DiA DE .LA RAZA! (f. Under this. name-the Feast of the latin Race-is commemorated, on the 12th of October each year throughout South and Central America, the historic voyage of discovery by Columbus in 1492. «<. Since thellJ the development of the vast resources of the New World has been phenomenal. C:. To-day a great and growing volume of overseas trade is transacted annually by the latin American Republics, and complete facilities for every descrip tion of modern banking business are afforded by THE ANGLO-lOUTH AMERICAN BANK LTD 117 OLD RROADST,LONDON,EC2 ii BANK OF LONDON ffSOUTH AMERICA Lll~tiTED H ead Office : 6, 7 & 8 Tokenhouse Yard, LONDON, E.C.2 MANCHESTER : BRADFORD : 36 Charlotte S t r eet. 33 Hustlergate. Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund, £6,540,000. J. W. BEAUMONT P EASE, Chairman. L HIBERT W . MIDDLETON , Deputy-Chairman. The Bank 's Informa tion Dept. issues free of cha rge a :'l lonthly R eview in E nglish or French , giving p articula rs of Cu rrent market a nd other conditions. Up-to-date "tatus rep orts on South American fi rms, compiled from reliable sources, a re supplied on request . ESTABLISHED AT Be lgium : Antwerp, 1 0 Rue Uruguay : Montevideo, and a t :\'ationalc . P aysandu, Rivera, Salto. France : Paris, 9 Rue du H elder. Brazil : Rio de J a neiro, Ballia, Portugal : Lisbon , 44 Rua Aurea. Bello Horizonte, Ceara, Curi Oportp : 9 Rua do Infan te D . ty b a, Juiz de Fora, Macei6, Henriq ne. Ma naos, Ma ranhao, P a ra, U.
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