The Coming Spring.^
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WllHa , « ¦) '«! aaore ef tt riian ihai sever* » per-cae wa«e grass « ¦UBotM, let. 143 degress 40 *tnotes, Tar- .1 B&laarat, beside* the ene we ktn th.Aj *ade no¬ of 3,600 Mu, ttmm*aoed mm two ytm back, and At iubw|. won DCNT AT TBI HOMO AM 1*6* WOEXB, C), rjUt iki by taa mthMm. Of karrleuaa ire 37 degrees 6 minks, lea. 144; JaJ tion of. noticed on several occaaoaa. ieonehed IT MB.' T. STACK. MBNCINO MAY, 1862. rsegewer.kt 33 Joe. Of wool, more cad be Mid after a a* >nth or two, i» Nothing by MW report* of three which hire btm eiper.eaeed ka, lat 37 degieaa "kiites, 144 degrese 15 net ooraaaene# this Arm thie launched. Oh 60 in. 11 ft. itnlu of ear Creek. la'. flockowner* do generally aheepwaiihing year. engine diameter, piste* , Id nittta tie last fertaight. Toe Bri- miavtes; 37 4tgma 40 mln- vicinity 10 .nd alittriii Mvn wpttmlxr Md October A* tabor IT lOU JOHN BVGL W. Jan. 7..Bark Chaailefear, ot 350 tons, tor M. If. for the Texti, for New OriMMiii ttah (hip Tfeomaa Chadwick ud Ame-icana snip tea, lea. 145 degrees mfsatse; Plenty Rwgei, m more abundant, we may look forward V a large yield, steamship Mi* TtcrntoD ut the cn'y total wreet- ktv4 ef; kt 37 degress 35 arinnks, Ion. 145 iipwi 10 mm- and mare care ke*towed open the waahiu*. Lmmtkti* Pmmi k Co. Texas line. It v« except ft large skip, viln legged, seen aone .tea; Mount Alexander. kt. 37 dsgreea, loo. 144 de- Tallow, at picaent price*, scarcely de*er»e« attention la Mareh.Steamboat Fereit City, 900 tw, far K»; J.Dark Dya, 360 tout, for Maitland, Phelps One engine 42 x 11 for steamship PersereflUMO, wvaztty n;)ee from H»ng Koag Itre days age. Of ireu 20 mketse; Bendlgo. lat 34 degrees 90 io«" as an article for nhipment. being scarce and high. k Co. far New Orleans end Texas line. vet there is much «o tea.war by tkuee cnemiea of utes, k». 144 degreea 20 minutes; B>lkrat, kt. 37 tisae t» becoming an article of export, and ie *aid to Bw>w ui Banger bueiaeea. mankind, the sea going pinve; and wu between degrees 35 minutes, lor. 143 degrees 58 lnkke very good varniab, and has rieeu from £20 to about Oct. 3..Steamer Joaeph Whitney, 900 tone, far Xv 20.Brig Emma, 287 tout, for H. K. Corning. Om engine 00 z 11, for steamship Charlee Htrr tbe patriot* and the Tittar e.-oxl that infeV. tee M'lver. kt 37 degrees, ion. 145 vrm; G^nTbarn, £60 a too. the Beaten aad Baltimore Uae. Jim 17..Bark Clara, 760 tone, for Wakeman, gan, ler Mew Orleans ud Tezu line. .hiaese Bat there is much to tell 1st. 37 degree 6 minutes, Ion 145 50 min¬ empire. though deg-ees ADDITIONAL. Mr. alao launched thie ear the aerew Dimon k Co. One engine 44 z 11, for steamship NantUloe, fat .f It, aceouota are ao mueonn with apparent false utes; Ovens, kt 36 degrees 30 minutes. ka.146 de- We bar* via file* of the Em¬ Eaglia y re-'eived, Callao, Sidney 18.. 300 M. New Orleans and Texan line. heed that it is imprudent to write eat all we bear. grata 40 missies; and Omo, l«t 3. degrees 65 mk pire to the 29th September. steamer Meaeaon Sand/ord, of 1,000 tone, for the July Bark Rebecca, tofla, for M. Uqaeeielly is this remark apabeabie In connection atee, Ion. 147 degrees 30 minutes. Of the*, th« The Mayor of Robert Town bad paid into the Colonial New York and trada, aad a ferry Freeman k Co. Two engines 42 z 12, for steamship with from the norther* The first seven, oa*belf of the £2,000 for the aid of wive* and families of Philadelphia reports provinces. being whok number, Treaanry of 400 for the Oat. 7. 260 for Comet, New Terk and Virginia ¦ of were in British soldier* who luffer the war. boat, toxu, Williamibarg Ferry Com¬ Clipper brig Canra, tons, Bteamshp Company. Sbargtae rebels, it Is Jd, are getting tired <ii*:overed the present yev. These dig- during & 42 z for waiting fcr tbe 1 >ng promised relief ft )m NT-taking. extend from Ion 142 degreea 35 mientea lo Kmm all part* of the colcnies h*liMf* la re' orted pany. Wallace Co. Twoeoginet 12, tteomshlp Bmett, Oi Batten about Canton, speaking generally. finga47 degrees 30 minutes, and from lit 35 degrees 20 duD. The great competition, heavy arrival* of ;;o«»d», Mr. E. haa Launched at Buffalo this year two im- Mr. 8. alao launched a bark, or three-maeled New York and Virginia Sttaowhip Company. ke naid to remain as ia< Wt minutes to kt. 37 40 miaatea, overiistrict* rent* and other ex pen«e«, are cauting many mer- Two 00 z for Ban »key may reported. degrees baa ..« to kuepend payment menae steamboata, drawing 14 feet water, aad of tcbooaer (name sot ascertained), of 600 toaa, tor enginee 8, steamship rmrllir. iear of horrible cruelties bei»g perpetrated, every csmpritirg upward* of 30,000 square mile* or mare Gold continue* to arrive at end Pacific Mail now and the of no than ha'sf the area er the plentifully Melbourne, 3,000 tone each, for the Mlohifaa Central Railroad Mr. Wm. B. Whitehead, and the brig Dalaflall, of Steamehip Coapany. then, by Ua&d..riut; bat, impor¬ oelony. ii reported at £4 per onnce. Two 50 z for the New York tant snccessor otherwise. Two crops (Home s» Ibe following k the amount of gold brougnt into TVe aubject of regular eteam communication with Coupany, intended for Lake Erie. They are repre¬ 190 tana, far Mr. H. Delafiold. pair enginee 10, an# eight) of new teas bave arrived somewhat damaged Meltonrne b.7 escort tor the week anting tbe 12th England had created coneiderable attention. sented to bs very superb Teasels, and larger than He alao rebuilt the clipper ahip White Squall, California Steamship Company's ships Si. Lenin within be iast two and it is to bs bc.-ed more The e* orts Cram Mount Kate waa boat of ai in days; September. Alexander and Haye* gaining admirer*, u*ual, any steamboat ever built on the Atlantic,exoept the into a three-zna>ted schooner. Bhe ia now 800 toaa and Bonora, which eblpe afterwards were bought will foPcw scon, or we ah&il begin to dlspair for Bali*' at arrived at the Gold Officio Department of Sydney. bnrthen. by W. H. Anpinwall.the St. Louie in running be¬ Caatcn's rcsasr tatioc. Chief Ccnimiaakner of Gold Fields yesterday at tho Metropolis, lately ianached at Green Point. Ilaiters costume quiet at Foe-chow, and there ap appointed hoar, and brought tho following retama, SHIPBUILDING FOR 1854. Nctiing on the stocks at this yard. On the Stock*. tween New York and Ham, and the Sonera on the pears tt be no immediate prospect of aa outbreak, viz:.Castlemn^ne. 8,549 tunees: Sandhurst, 5,387 BY MB. TBOS. COLLVBR. Ship Ellwood Walter, of 1,100 tons, for Mr. J. B. Pacific. faaae goes on u*, and the peopie teem to par- ounces; Bal'arat, 2,102 oz. 5 dwk.; Avocs. 1,388 oe.; Sardy and others ; ready for One for Golden for ene their m ats without few. But Creawick'a Account of VohcU UnnrHcd lo New York Launehtd. nearly iannching. engine, 83x12, steamehip Ago, daily employ in Cteek. 839 cz.; Fryer's C.eek, 103 a*., BT XK98B6. I.AWRENCE ANI) POCLK*. pToioit'.<n fca the Ciiitr so Government feel thex- 15 drte.: Mount Frankfyn, 87 oz., 1 dwt; Tarren- .luring I8a4-»a*b*r Remaining on the Feb. 15.. Brig Handy King, 430 tone, for the Mo¬ Howard A Bon, lately purchased by the Pacific M. HelTte strorg in any loeality, to the same extent 427 oz.. 15 dwts.; Marvboroujdl, 7,887 oz.; Stocks.Their ClaM and bile owner, Poet. Launched. 8. 8. Co. Thii is the first ship that crossed the At¬ to break Tonnage.Falling trade; Capt. they manifest a disposition their engage- Swsr,stlemaine, 22 oz. 10 data.; Maryborough, 500 on.; OfT la the BuImm, AieM April 22. Ship Knickerbocker, 1,000 tons, for In March.- Steam tug, of 170 toaa, employed at lantic Ocean with ooadeiMending beam engine^ mcnte with foreigners. A great deal cm been Sandhurst, 11 cz. 10 chits.; Ballerai, 2,076 oz. 10 She made the from to the written and said about Sir Jean Bowling's recent dwts.; Creswick's Creek, 1,494 oe ; Avooa, 853 oz. We publish to-day n exhibit of the work done to Stanton ft Thompson. Albany. voyage Liverpool Oapo honorable Jane 27.--9teamer Qaeen of the Ea?t, of 1,500 of Goed in six and n half visit and the attentions which be re¬ .total, 31,726 cz. 6 dwta. the ship yard* on the North and East Rivera during March 21..Steam tog J. D. Seeor, 150 tone, own¬ Hope twenty days, the ceived from the local government at Foo-ehsy. vn Bornt the toaa, for the Norwich and New London Steamboat passage yet. there a past year. ed by the builder, Capt. Brown, and Mr. 8ted well. quickest Never was greater delusion than to The Governor General has received a Company. One for steamboat Creecent that His viait baa been as despatch Ibe appearance of the yards is now very different In May..A propeller of 450 tons, with a dredging engias, 80zl2, City, cupptse Excellence's stating that, as considerably more than t ae usual This firm also launched thia year a boat for the on Lake Erie.