Ai Mag 50Th Anniversary Timeli

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Ai Mag 50Th Anniversary Timeli CELEBRATING 50 YEARS ON THE FRONTLINES Fifty years after its founding, Amnesty International has grown from one man’s appeal on behalf of two “prison- ers of conscience” into a global movement of over 2.8 million members, activists and supporters in more than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. Here are some of the milestones Amnesty International has achieved in working to protect all rights for all people around the world. AI’s international executive Committee receiving the 1960 nobel Prize in oslo on December 10, 1977.6 1961 Peter Benenson publishes “the Forgotten Prisoners,” the seminal call-to-action that set the foundation for amnesty international, in The Observer London news- paper on may 28, 1961. 1970 Benenson wrote his appeal 1972 on behalf of “prisoners of Former President of south africa nelson mandela AI launches the Campaign conscience” after reading a revisits the cell on robben island, where he spent 18 of against torture, its first news article about two Por- his 27 years in prison; south africa, 1994.2 worldwide campaign for tuguese students who were human rights. AI is given imprisoned for raising their consultative status at the wine glasses in a toast to 1962 1965 organization of american states. freedom. members from around the amnesty international world meet in Belgium and publishes its first country Professor luiz rossi, officially found amnesty report, on Portugal, then subject of the first-ever international. under the dictatorship of Urgent action5 antónio de oliveira salazar. amnesty international sends its first fact-finding 1977 missions to Ghana, Czecho- amnesty international is slovakia and Portugal, awarded the nobel Peace establishing independent, Prize for its contribution to on-the-ground research “securing the ground for as a central tenet of its freedom, for justice, and mission. thereby also for peace in the new organization the world.” Peter Benenson, the sends observers to the trial abolish torture posters, British lawyer who founded of nelson mandela. by Paul Peter Piech and amnesty international in Gustavo espinosa.4 1961, rekindles the origi- 1963 nal amnesty international amnesty international es- 1973 candle on the movement’s tablishes the international Cover of “Prison the first Urgent action is 20th anniversary, outside secretariat, its global Conditions in Portugal: issued on behalf of luiz st martin-in-the-Fields headquarters, in london. A factual report compiled Basilio rossi, a Brazil- church, london, UK, may by Amnesty International” ian academic who was 1981.1 1964 september 1965.3 arrested and tortured for the United nations gives political reasons. amnesty international 1966 formal consultative status. amnesty international is founded in the United states as AIUSA. Copy of the 1977 nobel Peace Prize received by amnesty international.7 8 amnesty international 1980 2000 1970 1990 1991 AI expands its mandate to Former amnesty international Director Jack healey promote all human rights joins Bono, sting, and other musicians at a Conspiracy enshrined in the UDhr, from of hope concert in June 1986.9 civil and political rights to economic, social and cultural rights. 1984 the Convention against 1992 torture is adopted by the membership passes the Participants in AI nepal launch the stop Violence against United nations General 1 million mark globally with women campaign with a rally in Banepa, near Kathmandu, assembly on December 6,000 active groups in 70 during the holi (the national Festival of Colors) in march 10 10. countries. 2004. 1986 1998 amnesty launches its AI launches its first global 2002 2005 Conspiracy of hope campaign against human the international Criminal after a global AI campaign, concert tour, initiating rights violations in the United Court, the world’s first the U.s. supreme Court a tradition of cultivat- states, focusing on police permanent international bans juvenile executions. judicial body, is estab- ing international popular brutality, prison conditions, 2009 support for human rights and the death penalty. lished following years of a signed human rights through music. campaigning by amnesty amnesty international now! concert poster. the AI launches the “Get Up, international and others. launches the Demand Dig- 1987 concert commemorated sign Up” campaign in 124 nity campaign, expanding the U.s. supreme Court the U.n. Convention the 40th anniversary of countries, collecting 13 the organization’s work to 8 bans the death penalty for against torture is ratified. the UDhr. million signatures in support address poverty as a root of the Universal Declaration mentally retarded defen- cause of human rights 1988 of human rights during its dants, following an AI re- violations around the world. 50th anniversary year. port and global campaign. the human rights now! the United nations agrees concert tours 15 countries 2004 to establish a Global to commemorate the 40th amnesty international arms treaty to control anniversary of the Univer- launches its global the international trade of sal Declaration of human campaign to stop Violence conventional arms following rights. musicians such against women. campaigning by amnesty as Bruce springsteen, international. Peter Gabriel, sting, tracy Chapman and youssou salil shetty becomes sec- n’Dour bring the message retary general of amnesty of human rights to music international fans around the world. Photo CreDits: 1 raoul shade, 2Jurgen schadeberg,; 3amnesty international, 4 Paul Peter Piech and Gustavo espinosa, 5, 6amnesty international, 7 norsk telegrambyra, 8Jack healey, 9, 10amnesty international winter 2010 9 AmNESTY International 50TH ANNIversary © Da V i D s han kb one aBoVe: Princeton University Professor Kwame appiah, editor of the amnesty Global ethics series. leFt: Joe appiah, one of the first “prisoners of con- science” for whom amnesty international advocated. a collaboration between AI and w. w. norton & Company under the general editorship of C o U appiah. it is the first of its kind: a series of rtesy short books on a variety of complex human a rights issues, authored by acclaimed scholars nthony from around the globe and geared toward a general audience. App the series, says appiah, is addressed to iah “everyone who recognizes that the dignity of each human being is the shared responsibil- ity of us all, and who wants to listen in to the conversation of the leading thinkers of our age as they bring the intellectual tools of phi- losophy, law, history and the social sciences to bear on the issue of how we can carry out Reflections that responsibility.” “amnesty is rightly focused at its heart on changing the world,” appiah explains, “but those of us who support it need also to step back from time to time and reflect. For often, as amnesty has discovered, it takes on changing a rich discussion of our values and a deep understanding of how the world works, if you are to take the right practical steps.” “we need thoughtful, cosmopolitan con- versation about the many challenges facing the WoRld our species,” says appiah. “it is that conver- new amnesty international book series lays the sation that this series aims to advance.” series contributors include The Body in intellectual groundwork for activism Pain author elaine scarry, U.n. secretary- BY HANNAH RUBENSTEIN General special representative for Busi- ness and human rights John ruggie, and acclaimed philosopher Jonathan wolff; they In 1961 A child in the young republic of “prisoners of conscience,” as they came to will address a variety of issues confronting Ghana came home to find that his father be known, were finally released in 1962 as the human rights community: who has the had been arrested and hauled off to prison. a direct result of the international pressure, right to forgive? who advocates for future the father, Joe appiah, a political enemy and the boy’s father was among them. generations? what do we owe our neighbor of then-President Kwame nkrumah, joined Fifty years later, Kwame anthony appiah, in a globalizing world? the series will release hundreds of people being held indefinitely the laurance s. rockefeller University Pro- three to four books per year, beginning in under the country’s Preventative Deten- fessor at Princeton University, is making an march of 2011 with elaine scarry’s How to tion act. For more than a year, a fledgling intellectual contribution to the organization Think in an Emergency and Jonathan wolff’s london-based organization called amnesty that reunited him with his father by editing The Human Right to Health. a book club and international campaigned for the release of the groundbreaking amnesty Global ethics author podcast will accompany each release. the Ghanaian political prisoners, garnering series. For more information on the series: http:// support from around the world in the form of the series, which will debut in 2011 as a letter campaign to the authorities. the first part of AI’s 50th anniversary celebration, is tional_Global_Ethics_Series/ 10 amnesty international decades of dedication to AIUSA, which began when Baez took a year off from her music celebRating career to organize AIUSA’s expansion to the west Coast in 1972 with Ginetta sagan. sagan 50 YeaRs was an activist and educator who founded 75 AI chapters around the country and dedicated her life to human rights research and advocacy. the at aiUsa’s artist award will be named after Baez and given annually to artists who demonstrate a commit- © a ment to human rights. i annUal the evening rally at yerba Buena Gardens will kick off a rich aGm program, including a the aGm is JUst one oF geneRal youth summit, working groups, long-term plan- ning on AI campaigning and other activities to the siGnatUre eVents connect activists to one another. the three-day aiUsa is holDinG to Meeting conference will celebrate and explore AI’s past, Commemorate the present and future with special guests, former AI prisoners of conscience, and films, including 50th anniVersary anD a screening of two new films edited from archi- enGaGe more PeoPle val footage from amnesty’s illustrious history in hUman riGhts over the past 50 years.
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