The London Gazette, January 31, 1868. 481
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 31, 1868. 481 Covil-street, at Royapooram, within the local Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth limits of, and employed as a Clerk in the Commis- Railway. sary General's Office ; on the 21st day of November OTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance instant, by John Edwin Soaris, an inhabitant of N of " The Abandonment of Railways Act, Madras residing at No. 46, in Wootoocattan-street, 1850," and "The Railway Companies Act, 1867," in New Town, within the locallimits of Madras, and the Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmoutb Rail- employed as a Clerk in the office of the Chamber way Company have made application, in writing, of Commerce ; by Beeracoortby Vencatta Nara- to the Board of Trade, setting forth that the said singa-row, a Hindoo inhabitant of Madras, residing Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth Railway at No. 29, in Tarady-street, at Triplicane, Company are desirous that the Railways Nos. 1 within the local limits of Madras, and a Pen- and 2, by " The Worcester, Dean Forest, and sioner, by Latheef Saib, a Mahomedan inhabitant Monmouth Railway Act, 1863," authorized to be of Madras, residing at No. 11, in Moofuskhara made, and therein described as "A Railway No. 1, Garden-street, in the Black Town of Madras, and commencing in the parish of Great Malvern, in a Merchant lately carrying on business, in the pur- the county of Worcester, by a junction with the chase and sale of Piece Goods, and in the manu- West Midland Railway, at or near the junction facture and sale of Umbrellas, but now without between such last-mentioned railway and the business, by Charles William James, an inhabi- Tewkesbury and Malvern Railway, in the parish tant of Madras, residing at the Colar-road and county aforesaid, and terminating in the Station, on the Madras Railway, in the Mysore parish of Abinghall, and county of Gloucester. territory, and a permanent way Inspector in the No. 2, A railway, commencing in the parish of Madras Railway Company, by Moonshee Abdoor Abinghall and county of Gloucester, and termi- Ryman Saib, a Mahomedan inhabitant of Madras, nating in the parish of Newland, in the county residing at No. 33, in Appavoo Graminy-street, of Gloucester, should be abandoned." And notice in Nizamoodeen Ahmed Khan's Garden at is hereby further given, that any person who may Triplicane, within the local limits of Madras, and think himself aggrieved by such proposed aban- employed as temporary Moonshee in the office of donment of the said railways, and who may desire the Commissioners, appointed under Act III, of to object thereto, may bring such objection before 1867, for investigating the debts of His Highness the Board of Trade, by sending a written state- Prince Azeem Jah Bahadur, by George Ignatio, ment thereof by post, on or before the 17th day of an Inhabitant of Madras, residing at No. 58, in March next, addressed to the Assistant Secretary Main-road, Royapooram, within the local limits of of the Railway Department, Board of Trade, Madras, and a Clerk employed as a Lithographer Whitehall, London. at the Traffic Manager's Office, Madras Railway, Dated this 28th day of January, 1868. by Grunthy Abboyee Naidoo, a Hindoo inhabitant F. Higgins, Secretary. of Madras, residing at No. 8, in Lawyer Chinna- tumby Moodelly-street, in the Black Town of Madras, and lately employed as a Goomastah Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth Railway under Jutoor Andinarraina Chetty, but now un- (Extension to Gloucester.) employed ; by Charles Martinz, an inhabitant of OTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance Madras, residing at No. 25, in Peter's-road, at N of " The Abandonment of Railways Act, Royapettah, within the local limits of Madras, and 1850," and " The Railway Companies Act. 1867," an Assistant in the employ of Messrs. Moses and the Worceater, Dean Forest, and Monmouth Rail- Company; and by Mylapore Mobthoo Grammy, way Company have made application, in writing, a Hindoo inhabitant of Madras, residing at No. 15, to the Board of Trade, setting forth that the said in Mooneappah Chetty-street, at Royapooram, Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth Railway within the local limits of Madras, and a Clerk Company are desirous that the railway by " The employed in the*Audit Department of the Madras Worcester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth Railway Railway Company ; and on the 22nd day of (extension to Gloucester) Act, 1864," authorized November instant by Thuckney Uckber Saib, a to be made and therein described as " A railway Mahomedan inhabitant of Madras, residing at with all proper approaches, stations, sidings, No. 3, in Barrack's-street, at Choolay, within the works, and conveniences connected therewith, to local limits of Madras, and a Merchant lately commence in the parish of Newent, in the county carrying on business in cotton, &c., and now a of Gloucester, by a junction there with the Wor- Goomastah. The said insolvents severally being cester, Dean Forest, and Monmouth Railway, and residing within the jurisdiction of the High and to terminate in the parish or extra parochial Court of Judicature at Madras, praying for the place of North Hamlet or Town Ham, in the said benefit of the Act passed llth Victoria, chapter county, at or near a point on the Gloucester and 21, entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend Dean Forest Railway of the Great Western Rail- the laws relating to Insolvent Debtors in India ;" way Company, two hundred and forty yards, or and on the same days, orders were respectively thereabouts, eastward of the centre of the bridge made by the said Insolvent Court, vesting the carrying the turnpike-road from Gloucester to Here- estates and effects of the said Mettoo Lallah, ford, over the last-mentioned railway, by a junction James Lambert Nasse, Meer Ghoolam Dustagheer with such last-mentioned railway," together with Saib, Shaik Adam, William Douglas Pauchard, the deviations by the Worcester, Dean Forest, William Henry Bird, John Edwin Soaris, Beera- and Monmouth Railway Act, 1865, authorized coorthy Vencata Narasinga Row, Latheef Saib, to be made in the said railway hereinbefore Charles William James, Moonshee Abdoor, Ry- described, which deviations are in the last-mentioned man Saib, George Ignatio, Grunthy Abboyee Act described as :— Naidoo, Charles Martinz, Mylapore Moothoo 1. A deviation or substituted line to commence Griminy, and Thuckney Uuckber Saib, in Benja- from and out of the authorized line of rail- min Brooks, Esq., the Official Assignee of the said way, in the parish of Rudford, in the county Court. Date of Gazette containing notice, No- of Gloucester, at or about the point marked vember 29, 1867. on the plans and sections deposited in respect of the Gloucestershire Extension, and referred to in the Act of 1864, four miles and four chains from the commecement thereof, and.