Township of Admaston/Bromley Second Monthly Meeting Thursday, May 21st, 2020 @ 7:30 p.m. AGENDA Our office is closed to the public. The meeting will be held via Zoom Video Conferencing. Meeting Link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85918466802 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Moment of Silence 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 5. Minutes a) 5a Resolution to adopt Minutes of Council meeting held May 7th, 2020. 6. Delegations and Guests 7. Planning and Economic Development Committee – Chair Bob Hall, Committee Member Kevin LeGris a. 7a CRTC Broadband Fund - Update COGECO b. 7b April Building and Sewage Report 8. Community Service Committee – Chair Kevin LeGris, Committee Member Bob Hall 9. Operations Committee – Chair Robert Dick, All of Council. 1. 9a Roads Voucher May 15, 2020 10. Waste Management Committee – Chair Kevin LeGris, All of Council 11. Finance and Administration Committee - Chair Michael Donohue, All of Council 1. 11a General Voucher May 15, 2020 2. 11b Budgetary Control May 15, 2020 3. 11c Adoption of 2020 Budget and Tax Rates 4. 11d 2020 Budget Booklet 12. Protective Services Committee – Chair Mike Quilty, Committee Member Robert Dick 13. County of Renfrew – Mayor Michael Donohue 14. By-Laws a) 14a By-Law No. 2020-29 being a by-law to adopt the 2020 budget. b) 14b By-Law No. 2020-30 being a by-law to provide for the adoption of the 2020 tax rates and to further provide penalty and interest in default of payment thereof. 15. Notice of Motion 16. Old Business 17. New Business 18. Confirmatory By-Law a) 18a By-Law No 2020-31 to confirm proceedings of the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley at the meeting held May 21st, 2020 19. Question Period 20. In-Camera Session 21. Adjournment PLEASE NOTE “Submissions received by the public, either orally or in writing may become part of the public record/package”. Council Information Whitewater News May 7, 2020 Whitewater News May 14, 2020 Ottawa Valley Business May 5, 2020 Township of Montague - Federal Assistance for Municipalities City of Pembroke Resolution Town of Midland - Letter to PM CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ADMASTON/BROMLEY FIRST MONTHLY MEETING Council met for their first monthly meeting at the Municipal Council Chambers and via electronic participation on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 7:30 pm. Present was Mayor Michael Donohue. Deputy Mayor Mike Quilty, Councillors Robert Dick, Kevin Legris and Bob Hall participated electronically. Staff members present electronically were Clerk/Treasurer Allison Vereyken, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Mitchell Ferguson and Public Works Superintendent Chris Kunopaski. Mayor Donohue then called the meeting to order at 7:34pm followed with a moment of silence. Resolution No. 01/05/20 Moved by: Mike Quilty, seconded by Robert Dick BE IT RESOLVED that Council accept the agenda as amended this date. “Carried” The April 9th, 2020 minutes were provided to Council for approval and the following resolution was passed: Resolution No. 02/05/20 Moved by: Mike Quilty, seconded by Robert Dick BE IT RESOLVED that Council accept the minutes of the regular council meeting held April 16th, 2020. “Carried” Delegations and Guests: None. Planning and Economic Development Committee - Chair Bob Hall, Committee Member Kevin LeGris There was an update on the information received from NRTC in regard to their application to the CRTC Broadband fund. It was noted that the original deadline date was May 1 but had been extended to June. The Letter of Support to NRTC was received as information. Community Service Committee Chair Kevin LeGris, Committee Member Bob Hall 1. Library Meeting Minutes and Librarian Report Councillor Hall provided a brief background on the minutes and report. There was a request on the connectivity grant availability for 2020 in which information will be required to come back to Council. 2. Canada Day Celebrations Staff presented the report to Council and provided an update to Council on the other organizations that have cancelled Canada Day celebrations since the report was prepared. Resolution No. 03/05/20 Moved by: Kevin Legris, seconded by Bob Hall BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the cancellation of the 2020 Canada Day Celebrations for the Township of Admaston/Bromley; AND THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT Council approve and support an application to the Celebrate Canada Grant and the Celebrate Ontario Grant for the 2021 Canada Day Celebrations; AND THAT IT BE RESOLVED THAT Council approve staff to advertise for the nominations of Citizens of the Year as in previous years, but that the awards will be distributed at a later date. “Carried” Operations Committee Chair Robert Dick, All of Council The Public Works Superintendent provided brief verbal update on the current operations of the department. Waste Management Committee - Chair Kevin LeGris, All of Council There was nothing noted at this time. Finance and Administration Committee - Chair Michael Donohue, All of Council 1. Local Board Remuneration and Expenses Report The Chair presented a brief overview of the report. Resolution No. 04/05/20 Moved by Bob Hall, seconded by Kevin Legris BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried” 2. Council Remuneration and Expenses Report Staff presented a brief overview of the report which included an explanation on why two members received $35.10 more than two others. The explanation was the taxable benefit of life insurance being reported as single or as a family. Resolution No. 05/05/20 Moved by Kevin Legris, seconded by Mike Quilty BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried” 3. Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program Staff presented a detailed overview of the report. Council had discussion around the recommendation and opted to Table the recommendation to allow staff time to further research the financial impact on a County wide basis. Resolution No. 06/05/20 Moved by Bob Hall, seconded by Robert Dick BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council TABLE the recommendation for the farm property class tax program until June. “Carried” 4. Insurance Premium 2020/2021 Staff provided a detailed review of the report to Council. Resolution No. 07/05/20 Moved by Mike Quilty, seconded by Robert Dick BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accept the proposal from AON to provide insurance to the Township for the period of May 1, 2020 to May 1, 2021. AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the removal of the additional $25,000,000 coverage based on the information provided from AON; AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to inform the Insurance provider of the change and request the revised premium breakdown that will be inclusive of a savings in the amount of approximately $10,000; AND BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to prepare an RFP for Insurance Services inclusive of a provisional item to provide Risk Management services to be advertised in early 2021. “Carried” 5. Interest on Outstanding Tax Accounts Staff provided a detailed review of the report. There was discussion around the recommendation to charge interest on all accounts that were in arrears for the 2019 years and older. Resolution No. 08/05/20 Moved by Bob Hall, seconded by Kevin Legris BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried” 6. Minister’s Letter to Head of Council – Labour Deployment Staff provided a brief overview of the letter and that it currently does not affect the Township as there are no union agreements in place. This letter was for information purposes only. 7. Cash Management Report Staff provided a review of the cash flow for the Township up to March 31, 2020. It was noted that there was no drastic change due to the pandemic at that time. Resolution No. 09/05/20 Moved by Mike Quilty, seconded by Kevin Legris BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried” 8. Tax Report Staff provided a brief review of the tax report, where it was noted that there was not a substantial difference in the taxes collected at March 31, 2019 to March 31, 2020 even during the pandemic. Resolution No. 10/05/20 Moved by Bob Hall seconded by Kevin Legris BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts this report as information. “Carried” Protective Services - Chair Mike Quilty, Committee Member Robert Dick Deputy Mayor Mike Quilty provided a brief note about the detachment based police board stating that it is a work in progress and is moving relatively slow with the current pandemic. County of Renfrew - Mayor Michael Donohue There was nothing to note as this time. By-Laws None. New Business None. Confirmatory By-Law Resolution No 11/05/20 Moved by Kevin LeGris, seconded by Bob Hall THAT By-Law No 2020-28, being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Township of Admaston/Bromley at the meeting held May 7th, 2020 be now numbered, deemed read three times and passed. “Carried” Resolution No. 12/05/20 Moved by Kevin LeGris, seconded by Bob Hall BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Thursday, May 7th, 2020 Township of Admaston/Bromley Council meeting be adjourned at 8:47 p.m. “Carried” __________________________ __________________________ Mayor Clerk-Treasurer Allison Vereyken From: Michael Donohue <[email protected]> Sent: May 7, 2020 3:35 PM To: Michael Hennessy Cc: Allison Vereyken Subject: RE: CRTC RFP Broadband Fund - Submission Date Moved to June 1 2020 - Admaston/Bromley Mr. Hennessy, I appreciate the update, please note that Allison Vereyken is now our Clerk/Treasurer, I’ve copied her on this reply. As you’ve said, we face an unprecedented challenge, and it has definitely exposed the enormous gulf that exists between urban and rural connectivity, and the intolerable impact this has had and is having on our economy and society.
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