New School Plan Keeps the Local Program Started in 1972 for Human Development, Sexuality and Grades 4,5 and 6
Rage 16 CRANFORD iti%) CHRONICLE Thursday, February 21. 1980 Crawford's Way Ahead 0i Garwood budget shows Schooltime: more on four point hike; the new/gym program, ^ Ed Kenilworth's OKed plus Greek mythology Page~2\ ~ ; ,..-._.,1^ Page 9 The new state school board niandate education in grade 11 to develop courses in1 family life is npl Since no administrative^ guidelifltes have been issued yet byu the state, expected to require much adjustment USI'S KUi 80(1 S<-corld Class PoMage P;iid Cranford, N.J. 20CKNTS inCraiiford. The family living program Robert D. Paul, schools superintendent,, VOfa. 87 No, g^Published Every Thursday Thursday, February 28', 198(1 Serving (Inmfprd, Kcmhvorth ittui (>nnvo/xl started here eight years ago after said he "assumes we are in compliance,'1 considerable debate. , - - butvvill have to gear up for K to 3." The state will require,,however, a The regulations call for local districts curriculum for grades K to 12. Cranford to provide family life < education by currently starts "tiie-i>pogram in the September 1981v including the In Our fourth grade . • physiological and psychological basis of - New school plan keeps The local program started in 1972 for human development, sexuality and grades 4,5 and 6. The family living units repr/ctdfjctiofn. • a ' : • """'" ' ' "•'.'" - .'•-•• " ' • for grades 7,8 and 9'were introduced in Accq|dirig to legislation signed by 1973 in the health programs. There is a Gpv.,ByrneMonday, parents with moral detailed family living curriculum again or^ religious convictions against sex. in grade 12 after a lapse for first aid and • education, may have their children drug education in grade 10 aod driver's excusetT '.
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