HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII Pastor, retiring after 30 One third of parishes Gerakas: a life of ’s years in the diocese, filled receive new priests in generous service, shaped salute to the Catholic high in between summer assignments by love of the Eucharist school class of 2015 Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 9-11

HawaiiVOLUME 78, NUMBER 12 CatholicFRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015 Herald$1

Hawaii welcomes newest priest Silva: ‘From this day forward, the risen Christ will make himself sacramentally present in Nick Brown’ Page 3

Bishop Larry Silva lays his hands on Nick Brown, ordaining him a priest of the Diocese of May 22 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa in Honolulu.

HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • JUNE 5, 2015 Hawaii Catholic Official notices Herald Bishop’s calendar sion to the Cathedral Basilica of Catholic Bishops, St. Louis, Mis- Hearts - United States Province, Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 [Events indicated will be attended , downtown souri. has proposed Reverend Edward Published every other Friday by Bishop’s delegate] Honolulu, and Benediction at the „ June 16, 9:30 am, Bishop’s Popish, SS.CC. as Parochial Vicar PUBLISHER Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of of St. Ann Parish, Kaneohe, effec- Bishop Larry Silva „ June 6, 5:00 pm, Confirmation Administrative Advisory Council, (808) 585-3356 Mass, St. Rita Parish, Nanakuli. Peace at 1:00 pm. [Fr. Gary Sec- Chancery, downtown Honolulu. tive June 1, 2015. Bishop Silva [email protected] [Fr. Gary Secor] or]; 6:00 pm, Confirmation Mass, has confirmed this appointment. EDITOR Sts. Peter & Paul Parish, Ala Moa- Announcements/Appointments Patrick Downes „ June 7, 10:30 am, Mass for „ The diocesan offices will be (808) 585-3317 Feast of Corpus Christi at the Co- na. [Fr. Gary Secor] „ Very Reverend Johnathan closed on Thursday, June 11, [email protected] Cathedral of St. Theresa, Kalihi, „ June 10-12, Spring Meeting of Hurrell, SS.CC., Provincial of 2015 in observance of King Ka- REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz followed by Eucharistic Proces- the United States Conference of the Congregation of the Sacred mehameha Day. (808) 585-3320 [email protected] ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz (808) 585-3328 [email protected] Heralding back CIRCULATION NEWS FROM PAGES PAST Donna Aquino (808) 585-3321 paper, this week announced that the subsidy [email protected] the Herald receives from the diocese would HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage be cut 60 percent, from approximately paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- $100,000 to less than $40,000. ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the To meet the cuts, the Catholic Herald has Roman in the State of Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI laid off its part-time advertising salesperson 96813. and full-time editorial assistant and will pub- ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES lish bi-weekly. Hawaii: $24 Mainland: $26 Mainland 1st class: $40 10 years ago — June 3, 2005 Foreign: $30 Pope names Father Clarence Silva POSTMASTER Bishop of Honolulu Send address changes to: Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop Pope Benedict XVI has named Father Clar- Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. ence “Larry” Silva, vicar general of the Dio- OFFICE cese of Oakland, Calif., as the fifth Bishop of Hawaii Catholic Herald 1184 Bishop St. Honolulu. Honolulu, HI 96813 The appointments were announced May PHONE 17 in Washington by Archbishop Gabriel Mon- (808) 585-3300 50 years ago — June 4, 1965 date at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace on talvo, apostolic nuncio to the United States. FAX The Diocese of Honolulu will gain a new Fort Street. Father Silva will be ordained a bishop (808) 585-3381 priest on June 12 when the Most Reverend and installed as diocesan bishop on July 21 WEBSITE James J. Sweeney, Bishop of Honolulu, or- 25 years ago — June 8, 1990 during a Mass at the Neal Blaisdell Arena in www.hawaiicatholicherald.com dains Rev. Mr. Patrick H. Freitas. At the same Honolulu. His consecrating bishop will be E-MAIL Diocesan spending cuts turn Herald [email protected] time two other Islanders will be ordained into bi-weekly Archbishop William Laveda of San Francisco. by Bishop Sweeney and will serve the 50th Co-consecrators will be Bishop Allen H. Vi- NEWS DEADLINES Nine days before publication date. state as priest members of the Congregation Because of cuts in diocesan spending, the gneron and Bishop John S. Cummins, bishop ADVERTISING DEADLINES of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Hawaii Catholic Herald will be published and bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Oak- Nine days before publication date. two professed Brothers to be ordained are every other week starting in July. Beginning land, respectively. ADVERTISING INFORMATION Brother Martin Mary Fernandez, SS.CC. and next week, the newspaper will offer reim- Also attending will be the apostolic - For a rate card or other information, call Brother Christopher Keahi, SS.CC. The three bursements to individual subscribers who cio to the United States Archbishop Gabriel Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is will be raised to the Catholic priesthood in wish to receive them. ... Montalvo and Cardinal Roger Mahony of the also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” 10:00 a.m. ordination ceremonies on this Bishop Joseph A. Ferrario, publisher of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. “PASS IT ON” POLICY To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic Herald with a friend, write or call us and we will send him or her a free copy. Or give them yours and we will send you another one while supplies last. LETTERS TO THE HERALD Letters are welcome. Letters should The Bishop’s Circle pertain to a story or issue in the Ha- waii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and is an important appeal to join not exceed 250 words. Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters Bishop Larry Silva as a fellow may be edited for length and clarity. Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 Witness to Jesus in support Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to [email protected]. of the many ministries of the MEMBER Catholic Press Association Catholic Church in Hawaii.

ADDRESS CORRECTIONS To make corrections to your Please consider making a generous gift to the 2014/2015 subscription name or ad- dress, cut out the address campaign, which concludes on June 30th. Donor Society label from the front page members will be recognized in the Hawaii Catholic Herald (reverse side). ‰ Please correct my name. and invited to a special gathering with Bishop Larry. ‰ Please correct my ad- Mahalo for your Stewardship of Treasure! dress. ‰ We are receiving two copies. Please cancel this one. Donations are accepted online at ‰ Please cancel this sub- The Bishop’s Circle Donor Societies scription. catholichawaii.org or by mailing your Our Lady of Peace Society: gifts of $10,000+ MAIL TO check to The Bishop’s Appeal, Donna Aquino St. Damien/St. Marianne Society: gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Hawaii Catholic Herald 1184 Bishop St., Honolulu, HI 96813. 1184 Bishop Street Society: gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Honolulu, HI 96813 For more information on gift options, QUESTIONS? Witness to Jesus Society: gifts of $1,000 - $2,499 please call Mark Clark in Stewardship Call Donna, 585-3321 Catholic Ohana Society: gifts of $500 - $999 & Development at (808) 203-6723. JUNE 5, 2015 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 3 Hawaii welcomes newest priest Bishop Silva: ‘From this day forward, the risen Christ will make himself sacramentally present in Nick Brown’

By Patrick Downes Hawaii Catholic Herald For more than seven minutes the priests lined up to lay their hands gently, silently, purposeful- ly, for a second or two, on Nicho- las Brown’s head, as Bishop Larry Silva had done moments before in the act of ordination. Seventy-five of them, more than half of Ha- waii’s priestly clergy, sealing one more into their fraternity. The presbyters’ procession, in the sanctuary of the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, was just one of several moving moments during the two-hour ordination Mass of local boy Brown, Hawaii’s newest priest, on the evening of May 22. The ordination was full of cler- ical solemnity with three liturgi- cal , four ministers of cer- emony, eight seminarian acolytes, and 20 more deacons in albs and stoles filling the front pews, pre- sided over by the bishop in gold vestments. The music was simple but vig- orous, the lead organ fortified with brass, woodwinds, strings and Hawaiian implements. The church reverberated with the combined voices of choir and con- gregation. The ordination rite began after the reading of the Gospel when diocesan director of seminarians, Father William Shannon, formally presented the candidate for holy Then in a gesture of humil- orders to Bishop Silva: “Most ity and supplication, Brown lay Reverend Father, Holy Mother before the altar, face down on a Church asks you to ordain Nicho- lauhala mat, as the congregation las Brown, our brother, to the re- chanted the long litany of saints. sponsibility of the priesthood.” Brown then knelt before Bish- After a brief inquiry about op Silva who, with the laying on the candidate’s worthiness, the of hands, ordained the 49-year- bishop declared, “Relying on the old former Hawaiian Airlines em- help of our Lord God and our sav- ployee Hawaii’s newest priest. ior Jesus Christ, we choose Nick The 75 priests in the sanctu- Brown, our brother, for the order ary, one by one, repeated the of the priesthood.” bishop’s solemn gesture. Among The congregation responded them was the rector of Sacred with enthusiastic applause, the Heart Seminary and School of first of three ovations the new Theology, Msgr. Ross Shecterle. priest would receive that eve- Two priests helped Father ning. Brown put on the priestly vest- Bishop Silva then delivered his ments, stole and chasuble, after homily, a tribute to the arduous, which the bishop anointed the but rewarding, priestly calling. newly ordained’s hands with He described a hypothetical Saturday in the life of a priest, an chrism. exhausting scenario of one task Bishop Silva exchanged a fra- after another. ternal “kiss of peace” — an over- Addressing the candidate the-shoulder embrace — with directly, the bishop said, “This Father Brown and presented him sacrifice of your time and ener- with a thick maile lei entwined gy, though draining, brings you with a strand of white orchids, much joy because your sacrifice prompting applause a second is to love as Jesus loves.” time. Nevertheless, he said, priest- The 75 priests again lined up to embrace their brother. hood is not what one does, but Father Brown’s mother and a time, pressing his hand to their Clockwise from top left: Father Bishop Silva proceeded with who one is. stepfather, Nati and Jack Alfaro heads. Anthony Rapozo, the last dioc- the Mass with Father Brown be- “This ceremony is not a gradu- of Seattle, witnessed the ordina- Walking back to the sacristy, esan priest ordained in Hawaii in ation,” he said. “This is an ordi- side him at the altar at his left, 2011, lays hands on Nick Brown; both sharing in the reading of the tion from the first pew. Father Brown said he had felt a nation, an ordering of your very “It was so beautiful,” Nati said little “nervous” during the ordi- Father Brown’s mother and Eucharistic Prayer. stepfather, Nati and Jack Alfaro; person, so that from this day for- of the liturgy. “I feel so blessed.” nation liturgy, but felt the Holy ward, the risen Christ will make Near the liturgy’s conclusion, the newly ordained priest with Said Jack, “I can’t believe it. It Spirit descend on him in Bishop himself sacramentally present in the new priest gave his ordaining Bishop Larry Silva during the Lit- really is a blessing. He has been Silva’s laying on of hands. Nick Brown.” bishop his first priestly blessing. urgy of the Eucharist; diocesan “I am thankful to God,” he That is why people are at- He then addressed the congrega- so good and faithful.” vicar general Father Gary Secor tracted to a priest, Bishop Silva tion, thanking the bishop, priests Father Brown’s sister, Debbie said. “It has been a long journey.” greets Father Brown with the said. “Because they know almost and “all of you the people of the Pulis, was also there. Father Brown celebrated his fraternal “kiss of peace.” instinctively that he is different; Diocese of Honolulu, who prayed “I am very proud of him,” she first Mass at the co-cathedral, his HCH photos | Darlene Dela Cruz that he is not himself; that he is and supported me on my journey said. “He’s very dedicated … a home parish, May 24. The homily a sacrament of Jesus Christ, the to the priesthood.” The people servant leader.” at the Mass was given by his semi- one and only true priest.” applauded a third time. After the Mass, in the semi- nary friend Father Raul Marquez, Following his sermon, the The bishop’s final remarks, darkness outside the church, as visiting from Portland, Oregon. bishop asked Brown six ques- before the closing hymn, was an most of the congregation gath- On June 1, Father Brown start- tions, to confirm his acceptance impromptu plug for vocations. ered for the reception in the par- ed his first priestly assignment of his new obligations. Six times, “For you, young men, there is ish hall, the new priest blessed a as parochial vicar of St. Anthony Brown responded, “I do.” plenty of room. Think about it.” long line of well-wishers, one at Church in Kailua. 4 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • JUNE 5, 2015 Pastor, retiring after 30 years in the diocese, filled in between bishops By Patrick Downes as “energetic” and “participatory” Hawaii Catholic Herald with “quality liturgical music.” Father Gross was vicar forane Father Thomas Gross, who for for the windward Oahu vicariate one year had the responsibilities in 1997 until 2000 when Bishop of Hawaii’s bishop without the DiLorenzo picked him to be vic- status, is retiring June 30. ar general, sharing the position The cordial, reserved pastor of with Father Joseph Grimaldi. St. John Vianney Parish in Kailua, After Pope Benedict XVI named who marks his 40th year of priest- Bishop DiLorenzo to the Diocese hood this year, was administrator of Richmond, Virginia, the 10 of the Diocese of Honolulu a de- priests of the diocesan College of cade ago for the 14-month spell Consultors elected Father Gross as between the departure of Bishop diocesan administrator. Francis X. DiLorenzo and the in- As administrator, Father Gross stallation of Bishop Larry Silva. managed the diocese as any bish- He has good memories of that op would, with the exception of challenging period. making permanent assignments “Most of all I remember the or major changes and ordaining tremendous support and encour- deacons or priests. The last time agement from the clergy, dioc- the church in Hawaii had a priest esan staff and laity in the entire administrator was in 1940 when diocese, and particularly St. John Sacred Hearts Father Victorinus Vianney Parish, since the job took Claesen ran the diocese for a me away from the parish a great year after Bishop Stephen Alen- deal,” he said. castre died. “Other memorable moments When Bishop Silva took the were the exhumation of Mother reins of the diocese in 2005, he ’s remains on Ka- named Father Gross as vicar gen- laupapa and attending two meet- eral for one more year. ings of the U.S. Conference of Father Gross, 68, said that in Catholic Bishops,” Father Gross his 30 years in Hawaii, he always said. HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz Soon to retire Father Thomas Gross in front of St. John Vianney Church, Kailua, which he renovated as pastor. found the church “very vibrant, The Hibbing, Minnesota-na- friendly, open and life-giving.” tive was a priest of the Crosier “The biggest change I have ex- order, ordained in 1975, when Imax movie “Behold Hawaii” on nated into the Honolulu diocese. “Excellent Catholic Parishes” by perienced is the clergy,” he said. came to the Islands in 1985. a February day that was 30 be- He followed that with brief duty Paul Wilkes, the only one includ- When he came to Hawaii, Why Hawaii? low zero. That winter we had al- as associate pastor at St. Joseph ed from Hawaii. he said the corps of priests was “Have you ever been to Min- ready had 103 inches of snow. It Parish, Hilo, before being named “We looked for parishes “pretty stable” and relatively per- nesota in the winter?” said Fa- was clear to me I had to move.” pastor at St. John Vianney on that nurtured the spirit, wel- manent. ther Gross, whose part-Scandina- Father Gross’ first Honolulu Sept. 1, 1996, a position he has comed and yet challenged, both “That is not the case today,” vian blood was no match for the parish assignment was as asso- held ever since. preached and — more impor- he said. “We are blessed with so Mainland’s cruelest season. ciate pastor, and then pastor, of In 2001, St. John Vianney was tantly — lived the Good News,” many from other countries who He remembers with detail his Sts. Peter and Paul Church, dur- listed as one of the best 300 par- the author said. come to minister here, but most final winter there. “I went to the ing which time he was incardi- ishes in the country in the book The book described the parish stay for a limited term. This real- ly changes the dynamic of clergy connection and support, I think.” He sees the biggest challenge for today’s church is “keeping people interested and involved in a world with a very short at- tention span and very short com- mitment spans.” Father Gross, who is moving to Las Vegas, said what he will miss least is the “administration and responsibility of being a pastor of a parish and school,” a job he once “enjoyed” but which has be- come “just too much for me now.” What he will miss most is “the interaction with the people, es- pecially at St. John Vianney. I have been here for so long I have experienced so much of the lives of so many. Also, since I really have no family left, I consider the people here as extended family.” “So I certainly will visit,” he said.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CATHOLIC PARISH COORDINATOR Pearl Harbor Memorial Chapel The Catholic Community of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Chapel (PHMC), Joint Base Pearl-Harbor-Hickam has an opening for a Catholic Parish Coor- dinator. This is a Chapel (non-personal service) Contract Paid Position. You may request a Statement of Work for the Catholic Parish Coordinator either via email at [email protected] or in person at the PHMC, Bldg. 1600 (across from McDonalds). Resume, references, and sealed bid must be submitted in person by 4:00 PM on Monday, June 8, 2015 at the PHMC. Interview for qualifying bids to follow. For more information, please contact Chaplain Dan Clark at 473-3971. JUNE 5, 2015 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 5 To everything a season: Summer begets priest assignments By Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz Raj has been parochial vicar at „„ , Pahoa — Jesuit La Salette. of Galapagos, Ecuador. Hawaii Catholic Herald St. Elizabeth, Aiea, since he ar- Father Michael Scully, adminis- La Salette priests will begin „„ Our Lady of Perpetual Help, rived in the Islands last year. trator. A priest of the Jesuits’ Cal- new assignments as pastors July Ewa Beach — Father Santiago Summer will be a season of „„ St. Theresa, Mountain View — ifornia Province, he has been in 1 at the following parishes: Agoo. He is from the Prelature of change, as a slew of new priest Father Paul Li, pastor. Originally Hawaii for more than a decade. „„ St. Raphael, Koloa — Father Isabela de Basilan, Philippines. assignments will bring shifts in from China, he was ordained for Father Scully was most recently Arlan Intal. He arrived in Ha- „„ St. Jude, Kapolei — Father Jo- clergy staffing to about a third of the Diocese of Honolulu in 2007. assigned last July as pastor at Sa- waii in April to serve temporarily seph Ayinpuusa. He is from the Hawaii’s 66 parishes, mostly be- He has been pastor at St. Roch, cred Heart, Hawi. at St. Anthony, Kalihi, upon the Diocese Navrongo-Bolgatanga. ginning July 1. Kahuku, for the past four years. „„ Sacred Heart, Hawi — Father departure of St. Anthony pastor „„ St. Joseph, Waipahu — La Bishop Larry Silva has ap- „„ St. Roch, Kahuku — Father Elias Escanilla, administrator. Father Manuel Dela Cruz, who Salette Father Geronimo “Eric” pointed new pastors or adminis- Anastasio Postrano, administra- He is a priest of the Diocese of became the La Salette director of Castro. He has been pastor at St. trators for 13 parishes. In addi- tor. He is a priest of the Diocese Sorsogon, Philippines. Father Es- novices in the Philippines. Joseph, Makawao, since 2009. tion, two Kauai parishes and one of Tagum, Philippines. canilla has been administrator at „„ St. Anthony, Kalihi — Father „„ Christ the King, Kahului — La on Oahu will also receive new „„ St. John Vianney, Kailua — Fa- Holy Rosary, Paia, Maui, since his Arnel Soriano. He has been pas- Salette Father Edwin Conselva. pastors as a result of shuffling as- ther Peter Miti, pastor. A native arrival in 2009. tor at St. Theresa, Kekaha, since In January he became the first signments by the Missionaries of of Zambia, he was ordained for „„ Holy Rosary, Paia — Father 2011. man from Hawaii to be ordained Our Lady of La Salette. the Diocese of Honolulu in 2007. Cipriano Alnas, administrator. „„ Immaculate Conception, Li- for the La Salette Philippine Here’s a rundown of parishes One of his first assignments was He is from the Diocese of Laoag, hue — Father Edison Pamintuan. province. that will receive new pastors or as parochial vicar at St. John Vi- Philippines. Immaculate Conception parish „„ St. Ann, Kaneohe — Sacred administrators. Parish respon- anney. Father Miti has been pas- „„ St. Mary, Hana — Father Mo- previously was administered by a Hearts Father Edward Popish. sibilities are the same for both tor at St. Philomena, Salt Lake, ses Akebule, administrator. He is diocesan priest. titles, but priests who are admin- since 2011. from the Diocese of Navrongo- In addition to the 16 parishes He was ordained in Hawaii 25 years ago, taking on assignments istrators are not appointed for a „„ St. Philomena, Salt Lake — Bolgatanga, Ghana. receiving new pastors or admin- term of office. Father Rico Bernadez, adminis- „„ St. Theresa, Kekaha — Father istrators, eight will welcome new abroad before returning in 2013. „„ St. John the Baptist, Kalihi trator. He is from the Diocese of Emerson de los Reyes, adminis- parochial vicars, formerly called He has been parochial vicar at St. — Father Juan Pablo Galeano, Tagum. Father Bernadez arrived trator. He is from the Diocese of associate pastors, this summer. Augustine, Waikiki. administrator. He is a priest of in Hawaii last September and has Tagum and came to Hawaii last They are: „„ St. Anthony, Kailua — Father the Diocese of Jerico, Colombia. been working as parochial vicar September. Father de los Reyes „„ St. Joseph, Makawao — Fa- Nicholas “Nick” Brown. It is his Father Galeano came to Hawaii at St. Anthony, Kailua. has been parochial vicar at St. ther Gregorio Apuya. He is from first parish assignment since be- in 2011. His most recent assign- „„ Immaculate Heart of Mary, Michael, Kona. the Diocese of Laoag. Father ing ordained May 22. ment has been as administrator Papaikou, and St. Anthony, Pa- „„ St. Joseph, Makawao — Fa- Apuya has served as pastor of All of the parochial vicars will at Our Lady of Lourdes, Hono- paaloa — Father Themistocles ther Jaime Jose, administrator. Sacred Heart, Pahoa, since 2012. begin their assignments July 1, kaa, Big Island. “Tim” Tuyac, administrator. He He is from the Diocese of Laoag. „„ St. Michael, Kona — Father except for Sacred Hearts Father „„ Our Lady of Lourdes, Hono- is from the Diocese of Tagum. St. Theresa, Kekaha, and St. Diego Alejandro Restrepo Serna Popish and Father Brown, who kaa — Jesuit Father Joseph Sel- Father Tuyac has been serving as Joseph, Makawao, have been and Father Ornoldo Cherrez. Fa- started at their new parishes van Durai Raj, administrator. He parochial vicar at St. Jude, Ka- turned over to diocesan clergy ther Serna is from the Diocese of June 1, and Father Cherrez, who is from the Jesuit Madurai Prov- polei, since arriving in Hawaii in after being run for many years by Jerico, Colombia. Father Cherrez began working at St. Michael last ince of Tamil Nadu, India. Father 2014. the Missionaries of Our Lady of hails from the Apostolic Vicariate month. Vicar general to lead co-cathedral to cathedral Corpus Christi procession By Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz the freeway and onto Vineyard own water bottles and sun pro- Hawaii Catholic Herald Street, leading to the Cathedral tection for the walk. Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in The eucharistic procession has Diocesan vicar general Father downtown Honolulu. drawn hundreds of local faithful Gary Secor is scheduled to lead Father Secor will lead the pro- each year since Bishop Larry Sil- the diocese’s annual 1.25-mile cession, carrying a monstrance va started the church-to-church eucharistic procession for the holding the Holy Eucharist. Priests tradition in the Islands in 2007. Feast of Corpus Christi, June 7. and deacons also help to carry the The eucharistic procession a uni- The observance of the feast, monstrance along the way. versal Catholic practice for the also known as the Solemnity of Congregants will be invited to Corpus Christi feast. the Most Holy Body and Blood pray and sing hymns throughout According to “Holy Com- of Jesus Christ, will begin with the walk, which can take up to munion and Worship of the Eu- Mass celebrated by Father Secor an hour for all marchers to com- charist Outside Mass,” a Vatican at the Co-Cathedral of St. The- plete. document issued more than 40 resa at 10:30 a.m. The procession culminates years ago on the feast of Corpus Faithful who wish to partici- at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Christi, a procession of “special pate in the eucharistic procession Lady of Peace, where adoration importance and meaning of the will gather at the co-cathedral and benediction of the Blessed pastoral life to the parish or city” after the liturgy at about 11:30 Sacrament is expected to take is “desirable … when it can truly a.m. place around 1:15 p.m. be a sign of common faith and The procession route covers A shuttle service will be avail- adoration.” HCH file photo nearly one and a quarter miles, able to take participants back to For more information on the Deacon Keith Galang carries a gold monstrance containing the Holy Eucha- rist during last year’s Eucharistic procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi. starting at St. Theresa then go- St. Theresa afterward. Marchers procession, contact the diocesan The procession, which begins at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa and ends at ing down School Street, over are encouraged to bring their Office of Worship at 585-3342. the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, will be held this year on June 7.


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C (2277) A S PEST CONTROL, Inc. 546-CARS or visit us online at T E •Wills & Trusts •Family Law I H O IT P.O. Box 22187, Honolulu, HI 96823 www.CatholicCharitiesHawaii.org. LI AR C CH PROTECTS Sandra G.Y. Young 487-8464 THE VALUE OF Attorney at Law Catholic Charities Hawai‘i •By Toys R Us •Free Parking YOUR HOME Agency # 96130 PEARLRIDGE •P.O. Box 2897, Aiea, HI 96701 LIC #PCO-601 6 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • JUNE 5, 2015 Diocese planning pilgrimage to families conference with pope in Philly By Patrick Downes Hawaii’s pilgrimage host is Kris- Helen Alvare, Bishop Jean Laffitte, heart of Philadelphia and will be 11-day trip to the Holy Land ear- Hawaii Catholic Herald tina NeNeve, diocesan coordinator Janet Smith, Scott Hahn, Cardi- open to the public. lier this year. of adult faith formation and evan- nal Gerald Cyrien Lacroix, Mother The World Meeting of Families The cost, based on a minimum Pope Francis is going to the gelization. Agnes Mary Donovan, Carolyn Y. will end the pope’s first visit to the of 40 people, is $1,943, which in- World Meeting of Families Con- Conceived by Pope John Paul II, Woo, Chris Stefanick and Mary United States as pontiff. He arrives cludes round-trip airfare from Ho- gress in Philadelphia this Septem- the first World Meeting of Families Hirschfeld. in Washington Sept. 22, and will nolulu. The price covers breakfast, ber. And you can too. took place in in 1994, the In- Each conference day, Sept. 22 be welcomed to the White House but not other meals. Conference The Diocese of Honolulu is or- ternational Year of the Family. Since through 25, will include a Mass, by President Barack Obama and registration runs an additional ganizing a Sept. 21-28 pilgrimage then, the event, which welcomes talks and other activities. If time first lady Michelle Obama Sept. $150 to $400, depending on when with Bishop Larry Silva to the tri- families from around the world, allows, the Hawaii travelers will 23. He is scheduled to address a it is paid and what benefits are ennial gathering. has been held in cities across the also receive a two-hour guided joint meeting of Congress Sept. 24, included. Registration prices are The conference, whose purpose globe including Rio de Janeiro, Ma- tour of Amish country on Sept 26. the first pope to do so. His U.S. trip lower for children 6-17. is to strengthen the sacred bonds nila, Mexico City and Milan. Pope Francis will join the con- includes a Sept. 25 address to the Hawaii travelers will be stay- of the family unit worldwide and This is the first time a U.S. city ference’s Festival of Families, an U.N. General Assembly. ing quad-occupancy in a hotel in highlight its intrinsic value to so- is hosting the meeting. intercultural celebration of family He will visit Cuba before com- Trenten, N.J., about 35 miles from ciety, will feature dozens of guest Philadelphia speakers include life around the world, the evening ing to the United States. the conference city. Occupancy ar- speakers for the first four days of Father Robert Barron, Archbishop of Sept. 26. He will also celebrate The Hawaii pilgrimage is being rangements for fewer people are the event. The pope will join the J. Michael Miller, Deacon Harold Mass on Sunday, Sept. 27. Both organized by the Arizona-based available for an additional fee. meeting for its last two days, Sept. Burke-Sivers, Archbishop Socrates events will take place on the Ben- Faith Journeys, the same tour com- To register for the trip, call Faith 26 and 27. B. Villegas, Greg and Lisa Popcak, jamin Franklin Parkway in the pany that coordinated the bishop’s Journeys at 1-877-732-4845.

Talk story OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY A call to service “Those who surrender to the service of the poor through love of Christ, will live like the grain of wheat that dies. It only apparently dies. If it were not to die, it would remain a solitary grain. The harvest comes because of the grain that dies. We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us.” These words Archbishop Oscar Romero spoke in his homily just minutes before he was martyred while celebrating Mass on March 24, 1980. Now 35 years later, on May 23, Archbishop Romero was beatified in El Salvador. For decades, the arch- bishop inspired many in the service of justice and peace in the Americas. His assassination was an example of the Central American violence from which millions have fled to the United States. Blessed Romero’s beatification was a hopeful moment in the current difficult struggle for comprehensive immigration reform, which the U.S. bishops have strongly endorsed and en- couraged all to support. Photo courtesy of Dee Young Photo courtesy of Mary Jean Bega The Hawaii Coalition for Immigration Reform (HCIR) has served many faith-based communities, including Catholics, in Neighbor Island royalty working for the rights of immigrants. HCIR recently helped Left, Kiana Young, May Day queen for St. Theresa School, Kekaha, dances a hula for its May 9 May Day program pass the “Hawaii Drivers Safety Act,” which expands access to titled “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” a tribute to the late Israel Kamakawiwoole. The next day, Kiana crowned driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. the parish statue of the Blessed Mother. Right, Gabrielle Bega, queen of the 123rd Holy Ghost Feast at St. Joseph HCIR also successfully advocated for continued funding for Church in Makawao, Maui, releases the traditional dove on the Feast of Pentecost, May 24. immigrant resource centers statewide. A vital participant in HCIR is the Aloha DREAM Team, a multi-ethnic, mixed status youth-led group committed to educate, empower and organize Hawaii’s immigrant community, with a focus on youth. The Aloha DREAM Team recently met with Bishop Larry Silva to discuss ways to collaborate on the Deferred Action for Robert A. Baysa, D.D.S. Child Arrivals, or DACA, program that grants relief from depor- tation and work authorization to some undocumented immi- 95-1099 Ainamakua Drive, Suite 1 grants brought to the United States as children. DACA will give Mililani, Hawai‘i 96789 a million people the opportunity to attend college, obtain a driver’s license and a work permit. Approximately 5,000 people 808-625-6300 qualify in Hawaii. [email protected] The Aloha DREAM Team helped establish a DACA Pipeline for youth wishing to sign up for the program. The Pipeline in- troduces applicants to others who have gone through the pro- cess and who will help them collect necessary documents and fill out applications. On June 5, the team will provide DACA education after the HAVING A GRADUATION? Ilocano Mass at St. John the Baptist in Kalihi. They will be on Maui in June reaching out to Latino immigrants. For more in- formation, contact the Aloha DREAM Team at 321-8089 or [email protected]. Their website is www.alohadream- team.org. invite On June 6, the Office for Social Ministry will sponsor an- hawaii’s #1 other One Ohana — Food for All workshop, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at St. comedian Theresa in Kihei, Maui. These gatherings connect parish social GRADUATE WITH to your ministries to groups that provide sustainable nourishing food party! for the most vulnerable in Hawaii. LAUGHS! Another One Ohana — Food for All gathering in Hanalei on Kauai will take place at the same time the following Saturday. These “talk story” gatherings remind us that Bishop Silva, Arch- bishop Romero and Pope Francis have all called us to live our faith in solidarity with poor and immigrant populations strug- gling for justice and peace. As Pope Francis said at the recent General Assembly of Cari- tas International, “We must do what we can so everyone has Frank De Lima, PhD something to eat.” Gracias a Dios! 521-4529 [email protected] www.frankdelima.com Your friends at the Office for Social Ministry

To advertise in the Hawaii Catholic Herald, call Shaina Caporoz at 585-3328 JUNE 5, 2015 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 7

DEACON ANDREW GERAKAS | 1928-2015 A life of generous service, shaped by love of the Eucharist By Patrick Downes to immigrant Greek parents. He bus, the Third Order of Mary, the adjacent to his parish. Hawaii Catholic Herald grew up in an Orthodox Jewish Confraternity of the Most Holy “He could preach about al- neighborhood in the upper Bronx Rosary, the Basic Christian Com- most anything,” Mattos said. Deacon Andrew Jude Ger- and attended Greek school in munity and other Catholic orga- “Pulling in names and dates, his- akas, whose devotion to daily downtown Manhattan in addi- nizations. tory came alive” in his homilies. Eucharist compelled him to leave tion to public school. He later He was one of eight mem- “I really admired that ability.” the Greek Orthodox Church to said his childhood experiences bers of the Diocese of Honolulu’s Gerakas wrote two books, become a Roman Catholic, and greatly influenced his vocation first permanent deacon class, or- “The Rosary and Devotion to then one of Hawaii’s first perma- as a Catholic deacon. dained by Bishop John J. Scanlan Mary,” published by St. Paul’s nent deacons, died on May 18 in He came to Hawaii in the mili- on Dec. 5, 1981. Books and Media in 1988, and Honolulu. He was 87 and a dea- tary in 1948 and attended the After retiring from the State, the 130-page “The Origin and con at Star of the Sea Parish in University of Hawaii in Manoa he devoted himself fully to the Development of the Holy Eucha- Waialae-Kahala for 34 years. where he met his future wife diaconal ministry. He also re- rist, East and West,” published by Gerakas served as an active Juanita Kalahauoli Stephen. They ceived a doctorate of ministry St. Pauls/Alba House in 2006. deacon until the day of his death, married and moved to New York degree from San Francisco Theo- One reviewer called the latter which was unexpected. where he completed his mas- logical Seminary. book “a fine introduction for gen- “He gave his all for the ter’s of business in economics at According to Gordon Mattos, eral readers who want to learn church,” said his daughter, Mary Deacon Andrew Gerakas Columbia University. They then bulletin editor and music coor- more about the Eucharist and Gerakas Wellein. “And he was a moved back to Hawaii to live. dinator at Star of the Sea Par- some of the issues involved in good father, too.” Gerakas worked for the Ho- ish, Gerakas was instrumental in the reconciliation of the Roman Deacon Gerakas’ funeral ser- and home for dinner and nightly nolulu Iron Works, the United bringing the Chinese Carmelite Catholic and the Eastern Ortho- vices are on June 19 at Star of prayers, she said. Nations in then-Western Samoa, monastery community to Hawaii the Sea Church starting with visi- “He carried the names and re- and subsequently became the in 1973 and continued to visit dox Churches.” tation at 9 a.m. and Mass at 10 quests of people he was praying economic development division them monthly. In its preface, Deacon Ger- a.m., celebrated by Bishop Larry for in his shirt pocket,” Wellein head for the State of Hawaii De- He was also master of novices akas explained why he became a Silva. He will be buried at the said, “and would pray unceas- partment of Planning and Eco- for the Third Order of Mary. Catholic: Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery ingly for everyone. nomic Development. There he “He was our hospital min- “The longing to receive the in Kaneohe, at 2 p.m. “If you mentioned any peti- organized the Pacific Island Tour- ister,” Mattos said. “When he Lord in the Holy Eucharist on a Wellein said her father’s typi- tion, right then he would say, ism Development Council and heard someone was sick and hos- daily basis was the primary rea- cal day would begin with 6 a.m. ‘Let’s pray a Hail Mary for them the Pacific Tuna Development pitalized, he would be the first son for my becoming a Roman Mass at Star of the Sea, followed right now,’” she said. Foundation and other coopera- one to go and see them.” Catholic, although I have never by visits to nursing homes, hos- “The rosary, the Angelus, de- tive Pacific island organizations. Active in the Confraternity felt that I have left the Orthodox pitals and private residences, votions, Scripture readings, no- He also created the Made in of the Most Holy Rosary, Dea- Church. During the early days of bringing Holy Communion, sup- venas and, foremost, receiving Hawaii Association, a group of con Gerakas led the 20 decades my residency in Honolulu, there port and comfort. of the most precious Body and local manufacturers marketing of the rosary before the Blessed was no Orthodox Church.” He would return home for Blood in Holy Eucharist buoyed their Hawaii-made products, Sacrament on the first Sunday of Gerakas’ wife Juanita died lunch and to work on sermons or him through his day,” his daugh- which still exists today. the month. in 2013. He is survived by sons other writing projects. ter said. Since joining the Catholic On Sunday mornings he also Michael Peter and John Joseph, Then it was off to more vis- Andrew Gerakas was born on Church in 1963, Gerakas was led a prayer service at Kahala daughter Mary Wellein and four its, evening prayers and Mass, May 8, 1928, in New York City active in the Knights of Colum- Nui, the retirement community grandchildren.

Religious education director elected to national catechetical position By Patrick Downes of the finance committee. Hawaii Catholic Herald She said the job requires at least two mainland meetings in addition to video Jayne Mondoy, the diocesan director teleconferences. of religious education, was elected to a Her selection to a national position is three-year term as treasurer of the Na- the latest in a list of acknowledgements tional Conference for Catechetical Lead- outside of Hawaii of her work in the dio- ers at its annual convention last month cese. in Buffalo. The NCCL selected the her depart- The NCCL, which furthers the church’s ment’s three-part sacramental video se- catechetical mission in the United States, ries “One Ohana” as the 2015 winner of represents bishops, pas- its diocese-level New Wineskins Award, tors, diocesan and par- which according to the NCCL website, ish directors of religious celebrates “extraordinary achievement education, academics occurring in a diocese in the ministries of and publishers of cat- evangelization and catechesis.” echetical materials. Mondoy accepted the award May 20 More than 90 percent of U.S. dioceses are mem- at the NCCL’s convention in Buffalo. bers. A NCCL news release congratulated Mondoy for her “extraordinary achieve- Jayne Mondoy Mondoy said that the organization has been ment.” “invaluable to me.” “The challenge of enculturation is to “It connects me to my colleagues in frame the Gospel so that it can be heard diocesan and parish catechetical lead- and received in a particular cultural con- ership, gives me personal access to our cept. This is exactly what Jayne Mondoy publishers, and offers a wide range of has done, both beautifully and effective- professional development opportuni- ly,” it said. ties,” he said. Last year, One Ohana also won a As treasurer, Mondoy will be part of a bronze “Telly” award, a secular honor four-person executive committee, which recognizing excellence in non-broadcast includes the president, who is from the religious productions. Archdiocese of Indianapolis, and the In 2013, Mondoy was awarded the vice-president and secretary, who are Conference Theme Award at the Dioc- both from the Chicago archdiocese. esan Information Systems Conference Mondoy said she will act as the chief (DISC) in Dallas for her department’s financial officer for the conference, en- program that offers faith formation class- suring “adherence to proper accounting es to catechists via Facebook. practices and annual financial audits.” Mondoy has been diocesan director of She will also submit financial reports religious education for 10 years. Before to the board of directors and general that she served as an administrator for www.catholichawaii.org/wmof membership, and serve as chairwoman . 8 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • JUNE 5, 2015

THIRD IN A SERIES Religious education and Catholic schools: Sharing responsibilities; family, church, school By Jayne Mondoy and that they are receiving the child’s earliest years. This already Special to the Herald Body and Blood of Christ in the happens when family members Eucharist. Also, diocesan offices help one another grow in faith Questions about implement- will make recommendations and by the witness of a Christian life ing the proper order of the sac- offer resources for preparing old- in keeping with the Gospel. Fam- raments of initiation are already er children and adults who need ily catechesis precedes, accompa- being posed to our diocesan offic- to complete their initiation. nies and enriches other forms of es. At the heart of many of these Included with these reforms instruction in the faith. Parents queries is a care and concern will be a greater emphasis on have the mission of teaching about our desire to understand family catechesis and active in- their children to pray and to dis- OFFER, STRENGTHEN, SUSTAIN and successfully support parents, volvement in the parish. For cover their vocation as children Celebrating the sacraments of initiation in their proper clergy, catechists, teachers and some, this may require a shift of God. The parish is the Eucha- the entire parish community in in thinking, but the truth is that ristic community and the heart order (Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion) and each of their various roles tied to faith formation and sacramental of the liturgical life of Christian implementing comprehensive youth ministry raising children in the faith. preparation for children of all families; it is a privileged place Under the guidance of the di- ages require parental involve- for the catechesis of children and ocesan Offices of Religious Edu- ment. This is not a new idea! parents” (CCC 2226). SCHEDULE OF ARTICLES cation and the Hawaii Catholic Ever since Vatican II, the church As parents grow in their own April 24: Bishop’s message Schools, catechists and teachers has had a renewed emphasis on faith and understanding, they are will work together to revise reli- parents as the primary religious better able to assist their child in May 8: 1. Proper theological order of the sacraments of initiation gion curriculum standards, poli- educators of their children. St. doing the same. And as families May 22: 2. History and evolution of the sacraments of initiation cies, and review text books and John Paul II constantly called deepen their relationship with June 5: 3. Religious education and Catholic schools: Sharing supplemental teaching materials for parishes (and schools) to Christ, then so too are our parish responsibilities; family, church, school on the proper order. Diocesan help families become a domes- and school communities enliv- offices will offer training and tic church, a place where faith ened and enriched by their faith. June 19: 4. Comprehensive youth ministry: Empowering young consultation in the use of educa- is taught and lived both in word With the implementation of the people tional resources and workshops and deed. proper order of the sacraments July 3: 5. Listening sessions: An invitation to give witness to Jesus on family ministry. On the role of parents and of initiation, our parishes and Grade-based faith formation the parish, the “Catechism of schools are being asked to consid- classes in parishes and schools the Catholic Church” states: er how we might create an even will continue. Preliminary prepa- “Through the grace of the sacra- more welcoming environment for life in Christ. Jesus offers us life proper order are encouraged to at- ration for Confirmation and first ment of marriage, parents receive families — one that includes as- through the waters of Baptism. tend one of the listening sessions Holy Communion will take place the responsibility and privilege of sisting parents with catechizing Jesus strengthens us in Confirma- scheduled for their island. Most at age six and a more intentional evangelizing their children. Par- their children — one that empow- tion and, of course, Jesus sustains importantly, we ask you to offer and focused preparation at age ents should initiate their children ers parents and children to live us with his body and blood in the a prayer of gratitude to God — it seven. Expectations for children at the early age into the myster- out their faith in the world. Eucharist. They infuse us with di- is he who offers, strengthens and receiving the sacraments will be ies of the faith of which they are Our series title “Offer, Strength- vine gifts — gifts that keep on giv- sustains us … through the grace of age-appropriate. They should the ‘first heralds’ for their chil- en, Sustain” refers to the intimate ing throughout our life’s journey in the sacraments of initiation. understand that their Baptism is dren” (CCC 2225). connection of the three sacra- faith. being completed with the gift of “Education in the faith by ments of initiation. These sac- Persons interested in learning Jayne Mondoy is the diocesan director the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, the parents should begin in the raments mark the beginning of more about implementing the of the Office of Religious Education. Maui Catholic Christian Store

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Each year, the Hawaii Catholic Herald salutes its outstanding graduating seniors by asking local Catholic high schools to submit the Devan Kahale Ibous Odessa Tolentino Jennifer Lum Eislee Nakamasu Jaylieen Cesneros names and photos of their top awardees. These students exemplify a Saint Marianne Cope Principal’s Award, Leadership Award Service Award Valedictorian dedicated commitment to Catholic values, academics and athletics. Award, Religion Award Salutatorian


Matteo Muehlhauser Isaiah Nakamura Kenneth Go Ryan Keiichi Moriwake Cody Akihiro Shishido Andrew Ka Wong Joshua Hidalgo Tanner La’akeaokalani Valedictorian, Gold Medal Salutatorian, Silver Medal Viriliter Age Award, Valedictorian, Salutatorian Salutatorian, Ancheta Atiburcio for Academic Excellence, for Academic Excellence, Bronze Medal for Academic Marianist Centennial Award Activities Award The Trustees’ Award Scholar Athlete Award Gold Medal for Proficiency Gold Medal for Proficiency Excellence, Gold Medal for in Social Studies in English, Japanese, Science Proficiency in Religion

Taniela Tuihalafatai Axel Huss Alika Vendiola Aga D. Gagarin Larry Michael Oloali’i Christopher Hiroshi Charldon Kauihou James Kensei Christian Brothers Award Hahai’oe ia’u “Follow Me” Br. Thomas B. Regan Collegian Award, Student Goeas Paul Ilar Leleo, Jr. Yonemura Scholar Athlete Award, Body President Award, Service Award Crusader Award Saint Christopher Award The Father William Monarch The President’s Award O’Connell, S.M., Award Award


Hana Ito Jhanielle Vinluan Victoria Lee Angela Zhen Jessica Manuel Jaclyn Sakamoto Kristen Kate Tumacder Valedictorian Salutatorian Aymer Award (For the Valedictorian Libert Award (For Coudrin Award (Outstand- Theology Award (For student who best typifies the outstanding leadership and ing contributions made to the outstanding achievement in spirit of the Academy) school service) Campus Ministry Program) Catholic doctrine and living)


Jonathan A. Ibanez Edlene V. Coloma Hamilton Ioanis Joseph Cardoza II YeongGyeong Song Fiona Follett Sarina Wyrick Derick Crelencia Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Brother Robert Bader Saint Damien Christian Valedictorian, Salutatorian, U.S. Army Student Achievement Award Pastor’s Award (Gifts & General Excellence, Scholas- Mother Mary Joseph (Christian Man) Award, Service Award Cardinal Spirit Award (Loy- Reserve National Scholar- Talents in Service to Parish tic Excellence, Saint Mari- (Christian Woman) Award, Blessed William Chaminade alty & School Spirit), Athlete Award, Y.M.I & Church Community) anne Public Service Award, Female Scholar Athlete, Achievement Award St. Joseph Red & Gold Mac Fernandes Award 4.0+ Scholars Medal 4.0+ Scholars Medal Award (Leadership) (Outstanding Participation in Student Government)

Yusuke Yamagami Colby Tam Hannah Parker Michael Fernandez Jake Galves Ciara Jardin Harriet Salvador-Smith School Service Award, Male Athlete Female Athlete Male Scholar Athlete Father Pouzot Award Saint Marianne Cope, O.S.F. Y.M.I Mac Fernandes Award 4.0+ Scholars Medal (Spirit & Values of Award (Franciscan Witness (Outstanding Participant in St. Joseph School) to the Christian Vocation) Student Government) 10 JUNE 5, 2015 HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD JUNE 5, 2015 11 CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2015








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Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary, LLC “Planning is Caring” Full service mortuary • Cremation services Crypts, niches & urn plots 2233 Nuuanu Ave., Honolulu, HI 96817 • (808) 537-5255 Always Flowers Full Service Florist Todd Oshiro Lead Event & Design Consultant 1639 Liliha Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 (808) 536-5522 | Fax (808) 536-1352 HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz email: [email protected] website: alwaysflowers808weddings.com Convocation break Facebook: always flowers 808 weddings Island priests take time for some fun and group pictures May 20 at the diocese’s annual Priests’ Convocation at Turtle Bay Resort. The convocation is a weeklong break from parish work for local clergy, who gather at the North 5% offwitLohthiscsGoupon.arcia’s(one pertable) Shore of Oahu for prayer, liturgies, seminars and fellowship. Bienvenidos! Chaminade receives $500K for athletics facilities Chaminade University of Ho- cellos. Chaminade president Mari- AuthenticMexican Food •The Best Around nolulu last month announced Private foundations donated anist Brother Bernard J. Ploeger Sun-Thur 11am-9pm •Fri &Sat 11am-6pm receiving $500,000 in major gifts the remaining $200,000. called the athletic facilities “long 261-0306 which will go toward the building The women’s volleyball overdue.” 14 Oneawa St.Kailua, HI 96734 of a new coaches’ office complex, coach’s office will be named af- “They will help us build a rich- one phase in the development of ter Vasconcellos, and the men’s er campus life for all of our stu- the school’s new intercollegiate basketball coach’s office will be dents, faculty and staff for many athletics facilities. named after the Wilsons. Con- years to come,” he said in a news The donation includes struction for the office complex release. $300,000 from longtime Chami- will begin this summer and is Chaminade athletics director Come and Visit Us! nade supporters including two slated for completion in Decem- William Villa said the new facili- members of its board of regents. ber. ties will “serve as a home away The donors are board member The overall intercollegiate from home for our student ath- Carolyn A. Berry Wilson and her athletics facilities project will letes, coaches and greater cam- husband Capt. David G. Wilson, include fully equipped locker pus community as we continue and the university’s new board rooms and training amenities on to grow our Silverswords’ athlet- chairman, Vaughn G.A. Vascon- the lower campus. ics tradition.”

Hawaii Catholic Herald 3L Welding Testing & Inspection 94-460 Ohapali Street, Waipahu Hawaii 96797 Classified Advertising Phone: (808) 888-0591: Cell (808) 294-0573: E-mail [email protected] Reach 16,000 Hawaii Louie Q. Yco Services Offered: Catholic homes for pennies NDE LEVEL II SNT-TC-1A IBC Special Inspector for Structural Welding; AWS-CWI #96120901 Concrete; Reinforcing Steel; Pre-stressing ICC-ICBO #5244202-49 Steel Tendons; Masonry; Bolts Installed in 1 time...... 20¢ a word HI State Inspector S1-194 Concrete; Shotcrete; High Strength Bolting; 2 times...... 18¢ a word ACI Certified #052925 Fireproofing; Uplift Ties; Shear Wall & 3 times...... 15¢ a word Soil Technician Diaphragm; Welding Procedure & Welders Membership: AWS; ACI; ICC Quali.; Ultrasonic Flaw Detection; MT; PT 4 or more...... 12¢ a word For the Islands’ and the Pacific’s BEST Payable in advance. Copy and payment due 9 days before Catholic books and Bibles • Prayerbooks publication date. Religious Articles • Apps and E-books Mail: Classified Ads, Hawaii DVDs and Music CDs Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, And lots of new titles for children... Honolulu, HI 96813. Phone: 585-3300 1143 Bishop Street, Honolulu 96813 808-521-2731 Fax: 585-3381 Email: [email protected] Our new hours The Herald reserves the right to Monday & Saturdays: 10 am - 4 pm CELEBRATING LIFE refuse any advertisement. Tuesday-Friday: 9 am - 5 pm Sundays: closed HONORING MEMORIES FOR SALE We offer a full range of funeral and memorial services HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL, “Mount We validate parking at the Century Square garage only. from traditional to contemporary ceremonies involving burial and cremation arrangements of all faiths. Calvary Circle”, One plot, $5500. Call 456-3279. The Daughters of Assisting the families of Hawaii since 1967 St. Paul 2 Locations to serve you HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL, “Mount of the Honolulu MILILANI MEMORIAL PARK & MORTUARY Calvary 2”, 5 plots, Best Offer. Mililani Memorial Park Road, at Ka Uka Blvd. Call 735-8418. Community MILILANI DOWNTOWN MORTUARY are here 20 S Kukui Street, Honolulu, 96813 To advertise in the Hawaii to serve you! Please Contact Us at 677-5631 Ext 3 P.O. Box 457, Pearl City, Hawaii 96782 Catholic Herald, call Shaina Visit our Website at www.mililanimemorial.com Caporoz at 585-3328 JUNE 5, 2015 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII/WORLD 13

Confirmation anointing Bishop Larry Silva anoints with chrism the forehead of a young parishioner at St. Anthony Church, Kailua, as part of the Rite of Confirmation during an evening Mass, May 28. The bishop has been administering the sacrament of Confirmation at various parishes around the Islands, through which con- firmandi are bestowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz

Pope Francis lists abortion, unsafe workplaces, terrorism, war among ‘attacks on life’ By Laura Ieraci away mentality, and urged its Catholic News Service members to “relaunch a renewed culture of life.” VATICAN CITY — Abortion, aban- “To love life is to care always for doning migrants at sea, unsafe others, to want their good, to cul- working conditions, malnutrition, tivate and respect their transcen- terrorism and euthanasia are all dent dignity,” he said. “attacks on life,” said Pope Francis. Pope Francis told association In an audience with members members to be “unafraid of under- of the Italian Science & Life As- taking fruitful dialogue with the sociation May 30, the pope said entire world of science, even with “life is a gift” and urged more re- those who do not profess to be be- flection on how people are treated lievers but who remain open to the throughout all stages of life. mystery of human life.” “The degree of progress of a Underlining the vital link be- civilization is measured precisely tween science and life, the pope by its capacity to care for life, es- said “it is the miracle of life in its pecially in its most fragile phases,” unfathomable depths that gives he told the association, which had rise to and accompanies the scien- gathered its members in Rome the tific journey.” previous day to mark its 10th an- “Christ, who is the light of hu- niversary. mankind and of the world, illu- “When we speak of humanity, minates the path so that science let us never forget the attacks on may always be knowledge at the the sacredness of human life,” he service of life,” he said. “When this said. “The plague of abortion is an light ceases and when knowledge attack on life. Allowing our broth- is no longer in touch with life, it ers and sisters to die in boats in becomes sterile.” the Strait of Sicily is an attack on He urged scientists to maintain life. Death at the workplace, be- a high regard for the sacredness cause minimum safety conditions of human life, “so that science is are not respected, is an attack on really at the service of humankind life. Death because of malnutrition and not humankind at the service is an attack on life. Terrorism, war, of science.” violence, euthanasia as well, is an It is thanks to scientific analysis, attack on life.” he said, that the church reaffirms The pope affirmed the associa- “a just society recognizes the pri- tion’s work as important, especial- macy of the right to life, from con- ly in a society marked by a throw- ception until its natural end.” Report: Papal encyclical named after St. Francis prayer of praise By Cindy Wooden clined to confirm the title of the Catholic News Service document and the release date, although it also declined to say VATICAN CITY — Pope Fran- Father Costa was wrong. cis’ encyclical on the environ- “Laudato sii” is the introduc- ment will be titled “Laudato tory phrase to eight verses of St. Sii” (Praised Be), a line from St. Francis of Assisi’s famous prayer Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of thanking God for the gifts of cre- Creatures,” and will be released ation. June 16, said the head of the Vat- “Praised be you, my Lord, with ican publishing house. all your creatures, especially Sir Salesian Father Giuseppe Cos- Brother Sun, who is the day, and ta, speaking at an event in Naples through whom you give us light,” May 30, told reporters that pub- one of the first lines says. lishers from around the world The prayer also praises God had been asking for the rights to for the gifts of “Sister Moon,” reprint “Laudato Sii” when it is “Brother Wind,” “Sister Water,” released in mid-June. “Brother Fire” and “Sister Mother The Vatican press office de- Earth.” 14 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • JUNE 5, 2015 Mary Adamski VIEW FROM THE PEW Ceasefire Sunday his is a weapon free zone.” That was the sign on en- the clamor of different tongues. The story in Wilton, Wis., was far from the streets of goes that God decided to “confuse the Milwaukee in more than geography. Faces try door of the assisted living apartments we visited language” after an early band of humans in the almost totally haole congregation recently. It echoed the instructions on the doors of got above themselves and planned to were a reflection of the generations of Eu- build a city with a tower that would reach ropeans who settled in the rich farmland restaurants, supermarkets and malls: “No handguns heaven. And theirs was a modest version more than a century earlier. They knew “Tor other weapons permitted” or “All weapons prohibited on these compared to the high, high high-rises that each other. I’m sure some noted there premises.” Our friends and family in Wisconsin don’t even blink at drive people to take God’s name in vain. was a stranger sitting in the third pew; I But this isn’t a diatribe about the godaw- suspect some pious busybodies also count those cautionary notes, but it sent chills through a visitor to this ful future vision of our Honolulu skyline. who is absent on any given Sunday. state which isn’t liberal about many things anymore but is adamant- This is a mourning wail from a visitor who loves this place now wracked with Babel in Wilton, Wisconsin ly liberal about putting guns in the hands of seemingly all comers. deadly violence, where people infected I wondered if anyone but me was re- flecting on the irony of the story of the On our first Sunday in town, Milwau- as peace while gangs thrive. with distrust, despair, anger, hatred, fear and addiction don’t seem willing or able dysfunction described in the Babel story. kee Mayor Tom Barrett made the rounds I was pondering the situation at Pen- Their pastor for the past year is a priest of several churches calling for community tecost Sunday Mass in a small village to communicate with or understand what others are saying, even when the speak- from India. Father Peter Anphonisamy help in curbing violence. He particularly church a couple weeks after Ceasefire Chinnatan speaks precise English; he may visited churches in the inner city areas, Sunday. There in a reading for the vigil ers are trying to offer help or redemption. Don’t get me wrong, the newspaper is also even be eloquent at times. But the rhythm the scenes of the worst violence. He calls of Pentecost was the story of the tower of of his speech throws people, creating a his annual interfaith drive-by “Ceasefire Babel. Ancient though it is, the tale strikes full of stories about summer job programs for youths and efforts by community, Babel-like situation. Perhaps the benefit of Sunday.” Can we in Hawaii even get our a chord in 2015. living amid the speech cadences of Hawaii heads around such a concept? When you watch politics or conflicts ethnic, faith and government groups to intervene in the drug culture and uplift people was what helped me do a fair job Barrett told the congregation at New unfold on the news or try to engage in a of following his train of thought unaided. young people. The variety of cultures is Covenant Baptist Church that “We have to dialogue with your boss or your medical The Indian pastor is trying to bridge celebrated each weekend throughout the love our young men and we have to cre- insurance provider or the kids’ teacher or the language barrier by distributing a summer with one after another ethnic fes- ate hope in their lives.” He said, “We have even within the family — all speaking the printed copy of his homily. I found that tival at the shore of Lake Michigan. People to have a police department where people same language but at the same time not a sadly separating thing, as everyone sits flock to share each other’s food, music, respect the police and the police respect understanding each other — the Babel with chin on chest reading along. No eye the community.” story comes to mind. arts and fun, but each weekend celebrates contact, no sympathetic faces to see in Milwaukee seems to have a church The Hebrew sages tried to explain how a separateness, too. your audience, no spontaneity. I’m one of on every fifth street corner — who knew humankind drifted apart, from all speak- The serene Pentecost celebration in the those who prefers to listen to the scrip- there are so many Lutherans! It’s prob- ing the same language of the Creator into small congregation of St. John the Baptist tural selections at Mass. Reading along ably not unique in grassroots America that turns it from being a potential spiritual there is such a proliferation of Catholic experience to being the editor or critic of and Protestant churches, synagogues and, a performance, in my opinion. nowadays, mosques per square mile. They “As fragile human beings, we know the don’t have a billboard ban so the theme of experience of living in fear and being anx- the next sermon, profound or cute, is pro- ious and worried about many things, some moted on the sign outside. Peace seemed of which exist only in our imagination,” Fa- to be a favorite theme, according to my ther Peter said, remembering the apostles passing perusal. But they don’t seem to cowering inside, before the Pentecost expe- have a successful formula for practicing rience gave them courage and eloquence what they preach. which was described by the Scripture This city has seen 56 homicides since writer as the exact reversal of Babel. Jan. 1, triple the toll of last year, and “The story of Babel was not about literally hundreds of assault cases. The language, it was about communication,” hometown news in recent weeks showed said Father Gene Trainer later at a family the count escalating with one particularly reunion where communication was in no egregious episode at a memorial vigil for way hindered. “People can make them- a murder victim, where five mourners in- selves understood despite language.” cluding the mother of the deceased were Father Peter recalled that Jesus told the injured in a hail of gunfire. disciples what possessing the Holy Spirit This is a not a southern city where ra- will mean, conversion from self-centered cial divide is ingrained or a culture where lives to loving concern and willingness to it’s police versus anyone young, dark- forgive others. He examined Jesus’ words, skinned and hanging out with friends of “what sins you shall forgive … what sins the same profile. It’s not Detroit made you shall retain,” interpreted by the Cath- desperate with the dearth of available em- olic Church as the authority of priests in ployment and government dysfunction. the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It’s not a place where education is denied “It was once thought that the com- to the lowest or slowest; the voucher mand of Jesus to forgive or retain sins system puts poorer children into Catholic was addressed only to priests,” said Father and other private schools at taxpayer ex- Peter. “Now it is clear that this charge is pense. addressed to all followers of Jesus. We must accept the wonderful and awesome The gemutlichkeit spirit responsibility of offering or withholding Early in my life as a Hawaii resident, I forgiveness. would expound on the concept of gemut- “The sin of omission looms large and lichkeit, the German word that used to should make us all examine our con- define Milwaukee, translating to hospital- sciences in regard to the many times that ity and open friendliness, the point being we may have persisted in nursing old inju- that the aloha spirit lives elsewhere under ries,” said the Indian priest. “It is of course different guises. Now on a visit to this very difficult to achieve such an ideal of land of my roots, deep in the American forgiveness.” heartland, settled by waves of poor immi- Had he stood in any pulpit of the grants — from the Germans, Poles, Scan- violence-ridden city 300 miles away, he dinavians, Irish of past generations to the might have heard a chorus of amens. Hmong people of Cambodia — who just If only someone would succeed in wanted a chance and a safe place to work translating that very seed of peace into hard and thrive, I am sad and sorry. Their a program that would work — among descendants have migrated again, evacu- warring gangs, among people separated ating the city center which is now home by whatever barriers of race, language, to black and Hispanic residents whose belief, geography. dream is no less than theirs was. The drug If only people would approach commu- culture and violence it breeds has cast a nication armed with sincere speech, and pall. People are trapped. Hope is as sparse not with weapons.

CNS photo JUNE 5, 2015 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD FEATURES 15 Msgr. Owen F. Campion CORPUS CHRISTI Catechesis Nourishment Father Kenneth Doyle from God, is God QUESTION CORNER Exodus 24:3-8; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

he Book of Exodus is the source of this feast day’s first reading, Confirmation at a high school? the story of an event that oc- Recently, at a Catholic boys’ high school, the Cremation has been permitted in Athe Catholic Church since 1963. curred as the Hebrews were priest who is the campus minister gave first holy However, as explained in an appen- Tmaking their way across the Sinai Pen- Communion and also (during the same ceremo- dix to the church’s Order of Chris- tian Funerals, the church teaches insula, in flight from Egypt and slavery. Q ny) the sacrament of confirmation to six young that the cremated remains are to be To modern ears, the story may sound gruesome, men. I’m certain that the priest received permission from treated with the same reverence as giving the details as it does of the ritual sacrifice of a body of the deceased. This means a young bull. It is necessary to recall that these in- our bishop to do this, but I have two questions. that the cremains are to be placed in structions were given long ago First, isn’t the local parish the that such a ceremony is best held in a worthy vessel and, following the Also long ago they passed out of Jewish religious place where these sacraments a parish (again, there is no canoni- religious services, to be buried or ceremonies, but the meaning of these ancient sacri- should be administered? And sec- cal mandate), I agree that normally entombed in consecrated ground. fices still has a message. For example, the ceremony ond, this ceremony took place a it is wise (for the long-term benefit) Without knowing the religion of in this case required that the blood be sprinkled on week before Easter, but I thought to “plug the student in” to his local your parents but guessing that they the people. that converts were supposed to be parish. In this situation, though, the may have been Protestant, I can tell The idea was that life in a special way resided in brought into the church at the Eas- chaplain may have decided that the you that cremation is widely ac- the blood of a creature. It is not difficult to under- ter Vigil. (City of origin withheld) “teaching opportunity” outweighed cepted in the Protestant churches stand how this notion originally arose. The ancients and that there are generally no the rest. had a very limited knowledge of physiology, but I have no doubt that the priest strictures as to the final disposition you speak of had permission they knew if the blood stopped flowing, the creature A The cremains of non-Catholic of the ashes. died; if enough blood escaped from the body due to to confirm the young men in ques- Since your parents were under injury, then death followed. tion. While the ordinary minister of I am a Catholic convert, and no obligation to follow Catholic Offering the bull to God made the bull holy. Its confirmation is the diocesan bishop, Q I learned recently that the guidelines, I think you can feel com- blood therefore was holy, and that meant the blood there are a number of circumstances church discourages keeping the fortable in honoring their wishes somehow was touched by God’s own life. By sprin- in which the church’s canon law remains of cremated relatives in the and keeping their remains in your kling this blood on the people, they in turn were permits a priest to do this. The most home. My mother and father (both home, where I am sure they are be- touched by God in a special way. common one, as stated in Canon of whom were non-Catholic) specifi- ing treated with honor and respect. Beyond these circumstances, the lesson is that 883, No. 2, is when a “presbyter cally requested no funeral service I have never before heard the from the earliest stages of Revelation, God used (priest) ... baptizes one who is no and no burial at their passing. They theory you propose, that keeping processes and materials that people understood and longer an infant or admits one al- opted instead for cremation, an cremains at home precludes the de- could access to assist them in expressing themselves ready baptized into the full commu- in-home wake and asked that their ceased from moving on to heaven — nion of the Catholic Church.” in their religious faith. cremains be kept by me, their only and to be honest, that doesn’t make As you indicate, adult converts The Epistle to the Hebrews is one of the New Tes- child. I followed all of their desires, much sense to me: How would are usually received into the church people be any more “trapped” in an tament’s most eloquent sources for knowledge about including keeping their cremains in the person, and the mission, of the Lord. This feast’s at the Easter Vigil, but the ceremony urn on your mantelpiece that in an my home. Now, I wonder whether I selection is no exception. is not restricted to that one night. I urn in the cemetery? am doing wrong. This particular reading stresses that Jesus is the imagine, in this situation, the school My strong suspicion is that your perfect victim of sacrifice as well as the great high would have been closed for vacation Also, is there any concern that parents are already at peace with priest. The sacrifice of bulls is no longer necessary. over Easter; the priest probably de- keeping cremains in the home the Lord in heaven, regardless of In its place is the sublime offering of the innocent cided that, for all of the students to somehow “traps” a person here on where their ashes now rest. Lamb of God, Jesus the Lord. be able to see (and be inspired by) earth and keeps them from moving The three Synoptic Gospels report the Last Sup- their classmates taking these steps on to heaven — or is that simply Questions may be sent to Father Ken- per and the institution of the Eucharist by giving the in faith, the ceremony should be something made up by “ghost- neth Doyle at askfatherdoyle@gmail. actual words used by Jesus, “This is my body,” “This held earlier. hunting” shows on television? (Co- com and 40 Hopewell St., Albany, N.Y. is my blood.” With regard to your suggestion rydon, Indiana) 12208. In this feast day’s case, the reading is from Mark’s Gospel. Before the mention of the meal itself, the Gospel says that Jesus sent two disciples into the city. He told them that they would see a man car- Beatitudes rying a water jar. They should follow this man. The Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. man will go to a house, Jesus said, whose owner the disciples should encounter and ask for a room in which the Lord and the disciples could gather to eat the Passover meal. It is an interesting passage. It reveals that the Last Supper, and all that happened at the Last Sup- per, were utterly within the Providence of God. It was no ordinary meal. God planned that it would provide the means for uniting with Jesus. Reflection Biblical scholars long have looked at the words, “This is my body,” “This is my blood.” They often view it from a denominational perspective. In other words, many Protestant scholars see them as sym- bolic. Catholics see them as literal. The early church, by the way, saw them as literal. Strictly from the standpoint of the language, the words are brief, direct and clear. Look at them with- out any predispositions. Read them as they appear. The message is unambiguous. The bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. This holy body and blood actually become part of the person who consumes them, as the body absorbs any nourishment. In this consumption, the person becomes one with Christ, and Christ with the per- son. Christ is God. The nourishment therefore is from God and is God. It intimately unites us with God, Holy Com- CNS photo/Stringer, EPA munion. Refugees from Myanmar and Bangladesh are seen in their boat before their rescue by fisherman in Julok, Indonesia, May 20. 16 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • JUNE 5, 2015 Spiritualife

Father Ron Father John Rolheiser Catoir Contemporary writers in spirituality Making Mass mong those who write in the area of spirituality „„ Rabbi Abraham Heschel: Ameri- can, Jewish, Rabbi. Exceptional more meaningful today, who’s being read? Here’s my list of spiri- spiritual commentaries on the Jew- tual writers who are highly influential today in ish Scriptures. Widely read and oing to Mass can be boring or fascinating, respected. depending on what you bring to it. the English-speaking world: „„ Rob Bell: American, Evangelical, For some, the Mass is a joyless experi- A popular-evangelist. A brilliant young ence: The priest mumbles, the babies cry, „„ Henri Nouwen: Dutch/American, „„ John Main: British/Canadian, Gyour head aches or perhaps all of the above happen voice. Good balance, good insights, Roman Catholic, priest. Perhaps the monk, a popular, trustworthy guide and an exceptional capacity to speak at the same time. It makes you wish you had stayed most widely-read and most-influen- on contemplative prayer. to a contemporary audience. home. When distractions like that pester me, here’s tial among all contemporary authors „„ Laurence Freeman: British, „„ Rick Warren: American, Evange- how I cope. in spirituality. monk, another trustworthy guide on list. Stunningly popular across de- I imagine the whole ceremony as one narrative „„ Thomas Merton: Roman Catholic, Contemplative prayer nominational lines. His book, “The with a beginning, middle and end. I see the church monk, one of the most influential „„ Kathleen Norris: American, Pres- as the bride of Christ participating in an act of love. spiritual writers in the past 100 years. byterian, lay, Oblate of St. Benedict. Purpose-Driven Life,” has sold over 30 million copies worldwide, and is United with him, we become one mystical body, and „„ C.S. Lewis: British, layman, An- Deeply immersed in the tradition worth the read. we present ourselves to the Father. For me, entering glican. Well-known across both reli- of the Desert Fathers and equally the inner life of the Trinity is never boring. „„ John Allen: American, Roman gious and secular circles. Brought a attuned to our spiritual struggles In this narrative, I unite with Jesus and the people literary genius to his articulation of within contemporary culture. Catholic, layman, journalist. Most everyone’s ear-to-the ground vis- of God in a mystical union, which I envision through the Christian faith. „„ Trevor Herriot: Canadian, lay- the eyes of faith. Together we offer ourselves to the Fa- à-vis what’s happening ecclesially „„ Jim Wallis: American, Evan- man, Roman Catholic. A powerful ther. At the offertory, we bring gifts of bread and wine around the world. gelical, layman, popular-evangelist, apologia for protecting nature, but to express our desire to please God. Then the Divine „„ Joyce Rupp: American, Roman social activist, social organizer. The his more explicit spiritual writing Lover gives himself right back to us at the consecration. Catholic, nun. Good, insightful, par- closest our age has to a “Dorothy are highly reflective essays apposite The bride of Christ surrenders to the Father’s love ticularly popular with women. Day.” Widely read and respected the place and role of our sexual in a moment of sublime union. When you love some- „„ Michael Higgins: Canadian, across all denominational lines. energies in either protecting or de- one, you not only love the person in an abstract way, layman, Roman Catholic. Does a „„ Thomas Halik: Roman Catholic, spoiling nature. you appreciate being loved. One of the most obvious priest, Czechoslovakian, recent win- „„ Barbara Brown Taylor: American, lot of highly insightful journalistic characteristics of love is that the lovers enjoy being ner of the prestigious Templeton Episcopalian, priest, popular-evan- commentary on contemporary spiri- together. Hold that thought throughout the Mass. award. gelist. Strong literary writer with an tuality. The official biographer of Do you have the courage to think this way when „„ Parker Palmer: Quaker, layman, audience within secular circles. A Nouwen. you attend holy Mass? It may help you with the way American, much-respected across all unique blend of insight, scripture, „„ Joan Chittister: American, Ro- you experience the mystery unfolding before you. For- denominational lines. Has written tradition and balance. Always a man Catholic, nun. Powerful social get the priest, the choir and the sneezing that is going brilliantly on the spirituality of edu- worthwhile read. justice and feminist voice. Knows on all around you, and think like the psalmist: “My cation and on achieving a Christian „„ David Steindl-Rast: American, the tradition of monasticism very soul longs for you O God,” (Ps 42:2). balance in life. Roman Catholic, monk, had the well and draws key insights out of Pope Benedict XVI, in his encyclical, “God Is Love,” „„ Alan Jones: Episcopalian, priest, distinction of being Henri Nouwen’s its deep wells. applied this analogy even further. He wrote, “I want American. Wisdom drawn from the spiritual director. Writes with depth, „„ Paula D’Arcy: American, Roman my first encyclical to speak of the love which God lav- deep wells of Christian tradition. drawing many of his insights from Catholic, lay woman. Inspires a ishes upon us.” Practical spirituality with depth. the richness of monasticism. near-cult following among devotees He explained that God actually woos us. He lures „„ Carlo Carretto: Roman Catho- „„ Anthony de Mello: Indian, Ro- particularly apposite her spirituality us so that we will leave behind everything that is lic, hermit/monk, Italian. Carretto man Catholic, Jesuit. Brings the of healing. counterproductive to our union with him. spend many years living as a hermit insights of Buddhism and Eastern „„ Annie Dillard: American, Roman St. John the beloved disciple said the same thing, in the Sahara desert and writes out spiritualities into his articulation of Catholic (convert), lay. Her writings “God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in of that experience. Christian spirituality. invariably articulate an aesthetic God and God in him” (1 Jn 4:16). „„ Ruth Burrows: British, Carmelite, „„ James Martin: American, Roman and moral insight that is a natural Pope Benedict also said in his encyclical, “Love is nun. Deep insights into mysticism, Catholic, Jesuit. A key, young voice friend of religion. indeed ‘ecstasy,’ not in the sense of a moment of in- faith, and contemplative prayer. within spirituality today. Widely „„ Elizabeth Johnson: American, toxication but rather as a journey, an ongoing exodus Eminent common sense, blended popular, and deservedly so. Roman Catholic, nun. An excep- out of the closed inward-looking self toward its libera- with a deep knowledge of the mysti- „„ Anne Lamott: American, Episco- tional mentor for those searching tion through self-giving, and thus toward authentic cal tradition. palian, lay woman. A unique blend for a better intellectual apologia for self-discovery.” „„ Richard Rohr: American, Francis- of insight, Christian commitment, their faith. Jesus said basically the same thing, “Whoever can, priest, popular evangelist. Nu- and blistering iconoclasm. „„ Bill Plotkin: American, naturalist, seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever merous books on prayer, masculine „„ Marilynne Robinson: American, layman. Challenging writings vis- loses it will save it” (Lk 17:33). spirituality, addictions, overcoming novelist, Congregationalist. Not a à-vis the place of nature in shaping Apply this knowledge the next time you attend dualism, overcoming sectarianism, spirituality writer per se, but an ex- our souls. Mass. Put aside all the distracting sounds and sights finding balance in your life, scrip- ceptional novelist whose characters „„ Belden Lane: American, layman, around you and imagine your intimacy with God as a tural commentary. express her spirituality. An excep- naturalist, akin to Plotkin. purifying bath in the cleansing waters of Divine Love. „„ Wendy Wright: American, lay tionally bright apologetic voice. „„ My apologies to those I didn’t Pope Francis gave us some valuable insights into woman, Roman Catholic. A special- „„ Simone Weil: French, Jewish, name, particularly those young, how we can use this knowledge in our daily lives: ist regarding Francis de Sales and lay woman. Her writings manifest a emerging voices such as Kerry We- “Being a disciple means being constantly ready to Jane Chantel, but with wider writ- spiritual sensitivity and depth that ber, David Wells and Bill McGarvey, bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen ings, especially about the place of includes her in most discussions among others, who should be more unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city devotions within our spiritual lives. about contemporary spirituality. widely read. square, during work, on a journey.” „„ Peter Tyler: British, Roman „„ Etty Hillesum: Dutch, Jewish, As you leave the church after Mass, keep in mind Catholic, layman. A specialist in lay woman. Her writings exhibit an Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, that you are being sent into the world as an apostle of Carmelite spirituality. An emerging extraordinary insight into spiritual- teacher and award-winning author, is God’s love. The Holy Spirit will enlighten you along young voice. ity. And she backed them up with president of the Oblate School of Theol- the way. „„ Thomas Keating: American, Ro- martyrdom. ogy in San Antonio, Texas. He can be These words of Blessed Julian of Norwich have man Catholic, monk. The widely- „„ Scott Hahn: American, Roman contacted through his website www. helped me: “The greatest honor you can give to Al- accepted “canon” on contemplative Catholic, layman. Very popular, cat- ronrolheiser.com. He is also on Facebook mighty God is to live gladly, joyfully because of the prayer. echetical and instructional. www.facebook.com/ronrolheiser. knowledge of his love.” JUNE 5, 2015 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD FEATURES 17 Kathleen T. Choi Myfaith IN LITTLE WAYS Father Thomas Lead us not ecently, a friend told me that Gross, she always stumbles over the diocesan priest part of the Lord’s Prayer that VIRIDITAS: SOUL GREENING says, “Lead us not into tempta- Rtion.” She can’t believe God would de- liberately tempt us, so why mention it? Knowing when I agreed, but I couldn’t explain why the prayer is worded that way. to move on So I hit the Internet. Google offers almost 6 mil- Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP lion pages discussing and/or explaining that particu- Hawaii Catholic Herald lar phrase. I headed straight for the Vatican website and “The Catechism of the Catholic Church” (http:// awaii is a very special place. There is a unique hesitated to retire because I did not want to pull her out www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM). openness of the people here, they are much of such a supportive environment and change her situa- Section 2 is devoted to the Lord’s Prayer. Paragraphs more accepting and understanding of all kinds tion at her age. 2846 – 2848 deal specifically with “lead us not into of situations and each other. I am not leaving I still love celebrating the Mass. It is the main stabi- temptation.” Hbecause I do not like Hawaii. I love it a lot, I will miss it lizing factor in my life through which I find the most The New Testament was originally written in a lot. I really enjoy ministering to the wonderful people spiritual nourishment and refreshment. If all I had to Greek, then later translated into Latin and still later in this vibrant faith community and working with a do was to celebrate Mass every day, I would be fine. But into English. Translations are always tricky. Imagine wonderful church and clergy. It has been very life-giv- that is not the case in the life of a pastor. So I do plan trying to find one word to explain all that “aloha” ing. In my 40 years as a priest I have only been assigned to help out in parishes in Las Vegas. And who knows? means. A more exact translation of “lead us not …” to four parishes along with teaching in the seminary. If I do not like Vegas, I might come back to Hawaii for would be something like, “Don’t let us enter into This is a very good parish. Sometimes in life however good. temptation and don’t let us yield to temptation.” you need to make changes for certain reasons. And I pray that the parish will continue to be as wel- God never tries to trick us into sinning. “God is not when it comes to major life transitions, a lot of things coming, as faithful and as spiritual as it has been and subject to temptation to evil, and he himself tempts just kind of happened for me. continues to grow in these characteristics which I have no one” (James 1:12). I used to love administrative work and thought I seen during my time here. It has been a tradition in this However, temptation is part of life. Even Jesus would never retire. But when it came to the point that parish to help and encourage people in their faith. This was tempted. So it’s not realistic to ask God to I would go to meetings and sit there thinking, “When is good as it does not depend on me, it depends on the protect us from all temptation. Recognizing and re- is this going to be over?,” then it dawned on me that I people. I am appreciative of the parishioners and just sisting temptation are part of our spiritual growth. cannot do what I need to do anymore. I realized that enjoy being a beneficiary of journeying with them along Pope Benedict said this petition asks God to help us the administrative part of being a pastor was getting to their road to the Lord. do just that. He distinguished between trials, which be too much for me. I did not want to cheat the parish help us grow in goodness, and temptations, which because I did not have the energy anymore to put into Father Thomas Gross has been pastor of St. John Vianney can lead to sin and death. it. And because I could not put all of myself into the Church and School the past 19 years. He retires on June 30. An example might be illness. It’s a trial to behave work as I really should, I felt it was time to retire. He celebrated his 40th anniversary of ordination on his birth- well when we feel lousy. However, if we ask, God My mother Dorothy was also living here with me. day, Jan. 3, a birthday he shares with St. Damien. He has will help us. Sometimes, though, we don’t ask. We She was my only family until she passed away. She was been ministering in the Diocese of Honolulu for more than 40 give ourselves permission to be selfish or lazy just so much a part of our parish community here that I years. because we’re sick. That’s temptation, and we must ask God’s help to resist it. God will hear this prayer just as he hears our requests for our daily bread. As St. Paul writes, “No Father William J. trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your Byron, SJ strength; but with the trial he will also provide a LOOKING AROUND way out, so that you may be able to bear it” (1 Cor- inthians 10:13). In resisting temptation and in bear- If the mark made points to power ing our trials, we imitate Christ, who wrestled with and wealth, the message may well Satan in the wilderness. What is that graduation amount to a false signal leading To understand trials and temptations better, I eventually to self-enclosed unhappi- researched the next phrase, “Deliver us from evil.” ness in the long term. St. Matthew uses a Greek word that means “the Listen to the commencement ad- evil one.” Every individual moral struggle is part of speech really saying? dress that your own son or daughter the great war between good hears this year and then dissect it, and evil. Jesus has conquered never saw a hearse towing a U-Haul,” re- in the presence of your offspring, for In resisting sin and death. However, Satan marked a friend of mine the other day. He was the principles it presumes and the hasn’t quit trying to corrupt us. values it communicates. My friend temptation He’s still whispering that we talking about the problem of materialism in would begin that conversation by don’t have to love and serve contemporary life and the need to find ways of saying, “I never saw a hearse haul- and in bearing God all the time. Once in a “Iconvincing the young that there is a whole lot more to life ing a U-Haul, did you?” our trials, we while we can please ourselves. And depending on the answer Jesus answered that lie when than making money and piling up possessions. received, he will find himself lead- imitate Christ he said, “No one can serve two That comment about the hearse young people if you tell them that ing a conversation with promising masters” (Matthew 6:24). without a trailer is a good way to the good life — the really good life or poor prospects of arriving at the Finally, the catechism says open up the conversation with your — is the life lived generously in the conclusion that the good life is the this petition also asks for the grace to remain true son or daughter about what is really service of others. life lived generously in the service of to Christ until the very end. It’s a reminder that this important in life. This is graduation You won’t tell them this if you others. That’s where he hopes this “Our Father” could be our last. season, and it is interesting to no- don’t believe it yourself, and you kind of conversation will lead. The Lord’s Prayer was never intended to be a tice how commencement speeches surely won’t convince them that it is He knows he will be missing a theological essay. It’s up to us to think about what sometimes presume that the good true if your own value system con- good opportunity if he fails to open we’re saying before we begin. For help with that life is more a matter of having than tradicts it. it up. He also knows that if the right thinking, we look to Christ’s church and her leaders. being, of taking than giving, of If you have the opportunity to values are not in place, the next It’s their task to explain and clarify Jesus’ teaching achieving rather than relating. listen to or read a graduation talk round of decisions about career or for different times, places and cultures. I’m a little It is important, of course, to do this year, try to identify the domi- continuing education is one that is ashamed that I’ve been reciting this prayer for 70 something with your post-gradua- nant value that is being communi- likely to require preliminary repair years without asking for a fuller explanation. Thanks tion life, but it is a mistake to think cated. Often, the speaker is invited work to compensate for the failures to my friend, though, I can now say “lead us not that success is spelled with dollar to speak because he or she has of the education thus far received. into temptation” with greater understanding. One of $ign$ and that happiness depends some degree of fame and has made these days, I might even research the whole prayer! on having material wealth rather a mark in the world. If the fame Jesuit Father Byron is university pro- than on sharing one’s self with oth- is based on service, it is likely that fessor of business and society at St. Kathleen welcomes comments. Send them to Kathleen ers. the message will be an invitation to Joseph’s University, Philadelphia. Email: Choi, 1706 Waianuenue Ave., Hilo 96720, or email: It will be a revelation to many serve. [email protected]. [email protected]. 18 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • JUNE 5, 2015 Saints Columba circa 521 - 597 Diversions June 9 This abbot, one of Scot- land’s patron saints, was 5) Music born in Ireland. Also edu- Hawaii Catholic Who wrote and composed the popular cated and ordained in Ireland, Catholic hymn, “Here I am, Lord?” he spent 15 years preaching and a) J. Michael Joncas founding monasteries, including Derry, Durrow and Harold’s Quiz b) Marty Haugen Kells. But his clashes with King Diarmaid over a psal- c) Dan Schutte c) Faith ter copy and the rights of sanctuary resulted in a clan We’ll soon be back to Ordinary Time, d) John Foley feud and battle in which 3,000 men died. Columba, quizzicians. Summer is also upon us. d) Hope choosing exile as his penance, left for Scotland with Chill out, relax and learn more about 6) Church in Hawaii 12 kinsmen about 561 to found the island monastery your faith while you’re at it! More Catho- 3) Liturgy True or false: Blessed Sacrament Parish in of Iona. He evangelized the Picts and converted their lic trivia is here at your fingertips. Who composed the “Lauda Sion” sequence Honolulu is administered by the Blessed king. Iona monks went on mission all over typically recited during Masses on the 1) Saints Sacrament Fathers. and its monastic rule was the standard until the Rule Feast of Corpus Christi? of St. Benedict. Columba, also called Colmcille (for The feast of St. John Francis Regis is cel- a) St. Thomas Aquinas a) True ebrated June 16. Which of the following is Columba and cell), had enormous influence over b) St. John of the Cross b) False NOT true about him? Western monasticism. ©CNS c) Pope Urban IV a) He was a Jesuit priest 7) Other religions d) Pope Pius X b) He established homes and jobs for Ramadan, a month of fasting observed by at-risk women and children Muslims, begins at sundown June 17. The c) He was from 4) Religious orders name of this holy period comes from the d) He died at the age of 87 Before he founded the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Peter Julian Eymard Arabic root “ramida” or “ar-ramad,” which 2) Scripture was first a priest of a French diocese, and translates to what in English? a) “Prayerfulness” Joe Heller Fill in the blank from this popular verse in then a member of which order? the epistle to the Hebrews: “______is the a) Congregation of the Sacred Hearts b) “Repentance” realization of what is hoped for and evi- b) Marists c) “Sacred ritual” dence of things not seen.” c) Missionaries of Our Lady of La d) “Scorching heat” a) A miracle Salette b) Success d) Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Answers: 1) d, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) c, 6) b, 7) d

Scripture search PAT KASTEN Gospel for June 7, 2015 Catholic crossword Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 ACROSS 26 “Bind them 43 “___ you Following is a word search based on the Gospel upon your heart destroyed our 1 Amos’ vision of a always; ___ them death…” reading for the feast of the Most Holy Body and line (Am 7:7) Blood of Christ. The words can be found in all di- about your neck.” 45 Scottish Celt 6 Second word of (Prov 6:21) 46 Online letters rections in the puzzle. a New Year song 27 “For all the 48 Highway to title promises of God Fairbanks UNLEAVENED BREAD LAMB 10 Christ’s find their ___ in 50 Son of Jacob relationship to him.” (2 Cor 1:20) CITY CARRYING A JAR 51 Cardinal color the church (Eph 28 Adapted for new WATER FOLLOW HIM ENTERS 5:23) use 53 Christmas season GUEST ROOM BROKE IT BODY 14 Spine-tingling 32 E.T. from Melmac 55 Congregational initials 15 Like zero 34 Room within a A CUP THANKS MY BLOOD 58 Air (comb.) 16 Both (prefix) harem COVENANT FOR MANY FRUIT 60 The back of 17 “I will raise you 35 Capital of 61 Predict THE VINE DRINK THE KINGDOM up on eagle’s Vietnam 64 Jeremiah was ___…” 37 Medieval put in these (Jer 18 Republic in Africa concept that was SAID THE BLESSING never an official 20:1–2) 19 Permit escape teaching of the 68 Terrier of film C Y N A M R O F N A N A 20 Scarves Church 69 Coll. course 22 Charger A T J M O O R T S E U G 41 Esau and Jacob, 71 Biblical measure 24 Furniture wood to Rebekah 72 Gnostic being R A H J O U I W K N S D Answer to previous puzzle 73 Stigma borne by turned to salt 30 Jesus turned wandered here Hester Prynne 7 Acknowledge water into wine 54 Award R D K E I E T D L R P O here 74 Laminated rock 8 Continually find 55 Son of 31 Lace mat Y A N T K N H E E A D O 75 Vehicles fault with Abraham 33 Tree Jesus 76 Streetcar 9 “___ in excelsis 56 First of the I E I O C I A T C C M L Deo” cursed (Mk 77 Did a pool job twelve Minor N R R H D V N M E U J B 10 Angel’s hat? 11:14) Prophets 11 Very hard mineral 36 Become liable DOWN for 57 Engine G B D C E E K G F P O Y 12 Humiliate 59 Speeder 1 They fill the 38 Wise Men Y O F N J H S P D D F M 13 Embankments 62 Makes brown church 21 Caesar, for one 39 Prayer counter 63 Jedi master T R E W A T E R Y O H J 2 Princess from 23 Satan’s realm 40 Ye ___ Shoppe Alderaan 42 OT wisdom 65 Fellow I D F O L L O W H I M T 25 Republic in east 3 Jars Africa book 66 Cabbagelike C O V E N A N T A L L E 4 “How the ___ 28 Gaudete color 44 Strong winds plant have fallen” 29 Esau’s 47 Wife of Jacob 67 Garden storage © 2015 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com 5 Implore urgently descendants’ 49 Most tidy 70 Asian country, 6 His wife was land 52 The Israelites for short Hope • Confidence • Expectation NEWS Hawaii Catholic Herald Fortnight focuses on for the religious freedom young adult WASHINGTON – Threats to FRI 6/5/2015 19 religious freedom continue to Catholic emerge, making it more urgent Mana'olana for people of faith to take action to defend the full realm of reli- Movie Review | Aloha ings come first. gious practice, said Archbishop There’s abundant chemis- William E. Lori of Baltimore. try between Cooper and his Speaking during a May two winsome female co-stars. 28 webinar announcing the Stone’s performance is more fourth annual Fortnight for Take Hawaii, the military, love, sovereignty: mix of a revelation. Simultane- Freedom, Archbishop Lori called By John P. McCarthy ously luminous and awkward, she exhibits a real flair for on Catholics to learn about the Catholic News Service importance of religious liberty madcap comedy. Brian also NEW YORK — Hawaii’s allure throughout the history of the forms a sensitive bond with a as a tropical paradise derives United States and to actively third female character, Tracy’s from its pristine beaches, 13-year-old daughter, Grace promote free religious practice fragrant flora, colorful my- during the two-week period (Danielle Rose Russell). And thology, and air of laid-back the theme concerning the beginning June 21. hospitality. But the islands are superfluity of verbal commu- This year’s fortnight obser- also defined by their history nication is made explicit in a vance will open with Mass June as one of America’s most stra- hilarious scene between Brian 21 at the Basilica of the National tegic military outposts. and Tracy’s laconic husband, Shrine of the Assumption of At the beginning of Woody (John Krasinski). the Blessed Virgin Mary in “Aloha” (Columbia), writer- This is not to suggest mov- Baltimore. It closes with Mass director Cameron Crowe ies boil down to star power July 4 at the Basilica of the Na- (“Almost Famous,” “Jerry and actors’ charisma, or that tional Shrine of the Immaculate Maguire”) references the un- a successful romantic comedy Conception in Washington. easy coexistence of these two requires beautiful people “Religious freedom is not aspects of the 50th state using ogling one another. There something that stands alone. a montage in which images must be something sub- It’s not simply a legal question worthy of a tourism bureau stantial beneath the surface for the church. It pertains very ad alternate with footage of to trigger sparks. In effect, much to the new evangeliza- missiles and other martial CNS photo/Columbia Pictures “Aloha” argues that while the tion,” Archbishop Lori explained. assets being deployed. Bradley Cooper and Rachel McAdams star in a scene from the movie “Aloha.” connection between man and (Catholic News Service) What follows is a half- nature may be sacred, as the years after their breakup. Crowe aims for a loose, baked yet charming romantic elevated by its poignant ideal- native Hawaiians believe, a Urging support ism and terrific cast. Emma Stone plays Brian’s improvisational feel — aided, comedy that cautions against loving relationship between Bradley Cooper stars eager Air Force liaison, Capt. unfortunately, by some dizzy- for homosexuals privatizing the nation’s two individuals is more spiri- as Brian Gilcrest, a former Allison Ng. After they fall in ing handheld cinematography. WASHINGTON – The Catholic defenses, weaponizing space tual and more satisfying. serviceman turned military love, he questions the motives This off-the-cuff vibe cannot Church not only needs to and trampling on the rights The film contains an contractor with a checkered of his boss, billionaire indus- hide the fact he is firmly in provide pastoral care for those of indigenous peoples. As instance of off-camera non- personal and professional trialist Carson Welch (Bill control and that the movie with same-sex attraction but it a romantic comedy should, marital relations between a past. After being seriously Murray). Welch, who is fund- has a manufactured quality. should also make its teaching “Aloha” also celebrates the man and a woman, one use of virtues of opening oneself up injured while working in ing a mysterious space project Happily, Crowe never loses “accessible, understandable and rough language, several crude to others in pursuit of truly Afghanistan, he returns to for the U.S. government, has sight of something fundamen- compelling for people,” said the phrases, and some sexual meaningful relationships. the Aloha State where he was instructed Brian to convince tal about cinema, namely, director of a church apostolate innuendo. The Catholic News This mixture — one part once stationed and angles to the leader of Hawaii’s inde- the magic that occurs when that ministers to homosexuals. Service classification is A-II - screwball comedy, one part get his career back on track. pendence movement, Dennis performers establish pal- Father Paul Check, director adults and adolescents. The earnest tale of redemption His ex-girlfriend, Tracy “Bumpy” Kanahele (playing pable connections with one of Courage, said Catholics with Motion Picture Association of through love, and one part Woodside (Rachel McAdams), himself) to bless the construc- another and, consequently, same-sex attraction would be America rating is PG-13 - par- satire about the corrupting lives on Honolulu’s Joint Base tion of a facility to be built with the audience. “Aloha” is also more likely to “understand ents strongly cautioned. Some influence of money within the Pearl Harbor-Hickam with her on land native Hawaiians a reminder that the primary what the church teaches if it military-industrial complex — husband, a C-17 pilot, and consider sacred. draw of movies is nonverbal. material may be inappropri- became more plain to them that is highly unstable. Yet despite their two children. The mar- With his trademark use of Language, plot and ideas are ate for children under 13. they have a place in the church.” its flimsy plot structure and riage is wobbly and, evidently, rock ‘n’ roll music and a talent secondary means of expres- The priest, who considers McCarthy is a guest reviewer for conflicting tones, “Aloha” is Tracy still pines for Brian 13 for penning witty dialogue, sion; looks, moods and feel- Catholic News Service. himself “an advocate for an un- derserved population,” said the church’s teachings on chastity and contraception are not well Christina understood, and added that they are “all part of one tapestry Capecchi and they include the question, TWENTY SOMETHING obviously, of homosexuality.” One way to get this across will be through an international The call of the birds: slowing down and tuning in conference in August focusing on the church’s ministry to “The only essential equip- it delivered 118 paintings, of God’s creation. “People un- and solitude with Christ is homosexuals. The conference is ment for seeing birds is a pair maps, measurements and the derestimate the importance of very helpful to review my a lead-in to the World Meeting of eyes. Good ears are a help most lovingly gathered details. beauty in our lives,” she told week, give thanks to God and of Families in September and too.” The book celebrates every me. “It’s not practical, per se, get perspective,” Rachael said. the world Synod of Bishops on The first edition of “Birds: centimeter: yellow-crowned, but it is vital.” God’s call in her life may not ring out as clearly as a the family in October. (CNS) A Guide to the Most Familiar gray-cheeked, black-chinned, In her mind, most of us American Birds” smells like ruby-throated, rose-breasted, have blinders on, oblivious to Song Sparrow, but she’s al- Church must not an old missal and reads like a white-rumped. It conjures all the flights of fancy in our very lowing for the silence to hear ignore immigrants manual for living well — bird- their songs: “a low-pitched own backyards. “More young its faintest hums. ing as a hobby, a lifestyle and croak,” a “hoarse ‘quock,’” people should be birders,” she Like Rachael, the most vi- VATICAN CITY – Church a meditation. “harsh, rattling call,” “a deep, says. “They’re all buried in brant young Catholics I know leaders cannot be indifferent to Its intro is written in the penetrating hoot,” an “unfor- their phones.” embrace elements of the old the plight of immigrants, and it voice of a sensible grandma, gettable drumming sound.” Rachael has filled 10 jour- as they rely on the new. Their is “inexcusable” not to promote and the best lines in the 1949 “Birds” is not much bigger nals with penciled-in notes Instagram feeds show comic cooperation between a host Simon and Schuster book are than an iPhone 6 Plus and and has witnessed an array of books and vinyl records, knit- nation and countries of origin, the ones that got cut from feels like its antidote: a faded memorable moments: court- ting needles and calligraphy, Pope Francis told bishops from the 1987 edition released by ticket to a bygone era, an ing kinglets, dueling orioles, gardens, libraries, things that the Dominican Republic May 28. Golden Press: “Don’t be in a invitation to simpler living sipping hummingbirds, a take time. They are compelled The bishops were making hurry to buy [field] glasses.” through the tools we were stretching crow. Her favor- to insert the vintage amid the their “ad limina” visits to the “Practice is essential. Go look- born with, “a pair of eyes” and ite bird, she likes to say, is The American Birding Associa- modern, stimulated by the Vatican, meeting the pope and ing for birds as often as you “good ears.” whichever one she’s currently tion named Rachael Butek its contrasts, drawn to the tactile Vatican officials to report on the can.” “Dashing through the Rachael Butek, a 23-year- watching. 2010 Young Birder of the Year. in a touch-screen world. situations in their dioceses. woods will get you nothing old from Colfax, Wis., sees it This summer Rachael We can claim the oldest Noting the Dominican Re- but shortness of breath.” that way. She doesn’t look like is working as a wildlife Christian faith, the one with public each year receives a large There is none of the pan- your stereotypical birder of the technician for the Depart- on. the most patina, the first edi- influx of immigrants, especially icky, pandering language used silver-headed variety, but she ment of Natural Resources She filled out her applica- tion. We inscribe our name Haitians trying to escape pov- today by aging clubs in search can identify 100 birds by their and surveying the Chippewa tion for the internship during in its book, the ultimate field erty, the pope told the bishops of the next generation. No, song. County Forest through dozens eucharistic adoration at St. guide. John the Baptist in nearby that immigrants need pastoral this little cloth book lets you Birding has changed the of “point counts”: parking Christina Capecchi is a freelance and charitable care. (CNS) come to it. And what tremen- way she sees the world and herself in a specific point for Cooks Valley. She has the writer from Inver Grove Heights, dous rewards await if you do. deepened her Catholic faith, eight minutes, tallying the 7-to-8 Tuesday morning slot. Minn., and the editor of Sister- For the retail price of $1, attuning her to the intricacy birds there and then moving “Having that hour of peace Story.org. Hope • Confidence • Expectation Hawaii Catholic Herald

for the young adult FRI Mana'olana Catholic 6/5/2015 20 Quote “Turning two lives into one is also almost a miracle, a miracle of the freedom of the heart, given in faith” “I think really that the church needs to By Laura Ieraci noting the current culture is do a reality check, Catholic News Service indifferent to this teaching in Scripture. a reality check VATICAN CITY — Couples In a later summary of right across the who are seeking to marry, his catechesis in Spanish, board, to look at even those who have lived the pope said the current together, should value their “consumer culture” tries to the things it’s do- engagement period as a time turn love into an “object of ing well, to look at to grow in mature love and in consumption.” Instead, an the areas where we profound knowledge of each engagement “allows a man other, said Pope Francis. really have to start and a woman to mature in a The pope urged couples responsible decision regard- and say, ‘Look, not to rush into marriage. ing something so big that it have we drifted Maturation in love before cannot be bought or sold.” away completely marriage is a slow process, The distinction the church in which none of the steps maintains between engage- from young peo- should be skipped, Pope Fran- ment and marriage is pre- ple?’” | Archbishop Diarmuid cis told people at his weekly cisely to protect the profound Martin of Dublin, speaking to state general audience in St. Peter’s meaning of the sacrament broadcaster RTE as it became clear Square. of marriage, he said. It is May 22 that Ireland would become “The covenant of love important to revalue engage- the first country in the world to between a man and a woman, ment as “an initiation to the approve same-sex marriage by a covenant for life, cannot be surprise of the spiritual gifts popular vote. He described the improvised; it cannot be done with which God blesses and result as a “social revolution.” from one day to the next,” he enriches families,” he said. (Catholic News Service) said. The church, he said, offers There is no such thing as In the news marriage preparation courses “an express marriage,” he as an expression of its care for Obama’s visit an added. couples. In his Italian cateche- While it is “beautiful” sis, the pope noted that many ‘honor’ for priest that people today can choose couples come to marriage MIAMI – The priest prayed whom to marry, the “freedom preparation courses reluctant- an Our Father. The president of this bond” cannot be based ly. But they are grateful after- lit a candle. And while gazing simply on physical attraction ward for the opportunity to together at a revered image or feelings, he said. reflect on their relationship in of Cuba’s patroness, the priest Engagement allows a cou- profound ways because while reminded the president of the ple to do the profound and many have been together for suffering of Cuba’s people. “beautiful work of love” — a long time, and even live work that involves a profound Pope Francis: together, “they really do not “Only in the United States that’s possible,” said Father Juan “learning” of the other. know each other,” he said. Rumin Dominguez, rector of the “Love requires” this work, Engagement is also a time National Shrine of Our Lady of he said. for couples to rediscover Charity in Miami, as he recalled “The love between a man together the Bible, prayer — the whirlwind, unexpected visit and a woman is learned and Advice to lovers both personal and liturgical of President Barack Obama early is refined,” he said, adding — confession, Communion in the afternoon of May 28. that married love must be un- Take your time, grow in knowledge of one and fellowship with the poor, The president was on his way derstood more as something he said. Growing in these to the airport after attending a couples need to work on. another, be open to God’s surprises areas “leads to a beautiful Democratic fundraiser the night “Turning two lives into marriage celebration,” not before and spending the morning one is also almost a miracle, a CNS photo/Paul Haring one that is worldly but one miracle of the freedom of the Pope Francis accepts a gift from a newly married couple during his general audience in Paul VI hall that is Christian, he added. at the National Hurricane Center. at the Vatican Jan. 28. “For me it was an honor heart, given in faith,” he said. The pope also gave and a sign that we live in a free Citing the Book of Jeremi- engaged couples a read- country,” said Father Dominguez, ah, the pope noted that God ing assignment; Alessandro speaks of his covenant with preserved the distinction the “experience of conjugal erful symbols of the body Manzoni’s classic novel himself a Cuban exile. “To be between being engaged and love happily lived.” hold the keys to the soul.” able to tell President Obama to his people in terms of an en- “The Betrothed,” which is being married. In an oblique reference to “We cannot treat the his face about the feelings of gagement. Then, after a long the story of a couple who “They are not the same,” the physical intimacy some bonds of the flesh lightly, thousands of people who visit the road, God “marries his people remains faithful to each other shrine every day.” (CNS) in Jesus Christ,” he said. he said, adding that this couples share before mar- without opening some lasting throughout their engagement He said the church has teaching has been verified in riage, the pope said the “pow- wound in the spirit,” he said, despite much hardship. Saints under 40 Full-size faith The life of St. Pancras is largely LISA’S CATECHISM CORNER MAKANA’S HELPFUL HINTS a mystery, but tales of his bravery Church teaching explained to you Exciting ways to enhance young adult ministry and faith have made him a popular figure worldwide. St. Pancras What is necessary for a Christian marriage? I see you was born at YOUCAT*: A sacramental marriage has three necessary elements: (a) free “How old are you JP?” the end of the consent, (b) the affirmation of a lifelong, exclusive union, and (c) openness to We hold up our index finger. He looks back at his hands and wiggles his third century children. The most profound thing about a Christian marriage, however, is the little fingers. and is said couple’s knowledge: “We are a living image of the love between Christ and the The other morning, I was driving and I started rubbing my right ear. I to have been Church.” [1644-1654, 1664] turned around to check on JP and he was looking at me and rubbing his raised by his right ear too! I was recently at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Concep- uncle after his parents died. He Steph, JP and Lance (my family) are my vocation. If asked, I’d say I tion in Washington, D.C., where there is a mosaic of the Wedding Feast at Cana grew up in Rome and became a want nothing more than for them to know, love and serve the Lord with all and it made me think … summer is here (unofficially) which means lots of people devout Christian — to the point their heart, mind and soul. getting married. where he was beheaded in 304 at But what if that’s the problem? See, when JP successfully copied me, I age 14 for refusing to renounce So what’s necessary for a sacramental marriage? learned that I can’t do anything just to get my family to love God. All the his faith. One kane and one wahine make the lifelong commitment to each other freely times we’ve asked JP how old he is, we modeled the action just to get him The teenage saint is very and exclusively. “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God to do it and it never worked. popular in England, where a has joined together, no human being must separate.” (Matthew 19:6) So in the end, to get my family to love God, loving God must be what I district is named after him. The They must also be open to having keiki. During the Rite of Matrimony, husband want most for myself. devotion stems in part from St. and wife declare before God that they “accept children willingly and will bring Today’s reading comes from the book of Tobit, “When Tobit saw his Augustine of Canterbury, who them up in the practice of the Faith.” son, he threw his arms around him and wept. He exclaimed, ‘I can see dedicated his first church to St. Congrats and blessings to all those getting married this summer! you, son, the light of my eyes!’” Pancras. (www.catholic.org) *Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church Thank you son, I love you. Lisa Gomes is the director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Makana Aiona is the diocesan coordinator for Young Adult Ministry.