V /%j ■' * .7 • . \

R n a TTie Weaidifr VBtr wM i aadw im iia i • «tuna tcBlgW. Lmr fa flto « 15,566 Tomorroar moatljr at—ly, m N^icluwfor «A City o f Vittmgm Charm Unoad mod. Rl|^ fa v W a L x x x y m , n o . is ; (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SEC110NS) MANC^HBSTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 5, 1989 JUtmthtmg dto r a g » IT) PRICE TEN CENTS

Pri<^ Fix S^eere Semum Topic CAICDBN, Ark. (AP)—The Rev. B. B. Dodson, pairtor of Pdves Way the First Melliodlat church Reds Nominate Duclbs, at Oamdan, says the topic of Ma aermon next Sunday will be ’Thou ahaU not atoal.” For Suits While the Rev. hCr. Dodson • WAHHUfOTON (AP) — Soma was preaching this Sunday, «d UMjuUon’a lu(aat malMra ot aomeone stole his oar. plumbing flxuraa face the tx— t. Fragment French Left iY 8^ 1980 <>>• loaa of untoiia of ttom damage aulta b f cuatom- en who bought thalr aqulpmant PARIS (AP)—The Com- at what a fadaral grand Jury Defying Law mtuiict p u ty notoinated fauad wara lUagany fiwnri Jacques Dodos, a TZ-ymt- ■' /" prioaa. .^dd senator, today as its Nearly avaiy atata and nu- Said Anarchy candidate for president, meroua cltlea already hara filed frdg^oenting French left- aulta aeekliig tieUe damagea wing >onpositk» to former by ••do___ againat the three llnna convict­ By Marshall ertatnar. Cart ed of .ortmlnal price ftwing laat Prem wiQ«»ges Pompidou. Brittr'VModor* NBW ORJLBANS (A P ) — The Ducloa’ nihilnatlan came aft­ week and U other oompanlea A S - t o who eatUer jdeaded no ooBteat And Negro member of tlte U.S. er a aeries o f ootasultatlons wUR- In the left-wing Stfidey that tnUuT aM dal to tha ohargea, accocdtaig to a SiqMwme Court aaya black m ili­ •nk o t iLTtatlaB Juatlce Department oftiolal, suited In argument, sootnptliiUBMnti tants who defy the law should a proUferaltlon of i Bealdea the atate and local be made to face the eowae poncM2£tod*’'*B iro S n Dwdoe Joina O astm riBMak dtoi—d govemmenta, other major pur- quencea. • btorcto riiop ohaaera of Numbing flxturea— of tile Soclaliat party and M hfl^ Ibendi’* moan- "Anarehjr la anarchy,” Jus­ Rocard of the Unified SoolaUat M U h i^ fUskt building oontracton, and evan ( toFwtto. Individual homeownera-:-are ex­ tice Thuxgood NtarahsU aald party aa leftist oontsndsra fa ths •» Id, (c> Sunday, “and it makes no presidential slactloo Jons 1. non aM iwito pected to Ilia aulta, the oftiolal rrttor (V b « iS addtMl. dttffcrenoe who pracUcea ft, it toi The cmnfietitkm oould only rtonv «r« aotV Under federal taw, thoae had; It ia punfahaMe and it oirasr Pompiddu who has ths H utto thM found guilty of criminal viola- should be punirted.” becking of the OaulUst party n W ellw k T K tlana of antltruat acta are liable, Itorahall spoke at the oeaton- and Independent RagpubUeans. trioto Ooiwtoy, nial celebration of pradominaaf- ■ad Stoalnr If convicted In aubdequent civil ly Negro Dillard Unlveiwlty. The Communist party's gtnsr- lan. R (C ) aulta, fo r treble dam agia, al seeretary, Waldsek Roohst, “You can’t use color for an Tha proepact for the mam­ described the IM-wing dtstate- Sxcuae for not doing what you moth dainagaa aroae Friday gratlon ae a “painful spaefar nr* —W«adMr should be doing,” he deolated. (O) when A federal Jury In Pttta- o le .” BttTM "Race ia not aa excuao for not buigh found the Boqr Warner “Our Oommuntty party did all ltori%M Oorp., of ; American keeping iq> your house properly, ••liutr who N - 1 nor ie race an excuee for not it could to bring about a single in a baeomto 'Standard Oorp„ Ndw Tort; and leftist csndldaey on tbs baefa of M tqwa. Audla the Kohler Corp,, Kohler. Wlao„ keeping your children in school, - University o f Wisconsin students set garbage piles I BtoaiSuO. even tixmgh they may still be a conunon ptognun,” Rochet eball, l^ae guOty of ttlegally ralBng and ablaze after piling it in center of Madison street said. “Sadly, tbe SoolaUat Mad­ pre-aettlng the price for bath- segregated.” . '61 era rejectsd Ails soluUon for a Caron, OO- tuba and other bathroom flx- Marshall aaCd he realised that during ctmtinuing battles with Madison poUce last Umatraoa. turaa. "ao tar ea race problems and V.S. Silent candidacy dividing tha 1 aft-wing U nta^Jaoa- minority rights go, the probiems ' night. (AP Photoliax). torcaa.’ ’ _ <0> Three ofOelala of tha ftrma alao were found qullty. are not yet solved and I have no Defferrs and the Oonmmnlafa ■aaato at Gaaa- idea when they will be, but On Results have long bean poUticM ritoda Msto The Juatlce Department pro- in Mamaillae. ■ • a OB aecutcr for the oaae, John C, there has been some progresa.” Uaaa —OTAF “The seeds are hM«,” he add­ ^oitoAo, the flrxiaTiat mayor ■ad a g a OB Frlcano, aald “With the guilty Flaming Barricades verdict, they don’t have prove ed. “But nothing wUl be aettled Of Bombing of MarseUlea, received hfa par­ ty’s backfag early today. their caae,’* FHcano aald, with guns, firebombs or rocka. Tha M oompanlea and eight The oounby canft survive if tbe SALOON (A P ) — The U.8. The New SociMlata chose De- pentotrators go uiqiunlahed. Tt’s Command la wlthlxdding re­ ' ferre after an imeuceesaftil at­ offhrtala were accused m federal (AP Fhotofax) Erected by Students Indlotmenta Oct, 6,1966 with Ax­ that almiSe.” ports o f dam age tbe B5S bomb- tempt to reach an agreemant on a single candidate with aneUtor ing the prlcea on an fbdurea Unveilied in Los 'Angeles urgingUrging NegroeeNegroes to reject®” Inflicting In their cam- MADISON, Wla. (AP) — Hun- of thoae detained were city r t black mlBtaat leaderehip, Ito ? P«lS» alonir <1* Cambodian bor- ct^ aid' large Soclallri group, the Oon- I they sold between September dreds of University of ’Wis­ ermen, Paul SogUn and Bhigene 1961 and 1966. The 8260,000 masterpiece by Russian-bom sculptor e'wUl m id ; ^ heavleat o f th e tneteam ventton of RepubUoan consin students erected flaming Parks. SogUn, 34, aeeuaad ths Hone (CIR). ABC XardMa” The government aald the total Jacques Upchitz and called “Peace on Elarth,'* back- We ahould stand up and say. poUcs of shearing off hU long M te, Ihto ^ 'L/x>k. men, you do what you About SOO of the Ug bombers street barricades early today In In the 1966 raoa la whioh Tio> aalea amounted to $1 billion or grounil, is the cmiter o(f attentitm at unveilinir cere* > hair before be was freed on 96 per cent of the enameled caat want to do ard I’ll do what I have rainedi$16 mllUcn worth of sympathy with hippies whose Charles de Gaulle, tha n«w»ran«afr with a a ABC bond. and the Communlata h^. . Tonir iron jdumbihg Axturea and' 80 monies yesterday at the Musk Clenter in Los A jp- wan* to do. But don’t tell me I bombs along the frontier In the attempts to hold a block dance Blkhan, Rob- SogUn, a unlvaralty student hind CIR candidate Francois irioe Denham. per cent of the vltreoua china gdes. The 80-foot tall work was donated as a crown have to do what you want me to past two weeks, but there haa were smashed by pidlce using « a Baal (O) been no ofAclal announcement clubs and irritant gas. known as “tbe hippie aider- Mltterand, and he raoeivod 41 plumbing fixtures sold in thie for the Music Center complex by philanthnqiists CD Jirt because you said It’’’ man,” said be was siTsstad ^ <®> o f any reeuUa. 'Hie students poured out of per cent o f the vote. A fter S«m- Docnmentary country during the period. The associate justice called Uoyde Rigler and Lawreikce Deutsch. “We have no bomb damage dormitorlea and fraternity when he tried to Intarvene be­ day’s medUnga, kOttarand said ■ to laereaaa The guilty verdict was re­ for leadenriitD through educa- tween the poUee and hippies and m, akllla and turned Friday, and U.8. Dlat asseaement to report,” tbe U.8. houaee foUowing two nights of he would not be a candidate iaona In Odd- sa^rtidante demand- declared: \ again. Thla la fifth Court Judge Louis Roaanberg t-g black faudhs sad AfMoan *•'•**« oiHcer aaya each day battle between the hippies ”Hie brutaUty that I aaw on s aariaA jpro- btdsnd a pra-sentanclng Invea- cultuce ahoidd not discard other Inflirmante nald U.S. foreea the police and ourged Into the The Oommuiilst party bad de­ nilaoti. Bfforta the part the pc^oe made Chi­ Temment and tlgatlon befbre setting penalties. (itudlea and oidturan. are coostanUy asaeaeing the B83 buslneas area, where for several ot layed its oonfarenoe until today ilaatlnna to Rosenberg levld Anes total­ strikes, but information otfioera hours they defied efforts to dis­ cago and past denuinstratlana in In hopes that the other leftist ib Joriaooa are Fortas Denies Story "You are not gotog to oom- A ing |ST0,000 and Imposed Jail for the U.S., Oommand have perse them. Madison look like panty raids.” parties would come up with a nit the atata. peto in the world until you have Nearly two hours after mid­ 1 Wiaaatt terms on four executives—the tratoJng exactly Hke everyone been instruoted not to discuee ICore than 1,000 young persons candidate with whom "It oould ■tot (0) other got probation—when U damage three months after he was aesi- bursU. began in a Chicago hotel room ary 1900, three months aftar he Militant Stops son for the official sUenoe is Hw weekend of disorder re­ president when De GenUe re­ ed on the Supreme Court and The flmible began Saturday Y where the defendants agreed to was sworn In aa an’-saaopjate sulted in about 80 arreeta. Two signed April 38. POher baa aald " '61 DraaiA •thait the U.S. Command feata an when poUce began breaking up iracn V. Soott dn^ their regular bathtub lines did not retum’the money until Justice. nothing about hla tatentlons. Church Service unfavorable pubUc reaction to barricades which residents of a ad StMOah and sell mtme expensive acid-re- 11 months later, according to T Peek, Deb- Ufe magaslne. H ie artlole, by WUUam Lam­ the skimpy results oonArmaUe Mifflin Street hippie dance sev­ • Albert, Jolm isistant tuba at inAated, agreed- bert said Fortaa returned the in relation to the money spent. eral blocka from the Univeraity (O upon prlcea. Fortaa conflrmed Sunday that Demands Funds I Wom«i” '61 money in D ecem ber 1906, three “We found aome enemy bod­ of Wisconsin campus. The poUce During a series of aubaequent he VM offered and considered a ROTC Building A BonarvCbl- montifa after the flnam ^ ty­ ies,’’ said one ofAcer, “at least aald the dance would blook traf- meetings, Frlcano charged, fee hut flatly Idenied that he ac­ NBW YORK CAP) — A black coon and Ida longtime business tour or Ave here and tbere.” Ac. VotLag Case t -tor dajg. prices of Axturei were “ raised. cepted or that he stepped in to militant IntMmqded Ooiqmunlon ■ssooiate, BlUn Oerbert, had But Oen. Creighton W. Damaged by Fire PoUce, having been pelted Axed, stabilised and maintained help Wolfsoni a former client service at Riverside Church been Indicted on charges of sail­ Abrams, commander , of U.S. with occaslanal egga and empty at non-compeUtive levels.” who went to jkil last month <» a Sunday to demand maaslve re- ing a larga blook of unregla- pardUona for what he said were forces In , and the Stra­ C^AMBRIDaB, Mass. (A P ) — soft drink cans during an hour- To Be Heard Frlcano said the oaae eventu­ federal securlUes law convic- tered stock In a company Wolf- ■SK on U(HI. past Injustices to black pet^Ie. tegic Air Command consider the A Are that was die covered early long standoff, threatened to use ally may make the largest pre- sim and Oerbert controlled. B02s a vital weapon in the war. ar-sss" Hie Justice said he returned When James Forman stepped today in the Naval ROTC build­ gaa to diaporae the group. The 'aathar — Ho. vioua price-Axing action—the Ufe aald ‘^whatever servlcea OfAcers say the huge bombers announcement wqf^greeted by a By Top Court one againat Oeneral Blectric, the fee, “ tendered” In 1966, to the altar area of the church, ing at Harvard University dsA- he -may or may not have, ren­ the Rev. Bmest ~ harass eitemy troops, deny storm rooks, biioks and bot- Westinihouae and 37 other elec­ “ With m y thanks.” Hls state­ T, Campbell .. ^ nltely was set. Are offlclaU say. ot dered to the foundation, Jiistlee left the altar. Hie organist “***'* sanctuaries, keep them on Ues. WASHINGTON (AP) — H m tric equipment manufactuers in ment, Issued at the court after Fortes' name was being Damage from the flames Supreme Court agreed today to he had read an advance copy of drowned out Forman, but he prevent them from PoUce leaded in, ni/^tstlcks lMl-62—"seem pale in oomparl- dropped in shrateglc places by were confined to one large room review atate realdency raqulra- O P mm thie Life article, did not say bow waited out the hymn a^ started organised for an offen- flailing, and began making ar- aon.” Wolfson and hls business associ­ in .the building, said Deputy menta for Voting for presidaot. large the fee was or when he re­ to read out hls demands. Fire Chief John F. Kenney; rjasts. Some offleers threw SAVE The action resulted in more ate, BUdn Oerbert, In their ef^ bricks back at the crowd. When Hie action, aetting a bearing turned I t M a^ of the 1,800 memherm "Harassment of troops ,1a our Kenney said a number of IfHEM poUce moved back, and the gas for next term, followa tha (See Page Nine) Life’s account that th e. (See Page Two) ' (See Page Bight) (See Page Seven) deaka and chairs had been piled court’a bolding that stataa ea». 3U SEE atop another in the center of Mew away, hlpplee quickly re­ (Hie built their barrioedea. not set realdency requiramanta the room. He said paper then THIS A Sunday peace was shattered for welfare aaaiatanbe. was stuffed> beneath the furni­ Hie voting caae, which odvara SION ture and lighted. . when offleera waded Into an^l^ emmn gathering 6f about SOO somewhat the same ground, The flrb was declared out 45 young resldento of the iftwiiti was brought to the court by a Ballitons, Bearcats Join Race, Tolland On Course mln^tee after it was discovered. Colorado lawyer and hla wUa EAOO No one was Injured. Street neighborhood. Arreets re­ 8T . NBW YORK (AP) — Contest­ sumed, moat for unlawful as- who said some Ave mlUloo peo­ One of tbe contestants in . Harvard has been the scene of aembly. • ple were kept from voting In the ants in the great tranaatlantlc several weeks of unrest, much the New York-London race Authorities again used, tha Ir- laat year beoauaa air race of 1969 are uafng eleva­ of residence requiremfaita. (See Page Eight) tors, ambulances, antique oars. swung towards Britain yes­ (See Page Eight) The lawyer, Richard Hall of Jet planes, balloons. Anything to terday by^jmy of Tolland. Colorado Springs, aaid thaao laws can be deiHaive in ohwo 3 0 . m cover the distance between the m m s Cooper Walker, a plucky preaidantlal elecUona such oa obeervatlon deck of the Bhnpire Baltimore travel agent, tort the race laat year, and therefOi* State Building an4 the top of the Supreme Court ahould London’s Post OfAoer iW er in a lO-mlnute ballon ride . Mayors * Study Asks Judgment, v the shortest possible time. courtesy of Charles Mac- In other actions today, tha -One, of them olalms a new Arthur. cou rt: Aight record. —Threw out an nUnoU law m- 5 BUrller in- the day. Lt. Paul Waterhouse piloted a State Income^ Tax qulrtng independent candidate Roypl Navy Phantom JM-noroaa Cooper, who is 56, pulled for statewide political offlee to HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) _ the ^ report concludes, the the Atlantic Sunday in S boun, 4 away from the .Bhnpire be nonUaated by voters in at A study commiaaloned by the state 'should look to a progres­ mlnutM and 36 aeoonda. Whan State BuiUHng in a 1919 red Connecticut Conference of May­ least 50' of the state’s 103 coun­ he landad in London, a Navy sive |)ers(uial incom e tax for ties. StuU Bearcat and tooled to ors deaorlbea the state’s tax revenue which would enable it apokasman aald it was ths fast­ tyatem aa a “two-legged fltool” —Refused a hearing to a Mi­ Rhlneback, N.Y., where he to help Jhe cities cope with their ami man who claimed tha talo- est tranaatlanUo Aight svsr. HU that needs a personal inexune problems. trips to and from Jhs airport took oft in. a 1919 Jenny air­ tax for balance. phone company had no.right to Sazama says in the report that took another 36 mlniKes. plane. The plane Ipat power The 65-page study, prepared listen in and aee if he was einat- * The race; sponsored by ths Connecticut’s cities will need ing on long-distance calls. He and he landed fa the run- by University of (Connecticut $300 mlllton more during the iMubwi Daily Mall to mark the P rof. • Gerald W. Saxama, ana­ Im been convicted of defraud­ '80th aim lvenary o f the first ■ way. next two years. A personal In­ ing the company. lyses the concept of a state In­ come ■ tax with “moderate nonstop Aight over the Atlantio, After a charter Aight to come tax in comparison to the Hall and hls wife, Christina, offers $144,000 in prisss. It has rates’ ’ he says, cxiuld raise as appealed following a ruling by a Bralnard Field, Cooper was existing two systems of taxation drawn 890 entires In 31 catsgor- much"ss $500 mllUon during the three-judge federal court in in the atate—sales and property biennium. ^ iea. aloft In the balloon looking taxes. Denver laat December that Col­ John Aloock aqd Arthur RSilt- dipt. He was drossed In an The ^tudy does not analyse orado’s . residence requirements Reliance of this state on pro]v the paysaU tax Concept, which tsn Browta flow a Vlcksm-Vlihy Edwardian suit erty taxes the report notes, Is are reasonable. biptaibe from Newfoundland ts a ia being considered by the "Gen­ The Halls had been unaMe to HU, npxt stop was New­ reflected in the fact that (Con­ eral AasemUy. Sasama des­ bog ^ear-Oalway, Ireland on necticut ranks second In the na­ vote in November because they June 14 and 16, 1919, taking 16 foundland. Cooper planned cribes k as "superior to almost had moved into the state recent­ tion In that category. Revenues all the govomor’B tax proposals. hours, 07 minutes. to use a horse-drawn coach, from those taxes go to kxxU gov­ ly 'from Lafayette, Calif. They Some entrants have elaborate However, o n these same also were not allowed to vote- in alx planes and two ballooiw ernment, and -the (Ccuiferenoe grounds, a payroll tax Is de- )sohsmes for coping with traffic has maintained that the cities California.. /jams, including ambulanoaa in the race, finlriiing fat a Snitoly Inferior to a progiresslve ’To vote in Colorado one baa to caniwt meet rising municipal personal Income tax." \wlth rad lights fUshIng, motor- 1919 RotU Royes. costa through pfoperty taxes. be a resident of the state ot: Gov. John Dempsey has rec­ ''c^ e eaoorts and haUooptors. On the other hand, (Coimecticut least Blx .monttia, o f the city or Speed Un’l Cboper’a ob­ ommended a widespread In- Two aotraata used a speedboat ranks 46th on the basis of the (xxmty ot least 90 days and of ject. He said he’s aiming for predae .and broadening of oalaa to raasb a heHoopter pad in the amount of tax money per cap­ the voting precinct at lOost 16 Gail Shepard, 12, oif Yoric, Ehigdand and stewardess taxes to raise money during the Humphry sprint the “meet meritorious" ita raised by the state. - days. 1 (Spe Page Twe) across Londcxi aiiport to start race. (AP PhotoCax). prias. To right this Imbalance, the (See Page Bight) i (See Pago Bight)

■ ■’ > i f ? . . V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 6, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTTO, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 6, I960 fAum tBUH . . '.I T ‘ ^ MpVIE AUDIENCE' K t o ^ R obert Knlgiit, DobocMli Hebron residents if OH revtauss cation bible eeiiool to, i k*^****GUIDE Vemon Sheinwold on Bridge KnowMoB, Oerol iB siiM , John Offies Hoora Hebron remain unchanged. However, attehd. Dodd Speaks Kruayk, Craig Ledalxiadie, A SERVICE o r FILM-MAKERS All fotv of Mancheotor's the town antlclpatee a 10 per AND THEATERS MHS Honor RdU Michael L^>pen, Lawftowe Urt> eant Imraase hi the Grand list We at* YODB BHDOB OPFONENTI N o w k , etate legislatorB will hold of­ that « ft At Fete for Tina rating* apply to Mm* Nurse H ead BELONG TO HUMAN RACE We A4owtag Manchester dWto fciawiwi. M u UiIk. Nikki H iring. Set and alao other rovemM which Hebron eeneagMSe “T H E WAY dr A 6 ' ■ John Alhee, Dnvid Al- Marxialo, 'Ihomes Mason, BWr- fic e houia fo r th e pubHo to­ we have raJaaaaS afttr Nuv 1.19N I 5 J J3 Scliool atudenta wan i m orrow nlgtaL would help to ease the m ffl rate Bm t, tcL ISS-MYL avaUaUa By AlFfUCD BHEHTWOLD Increase. ______THIS SEAL OIK 1062 State Donald Geno- w a r tn iek i Ed Moriarty A p p o in te d quarter: ------viayie ueu, aiar^ Also, Carol Mathtoaon, Ttoom- On Budget sunrrER rapRBSSKm s k m I HEABD ir- Much aa you may bate to ad­ 41 K 10 8 3 cto Biaae, John Blckley, aa Mayer, William McGovern, veei o f the 16th DM riot, the Onr nntu tradr to a l in sds bidlcaia* the iflm was SENIORS lone Republican, will be in There will be a meeting of ST. LOUIR-ByMid flutter to Van, fully egnippad, w « li A Ian. IlMmaa J. Dodd will mit it, your bridge opponents tEAST Barbara BrackeU, Frances Bu- Danfel McLennon, Thomas MI- The Board ot Finance hs^ stibmHtsd and spprovsd undsr High the 8th UtUitiea District Fire­ scheduled a public sasHiiy the Chrtotton Bdiioatfon Com- a strong indlcatian of growing one tan load napiuStjr. Ill At H ospital KQI04 4 987332 Janet Ackerman, Jto» Cameron, Kris- challk, Mary Lou Mikulskl. be the principal speaker May Iha Motion Pietme Cod* are memboro of the human house, at Main and Ifilliard 6 this evening at the Hebron ihltte* o t the GHead Church this depibeeicn and Insenmla, a a i» 7e par xaMm, ST a m 4 ky John Gruber I o f S*H-R*gulath>n. Q 10 8 64 0 A92 r—Ttr Itohairm ln-t^ Cartoon, Jeffery Carraca, ShelU Mtoovlch, Melinda Moore, 19 at a tesCinonlal dtoner for Mis . Winter^ L. Hayes of race. If you must guess what Ste., begtnntog nt 7:30. Elementary School to evening at 6:00. Aftyone in- £ n u p of Washington UhtvisMty and ths fint U mflia 93 0 A74 Briggs’ Brian Buckley ChriS! *’"**'* hooper, Joyce Moreau, Donald Mwgan, trsa. Don’t kM m isy Bkhrmrd F. Moriarty, to cele­ '(§] Suggsstsd for GENERAL 'ThompsonvUls has been named on opponent is doing, put jrour- n cH H icw T ^ three Democnata, State oil roquests tor the lOOO-tO fiscal formated in teaching at the va- roesarohere found, brate the Istter'a BOth snntver- 63 ♦ 9 One Clatke Robert IMm °*** Crawford, Raymond Cyr, Virginia Morse, Paul Moyer, causa your troek to dain oeU to hto place and judge his TECHNISCOP^r Sen. David Barry, State Rep. year budget Requests totaled i B= USB - dtreotor of nurses at Rockville SOUTH DonriSJw’ ^ Degwme. Susan Nelaoh, Alan Noeke. actloA by what you would do Francis Mahoney ot the I9tl) $1,174,394, an increase o f $189,- time your trtnk aoeds i Mg up at the Burimall wbkdi beU OdudcU. I Suggested for MATURE ♦ J Bruoe Huto Camim .7!™*°'^’ DeoHoeloM, John DiCloc- Linda Parker, Hope Pastel, ' K y u ttn plwdatair goln c to Gsncnsl Hospital. She assumed U you hold his cards. Stotrlet and State Rep; N. 090 over the budget ^nweved tk» oncort Ctetarlar MMlatav audieticss (parental discre­ K7 Kathryn Johnetem **“’ **aureon Donovaik Douglaa Margaret PaMva, Eltoabeth Mtilguaa ma. It is "Oaharat” the event will be at the K her duttas Misy 1. South dealer. Charles Boggtol ot the 30th (or the current year. Booroportoh « t MtUard Audi- 0 Q183 Downham. David Eddy. Pearce. fJnda Pock. Lea Ann which opens rtsKt Monday idght. of C Home oil Mato St, with a tion advissd). In this capeclty Mrs. Hayes North-South vutaierablo. Diotriot, win be to (he Pro­ Major Incroaaee au’e requested tartOBt' IMa era oln f, re m ««b e r The booh is baaed on a «*»»tg*«» social hour at 6:90 p.m., foDow- 4 AQJ742 TiM-tiM Krause. Ltoa Kehle;, T on ^ ^ Atoo, Biu«>ara Edgar, Law U3S M hfo •*.. RESTRICTED — Persons will Have ciiarge of the 90 rag- Opening lead —Ring of spades bate O o^ room of the Mu­ by the Board of Eduoatlon, play by John Van Druten which ;[s] Wtal Norik East 8tM-Si48. uelk, Donna Lawrence. Barbara *'***°® BUtln, Patrkria FarreU, Plante, Bonnie Rein, Mar* » T iL SM it l i at T:SO, M inauaua) time, ed by a roast baef dtoner, When today's hand was Soeth SlM - I t U • » iU nicipal BuHdtog, beginning at $138,671 over the current budget under 16-not admitted, un- totsred mwMe on the staff plus M? 3 4 3 4, Lundbetg. George Field,' Shatun Flctde, Rolllnaon. __ ^ iMt tlw ScnrM oelMat has auch owed nruich to ths BerUn siories Moriarty, T9, has basD Dsoao- played in a match in Johannes­ 1 * rveteet Now! Stowe Free TV 8. of $M3,f60; and general govern­ COMPLETE lOlWTASWWfRi fesO accompanisd by pvani Pass 3 4 Double a tlfU adiadute that this hour of Christopher laherwocd. Joe burg, declarer took the ace ot 4 4 Alao. Linda Marchtolo, ' Carol Barbara FInwtahl. Diane Fon- Atoo. The purpose of the office ment, $80,000 over the current or adult guardian. j ‘••*1 ^ * had t» ba ciioaen if he were to Maaberoff made the preeent spades, drew two rounds of All Pass Molntoeh, Mary B. MlUer Doris Galaaao, WllSam “P ***7?**”?"'‘®*’^ hours Is to leiun the views of $381,914. adaptation. S IM C I i t » A pot Id an appearance. (J) Parsons undsr iO not a d -1 trumps and rufftf dummy’s low AUtcheD Seth Moeler, Martha Ctey*f. a a u d la Godin, J o Ann y * * * constituents on legislation The general govornment re- MSURANCE OHAMETOm ; Vo gtra pou aotne idea of how Copyright 1966 Mustard, James Nasohke, Hettinger, CaftS Higgins, Bdmh. Maybe to yod it won’t mean muted. Tbit age rssiriclien spede. He then'led the queen before the General Assem- queate ore mainly reflected in huap ha la, he played Camegie mudv but it ia sort ot noalad- Oenefal Festuree Oorp. Janice Obuohowtoci, WSlIam Ol- Valerie Humphrey, Deborah 2**?^ bly. public health nurnlng, fire pro­ may bs higher In'certain ot diamonds and then another Read Herald Ads p R Esm im M Etan m d a jr night as a cd list, glc to me, with a locale of Ber­ diamond when East refused the brya, Donald Otoer, Douglaa *»»*. Betsy Hunter, ABeon Ja- toUta’ tection, roods, end payment on and yesterday he appeared Un in the SO’e. I knew it Juat a areas. Check thaatsr or! Paatel, Suaan Primus, Martha CSayton Jacobs, Linda bonds and notes and totorest on SERVICE first diamond. there hi joint recital with Ms advartlsing. Ruaaell, HaruM SandaU. Jaooha, Slrkka Johnaon, Law- Tolland County long term debt Also roqueetod Uttla earlier than the actual East took the ace of dior wUa, . soprano Oaltna Vleh- time delMeabed, twt a ooigile ' Printad aa a public tarvic* | mends and returned the deuce Also, Robert Santos, Kathleen K ^ , Jane Karp, Arm SL iv g T * Xavnifrom reserve rwEcrvc luiNiafunds ware expendi- WE HONOn aalalaiya, only this time as a of years arould make Httle dlf- I ■- ___ of hearts. South’s contract now Sbepaid, Laurfene Smith, King, Tbomaa Kbiva, Maroia I w in s L illlD J o in s turee for equipment, $6,678; a pianiat Tonight he is in Hart- feraitce. depended on guessing whether Linda Smith, Bonnie Starr, Joan Kudtow. Mary L-Houroux. . « -1 hew voting ipachlne, $1,600, and lord, wMcfa be leaves fo r ap- The Depreeaton was on, and Balloons Join Etost held the ace or the queen .Starolak. Linda Topllff, Juiette Also, James Uppo, Nancy National Group a new beU field at Gilead HUl REAL paaranpes in the Middle West. evterjdiody was trying to malm / Uaupee, Maroha Vennart, Col- Utke, Susan MacLean. Nant^ W ^ 'D la n T S ^ J*! School, $6,000. o f hearts. The Increasee represent about Be has appeared in the money anjr way they could. For Zany A ir Race After much hemming and lotto V M iti^ David Ware and MaOomber. Brian Mather, Tall- The Totiand County Twin ESTATE vicinity at least twice before, egcample, I recaU being quoted Laura Za^io. valdto Meldelle, Frederick Mbtfaera OlUb has recently join ­ a 30-mlll tax Increase for (OonUnoed from Page One) hawing South played hto low bolh times at UODnn*s Jorgen­ an eochorfattard rate to dMlars heart. West won with the queen SENIORS Mentor, Charlene MeCtorthy, 8u- ed (he natlcnel organlsatfon of BS OM W ty w ,.* son Anditarium, once as soloist for a room at the Adlan Hotel, fniddle of London’s Thames Riv­ of hearts and returned a heart ResiSei" Bonora aen MoLafferty, Nancy-Miner, MIoltMre o f Twins dUba, Die. with a visiting symphony orches­ a real phuh oarvanaeral at that er. to the ace. Down one. Catherine Albair, Debra Ivata Mitrovica, Susan Moor- Chiu*ch Accepts Mks. Henry Martta of R ock- NOW... tra, and the other time as a time, now demoliaiied by the The race ends next week, with We can eee that South made Avery, Karen Badger, Keith house. Jack Nash, Gary Newton, vlUe has benn named natlonel ^ F .O T . CTION I MottsUat Oeho recitals don’t war. I sqwawked, to no avail. top prises for the best tlmso to the loetog play, but It’s n ot Begley, Lynn Beaulieu, Denise Mery Perotti, Gail Peters, Fred- 32 Confirmandfi representative of the area club, dependable cmaHy em w U g audiences, but then I called Kart von WIe- each direction. Instructive to let it go at that Balhumeur, Aline BelUveau, Pe- **^ck PeUg, Judy PoepisU, Pam- . ____ . and wm servo as a Satoon be- quality-aMured ha had so hnpreeaed the au-- gand, BerUn correapondent for Among the more daring ad- South should work out the tor Berdnlck, David BlackweU, ela Quintal, Alan Reichlln, Gary A cla » of 32 conflrmamto was ^ orgiuztaatlone. dtenoe at the symphony concert, HsemM, who wae a permanent verturers in Ben Garcia, 83, ot winning play because he knew Janice Bletser, Joanne Booth, Roberts. Nancy Rohan, Linda accepted into Onter Oongrega- Her duttos will Include the prep­ TERMITE that thousands turned out for Bast Brunswick, N.J., who left that Basf was a good player. TWIN . ART . PUSHBACK a GIANT ^ Linda Bowen, Nancy Brandor, Rugglea, William Scholta. Nonal Church membership yes- resident to the hotel. (1 know SsD. Tbom ss 9 . Dodd Mrs. Winifred Hayes AUDITORIUMS * GAUfRY SIATS bCRIlN aration of a report on the na- CONTROL ROBERT J . SMITH, K n ilE PHARMMY his less gfaunorous redtal. hhn, by the way.) He came New York’s Flushing Airport to In East’e Place Marline Bray, Laurie -Alao, David Seavey, Holly at the 11 am service, tlonal orgaMsaitlon for the local the licenced practical nurses, Tonight he will be heard with down and I ahortty had a room crattc registrar of voters since the race’s smallest eiftry, a South must put himself to Broderick, Maureen Burke, Shorts, LeeUe Slbrtoss, Waiter' aia • John V. Abbott memtoeire at meettogs and for w ith MSURANSMITIIS SMGE 1114 nurses aides and ordicritoe. orchestra again, with all pro- at of the quoted price. 1933 and is the dean of Manches­ Piper C (dt Bast’s place. 'East knows that Renee Calhoun, David Casle, SSkowsld, Eric Stonamon, Frank Anthoiw Blric «*«*.*«« the local club newsletter. She will be reqxsisMile for all GOLD CREST CHEMICALS OBsds beneflttlng the Rostro- Biven the Adlan was out to ter’s poUttcal figures. "I’m a bit apprehensive," he South started with six clube and Robert W. BMe Jr.. John M. The area dUb was organized said alter arrlvl^ in Saint John, phases o f nursing admlnlatra<- Call... 649-S241 porvlch String Scholarship Fund make a foat buck if it could. one spade and must therefore Pawen. Duar.e L. Brown. Bob- lees ihan'a year ago. while the Other speakers at the dinner N.B. on the firet leg of his trip. tlon at the hospital. These re- M l MAIN S im r. MANGHinill WL M fJW 1 4 at the U. of H. Hartt OoUege ITila la the sort of background have six red cards. When ^ aJwkrt O o^. S ^ Oonror. Nancy Edwanto, nattoma orgi^^on wee oigan- ---- J ■■ ** wlU be State Sen. David M. "I’ll have a problem making the sponsibiUtles include nursing of Music. He will play two con- to "Cabaret." It centers around South gets through with his four^ ^ A. Elmoro, Kal^n A. Far- Ised to S T o h lo Barry and State Rep. Francis 700-mile bop from Iceland to serricee, operating rooms, emei^' 646-0445 oertl, with Moahe Paranov con­ a night apot, and much of BerUn diamonds he will still have tw^ A Very Special Adult Film! Stewart Croeeen, Judith, DeUa- deau, Martha Vennart, BUen guson, Robin E. Franklin, 1960. J. Mahoney of Manchester’s Ireland." gency rooms, pediatrics, fare, Lypne Derrick, Nancy Wann, James Wlckwlre, Mlary ducting ths Hartt Orchestra. centered around night apota in hearts left. Sharon R. Joyner, Daniel S. Information about the Tol­ 19tti Assem bly District. Ma­ His 108-horsepower plane has mBtemity, central ateille pro- DeeRoeiers, , Gennaro DlCten- Ann Wltoon, M ary Wlnot, David IlMae are ths Saint-Saens con- those days. Louts Armstrong honey to ticket chairman for If East’s hearts were headed land County Twin Mbthera (3ub osrto, an estahlWied favorite was going great guns there, a range of 600 nillea, but Garcia ceeatog and nursing supervtolan. by the queen he would get out naro, Leon Dion. Wolfram, Frank Zaremba. Kimoaii. the event. said he’d "wait for a good tail Mrs. Hayes has had 16 yean Alao, Jeffrey J. Klojzy, NoiKy may he Obtained by oentaicttng wHh ooneert-goete, and the new­ whUe people who couldn’t af­ with a diamond and wait fo r Also, Linda DoU, Joan Dale- SOPHOMORES B. Knight, Charle* B. Lund- M rs. Martin o r MTa. M anhall ly diaconrered Cello Oonoerto in ford an office uaed entertain­ The general chaiiman is Paat wtod" in Iceland, climb high of experience to nursing admin- South to play the hearts by him­ lineld, John Edenbrurn, Valerie High Honors Grand Knight Joseph MIcCartby, and glide to Ireland. totratlon end mmdng educa^ berg;, Joyce A. Maloney, Law- SHmor o f ToMand. C major, by Josef Haydn. ment in place of more conven­ self. This would defeat the con­ Baleeano. Sandra pence R. Meaciyam Jr., Pamela Six Haydn cello concertos tional buatoesa techniques. and the toastmaster will be Past "I have seven pounds of pea­ tlcn Including a B. 8. degree tract if West’s hearts w ere Beth Ferrto, Sandra Fotheo, Bauld, ChriaUne Bensen, Cyn- Moffat, Unda S. Panclera, OtiuMl Knight James Tlem ey. nut butter, a bottle of cognac do­ from St. John’s University, To Telepiione Cusfomers in 4he Exdiongo: were known, one of which has (They always tried to get some­ headed by A-10 and East’s by Cohen Joaeph Cohen, Bex- jfency g. pitidn, Daniel R. Pot- a h n ^ been In the repertoire of body else to pick up the check, The dinner will be prepared by nated by the BBC (Brlttoh Brooklyn, N.T., and graduate the queen. FuUer, Suaan Gottlieb, Marilyn bare Davidson, Jeanne Demko, Mark A Rav Christonher a committee headed by Town Broadcasting Oo.) and 000 bia- eivety celHat who ever played too.) shidieB at Springfield OoUege, Since East led a heart instead ^Ht^ieSaudi Gray. Joanne Out. Mary Ellen Suaan Dixon, Carol Ewing, Di- ^ ’ ^ t e r S i 8? ^ * Fire Oapt. Joseph MicOooe. cuita for emergencies, but I’m Mass. ALUMINUM tar public. I dent know any­ ‘‘Cabaret’’ revolves about a of returning a safe diamond, Holvoncn, Kemwth Hanloo, Pa- anne Gray. Kim Hovey, Jane a;u-bara J. Seavey Stephen T. afraid I won’t have enough thing about thia now one, but U would-be American author who Tickets are availaUe at the The announoement of Mn. East’e hearts cannot be headed tricto: Hanley, Douglaa Hansen, Hubbard, Suaan Hurwits, Rob- 3 )^ .^ ' ^ K . of C Home to memibere and gaa.” Hayes’ appointment was made by the queen. South’e only SIDING erlil be good-natured (Haydn is gets involved with a Nasi agent HefP’ k^lla Kleoolt. Car- j,. g^^r. Bernard For n*eSls$lmata always good-natured) and It who tells him where to find their guests. by haqdtal admtolBtrator John chance is that East* has th e Mlrabito who said that Mrs. ry Sue Hehzs, Unda Heraog, lyle Oetor. Craig Seum% Cheryl j yon Hone J ^ Oeoige R. GALL may achieve a popularity that action when the sun goes down. Sen. Dodd was elected to the Indian Stolen ace ot hearts, and South must iAiltoutoUk A iv inkn.ewrtd. Pamela Holmes, Janice Johans- Schaffer, Claire Smith, Michael vvhlttiw Janet B Witoon »nd / Hayes’ last poeltipn, prior to 6 4 M 4 6 8 NOW the other Sve have never ob­ He rents a room in a boarding U.S. House of Representativea BREWSTB3R, N.Y. (AP) - therefore step up with the king eon, Deborah Kahn, , Lorraine Snyder. Katherine Ttoylor. Pe- NanTv E VW ^ ‘ coming to Rockville, was with 1 tained. In any eiient it will be house (eveiybody lived in from the First Oongresslonal Actor Edward WcJlach says o f hearts. Kandler, Robert Kieman. ter Walden, John Warren,' Del- ^ J______' Bob Kittie the Mental Health Institute of iSiHUIBrCEUIlE interesting to hear. boarding houses those days) Dtstrict in 1902 and was re­ somebody has stolen his Indian. Daily gnestion Also, Henry KMn. Janice more Williams, Stephen Wilson. Independence, Iowa. EOie was A/w coNomoNi n I don’t know whether any and gets Involved with a strip­ elected in 1991. He was elected 'me Indian, a metal statue 7 Partaer opens with 1-NT (16 At 7:00.9:10 Krause, Lauree Lambert, Thar- SOPHOMORES ,The Bartlett Braisard,, you can call new areas also In the armed services dur­ Accepta Unpaid Job seats are available at the mo­ per in a nightclub. to the U.S. Senate to 1908 and feet tall and weighing several to 18 points), and the next play­ Prodoete Co. ing World War n , having served Sondfiys aaa Innders, Amtoew Inpenta, , Regular Honors ment. A vary ferw were atlU to An incident in the boarding again in 1901. He has announc­ hundred pounds, vantshed from er paeaes. You hold: Spades, BURNSIDE 76 Daloott Bd. as a Ward lume and Charge CHOord LaPotato, Robert Lar- suaen Ackley. Jane Ander- WASHmOTON (AP) -David be had early this morning. Call house is amusing to audiences ed that he will seek re-election WaUech’s estate over the week­ 9-8-7-8-S-t: Hearts, A-9-t; Dla- Fnm 2 West Hartford nurse with the U.S. Navy. Un, Gary Lanon, Pauline La- co.-', druce A i^, Shelley At- Bteenhower, President Nixon’s ig> and aee, before you trot over today, but must have been an to 1970. end. mends, A-7-4; dubs,'9. voi^ Davie Lev* Sheri Levine, wood, P^gy Baldwin, Karon aan-lndaw, ha* accepted an un- Fboiie SSS-M78 to West Hartford only to be actual occurence to numerous Mrs. Hayes to married and I What do you eayT has two teen-age children. Sharon Uahman, Carol Utke, Ran^eer, Kathleen Barlow P®** summer job as a prelaw turned away. I’m amased that similar cases; at least I knew I Answer: Bid (our si>ades. MTth It mokM good sease to TOLL FREE U nda Lotatram, Gtory U dl, JSl WllfTOdo Barrioenuevo, Mau- Judiciary there were any left since he of a similar one in Vienna, at Vernon your own 8 points in high cards Maloney, Patrick Marino, RMi- „een Becker. Robb Bdekfotd, call the company that you loiow that the combined drew such a large audience at the same period. ard Mason, Brenda Mattsrolll, Karen Btactte, Susan Brendel, ■**** he and hto has been known ki the count ia 24 to 26 points. More- Heme Ruproveeuent StofTB. It wW certainly be worth The mistress of the boarding Deborah MOMrilan, Kenneth Deborah Brown, Sandra Bunco, wUl live to the White house has trouble with one of THEATER TIME ,over, partner must have at least DON'T] FORGET THE "NEW DEAL" field for over SO yean! while in any ervent. Meeator, Carol Morgan, Susan cherrolyn Burgess, Deau Carl- •** her tenants who insists that ahe SCHEDULE two spades, so that you have a TUESDAY NIGHT BEFORE 9:30 P.M. be allowed to entertain sailors Tri-City Shop Plaza satisfactory trump suit of at MoQfwr, Kathtoan Mtaphy, Jac- ,on. Sta.-dey Chaoe, Patricia ®®***® <^®^ I seldom say anything about quekne Nowai* Patricia Orll- oobb. Ernest Cox. Edwth CraI^ musicals, but there is one com- In her room, otherwise she can’t Burnside —Tha_-able In Advance w ell. New officers will also be elect­ "THE DEVIL’S 8" Susan Staobpola> N a i ^ Stan- Robert Kenney, Annamarle of 17 new retail units resulting THURSDAY... One Year ...... 330.00 ‘ Starred In the Bushnell ver­ ed as follows: Mr. and Mrs. klswloa, John Starting, Judy IT S WHAT YOU DON f SEE THAT MAKES CUSTOM' Y Six Months ...... 15.00 in a total of 30 stores. James Goetcheus, co-presi­ “ The Tomig, Savage, Evil” II Sturtevant, Robert Taylor, Jan­ Y Three Months ...... 7.80 sion will be Signe Haaso, Leo The center, detreloped by Max One Month ...... ; 2.60 Fuchs and Melissa Har. Stag­ dents; Mrs. Edward Smith, Fortas Denies et Ttmrock, Shirley Troutman, REUPHOLSTERY FROM US SO SUPERIOR m o r r e - Javit of Hartford, now consists "DOWNBEATS ing Is complex enough to re­ first vice-president; Mrs. Leon Wayne Walob, Oberyt YVOrren- of 132,000 square feet with 13 quire seven 40-foot highway Botteron, second vice-president; TakingaFee ider, Barbara Wetoa,' Carolyn stores. It will be enlarged by ENDS TUESDAY trailers to move the properties Mrs. Clyde Richard, recording FRIDAY... Whlttog, Stuart Waff. furniture i$ stripped and repadded 250.000 square feet and the 17 JW'jat’f and scenery, etc. It tgkes 54 secretary, and Mrs. Eugene' From Wolfson JUNIORS new stores. Tlemey, treasurer. Mrs. E. J. Sprinss retied with Itillaa twine g Stage technicians to set this STATE High HoBOia Where Are Patrizzi, Mrs. Delores Lewis, (Continued from Page One) stuff up and maneuver It. So In addition to the expansion "MNEMONICS" Martha Any, Stephen Arm­ Mrs. Corrie Church, Mrs. Blva Onjinal shape o( hirnitHre iKtored W j P - ’ ' i ' it seems to be quite an extra­ of First National Stores and the fort to stay out of prison.” iB—rti66eiM«iiB'^ strong, Janice Bedard, Lynn Thomas, Mrs. Earl Wood are vaganza. doubling of the area of Vemon The Justice Department, HAPPY HOURS; ftl , Boggs, James Burke, Jamea Mat platloro completely reboilt i # * ' ' They Now— Drug, W.T. Grant will expand district representatives. meanwhile, said it "to a,VKpre of Richard Burton Button, Susan Chartomb, Rich­ OIT TNI from eo,00() square feet to 105,- the contents of the ai^cIe' in Mon. through Sat. 4 to 6 p.m. ard Dias, Wayne Douglaa, OINUINI New Induii mte wehbtiw ii n i d — 000. The Carousel Card and, Gift ’ Clint Eastwood Manhattans. Martinis. Scotch, ^ Staitoen Dunlap, Daniel Harvey, Mancheiter Area Life magazine and currently Rye, Whiskey Sours, Bar Blends Frame completely .rpolished ^ The Fords Shop will increase to size Krom haa the matter imder conaldera- Mar^Ure Lynne Hasnvard, Jane Hloook, ttlRTTR 2.000 to 5,000 square feet a n d Tolland Driver Uon." Suean Kats, J. Lawrence All loose loiats regloed H Albert and Larry’s Beauty Shop Fortaa’ statement, lasued two Where Eagles Knight, Dathl Kolbe, Cathertne mnsiTR •LACK ARROWS W H m A R R O W S That Rode Quieter will double in size. hours after he had driven to the Kisolol, Ellen Kravl^ Jeanette Flee Ann Co»erv ) show now to!!-freo show formar toll* Javit indicated that 80 per Warned After Dare Lesure, Ullton Meesler, Klmber- Than A Rolls Royce? court on an otherwise quiet Suit , TbnMf-S4Kk Cellar' All seams and weltrag are hairdtewn routes ofFoctive fraa routas still in cent of the proposed new space Car Hits Pole day, began: "I have not accapt^' STANLEY ' ly Miller, Diane Paptoeau, TOILET TANK BALL ■At Your has already been leased and ed any fee or emolument from Paula Railing, R ol^ Rogers, ZawWn'i (*.*•■> Stow Fabric patterns caiefolly matched back and front M ay 4. affact. Roberta Tlieriault of Ander­ ^MMOM will be occupied by the finest Mr. Wolfson or the WoUson Joyce Rubin, Jeffroy Russell, Tk* *acl#nt WotM Mottar instantly tt*pi. New England Ford national and local specialty son Rd., Tolland, was Issued a PWMVltlOh” Ife* e*» e w*t*> *(t*r owli Sulking. Furniture is picked up and delivered al no ettra charie Family Foundation or any relat­ Mitrocolof Loto Steele, Karen Vater, Laura Dealers A g a in - shops. written warning tor failure to ed person or group.” GREEN’S Vaughn, Irene Vlrkutls, Rich­ 7 » t AT HAtOWAII STORIS The shopping center Is locat­ drive to proper lane after she Fortaa went on to say he met BROAD STREET ard itorbo. Wearing ed at the intersection of Rts. 83, was involved to a one-car acci­ , WE DON'T JUST COVER YOUR Wolfaon to 1965, before going on Ns>«e* New! Save Free TV MANCHESTER PARKADB i / ^______Telephone customers in the-’Manchester exchange can now call toll-frae to "A-1" Symbol Window ihadn o f lovely Du Pont Rt. 30 and the Wilbur C ross dent yesterday in Vemon? the Court, after a Wolfson com­ — ■t|w IW lifeB H ess— FURNITURE. WE REBUILD ITI “ Tontine’’ sre easy to waih. Will Hwy. The Theriault car went off several neighboring areas. Here's how: pany had retained hto old law EVERY PIECE IS PROTECTED BY SOOTCHOABDiSi look like new. Won’t craek, fray or The State Highway Depart- the road on High St. and struck firm . pinhole. Available in many attrac­ merit has already announced a utility pole. Three passengers AIT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU— ! tive colors Juit call u«. We will be MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIDES Stickers > plans to ' widen the highway In the Theriault car were treat­ > To call any phone in yput new • If you need extra directories listing glad to inetiure your windowi and • . ' * Included FREE! Extra Arm Covers five you a free etHmate for naw from the present four lanes to ed for minor injuries at Rock­ toH-frpe calling area simply dial all numbers in your new calling area Best "Tontine." ten lanes, from Hartford to Ver­ ville General Hospital. They Day In,^,Day Out _to Match Your Upho!stery ... non. were Rodney Theriault, 22, and /=or An Old Fashioned Bargain Visif^ seven figures of the number, just as just stop in at your local Phone In addition, the present traffic Albert and Oeclle Ploure of Mictaael J . Palbwd you.Tiow diaLother local calls. Store and pick them up. Used ■ Cars DU FONT circle will give way to an Interj Melrose. ’Haanlbal Braoks’ [M] SOFA or 2 section. The exists from the Wil­ pluB Bod Steiger [M l Charles Plader, 18ojDf 168 “In Beat of the NltfiF’ In Town! bur Cross wllf1>e relocated so as South St., Rockville, was 5 5 0 C. MfcMM liplw . on PRESCRIPTIONS Add yearo of beauty and com­ TONTINE. to discharge near the two en­ fort ta your proMot uphoi- charged wlfh 'operating an ufi-' . . . resulting in meaningful sterod Furpitnre by avaJUng trances to the shopping' center, registered motor vehicle In Ver­ Xt'Th» G u m ii -J.---- 5______ypuroelf of this greart offer Here ere fhe creoi you con now ocril foil-free: - See Our Listings Javit said. non yesterday. He is scheduled l e aatings to you every day! from our Cuabom Re uphol­ The original center was com­ mrHmfORD E.A.-JOHNSON to appear to Rockville Circuit stering Department. Choose i u p In This Paper. pleted In Uie spring of 1963. It Court 12. May 20. No ope and downs In your Prescription from a Specia! Group of the then consisted of the First Na­ costs—no “dlsoounts’’ today, Ttegulor 5 PAINTCO. Joseph Bray, 20, of Talcott- Newest Patterns to Tradi­ 'Pttoes Ate MANCHESTER: Manchester customers can now call to and from- all telephones 1M MAUI ST., HANCHESm tional StoYe, five retail stores, ville Rd., Vemon, was charged BUSfHESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIAL prloM’’ tomorrow! tional, Modern, Ckrionial and. hactuiliiw Fabric in the Rockville, Windsor Locks, Windsor and Glastonbury ax- , a' bank and {0 28,000 foot W.T. with failure to stop for'a Slpp No “reduced specials'’—no “tompoituy Provincial Fabrics to Decor­ Profeaeional workmanehAp— Grant Co. Additional retail EVERY MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY' ator Cofocs,______aiiiit All Ncw^CuahtoM changes and one way to the Columbia exchange. This is in ad­ sign end Is scheduled to appear rodnotlons’’ on Prescriptions to lure • stores were added to 1964. Last in' Rbckville Circuit (hurt 12 custoinersl WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM MADE dition to present toll-f ree calling* to and from the Coventry spring the Sage-Alien store May 27. . COLD OUT PLATE A A c BEVERA0F FABRICS and CLEAR VINYL SLIPCOVERS OPENING FO R nth CONSECUTIVE SEASON moved into the space formerly At the same ttipe, there Is never any and Hartford exebanges. ' Ralph E. Sherman, IL o< oompromlee in oe^oe or quality! occupied by Grant's and that SALAD (variei,) 9 9 *= * . ■ Kingsbury Ave., VemCn, vras Phone 643-4159 for Keith's store m oved Into larger quarters. Grant’s Is again ex­ charged with making unneces­ YOU GET OUR LOWEST FREE HOME SERVICE! We,are glad to provide this additional service and feel sure it will prove of GLEN HAVEN sary noise with a motor vehicle, panding to four times the size PBtOES EVERY DAY OF THE and Henek Siyeruk, 20, of W e Deliver We oteriUze and repad, t e a t s ai« rrtsutlt, springs are retied, increasing value to.ryou in the years ahead. of the original store and will FEAR . . . AND YOU SAVE new webbing need, loom joints are reghied, spring cush­ .be the largest Grant’s to Ck>n- 6 Ward St., with failure to obey SMORGASMR^LUNCHE^^ 'Everjrwhere BOYS' DAY CAMP one-way street regulaUons. Both MORE THROUGHOUT THE ions are replacod, seams and welting are hand-sewn and necticut. EVERY THURSDAY^AU. ^ S fJ EAT TEAR . . . ON ALL TOUR F ast framee oro completely poUahed. The enlarged center will pro­ are scheduled to appear to BOl/rON, CONN. vide parking for 1,500 cars and Rockville Circuit Court 12 May CHOlCa OF; PRESCBIPTnONI NEEDS. • 20. Have Ton Tried Keith’s "One-Stop SliappiiMf-^ George Mltchefl, Director, over ®0 year’s camp experienoe. will stress family shopping with • SHELLS e WeTl Come To Yow ,a . • e All Purehaaea impeotod Free brochoree available at Krause Fhuriat, 4 t l Hartford stores and . facilities for each Other area activity: TRY US AND SEE Rd.; Naosiff Sports Store, 991 htaia S t; Hobby Shop. 402 member of the family, Javit not­ ANDOVER Home To Advte TawLi-; Befoie Dcllyety! • ftAVIOLI fiC • Use Onr New Bevolvliig Oeater St.: Pogeni Barber Shop at the Oreen; Jackoon'o ed.. Galllgher and S^oenhardt Ucurge R. Gardner, 28. o f 15 • L A S M N A . l a O S • ^ S A O t • W e i awaVermBIM TennB To Market, Wapping; Nutmeg PhamuM*y, Vemon; Steve’s and Roae La. was treated tor facial Credit Pton! ) Bvaryonel of Simsbury a^e the architects. a il w MIANtOOTTI F K 0 N £ Tom’k Pizzeria, Roekville. ^ ___ , Lake Street PTO cuts and bruises at Manchester Memorial Hospital early yea-, AU j y ^ Pbun — Grindm — Spagh^Hi ^ Shdh S M -leatH OaU eamp director HTFD, XSS-7626 after 5 PAL The Lake Street School PTO IN w STORE or write George MitcbeH, P.O. Box llS, as— will hold Its final meeting of terday morning where he was the year next Monday . at 7 :S0 taken following a one-car ac­ . J ——r— cident on Rt. 6. Ft # > / / / f f ti rn ii tt rv p.m. to the school cafeteria with llfon. — BENTAIR e OUTINOS e PICNICS the topic for discussion to be PoUce said the Gardner car n m ia . 16 a.m. - Ui66 P.M...... a t t : I , M A I N ■> I M A T4 Cl U M I R The Southern New England Telephone CompaRy Weehaada F o f ksformathMk—OoU Project Concern. left the road on a curve, struck Fri.-Sat. 16 a .m . 1 .-66 001.^ 643-1188 Alt ConcRHoiMlI B«mSay II neon . 16 p.m. AjnpM SiBOttng Mr. Oecir^MHcfeeB, 266-1636 The panel discussion will In­ nine guide poles and a telephone n S S SAVAGE SEVEN** clude proponents and opponents pole and then vrait down an AT THE PARKADE — WIST MIDDLE TPKE. Oppoolto tfee i ■ngfi Seheolan of the project which buses city em bankm ent Lower (Sooth Bad) Stoeet—Phone MS-4189 aaaasiaEai^ MANCHESTER EVEN^rt? HERALD. MANCHEatBR^ OONN„ MONDAY. MAY 8, 1989 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAlD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. MAY 5. 1969

Colum bia U.S. Asks Czecks CoverUry To Explain Quiz TV-Radio Tonight EBA Re9erves Decision Of Americans AndBrson-Litth High. School pimee Band On Englert House Request PltAOUB (AP) — The Ameri- T ^ 4 f r U i o n TcKPlay at Hfott College oaa Bmbaaay is eaklng the •ria And9rson-Uffl0 ing Iota M> be UO by 200 (eet. IWb_____ Owehoalovak govenunent to ex- . A I M BKe iiM High gdtaool ttan warn raeotvod Om (oDawiiw i He beUeved underataad lota If day.) owned by Indlvlduala faiurt be plaia the treatment e f three' to fita Bottom •TO Invttad by It to auggaritel that bteara appHed aa ana tat btftora a Amerloan studanta arho were er- Haitk OoHm * of Mntee far a 7:10 ■■adtaig a tdMOk for taxw , Dm houae oouM be bidfi. He edded • NolaMior. raoM in Wenoeelas Square on oomMmtton oaaraatt and ^nta- taxpayer eaU Mn. Bray fo r M . iKWiihMI I the PSC doeaa*t eUow two May' Day and questioned for houeee to be tedk on two lota typa aominar for m iirie ■tudonte 'tha'oorraet amount o f teterM t OoRwet tetaroot la actually taai 100 by 200 (eat becauee there te eeven houra. •at llw ooltaga on Wodnooday. AD«b «( Obwirtiy, A U.S. conaul mid the atu- than the amount noted on the eddlt.t)nal land to make 100 by Awaifio OPventry flobools musto diree- n oHitm o f Um I o ttiglaft, nld fa* 200 tote. dente were Oeoiga M. White, mwfcU tha tm« at th« •:*> ( • « ) PqrtoB Pkuw tor Oeri fiallna oted tho purpooo tt EbouU also ba ncitad, Mim. The reeidei* noted that aon- Chrirtopher OttenweUer and •:00 •;00 of tho program Is to the t w late m n puretaatd Walter Jamas Kelly, members Bny aaid, that the poymont H u a a y O bW m la Jaa> tng ragulatlanB are "m ade to be Iterv Offitln coUego studtiite an idea of wliat muBt bo In her offioo on or bo- of the Notre Dame University Ufa to Uka outaldar tba olaas- • a d m M I m w m M ttad ad oompUed wKb.** He felt die ('■ Loer (C) (oro Um data ivooiflod on th o paala board ahould not make an International study program at Itorlo room, how a danoo band to Dagtatt ooidd M id om bDth Innsbruck, Austria. They had notloo of lion. axoeptlan in this oase' beoauee formed, what makaa It oHek, TIm rate o f IntarMt has boon If B ^ert was granted peimla- come to Prague aa weekend Xoriao Oromoetleut I m and to itiow fia * a danoa band Inoraasod from Mx pw oont por •M laxMiglat o u t th a t tiw rion then fi ahould be granted touriata. and Inmng Oomnla- I hinjhlA ftelr can ba an Intagral pact of the year to nine por oont por year to anyone who appltae. CTK, the Caechoaloilrak news SIS (O Chral Boraott mualo curriculum. aloa kad gnaUd parnilarien for agency, aald the thabe Am eri­ as of May 1 thla yoan The board aaked Bnglert to Tlia oonoart wW ba held *at a teaao to te Im llt oa la t S praemt a detailed pk* plan cana were expelled from the Our RegiiJar^43 Sfnittg Summer U:S0 M not for Lot 1. tiw CkrUaga’a SItaa Auditorium, Tiw lin t iqirlBg Twimimlia- ahiaring the bouse aocactly aa country over the weekend almig U;00 ■oalBg ragidatloBB My th « with three Dutch TV newsmen, and wttl ba open to an. The ttan elihlo waa held A f*^ M, It would be located, the dinwn- program wiU then adjourn to wUh an attandanoa of gs. Dr. IdglMMy M e ia the grant Uae Blaaa of the (ot UnM and loca­ a three-member team from the ?;S M hi IM i ana Om bouaM (ace BriUah Broadcasting Corp. and the cUnlo-aamiaar portion of the Hobart Boarao gave a total o f tion of the well and septic tank. program, tor murio oduoalton M Immunlsatlona, aaalBtod by M lake. Tiw lot la queetlan haa Leonard Oennen, chairman of two West German studenta. ■ B B BA T ■Me U aea c t X feet In front end All 11 “violated our laws ahd \ tlTB TV WBBK BOB OnMBLBTB UanNOa otudotea wlwra gallna wUl Bwak PubUc Haalth Nurse M n. Viola the ZBA, said legal queettone about Mo band, and tbs ool- Wkttta. MnaM rs . Norma OougtaUn, tm r Hnea of M (eat. AU « con- must be answered before a de- Ciechoalovak legal norms,*’ CTK said. Radio lege otudante wtS have Uw op­ M n. Nancy Cain, M rs. Stspben M di, If the Mglnray w ere ctelan can ba ma«le. ropical Oahmsan and Mt^ Boimia Ju l­ grtwre the lake la and tiw lake The UJ9. Bmbaaey aald the T (IMsI portunity to ask quarttons. >af Uor u fisllna. who to a graduate of ian. ^Tha next clinic w ill be adwn Ow hlgliway ia then tw Bvealag HenUd three Americana were not ex­ I *wrrv I e.i pelled but were allowed to stay Hartt, oald tbe kivlfidton to sq>- held on June 7. M we could be boOt w ith no ctereependeat VIrgtBia W B C B -tW The pubUo health nurses sn until their visas expired Sunday &:gOBertturt FliMtahw pear waa a speolal honor for Oarieea, taL M lU n . night Um and tor Uw band. Uw pro­ runnlag a pre-sebori d e n t a l ■aglaat la aeeking a rarlance t lw o S Ia M l:S eisii oft" gram haa boon arranged by tba health oUnlc at the Town H all 12:00 Qnlot Hoam (o r L o t 1' which could only af- :09 Anoiaoo?%^ bead of the muato education da- M a y it 4 S te ta a CM to UBO (aet Iwt 1, aaya Alen. *%ad orsted uits ' Kaitet Ropon a.m . and IKW to S:M p.m . Those W S 4:00 Dfaar^Svim*^ partmorit at tiw ooltego. ■■gleet «anw that too end I Waatbor Intarastad can oontaet the Pub­ ta« business has baon Alen aoM the letter did not teternattanal olub affairs, tor dhpensed witti. ghra a penal (or a faouae on Uw JWC parileipatlon In the Mamban riiouUI bring thalr la * 1 and read a portion of the G>imcil To Vote Tonight Oaventry-to<3ovantry program. boutlqua booth and white ele­ M tar died with the town clerk. Susan Franktand, tbe Cbrontry phant booth Item s tor a May 17 The tatter, written to OoUlna higb srSiool girl bring sent to Arte and Crafts Sbmr. Fo o d Iqr Hdward Peteraon, chakman On New Education B u ^et England lids aiwnmar by the lists tor the show w ill be dis­ o f (h e Pac, aald. In put, “Re- JWO, win meet and apeak with tributed and poatan w ill also queat for approval of lo|s of a The Town OounoU wU. meet between tba KofC aoftbaU team abnllar woman’s riub wblle b a re a d y . five-loot aubdlvialan of the Lu­ tenigbt at 8 In the TVrwn HaU the UtUa Iwagua managers there. Dem ocratic Woaaea ON SALE ’the Damoontlc Wmnen’s ther Buefi property—membera to adopt tba Board of Bducatton ^ * '*'*• oaoond award was an ax- fuaaUon owiweahip atetua of 20- Club w ill meat tomorrow night ( 0(* atrip tunning hum Lake budgot tor tlta UMTO fteeal ***■ ***^ at 8 at the home of Mm. Arthur THIS WEEK ONLY! Rd. to Lot 2 wMoh' la labeled year. Tho oouneU boo already Laogua*R!lbaU and the KblC ’ right of way. This abl> w ill be propo.adtoout|14g,«>«out of building fu«l Barry Npooarh M ^ d lZ ^ ’ ^ deaded and became part of Lot *• ■ tbia la correct the oom- ATTENTION! miaatan approvee both lota aa M ^ aohool b «^ haar^ ^ ^ Tria^ . savings bond dlvl- M kUnf Iota appUcaMe to aon- M iste wotfe, iraaktanto voted <*•»«»«* « «>« Home Ufa rion. Mn. Merrick wUl mgilaln ing negutatlona." M tar favor of raatnrliig (ho ooun- Mamban of tiw rommlttea OommlDtaa,______received hoitMabta tha work and funotlan of her oU’a out, W te favor of cutting f o Noonan rod Galowloh, oo- mentloo, aa 9 otbaf. on .an ordlnanoe ‘to i*rtai* . . t*dgyl Tho aalaotton Is made by the appnmriate l«,700 tor revnlua- teoulty, according to Caruoto, AM oonnaMWoon ui Rvw-to tM— .aw a. Spkirge I junlcr girt most ayblbttlng ^ strong eridence of c c n ^ a c ^ ” .»**. dtecusrion of the Woold you be willingr to pay ^.18 per week - n a » prisa, symnathrilo under- Allowing: Extension of sewers for years of good, rebudnF sleep. That’s the price of Holman Baker Bedding during 1%6 COMET p o s f ^ and .oonatructiva Influ- its ngEKBtfiei life. Hcdman Baker’s Musco 1967 OLDS. 0^ upon otham, now and In Vernon. Center Conforming Finn and Verto Ultra Firm toe fu to n Hrighte; an ordlnanoa astabUah- Bedding was originally designed from Ptenrite is sacratary i f the ttw Booiwmlo Davalopm«it 4-Door Sedan 2-Dr.'nardtop. Cutlass ON SALE reconunandationB of orthopedte surgeons Jimlor otasa, a^cheartamtar, wxl for those with back disorders. But now, has bean alacted praoldent of too V-8, A u fo - P-^- Supreme M42" of ttw Reereatioi) Oommiaalon many with noimal, healthy backs are also Touto Oounqll. She aocpacta f o enjoyhur the lasting comfort of Hcdman. THIS WEEK attend ooUage to bfraome a Swimming Pori committee. The teaefaar or a social worfcer. board wUI dUouas In executive Baker Bedding. So, if you're suffering Bearer Paari ■asalon tba raCuaa dtapoaal prob­ from backachM due to improper Bedding, There w ill be a maadng. of le m . ■- and you’re willing'to sacrifice $.18 per 1965 FORD GAL The following mporta wlU Iw 1964 T-BIRD toe Sower Oonuntaslog tomcr- .week, st into Watkins' Slumber Sh 5 .A. . roar night at 8 at toe Town HaU heard: Building Department for today. $99.60 ea. . 5 April; rental Income vs. ex­ 4-Door Sedan .• . i to oonridar too imfintataod buri- ^ Convertible nooo.of aooawmente. panses of a ll town-owned prop­ Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P,M,-—CloMed Mon, Doaeaaa M orittel erty; tba annual ftrSworka dis­ V-8, Auto., P.S. , p lay; Ua-ln of Vernon poUce sta­ Complete Expert Alterations The Board of Doaoons, Fbet Open Thurt. & Fri. until 9 P.l4, . . tion sowar, and sale of land on CoiMregwttoBst Churoh, w ill Dart H ill Rd. 9t No Charge! moat tomoirow nV d at > in the Smart Shif tsi Culotte and Pant Dresses! mtetetea*o study. 1963 FORD G AL 1966 FORD tJAL ;nw muslo oomarittoa wUl meet Wadnaoday at 8 p-ngi. at Skimmers! Shirtwaists! toe home of M n. Jeon Shap- 4-Door Hardtop 4-Door Hardtop hard, 688 Mata St A ohurdi fam ily breakfast MANCHESTER'S V-8, Auto. V-8. Auto., P.s' ba bold tola Satuntay at 8 a.m . Colorful Prints * Crisp Solids • Novelty Patterns ♦ SS's Dacion® polyestei 45°o Worsted W HOIW R In toe oinirob Lower HaM. R la Only Fuel Oil Deoler aponaorod by toe Board of Daa- oono and a* famUloa In the MR CMV , Cool and crisp spm er dresses in easy care-easy’wear fabrics. obuTCh are wetaomo. Open 24 Hours A Day! The Pilgrim Fallow riitp of tka WE HONOR ofaumh wUl bold a car w arii tola " Sizes for Misses, Juniors and Half Sizes.' . Saturday from 8 aro. to 4:M MORIARTY BROTHERS p.m. to the eburob driveway. ' ’ 1 • DILLON V '‘ " •Mbs. Bast Sanford boa been W lwm CugtBUBurtt For Over Anderson^Little appointed superintondaat of ttw 'Hfuf* Ooiiiu Mobil Vs off A A QhidTMomi oL Hmm/ O b d u m anwM««w Vacatloa Oburch « r g t — . 1 OuuHuryi Sates and Service IN MANCHESTER . School, which is Ibohodutod for heating oil JPIy. 7 through'July IB from (Manchegter Paricade) Waat Middle TOtnpike-Broad Street 8 ajn . to noon. Anderson-Utfle. 319 MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER Phone 647-9775 giHksg Goose IN HANCHBflTBS Tho KMgbte of Oohanbua and CALL 643-5135 (l lgnehegter Ptoiaide) West 'Diniiifl(*>3ro*d Straet ■ the UtUa Laagus i3o-wpaa- 301 C e n C R SHKECF MANCHESTER Phone 647-877B S soring a Dookay Softball Gaow

' \ ' \ . . i .

N. ICANCHESTTER SVENINO kLD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ MONDAY, MAY 6, 19«9 MANCHESHat EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY^ MAY S, 1969 PAGE SBVfeH . . * Deportment will meet tonitht at BSte,” oaid ons infantry officer. Americaae wort killed and sev­ v‘- wMoh mlgM help Tolland Amtiirfltpr Mto and toelr daol- • in fits Lonoard’s Oarmr B1i« l/eS. Silent "But they've denied refuge -to en wore tenondad. Housa. teoa. enemy trooiie in areas whord . The U.S. Obnunand alsu afi- Hte Mid Boatag you’d have to gic in. with ground ntunoed tht five, helicopters and Cimitttd 9rral^ B waa tha pNpoaal « t a “BIppoenttte Middle School Spellers Gommtealan wUl meet tonight at O h R e s u l t s troops and suffer men killed and O '! Air Notional Ouoid FlOO 1965 VOLKSWAGEN oafii'* for adtenttete, and It was prupcaiil 8 in tite Tbwn,^HaIl. wounded.” flghter-homber were lost over 143 GHIA COUPE o o .. n*r by Arthur W. Oateion, profess or o f Mol- Win Trophy in Area Meet The PothiSndsr Club wfll most . O f B o m b in g Four more B88 raids in Wer the weekend. kilUng eleven ogy at Tala, a aohnlar tMananiad by fiia tonight at 7 tn Oie Ssraath Day Zone C wore reported today. Americans end wounding rix. Twenty-five Stratofortreoees The reported helicopter losses • VIN YL INTERIOB way the Army defoUaUan pnojecto in 'the Tolland Middle School Partioiplente in the program Adventist Church, Parior’s (Oonttened fiwndPage One) • WHTTEWALI^ Vielaam repreemi 'Typlote mfoventon spelling team captured the Jdndeigaiten teadiera Ifiaa home. dumped 780 tons of bombo on for the now total 2,690 while the fix e d -w in g air­ • RADIO by the military o t a paUnUally benaartal CREFT KMlUng tiophy for the ^****i'^ Oobb, Mrs,. Susan Cole, The aimual town budget moeb Uggest acoompHshment,” said enemy bunker oomplsxso and storage araas, the U.S. Com­ craft loeses teportod ere 2,082. dteeoveky." aurd Ume in five veara Fridav °ameroo DeOew, Mrs. lag called tor tbmorrow night one BBS offioer. "Ws don’t lot mand roported. Two o f the hellooptera vrere The oath Proteoaor Oateton progoaod,' ^ Judith Ckiodman, and Mrs. will be adjourned until May 18 them get mganlaed.” The trophy is ewaided an- Margaret Schonstaum, as well at 8 p.m. tn lha high sidiaol A ground clash aloO w as re­ sM down Soturday end two ool- henceforth to be known perhaps, aa Three North 'Vietnameeo and nually to the winner of tta five- as a student teacher who has gym. ported in War Zone C, 88 mllee llded Sumte.}). The coniekm was _____ RAISB Oateton’e Oath, would have aolantlate Viet Oong divtolone are tbs pri­ northwest of Saigon. the third In 12 days. *1 2 9 5 [• ki Mnute* town spelling contest. Five- aaslsHng at the school. The Meadogsbraok School maldiig the followtag pledge; mary bargste in the current Troopa of ths U.S. 1st Air Ca- mem..er zpeUiiM teams emnpos- ^*»®**«' •***' Oteria PTA will mset tomorrow night campaign. The raids have lavry Division ran Into 160 EMOTIONS AFFLICT MANY “I will not knowingly paificipata in ed of eeventh and eighth grade ^ “ l*w»^ee$xx)l nurse Mto. at 8 in the sohool’a aU-purpoM struck at Imwo oampe In # a r North Vietnamese who opened LONDON—Ths British Associ­ TED TRUDON, In c . reaeareh leading to the denrakqiment «f ztudenUi from the to w n o f Oov- Caadko, phyolcal educa- room . Zone C, including hunker com­ fire from bunkers. American ation for Mental Health says new weapons o( war, nor of ogeote arhioh entry, Rockville, ElHngton, MJm Oeraidlne ,^ 1, Tolland Orange will bold plexes, trenobss and stockpiles VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE flgtiter-bombers put the enemy ons patient in three seen by la aaoloalTdr eBlIiled are dealgned to kill or malm people or Somers and TDUand participate School ^ potluck supper tomorrow TOLLAND TPKB. — TALOOTTVILLE of all D««B dla- of munitions and other supplies. to flight after an hour’s fight. family doctors suffers fitm an _ or Bot oUm tw Im credit- to destroy propeiCy. fci the competlUoh oonstetliw of night at 7 in tha Orange Hall, “We’re not able to show you The bodies of (fares North Viet­ l i t a the local man pirt> several meeto each year. to the program. Find Bapttet Church of illness that la either mental or "I win neither seA nor accept re- enemy bodies killed by the namese were left behind. Four emotional in origin. Friday’s meet was won by Fhiorldo Itoateneut Tolland wHl hold a mldwaak o( ragdMIraHna ot ffMctal dir eearch grants from military agencies, Tolland, durii* which th* loM ^ dontet fayglhle* wlU prayer service tomorrow night nor will I permit any a t my reaeareh Iko BamM PriBUac OOnRmr ta c.. a» tteuTaddsd^iht more pobS ^ “* MMoa m ntBfflal napctuBinity tor trpo- flndlnga to be reatrlotod from free and ■ arron aitpaukw In adrertlaametiU ending up with 28 potato f o i and six. the Oroon. j m /S ta g matin' In The ItaacdMater open pubUoatlon and availability to aB tha rfiri9Mi R A rk vIll* wMv»h «*w h®Vl0 WOt ywt M APtotf • HaraM. who wish to consult them.” i!St yw! of Manehsater Eveuliig Herald Save over other famous brands! Choose from assortment of flavors lo Loa Angolaa nnea-Waahlm We can imogim fii^ if we ware a 18 potote. Coventry M. Somers 2^ , »Wtond _____ ra Han lea. dental decay. ■art loa ollafd of N. B. A. Sirrioe, ^ BcienUst, such an oath might appeal to 10 -and Ellington five. Quateale, to t 876-8S45. BanrananlaHraa — Tha Jallu* .The hygenist wUI be at the ue, aa a means of easing our own con­ Italhagi Bpaolnl A— fn any y — New Tork. Oil- « “ Ktous educafion building o f caao, Datrnit and Boatoadon science about our own poaalble oontrl- won the final meet after a cloee hJ ” ” AUBIT HimBAU OT CIRCtTUA button to the evil means plaoed in the r ’ Duncan Hines hands of men. H *’ «cl«dtog July 4. WANTED n m la y ndTartl five p ^ w ^ Appotatmente tor toe treab Ih r Ifon d a y — 1 jn-m. But even such protecUcm of the Welgold eoored three. ClMU, Late MoM Layer Cake Ihr THeaday — 1 p.m .------scle n t’s own sqiecial conaclence would ment may be made by palling f m Wadnanday — 1 p.m . Ifoa d a i A ariwol must win the trophy the Rockville Public HoaiHi fh r Thoitaday — 1 p.m. Toaaday not and could not absolve him from re- USED CARS ~ TtUtoy — 1 pm. Wadneaday three times In a row to keep It Nuratag Aaaoclafidn on Park St. Mixes Balmday — 1 pm . Thuradu. ^Mnalbikty in the main test of clvlUsa- tor tiu* school. Tolland won in Rockville, Top Prices Fftkl Bad dandlhae — ( p.m . d » befori tton. That to not the tost of what ovU Yellow, devils food, B p.m. TrIday for Balurda' the trophy in 1964 and 1967, Bulletin Beard ForAUBIsk«a! You’ll find the quality of Fresh from our oten ovens! fudge marble, lemon ' pnbUeatloa thinga we may invent, but of what evil while Rockville hae held tt twice Boy Scout Troop 16 will meet every Stop & Shop prod­ zuprema, white, deep r things we are willing to use upon one in 1986 and 1988. tonight at 7 at the Community CAR m CHIVROLI1I uct at high as any com­ ehocelata, butter yellow, V im a t f . Mny B parable brand . . . and apice, orange tupremc, another. It’s not what we have or know Kindergarten Orientation Clubhouse. C O . . I N C . butter fudge, cherry « i. The kindergarten oriientatlon VFW Post 341 Auxiliary will this rich, full-bodied cof­ so much an what we are willing to do 1SS9 Msin St. fee la no exceptioni Blueberry Rhubarb nwring for parents of next tonight at 7:80 at the Poet N» EMt, Only OonflietinK Troth with it which really oounla. The future PhoiM 649-S288 of mankind 1s not belhg fought and de­ year’s kindeegarton etudenta ^ _ will be held on May 14 instead ^ ’ ^'tohd Vohmteer Fire Om a t Ihn hirtrtenlnl troublM o f the cided In the laboratory, but in the mind of the previously scheduled M a y ______Pr M h m a t our M"»t la «*—* not «v«a and heart of man, indudlng, of courae, 13, due to a confUot wlfii the 1-1 Lu k Ious tart-sweet Man facte a n oaaOjr dotennlnaliin. a man who works in a laboratory. fruit filling In a ainoual town meeting. flaky golden crust 1816 u I lio atory o f wliat ha|iiMMd at ObmaO If any sclentb^ ahaidd voluntoer to H m IdndetgiBrten parents’ A tantalizing com­ Untm atty aaama fated to boooma a take “ Oalaton’a ’ Oatta” we should be bination of blueber-' night wlU be held at 7:80 in the Manchester's Oldest riea and rhubarb. -*— amniite of ooBOletliic nraiaaB. touched and Impreased by their genteel Mjeadowlbrook School all'pur- 1 lb. 3 oz. alze. effort to become civUlaed, and we would poee room. Registrattone may That teofy baa nand rtolently from with Finest 58 wonder when the rest of us might come be made following the meeting. ana point a t Ttew to anotbar, aoconUnf to decide that, whatever the Implement A prognun of t^viaian^aped to tba aouroa a t tba reporttnd. Feciiitiet plaoed to our band, we no longer tad cteasrooen scenes will be pres­ Tha "agnanMnf' which ended tha oc- the capacity to use it agabiot one an­ ented by the staff. The tetoid- m vatiao a t Straight Ban waa, in one other. rion tepee were made with m alon, aignad nndar tha threat of gima, equipment secured tor the school'under a federally-funded We "steak" our reputation on mmi-pncing and bid, in oDbmt veialoiiB, aigned only after Atone Country Roods With Sylvian Otlsm proposal. tha threat a t tba gima bad baan lifted. PEACH BLOSSOMS Sw«et 9imday And The Dodffere J EhdiiUts of the curriculum Tha gima wen ioiuled, or imloadad, ft! Everybody la taking the nevV poUfical and materiate used In the kin­ or only one gun bad one Mve ahril in it. dergarten clonoes, school readl- team of Norman ICaller and Jimmy * When the g m came out of Straight neM and health requirementa Breolln, running for mayor and city Herald oe well as the proposed physi- Hall, that waa, hi one 'venion, an act. ODuncU president down In New Torii Inside Report Events in Capital oal eduoation ouiriouhmii will a t ooneaaaion and aumndar on the paut Otty, aa two rather big fat Jokes. Yesterdays be dteousued. of the atudanto. In other wentona, it waa But the campaign tbeae two Fatetaf- by disclosure of the $2 blHlon cost a moment o f 'victory ftw^-tbe atudente. flan characten are begiming to build 25 Years Ago Romney Cites Project Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak overrun tocuirsd by Lockheed When the Oornell t a c u ^ reviteaed t t -. could end up wMi such a universal All teachers in the Manches­ To Spur Home Building maxi-man meats (Aircraft Oorp.) on (be G6A.” RANGE aelf,' that waa, aocording to the atory scattering of its special ^ipeals It ter public school system receive ITHACA, N.T. — Well before phoria within a majority of the WASHINaTON (AP) — “Pro­ The nomination is for the 1969 Dear Mr. West: and the analyala, an act of tear under sweeps all before it Cornell University's administra­ faculty. Catching the spirit of a 16% Increase as a cost of liv­ ject Breakthrough” to stimulate Rorinfriler Public Service ing bonus. ■ M tile threat of 'violence, or an act wUch the times, English and anthro­ home building and easier mort­ A-ward. Norman Mialler, fo r instance, will ep- tion bowed to armed black mill- FUEL OIL “ Every Service is Handled with Respect reaulted from the fact that memben -poal not only to short men, but to fOI pology professors have trans- Only 26 -voters are present gage condtUons for trailer home FitageraM te deputy of man­ tonta, the shape of the coming formet'. themselves from "de- and Thoughtfulness.’* of the faculty had their eyes opened who admire honesty. He la a short man -when $16,000 is appropriated for owners have been announced by agement syatoms In the offloe of New Order here had become partmer.lts’’ to “ communes.” a new truck in the South Man­ GASOLINE end their conaclencea persuaded. himself. Another short man, one Thomas ' Oeorge Romney, Secretary of the Aaftstant Secretary of the (Bzeerpts from a letter) frighteningly clear. But the radicallzaiUon of Cor­ chester Fire District Housing and Urban Devefop- E. Dewey, loot a presidential election Air Force. He hod teotUted be­ And when thousands of middle-ground Militant black students were nell was underway at least a ment. fore Proxmlre’a committee in­ by sitting on a fat telephone book when­ Oornell atudente met and did their thing showing up for claaaes they had year ago when the university 10 Years Ago jProJect Breakthrough ”te a vestigating the C6A program. BANTLY OIL SAFE PARKING ON PREMISES —which waa essentially on the side of ever he had to be photographed. MOiler not registered in, taking seats administration Implicitly sup­ new PcMject. It goes beyond Just \ Out-of-towners ore being turn­ Capital Quote cteadfastly refuses to use even a foot- In the rear, and carefully Jot­ ported the right of students to technology. It gets into the ques­ the black aettoniate—that was either he- ed away from the Manchester atool when be tries bo stand up to micro­ ting down the profeasor'a words. censor classroom teachings. tion of the beat use ot land and “Perfection is not tor man to • ESTABLISHEO 1874* oauae they wen seeing a vlaion of a disposal area. GOURMET STEAK SALE< A phones Just slightly o'ver his head. The message to the faculty When black militant^ resorted tapping new sources of money,” attain and-it doeon’t exist in any new end finer OanmH, and because for Manchester’s general mana­ weapon system that we have or If you’re fanatically particular Both Mailer and BreedJn have as their m em bers: any remsu-k that to force over the lectures of an Romney said. about the steak you eat, buy the first time they had come to reahie might in the slightest way of­ ger reservee the right to hike ever will have’’—retired Lt. platform a pledge fiiat New York City economics professor. Dean The plan ■will bring together these elegant cuts at economi­ the true aituatlon of the black students fend Negro aenalbilltlea could Stuart M. Brown Jr. condtmed cemetery fees. governors, mayors and repre­ Qen. Arthur O. TTudeau, totmer cal pricet. Mon., Tuts. & Wed. will secede from New York State ^ond CVOlatWAOCN or AHISICA, INO. only. at Oornell, or it was because they them­ only Invite trouble. their proteata and condemned sentatives from the building A m y chief of research on the seek entrance to the Union as our 51st selves w en dtesolutely interested in dls- Furthermore, such intrusions the professor’s claims ard- Stop & Shop you can be sure of full rich flavor, for the orily kind of use rose-ct^red glasses. and the atmosphere will be given a tionally; the centrists feel Cor­ , What .people see hit us, the beef we sell is personally inspected steer from USDA Choice Grade. militants always could force the Center to begin classes here Club Sirloin Steak chance to purify Itself. Just imagine a nell is dead but hope persists iWASHINOTON (A P ) — Sen. way we apeak to othera, the Every cut gets out Just Rite Trim?’. You can be sure every ounce administration .to surrender next term will play a major For a gourmet touch, top hot * 4 no Whatever really happened at Cornell quiet New York, Just sleeping In the sun, elsewhere; the optimists—a William Prcixmlre, D-Wfas., said curtneas of our words or the IS va/alueful. il when class^m content was at role in the New Order at Cor­ broiled steak with delicious v I is still, so far as we can Judge, hung up very few of them—are staying today be has nominated tor a kindly tone to' underlings, the' mushroom caps that have been ~ ^ lb no mechanical sound or movement of issue. nell with blac|c students helping somewhere between the dramatic sensa­ a In ■ hopes that ComeU will yet major puUic service award an sympathetic interest we take la broiled In butter. Individual Beil $ 1 2 8 any kind, nothing except peo{de dlscover- Even more disturbing to them to dt clde which instnictors and tionalism, of the first news accounts with come to its senses. But even Air Force official who revealed the unfortunate — all these ex- Tender-ettes Stirtl 1 k irig, once again, that they are peo{rie. is the feeling that Cornell Is no courses meet the standard of those optimists are certain that *• 1 the ropdtltlon of the news pictures, and money troubles in the 06A temnU manifest the Umerself, Obviously, the M ailer-Breeiln ticket Is isolated catastrophe. The pro- "relevance” Cornell’s white and CkUTiell’s resurrection depends transport program. the wrllful insistence of some' subsequent the echoes of the voice of the not anything to be token lightly. The fesaora fleeing from here are black radicals envision this upon the fall o f Perkins, an The senator said A. E. Fitz­ heart. Maxi'fflon steaks, commeiitators from among the students, haunted by .the fear that the center as a radical academy, event which now- seem s most voters pf New York are certain to find- gerald deserves the award be­ Rt. Rev. Magr, faculty, ^ d some outside*' analysts that It an intoxicating experiment In 100 per tradition of academic freedom drawing slum chllijren from the unlikely. cause be "made the first public tender and juicy . . alwoysl Cornell was somehow going through may be dying in America and Edward J. Reardon cent proof democracy. ^ ^ ^ All our stealTs at Stop & Shop are cut from ilS D A ’■spiritual experience from which some- that Cornell la but the outrider ■r-.- of that' calamity. Choice Grade beef . . . beef with consistently 98 » thing new and noble is already rising. high quality. Every piece of beef we buy has been Swiss Steal^? ‘ A fine cut of meat for any meal. ^ Certainly, Cornell Is about to carefully re-inspected by our meat experts who' We have no- means of Irscertainli^ Matter Of Priorities undergo drastic change. The consider qualities of which the average -meat facts conclusively, and So we rely—per­ professors who have resigned or Fischetti shopper isn’t aware . . . color and texturg, size, haps rather like all those who have been When the Pentagon contracted for an are likely tq resign , are among marbling etc. Only that beef which nieasures up Steak aircraft called the C3-A, the rew plane putting out the differing versions of what the Uhlversity's moat riespected C l9 6 9 Chicu)iu Diiily Newit to our rigid standards ever reaches a Stop & Top Sirloin was expected to cost »3 billion. How­ happened at Cornell— on irwtlnct and scholars and teachers (such as Shop mebt department. That'f wby we cam guarantee A tender and juicy steak, dellcjoug. 5 feeling. ever, it now appears that the contractor government professor Walter M iV l-man steaks will be tender and juicy . . . alwaysl uhderestiipated by 67 per cent and the Bems, winner of this year’s 5 Our Instinct and feeling say that the C5-A. will wind up costing fS billion. teaching award). Those stu­ Cornell and the America of tomorrow As Carl Rowan has podnted' out, that dents pn both graduate and un­ W e didn’t m ake it any easier to look Qt. are going to be finer and more civlliied *2 billion overage wou'd be easy I to dergraduate levels who were at­ (( make up were it not for the war on pov­ W$ rfftrvt th« right to limit quantnioi. and more tolerant than they have been tracted here by such teachers erty, since $2 billion just happens toIte arc seeking to transfer for the Just easier to drive. before, and that the' terrible nature of Priced amazingly low! tha nation’s anti-poverty budget for the next -term. Moreover, with the Hofllfojr, the struggle through which we are now jear. notoriety it has now acldeved, You’d never know it to look at it, but As a matter of fact, this V W still Tuesday P«s»tng is going to be sanctified by ' Th i pesky little comparison Illustrates Cornell will henceforth be vast­ Thermo Temp Cups greater humanity on the part of man 'the problem when It com es to setting ly more attractive to the stu­ that's a Volkswagen w ithoura clutch gives you 25 miles to the gallon. It still Double wall vacuum In- aa d t to man. rational priorities. No doubt the aircraft dent agitator than to the aeri- pedal. takes only an occasional can of oil. A n d ' lulation keeps drinks hot Wednesday Is necessary —most requests of the mili­ cua student. much longer. Stain resist­ ^'bat we would very much W hat it does have is something called it still won't go near water or antifreeze. ant, break resistant. 10 oz. Only! tary, involving thii ^ind of money usual­ Nor does this aeem repugnant cup featured piece of the like to know-whlch escalation toward ly do have a good deal of plauslbiUty. to either the administration or an automatic stick shift. “Automatic" If it were anything but g Volkswagen, violence at OomeU came first, wer^ the A A d k But the quest on Is one o f trying to bal- a majority of the faculty. Per­ because you can drive it up to 55 mph you'd probably pay dearly for ell this 10m Mg ^ guns loaded, was the faculty terrorized ancs o lf the needs of those who are kins is actively support^ the without shifting at all. "Stick shift" be­ luxury. Featered Plete. or converted — we have relatively lit­ hungry ar.d poor against burgeoning de­ sell-proclalmed "constitutional Jnsfead, a Volkswagen with an auto- •I the W e tk l tle hope. There is a realm In which fact fense expenditures. convention” of facidty and stu- cause you shift it when you go over SaladSale 'dente whleh began meeting in matic,$tick shift costs a mere $1968* Is absent, with its |dace occiipied by con- C l'ttily .. there have b e e n 'a ’ number of I: Once. ,, .... Dewy-fresh end crisp. Toss with yobr fllcfing versions of what Is. to each dif­ federal programs that have not been a Barton Hall tftar the bloodleaa And that's just to help you save gas. A ll'o f which reinforces what we’ve gSRmmw.w.mi.m'i favorite dressing. howling success when it comes to de- black insurrection, I ThU effort to ferent witness, j^e trut^ been saying for 20 yedrs. -feit'nj e ther poverty or the effects of it. “ restructure” the unlverelty is (In k e e p i n g with a grand old Volkswagen Tkemio Tempi Tumblers Mini-priced health aids! All the tame, when an airplane can es­ aimed at a New Order where traditton.l Looks aren't everything. (I oz. she) jm A, Iceberg lettuce'”’‘25' calate $2 billion In price without the peo­ students help decide what la Smartly designed for every- J H .. $ “GalBton'g Oath” ple really realizing it. it does raise some taught and how It te taught day. use or format enter- M m . Broiuo Seltzer”? ^'79* fundamental questions. At least when It lit is no wonder, thm , that talnlng. Dishwasher safe. W Greeu Peppers ‘ 25* The debate among octonfiste, aa to TED TRUDON. Iim. Intulaled tumblers keep comes to the war citizens get a chance an estimated 90 per cent ot the TqfiAND TPKB— TAUX)TTVILU!I iced drinks chillingly cold. H what their role Aould be In such oq to examine and debate the issues In- student body, long ago freed w M l th h COepOR coupon effective thru Mpy la iisteriue Mouthwash 79' aga a t miagted pcogreoa and destruction, w lved. -niat may not be worth $2 bU- from non-academic discipline, $1.19 liie . . . 14 ez bettle AMTHomm Radishes wiTiom 2 Oku 19 lon but Isn’t the war on poverty the rejoice in the dlaintsgratlon of continues Interminably. But recently -niiernirtTil ReUU Price, East Ooaet, P.O.E. Local Taxea and.OUTer Dealer DeUvery IflOCOPeOhop V. «^ w * l^ s were oMerad, by one ot their east wasteful war wc have to fight? ■ eatabllkhed authorlty/More sur­ i» any, AAmiiwiai Wbltewalle Optlcmal at Extra O o«. ' . " t h e prising Is the rorresponding au- moN'$ EiRsf m m s — IflDDLETtlVVN PRESS Stop & Shop wM bo boppy to todowiii yowrFodorol Pood CoupoM «t owr 9 f o p m D n o p Stofo— 263 Wost MIddte TwnipEet. Monehottor.

w* - i \

MANCBESTBB BVBNlNb HERALD, *1CANCHBSTEB. OONN« IR^NDAT, ICAT 5. 1909 tfANCHBSTEk EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MAY S, 1M9 FAOB lQ t f» ______^ ------:______:______M. — — «9 *' ' 1 greon boOM, ttrataMrrtoo, bread Chartao B. o f Kori- p o r r o -Andover and butter, puddtog; ‘nundoy, Coventry Vatmg Case spaghetti, green salad, Saltan C ri. Dickaon w ill bo roopon- PMBfa — - - • Main St. Good Enough to Save, r m t o bread, fru it; Friday, tona oand- riMa fo r Tnatotalning Ualaon to Hmim William Dickson Appointed with flu ' ebtef eocecuflvee and T aB eH eard a me., to now ogwi Say UMass Landscape Students vogstablo 01 up, oolory. local Civil Doffnra dirootera to through Wefolnflay orOam-oookla Milk to SOI eacb of the 84 towns, guldtog By Top Court • » t o M . h rO te KteUi’s FUndhire cf IDS Mate aro toavliw tbs dowifiawa area. wHb 'a a moot Head of CD Area Three end assi fling Hum to aU pro­ boltoui. t bar of the WBUanu B y MALOOLM BARLOW m . was tgaorad to all ths plaaa, Than is a need not botag mot. A now oonunander for State grams rriatod to survival in any (C tMM f t g e Om ) of fit Mery's a$te- W in SC„ lianelMBtar li M ill Rate Set at 83 aad oomptately^ removed la i’Tbe Paikado obviously bM kind o f fitaaotar. Program em- MITES e e n l Ch■eh ou Path fit •tin food oioafh to flam ObrB Defense Araa Three has at the Ml- Iba Hans told tha oaort la aorne. Bvsrstt T. KaUh, steita oomotbliig that Main fit doss About 100 tatereried ctttaetia mente wUh the State Highway Aadover oerraopondent. Law- phasta, aa dictated by the fed- dnoMddiet, aparartof a lU i is tile main ooncto- bout appriiited by State CSvfl their appeal that "any reatrto- mnisr aad teialrmaa of the not, and that’s parking. attended iaturday night’s aa- DQmrtinent for expenditure of renc« Sloa,a, teL 76t-fil86L 76t-«n6L ocU Offloe Of Ovfl Defeiwe, W drug uoar, end a prafoMlcnol sioo rssehed by four fispa* Msnrhistsr Rsnswal Agwwy, "Whora wfll them 60,600 Defonao Director RfllUam L. ttons plaeod upon Ow right to r ara on baud to talk nual budgeft meeting at "the ele- ttafa wld road flmdo^ They on faQoUt shelter developing. rote should bo eloaely rats tsams o f atndentfi from ooepotwariBg the UMom otutty, more pbople go? Art you firing SebatBuon, tt was otaiounoed B Ml on UUOUJMKmP montary oohool. In 2H hours approval of Community Shelter Planning Biaed and carafblly oonflnad.” Department of Land- had qussUoiw. to ignore Downtowp aad 1st > : m » H . bM to’ r kft RllOiBG OQBlDNe JB with David VoAn,.... . ___ _ resolution on a retirement .todiky. and Bvpport programs, such u jean“ TT^^ aa a etlk _Mn. Pain Dajten. y. ot llM y recalled that "This court scape Arehiteetore at tbe "R ’s fins to think about ths them people ooak tr fbo gram Dartd Yeomans a . modern pten for town mnployes. They Ha is Anny Lt. Ori. WUliam training, procuring and main­ weaeer n Gbenn bofore ®®^**8**^i ifider of Mn. Ifo^ baa repeatedly bald that the Unfveraltjr of Mawrarho- yaar 9000," KMth otld. ‘ ’But epa n oT «* * * ’ J **!? ejqpedlted the 31 were also auM taYM to boptiw Price Fix A. DtokKQ, Retired, of Coven­ taining aqulpment and facUiUea, what about newT What can we “ Wo muot oomo to our SMiom iTJSna H. e*. a ??? —» ■ Warren right to rote to a fundamantel setts. W itii targe, ootorful ™ .V** warning. up to $60^000 on a temporary try, lormorty executive direc­ exerctaos and drills and pubUo do firatr’’ and um what wa have now," bo ■amber af the RaMan-Ainirtan ? **■ '. ®* Hendweer, right in a free and demoerattc num and dnwinga, dad Th* onttro budget cf $746,000 baris for toon operatlona tor o f rtie Roohndlle Araa Cbam- information. aociely.*’ “ Speed up Mato S t,’ ’ a stu­ conoludOd. •eetatv and the O nhr o f lioom . jeem rday at bar borne, dbe d ioe projeetcMB, on>the4q)ot wra approved without ohange. How to pay town U x m , In Paves Way bar o f Oonuneroe. During hto ^ In- weatbe wife of BmMt Dajrton. Hw fiupreme Court, in lirrall- Police Log dent promptly answoted. Potter thm taolotod ha agrood term of service tbe chamber, sketehea and small book- 6 eena, DoaMneo Booel- d^meral aerriow -wfll be bald daHng welfare reaidanoe re­ "Bpeod up tho Ughta. Paint to with them that socnethtag must tbxM win be m,000 which quatteriy was oettled by a vote whtefa rarvM ihe towna o f El- lets, tile students gave their Three To Join of Waterburp. Leonard tnrnorwer at S p.m. at the Doo. quirements by a 64 rote on traffic tenoo. Put tho parktag be done for Mata St But tboy ***** * ”“1** Tate of 8$ on to maira alt roof and Itagtan, ThDand and Vernon, tfafai S t e n i» to about 80 to back.’’ must be more careful of the For Suits and aiUtaael A. Be- ro n e n l Bfimo. 14 Cbuith April 31, aaikl they were an tm- Walter Hurtoek, 40, of Hart­ rooter vefatclM taxes, over $80, toM ffom a memtoenhlp of 180 Science Society town offkiahi and budnees- shopper. (Oonttoned from Fage One) of MMKtaater, mddtobnm. Bnrtal wfll be Assadiate Dean conatftutiooal infringement on ford, diargad with oparattng a WflUam O’Neill, pubUo wacko payable on a quarterly basis. to its presmt enrribnent of 276. peBaote o f Fort m Swadbb OMnataiy. PDrOand. the right to trarsL rooter vshiela while tntnrrtrated men at the Manefaestw director, noted the dteos of Potter ouggeotod that about than 1,900 auUs from private OoL DkflBKD ta a SO^year vet­ Oarence W. Welti of 387 every other block of otorm on R«rident State Trooper Im dardala Fbu; 6 danghteTS, Oom. Dr. lOehMl Ouadano o t 66 Juetioe WflUnm J. Brennan Court date May 16. CountiT Club, Friday. idoos among tho toamo. It thoy ___ utUltlea and public power corn- eran o t Array aervloe which ta- Tlmrod Rd., a graduate student BE SURE . P eW iS has bean Mrvisg Ihe Hows Owrar Mato S t could bo tom down and nllotbK fMesVIteellsw *'^ eaetewdla^— *«'**‘ Obmenlttee.... _ gave_ - a report onrte haiMna Luoaa and M n. ‘ntera a te no oaQlng houie. Phdpa Rd. hM been appointed Jr., in the majority opinion aald Ibeli^uons ranged fluu a cannot agree, how can the much discuMicn waa whether „# ponies seeking treble damages eluded oonalderable combat ex- ta englneertag at the Unlveraity for .87 YEARS. For s cemplete ERIE INSHCTIOH of B. a t JdBi both of ------the court waa not passing Judg­ Jack Spoctor, 16, of 1$ MU- alight adjushiwnt to Utopia. whole town, ho asked. paiktog bo tootallod. Storas or not to spend KOOO for w>m. » !?lcSfl^ ^Ith the aawKdate dean and prcfeaaor of recom­ plumbtag flxturea paHence In Europe duriiw of Connecticut, will become on your home by s Tenaite Central Expert, , and M n. Samuel Mia. Ahaa M . Pram ment on the ralidity of waittng foed Rd., dutfiwfi with failure A ntewiltef of Teasn 1 esid, Brio Potter, town ploanor, could bo made to faoo tbo park­ Mnd of aiding for the Town mMUfacturera ^ War H and to KorS: aaaociate member of the Con­ foreign languagea at Scheneo* mendation ether than to urge by Ihe finefl technical riaff, phena w ______> o f BoMon; 10 grand-. W APPINO—Ifca. A m a I f . . - _ ^ „ pertoda for roting, for a bee ed­ to carry aa operator's Uosnss. "As we Oora into Mtonhaster. wao the last to reaot ing lots. Thle would piovtdo ft’s an open fleld’ ’- n o t Juri a ^ ^ necticut charter of Sigma XI, ehOdian. and 4 gienbgrandcfail- Caaatdy Praaa, 86, o f Wethara- Oonununltjr Oollaga. Court data May. 16. “I have sat with interest You space, frm Mato St, and gtvo **•*««» o' * psnnanent Im I offleai ucation In a state unirerrity, for I WM hnpraeesd with the ptanb Bnforoement O b^ttee. ttona over O ltoM e territory oa notional honorary oclenoe so­ field, mother of Matthew H. ^ poaltlon, he wfll be profeesional Hoensw and so teg aramd the private botnM. have done a good Job," he the variety the otudm te oon- are damaged. John B. RUay Jr., 16, of S4SB •>>. totaHlgenoe OtHceb and Target ciety, at a ceremony (m the Ike tnneral wfll be held to­ PreM o f Wiqiptaig, died datura baalcalljr raaponalble, under the forth. But niy first leaetton to Main began. ridered so important to Mata Charter psk St, diargsd with modem ocnveniencea, but ^ Jin b. a AlTofflcw. He Stem campur Wednesday. rn 8:16 am . bran ttae day at a''H artford area oon- dtracUon ot the preaident and "But people are ereatuxee of S t’s ohaiacter. respect and love tor the build- __ __ _ ^ w m » operating a motor veh l^ oo as St was one of besrenneas." **“ ^ ■«<* •****■ **«> "O'*** *»y *•** Massachusetts Andrew T. Ckuchry o f An- , F. Heraey.fibneral Home, ▼aleacent home. the dean, tor aaelatlng In the “ R remfaided me o f the type h ab it Too much teumge ia go- With that quick dooorQitlcn, tag prevafled and It wfll get.the T*P” *«"****Te from tbe Board chaser-from the contractor to ^ ^ S 6 W. Oaodar fit, with a Maas Surrlroia alao bielude employment, rupenrlalon, and to cauM unueoiraary notea the argument betwom Podtor n.w «ctark>r «warimr of Selectoun, one from the Con- taVerlhlToirri^^ *’'***^ medals, a Silver state Hne; on flu south by dover, ter aeroqiace engineer, (aqueallng fires). Court date town wUch is duraotertaed by li« to UU Mato St," be sold. new exterior covering. irtabulary and six memberwat- »>“>«'■ rocdals CJromwril, Portland, East and Marie V. Lessard of Rock- ot requiem St 8L James' eon, a daughter, 6 grand- orlentatloti of all academic "This creature of haHt wants and the atudento oeomed to melt Kapla^ Dzen M ay I f . _____ thow seen in wwtem movtos Salary increases were voted ]ai^. Tbese six were rieeted: in ***** decorations frwn the U.S., Hampton, Marlboro, Hebron and vUle, an organic Obemlst, will BUSS TESMITE CONTROL CORP. Chnrcb at 6. Burial will be in chfldren, and 14 great-grand-' t««dilng faculty, aa wefl aa fo r - —a. broad, lineal street lined to take the oar into the store away. f i t JiamaF Cemetery. childran. tldpatlng in the derelopmeid of Robert L . Nelopn, ehalrmaa tor the flrrt sel^m an^flwm ^ Cteaper, Ronald T h eri-' t a S ^ a ^ i i S u ^ *=*>«* “ *» ***** **"***«» *<•««»«*•• Oolumbla; « i Mu west by Buf- be Inducted as full members, DIV. OP BUSS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC.« EST. 1BB2 Sldamrd Cainelll, 66, o f U with unlnopirtog archltootual- if we^d let him. Removing angle FMenda may oafl at the fu- The funeral wfll be to- procnuna of inatruetlan and Bids Lowest the Dqwntown Deirign Project preowit $1,200 to $8,000, and to Jamro Urso, Katherine SJSl^Murrav Coro New ®***® Throe, with field. Bast Granby, Bloomfield, Dr. Jrim S. Burtew, head of Plano PL, ehaiged with hrearii forma. paiktog without giving some- the Registrars of Voters, trom Hutohlnsoft, Paul Jurovaty Sr. vork r>«v- TTnivaiMi.RunAia baadquartero In the State Vet- West Hartford and Netwtagton, the Connecticut Research Com- 1 bonu tonight from 7 to 9. morrow at 8:16 a.m. from Roae ^ evaluatlan of axlatlng pco- of file poaoa. Court date May 16. "n is buildlogs fitemsehrea are thing back wfll do more harm Suboonimlttee o f tbe Urban Do- Tlifi Otdfisf & tjmrqnf hi Coim. / $100 to $200. All threeJr requests « utditoson,Utdimson, Pau®Pm B Jurovaty Sr.Br. coro ckrp New'casUe Pa.- Rheem * " “** Hospital to Rocky HUl, and on the east by Union, Ash- mlsrion, wltt deUver flu banquet HUl Fimeral Home, 860 Elm St, not in poor oondfiten, but the fan- than good. velopment Committee of tbe C|jMa • . Baalm dr. Rocky HUl, with a Mam o f re- Dr. Guadano ia now profeaaor On Projects John P . Scholm, 36, o f Bast Chamber o f Oommeroe, prata- tor addllkxiM a p j ^ r t a t ^ few and BorahSarah Palmer. All numbers StoSifacturtag Manufacturinr OO oo’ New New Yorii includes 84 towns to north cen- ford and Mansflrid. addresa on "Rssearoh at Work preateon wliloh they give to the "The shopper here wfll go up ■ ~ " ■ was for Society." C^mn S. Baator Jr., 78, of 441 qulem at Sacred Heart canireh, of languagea at the Oretder Only ofw tfld has been re­ Hartford, charged with indecent pedestrian, is one which makes and down Mato St until he ftodg ed the atudento’ week. The Chamber oo-sponoored " rzTtoX'Zi “SI.; “ 1? ."“shraS; ““ «.». n» ■»»» Ball fit , Glaabanixny, formaety Wetheraflekl, at 0. Burial w ilt Hartford Community Ocfllega, ceived by the Town of Man­ exposure. Court date May 10. him fete oYerpewered aad un- a parktag place, no matter the otudeate’ work with the re­ of liBMbtadar, diad jaatenlaj be In Roae Hill Memorial Park, and auperviaor of fmeign lan- chester fo r the patrrtflng o f tem­ odmtorteble. where It Is ." he said. srs«:r-‘osr'cS5 .^ Mwnot^ Rocky Hin. guage atudent teachera at the AOOnJBNTB newal agency. Tbe full oommlt- porary highway repalra, but "The great wMh of Main St One student aald the garage were aorowed **®"“ “ ®*®^ Ogden Corp.. New York City; Be wea the hue- There are no oallfay houra. Untverelty of Hartford. He alao tee w ill meet soon to dtaoum three were submitted for con­ Two c a n oolUdod yesterday (over 100 toot in plaow) cou­ poiktag would be as olom to ^ h ^ ^ S S c e s were ^ ^ b j r '***• ordtoance Mansfield Sanitary Inc., Perrys- A&P's Early Week Buys Through Tuesday! i of omoe fitaalo Baa- The family auggeata that taught French and SpanlBi for OoX on driveway oonstruction was vUle, Ohio; PeerieM Pottery structing ot water-main eocten- at 7:66 a.m. a t Woodland S t pled with the oonqpleto absence the shopping area as curbside the four plans. thoae wishing to do so make me- a year at Nortbweat Community "Mato St is not a dsad sion In Hartford Rd.-Olcott 8t.- and Broad St The driven were c f planfingte ghee ttm area noth­ pBildng. J^m ^SSuTM'buUdtag ^ ff ll^ stren ^ n o d ^ c«*HnS ^ *l Inc., BvanavUle, Ind.; KUgore rr-rr— rsT*T^ mortal oontrlbutiona to the College, Wfaiated. issue," Netaon saUL H r. 'Beater wna bom July 5, Spenoer St, and 11 for siqiply- Harold J. Robb, 17, of M Fin­ ing wflh wfcfch file pedestrian Another student said, "People foT mo year Clurtea Phelps *>«*“ *** ***•» *»»'** «>** * Ceramics Ooip., IDlgore, Tex.; UtflitManelMotar, aonef Cynn rtiaiity of their rtroloec sflU ^ three-yew P«<<»manoe bond. FlnaHy, the Lawndale Industrlra Inc., Au- in* He taught at Mancheater High tag 173 separate items of alh- ley St, and Thomas N. MoCrys- oon Idenfify (hunwa scale)/’ ■i^ and Lucy Leonard Beater, tal Sr., 66, of 73 Maifle St, Ver­ wlU start MS seoMia tnree year ^ atectlona from the rora, lU.; and G e o r ^ Sanitary School from 1968 to 1968, bead­ leUc equipment, o f various Team I’s cure, itw members term on Region 8 Board of Kdu- and fired In Rkwinitold for Bbs. Jeaale ing the language department in non. catkm, and Dennia Keenan and Town Offloe tx^dtafibuUdtafi to the Pottery Inc., Atlanta, Ga. SOUTH WINDSOR — Mra. amounts of each, for the school said, is within the town’s fhwn- Overcamp Oil Painting ■m y yeara before moatagte the last three yeara. system. dal powers. They explahied it Paw Jorovaty Jr., were electod Jennie R. Mills Blanehftold of Dr. Ouadano bolds bache­ A twb-oar crash oooiwied last to three-year terma on tha Rec- School atenn __ ISLES NAMED FOR UA99 Hartford, itoter of Mra. Harry The F.S. K a ^ Paving Oo. The buUdinga would remain. an Am y reteran lors, maater'a, and Ph.D. de> nigbt a t lOdfl. on Center S t, roattan <3ommlsslon. - ■t CROIX, Viigln Islands — MUIer and Mra. T.C. Grant, both grem from the Unirenlty of Hartford Ud $10,000 for patch­ But aince the new R t 6 Is ex- Best of Show Winner III 1496 Cokxnbus, on his sec­ Bbr t Be oemadand o f near Love Lane. The driven pedted to torreasu Mato St. Tha Mloctmen were voted the ' y j ‘*‘**>*>* fc*- *5« '* “**»* the Bhw Bflto Omen- o f South WIndaor, died Saturday Connecticut, and an AM from ing aiqnxndmatoly 1,100 square were Brian G. HsmtHnn, 38, of Fred Overoamp of Niantto Is Co. award for "Rntnupeottan’’ ; ond 'voyage to flu New World, yards of highway, at looatlona traffic frqm 10;000 cars per day autborrty to enter into agree- >«**’ Ibadtoahara- at St Francto Hospital,'' Hart­ Harvard Unlveraity. In 1961, he 330 W. Canter St., and Dorothy winner cf The Mawtaester Mka. Rtta Kenway, aooond, for ' mashed potetoes, buttered peas, disooverad flu Virgin Islands ford. where temporary repairs had to 36,000 oars, fiiete must be "Itetoo Study"; and Mte. Rita and named ttum to honor cf St Btudled In the French aecUoii ot Ouefiette of West Etortford. The some duuges. HeraM award for "Beat cf ------——------bread and butter, Jello-topjilng; SurriTora alao Include a aon, the Unlveraity o f Now Hamp- been made, following under­ d riven , plus tores passwigisw^ Betko, turn, for "End of Day.” Wednesday, baked riilcken, rice. UrouU and her 11,000 'Vlrgtos. ground utility rfpaira. Show,"' at the YMh annual Mam- two daughtera, two other aia- riilre Fbrelgn Language Insti­ one riding with Mtoa Ourilette, First Team 1 suggested Winners in Clam A in aoryllca b e n BbcUMtlcn o f the Manches­ NOTICE tera, three grandchildren, and tute. The A. Dsen OanstrucUon Oo. and two wito Hamlltoi^ were aiiortetitog the btulnew area of are: Mra. Jeanne Yoxall, first, ter Fine A rt Aasoctaition, It was EIGHTH UTOLmBB DIBTRIOr aeveral ntocM and nephewa. He waa a Fulhrlght. exchange of Manchester is the ^qwrent injiaed and all w ere aidnoltted Miato S t from 4,400 feet fiom tbe Monobeoter Fine Art As­ announced today. He 'won for MANCHEB’TER The funeral win be held teacher In Belgium In 1967-08. lew bidder for toe watemialn to Mancheater Memorial Hos­ the Center to near S. Main gt„ sociation award for "Timber- hte painting in oils "YoUow cjoNNEcncuT oeo« Wetteoeday at 0:16 a.m. from extenslan. Its price is $83,740. pital suffering from multiple to L800 feet In the WeUkkw Bros, land Lak e"; Mra. U i Hum- ORDER TODAY. B a lls" Ted Thoben o f (he Notice To CootFactoiB the Dillon Funeral Homo, 69 The other two who bid for toe abrasicsis and tojuriss. area. This would make efaop- phrlea, second, tor "Freshwater grapbic art dspartment of the . Invitation'To Bid Main St, Hartford, with a Mam Pilot Receives Job are the Mather Oonstruction The nasnes o f the passengers ptog much easier tor the pedes­ Brook"; and Mrs. E. J. Mmda- of requiem at St. IBohaol’s Oo. o f Boom fM d, $^,111; and trian, becaute atoraa would be Truvrien Ihounnoe Oa >waa sky, third, for "N o Mmre Mon- ntmir* pnqxwalo w ill be re­ wiB bn held are Robert Ouellette, 36, of ceived to the Eighth UtUttlee at 3 p jn . at Center Church, Hartford, at 10. Burial the John fttlMideT Oocp. o f Tol­ West Hartford, Edward Mloul- no more than a lO-minute walk J»%®- d a ya " i l i i o r r e E ; Vietnam Medal Awards wfil be preoented to­ District Ftaohouse, Manchester, Church. The will be In Mt. St Benedict Cem­ land, $00,700. torope, 31, of West Hartford, ^>ort. Mra. Viola Sobol is winner o f night at a pubUo reception at Oonneoticut, not later than ; O. filmpaon, past or. etery, Bloomfield. U.S. Navy U . Winiam T. Fo­ Only two of the 11 who Ud on and James FutoataU, 22, of l,800-foot store area tbe Manchester Finer AM As­ BY rRIDAY the eodflUt at Mott’s Communi­ May 16,1269 s t 7:00 P.M. Burial w fll ba In Frien^ may call at the fu­ ley, of 09 Nike Circle, who haa toe athletic equipment bid on Hartford. would be Mocked off from cars sociation award in mixed me­ Just take a Ufly ty Hall from 7 to 9. The exhibit Eastern Daylight Savtog Tlnu LOSS WBIOHT B B Oecnatary, Hartford, neral homo tonight from 7 to 9 been awarded 86 air medala fear all 173 items. The two are UB Mtos Ouellette, . although ad- and made a mall. Ooth^m S t diums for her pastel "Potaset- Hungrax tabirt before wUI continue ttarough Saturday A t which time and place THAI FIRST OAVI may call at the and tomorrow bom 3 to 4 and outataixUng aervlce, the Navy Hatfield Oo. o f New Britain, mlttod last night, Isder signed would be widened and stretofied tta," James Tiivlgno Jr. Is win­ from 9 asn. to 9 p.m. ■■IA proposals shall pubUcly be meals... and banish Uioio Fm eral Hama 400, Mhto 7 to 9 p.m. Commendation medal, and haa $77,021, lem five per cent dis­ h eiarif out o f the hospital from Charter Oak St. up ner of the aasooiatlan’s award Thousands now loio Other wtonera, to Ctess A for opened for fumlshtag of all hated extra pounds as from 7 to 0 pjn. — been recommended fo r the Dto- count If paid in 10 days; and against advice, the hospital said. towards the Center. They said to sculpture fori his "Man- weight who never thought efia, are: Mra. Peart Cohen, materials, labor, equtoroant and you banish hunger! Why?| tfaigulahed Flying Croea and Sil­ J.L. Ellas Anaodatas of Green­ Ths remaining four accident this was the plan to«9Ud«d to Woman-Dog" to brass mounted i they could...report first, iho fiherwln - WUUams toddentals to reconstruct tho Because Hungtex is ver Star, haa received another wich, $76,873, wttfa no dlsoount. vtcttms are listed In sattofactoiy 1966 Downtown Renewal on burlap. Fires Built award for "Spring on Iflgh fit.’’ ; Mather Btroet Sewer from Cen- the most powerful I remarkable weight lotsee BOUnVUXB — HaroU W. accolade—thVr time the Viet­ The other iiino bidden are: conditlcn. Both c a n were towed. Plan, defeated by a majority Claw B wlimers are; J. J. * o(7...20...even of 186 voters thsk year. M bs Viviou Lmperanoe, second Shields, first, the Irfanriiester street to east of East- leduciiwald ever fiwartflguer, to, of IMnomfield, namese Cross of GaUantry, Nssalff Anns of Manchester, field atraet, e««oxlm ately 430 teleatcafor public use 41 pounda in a ihort from the South Vietnamese gov­ M iracle Ekiuipment Co. o f Toi- Other featuies of Team I’s fo r "Staful” ; and Mm. Trudy Fine Art Assooiallon award fo r. . toesnarty of Rookvfllo, died yes­ By Students A rear-esid c rfH » oocurred Uneol feet. . • without prescription! while. So if ypu’re $iR0 ' -4 ernment. tond. Sport Center Inc. o f Bloom- yesterday at 10:06 a.in. on plan included' a great deal o f Lm. thdrdt for "Early Spring "M ary Teresa” in oUa; Don terday at M t Sinai Hospital. M om ." Oontraot Documents Inriudlng Suppretiet hunger pangi of half-way miteuuraa Hartford. He waa the husbend field. Brine of Oonnscticut of Broad St. near Mr. Auto Wash. porkng beljind the mall, bet­ Robb, second, for “ MOnteray << % In Protest Received with the medal waa Winners to Clam A water- drawtafis and technical iquotfl.- so effectively, it actually i and want really effective at Mrs. MUitoed O atto fiwart- a citation from the Republic of Wtehnantlo, Todd-Phelps Sport­ The driven were Louise J. Gig- ter aooew to the stores from Cove” to oils; and Theodora help in reducing tram Page One) oM on are: Mra. Elelen Veltch, Prowe, third, for "Smtag,’’ a oatlons ora on file at flu Eighth limits the ability of Vietnam Armed Forces com­ ing Goods of The Bronx, N.Y., Uo c f 166 Wefia S t and John that polking, an indoor rec­ ...send for Hungrex reation center, and a deport­ first, the E.A. Johnson Paint graphic. UtiUtlM Dtatrlot Flrohouse on your body to produce IBr. Owaiiflgiier wiis botn rltant gaa which they mending Lt. Foley for his brave General Playground - BSqulimient P. Horcb, 761 of 87 Oxford 8L iswin Street in Manchester, today. Hungrex will simply cores a M b . 39, 1601 in Rockville, eon actions while under enemy fire, of Rbfccnto, Ind., Siqirina’s Loulso G ii^, and Eistoae ment store to attract teicopers gnawing hunger "pepper gaa.” to the arecu Oenneottout, or at Griswold Star sensations! Result? You ' amiM ydu! You'll bo Of Ebthert M. and Mabrt Salla- Sunday night, the M ifflin and it oompUmeiifted him on his SporiOand of Valley Stream, GigHo, a passenger, and E toe IVlilitant Stops glneertog, Inc. on Mata Street A Team 2'member .eaJd u it. Crews Working don’t feel hungry...down slimmer next week or your lauy Swartflguar, and was a Street residents moved out of skill as a helicopter pilot. N.Y., Medalist Ihduatitos of Kbrdk a passenger in the other in ManriMotM', Oonneoticut. BONELESS BEEP (Straight Cuts 99* lb.) ANY SIZE PACKAGE "After the first trip to Man­ goes your calorie intake.. money back. No focmar member of Roofcvflie their gas-choked neighborhood IA. Foley piloted a heltoopter Fond du Lac, WIs., and Pro­ car, were injured and were Church Service OopiM of Contract Docu- chester, mote of us were ready At Pump Station 066 prtscripfidn naadad. Itoton OontoegwtlaoaJ Cfamob. and began plckeUng the Dane that rescued several Innocent gram Aids Oo. o f Garden CUy. taken to Manchester Msmmial and down g your Front Freshly N.Y. to quit." nunts may be obtained by de- Ha was a graduate of Doan county Jail to protest police ac- P«>P>« who were trapped in a Hoqpital where they were A Water and Sewer Depart­ Demands Funds postttog ten dollara ($10.00) with Citn SroiR i Amilwiny , IVaniriln, MSaa., and tkms. which waa under mortar The Ud by Brine of WUU- treated and dteduuged.' But they decided there was the Ekigbieer for each set cf Fresh Brisket Ground Beef ment crew worked at the W. tori been employod for 44 yean throng swelled to more attack on May 1, 1988, and on manflo may not be considered. The Kbncfa auto 'was towed. wmethtag still worth saving. (Oonttoned from Page One) documents so obtatae>., Hartford, before be retired joined forces with the Mifflin S'*”* knocked out a weapons signed proposal sheet, os re­ COMPLAINTS ^ a ro ." They said the wamtfa across the road from Hilliard the congregation foUowed the Y the drawtaga and Contract Doc­ *“to lOto.------He had------lived to— Boom- street residmts. emplacement Just 380 yards quired. ^ thertarm is dying but It’s Rev. Mr. CampbeU from the BORE Mrs. Barbara Unaworth, 486 P . i i 'd ... ROTC BuUding erty at 610 Wetherell St., con­ mgbt. The wafiet contained $8, be built Sidewalks should be "Fifty million blacks died, to tlona to Biddera. will be to Grove HUl Cemetery. Cy R . i veyance tax $29.70. some charge cards, and other widened and grass porfions nut slavery and the black peojAe No Bidder'may wlflidraw hta 166 Miemto may call ^ The ofleys should age flows. When the level reach­ Bid wtthln thirty (80) days after at tbTZ National Banks' Report Dcimaged b v F ire Gerard A. and Ernestine R. papers. The wallet was later es a certain print, the station have been paid nothing." neral botne tonight fresnom7to9. W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) — rs j a l ^ cases and be brightened. the actual dote of flu Bid w>en- Marquis to Peter Richaid Us- found, but the $8 was iinii—iiig pump turns on. / T ^ family mggeats that those OomptroUer of the Currency (Oontinned from Page One) tro and Nancy A. Llatro, prop­ Team 8 proposed a core mt mUJON m M ija A loir ing. BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT do so make memorial WiUlam B; Camp called today erty at 141 Loomis St., convey­ up. In the center would be Unfortunately, the wet wbU Paul Oervinl, President of it having to do with the pres­ Seven windows were tooken NEW YORK — How big a to the Conoer for a repoit on the condition of ance tax $23.68. a ^ s and paridng. Next would is always full and the pump is Eighth UtUltlM District ence of ROTC on campus. on the second and third floors always working but never catch­ bankroB would a mlUtan doUora or to t^ Mt Sinai Hob- all natlpnal banks as of the Norman W. and Vlrgtola A. be civic buildings ond Josc^ A. Vote, Clark FIn i, Ripe The turmoil reached a climax of the Robersten Stexwl recent­ makoT In $1 bllla tt woifld ‘'□'Ryment^^itefy’25d to?htnitour" I The Diet pitel BuUdio^Shnd. ckWe of businesE^ Wednesday, Narkon to Wlllllam J. and Mara Oon centers, and finally would ing up, Lockwood said. Eighth UtUltlM Dlstrtct ■•tttvaavtttttvtvvtvtvttfMtttvvaavvvvvayao lbs. April 6, when some 200 anU- ly. weigh almoot exactly a ton. But A. Stephens, property at 134 come faigh^lenaity housing. The town’s short range mlu- NONE PRICED NI8NER! Fruit ------, April 30. ROTC demonstrators seised in $1,000 bills it would oomo to TTmiod Rd., oonveyande tax tton to the overflow is iflenty ItoaJeosto G. M usiipson Similar calls were Issued by Unlveraity Hall, Harvard's A mtoifaUce, owned by Neiwton II would be stream- only a Utfie over two pounds. E^BBON Jessie the Federal Reserve Board for $42.90. finflth, W S. Main St., waa taken Jta^ removing many traffic of chlorine to Mil bacteria. The main administration building. long range cure Is a new sew­ Thotnpaon, 69. o f He- member state banks, and by the ' Quitclaim Deeds from his garage Friday night U g ^ and angle pcuictog. Driv- They Wore evicted the fol­ Southern New England P ro­ er line bypasoliig the otattan. bren Oenter. widow at Howard Federal Deposit Insurance lowing day by about 400 po­ The tofloe is,'worth $100. tog shoppers would take IF HE WERE KING, duction Credit Assooietlon to ’Ihe new line may not be ready irau’d be Queen. H e may not Ttoompscti, died yerterday ■ at Ooip. for other banks whose de- lice. a, widened Maifle, Cottage and Savings A-Plenty on Fine-Quality Groceries Wlndbam Cnsnsnurtty Memoir posits It insures. Town of Mancheteer, .Interest Btocfc Sts. loop to reach park­ fqr two more, yeara, aeoordliig Iw ,,^ you can moke him —M A $10 cteucoal stove was to town enJdneora. 1st HoapfiaL W U llm a n tto. ------^ ~ to two parcels off N. Mato St. stolon from the back porch cf ing. feel llk e a K ing on hta Blrth- Mra. Thompson 'was botn Dec. Carabetta Enterprises Inc. to doy or Anntvnaaiy by gtv- O U I ^ 0 ¥ f N Wiliam Defoog, 86 Locust 8t„ A thfae-level parking garage tag him a VIBIiA!SK)R, the 2L 1603 in Columbia. She waa B olton the Greater . Hartford Housing. Saturday nigbt. for 600 cars would help replaoe Development Fluid Inc., ap- new m ectrlc B|ede Raeor for a mamher of ttie Hrtxon Qm- the 740 angle parking apoces on UM with Lather. It ’o so fluip proximatiely 17.60 acres off Oak­ gtugsficnal Church. The Holiday Bowling Lanw, Main fit. Study Favors Hutto, It Tnakas aU other TEA BAGS land St., ccnveyance tax $196. Swtvors Include a tester, 39 ^>encer S t, was broken Into Team 4 aimed ita ptens id sbaving toetrumente obso­ Election Turnout Steady; The Greeter Hartford Hom­ Special. . . Siva 20< Mrs. Raymond Canfield of the year 2000 when Mhnebester lete. VIBRAZegt wm erthtl- ing Development F\nd Inc. to sometime after 12:80 a.m. Sat­ Income T ax Maachesfer, and several nieces urday nigtat, but only about $10 arlll bold twice today's popula­ ay give a man the Oloaeet, and nephews. MISAQ Oorp., approximattey mart comfcrteble, kagest Machine Runs Out of Paper to change was taken. Attempts tion o f 80,000. mra Pago Ooe) Mmeral services wfll be held 17.60 acres off Oakland St., tturtliw ebave bote eiver had. to open a eafe In an office dt Team 6 Hated Its complaints W h y f Beoemra rt - doesn’t 1001 79* conveyanoe tsuc $216.70, 1960-71 binnlum. . . tonmnow « t 2 p.m. at Hebran The turnout lor the town elec­ Marguerite Geer (D), Mrs. the rear of the building failed. o f Miaia S t It has a apHt Inter- tion today was steady this Hannah Mlldner (R ) and Mrs. Trade Name OBripo whlshen jaway . , . Oongrsgafianal Church. Burial secUon at the Center,.fiM view The report says that a “lO rt MMo them off neat and morning. By 11 a.m., 34 per­ Margaret Asplnwall (R ); Ab­ Lattlmer Laundry foe., doing Police found many tools used Trin be to St. Peter's Cemietecy. by the buiglara at the scene. .from the Center is bleak, gas per cent increase In state lm clean. Give him a VI- JANI PARKRR m ends may call at the FM- sons had voted, which la about sentee ballot counters, Chwles bustoeas as New System Laun­ stafions do not belong in aa come (the tobome paid to state BRAZOR today and when 5 Lathrop (D) cuid Mrs. Thelma dry A Linen Siqipiy, 44 Hfuri- ter Funeral Home, 406 Jackson average for an electimi. urban center, the interaeefiona be rimvM with li tceamvow, WUUmanfic, .tonight from Shortly before 11 a.m. one of Fracchia (R );’ chaUengers, Mrs. £on S t Saturday nlgM, after 9 o’ckwk residenie) wm bring about a 10 krifl fool like a Ktog. HTE BRE 7 to 9. iih e two voting machines ran out porothy Connolly (D ) and Eu- Marriage Uoeiises someone threw a mixture o f Wh- snarl traffic, p a ri^ Is poqr, per cent Iqcroaae in octisuny>- ^____ of paper for write-ins, and elec- gene Gagliardone (R ), and me- John PaMck Kii^, 33 Marion ter and oil at the rear entrance and stora signa. ana obaofic. tton sod therefore a 10 per cent e s T o w y Eirkhei-Naie witi Bittanillk -- FHARMACrr Mn. Evelyn fiL OUmore moderator Mra Agnes chanlcs, Eugene Morgsin (D ) Dr., and 'Kathleen Ann Mur­ of tre Wee town Pharmacy, 488 their cure waa to ahorten the increased yield Of the piopor- W n bustateSB area to 'a third Its 466 Hectfeeri Bood—641-1184 Mra. Evelyn M. GUmote, 06, was on the telephone to and Keeney Hutchinson (R ). phy. 46 Wbodland S t. May 10, Hartford Rd. ttaual sales tax. - Ilk . of 370 Mato Bt, died toll mom- secretary of state's office, Polls close tonight at 8. After S t Bridget CSuirch. present length and put It to the tog St Rockville General Hoepi- drying to find out what to do this, the results are tallied, and Gilbert Warren Nelson, East Two tlree and wheels, valued Watldna Broa. area. Mato fit leivaa tal. about the situation. a abort town meeting w ill be Hartford, and Bvejyn Vfolet Mc­ at $100, w ere stteton from Rob­ would he « teige mall. Cauley, 40 Oioatt S t, Hay 17. A civic center shmild ba put Mrs. Gilmore was bom April Richard Barry has campaign- held to set the date tor aik^ifian ert Sa^es, 122 Osmbtidge St, Peter Jemb Rlteiard, 18 to ‘the paA just west of the 3», ins to Ptttsfieid, ed this past week as write-in of the budget sometime since Thursday, Cedar St., and Bernadlne Olte, Mary Cheney Litopiy. The pork JANE PARKER, FU KY CRUSTED daughter of U ro. Mlary'ciwtt^ BoDetln Board Greenwood Dr„ May , S t mound sfMifld be «s d MscheB of ifaacbester aad the Aloyslus Aheam. **'*"" Both men------are Tbe fire commissioners will 80 10 Three cars, parked to the Bartholomew's Chuiob. > the park stretched'acrom tote Ekoest R. MaefaeU, and hsul Democrats. meet tonight at 7 at the fire- State Armory parking lot on 8-inch Jamm MaoKay m , 27 Church St Traffic would be carried on lived to Manchester tor the post As on all sunny election days, house, Guard f i t hod their antemms St., and Jloyioe Ann Lyons, May 'CKpaadad parallel roads. 24 oz. elze 36 yenn. fihe was emifloyed to a sort ot carnival sdmosphere Copiee of .the 1960-70 budget broken off while their owners prevails qn Bolton Green, to will be a'vailaiile tonight at the 10. 'were on maneuvers Friday. Row bouses and MgiMkw WESTSIDE ITALIAN KITCHEN BLUEBERRY PUS tbs impeefien deparimeni of Pratt and Whitney Dlvtalon of front of the Community Hall, town meettog,- at 8 which will Biflidfav Penalto The cars were owned by Fran- «qpantntente should be bifllt on 331 CENTRR STRKT— MANCHESTER Daflnd Atocrnft Cotp., East Republicans and Democrats are set the date for the b u d ^ meet- Makxflm J. Kerr, 80 x 86 addl- cia Baron of 101 Davis Ave., the edges of Am store area. HaritonL Bbe was a member boto offering free coffee and tog, and to the town ' ofOcra tlpn to ocsntnerclal buildtog at Rockville, Albeit Lavoie of 87 The first town official to react o t flt. Bridget Church. doughnuts, and. Just beyond the thereafter. 1«7 E.- lOddte Tpke., $8Q,00a Vernon Ave., Rockville, --and to the team’s ptens was Tbwn NEW HOURS: 9 A.M. - 11 P.M., MON. — THURS. fiurrivori, hetettos her moth­ 78 foot electloneertog limit, the The Public BuUdtog Cbmmis- T.J. Ckoritett, new dwelling at Rlriutrd Biabcock of 88 iBim at,' Monagiw Robert B. Weiss. Ha er, tochide a sun, Frank Gil­ PTA waa selling cut flowers this sicn wfll meet tonight In the 8 . Country Club D r„ $26,000. Rockville. said recent studtas have proved 9 A.M. - 12 P.M. FRI, A SAT. more o f East Hamilton: ftaree 1 fireplace room o f the Oommun- Service Sign of Hartford for that teioppen wfll not pay for BrtElB hi after the etoefion re­ Robert W. Taidor, sign tor xtore 8AOUABO GROWS SLOWLY paikliig to garsges to the sub­ urbs. Wtoonvuie, and Dot«laa read and the town at 110 Spruce St. $400. PBOHNIX, Arte. — A 6-y«ra<- over. SUaa Bufldtog Ob., fence at iM aafinaio oadtus may be on$y “Rhy do titey have to iwyT" 1 CLOSED ALL HOLIDAYS iiw H fs . John ^emilck, Checkers are Mrs. Bc^hie Lit- * " ''t t t Rockville; a brother. 262410 Green Rd., $1,800. a tom Incites telL A mahana a sttoMiat Isiswered. The atudent vtoskaa (D) and Nancy Lam- Msilchester Evening Herald Cotxxirdla. Lutheran aaguaru may raaoh a height of added that Minchester wfll be FEATURING A SPECIAL DtSH EVERYDAY Prices effactive through Tuoaduy, May 6th in this Community and Vicinity. aiteraHnne to tburoh at 40 80 fast, weigh six bir 10 tona much more tuhaa by the “ II ■■aUt to parehaN aay aHvortlsod itsfi . . . Plaaaa rogfioal ■ RAIN eHEOK." THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA c a , INC. Pitkin St, $660. and live up to 900 years. ^ the parking garage is bui}t

V ' j!- V * MANCHE3TKH EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ MONDAY, MAY 6, 1969 Section Two MONDAY, MAY 6, . 1969 MONDAY, MAY 6, 1969 Paget 11 to 20* wUl hold its regular meeting to- Stinting Ifnnlji l^pptmty PoUtieg Group To Join V e r n o n moemw et the Skiimer Roed School with a final wortMhop for TUX CEBAtiS H onors Society “Caown Townf’ to be oendnoted. Key Issue RayBMnd B. Smith of 10 Groundbreaking Set May II Mm . Joaeph Callery, Mre. Peter Davto add Mro. R ichenl GOP ^Shoedn^ To Protest Chaminade Musical Club Church St. ia on# of aoutaUnd- Sawyer are co-ordlnatoru of the TbinafMw's I to U aan. IClfSiol, Houley Says lag twain tea atudanta to be fai- For Sacred Heart Church Clown Town prqJecL All club comment ioeelwi by Dio Doily Caucus of Democrats Board of DIrsetora wOl bo In Annual Concert Today tagr*t Agiteultar* OommIttM dueted into tba Univeralty ot Groundbreakiitg ceremonies feet wida at Rs bnadaat span members are reminded to bring are scheduled for liay 11 for a th * Batoalfoa Army______. voted upon with little if any da- brtd to fhe town tmmager'a 7 m ooaattkia^ w m or totawliitt shout six Oonnertlcut chapter of Beta wfll rtopa gradually toward tha any hamherafts, clown hats,- Deborah NlohoU, murto , • -.i, new church for the Sacred altar area. Sloptag wane of pre- Worti bat*. otfloe. Tbw baartng room, •B VMM VKm be- ereeta ago and the traaaertpte Gamma Sigma, national honor­ dolls' or white elephknt itema to flHD to Huttard will ba lb* toaoher In the liMMharter $ ' Heart congregation. A contract cert concrete taee will approach BINGO Kllbum said that his call for where it is usually hold, le tomorrow night’s meettrg. turn fh* Hgiilbbao, MeoHHag i.«it to the kB^alaltoe oomola- ary aociaty, on Iday U. tokin ban afirtarte of a “Rhoa- being uUHaad 'tor a m eting School Syetena ie direotoi' of the ^ to- M b a i Otonly Btota San. ttemr’a ottMe. “No| oeon M per waa elgned last werti wMh As­ each ether st a height ranging Mr*. Kenneth Qookin and H U l EVERY TUEmV “a shower of rtxMS” to m o n w Indurteea from area towna sociated Oonetnictlan Oo. of Ih,” achadulad for i -m p.m. to- of Hartford area aeeeMeri. Ihmomber Ohominade Cborue a re : from m fort at the front to M Mrs. Rolf Knlttel will report on is to “smphssiso the objortlons toatoct Btolay- cc<* of tlM approeod 'meaaurea Hartford and work ia oxpectad morraw on tha graunda ot tha The comment i eerton, held which will appear In the annual > j| i a M iil toterrtow. Houbjr have hit the ealeadar,” Houley Coventry: Lucinda J. dark. tort at tha rear to form a lajtga the Bavarian B eer Garden. Of- Bteto Gap(^ of rank and file RepubllMne to to start toortly. window facing the north. the manner in which Senate on Om flirt Tueeday and iUM oonoart,taiii8fat at t:U i of foe pM M ad •'WUK9 metOmA pio- complained. South SL flcere and executive board Tba “Bbo*-In“ is tha Idea of Tliuraday of each moMh, ia Chaminade Mluelcel dU b at Me­ 0mmm wtn go doem the drain" He alao voiced crltlciem ot South WIndaor: WUliam R. To bo located on rising ground Light admitted through the un­ membere are reminded that-an­ Democratic^ Majority Loader to the cart of tha present Pariah Utefallald OaoDly R^ubUcan tor those town residents who morial HaH, Canter Oongrega- Davison, 110 Highland Dr. usual window win he colored by nual reporto are due for thia j BdWard Marcus has oonduoted ttoa b the laigo alate debt. In- the aeheduUng o t m ajor oom- Center on Rt. to , the new church ChaInnHi Richard C. miburn, have euggertlone or com- tional Oburch. Tbe enrent is open ^tohhd to theaa are the "dea- m*ttee meeUngo mt the aaaoe Tolland: John J. MeOuire, tnpeanidal ptaattc forms sus­ meeting. Senate affaire to date.” to pntort Uia time apaut to Kllbum said that he expects planta on any subject within to the prtUio. A foes win offer­ jitalali aaadid 'anovatioa o( time, loqubtag a legialator to New Rd. will be constructed entirely of pended below. OMicua by eaiwte Detnoerato. concrete and is to acoemodate A large tent will be set up ho problem ridding him self ot the board’s Juriadlrtlon. ing wlB be taken. Proheede will pabBe VM«aaf. tor vdilch are be in taro or more piacaa at Oueat apeaker at the initiation The entire structure will be at the Trl-City 8hping' Plaaa It waa prae^ltatad lart wartc be iisad for Lenrrt Musio Cenm banquet wUl be Charles B. TOO people. 10 tha pile of rtwes exported. arm pay toarty to the tature." the aame time. set on a terrace feet above for the Clown Town event which BITUMINOUS by Banpta R^ubUcaa*, whan He did not say what wlU hap­ scbolarfolp*. Refreafaments win Lord, president of the Hartford Since IMO, woreMp has been ihagr took oft tholr B iom and •Itattor than Judging propoa- Thia haa happanad rapeadodly tha present parking area. Park­ will be held May 17 from 10 to pen to the ahoea If they ar* be aerved. aC lagWattoR in ita meHt value to Houlay, aa a member of both National Bank and Trust Co. carried on In the audltwium of ing facilities will be expanded thumped their dsaka, while the Parich Center, a building 4 p.m. and 7:80 to 11:80 p.m. one of a kind,’ and not in pairs. About Town Ouesta aoUsts Incluile pianist to the todhridaal cMaan, togi*- ^ BKhioatlan and Weifara Corn- and the church will be ap­ The Hartford Bavariema will watting UttM bout* tor tha WMlaai E. Johnston, IS, son of which will continue to house proached in front by a stairway Damoorata to finish thoir oau- Regina DTtalla floolaty win tohaa M« at the price *mittoaa aa arell aa chairman of be^ teatured entertainment* at DRIVEWAYS liT;. ..and Mrs. Earl Jotansfon of ta« of the pmpoaal," he atod. tba Agriculture Oonunttbeo. Strm iiuky *Satisfactory* educational end eoctol actlvi- and a ramp tor cars. A large euB. mast tonight at 7:20 at the tiee, besides being increasingly the Bavarian Beer Garden. Mus- PARKING AREAS • GAS STATIONS Yot«r Brnwinn 22 Seneca Dr., Vernon, and Hd riadltaaia to Cavor the per- Befbeo individual blUa coating pre-cart croas will adorn th e Tho next day, Renat* Minor­ Italian-Amerlcan Club, grandeon of the iireeblisU of m e w YORK (AP)— Compoa- available for community pur- ba.xls of the club members will BASKETBALL COURTS A 6 to S p,m. votermak- aaual tmc ae a meam momy are adopted, lagiaiatora front wall. ity Laader WkHae* BarnM Chamlnsda, Mrs. Bldna Jdiins- ar Igor Stravlnafcy, ^ to report­ poeee. Coat of the proposed struc­ take over the activitiee and wait NOW BQOKINO PLACB TOUR OBIMm MOW! plaoad a worktogman’a rtioe on tng eeaslon wtli be conducted o t raUhto the loquhod aUte «(Q have to decide on which ed In aatlatoctory condition aft­ on tables and serve beer, hot LInna Lodge, KnigMa of Py­ ton of Vetnon. Architect for the new struc­ ture la not expected to exceed AH Work PeianasHy Supervised. We s m 1M% to M te l hla daak, aa a aymhol of Rapub- Wedneaday In the town iwvonue, and vetoed aevoral taxaa to taipCamant and how er an operation to remove a do^ knockwurrt and aauerkrat thias, will meet tomorrow at 2 He wni play “A YSerriors leaarvotloaa about the propoe- nmoh money wm be availeMe ture ia Peter McLaughlin of Boa- |SOO,000. A building fund cam­ Uoaa protort. clerk's office In the Munici­ p.m. at Odd FeUowe Hall. blood clot from hie toft knee. ton, who haa evolved an unusual and various Anger foods. Any pal Building. Buig,” by Hrtler, and “Bn ed payroll tox. h> woeli wtth. Tlren the many paign started last fall ia stlU In DEMAIO BROTHERS MNCBB IMO Banat* caacuiM are a tradl- Oourant,’’ by BeqJanUn Godard. Dabaoifo MaMe A spokeeman said Sunday but fundamcntallv almple de­ progress. The Rev. Ralph Kelly one interested in attending may tion in the upper chamber. They BnigHte appllcante mart be Adnrittliw the payroU tax money bi^a win be ocnaiderad contact Mre. Paul Uriano, ticket . CALL 648.7691 (M-647-9798 The executive board ot tha Joitfuiton, wbo to praNntly ■'haa a poaailiility of <» their marita and a budget Stravtoaky was expected to re­ sign to meat the onanglng needs is pastor of the church. have baan hold, praooding each at least 21 yeara of age, reei- chairman, or any member of Guild of Our Lady of St. Bartho­ studying with Mrs. Edith Peter- GUdys Vennart, Mm. Mary bate adopted,” Houley leeto it drawn up and acted upon, ao- main to the hospital for eigfat to of Catholic worrtUp. Soburbaa Women daily aoaalon, by . wMrtiever denta of Manchester for at lomew will meet tomorrow at 2 iO days. A wedge-ahaped floor area 120 the Subuihan Women’s Ghfo. oen of BoHon, started taking lea- Belli Comp and. lb *. Ruth a b ^ be cantoUy loohed at to cording to the county lagtala- The Suburban Women’s Club party waa in power. least six months, and must p.m. at St. Bartholomew'Srtxxd. eons at the age of 7 with lb s. Staum, wiU aing “The Mghtin- toe aaunn tax toiuallnn. hr. BtOs to b4 ortiBldared are ra- be U.8. cltlBens. Aclene Skinner of Vernon. He gale.” by TBebaSnwaky; "tato artvad in the caucus and are •1 ragmt it could be viewed »• d*<«tod the caueua ayu- Part presidents of the Ladlos also studied with Ronald the NIsht,’* by Ctera Edward*, M a aubaUtute far the peioonal tam wed by Senate Democrata Auxiliary of Manoheatar B a r­ Macadlo ot Vernon and a year and “Ruw* of the Soufo,” by tm-nvu- tax,” he aahL •• S *^ leglalatoi* in the Sen- racks, World War I Veterans, at the Hairt School of Ibiele. Strausa Mka. June Tbmpkte is ”AMhai«h a payioU tax hte “more opportunity to die- will have a lunehemi meeting He received a merit awsid tor the piano anoonpanlat” aounto popular to the av«oge piece of pro- Saturday at 1:12 p.m. at YFU- eoeoepUonal week from l b * . Msmbers o t the cboens are ettiam when emptoyera pay port aginaiawi u'e’e Steak House. Reservattons Petersen tor the 128T-M season. Mk*. Johnston, Mrs. Dorothy of the taxw the tort U rt wUl “Tbe ---caucus------•* I* very criUoal of eeudi issue and hill piending,’’ close Wedneaday atad may be The pianirt also write* murtc, Robert*, Mrs. Patrlda Lard, become part of the oparathsiel FORMER NURSES! made with Mrs. Adelaide Pick­ and in 19K received foe grand Mr*- OhaMi, Mr*. Vemart, Mbs. expeam of the companies,’’ he said. “AU are oarefiilly aoru- INC ett or Mrs. Mary McCarthy, award bi murio at foe curriou- Comp, Ib a Mary Stewart, lb *: ttolaad and a majority cineiaen- Houley Mated. lum fair at Rockville JUilor Cain, lb s. Staum, Mkae Nrtiey ThU will revert to the oort If you would ilk * to ra-fn ter the cbaHehging worid of Harriots, Mm. Tompkins and- When a oaeiMnsua ia not po*- Hose and Laddor Co. 1 of the High School for bda “ResU( of the pradurt whirti will go iq> nursiiig, parUtbne.or full-time, anroU in . . . Town Fire Department will W aters.” and won again In IMS Mrs. Dmis Gorseh. Mias Mar- to the nearert axiveniept price, albla you get a debate on the gary Stevens la Ihe piano ae- floor of the Setfoto,” Houley aa- meet tomorrow at 2 p.m.' a t Um for fats “Taidcee Suite.” not merely the actuei cart of MANOHESm MBBtOBIAL HOBFITAI. '68 iiisiqwiiiiri pialned, aa to the oaae of the McKee St flrehouae. In 1968 and he the tax, he said. Irttaty bUL lUNCHESTEirS with the Ocnnectlout Music They win aliig “To ISuste^” Rswtowtog the leiialative see- FREE NURSE REFRESHER COURSE LNUe Tbeotre of M anrtieater Teaohem Association and was by Schubert; “Oberubie HUfoui” eloB as it enters Ms flnal too MOST COMPLETE will have a busineH meeting selected to play at audition ra- by Bocttnanalqr; “TIertie Tliee munBis, Houlsy noted the build- I B i ! MAT U to JUNE W Wedneaday at 8 p.m. a t 22 Oak cltals' at St, Joaeph College, Nynqph,” hy O .F . Handrt; “Bae- HAVB TOC THB tog of pressure on the legtols- liONnATB BLAmr S t West Hartford, in 19<8, and tUa hM Saw foe Wheel.” “Bom- ta n . •iM a.m. to SrtS p-m. TouH never have them APPLIANCE STORE! year at Mount St. Jooepl) Aca­ bodys Khodte at My Door,” He is crtUoal of moderntos- Monday (or any othar Monday through Fitday Membere of Cub Scout Pack demy. He has also played the and “My LortI, Wbat a Mom- Uon attempts being made by day) if you hmoh at the l.imilcd (|iiiinliii(;s! 8l of Manchester Green School sajcophone in foe Junior High in’,” aX Negro spMtoal*; “Oid- the legleiafure. Dagilto the at- excitingly different IK » AUirnONAL DiroBHLAaiON are distributing free “Keep Band, and la currently playing to Asleep,’’ by dokey, and "The teenpt to earry out some of the Our America Beautiful” bortc- tuba In the High School Band. OobUer's Jig,” an ISfo oantury Gaslight OONTyUTT M RR. JA N iC E V E R N IE R leta this week and are also aeli- Other guests soloirts are a song aiVBhged by K.K. Davis. the Eagletan report, the legis- trio of high school seniors: Mias b b r t a ix S m it . PIWKINMEL BEFlABTMENT ing stationary showing 12 scenes leMnn proesMee have not been M Oak at, btonchester 16.6 cu. ft. of this country. Margaret Helfrloh, vlollniat; Hrttoeably apeaded up beoause Jamea Burke, viola; and Mlae m of a bottleneck in the clerloal MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Barbara KeUy, cellist They wUl NO Frost Women’s Home League ot the I^ N T ' a f "' departmaBts, he said. Salvation Army wUl meet to­ play the “Stralcb' Trio’’ by Jo- Hoidagr oomplatoad of tha SU-1141 E X T . tU morrow at 1 p.m. in the Junior aei)b Hadyn. your boMtog of puUic heaxtags by Refrigerator Hall at the Citadel. Retreab- Mm. (Uilrley Laraon, club eefajeet matter. “Oopies of all Iments will be served. Loyalty Days Queen Leaves for. Parade vocal soloirt, wUl Bing two senga uimphomm by Brahma, acoompenled by ixopoeed bill* to be beard Giant zero-degree freezer holds up to John Lynn, commander of foe WW Post, escorts Miss Karen Wlghtanon of 807 Woodbridge S t, ahould tie maule available to the “ Mlaa Heltrlck on the viola, and 154 lbs. state VFW.(te^any Day Queen, yesterday oa they and VF’W Port end AuxlUaiy menobem Mm. Madelalne Cain, pianlet FREE public at the time of the bear­ *Two ice trays on handy rack. leave for foe 17th annuel Loyalty Day Parade ki New Britain. Mlaa Wlglitman led foe etaito ing on a hUl.“ o r MANCHBBTBR She will also sing “Lullaby*’ Four cabinet shelves, one adjustable, delagatini in the parade. MUs Marcia BlUott, Miss VFW of Manrtteeter, end Donald Bewera, a Maxqr commlttoe* have at­ from the opera “The Oonsul,” DELIVERY BUDGET TERMS one slides out. Lincoln-Mercury Vietnam veteran honored last year by foe VFW, also participated in the parade. AU fores tempted to meet unrealistic NA’nONWIDB I The W ay! by MenotU; “Sweet John” from Separate temperature controls. rode in cars provided by the Manchester Auto Dealem -Aesociatlon. A delegation of 24 Poet "Miss JuUe,” by Rarem, and ifaadlintn in filing reporto on OVARAMTBBD BEttTK3B and Auxiliary memben marched In foe parade aa did foe S t Pairtek'a Pipe Band and foe n pvopoMd rwuMn^ Laanar C an Free Toarlag Only aOt/a" wide, 67" high. “My Heart at Thy Swart Tour Army-Navy momfoing unit (Herald photo 'by Pinto.) . » - "tfL M84WT- Voice,” by Saint Saens aooom- and A to "some potebie g ^ legirta- panted by Mr*. Cain. CM* off tion not reortvlng the edtention at Keeney St. and Harttmoiack OaUand S t , a rUbbfoh fire at Mm. Flora Chase, club violin it deaarvea,” Houley «aid. V- Temon Taantiia* AvaitabI* h •Rto. M, TMoobtviab.'OiiM. St tbs construrtkm site of new soloirt, alao accompanied by All oommittee wortt to Hou- WHITE I Firi^ Calls | Eagbfo District flrrtlghterB ex- apartments. Mm. Coin, will play “Ramans . ft Saturday, a t D !27 p.mi., town UnguiBhed two minor fh e s over ----- ^ ------u a Andalusa Opus 22/’ by Sera- ( d M o n i u foe wertmnd — yeaterdey; a About 40 cent of India’s ' sate, and “La Oltana,” an 18th HARVEST flreflghtan responded to a false grasB fire on Woodbrldg^e St, 8S0 million acrea la cultivated century gypsy song. abunn turned In from Box 124, near Parker and Saturday, on'fanhland. A tito of otaib nwnfoem. Mta. A 'Self-Gleaning Oven That

f t m jn o m o p m s m k js * Lets Yon See What's Gookingf .861 rtSSo k nb , V-S angina 2S0 H P., all 'vinyl btxdcet seated waX to w ell ceopeflng padded dMh and ykntm, outeldo tear view mhror, back-4ip lights; wladehiicld wushms, hidden head- hHngg, sequaotUd turn rtgnsh and much, much more! And only G.E. has it! Y

3 0 " C ustom Comfortable Automatic Range 1969 COUGAR P-7® Oven cleans itself completely, Top-Discharge electrically ... , baked-on grease and grime simply vanish! Cooling! • Automatic Rotisserie Deliyered! • Meat thermometer 6,000 BTU 2 6 9 B • Automatii^ Sensi-Temp unit • Ten Position Automatic Tharmostat • Laxan* LOW BANK FINANCING WITH UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY! with Grill AVAILABLE IN A U Moldad Case, Won't Rust Everl • Easy Mount Instalation • Rotary Air Diraetors COLORS Safe-BuyUsed Cars

196! C O M ET 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 C O M E T S tor S sgwlMi Station Wagon 2-Door Ssdan * Demonstrators Dnr 6-cyUnder, iuibomatlc. Here’s 4-epeed Sion, radio, Big fl engine, power steer­ good, economical transpor­ whitewalls, > m ileage! ing, radio, whitewalls, wheel ■r tation! covers, radio, phu remainder ♦1445 of factory warranty! ' 9345 ♦2043 GENERAL ELECTRIC , 1966 P O N T IA C 1965 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door Hardtop ; 1967 PONTIAC Station Wagon “Tempest C tetom .” Susylln- 2-Door„ Hardtop “Vista Orulser.” Needs some ders, automatic, power steer­ CONVERTIBLE body work," nicely equipped. ing,' power brakes, new ':LeM aaa.’^’ 8-cyllnder, auto- whitewalls, low mileage! ’ nutUo, power steering, buck­ W 5 et seats with cenaote. CARRY-HOME COLOR PORIABU! 5 ♦1575 ♦2060 ' Second lo nons in latest featuffM 1964 FORD 1966 M ERCU RY 2-Door Hardtop 1967 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door Hardtop Station Wagon So lightweight you can parry it home today, en­ “Oalaxle SOO-XL.” Bucket “Montclair.’’ Vinyl roof, au­ joy shows in color tonight. Rare earth phosphor seeds with console, auto­ tomatic, power steering, ’'P-SS.” 8 cyllndem, automa­ DISHWASHERS n 9 9 m atic. radio, eiiltewalla, power brakes, ' 4 new white- tic, power ateering, power picture tube gives best color picture yet, in a wheel oovem, in mint condl- w alls! brakes, power rear windows, lightweight por^ble. 75 square Inch screen. v ■ -U. tion! plus air conditioning! .Built-in antennas. 47 solid state devic^. 3nle ♦1195 ♦1695 Parkshire’s great ^mmer BEHIND THE COUNTER OR BEHIND THE APPUANCE NORMAN'S HAS THE EXPERTS! •209S People You Know, People You Con Trust When It Conies To Service, Your kiqd O f Poopit! 1946 BUICK 1967 M ERCU RY 1965 C O M ET Convertible •9» look. .. embroidered Dacron \ 4-Door Sedan 2-Door Hardtop 2-YEAR COLOR TUBE PROTECTION YO^RS AT NO EXTRA COST “LeSabm.” F\iS power equip­ "Park Lane.’’ Look! Every “OaUente.*’ V«8, automatic, ment, plus factory kistaUed Every Bradford* color picture tube ia warranted to be free of defects for 2 years: AJl other parts for 1 yr. power steering, radlp, whlte- conceivable caption is on-thls The prettiest way to say, “Hello, Summer!” air conditioning! ^ oar, plus X’s air conditioned! Defective parts repaired or replaced with no charge for labor. Free labor during first 90 days. Service Is J GOOD AT ORANTS FROM COAST TO COAST. Schiffli embroidered Dacron poly^^T ♦1195 •1945 AIMS looks freshly feminine, never wrinkles, anORB H0UB8:18 AJL TO • P JL YOU HAVE A 8RAMT$ CRIPIT ACCOWm lest I washes eaailj^Fully lined. Grwn or pink INC. Our Best Product . . .- MOR BROTHERS predominating, 8 to 18. $ 2 6 L *H>N THE LEVEL AT OENTllB AND BBOAIK B8TABLIBHBD. IMS KNOWN FOR VALUES...C0AST TO COAST (DAL, Dreaaee, all stores) OPEN EVENINGS—-Thursday Evenings tiH 6:00 445 HARTFORD ROAD, M A N C te T E R OPEN TUX MNE DAILY — SAIUMMW1U1 SIX 315 CENTER STREET. MANCHESTER f PHONE 643-5135 MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE

■ /V f t M r ^ n u m MANCHESTER EVENING HEEALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- MONDAY, MAY 6, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANdHISTER, CONN.. MOm>AY, l^ Y 6,' 1969. iH o rrsiN Hehron M a n c h e s t^ M n. Annie Heuaeer, Bolton; St.; Walter Reinhart, 78 Dak- cHknges et'assessmsiil ipdces G A X 3 E ^ * < > M n. .Anna Sylvester,: M7 Buns- wood Rd.; Mrs. Theresa Mar­ South Windsor ‘ for pergofUt pnpstlar and .rsal ► i i V e f f l j ______.a./'f-Bj CLAY Av R-» POIiAW nfM4 AM .....mm ■ ■ ■ Hospital Notes ham St; Theodore ' Plsc4teUo, low, Bast Ktorttord; Mra. Mere­ estateigill'.bs Mailsd' In th e JK Your IWlr AcfiWIy Cirid* K O e r k L is ts LOW PRICES! ThofnpeonvtUe;' Mrs. Mary Mo- dith Shaw, Colobe^r; David negr few days. S^jtloss of '> Atcardinp to fho Store. '' vomrnro Botiu Coidey, Bast Hartford; -Winston Swanson, 321 Porter St.; Joseph Town’s Net Grand Li^t olMuige for Motor Vehlolea are Choicoif MoaH In Tow n/ To develop message for Tuesday, •■•■■■NMAe Que lest. Turiclngton, 676 Csnter St.; Rua- Foley, 62 Trebbe Dr. not sent out, said MoNamara, ■4- S-13-16fQ T r a n s f e r s F i i ^ aeU Winhlde, Olaotonbury; Rob­ PM» read words corresponding to numbers 11-49-57 ^ BM »t pjik, m U 4 pjB.- Also, Mrs. Mary Lamprecbit but any questions -regarding TOP QUALITY! ert Froet 10 High Vtow Rd., Now at ^f99.1 M illion •TAUtin of your Zodioc birth sign. • p jm .t pMvaMf iM m , u u a .- 439 Avsry St., Wapping; Mrs.' these Items map bs made to 61. Doing N a tio n a l Vappbig; Mrb. NeUle Nlewola, Marlon Winchester, 163 High The Towm 'Aaaesaor Bert EtoempUons to. the assessor’s offlee. TUESDAY ONLY SPEOIAU *pt » I Do 31 Moy F o r ^ Ap ril * eaR 4 p.Bk-1 p.oi. •t UMifM I You 32 Aseociotes 62 Of Valuable PbiMBRest PWMto allmrrti Coventry; Mm. Beveriy Stord, St, RofekvUle; Mrs. (Rga Mae- McNahiara has reported th e the blind total fl.nBTUO'; farm: Mc^amgra reminded taxpay­ 3 Hondl* 33 As 63eAnd Town C9erk Gladys Miner 119 Farmatead Dr., Wapping; Lachlan, Sycamore TraU, Cov­ net taxable Grand List as of ers that the Board of Tax Re­ 4 Something 34 Action 64 The S t o r e s ■ y «K *p » •Mimt p.m.: era, not Includlpg Public Aet 5Voi/r« 35 The 65 AAove recorded the following property Mrs. Catherine Young, Baxter entry; Mra. saia Caffrey, 78 Ar- Jan. 1 Is $99,160,830, which, rep­ 490, $66,080, raid aid to t h e view will meet tomorrow night, # WHOLE BEEF 66 FoTKies S j ^ - I pjm. Q tM JN I «Be 36A SAGITTARIUS transfers in the Town Office St., ToUand; M n. Selma Btrutf, nott Rd.; Mra. Itone BUls, 3SC resents an Increase of $4,4lis,140 elderly, aocQitUng to and again on May 16th from 7 7 Your 37 With 67 Swir^g . ’■6lf Blzvlaas u a.tn.-2 p.m., •yr^ MAT SI 68 Show NOV 72 / iS&H STAMPS! 26 Florence St.; John Hubbard, Houoe Dr.; Patricia OatsUe- over the prior list for Jan. 1, McNi to 9 p.m, and on Oils Saturday 8 You'H 38 Tailing Building during ^ month of 4 p ja .4 M 2 . 9 Don’t 39 On 69 A Dk ' 21 ^ April: 806 B. Middle Tpke.; John wics, 161 Green Rd.; Eleanor 1908. This, according'to MeNa- S o ^ 'o f the major oddltksis from 10 a.m. to noon at th e 10 Turn 40 Wm 70 Tronsoction imseMva Oara aaS OoNM ry Frankovitch, 44 Peridns St.; 41 A 71 Gloves 2-10-15-2^ Thomaa H. Sullivan to Jeffrey Canestrari, Stafford Springs; mara, represents a net increase to tile real property Ust are: Town HaU. I TENDERLOINS .<1« | n Keep O u «i iMimDhBB tenOy oMy. 12R«fuM 42 Focts 72 Along R. and Linda K. Adams, Lot 7, Mm. Marie Como, 48 Lenok St.; Mra. BronaUawa Janukowlex, of 4.7 per cent Addltlona to Gerber Scientlfio The purpose of these meetlngB 73 UrieKpected BaUtad to llw 13 Concerned 43 Money CAPRICORN Wall St.; EUtate Rose Aduchow- Mm. Barbara Bmwer, 100 Scott MUl Valley. Based upon the current tag Iiistrumelht Co., Inc., a n d 1a to hear any property owner 14 Throw 44 And 74 Advisoble I CORNISH HENS ua c ^ MSThe 45 Slew » 75 Affection 8ky, Lee Oolm bo Irving I. Kahn, Dr.; John Nee, Wall St, He­ Also, MralBarbara Horttm, 88 rate of 46.76 mUls, said Mc^adi- Young Indiudries, Inc., a n d aggrieved .by the valuationa of 46 Project- WateiBltj! FsHiats, u a.m. • JUIT ss 16 About 76 Could JAN tt property on Baaketahop Rd., bron; Paul Laquerre, 40 Liberty Indian Dr.; Arthur Worgan 86 • ara, the Grand List IncreaSS will, new conobructlon bf Metals Tast­ the asoeasor on the Jan. 1 Grand 17ChMn 47 Kid 77 Things GAMIE'R p ja ., mM C PJB.-I P.B .; St; Anthony King, 872 Center lAIB-ZI-a IBSure 48 SpKiol 78 Nicely H9-22-2^< and Amston Lake Oo. to Henry Cambridge St.; Mrs. Claire profhice ^202,600 hi new tovenue ing and John R. Nielson and ust. % (We Reeerve Bight Te Uiatt Qaadltr) 67-77-86-90V& • P.BI.-4 p.m., uM 4 /4^5(VM 19 Be 49 End 79 To F. Hensri and Mabel A. Hensel, St.; Robert HubbeU. U Brato- Kuamlk and son; Vernon Garden to the town; Soij^ 20CcMt>ef 50 Not 80 Bock AQUARIUS p . a k .1 p j B . ard PI.; Steven Harley, 108 He- 81 Block Plot B, Amston. Apts., Vernon; Mrs. Susen Ber­ Acoording to Mid7smara’s es-. tW town added 604 motor WHY SKBETBHS BITE YODr 21 You're 51 Others JAN 20 Age limito! l l !■' owtonlty, laine Rd<; Norman Greavee, /(t-. *^!^v's3 22 Able 52 Topics 82 Controversio Also, J. Dennis Oaton Jr. at trand and daughter. Crystal tlmate, the grosfc Grand List yehlclea to the Uot, whUe the ninr/rvff JJB Md.—Some peo^ 23 tn 53Todoy 83 Look W la Mker u eM , ao Uasit to Stafford Springs' • HIGHLAND PARK MARKET & 84 Better ux to Ekhvard and Germaine Lake Rd. Rockville; Mra. Ctorol toted of $101,066,340 can be brok­ personal property increase was pla may be bothered by m o s^ - 24 Quick 54 By Also, Joseph Barstto, Broad 2SCoi^t 55 Sponge 65 Harder Morin, property on Rt. 86; J. JNummer and daughter, Plnney en down, da follows: Real es­ below average with the great­ toes more than others because 817 mgtatead St.. ^<>•70-74 56F.ght 86 Your Brook; John Walton, Skinner 26 Dote Nelson Carrier to Henry F. and K., Rockville; Mrs. Donna tate, |78,823,036; personal prop­ est addition being in the ma­ tbolr*'SUns produce nurre htoUc 27 To 5 7 ^ e ll 87 Noture PISCfS n » •imiatotimlloe rerato* Hill Rd., Andover; Barry Pln- VIRGO 58 Fovofs 88 You lT«niN Lamm and twin daughtera, WaU erty $18,904,786 and motor ve- chinery category. add, U.S, Defwrtmettt of Agri­ 28 To fCB 19 Mabel Hensri, property In Am­ 89 Mote vWton fltot wUh ...... ney, London Rd., Hebron; M n. 29 Discuu 59 Moy ston; Vincent L. Diana and Wil­ St., Hebron. ^kUes $8,809,489. McNamara stated ■ thsd culture'chasnisto repost. 30 You 60 Things 90W oy mar 20 ■■4* way, ijaridBg spaee to Judith Zimmerman, 46 Potid 5/,6. liam E. Belflore to Richard V. i- 7-36^3:^ Neutral Valtod. VIMton an m M to Lane, Wapping; Mra. HUda Oul- JGOod ^Advene and Betty A. Mlchewlcz, Lot 67, € bMT wNh the hoqatal whUe the liano, 46 Sunset Terr., W^>iilng; S £ £ l London Park; Mhrlo F. Frac- K lu k to g pMbkai eitoto. Mra. Diane Harmaen, 6 Bbater chla et ux to David P. Frac- Dr., Vernon; Leo Taoktos, 20 chla and Sharon Fracchla, prop­ Gardner 'g t .; Mm. Shirley erty on Rt. M, and WaMer and AE)MrPra> BAtURDAT; Swain, 8^ Candlewood Dr.; Bernice Frechette to Morris and Kannetti Oxurn, 94 Diane Louie Levitt, 126 HUladale Dr„ Alfred Goldstein, Lot 298, Ato'- JOIN THE LUCKY ONES! CM.; Beautab Oodln, 90 Main RockvlUe; Mra. Yveome Begtn, The «aby Has ston Lake’. Rt.; Oeoige HvwUns, «U Ab­ 114 Buokland Rd., Wiq^pint; Also, Monica C. Post to Paul bey Rd., Wbn>tiig; M n , Mary Ronald Giafiet Norwich;-Harry M. Hagerty, Lot 816, Amston King, 280 Wbodfatldge St.; Mrs.' Maldment, 18 Soarboiou^ Rd.; Lake; PbyUla L. Schallek to Sbaron Kraabel, 169 Henry S t; Patricia McMuUin, 88 Wood- Oscar J. and Beverly Forand, JoMpti Kurr, 6 Oak St., Rock- bridge St.; Mm. Linda Reynolds property on London Rd., and vBle; K dw u d LaCbonoe, Wood- and son, Stafford Springs; Mra. Been Named Frank B. and Judith B. Deere Moofe Valley; Mrs. Jenny Ladd, Denise Gorka and son, Blast to Robert R. and Ann-Marie B. TbotnpaonivIBe; Mm. Mabel Hartford; M n. Charlotte Oamache, property .on Daly Rd. Lond(», London Rd., Hebron; Brandish and'daughter, 97 Bar­ The foUowl^ lots In Hope Mra. Ourtotte l>oot 60 Feigu- ry Rd.; Mrs. Rosemary WUoox Lurk, Conrmd, son of Norman C. and Elaine McCartan Vfilley Ertates,were transferred son Rd.; M n . Arlene Rktenond, and son, Somera Rd., BUlingtcn. liuck, 39 Walker St, Manchester. He waa bom April 34 at Man­ from Clifford W. Sheer Con- 8M Chatter Oak St.; R oger .DISCHARGBD YBSTBR- chester Memorial Hospital. Hla maternal grandparents are Mr. rtruction Co., Inc.: Lot 21 to Sbannim, 17 Overlook Dr., Wap- DAT: Mra. Deborah Schidts, and Mrs. Francis McCartan, Manchester. His paternal grand­ Lester C. and Judith Lyrai Ous- ptag; Mbs. Ruth Smith, 87 Al- Bast Hartford; Joseph Law­ parents are Mr. and MYs. Fred Luck, Manchester. IBs m a t^ tin; Lot 20 to Joseph J. and •oeander S t; Mrs. Irene Zafc- rence, -d Deming St.; William nal great-grandmother la Mrs. Freda Murdock, Manchester. Barbara Amorreal; Lot 27 to oaro, 71 a Adaznn S t KUman, WindporvUle; Arnold His paternal great-grandmothers are Mrs. Barbara Luck, Alan R. and Sharalee S. Mhr- ADIMnTBD TBSTBRIDAY: Ayotte, Bast Hartford; Mrs. Charleston, R.I. and Mrs. Paul Nye, OraHby. risem; Lot 8 to Ronald O. and M2s. Oladya AUen, Waretaouse Anne Gillette, 81C Garden Dr.; Mary Ann Haberem; Lot 19 to Folat; Mira. June Bacon, 4 Bet­ Philip Seretto, 378 Parker St; Dnkett, Shaam Francis, son of Ralph and Mary Daly James A. and JorAnn M. te drolto Veroon; Mm. Maude Irving Gustafson, 102 Bridge Didcett, 109A Terrtme Dr., RockvlUe. He was bom Axiril 26 at Lenchan, and Lot 26 to Louis <2,000 WINNER Booth, 180 8unm «r S t; Hath- Mandiester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandiwrents are J. and Carole A. Molnar. lesn Brady, South Wfautoor; Mr. and Mrs. John Daly, Manchester. fOa paternal grandpar­ Also, Lot 15 to Nell J. and ELEANOR CATERINO Mhyfand Oatk, 878 Adams St; ents are Mr. and Mrs. Fiancla Dukett, Olastonbury. Sandra P. Paterson; Lot-10 to Biuen Dsaautels, Stoat Hsrt- • V • «l Patrick T. and Pauline A. Ma­ Wotertown, Conn. loid; Roland Deveau, Bristol; honey; Lot 22 to Angelo R. and CMe, Hark Walter, son of RoUand R. and Susanne Rlejko M ary Jans Donohue, Bolton; Cote Jr., 48 Myrtle St, Manchester. He was bom April 29 at Maureeen G. Greco, and Lot 14 IVeaola Downto, M l^aruoe St.; Manchester Memorial. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and to Dennla J. Pontes and (Jarlene Mrs. BUaabelb Dunbar, 21 Phoe­ Mrs. Walter Klejko, Hasardvllle. Hla'paternal grandparents R. Haertel. nix 8t., Vanioa; Carl Qaylor, m m are Mr. and Mrs. Holland Cote Sr., kbmohester. He has a MaadtoM; Stanley GUI, 40 Mo- brother, Holland m , 11 months. Manchester Evening Herald Ktadsy 8 t; Donald Hartaog, 182 Hebron correspondent Anne Ha$no3KiiEiw Banian, Sherry Elisabeth, daughter of Peter and Mary Emt, tel. 228-971. Mwantaln Rd.; Helen HMm, 800 Hourlgan Roman, 192 Woodbridge St, Manchester* She was ToBand 'T^pfce.; Mrs. CtaUey »Kidmwi$iif»hiiitiA bora April 29 at Manchester Memortal Hospital. Her maternal Johnson, WUUniantto; Austin grandparents are Hr. and Mrs. J.R. Hourlgan, Manchester. MoOavltt, BYedario Rd., Ver­ non; James MOmgancs 1288 Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Anna Roman, Manchester. MOTHER’S DAY P ftso it CRYSTAL DISH She hM two brothers, Michael 14, and Scott 9, and four sis­ Harltord T ^ . , Ro(HtvUIe; Mm. AU, TOP UNE8 BtbM M oon, 82 Cottage St.; ters, Lisa 16, Sandy IS, and Mary and Laurie 20 months. OOSBfEOlCS « * A • « Loutoe PalUtn, 14 W. Middle EARLY MORN U.S.D.A. CHOICE Rosenberg, Brace Alexander, son of Robert D. and Oail Tpka.; J o s ^ Rupar, Andovar; M ARTHUR DRU8 MacLeod Rosenberg, 102 Wlnthrop Rd., Manchester. He was Mra. WlnUied Russell, Hart- FIRST ferd; lira. Mhiton Scfaidts, CUT bom April 23 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal lb gfrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George MacLeod, Fairfield. Somme n ; linda Worthington, SfEAK HU paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosen­ Daley Rd., Coventry;'^ John g U.S.DA CHOICE _ _ GRAND UNION MIDDLE COT berg. Hackensack. N.J. Young, Andover. • A A A A A AUNEAT MERTHB SATURD AY: A . OR AU BEEF McCue, Marjorie Grace, daughter Of The Rev. and Mrs. BEEF SHORT RIBS 65 FRANKS CHUCK STEAK lb . Where Did ditighitar to Mr. and M n. Mau- Allan Homer McCue, 12 Reqwlll Ave., Wenham, Mass. She was <1,000 WINNER itoa WUaon, 108 Blroh S t; a FRESH LEAN SWIFT'S PREMHIM FIRST OF THE SEASON-BOSTON \ ■born April 24 at BeveHy Hospital, Beverly, Mass. Her maternal son to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Both for PAB-BEAiV "-llTandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Bryant, Braintree, lb. lb . < A SHARON FIONDELLA Ransom;, 130 S. Main S t; a son lb. S9‘ Mass. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Howard MoCue,' To­ Cl Cl 3-totd, (lutid 6H Inch GROUND CHUCK BEEF LIVER MACKEREL They All Go— to Mr. and Mm. Harry Patagl, ' dlih, 6 In. ladli of tli- peka. Kansas. Her great-grandmother is Mrs. Robert J. Smith, Bristol, Conn. RdUn Olnete, ToHand; a daugh­ sent dtiltn. You nt Manchester. fioth «t tmi low pries A A A A • ter to IB*, and M n . Henry Lu- whil* they iHt. SAVE CASH AND BLUE STAMPS Those Mustangs that kowsid, Kingsbury Ave., B> x t. Bochenko, Cberie Ann, daughter of Robert and Marilyn Roterallle; a daughter to MT. Dalello Bochenko, 32 Park Place, Rockville. She was born were the best selling and Mrs. WUUam Kerr, 128 S. i&\ Grand Union .55 Horn&Hardart April 19 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ Mato S t; a daughter to Mr. and ents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalello, Rockville. Her paternal new car ever intro­ Mrs. Noiman Oyr, 1886 Hart­ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G. Bochenko, Rockville. 'i ford Ipke., Rookvula. ^ < A A A- • A duced? ^ Maxwell House . 6 5 Pride ol Colomtiia Y BERTHS YBSTEIRDAY: A ^ b o p | i0 Duphily, Michelle Anne, daughter of Joseph and Muriel 1 9 6 9 daughter to ihr. and Mm. Rksh- Messier Duphily Jr., R.F.D. No. 2, Keeney St., Manchester. DOpGC DARTS ard Luhaa, 08 Alaocander S t; a She was born April 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her -They're still the pop­ daughter to MT. and Mrs.. Ray- maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Messier, AMERICA’S ..nzond Lamaire, 83 Oonverae 3 ’or . ^tntrallon* Manchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Wil­ ular choice among Rd., Bolton; a eon to IB . and FAVORITE fred Duphily, Mld^eboro. W Heinz KelclMii CeMPiwerDelerganl A A * • G.E. Fathlonetle Mna, WMlami LeBtono, 290 Main S. 6. M. Bl your New England . • . S.OOO BTU l.qt. _ Berkshire, Gretchen Anne, daughter of Thomas and S t; a son to MT. and Mm. Rioh- fiatlstaetlon Or Bloiiey Back ' V Air 14-oz.d 6%-oz. Charlotte Born Berkshire, 148 A-1 Park St.. Manchester. She aid Ouenerl, Stoat Hartford. Ford Dealers "A -1 " Conditioners! DISCHARGED SATURDAY: can deal tube was bom April 29 at Manchester Mem'orial Hospital. Her ma­ ONC EACH WCIM MANOBBBTBB PABICApil weiGiiade firape Drink Crest Teolhpaste G.E. ij . w - jc Peter P. Lamot, WUlimanUc; ternal grandmother is Mrs. Bleeker Bom, Gulf Breeze, Fla. symbol.- Porta-Color TVs! ^ p V ' Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. James Berkshire, Gulf (ONE EACH nrtCKi 1 - l b . $ 1 1 (Whole , 14-oz. Breeze, Fla. She has a sister, Jennifer. .., ■ DEL MONTE 1-oz. freshltkS A A A A * HERE'S ALL YOU HAVE TO 00 K ernell AtUched te the belUm el yewr Dewhie Menty luhel, yeu will find FruH Cocktail cans o r P eas Tinkhain, Karen Marierdauehtcr of Lawrence and Mary J*Mf Ofiitiel Intry Blenh-fill out ', son of Raymond J. and There.sa, Dougherty McConnell, 371 Oak St., Manchester. He GRAPES . 39' GRAPEFRUIT was bom'^prll.29 at Hartford Hospital. HU rnatemaj grand- SPECIAL WESTERN VALENCIA PUERTO RICAN mpnier is Mrs. There.tU Dougherty, Bell Mauer, N.J. He has a sister, Terry Ellen. 17 months. E are a professional orarairization for educators. I ORANGES l Z t 5 r PINEA.PPLES. B ‘ * *1 # (CloBe to 600 members). - . RED RUSS , Irwin Jr., Walter William, son of Walter W. and Janet .Falkowskl Irwin Sr., 97 Summit St., Manchester. He'was B8m I MUSHROOMS POTATOES .4prll 28 at Manche.ster Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ tRO M CALO parents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley-Falkowskt, Manchester. His WE have the right to negotiate a contract. (Public gol. paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin, Man­ Act 752). i APPLES.'- ^/An‘ FRUIT-DRINKS chester He has a sister, Ua'a, 23 months. . • - A . A A A A' Neville, ChrU(y ^argaert, daughter_ of Harry and Mar­ offered to m'eet directly* with the Manchester 5 garet Reid Neville, Greenfield, MasSf She was bom April 28 at W E Board of Education. (They chose to send a representa- 5 the Franklin County Hospital, Greenfield. Mass. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ftarry Neville. Ashbumham, Mass Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis ‘LIQUID Reid. Manchester She has a sister, Kimtberly; 3, HEW INTENSIFIED d u c a t i o n ^ W E attended three Mediation sessions and were SALAD DRESSING ready willing and able ta negotiate. (The Board stalled). l l H A O IrU COLD WATER ALL GENTLE, MILD TIDE DETERGENT ^ ATTIINTION PARENTS f MIRACLE WHIP 2-lb. ri PROCTOR A GAMBLE'S Including: AMERICA’S FAVORITE 22-az. SUMMER I^D IN G CLASSES will now have to _go to Arbitration. (Further IVORY SNOW b ll. W E EARLY MORN W Elementary, Jr. High, High School and College Students delajing a written contract— this is the fourth year in a HEINZ KETCHUP JOY LIQUID row that the teachers of Manchester Have b ^ forc^ • BRAKE mSPEGTION ...... FREE NEW BOLDER 1000-SHEET ROLL TWO POtIR.WEEK SESSIONS into this sitauatiim). MARGARINE FIRST SESSION BEGINS JUNE 23 • AIR CONDITIONER CHEllK . .FREE GRAND UNION SCOTTISSUE roll i r b o l d d e t e r g e n t x 7 9 ' Smalt, effective classes In reading and Ptudy skills. Individual­ Z l * FOR DISHES j i ized programs according Co pre-test diagnosis. Programes may s s o c i a t i o n • SHOCKS CHECKED...... FREE GRAND UNION CREAM CHEESE include such areas as word attack skills (phonics), compre­ W E are, and will continue to negotiate for better hension, vocabulsiry development, speed reading, how to' study educational programs for the Town of Manchester. • TIRE INSPEOION ...... FREE BLEACH SS'37' GRAND UNION . a c A IVORY LIQUID - 5 7 ' effectively, critical and inferential reading, test taking tech­ micro ENZYME 3 ,, niques, perception, ooncentration, college board test prepara­ . ; ' \ ' • ROAD TESTED ...... <. .FREE l-OWSUDS — — WAFFLES tion and general improvement of reading efficiency. The Hon. Nathan G. Agostinelli The Hon. Fraijcis J. Mahoney are concemed with the large number of teach­ MR. G. — CRINKLE CUT- * Morning. Classes—Monday through Thursday. The Hon. Haiold A. Turkington Mr.JVayne G. Mantz W E • EHRlHEi TUHE-UP ...... $14.7$ SALVO rewntuun X 7 7 GAIN DETERGENT 79' * Air-Conditioned Classrooms * Certified Teachers of Reading. ing vacancies already pending Board action. Mr. John I. Garside Jr. CONTROLLED SUDSING . - OETItCtm * Terting Programs for Diagnosis and Placement. Mr. David Or Odegard »■ WHEEL ALIRHMENT ...... SJ» POTATOES pkgs. Mr. William R. Schall^r , . Mr, Anthony P. Pietrantonio PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT.. MAY 10th. AcBdemk Reediner Improvemefit Center, inc. ADVANCED ALL - 79' William E. FitzGerald, Esq. PLEASE express your concern by calling and $24.6$ DASH DETERGENT : 75' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 63 E. Center 8t., Manchester I Gall writing to your elected officials list^ to the left. PhM Vmrta Next to Cavey'a Bestaurant Fred Kaoioye, £ M n A A A V Manchester Parkade, Middle Turnpike, West — Triple-S Redemption Center, 180 Market Square. Newington FREE PAKKING | Dtroi^ 64i>7T47 PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, INC. Open Tues., Wied., Th$jrs. and Sat. 9:00-5:30— Fri. 9:00-9:00 Closed Mondays 373 S t — Phone 649>28S1 — ManchcBter ------', J .- — ------1------'■ A ..' . . A V A- V ’ t' . MANCHESTER BVENINO HERAI^). MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, MAY 6, 1969 X r t fiERALD; HA^f(iHE81B&. CONN., MONDAY. M/kY 6. 19M Red Sox Hopes TBE •| ■ 1/r* • ‘ ’ k " •7;v,, m Due to Rookie Pitchers b a r l y o s t PatroceBTs IwtMim hoia s r In P rB akness Larry Hinson BOSTON (AE) — The iUthouib bo had only a M and dwuld gd even better. And Boefam Red Box’ 1969 year­ m ark wMb a a s i aam ad ran ar> rn teU you one thing—noltber the W ta.. a n g o la Claaa A ban at Wtai- "tai my flrd start at NsW May 17 Next Proves ltyaor4)ld Htanon, «> ttaa "Ha’n got four pItcbM wmI can even better than we had hoped NorUuup’a two-out triple gave Bona araU.' Now ho wants to Im­ a Mgta OBOuita poratataga to what might have been. Harry dart or raUora,” ICanagw Dick and he'a deOnttdy tn our atart- Detroit a 2-1 lead. prove Ms control. flutai pnof araaoB CXAC Tounto- Doss Mhjsttic Prince’s victo- waAtm. 81-8—68. Bob MeOuri^ apactoctod FTaidc Board on tha ry in Saturday’. 36th raimteg I S iS t o iS S H S ? o f mMIdta dmdta Sun- WUUaiiM M id Sunday. “D m tng rotation now. Nagy pltcbed the ninth and "Too many walks—Imagine BioBt quaHfloottoB. OBly tbs top provu ha to the ‘ mver facrae Sl-«-66 fi««* the $30,000 flrat only quMUon la cxparlenoa, tait "In Nagy and Ray Jarvia we then gave way to a pinohliitter, eeven," he ngdled in e^vi^^g U ttaona iB onidi odmol olaooi- oapbara he’a oartabdy leanud (tat op have found a ooigile of young oongratufaChMS Oom WOUams — tsivo, Madhan sad Dick Schofield, who drove in the "w:Sd‘^^^lL^Would Alto ana Letters havetave a4.T_ar. P^^£^^.0®» Nmr Oriaans Opan. OraaUr .-•■V ■ . . . ban. aaiMcially agatat guya pitchen. They near bare a cou­ tying run which enaUed the Red for "a great game” agalnpt the fimaB — w ifi qaaUiy. Ttaat’s ttaa ■t ■** /■ V, . .r-- Uba A1 Kaliw.’* a «y It rimnld bo la haakatbull, beatenmien the Pitno. If BUI SiM- ^ Mp They '"‘T bod•««» fhdabed«5md 73 bolM 4-' ple of gamee under their belta SoK to puB a 4-3 victory on Rloo Tigers. tato iMt baatatttwll to a mcDsy maker hadn’t been Injured? AppUn 33-8—34; L o # g ro o s' — over the tauta Lednwood Country to doU an sa d What on earth happened H U ry flUch 79; Blind bogoy — Club oourue with 3780—13 under Top KnigtatT M aurice Parry 100, Jim SmMi par. Six Hits: Four Singtesn Double and Homer ' If tbe Derby had been ei little RCTALIAIION—Sent sprawling in the top of the Seaver. When Hands came to bat in the same inning, 100. "E veryone baric borne Just he was hit which brought a warning to Seaver from tonger then Its 1% mUao. would PBO SWBBPfiTABIB ttioiigtat r d iwvur make it be­ fiiird Inning after bein|r hit by a pitched ball by O m i i e C a f f Kie (ant Glaring Dike have col- Umptraa’ leto tor AmaricMi Low groan —Harry Bieh '70, cause I didn’t make good In my Bin Hands o f the C t ^ is New York intcher Tom Umi^re Frank Sectny, plug an automatic $60 fine. torad Majestic PrtooeT Logton iMMbaU gamea havs In- Tmiimxr Tjihiiivu I jLiu ijixiL B fw lu KsiHiedy 73, Mlko fiolm ■tudteo—a aMnuvB—» ^ C ..Taverage viaao a'w®i> <®ur mtaniten altar ‘Tad lent gams they oridd gfm tts But even though Alien wu Cincinnati 11 14 .440 « the Royaki Obliterated the Oali- pyancisoo S-1 and the New Tork However, Manager Dave Bris­ ttirow, enabling two Braves to San Diego ‘ 12 16 .426 and then held the ball as the pitching one-Mt Imll up to that Champlan DetroR Tigera and *®*‘ 06*$tr®l Oonneotlcut and wouldn’t have m ade aiv diffor- Hasel Piper, Ruby Ctougb, ioq to a 78 end a (Jlaude Eud can g e t S om e ‘**® «»“ *• ''I- ■***• Canadtena troubto. H.W0 poorer when he came Mets took the Chicago Cubs tol came back with the right­ ^ r e in the fourth. tonria Angeto 16-1. winning run scored. point. Houston 8 0 .386 10% draw nearly 96,000 fSna.. .Bow Coach Hank MaJUnger thto oea- enoe had Shoemaker been Marge Smith; aU tied at 61. ^^raattiroe wow ayT m tie fortor third at 378376 sleSDSleep now. HOW. ’T Th« he MMontreal raitraal ®>“ ®® *»®>‘ » 1-® “™ »• ™ >®®w H’a too tote now, b a d i to the PhUadelphla Une-up, twice by 3-3 scores. hander In the second gam e of Houston pulled oft a National The O-toot-2, 216.pound out­ The victory, before a record The Oakland ace, 6-1, (all o m Sunday’s Reoutto afMwit my pre-setaon p4«in. Pal- *®"- Here’s one vote for MaJ- aboaad Arte and Lettora Instead NINB HOLE GROUP with Bobby Mitrindi. who had a Clanadkns can sip cham- ^ be wasn’t minus any of bis hit­ Allen’s lated troubles started Sundey’a doubleheader, and League record seven double fielder, who got credit for his Minnesota regular season crowd RBI abort of the Americaa tlinora In the Amarioan League Ui>S®r t>i® ooUege ooimh of BrauUo Baeaa, but EUlott Aimabrile Dodge,^ Vivian Lon- New T ork 8-8, Chicago 3-2 stxtb fait via a post-gam e soor- ting proweas. Friday when he missed two Chminger reeponded by holding plays In defeating Juan Mari- Atlanta 4, Loa Angelea 1 o f 44,184, was the 17th tor ttto Lnague single game marii for and St Louto in the NattonalT ®* “»® y®"- Bun*, Arte and Letters’ train- peranoe, RuUi DrtokWater. 70 ay-* -mn 88 tag change, becanws the 20th £ 1 S i f t ’ S00 - Tbs cestroversial slugger, planes from Philadelphia to St the Padres hitleaa after the sec­ chal and San Francisco. Doug Philadelphia 0, St Louis 0 Twins in their laSt 10 starts. The pftchers held by former Tankee What’a happen to ttw CardtoalsT • • • araaa’t no aura, FOUR BALL, BEST BAIX ^ ^ money, ^ ®“®* wtanliig tha for a otwrftoy yaeattoa at player in American League hla- Ttai ■ who was flnsd $1,000 for missing Louis and thus the Phillies’ ond Inning. Rader scored two of the Astroe’ Montreal 6, Plttabdrgfa 4' White Sox have lost six in a Vic Raschl. Clncliuiati’a TViny If you tomvTwrtte Manager Red SLort Stuff ''Perhaps there could have Low net—Edna HUlnnkt, Lynn vleforv TOe SL Inuto B l^ can wm- Stanley Cup win anUoUmaUc Florida motel of club three runs after tripling and tory—and Um flrat in seven row. u you snow, wniesaanagernea a n o n DOUX ------™ a ml* memaetoes to Florida whUe wm, not bnoauta he didn’t ney Salomo? Jr. But tt Ow prevtoUB two games without night game with the Cardinals. The i^tcher alao contributed a Houston 8, San PVancloco 1 Cloninger holds the major BcitoanritonsL ch> Buaoh Stadi- when wfll the New York Tan- bien « dlffawMo, I oon't Prior. Barbara Davto, C ^ y eeoond' ^^use a t~ ^ U eIh ^ S lf-. pnrmlMinn. drove in two runs He didn’t make It In time for homer and a single to the Reds’ doubling. San Diego 7-0, Clncfamati 8-13 yeiura—to collect h alf a doien m Frank Howard and Mike Ep­ league mark of nine. ^^e ®“?®’ 8«®«y Boam^ think much of the Blues. until Sunday that a nine-liming contest um, St. Louto, Mo... .The divl- keen give ug> on rightflelder BUI know,” Burch 4Mld, noting that Oiblta 63; Helen Noel, Cele bosb. The Mr nnsnheck bwe mulls over a - _____ 'learned too as lbs FbmiM whipped sagging Saturday’s game either, show­ 11-hlt attack aa he picked up his Ron Swoboda drove in the Today’s Oamea stein crashed aucceesive homers Reggie Jackson hit a pair of atonal picks ware BalUmora and Robtamm? A ccord to Oie lat- Shaemakta bod ridden Uie oolt Perry, Cora Anderaon, Zelda ______M^^JJ^tara * _ * __ for iaoxBoi too * peraanal rietory ... (or any of Uw ^ Btuen . .-w fait Uka going- While the Royals were crash­ St Louts H Sunday. ing up an hour after it started. first victory against four loasea. winning run in the teener and No games scheduled in the sixth liming pulling basea-empty homers and lal ent averages he was httttng. 001. 'before C loklngar, meanwhile, He was there and in the llne- The Reds won the cqiener b^ scored the winner in the night- Tuesday’s Games ing California with a UMdt, Washington into a 8-8 Ue against Bando iUao banged a solo boOMr Louto and Cincinnati in the NL. Robtneon was acquired from board for the firri time. BEST 16 three-homer barrage, the AL’a Htaoon started playtag golf at Blues 3;1, Sunday to sweep tbe through aU year. I w u always IL’’ Boirman > for Sunday’s contest though, hind run-Bcorlng hits by Tommy scored the winner in the night­ Los Angeles at Chicago the Indiana, and Ed Brinkman for the Athtetlca. * • • the Atlanta Brmvea fo r Clete not tsUng anything _ "I'm D®ugtos, Oa. National Hockey League Stan- worried and I’ve been haring Uke losing.’’ seoondgama. 1341 decision over and responded by driving in Helms In the fourth and Johnny cap aa the Meta aurprUed the Cincinnati at New Tork, N hottest cltibs—Mtaineaota, Wash­ sent the go-ahead run home Home runs by Tommy Har­ ff-_- »_ Boyer.. .Another Tankee who away from Bata# when I aay Claaa A — Bob MeOurUn 87- ____ HOTS n mere . xa«a«,o wu» ,.«i. _,x, « ntova vaiam. se a iwi Whan xI .uswflrat wuzeaotartod pmymg,playtag, loy ley C«g> nnaisfinals in tour punwi.gamaa. xvIt trouble Sleepingsleeping allaU vsar.year. TOTo ftn-fin- At least.leasL Bowman ftoorad.fljpirad. tha San Dtego, pitching a masterful runs with a double in the third Bench in the sixth. high-flying Cuba. Houston at Phlladelidila, N ington and Battlmore-^ept loU- with a twotout single in the''sev- per, Wayne Comer and Don mar two4imer Jud about 4 hours liming and a sacrifice fly In the In Mimtreal, Ftoce came In to In the opener, Bwoboda’a sac­ San Diego at Pittsburgh, N Ing in faigh gear and Oakland enth. Mlncher won the opener for l^ a t o g fl^ p * eJ^hing D lS’otoivtaiio 60*-60, John told me to turn waa the 16th time the Canadtona tah first was bettor for ma than Canadlena had to w orktop far rifice fly capped a two-run rally rates a salute tor bringing in ^ «verytMng ^ of the club down there at took poaaeaalon. to wta the Stanley Cup." that last rietocy. altar bs tailed to get a Padre dxth as the Phillies completed a pitch in the eighth Inning, shut San EYanclsco at St. Louis, N pitcher John "Blue Moon" The Senators have won five Seattle rlj^Miaader Marty Pat- tha NBA idayott ^®to. To- ®^i^®*®P wan Mtttag u ^ r .180 twiner of Ttop Ogden 83-8—68, Pete Staum 83- ***® *’®i^*®*“ »*ri I was cmfaar- SL Inula baa yet to beat Mont- Bowman had to bn oantnnt “You havs to bo hnmbte «ad out In the flrd Inning. The Reds sweep of the three-game series. off a Pirate rally and then held that put New Tork ahead to Montreal at Atlanta, N Odom went on an RSI rampage straigtt while the Indians have tin, 4-1, who got ni(ith inning "We had a great weekend, we hla former team In the ninth aft­ atay. In the second game, Swo­ night's fbmlg, stnxtlng st 10, gotag into 4h® weskend gamoa V w gw vrmA immwuwa iri n rui *sssd. I'd turn it k>OM and I'd rssl In 17 gsmss over two ses' ^th ndist he considered s mor> you hsve to bo *n this also won the tfpmar $-3. . against the Seattle PUota. fallen three tlmea In eucceesion help from John O’Donogtaue aft­ Shoe, 41-yaarold veteran who had beautiful weather, we won er the Ebepoa rallied for three boda raced home from second American League Tlie Twins edged the Chicago for a 8-18 season record. ;^sU msrble. « the ^^bv 62^ •very time." ■®»*- al victory. The BIu m bad bean gams," Bowman oaUL "Mtail- er Dick Oreen tagged a laadoff between Boston and Los Ananl- Croae off the Tankeen now an Derby, said Majestic^rinta ^____ OeaturtoarGeaturtag with-Mswith hU lowleft hanRhand, John Ferguson aowed fiia clearly outclaaaed in the flnt rani was *«mg»y, _ but w u out of work lad month until three games and Richie Allen runs In the last of the eighth. on Dick Selma’s wild pitch in East Division VWrite Sox 4-8 for tbetr eighth Dave Johnson’s two-run dou­ homer. •sshouldbeathriner.aiaimel nnHariera lumant cESta - ««•»»*««. t ouin'i have MontreaPtook a chance on him, came back and had a great John Boccabella doubled the aeventh. Tom Seaver and ta W. L. Pot G.B. ocnsecuUve victory; the Sena­ ble keyed a five-run sixth inning be oonttaued, "I didn't have winning goal ta the third period three games, but Aowed ta tba them weren’t tamMe. day," beamed Phlla Manager home two runs and scored the Tug McOraw each scattered Petrocelll's aeventh homer 8 WIU pick vg> Uw action at 11. Urreat in th* Am eitoan League m a m Fm^onW. ®‘«®Sth enough in ttdn hand to relieved for the fourth time In Baltim ore 30 8 .714 — tors nipped Ctovriand' 4-8 for flurry that sent the Orioles post following a walk to Roggto the pad weak and gained his Bob Skinner,^ -carefully skirting third on a throwing error by nine hita In halting Chicago; And It be worth view- .. .Ccntrovoratol RicMe AUw, $30^ to b-^ « up. O O ^ ^ j O i ^ NowlWt^i^iS Waoh’n. 16 U .008 8% thirir 10th In 11 starts and the New Tork in the first game and Smith, broke up the Red Bok-TI- Boston 14 10 .088 4 Orioles oomirieted a four-game tag M there to no tom orrow fo r was nockta $1,000 tor faU ta^ to ^ £ 3 bogey — WU- * and turn ttk w n e ^ p u U (hey blitsed the Tanka in the gers duel. Boston had ti^ tha the toaer. One might cast a sue- make a ptone to St Louto. The ^ ^ of the Detroit 11 18 .408 7 sweq> st New Tork by pasting nightcap as Andy Etche barren gam e in tbe ninth on a ranHlpar^ gM He OlekataaM 84, MerrUl Whto- « on Unough.” picioua eye toarard the playoffs, PMladelphla PtiilUe slugger, ®N®L but I thtnk he can * ton 84, Jim Colbum 84. Htaeon babItuaUy nqueesas a Sports Slate |' Smith Joins Stafi Collect 11 Hits in Third Win New Tork . 11 10 .438 8 the Tankecs 6-8 and 14-2 in a drove in five runs an4 Paul ing single by Dick Schofield. \ a ev ela n d 3 18 .148 18% doublriieader. and with good reaaon, but to- who doesn’t beUeve in club ** **• *®-" PRO SWEEPSTAKES rubber baU to atrengUwn Mioodsgp M sy 5 Major Loogue Blair four. Rookie Mike Nagy MankSd night’s gams to bound to be oa rule*, ctoima the chib wta cheap • Burch eald be ritU wouldn’t Weet Division Odom drove in six runs with a Dave McNally gained hto fifth the Tigers on two hlto until ther Cbmey Tech at Woloott Tech Minnesota 16 7 8.06 — homer and double, and also beat the level.. .Gary Ktael of Man- in not taking a day flight in- TB^StUfMatara^ Jrim ^^ M-po^ wttght^ Bwktoy, May 8 ;^=Laaders=J victory wlUuxA a loss in the ope­ eighth, when Jim NortbrMP’s ■ Chester picked up another pltrii- stead of a right flight from PhU- **« Prince Md added he might ax,»>x ______At Country CluB Offense Takes Shape, Oakland 14 10 .688 3% out an infield hit, powering the Bduth CMboUo a t Bast Coth- AMBrieota League ner and Jim Hardin wim hto two-run triple aeift them ahaad tag win for Baotem OormeoUcut odeiiriila. A $1,000 fine to Just a *** *' freak ham . Kansas City 18 10 .613 8% AtbletksB past Seattle 11-7-after tag wta for Baotem OonneoUout odeli*la. A $1,000 fine to Just a Re. Mto 78U-67, Bob Genoveoi 78 oUe first of the year in the second 2-1. lost Saturday, a 7-6 deototon drop in the bucket for Allen ‘Hwe got a long amy to p ^ ii—88, BUI Ogden 81-11—60. Batting (88 at bats)—Garew, CfMcago 8 U .421 6 the Pilote took the doUbleheader Cramwril at Bolton Familiar face ia back again on tbs payroU s t tiiie J8B; Patrooriil, Boot, California 8 IS .881 7 opener 6-4. over Weatem OonnecUouL .. who makea nearly $100,000 a ^®*® "® ®*** "® ®®Hed great. Aft- MBNTI TWO 'Portland at OoventTy Manchester Country Club, Rtumie “ Bed” Smith. The East Downs Bulkeley Atoo oil' Uw coUege boaeboU year.. .Reportedly headtag tor tr eU, he haa won Juri oiw elae- Forge into Lead Seattle 8 16 .848 8 Ritoo Petrooelil's two-run hom­ Rocky Hill at Rbam Btencheatef's Cathy Dyak two-time former Cowecticut Amateur and New FiigiaiMi Bait, 38; F. gunday’s ResnUs er In tfae U til Inning gave Bos­ froUt tost Saturday, Vernon’s Oerflial OOnnecUcut are state ®- ^ wao afraid of Mm before WIncae -Stan Mkrieowrid South Wtadoor at BUtagten By TOM BARRETT Twin-Win f or Bolton Jim MarteUo had to pitch 10 basketball stars BUI -Wendt of though, because I tried g.,,. Markowafcl - Chist and Avan's Mary Ana Mlteh- Amateur cham j^n jtdned the club yertordagr. ReWtacn. B a lt, 36. Baltim ore 0-14, New T ork 8-3 ton a 4-2 victory over DetroR. Rockvtlto at Middletown innings before hto Waoleyan Norwich, Roll* Wegner of *® P*®*' boVa ta Mm and couldn’t j,,,. winoae- Jhn efi tasmad ta grab the toiri Working ta the Pro FinaHy ctxning up with some hittLog power, Ehist Minnesota 4, Ctalcago S The Royals battered six Cali­ Housatonlc C.C. at MCC, I under Pro Alex Hackney wlU B m Iiattad to—F. Roblnaon, Catholic topped Bulkdey High, 4-1, on a big third inning teammates oouid score a run Xa'vier in Middletown, Dan ’ Vandervoori 140; Bob Zalman- ta the Women's DooMea B a lt. 36; MUraer, N .T., 35. Washington 4, Cleveland 8 fornia pttciiers-^and Oliver bit pjiL, Mt. Nebo . ; not be a new experience. rally & tu id^ at Hartford’s Goodwin Park. The victory Se^tUe 6-7,, Oakland 4-11 In First Doubleheader in a 1-0 dnetoton ovsr Amherst. Switchenko of Windham ta W11U. Asked If Dike might have rihet Wtaoae 166; PhU dtOrrl"- event of the National Dnrii- Wednesday, May 7 Bto-Btolr, B ^t. 86; F. Ro4>- safely against each of thej»—to tm • -x ji- i j ^ ' ptn Bewilng Taumament tost Smith prevloualy served os raises the locals’ record to 3-4 before they debut in Hart- BoirtOh 4, Detroit 3, 11 Innings the Wggeat offensive splurge of fWinfiT its first doubleheader ever last Saturday He Mattered seven Mts.. .John mantle, Larry Rankins of Mtd- caught Majectlc Prince U there RanUy (MO; Low gitss— Manchester at Windham caddy master and atoo handled taaon. B a lt. 88. weekend ta Waahiiigton. D.O. ford Ooutitv OonfveoDE ------Kansas City 16, California 1 their brief lifetime. The on- Mtemoon, Bolt<»i High (7-2) defeated Bacon Academy . AluMoki, former Bast Cathrilc dtotown and Bob HammU of bad been a UtUe more racing nw .. —Tbm SchlUer 74; B— Cheney at Windham Terii many duUea ta the pro shop. D oO blcs-D . Jofanaon, Balt.. o f the ninth inning with one ou t Today’s Games athleto, to oldoltaed with an ta- Branford. room , Longden natd "h e wasn’t Q^et Wtacae 81, Tom MoCXwker M rs. M Bdwn rolled n 486 Rtuun at Botten Biaugiit backed the four-hit ui the first game, 9-2 and took the second, 6-0.-Both oerles and Mrs. Dyak, the Hackney said today that Um 10;______4 lied at 7. Tom Juknla hurled his second baseman O’Neil No gamea scheduled going past Uils home if they gj. c —Taay ThntUlo 84; D— Thursday, MaV 8 pitctiing of Roger Nelson, who Charter Oak Conference games were played oo the BuU- No. 3 female pinner ta the Marine veteran of mom than a TWidea D. Green, Oak., 8; 8 adn of the aeaaim, giving up ^ Tuesday’s Games were going onoe around again." pantomaok 04; B —Tom' Lodyard at Bast Cmbcl i A. Tk coaated- to Ms second victory in digig home (iekL Tbe wlnnm All Com^ Dpten to This One’ ooimtry, added 466 fo r a year ta Vietnam will be arali- tiededwuTx eight hita and four walks whUe Chicago at Baltimore, N four decistons. ora 7-1 In tlis ootiferenoe and ___ Metcalf had no excuees tor. pergunn 100. ' Friday, May able to give laaaona. He itew. ru n s—F Rofaliwon etriklng.out four. The Junior him a^ he tagged A1 Oarotoa Minnesota at Cleveland, N Top Knight, second choice be- iw i»i'Bii4 NINB team oom* o f 886. TUa was Honse runs—ir. ttoouison, . . ^ ____ ^_____ out before the runner could get Oliver, who weiri into the Baoon to 8-6 overall and 3-4 in t t e first batter than 886 to­ Putorid at Bast dtocharged from service I a ■BtatTTo; F. Howard. Wash., 10. righthander aided hie own cause Kansas City at Detroit, N gam s batUng .220 and cam s out kmp. hind Majoitlc Prince ta the bet- ra^^ A—Stan Markowrid 88 Manchester at Bristri Central tost falL » H T _ • - _ _ ... l«i a mn on/l DRCK lO Ul6 DttEO> tal ta the tourney which by driving In a run and scor- Boston at Seattle, N with a .804 m ark, got started Bolton got top pitching from Ung by the erilm ated 100,000 a _ je ; B -C h e t Wtaoae 4CL8-S0, Bast Hampton at Ooventry The husky red head Just m la8 Stolen baiee -HBrper, E ut CstlMlio (4) New Tork at California, N $48,000 Playoff Kitty atoited Marrii 38. Aotlon WtU « - IS; Oampaaeria, Oak., 7; Write, *"^, ***"^^' ab r h po a e 1rbl BOB INTTL8VIA with a second Imring single off Wa3me Gagnon, who atruck out Tom MrfTiielrei- 884—86l SbuI Rfaam at Vtaol T*ch ed making the final out to quali­ Plagued with batting prob- Gwidreau, jf. 5 0 1 3 0 0 0 Washington at Oakland, N “You Just have to dteregard Pastemaok 486-8K Herb Sny- oenoe May U. w N .T., 7, , 3 1 0 3 3 0 0 loser Clyde Wright. He doubled IS batters and walked three, BUtagten at Bast .Wtadfer fy for the POA tour toot week lema all season, Bburt belted 11 cr^ i, 0 1 5 1 0 0 Ui's race," he said. "Manny der 4L8-86; O-Tony Lembo South. Windsor at Stafford at Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Pitching (S decisions)—^Mc- 4 o ff Eddie Flataer In the fourth and had fine batting support la oeciaionsj^w- Saturday its highest total Juknto. p. 5 1 3 0 7 0 1 Due for NBA Winner Ycasa mid he wan Junt playtag 40-8-83, Ttony TantUlo 41-S-88; rV a n tlin firk m tin n \rihdaor at RockvlUe He'U take another ahot~at tbe , JW), 1.000;: Phoe- thg season. Bob Intravia led 4 0 0 0 3 1 0 and greeted Pedro Borbon with P®*® Trayx**. Gagnon, ItoHy, Balt, - ., ------. . ------^ reason, coo iniravia tea ori^rio. cf, 5 1 2 1 0 0 0 Double Defeat for College Mshto third homer, a two-run hhast,htest. *^®“ ®»vlor and Pete Hapooni with the other homes. He said D-CUff Ptateroack 488-86: V varm ail Bolton at Cheney Toch (3 school again ta the faU. hua, B a lt, 84), 1.000. attack, going three for four T. SuUlv^ ’rf, a 0 0 0 0 0 0 all coUectIng two Mts apiece. p.m .) fltrihe«^s—McLabi, Det., 34; ^ alngles and a double. Quinn, rf, 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 as the Royals eiqiloded for five Pace Marksmen Intra-viia, H>, 4 0 a 10 0 0 eO runs in .the flflh tor a 7-0 lead. rBob ” " , ----- Muro.- oloutad ~a home run, SOFTBALL Rookie outfMder Pat Kdly of Gulp, B ori., as. R l-i-v »h.> f4r«» nf thro 4 0 1 6 0 0 0 •hip straggle in seven words; *at all cornea down to this "But When he canto to the last Roy Cbnyera ^ ^ k Despite Bushels Pitching They led 0^ \riien Oliver h®*?*"* Bolton’s attack, Bright blu* aUas and warm MiondUy, B b y 6 IMteddphta opened the season Bulkeley pitchers, walked John ivxaJa ^ 11 S 16 1 3 opened the seven& with a single The winners tallied in all but 0 ^ ” ______. ' „ five potato separate Oie two quarter-mUe. he said the track sno 8818—77, Lou Apter 0831— Billiards vs. Sportsman with the Kanms O ty Royato. Nallotial League «ley (1> His bat and fielding will be Tbt O>ltlog, who make a habit ■ . , AMties havtog cupping, that the horae 7 1, Ralph T a ita rila 85-14—71. ^ w v > 9^ng Socha in the flrat inning to put if® • 5 0 3 3 0 0 1 Playing under ideal weather off Phil Ortega. Nine batters Tint liming, scoring two Aoadla VB. Charter Oak Hto btoUiar to Leroy Krily,; toro- Batting (36 at bats) C. Baat'a inlUar run on baae. After cudewicz, — 4 0 1 2 2 1 0 conditions Sunday afternoon, missed by the locals. fuid' fl've runs later, he came up ‘^ins in the second, fourth, fifth, ? ^ V ti hto foottag,’’ Mot- • ^ ^ ^ B.A. vs. Wfaoleeale Tim tlnie NFL ruriitag ctoanqpton 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 Jones, N .T.v. .388; M. Alou, stealing second, Socha went §f' 3 0 0 11 1 1 0 Manchester Community College MCC will return to warfare again against George Brunet a. loner in the third At home, the Lakora have ®‘'*^ quoting hto rider. Low gram — Clam A— Dor* 60 etratoht CbngD VB. MettMdtot with the Ctevetond Browns. P itt, J86. home on Junknla’ single to MPIer. ib, 4 0 1 9 0 1 0 (2-7) dix^[>ped both ends of the Tuesday at Mt. Nebo against dotM it y*L tangto ta ttwlr {day- loo-iis- 118113' and 117- ^ ®**®* '*'°P Knight waa Keltaer 04; B—Def Hartmann Harry’s vs. VFW dotto, rt. 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 and rolled to third baseman Au- Bacon registered once in Runs Kesslngw, CIric., 24; centerfield. iOaratidwicz, rf. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 doubleheader to Middlesex C.C., Housatonlc C.C. at 6 o’clock. relio Rodrigues, who threw into *^® and the top of the ^ payoff tonligt at ? P-m 104 In Boston the ciltlca have *"®** “ Mi iengihe behind iio; O—BlUe MAroh 100. Tnaoday, May 6 Rnei, Cto., a . The third inning was the bljg- p- | , 4 1 1 0 2 0 0 1-0 and 11-3, In Middletown yes­ seventh, before a national televtolon ^ 111-106; 8888; and “>® winner, but Mietcalf is sure BBTTBB NINE Charier Oak va. Walnut 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 Middlesex (1) the dirt at flrat as another run audlsnoe with the terday. The second gam game e .was »®c®» area ^ be other day. «vi «-^-^ra l^® r^ ^ T j" " ' S J S f T B. Orem Mianor va. Acadia UConn Nine Drops Wildcats, Runs batted In—Santo Chic. «®*‘ picked ou^y^' p 3 0 1 0 7 0 . 0 ah r h no a e rbl scored. blaoked oift. ’ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 The locals fine young hurler. Boocaro, If, SOOOOOO way aa In the BUi RmseU era, hto ®“ *f >«®®®- >*: B-Oeleste SheMon 4813— m RMmi *. m rvrtos. Albertis vs. Annulli a ^ TWan: cm .. 22; M effovey, 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 Bulawa. 3b. 3000100 Rodrigues was chaiged with ^Iton’s aU the way as Pete Bulkeley’a Rick Lopa with the - Brad Bushey, allowed only two FVlton, lt>, 3 a 1 4 0 0 0 anin error andahd Oliver,OHvar. whoariio atogledstoried handcuffed the visitors To the wtimtag club goes $48.- wim the title 10 h« he oanbeat me 87; O-BUle Maioh 64-18-88; Romk1 ? T Wyman. VB, Allied Tufts Blanked by Trinity help of coatly errors. Juknls be- 34 7 "s OT 14 4* 1 hits and yielded one tmeamed Ryan, c, 3 0 115000 on only four Mts and held them 000 from tbe playoff Wtty and ^ 12 years. Few ®C* yeardild form er IDimesota Bolton a five Mts, The Bull- Freddo, ab 1 0 _ 1 veteran guard has aimouhoed Then they dispatched PhUadel- HUtaold 77: B __ CharflA Tarior’a VB. Lenox over the weekend. Ells, 7-S, at Ithaca; N.T. U m Johneon, Cln., 8, Parker, L.A., double along the first base line Rlsley 2; »o: Juknts 4, Dunphy 6. out 14 ba^rs and walked only ab r ih po a e-rbi ?JX«d M t^ ^ dogs’^gls^e.ln two RBl'a 1 • 0 1 hto ^rem ant to enter coU8 pi^a 81 and New York 83. 2 - 1 R«yw*»® W; Frank WUson 81; Gornum’s vs. Ounver Senior right hander Bruce Big Red broke the paiiM opm ACiateya, m, 3 0 0 3 a 0 1 Pacers Down *'»*ne T,ma_Menov.v S P a 1 Vi: W lorl o.".e. Biighey recorded three SmlU). cf. 2 0 1 3 0 rt»l on tbe grounder to Rodrl- ^ 0 3 glato ooariitag. lo* Angelea, after acquiring -j- a 'n a H I t t Z~~Boh Peck 81; “ *• 'O ' —••"■ -^ yj DeUer o«i80; , _ Discount VI.' No, Bnd Flm Drummond scattered eight hits I-n the third taring sending lour taonie runs—McOovey, 8.F., 8; m, another'error by the right- runs in 4 i-3; b; I4»pa: t.: Rlsley. Benoit, n . 0 0 1 0 strlKSoiiits.; 3 0 0 0 . Boeton and Los Angeles, with Chamberlain after the 1967-88 In A o A rla V O llS Cbatae 88; D —George I r m C V Ntoy 8 Saturday at Storrs' as tha Husk- niiui across the piste. Yal* to Oepeds, AU., 0; Santo, CMc., 6. (lelder. .GotL c, 3 0 2 5 1 ^ duty on the mound, struck out Bavier. as, 1 Gary (3qtt for the locals coiv- iMcGfvRey, If 3 0 0 1 0 ■ Floyd Roblneon, who a 1 3 their big mm BUI Ruaeell and campaign, flqJriMd first ta the *' Marlow 00; Rusa Etortnuum 00; I & Drlvtag Sctaori ' ra. 'TelepboiM ^ edged Uie Uriveirity of New 3.2-1 in league play and 8U-1 Stolen bases—Brock, StL., 7; Lopa scored Bulkeley’a'run In 0 1 tlnued tb hit the long ball, belt­ I\)ran. lb, 3 0 0 7 1 slammed afac Mts for (he WMte four batters, adille Bud KeUer 5- WUt Chamberlain, each has won W ^ wltti flielr beat record 88 INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) — BJ—Bd Moser 106. RIVBBSIDB. SPBBDWAT Ray’s va. WINF HampsMte 24 to-a Ycuikee Oon- for the year. Oornril to umltfieat- Morgan, Houst, 7: Bootto, 8.F, the third after singling aiid adj,. BiMtiey. p, _ 0 1 o, recorded one strike ' 0 0 0 ing two, Of Manchestera four OchOM^ 3b. 1 8 ^0 0 3 0 0 S(Mc In 1882, was the last Ameri­ lUiree Umea ta tbe beat-tour-of- OT^wd wMp(>ed Son Francisco The Indiana PaxMra. are ta a to; MATCM VK PAR "T R A C K (erence contest. UOonn is 7-13 ed in three league gamea and 7. vanclng to second on a fielder's out. Bolton played errorless ball Ttoals X a id hits, a single and a double. Kent 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 can Leaguer to turn the trick. aevm aeries. Bvery victory ,has and Atlanta ta the opening play- miliar poeiUon going into to- . CSaae A-^ohn Harrlgan (X)3; Morvtog from lari poritVm to MondBy, May 6- tor the season and 8 8 to ocn- has an 11-8 reoOrd thto aasBOii. Pitching (3 decisions).—8 tied choice. He reached the plate on Smith and Bushey had the other and Bacon committed six K^«r, Tf, cf, 4(t> 0 ference play. l)NH to wtatoee Here are other aoore* of col- Totals 34 0 4 18 8 3 0 The feat has been accomplished Evans, cf, 1 come on tbe home omirt, on off rounds. _• night'* fourth gam* ta the B—>Vank Wilson even; O—Ray the N6. 1 spot, defeAihng trask Rockville at Bloomflrid • with 1.000. a single by A1 Garotola. hits. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 Totals errors 4. 0 0 in four eptifprence gamea and lege ,gamea played this weak- Middlesex OOOlOOx______1 by 18 National League players ■ . {«*uro«aiHatzlknatas, 0 0 advuntege Oie Ukem hold ta with Just one game mmata- American BdSketball • Xaoocla- ^Uar (X)4, Larry Chatae (X)3, champicn Bd Pataode cf Wteri- Tueoday, May 3 Strikeouts—D. Wilson, Houst., The losers stayed in the.game D».n>¥<»wTDx»nM, n. During the second game, 3 4-8 for the year. ' er.d: Southern Oomecticut 7, 48; Jeiddns, Chic., 45; Singer, and gave East a scare aa they RESTAURANT M pou- 2b: Gott: abl yWton: sac: Ryan; .!»» iw th, M M »£. J.- M th.'aS .. 0 1 the finale at Uia Forum befor* ii^. Ruasall Cbeerved, “It's give U®n playoffs with the Oakland — '*^®bh ftoid, Miss., toWt Ms^ ftari fea- Moncherier at VTndham Middlesex finally came around dp: Bidawa to Skinnow to Fulton; 0 0 Bno (X )l; B—Bd Moser 3. tura ran* at Ri'verald* Satur­ Buzz McCord started his firet Stoirfield 8; SMTT 84, Qutanlpi- >A., 46. . loaded the bases ffi the bottom BUjaucius iob: lUanchester 6. Middlesex 4; I 0 0 17,600. . and g o again ." Oak*. Stafford at South WTndaar 137-137-402; Larry Bates 156-141- and scored in all but the foilrth tb : OReUy 1 ; so: 0'R«4Hy 14. 3i t day night before a padied house. Ooventry at BUlngton game of the year Saturday and ac 87; New Haven 84, Stost- Bushey 3; hbp: QUReUly (McGlv- the fourth and put the icing on RSSJi!' 1 1 1 Tlitir biff dussbon osntsn on — — — ------— - — 164-455, Chet Rusao 148-384, Dick and sixth Innmgs. The locals WUbert Robinson of the 1862 3 ESUngism R idge Ken t finished oecend and Stoat CathoUe at Pulaski ' did not allow a run ta the seven ern Nasarene 04; Wesleyan 14, ’tallied in the first and third. the cake, scoring two more In 1 1 Kiinjack 139-393, Roy McGuire ' Middlesex (11) Baltimore OHoles in the Natton- KICKBR8 Stqvie Bvonaaa took third peri- TRACK Iimlngt he pitched against Tufts Amherst 82 (first game 18 ta- The wlimers clouted nine Mts th® fifth. 22sSi "to a 6 a Break Vp Brother Combo lM-888, RolUe Irish 136-354, ab r h po a e rbl al League Is the only man ever Matt Allen 8814 —78, B d Dy-" Lntour ftatofaed the tori Thursday, May 8 at Hartford. MUes King took n 'n j* ); Central OOrniecUout 7, Boocarp. if. 4 2 4 0 0 0 1 , " ---- xjuiionBolton reiurns returns loto aumumddlamcmd ac- BoMon BAan* 1 3 8 4 6 I 7 ‘ItotalS the Los Angeles club. He pulled — —— — ——A—— — —— — —— — — off of three 'Manchester pitch­ oauaix t mon 88-8 —76, Lou B ecker $3-7 ® tauken ankle. Stoat CtothoUc at RookvUle over for ktcOordta the last two Stor.«hill 0; Ooari Guard 64, Frank Calvo 142-409, Truman Bulawa, as, 6 3 2 0 d 0. 3 to stroke se’ven in a pine-inning tlon Tiutaday against Cromwell 0010001 3 a hamstring muscle ta game Schlehafer 363, El Carter 371, ers, Brad.Bughey, the loser in kxaton. 3b. 4 1 0 3 0 gam e — ■— - " ■ —76, Ben Brown. 87-13 —70, Bob Buddy Kroba, unable to -, got Friday, May t frames ar.d maintained tjie 64 MIT 14; Hartford 3-1, Asoump- the first game also picked up Sauace, of, 3 0 0 0 0 on home grounds. No. 6 and wamT iq> to par Red Sox Send Out Billy C. Peck 814 —78, irim Potter 98 *terted thto year wound up far Bob M olu m ^ y 352, Jerry Good­ Oofner, r(, 3 1 0 0 0 when the Oslttos aveiMd the sa- Penney at Manchester shutout viefory. The wta waa tiou 83; Hartford frooh 10, the loss In the second.' Manches­ Ralium, rf,, A 0 0 0 18 -76, Lou Apter 8834 -76, Bm pack. BUI Greco, rich 850, Vic Abraitis 363, John Korkkowakl,. South Windsor at Sufflsld ' ter committed eight errors and 3 0 1 1 8 for 8 runs In 1. ries with a 0890 rietory at Bo8 John Sommers $3-17 —70, Jack drivtag a dUfennt auto, foiled > Surdell 351, Ed Doucette, Sr. MbreUo, lb, 3 1 0 4 0 0 (II ton on flttiinliT ToIVlake Room for Don Lock Coventry at Rham left six batters on base. Blckel, c. a 1 014 0 0 Kearney 9816—78, Joe Howard “ firish ta the feature. 360, Ed BuJauciito 388 Rich Stebblns, 3b, 4 3 3 1 r h po a 4‘rbl "I’n definitely play,'’ dectorad Ellington at A8D Plourde 871, Leo Rivers 876, Gott and Smith led the offen­ 0 0 Town Softball Leagues Wtts, to, 4 3 0 4 BOSTON (AP — The Boston better off - with more ei^ieri- 8814 —74, BUI Marah 8813 —74, THOMPSON SPBBDWAT TENNIS sive attack for Manchester. A Vhsddo, lb. a . Wari. "I won’t be ta top Otmpo, Frank Watcher 371, Rocco Totals 32 11 9 31 4 1 9 8ton>, 8b, ence.” - , Russ Hartmann 03-18 —74, Nrilm m l M odify ohamplon Mpnday. May-8 serious blow occurred to Smith Maaekeslcr 1 u\ but ril be better than I was Red Sox have broken up thrir Lupacchlno 146-380, Joe Dworak (S3 Tiaysls. c. 3 Conlgliaro headed for Louto- Frank Wilson 81-7 —74, Frank Cart ’Buga’ Stevens of Rehobeth, RockvlUe aft Southington . 1967 VOLKSWAGEN though. In the first inning he Matsya. ss, 4 0 2 Start Action Tonight Gtanon, tt, a Saturday." outfield brother oombtaatlon of p i^ R W A Y 148-3S7, Art Cabral 136, Don Smith, cf;' 1 .Jtortensen, if. a 1 0 _ X X- v*H® iriUi a .818 average, four Sheldon 9810 —74. captured the lead from Conard at .Manchester i: I svas involved in a close play krall AAtoAsa. as1sa_s .toflA.aW___ i_A— _a_jx. x _ . 3 0 0 1' After averaging 38 potate a Logan 135-862, Hank Frey 140- Bessie, cf, 3 SoftboU season, slow-pUch variety, starta tonight with ac­ toavlsr, as, 1 1 0 . _ ^ ^ _ . ^'®"y Conlgliaro—for a iiomers and elx run* batted ta WOMEN’S DIVISION Smoky Boutwril on the 40th top < Thuroday, May 8 141 GHIA CONY. (■ at home and sprained Ms ankle. Benoit, rf, 4 tion Ustad In an four Bocraatton Dmartment »Tnnita Biwti Tt, 8 ) 876, Paul Cforrentl 164-413, Bert Gott. it, p,' 3 1 Hanson, 8 ^ W gamm. He luul 10 h tt. ta $3 LOW GROSS to Uke the 68top main event 'Bloomfield at RockvUle ICoOlvney. If, p, 3 0 Silk Cllgr, B oe and Indopendent. ^ (Baser, ns O®***®® ®ta»®md The Red Sox sent 81-yaar-<)ld times at bat, but atruck out is Class A —Bette Wolff 83^ B yeeterday. It was Stevens’ aao- • RADIO Davis 137-387, Dick DlBelto 137- 0 0 0 0 GOLF i SUk City Lengne win play doolilolieaders Monday, Tuesday TV)Ma ®" PPrion to Loulavtlle of times. —Bertha KuniU iol; C —Bllie and otratght triumph at Tbomp- 87;;,-,fippk McNamara 136-388, NIohols. if. 1 0 j mm 98 9 8 ub18 T7 0 8 Moaday, May 6 • VINYL TOP Stan Krupa 168-406, Rick Cavar Young Ruttman Killed 0 and Wednesday night at Mt Ntao, first game each nlgtari «r..» (8) "W* won that game bacauae r k , intematloiial League Sun- Lock was acquired tor ChsUne 104. son. BoutiweU held th* Simsbury at RockvlUe Forsn, lb. 3 0 SS?** i(ni 1 8 • BLA(}K FINISH ^ moth balls 164-163-185-462, Jim Lambert 144- Stned, 3b. 3 0 7:88. Tonight the Center Billiards meet Spiortaman’s Tavern OtaMvey^rt. p, 1 0 0 J 8 we held Weri 18 potate BUtagten at Rocky HUl LONG POND, Pa. (A P) — Zsjac, 3b. 3 ___ 0 at 7:88 with Acadia Bestaarant and Ctaartor Oak Sport# __ Mb average,’ oommentod Bo8 outfielder Don Lock, 88, ob- ger and cash. ScMeatager atoo Ctoos A —Bette Wriff-l, ,^*n whan. Stevens who was having Tuesday, May 8 147-144-485, Ernie OaJeman 142- Troy Ruttman Jr. of Dearborn 186-100, Russ Deveau 355, Dtok TbtsU 38 3 6 18 *7 *i " i ptoytagatt. 2 2 ® too captain John Harileek. "I tataed from the Phlladslphto was involved ta the deal wMch Harrigan -1; B —Bertha Kunsli troubte trying to got annmd. Brlston Central, Wethenfteld, or flakes Heights, Mich., was Idlled Sun­ Bmlnes 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 Totals 0 0 1 Truenmn 383. M id d les 33303 O'X la Bee League at M t Nebo at 8:16 tonight Usts the Brittsh- t 1 —rioualy doubt we oouid have PMIs, . brought Rky Culp to Boston, but .*1: C —BlUe Chataa -1; Kick took over on the fourrii comer at M«n<-iwater day while driving an Indanapo- Manchester 3010000 3 Amerlean OInh and W holesale Tire. XkTMMa, _U>, 1 0 aooompUriMd it If be was “ft's hard to tell a boy who’s tha outfielder later was re- era —Bette Wolff 93-18 —74, ^ r- and braeoad bom*. Goim Bergta WediMaday, Blay 1 lia roadster during a 100-lap to: toSswa.__ le: to Stebblns; rf. 1 4 1-lb. box w;sb: uo»Gott X,A Dmiui,Sm fitred; stred' sac:sac Independent L sinum nt Keeney Field pnlra Center fio-riT and Lovlre.’ t o 1 •®rixl-” Mtttag over .800 h e's being sent turned to Uie Red Sox by the tha KunsU 101-8? —74, Del Hart- o f Manchaater ftatohod fourth BUlngton at Suffleld 1695 W«*pkenH Fin^ila race at Pocom International 8 8 _6 toes, ealyt (fiinit 4 'boxes) B a c o j^ aim te: Manchestei' North Metbodlat nt fitU. Five ttmea idnce the Lnken out, but once again we’re doing CMcago Cubs. maiui 10880 —70. early ta the raoe after drivtag Rooky HUl at SquU) Wlhdsor BUENOS AIRBS—Nkmiino Race Track here, officials said. 8. M kU lesex7: bb: GWUoltl 1 epea UMraday and M day nlghto tUl t M ^tyney i. Kbritkowskr i ; so' 10 U -p 4 18 m oved to Xd s Angelea thaj^have what we think to beat for tha In seven years arfth the Waah------third, Bargta made a pit atop, Thursday, May 8 Looche, 130, Argentina, outpoint­ The track officials said he Action at 8:16 at Bobertaon Park ia the Dusty League will TED TRUDON. Inc. dowatowa main stoeet, maacbester X ; KoriUttwrakl 14; blu feature Harry's Plasa and VFW. Bolton focad Boston ta tba finale and club," Manager Dick WUltoms tagton Senators and PhUadel- Steve Korabeck, a catiber started at the rear of the (laid RockvlUe at SouUitagtcn ed OarkM Hernandez, 137, Vene- waa going full throttle when his fcS. nSfej.i®.*”’ ® •?"" Jin 1 Inn- five ttaia* thayve lost. TWa said. phis. Lock has a .3lS avaragb with tb* Waohington Senatcie 10 and fought bock to taka fourth VOLKSWAGEN auela, )6; Looche retaiiai world HaU, Manchester at Plat PORSCHE auto crashed through a metal Eighteen gamee are achedaled every week in the four time they won the flrat two "We think BUiy wUI benefit by and 191 homers. He waa Mtleas ybara ago, coaches the George place Fred DaSarro, wtanar at Friday. May 8 Junior welterweight title. leaguee. Friday nlghto have been set aside tor makeupe. -S--, jto.. eff: ifelhir 8 Sr 8 n _ TOLLAND TPKE. TALOOmSxE safety barriier. gamea but couldn’t wta ta Bo8 playtag regularly," WlUtoma ta Just four Umaa at bat with the Waahli«ten Ubtveraity boaebaU Stafford Friday, flnIriMd a dU- South Windsor at Berlin • 4 for 8 nnw la tan, and after six batUea, only added. "We atoo think wa’U be PhUUes thto year. team. tent third. BUlngton at Bast Hartford '■


BU0Q8 BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOBLB iw iim i soiv Holp H dp 3 * Aiiiwtr fo frtTiOOT fiitil# 1 3 2 0 38 38 r r * PBAce.,.ms An o u p t o n o w DRIVERS Reaponailile nihr A T v t c A b n n jL i i I ALWFMS N e v a d a CLASSIFIED OAROKM and lawii' aarrioa. iCANOBnlhm ' WANTED ootapanfcm houae- needed ImiMdiatoty to drm Also man far O ra ______X ^ t H AVt UM.'llkS OOT^ASTBONAJT •IMAm- FISUREP HIS Rototminc. with tracter. CYOl tniektilf and paekaga dallvery. WOMAN tor ianeral bouaework, keaper to live In with elderly catering trueka, - paatdime fSRSMresr TRICK AM «V FPOMJ THB 8ri2- (^ aftar S pjn. Rafrifw atora, waritata and two or throo daya n waab. woman. N ice home, driver'a mornlnga. Call 849, Pick up end delivered. 949-7968. aubFtdlBed oafeberta, con­ (keek, fuU scale fringe bene­ motto ^ SL5"®” MWOB8 BkttM? experience, tour generatiana. HIGH SCHOOL studant, pait- rp im iR MARK THIS TRB SO Z THIS PIRBCnON'3 AS 21 Particle geographic manfully aaxt taaertlea. The Herald U reaponalUe for Ghly OKU he genial CO-workere and ex­ Apply between 10 a.m. to 12 fits. A|^ly In person, Watkins CAN nNP MV V^MT PCMN ASAIN eOOD AS ANY/ 22 Entangle group (ab.) 36 Spear 54 Spanish hero J®' “ 7 adverttaeeaeat and thea Free eaUmatea, fully taaured, noon, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Aak time, evenings and alteniate 25 Imposture cellent working oondlUona. Brothers, Inc., 985 Main St. weekends. Aimty Arthur Drug, 19 Position 38 According to ^ ** ^'make g ^ " laaerttoa. Brrara wUoh How hold S«rvie«s 648-7861, 164 Oak Street Apply: for Mr. Harvey King. 28 Massachusetts solidly (2 words) (comb, form) $• “of l*aaeo the value of the adverttaemaat aet be Mr. Yatkta, 942 Mata flt. i^O oteM ToF • city 23 lixplated 42 Altered 56 Woody fruit corrected hy "make gaod" laaertlaa. 0 # M «d 13-A INHIDE—outatde patattag. Spe­ Manchefier. - TRIUMPH® 31 Abo 24 Child’s toy 44 Rested 57 African cial ratea for peoplo over 8B. MULTI-CIRCUrre APPLIANCE 32 Revolter 28 Top quality 47 John antelope UOHT Trucking—rieen atUca, Call my oompetitora, then call FIRST NATIONAL SERVICE MAN SERVICE STATION attendant 35 Wealthy (BeokvOle, Ten Fne) oellara. Odd Jobe, .ntow lawna. me. EaUmatea glvent. 949-7888. 50 HARRISON STREET weekends only, ^ p l y P la ta 37 Hard groun4 1 r T” 1 r 1 r r r IT IT Reaaonable. Call 6484000. 39 Ventures 643-2711 875-84(H STORES INC. A-1 829 East Osntsr St, Man­ IS nr 875-3136 MANCHESTER, CONN. TELEVISION chester. 40 Before RT PAINTINO — Interior and ex- A OAKLAND AVENUES, 41 Number liOAM , gravel and oand ordera SERVICE MAN 43 Expression IS II terior, vary reaaonable, free EAST HARTFORD, CONN. m a c h in is t wanted—Apply ta of pity taken now. Telepbone 8494709. estimates. OaU Richard person to Mr. Ksisevlch, Klock OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS IT 1 COUNTER girl, Monday Full or pait-tlme. 45 Ohio village Troublf RtMhipg Ovr Adveriisar? Martin. 649-9285. 6494411. through Friday, 8 p.m. to 1 Co., 1866 Tolland Tpke., Man- 46 Roman REWBAVINO of bum, moth- NOTHIMS-NOTHIM® y OIVE HIM CRBPrTNSROP^ 21 holea, alppera repaired. Vlfln- a.m. A pp^ in person. Beaa cheater. s o WHATS MIlAtOr V • JOSEPH P. licwie. custom HAIRORE8SER wanted — fuU- -rHEAAATTER a t ALU/ rrs JU ST < ATIMOT WITHIN HIS LIMITA- Eaton Donuts, 100 Center S t, W. H. PREUSS SONS THAT X’P WAIT TILL ITIOMS/HE'S SURE HCCAN / 50SaIt(chem.) 24-Hour Answering Service dour riiadea made to meainire, petlnUng, Interior patattag, or peud-Ume. Ajqjly Marlow's WITH Pirm u o 52 Reverberate A PO U A R 1 HAPA LAROER V MAKE ITTO THB SANK all alae Venetian bUnda. Kcya paper hanging, dry wuH In- Beauty Salon, 887 Mata St. BOLTON EXPERIENCED painters want­ WITH A BUCK--BUT WITH EACH 54 Eli Whitney's 5T IN MV SUM.ANPaAVE Free te Heraid Readen made while you w elt Tape le- stalled and taped. WaUpaper — ------ATTENTION Ladles — A Mar- ed. 6499668. BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS 9AVIMOS MVSeU>'APEW , APPmONALiaDLLARHIS < invention cordcra for rent. Marlow'a, 867 0499492. ACCOUNT TRIPS/ CHANCES OF MAKIN' irSETSUM - (2 words) booka oh requeat Eiricrior PILGRIM MILLS Fabric De- ahaU Field family - owned Want taformatloa an one of our olaaslfled' ndverttaementaT Main St. 6494821. pataUng, aluminum gutteis partment Store Is expanding M T >4 r FtfASf.WR... r I MUSTL6AV6 T MER/ WITH A FIVE-SPOT IN HIS 58 Pungent No anawer a t the telephone UatedT Simply cell the organisation, is conducting a HANt? HE WDULPN'T SET BAST (Per.) and needa experienced sales TRTXIK DRIVER — gteady IWFTUNa, J V PON'T 00 AWAY * J V. YOU FOR NOW. TWO HANDYMEN want a and leetdera. FuUy taaured. 649 nation wide expansion pro­ DRIVERS — fillip in g and THE FIRST STORE/ y — ^ 591 possess r ladies to be trained for our new work, 6495927. ’NA’T... ZStesiJ ------M------f variety of Joba by day or hour.______9668. I f no answer, •48-4882. gram. intereated ta employing' receiving, must have good (contr.) EDWARDS fabrib, store now under oon- 15 area ladlee to do outside 60 Sand ridges Rsaoonable. Call 6484806, 649 ABANDON all paint ixoUema. driving record. $2.25 per hour atrucUon on Oakland Street customer tatervlewtag 16 hours i^nTTNI 61 Native meUi ANSWERim SERVICE Special attention to paint pcel- Apply Mr. Blake, PUgrtm to*'start. Paid vacatiooe emd PAYLO AD BR cperatOT, steady 62 Accomplished per week tor 7 weeks. WIU pay m'any other benefits. Apply in 63 Musical study U O H T TRUCKINO, bulk daltv- tag problenm. A> typee c< re­ MUla, 177 Hartford Rd., Man­ $600. See Mr. Moser promptly work. 5496927. 64 Color II pairs. For free estimates call chester between 14 p.m. person AUled Printing Serv­ 64t4SN I7S-2$1> ery, yards, atUcs, collars clean­ at 1 p.m. at the Windsor Re­ ile , 676 West Middle Turn­ CUSTODIAN. fuU or part-ttroe DOWN IT ed and removed. Also odd Joba, 6494688. • gional Offlee, 626 Windsor pike. 6491101. sit Mancheatar Manor Reat 1 Lower lips and leave your meaaage. Touni hear from our advertlaer In 644-8962. Ave., Medical Arts Bldg., EDWARD R. PRICE—PainUng Home. Can 6454M29. (bot.) Jbr time without ependlng aU evening at the telephone. NURSES Windsor on Tuesday, May 6. exterior and Intertor Paper DIVERSIFIED landscape work, y j f S S . (Newipaper tnUrptiti Ann.) willing workers only. Steady MAN WANTED to help around BuHdliig— hanging. OeUtags. etc. Ihaurad. RN’s and LPN’s apartment houaee. Apply to AiitomobllM For Soto 4 6491006. employment tor right man. 879 1 : Contraetiim 14 for charge duty. in East 9166 6 to 7 p.m. Mancheater Garden Apart­ 1861 4-DOOR HARDTOP OadU- NTCir TSAPATSARI8 Patatliw ments, 15 Forest S t ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ Haittord. All ehlfta, tt^ E X E C x r n v E Classified ad% lb HERALO huo, aiiNcondlUoned, full power, (Contractor-— Bhrterlor and In­ CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER rage, lee rooms, bathrooms rate, paid meal and meal good condition. CaU 848-7630. terior. Reasonable ratea. Free tiled; kltriiena remodeled, ce­ Ume. Paid insurance, good BOX LETTERS esUmatea. OaU 6491731. benefits. On bus line. SECRETARY WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE 1967 CHBIVROLiET convertlbla, ment work, cellar floors, pa- For Yomr red with new black interior. tioe, roofing. CaU Leon aes- BURNSIDE COLONIAL BOARD (X). Bucket seata, new suapcnslon eynakl, BuUder. 6494281. R oot RnMihiq 24 EVENING INTERVIEWS YOU WERE I'D LIKE TO DO YOU YESSIR^AS Information CONVALESCENT HOME and top. 645-0468. SUUed and unskilled. Excellent wages. Full-time, 6 days CHOSEN TO ASK YOU BELIEVE IN LONS AS IT WES ROBBINS Carpentry re- FTDOR 8ANDINO and raflntah- 870 Burnside Ave. Btast Hartford ARRANGED 5 -S THE HERAUl wlU not per week, aww differential. Blue Croaa, CMS, Ufa Insurance, SERVE ON A FEW CAPITAL isNT r o o cSSmcJm TO EACH HIS OWN c Sa TM fcs ai »s sat 19«6 CORVAIR Monza 4-doof, 6 modqllng spectallat AddlUom, tag (speolaUalng ta older Phone Mr. Atlas, 2899671 disclose the idenUty at EXECUTIVE SECRETARY paid hoUdays, other fringe benetlU. THE JURY./ QUESTIONS/ PUNISH/MENT? SEVERE.' any advertiser using box cylinder, automatic, good con­ reo rooms, dormers, ponAaa, floors). Inside painting. Paper letten. Readers answer­ dition. $878. CaU 8404813. cabinets, formica, buUt • tas. hanging. No Job too smaU. REQUIRED FOR CHAL- A progressive and expanding company. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL ing blind box ads who bathrooms, kitchens. 649-8446. John VertaUle, 649-5760 LENOINO POSITION AS T desire to protect their CUTLASS, 1806 4-door,, auto- ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR matte, power eteoring, power HOMBS,^ARAOE 8, porebsB, YbU'l?E L00KIN6 W E a T D Iw f identity can fOUow Ihla POSTING CLERK OF PER80NNEU MUST 616 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER procedure: brakes. Oood condition. $1,896. reo rooms, room additions, Bonds— Stoekt— HAVE EX(JELLBNT SEO Expertenoed In posting time, Seen at 86 Oakland Rd., South Uttdicns, roofing, siding, gen- llln iT n n n n i 2 7 RETARIAL SKILLS AND eral repair work. Ftaanotag ______mwrmwi|wz a# to Job mcords. AU Benefits. Mrs. E. S. Loftus Ertcloao your reply to Windsor, or caU 647-17U eve­ BE INTERESTED IN PEO­ the box In an envelope — available. No down paytaenL lAlRTO AG ES, tobna, fkpt. eec- address to the ClaasUlcd nings. PLE. EXCBULLENT SAL­ Economy Buildere, Ino.. ond, tUrd, a ll ktada, realty, DEAN MACHINE ARY AND BENEFITS. Manager, Manchester 1067 CHEVROLET, 800 h.p., 827, 6150. statewide. Credit rating tm- Evening Herald, together PRODUCTS CONTACT THB PERSON­ WANTED — Experienced trac­ WANTED — JounMyman with a mamo llatl^ the 4 m ag adieels, $400. Call 649 neoessary, reasonable. Confl- NEL DEPARTMENT, MAN- plumber, good wages, over­ 9367. OARPENTRT — ocnoreto stepa, denUat, quick arrangements. 102 COLONIAL RD. tor traUcr driver. Apply In oompanlea you do NOT floors, baUdtways, remodeling, (J H B S rm M EM ORIAL person. S V D, Inc., 66 HUUard time, and paid hoUdgya. A.B. want to see your letter. Alvin Lundy Agency, 627-7971, MANCHESTER, CONN. 1968 FALCON V-8, convertible porches, garages, closets, ceil­ HOSPITAL, 6491141, EXT. St., Manchester. (Jhick Plumbing A Heating, 649 BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Tour letter will be de- 968 Main Street, Hartftwd. Eve- 248. 3996. atroyed if the advertlaer with 4-«peed transmission. OaU ings, stUos ftaistaed, ree ntag% 288-6879. STEADY part-time work, 7 a.m. HEY, MAN, la one you’ve mentioned. 647-6664 after 6:80 p.m. rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ OFFICE clerk for local automo­ to 13 noon, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., ORAB ON... I f not it 'wlU be handled er related work. No Job too SEXXIND MORTGAGE — Un- tive dealership, typing requir­ WHY,ir5MIL In the usual manner. 1967 COUOAR standard, under smaU. Dan Moran. Builder, limited tunda a'vallable tor sec­ WANTED —Wdtaan to do iron- five daya. Call 6496884 between MULTi-cmcurrs . 18,000 miles, excellent con­ ed. Write Box H, Manchester tag, your home or mine. QaU sawyer; Evenings 649-8880. end mortgagjM, pqyments to Herald. 6 and 6 p.m. HOW C A N dition. Call after 6 p.m., 049 suit your budget. Expedlmt •498S19. Rapidly growtag Arm ta-6he ' 3766. A LOCAL carpentry servloe for aervloe. J. D. Realty. 6498199. PART-TIME help wanted, truck rieotronlcs Add eoetenda an f'*x j m .L ? RESPONSIBLE young lady WOMAN for housework, 4 houra Lost chkI Fom d 1 local needa. First class work- with assistant’s Ucense, smoU driver. Apply ta person, 46 invHatkm to visit .our plant 1664 CHRYSLER SQoi ^ o o r manriilp ta all phases. Colonial a day. Must provide own trans­ PurneU Place. to dtscuss tratatag oppoefua- hardtop, automatic, power beauty salon, good wages. 649 portation. CaU' between 6 • 8 \ TRIES LOST — Paasbook No. 90086 motif and Myle a speciality. BusilMSt O pportM ltV 28 8409, 2493867. itiea in the fottowtag ss«as: 'TO SWIM Savings Bank of Manchester. steering, power brakes, elec­ CaU 646-4745 for a prompt and , — ------p.m., 6499742. Application made for pay­ tric windows. 6492671. accurate estimate of any ca9 OODTO, oustaM — Garaa^ a ^ WOMEN or girl to babysit with FABRICATION 10 SHORE, GENERAL offlce work vriS BUTINWS m ent • pentry or building problem. gaa station, 19 miles east of mne-year-old boy for summer PART - TIME R O U n N G 1666 FORD V-8 ranch wagon. ______Hartford, owner reUriim. 549 some bookkeeping back­ HEAVY 9 months, days. Fountain Village PLATING LOgT — Paaabook No. 91140 automatic transmlaslon, power DORMERS, add a level, room 1966. ground, no typing necessary. Mornings and Evenings. OOTWte s -s -vtotaity. Call 8798676. BRIDGEPORT ANOfOOlS Savtaga Bank of Manchester. steering. Excellent condition, additions, garagea, roofing, - i - -;----- , „ . ^ Salary open. (JaS 6492381, ask 11 ajn.-9p.m. e nw t, XU, w. m ■« us. M. on $1,196. CaU 872-8771. KENMOSHO -lean 1 Na /■ AppUoatlon made for ' pay­ siding. poroh^O on^c PART-TIME experienced tele for Woody. and Aak for M r. Harvey King HEAOVWN. Ushed over 90 years. $5,000 50 Horrlaon St, Manebestor “ Lately I don't f^el so guilty about passing our debts ment. home remodeling. Ftaanctag phone ealeriady fornational SUPERVISOR - Senior nurii^ 7 p .m .-ll p.m. III' A KAJ cash required. Includeg st^k, onto the next generation!” TnidM—Tractors S avaUable. CaU Royal Custom concent. 99 p.m. Convenient in growing public health agen­ Builders, 6498484. fixtures, etc. ExceUent oppor­ Apply ^ MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD tunity for right person. PhU- parking. Work 24 houn weekly cy ta university town. Salary to 'I Announcaintnts 2 1665 FO R D . %. V-8, 4-speed, brick Agency, Realtors, 649 and earn $50 salary plua bon­ $6,600. commezisurate with ex­ in peraon ASSISTANT to manager — Y YOU’RE CRAZY, PHIL-THAT'S custom aab, camper special. RemodeUng Services THEN YOU L£rAt£ 7£U YOUSOMEmN'J NEED A bandT For dancing 4200. uses. Phone 646-0725 for ap­ perience, plua fringe beneflts. IJghMng ahewroom. ExceUent AAUST BE I V e FOUND TNATANOST WHAT YOU ARE/ AND THERE'S Call after'4 p.m., 6492448. —Kllclwns, ^dlUons, ptay- pointment MCDONALD'S DRIVE IN opportunity for handy tadustri- OUT OF MFN /N lA tV FNFOIKBMBNT ONLY ONE tVAY TO DEAL WITH , STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF and dinner music, caU 0498660. rooms. Recently featiured two Write Mr. Stephen Ardel, RFD YOU DRIVE A HARD BARSAIN, I WOULDN'T MAKE ous man. Part or full-time, will fHIL-BUT THE $100000 IS A BARGAIN LIKE YDURMIND ANE/NCONNUPTIBLe! ReasonalAe nates. top national magaainea for 1, Mansfield Center, Conn. 46 West Center St. train if Inexperleneed. Call 647- YOURS. IF YOU REPORT THAT THAT FOR ANY W r THEFtNSTOAJEmtO IT \NILL GO TO THE A WE PICK THEM UP IN MEANWHILE WE LURE THAT Y 8, radio, 4-speed, exceUent problemr WeU worth phone aluminum ffdtag,: WAITRESS wanted '9:80 to 5 TBL. Hsakis gutters, carpenter work, SO *<-S E d itio n . (JaU 6496690. ooU, 742-8252. p.m., Monday through Friday. years* experience. Onmeotiput STENOGRAPHER ------H------^------5------:------^ PONTTAC, 1954 Catalina, hard- Apply manager, Vernon FArm 5 5 cleaned. VAHey OonetriiOtion Oo., 049 .oeUara CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER top, atitomatlc V-8, Power ‘ Shep, 8794886. " light trucking, *^ /180. Free estimate. Attractive poefifon Jtiat steering, power brakes. Clean, trees removed ' and lota clear­ PIU3R1M ^MILJUS Is expondtag SECURITY 18 A YOU BNIVBLiNe lDK>r.a n t MAKE THAT LOWBRliw w S il 8096. 649-4600 after 4 p.m. and R(X)FTNQ and RiXif Repair. opened for a person who I WAG PCEPERATBl I HAD TO ©ET I'D HAVE • Ul^ MAAAhA UAn ‘TAllAUT UUh ed. CtaU 6491066. And needs escpertenced cash- WARM BLANKET AWAY FROM THAT FEMALE TH* MP_ CONTACTED YM 90 KAFED OP A KOOKY aU day Sunday. Couglln Roofing Co., Inc., 649 can type and tadee abori- AMONi I BRdAPVOO'D 5BX. AND Uers. Apply Mr. Blake, 177 latched ONTO! FROM FIJI, OR R. F. OONSTRUOnON — Ex­ 7707. hand. An etr-ocndltioned of- WOTTA TUASLlCT(?m NOW LEAVE ME HMH AND PfCyi m jis; ftoe wltii music. Hours 8:89 Hartford Rd., Mancheater. YOU MCAN cavating, landscaping and pav­ Come look ours oven CSerk- YOU GBT’BRDFF^------HMITi 1961 ENGLISH Ford AngUa $70. 0. Excellent fringe bene­ TB.YIN’ TO M f r -a a a if ing, centraoUng. Gravel, fUl Typiata ‘to Office Managers. fits. Very ocngenlal atmos­ BELL TH1& IHiTNUGt Needs body work. 648-8989. . and loam. Septic tank repairs. BUILPW Roofing ORd phere. CASHIER- Top salaries. Never a faa. WHILE X 1968 SUPER 88, 4^ medical and hospitalisation. tranamlsalcn. Excellent condi­ and Hartford. Temporary, fulT- aries. Never a fee. EXPERT Bharpentag Servlees: ta my home, 2 sohool-a^ ohU- CALL IN PERSON — «ts*.w BURL LEWIE tion. $1,1(K). (Jail 6495187. ALTERATIONS asotly time or 9-8 p^m. BxoeUent pay, Saws, imlves, scissors, garden dren. GaU after 6 p.m.‘*M-a6n. and reasonably dons ta my no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ A PeiBuaeat 1957 IM PALA Super Sport, 817, tools, power mowers, hand home. oaU 6498750. lum, HaitfOPd, $797610. RN TO TR A IN nursa’s~aKtas In nacenMat PAUL D0D8E PONTIAC, im . rz V-8, automatic, power steer­ mowers, sharpened' and r e - ______geriatric care. Burnstds . Con­ 378 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER 64911 ing, bucket oeats, ocnsole. poirod. Pick-up servloe. ------WOMAN to work part-time Ita valescent Home, 670 Burnside White with black vinyl top. Ex­ “•haipair, ,585 Adamg St., ^ ij * , 8M Mlver Laoc, B. HaitiMU ^ jn r eg* pUnt prooesstag eggs. 649 Ave., East Hartford, Phono TBL. StoetlC cellent condition. 647-9746. Read Herald Ads Mr. Atlas, tS996n. MANCHESTBa EVEiGNO h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, »LLY 6. 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCHESipt, OONN^ MONDAY, MAY B, 19B9 PAGE NINETEEN

H oH iw Far Salo 72 Ho m m s For Sola 72 H o r n For Sola 72 ow n Im ruttuioat Proporty For 5olt 72 Out of T Oof off Toim MAWOMlMl'Hit -ISro ten- MANCHESTER — BU-room Co­ 86 PEARL «T . -— Two-Family. 75 .75 F o r R o o f ity, 8 and 4 In a noUmUal DRIVE by this stately Colonial GAPE — Six rooms, modem lonial. DetlraMe location. 641, S-oar garaga, mlmitaa from R fe S S K A m I hkch oomplate flta IN C O M E pr o pe rty ->- Store, aalgliboriiood. - SMALL quiet buildings, nice FOUR ROOM house, $160 and place of hearing thereon, by baths, a flro^ces, foundry v e r y b eat. B e lfio r e Agencty, 647- 900. Oall the PhUbrick Agency, Tolland Tpke. Manchester. Ap­ 6 pc. bedroom, 6 pc. Dinette, Hartford. Good fishing, swim­ lonial. Large U'ving room, din­ SEVEN room (Jape with two- fro n ta g e , $36,600. H utohlns pearanoe, speed In handling area, one-bednxHn apartment, monthly, security deposit and publWiing a copy of this order in room, buUt-lnsi plastered 1418. R e a lto rs , 646-4200. ply In paeon. lip down, you may purchase ming, and boating. Be the envy ing room and dinette area. some newspaper having a clrcula- A gen oy, R e a lto rs , 640-6824. materials, accuracy of por­ apipllances, heat included. $146 rental agreement, Elarl Elverett tlon In aald diidrtct, at least seven walls, 3-car garageV city utU- full baths, wall to wall carpet­ any room Individually. Im­ of everyone. Unda priced at Kitchen with buUt-inav fire­ days before the day of said hear­ ing, built-in stove. Mr. Zinsser, EAST HARTFORD — Asaum- COLUMBIA — Six-room Ranch. MAN WANTED for Mapping tions, eye appeal of pro­ per month. CaU Paul W. R e a l E s ta te , 648-7019. itlea, near school. 8(J4foy oc­ MAN(JHESTER — Fopr room mediate delivery or free $86,000. CaU b ro k er, Gas­ place. Large lot. Four-years ing, to an iea it they see cause at B e lfio r e A g e n c y , 647-1418. able 6% per cent mortgage! and reoeirliig, muM have good duct and dependabiUty. D ou gan R e a lto r, 649-4686. said time and place and be heard cupancy. Built by Aifopldl. Ranch, Ideal retirement or Uvlng room with fireplace, storage. ton, 649-5781, S ch w arz, 236-0020. young. Don’t wait. CaU H.M. relative thereto, and moke return Charlea Lesperance. 649-TUp, Beautiful 8-room Cape, wall to dining room, country Mtehen, working haMta. Modem East For personal interview starter home. Picture book CAP A CCP Charge Plans FIVE R(X)M8', convenient to Our of Town F re c h e tte , R e a lto rs , 647-9993. to this oourt 649:6108. . '$17,800 VERY clean aluminum wall carpeting practicaUy ev- throe bedrooms, two bath­ Hartford locaUcn. Fringe ben- Write Personnel Depart­ JOHN J. WALLBTT, Judge. kitchen wtth dfohwaaher, blue Also, our own tostant Credit shopping, on bus Une. $136 aided 6-room home centrally eryvdiero. Brand new Stylo- room , basement garage, 14 aOts. CtoU 96S8391 fo r anpolnt- ment, Litchfield Fbrm Bhc^ For Rant 66 stone fireplace In U'ving room. P la n monthly. Adults only. Write MANCHESTER —Seven-room located. A scarce price range. rajna kitchen. Two-sone base­ acre lot. Scenic location. Near mant. In c., P .O . B o x 369, M U d le - Hoilsat For Solo 72 Many feeturea you wiU love. Box ”RR”, Mancheeta Her­ EAST HARTEORD—AduK cou- Cape. Fireplace. 1% batha, (J a ll-p ow . B e lfio r e A g e n c y , 647- board heat 114 baths, full shed $100 WINNERS buiy. .Conn, or call 1-666- (JentraUy located. Char-Boo Center of towh, tow twMities. DISOOfUNT FURNITURE a ld . ple, four rooms, heat and hot MANCHESTER — Prime West garage, wooded lot. Near 1418. \ dormer. Four bedrooms possi­ 8202. A g e n c y , 648-0688. O w n er, 1-228-9282. WAREHOUSE water, near bus line and stores. s id e lo c a tio n , e x c e lle n t 4-4 schoofo, bus and shopping. ' — ------ble. Hounds tooth clean. (Jom- ROSE WEBBERf 180 B irlan k Rd., Loigitieadow WAREHOUSE FOREMAN NOW 2 BIO LOCA'nONS DELUXE 8-room apeutment, (Jhar B on A g e n c y , 648-0688. NEW UST^G —Two yeara p o r e an yw h ere a t $19,600. B e l­ C a ll 628-0696, b etw een 4 and 9 duplex, 2-heatlng systems, 2- MANCSHESTUiR Green area — 8580 Main St. Hartford newer buUdlng, pluah attnos- oar garage. Permanent siding, DIAL FOR DETAILS young two-flunlly on Cam­ fio r e A g e n c y , 647-1418. MARIOH ZRJAO, 84 URion S i, M anehestfr, C o h r . p.m., only. MANCHESTER and 'Vlolnlty — six room custom buUt home W onfd— R«al Estot* 77 Biqiefienced warrixiuse fore­ 022-7249 phere, carpets, appliancee, huge pakUke lot. Mid 20’s. bridge Streetl Both kitch­ For the best in real estate In with bath and a half, encloaed MRS. ROOHEY HALIRi 70 FR irvitw SI., R iw BritaiR, C o r r . man agricultural supply Dogs— Birds— P»M 41 (form er Fuller Brush bldg.) h e a t, aU Inclu ded. $160 p e r RCXIKVILLE —ihi rooms, CaU new, Hayes Agoicy, 646- ens automatic I Aluminum VERNON — Ranch, three bed­ WANTED — A 6-room Raised all price rangee call Mitten. porch and patio, one car ga­ house, charge of shipping 176 Pine St. Manchester month. OaU Paul W. Dougan unheated, $100 p e r m onth, p re ­ 0181. storms, screens. WaU to w a ll rooms, kitchen with d in in g Ranch or SpUt Levri, Manches­ MRS. MILDRED D IO IIR^ 85 Oak B laff OIrclR, E trt LoRgRM R^w R eaM y, R e a lto rs , 643-6980. rage. Located on quiet r^ - and receiving. Must have FLUFFY kittens free, six weeks 646-2332 R e a lto r , 649-4686. fer adults biA wUI accept one on owner’s side. (Jlose to every­ area and bullt-lna, 'waU to wall ter or v lc li^ , for out of town dential street In an strea of ESSIE BASEERVILLE, 49 U r I o r Avfb, R oekvilit, G m r ; ability to dlreot warehouse old, housebroken. Call (former Norman’s Fum. child, no pets, references re­ MANCHESTER —8-room Co­ thing. Mr. Cunningham,* Bel­ carpeted Uvlng room. Large rilent. (Jail Mr. Pace, Inter- 649-1441. MANCJHE8TKR — 6-room Du­ MANCHEISTE k —. Six-room comparable homes. Low thlr- crew. Excellent aalaiy and W arehouse quired and security deposit. lonial, IH baths, flreplaoe, fio r e A g e n c y , 647-1418. tiwo-car garage. Aasumatee ' n ation al A a s o cia te s, 647-1800. * MRS. PH ILIP ZIEEY, 60 B m c o r N ill D rivt, W e$t H artford, S o r r . p le x , $160 m on th ly, e e cu rity Ootonfol. Large flroplaced liv­ yUee. T.J. (Jrockett, Realtor, Mnge benefits. Blast Hart­ at comer of Pine A Forest St.s) C a ll 875-6496. sto ve. $20,500. G a y B la ir, 742- mortgage. H.M. Frechette, SElVEN-month old, female Irish and rental agreement. Bhu'l ing room, throe bedrooms. Ex- LISTING ------Slx-yee, six 648-1677. S. J. ATTEHELLO, 210 W oodlaad A y r ., BleoRifloM , C o r r . ford tooation. Applicant M on .-F ri. 9-9. S a i. 9-6 6621. P a e e k R e a lto rs , 289-7475. NEW R e a lto rs , 647-9998. ALL CASH tor your property Setter. AKC registered, all E v e r e tt R e a l .E M a te , 648-7019. TWO BEDROOMS, living room cdlent location, d ty utUlUee, bedrooms. Ideal tor forgo fam­ within 24 hours. Avoid red tape. must be bendable. For in­ MANCHESTER BxceptionaUy RORALD FODRHIER, 182 HAIR ST., East H artford, S o r r . shots, completely housebroken, SEWINO MACHINES — singer with fireplace, modernised, 7 LARGE Colonial —7 rooms, 4 g a ra g e , $22,000. T h e H ayee ily I Country sized Kitchen, (J O 'V E N T R Y — 818,900. M od em Instant servloe. Hayss Agenojr, te rv ie w c4H 289-9686, M r. LOVELY TWO-bedroom apart­ clesm sb^-room home with as­ $100. CaU 649-6609. automatic sig-zag, excellcn* miles from UConn. Keith Real bedrooms, IH baths, la rge A g e n c y , 646-0181. formal dining room. PubUo or one-year, old Ranch, 8 bed­ 646-0181. LORETTA A. LUMAN, 16 S h r St., ThoHipiORVlIlo, C o r r . Hin or Mr. Oordon. ment with refrigerator, nmge, sumable mortgage, modem condition. Makes buttonholes, E s ta te , 649-1922, 646-4136. kltcheta front to back living parochial school, In the heart rooms. etectrtcally heated with FREE kittens, housebroken, diapoeal, air-conditioning and NEW LISTING — GORGEOUS kitchen with bullt-ins, alu­ ALBERT a .BEE0HIM 8,1442 State St., SpriRgfleld, M aos. hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ room, buUt-in oven and range, of Manchester. Walk to aU fa­ Individual heat control, alumi­ ALL CASH for your property. two males, two females. Call parking. $160 monthly. Handy VERNON — CentraUy located Ranch completely — yea, com­ minum riding, forge enclosed Prompt, courteous service. in a lly o v e r 8800., 6 m onthly dishwasher imd disposal, ex­ cilities. Neat and clean. Bel- num storms, aluminum riding. MRS. W ILLIAM SM ITH, 125 East Coater St., M aachotter EXPERIENCED backhoe and 643-7823. to M ain S treet. CaU 644-2437. six-room apartment, no pletely furnished. A ” move-ln” porch. Immediate occupancy. Computerised multi listing payments of 88.60 each or pay- tremely large end heavUy flo r o A g e n c y , 647-1418. G e ra rd A g e n o y , R e a lto rs , 648- buUdoier operators, experienc­ $34,900. P h U b rick A g e n c y , 861 cash. 822-0931 d ea ler. utUlUea, immediate occiqiancy. tre ed lo t. W on’t la s t! $26,600. altuetfon. Pumltune fo tasteful services avalfobls. (JaU now. MRS. L HAMLIH, IS W oboter L r r r , StattORbary, C o r r . ed dump truck drivers and OROOMINQ aU breeds. Bar-' MODERN three-room fir^t floor R e a lto ro , 646-4200. 0866, 649-0688. $160 p e r m onth. S ecu rity de- Wolverton Agency, Realtos, and quality. Includes color TV NEW LISTINQ — Gorgeous, Im­ R a lp h P a s e k , R e a lto r , 289-7478, mony HUl. H.C. CSiase, Hebrou FOUR-PIECE maple bedroom apartment, heat, hot water, MRS. A LU H F. PARSOHS, 102 WaldOR St., W ait H artford, D o r r . la b orers. C a ll 742-6190. p o e it req u ired . B r o k a , 742- 649-2813. set and ali^condlttoner, too maculate (Jolonfol with nicely BOLTON — 614-room Ranch 743-8348. Rd., Bdton. 648-0487. Also white kitchen set. 6.2 A(JRES, beautiful fond, ■very stove, refrlgerata, parking. 6886. mcuiy otha items to mention. private rear yard. Trees, with attached garage, one half flEOROE BUSCHE, 188 LawroRoo St., H a rtfi^ C o r r . tXJLt, or part-time, ex{>erienc- attracU've modernized farm s e l l i n g y o u r h o m e ? F ok D AC H SH U N D S. Chihuahuas, 649-8884.______Adults, no pets. Available May Ranch has 2-car garage, lovely Shrubs, manicured lawn. Six block from boating and swim­ ed Bridgeport operators, top house, beamed oelUnga,' flre­ protopt courteer9(m only. East FYIR SALE — apartment size .this attractive, modem, parochial Schoofo, 1% baths, MANCHESTER —■ Attractive properties. When selung your fe m a le $26. C a ll 646-0422. tate Aseoeiatea, Inc., 648-6129. CAPE COD — New 2-bedroom ou tb u ild in g to r o n ly $28,- troed lot prime residential C A N S • ' I refrigerator, go6d running con- one-level buUdlng at 60 2-car garage. Moderate price Ranch. Five apacious rooms, property be sure to oaU Peter Hartford Warehouse, 116 Park all electric home with oun deck Finished family room Aluminum Siding 900. F u ll shed d o r m a , tw o a re a , m an y e x tra s . $28,900. J .D . A Avenue, BtoA Hartford, after 5 ALL popular pedigrees in stock dlUon, $40. 644-1966. MANCHESTER Garden Apart­ HlUlard Street abutting full baths, phis! plus! plus! ra n g e . B e lfio r e A g e n c y , 647- two baths, fireplace, walk-out F . G ra d y R e a l E s ta te . 648-2894. and picture ■view of Cape Cod the redevelopment zone. Beautiful fDrick front Wail to wall carpet R e a l E s ta te A a s o cia te s, 648- p.m. at lower prices. WUd C^rgo ment, 15 Forest St. 8^ and 4H 14ore land available. Call' 1418. basement, attached double ga­ 3 Bay. Available for July and 14,000 s q u a n f e e t one 6129, 648-8779. room s fro m $136 to $186 m onth- Private rear yard Treed, shru^ed yqrd rage. Picturesque treed lot. ■— — —------P e t Shop, M a n ch erter, 648-6108. M usical Instnim onts 53 S ep tem ber. EUtone 649-0408. level, aU air conditioned,. Mr. Bogdan tor details at NEW LIS'nNO — BOWERS SOUS CHBIF and dishwasher ______-- JJh______weU lighted, three attrac­ Convenient location Large rear patio 64941806 a 876-6611. School area! Clean (Jolonl- Low cash down. Immediate oc­ BOLTON — U A R built Raised Ugol Noticfl wanted. CaU Ellington R l^e cu pancy. 1-878-8681, even in gs. HARDMAN PECK—Baby grand LOOKING for anything in real tive offices, heavy wiring, Oversized garage al with garage, 1% baths, Ranch, 8 bedrooms, 2 fire- Country dub, 646-3131, ask for FOUR LOVELY kittens want a I '/2 baths O w n er. NAPIER SWEET piano, in excellent ccmditlon. W anted To Ront 68 oonqiresBed air, tru ck fourth bedroom. Aluminum places, garage, aero lot, very Joe M arin o. n ew hom e. CaU 649-4096. estate rentals — apartments, ' B & L W UmTAnON OBDBB 649-0598 a fte r 6 p.mi. homes, midtiple dwellings, no dock. 1.14 acres land, In­ storms and screens. Truly clean home. H .. M. Frechette. AT A (XnntT OF PROBATE, held THREE-BEDROOM' apart- dustrial zone. Sewers, d ty -BARROWS and WAiLLAOE Cp. TWO-famlly duplex In mint con­ at Manobeeter, within and for the LK2ENSED Journeyman elec- TWO LITTLE tiger and white fees. Call J. D. Real Estate CA LL 647-1413 N O W a fine value in the low R e a lto rs , 647-9993. y ment, for three retired people. w a t a , g a s. Manchester Iforkade dition located on large treed lot District of Mimcheeter, oo the 38th A aso cia tes, In c ., 648-6129.* twenties. Mr. Lombardo. Bel- day of April, Ues. trician. Experienced in or will- kittens, looking for good O ffice and Stoiw Prefer .quiet section. Best of in Muiriiester. New ceramic BOLTON — 6-room Ranch, * M an ch eater 64941S(M flo r o A g e n c y , 647-1418, Present, Hon. John J. WoUett, ■\ .r- , \ j>. - Y ing to learn' commercial and homes, (^sdl 649-6480 after 6:80, tUed baths, recent heating sys­ Judre. PEAS re fe re n c e s . C a ll 648-6617. TH E W ILLIAM Ep BELFIORE AGENCY tnunedfote occupancy, 2 baths, Equipment 54 MANCHEST^ —New 2-bed- SPECIAL Bitate of Benedetta R. Olovan- industrial wiring. Call H.G. anytime week ends. MANCHESTER — Stop, Irok tem, new floors, etc. Two-car 2 fireplaces, 2-car garage, room apartments. Oven, range, INEXPENSIVE medium sized NEW LISTINO — 7-room nlnl, late ot Mancheeter, lit said ONE POUND ' Schulze, In c., 875-9707. . ~~ PHOTO-COPIER, SCM, corona- refrigerator, wall to waU car- B aaem en t room o f 8,000 read. On Main St. 2-famlIy and Ranch fai Mancheater Green . garage. Possible to stesume large lot Low SO’a. Morrison District, deeassed. three-room apartment, pref­ On motion of Ector Olorannlnl, stat, 44, two years, offer. Call aq. ft., SVi-toot reinforced office, 2-oar garage, beautiful mortgage. Profesriwially ap­ A g e n c y , 648-1016. C A N S-..^ CANS LAIHE operator. Jig bore petii^, heat and hot water in­ erably with stove, /refrigera­ area. Beautifully eet on troed liynwood Drive, - Bolton, Ooonecti- 3 concrete ceiUng. Space L i v e S t o c k 4 2 643-6856, 31 W est M id d le T p k e. clu d ed, $176. 141 EUdrldge St. shade trees, lot 64x330. Selling lot. Extra kitchen cabinets. praised. Ask for Mr. Zinsser, cut, (Box 375, BSD 3, Mancheater, operators, second shift, ex- tor. Vicinity Manchester Com­ Ideal for "clean room,” BOLTON — Like new custom Oonnectloqt),. exeentor. • Wolverton Agency, Realtors, Realtor s Remarks on account of sickness. FV>rmal dining room, flroplaced B e lfio r e A g e n c y , 647-1418. p^enced men only. LeMi ENGLISH Pleasure horse. fa ir m u n ity C o lle g e . (J a il 1-564-8106 hazardous uses, controUM built e-room Ranch on near ORDERSu): That three months 649-2813. 646-6836. Uvlng room, oversized garage. from the 8Sth day ot April, 1969, Oorp.. 1 MtcheU Dr.. 643-2362. Jumper, bay mare, ten years. W antod— ^To Buy 58 or write Wayne Bibeault, La- -vibration, heat, humidity MANCJHESTER — Close to cen­ two acre lot Plastered walls, be and tiM aame are limited and. or high security storage. Assumable FHA mortgage. ON SALE TUESDAY $278. C a ll 649-0118. WE HAVE tenants waiting for throp Rd., Plainfield, Conn. "Your chances of losing your shirt are ter, 2-famlly, 6-6 duplex, a ll flroplaced living room ,. toads allowed for the creditors wlthfo MECHANIC — fuU-time and WANTED — Antique furnlttua T o ta l sp a c e 17,000 squ are B e lfio r e A g e n c y , 647-1418. which to brine in their claims your apartment or house. CaU 06374. lessened if you keep your sleeves rolled up." spacloiM rooms, large shaded ot closets, breezeway, 3-car ga- against aald eatate, and said execu­ part-time, fringe benefits, paid glass, pewter, oil paintings or fe e t. FAMILY COLONIAL tor la directed to give public notice P a u l W . D ou gan R e a lto r , 649- NEW LISTINO —Just west of lot, front and rear porches. . rage. Near new Route 6. boUdaya. Apply in person to other antique items. Any Let us roll Vp our sleeves and go to work on to the creditors to brmg In their Articles For Sato 45 4635. OaU ow n er New Hating. Tranata neces­ Main St. proper. Hoimd’s tooth O n ly $34,000. H a y e e A g e n c y , Priced to eeU. Hayes Agency, claims within said time allowed by manager, Mlnlt Auto Care, 328 quantity. The Harrison’s, 648- Biisiiwss Property publlahing a copy of thla order in F r e s h selling your property. sitates .the sate of this spa­ clean (Jolonfol with finished 646-0181. 648-0181. W. Middle Tpke., Manchester. 8709, 165 Oakland Street. NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ STUART CARLSON aome newspaper having a circula­ HADDOCK HLLET SCREENED loam, processed For Sola 70 cious 9-room Colonial. Only family room. Three nice bed­ tion in laid probata matrict within luxe garden type apartments SOUTH WINDSOR — Ten-room JOURNEYMAN licensed 644-0181 . 0 years young, this home rooms, t«ths, garage. ten days from the data of thla order S^USEHOLD lots - Antiques avaU able now . <3^1 P au l 361 CENTER Street, an eight center entrance Garrison. Oo- and re t^ make to thla oourt of phimba wanted. Good wages, fill. George H. Grifflng / offers conplete family liv­ Beautiful brick front plus alu­ Lots For Solo 73 the notlbe gtvan. bric-a-brac. clocks, frames, W. Dougan. Realtor, 049-4538. room home with 2-cqr garage lonlal 'With a three-room apart­ ovettlme, paid holidays. Oall A n d o ver 742-7886. » in g IndooTB €md outdxtors minum siding. TaU stately JOHN J. WALLBtT. Judge. glassware. We buy estates. VU- located, in busUisss n zone. BOLTON LAKE Vernon, ment. Double garage, two Ray Boulet Plxnnbing and (near acre lot wtth brook trees, private rear yard. WaU tage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 149 O A K L A N D S tre e t — T w o Dwelling could be easily con­ treed lots, 600’ to water, pav­ ' w o od ed ctorea w ith a 20 m Ue H eatin g, 644-1317. -. and trees). Some of the spe­ to wall. Mr. Zinsser. Belfiore COLUMBIA GEMS OSCAR MAYER SIX FOOT reinforced p icn ic Lake St.. Bolton. 649-8247. rooms, first floor. Includes verted for professional or com­ ed town accepted road. Priced ■view. Immediate occupancy. CAPITOL FARMS . h eat, and ap p lian ces. $85. C a ll mercial occupancy. Robert J. cial features include forge A g e n c y , 647-1418. to s e ll. H a y e e A g e n o y , 646-0181. M OTHERS DAY COOKS — EVU or part-time, tab les, $18. 643-0144. $87,500. P a s e k R e a lto ro , 289- WANTED — Antiques, used 646-2426. Sm ith, In c ., 963 M a in S treet, country kitchen with buUt- GANDY—Whitman’a nights, including weekends. ins, , aluminum siding (in­ NEW USTTOO Gracious, 7476, 742-8348. HELP! We are forced to re- ' furniture, partial or complete 649-5241. COVENTRY — Choice building |8ekrema. Candy Oapkeaid SMST HAM Apply in'person, Howard John­ MANCHESTER 4-room apart­ stall^ when , built), first spacious 7-room Colonial In de­ lo t, 100x800’ w ith a rte s fo n w eU . SKIRUSS locate. Removal sale now estates. Call 646-0004 after 7 BOLTON —614 acres, large sons Restaurant, 394 Tolland ment, garage, available May MANCHESTER —Main Street floor fam ily room and study, sirable Hollywood eeotion. Eet- going on. Everything In our p.m . ' Foundation ready to build on. bam, tour' bedrooms, tw o ARTHUR DRUD Tpke., M anche^r. finished vralkKNit basement, In Wtohen, largo formal dining store reduced. All the latest 15th, $130. C3aU J. D. Real building, prime retail location, COLONIAL CAPE ()ulet area. CaU now. Morrison baths, fom U y room . $38,600. Elsrtate A ssoc. 643-8779. modernlz^. EJxcellent condi­ 3-zone hot water heat, etc. room, flroplaced living room, R e a lto r . 648-1016. Buns SLICES FRANKS model Zenith color TV ., black Room s W ith ou t B oord 59 H oloom b e R e a lto ro , 644-1286. etc. We could go on and on den, 8 foixo 4>edrooms, 1% and white TV and stereos. L o w , ______tion. OVer 3,000 square feet, Smekad Bcnalass Help W on fed— ATTRACTIVE 3% rooms, quiet but one look Is worth a baths, oversized garage. Ele­ WOODED buUdlng lot, horth- I ti. Piq;. Try Some ! low, prices. Modern TV Serv- THE THOMPSON House — (Jot- plenty of parking .F a Informa­ ' Perk Shoulder residential area, . all utlUties thousand words so call now gant living, In a professional eaat comer of Oloott Street Male or Female 37 ic e , 386 C en ter St., 643-2206. tage St. centrally located, large tion call Mr. Frechette, H.M. ph» parking. Idei^ for newly­ _ for an appointment—priced and Carol Drive. After 6 p.m. pleasantly furnished rooms, Frechette, Realtors, 647-9903. neighborhood at a modert cost. weds. Available M ay 1st, $130: 246-4781. ■. REAL estate salesman, estab- ybu SAVED and slaved for . parkin g. C all 649-2368 fo r o v e r ­ > In the mid 30's and worth Belfiore Agency, 647-14iS. monthly. Call 6^-7364, 2^0664. m ore. Ushed agency, 17 years, car- wall to wall carpet. Keep It night and permanent guest CHOICE % acre tot on Lake- Yoiir Nffiw Ycrii Ufe peted office. Call Mr. Hutchins, new with Blue" Lustre. Rent N E W L IS T IN G — 4-4, 2-fam Uy rates. PRTVA’TE, entrance, town house wood Circle. AU uttUtlea, trees,, 649-6324. 180 C en ter St. H A Y E S a g e n c y Just off Main St. Walk to electric shampooer $1. The - type ode-bedroom, first-floor ■view of reoervlor. Owner, 647- COMFORTABLE room for old­ schoofo, shopping, churches, Sherwin-Williams Oo. apartment. Appliances and HELP W ANTED I 1616, TEACHERS — Ex-teachers, ______er employed gentleman. Park­ Fill J .-'I'l M H. 646-0181 bps- Two separate heating A g t n t b hM t Included. $145 per. month. sum m er Jobs.. $5. 'iper hour. DARK RI c t T stone free loapi, ing. 272 Main Street. ' • LuncheoneCte qyrtems. Lovely troed and / € ' murt have 10 hours per week five yards, $16. Sand, gwfvel, ''6aU Paul W. Dougan Realtor, shrubbed rear yard. Two-car FULL-TTMB. AND Land For Ront 73-A between now and summer, stone, fill, manure, pool and FURNISHED room for r e n t. 649-4536. MANCHESTER — Tvo-fomlly. garage. Excellent investment. WITH P A R T -T IM E John E. Doylt Customer contact. For in- _ paOo sand. C all, 64^-9504. — p riv a te ^ irtra n ce, p riv a te 6 and 6, and a five-room sin­ B eU toro A g e n c y , 647-1418. PRODUCI NEW plush one and\ 2-bedroom •‘GARDEN G O O D N ES S ’ formation interview see Mr, bath. CaU 649-6526. • Check-Out (Joahieri). gle, all on one lot. Both prop- FOUR ACRES of stone fre e apartments, wall "to':'wall car­ 5 Moser promptly at J:15 p.m Apply at office erttoa In fine pondltlon and w ill MANCHESTER — Two family, land for rent on Buokfond St. 5 pets, dishwasher, Appliances, Yoifc Lila Insurance Company at the Windsor Regional Of- 40-QUART milk c ^ . Call 648- ROOM for gentleman only. provide ront free! living fo r 6 and 6, good floor plan, with C a ll 044-0348. CALIFOBNIA—ICEBERG .. " ' _ . . _ V\V*I 4a AnVVAn a a aW A%mt as« a W . T. GRANT. OO. 7405. private entiance, shower and alr-oondltlonlng. Starting at owner or oocvpler. Wolverton Uvlng room dining room a^n'd « Clesmnroknrt Btyd., Baal Harlfoed fice, 525 'Windsor Ave., jMedical Manchester Paricade parking. Inquire 118 Pearl St. $166 p a lA onte. (J ail P a id W. large kttohen, two bedrooma. 899:4447 ” Large Arts Bldg., Windsor on Tues- An Equal Opportunity' A g e n c y , R e a lto rs , 649-2818. a l u m i n u m SHEEJTS — Used D ou gan R e a lto r, 649-4635. May be bought with e x tra Life Ineuranoe • Qroup'Inturancs • Annultlay ’ 'W^r. M a y 6. ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen E m p lo y e r Health Ineuranoe • Panalon Pima Solid as p rin tin g plates, .009 thick. lot. Wolverton Agency. Real­ privileges, laundry facilities, H eads IDEIAL afternoon stock and 23x36” , 25 cents each o r 5 for JUST LISTED to rs . ,649-3818. lady only. After 4:30, call 649- LEHUCE AM8TON LAKE — Handyman’s i * $1. C a ll 643-2711 2 49 delivery work for college stu­ F u m t e h a d 6129. This attmettve and unusual s e v e n -r o o m Colonial, 3% til- sfieoial, new five room cottage dent a night worker. Phone Aportm onts 63-A KEEP CARPET cleaning alx-ioom, three - bedroom ed batha, forge family room, shell wtth water and septic, CELERY HEARTS 648-0386. glyg LARGE, ■■ clean hirWehed room, problems small-use home, with one-car ga- 2 tireplaoea, plastered walls, close to main beach. Asking gentleman only, kitchen priv­ FOUR room, furnished, first This custom built Cape offers real Colonial design, central chimney, eight DAY AND night help wanted. Lustre wall to wall. Rent elec­ ragp. Aluminum siding, lot fuU Insulation, porch, city util­ $7,200. (Jail 649KM33 o r 649-8641. ileges; free washer, -dryer, floor,, garage and cellar stor­ NOTICE NAVB. ORANGES Apply King’s Snack Bar, Man­ tric shampooer $1. Paul’s Paint over eight window panes, etc. Large front to back living ixxwn with fire­ 100x140'. This spotless home itie s , buUt-Ins, e x tra f o ^ 3- parking. Palmer Realty. 643- a g e . (Jail 649-2871. ch ester. A W allpapa Supply. T o W hom It must be seen to be ap­ Oar garage, near achool, treed 6321. place, formal dining nxHn, enclosed porch three bedrooms, attached ga­ preciated. Priced In tower ONE R(X)M fumlohed apart-. May Concern lot, exceUent location. (Jharlea Out of Town m r 4 . GRAPEFRUIT Indiaa Blver i W onted — Mcrie or Female ment, heat, hot water, shower rage, wooded lot and city utilities. $26,600. Call today for an appointmmt. 20’s. L esp e ra n c e , 649-7620, 649-6108. For Solo 75 A pattmoflts— Fkit>— bath. A p p ly M a rlo w ’s 867 M ain 1906 PONTIAC EEflljfiFOB« A UFKTIMB! St. Tel: 646-4200. ALICE OLAMPET SEVEN R(X>MS, 4 bedrooms, SOUTH WINDSOR — Dutoh You 11 never havesve to buy titanfUm again . v , BAKING POTATOES Tonomonts A3 Serial Number 2 baths, finished recreation (Jolonlal, modern. Mtehen with beoauee each ttime if Ltagetts*■— " develops * s j m . REALTORS printe your roll>11 of HacitA WMt# »r 285676-B146482 room, large lot, anchor fenced built-lna, formal dining room, MALE

jS S K ti'* MOin>AY. MAY B, 19i» Atm*** Ddly Not Ppmb Ron fiUmrbrBtrr Enrnittg Umilb •to lha Weak RMod TheW >Etoa» m s Ctaor and eopl 7 telN ol Ubrmrx Mrs. Clark Gets ta upper aOo. It Tow n w ffl] ftonorrMr at t:W < mamy with 15,566 - 70, Workshop Grant Only Michaels has Mdsidheiter— A Cfty 0/ ViOagm Charm MyaUe Raatow, KARA, wfU lErs. Bailand B. OUM of 806 meat tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Odd Owtar St, a taudtar in the East Treasure Chest Dianuynds. VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 184 (THIRTT*niX PAGES—TWO SMTIfONB) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1969 (OMa) Oot* EaOoem Hall. Refreahmeide arlll WliidBor aehool syatem, has bew PRICE TEN CENTS M M ta Om be aeraad by Mm. John Vince, gnmted a fuR aaliolanlilp by They are the finest qiwlity theaa pjarnitny to daeetate pro}- Mm. Maude Whtte and Mm. toa Fsderated Oaiden Ofeibs of aelB ahooM M a p poatarpalnt, Agnaa Morgan. Ccnnacttoul, Ino. to attend the towhaa, ttaana paper, and addte eonaervatton wurksbop at the available for your budget Enemy Fails gkw. M a. Oaald Muiphr wm Mtoe Sarah C. Otaapto, daugh­ milto Memoflal Foundatlan In luuanM M s dtoaot tfea proj aeta. A baby ter of Mr. and Mira. Edward UtddMd from June 88 Itarougb C. Chapin a t Tnek Rd. and a July U . In Big Strike MM DenaW Oortoer and MM aw tor at Wellaaloy College, wee 'Hm oourae. will be under the named a Welledey CoOega direoUon of Dr. Maurice O. Chafee Decides Against RrhoMr at the recent annual Moons, dean a t graduate studies Along Border Woman’B Peltowahip a t Can­ bonom day oonrooatlon. The at Bastem Connecticut State ter'Ooo(ra(atlaiial Churoh arm aarard la given to atudente to College, and will eonaiat of field CMDIT TO VOWM ADULTS •ASeXMf (A P ) —Moriti Vlet- haya a potiuek Tiinraday at t:M reeognltlon of a high level of atudlea a t natural lesouroea and hamoea tn a g e otruok boek to­ p.m. la the Rabbtaa Room at academic achievwnent. Oielr uses. R will Involve inveati- day a t the tBOOrive American the drarch. After dhmar, at- gmtion of rsgionaf geology, sofl air and grouMi oampaiftt along floera win be taaiallad. Pbmlly Mancheater Chapter, oonaervatkm, mlneralr vahiea, cU iek tu & Ota O m tiw ilaii toontlar but at t PA. at Hiank Offering boxea ahonld be BPEB8QBA, w ill m eet tonight IMtoem pbotoe water ouppUes and uses, poUu- d. MaOaxthy tanad to qvumm on Ameitoan Punishing Pueblo Chief r Han oC tlia tam ed In a t this raeatfaip, and a t 8 at the Bunce Center, 206 Uoa, and flood control. Downtown patrol hOM to tha heavleat at- ara Mta. thoae not plarnilnp to attend Oloott S t The rehearaal la en Hie problem of expokHng pop­ 968 Main Sti'sst toirt otoM the torder war flared may ghre them to their group : aad M n. Marion to all men Intereated In einging In New HNB Positions ulation aa it relates to natural oam r b m n tbuF two monthe leader or to Mm. John wood, tow<^>ait barbetehnp harmony. resources will be integrated with WASHINGTON (AP) — Oonataaea Dr. Walter - A. Morrlaaey of 88 the Hartford Chapter, American Navy Secretary John H. aB toptos under eocamlnatlan. TlRMpB^uf the Noith Vlet- U to P oM Chib at Temple The Lediea Auxiliary to Man­ Dartmouth Rd. and Robert f . Institute of Banking, and is an Ih Aiqpt, Mrs. Ctork wUl Instructor of tnatallment credit naoMM lot Dtvtaloa aloo mode CHiafee said today the coort Chaptar, OM, will meet Mancheater Emblem Club arm cheater Ch^iter, Dlaabled McCarthy of 18 Strant St have tour England, Ireland, Scotland, for that organization. He roofeet and mortar attooto on Lebanon Set of inquiry into tiie Pueblo - Wadnaetiey at TM p.m. at the hare a mother’e program after American Vetarens, will InataU aacumed new managemeift po- couTMS and Wales with her huabo^, also belongs to the Greater two other Amiutean heoM wUb- incident recommended gen­ home a t Kn. Boboit Baatly, 4 ita m eetlp^ Wedneaday at 8 ofBcem In ceremoniea Wednea­ sitiona at HartfMd National and Dr. and Mrs. John Bing- Hartford Chamber of Com­ to a aamSe mdtue. The U.8. eral court martial for the Oaith Rd. Mn. Jamaa Mlchola, p.m. at the Elka Home, Dlaaell day a t 8 p.m . a t the VFW Home. Bank and Trust Co. branch of­ Isy of Faimliigttm (Maine) State m erce. Oommoad ooM at leoat U9 o f To Hit B a ck intdligence ship’s oomman- Mia. Joaaph Taaaier and M n. St. Mm. Alfred R itter and Mm. All vetenna organlaatlona and fices, bank chairman David C. College. While in England, she McCarthy received hla BA the WMIniy wure killed and 26 B a n y Caae are In charpe o f Stanley Baldarln ara co-chair­ their auxlUeiiea have been In­ Hewitt announced today. will attend seminars at the In- der, I^jrd Bucher and one from Providence College in otbem aurrondend. man of the program. vited to attend the event. Morrissey has been assigned tematlonal Summer SMiool in of his chief assistants but 1968, and served In the U. B. The Am erioon rtafemtoni from At War Bands to the W. Middle Tpke. branch Oamtiridge. C&C) *T have decided that no dis- as vice president and ana man­ Arm y from 1969 to 1961. the lot Air Oavalry Dlvlalon re- cipUbazy action will be m He Joined Hartford National By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ager of Mancheater ofticee. He UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS poitod U of theta men killed and ti^en against any of tibe In 1061 as an audit clerk, waa at leoat 87 wounded. Angered by three attacks on replaces WlUIam M. Kereaey LONDON (AP) — Unemploy­ personnd invfdved . . transferred to the Northwest Of- It* men, the Lebanese army Jr., who is aasuming new duties ment benefits cost Britain more to the beavlqit attack, about <3haffee’B dtaclomra came ta a with the bank's newly formed floe as ch ief clerk in 1966, i^>- 800 enemy troopa atomted out of says It will crack down m the pointed officer’s assistant In than 126,819,000 pounds ■lx and a half-page report on holding i»mpany. ($300,706,600) last year, the gov­ tha bamboo JurRlea about 8 o.m . Palestinian gusrrillas In south­ the exhaustive court of taqoliy McCarthy, commercial bank­ 1667, and named a bank officer beMnd a mmlar barrage end Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. last month. ernment has announced. ern Lebanon. But Its announce­ probe Into too ■iilp’a takoovor ing officer, has been appointed amaultad a patrol baoe named by North Korea on Jan. 0 , ISM. 302 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER— Ootner o f Middle Tpfce. manager of the Northwest Of­ Oarolyn from three aldee. Btrfton First Selectman Richard SSnra ment did not specify whether fice at 410 Homestead Ave., who kept seat, oonarratulated by loser, Ray Negro. the ‘‘retaliatory measures” In ovemiUng the court’s rs- Tlw tnae In War Zone C, 66 commendation fo r court mar- Hartford, replacing Paul L. mUao nortlnroat of Saigon, waa would include preventing com­ Uals o f Bucher and LL StapiMn PTREUURSrT OODTOR OuatafBon. THINK SHMI ItllM I mando raids across the border dalendad by 800'Ata Cavalrymen R. Harris, Chaffee aald: “lliay T A native of Springfield, Maas., D M ly ei^ In M ancheater with 18 artillery guna. TIm State Results Mixed Into Israel. Morrlaaey graduated from Bab- have sutfered enough, and fur­ Equipped with leatlisMtte intector,, North Vieitnamese flnaRy flad to One soldier was killed and ther punUhment wradd net be aon bwtitute of Buslnesa Ad- windshield v^Lsher, 2-^iaed etoc- three army trucks were de­ the north Jurt before dawn, driv­ JuaUfled.” ihlnistratlon In 1960, and la alao trie wipers, heater, dstogger, 4- en off by the Air Cavalrymen, stroyed In the clashes during WITH THIS COUPON WHEN Harrta waa the oCflosr ta a graduate o f WlUlama College way safety' Itoshem, back-up artlUeiy gune firing at polnt- the weekend, the army said. YOU BUY A_:_LB. CAN OF lights, front and rsor seat koNs, Bolton, GOP Town, charge of the research dstaidi- “^A X W School of Bankbig. He Jobied bUnk range. beli«q)ter gun- “T ' The armed foroes “had used HartfMd National In 1908 follow­ . leotharatta hendreats, stesring patience In dealing with the de­ ment aboard the Pueblo, wUeta MMIEUIOBSE' ^ H O I whori look sod rsor wkadssr de- ■topy flrtag m riieU and Ogfatei^ was conducting an electronic ing military aervice. tm stsr. bom baw. teriorating situation In the f«lAXWEU Formerly with the bank’a time south,” the communique emUn- eavesdropping mission off North e B B a n r c R E JU-B- mofceameit aald i n Swept^by Democrats Korea adien she was satasd. AT^MHMTOllg r V H O U SE payment loan department, he TED TRUDON Me. II. TsMasd . » ] Norm Vlatnameae and nine ued, "but they are reacting with waa appointed an officer of Amerleana were killed and 62 By CLBMEWELl. YOUNG RepubHcan tor assessor, easily bitterness to the Incidents which Ctoaffee reported these reoont- Hartford National In 1068, aa- V; Americana were wounded. One Bolton, a tradtUonaHy Repub­ beat write-in candidate Richard are being committed daily with mendatlons had been mad* by • 01.KSWAGCN toe court of inquiry: I V LB.CM0NLY 9 9 t Blatant vice president In 1906, of the wotmded Amerlcane waa lican town, went overwhelm- Barry, with 667. But Bolton’s the aim of diverting milltaiy ef­ and vice president in 1068. Ingiy Demooratiic last night for flrot wilte-to campaigner, a forts concentrated on the front —That Bucher be Mod by Morrissey Is past president of (See Page Nine) toe first tone in 84 yearn. Re­ Democralt, received 236 votes. lines facing the enemy .. general court martial tar fhr* / publican flrat setoctman Rich­ Aheani also won a seat on toe It said the Incidents, "pro-. alleged offenses incindliig psr- ard Mbrra won re-eleotion to hie Board of Finance. voked by irresponsible ele­ nUtUng hte ship to be senrehid O Spthto . . . Use It Tuesday or or thru May 10th. 6hnp| When you think of fourth term, but he has two O f the 1,776 residents eligible ments,” require "the Imposition wMle he had the.power to resist, Tusoday Wmdnaaday tor those lliriy Week TYPEWRITERS Democratic members on hla to vote, 1,288 did so. On the of military deterrent measures failing to take protective meas­ Capitol Hill three-man -board, end (Demo­ party lists, 844 votera are R e­ for toe safety of the army and Commander Bucher Secretary Chafee ures during toe attack, com­ Think of YALE crats won a total of 10 seats the maintenance of Us morale.” plying wito North Korean or­ LBAM CHUCK G lIoM ) U .S .C lM ie a publicans, while the Democrats TTPEWRITBR SBRVICB which would normally be con­ list a UtUe over half that num­ The arm y blam ed A1 Salka, a ders to follow them Into port, f c . 7 9 e C U K S nS A K S f c . $ 1 .2 9 640-4986 Succumbs to sidered -RepUbUoan. ber. The remainder are unof- guerrilla group affiliated with “ negUgenUy falUng" to duotfoy 0Rd3iRllM«f 42 8. Adams St., Mancheater In toe Andover election fiUated. Syria’s ruling Baath party, for all claoaifled material on tbo ndght. Republicans swept m ost OaUXE ROUND SIGAK the recent Incidents. ■hip, and "negUgenUy faUtag*’ rOKK. lO F cHNi VBAL Everybody*$ Coming T o DStL*» offlcea, though the oompoeUlon As the results of the election Los Angeles Expose Nixon Set to see that hte crew waa fairly were read to an unusually large It w u the first official admis­ f o r M m * Loaf or 79c lb. fm lify qreiHid li. 99e Flashy Styl es of toe Democratic Board of Se­ ■killed In procedureo tar do- crowd at U^ .Oonununlty Hall sion of a widening split between LIfiQEn DRU8 W E’LL BE lectman -remained toe same. In toe army and the guerrlUaa, ■troylng cloaalfied material. By O. O. THELEN Jr. otoer electtaoB throughout the last night, reactions -huled from To Extend PARHAM Aeeoelated Preee Writer despair to elation, but the pre­ vdio vrant to uae Lebanon aa a —That Harrta be tried by gab- state yesterday, reeults were baoe for ralda against Israel. Wins Pulitzer Prize FLUSHING WlASHINaTON CAP) -C sqrt- dominant reaction was, because eral court martial "for thm al­ Another vatnablePtaMhurdtoouponwltii this ooupanund any 15.00 purclMaa I ' OKN mixed. (For details see Page Lebanon la half Chrlattan- and NEW YORK (AP) — For the The floilon prise was won by Job Benefits “SHOE tal BUI, once a lortreoa of polna- of the heavily Republican nature leged offenses of derelleUon ta 18.) half Moslem, and the govern­ N. Scott Momaday, 86, a Kiowa performance of hta dntlea," r^lS AAI. to 10 P.M. OUR W ATER taklng aotorial orihodoocy, la of the town, one of surprise aiMl third time fai 27 years toe Los In toe Bolton race for first ment has opposed giving the Indian, for hte book "House By DON OBEBDORFER giving grouihl.Jh> toe Feaeook Incredulity. The town left Its Angeles Times has won a Pulitz­ mainly dealing with the lack of selectman, Motva received 619 guerrillas tree rein, fearing Is­ Made of Dawn.” Momaday te The Washington Poet ability and retuUness on tbo port Revolntloo In nten'a fatotomi. GOP fortress to support I DOMINO SUGAR | votes and his opponent Ray rael would retaliate with atrlkea er Prize for public service. the first known m em ber o f hte WASHINGTON — President of the research ship to be able Ocmgreaamen'a aldeburna are Lyndon Johnson over Barry y> ///P le a se excuse a temporary ^drop in Negro, 596. (Incumbent Dem o­ against Lebanon. The 1969 award, announced race to'win a Pulitzer. Nixon has decided to ask Oxi- to destroy all cleissifted mHtaP' ULTIMA II IN” oreeptog down, toeir eulta have cratic selectman Joseph Llcltra Goldwater In 1964, and in the ' / / / / ^ Bloody fighting last month be­ Mionday, was .for an expose of late during an emergency. I Sosu 5 !£^39c I water pressure and possible discolora* more toaping, and toe once- 1961 town elections several of Playwright Howard Sackler, gress to add 4.6 million low-in­ COSMETICS ' / / / V tion of the water while we flush the led hie party wito 649 votes. tween government troopa and corruption which led to a shake- 39, won toe dram a prize fo r Ms come workers to the nation’s taandard white ahlrt ta moving Robert Dixon, Republican con­ tha town boeuds were packed by —That Lt, Edward R . Mkirpiiy O osqm ofifer sdcpireu M ay 10th - t mains to clear out produce of corro­ Palestinian refugees resulted In up of toe Loa Angeles city gov­ Broadway play "The Great unemployment insurance sys­ Jr., execuUve otfioer of the , ...... *, 2,950 pairs of aalde tor rainbow hueu. tender for selectman received "insurgents,’’ who were pre­ toe reaignatiem of Premier ernment aipl three convictions tem, and may ask fw: toe ea- ______I '/// sion from inside the pipes In... At flrta glance the obam- dominantly Democratic, on a White Hope,” baaed on the life Pueblo, be givhn a letter of ad- WELDON DRUG CO. 668 votes, and was therefore Rashid Karaml April 26. Etforta for bribery. tabltehment of Federal mini­ bara stiM ore a oea of banker’s out of toe running, since toe school iMue. of onetime heavyweight boxing mimitlon for failing “to organize by political leaden to form a William Tuohy, 43, a Times ch^]^on Jack JMuisoni mum standards as a floor under and lead toe crew on the day of In n h o n y ? __ Try Pmehurst fresl^ frozen “Bake a Loaf Meat Loaf’ . . misses’, women’s ' gray and bhM suito wUh unob- losor In toe first selectman But tor the first tone in new government ao for have correspondent, won the prize in Nbnhait Mteller, previously unemployment benefits. toe seizure espeoiaUy in the ready pop in the oven and bake in ahiminum pan 2 lbs. $1.58. 1 SOUTH WINDSOR truelve Uee on white toirts. contest gets a chance at select­ memory, the party out of power fadled, and Karaml has refused to ... & it with study toe exceptions man. international reporting for com­ best known for Ms novel “The Nixon’s proposals will be made ship’s qiajor internal task of staged active campaign', MAY 8-9-10 from B-IJ PA^. to step In to aolve the govern­ bat coverage In Vietnam— Naked and toe Dead,” shared in a presidential message on emergency destruction of ctassl- With kbston oomins in at a lower price . . . Pinehurst starts the season with I pop out. Town clerk Mrs. Olive coihi^ete with what more coti- ment criaia leas all parties bringing the newspaper’s total honors In toe general nonfiction imxmvementa to toe S3-yeai^ fled material.” fresh dupments of Maine Lobsters arrivinj; Thure. and to s^ at $1.19 lb. | Rep. M. ,G. Snyder, a 41-year- Toom ey, with 7W votes, led servative members of both part­ FAMOUS BRAM) agree on a policy toward the of Piditzers torough the years to category with Dr. Rene Jules old federal-state system of un­ Please {dace your ordor today . . . Gall 648-4151. old aophomore Republicein from toe Republican party, but Dem­ ies would consider ”blg city guerrillas. —That letters of reprimand be GLOBE sevens including three since Dubos, Rockefeller University employment benefits. The mes­ Kentucky, sport* mid-ear black ocratic candidate for tax col­ politics.” Sporadic fighting was report­ given to Rear Adm. Frank L. lector, Mrs. Claire Warfel, beat 1966. microbiologist. Mailer was hon- sage to eocpected to be sent to Travel Service aldeburna and a midnight blue 'The Democrats, led by Ahearn ed Monday between laraeli and Johnson, commander of navta SHOES Republican candidate Mrs. Nor­ ored^ fo r “ The Arm ies o f the Congress next week or shortly , Mdtt. who had practiced high-geared Arab forces along the Suez (3a- forces in JapM and Capt. Bver- 905.BIAIN STREET ma Tedford, 626-693. Night” and Dubos for “So Hu­ thereafter. 302 MAIN ST, MANCHESTER' Democratlo Rep. Richard T. campaigning in his unsuccess­ nal and near toe Allenby Bridge ett B. Gladdliig, now retired. - Democrat Aloyslus Ahearn, man an Animtd.” According to administration 643*2165 Banna, wearing a peach, ful bid for state representative across toe Jordan River. One la- Printed in Herald The court held that Johnson, (Comer o! MMOe Tpke.) on sale at ^&L’s Manchester who, becarise of minority repre­ raell civilian waa reported All individual winners. Includ­ sources, hospltsil workers In who has since moved to a new (See Page Three) The work of three winners FOWLER sentation, ran unopposed by a (See Page llilrteen) wounded. , ing cowinners, receive $1,000 non-profit institutions and many alignment, waa “derelict in th* “Ptok FREE bi Our Lot Next 1V> Stose” of PiiUtzer Prizes has ap­ apiece. The agricultural worken are among performance of duty" , by tailing peared In The Herald. Wil­ Parkade Community Room award Is a gold medal. those who would be brought to plan properly for emergracy liam Tuohy’s byline on stor­ ^ Opticians Pulitzer winners are selected supptHt for the Pueblo in a cen- ies from Vietnam appeared (See Page Three) by the trustees of Columbia Uni­ frontatlon and “ negUgenUy fUl- from time h^time In stories Arthur J. Fowlen versity with toe help of an advi­ Ing” to verify destruct proce­ supplied by toe Los Angeles SHOES TAKEN THOM OUR Father Hesburgh on Campus Disorder sory board. The annual prizes, dures for classified documents. . Formerly with Barvay a Lawla Tlmes-Washington Poet news first awarded In 1917, w ere es­ CHaddlng, then director toe By OARVEN HUDGINS ments—students, faculty, alum­ ■ service and ' printed in Hie tablished In the will of Joseph CORBINS C O R l^ , BRISTOL PLAZA WAUSAU, Wls. (AP) — About Herald. Ttie winning jdioto naval security group In the Pa­ AP Educatioir Writer ni and trustees. The university Police Skirmish Pulitzer, founder o f the St. M eat C osts Mortlord Coiitfy-k Mott Modwii 40 students at the North Central by Edward T. Adams was cific, was held by toe court to SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — has to be Us own salvation. It With Hippies Louis Post-Dispatch and later NEW BRITAIN, MANCSIESTER STORES Technical Institute in Wausau printed (r tote paper. Car­ have been derelict for “falling The bushwhacker.Strong The president of toe Unlveralty has to declare Its own values held a quiet demonstration Mon­ publisher of the New York- to develop procedures to insure EYE WEAR CENTER MADISON, Wte. (A P ) — P o­ toons by John Ftechetti ap­ World. Stubborn. Young. The of Notre Dame, who has become and stand up and defend them. day —passing out American Rise Despite toe readiness’’ of the PaeUo’s If toe students and the faculty lice skirmtehed with students pear regularly on toe edito­ jacket to wear when a ;symbol of the college adminis­ flag derate. rial page. Journalism winners for 1968 research section.