The London Gazette, January 31, 1868. 481
THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 31, 1868. 481 Covil-street, at Royapooram, within the local Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth limits of, and employed as a Clerk in the Commis- Railway. sary General's Office ; on the 21st day of November OTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance instant, by John Edwin Soaris, an inhabitant of N of " The Abandonment of Railways Act, Madras residing at No. 46, in Wootoocattan-street, 1850," and "The Railway Companies Act, 1867," in New Town, within the locallimits of Madras, and the Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmoutb Rail- employed as a Clerk in the office of the Chamber way Company have made application, in writing, of Commerce ; by Beeracoortby Vencatta Nara- to the Board of Trade, setting forth that the said singa-row, a Hindoo inhabitant of Madras, residing Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth Railway at No. 29, in Tarady-street, at Triplicane, Company are desirous that the Railways Nos. 1 within the local limits of Madras, and a Pen- and 2, by " The Worcester, Dean Forest, and sioner, by Latheef Saib, a Mahomedan inhabitant Monmouth Railway Act, 1863," authorized to be of Madras, residing at No. 11, in Moofuskhara made, and therein described as "A Railway No. 1, Garden-street, in the Black Town of Madras, and commencing in the parish of Great Malvern, in a Merchant lately carrying on business, in the pur- the county of Worcester, by a junction with the chase and sale of Piece Goods, and in the manu- West Midland Railway, at or near the junction facture and sale of Umbrellas, but now without between such last-mentioned railway and the business, by Charles William James, an inhabi- Tewkesbury and Malvern Railway, in the parish tant of Madras, residing at the Colar-road and county aforesaid, and terminating in the Station, on the Madras Railway, in the Mysore parish of Abinghall, and county of Gloucester.
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