Project Title Dhammakaya International Meditation Center Specific Plan

Project Applicant Dhammakaya International Meditation Center 865 East Monrovia Place Azusa, 91702

Project Location The Dhammakaya International Meditation Center (project site) is located at 865 East Monrovia Place in the City of Azusa, County, California (see Exhibit 1, Regional and Vicinity Map). The project site is located on Monrovia Place between Palm Drive and Citrus Avenue. The site is bound by Monrovia Place to the south and is located on the following Los Angeles County Assessor parcels: 8625-005-015, -016 and -017.

Environmental Setting The City of Azusa is part of the metropolitan area located in the . Regional access to the area is provided by I-210 (), I-605 (San Gabriel River Freeway), and I-10 (San Bernardino Freeway). I-210 is located approximately 1.35 miles south of the project site and I-10 is located approximately 4.75 miles to the south. I-605 is located approximately 3.8 miles southwest of the project site.

SITE CONDITIONS The project site is located on a 12-acre developed site in Azusa, Los Angeles County, California. The project site is currently used as a Buddhist meditation center. Access to the project site is located on Monrovia Place. A curvilinear driveway leads to the main building on site, the MacNeil Mansion. The MacNeil Mansion provides office and meeting room space and also provides cooking facilities for functions and staff dining. Part of the main building includes a small chapel that was constructed when the property was used as a Catholic retreat (Neff Chapel). In front of the MacNeil Mansion is a lawn area containing a Buddha statue. This area also includes a former swimming pool that is now filled in with soil and used as a rose garden. In addition to the McNeil Mansion, the project site includes two detached buildings that provide meeting space and classrooms, one located in the northwest corner of the site (Montserrat Building) and the other located in the southeast corner (Xavier Center). The site also includes eight one-story Organizational Housing buildings. The Organizational Housing buildings have 70 rooms that can accommodate 140 people. The Dhammakaya International Meditation Center typically maintains 24 staff members that reside in the Organizational Housing. The remaining Organizational Housing space is used for guests that stay for varying lengths of time.

The southern portion of the project site is relatively flat with a slight gradient to the north. Elevations begin to rise just south of the MacNeil Mansion. Small retaining walls are located within the lower garden area are used to gain elevation. The site continues to gain elevation north of the MacNeil Mansion with additional retaining walls. Slopes ascend in the northern portion of the site and continue onto the adjacent properties as graded fill slopes. Elevations range from 680 feet above mean sea level (amsl) to 760 amsl along the northern property boundary.

The project site is surrounded by the Rosedale neighborhood, a 517.5-acre master planned community (Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan) located adjacent to the future Metro Gold Line Extension. Single family residential homes are located to the north of the project site, townhomes are located to the south, and the Monrovia Nursery headquarter offices are located to the west. To the east of the project site is a regional detention basin. The project site is heavily vegetated with dense stands of trees occurring throughout.

SURROUNDING LAND USES The project site is bounded on the south by Monrovia Place and townhomes. Single-family homes are located to the north and the Monrovia Nursery Headquarter offices are located to the west. A regional detention basin is located to the

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east. Residential and educational uses characterize the vicinity of the project site. Surrounding land uses are summarized in Table 3.0-1 (Surrounding Land Uses).

Table 3.0-1 Surrounding Land Uses Direction General Plan Designation Zoning District Use Project Site Institutional/School Institutional/School Meditation Center Residential (Single Family North Moderate Density Residential Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan Homes) South Moderate Density Residential Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan Residential (Townhomes) East Moderate Density Residential Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan Regional Detention Basin West Moderate Density Residential Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan Monrovia Nursery Offices

The Project

PROJECT SUMMARY The proposed project includes the demolition of the existing Montserrat Building, the Xavier Center meeting hall, and eight one-story Organizational Housing buildings. No changes to the MacNeil Mansion are proposed. Implementation of the Specific Plan (Appendix A) will result in several improvements to the project site including the construction of a 69,179-square-foot Meditation Hall, nine two-story Organizational Housing buildings, a storage/workshop building, a stormwater detention/water quality basin, a fire access road, additional parking, a reflecting pool, and landscaping (see Exhibit 2, Site Plan). The proposed project includes an amendment to the zoning code to change the project site from INS (Institutional/School) to SP–8 (Specific Plan 8 - Dhammakaya International Meditation Center).

Meditation Hall The Dhammakaya International Meditation Center promotes the teachings of Buddha through meditation, which is accomplished through weekly, monthly, and annual events. However, existing facilities are not adequate to accommodate events such as Vesak Day, Kathina, New Year, and Maka. The Vesak Day celebration occurs during May and draws approximately 700 people. The Kathina celebration occurs in November and attracts approximately 500 people. The New Year celebration attracts approximately 300 people, and the Maka celebration, in February, attracts approximately 300 people. Monthly and weekly events draw approximately 100 participants. Events are currently held on the lawn and parking area in front of the MacNeil Mansion. The proposed 69,179 square-foot meditation hall will accommodate ceremonies with up to 700 participants with a building footprint of 30,628 square feet and a total overall height of 67.17 feet. The meditation hall will be located in the southeast portion of the project site, fronting Monrovia Place and will be oriented in a north-south direction. The northern portion of the building will be constructed with an integrated retaining wall allowing it to be nestled into the hillside below the existing MacNeil Mansion. Construction of the meditation hall will require demolition of the existing Xavier Center meeting hall that is located on the eastern portion of the site.

The proposed meditation hall will have a first and second floor, a mezzanine level, and a roof level. The first floor of the meditation hall will primarily provide a dining area; however, no kitchen facilities are proposed within the meditation hall. Food preparation will take place in the MacNeil Mansion or be prepared and brought in by a catering service. The first floor will also include a 1,700-square-foot multi-purpose room, five meeting rooms, two offices, an information center/donation room, elevator access, bathrooms, a flower room, storage area, and a pantry. The majority of the second floor is occupied by the 700-seat meditation area, stage, reception room, bathrooms, private meditation rooms, and storage area. The mezzanine level will be mostly open to the second floor and will include a multi-purpose room, library and exhibition area, an office, and a storage area. The roof level of the meditation hall will mirror the second floor and will include a 700-seat meditation area, stage, and a storage area. A portion of the roof level will be landscaped with trees and shrubs in raised planters lining the east and west sides of the roof level. A Buddha statue will be located in the northern portion of the roof level on a raised stage that will also accommodate monk seating. The Buddha statue will be surrounded on three sides by a solid shell structure opening toward the meditation area. Minimal outdoor lighting on the

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roof level will be provided for safety purposes and to accent the ceremonies. Illumination of the Buddha statue will only take place during ceremonies and will be shielded by the solid shell structure.

Organizational Housing The existing Organizational Housing was constructed between 1950 and 1960. Thus, the existing Organizational Housing has antiquated plumbing and electrical systems, no central air conditioning or heating, and were not designed in conformance with seismic building codes. Currently, there are 70 rooms that house two people per room for a total of 140 people. The Dhammakaya International Meditation Center typically maintains 24 staff members that reside in the Organizational Housing. The remaining Organizational Housing space is used for guests that stay for varying lengths of time.

Nine two-story Organizational Housing buildings are proposed to replace the existing eight one-story Organizational Housing buildings located north of the MacNeil Mansion in the northeast corner of the property. The proposed Organizational Housing will be located behind the MacNeil Mansion; no new Organizational Housing is proposed in the northeast corner of the property. The proposed Organizational Housing will be terraced up the existing slope behind the MacNeil Mansion in three rows with three buildings in each row. A total of 24 rooms will house 48 staff. Each room has two beds, a bathroom, and a small balcony or patio. The remaining six Organizational Housing buildings will provide space for 176 guests.

Workshop Building The proposed project calls for the demolition of the old MacNeil Mansion swimming pool and the construction of a workshop building at the former pool site. The pool is currently filled with soil and planted with a rose garden.

Stormwater Detention/Water Quality Basin A stormwater detention/water quality basin is proposed in the southeast corner of the site. Construction of Monrovia Place occurred at a higher elevation than the project site, thus creating a ponding area without an outlet. The proposed stormwater detention/water quality basin will collect runoff from the project site and release flows into the adjacent detention basin maintained by Los Angeles County (Basin 4D).

Emergency Access A new emergency access road is proposed through the northern portion of the site. Currently, the northern portion of the site (near the Organizational Housing) does not have a code compliant emergency access road. The proposed emergency access road will provide adequate widths and grades consistent with Section 503 (Fire Apparatus and Access Roads) of the California Fire Code. The California Fire Code requires that access from a public street be provided via a right-of-way of not less than 20 feet.

Circulation and Parking Ceremonies held at the project site, such as Vesak Day, can attract up to 700 people. Currently, parking for these events occurs in the area of the proposed meditation hall, surrounding the existing Xavier Center. Overflow parking occurs on Monrovia Place. Access to the project site is currently located on Monrovia Place. A curvilinear driveway leads up to the MacNeil Mansion and then continues to lead into the northwest portion of the project site where it terminates. In the northwest portion of the project site, a narrow driveway leads from the main driveway to the existing Organizational Housing where it also terminates. Parking spaces are located in front of the MacNeil Mansion and in the northwest portion of the project site. The proposed site plan includes an additional access point off of Monrovia Place leading to the proposed meditation hall. The proposed meditation hall will include130 parking spaces surrounding the front half of the building. A valet drop off area will be included and will be connected to the existing driveway off of Monrovia Place. The existing parking areas in front of the MacNeil Mansion and in the northwest portion of the project site will be redesigned to accommodate 147 parking spaces. A fire access road is proposed in the northern and northeast portion of the project site and will wrap behind the proposed Organizational Housing, connecting to the proposed meditation hall driveway and parking area. In total, the proposed site plan will provide 277 parking spaces.

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Landscaping Currently, the front lawn area of the MacNeil Mansion is used for Vesak Day, Kathina, New Year, and Maka ceremonies and celebrations. With the construction of the proposed meditation hall, the front lawn area will become a formal garden area. The grade in front of the Mansion will be raised and a circular fountain will be constructed in the center. A proposed reflecting pool will be located south of the proposed fountain. The proposed reflecting pool will be 18 inches deep and will be constructed to resemble the original pool located to the east.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES The Dhammakaya International Meditation Center Specific Plan reflects the Dhammakaya International Meditation Center’s vision for the future of maintaining a retreat setting for teaching and practicing meditation, while accommodating its current special ceremonies in an indoor setting and housing its staff and guests in safe modern facilities. The following objectives, achieved through implementation of the Specific Plan, have been identified for the project:

1. Maintain the quiet location of the Dhammakaya International Meditation Center 2. Construct a larger Meditation Hall that can accommodate existing ceremonies as well as teaching and meditation programs 3. Replace existing Organizational Housing with updated Organizational Housing to accommodate 48 staff members and 176 guests 4. Improve on-site infrastructure including emergency access, stormwater detention facilities, and parking 5. Ensure consistency in design of new structures with the character of existing on-site structures

CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The proposed improvements to the project site will occur in one phase.

UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS The project site is currently connected to sewer and water mains located in Monrovia Place. Azusa Light and Power will continue to provide water, wastewater, and electricity to the project site. The Gas Company, Verizon, and Charter Communications will continue to provide dry utilities.

GRADING Grading of the site will be required to attain pad grades and parking lot elevations. Design cuts and fills of approximately five to ten feet are proposed along with an approximate 19–foot cut at the base of the proposed slope along the north property boundary. Two-to-one (horizontal to vertical) cut slopes are proposed along the northern property boundary. These slopes vary in height from several feet to greater than 20 feet. Cut slopes are also proposed along the western edge of the meditation hall. Retaining walls are planned at the toes of applicable cut slopes and will be a maximum of ten feet high. Minor fill slopes (less than ten feet in height) are proposed along the southern site boundary along the perimeter of the parking areas and the access drive off of Monrovia Place. The stormwater detention basin proposed for the southeast corner of the site will have seven to ten foot slopes.

Intended Uses of the EIR The City of Azusa is the Lead Agency for the project and will consider approving the project and certifying the EIR. The EIR is designed to provide public disclosure of the environmental impacts of the project and allow for informed decision- making when weighing the environmental impacts of the project against its social, economic, and/or technological benefits.

Discretionary Actions The discretionary actions associated with the proposed project include the following:

. Specific Plan . Design Review . Zone Change

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Lead Agency City of Azusa Community Development Department 213 E. Foothill Boulevard Azusa, California 91702

Responsible Agencies Los Angeles County (Storm Drain Connection)

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