their native Sweden to introduce the Lutheran reforms. Olavus published a catechism and hymnal; Laurentius was a professor who defended the office of bishop and later became one.

April 23: Toyohiko Kagawa, renewer of society, +1960 Born in Kobe, Japan, Kagawa was orphaned as a young child. Later, when he became Christian, he was disowned by the rest of his family. Wishing to bring Christian principles into society, he worked among poor people, established schools and hospitals, and worked for peace.

April 29: Catherine of Siena, theologian, +1380 This theologian was the first woman among Roman Catholics to receive the title “Doctor [teacher] of the Church.” Catherine was a Dominican sister known for her mystical visions as well as her work on behalf of people who were poor and imprisoned.

Sunday School at Home: “Godly Play” This Lenten season, we have stayed connected to our St. James Sunday School kids with online activities and lessons they can complete at home. Throughout Lent, families have used written materials received by mail as well as video lessons from the Godly Play online curriculum to explore Sunday School themes with children. The lessons include movement, music, and crafts.

9 10 St. James Ministries and Groups St. James Jazz Vespers The special guest for the April 18 Jazz Vespers will be trombonist John Moak. John has performed at St. James several times, and can be heard on the Jazz Vespers CD “Come Sunday.” He has performed with many notable artists, including Ella Fitzgerald, Doc Severinsen, Dave Brubeck, Rosemary Clooney, and Clark Terry. He recently toured with productions of Annie, The Producers, Hairspray, and Chicago. John has been the winner of the International Trombone Association’s Frank Rosolino and Kai Winding Jazz Competitions, the Southern Comfort National Dixieland Championship, and a finalist in the Cognac-Hennessy Jazz Search. Tune in to hear John play on our website on April 18.

St. James Art Group Our artist of the month for April is St. James member Craig Gerke. Craig earned his BA in Art from Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, WI. He does art in his spare time from his work as a housing case manager and in service to St. James. Many of you are familiar with his prints, which were originally drawn in pen and ink on 8 x 10” paper. The set of drawings in the virtual exhibition displayed at are Craig’s representations of eight readings of the Easter Vigil commissioned and owned by St. James for use during the Vigil. St. James lends the enlarged prints to other congregations for displays and to enhance their Vigils as well, often with another set done by Pastor Joel Nickel.

St. James Book Group St. James Book Club will meet via Zoom at 7pm on the 4th Tuesday, April 27. We'll talk about My Own Words: Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Mary Hartnett and Wendy Williams. (Note, this is not the last Ginsburg book, Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue with Amanda Tyler, which is coincidentally coming out in March, and which also sounds good.) If you'd like to join us, contact Linda Rickert.

E-GIVING IS LIVE AT ST. JAMES! Open the camera on your smartphone and direct it to the image to the right. It will take you to the e-giving page: You can also access the page from any internet enabled device (desktop or laptop computer, tablet, phone, etc.) or use the Give+ Church mobile app to donate.

10 11 A Note from Michael Lindner I want to give a special shout of thanks to all of our musicians who faithfully provide musical leadership in our worship. Without them our liturgy would not be so beautiful.

Caring for Creation According to the Institute for Economics and Peace, Sydney, 2020, “Population growth will be among the main challenges for development and peace.” By 2050:  “The global population is projected to grow 35% in the least peaceful countries compared to a 2% decline in the most peaceful.  The 40 least peaceful countries will have an additional 1.3 billion peopled and will be home to more than half of the world’s population.  80% of the world’s population will live in countries which are in the bottom half of the global peace index rankings.  An estimated 2 billion people currently face moderate or severe food insecurity. By 2050, this figure is expected to increase to 3.5 billion people.  There is now 60% less fresh water available per person today than there was in the early 1960’s The population is increasing faster than water availability. Natural disasters displaced 25 million people in 2019. This is three times higher than the 8.6 million displaced by armed conflict.” [From “Population and Peace,” in Population Connection, March 2021.]

In Our Prayers For comfort, healing, and care: Charlotte Cook; Dennis Roggen; Keith and Joyce Amundson; Bill Hamann; Vicki Manning; Sandra Arbaugh; Byron Roberts, son-in- law of Bob and Gerry Grover; Beth Boyce. We hold in our hearts the families of LaVon Holden and Pastor Bill Arbaugh as they mourn their deaths. April Birthdays and Anniversaries

Paula Carlson 4/3 Gary Rodgers 4/12 Andrew Brader 4/4 Larry Martin Jr. 4/17 Julie MacSwain 4/5 Rocky Johnson 4/21 Charlotte Cook 4/6 Sven Werner 4/25 Michael Lindner & Joel Manning 4/9 Cameron Herbert 4/30 Agnes Pierce 4/10 Mary Isensee 4/30 Bill Coffman 4/12

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St. James shares God’s inclusive and eternal love with everyone 1315 SW Park Ave Portland, OR 97201 Office Hours: 7:30am-2pm Tel: 503.227.2439 Fax: 503.227.0856

STAFF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Full Time: Pastor: David Knapp David Scott, President Patrick Earnest, Director, Child Dev. Center Mandy Ellertson, Vice President Part Time: Kathleen McDonald, Secretary Karin Hatch, M.S., Parish Administrator Paula Veseth, Treasurer Sharon Kurtz, Bookkeeper Lillian Vellom, Receptionist/Building Assistant Michael Lindner, Interim Music Director Mike Horsfall, Director of Jazz Ministry

St. James Lutheran Church 1315 SW Park Ave Portland OR 97201