V /%j ■' * .7 • . \ R n a TTie Weaidifr VBtr wM i aadw im iia i • «tuna tcBlGW. Lmr fa flto « 15,566 Tomorroar moatljr at—ly, m N^icluwfor «A City o f Vittmgm Charm Unoad mod. Rl|^ fa v W a L x x x y m , n o . is ; (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SEC110NS) MANC^HBSTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 5, 1989 JUtmthtmg dto r a g » IT) PRICE TEN CENTS Pri<^ Fix S^eere Semum Topic CAICDBN, Ark. (AP)—The Rev. B. B. Dodson, pairtor of Pdves Way the First Melliodlat church Reds Nominate Duclbs, at Oamdan, says the topic of Ma aermon next Sunday will be ’Thou ahaU not atoal.” For Suits While the Rev. hCr. Dodson • WAHHUfOTON (AP) — Soma was preachinG this Sunday, «d UMjuUon’a lu(aat malMra ot aomeone stole his oar. plumbinG flxuraa face the tx— t. Fragment French Left iY 8^ 1980 <>>• loaa of untoiia of ttom damaGe aulta b f cuatom- en who bouGht thalr aqulpmant PARIS (AP)—The Com- at what a fadaral Grand Jury DefyinG Law mtuiict p u ty notoinated fauad wara lUaGany fiwnri Jacques Dodos, a TZ-ymt- ■' /" prioaa. .^dd senator, today as its Nearly avaiy atata and nu- Said Anarchy candidate for president, meroua cltlea already hara filed frdg^oenting French left- aulta aeekliiG tieUe damaGea winG >onpositk» to former by ••do___ aGainat the three llnna convict­ By Marshall ertatnar. Cart ed of .ortmlnal price ftwinG laat Prem wiQ«»Ges Pompidou. Brittr'VModor* NBW ORJLBANS (A P ) — The Ducloa’ nihilnatlan came aft­ week and U other oompanlea A S - t o who eatUer jdeaded no ooBteat And NeGro member of tlte U.S. er a aeries o f ootasultatlons wUR- In the left-winG Stfidey that tnUuT aM dal to tha oharGea, accocdtaiG to a SiqMwme Court aaya black m ili­ •nk o t iLTtatlaB Juatlce Department oftiolal, suited In arGument, sootnptliiUBMnti tants who defy the law should a proUferaltlon of i Bealdea the atate and local be made to face the eowae poncM2£tod*’'*B iro S n Dwdoe Joina O astm riBMak dtoi—d Govemmenta, other major pur- quencea. • btorcto riiop ohaaera of NumbinG flxturea— of tile Soclaliat party and M hfl^ Ibendi’* moan- "Anarehjr la anarchy,” Jus­ Rocard of the Unified SoolaUat M U h i^ fUskt buildinG oontracton, and evan ( toFwtto. Individual homeownera-:-are ex­ tice ThuxGood NtarahsU aald party aa leftist oontsndsra fa ths •» Id, (c> Sunday, “and it makes no presidential slactloo Jons 1. non aM iwito pected to Ilia aulta, the oftiolal rrttor (V b « iS addtMl. dttffcrenoe who pracUcea ft, it toi The cmnfietitkm oould only rtonv «r« aotV Under federal taw, thoae had; It ia punfahaMe and it oirasr Pompiddu who has ths H utto thM found Guilty of criminal viola- should be punirted.” beckinG of the OaulUst party n W ellw k T K tlana of antltruat acta are liable, Itorahall spoke at the oeaton- and Independent RagpubUeans. trioto Ooiwtoy, nial celebration of pradominaaf- ■ad Stoalnr If convicted In aubdequent civil ly NeGro Dillard Unlveiwlty. The Communist party's Gtnsr- lan. R (C ) aulta, fo r treble dam aGia, al seeretary, Waldsek Roohst, “You can’t use color for an Tha proepact for the mam­ described the IM-winG dtstate- Sxcuae for not doinG what you moth dainaGaa aroae Friday Gratlon ae a “painful spaefar nr* —W«adMr should be doinG,” he deolated. (O) when A federal Jury In Pttta- o le .” BttTM "Race ia not aa excuao for not buiGh found the Boqr Warner “Our Oommuntty party did all ltori%M Oorp., of ChicaGo; American keepinG iq> your house properly, ••liutr who N - 1 nor ie race an excuee for not it could to brinG about a sinGle in a baeomto 'Standard Oorp„ Ndw Tort; and leftist csndldaey on tbs baefa of M tqwa. Audla the Kohler Corp,, Kohler. Wlao„ keepinG your children in school, - University o f Wisconsin students set Garbage piles I BtoaiSuO. even tixmGh they may still be a conunon ptoGnun,” Rochet eball, l^ae GuOty of ttleGally ralBnG and ablaze after pilinG it in center of Madison street said. “Sadly, tbe SoolaUat Mad­ pre-aettlnG the price for bath- seGreGated.” . '61 era rejectsd Ails soluUon for a Caron, OO- tuba and other bathroom flx- Marshall aaCd he realised that during ctmtinuing battles with Madison poUce last Umatraoa. turaa. "ao tar ea race problems and V.S. Silent candidacy dividinG tha 1 aft-winG U nta^Jaoa- minority riGhts Go, the probiems ' night. (AP Photoliax). torcaa.’ ’ _ <0> Three ofOelala of tha ftrma alao were found qullty. are not yet solved and I have no Defferrs and the Oonmmnlafa ■aaato at Gaaa- idea when they will be, but On Results have lonG bean poUticM ritoda Msto The Juatlce Department pro- in Mamaillae. ■ • a OB aecutcr for the oaae, John C, there has been some proGresa.” Uaaa —OTAF “The seeds are hM«,” he add­ ^oitoAo, the flrxiaTiat mayor ■ad a g a OB Frlcano, aald “With the Guilty Flaming Barricades verdict, they don’t have prove ed. “But nothinG wUl be aettled Of Bombing of MarseUlea, received hfa par­ ty’s backfaG early today. their caae,’* FHcano aald, with Guns, firebombs or rocka. Tha M oompanlea and eiGht The oounby canft survive if tbe SALOON (A P ) — The U.8. The New SociMlata chose De- pentotrators Go uiqiunlahed. Tt’s Command la wlthlxddinG re­ ' ferre after an imeuceesaftil at­ offhrtala were accused m federal (AP Fhotofax) Erected by Students Indlotmenta Oct, 6,1966 with Ax­ that almiSe.” ports o f dam aGe tbe B5S bomb- tempt to reach an aGreemant on a sinGle candidate with aneUtor inG the prlcea on an fbdurea Unveilied in Los 'Angeles urGinGUrGinG NeGroesNeGroee to reject®” InflictinG In their cam- MADISON, Wla. (AP) — Hun- of thoae detained were city r t black mlBtaat leaderehip, Ito ? P«lS» alonir <1* Cambodian bor- ct^ aid' larGe Soclallri Group, the Oon- I they sold between September dreds of University of ’Wis­ ermen, Paul SoGUn and BhiGene 1961 and 1966. The 8260,000 masterpiece by Russian-bom sculptor e'wUl m id ; ^ heavleat o f th e tneteam ventton of RepubUoan consin students erected flaminG Parks. SoGUn, 34, aeeuaad ths Hone (CIR). ABC XardMa” The Government aald the total Jacques UpchitZ and called “Peace on Elarth,'* back- We ahould stand up and say. poUcs of shearinG off hU lonG M te, Ihto ^ 'L/x>k. men, you do what you About SOO of the UG bombers street barricades early today In In the 1966 raoa la whioh Tio> aalea amounted to $1 billion or grounil, is the cmiter o(f attentitm at unveilinir cere* > hair before be was freed on 96 per cent of the enameled caat want to do ard I’ll do what I have rainedi$16 mllUcn worth of sympathy with hippies whose Charles de Gaulle, tha n«w»ran«afr with a a ABC bond. and the Communlata h^. London. Tonir iron jdumbihG Axturea and' 80 monies yesterday at the Musk Clenter in Los A jp- wan* to do. But don’t tell me I bombs alonG the frontier In the attempts to hold a block dance Blkhan, Rob- SogUn, a unlvaralty student hind CIR candidate Francois irioe Denham. per cent of the vltreoua china Gdes. The 80-foot tall work was donated as a crown have to do what you want me to past two weeks, but there haa were smashed by pidlce usinG « a Baal (O) been no ofAclal announcement clubs and irritant Gas. known as “tbe hippie aider- Mltterand, and he raoeivod 41 plumbinG fixtures sold in thie for the Music Center complex by philanthnqiists CD Jirt because you said It’’’ man,” said be was siTsstad ^ <®> o f any reeuUa. 'Hie students poured out of per cent o f the vote. A fter S«m- Docnmentary country durinG the period. The associate justice called Uoyde RiGler and Lawreikce Deutsch. “We have no bomb damaGe dormitorlea and fraternity when he tried to Intarvene be­ day’s medUnGa, kOttarand said ■ to laereaaa The Guilty verdict was re­ for leadenriitD throuGh educa- tween the poUee and hippies and m, akllla and turned Friday, and U.8. Dlat asseaement to report,” tbe U.8. houaee foUowinG two niGhts of he would not be a candidate iaona In Odd- sa^rtidante demand- declared: \ aGain. Thla la fifth Court JudGe Louis RoaanberG t-G black faudhs sad AfMoan *•'•**« oiHcer aaya each day battle between the hippies ”Hie brutaUty that I aaw on s aariaA jpro- btdsnd a pra-sentanclnG Invea- cultuce ahoidd not discard other Inflirmante nald U.S. foreea the police and ourGed Into the The Oommuiilst party bad de­ nilaoti. Bfforta the part the pc^oe made Chi­ Temment and tlGatlon befbre settinG penalties. (itudlea and oidturan. are coostanUy asaeaeinG the B83 buslneas area, where for several ot layed its oonfarenoe until today ilaatlnna to RosenberG levld Anes total­ strikes, but information otfioera hours they defied efforts to dis­ caGo and past denuinstratlana in In hopes that the other leftist ib Joriaooa are Fortas Denies Story "You are not GotoG to oom- A inG |ST0,000 and Imposed Jail for the U.S., Oommand have perse them. Madison look like panty raids.” parties would come up with a nit the atata. peto in the world until you have Nearly two hours after mid­ 1 Wiaaatt terms on four executives—the tratoJnG exactly Hke everyone been instruoted not to discuee ICore than 1,000 younG persons candidate with whom "It oould ■tot (0) other Got probation—when U damaGe <n,e olfl- niGht, Mayor Willlsm Dyke, cooperate.
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