Township of Admaston/Bromley Second Monthly Meeting Thursday, May 21st, 2020 @ 7:30 p.m.


Our office is closed to the public. The meeting will be held via Zoom Video Conferencing.

Meeting Link is:

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Moment of Silence

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

5. Minutes

a) 5a Resolution to adopt Minutes of Council meeting held May 7th, 2020.

6. Delegations and Guests

7. Planning and Economic Development Committee – Chair Bob Hall, Committee

Member Kevin LeGris

a. 7a CRTC Broadband Fund - Update COGECO

b. 7b April Building and Sewage Report

8. Community Service Committee – Chair Kevin LeGris, Committee Member Bob Hall

9. Operations Committee – Chair Robert Dick, All of Council. 1. 9a Roads Voucher May 15, 2020

10. Waste Management Committee – Chair Kevin LeGris, All of Council

11. Finance and Administration Committee - Chair Michael Donohue, All of Council 1. 11a General Voucher May 15, 2020 2. 11b Budgetary Control May 15, 2020 3. 11c Adoption of 2020 Budget and Tax Rates 4. 11d 2020 Budget Booklet

12. Protective Services Committee – Chair Mike Quilty, Committee Member Robert Dick

13. County of Renfrew – Mayor Michael Donohue

14. By-Laws

a) 14a By-Law No. 2020-29 being a by-law to adopt the 2020 budget. b) 14b By-Law No. 2020-30 being a by-law to provide for the adoption of the 2020 tax rates and to further provide penalty and interest in default of payment thereof.

15. Notice of Motion

16. Old Business

17. New Business

18. Confirmatory By-Law

a) 18a By-Law No 2020-31 to confirm proceedings of the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley at the meeting held May 21st, 2020

19. Question Period

20. In-Camera Session

21. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE “Submissions received by the public, either orally or in writing may become part of the public record/package”.

Council Information Whitewater News May 7, 2020

Whitewater News May 14, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business May 5, 2020 Township of Montague - Federal Assistance for Municipalities City of Pembroke Resolution Town of Midland - Letter to PM



Council met for their first monthly meeting at the Municipal Council Chambers and via electronic participation on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 7:30 pm. Present was Mayor Michael Donohue. Deputy Mayor Mike Quilty, Councillors Robert Dick, Kevin Legris and Bob Hall participated electronically.

Staff members present electronically were Clerk/Treasurer Allison Vereyken, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Mitchell Ferguson and Public Works Superintendent Chris Kunopaski.

Mayor Donohue then called the meeting to order at 7:34pm followed with a moment of silence.

Resolution No. 01/05/20

Moved by: Mike Quilty, seconded by Robert Dick

BE IT RESOLVED that Council accept the agenda as amended this date. “Carried”

The April 9th, 2020 minutes were provided to Council for approval and the following resolution was passed:

Resolution No. 02/05/20

Moved by: Mike Quilty, seconded by Robert Dick

BE IT RESOLVED that Council accept the minutes of the regular council meeting held April 16th, 2020. “Carried” Delegations and Guests: None.

Planning and Economic Development Committee - Chair Bob Hall, Committee Member Kevin LeGris

There was an update on the information received from NRTC in regard to their application to the CRTC Broadband fund. It was noted that the original deadline date was May 1 but had been extended to June. The Letter of Support to NRTC was received as information.

Community Service Committee Chair Kevin LeGris, Committee Member Bob Hall

1. Library Meeting Minutes and Librarian Report Councillor Hall provided a brief background on the minutes and report. There was a request on the connectivity grant availability for 2020 in which information will be required to come back to Council. 2. Canada Day Celebrations Staff presented the report to Council and provided an update to Council on the other organizations that have cancelled Canada Day celebrations since the report was prepared.

Resolution No. 03/05/20

Moved by: Kevin Legris, seconded by Bob Hall

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the cancellation of the 2020 Canada Day Celebrations for the Township of Admaston/Bromley;

AND THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT Council approve and support an application to the Celebrate Canada Grant and the Celebrate Grant for the 2021 Canada Day Celebrations;

AND THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT Council approve staff to advertise for the nominations of Citizens of the Year as in previous years, but that the awards will be distributed at a later date.


Operations Committee Chair Robert Dick, All of Council

The Public Works Superintendent provided brief verbal update on the current operations of the department.

Waste Management Committee - Chair Kevin LeGris, All of Council

There was nothing noted at this time.

Finance and Administration Committee - Chair Michael Donohue, All of Council

1. Local Board Remuneration and Expenses Report

The Chair presented a brief overview of the report.

Resolution No. 04/05/20

Moved by Bob Hall, seconded by Kevin Legris

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried”

2. Council Remuneration and Expenses Report

Staff presented a brief overview of the report which included an explanation on why two members received $35.10 more than two others. The explanation was the taxable benefit of life insurance being reported as single or as a family.

Resolution No. 05/05/20

Moved by Kevin Legris, seconded by Mike Quilty

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried”

3. Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program

Staff presented a detailed overview of the report. Council had discussion around the recommendation and opted to Table the recommendation to allow staff time to further research the financial impact on a County wide basis.

Resolution No. 06/05/20

Moved by Bob Hall, seconded by Robert Dick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council TABLE the recommendation for the farm property class tax program until June. “Carried”

4. Insurance Premium 2020/2021

Staff provided a detailed review of the report to Council.

Resolution No. 07/05/20

Moved by Mike Quilty, seconded by Robert Dick

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accept the proposal from AON to provide insurance to the Township for the period of May 1, 2020 to May 1, 2021.

AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the removal of the additional $25,000,000 coverage based on the information provided from AON;

AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to inform the Insurance provider of the change and request the revised premium breakdown that will be inclusive of a savings in the amount of approximately $10,000;

AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to prepare an RFP for Insurance Services inclusive of a provisional item to provide Risk Management services to be advertised in early 2021. “Carried”

5. Interest on Outstanding Tax Accounts

Staff provided a detailed review of the report. There was discussion around the recommendation to charge interest on all accounts that were in arrears for the 2019 years and older.

Resolution No. 08/05/20

Moved by Bob Hall, seconded by Kevin Legris

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried”

6. Minister’s Letter to Head of Council – Labour Deployment

Staff provided a brief overview of the letter and that it currently does not affect the Township as there are no union agreements in place. This letter was for information purposes only.

7. Cash Management Report

Staff provided a review of the cash flow for the Township up to March 31, 2020. It was noted that there was no drastic change due to the pandemic at that time.

Resolution No. 09/05/20

Moved by Mike Quilty, seconded by Kevin Legris

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried”

8. Tax Report

Staff provided a brief review of the tax report, where it was noted that there was not a substantial difference in the taxes collected at March 31, 2019 to March 31, 2020 even during the pandemic.

Resolution No. 10/05/20

Moved by Bob Hall seconded by Kevin Legris

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried”

Protective Services - Chair Mike Quilty, Committee Member Robert Dick

Deputy Mayor Mike Quilty provided a brief note about the detachment based police board stating that it is a work in progress and is moving relatively slow with the current pandemic.

County of Renfrew - Mayor Michael Donohue

There was nothing to note as this time.



New Business


Confirmatory By-Law

Resolution No 11/05/20

Moved by Kevin LeGris, seconded by Bob Hall

THAT By-Law No 2020-28, being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley at the meeting held May 7th, 2020 be now numbered, deemed read three times and passed. “Carried”

Resolution No. 12/05/20

Moved by Kevin LeGris, seconded by Bob Hall

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Thursday, May 7th, 2020 Township of Admaston/Bromley Council meeting be adjourned at 8:47 p.m. “Carried”

______Mayor Clerk-Treasurer Allison Vereyken

From: Michael Donohue Sent: May 7, 2020 3:35 PM To: Michael Hennessy Cc: Allison Vereyken Subject: RE: CRTC RFP Broadband Fund - Submission Date Moved to June 1 2020 - Admaston/Bromley

Mr. Hennessy,

I appreciate the update, please note that Allison Vereyken is now our Clerk/Treasurer, I’ve copied her on this reply.

As you’ve said, we face an unprecedented challenge, and it has definitely exposed the enormous gulf that exists between urban and rural connectivity, and the intolerable impact this has had and is having on our economy and society. While distressing that it took a global pandemic to bring into sharp focus these stark disadvantages, I am encouraged it will elicit a much more robust and muscular engagement by the federal and provincial governments along with the private sector. I look forward to a successful outcome for Cogeco and the residents of my community.

Regards, Michael Donohue

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Michael Hennessy Sent: May 7, 2020 2:48 PM To: Michael Donohue Cc: Annette Gilchrist; Michael Hennessy Subject: CRTC RFP Broadband Fund - Submission Date Moved to June 1 2020 - Admaston/Bromley

To: Michael Donohue - Mayor - Admaston/Bromley Cc: Annette Gilchrist - Clerk/Treasurer - Admaston/Bromley

I trust this email finds you well and that you, along with your family and colleagues, have remained safe and healthy during this unprecedented time. For your residents that have lost their lives due to COVID-19, we offer our sincere condolences.

If this virus and resulting quarantine has taught us anything, it's the value of human connection and the importance of being able to keep in touch with family and friends, stay up to date with current news/ events, continue education and if able, having the ability to work from home. That said, all of these "human" connections require an effective "broadband" connection to bring this all together and based on our discussions over the past year, I'm sure these limitations have come to the forefront in your municipality over the past 6-8 weeks and will remain a critical issue moving forward.

On behalf of Cogeco Connexion, I would like to reiterate our desire to help expand our network into your municipality (with your support) and significantly enhance the broadband service for your residents and businesses by leveraging the numerous broadband funding programs available via the CRTC along with Federal and Provincial Governments.

This email serves to provide you with an update on our current funding applications along with next steps.

1 Update

As you may know, the CRTC Broadband Fund RFP was originally due on March 31st but was extended to April 30th as a result of COVID-19. On Monday April 27th, we were advised that the deadline for the submissions of applications was delayed a further month and are now due on June 1st 2020

As a result of our efforts and collaboration with the townships within over the past year, Cogeco was on schedule and thoroughly prepared to submit our applications for the initial deadline in March. We will take this opportunity to go over all our submissions once again and see if there are opportunities to enhance them further. We believe that the bids we have prepared are very strong and they "check all the boxes" for CRTC considerations. Cogeco does not expect to be awarded funding for all the bids that we will be submitting. Please remember that this is only the first of 5 rounds of CRTC funding. ISED will be announcing their funding program in the coming months as well and the Ontario government will follow shortly thereafter.

Cogeco Connexion continues to show our great reliability during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here is a link to a recent press release to show the steps we have taken to best serve our customers room/press-releases/cogeco-connexion-network-shows-its-great-reliability-during-covid-19-pandemic/

Mayor Donohue, on behalf of Cogeco Connexion, I would like to thank you for your assistance and support over the past months as we strive to obtain funding to expand our network in Renfrew County and connect as many of your citizens as possible. We know that COVID-19 has provided extreme challenges for your municipality and residents and Cogeco wishes nothing more than to be able to partner together to help enhance their connection with their loved ones and the world. We will continue to keep you up to date on RFP updates, new program rollouts and next steps.

Best regards,

MICHAEL HENNESSY Director, Commercial Sales - Network 970 Syscon Road Expansion Burlington, Ontario L7L 5S2 Canada C 289-962-2652

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T T o o

h h e e l l p p p p r r


Page: 1 Voucher Report: ROADS VOUCHER MAY 15 2020 Run: MAY 13,2020 1:58PM Vendor Name Amount Expensed GST Rebate Payable Amount ** Payroll: PAY ENDING 5/02/20 - Gross 13,018.61 0.00 13,018.61 ** Payroll: PAY ENDING 4/18/20 - Gross 13,145.91 0.00 13,145.91 1220890 ONTARIO INC 128.22 14.16 142.38 AALTO TECHNOLOGIES 223.40 24.65 248.05 BANK OF MONTREAL(12) 622.24 0.00 622.24 BANK OF MONTREAL. 1,816.42 200.63 2,017.05 BEARCOM CANADA CORP 3,138.18 346.63 3,484.81 BELL CANADA(5) 89.52 9.88 99.40 BENSON AUTO PARTS 369.43 34.16 403.59 BROMLEY FARM SUPPLY 75.93 8.39 84.32 COUNTY OF RENFREW 15.00 0.00 15.00 EGANVILLE COUNTRY DEPOT 201.03 22.20 223.23 GORD VERCH 400.00 0.00 400.00 GREENWOOD PAVING PEMBROKE LTD 9,603.31 1,060.73 10,664.04 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS, INC. 465.55 74.34 539.89 J.R. WELDING 2,971.39 328.21 3,299.60 M & R FEEDS 554.03 61.20 615.23 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE 2,390.68 0.00 2,390.68 Ministry of Finance(0) 519.79 0.00 519.79 OLMSTEADS HOME HARDWARE 45.63 5.04 50.67 OMERS 4,189.56 0.00 4,189.56 PETRO-CANADA FUELS INC 3,886.22 429.24 4,315.46 RECEIVER GENERAL 7,773.99 0.00 7,773.99 RENFREW HOME HARDWARE 2,641.69 291.79 2,933.48 TELUS 56.68 6.26 62.94 ULTRAMAR 150.96 16.67 167.63 VALLEY BLADES LIMITED 266.31 29.41 295.72

Grand Totals: 68,759.68 2,963.59 71,723.27 Page: 2 Voucher Report: ROADS VOUCHER MAY 15 2020 Run: MAY 13,2020 1:58PM Vendor Name Amount Expensed GST Rebate Payable Amount Batch List 2020-000052 PAY ENDING 4/18/20 Time Sheets 2020-000064 PAY ENDING 5/02/20 Time Sheets 2020-000051 APRIL VOUCHER # 2 RDS Invoices 2020-000053 APRIL VOUCHER # 3 RDS Invoices 2020-000056 APRIL VOUCHER # 4 RDS Invoices 2020-000062 APRIL VOUCHER # 5 RDS Invoices 2020-000063 APRIL VOUCHER # 6 RDS Invoices 2020-000067 MAY VOUCHER #1 RDS Invoices TOWNSHIP OF ADMASTON/BROMLEY

GENERAL VOUCHER April 11,2020 to May 15, 2020 Name Particulars Invoice # Amount Payroll Council Apr 2020 5,656.70 Waste Management Apr 2020 3,689.80 Building & Sewage Apr 2020 1,178.00 General Apr 2020 13,209.01 Bank of Montreal A/L - M/C- Stone Rd Office Supplies Apr 2020 73.60 M/F - M/C - Zoom Monthly Fee May 2020 20.00 Barron Disposal Systems Inc. Stone Road&Douglas Transfer Bins Recycling 018349 1,186.50 Bell Canada Stone Road Office Apr 2020 304.24 Stone Road Fax Apr 2020 93.59 Barr Line Community Centre Apr 2020 84.39 Barr Line Community Centre May 2020 84.39 Bell Mobility Landfill Site Phone Apr 2020 45.45 D.Fridgen Cell Phone Apr 2020 94.47 D.Fridgen Cell Phone May 2020 82.72 Buske Office Equipment Photocopier - March 2020 077571 98.57 Photocopier - April 2020 078024 93.06 Cunningham Swan Integrity Commissioner 163875 339.00 Dedo Brian April Coverings 427463 4,407.00 Douglas Library 2020 Advance Apr 2020 5,000.00 Eganville Leader AD- Notice to Adopt Municipal Budget 91972 102.51 Ferguson Mitchell General Mileage Mar-Apr 2020 51.00 G&K Specialties Stone Rd Office Supplies 305323 159.85 Stone Rd Office Supplies 305521 102.33 Hydro One Stone Road Office Apr 2020 513.77 Barr Line Community Centre Mar 2020 181.34 Osceola Historical Building Mar 2020 28.30 Osceola Landfill Site Mar 2020 56.28 Integra Data Systems Corp. Server Repair 17033 226.00 Jp2G Consultants Inc Well Testing - Osceola 30695 2,601.57 Leclaire Andrea General Mileage Mar-Apr 2020 85.00 Marshalls Douglas Recycling - May 7/2020 22064 186.45 Osceola Recycling - Apr 22/2020 22050 497.20 Stone Rd Recycling - Apr 28/2020 22059 559.35 Stone Rd Recycling- Apr18/2020 22046 559.35 Stone Rd Recycling - Mar 19/2020 22020 745.80 Stone Rd Recycling - Apr 2/2020 22035 528.28 Stone Rd/Douglas Recycling Apr 9/2020 22038 776.88 McNab Stewart & Prince Legal Fees-Pucker Street Apr 2020 1,350.35 Metroland Media 2020 Calendar 2580315 158.20 Ministry of Finance EHT- April Contributions Apr 2020 474.44 Omers April Contributions Apr 2020 2,186.52 Ottawa Valley Oxygen Douglas Transfer Station-Propane 340570 20.00 Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Stone Rd Recycling - Apr 16&28/20 OVW03313 213.30 Douglas/Osceola Recycling - Apr 22/2020 OVW03315 109.80 TOWNSHIP OF ADMASTON/BROMLEY

GENERAL VOUCHER April 11,2020 to May 15, 2020 Name Particulars Invoice # Amount Stone Rd Recycling - Apr 2&9/2020 OVW03255 160.20 Douglas/Osceola Recycling - Apr 9/2020 OVW03257 86.40 Stone Rd Recycling - Dec 2,9&13/2019 OVW02782 196.80 Stone Rd Recycling - Dec 27/2019 OVW02839 145.80 Douglas/Osceola Recycling - Dec 31/2019 OVW02841 47.70 Stone Rd Recycling - Dec 27&31/2019 OVW02842 204.30 Stone Rd Recycling - Feb 4/2020 OVW03009 149.40 Douglas /Osceola Recycling - Feb 4/2020 OVW03010 110.70 Stone Rd Recycling - Feb 18,25/2020 OVW03067 211.50 Douglas/Osceola Recycling - Feb 19/2020 OVW03069 68.70 Stone Rd Recycling - Mar 5& 12/2020 OVW03122 144.60 Douglas/Osceola Recycling - Mar 12/2020 OVW03123 65.10 Stone Rd Recycling - Mar 19,26/2020 OVW03199 163.20 Douglas/Osceola Recycling- Mar 19/2020 OVW03200 106.20 Petro-Canada Fuels Furnace Oil-Barr Line Community Centre 804774 251.55 Furnace Oil-Barr Line Community Centre 931865 484.04 Furnace Oil-Barr Line Community Centre 938367 426.59 Purolator Shipping - Water Testing 443948696 35.08 Receiver General April Contributions Apr 2020 5,597.62 Renfrew Homehardware Stone Rd Cleaning Supplies 104-1089 69.63 Township of Bonnechere Valley By-Law Enforcement 2020159 119.68 Animal Shelter Fee- April 2020 2020162 335.00 Town of Renfrew Fire Agreement 2020-278 10,818.00 Tubman Marketing Inc Registration/Renewal 8868 33.84 Municipal Website May-July 2020 9170 508.50 Walsh Gerald Livestock Valuer Apr 29/2020 82.00 Xplornet Internet- May 2020 INV31745709 84.74 Yeman Electric Stone Rd-Generator 2020-536 474.60 Zoom Video Communications Inc Zoom-Monthly Fee-April 2020 INV14565966 20.00 Total 69,415.83 Township of Admaston/Bromley Report Date Budgetary Control Report 20-05-14 12:02 PM Page 1

Year Variance Var % Current to Date Budget


Taxation 2,075,886.94 2,248,381.00 (172,494.06) 7.67- Drains 50,000.00 (50,000.00) 100.00- Payment In Lieu 4,028.25 14,900.00 (10,871.75) 72.96- Grants 236,708.57 1,455,390.00 (1,218,681.43) 83.74- Fees & Service Charges 3,339.13 54,000.00 (50,660.87) 93.82- Other Revenue 35,493.50 350,694.00 (315,200.50) 89.88- Revenue from Reserves 133,229.54 (133,229.54) 100.00-

TOTAL REVENUES: 0.00 2,355,456.39 4,306,594.54 (1,951,138.15) 45.31-


ADMINISTRATION COSTS Building Maintenance 280.00 3,101.92 18,260.00 15,158.08 83.01 General Employment Costs 9,825.84 60,918.45 335,200.00 274,281.55 81.83 General Overhead 490.88 28,942.61 163,600.00 134,657.39 82.31 Office Expense 83.80 4,824.02 11,700.00 6,875.98 58.77 Taxation Expense 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 Training & Development 5,000.00 5,000.00 100.00 Information Technology 488.40 9,270.82 8,700.00 (570.82) 6.56- Utilities 1,180.61 7,778.04 17,050.00 9,271.96 54.38 Contributions to Reserves 20,000.00 20,000.00 100.00

TOTAL ADMINISTRATION COSTS: 12,349.53 114,835.86 580,510.00 465,674.14 80.22

COUNCIL Council Employment Costs 3,229.62 28,918.21 89,720.00 60,801.79 67.77 Council Expenses 756.99 5,000.00 4,243.01 84.86

TOTAL COUNCIL: 3,229.62 29,675.20 94,720.00 65,044.80 68.67

PROTECTION By-Law Enforcement 119.68 2,000.00 1,880.32 94.02 Emergency Management 161.00 3,000.00 2,839.00 94.63 Fire 14,551.45 208,219.00 193,667.55 93.01 Police Services Board 1,808.79 8,800.00 6,991.21 79.45 Policing 104,202.58 411,292.00 307,089.42 74.66

TOTAL PROTECTION: 0.00 120,843.50 633,311.00 512,467.50 80.92

BUILDING & SEWAGE Building Employment Costs 851.14 7,082.93 25,440.00 18,357.07 72.16 Building Expenses 75.68 541.61 1,500.00 958.39 63.89

TOTAL BUILDING & SEWAGE: 926.82 7,624.54 26,940.00 19,315.46 71.70

ANIMAL CONTROL Canine Control 335.00 1,340.00 5,000.00 3,660.00 73.20 Dog License 400.00 400.00 100.00 Livestock 82.00 843.98 6,350.00 5,506.02 86.71

TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL: 417.00 2,183.98 11,750.00 9,566.02 81.41 Township of Admaston/Bromley Report Date Budgetary Control Report 20-05-14 12:02 PM Page 2

Year Variance Var % Current to Date Budget WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste Employment Costs 2,907.55 20,441.78 54,800.00 34,358.22 62.70 Landfill Maintenance 5,684.07 27,238.23 96,100.00 68,861.77 71.66 Western Star Compactor 115.24 1,589.13 6,000.00 4,410.87 73.51 International Compactor 483.65 3,965.59 16,000.00 12,034.41 75.22 Recycling 1,442.45 10,569.95 60,000.00 49,430.05 82.38 Well Testing & Reports 14,236.31 60,000.00 45,763.69 76.27 Osceola Landfill Expansion 50,000.00 50,000.00 100.00

TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT: 10,632.96 78,040.99 342,900.00 264,859.01 77.24

RECREATION Recreation Expenses 2,218.20 42,150.00 39,931.80 94.74 Library Expenses 5,000.00 11,080.00 20,499.00 9,419.00 45.95

TOTAL RECREATION: 5,000.00 13,298.20 62,649.00 49,350.80 78.77

DRAINS & PLANNING Municipal Drain Maintenance 25,000.00 25,000.00 100.00 Tile Drainage 6,762.97 30,000.00 23,237.03 77.46 Drainage Superintendent 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 Planning Fees 1,113.28 7,000.00 5,886.72 84.10 Economic Development 30,474.36 32,475.00 2,000.64 6.16 Main Street Revitilization 14,429.54 14,429.54 100.00

TOTAL DRAINS & PLANNING: 0.00 38,350.61 109,904.54 71,553.93 65.11

COUNTY & SCHOOLS County of Renfrew 308,563.00 (308,563.00) English Public 143,780.50 (143,780.50) English Separate 52,478.00 (52,478.00) French Public 2,148.50 (2,148.50) French Separate 4,858.50 (4,858.50)

TOTAL COUNTY & SCHOOLS: 0.00 511,828.50 0.00 (511,828.50) 0.00

ROADS Overhead 6,197.95 62,873.31 219,500.00 156,626.69 71.36 Road Maintenance 16,986.14 214,003.57 869,800.00 655,796.43 75.40 Equipment 489.68 7,827.41 30,500.00 22,672.59 74.34 Capital 2,641.69 52,808.49 235,000.00 182,191.51 77.53 Construction 16,042.74 1,089,110.00 1,073,067.26 98.53 2019 Spring Flood Event 149,694.53 (149,694.53)

Total ROADS: 26,315.46 503,250.05 2,443,910.00 1,940,659.95 79.41

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 58,871.39 1,419,931.43 4,306,594.54 2,886,663.11 67.03

SURPLUS/DEFICIT (58,871.39) 935,524.96 0.00 935,524.96 0.00 Township of Admaston/Bromley 477 Stone Road, R.R. #2 Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5 E-Mail Address – [email protected]

613-432-2885 Stone Road Office 613-432-3175 Stone Road Garage 613-432-4052 Fax 613-646-7918 Cobden Road Garage


Date: May 16, 2020

To: Council

From: Allison Vereyken

Re: 2020 Budget Approval and 2020 Tax Rate Approval

Each year the Finance and Administration Committee meets to discuss the Municipal budget.

The 2020 budget process was completed entirely via electronic meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Finance and Administration Committee met via ZOOM meetings on April 23, 24 and May 1 and 7th to review the draft budgets provided from each department.


The 2020 Budget being presented to Council is inclusive of a 5.91% Municipal Levy increase for the Operating and Capital expenditures for the Township. This levy increase results in a 0.31% residential property tax rate increase.

The County of Renfrew and the Province has set the 2020 tax rates for their respective organizations. The County of Renfrew will see a 0.58% tax rate increase for the Residential property class and the School Board (Province) will see a -4.97% reduction for the Residential property class. Thus overall with a 0.31% Municipal tax rate increase for the Residential property class, there will be an overall Residential Tax Rate decrease of 0.31% over the 2019 taxation year.

Staff has prepared a 2020 Budget document to be posted on the Township website.

Financial Implications:

The increase in Municipal levy required in 2020 is $124,941.

People Consulted:

Recommendation for Council:

BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve the Municipal Budget for the 2020 Year, which includes a Municipal Tax Levy in the amount of $2,238,381.00;

AND BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley adopt By-Law 2020-29 being a by-law to adopt the 2020 Budget;

AND THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT Council adopt By-Law 2020-30 being a by-law to provide for the adoption of the 2020 tax rates and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payment thereof.

2020 Budget

MAY 2020

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

2020 Township of Admaston/Bromley Budget


How much money (Levy) is needed for the Township Capital and Operating 2020 Levy 2019 Levy Difference %

Expenses? $2,238,381 $2,113,440 $124,941 5.91%


2020 2019 CVA Real What is the Realc Impact on Levy % Growth Impact on Taxpayers? % Taxpayers 5.91% 1.7% 4.21%

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

2020 Township of Admaston/Bromley Budget

Highlights Cont’d

What does this mean in terms of the amount of Taxes I will pay ?

Average Residential Residential Rate per Property Municipal County Education Total Year $100,000 Value Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes 2019 1149.875 268,622 1,678.88 977.46 432.48 3,088.82 2020 1146.314 280,243 1,758.00 1,025.69 428.77 3,212.46

$ Difference -3.56 79.12 48.24 -3.71 123.65

% Difference -0.31% 4.71% 4.93% -0.86% 4.00%

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

2020 Township of Admaston/Bromley Budget

Highlights Cont’d

How are total taxes on my Residential tax bill distributed between the County, Township and Province (Education)?

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley Tax Rate Comparison 2019 vs. 2020

Property Municipal County Education Total Increase Class Tax Rate % Tax Rate % Tax Rate % Tax Rate in Total Increase Increase Increase Tax Rate Municipal County Education (%) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Residential & 0.00624997 0.00627313 0.37% 0.00363878 0.00366001 0.58% 0.00161000 0.00153000 -4.97% 0.01149875 0.01146314 Farm -0.31%

Commercial 0.01134182 0.01138385 0.37% 0.00660330 0.00664181 0.58% 0.01290000 0.01250000 -3.10% 0.03084512 0.03052566 -1.04% Commercial 0.01134182 0.01138385 0.37% 0.00660330 0.00664181 0.58% 0.01290000 0.01250000 -3.10% 0.03084512 0.03052566 Excess -1.04%

Industrial 0.01767300 0.01767300 0.00% 0.01029569 0.01030778 0.12% 0.01290000 0.01250000 -3.10% 0.04086869 0.04048078 -0.95%

Pipelines 0.00832996 0.00836083 0.37% 0.00484977 0.00487806 0.58% 0.01030000 0.00980000 -4.85% 0.02347973 0.02303889 -1.88%

Farmlands 0.00156249 0.00156828 0.37% 0.00090970 0.00091500 0.58% 0.00040250 0.00038250 -4.97% 0.00287469 0.00286578 -0.31%

Managed 0.00156249 0.00156828 0.37% 0.00090970 0.00091500 0.58% 0.00040250 0.00038250 -4.97% 0.00287469 0.00286578 Forests -0.31%

The overall tax rate for 2020 is decreasing 0.31% over the 2019 taxation year. The tax rate for the lower tier increased 0.37% over 2019.

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley

2020 Revenue

2020 2019 % Revenue Type Budget Budget $ Change Change Taxation (Including Supplementaries) 2,248,381 2,123,440 124,941 5.88% Payment In Lieu of taxes 14,900 14,900 0 0.00% Grants 1,455,390 1,403,254 52,136 3.72% Revenue from Reserves 133,230 170,431 -37,201 -21.83% Surplus 101,182 135,354 -34,172 -25.25% Fees and Charges 54,000 55,000 -1,000 -1.82% Debenture 155,000 0 155,000 100.00% Other 144,512 155,012 -10,500 -6.77%

TOTAL 4,306,595 4,057,391 249,204 6.14%

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley

2020 Expenditures

2020 2019 % Expense Type Budget Budget $ Change Change

Administration 560,510 390,760 169,750 43.44% Contributions to Reserves 20,000 270,000 -250,000 -92.59% Council 94,720 92,000 2,720 2.96% Building and Sewage 26,940 26,500 440 1.66% Fire and Protection 229,019 301,920 -72,901 -24.15% Police 404,292 406,000 -1,708 -0.42% Animal Control 11,750 10,725 1,025 9.56% Waste Management 342,900 274,000 68,900 25.15% Recreation and Library 62,649 58,650 3,999 6.82% Drains and Planning 109,905 119,527 -9,622 -8.05% Roads 1,204,800 1,462,735 -257,935 -17.63% Capital 1,239,110 644,575 594,536 92.24%

TOTAL 4,306,595 4,057,391 249,204 6.14% Note: Remediation Works to be completed are included in Roads and not in Capital for this document.

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley

2020 Expenditures cont’d

Contributions to Reserves 0.46% Administration Council 13.02% 2.20% Capital Building and 28.77% Sewage 0.63% Fire and Protection 5.32%

Police 9.39%

Waste Animal Management Control 7.96% 0.27%

Roads 28% Recreation and Library Drains and 1.45% Planning 2.55%

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley

2020 Capital

FUNDING 2020 Actual OCIF Budgeted 2020 Formula Total Costs Costs Taxation Comp. Reserves Gas Tax Debenture Grants Funding CONSTRUCTION / INFRASTRUCTURE Construction (Funded by Gas Tax, OCIF, ICIP) Cahill Road - culvert Lining 30,000 30,000 30,000 Foy Road Culvert Replacement 30,000 30,000 30,000

Kennelly Road Phase 1 and 2 (Prov & Fed Portion) 556,400 556,400 556,400 Kennelly Road Phase 1 and 2 (Twp Portion) 50,200 50,200 50,200

Ferguslea Road - Rehab. Including pulverizing, granulars, dig out/base repair, double surface treatment 286,510 197,473 89,037 286,510

Foy Road (intersection at Culhane) - 100m length of hot mix asphalt 50mm lift 10,000 10,000 10,000 Culhane Culvert Paving (MDRA funding) 25,000 25,000 25,000

Mhusk Road - Base repair/dig out and replace with 4' stone and granulars 6,000 6,000 6,000

Dillabough Road - Pulverizing 2 km of additional roadway and apply granulars. 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Construction 1,004,110 0 0 283,473 50,200 89,037 25,000 556,400 1,004,110

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley

2020 Capital Cont’d FUNDING 2020 Actual OCIF Budgeted 2020 Formula Total Costs Costs Taxation Comp. Reserves Gas Tax Debenture Grants Funding

Roads/Waste Capital

Acquisition - Grader Loan Payment 18,200 18,200 18,200 Capital Plan Purchase 0 Wood Chipper 0 Snow Blower (Douglas sidewalks) 22,000 22,000 22,000 1 Ton Truck 64,600 43,000 21,600 64,600 Bush Hog 0

Waste compactor 55,000 55,000 55,000

Equipmemt Shed 25,000 25,000 25,000 Acquisition 5 yr Loan Payment 50,200 50,200 50,200 Total Roads Capital 235,000 111,400 0 68,600 0 55,000 0 235,000 Total Capital for 2020 Budget 1,239,110 0 0 111,400 283,473 118,800 89,037 80,000 556,400 1,239,110

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley

2020 Reserve Additions and Withdrawals

Closing Opening Balance: Balance: December 31, Reserve Account January 1, 2020 Additions Withdrawals 2020

Working Capital 20-20-220 22,014.43 22,014.43 - - Capital 20-20-227 126,092.63 21,600.00 104,492.63 Waste 20-20-236 29,425.00 29,425.00 Road Reserve 20-20-227 202,152.42 20,000.00 47,000.00 175,152.42 Fire Capital Twp 20-20-227 10,000.00 10,000.00 Survey - Fire Hall - - Gas Tax - - Police Services Board - - - OCIF Reserve - - Main Street Revitilization 20-20-237 14,432.62 - 14,429.54 3.08 OCIF Kennelly Road 20-20-235 258,494.27 50,200.00 208,294.27 One-Time Funding 20-20-240 250,000.00 250,000.00 Cannabis 20-20-239 5,000.00 - - 5,000.00 Total Municipal 917,611.37 20,000.00 133,229.54 804,381.83 - - Fire - Dry Hydrant 20-20-231 2,858.21 - - 2,858.21 - Library - - -

Total 920,469.58 20,000.00 133,229.54 807,240.04

Breakdown of Withdrawals 1 Ton Truck Purchase $21,600.00 Snow Blower $22,000.00 Equipment Shed $25,000.00 Main Street 2019 Initiatives $14,429.54 OCIF TWP Portion - Kennelly Rd $50,200.00 Total Withdrawals $133,229.54

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

2020 Working Budget Approved by Council

(includes General, Public Works, Fire, Police Service Board, Emergency Management as well as 2020 Donations)

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

Township of Admaston/Bromley 2020 Budget

2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1 2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change REVENUE TAXATION -

1 General Municipal 2,113,440.00 2,113,440.00 2,238,381.00 5.91% NOTE: Levy Increase - not rate increase 2 Supplementaries 10,000.00 7,038.25 10,000.00 Total Taxation 2,123,440.00 2,120,478.25 2,248,381.00 5.88% 52.21%

DRAINS 1 Tile Drain 30,000.00 18,668.19 30,000.00 0.00% 0.70% 2 Municipal Drain (see also 4 under Grants) 20,000.00 11,651.83 20,000.00 0.00% 0.46% Total Drains 50,000.00 30,320.02 50,000.00 0.00% 1.16%

PAYMENTS IN LIEU 1 Grant In Lieu - Canada 900.00 1,033.31 900.00 0.00% 0.02% 2 Grant In Lieu - Ontario 3,000.00 3,443.94 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% 3 Power Dam 5,000.00 5,001.00 5,000.00 0.00% 0.12% 4 Municipal Enterprises-Landfill 4,500.00 7,294.98 4,500.00 0.00% 0.10% 5 County 1,200.00 1,177.43 1,200.00 0.00% 0.03% 6 MNR - Fire Agreement 300.00 310.88 300.00 0.00% 0.01% Total Payments In Lieu 14,900.00 18,261.54 14,900.00 0.00% 0.35%

GRANTS Reduction related to the increase in the assessed values in the Township - less 1 OMP Fund 470,800.00 470,800.00 455,700.00 -3.21% 10.58% assessment equalization Increase based on the amounts received 2 Aggregate Resources 10,000.00 23,773.60 20,000.00 100.00% 0.46% in previous year 3 Livestock Damage 5,000.00 2,313.80 5,000.00 0.00% 0.12% 4 Drains (See Drains item 2) 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00% 0.12%

5 Student Employment 1,680.00 3,780.00 3,780.00 125.00% 0.09% Reduction based on the change in 6 Recycling 34,000.00 27,466.71 30,000.00 -11.76% 0.70% market for the value of plastics Reduction as 2019 had a one time 7 Gasoline Tax 179,621.00 183,447.90 89,037.00 -50.43% 2.07% double payment of Gas Tax 8 R.I.D.E. Grant 7,000.00 6,137.12 7,000.00 0.00% 0.16% 9 OCIF Formula Funding 287,393.00 287,893.00 283,473.00 -1.36% 6.58% As per notice received 10 Cannabis Fund 5,000.00 10,000.00 - -100.00% 0.00% This was available for 2019 not 2020

1 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1

2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change

TWP HAS NOT YET BEEN NOTIFIED IT IS SUCCESSFUL IN APPLICATION - Staff has submitted an application to ICIP for the Recreation Centres to get 12 ICIP REC 0.00% 0.00% upgrades $269,000 This changed to reflect Phase 1 and 2 only - will update if approved by Ministry - 13 ICIP Kennelly RD 556,400.00 0.00% 12.92% Original approval is for $1,122,629.55 14 FCM Asset Management 16.47 0.00% 0.00% 15 One-Time Funding Provincial 397,760.00 397,760.00 - -100.00% 0.00% Modernization funding received in 2019 Total Grants 1,403,254.00 1,413,355.66 1,455,390.00 3.72% 33.79%

FEES & SERVICE CHARGES 1 Tax Certificates 2,500.00 1,750.00 2,500.00 0.00% 0.06% 2 Lottery Licenses 200.00 544.80 500.00 150.00% 0.01% 3 Road Revenue 20,000.00 22,983.79 20,000.00 0.00% 0.46% Revised down based on COVID-budget 4 Tipping Fees-Stone Rd 2,000.00 990.00 1,000.00 -50.00% 0.02% discussion 5 Tipping Fees-Osceola 25,000.00 16,955.00 25,000.00 0.00% 0.58% 6 Planning & Zoning 4,000.00 3,350.00 4,000.00 0.00% 0.09% 7 Zoning Certificates 500.00 260.00 500.00 0.00% 0.01% 8 Septage Usage Permits 800.00 350.00 500.00 -37.50% 0.01% Total Fees & Service Charges 55,000.00 47,183.59 54,000.00 -1.82% 1.25%

2 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1 2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change OTHER REVENUE 1 Dog Licensing 3,000.00 1,980.00 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% 2 Building Permits 34,000.00 25,375.00 30,000.00 -11.76% 0.70% 3 Sewage Permits 7,500.00 5,640.00 8,000.00 6.67% 0.19%

Reduced due to the COVID Pandemic and the deferral of interest for potentially 4 Penalties - Taxes 35,000.00 30,242.21 30,000.00 -14.29% 0.70% several months 5 Investment Income 10,000.00 14,695.25 10,000.00 0.00% 0.23% 6 Miscellaneous 3,000.00 1,600.53 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% 7 Sale of Equipment - - 0.00% 8 Surplus 135,354.00 135,354.00 72,260.00 -46.61% 1.68% Actual from 2019 9 Due from Fire Dept. (2019 Surplus) 28,922.00 100.00% 0.67% Surplus as per Auditor for 2019

$100,000 (Flood 2019 expense not funded by MDRAP including Culhane) + 10 Debenture 155,000.00 100.00% 3.60% $55,000 Waste Compactor replacement

11 Rental 10,000.00 10,425.00 8,000.00 -20.00% 0.19% Adjustment based on COVID 19 12 Recycling 12.00 84.00 12.00 0.00% 0.00% 13 Special Occasions 857.84 0.00% 14 Police Revenue 2,500.00 2,668.75 2,500.00 0.00% 0.06% Total Other Revenue 240,366.00 228,922.58 350,694.00 45.90% 8.14%

REVENUE FROM RESERVES 1 Gas Tax 75,883.00 75,883.00 - -100.00% 0.00% 2 OCIF 14,598.00 14,598.00 -100.00% 0.00% 3 Capital Plan Fire Rescue Truck/Tandem 50,000.00 50,000.00 - -100.00% 0.00%

$22,000 Snow blower and $25,000 4 Road Revenue 47,000.00 100.00% Equipment Shed 5 Survey of Road Adjacent to Fire Hall 4,000.00 4,000.00 - -100.00% 0.00% Difference in cost of 3/4 Ton truck and 1 6 Capital Reserve - 1 Ton Truck and Plow 21,600.00 100.00% 0.50% Ton Truck 7 Osceola Expansion 0.00% to complete the payments for works 8 Main Street Revitalization 23,650.00 9,220.46 14,429.54 -38.99% 0.34% completed in 2020 9 OCIF - Kennelly Road 50,200.00 1.17% Phase 1 and 2 portion only

3 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1 2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change 10 PSB Reserve 2,300.00 2,300.00 - -100.00% 0.00% Total Revenue from Reserves 170,431.00 90,481.00 133,229.54 -21.83% 3.09%

TOTAL REVENUE 4,057,391.00 3,949,002.64 4,306,594.54 6.14% 100.00% - - EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION COSTS Building Maintenance 1 Security System 160.00 152.64 160.00 0.00% 0.00%

2 Supplies-Stone Road 1,700.00 2,205.76 1,900.00 11.76% 0.04% 3 Supplies-Barr Line 500.00 323.28 500.00 0.00% 0.01% 4 Cleaning-Stone Road(Wages) 4,000.00 3,326.13 4,000.00 0.00% 0.09% 5 Cleaning-Barr Line(Wages) 3,000.00 2,968.01 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% 6 Building-Stone Road 7,500.00 3,578.63 5,500.00 -26.67% 0.13% 7 Building-Barr Line 1,000.00 633.37 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% 8 Office Equipment & Furniture 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% 9 Water Testing-Barr Line 600.00 554.77 600.00 0.00% 0.01% 10 Water Testing-Stone Road 600.00 542.38 600.00 0.00% 0.01% Total Building Maintenance 20,060.00 14,284.97 18,260.00 -8.97% 0.42%

General Employment Step Increases and New Full-time contract position at front desk, new Clerk/Treasurer (only allocated 9 months 1 Wages 185,000.00 167,343.70 206,000.00 11.35% 4.78% for this position) 2 OMERS/RRSP 16,000.00 10,161.40 19,000.00 18.75% 0.44% 3 Life Insurance 200.00 0.00 200.00 0.00% 0.00%

increase with wages - CPP % 4 CPP 6,000.00 7,228.18 10,000.00 66.67% 0.23% contributions increased in 2020 to 5.25% EI contribution amount decreased in 5 EI 4,100.00 4,076.24 4,000.00 -2.44% 0.09% 2020 to 1.58% 6 Group Insurance 15,000.00 16,199.62 17,000.00 13.33% 0.39%

7 WSIB 6,700.00 7,325.93 7,000.00 4.48% 0.16% 8 Employer Health Tax 3,800.00 4,117.72 4,000.00 5.26% 0.09% Pay Review to be completed for entire 9 Provisional Item - Pay Review 2020 71,000.00 1.65% Township

4 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1

2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change Premium holiday received - offset Pay 10 Group Insurance Premium holiday - 3,000.00 -0.07% Review Total General Employment 236,800.00 216,452.79 335,200.00 41.55% 7.78%

5 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1 2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change General Overhead Interest charges, etc. Increase based on 1 Financial Expense 2,000.00 2,438.88 2,500.00 25.00% 0.06% previous year 2 Interest LOC 100.00 100.00 0.00% 0.00% 3 Advertising 4,000.00 5,013.15 4,000.00 0.00% 0.09% 4 Association 3,500.00 3,850.59 3,500.00 0.00% 0.08%

5 Audit & Financial Services 21,500.00 21,500.00 21,500.00 0.00% 0.50% 6 Awards 2,000.00 1,653.29 2,000.00 0.00% 0.05% 7 Petty Cash 1,000.00 666.99 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% 8 Insurance 6,500.00 6,623.67 11,000.00 69.23% 0.26% Increase based on May 1 renewal 9 Donations & Grants 6,500.00 6,651.16 6,500.00 0.00% 0.15% $6300 approved at April 23 meeting 10 Miscellaneous 5,000.00 3,520.46 3,500.00 -30.00% 0.08% 11 Township Events 3,000.00 2,895.52 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% 12 Legal-General 2,000.00 606.75 2,000.00 0.00% 0.05% 13 General Mileage 3,000.00 3,044.18 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% 14 CAPEX LOAN Principal Payment 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00% 0.35% 15 BMO Interest on CAPEX Loan 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00% 0.23% 16 Election - 100.00 - 0.00% Approx. amount not to be funded by MDRAP - based on letter provided to 17 2019 Flood Expenses not covered by MDRAP 75,000.00 100.00% 1.74% TWP - to be funded by Debenture Total General Overhead 85,100.00 83,564.64 163,600.00 92.24% 3.80%

Office Expense 1 Office Supplies 4,000.00 2,629.79 4,000.00 0.00% 0.09% Increase based on previous year - 2 Postage 3,000.00 4,070.40 4,000.00 33.33% 0.09% postage cost increased in 2019 3 Postage Meter 1,000.00 916.05 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% 4 Photo Copier 2,700.00 2,659.24 2,700.00 0.00% 0.06% Total Office Expense 10,700.00 10,275.48 11,700.00 9.35% 0.27%

Taxation Expense 1 Tax Registration Costs 1,000.00 3,227.29 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% Total Taxation Expense 1,000.00 3,227.29 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02%

Training & Professional Development 1 Training 1,500.00 1,636.15 1,500.00 0.00% 0.03% 2 Staff Conventions 3,000.00 3,136.01 3,500.00 16.67% 0.08%

6 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1

2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change Total Training & Development 4,500.00 4,772.16 5,000.00 11.11% 0.12%

Information Technology 1 IT Software Upgrades/Maintenance 12,000.00 14,978.25 4,000.00 -66.67% 0.09% Replacement of Computers in 2019 2 IT Technical Support 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00% 0.03% 3 Municipal WebSite Maintenance 2,500.00 2,337.79 2,500.00 0.00% 0.06% 4 Clerk's Blackberry 700.00 700.00 0.00% 0.02% Total Information Technology 16,700.00 17,316.04 8,700.00 -47.90% 0.20%

Utilities 1 Telephone-Stone Road 2,300.00 1,631.39 2,000.00 -13.04% 0.05% 2 Telephone-Barr Line 1,000.00 836.22 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% 3 Fax 1,000.00 999.74 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% 4 Internet 900.00 809.69 900.00 0.00% 0.02% 5 Furnace Fuel-Stone Road 3,000.00 3,596.07 3,500.00 16.67% 0.08% 6 Furnace Fuel-Barr Line 2,500.00 1,456.22 2,300.00 -8.00% 0.05% 7 Hydro-Stone Road Office 2,600.00 3,224.01 3,500.00 34.62% 0.08% 8 Hydro-Barr Line Office 2,250.00 2,316.39 2,400.00 6.67% 0.06% 9 Hydro-Osceola Building 350.00 431.67 450.00 28.57% 0.01% Total Utilities 15,900.00 15,301.40 17,050.00 7.23% 0.40%

TOTAL ADMINISTRATION COSTS 390,760.00 365,194.77 560,510.00 43.44% 13.02%

7 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1 2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change

Contributions to Reserves 1 From Road Revenue 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00% 0.46% 2 From General Revenue 0.00% 3 Gas Tax 0.00% 4 OCIF 0.00% 5 Cannabis Fund 0.00% 6 Main Street Revitalization 7 One time Funding 2020 ICIP Funding % 250,000.00 508,494.27 - Total Contributions to Reserves 270,000.00 528,494.27 20,000.00 -92.59% 0.46%

TOTAL RESERVES 270,000.00 528,494.27 20,000.00 -92.59% 0.46%

COUNCIL 1 Wages-Council 75,000.00 73,824.13 76,500.00 2.00% 1.78% Increase based on 2% COLA 2 Expense Allowance - - 0.00% 3 CPP 1,500.00 1,917.75 2,000.00 33.33% 0.05% 4 Group Insurance-Cou 6,000.00 5,963.16 6,720.00 12.00% 0.16% 5 Employer Health Tax 1,500.00 1,272.16 1,500.00 0.00% 0.03% 6 Council Conventions 3,000.00 2,399.25 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% 7 Council Mileage & Expenses 5,000.00 5,315.38 5,000.00 0.00% 0.12% TOTAL COUNCIL 92,000.00 90,691.83 94,720.00 2.96% 2.20%

BUILDING & SEWAGE 1 Building Wages 16,500.00 16,950.02 17,000.00 3.03% 0.39% 2 Septic Wages (see revenue item?) 4,600.00 4,400.00 4,000.00 -13.04% 0.09% 3 Group Insurance-Bui 2,000.00 2,126.31 2,240.00 12.00% 0.05% 4 EI 600.00 483.46 600.00 0.00% 0.01% 5 WSIB 800.00 1,093.66 1,100.00 37.50% 0.03% 6 Employer Health Tax 500.00 415.82 500.00 0.00% 0.01% 7 Building Expenses 1,500.00 1,177.01 1,500.00 0.00% 0.03% TOTAL BUILDING & SEWAGE 26,500.00 26,646.28 26,940.00 1.66% 0.63%

PROTECTION Policing 1 Police Contract 406,000.00 400,474.00 404,292.00 -0.42% 9.39% 2 R.I.D.E. Duty 7,000.00 2,615.16 7,000.00 0.00% 0.16%

8 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1

2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change Total Policing 413,000.00 403,089.16 411,292.00 -0.41% 9.55%

Police Services Board 1 Wages 800.00 646.16 800.00 0.00% 0.02%

Reduced by $1,000 as per the budget 2 Committee Pay 3,000.00 1,900.00 2,000.00 -33.33% 0.05% received after the May 1 meeting

Reduced by $500 as per the budget 3 Police Mileage & Expenses 8,425.00 6,555.05 6,000.00 -28.78% 0.14% received after the May 1 meeting Total Police Services Board 12,225.00 9,101.21 8,800.00 -28.02% 0.20%

Health & Safety 1 By-Law Enforcement 1,000.00 205.49 2,000.00 100.00% 0.05% New agreement with S. Fiegen 2 Emergency Plan 3,000.00 2,424.68 3,000.00 0.00% 0.07% Total Health & Safety 4,000.00 2,630.17 5,000.00 25.00% 0.12%

9 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1 2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change Fire 1 Fire-Renfrew 32,145.00 32,756.00 33,000.00 2.66% 0.77% 2 Fire-Greater Madawaska 4,350.00 4,458.75 4,600.00 5.75% 0.11% 3 Fire- 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00% 0.19% 4 Fire-Douglas 182,000.00 182,037.82 160,419.00 -11.86% 3.72% Fire Budget amended April 24 meeting 5 Fire Employment Costs - 493.02 - 0.00% 0.00% to be billed back to Fire 6 Call Taking/Alerting 2,200.00 2,233.45 2,200.00 0.00% 0.05% 7 Replace cube van as per capital plan 50,000.00 50,000.00 -100.00% 0.00% Completed in 2019 Total Fire 278,695.00 279,979.04 208,219.00 -25.29% 4.83% - - TOTAL PROTECTION 707,920.00 694,799.58 633,311.00 -10.54% 14.71%

ANIMAL CONTROL Canine Control 1 Canine Control 4,000.00 3,469.53 5,000.00 25.00% 0.12% New Agreement with S. Fiegen 2 Dog Tags and Books 250.00 162.25 250.00 0.00% 0.01% 3 Census Taker 150.00 54.00 150.00 0.00% 0.00% Total Canine Control 4,400.00 3,685.78 5,400.00 22.73% 0.13%

Livestock 1 Livestock Compensation 5,000.00 2,313.80 5,000.00 0.00% 0.12% 2 Livestock Valuer 500.00 471.44 500.00 0.00% 0.01% 3 Agriculture Vetinary Unit 725.00 743.48 750.00 3.45% 0.02% 4 Fence Viewers 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00% 0.00% Total Livestock 6,325.00 3,528.72 6,350.00 0.40% 0.15%

TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 10,725.00 7,214.50 11,750.00 9.56% 0.27%

WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste Employment Costs No Change - but note to account for additional person during COVID in provisional budget amount.Increase for step increasesOverbudget in 2019 due to 3 landfill ambassadors being hired to inform about recycling when Beauman 1 Wages 46,000.00 56,844.46 48,000.00 4.35% 1.11% closed

10 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1

2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change

2 CPP 1,800.00 2,072.84 2,000.00 11.11% 0.05% increase with wages and change in CPP 3 EI 1,100.00 1,262.54 1,000.00 -9.09% 0.02% Decrease with change in EI percentage 4 WSIB 1,700.00 1,614.89 1,400.00 -17.65% 0.03% Change in WSIB rate 5 Employer Health Tax 900.00 1,092.89 900.00 0.00% 0.02% 6 OMERS 1,800.00 1,761.83 1,500.00 0.03% adjust to match wages Total Waste Employment Costs 53,300.00 64,649.45 54,800.00 2.81% 1.27%

Landfill Maintenance 1 Stone Road Transfer Station 15,000.00 12,179.28 13,000.00 -13.33% 0.30% 2 International Compactor 16,000.00 23,186.11 16,000.00 0.00% 0.37% 3 Douglas Transfer Station 6,000.00 6,064.37 7,500.00 25.00% 0.17% Anticipated additional costs 4 Western Star Compactor 8,000.00 5,625.25 6,000.00 -25.00% 0.14% 5 Osceola Landfill Site 62,000.00 61,452.73 75,000.00 20.97% 1.74% Anticipated additional costs 6 Osceola Landfill Site-Hydro 800.00 529.79 600.00 -25.00% 0.01% 7 Osceola Landfill Expansion 40,000.00 45,941.94 50,000.00 1.16% Anticipated additional costs Total Landfill Maintenance 147,800.00 154,979.47 168,100.00 13.73% 3.90%

Recycling 1 Stone Road Transfer Station 12,000.00 23,215.11 36,000.00 200.00% 0.84% Additional costs to haul to OVWRC 2 Douglas & Osceola Sites 6,500.00 11,965.56 24,000.00 269.23% 0.56% Additional costs to haul to OVWRC 3 Recycling Promotion - - Total Recycling 18,500.00 35,180.67 60,000.00 224.32% 1.39%

11 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1 2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change Well Testing 1 Stone Road Transfer Station 17,900.00 16,891.61 17,400.00 -2.79% 0.40% Based on agreement JP2G 2 Douglas & Osceola Sites 36,500.00 37,099.13 42,600.00 16.71% 0.99% Based on agreement JP2G Total Well Testing 54,400.00 53,990.74 60,000.00 10.29% 1.39% 0.00% TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 274,000.00 308,800.33 342,900.00 25.15% 7.96%

RECREATION Recreation Expenses Budget provided - TWP applied for ICIP 1 Douglas Recreation Committee 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00% 0.14% grant potential for another $156,000 Budget provided - TWP applied for ICIP 2 ARC Recreation Committee 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00% 0.09% grant potential for another $156,000 3 Renfrew Recreation User Fees 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 0.00% 0.53% 4 Northcote Community 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 0.00% 0.04% 5 Rec Employment Costs - 1,559.10 - 0.00% 0.00% to be billed back to REC

6 Recreation Insurance 2,200.00 1,861.16 2,900.00 31.82% 0.07% Increase based on May 1 Renewal 7 Water Testing-Douglas 500.00 492.69 500.00 0.00% 0.01% 8 Cobden Rec Association 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00% 0.05% 9 Bonnechere Valley User Fees 1,800.00 1,800.00 2,100.00 16.67% 0.05% Increase based on anticipated costs Total Recreation Expenses 41,150.00 42,362.95 42,150.00 2.43% 0.98%

Library Expenses 1 Renfrew Library User Fee Rebate 500.00 440.00 500.00 0.00% 0.01% 2 Bromley St. Michael Library 17,000.00 17,000.00 19,999.00 17.64% 0.46% recommended amended budget April 24 Total Library Expenses 17,500.00 17,440.00 20,499.00 17.14% 0.48%

TOTAL RECREATION & LIBRARY 58,650.00 59,802.95 62,649.00 6.82% 1.45%

DRAINS & PLANNING 1 Municipal Drain Maintenance 25,000.00 6,177.28 25,000.00 0.00% 0.58% 2 Tile Drainage 30,000.00 22,282.35 30,000.00 0.00% 0.70% 3 Drainage Superintendent 1,000.00 587.40 1,000.00 0.00% 0.02% 4 Planning Fees 8,000.00 6,571.23 7,000.00 -12.50% 0.16% Based on previous year 5 Twp Promo 2,000.00 1,732.79 2,000.00 0.00% 0.05% Based on agreement of amount to be 6 Economic Dev RAHSV 29,877.00 29,877.00 30,475.00 2.00% 0.71% provided for DR Recruitment

12 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2019 DRAFT Municipal Budget B.1

2019 Budget 2019 YE Figures 2020 Budget Variance % of Budget Reason for Change 7 RED Grant 0.00% 8 FCM Asset Management Planning 0.00% 9 Cycling Fund 0.00% 10 Main Street Revitilization 23,650.00 9,220.46 14,429.54 -38.99% 0.34% Balance remaining of the grant funds TOTAL DRAINS & PLANNING 119,527.00 76,448.51 109,904.54 -8.05% 2.55%

TOTAL ROADS EXPENDITURES 2,107,309.00 2,083,383.58 2,443,910.00 15.97% 56.75%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,057,391.00 4,241,476.60 4,306,594.54 6.14% 100.00%

Difference between Revenue & Expenses - -

13 2019-2020 Budget-AV Booklet version 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

2019 Budget 2019 To Date 2020 Budget % Reason for Change MAINTENANCE Roadside Maintenance 1 Brushing 20,000.00 16,190.25 20,000.00 2 Culvert Maintenance 10,000.00 9,587.12 10,000.00 3 Ditching 40,000.00 35,309.31 40,000.00 4 Flood Control 8,000.00 13,679.22 8,000.00 5 Grass & Weeds 15,000.00 8,943.89 15,000.00 6 Catch Basin 1,800.00 1,455.17 1,800.00 7 Snow Fencing 2,000.00 1,407.32 2,000.00 Subtotal: RM 96,800.00 86,572.28 96,800.00 11.81

Hard Top Additional $20,000 budgeted based on previous years and 1 Cold Patching 80,000.00 117,475.68 100,000.00 additional patching required. Subtotal: HT 80,000.00 117,475.68 100,000.00 - 14.88

Loose Top Additional $10,000 budgeted for the increased gravel road areas 1 Dust Control 25,000.00 27,477.35 35,000.00 from removal of hard surface 2 Grading 50,000.00 56,446.52 50,000.00 3 Gravel Resurfacing 140,000.00 122,596.68 140,000.00 4 Patching & Washouts 15,000.00 8,169.93 15,000.00 Subtotal: LT 230,000.00 214,690.48 240,000.00 11.79

Winter Control 1 Sanding 215,000.00 205,473.48 215,000.00 2 Snow Plowing 180,000.00 193,669.47 180,000.00 3 Winter Control Contingency 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 Subtotal: WC 405,000.00 399,142.95 405,000.00 1.47

P.1 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

2019 Budget 2019 To Date 2020 Budget % Reason for Change Traffic 1 Signs 8,000.00 6,087.91 8,000.00 3 Civic Signs 1,000.00 1,032.01 1,000.00 4 Centre Line Marking 4,500.00 4,812.95 4,500.00 5 Guide Rails 1,000.00 1,017.60 1,000.00 6 Street Lights-Hydro & Maint. 3,500.00 4,723.54 3,500.00 7 Street Maintenance 10,000.00 9,004.68 10,000.00 Subtotal: T 28,000.00 26,678.69 28,000.00 4.95

Total Maintenance 839,800.00 844,560.08 869,800.00 2.99

P.2 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

2019 Budget 2019 To Date 2020 Budget % Reason for Change OVERHEAD 1 Advertising 1,500.00 1,559.86 1,500.00 2 Associations 1,000.00 861.23 1,000.00 3 Conventions 2,000.00 3,468.28 2,000.00 4 Training 3,000.00 502.19 3,000.00 5 Financial Expense 100.00 50.00 100.00 6 Telephone 2,000.00 2,652.38 2,000.00 7 Cell Phone 800.00 672.83 800.00 Reduction of $1,350 due to a 8 Radios 6,850.00 4,511.79 5,500.00 new signed agreement 9 Munic. Drain Maintenance 1,000.00 1,458.76 1,000.00 10 Hydro 5,000.00 4,878.83 5,000.00 11 Security 200.00 152.64 200.00 12 Garage Maintenance 8,000.00 5,562.73 8,000.00 13 Garage Equipment/Supplies 8,000.00 7,096.31 8,000.00 14 Garage Energy Audit 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 15 Furnace 15,000.00 13,970.25 15,000.00

Reduced by $10,000 taking into account the removal of the additional $25,000,000 binder Increase based on May 1 16 Insurance 24,000.00 24,993.15 39,200.00 renewal 17 Interest on 5 yr Loan & IO Loan 8,000.00 8,182.84 8,000.00 18 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 1,255.01 1,000.00 19 Safety Boots 1,200.00 760.26 1,200.00 20 Safety Equipment 3,000.00 2,543.93 3,000.00 Increase of $13,000 due to full- time admin/assistant from part 21 Secretarial Wages and Deductions 24,000.00 23,947.82 37,000.00 time 22 Supervision 60,000.00 59,874.53 60,000.00 23 Inspections 8,000.00 6,356.46 8,000.00 24 Technology 6,500.00 0.00 6,500.00 Total Overhead 192,650.00 175,312.08 219,500.00 25.21

P.3 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

2019 Budget 2019 To Date 2020 Budget % Reason for Change EQUIPMENT 1 V002 SOLD 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 V32 (is to be replaced by 1 Ton) 12,500.00 11,188.65 12,500.00 3 V34 10,000.00 10,105.32 10,000.00 4 V36 ( Purchased in 2018) 8,000.00 6,550.69 8,000.00 New 1 Ton to be purchased - full year of expenses budgeted under V32 as unsure of the replacement 5 V39 New 1 Ton (to replace V32) 0.00 date Total Equipment 30,500.00 27,844.66 30,500.00 9.54

P.4 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

2019 Budget 2019 To Date 2020 Budget % Reason for Change CONSTRUCTION / INFRASTRUCTURE % Construction (Funded by Gas Tax, OCIF, ICIP) Dillabough Road GT 89,000.00 69,162.81 McPeak Pulverize 14,600.00 14,962.73 Kennelly Road 51,500.00 51,500.00 Pucker Street 89,000.00 92,780.99 Hwy 132 Intersections 24,380.00 25,918.32 Kennelly Road (OCIF) 287,395.00 28,900.73 Cahill Road - culvert Lining 30,000.00 Foy Road Culvert Replacement 30,000.00 Kennelly Road Phase 1 and 2 (Prov & Fed Portion) 556,400.00 Kennelly Road Phase 1 and 2 (Twp Portion) 50,200.00 Ferguslea Road - Rehab. Including pulverizing, granulars, dig out/base repair, double surface treatment 286,510.00 Foy Road (intersection at Culhane) - 100m length of hot mix asphalt 50mm lift 10,000.00 Based on work remaining to Culhane Culvert Paving (MDRA funding) 25,000.00 be completed Mhusk Road - Base repair/dig out and replace with 4' stone and granulars 6,000.00 Dillabough Road - Pulverizing 2 km of additional roadway and apply granulars. 10,000.00 Total Construction 555,875.00 283,225.58 1,004,110.00 254.53

P.5 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

2019 Budget 2019 To Date 2020 Budget % Reason for Change REMEDIATION Breen Road 10,000.00 Widening of road Quinn Road 10,000.00 Widen road and culvert install Patterson Road 20,000.00 Widening of road Dunmore Road 5,000.00 Widening of road Mhusk Road 7,000.00 Dig outs Stoqua Creek Road 20,000.00 grade change and widening Stuart Road 6,000.00 Road widening Agnew Road 7,000.00 Road widening Colton Road 15,000.00 18,793.08 Quinn Road 15,000.00 14,050.75 Note: Roads to be Culhane Road 5,000.00 8,937.18 determined by the Public Breen Road 15,000.00 0.00 Works Manager Rice Line 15,000.00 17,299.23 Stuart Road 10,000.00 6,732.49 Campbell Line 4,397.42 Foy Road 0.00 3,042.26 Increase of $10,000 to reflect increase in wages, gasoline, Total Remediation 75,000.00 73,252.41 85,000.00 16.04 maintenance, equipment use.

P.6 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

2019 Budget 2019 To Date 2020 Budget % Reason for Change ROADS CAPITAL Final Payment in 2020 - May Acquisition - Grader Loan Payment 35,000.00 34,346.00 18,200.00 2020, no November PMT Capital Plan Purchase 251,700.00 274,037.69 Removed - does not need replacement - if fails TWP will Wood Chipper debenture This was in the Capital Plan as a sweeper in the amount of Snow Blower (Douglas sidewalks) 22,000.00 $16,000 This was in the Capital Plan as a 3/4 ton Truck in the amount of $43,000 - $21,600 1 Ton Truck 64,600.00 to be funded by reserves Removed - does not need replacement - if fails TWP will Bush Hog debenture Waste compactor 55,000.00 Replace the 2001 Western Star

P.7 2020 Draft Public Works Budget B.7

Full $25,000 to be funded Equipmemt Shed 25,000.00 2,799.01 25,000.00 from Reserves Acquisition 5 yr Loan Payment 50,200.00 50,166.80 50,200.00 Total Roads Capital 361,900.00 361,349.50 235,000.00 - 34.97

TOTAL EXPENSES 2,055,725.00 1,765,544.31 2,443,910.00 38.42

P.8 Douglas Fire Department 2020 Proposed Budget

2019 2019 2020 Budget Actual Budget Increased as surplus Fire Levy 182,000 182,000 160,419 removed Standby Fees 7,500 7,500 7,500 Investment Income 350 660 500 Fire Calls 8,895 12,852 10,586 Fire Miscellaneous 2,500 3,955 Fire Transfer from Reserve 2,858 2,858

Added back in with an Fire Surplus/Deficet 28,922 expense to offset

Total Revenue 204,103 206,967 210,785


Fire Employment Costs Fire Wages 84,000 64,670 84,000 Fire Support Wages 1,500 1,080 1,500 CPP 20 20 EI 60 60 WSIB 5,300 4,825 5,300 EHT 1,200 797 1,200

Total Employment Costs 92,080 71,372 92,080


Removed $1500 Conference and Prevention 6,535 3,780 8,535 $3000 dress clothing Increase based on the Insurance 12,000 11,388 16,000 May 1 Renewal Licenses 500 499 500 Grounds & Building 3,000 2,120 3,000

Total Overhead 22,035 17,787 28,035

Vehicle Fuel 2,500 2,654 2,500 Equipment Maintenance 8,350 8,296 3,450 Vehicle Maintenance 3,000 2,737 3,500 Mileage 2,000 994 2,000 Equipment NEW 18,200 28,591 16,800 Truck Payment 21,000 22,003 Dry Hydrant 2,858 2,858

Total Vehicle Cost 57,908 65,275 31,108

Douglas Fire Department 2020 Proposed Budget Cont'd

2019 2019 2020 Budget Actual Budget Utilities Hydro 2,000 2,678 2,800 Heat 7,000 5,226 7,000

Total Utilities 9,000 7,904 9,800


Office & Sundry 1,000 922 1,000 Food 1,000 349 1,000 Christmas Dinner 1,700 1,133 1,500 HST 4,976 Health & Safety 5,000 1,305 4,500 Mutual Aid 100 100 Hall Supplies 100 133 150 Equipment Rental 2,000 2,000 Extrication 2,500 1,500 2,500 Due to TWP 28,922 Total Miscellaneous 13,400 10,318 41,672


Telephone 5,050 5,091 5,700 Dispatch 650 649 650 Internet 375 375 540 Fluent IMS 1,200 1,119 1,200

Total Communications 7,275 7,234 8,090

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 201,698 179,890 210,785 Township of Admaston/Bromley Police Services Board 2020 Proposed Budget

2019 2019 2020 Budget Actual Proposed 2020 Actual


Reports 2700.00 2668.75 Reserve 2300.00

TOTAL REVENUE 5,000.00 -


1. Payroll 800.00 654.76 800.00 2. Employment Costs 3. Committee Per Diem 3000.00 1900.00 2000.00 4. Advertising 350.00 202.50 350.00 5. Association 775.00 759.06 875.00 6. Convention 1800.00 1800.00 7. Mileage 1000.00 781.00 1000.00 8. Miscellaneous 4500.00 1399.47 2000.00 9. Reserve 3470.12 10. HST Rebate -19.40 Total Expenditures 12,225.00 9,147.51 8,825.00 -

Ride Grant 6610.66 Township of Admaston/Bromley Emergency Management As At December 31st, 2019 2020 Budget Proposed Items 2019 Budget 2019 Actual Variance Proposed 2020

Miscelaneous Items 50.00 - 50.00 50.00 Supplies 50.00 24.99 25.01 50.00 Remuneration 1,000.00 550.00 450.00 1,000.00 Travel/Meals 600.00 632.99 - 32.99 600.00 Motel Accommodations 200.00 200.00 200.00 Advertising, Membership 500.00 1,216.70 - 716.70 500.00 Training 600.00 600.00 600.00

Total Expenditures 3,000.00 2,424.68 575.32 3,000.00 TOWNSHIP OF ADMASTON/BROMLEY 2020 Donations DONATIONS Paid in 2020 2020 2020 2019 Request Approval Recommendation Admaston Public School (Renfrew County School 0 due to uncertainty during Board) - Swimming Program Yes pandemic Balsam Hill Women's Institute - Financial Assistance for Insurance costs - financial request and grass cutting for 2020 summer Yes $100.00 Bonnechere Valley 4-H Beef Club $ 100.00 No $100.00 Canada Day Donations for entertainment $ 200.00 $0.00 Dacre and Area Community Association $ 500.00 Yes $500.00 Douglas Lions Club $ 500.00 No $500.00 Hospice Renfrew - Hike for Hospice (Event has been postponed) $ 300.00 No $300.00 Muskrat Watershed Council $ 1,500.00 No $1,500.00 Renfrew & Area Senior Home Support $ 700.00 No $700.00 Royal Canadian Legion - (Remembrance Day & Book) $ 301.16 No $300.00 Sunshine Coach $ 600.00 No $600.00 Eganville & Senior Needs Association $ 1,100.00 $1,100.00 Golden Age Activity Centre $ 500.00 $500.00 Renfrew County Science Fair Yes Event has been cancelled Renfrew County Victim Services golf tournament $ 100.00 No $100.00 TOTAL DONATIONS $ 6,401.16 $6,300.00 BUDGET AMOUNT $ 6,500.00 $6,500.00 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ADMASTON/BROMLEY

By-Law No. 2020-29


WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended provides that the Council of a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of the sums it requires during the year for the purposes of the municipal corporation;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley has given notice before adopting all or part of the annual budget;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley has prepared such an estimate of all sums required during the year of 2020;

Now Therefore the Council of The Township of Admaston/Bromley enacts as follows:

1. The estimate of all sums required for Township purposes for The Corporation of the Township of Admaston/Bromley for the year 2020 is hereby adopted;

2. The estimate of all sums required for Township purposes, including estimates for all taxation purposes, for The Corporation of the Township of Admaston/Bromley for the year 2020, also called the 2020 Budget, is attached hereto as Schedule “A” and forms part of this By-law.

3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect upon being passed by Council.

Read a first time this 21st day of May 2020.

Read a second time this 21st day of May 2020.

Read a third and final time and passed this 21st day of May 2020.

______Mayor Clerk-Treasurer

Schedule ‘A’ to By-Law 2020-29

Township of Admaston/Bromley

2020 Budget


County 1,305,256.00

Municipal 2,238,381.00

Education 808,969.00

Grants & Other Revenue 2,068,214.00

TOTAL REVENUE $ 6,420,820.00


General Municipal 866,474.00

Protection 633,311.00

Roads 2,208,910.00

Waste Management 342,900.00

Capital Plan Purchases 235,000.00

Contribution to Reserves 20,000.00

County 1,305,256.00

Education 808,969.00



By-Law No. 2020-30


WHEREAS Section 312 of The Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, provides that the Council of a local municipality shall, after the adoption of estimates for the year, pass a by-law to levy a separate tax rate on the assessment in each property class and require tax rates to be established in the same proportion to the tax ratios, and:

WHEREAS the Assessment Roll made in 2019 and upon which the 2020 taxes are to be levied has been received by the Township of Admaston/Bromley, and;

WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Township of Admaston/Bromley, the sum of$4,352,606 for the General, County and Education purposes of the said Township of Admaston/Bromley for the current year as set out in the 2020 Budget approved by Council on May 21st, 2020;

AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Renfrew passed By-Law no. 61-20 being a bylaw to establish the 2020 tax rates for County of Renfrew purposes;

AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Renfrew passed By-Law no. 58-20 being a bylaw to set tax ratios for County purposes and Lower-tier purposes for the Year 2020;

AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Renfrew passed By-Law no. 60-20 being a bylaw to set tax rate reductions for prescribed property subclasses for County purposes and Lower-tier purposes for the Year 2020;

AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has enacted Ontario Regulation 400/98 establishing tax rates for school purposes for the Year 2020;

AND WHEREAS the whole of the taxable assessment on real property in the Township of Admaston/Bromley, according to the 2019 assessment roll as returned pursuant to the provisions of the Assessment Act, is in the amount of $460,972,900 upon which the rate of taxation for Municipal and Education purposes for the Year 2020 shall be fixed and levied pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, as may be amended and Regulations thereto:

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley hereby enacts as follows:

1. THAT there shall be levied and collected upon the whole of the taxable assessment of real property in the Township of Admaston/Bromley according to the 2019 assessment roll, as returned, upon which the taxes for the 2020 year shall be levied upon the assessments of the real property in each of the classes at the rates shown on Schedule ‘A’.

AND WHEREAS the Assessment of each of the bodies for which it is necessary to levy rates is as follows:

General Municipal 460,972,900 County of Renfrew 460,972,900 Education 460,972,900

2. THAT the estimates be adopted and the following amounts be levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter:

General Municipal Purposes $2,238,381 County Purposes 1,305,256 Education Purposes 808,969

3. THAT all taxes levied respectively as aforesaid and other rates payable as taxes shall be payable in the hands of the Treasurer, or designates, in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw.

4. THAT in accordance with the Municipal Act 2001 and the Assessment Act, the Treasurer may strike from the roll taxes that by reason of a decision under Section 357, 358 or 359 or of a decision of a judge of any court are uncollectible and/or refund any overpayment received.

5. THAT all residential, pipeline and farm land taxes; all multi-residential, commercial and industrial taxes and other related rates and charges payable as taxes included in the tax roll for the year 2020 shall be payable upon the September 30th, 2020 date on the 2020 Final Tax Billing.

6. THAT there shall be imposed on all instalments of taxes payable and remaining unpaid on the dates specified in Section 5, an additional percentage charge for non-payment of one and one quarter per cent (1.25%) on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which such default continues.

7. THAT the Deputy Treasurer or Treasurer and/or their designate shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of the property owner, a notice specifying the amount of taxes payable by each property owner for each property as outlined in Section 343 (6) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, c.25.

8. THAT the Deputy Treasurer of Treasurer and/or their designate may send a tax bill to the taxpayer electronically in the manner specified by the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer, if the taxpayer has chosen to receive the tax bill in that manner as outlined in Section 343 (6.1) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, c.25.

9. That nothing herein contained shall prevent the Deputy Treasurer or Treasurer from proceeding at any time with the collection of any rate, tax or assessment or any part thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes and Bylaws governing the collection of taxes.

10. IN THE EVENT of conflict between the provisions of this bylaw and any other bylaw, the provisions of this bylaw shall prevail.

11. That this bylaw shall come into force and take effect on the date of its final passage by Council

Read a first time this 21st day of May 2020.

Read a second time this 21st day of May 202020.

Read a third and final time and passed this 21st day of May 2020.

______Mayor Clerk-Treasurer Schedule ‘A’ to By-Law 2020-30

2020 Tax Rates GENERAL RATES County Education Municipal TAXABLE Rate Rate Rate Total Residential & Farm 0.00366001 0.00153000 0.00627313 0.01146314 Residential FAD 0.00128100 0.00053550 0.00219559 0.00401209 New Multi Residential 0.00366001 0.00153000 0.00627313 0.01146314 Multi Residential 0.00711359 0.00153000 0.01219245 0.02083604 Multi Residential FAD 0.00128100 0.00053550 0.00219559 0.00401209 Commercial 0.00664181 0.01250000 0.01138385 0.03052566 Commercial New Construction 0.00664181 0.00980000 0.01138385 0.02782566 Commercial FAD 0.00128100 0.00053550 0.00219559 0.00401209 Commercial On-Farm Bus 0.00664181 0.00245000 0.01138385 0.02047566 Commercial Excess 0.00664181 0.01250000 0.01138385 0.03052566 Commercial Excess New Const. 0.00664181 0.00980000 0.01138385 0.02782566 Commercial Vacant 0.00664181 0.01250000 0.01138385 0.03052566 Commercial Vacant New Const. 0.00664181 0.00980000 0.01138385 0.02782566 Industrial 0.01030778 0.01250000 0.01767300 0.04048078 Industrial New Construction 0.01030778 0.00980000 0.01767300 0.03778078 Industrial FAD 0.00128100 0.00053550 0.00618555 0.00800205 Industrial Excess 0.01030778 0.01250000 0.01767300 0.04048078 Industrial Excess New Const. 0.01030778 0.00980000 0.01767300 0.03778078 Industrial Vacant 0.01030778 0.01250000 0.01767300 0.04048078 Industrial Vacant New Const. 0.01030778 0.00980000 0.01767300 0.03778078 Large Industrial 0.01285969 0.01250000 0.02231769 0.04767738 Large Industrial New Const. 0.01285969 0.00980000 0.02231769 0.04497738 Large Industrial Excess 0.01285969 0.01250000 0.02231769 0.04767738 Large Industrial Excess New Const.0.01285969 0.00980000 0.02231769 0.04497738 Pipelines 0.00487806 0.00980000 0.00836083 0.02303889 Farmlands 0.00091500 0.00038250 0.00156828 0.00286578 Managed Forests 0.00091500 0.00038250 0.00156828 0.00286578 Landfill 0.00435199 0.00980000 0.00745916 0.02161115


BY-LAW No. 2020-31


WHEREAS Subsection 5(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council;

AND WHEREAS Subsection 5(3) of the said Municipal Act provides that the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law;

AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and desirable that the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Admaston/Bromley at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law;

THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley enacts as follows:

1. That the actions of the Council at its meeting held on the 21st day of May 2020 and in respect of each motion, resolution and other action passed and taken by the Council at its said meetings, is, except where the prior approval of the Ontario Municipal Board or other body is required, hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law.

2. That the Head of Council and proper officers of the Corporation of the Township of Admaston/Bromley are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action or to obtain appropriate approvals where required, except where otherwise provided, and to affix the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Admaston/Bromley to all such documents.

3. That this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon the passing thereof.

READ a first and second time this 21st day of May 2020.

READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of May 2020.

______Mayor Clerk-Treasurer

LETTER FROM EDITOR STONE FENCE THEATRE $47M TO COUNTY One year completed, decades Cancels summer season, The 17 municipalities transfer left to go. Read more. • pg 2 postpones musical.• pg 4 money to the County. • pg 6

VOL. 6, ISSUE 44 THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020 SIX PAGES May re-openings in Cobden’s tourist booth Whitewater Region closed until June 30 WHITEWATER REGION — With the limit of five vehicles in the - land Opening postponed due to poned until at least June 30,” stated Premier Ford releasing a three-stage fill at one time. You may be required to COVID-19 Ivan Burton, Planner and Economic plan for re-opening Ontario, the Town- produce your landfill card or other form By Megan Chase, Editor Development Officer (EDO) for the ship of Whitewater Region announced of identification to access the premise. WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Township. He said a report in late openings which began on Monday. No other waste will be accepted. The tourist booth at Veterans June would be presented to Council Boat Launches The 990 Kohlsmith Road landfill Memorial Park on Highway 17 in Cob- if further postponement is recom- On Monday, Muskrat boat launches will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. den will remain closed until at least mended. Mr. Burton said the tourist opened and so will the boat launches on on Tuesday, May 12 for Beachburg and June 30 due to the COVID-19 pande- booth provides many benefits to tra- the , this upcoming Mon- the former Westmeath Township. On mic. While the tourist booth remains vellers seeking accommodations, pla- day, May 11. The provincial emergency Thursday, May 14 it will be open the closed, the rest area and washroom ces to visit and supports local tourism order required the closure of marinas same hours for Cobden and the former facilities will be open to the general businesses within the Township and but boat launches were not included. Ross Township. public when the Province advises it is Region. Accordingly, Township staff are in- Landfill Regular Operations safe to do so. “We have reached out to Beverley stalling dock systems to allow for the Regular business hours will The decision was carried last Cobb and Randi Keith regarding this opening of the boat launches. Physical resume at 990 Kohlsmith Road night at the electronic meeting of the postponement and they are accepta- distancing measures must be followed on Wednesday, May 20 and Sa- Council of the Township of Whitewa- ble to the delayed opening,” said Mr. and please keep six feet from others. turday, May 23 from 8:00 a.m. ter Region, which was broadcast live Burton. “Randi also said she will re- Leaf and Yard Waste and Brush to 2:00 p.m. Payment must occur with on their YouTube channel. ach out to the volunteers regarding These materials will be accepted the exact cash amount, where possib- “Considering these unpreceden- the postponement and gather their free of charge from residents of White- le. Electronic payment is being explo- ted times as well as to protect the views.” He stresses the rest area and water Region on the following dates and red but is not available at this time. health and safety of staff and 30 plus washrooms are closed until June 30, times based on where you live. Please Please use regular curb side collection volunteers, which is first and fore- unless there is a change issued by the respect physical distancing measures, for residential garbage and recycling. most, staff are recommending the Province. keep six feet from others and respect Continued on page 2... opening of the tourist booth be post- Continued on page 2... County trails open, reminder to use physical distancing RCDSB’s Golf Fore Kids RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — meters. The Trails are considered This section of the Trail remains clo- tournament cancelled Trail users are always required open to the public; however, we ask sed to the public until further work is to maintain physical distancing of that people do not travel from out- complete. By Megan Chase two meters and they should not be side the County to use our trails as While May 1 is the opening day Editor in groups of more than five people. we want ensure the health of our for ATV use on trails throughout the WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Trail users should not touch anything community in these unprecedented province, the County of Renfrew is The RCDSB Golf Fore Kids tour- found on trails and are expected to times,” said Robert Sweet, Chair of reminding ATV users of the recent nament scheduled for Friday, July 3 follow safety regulations, at all times. the County of Renfrew Development messaging from the local Renfrew at the Oaks of Cobden Golf Course is The following guidelines are in and Property, and Algonquin Trail County ATV Club. “RCATV is recom- cancelled due the COVID-19 pande- place for all recreational trail use Advisory Committees. mending staying at home and not ri- mic. across Renfrew County: obey all pos- OPP officers have been on the ding until States of Emergency have “The health and safety of our ted speed limits and stop signs; dirt trails early this Spring issuing war- been cleared! RCATV will be abiding students, staff, and community re- bikes and motorcycles are not per- nings to some users and charging by the guidelines and direction set main a top priority. We are disappo- mitted; keep pets under control and others for trespassing and off-road out by both County of Renfrew and inted as the Golf Fore Kids is our lar- on leash; clean up after pets and hor- vehicle offences. The OPP will conti- Province of Ontario and keeping gest fundraiser,” said Scott Conroy, ses, stoop and scoop; keep your soci- nue to patrol the trails now that they their trails closed until such time as Community Use of Schools Outreach al distance of two metres; and avoid are open, and all trail users are ad- restrictions on travel are removed.” Coordinator, UOVHSAA Athletics touching rails or surfaces on the trail. vised to follow the code of conduct The County says it is taking all Coordinator and Student Support “During these stressful times for trail use. The 2020 trail mainte- necessary precautions to stop the Fund Coordinator for RCDSB in an the citizens of Renfrew County have nance work-plan has started with the spread of the COVID-19 virus to keep email to Whitewater News. assets like the Algonquin and K&P brushing of the Algonquin Trail from residents safe. For more information, “However, the 2021 tournament Trails to unwind in nature while kee- Greenwood Road to Algonquin Col- phone their office or visit their web- will be all the more special and we ping their physical distance of two lege with County Public Works staff. site at hope to see everyone there!” Index Contact Us Weather Council ...... pg 2 You can reach Megan Chase at: HIGH LOW RAIN WIND

Notices ...... pg 3 Phone ...... 613-602-5940 May 7 7° -2° 1-3mm 16NW May 8 4° -4° <1mm 16NW Columns ...... pg 4 Social Media ...... @whitewaternews May 9 4° -1° <1mm 26NW Community ...... pg 5 Email ...... [email protected] May 10 6° -2° ------23W Crossword ...... pg 6 She will get back to you as soon as possible! May 11 8° -1° ------16NW (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 7, 2020 - Page 2 Tourist booth One year done, looking forward to decades coming Electricity rate relief Dear Readers, One reader even compared them to opening is postponed One year has come and gone since the Sunday crossword in the New York extended Continued from Front... I took over from my predecessor, Mrs. Times! If you haven’t already, give them ONTARIO — Emergency electricity rate The booth has opened in past years Connie Tabbert. I’m more in love with a shot and I would love to hear how you relief to families, farms and small bus- for weekends only, between the long the job and area now than I was then, make out. Thank you for supporting in- inesses has been extended until May 31 weekend of May and July 1, and shifted and I was already pretty obsessive. My dependent journalism and inviting us during the COVID-19 outbreak. to seven days a week, from 10:00 a.m. family now calls the Beachburg area in to your home every week. It was announced yesterday customers to 4:00 p.m., until Labour Day weekend. home. Once the restrictions have been Another big thank you goes out to who pay time-of-use electricity rates In 2019, the tourist booth was staffed lifted, you will find us enjoying cycling, the businesses and readers who sup- will continue to be billed at the lowest on weekday’s and Sunday’s by volun- kayaking, paddle boarding and yoga. port us through advertising, especially price, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. teers and on Saturday’s, by Parks and Getting to meet you readers whi- during the COVID-19 pandemic. We do Read the full story online at Recreation staff who conducted general le I’m covering events and conducting not have a large budget or staff and we maintenance of the park and additio- interviews has truly been the highlight all volunteer our time and talents to nal cleaning. Councillor Neil Nicholson of this past year. I am grateful to those make this newspaper what it is. Wit- suggested a virtual tour booth. “I belie- of you who let me record your histories, hout the joint efforts of everyone, this Message from the Chief ve we need to take it to the next step,” to those who reach out with story ideas, newspaper wouldn’t be possible. Thank Administrative Officer said Councillor Nicholson. Due to the column ideas, photos and news tips, you, from the bottom of my heart. Featured in the Administration Report: current pandemic situation, as well as and to those who read our newspaper For readers who don’t favour email, Quarter Four: January to March 2020 in keeping with Provincial orders, Vete- each and every week. you can always send me a handwrit- published by the rans Memorial Park is currently closed Thank you to the contributors who ten letter addressed to Megan Chase, Township of Whitewater Region to the general public and there is no an- take hours each week to craft submis- P.O. Box 234, Beachburg, Ontario, K0J One year has passed since the de- ticipated timeframe for its opening. sions and help to give the newspaper 1C0. You can also support local by pla- vastating flooding of 2019. To this day, As a part of the 2020 Budget deli- it’s unique voice. I’m still pretty “green” cing classified ads from $10 a week and the community recovery committee berations, Council allocated funds to when it comes to agricultural reporting getting a subscription for Whitewater continues to work with affected resi- hire a tourism summer student to assist and I appreciate each and every one of News. For a six month subscription it dents. We received good news that the in overseeing the management of the you who takes the time to teach me so- is $25 and for a one year subscription it Province has approved our claim of over booth and to assist the 30 plus volun- mething new. is $50. The cost includes delivery if you $1 million for our expenses associated teers. “Staff reached out to Emily John- Introducing the weekly crossword reside on our route, so get in touch to with response and road work. son, who was hired in past summers,” has been the most abundant and posi- see if you qualify. The Municipal Emergency Control said Mr. Burton. “However, she has tive feedback received to-date and I Happy Reading and stay healthy! Group comprised of the Mayor and Ree- chosen to accept a full-time position in 0thank each and every one of you who Megan Chase, Editor ve, me and senior staff, have monitored Ottawa.” The tourism summer student takes on the weekly challenge. the spring Freshet with the assistance position will remain vacant for 2020 as of our internal flood response team. a cost containment measure. If the tou- The Ottawa River Regulation Planning rist booth does open, Mr. Burton will Board has compared this year’s melt oversee the booth’s management with Upcoming tax dates with 2008 and 2018. Luckily, we have the assistance of other students. By Megan Chase current tax year is September 1 and not had to deploy sandbags and have Township staff will now advise the Editor applies to balances and instalments 30,000 in reserve. tourist booth volunteer group and re- WHITEWATER REGION — The dates under part one of the Income Tax Act, While we kept an eye on the river port back to Council in late June if fur- for tax returns were adjusted due to due on or after March 18 and before and our water bodies, the Township was ther delays are required. The postpone- the COVID-19 pandemic and are now September 1. required to respond quickly to the CO- ment was motioned by Councillor Dave quickly approaching. The filing date The filing date for the 2019 tax VID-19 pandemic. This is an unprece- MacKay and seconded by Reeve Cathy for the 2019 tax year for individuals year for self-employed and their spou- dented emergency that required us to Regier. Councillor Chris Olmstead was and corporations is Sunday, June 1. For se or common law partner is Sunday, close our facilities to the public, while not in attendance. individuals, the payment date or 2019 June 15. The payment date for 2019 tax maintaining essential services, such tax year is September 1 and includes year is September 1 and includes the as road maintenance, water and sewer the June 15 instalment payment for June 15 instalment payment for those services, curb side pick up of garbage Cobden Fair those who have to pay by instalments. who have to pay by instalments. and recycling, and continued issuance The date for corporations applies The filing date for charities is De- of building permits. This has required to those who would otherwise have a cember 31 and applies to charities with us to adapt ensuring our full-time staff goes virtual filing due date after March 18 and be- form T3010 due between March 18 and team is safe and productive. By Megan Chase fore June 1. The payment date for the December 31. We were required to adopt new Editor technological solutions. Dog tags can WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Tender results in now be purchased online. Some staff are Disappointment is being felt. BORCA’s Spring working from home when not reporting Children will not be able to ride the mid- Whitewater Region to the office to maintain physical dis- way, families and friends will miss their By Megan Chase Chicken cancelled tancing measures. We have spread out annual reunion, and everyone will miss Editor our roads team to our three garages. the camaraderie of meeting to exhibit an- WHITEWATER REGION — There are no Dear Readers, Spring work such as pothole patching imals, visit fellow vendors, and smell the active tenders listed on the Township’s web- This time of year we are typically and gravel grading has occurred as motor oil at the demo derby. site, as of today at 12:10 a.m. out on the trails prepping for our an- required. The board of directors for the Cobden Tenders which closed on April 8 are lis- nual Spring Chicken Race and you are Council decision-making has conti- Agricultural Society has decided the 2020 ted below and dollar amounts are listed with frantically checking the forecast won- nued through the pandemic. They met Cobden Fair will not take place as usual at harmonized sales tax (HST) included. dering what condition the Field of Dre- using zoom video teleconferencing in the Cobden fair grounds this year. The fair 2020-02 Fuel Supply ams will be in! March and April with more meetings board says it is taking this as a challenge W.O. Stinson bid $140,028.25; Ma- While we are disappointed to have scheduled for May. In a sense, it is and will be offering a “Virtual Fair” inste- cEwen bid $165,612.55; Parkland Fuel postponed the event this year, we know business as usual as the 2019 financial ad. bid $322,958.77 which is different than it is for the betterment of our commu- statements were presented and some In a statement made on Facebook, tender opening due to an error; and Ca- nity. The Spring Chicken would not important capital projects carry on. the Society said the event will be changed nada Clean bid $160,359.34. happen each year without all of your Some cost containment measures are “for the safety of our patrons, exhibitors, 2020-06 Wheeled Excavator support and the support from our com- being explored and some relief was ap- volunteers and organizers” and is happe- Eastrock Inc. bid $371,125.90; Harting- munity sponsors. It is your dedication proved with the waiver of interest and ning “upon the recommendation of Health ton Equip. bid $410,190.00; Toromont Cat to Beachburg Off Road Cycling Asso- penalty on outstanding accounts for Authorities from the Province of Ontario”. bid $491,290.10; Strongco bid $464,430.00; ciation (B.O.R.C.A.) & the cycling com- March and April. They are currently working on an up- Wajax Equip. bid $558,159.54; and Brant munity, as well as our community part- As a Township, we are committed dated fair book and will be announcing it Tractor bid $437,524.70. nerships that keeps this event going to providing services to our residents, “within the next little while”. It will inclu- 2020-04 Flail Mower each year! especially in these difficult times. Loo- de a Youth Fair section and a limited Exhi- Elliott Farm bid $35,312.50 and Colvoy Our sponsors, some who have been king ahead to the second quarter, the bit Hall section. The fair will return, in it’s Equip. bid $37,080.95. with us since we started The Spring Township is examining the gradual usual form, in 2021. 2020-03 2500 Series Regular Cab Truck Chicken in 2009, have donated prizing resumption of services and reopening “We might have to physically distan- No bids were received. and their time and energy for the event of facilities as the threat of COVID-19 ce ourselves, but it doesn‘t mean that we 2020-05 Slip-in Water Tank each year. slowly subsides. can’t come together to celebrate Agricul- Precision Industries Ltd. bid $29,380.00 This year, in an effort to continue On behalf of Whitewater Region, I ture in all its forms. Now more than ever.“ and RMES bid $34,487.60. supporting our long-time partners want to thank all frontline workers, in- and sponsors, we would like to say our cluding health professionals and para- May re-openings in Whitewater Region thanks by purchasing some prizing medics for their dedication especially Continued from Front... The Township’s Municipal Emer- from them! during these unprecedented times. To Provincial Fire Ban in Effect gency Control Group, comprised of the During the month of May, we will the WWR staff team, thanks for your Our dedicated fire department has Mayor, Reeve Cathy Regier, Chief Admi- be drawing names of those who have continued commitment and willingness responded to several calls. Be reminded nistrative Officer Robert Tremblay and participated in the Spring Chicken over to adapt. that a total burn ban is in effect. Please staff from key areas, meets regularly by the years to be recipients of these prizes Stay well and safe! respect your neighbours and our first teleconference to review the current si- - stay tuned! Robert Tremblay responders and do not burn. tuation involving COVID-19. BORCA Spring Chicken Chief Administrative Officer (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 7, 2020 - Page 3 Further flood preparedness measures developed for communities at risk ONTARIO — As part of Ontario‘s flood In 2019 and this year, as part of a Ontario has also been engaging with risk of shoreline flooding from snow preparedness planning, the province has $1-million “Build Back Better” pilot pro- the federal government to support First melt in southern Ontario along the Gre- been working with the federal govern- ject, the province provided municipali- Nations communities staying on their at Lakes. The province‘s Surface Water ment, municipalities and First Nations ties that qualified for Municipal Disaster lands as long as it is safe to do so, in- Monitoring Centre in Peterborough con- partners to develop evacuation plans. Recovery Assistance funding with up to cluding where First Nations community tinues to monitor water levels in other Recognizing the impact of CO- 15 per cent above the estimated cost of members would be temporarily relo- areas at risk throughout the province, VID-19 on municipalities this year, On- rebuilding damaged public infrastructu- cated to higher and safer grounds wit- including communities in the Ottawa tario is taking the lead on identifying re to make it more resilient to extreme hin their own communities. Relocating Valley and along the Great Lakes. suitable locations to host evacuees and weather. Eligible projects include raising community members from reserve to To determine the potential for floo- to minimize the reliance on municipal roads to provide better overland flow of traditional hunt camps or other remote ding, Ontario monitors flood risks on a resources for various supports, inclu- water, improving bridges, and increasing sites also addresses concerns around the continuous basis. This includes using ding health care and social services. The the size of ditches and catch basins to potential spread of COVID-19 to these weather forecasts, recorded snow depths, Ontario government has been active- increase their capacity to hold water. vulnerable communities. and stream gauge and camera data to ly working with federal and municipal The province’s updated Provincial Current provincial projections show analyze water levels and flows. In March, governments, First Nations partners, Policy Statement (PPS), which came into a moderate-to-high risk of flooding for the government released Protecting and non-governmental organizations effect May 1, responds to the recom- northern Ontario and the James and People and Property: Ontario‘s Flooding to prepare and respond to any flooding mendations of the report of the Special Hudson Bay coasts, where staff are clo- Strategy, which outlines the steps the situation across the province during the Advisor on Flooding and is part of On- sely monitoring all major tributaries in province is taking to reduce flood risks COVID-19 outbreak. tario’s Flooding Strategy. The PPS, 2020 anticipation of ice breakup, expected to and help Ontarians better prepare for As a result, the province has taken acknowledges the role of the province, begin in early May. As of April 30, sur- flooding events. Actions outlined in the steps to ensure that provincial, federal planning authorities and conservation veillance flights have begun across the strategy include increasing access to and non-governmental resources, such authorities in working together to mit- Far North to monitor these ice breakups, current and timely information, using as the Canadian Red Cross, can be de- igate the risks associated with natu- with operations based out of the Minis- improved future rainfall prediction ployed to minimize the burden on local ral hazards, including the impacts of a try of Natural Resources and Forestry‘s data and establishing a flood mapping communities as much as possible. changing climate. Moosonee Field Office. There is also a technical team. COMMUNITY NOTICES


. Re-openings in Whitewater Region Flood Monitoring and Preparation

- The Province of Ontario has declared a Restricted Fire The MNRF indicates that the lake and river levels and flows Zone, including the entire Township Whitewater Region. continue to be within normal ranges. The Township has Fire Permits are not being issued at this time. sandbags available if residents require them. Please contact - Boat launches on the Muskrat system will reopen the [email protected] or Ext 128. week of May 4. Boat launches on the Ottawa River in

Whitewater Region will reopen the week of May 11. - Regular landfill operations resume Wednesday, May 20 Leaf, Yard Waste and Brush and Saturday, May 23 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Exact cash Leaf, yard waste and brush will be accepted free of charge at payment is encouraged. Please use curbside pick up for the landfill on the following special days. No other waste will household garbage and recycling be accepted and will be turned away. - The early bird rates for dog tags have been extended to

May 31. See the website for purchasing dog tags online. - Residents of Beachburg and Westmeath Township on - Council meetings are scheduled for May 6 and 20, 2020. Due to physical distancing measures, attendance in Tuesday, May 12 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Council Chambers will not be available. Electronic - Residents of Cobden and Ross Township on Thursday, May participation is set up for physical distancing. Council 14 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. meetings can be accessed on the Township’s YouTube Please respect physical distancing measures, keep 6 feet from channel. Agendas are available 48 hours prior to meeting. others, and respect the limit of 5 vehicles in the landfill at one - Residents are encouraged to contact staff by phone, time. Please bring your landfill card or another form of voicemail or email and pay online, drop payment in the identification to access the premise. drop box. (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 7, 2020 - Page 4 Stone Fence Theatre cancels Citizens partner with County, summer season, postpones OPP to make trails work for Tom Thomson musical all despite pandemic RENFREW COUNTY (Killaloe) — After summer performances and rehearsals, RENFREW COUNTY — Local citizens not permitted on the trail. weeks of consideration, Stone Fence they hope it may be possible to enter- are working with Renfrew County staff “Careless drivers of motor vehicles Theatre has announced the cancella- tain smaller audiences this fall with a and the OPP to make all County trails, intimidate walkers and cyclists, da- tion of its summer season and the post- series of nights of entertainment featu- especially the new Algonquin Trail, mage the trail and create a very poor ponement of its new musical about Tom ring acts that only require one or a few safe and pleasant for everyone who image for motorized sensible riders,“ Thomson until next year. people and that doesn‘t require people uses them. Those who don‘t get the he said. The company had planned to close together on stage. message risk police charges. All users need to be clear on their launch Tom Thomson & The Colours “We would like to put some shows The Algonquin Trail, the former CP responsibilities, he said. Dog walkers of Canada: Love, gossip and murder on this fall, if we can do so safely,“ said Rail line, which the County is conver- need to keep pets under control and in Algonquin Park in July, with per- the company‘s president, Chris Hin- ting to a recreation trail with links to on leash, clean up after them, and dis- formances through October in Rankin, sperger. “We think it‘s important for a network of trails that cross Canada, pose of bags properly - which is not al- with tour stops in Barry‘s Bay, Bancroft company and community morale that is being opened as a multi-use trail for ways done, according to County staff. and Ottawa. Now, they plan to wait un- we keep performing, if we can.“ shared use by walkers, runners, cyclists Horseback riders must clean up after til next year to premier the show, with The company also has three perfor- and ATV riders. their horses too. And during the pan- rehearsals beginning this fall. mances of Up at Fred‘s - Allons-y! still Local people need to make an ef- demic period, cyclists should maintain “We are very sorry to tell you we on its schedule for October 23 to 25 in fort for shared use to work, according physical distancing and avoid riding in have to postpone production of our Rankin. These have not cancelled. “We to the Ottawa Valley Cycling and Acti- groups. show this year due to the pandemic,“ hope we can still go ahead with these ve Transportation Alliance (OVCATA) OPP officers have been on the said the company‘s producer Ish Theil- shows, but we‘ll have to see how things especially during this COVID19 pande- trails issuing warnings to some users heimer and its creative director Chantal look in September,“ he said. mic and the need for social distancing. and charging others for trespassing Elie-Sernoskie in a note to staff Sunday. “We are sad to have to make this “The Algonquin Trail is an exciting and off-road vehicle offences. “We held off on the decision until decision, however these times challen- new idea in the County, and in some “Trails are an important asset to now because we were considering the ge us to make the right decisions,“ he areas, it is already in heavy use with allow the public to refresh in the out- possibility of rehearsing in summer for said. “We are thinking with our heads people doing a good job of sharing it doors during these stressful times. The fall production. There are too many un- and not our hearts at this time. We will and keeping their social distances,“ ac- County and OPP want to make the Al- knowns, however, to consider this pos- be working with all of our Ottawa Valley cording OVCATA Secretary Ron Moss, gonquin Trail and all trails work for sible. We‘re especially concerned about communities to help us all return to a of Pembroke. everyone,“ said Mr. Moss. bringing our crew together in the con- safe society where we can get together, “The Pembroke-Petawawa secti- “They need the public‘s help to fined quarters of our stage and green share stories and celebrate the culture on is a great example of this, with all make that happen. If you are aware rooms.“ that defines who were are.“ kinds of people out on the trail and re- of problem users on the Trail, please Although they have cancelled all specting one another pretty well. The make a call.“ trail surface there is generally in good The OPP number is 1-888-310- shape.“ 1122. Renfrew County‘s Trails depart- Body of missing kayaker in Bonnechere To make the Trail work, Mr. Moss ment can be reached at (613) 735-3204 says users need to know the rules and ext. 463 or, Toll Free: 1-800-273-0183. Valley TWP located must obey all posted signs. Motorized “Everyone needs to feel safe on the RENFREW COUNTY (Bonnechere Valley TWP) — report of a missing kayaker on Lake Cle- vehicles must obey posted speed signs trail if it is going to be a success in hel- The search has concluded for a ar, southwest of Eganville. Killaloe OPP and slow down when encountering all ping people be active and healthy and missing kayaker in Bonnechere Valley assisted by the OPP Marine Unit, OPP trail users. All users must stay on the in attracting visitors to our area,“ said Township. Helicopter and the OPP Emergency Re- trail and not trespass on private pro- Mr. Moss. “Let‘s all do our part during Joseph Palluq, 54 years old of Bon- sponse Team (ERT) conducted a search perties. Dirt bikes and motorcycles are these challenging times.“ nechere Valley Township, left a cottage of the area. on Buelow Road on May 1 at appro- On Tuesday, May 5 at approximate- ximately 9:00 p.m. On May 2, family ly 5:00 p.m., a body was located by the Warden’s address from April 29, 2019. members noticed the male had not re- OPP Underwater Search and Recovery turned home. Shortly after 10:30 a.m., Unit (USRU) in close proximity to where RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — As Our messaging to residents, our mu- the kayak was located overturned in the the kayak was initially discovered. The we gather this morning I would like to nicipalities and the community at large water. body has been identified as Joseph Pal- acknowledge on behalf of Council and our has been a critical component of our Shortly after 2:20 p.m., members of luq. Police have determined that a per- community that we are meeting on tradi- response. The Crisis Communications the Killaloe Detachment of the Ontario sonal floatation device was not used. A tional territory of the First Nations. We Team; Jackie Stott, Information and Re- Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a post mortem has been scheduled. would like to thank the Algonquin people search Coordinator, Economic Devel- and express our respect and support for opment; Lainy Boldt-Johnson, Funding their rich history; we are extremely grate- Coordinator, Long-Term Care Homes; ful for their many and continued displays Kerry Lynn McGrath, Paramedic; Roger Closed session Renfrew OPP of friendship. We also thank all the gene- Goldberg, IT Technician/Webmaster; all rations of people who have taken care of lead by Michael Barber, Media Relations/ items discussed weekly news this land for thousands of years. Grants Coordinator, has developed a Cri- Members of County Council: During sis Communications Plan that focuses on April 27 to May 3 the month of April, I attended 16 electro- the front-line staff who deliver services last night nic meetings on County business. As the during a Declared Emergency. The goal By Megan Chase RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — The COVID-19 Pandemic has unfolded the is to use effective channels of commu- Editor Renfrew Detachment of the Ontario County of Renfrew has led the way with nication for the duration of this declared WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — The Provincial Police (OPP) investigated 224 our response to many of the issues emer- emergency. Council of the Township of Whitewa- calls for service. ging in our communities. The direction Moving forward we are entering a ter Region moved in to closed session Domestic Violence from the Province has evolved on a week- crucial phase in our COVID-19 journey. at 5:54 p.m. yesterday. Arnprior and Renfrew officers inves- ly and sometimes-daily basis, requiring While some may question the extent of Staff participating in the meeting tigated 15 domestic disputes during the our long-term care homes, paramedics the efforts to date, the numbers show we were set to discuss a position, plan, past week. One accused has been charged and social services departments to imple- are having success. Without taking these procedure, criteria or instruction with assault and breach of recognizance. ment new orders from the Province. measures, we would have faced unaccept- to be applied to any negotiations in Drug Offences In our long-term care homes, we able consequences. We are also planning relation to the Industrial Park water On April 30, officers with the - Ren have been proactive in protecting our for the future. The County of Renfrew system decommissioning. Also set to frew OPP Detachment responded to a call community’s most vulnerable. Our Para- established a Renfrew County Economic be discussed were potential agree- at a residence in the Town of Renfrew. As medics continue to be on the front lines Recovery Task Force to reach out to sec- ments with Junior Hockey Teams and a result of the investigation Isaac Peer, 18 of the pandemic response. Finally, social toral leaders to share information and to a proposed or pending acquisition, or years old Renfrew, has been charged with services is continuing to respond to the create an action plan to allow us to be disposition of land by the municipa- careless storage of a firearm, possession needs of our communities most vulne- prepared to move forward from a posi- lity or local board, for the Foresters of a schedule one substance believed to rable. As you are aware, we are operating tion of strength following the COVID-19 Falls library property line adjustment be cocaine and possession of a schedule under a declared emergency. These pro- pandemic. and Beachburg drainage easement. one substance believed to be an opioid. visions have given us flexibility and - ac The effects of this pandemic will Moving in to a closed session is Both accused parties were released cess to resources allowing us to respond leave organizations and local business- permitted under Section 9 of the Pro- on an Undertaking to attend at the Onta- quickly when needed. es in great financial hardship. Economic cedure By-law. This action was mo- rio Court of Justice in Renfrew on June 17. So far, I have attended eight electro- Development staff have been contacting tioned by Councillor Dave Mackay Read the rest of this police report nic meetings of the Emergency Operations local businesses to hear how they are and seconded by Councillor Charlene and others online at Centre since the County declared a State of coping and to learn about the challenges Jackson. Emergency on March 30, 2020. These mee- they are facing. tings have been very effective in keeping Read the rest of Warden Debbie Get in touch with news tips, Megan Chase, 613.602.5940. everyone informed while ensuring that all Robinson’s address online at story ideas, letters, and more! [email protected] departments are working cohesively. (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 7, 2020 - Page 5 Bob’s types of women: which one are you? you had some quality time alone. You She lived for the life to settle down, shorter than her so that she can be the don’t even get the luxury of having buy a house and have lots of babies. one ‘in charge’. She works out in the your morning constitutional by your- She isn’t bothered about who you are gym to increase her body strength to self. Maybe this guy should consider or what you look like, as long as you lift heavy objects without breaking a leaving Dodge! are a fully functioning male, you’ll do sweat. I was in such a role-reversal like Cheating Charlie shouldn’t even the job. I personally wouldn’t want to that early on in my youth blurring the be in a relationship. She thinks she hang around to be a second-rate hus- whole relationship. Her wearing high- can have it all. While twisting her man band. heels too often broke the camel’s back There are around six million sing- around her little finger she is getting But Mothering Molly feels the need and we broke up. le men in Canada. The rest are married heaps of attention and gifts from him, to take on the role of your ‘mother hen’ Finally there is Perfect Polly, the or in a relationship with one of maybe but then at the same time she’s having while you are at work, will check up on one that every man wants but can’t nine types of women. Whether she is spontaneous sex sessions with anyone you several times a day to ensure you get. You just felt you had to be with her a Sorely Sally or a Perfect Polly, your that tickles her fancy. At the very least are okay and eating properly. Packed always and your life would simply end girlfriend could be on this list. Let’s make her confess the details of her lunches with crustless sandwiches if you couldn’t win over her heart. Un- just hope you guys are able to figure it escapes while snuggling together in wrapped in foil are her speciality. If it fortunately, nine times out of ten you out. bed. was me, I would throw those lunches in don’t end up with this girl but she will Sarah is always right and heaven Laid back Lauren seems like the the garbage and eat fast-food. always be your romantic dream-girl for forbid you if forget to call her, you ideal partner for many men. She is so Sorely Sally before the relation- years on end. might as well be hitting on someone relaxed about everything that at times ship made an effort to ‘pretty herself I really don’t think any woman is else. Her mood swings and jealousy you forget she is even there. However, up’ when she went on dates. However, an exact fit for any one of these types make you feel like you’re on a sinking there are drawbacks. She often forgets as soon as things became ‘official’, it’s but they are interesting to consider. ship. If me, I would take advantage of about arrangements and tends to make bye-bye beauty. Make-up is thrown When I think of my Sheila, I can pic- my supposed interests in other fema- no effort to communicate with you or away because ‘he will love her just the ture her in being part of at least five les. acknowledge you. The only plan is to way she is’. She will eat and sleep whe- or six of the types. So you guys should Then there is Smothering Stepha- treat her the exact same so you both never she wants to, never worrying ab- consider these groups with caution nie. You move, she moves as if your have plenty of space. out being single again. She would be a and always remember that beauty is in shadow, stuck to your side. You are fo- Wifey Wendy has been known to single once more if she were mine. the eye of the beholder. rever being referred to as a couple and grant herself the title of ‘wifey’ just Manly Maggie is more like a boy- Next week: The types of guys out it is hard to remember the last time days after getting into a relationship. friend. She pairs herself with a guy there. Emergency funds for agriculture can Don’t let fears drive your investments time the markets bottomed out in early help build a more robust future food 2009 until just a few weeks ago, Cana- dian stock prices climbed about 110 per system, says NFU cent. Yet, during that time, we also saw SASKATCHEWAN (Saskatoon) — On her livestock farmers will be administe- two separate market drops of more than May 5, Prime Minister Trudeau announ- red through the AgriRecovery Business 20 per cent, similar to what we’re seeing ced initial emergency relief measures Risk Management program without re- now. These market corrections always for the agriculture sector totalling $252 quiring enrolment in AgriStability. The feel unsettling, but it’s important to re- cognize that they are actually a normal million. While full details are not yet NFU has emphasized to the Minister First, the coronavirus rocked the fi- part of the long-term investing process. available, the National Farmers Union that changes to AgriStability in 2012 nancial markets. Then, oil prices drop- So, given these factors, how should (NFU) says it appreciates help for far- made the program unworkable for most ped more than 20 percent after a break- you respond to the current situation? mers affected by the disruption created family farmers, especially mixed far- down in OPEC production discussions. Instead of simply selling your stocks in by COVID-19. NFU says the pandemic mers, and has urged that it not be the Not surprisingly, the markets took an- an attempt to cut your losses, review shines a spotlight on vulnerabilities in primary delivery vehicle for COVID-19 other nosedive. your portfolio to see if it is properly ba- our food system, providing the oppor- emergency payments. Yet, despite these events, this re- lanced between stocks, bonds and other tunity to use emergency supports to The NFU strongly urges that a floor cent market volatility may well be attri- investments in a way that reflects your create the foundation for a more robust price be enforced to ensure farmers buted more to fear than the forces that goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. and resilient food system. receive at least the cost of production usually drive the markets. Ultimately, in Those investors with properly balanced They continue to state this funding when selling livestock to federally in- the investment arena, as in all walks of portfolios are not seeing the same level recognizes the impact of large packing spected packers, feedlots and back- life, facts matter. And right now, if you of decline as those whose holdings are plant closures on beef, hog and other li- grounders. They say this floor price is look beyond the headlines, the facts almost entirely in stocks. And while di- vestock farmers. NFU says with drama- needed to prevent meat packing compa- that matter to investors may be far less versification can’t guarantee profits or tic reductions in processing capacity, nies from reaping windfall profits from gloomy than you might have imagined. protect against all losses, it can help re- the market has collapsed. More animals this crisis at the expense of farmers and So, here are some things to keep in duce the impact of volatility. must be kept on the farm, fed and cared consumers. “The total amount announ- mind over the next several weeks. Here’s another suggestion: Look for much longer than expected. Selling ced to support livestock producers is This isn’t 2008. If you were an in- for good buying opportunities, because prices have dropped like a stone, lea- $125 million and will not be adequate vestor in 2008, you well remember the they are certainly out there. A well-ma- ving farmers with higher costs and se- to compensate farmers for the losses market crash that resulted from the naged company with a solid business verely reduced incomes. experienced.” bursting of the housing bubble, which plan that produces quality products and The NFU supports worker health The risk to our food system from had severe ripple effects throughout services is going to be that same com- and safety, and is also pleased to see aid undue consolidation of livestock pro- the economy. pany after the coronavirus and oil price that will help protect food processing cessing has been a long-standing NFU The situation is different now. This panics subside and right now, that com- workers and adapt processes to ensure concern. In addition to today’s emer- is primarily a health crisis, not a loss pany’s stock shares may literally be “on workplace safety while renewing pro- gency funds, the NFU urges the federal of confidence in the financial system. sale.” cessing capacity focused our domes- government to help provinces develop While it’s quite likely that the Canadi- While it’s not easy for you to look at tic market. Supporting and rebuilding appropriate meat inspection regula- an economy will take a meaningful hit your investment statements today, re- smaller abattoirs and meat processing tions that will position small and me- in the short term, the overall economic member that you’re investing for goals capacity in all provinces will make our dium sized abattoirs for long-term fundamentals were in solid shape befo- that may be decades away. By keeping food system more resilient, they say. success. Creating a framework for the re the coronavirus came along. Specifi- your eyes on this distant horizon, so to Currently, less than five per cent of Ca- long-term success of regionalized food cally, banks were well-capitalized, the speak, you’ll be less likely to over-react nada’s meat is processed by small and systems would be a positive legacy of labor market conditions were the best to the news of the day and more likely medium sized enterprises; the NFU says Canada’s pandemic response, making in decades, housing activity was impro- to follow a long-term strategy that can expanding them will create regional Canada’s livestock sector more resilient ving, and interest rates remained near work for you. processing that would reduce depen- and Canada’s food supply more secure. historic lows. dence on the international industrial Both the $200 million in increased We’ve been here before. From the giants. credit for the Canadian Dairy Commis- “Emergency funding criteria must sion to increase its storage capacity and NFU discusses emergency funds for agriculture exclude Cargill and JBS, as both have re- the $50 million for a surplus food pur- Continued from Left.. market disruptions in the international cklessly endangered workers’ lives and chase program are welcomed, to help Increasing storage capacity will trade arena. members of the larger community by those in need and to avoid wasting the spare dairy farmers the financial and The NFU has a history of promoting their failure to implement proper safety food that farmers have worked hard to emotional stress that goes with dum- a more robust food system that works measures at the High River and Brooks produce. ping milk. They look forward to futu- for farmers, workers and consumers. operations” stated the NFU. “These cor- They note our dairy and poultry re announcements that will support In 2017 they presented our vision and porations are two of the wealthiest and farmers have been managing the pan- farmers who are owner-operators, and policy recommendations to the Food most powerful companies in the world. demic’s disruptions using the Supply those who produce ornamentals, fru- Policy for Canada consultation process. Their inadequate safety measures to Management system’s tools to share it and vegetables, and mushrooms, all Now, the pandemic provides a strong date are not due to a lack of money.” the burdens and develop solutions also struggling due to COVID 19, as incentive to align emergency responses The NFU says it is pleased that together. well as Canadian grain farmers facing with a longer-term vision for stability, emergency funds for beef, hog and ot- Continued on Right... pandemic-related price discounts and resilience and food security. (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 7, 2020 - Page 6 Obituary Obituary Whitewater Crossword “Mother’s Day” Written by Kyle Dupuis of the Village of Beachburg. Answer Key will be printed in next week’s issue. GRACE ROOK FREAVOUS COULAS 1939 — 2020 1944 — 2020

It is with sadness we announce the It is with great sadness we announce passing of Grace (Grietje) Rook the passing of Freavous Jearom (nee Bosma) of RR3 Cobden at 80 Victor Coulas of Pembroke at 75 years of age. After a long battle with years of age. He passed away peace- cancer, The Lord took to himself fully at the Ottawa Civic Hospital on Grace. Beloved wife of Jacob Rook Tuesday, April 28 and leaves behind ACROSS DOWN for 61 years. Dear sister of Tres- his beloved wife, Ann Coulas (nee 2. The instinct carried by Moms (8) 1. The word for a female parent (6) sa Lapier (Glenn). Sister-in-law of McHale). He will be missed by his 5. The month when Mother’s Day is 3. Something you can give your Riek Rook (late Cor), Dirk Rook (late children, Patrick (Rufonsil) Coulas, celebrated in the U.K. (5) mother, a bouquet of ____. (7) Gertie), Dirk Zomer (late Harriet), Richard (Megan) Coulas, Sheldon 9. ____ give gifts to their mothers on 4. Boxed treat you can give your Ray Vander Wal (late Coba), Henry Coulas and Trina Coulas. He will Mother’s Day. (8) mother as a gift. (10) Rook (Cora), and Harm Rook (Eliza- also be remembered by his grand- 12. A paper way to show your love. (4) 6. A type of white flower that beth). Predeceased by Sister Bea and children; Brandyn, Kayden, Thom- 13. A word for a special day of the represents mothers day. (9) brother Egbert. Also survived by sev- as, James, Joey, Kieran, and Maya. year that is celebrated by people. (7) 7. Musically talented? You could learn eral nieces and nephews. Interment Freavous has a sister Doreen LaR- 16. A sweet dessert you can make for Mom’s favourite ____. (4) at St. Patricks Anglican Cemetery onde, brothers Jerome (Marg), Allen your mother. (4) 8. The season when most countries in Lower Stafford. Arrangements (Diane), sisters-in-law Peggy, Te- 17. The first people to celebrate celebrate Mother’s Day (6) entrusted to the Fraser-Morris and resa, Ruby as well as several nieces mothers were the ancient ____. (6) 10. His day is later in the year. (3) Heubner Funeral Home in Cobden. and nephews. He is predeceased by 18. Something you give your mother 11. Arguably the best gift for any Due to COVID-19, interment is by sister Teresa Lariviere and brothers on Mother’s Day. (4) Mom. (4) invitation only. Dennis, Kenneth, Sylvester, Clifford 19. The word for Mom’s Mom. (11) 14. A place to feast with friends and and Arnold. Freavous loved being 20. ____ in bed, a way to thank your family away from home. (10) Obituary outdoors, building furniture and mother on Mother’s Day. (9) 15. The month for North American spending time with his family and Mother’s Day. (3) ALLISON CAMPBELL dogs. He had an unmatched work 1929 — 2020 ethic and was always there to help Municipalities transfer Crown land boat out a neighbour. Arrangements are $47M to County of Renfrew entrusted to the Fraser-Morris and launches remain open Heubner Funeral Home in Cobden. By Megan Chase By Megan Chase Donations to the Alzheimer’s Soci- Editor Editor ety would be gratefully accepted in WHITEWATER REGION — The 17 WHITEWATER REGION — As of his honour. municipalities who comprise the Coun- April 24, boat launches on Ontario ty of Renfrew will be transferring more crown land remain open. Obituary than $47 million in taxes and payments- This was confirmed by the Ontario in-lieu to the upper-tier government. Ministry of Natural Resources and KAYE BRISEBOIS The Township of Whitewater Region’s Forestry has confirmed on their 1941 — 2020 contribution is nearly $3.3 million. Facebook page. Based on assessment, Petawawa Crown land can be accessed for leads the contribution with more than recreational activities such as hiking, $8.5 million. Laurentian Valley will unless the crown land is closed or transfer nearly $5 million to the County its use for certain other activities is of Renfrew, followed by Arnprior at just limited. It is with sadness that we announce over $4 million. Total taxable assess- Turkey hunting season opened the passing of Allison Eva Campbell ment transfers are listed on our website April 25 and fishing is open with all (nee Dunlop) formerly of the Queens at rules and regulations in effect. Line. She passed away peacefully in Groves Park Lodge Renfrew yesterday Further restrictions eased on retail stores, at 90 years of age. Beloved wife of the essential construction late Sidney Campbell. Dear mother of ONTARIO — The Ontario government The business owners should review the David (Donna) Campbell, Helen (late is allowing all retail stores with a street health and safety guidelines developed Roy Dale), Ron (Beth) Campbell, Dale entrance to provide curb side pickup and by the province and its health and safety (Leonard Lamendeau), Lorne Camp- delivery, as well as in-store payment and association partners. bell, Beatty (Jody) Campbell and Vera Kaye Frances Brisebois (nee Dessert) purchases at garden centres, nurseries, Read the full story online at (Barry Gould). Also survived by 15 of Beachburg, wife of Raymond Brise- hardware stores and safety supply stores. grandchildren and 23 great-grand- bois, passed away peacefully in an Ot- Whitewater Crossword Answer Key “Yards, Gardens & Related Tools” - April 30, 2020. children. Predeceased by an infant tawa hospital on Thursday, April 30 at Written by Kyle Dupuis of the Village of Beachburg. son and two sisters, Vera Price and 78 years of age. Loving mother of Ray Sybil White. Interment at Haley Cem- Jr. Brisebois, Jeffrey (Deborah) Brise- etery. As an expression of sympathy, bois, Kim Brisebois (Rob), Nancy Lee donations to Groves Park Lodge Ren- (Bill) Othmer and Rachel (Dan Kiely). frew Auxiliary would be appreciat- Caring grandmother of Manda Lee, ed. Arrangements entrusted to the Lucas, Carson, Nicholas, Elizabeth, Fraser-Morris and Heubner Funer- JJ and Joshua. Dear sister of Mary al Home Cobden. Due to COVID-19 Jane (Peter) Doelger, Wendy (Chris) restrictions, funeral and interment Ashley, Holly Dessert and Frankie arrangements are private. Dessert (Dawn). Predeceased by par- ents Anorld and Simone Dessert (nee Saucier) and by sister Carol Ellis. Due Obituaries & Obituary to the constraints of the COVID-19 Thank You’s pandemic, a funeral mass for Kaye are free to place will be held when permissible. As an expression of sympathy, donations Contact us today by calling to the Community Living Upper Ot- 613-602-5940 or emailing tawa Valley would be appreciated. [email protected] Arrangements by the Neville Funeral Home in Pembroke. LIBRARY IS ONLINE IN REMEMBRANCE BOB’S MEANDERINGS Access some of their resources Remembering Lucille Dupuis This week, Bob says no guy from home. Learn how. • pg 2 of Westmeath. • pg 3 makes a perfect match. • pg 4

VOL. 6, ISSUE 45 THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2020 FOUR PAGES Declaration of Emergency Local food requires local extended to June 2 abattoirs, says NFU-O ONTARIO — The Ontario govern- tect individuals, families, and busines- ONTARIO — The need for more regional would bring about this change. Now more ment is extending the Declaration of ses from the impacts of COVID-19. meat processing capacity in Ontario has than ever, one key area needs to be addres- Emergency under the Emergency A full list of emergency orders can never been so evident, says the National sed is the lack of provincially licensed ab- Management and Civil Protection Act be found on the e-Laws website, under Farmer’s Union of Ontario (NFU-O). attoirs in Ontario. The situation is serious. until June 2. the Emergency Management and Civil They say this was made clear by the “The number of abattoirs has fallen The province says this additional Protection Act. The House also passed closure of two of Canada’s largest beef almost by half since 1995. This shortage time will ensure they have the neces- the COVID-19 Response and Reforms processors due to the outbreak of CO- is stalling the growth of local food pro- sary tools and health care capacity to to Modernize Ontario Act, 2020, which VID-19 infections amongst employees. duction and regional food distribution. It contain COVID-19, while gradually re- will help people conduct business whi- While the employees from those plants increases travel time to abattoirs which opening businesses, services, and ame- le practising physical distancing by isolate themselves and try to recover, far- affects animal welfare and the farmers’ nities safely. providing authority to address in-per- mers who sell their cattle to these plants ability to earn a living.” says NFU-O Coun- Passed during a special sitting of son attendance rules for school board are left with animals to care for and feed. cil member, Hilary Moore. “Most, if not all the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday, trustees‘ meetings in regulation. Or worse yet, euthanize because there is of these small meat processing businesses the declaration will allow Ontario to The Expenditure Estimates for the no market for them. While the effects of are family-owned and operated, employ- continue to enforce current emergency 2020 to 2021 fiscal year were also ta- slowed beef processing are only starting to ing people from the local community,” she orders, such as restricting retirement bled in the Legislature. This includes be felt, Canadians are beginning to see the adds. and long-term care home employees program spending to support the $17 weaknesses of our food supply chain. Provincially licensed abattoirs are a from working in more than one facility billion announced as part of Ontario‘s This is not all bad news. The pande- major part of a healthy, regional agricultu- and prohibiting events and gatherings Action Plan 2020: Responding to CO- mic outbreak provides us the opportuni- ral system. Without them, small and me- of more than five people. VID-19 to ensure the province‘s health ty to realize the flaws in our food system dium sized livestock farms who sell their Since the emergency was first de- care system, communities, and econo- and make the changes will bring resilience product to their local communities cannot clared on March 17, the government my are better positioned to weather and food security to Canadians. The NFU- exist. has taken over 150 actions to help pro- challenges posed by the pandemic. O has repeatedly advocated for policies Continued on page 2...

Support for OMAFRA now accepting Geriatric mental health Positive case of COVID-19 community gardens applications outreach program in a staff member at RENFREW COUNTY — The County of ONTARIO — The governments of ONTARIO — COVID-19 may have affec- Renfrew is now accepting applications for Canada and Ontario are investing $2.25 ted the way in which many health care Bonnechere Manor community and allotment gardens in co- million in provincially licensed meat services are being delivered, but the staff RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — The operation with the Province of Ontario. processing plants to better protect emp- of Renfrew County’s Geriatric Mental County of Renfrew was notified of a Community gardens allow individu- loyees and ensure the continued supply Health Outreach Program want to reas- case of 2019 novel coronavirus disea- als and families to grow fresh, affordable of healthy products for consumers during sure the community they are operational. se (COVID-2019) involving a County healthy produce while increasing physical the COVID-19 outbreak. The Geriatric Mental Health Outre- of Renfrew employee who works at activity. This funding is being provided by Through the Canadian Agricultural ach Program provides comprehensive Bonnechere Manor. the Social Services Relief Fund. Communi- Partnership (the Partnership), the first assessments for people aged 65 and ol- Up until May 4, testing had been ty and allotment gardens must ensure that stream of the Agri-food Workplace Pro- der who are experiencing mental health restricted to people with COVID sym- physical distancing is enforced during the tection Program will provide funding to challenges such as reactive behaviours ptoms. However, with increased swab project and participants do not gather in implement COVID-19 health and safety or changes in personality and mood, psy- and lab capacity, the Home, with the groups of more than five people. measures in provincially licensed meat chosis, anxiety or memory loss. Staffed by assistance of County of Renfrew pa- Deadline for submissions is Tues- plants, including purchasing additional nine registered nurses who specialize in ramedics, implemented surveillance day, June 30 and those parties interested personal protective equipment, redesig- Geriatric Mental Health, five geriatric psy- testing of all residents and staff this in submitting a project for funding con- ning workstations, supporting employees chiatrists from The Royal in Ottawa and past week. It was through this proac- sideration should email Laura LePine at who require mandatory isolation, and two clerical staff, the program is operated tive testing that a positive result was [email protected]. It is work-site mobility and transportation. county-wide based on physician referral found. important to note that submission of a More information about this tar- and assists approximately 450 clients per Residents and staff that were in request does not guarantee funding assis- geted intake and the program gui- year. Family physicians can still fax their contact with this individual have been tance from the Province in part or in full. delines can be found online at referrals to (613) 735-4638 and assess- notified and rigorous infection- ma All submissions will be reviewed on a first- ments are being scheduled as quickly as nagement practices and procedures come basis and a needs basis. or by calling 1-877-424-1300. possible. remain in place. Index Contact Us Weather Council ...... pg 2 You can reach Megan Chase at: HIGH LOW RAIN WIND

Community ...... pg 2 Phone ...... 613-602-5940 May 14 14° 7° 1-3mm 9E May 15 14° 6° ~1mm 11NW Notices ...... pg 3 Social Media ...... @whitewaternews May 16 18° 6° ------9NE Obituaries ...... pg 4 Email ...... [email protected] May 17 20° 9° 10-15mm 21E Crossword ...... pg 4 She will get back to you as soon as possible! May 18 14° 7° 5-10mm 12N (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 14, 2020 - Page 2 NFU-O says local food Whitewater Region Libraries now has Organizations call requires local abattoirs online databases, resources available for urgent reform of Continued from Front... By Megan Chase load books,” explained Mrs. McLaughlin. Canadian Emergency Without them, meat production is Editor “You get the book for 14 days before it forced into a system of massive scale WHITEWATER REGION — Access to disappears, just like at the library.” Mrs. Response Contractors’ and concentration, motivated by cor- online research databases and articles in McLaughlin assured it’s the best way to porate interests, not farmers’ or consu- the Whitewater Region libraries is now “read the latest and greatest”. Alliance mers’ interests. Dear Honourable Rod Phillips, available from home or anywhere with Another way the library is interacting Chair of Ontario Jobs and Recovery One of the major hurdles for the- Internet access. with patrons during the pandemic is with se essential businesses is that they are Committee Government of Ontario for Databases are searchable websites live readings on Facebook. Jim Butter- Ministry of Finance: required to follow the same food safety which have access to a variety of infor- worth will be reading children’s books regulations that have been developed in On behalf of the members of the Eco- mation sources. These sources include every day next week at 4:30 p.m. This be- nomic Developers Council of Ontario. the context of the higher risks for con- newspapers, magazines, journals, encyc- gins on Monday, May 18 and the library tamination and dissemination posed by Ontario Business Improvement Area As- lopedias, reference manuals and more. is hoping to continue the live readings in sociation and the Tourism Industry Asso- large-scale production and untraceable Some resources require the use of a the future. distribution has led in the past to blan- ciation of Ontario, we would like to com- Whitewater Region library card and ot- Computers & Internet mend the Province for the creation of the ket industry shut-downs. It is now un- her do not. Chief Executive Officer of the “Whether you are looking for a job, do- affordable and unnecessarily time-con- Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee. Whitewater Region Public Library Board, ing research for a project, or perhaps just While the work of the Recovery Com- suming for new and existing abattoirs Debbi McLaughlin, said they are still is- checking your e-mail, the library has the to meet requirements and they close. mittee is referred to in many press re- suing library cards during the pandemic. necessary resources,” says the write-up leases, the mandate is thus far unclear. The NFU-O is asking for scale-appro- Cards are forwarded to the closest branch on the Township of Whitewater Regi- priate regulations which encourage re- Our members have been contacting our and registration is completed once they on’s website. “Each Branch offers public collective organizations with questions, gional food production, processing and are able to reopen. access computers for everyone‘s use and distribution and recognizes their very some of which are: what are the terms Mrs. McLaughlin says the online free wireless internet service for your lap- of reference of the Recovery Committee; important public health benefit of short platforms, such as Overdrive, are easy to tops, tablets, phones, etc.” traceable supply chains from farmer to how and when will this Committee enga- use. She reminds users the sites are busy Online Reference Sources ge the Stakeholders in soliciting advice to abattoir to consumer. with the amount of people staying home Users have the ability to browse and “We are encouraged by the Prime support jobs and economic recovery post- during the COVID-19 pandemic, but says, search the following websites to help COVID-19; and we are aware of the struc- Minister’s announcement yesterday “there is always something to read!” find the information they’re looking for: and want to see some of the $77 million ture of the Advisory Panels created by the The library has been using websites the Virtual Reference Library (VRL) can MHSTCI and would ask for clarity around go to small and medium scale proces- like Overdrive for at least five years. They be found at www.virtualreferencelibrary. sors that are serving regional and local how other Ministries will be approaching pay a subscription fee for the Overdrive ca and offers access to librarian-selected the solicitation of advice? markets”, says NFU-O President, Don service through their membership with websites, self-guided research support Ciparis. “Expanding their capacity re- EDCO, OBIAA and TIAO, and our col- the Souther Ontario Library Service. and library information. It is a subject-ba- lective members, stand together in the duces reliance on international corpo- Users can then download books and au- sed, reliable, Internet information source rations, creates jobs, makes Canada’s fight to recover from the COVID-19 crisis, diobooks for free. with special focus on Canadian and Onta- but each organization will have defined livestock sector more resilient, and “When people started to buy e-rea- rio information. Canada’s food supply more secure.” roles moving forward. We (EDCO, OBIAA ders like Kobo, this became a way to down- Continued Below... and TIAO) feel it is crucial to have an in- tegrated approach. Our organizations are Protecting forestry jobs, worker safety during COVID-19, says Province each engaged with partners from across ONTARIO — The Ontario govern- forest sustainability, by investing in pro- northern Ontario. Ontario’s forest sector the globe and can bring a wealth of know- ment announced on Thursday last week tective measures to stop the spread of CO- plants approximately 70 million trees an- ledge to the committee. While we have they are protecting people and jobs in VID-19 during the upcoming tree planting nually to help regenerate Ontario’s forests. been vigilant in communicating with the northern, rural and Indigenous com- season. John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Re- Province, our Municipalities and the Go- munities, while supporting long-term The forest industry has been identified sources and Forestry, announced the gov- vernment of Canada, for the most part we as an essential sector; providing essential ernment is making $3.5 million available have growing and unanswered concerns Two paddler deaths forest products for hygiene, food and medi- to help put protective measures in place for for our collective economies. All three cal supplies, as well as packaging and ship- the workers who plant trees this season. organizations are pivotal in building and in separate boating ping products. Visit to learn how celebrating our communities that are the Reforestation is a crucial part of sus- you can submit your ideas. On March 25, cultural fabric of our heritage and back- incidents this May tainable forest management. Tree plant- the government launched Ontario’s Action bone of Ontario’s economy. …communi- ONTARIO — After responding to two ing normally begins in May in central and Plan: Responding to COVID-19. ties that are being lost as each day passes. separate marine incidents in Eastern Many of our members are small bus- Ontario over the weekend, the Ontario Online reference Arnprior nursing home’s inesses that support local artisans and Provincial Police (OPP) reported the musicians who drive tourism to our ru- death of a kayaker on May 1 and that COVID-19 surveillance ral communities. Currently their urgent sources from library need is paying their rent. While we feel of a canoeist the following day, May 2. Continued from Above... comes back negative the OCECRA made strides, we are in- Both incidents occurred in the evening The Internet Public Library can RENFREW COUNTY (Arnprior) — In creasingly seeing, hearing and reading and neither of the victims was wearing be found at; World Trade response to the Ontario govern- that landlords may not apply for this pro- a life jacket when their vessels capsized. Press, A to Z World Food can be found ment’s directive to proactively test all gram. Evictions are happening now and The fatalities bring the number of at long-term care residents and staff for only those whose landlords apply for the 2020 marine deaths on OPP-patrolled cvU6; and World Trade Press, A to Z COVID-19, the Grove Nursing Home’s OCECRA are protected. We are proposing waterways to three. These latest deaths World Travel can be found at www.ato- results have come back negative. three amendments to the program: Put underscore the importance of wearing a Last week, under the guidance of life jacket, regardless of the type of ves- the Renfrew County and District Health rent relief in the hands of the tenants. sel, especially early in the season when Health unit instructed to Unit (RCDHU), a total of 79 staff mem- To accomplish this, we recommend that water temperatures are frigid and hypo- bers and 56 residents were swabbed by mandating all landlords to enrol in CE- thermia can set in quickly. coordinate COVID-19 testing Arnprior Regional Health’s (ARH) In- CRA if their tenants qualify; freeze rent Capsized vessels and falling over- RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — On fection Prevention and Control Team evictions by passing legislation for a mo- board remain leading contributing fac- May 1, the Ministry of Health announced and the Occupational Health and Safety ratorium on commercial evictions for a tors in boating fatalities on OPP-pa- public health units coordinate COVID-19 Team. The swabs were processed by the minimum of six months (to be applied trolled waterways. In municipalities testing within their jurisdiction. Regional Laboratory to tenants who were in good standing where public boat ramps are not closed, As of May 8, five of the nine long- Association. as of March 15); and that the 70 per cent boaters are reminded to limit organized term care homes in Renfrew County threshold be reviewed and, if necessary, public events or social gatherings in a and District have completed the requi- Plan to resume scheduled reduced (e.g. a 70 per cent threshold if marine vessel or at a boat launch faci- red testing. This meets the 50 per cent surgeries, procedures released your rent is above $5,000 and 50 per cent below $5,000). lity to no more than five persons, un- completion target. ONTARIO — The Ontario government has Organizations, such as ours, have less all persons are members of a single The remaining four long-term care developed a comprehensive framework to growing concerns in the cost to our col- household; always wear your life jacket; homes are either currently conducting help hospitals assess their readiness and lective members. We have credibility with ensure you have the required safety testing or are scheduled to complete begin planning for the gradual resumption our members and in our industries and equipment on board; never go boating testing next week. Eight of the 12 reti- of scheduled surgeries and procedures, can provide two-way access to our mem- under the influence of alcohol or drugs; rement homes have already completed while maintaining capacity to respond to bers which can provide viable solutions and check the weather and water tem- the testing, and the remaining homes COVID-19. for your recovery team. perature before you head out. are scheduled for next week. Timelines will vary from hospital to We stand united in offering our as- hospital and be conditional on approval sistance in the rebuilding of the commu- Local farmer killed in accident involving tractor by regional oversight tables involved with nities and the economies of our Province RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — Ro- Renfrew County Paramedic‘s, Renfrew planning and coordinating Ontario‘s res- and urge you to work closely with us. We bert Reid, 52 years old, was transpor- Fire and Admaston/Bromley Fire to a ponse to COVID-19. are key partners in recovery. ted to Hospital by ambulance where farming accident involving a tractor The framework, A Measured Approach Heather Lalonde, Economic Developers he was pronounced deceased. On May on Reid Road in Adamstown/Bromley to Planning for Surgeries and Procedures Council of Ontario; Kay Matthews, Ontario 10 shortly after 5:00 p.m., officers from Township. A post mortem will be con- During the COVID-19 Pandemic, con- BIA Association; and Beth Potter, Tourism the Renfrew Ontario Provincial Poli- ducted to determine cause of death. No tains clear criteria that must be met before Industry Association of Ontario ce (OPP) detachment responded with foul play is suspected. hospitals can resume scheduled surgeries. (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 14, 2020 - Page 3 Remembering Lucille Dupuis of Westmeath Written by the Family necessary qualifications, Lucille was (CWL). As an adult, Lucille followed in and loved assisting with the annual WHITEWATER REGION (Westmeath) — appointed Principal at Pinecrest her mother’s footsteps. Lucille served Parish Supper and the Victorian Tea. Born Lucille Julia Gervais, she Elementary School at CFB Petawawa. in many capacities for the CWL at pa- Lucille spent her leisure hours at grew up in Westmeath where she was After 37 years in education, Lucille rish level and as Parish President for the sewing machine and, during the a dedicated pupil. After pursuing her retired and remained settled in West- several terms. She spoke highly and summer months, could be found tea- post-secondary education, Lucille meath. fondly of the wonderful group of wo- ching sewing classes to young chil- returned to Westmeath and began a Lucille married her hometown men whom she worked alongside. dren. Lucille and her students de- dedicated and passionate career as a boy, Leo Dupuis, on July 14, 1954 at Through her work with the CWL, lighted in presenting new wardrobes teacher. Our Lady of Grace Church in West- and as an active member of Our Lady in their fashion show. Lucille obtained her undergradua- meath and became Mrs. Lucille Julia of Grace, Lucille experienced friends- Our family feels honoured and te degree from the University of Ot- Dupuis. They were a vibrant and che- hip and grew to have a deeper respect privileged to have received the gift tawa and obtained her two Master’s rished couple, especially by their four and love for both her faith and the of Lucille for the 86 years we had her. Degrees, one in Curriculum Develop- children. As a widow, Lucille enjoyed league. Her love was unconditional, her he- ment and the other in Education Ad- her nine grandchildren and pursued a During her terms as President, art was golden, her laugh was infec- ministration, from Queen’s University variety of exciting adventures during Lucille was blessed to participate in tious, her faith was unshakable, and in Kingston. her retirement years. world missions and senior activities, her determination was unstoppable. She pursued Doctoral Studies Lucille’s devotion to God was rea- assist with general needs for her pa- We find comfort knowing she is nest- at the Ontario Institute for Stu- lized as a young girl, as she observed rish and deepen her Catholic educa- led in God’s loving arms with her late dies in Education of the Universi- her mother, Alma’s, immense devo- tion, alongside her sisters. Lucille was husband, son, parents, siblings and ty of Toronto. After completing the tion to the Catholic Women’s League immensely proud of her contributions friends by her side. COMMUNITY NOTICES


The County of Renfrew in cooperation with the Province of Ontario will be considering requests for grant funding for community garden projects that focus on supporting people to grow fresh produce to increase food security.

Consideration will be only given under the following conditions: • The applicant assures that physical distancing is enforced. • Participants do not gather in groups of more than five people. • Application is submitted by Tuesday, June 30, 2020


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. Re-openings in Whitewater Region Load Restrictions

- The Province of Ontario has declared a Restricted Fire Road restrictions for half loads will be lifted on Monday, May Zone, including the entire Township Whitewater Region. 11, 2020. Fire Permits are not being issued at this time. - Boat launches on the Muskrat system will reopen the Utility Bills week of May 4. Boat launches on the Ottawa River in Utility bills have been mailed out. Due date is May 31. For Whitewater Region will reopen the week of May 11. more information on how to pay online please call the office or - Regular landfill operations resume Wednesday, May 20 email [email protected]. and Saturday, May 23 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Exact cash payment is encouraged. Please use curbside pick up for Leaf, Yard Waste and Brush household garbage and recycling Leaf, yard waste and brush will be accepted free of charge at - The early bird rates for dog tags have been extended to the landfill on the following special days. No other waste will May 31. See the website for purchasing dog tags online. be accepted and will be turned away. - Council meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2020. Due to - Residents of Beachburg and Westmeath Township on physical distancing measures, attendance in Council Tuesday, May 12 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Chambers will not be available. Electronic participation is - Residents of Cobden and Ross Township on Thursday, May set up for physical distancing. Council meetings can be 14 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. accessed on the Township’s YouTube channel. Please respect physical distancing measures, keep 6 feet from - Residents are encouraged to contact staff by phone, others, and respect the limit of 5 vehicles in the landfill at one voicemail or email and pay online, drop payment in the time. Please bring your landfill card or another form of drop box as the Township office is closed to the public. identification to access the premise. (Megan, 613-602-5940, [email protected]) Thursday, May 14, 2020 - Page 4 Whitewater Crossword “Sitcoms Through Time” Bob says no guy makes a perfect match Written by Kyle Dupuis of the Village of Beachburg. Answer Key will be printed in next week’s issue. spontaneity; it just won’t happen. The Ultimate Player He is a narcissistic charmer. Once hooked, you battle with his demands, criticisms, and self-centredness. He admires his own wit and image only. Don’t count on him for the long-haul. You can’t get him to change his ways. There are many different kinds of Narcissists often attract each other guys in the world. They range from the and that’s very dangerous. They‘ll need over-confident front man to the overly- each other one minute and fight the cautious dude and everything in bet- next over whose needs come first. One ween. If you are dating one of them, you narcissist is too many let alone two! may want to get out before it’s too late. The Romantic If married to one, good luck. He can’t go out on a date without The Emotionally Distant Dude it being an elaborately planned event, Is he sad or happy – hard to tell? Or complete with red roses and a string deliberately acting aloof in a misguided quartet. He would have loved to have attempt to charm you but not looking proposed to you, possibly in a hot air for a committed relationship, leaving balloon over the city of Paris. While he his partner feeling unworthy. This guy can be fun to be with, keep in mind that covers up everything that he’s thinking. you’ll be on a pedestal the whole time. ACROSS 18. Youngest of the Brady Kids (5) To figure him out is an impossible task Boredom! 3. Steve Urkel says, “Did I do ____ “ (4) 19. The ___ couple (3) that you’ll never master. Don’t marry The Big Shot 5. Arguably the most popular sitcom 20. Oldest of the Brady Kids (4) him if it’s not too late. He generally works in finance and of all time (7) DOWN The Diamond in the Rough drives an overpriced sports car. He talks 6. Main character in “How I Met Your 1. A show about nothing? (8) His dress sense is terrible. He do- too loud on the phone, making it pain- Mother” (3,5) 2. Where everybody knows your name (6) esn’t have a funny bone in his body and fully aware to everyone that he’s closing 7. It could be your cousin in this 4. What Planet was Mork from (3) he acts kind of dumb. But you believe an important business deal. Plus, he sitcom (3,5,6) 8. Sitcom about the Connor family (8) you can totally fix him! He’s an undisco- wears showy watches but doesn’t have 13. Will’s best friend who is always 9. The state an oil rich Mountain man vered gem of talent and brilliance and any sustainable style. Unless flashy ap- thrown out (4) brought his family to (10) nothing will convince you otherwise. peals to you, he’s not exactly marriage 14. Groundbreaking sitcom from the 10. The Jefferson’s family business (3,8) He could be a lifetime project. material. 1950’s (1,4,4) 11. Fred Flintstone’s neighbor (6) Mr. Pushover The Stylish Guy 15. Joey puts Chandler in one of these 12. Katey Segal’s characters name in He will agree with anything you say. Men with an impeccable sense of when he is mad at him (3) Married with Children (5) He has low self-esteem with no sense of style and personal grooming rarely do 17. Lovable little character from 16. Bernie Mac’s wife’s name (5) self-confidence, unable to voice -or ar badly with women. Indeed, he wouldn’t M*A*S*H (5) gue his opinions or desires. If a control- be caught dead in blue jeans. All in all, ling woman, you easily attract pushover he’s a great looking guy to have on your OBITUARY OBITUARY men. These men love you because they arm, but his stylish tendencies might identify in your elements of maturity cross over into annoying vanity. How ETHEL WHITE LUCILLE DUPUIS they don‘t possess. Unfortunately, most long is too long! 1940 — 2020 1933 — 2020 of them never evolve. If you‘re this type Ambitious Guy of woman you will always stay in cont- Whether it’s at work, at home or rol. It may work out! when it comes to his hobbies, this dude The Selfish Type knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to He will never offer you his jacket if go out and get it. Indeed, he’s unapolo- you’re cold. He’ll constantly ask you for getically ambitious and driven. He’s a “little favours” and never really return fantastic partner, that is unless you get them. If you’re unlucky enough to find in the way of his personal priorities. yourself dating a selfish guy, you better If women prefer everything in one hope that he’s got some other amazing guy, they would want him to know what quality that makes it worth it, especially he wants, really understand them, has if you intend a long-term relationship. a sense of humour, be unpredictable The Worrier occasionally and lets you see his raw For the overly cautious guy, a.k.a. emotion. the worrier, life is a series of scary obst- Unfortunately, it just doesn’t It is with profound sadness that we an- It is with heavy hearts and profound sad- acles to overcome. If there’s a spider in turn out that way. Too many guys nounce the passing of Ethel Christena ness we announce the passing of Lucille the bathroom or a mouse in the base- are selfish, string you along, are- con White (nee Wright) on Sunday, May 10 at Julia Dupuis (nee Gervais) of Westmeath, ment, they avoid those places at all trolling or too distance. Like play- 80 years of age. Ethel White, beloved wife Ontario. Lucille was peacefully called costs. For every adventure to be had, ing the horses, choosing the right of the late Gordon Thomas White. Lov- home by God on Sunday, May 10 at Chart- they analyze every possible pitfall first. one is a risk. Sometimes you win but ing mother to Sue (Ian Macfarlane), Julie well Pinewood Retirement Residence at If you have a relationship with a wor- mostly you lose. (Mitch Vaudrie), Tracy (Derrick McCole- 86 years of age. Beloved wife of the late rier, you can forget about romantic man) and Trevor (Melissa Chaput). Proud Leo John Dupuis, also of Westmeath, and Nana to Gillian and Tegan Macfarlane, Jor- the treasured mother of four children: Get in touch with news tips, dan and Lauren Vaudrie, Nathan and Bri- Lyle (Maura) of Westmeath, Larry (late anna McColeman, Brody and Jenna White. Heather) of Pembroke, Letitia (David) of story ideas, letters & more! She will be missed by her sisters Arvilla Pembroke and the late Arthur of Sarnia. Megan Chase 613.602.5940 (Robert Cook), Esther (Edgar White), Hel- Cherished grandmother to Alicia (Geof- [email protected] en (Brian McInnes), Keitha (John Sherrard) frey), Jennifer (Drew), Andrew (Megan), and brothers Lindsay Wright (Pauline), Katie (Michael), Stephanie (Curtis), Arista, Whitewater Crossword Answer Key “Mother’s Day” - May 7, 2020. Rowan Wright (Pieret), Peter Wright, Ar- Katrina (Ian), Alissa (Stephen) and Chris- thur Wright (Nancy), Robin Wright (Joan) topher. Lucille was also blessed with and Written by Kyle Dupuis of the Village of Beachburg. sisters-in-law Lorna (Bob Jackson) and found great joy in her 10 great-grandchil- Isabel White. Predeceased by her parents dren: Lucas, Zachary, Lydia, Lucy, Logan, Stuart and Lydia Wright. Ethel worked for Mya, Bryson, Ava, Chilo and Penelope. the Department of National Defence as a Lucille was the daughter of the late Alma civil servant at Base Petawawa after high (Desroches) and the late Alfred Gervais, of school, then became a full time mom and Westmeath. Dear sister of Roderick (Joan), worked with her husband on the family Gisele (late Ronald), and Robert (Sher- farm while raising her children. She lat- yl). Predeceased by her sisters Rolande er went to work for Optometrists Taylor, (late Villmere), Yvette (Robert), and her O’Grady and Kuehl for 17 years. Upon re- brothers Roger (late Shirley) and Radol- tirement she passed her time looking after phe (Betty). She will be greatly missed by her husband, gardening and card making. her many nieces and nephews. Due to the Due to the constraints of the COVID-19 constraints of COVID-19, a private family pandemic, a graveside service will be held service was held at the Murphy Funer- in St. Augustine’s Anglican Cemetery in al Home in Pembroke. Interment at Our Beachburg at a later date. In Memoriam Lady of Grace Cemetery in Westmeath donations to the West-Ross Cancer Soci- took place on Tuesday, May 12. As an ex- ety would be greatly appreciated. Arrange- pression of sympathy, donations to Par- ments entrusted to the Fraser-Morris and kinson Canada or to the Ottawa Regional Heubner Funeral Home in Cobden. Cancer Foundation would be appreciated. farm-to-fork Meatballs, rice, Ottawa Valley Mother’s Day veggies and a DINNER bundt cake! MEATBALL $ DINNER Deadline: May 5th 59FOR 4 Pick-Up: May 9th ALL DETAILS AND Pembroke & Area BUSINESS AIRPORTT PICK UP LOCATIONS: Renfrew, Lanark and regional business news. We make it possible. | [email protected]

Issue No. 277 Published by: Forward Thinking May 5, 2020 Clarifying Backyard Fires and ATV Trails Regular rural lifestyle options not yet available

By: Jennifer Layman in effect until further notice as a [email protected] proactive action to reduce the number of preventable human- Two issues that tend to impact caused fires and reduce the risk the rural lifestyle of the Ottawa of wildfires impacting the public. Valley have been causing a The Rules communication challenge across In a restricted fire zone, you the area. One issue is the fire ban cannot have an outdoor fire. This and the other is motorized trail includes all burning, including use. Having reached out to both grass, debris and campfires, even the Ontario Ministry of Natural when using an outdoor fire grate, Resources and Forestry, the fireplace or fire pit. County of Renfrew and the You can use a gas or propane Renfrew County ATV or stove for cooking or warmth. organization, we have some You can use a charcoal clarifications for you. installation or wood-burning Fire Bans stove or furnace if you own or Many municipalities are legally occupy (ie: rent) the communicating that there is a Ontario. Not all of Ontario is in Kemptville, Perth, Smiths Falls building. province-wide fire ban. a restricted fire zone. and other areas further east are Once a restricted fire zone is However, with news before last According to their interactive not restricted by the province of declared, it is illegal to set a fire weekend that certain map which is publicly accessible Ontario. for any purpose within the communities were allowing at Peterborough is also the most affected area. backyard fires, residents were fires, southern and southwestern southern area of Ontario that is Failure to comply could results wondering why Ottawa Valley Ontario and parts of eastern included in the restricted fire in a fine up to $25,000, three municipalities were not Ontario are not part of a zone. Anything north of months in jail and financial following suit. In short, it's not restricted fire zone. The map Peterborough is part of the responsibility for any costs (yet) their choice. shows that all of Renfrew restricted fire zone. incurred in fighting a forest fire. The Ontario Ministry of County and Bancroft and part of The current restriction is that Natural Resources and Forestry Lanark County is within a no fires of any kind are (OMNRF) has issued a fire ban restricted fire zone. The zone permitted in a restricted fire Continued on Page 3 in "restricted fire zones" in ends at Carleton Place, so zone. The restricted fire zone is

COVID-19 Key Contacts and Resources

Government of Canada Government of Ontario | 1-888-444-3659

Ontario Chamber of Commerce Government of Quebec | 1-877-644-4545 May 5 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 2

Ottawa Valley difference in our rural pay by instalments. community as part of Rural June 1, 2020 BUSINESS Change Makers. The filing date for the current tax year for corporations. This ABOUT US May 13, 2020 applies to corporations that Ottawa Valley Business (OVB) publishes on the rst and third Events Webinar: COVID-19 would otherwise have a filing Commercial Lease Negotiations. due date after March 18 and Tuesday of every month. OVB covers May 5, 2020 business news and events throughout Approaching your landlord, before June 1, 2020. The Change Makers webinar. managing COVID-19 dispute payment date for the current tax Renfrew, Lanark and Pontiac counties 10:00am. For youth aged 18-29 as well as the surrounding areas. OVB and more. Free. 2:0pm-3:30pm. year is September 1, 2020 and living in rural Ontario. Make a applies to balances/instalments is published by Forward Thinking difference in our rural Marketing Agency. May 14, 2020 under Part 1 of the Income Tax community as part of Rural Webinar: The Art of Time Act due on or after March 18 Change Makers. WHO READS US Management. We all share the and before September 1, 2020. same 168 hours in a week, but May 28, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business is delivered May 6, 2020 by email to 3,600 subscribers in how is it some accomplish more Webinar: The Art of Mind- Change Makers webinar. businesses, organizations and local than others? The key is in how Management: Overcoming 6:30pm. For youth aged 18-29 and regional government. they manage their time. Free. Procrastination. This webinar living in rural Ontario. Make a 1:00pm-2:00pm. Register at will explore your current work HOW TO SUBSCRIBE difference in our rural habits that may be holding you Subscriptions are free. Send an email community as part of Rural May 17, 2020 back and help free up your mind, to [email protected] to be Change Makers. Deadline to apply for Summer to create greater focus and added to our distribution list. Company. Funding for youth provide strategies to deal with May 7, 2020 aged 15-29 to start and run their procrastination. Free. 1:00pm- ADVERTISING RATES Webinar: Social Enterprise 101. own business for the summer. 2:00pm. Advertising rates are as follows: In this workshop, you will learn See or June 15, 2020 more about social enterprise The filing date for the 2019 tax 1/8 Page ...... $75 models and characteristics, local May 21, 2020 year for self-employed and their 1/4 Page ...... $150 examples, support resources, and Webinar: The Art of Energy- spouse/common law partner. The 1/3 Page ...... $175 considerations for starting. Free. Management: Creating payment date for 2019 tax year 1/2 Page ...... $275 12:00pm-1:00pm. Register with Work/Life Harmony. This is September 1, 2020 and 2/3 Page ...... $325 webinar will help you create includes the June 15, 2020, Full Page ...... $475 May 12, 2020 greater work/life harmony to instalment payment for those Change Makers webinar. positively impact the progress on who have to pay by instalments. Regular Advertising Special: Run 12:00pm. For youth aged 18-29 your business goals. Free. December 31, 2020 three ads for the price of two. Run the living in rural Ontario. Make a 1:00pm-2:00pm. Register at The filing date for charities is same ad twice and the third time you difference in our rural December 31, 2020 and applies run the ad it’s free! community as part of Rural June 1, 2020 to charities with Form T3010 Change Makers. The filing date for the 2019 tax Graphic design is included in the price due between March 18, 2020 year for individuals. The and December 31, 2020. of your ad. If submitting artwork, May 13, 2020 please request our ad dimensions. payment date or 2019 tax year is ----- Change Makers webinar. September 1, 2020 and includes 10:00am. For youth aged 18-29 the June 15, 2020, instalment CONTENT & SUBMISSIONS living in rural Ontario. Make a Submissions on items related to payment for those who have to business are welcome. This includes news, events, new hires, tender and letters to the editor. Content will be edited to t the space available. If you Government of Ontario Business Support have an event that is not business- related, please consider 101 Things To Do in the Valley at a cost of $25. Information Line Tax Relief [email protected] Stop The Spread Business Information Line Employer Health Tax 1-888-444-3659 CONTACT US Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit Publisher...... Jennifer Layman Financial Relief Email...... [email protected] How Your Business Can Phone...... 613-732-7774 Five months interest and penalty relief for Help Defeat COVID-19 majority of provincially-administered taxes Online...... Ontario Together Initiative Education and property tax deferrals Guidance For Employers MAILING ADDRESS WSIB payment deferrals Emergency Leave Due to COVID-19 2113 Petawawa Boulevard, Electricity rates Pembroke, Ontario K8A 7G8 May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 3 RCATV Keeping Trails Closed Hebb says they will open on actions of Doug Ford

Continued from Page 1 president, Teresa Hebb, said Book Club that "RCATV will keep its At the time of writing trails closed until the this article (May 4), a new premier [of Ontario] opens forest fire that had started similar outdoor recreation just before noon on May 4 like marinas and golf was "being held" in courses." Hebb also noted Pembroke. that some trails may remain Once the OMNRF lifts closed, such as those going the fire ban in restricted through the Algonquians of fire zones, then Pikwakanagan reserve municipalities in these which is currently closed to zones can decide if they non-residents. wish to have a municipal To find out when RCATV fire ban in place or not. and motorcycles are not trails are open, you can visit Municipalities that are allowing permitted on the trails. Also, There is also an backyard fires or agricultural 2020 trail maintenance work app that can be downloaded. burning permissions are not from Greenwood Road to For more information on the located in the restricted fire zone Algonquin College has closed Renfrew County ATV club and and thus not subject to the the Algonquin Trail until this permits, visit their website at provincial ban. work is complete. Georgetown University Motorized Trail Riding ATV and side-by-side users do For more information on professor Cal Newport debunks On May 1, the County of not require a permit to ride the County of Renfrew-owned trails, the belief that "follow your Renfrew issued a press release County of Renfrew trails. visit passion" is good advice, and sets announcing that the Algonquin May 1 is also the opening day out to discover how people end Trail and K&P Trail were open. for Ontario ATV trails. However, Follow us on up loving their careers. These trails are open to limited the trails managed by the Not only are pre-existing motorized use, unless otherwise Renfrew County ATV (RCATV) Facebook! passions rare and have little to noted. For example, dirt bikes organization are choosing to do with why people love their remain closed. RCATV work, but a focus on passion over skill can be dangerous, leading to anxiety and chronic Government of Canada Business Support job-hopping. Spending time with people who admitted to deriving Avoiding Layoffs & Rehiring Youth Jobs & Opportunities Indigenous Businesses great satisfaction from their work, Newport uncovers the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy Youth Employment & Skills Strategy Funding for Small and Medium- strategies they used and the (CEWS) Sized Indigenous Businesses and pitfalls they avoided to develop Student Work Placement Program Aboriginal Financial Institutions Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy Mitacs and The Business-Higher their compelling careers. Extending the Work-Sharing Education Roundtable Financial Stability Cal reveals that passion comes Program Relief for Federally-Regulated after you put in the hard work to Temporary Changes to Canada become excellent at something Summer Jobs Program Pension Plan Sponsors Access To Credit valuable, not before. In other Launching an Insured Mortgage words, what you do for a living Business Credit Availability (BCAP) Deferred Payments Purchase Program More Time to Pay Income Taxes is much less important than how Canada Emergency Business Bank of Canada Actions Account (CEBA) you do it. Deferral of Sales Tax Remittance Cal Newport's clearly written and Customs Duty Payments Ofce of the Superintendent of Canada Emergency Commercial Financial Institutions Actions manifesto is mandatory reading Rent Assistance (CECRA) Self-Employed Individuals for anyone fretting about what to Rural Businesses and Communities Support For Industries do with their life, or frustrated Canada Emergency Response by their current job situation and Assisting Innovative and Early Stage Benet (CERB) Specic support for industries: Businesses agriculture, agri-food, aquaculture eager to find a fresh new way to Deferral of Sales Tax Remittance and sheries sectors; cultural, take control of their livelihood. Young Entrepreneurs and Customs Duty Payments heritage and sports sectors; air He provides an evidence-based Small and Medium-Sized More Time To Pay Income Taxes transportation sector; tourism blueprint for creating work you Businesses Unable to Access Other sector, energy sector and non-prot love, and will change the way and charitable Support Measures you think about careers, happiness, and the crafting of anance/economic-response-plan.html#businesses remarkable life. May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 4 Business News Around The Valley

Correction Pow Wow Cancelled For 2020 boat and canoe launches. Public their taxes online, via regular Inner Strength Fitness Centre The Pow Wow committee for the health advice regarding physical mail or use the drop box at the had moved. Their new address is Algonquins of Pikwakanagan distancing remains the same, so municipal office. Horton is 23 Pembroke Street West. has made the decision to cancel people should only be boating waiving interest charges on Arnprior Market Postponed this year's Pow Wow due to the alone or with people from their outstanding property taxes for Due to COVID-19, the start date COVID-19 pandemic. The event own household. the end of May if they are unable of the Arnprior Market has been was scheduled for August 2020. Deep River April to be paid. postponed and is tentatively set Bonnechere Valley Events Water Bill Notice Lanark County to open on John Street on July 5. And Boat Launch Updates The Town of Deep River has Relief To Residents You can monitor their news at The Township of Bonnechere issued a notice that due to The Province of Ontario has A Valley is not yet cancelling COVID-19, the first water bill of provided relief funding to virtual market is available public gatherings for 2020. In a the year will be due June 30, municipalities in response to the starting May 17. May 1 release, the municipality 2020. It covers the period of COVID-19 pandemic. With its Farmers' Market has not yet decided if their January 1 to June 30, 2020. The allocation, Lanark County has Not Running In 2020 Canada Day event will happen bill will be mailed late May. For set up an emergency rent and The Town of Bancroft has or not. They are also "cautiously questions about water and sewer mortgage bank to assist Lanark decided it will not proceed with optimistic" that Taste of the billing, call 613-584-2000 ext. County residents who are behind their annual farmers' market. Valley in August will go 109 or [email protected]. in their rent or mortgage and are They intend to reinstate the forward. Their boat launches Horton Updates at risk of being evicted or losing market in 2021. The remain open at Bonnechere The municipal boat launch in their home. To access an online municipality recognizes the Lodge and Water Street. Horton Township is open. Boat application, please visit farmers' markets are an essential DNE Boat Launches Open launch permits will need to be or contact provider for individuals to obtain The municipal boat launches of presented in parked vehicles at Lanark County social services locally-sourced food, but that the Drummond North Elmsley, the boat launch as of May 15 and for more information at COVID-19 regulations from located in Rideau Ferry and the can be purchased online at [email protected], 613-267- Farmers' Markets Ontario and canoe launch in Ferguson Falls The 4200 ext. 2140 or toll-free at 1- the Hastings and Prince Edward re-opened on April 30. The May 29 property tax due date 888-952-6275. Public Health Unit would not public is reminded to maintain has not been changed and allow them to be able to operate. physical distancing when using residents are encouraged to pay Continued on Page 5

Find some good people. ARE YOU STILL HIRING? POST WITH US FOR $75 If your business is still hiring, share your job with people who are still looking for work. Every posting on our website is shared with 4,000+ followers on our Facebook page. ARE YOU CURRENTLY CLOSED? PROMOTE FUTURE JOBS WITH US If your business is currently operating at a reduced capacity, you can still recruit. Promote positions you will have available, find the talent and conduct video or phone interviews. Let people know you are recruiting for when things return to normal.

CONTACTING US: Phone: 613-732-7774 | [email protected] May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 5 Business News Around The Valley

Continued From Page 4 Burnstown Beach boat launches The Ottawa Valley Waste at Ma-te-Way Park as a safety in McNab Braeside are open Recovery Centre remains open measure against the spread of Horton Hoedown Cancelled according to a May 1 notice. to accept these materials at their COVID-19. The Renfrew The annual Horton Hoedown has Launch passes are required to permanent depot on Woito Bluegrass Festival scheduled for been cancelled for 2020. The use the boat launches. Station Road. July 9-12, 2020 has also been event was originally scheduled Mississippi Mills Boat Perth Seeks Planning cancelled for this year. for July 19-20, 2020. Launches Open Committee Members Business Develops Ontario Provincial Parks Boat launches in Mississippi The Town of Perth invites New Ventilator As of April 25, Ontario Mills are open. These launches residents or property owners in Kilmarnock Enterprise has Provincial Parks remain closed include Appleton Bay Park, the municipality to apply to created a low-cost ventilator and for all recreational activities Metcalfe Geo Heritage Park, serve on the planning advisory they have set-up a Go Fund Me until May 31, 2020. More Riverfront Estates and 5-Span committee for the remaining page to raise half a million information is available at Park in Pakenham. Emergency term of council 2020-2022. dollars to pay for it. The orders prohibiting the gathering Interested applicants are asked to SimpleVENT is built with fewer Crown Land Boat Launches of more than 5 and physical complete and submit an than 30 components, fits into a The Ontario Ministry of Natural distancing are still in place and application available at small lunchbox and has minimal Resources and Forestry has will be monitored by municipal Applications will electronics. It also comes with confirmed on their Facebook by-law enforcement officers. be accepted up to and including Bluetooth connectivity and can page that as of April 24, boat Environmental Days Friday, May 22. 2020. be operated as a "BiPAP launches on Ontario crown land Cancelled: OVWRC Petawawa Restaurant machine." Kilmarnock worked remain open. Crown land can be The Ottawa Valley Waste Lost To Fire with Dr. Alain Gauthier, who, in accessed for recreational Recovery Centre (OVWRC), has Danny's Restaurant in Petawawa March 2020, made headlines for activities such as hiking unless cancelled the environmental has been lost to a fire. The fire doubling hospital ventilator the crown land is closed or its days scheduled for May 9 at the started in the basement of the capacity by running two hoses use for certain other activities is Petawawa Civic Centre and June restaurant on April 27. Fire from the ventilator. limited. Turkey hunting season 6 at the Pembroke and Area departments from the Town of Whitewater Boat Launches opened April 25 and fishing is Community Centre. It will be Petawawa and Garrison Whitewater Region is installing open with all rules and evaluated closer to the date if Petawawa (providing an aerial dock systems for the opening of regulations in effect. OVWRC will proceed with the truck) attended to the fire. The the and Ottawa McNab Boat Launches Open environmental day scheduled for business was owned by Chris River boat launches. Muskrat The Red Pine Bay and August 22 in Laurentian Valley. and Melissa St. Martin. Lake boat launch opened May 4 According to the business' and the Ottawa River boat Facebook post, a "Good launch will open May 11. Samaritan" helped Chris escape Arnprior Cancels Tender and stayed by his side until help The Town of Arnprior has arrived. decided to cancel tender PW- Smiths Falls Buys Swans 2020-01 for Alicia Street The Town of Smiths Falls has Reconstruction and re-tender at a acquired two new "mute" swans. later time. They will go into the Victoria Municipalities Transfer $47 Basin in the near future. The Million to County of Renfrew municipality is allowing people The 17 municipalities that to submit ideas to name the comprise the County of Renfrew swans with winning names will be transferring more than announced May 19. The $47 million in taxes and municipality says that the mute payments-in-lieu to the upper- Available NOW at swan is one of the world's largest tier government. Petawawa leads waterfowl and one of three swan the contribution (based on species in North America. They assessment) with more than $8.5 were brought to North America million, of which, $2.6 million is by European settlers during the a payment-in-lieu contribution 1870s to adorn parks, gardens from Garrison Petawawa. and estates. They weigh between Laurentian Valley will transfer 11 and 19 kilograms. Despite the nearly $5 million to the County name, they are not actually mute, of Renfrew, followed by but rather less vocal than other Arnprior at just over $4 million. swan species. Total taxable assessment Renfrew Cancels transfers are listed in the Fact Celebrations column on page 7. The Town of Renfrew has cancelled their Canada Day celebrations scheduled for July 1 Continued on Page 6 May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 6 Business News Around The Valley

Continued from Page 5 Tay Valley Hears City of Pembroke New Health Initiative Receives Funding Biz Quiz COVID-19 At LTC Homes Tay Valley Township Council The City of Pembroke has As of April 24, the County of heard a presentation from Dr. received $73,500.00 through the How well do you know the Renfrew has tested 21 residents Taylor Ferrier to develop a new Municipal Modernization business news of the past few at Bonnechere Manor and 16 health centre in Perth. Some of Program Intake 1. Funding will weeks? Take the quiz! residents at Miramichi Lodge. the services would include go towards undertaking reviews One resident at Miramichi physicians, hospice, pharmacy, with the goal of finding service 1) Tim Hortons was ready to Lodge has a "pending" test result physiotherapy, radiology, delivery efficiencies and launch their Roll Up The Rim To with all others testing negative. palliative care, dermatology, etc. lowering costs in the long term. Win cups when COVID-19 hit. Staff have also been tested - 17 Dr. Ferrier reported that the Tender Recommendation They decided to not use the cups at Bonnechere Manor and 14 at clinic would provide after-hours For Festival Hall and take the promotion online. Miramichi Lodge with one and weekend care, bring doctors The City of Pembroke is How many cups were not used? confirmed staff case which was to the community and provide a recommending that the tender resolved. There are 500 staff in team-based environment. Dr. for Festival Hall Management 2) Who replaces Stephen Poloz the two long-term care homes. Ferrier asked if the council Services be awarded to Eventure as head of the Bank of Canada? As of April 10, the County of would consider contributing Entertainment, operated by Rick Renfrew only had 500 swabs and $75,000. Council received the Wharton. Wharton has been 3) What was the percentage drop 6,500 masks for all of Renfrew request as information. operating Festival Hall since for light vehicles sales in April County, however, in an April 29 Deep River Receives Funding 2015. The event centre has a 2020 as compared to April 2019? County of Renfrew Paramedic Canadian Heritage has informed consortium of the City of Service report, 516 swabs had the Town of Deep River that Pembroke, Town of Petawawa 4) The Cargill plant in Alberta been collected. The paramedic their application for funding has and Township of Laurentian accounts for what percentage of service is also reporting one been approved. A grant in the Valley who contribute $1.25 per Canada's beef processing? death and 14 cases of COVID-19 amount of $5,860 will be capita to the facility (totalling in Renfrew County as of April awarded to help carry out $41,820 for the 2020 year.) 5) On April 27, Porter Airlines 29. As of February 26, the activities, under the Celebration Renfrew Building Permits announced they were halting all resident population for and Commemoration Program, The Town of Renfrew recorded of its flights until what date? Bonnechere Manor was 178 and Celebrate Canada Component. $10,470,504.67 in total for Miramichi Lodge was 164. Greater Madawaska construction value for building 6) Loblaws reported panic- Ontario Works Pembroke Receives Funding permits issued in 2019. This is buying led to an increase of first Office Relocated In 2019, the Township of Greater the highest in the past four years. quarter sales, ending March 21, On April 15, 2020, the Ontario Madawaska applied for ICIP, the $89,901.23 was collected in of how much? Works Pembroke site relocated Investing in Canada building permit fees for 99 to a temporary office space at Infrastructure Program to issued permits. The permit 7) The Chicken Farmers of 169 Lake Street. Ontario Works complete the Ferguson Lake breakdown was as follows: Canada has reduced the total was served notice to vacate 141 project. In September 2019 they residential (72), non-residential amount of chickens to be grown Lake Street by April 30. They received notification that they (23), demolition (3) and septic from May to July 2020 due to will eventually move to the were successful for funding up system (1). the restaurant slowdown. What County of Renfrew building. p to $4,607,627.44. percentage is the reduction?

8) As fast-service restaurants closed the sit-down portion of their restaurants, the processors Fire, Safety and Electrical Services who make French fries have A full-time master electrician is now on staff so feel free to contact us for seen a decline. What do they your electrical services, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, suppression systems think cuts could be for growers? and safety gear needs. We look forward to serving you. 9) In an April 2020 Statistics Canada study, what percentage of Canadian businesses reported revenue losses of 40% or more from the same quarter in 2019?

10) What percentage of FIRE & SAFETY ELECTRIC Think of fire before it starts. A division of Layman Fire & Safety | ECRA/ESA 7013823 businesses requested credit from financial institutions to cover operating costs due to revenue shortfalls caused by COVID-19. Phone: 613-732-5320 | [email protected] Answers on Page 10 May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 7 Muskrat Lake Gets Big Nod All drains owing to the lake now have policies

By: Donald Deer Source: of impairment to the water It’s A Fact Muskrat Lake Association quality of the Muskrat Lake watershed, and the extent of Renfrew County After the Renfrew County impacts from anthropogenic and Property Tax Official Plan No. 25 was agricultural activities; the partially approved on March 22, following protective policies will Arnprior 2019, the Muskrat Lake apply to all surface water Association (MLA) was features including permanently $4,033,981 (8.5%) concerned about some wording. flowing municipal drains of the Deep River Section 16.2.6 states “Shoreline Muskrat Lake Watershed outside $2,174,208 (4.6%) frontage which is at least 20 the municipality of Whitewater metres (66 feet) in depth from Region….and work to Laurentian Hills the normal high or controlled complement those similar $1,716,841 (3.6%) high water mark should be policies in section 16 of this contacted the Ministry of Petawawa retained or restored as a natural plan. (1) Shoreline frontage Municipal Affairs and Housing $8,561,743 (18.1%) vegetative buffer….These which is at least 20 meters (66 (MMAH) and outlined the real policies also apply to the feet) in depth from the normal Renfrew source of most of the nutrients tributaries flowing to the high or controlled high water $3,264,753 (6.9%) getting into the lake. Muskrat Lake, Snake River and mark should be retained or A letter from County of Admaston Bromley Muskrat River located within the restored as a natural vegetative Renfrew Warden Debbie Whitewater Region.” buffer…” It names several $1,309,232 (2.8%) Robinson in December 13. 2019 In other words, it's the sole reasons why. Bonnechere Valley stated that once the current responsibility of Whitewater Other townships need to do update to the Provincial Policy $1,912,958 (4.0%) Region to rectify the nutrient their part. Statement is completed, county problem in Muskrat Lake. This It's interesting to note that the Brudenell, Lyndoch, council would have to determine was a ridiculous, non-realistic above requirement was one of next steps with respect to any Raglan requirement. the recommendations in the two revisions to the official plan. $891,688 (1.9%) On October 31, 2019, the 1981 environmental appraisals Discussions with Damien MLA sent a letter to the Warden done for Bromley Township by Greater Madawaska Schaeffer of MMAH basically of Renfrew County asking for Michael Michalski et. al. which $3,015,847 (6.4%) told us the same thing. the official plan to be revised was never acted upon by the The results of our efforts have Head, Clara, Maria such that other townships that then, Bromley Township. made a positive change to the $870,993 (1.8%) contribute nutrients into Muskrat The big question now is “Will official plan as shown in the Lake be included in the above the politicians and government Horton decision that we received on requirement. agencies follow the official plan $1,634,128 (3.5%) April 8, 2020 from MMAH. In December 2019, and on and do the right thing?” “Considering the current state Killaloe, Hagarty, several other occasions, we Time will tell. Richards $1,376,691 (2.9%) Laurentian Valley WELCOME TO $4,934,587 (10.4%) Madawaska Valley Community $2,893,890 (6.1%) McNab Braeside $,560,820 (7.5%) Living Month North Algona FOLLOW OUR DAILY MaySTORIES ON FACEBOOK Wilberforce $1,742,439 (3.7%) Whitewater Region $3,359,105 (7.1%) Total 31 stories from our staff $47,253,904 about what they enjoy most about working here! Sources: County of Renfrew May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 8 Tender Results Around The Valley

PW-M-34-2020-20-E3 PW-M-45-2020-21-E2 PW-20-05 Surface Treatment Granular Materials. Lanark Roadway Sweeping. Lanark Roadside Mowing. Lanark Program 2020. Mississippi Highlands. County. County. Mills. Ferguson Sideroad Lanark County is choosing not Lanark County is choosing not Tomlinson - $801,153.50 Crains - $27,000.00 to release the names of all to release the names of all Cavanagh - $666,595.63 Cavanagh -$32,700.00 bidders and bid amounts. They bidders and bid amounts. They 3rd Concession Dalhousie are only releasing the winning are only releasing the winning Concrete Work. Mississippi Crains - $79,980.00 bidder and bid amount. bidder and bid amount. Mills. Cavanagh - $90,730.00 CTM Sweeping Co - $22,000.00 Steven Lewis - $15,850.00 Large Areas 1 Black Creek Prestige - $126.75 per sq metre Crains - $74,400.00 PW-M-38-2020-20-E0 Catch PW-02-2020 Labour, Adria - $345.00 per sq metre Cavanagh - $77,250.00 Basin and Manhole Cleaning. Equipment and Materials for Premium - $760.00 per sq metre Concession 1a Lanark Lanark County. the Headwords Upgrades to Large Areas 2 Crains - $30,600.00 Lanark County is choosing not the Existing Water Pollution Prestige - $218.25 per sq metre Cavanagh - $33,320.00 to release the names of all Control Plant. Town of Adria - $545.00 per sq metre Concession 1a Lanark bidders and bid amounts. They Petawawa. Premium - $965.00 per sq metre Crains - 32,400.00 are only releasing the winning Only one bid was received. Small Areas 1 Cavanagh - $35,280.00 bidder and bid amount. Harrington Mech. - $388,000.00 Prestige - $250.50 per sq metre Giles TSP Septic & HydroVac Service Adria - $555.00 per sq metre Crains - 25,800.00 - $4950.00 Asphalt Resurfacing 2020 Premium - $680.00 per sq metre Cavanagh - $31,420.00 Tender No. T-20-04. City of Small Areas 2 Purdy PW-M-43-2020-21-E2 Pembroke. Prestige - $445.25 per sq metre Crains - 25,800.00 Roadside Brushing. Lanark Greenwood - $242,534.00 Adria - $805.00 per sq metre Cavanagh - $22,680.00 County. Miller Paving - $294,534.00 Premium - $870.00 per sq metre 6th Concession Darling Lanark County is choosing not H&H Const. - $344,137.00 Crains - $27,950.00 to release the names of all PW-20-13 Flushing and CCTV Cavanagh - $32,435.00 bidders and bid amounts. They Asphalt Patching 2020 Tender of Sanitary Sewers, 2020-2023. Mitchel are only releasing the winning No. T-20-03. City of Pembroke. Mississippi Mills. Crains - $34.400.00 bidder and bid amount. H&H Const. - $129,500.00 On-Site Sewer - $160,789.52 Cavanagh - $30,000.00 Crains' Construction - $5200.00 Miller Paving - $166,000.00 Clean Water - $169,567.17 5th Concession B Lanark Greenwood - $209,325.00 Crains - $15,750.00 Muskrat River Dam Removal 2020-02 Fuel Supply. Township Cavanagh - $13,125.00 Tender Contract No.19-135. Tender PW-2020-01 Tandem of Whitewater Region. Munroe City of Pembroke. Axle Truck, Spreader, Plow W.O. Stinson - $140,028.25 Crains - $49,350.00 R.G.T. Clouthier - $506,701.00 and Wing. Horton Township. MacEwen - $165,612.55 Cavanagh - $49,350.00 Bonnechere Ex. - $588,895.00 Francis Truck - $288,389.30 Parkland Fuel - $322,958.77* Pickerel Bay Corington Eng. - $689,680.00 Rush Truck - $292,752.89 Canada Clean - $160,359.34 Crains - $37,800.00 Ross and Anglin - $860,722.00 Lourds Papineau - $297,418.21 *Different than tender opening Cavanagh - $32,850.00 Clearwater - $1,147,380.00 due to error Buy 2 Ads Get 1 Free! Any size of ad. Can run anytime throughout the year.

Advertise your business, organization, event, training, products or service to a well-read and business-oriented audience. Offer valid all year long. Must be the same ad running three times. Graphic design included in ad price. Ottawa Valley BUSINESS | [email protected] May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 9 Tender Results Around The Region 2020-06 Wheeled Excavator. 2020-04 Flail Mower. Tenders Township of Whitewater Township of Whitewater HVAC Upgrades; Bldg H-112 Region. Region. EXPRESSION ----- Eastrock Inc. - $371,125.90 Elliott Farm - $35,312.50 OF INTEREST Upgrade Pharmacy Hartington Equip. - $410,190.00 Colvoy Equip. - $37,080.95 Storage Area at B104 Toromont Cat - $491,290.10 Renovation-Retrofit of Former ----- Strongco - $464,430.00 2020-03 2500 Series Regular Algonquin Nursing Home H101 Battery Room Upgrade Wajax Equip. - $558,159.54 Cab Truck. Township of ----- Brant Tractor - $437,524.70 Whitewater Region. REQUEST FOR 20-17 Ramsay Landfill No bids were received PROPOSAL Environmental Monitoring 2020-05 Slip-in Water Tank. Program Township of Whitewater Dust Suppression. Lanark Service Delivery & ----- Region. Highlands. Modernization Review of City 20-16 Howie Road Landfill Precision Ind. - $29,380.00 Only one bid was submitted. of Pembroke Operations Dept. Environmental Monitoring RMES - $34,487.60 Morris Chemical - $0.260/litre Proposal No. P-20-05 ----- Program Lawn Maintenance Services ----- 20-15 Roadside Weed Spray REQUEST FOR ----- Youth Entrepreneurship MV2020-05 Crushed A Gravel QUOTATION ----- Funding to start, complete business MV2020-04 One Only Diesel Vehicle Krown 2020 Powered Tandem Plow Truck Enterprise Renfrew County including the paperwork. ------(Renfrew County) and Small Summer Company is funded Aggregate Suppliers Screened Winter Sand Business Advisor Centre (Lanark by the Government of Ontario ------County) is recruiting student with funding support of up to Contractor Equipment Rentals Catch Basin Cleaning Program entrepreneurs who are eager to $3,000. Successful applicants ----- 2020 Contract# 20-PW-002 explore entrepreneurship. will receive up to $1,500 to help Automotive and Trucking ----- The Summer Company with business start-up costs and, Repairs, Plumbing, HVAC, Sewer Cleaning and CCTV Program is a unique opportunity, upon successful completion, Electrical, Carpentry and Inspection Program 2020 it enables students 15 to 29- they receive an additional General Contracting ----- years-old to create their job and $1,500. ----- Contract# 20-PW-001 learn what it takes to be an Enterprise Renfrew County Supply & Install Garage Doors Cty Road 43 and Cty Road 18 entrepreneur. Summer Company and Small Business Advisor at 45 Canning Street Garage Intersection Improvements PW- business owners learn that Centre administer the program ----- C-08-2020-20-E0 operating a successful business on behalf of the Province of Repair of Roof at 45 Canning ----- is more than selling a service or Ontario. Street Garage product; they learn how to This is a highly competitive Service Delivery Review RFT manage their business finances, program with only seven spaces 2020-04 TENDERS building and controlling available. The deadline to apply ----- inventory, marketing, customer is May 17. Apply online at 2020-FD01 Provision and 814416-B 137 Industrial service, and the entire behind the Installation of Temporary Hygiene Laboratory scenes work that is required to or Facilities Project 2020 Refurbishment Project operate a successful business ------Tender No. SA 2020-02 Supply Miscellaneous Groceries and Application of Liquid ----- Calcium Chloride Rural Institute Program Priority Parking Snow and Ice ----- Control Operations Foster Fraser Bridge Chance for youth to contribute ----- Rehabilitation Tender Contract Mattawa Plains Snow and Ice No. 19-162 A pilot project for rural youth attractive to young people, Control (W6889-200073/C) ----- (aged 18-29) is looking for making them want to build ----- PW-C-08-2020-20-E0 County community-minded people to careers in the rural areas. Free Access Control Systems Road 43 and County Road 18 participate. The Change Makers webinars are available to explain ----- Intersection Improvements program offers youth a chance to the program. For more Snack Cakes (W0107-201540/B) ----- learn about community information, visit ----- Road Improvements – Tender development and earn a RFQ 20-MRP01 – Marianhill R2020-01 to R2020-06 certificate upon completion. The changemakers. Dates for Inc Redevelopment Project program also provides a chance webinars are on our events page Request for Qualifications Details at: to make rural Ontario more (page two of this issue.) ----- May 5, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business Page 10 Small Business Patriotism How to capitalize on people who want to buy local

your business as you have they are open. Deadlines wanted and no one can require As a customer, it seems like a OTTAWA VALLEY you to ever change that. You small change to make - edit your BUSINESS never have to bend to someone voicemail message - but it isn't else's will and you never have to the customer's call. However, change anything that you don't where to spend their money is Publishes: May 19, 2020 want to change. One of the the customer's call. Small Deadline: May 12, 2020 MARKETING greatest freedoms of owning business owners always know ----- Publishes: June 2, 2020 By: Jennifer Layman your own business is that you that risk - for some, it is one they are in 100 per cent control of are willing to take. Deadline: May 26, 2020 [email protected] your life, your career and your And that is great news! income. An opportunity exists to draw In the last issue, I talked about 101 THINGS TO DO Speaking of income, all small more customers when you can how to communicate better with IN THE VALLEY business owners take on some be more appealing to the your customers from passing level of risk when it comes to customer needs in a difficult along operational information July-August 2020 Edition operating a business and a big time. If you can be more such as hours of operation to Publishes: June 11, 2020 part of that risk is financial. flexible, offer increased service continuing to keep in touch for Deadline: June 8, 2020 Pretty much every decision a and communicate more clearly, when the opening day small business owner makes is a you can grow your competitive ----- approaches. It was a column that financial one - there is always a position in the marketplace as a September-October Edition drew a lot of comments from cost, losses are always possible local business. There is a drive Publishes: August 13, 2020 people who were "trying" to be and gains are never guaranteed. to support local small business Deadline: August 10, 2020 customers of local businesses Mitigating risk becomes part of right now, and it's free marketing but were having a problem daily decision-making - that's you can use to let customers HEALTH MATTERS connecting with incorrect not a life for everyone! know they can buy from you. information. Just as small business owners People need things, even in a I also had the other side of the Summer 2020 Issue make choices, so do customers. pandemic. If you can deliver, story, business owners saying Publishes: July 10, 2020 During COVID-19, many you can make a great impression that people should know that it Deadline: June 19, 2020 customers are trying harder to and create positive talk about isn't "business as usual" right ----- support local businesses out of a your efforts. now. However, for some Fall 2020 Issue local sense of patriotism. But the I found a quote that really businesses, it is business as Publishes: October 9, 2020 customer has wants and needs as summed up the situation. "We usual. Still, there were small well, so while they may be are all in the same storm, but we Deadline: September 18, 2020 businesses that were adamant drawn to a local business, they are not all in the same boat." We that they did not have to change. will give up other options if that still have choices to make. And you know...they're right. local business can't meet their Small business never has to needs, such as giving them Jennifer is the president of Forward change. You have built and run accurate information of when Thinking Marketing Agency. Her column Biz Quiz Answers 1) 81 million 2) Tiff Macklem 3) 74.6% drop – from 180,616 units sold to 45,833 units sold 4) 40% 5) June 29. They previously announced a suspension of flights until June 1. 6) $751 million, a 10.7% increase over the same period in 2019 7) 12.6% - from 285 million When you’re ready to move on from things that aren’t working kilograms to 249 million for you, we’ll help you replace old habits with new ones. kilograms 8) 15 to 30% 9) 32.3% 10) 28.6%; financial institutions Phone: 613-732-7774 either fully or partially approved forwardthinking 77.3% of these requests [email protected] MARKETING AGENCY

May 6, 2020

Mitchell Ferguson, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF PEMBROKE Township of Admaston/Bromley 1 Pembroke Street East Pembroke, Ontario 477 Stone Road K8A 3J5 Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5 Tel. 613-735-6821 Via email: [email protected]

Chief Administrative Officer & Human Dear Mr. Mitchell: Resources Extension 1330 Please be advised that Council of the Corporation of the City of Pembroke Fax: 613-735-3660 passed the following resolution at its meeting of May 5, 2020: Finance Extension 1320 Resolution #013 (May 5, 2020) Fax: 613-735-3660 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gervais Fire Seconded by Councillor Ed Jacyno Extension 1201 Fax: 613-732-7673 the provincial government, under the Emergency Measures and Whereas OPP Administration Civic Protection Act, has the ability to declare an emergency in light of 613-732-3332 serious issues arising in the Province of Ontario and take corresponding action for the health and safety of residents; Economic Development Culture, & Tourism And Whereas the Provincial government has rightly declared an emergency Extension 1303 Fax: 613-735-3660 given the dire and potentially disastrous situation of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), a declaration that will be in effect until at least May 12, 2020 at Operations which time it will be reassessed; Extension 1409 Fax: 613-732-1421 And Whereas the provincial government is able to deem certain services “essential” under the same legislation in order to ensure their continued, Planning, Building & By-Law Enforcement though maybe modified, opening and operation during an emergency and Extension 1304 most other “non-essential” services stay curtailed or closed; Fax: 613-735-3660 And Whereas essential services are the foundation for Ontario’s way of Purchasing life, socially and economically, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, public Extension 1409 Fax: 613-732-1421 transit, major infrastructure development and many healthcare facilities;

Parks & Recreation And Whereas provincial orders are based on current experiences in large Extension 1501 urban centres which may not reflect the health risks and realities of smaller Fax: 613-635-7709 municipalities such as the City of Pembroke which could benefit from more

local flexibility to allow for more activities and businesses. general email: [email protected] Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the City of Pembroke send a resolution to the Ontario Provincial Government that it is the City’s Council’s belief that the local flexibility to provincial orders (COVID-19) be

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considered in order to properly address local needs and reopen some activities and reopen businesses in the City of Pembroke.

And Further Be It Resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to CITY OF PEMBROKE 1 Pembroke Street East Premier Doug Ford, the Honourable Christine Elliott, Minister of Health; Pembroke, Ontario MPP John Yakabuski, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Renfrew K8A 3J5 County and District Health Unit, County of Renfrew, and Renfrew County Tel. 613-735-6821 Municipalities.

Chief Administrative Should you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not Officer & Human hesitate to contact me. Resources Extension 1330 Sincerely, Fax: 613-735-3660

Finance Extension 1320 Fax: 613-735-3660 Terry Lapierre, CMO, CMMIII, Ec.D Chief Administrative Officer Fire Extension 1201 Fax: 613-732-7673 TL/hm

OPP Administration 613-732-3332

Economic Development Culture, & Tourism Extension 1303 Fax: 613-735-3660

Operations Extension 1409 Fax: 613-732-1421

Planning, Building & By-Law Enforcement Extension 1304 Fax: 613-735-3660

Purchasing Extension 1409 Fax: 613-732-1421

Parks & Recreation Extension 1501 Fax: 613-635-7709

general email: [email protected]

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575 Dominion Avenue Midland, ON L4R 1R2 The Corporation of the Town of Midland Phone: 705-526-4275 Fax: 705-526-9971

March 23, 2020

By Fax to: 613.941.6900 & Twitter @CanadianPM, @JustinTrudeau

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada Langevin Block, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister:

Re: Direct Payment of Federal Funds to Municipalities to Waive Property Taxes for the Year 2020 - Financial help to alleviate the suffering from COVID-19 Pandemic

It is trite to repeat the human and financial toll of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Similarly, the commitment of the federal, provincial and municipal governments toward alleviating the suffering of Canadians does not require repeating.

We, at the Town of Midland, in the Province of Ontario, are proposing what we believe to be a simple but effective solution to facilitate the delivery of our common and shared commitment to the financial and psychological well-being of all Canadians.


1. Residential Properties (primary residence only)

a. Waive 100% of the 2020 property taxes for all residential properties currently assessed at or below $ 500,000.00 by each governing provincial property assessment body; and b. Waive 50% of the 2020 property taxes for all residential properties currently assessed below $ 1,000,000.00; and c. Waive 25% of the 2020 property taxes for all residential properties currently assessed above $1,000,000,00.

2. Industrial, Commercial and Farm Properties

a. Waive 100% of the 2020 property taxes for all; industrial, commercial and farm properties currently assessed at under $ 10,000,000.00; and b. Waive 50% of the property taxes for the year 2020 for all industrial, commercial and farm properties currently assessed between $10,000,000.00 and $ 50,000,000.00; and c. Waive 25% of the property taxes for the year 2020 for all industrial, commercial and farm properties assessed above $50,000,000.00.

Direct Payment of Federal Funds to Municipalities to Waive Property Taxes March 23, 2020

3. Federal Transfer Payment to Canadian Municipalities

a. In lieu of the annual municipal property taxes, the Federal Government transfers funds to municipalities across Canada, as a one-time grant.

Advantages of the Proposal:

1. Quick and timely relief; 2. Direct relief to all Canadian homeowners and the business community; 3. Directly protects Canadians who although may be solvent, are unable to easily meet the financial pressures beyond their personal capacity due to COVID-19; 4. No additional resources required to assess individual need and delivery of the relief; 5. Negligible overhead costs for the disbursement of the relief. In fact, it may cut-down on some of the work for municipal staff; and 6. The financial stimulus received from the federal government will come into circulation immediately and will stay in the community.

There are a multitude of other direct and indirect financial and non-financial benefits that will result from the implementation of this proposal. The biggest non-financial impact is that Canadians will see an immediate financial relief respecting the pressures to make their property tax payments and be better positioned to address other essential needs. In turn, removing this added stress will provide some relief to the already strained financial and health systems.

As you are aware, Canadians are entering this time of crisis with a very high amount of house-hold debt and a great deal of financial fragility. Taking this simple step should alleviate some of those pressures. At the same time, it will keep your municipal governments, and school boards primed for continued productivity and forward momentum to address the fallout from COVID-19.

Thanking you in anticipation of a favourable response.

Sincerely, The Corporation of the Town of Midland

Stewart Strathearn, Amanpreet Singh Sidhu, Mayor Chief Administrative Officer [email protected] [email protected] c: Town of Midland Council Association of Municipalities of Ontario Province of Ontario

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