¡Anitoba, in Partial Fulfillment of Requi Rements for the Degree of L.{Aster of Science
TRILOBITES, CEFÌ-ïÂLOPODS, AI'ID BRACHfOpODS OF THE STOJ\JY ¡4OUi\iTA]I{ FOR],1,A.TTOIü, i'4A}IITOBA by RTCHARD I,{. PROCTER B" Sc" (Honors), University of Ma.nitoba , L953. Submitted to the faculty of the Departrrrent of Geology and Grad.uate ,School, Uni.versity of }¡anitoba, in partial fulfillment of requi rements for the degree of l.{aster of Science August , 1957 TRILOBITTJS, CBI'HALOPOD,S, Al{Ð BRÄCHIOPOÐS 0F THE STONY t{0u}tT.{Tlri FORI,4ATrot'I, ITÍANITOBA by Riehard M, Procter ABSTRACT .{ detaílecl stu.dy of the tril_obiie, brachiopod, and cephalo'pod pa-rt of the stony lfou.nta-in fauna indica.tes a d-efinite Richmond and i-n part younger age assi-gnment" Forty-seven specj-es belonging to 25.qenera. are identi.iied, inclucling -fÍve nei^r species. Basic conrponents of Nhe fauna inc'lude chei-rurid trilobites; orthocerid and ascocerid. cephal-opods; and- orthid, rhynchonellid, anc sirophomenid brachÍopods" The relaiively smal-l- si.ze of the tri'rob:ites and cephalonods is notecl, and geogra;,rhic affinities of major components discu-ssed. correr-ations with Baffin Island, Greenland, Churehill River, Godfs River,Bighorn Mountainsr Colorado, A.nticosii fslarrd, Ior,.ua and its associated Richmond- sectì ons are evaluated" The stony l4ou-ntain fau-na is consi'lerecl to have affinÍties to those of sub-Arctic, eastern and upner i,{ississippi vatley sections. TABLE OF CCi,íT.$.ITS Paqe ARSTR.AC? . o e o o o o ô ø € o e as6o. I ïl"iTll-0rl-üCTf0Naøooøooo ôø e <. Gene::al Statement .
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