Rhode Island Jewish Special Occasions HERALD Pages 10 & 11 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

VOLUME LXIII, NUMBER 41 ELUL 16, 5753 / THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 35< PER COPY Israeli Cabinet OKs Plan on Self-Rule by G il Sedan In the end, 16 ministers ap­ JERUSALEM (JT A) - In a proved the plan and two ab­ majoradvanceforthepeacepro­ stained. There were no dissent­ cess, Israel's Cabinet has ap­ ing votes. proved a tentative agreement The tentative agreement be­ that would establish limited Pal­ tween Israel and the Palestin­ estinian self-rule in the Gaza ians reportedly was reached Strip and a small portion of the during a meeting in Norway be­ West Bank. tween Foreign Minister Shimon The vote approving the ac­ Peres and Mahmoud Abbas, a cord, w hich was hammered out high-ranking PLO official. The in a series of secret meetings Aug. 20meeting was apparently with officials of the Palestine held in the VIP lounge of Oslo's Liberation Organization, came international airport. shortly after mid night Monday, But lengthy secret negotia­ culminating a special Cabinet tions on the agreement report­ session that stretched late into edly began earlier in the sum­ the night. mer. Representing the Israelis As the Cabinet deliberated, at those sessions were Yoe! thousands of demons trators Singer, a legal adviser with the blocked a road outside the Prime ForeignMinistry,and UriSavir, COlNG FOR GOLD -Amy Finstein, 16, of Framingham, Mass., shows a strong effort in the 4 by Minister's Office and clashed the ministry's director-general. 100-meter relays at the Northeast Regional Maccabi Youth Games swim meet at the Striar Jewish with police trying to disperse They were later joined by Community Center/Fireman Campus in Stoughton, Mass., on Aug. 25. llmdd pltoto by Omar Bradley them. ShlomoGur, assistant to Deputy Tiu-oughout the day Monday, Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin. Cabinet ministers had stopped Beilin himself reportedly met by the offices of Prime Minister several times with PLO officials Yitzhak Rabin to review the in hotels where the multilateral Jewish Youths Vie for Honor documents relevant to the pro­ talks on Middle East regional by Omar Bradley Helen C herovits, the Israeli lelesforthe 1994MaccabiGames. posal - and most of them ex­ issues were being held. Herald Assistant Editor swim coach. It was the fi rst time For Patricia Olken, chair­ pressed satisfa ction w ith the Cabinet Secretary Elyakim Danny Shultz, 13,slandsonly for many of them, but Cherovits' woman of the swimming meet, draft agreement. (Continued on Page 19) 5 feet 6 inches ta ll and weighs a efforts a nd the Marblehead, having the center as the site for mere 11 0 pounds, but once he Mass., Jewis h community the meet added to its signifi­ dives into a pool of water, few helped provide host homes for cance to the community. "ll's swimmers can catch him. The the Israeli atheletes. Likewise, been wonderful. The total coop­ amiable Israeli youth won three American athletes were hosted eration and positive altitude of gold medals a nd one silver by local Jewish families in the everyone involved with the 125 medal at the annual Northeast Greater Boston area, to make it kids from all over the Notheasl Regional Maccabi Youth Games easier for them to attend their a nd Israel has been great," the swimming meet held at the meets. Next year, families in chairwoman said. Striar Jewish Community Cen­ Jerusalem will reciprocate by Olken's son Joshua, 14, of te r / Fireman Campus in hosting Jewish-American a th- (Continued on Page 16) Stoughton, Mass., on Aug. 25. "It feels like home, but only the language is different," the Pell Honored at Touro's 203rd winningathletesaid. He was one of 16 athletes from Israel who Washington Letter Ceremony competed in lhe meet last week. Schultz, w ho aspires to com­ by Omar Bradley nist governments six times for pete in the Olym pics one day, Herald Assislant Editor his inquiries into human rights shared w inning honors with A longtime supporter of reli­ violations. teammate Gil Bra ndel, 13, from gious freedom was hono red As the soldiers of the Artil­ Jerusalem, who won two silver Sunday at the historic reading lery of Newport presented the medals and one gold medal in of George Washington's letter colors, a small group of protest­ the 400-meter individual med­ a l Touro Synagogue. A sur­ ers from Rhode Island Veterans ley. Both athletes swam better prised Sen. Claiborne Pell was For Justice-a group opposing than their coach, Dana Shoham, named as lhe first recipient of the ban on gays in the military from Israel, had expected. 'They the Alexander George Teitz - wailedoutsidethesynagogue did very well because the meet A ward at lhe 203rd George for admittance. The group had was for ages 12 to 14 years,'' Washington Letter Ceremony in assembled lo oppose Rep. Shoham said, making it more Newport. Rona ld Machtley's vote against challenging for them. But everyone - from Gov. a congressional proposal that All the Israeli athletes were BruceSundlun to the Hon. Bruce would lift the ban. Machtley, happy lo come to America and M . Selya-agreed that Pell was who was chosen lo read the make new friends, according lo the perfect candidate for the Washington letter, sat beside his award at the afternoon event. wife in the second row, un­ Pell, a Newport resident, is a daunted by the protesters. Due to the observance of director of the World Affairs Although the group was COMMITTED TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - Sen. Claiborne Pell is presented w ith the first AlexanderGeorgeTeitz Award by the holiday on Monday, Council of Rhode Island and of forced to wail awhile for avail­ the Society of Friends of Touro ablespace inside lhesynagogue, And rew Teitz at the George Washington Letter Ceremony at next week's Rhode lsla,id Touro Synagogue in Newport on Sunday. The award recognizes Synagogueformanyyears. Dur­ a dozen protesters were eventu­ someone w ho, by their life and works, has demonstrated a /ewis1, Herald will be ing his political career in the ally allowed inside, after being deJivered on Friday. Foreign Service, Pell was ar­ reminded that it was a place of commitment to religious freedom and tolerance. //~Mid pltol o by 0'"•' Br•dlry rested by fascists and commu- (Continued on Page 20) 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, 0SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Assn. Lists CPR Classes In response to the increased adult, practice on manikins and number of requests to the testing. A certificate is received. ~NS~ American Heart Association, This course fee is $ 15 per per­ :::}NEWS~ Rhode Island Affiliate for infor­ son. mation about taking CPR Classes are scheduled to be c::> BRIEFS h-:7 classes, the association has held at the AHA office, 40 ~ added several classes. Broad St., Pawtucket on Sept. The Cormack Planeta rium Basic life is offered in both 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2 and Dec. 7. All will present "formation of the " A" and "C" level at the times are from 6 to 10 p.m. the Galaxies" now throug h heart office in Pawtucket. The The "C" level course is an Oct. 3, al the Museum of " A" level is a four-hour pro­ eight-hour program, held in Natural Histo ry, Roger Wil­ gram, conducted in one session two four-hour sessions and in­ liams Park, Providence. The and geared for resuscitation of cludes instruction for both program will teach how the adults only. adult, child and infant resusci­ galaxies were formed. For The course covers education tation. All aspects of the " A" information, call 785-9450. about the cardiovascular and course are covered including respiratory systems, risk fac­ specialized techniques for use tors, prudent heart living, on infants and children and The 14th annual Cajun and recognition of heart attack, sig­ two-rescuer techniques and use Bluegrass Festival Sept. 3 nals and action, airway ob- of CPR masks. Test and certifi ­ from6p.m. tomidnight,and j struction of the adult and cates are included. Sept.4 and 5 from l 0a.m. to demonstration of one-rescuer The "C" class costs $20 per mid nig ht a t Stepping Stone resuscitation technique of the person and classes are sched­ Ra nch, Escohcag. The event uled for Sept. 7 and 16th; Oct. 5 will feature music, dance, and 12; Nov. 2 and 9; and Dec. food a nd workshops. For 'Sock' Hop to 7 and 14. All times are from 6 to more information, call 351- 10 p.m. 6312. Benefit Kidney Preregistration is mandatory. In addition to these scheduled The America n Heart Asso­ classes, classes are held ciation Rhode Island Affili­ ~, AAs~2k~~!~,i~;~gh eld throughout the state. To regis­ ate will hold a n informa­ ter for any of the times listed tional ra ll y and registration in memory of Robert E. Sock here or for information about 'Blue Moon' for the benefit of the Kid ney for its first In-Line Skate for enrolling in other classes held Heart, Sept. 3 from 6 to 8 Author Luanne Rice will sign copies a nd read from her new Transplant/ Dialysis Associa­ throughout the state, call the p.m. at Thayer Arena, 975 novel, Blue M oon, Sept. 10 at Waldenbooks in Warwick from tion Inc. on Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. at American Heart Association, Sandy Lane, Warwick. The 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. She will also appear Sept. 20 from 5 to 7 p.m . the Smithfield Elks Lodge. Rhode Island Affiliate at 728- event will fea tu re free in­ a t the Providence Public Library a nd Sepl. 23 at Border's There will be three bands, 5300. door in-line skating and in­ Bookstore from 7 to 8 p.m. The novel's suspenseful plot Marc Deschenes, Vintage and line street hockey a nd in­ revolves around the lives of four generations of the Kea tings, Linda Ponte, a buffet and many line trick skating. For more a family of restaurateurs and fishermen living in a New door prizes. Tickets cost $22 Blind Auction Set information, call 728-5300. Engla nd coastal town. per person. for Sept. Meeting The Providence County The Block Island Arts and Legal Secretaries Association Crafts Guild Fair will be Join thousands of readers who know what's wilt be having its annual " Blind he!d Sept.4from I0a.m. to4 Auction" al its September meet­ p.m. at Esta's Pa rk, Water going on in the Rhode Island Jewish Community... ing. At the blind auction, the Street, Block Island. For in­ association auctions off small formation, ca ll 466-5313. items which were purchased by its members during their travels over the summer, as The Newport lnlem ational well as items purchased espe­ Polo Series begins Sept. 4 at ~ul,ct&ile to tke 3 p.m. at Gardener Seveney cially for the auction. The dinner meeting will be Sports Complex, East Main held at 6 p.m. on Sept. 9 at the Road , Po rts mo uth. Team Days Hotel on the Harbour at USA will challenge Argen­ India Point (Gano Street Exit tina in Olympic-level polo. from Interstate 195 . East or For more informatio n, call Rhode Island West). 846-0200. The full-course dinner costs $14.50, with a choice of either The Rhode Island Labor chicken parmigiana or London and Ethnic Heritage Festi­ Broil (red wine and mushroom val w ill ta ke place Sept. 5 sauce). from noon lo 6 p.m. a l Slater Jewish Herald The association was char­ Mill Historic Site, Roosevelt tered in 1963 and is a vehicle A venue, Pa wtucke t. The "IN TOUCH WITH THE JEWISH COMMUNITY" for educational, professional event w ill include ethnic and social enrichment for those foods, m us ical p e rfor­ in the legal field. For informa­ mances, arts and crafts, mu­ TIMELY FEATURES, LOCAL & SOCIAL EVENTS, tion about " PALS" or reserva­ seum tours and child-ren's tions for the meeting, contact acti vities. For more informa­ EDITORIALS, BUSINESS PROFILES, AND OUR Karin Schrott at 421-7300. tion, call 725-8638. "AROUND TOWN" SECTION HIGHLIGHT EVERY ISSUE! The Conimicut Village Fes­ Petition Will tival will beheld 5ept.6from )>Ok 't ... ~ ,mtale Okel Address Breast 9 a.m. until e ve ning, a t i,, Conimicut Village, Route 117, Return the coupon below to subscribe, Just $10 in Rhode Island Cancer Epidemic Warwick. Aris and cra fts, ($14 out of state) brings you 52 issues that will inform and entertain you, road race, sports events and Bruce Sundlun will sign a a n evening concert will be petition asking President Bill I featured. For more informa­ Clinton toimplementa compre­ tion, call 737-8232. I hensive national strategy to I end the breast cancer epidemic The September meeting of 0 $10 per year (RI resident) 0 $14 per year (out of state) I on Sept. 7 at the Statehouse at I 5:30 p.m. Mended Hearts will lake place Sept. 7 al 7:30 p.m. in Name ______: The Rhode Island Breast Cancer Coalition invites all the Norma n and Rosalie Fain Building, Miriam Hos­ Address I persons concerned about the ______I high incidence of breast cancer pital, Providence. Dr. Roger ______I lo attend. D. Raymond, a cardiologist In addition, the governor has at Rhode Island Hospital, will bclhe fealured speaker. Mail check to: Rhode Island Jewish Henald, P. 0, Box 6063, Providence, RI oi~4p, : declared Sept. 17 as Rhode Island Breast Cancer Coalition Ca ll 728-5300. ~------Petition Signing Day, THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, I 993 FEATURE about the affair of Demjanjuk at all. Even if it could be proven, as it is very doubtful, Labor and Leisure that Demjanjuk was complete­ by Mike Fink As for me, I was still starting The Demjanjuk ly innocent, this whole episode Herald Contributing Reporter out. 1 waited for the birth of my will have beenficial values for Among the smells of burnt first child. I drove a small red Debacle humanity. hay and mown grass, I get motorcycle around town. I had For it was stressed once caught up like everybody else planned no great scheme for the more, and for times into the in the bittersweet mood of weeks beyond Labor Day, only future, that crimes against season's end. One Labor Day getting ready, away from my by humanity will not be tolerated. pretty long ago by now, I didn't labor, for my wife's labor. Ray Eichenbaum And even in cases where it have to go rig ht back lo work Special to the Hem/ti Like my dad a nd grandfa­ takes half a century or so, the and necktie. I had won my very ther, I spent some hours going guilty will be brought forth and first sabbatical semester. through old letters and articles, judged. This will be a great Mydad-hisnamewasMoe a thankless task. First and foremost praise because he led us in the march, deterrent for future mass mur­ - found himself in the same I might browse among the should be given to the Israeli on foot, out of the concen­ derers. They will not be so boat. He had dosed out his store corridorsofthema\ls.lstill wear Supreme Court for the courage tration camp Rydultau in ready and courageous to step and now ran asmallofficein the the Levi denim jacket now cov­ and gumption it had to pro­ Silesia, Poland, and was so into the " dictator's shoes," if former delivery space on a side ered with a variety of pins - a nounce the new verdict upon addressed by the other SS men they know that the hangman's street. he jammed papers and hummingbird, a bu ffalo, a John Demjanjuk, despite the during our long march. noose will get them in the end. things into filing cabinets. He Roosevelt badge. It hit meas the chagrin and bitterness this I once read in a history book sat in a tattered chair to sort his right sabbatical garment. reversal will cause. Let the about the reigns and times of mail. But I wasn't getting any­ world see that justice still pre­ The Nazis had that the emperors of Rome. There Moe boasted a strange sort of where. I perked coffee and vails in that little bastion of was a period then that no one pride all his own. He wore squeezed oranges for a few over­ democracy amid the "dark" blind hate against us. dared to step forward to wear threadbare oddly mismatched night guests. I even babys.1.t pets, Middle East. If we should hate the emperor's crown and clothes and down-at-the heels birds and foundlings, by our And let it also be known that mantle, because the guards and loafers, as a matter of principle. apartment hearth. the hunting down of Nazi war them blindly, then other elements would make the None of his sons picked up thal rstopped by on my bike to criminals was never a witch we shall be time and life of the reign of the habit. We tried to look our best. spend a quarter ofan ho ur in the hunt; while there is a sound emperor of very short duration. I saw in his style a form of resis­ (Continued on P;,gc 14) basis for vengeance after what emulating them. This was the reason the wise tance to poslwar showoff val­ has been done to our brethren Emperor Diocletian decided to ues. It had deeper roots though. in the Nazi era, blind hatred 2) As a group, we were just divide the empire into four Nevertheless, he carried it off does not exist among the Jews. too downtrodden to collect or sections so as to have four reign­ with the force of his personality, The Nazis had that blind remember names. Also, some ing emperors, thus diffusing stubbornstrengthandglimmers hate against us. If we should of us were too young or too the focus of the emperor killers. of wit. hate them blindly, then we bewildered by the situation Isn't it remarkable how His own father, too,had taken shall be emulating them. No, about us to take heed of what human society finds a way to to warming his hands on a stu­ we hope and pray that this was going on around us, or to discourage and to dislodge the dio wood stove when his life­ human trait should be eradi­ take notice of the people who excesses that individuals or time business had folded up. I cated from the human condi­ were doing these things lo us. groups of individuals try to mean, you need a little space to tion forever. 3) We were so harassed and impose on such a society? settle down into, to call your As for the trustworthiness hustled and kept busy to sur­ People are still in the process of and reliability of Holocaust vive each and every day that it finding an ideal system of gov­ survivors as witnesses, a few did not even enter our col­ ernance for themselves. The factors should be considered in lective minds to try to know, or, search is very difficult and its their defense. The opinions better yet, to remember the course full of zigzags. I call it that follow are a result of my names of our captors. evolution. own experiences during my All this should not affect the I sincerely believe that hunt­ Mary's Homemade enslavement. veracity and efficacy of the ing down Nazi and other war Chicken Salad I) Very few of the Nazi survivors' statements or de­ criminals and bringing these Served on a bagel with a pickte henchmen that dealt with us scriptions of events. Very few bestial men to justice before Breakfast Saned All Day were known by their real have been found to be erron­ international courts will have only $2.80 names. No one would dare to eous, and even if this one was the effect of preventing dictator­ Valerie Anne's TH1.-s.t.l1.m.-a,-.s.a,... - 1a,... call these people by their real -sobe it. ship rule in the future. 727 East Avenue, Pawtucket names even if these were In my own opinion, if May it be the Alm-ghty's will 727-3620 CAil-iN ORDEIIS: 273-9797 known to us. We only "dared" Demjanjuk would have been so that we on this planet will have Tuesday-Sarurday&-3,Sul'lday7-t 835 Hope Street, Providence to address them by their titles "Simon pure," he would not be seen the last of the brutal mass - such as Herr Oberschar­ in this situation. He would killers. Amen. fuerer, or Herr Capo - but have been freed long ago. But never, never, by any formal believe the survivors. They are names. the only source on which evi­ Most of these terrible crea­ dence of Nazi criminality can tures were known to us by their be based. Without them, all the Welcome Back to School nicknames, such as Crazy bestial acts committed by these Franz, or Pockmarked Hans, or " untermentschen" (low-lives) Come to Ivan the Terrible. In all my will go unpunished, because experiences in the concentra­ the dead cannot talk and bear tion camps, I only recall one witness. name - that of the Brigaden­ it is this writer's opinion that fuerer Kirchner - and that was we should not feel defensive ltad1e lhaeli University Heights Shopping Center, 563 North Main St., Providence• 272-3920 FIRST ANNIVEHSARY SALE? ------CALL FOR DIRECTIONS------AS OUR WAY OF SAYING YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL ELECTRONICS HEADQUARTERS ''Thank You" MANAGER'S SPECIALS! Keep in touch! TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL CUSTOMERS ... Memorex 13" Color TV : Cellular Phones / Pagers / Fax Machines EVERYTHING IN THE STORE WILL BE Cable Compatible, Remote Control Included I l aptop / Desktop Computers and Accessories Select from our complete line of Memorex and SAVE $50-$70 : Optimus VCRs, Televisions and Camcorders OFF REGULAR PRICE I Scanners and Communication Equipment 20o/o OFF I LIMITED QUANTITY I Scientific Calculators (EXCEPT ITEMS ALREADY MARKED DOWN) Clocks and Clock Radios SEPTEMBER 12 THROUGH 19 ONLY Telephones.. . Dozens to Choose From 1r------, Desktop Portable Copier I Indoor TV Antennas, Adapters, Cables I Includes Tone,, AUTO Multiple Sheet Feed I A/CAdapters Video and Audio Tapes : SAVE $200 : Quantity Discounts Fresh. Fresh Batteries I OFF RSGULAR PmC11 I I LIMITED QUANTITY I 471 ANGELL STREET. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND • 331-9097 MONO"Y-HtJRSOAY 9-9, FRIOAY & SATURDAY 9-10, SUNDAY 12-6 L------.J 4 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, I 993 OPINIONS

Letters to the The King ls ~------\WI,. in the Field EDITOR~ " Ask the mayor." " Ask the governor." Many major cities have weekly, biweekly or Retrial for Demjanjuk monthly radio call-in shows On Rosh Hashanah, we will suspected that G-d meant Isaac when you can tell your govern­ read the Torah s tory a bout from the very start. After a ll, To the Editors: 600,000 Jews were gassed to ment official what's on your Akedah, the binding of Isaac. G-d had said that the covenant To avoid placing John Dem­ death. mind and possibly expedite This story takes up only 20 verses would be carried on through janjuk in "double jeopardy," Ironically, Demjanjuk's own matters if you're having a prob­ in the Torah but thousands of Isaac and Isaac's descendants. the Israeli Supreme Court lawyers brought forth this evi­ lem with some bureaucratic red pagesofcommentaries.Typically, And Ishmael was hated and might return him to the United dence after their client had lied tape, Even the president, as a the commentaries seek to answer feared by Sara who already States. No longer considered either about being a German good-will gesture (and most why would G-d choose to test ousted him from the camp. And " Ivan the Terrible" because of prisoner or his length of time as often right before or during an Abraham? Why ask for a child Ishmael, son of the concubine reasonable doubt, Demjanjuk such. election year), visits cities and sacrifice? Would Abraham really Hagar, would not inherit as would likely find his past fad­ According to Funk & Wag­ towns across the country to have killed Isaac? And where was greatly as Isaac, the son of Sara, ing quickly from public inquiry. nails Standard Reference Ency­ hear what's on people's minds. Sara during all of this? the first wife. (Oemjanjuk illegally entered clopedia (1966): " After an ac­ The story of the Akedah is Isaac was the favored son; the the country 30 years ago by ly· cused has been acquitted, he recorded to teach us a lesson son with a home; the son with a ing about his World War II ac­ may not lawfully be prosecuted that is beautifully brought out future. lshamel was not favored, tivities.) a second time for the same acts; in the following midrash from he did not have a home, his fu­ The Israeli Supreme Court such a prosecution would place Genesis Rabbah: ture was ques tionable. Still, should allow Demjanjuk a re­ the accused in double jeop­ G-d said lo Abraham, "Take Abraham would not choose be­ turn; a return strictly to muster pardy of losing his life, liberty, 10RAH now thy son" (Genesis 22:2). tween his sons. a defense for retrial in Israel on property." 10DAY Abraha m said, " I have two Abraham, our father, is still related charges of crimes Holocaust survivors and sons." teaching us that both the loved against humanity. Nazi hunters will have until G-d said "Thine only son." and unloved, the sheltered and The court has already stated Sept. 2 to persuade the Israeli Abraham said, "Bothareonly _the homeless, the educated and ii has convincing documentary Supreme Court of the follow­ sons; one is the only son of Sara the illiterate, all these people evidence of Demjanjuk's train­ ing: There is a boundary on the This special time when our and one is theonlyson of Hagar." deserve equal consideration. ing as a " wachtman" (guard) at scale of human atrocities, leaders are more accessible can G-d said, "The son whom Too often we are polite to our the 55 camp Trawniki, partici­ which once crossed, requires be likened to the analogy thou loves!." bankers and impolitetothegro­ pation in the death camp 5obi­ reexamination of "normal" ju­ Hasidic thought presents con­ Abraham said, " I love them ceryclerk. Too often we stare at bor, and in the concentration dicial procedure. cerning the Hebrew month of both." movie stars and tum away from camps of F\ossenburg and Re­ P. Tamir Corwin Elul. G·d said, "Isaac." the poor. Too often we are pa­ gensburg. At 5obibor alone, Providence/Tel Aviv Chasidut explains that in According to this midrash, tient with those that can help us Elul, the " king is in the field," when G-d told Abraham, ''Take and we are impatient with those so to speak. now thy son,'' Abraham did not we should help. Rhode Island Jewish Herald The king, of course, is G-d, knowG-d meant Isaac until G-d Perhaps this year we can strive and " in the field" means that specifically mentioned Isaac. to be a bit more like Abraham, PRESS RELEASE & LETTERS POLICY G-d is more accessible to us Rather, Abraham, the father of and treat people equally regard­ during this month - the weeks two sons, rightly questions G-d's less of their differences. and days which precede Rosh Send to: request. Abraham considers his May we all be inscribed for a The Rhode Island Jewish Hi'lshanah and Yorn Kippur - Herald welcomes letters from Letters to the Editor sons equal. Abraham considers healthy life. L'Shanah Tovah its readers on Jewish concerns. RI Jewish Herald days of re~ection, fntrospection both Isaac and Ishmael worthy Rabbi Vicki Lieberman is the P.O. Box 6063 and divine judgement. of being chosen by G-d. spiritual leader of Congregation ~:,~;ho~~~~~,~~~~~J:~~~ Providence, RI 02940 G-d is in the field, ready and Now, Abraham might have 8'11ai Israel in Woonsocket. be no longer than 500 words. willing to listen to our requests Longer letters may be edited Or fax to: and accept our apologies. He for space restrictions. 401/726-5820. didn't go into the city, where it might be necessary to greet him with pomp and circumstance, V'Dodi Li - I am my Beloved's give pleasure to our beloved. splendor and glory. He's out in and my Beloved is mine." G·d responds to our overtures RHODE ISLAND J EWISH the field, with the workers, so There is give and take in by becoming our beloved in a to speak, right there in the nitty every kind of relationship. This more revealed sense. HERALD= gritty of ital\. is certainly true of the re­ So, don't worry if you're in a G-d makes himself available lationship between the Jewish suit, overalls, wearing shirts with white collars or blue col­ (USPS464-760) to us. And he does it out of his people and G-d . G-d gives of PubllshedEY...-yWeek8yThe great love for us, a love that can himself by coming out "into the lars. Go out into the field and Jewish Press Publlshlng Company be likened to that of a groom field" at this special time of greet the king. Tell him what's EDITOR year. on your mind. He's waiting for ANNE S . DAVIDSON for his bride. The analogy of a We take advantage of the you. ASSISTANT EDITOR Candlelighting groom and bride is especially OMAR BRADLEY appropriate during these days, opportunity,showourapprecia­ Submitted by Rabbi Yehoshua CONTRIBUTING REPORTER since Jewish teaching explains tion and give of ourselves by Laufer. Repri11ted with pen11is­ M IC HAEL FINK that Elul is an acronym for the greeting G-d in the field and sio11 of L'Chaim publications. AROUND TOWN COLUMNIST will DOROTHEA SNYDER September 3 Hebrew words, " Ani L'Dodi also by doing things that ADVERTISING ACCOUNT REPS JEANETTE H IDALGO 6:58 p.m. MYRNA H. DRESS GRAPHICS JOHANNA BULICH Fifty Years Ago in the Rhode Island Jewish Herald MAILING ADDRESS: 8ox6063, Provldence, AI02940 1------WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1943 ------< TELEPHONE: (401) 724-0200 PLANT: Vichy Confiscates Funds Her,ld W,y, ott Webster Slreel BERNE-The Vichy government, it was revealed here this week, issued a decree seizing the P,wtucket,RI02861 OFFICE: endowment funds of Jewish organizations in France. The report stated that the funds had been 1175W,rrenAvenue turned over by the Vichy officials to the French Red Cross. Among the seized endowment ~nds Ua!Provldence, AI02914 were those established for educational, social and religious purposes by Blumenthal of Pans and Seconddasspostagepaoda1Pr0Ylderlce.Rhode Wallerstein of Bordeaux. Recently published is a list of Nazi-seized property in Trondheim, lsi,nd Postmi1Sle<. s.endaddres1 ch~s1othe Norway. ,,....,.,RtJewtShHer•ld. P 00o•6063.ProY>denOI.RI Sub5Cfipl,onRatesTlwty-1Ml centsPlfcopy Celler Pessimistic On Zion Polley BrmaitllOOOpe, annum.outsde Rhode Island WASHINGTON, D.C.-Congressman Emanuel CellerofNew York called upon Americans and 110utheas1ern Massa,ct,usens 11• oope, annum Bulk ,ales on requeSt The He

College Hill Bookstore MprouJ to pr&1ent HAROLD KUSHNER

Wednesday, September 8, 1993 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This event will include a talk, a question and answer period and an a utographing session, To Life! explores the ideas a nd visions ofJu daism -explaining why prayer matters, how ho liday observances a nd life-cy clt> events teach us to be huma n, why we follow the dietary laws, how we look at C hristianity, and finally, why the world needs committed J ews to make God's purposes come about. Both a practical and spiritual guide to the Jewish tradition, To Lif~/wi\l lend new meaning to our days.

Harold Ku•hMr w•~ horn in lJrouklyn, New York. •ml gnduat,d from Columbia Univtr1ity. I le wn ortl11i~c1I ;~~:;;;,1,,'.:~:::;;;•\/.'f::·,:: ~~~;,'.';".,;;;,~;w"h 252 THAYER STREET, PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND 0 2 906 (401) 751-6404 6 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 WORLD AND NATIONAL NEWS Knesset Opposition and Settlers Up in Arms Over Peace Agreement by Gil Sedan and summer recess to convene Another member of Likud, the details of the preliminary Cynthia Mann Monday, and the debate on the Knesset member Yehoshua agreement were worked out. . JERUSALEM OT A) proposed agreement with the Matza, went so far as to say that Rabin also rejected what he Israel's tentative agreement Palestinians was predictably the party should incite the said was the hypocrisy of the with the Palestinians on a plan stormy. public to rebel against the plan. Li kud attack on the agreement. for self-rule in the administered Opposition members were Appearing before the Knes­ He reminded the opposition territories has provoked storms fierce in their criticism of the set, Rabin publicly admitted for that ii was Likud Prime Min ­ of protest by members of the government and dramatic in the first time that Israel had ister Menachem Begi n who sur­ Knesset opposition and by their predictions of disaster if negotiated the agreement on rendered "every square inch" right-wing demonstrations the agreement becomes a self-rule with Palestinians of the Sinai during the 1979 throughout the country. reality. living outside the territories. negotiations that resulted in a INTERNATIONAL Police officials braced them­ Benjamin Netanyahu, leader Israeli leaders had publicly peace treaty with Egypt. selves for civil disturbances, of the opposition Likud party, maintained that they would Peres also addressed the JERUSALEM (ffA)- lsraeli including mass demonstrations blasted Rabin, saying he was only negotiate with Palestin­ Knesset in defense of the agree­ military officials have by the political right and pos­ betraying and endangering the ians residing within the ter­ ment, saying it would not com­ charged a senior member of sible terrorist attacks by groups Israeli people. He said the agree­ ritories. But in recent weeks, promise Israel's security and the Islamic fundamentalist opposed to the peace process. ment would create a "mini­ reports repeatedly surfaced of was in accordance with the Hamas movement in con· In the Knesset, the ruling Libya" and a " mini-Teheran" high-level meetings between Camp David accords. nection with an alleged con­ coalition and the opposition in Israel's back yard. Israeli officials and PLO rep­ He also ridiculed as absurd spiracy to kidnap a Knesset parties agreed Monday that if Netanyahu likened Rabin to resentatives. charges that a Palestinian member. According to an Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin former British Prime Minister Defending the preliminary police force in the autonomous indictment filed Aug. 25 presents a draft of the agree­ Neville Chamberlain, who agreement with the Palestin­ zone would threaten Israel. against one of the conspira­ ment with the Palestinians to tried to appease Adolf Hitler by ians, Rabin told the Knesset President Ezer Weizman tors, a Hamas terrorist unit the Knesset next week, the allowing the Nazis to annex that now is the time for Israel to spent Monday touring the planned to kidnap a Knesset government will have to face a part of Czechoslovakia. take a risk for peace. country and calling on Israelis member and hold him hos­ motion of no confidence pre­ "Those who believe [Yasir). He said that the agreement to focus on the positive aspects tage until Israel released sented by opposition factions. Arafat's promises are commit­ that had been reached would of the agreement. Hamas founder Sheik Coalition members of the ting that same act of folly," he not harm the security of the "The human body has a left Ahmed Yassin. Yassin was Knesset House Committee said, referring to the chairman state or the Jewish settlements. hand and a right hand," he said arrested in April 1989and is agreed that since an accord of of the Palestine Liberation Rabin also used the occasion on Israel Television. "When serving a life sentence for historic significance was in­ Organization. to congratula te Foreign Min­ they work together," they can his involvement in the kid­ volved, the government was "But Neville Chamberlain at ister Shimon Peres for his accomplish things they cannot napping and murder of two bound to seek the legislature's least threatened the security of achievements in the recent when they work alone, he said. Israeli soldiers several years confidence. another people," he continued. negotiations with senior PLO But throughout the country ago. The Knesset interrupted its "This government is endanger­ official Mahmoud Abbas in groups of demonstrators saw ing the security and fu ture of Oslo. things differently. our own country, and this is It was during the Oslo talks, JERUSALEM (JT A)-Israel something far, far worse." which were held in secret, that (Continued on l\1ge 12) could sign a peace treaty Join Jack & Rhoda Mossberg with Lebanon six to nine for a special J.week tour of months after forces of the American Jews Greet Self-Rule Plan with Optimism Islamic fundamentalist Hezbollah are disarmed, the left see vindication for their Conference of Presidents of ISRAEL by Larry Yudelson Prime Minister Yitzhak November 18-December 9 via El Al long-articulated support for Major American Jewish NEW YORK OT A) - Ameri­ Rabin said last week during direct dealings with the Pales­ Organizations. can Jewish groups are by and a visit to the Gaza Strip. :::,:·· tine Liberation Organization. Lester Pollack, the umbrella $2' 385 occupaflcy large reaffirming their support Rabin voiced belief that the for the government of Israel in group's chairman, and Mal­ 1 week each in colm Hoenlein, its executive Iranian-backed Hezbollah NETANYA the wake of its dramatic moves guerillas operating north of toward a preliminary settle­ vice chairman, were briefed in TIBERIAS "It's a moment of anticipation of the develop­ the border between the two ment with the Palestinians on countries now pose the sole JERUSALEM self-rule in the administered optimism in the ments by both Prime Minister 11DaysSightseeing•2MealsaDay Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Min­ obstacle to peace accord be· territories. Jewish community." tween the two countries. But Groups on the right of the ister Shimon Peres. ..WINKLEMAN Also late last week, the when or whether Hezbollah political spectrum are echoing Abraham Foxman could be disarmed is another Q]'.'.J TRAVEL the Likud opposition's call for a AOL national director Israeli Consulate in New York called leaders of Jewish organ­ story. 720Resen,oirAve.,Cranston,RI 02907 vote of no confidence in the 943,noo•OutsldeR11-800-234-5595 government. And groups on izations to give them "a heads­ But the centrist consensus up as to where things are TEL AVIV (]TA)- Israel's position is probably best moving," as one of the leaders police force has begun re­ summed up by Abraham Fox­ later described it. cruiting Israelis who have man, national director of the Not only the Israelis were emigrated abroad to return Anti-Defamation League. "It's reaching out to American home and join up. Using a moment of optimism in the Jewish leaders. Henry Sieg­ relatively high salaries as an Jewish community," he said. man, executive director of the ind ucement,therecruihnent Professional family, ''Whether or not it's optimism American Jewish Congress, drive will attempt to con· tinged with skepticism, or was invited to Egypt last week, vince Israelis living in the skepticism tinged with opti­ where he was briefed by both to join the Is­ relocating to East Side, mism, depends on what kind of Egyptian and PLO leaders. raeli police force. Accord­ political eyeglasses you wear.'' And on Monday, U.S. Secre­ ing to Police Commissioner The Israeli government, tary of State Warren Christo­ Yoram Shahal,deputy head to purchase larger-sized mindful of the need to maintain pher called Pollack of the Con­ of the new campaign: "Is­ its ties with the American ference of Presidents to get the raelis living abroad are of­ Jewish community that were American Jewish community's ten reticent to return home home in highest quality area. frayed several times in the first reaction to the news. because they don't have jobs year of the Rabin administra­ One factor complicating waiting for them." tion, last week summoned to initial reactions was the tenta­ (Continued on Page 9) Prefer contemporary, Jerusalem the leaders of the JERUSALEM (JTA) - In a case pitting secular and religious laws against each will consider updating other, the Supreme Court HOME OWNERS: has ordered the Interior Min· We'll Beat Any Competitor's Written Estimate istry to explain within 45 traditional home. days why it relies on the WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!!! rabbinic courts to determine the Jewish status of immi­ Bank references available. WE CAN Kitchens· Baths • Dormers• Family Rooms ARRANGE Vinyl Replacement Windows • Vinyl Siding & Trim grants. The order came in Will also consider rental. FINANCING Roofing • Additions • Garages • Porch Enclosures response l'o a petition filed ANVlYPE OF HOME IMPROVEMENT• FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES by the Reform movement's Israel Religious Actionn Reply to the Herald, Box 2 Center, whichclaimsthat the EASTLAND O rthodox-controlled Inte­ rior Ministry and the rab­ Rhode Island Jewish Herald HOME IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION 1550 Post Road, Warwick, Rhode Island binic courts are exce€'ding P.O. Box 6063 732-3335 their proper authority. Providence, A .I. 02940 011tollown.C111Tollfret1 -800-13S-3311

RI l.lc. #4292, Mas,. Llc, #113435 'l"t-f' .. , ... ,., l THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, J 993 WORLD AND NATIONAL NEWS Dinitz Confident He'll Stay On Neo-Nazi Violence JTA Staff Report whether or not to indict him. JERUSALEM UTA) - In Contributing to this report Up in Germany in '92 public at least, Simcha Oinitz is were JT A correspondent Cynthia continuing to exude an air of Maun in Jerusalem and JT A staff by David Kantor The latest report found that confidence that he will be able writer Larry Yudelson in New BONN (JTA) - Incidents of the number of far-right groups to hold onto his job as chair­ York. neo-Nazi violence in Germany considered dangerous in· man of the Jewish Agency for were up 76 percent in 1992 creased to 82 even though Israel, despite an apparent Israeli Planes over the previous year, the some were banned last year. recommendation by the Israeli Interior Ministry has reported. The report was applauded by police that he be indicted for Retaliate for 9 The report also showed that the Simon Wiesenthal Center INTERNATIONAL misuse of funds. 17 people were killed in 1992 in . "We are But within the Labor Party, IDFDeaths as a result of the neo-Nazis' pleased to see that the govern­ UNITED NATIONS QT A) there is already speculation on by Hugh Orgel xenophobic violence against ment seems to finally be con· - Israel has rebuffed an ef­ who should succeed him. TEL AVIV (IT A) - Israeli asylum-seekers and foreign vinced that it must treat the fort by U.N. Secretary-Gen. The police still have not airplanes fired on an under­ workers. threat of the far right the way Boutros-Ghali to send an publicized their findings, but it ground base of the Hezbollah The report was prepared by extreme-left groups were previ­ emissary to Jerusalem to has been widely reported here movement last week, in retalia­ the Internal Security Service, ously dealt with," said Rabbi study opening a Palestinian that they recommended Dinitz tion for attacks by the Iranian­ which maintains surveillance Abraham Cooper, the center's university there. Boutros­ be indicted for embezzling as backed guerrillas that killed of extremist groups. associate dean. Ghali proposed sending the much as $70,000 worth of nine Israeli soldiers recently. The report said that there " Better police surveillance, representative to comply Jewish Agency money through The Aug. 26 Israeli air attack had been a total of 2,584 infiltration and other pro-active withhisobligations under a the misuse of his official credit on the base in southern Leb­ violent incidents by neo-Nazis policies are exactly the mea­ sures that need to be taken if General Assembly resolu­ anon followed two days of in the time since the security card. the tide of Nazi-inspired death tion first passed in 1980and The file now rests with At· Hezbollah attacks on units of service has been tracking their and mayhem is to be stopped," reaffirmed most recently torney Gen. Yosef Harish. His the Israel Defense Force and its activities. office has estimated that it will allied South Lebanon Army. The high number of violent he said. last year. Earlier this year, the Wiesen­ take weeks to examine the evi­ The Hezbollah assaults, incidents indicates that the thal Center concluded a six­ NATIONAL dence before deciding on an which caused no Israeli or SI.A problem of right-wing extrem· month undercover operation casualties, were answered by ism has taken on " new dimen· indictment. inside Germany's neo-Nazi NEW YORK ()TA) - Jew­ Harish has been accused in artillery fire from Israeli posi­ sions," said the report. Previous reports had tended movement, fi nding it far more ish groups and politicians the past of pursuing politically tions extensive than previous official charged investigations with The incidents appeared to to play down neo-Nazi vio­ are reacting with satisfac­ reports had maintained. tion to the federal indict­ less than deliberate speed, par­ signal that Hezbollah is intent lence, concentrating instead on ments that have been ticularly that of Interior Min­ on continuing its efforts to left-wing terrorism. brought against Egyptian ister Aryeh Oeri, which has drive Israeli forces from Leba­ cleric Sheik Omar Abdel­ dragged on for years. nese soil. If you are celebrating a special anniversary, Rahman and Muslim activ­ The connection between the In the Aug. 26 Israeli air announce it in the Herald. ist El Sayyid Nosair. The two cases has been noted by assault, a plane dropped eight indictments were unsealed commentators here. There had missiles on a mountainside Include a photo with the announcement. in New York federal court been speculation that an indict­ near Lebanese villages. Hezbol­ Black and white only, please. Aug. 25, charging the blind ment of Oinitz prior to or at the \ah guerrillas later confirmed cleric with taking part in the same time as the long-expected that a series of caves and tun­ Feb. 26 bombing of the indictment of Deri on fraud nels used by the extremists had World Trade Center and a charges would deflect accusa­ been destroyed. ZERO-CHOLESTEROL LIFETIME subsequent alleged plot to tions that Deri and his col­ There were no immediate EGG BEATERS AVAILABLE leagues of the Sephardic Shas reports of casualties. WINDOWS, INC. blowup the United Nations Daily Breakfast Specials 738-6434 and other targets here. party have been targeted out of As was the case in a retal­ ethnic or anti-Orthodox preju­ iatory air assault a week earlier, Vinyl Replacement Windows Israeli officials said the latest LIFETIME WARRANTY dice. ON WINDOWS NEW YORK (JT A) - The For Dinitz, the next moment attack had avoided civilian Simon Wiesenthal Center GOOD-..$150 Ins"'u'"re of decision was to come this targets. ® BETTER. .. $165 has reversed its position and week, when the Jewish Agency Israel clearly wanted to re­ Valerie Anne's said ii does not believe the BEST... $ 175 Executive met on Tuesday and frain from an escalation that 727 East Avenue, Pawtucket Is raeli Supreme Court All prices include installation Wednesday. The leadership of could lead to a renewal of 727-3620 Anysize - double hung would seriously consider the United Jewish Appeal and Katyusha rocket attacks against Tuesday-Saturday 6-3, Sullday 7-1 R.l. lic. 12186 the testimony of a New Jer­ Keren Hayesod fund-raising Israeli population centers in sey woman who says she campaigns for the Jewish Galilee. remembers that John Agency were expecting a deci­ Hezbollah has warned in the Demjanjuk had been a sion by then on Dinitz's future. past that if Israel hit civilian guard atSobibor, where she It is unclear, under the villages north of the security Explore the depths of the universe was interned. A statement Jewish Agency constitution, zone, " there would be no by the Los Angeles-based whether the executive could security for Israeli settlements" with us this fall ... center was released Aug. 25 suspend Dinitz, even if it in Galilee. after Esther Raab,a 71-year­ wanted to. But word among In a separate incident Aug. old resident of Vineland, fund-raising circles is that Max 26, Syrian gunners on the N.J., was reported by the Fisher, the founding chairman Golan Heights fired at an Associated Press and The of the Jewish Agency, is cur· Israeli civilian crop-dusting New York Times to hdvesud­ rently considering proposals plane which had flown in error denly come forward recall­ under which Dinitz would over Syrian territory. ing Demjanjukal that camp. retire and his pension would be The light, \ow-flying plane secured. was not hit and returned safely WASHINGTON ()TA) - On Aug. 26, the Israeli mem· to its base. An American-born man hers of the Jewish Agency who worked as a guard in Executive urged that no action three Nazi concentration be taken against Dinitz until IREAD THE HERALD! i camps has been stripped of the attorney general decides his U.S.citizenshipand now faces deportation proceed­ ings. If deported, he would become the first U.S.­ GTank P/2:u1 dl1on ... or maybe born citizen to be removed from this country for war 60 Burlmgton Street, Prm1dence /off Hope Street brhmd Sk1ppl'r's) crimes. Nikolaus Schiffer, discover a story 74,a native of Philadelphia, 331-3200 that illuminates your life. was denaturalized on Aug. 25 for having lied about his WALK-INS w, LU)'11 This fall is also a fine time to sharpen your writing and editing wartime service at the ------skills, to learn to speak Arabic, to start a home-based business, Majdanek death camp in to publish with PageMaker, to write your first film or video Poland, the Sachscnhauscn $20°0 Off $15°0 Off script, to join a chamber music ensemble. concentration camp in Ger­ P ERMS many and l-lersbrouck, a fo1LHIGHLIGHTS subcampoftheFlossenburg Regular Price: $65.00 Rr13ular Pnce: $50.00 Brown Learning Community concentration camp, also in Dimensional Highligl1ti,ig OVER 160 COURSES THIS FALL /11c/11des Cul Germany. w,t/1 11se of color Call for your free catalogue: 863-3452 I F.XPIRES 11 /30/93 EXPIRES 11 / J0/ 93 Box: 1959/Brown Univenity, l'roviden«, Rhod hlmd 9::912:9989 8 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEW ISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 'Leon, The Pig Farmer' RISO Kicks Off Fund Campaign by Marion D.S. Dreyfus sf ~l\TER,--1/ broadly envisioned sneering Friends of Rhode Island the reception, which marks the Special to the Herald parodies of so-called Jewish life School of Design will gather at second annual campaign kick­ 0 Y) 1-~ Perhaps it was the fa ct that that features reductio ad ab­ the Virginia Lynch Gallery to off fo r the annual fund. Work the publicity people called to ,._ surdums galore. Hunting for view the work of the country's by Dale Chihuly will provide a Q: "'z cancel the screening, and said his " true" (seminal) father, premier glass artist, Dale stunning setting to launch a < .... there wouldn't be another one. Leon manages to transmogrify Chihuly {R ISO '68 MFA ), and ca mpaign to raise $450,000 by .. BRIEFS ······· Perhaps it was the fa ct that the least likely Hebraic souls kick off the 1993-94 college June 30. The master glass artist once I decided to see for m yself into " honorary Jews," com­ annual fund campaign on Sept. has exhibited his extra vagant TheCumberland Company why they would do such a plete with fake Yiddish accents 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. sculptural forms in more than will present " Alice in Won­ thing, and found that indeed absent in his regular Jewish To RSVP. call Judy at 454- 80 museums worldwide. Chi­ derland" Sept. 3 through 19 the film was still on. Or maybe family; Judaism is apparently 6326. The gallery is locatea at huly, whose inspiration most at 8 p.m. on Friday and Sat­ it was the intriguing title and summed up fairly encyc\o­ 3883 Main Road, Route 77, often comes from shapes found urday and 2 p.m. on Sun­ promo material, that seemed to pedically in the slurping of Tiverton. in nature, has often been at­ day at the Blackstone River promise something a bit wei rd, murky chicken soup with a RISD's new president, Roger tributed with giving blown Theatre, 1420BroadSL,Cen­ a bit Fellini, a bit noir. small roll and chopped liver, Mandie, and his wife, Gayle, gla ss the respectability of fin e lral Falls. For more infor­ and chivvying one's children will both be in attendance at art. matio n, call 333-9000. endlessly about getting married to the " right" girl. Leon has a budding near­ TheCumberland Company Deadlines Announced will present " Pinocchio" romance wit h an irritating danger-loving homegirl, who Sept. 4, 11 and 18 at 11 a.m. refuses to deepen her affections for State Arts Council al the Bla ckstone Ri ver The­ atre, 1420 Broad St.,Central for Leon (Mark Frankel) be­ To assist potential appli­ obtained at the council office, at Falls. For morei nformation, cause she can't cope with his ca nts, the State Arts Council the above address. call 333-9000. ordinariness. That's Lisa (Gina will offer a grants workshop on Oct. I is also the deadline for Bellman). Sept. 8, from 3:30 to 5 p.m., at Rhode Island artists to apply to When in a state of distress 95 Cedar St., Suite 103, Provi­ the Rhode Island State Council The Rhode Island Water· Whatever the contributory from hearing about the sperm dence, R.I. 02903. First-time on the Arts' Arts in Education color Society Open Water­ causes, " Leon, The Pig Farmer" mixup, he bumps into Made­ applicants are speciall y encour­ Residency Program. This pro· media Show takes place was not what I expected. lei ne (Maryam D' Abo), who aged to attend. gram sponsors professionally Sept. 5 through 24 at Slater Directed by Vadi m Jean and li kes Leon fo r the converse of Oct. 1 is the deadline to ap­ trained artists and folk artists in Memorial Park, Armistice Gary Sin yor, the film reputedly why Lisa dislikes him. Think­ ply for funding to support arts competitive residencies at Boulevard, Pawtucket. For broke box office records when ing he's an exotic Jew, she programming by Rhode Island schools and community sites more information and in March it opened in its natal seduces him with as kinky a nonprofit organizations and to around Rhode Island. Artists times, call 726- 1876. provenance, Great Britain. representation as the film gets. fund Arts in Education projects must be Rhode Island resi­ Reputedly a comedy, the Throughout, Leon wears a which include Arts as Basic dents. Applications are avail­ The Wickford Art Associa­ film tells a peculiar-enough pained, puzzled expression, (pre-kindergarten through 12) able at RI SCA, Arts in Educa­ tion Gallery Exh ibit will be story of a Jewish misfit who dis­ constipated with what the in Education curriculum grants, tion Program, at the above held from Sept.S through 16, covers quite by accident that he underlying " truth" about Jews Artist Event grants, and Arts in address. Tuesday through Friday and is the product not of artifical seems to be: Guilt. Education Residency grants. The Rhode Island State Sunday from I to4p.m.at36 insemination by his North He's su pposed to be kosher, Oct. 1 is also the deadline for Council on the Arts is updating Beach St., North Kingstown. London father, but of a rough but drinks wine with opened individual Artist Projects and and expanding its performing The exhi bit will feature sculp­ and randy purveyor of pigs in bottles from nonkosher the Folk Arts Apprenticeship arts directory into a Rhode ls­ ture, wa tercolors, oi ls and Lower Dinthorpe, Yorkshire, to sources. He'll down lobster to Program. Traditional artists can land arts directory. Free listings other media. For more infor­ a decidedly non-Jewish family. impress his shiksa. He's fraught obtain information and assis­ for active Rhode Island per­ mation, ca ll 294-6840. The production notes indi­ with angst about everything tance by calling the Folk Arts forming groups or artists must cate that the idea hailed from connected to his ancient roots; Program at 277-3880. Funds are be submitted by Oct. 1 to be the team that helped cobble a fairly accurate title of the film limited and grants are highly included in the next edition. The Dansantes, an infor­ together the distasteful com­ might easily have been " Leon, competitive. Grant guidelines Forms ma y be obtained at mal debut celebration tea edy, " A Fish Named Wanda," The Hunt for Jewish Roots.'' and application forms may be RISCA at the above address. dance, wi ll be held Sept. 7, and one can see the connection. Stereotypes tinge every 14, 21 and 28 at 5, 6 and 7 That film several years ago scene, from wedding gluttony p.m. at Astors' Beechwood featured a sprinkling of mild to the closing scene where the Cuisi ne {a uthor unimportant), volume of Jewishness by its Mansion,S80 BellevueAve., humor set into a thatch of ill ­ two families come together at a and, yeh, Roth's epochal echo in the distorted hates and Newport. The event will considered and somewhat re­ kosher restaurant to consoli­ flaunt -the-dirty-laundry bible, malevolence of the profes­ fea ture Victoria n music, volting personal tics and handi­ date their new status. Moments Portn oy's Complaint, which sent sional Jew-hater, this film chi lled st rawberry tea and caps, condescension to stut ­ after the film began, I thought myriads quivering in irritation achieves a stunning nether ac­ classical dancing. For more terers and unfunny patronizing " Philip Roth-Portnoy's com­ and disgust at the unflattering complishment by being at one information, ca ll 846-3772. of the less intelligent. plaint." and one-celled myopic view of time so uncannily wrong about " Leon" features a series of Sure enough, in the scene suburban assimilated Jews, everything. stri vi ng to win us The Corridor Gallery, Fine fe aturing the willing pig farmer when it came out in the '60s. over with virulent infra-dig " us Arts Center Galleries, Uni­ Chadwicks in Lower Din­ For all the fuss made of vs. them" elbow-nudges to the versityofRhode Island . will thorpe, the books shown offer a Wood y Allen's negative por­ brain stem; and so horrifica ll y present " Recent Offset OVERSIZED SALADS filmmaker's minimal concept traits of his kith and kin, for all adept at possibly congealing Prints"Sept.8 through Oct. STEAMED VEGGIES of what it takes to become the darkness shed (no light) by the non-Jew's notions of what 6, at gallery hours. The ex­ Jewish: Leo Rosten's The foys of films on Nazism that presum­ constitutes the "real " Jewish hibition is produced by cur­ Yiddish, The Book of Jewish ably point out the shape and underbelly of folks who seem rent and former faculty, vis­ outwardly unexceptionable. iting a rtis ts and recent This is possibly the worst graduates. For more infor­ film I have seen this year, next mation, ca ll 792-2131. e only to the utterl y fecculent Valerie Anne's " Menace II Society," which is 727 East Avenue. Pawtucket absent only humor to make it The Preservation Society of 727-3620 the grand wi nner of Ughh-iest Newport County will fea­ Tuesday-Saturday 6-3, Sunday 7-1 filmof '93. ture a Country Dance and That this film apparently Buffet Supper on Sept. 11 won not one but two film from 6 to IO p.m. at the awards (one in Edinburgh, the Brea kers Stable and Car­ Chaplin Prize, as well as the riage House.at Cogglcshall Venice International Critics and Bateman avenues, Prize) says more about the un­ Newport. The event will resolved animus still harbored fea ture square dancing, a against the handy historic country buffet and music. scapegrace. For more inform,,tion, c,,11 ehina Inn 847-1000. #1 Chinese Restaurant in Rhode Island SZECHUAN • MANDARIN The Photogr,,phy Gallery, Fine Aris Center Galleries, UNDER LOUIS YIP'S MANAGEMENT Tell them you ... University of Rhode Island, Warwick: 823-3355 their ad In the will present "Natures 1557 Bald Hill Road (former Colden Lantern, next 10 lnskip) morles," Sept. 16 through Oct. 23, at g,,ller)' hours, in Pawtucket: 723-3960 ~ode Island the Fine Arts CenterG,,ller- 265 Main Sl~et, Downtown Pawtuckel r .,,,n Jewish ~raid p~7;ueC::.' f:;e,:'~a;:;~ ~~!~ 1 ~h 1 ~ ~ ):~·:.~:;~~l~~~~:~:,:~:~:\~~j if.~1;~t;:'1,,:, :r:trJ:,r;;;t,~:;?1 792·213 1 THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT r ~tlTER,- New York & o, ~ ~ -1/1'~ on the Silver Screen by Mike Fink theater and table wine, I'm a Q:,.. "':z < -, Herald Contributing Reporter hard-core Francophile. To give Woody Allen's latest, "Man­ "Coeur," by Claude Sautet, a ····· BRIEFS· hattan Murder Mystery," offers Jewish twist, I can note, it"s about The Rhode Island State some stunningaerial views,and the world of the violin. Also, its Council on the Arts will nostalgic musical airs, on New heroine, Camille Kessler, is present "Art Law For Art­ York City. Woody really loves probably a Jewis h maiden, ists" Sept. 15 from 7 to 9:30 his hometown. He also includes though no mentio n is made of p.m. at the Providence Art clips of the old Hollywood, 1 her family identity. Club, 11 Thomas St., Provi· mean "classic," films he so Moving right along. This denee. The lecture w ill cover dearly admires. lovely artist falls for her violin copyrig ht basics, licenses, repairman. He hides a silent in­ job assignments and other trovert soul with a craftsman's rights.Admissionisfreeand precise focus. Simply said, she limited seating is available. yearns for something she can't For more information, call get: he has a wintry frigid heart Eugene Peloquin at 521- she can' t heat up. 5000. What makes this film so Pari­ sian and so perfectly w rought is the way it holds out and resists The Haffenreffer Museum sentiment and stereotype. You is offering free anthropol­ just can't crack this toug h fel­ ogy classes for anyone do­ low. He never breaks down and nating time to the museum. But I have to report, I've touches her, or us. But he is ca­ A series of three Wednes· grown a little tired of his screen­ pable of administering a fatal day classes will take place plays. They speak none of the needle lo a suffering and d ying from I0a.m. to noon on Sept. graceful and witty repartee of e lderly friend - a Kevorkian 15, 22 and 29 for volunteers. those old classic movies. They gesture of good will. 'Lend Me a Tenor' Anyone interested in vol­ scrape up nothing very real Should some misguided Hol­ unteering should call Ethel City Nig hts Dinner Theatre, 27 Exchange St., Pawtucket, about skyscraper Gotham. I get lywood producer seek one day will open its 10th season with the production of the Broadway Rudy or Lyn Ud vardy at stuffed up with those upper­ down the road to rema ke this comedy "Lend Mea Tenor." The show opens Sept. IO and runs 253-8388. middle-class inte riors, and film, it will turn o ut just awful. all Friday and Saturday evenings through Oct. 2, with a bored by the hesitant, repeti­ Everything would be spelled Thursday performance on Sept. 30 and Sunday matinees Sept. tious rhy thms o f Woody's o ut, ove rstated. The French 26 and Oct. 3 and a Sunday evening performance on Sept. 26. mo nologues. touch lets the look of a table, a Tickets for City Nights are by reservation only. For reserva­ It takes some effort for me to window in a cafe or bus, a gar­ tions or o ther information, call the box office at 723-6060. get out from the heavenly sea· den wa ll of ivy, the w hite-jack­ ~'N s~ shore and start up the sandy eted arm of a wailer, do the job ;jNEWS~ jeep at dusk to head for a cin­ of capturing the elegant loneli· Chorale to Hold Auditions ema. The drive to the Wa rwick nessofa sad soul. Dry and dainty c:::> BRIEFS n-, Showcase goes about halfway as a sip of fine w hite wine, "Un The Zamir Chorale of Boston United States, bringing its I ~ to ProVidence. The Avon on Coeur en Hiver" presented us announces that auditions for special brand of music-making Thayer Street pulls by a stron­ with a mini trip to Paris half a n the 1993-94 season will be held to enthusiastic audiences the For Love of Country, a free ger mag netic pull with its hour from the beach. at Hebrew College in Brook­ world over. country folk art show to ben­ oddball exotic fare. I don't get around much any­ line, Mass., on Sept. 19 and 27. Throughout its existence, the efit the new Children's Hos· "Un Coeur en Hiver" -The more, at least this summer. But There are a few openings in Zamir Chorale has produced pital, will be featured Sept. Wintry Heart - invites me in lflewtoNewYorkw ithWoody, each section for experienced many recordings of music 10 from 9a.m. to4p.m. in the with cool courtesy on a warm and to Paris on the wings of singers. ranging from Renaissance Rhode Island Hospital Caf­ summer' seve. When it comes to Claude Sautet. Plans for this season include motets to Sephardic folk songs eteria, Eddy Street, Provi­ a Chanukah concert with the and to works by contemporary dence. Gallery 401 to Klezmer Conservatory Band, a Jewish composers. Zamir has American Jews spring concert featuring Ernest just released "The Songs We The Providence Waterfront Feature Pawtucket Bloch's "Sacred Service" per­ Sang," a retrospecti ve of the Festival is looking for vol­ Greet Self-Rule formed with a full orchestra, a music of the modem state of Arts Council children's concert, and run-out Israel on the occasion of the unteers to assist in the ninth (Conti nued from Page 6) annual Providence Water­ The Jewish Community concerts throughout the North­ 45th anniversary of its found­ front Festival onSept.11 and Center of Rhode Island's Gal­ tive nature of the break­ east. ing. 12. For more information on lery 401 will have an opening through. Not only was it not The Zamir Chorale of Membership in Zamir is by volunteering, call 272-3540. reception for the Pawtucket offi cially approved by the Boston, under the direction of audition only; sight reading Arts Council on Sept. 12 from 1 Israeli Cabinet until Monday its founder, Joshua Jacobson, music and some previous evening, but it was not alto­ celebrates its 25th anniversary choral experience are required. Rollermagic Skating Center to 3 p.m. The exhibit will con­ tinue through Oct. 3 during the gether impossible that the this year. The chorale is re­ Prospective singers should plan is offering free rollerskating government would collapse garded as one of the most sig­ to attend open rehearsals at Sept.11 and 12from 1 to4:30 regular gallery hours. This particular show will before the end of the week, nificant proponents of Jewish Hebrew College from 7: 15 to p.m . a t 700 Eas t Ave., because of the scandal sur­ music in the world. Dubbed "a IO p.m. on Sept. 7, 14 and 22. Warwick. include a poetry reading on Sept. 14 at 7:30 p.m. featuring rounding Interior Minister virtuoso outfit" by the Bosto11 Qualified candidates should editor's choice poets from Aryeh Deri. Globe's Richard Dyer, Zamir call manager Mark Miller at The Rhode Island Depart­ Northeast Journal and Th e In a cautiously worded state­ has performed in Israel, Great (61 7) 965-6522 to arrange for ment of Elderly Affairs will Poetry Mission. ment issued late Monday after­ Britain and throughout the an audition appointment. process identification cards The Pawtucket Arts Council noon, the Conference of Presi­ for persons 60 or older and has had shows in various gal­ dents welcomed " reports that disabled persons age 18 to leries throughout the state significant progress in the 59 every Friday from 9 a.m. selecting artists who are diverse peace process may be immi­ WE'RE CELEBRATING to3 p .m . at 160 PineSt., Provi­ in style and proficient in their nent. While decisions on the Theatre-By-Tire-Sea's 60tlr Season! dence. In addition, the DEA art. specific points of agreement mobile ID unit will be at the Gallery 401 is located at the belong to the democratically North Kings town Senior Jewish Community Center of elected government of Israel, Center, 10 Beach St., North Rhode Island, 401 Elmgrove we support it in its quest for a Kingstown,onSept.14 from Ave. in Providence. It is open to just and lasting peace." 1 to 3 p.m. For more infor­ the public during the following ~-··= JI mation, call 277-2880. hours: Monday through Thurs­ day, 3 to to p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, 9 a.m. to Dorothea Snyder will The Barrington Public Li­ not run brarywill present ''The Civil 5 p.m. The gallery is closed on Around Town Saturdays. For additional in­ as a regular weekly ~... a brand n ew slrow! War: A Second Look" be· ginning5ept.15at 7:30p.m., formation about the reception page this summer. August 24-September 12 • Performances Tuesday-Sunday and running nine other con­ or the poetry reading, contact secutive Wednesday nights, Ruby Shalansky or Pam Lippka ORDER TICKETS BY PHONE: (401) 782-8587 at 861-8800. Should readers wish her to at 281 County Road, Bar­ cover a special event or rington. For mo re infonna­ Have an opinion? feature. please call the tion, call 247-1920. Herald at 724-0200 and 111Ei\TKE·6Y.THE·JM ..!~ Express it in a letter to leave a message tor her. the HERALD. 364CARO'S PONO RO AD, MA11JNUCK, RHODE ISLA ND ( 10 -THE RHODE ISLAND JEW ISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 M-Hilfa\•ffMIELit. Si'frt•1mf§HM!dmas!t'I ecia

Think Special Occasion! Mother-of-t he-Bride · Dresses, Knits, Separates · Misses & Petite Sizes 2- 20 · Alterations Available To Ensure a~ • 9{gw Jilrrivafs from 9{gw ')'orf;J ~ Follow the 1 1\f:ta's rJJress Shop f 46 'J(s,{jiSquare, Cranston, q{__/,otft /s{antf 02910 • {401) 781·3707 • 'lllSJit, !Ma.stt,Cartf, 'Disccwu, Layaway One of the most commonly ousines you s HOURS: 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday asked questions regarding It's a good limousine transportation to to figure nvo I your wedding is , "Who rides in the bride's in the limousine?" give her and th Normally the bride and of room. her father (or the person giv­ ing her away), ride in the lim­ Tl ousine, but sometimes the To insure pro ; • Labor Day Weekend Cookout Supplies ·; mother and maid of honor. your wedding We carry everything you need for the holiday weekend! Party supplies, The bride makes the final transpo decorative disposables, table covers, napkins, plates, cups, utensils, etc. decision as to whom she I) Add 15 mi wants riding with her in the the pick-up See our Back-To-School and Fall Party Supplies limousine. ample. if th If the limousine is large 3 p.m. and enough, then all of the brides­ minutes fr maids could also be trans­ cmony, sch The uonly" Party Warehouse ported. Sometimes if the syna­ ousine to b Always Discount Prices • 310 East Avenue, Pawtucket• 726-2491 gogue or wedding site is close at 2:30. Thi Monday- Thursday 9:3o-6 • Friday 9:30-7 • Saturday 9:30-5 • Closed Labor Day• JEANNE STEIN • MCNISA enough, a limousine service timefor traf will make two trips to com­ 2) Always m fortably transport everyone, chauffeur h that is, if they have a ride rcctions ro already set up for after the 3) The contra ceremony. Your budget will state whcth determine the numberoflim- arehaving c The elements of great style can always be found at Tre Sorelle Ltd. CLOTHIERS GIRLS • PRETEEN • JUN IORS


A 11niq11e & different g ift store with a. II yo11r favorite collectibles One of New 's largest Selectio ns of Native American Indian Artifads 125 AtwellsAvenue, Providence, R.I . • (401) 52 1-2 11 4 ,-:i.e. ______I Q9/o//,;,uay_e 2:,,,,oaJine - SHARE YOUR EXPERTISE I WHtn ROLLS R oH:1 Sn-u P1UNCl'~ I New L1NCOlN ll\10L,~INE~ ••• 6 10 1O p._ Special Occasions such as Weddings. Birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Anniversa­ I THm IDlNllCA~- ~!:s~N~~!~l~.\:~!~~.~~~~~ ries, Births and Parties happen all year-round. This section is dedicated to : ~ AllOCCASIONS • PHOIOS~[Nl(.)NRlQV(~l helping our readers plan for these wonderful events. If you would like to let our readers know how you can make their event the perfect celebration. give I 135.00 {

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------~ 'IF !ff dl'C"?itt'; : QUIDNESSETT COUNTRY CLUB (.flt\ OfJ, , I Nl W Hnl, cZMnoww,w I OVERLOOKING NARRAGANSETT BAY The Ultimate Experience in Wedding Ceremonies & Receptions ..-. -~~::u~:;~;~:::~: ~~·.:· l Bar/Bat Mitzvah Celebrations • Anniversary Parties AND SUPER Snt£TCH ES I THE FOREMOST IN BANQUET FACILITIES Particular care is lakcn in lhc planning ofyou r vc,y special day . Food is expertly prepared and offered with the finest of service. • ,00.. ,,.,.,. L ~ Sffi.,.,::;!!!!!!!!rn,.!!!- 1!!!!!1111111!'1!~,;___,l : _::J NORTH QUIDNESSETT ROAD, NORTH KINGSTOWN, RHODE ISLA ND 664-1100 12 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 FEATURE Soldiers Earn Respect of R.I. Visitor by Emily Fink age speaking with wisdom and The morning's mission was to Words Special to the Herald maturity. As I stood upto leave, hike Masada. I knew a Jot about Israeli sol­ he tore the winged snake from The sun came up as I neared of diers before I actually met one. his uniform, and wrote a mes­ the top of the mountain. I was I had heard stories in America sage to me on the back. I could sweaty, filthy, exhausted, and about Israeli soldiers killing not believe that he had offered hungry, as I had not yet eaten Stone Palestinians and attacking their me his most treasured posses- breakfast. I was busy beingself­ Arab neighOOrs, and I'd heard absorbed, when all of a sudden stories in Israel about Israeli sol­ I noticed a large group of sol­ diers being killed by terrorist diers nearing the top of the bombings and sloned to death mountain. Dressed from head by young Arabs in the territo­ lo toe in army green and laden "I used to work for a Jew. way. Dan took a regular ham­ ries I can't bring myself to call with supplies, the soldiers were When I was a kid, Wolf Smith mer, chipped them o ne at a time "occupied." drenched in sweat and gasping rode his horse and wagon all and drew a little circle of stone I'd seen newspaper articles for breath. around Newport. He'd trot on around my own pine tree. Hur­ about Israelis bombing Lebanese T hrough gasps, they ex­ downadirtroadand yell, 'Rags, ricane Bob had knocked off a settlements,and I'd heard stories plained that they'd ended a Rags!' I'd go with him and help fewmajorbranches,itdidn'tlook from Israeli friends who'd wit­ two-day hike by climbing load and unload. That's what I so good. My big plan for this nessed family members and Masada as their final initiation always did, lift things. It wears summer was to make my out- friends die through random acts sio n, and initially I refused to into the paratroopers unit. Con­ you down after a lot of years. door space spruce itself up a bit. of terrorist violence. accept it. sidering what they'd just been "Then I hadanotherjobwitha I had it in mind that a Narra­ The first Israeli soldiers I ac­ He insisted that I bring his through, they were in remark­ Jewishman.lthinkhisnamewas gansett Indian could sort out tually talked towereparal'roop­ badge home to America with ably good spirits. I chatted with Izzy Schechtman. He was lhe myrockyrubbleandgiveanair ers -membersof the mosl elite me, and so I did. He could not them as they passed my can­ bottlechiefofProvi------of m ystery a nd force of the Israeli army. They have been older than 20. teen around. dence. His son, history to my dry were young and strong, and A week later, I saw a picture As I started down the moun­ David, looked just I had it in mind gulch. they wore their uniforms ofthebaseinanlsraeli newspa­ tain, I could think only of the 0 proudly.A red badge bearing a per. A terrorist attack had killed soldiers' super-humanstrength. ~;~gJi ~~d T:01~ that a Narragansett bee~:~d 1:e~~ winged snake adorned each five paratroopers. Two days On my way down, ho wever, I bottles the same Indian could sort the way among soldier's uniform, signifying later, two more soldiers from met up with the res! of the para­ ;;~_:,mithdidwith :;r::~~-t~~~ that he had earned the right to the same base were killed, and troopers-to-be, the soldiers w ho out my rocky join the paratroopers. When a another lost his leg. Because I had found the hike more diffi­ Dan Brown said rubble and give ing the week, Dan soldier w ith such a badge never learned my soldier cult than those already at the walked through the streets, he friend's name, I will never know top. ~:~t~nJ:o~p';; an air of mystery :~;_t,;~r;;~ was looked at with admiration if he was among those killed or There were soldiers vomit­ him off at the en- and history to offanothermound and respect. wounded. I'll probably always ing, soldiers on stretchers, and One soldier offered lo show wonder. soldiers on crutches. I saw sol­ ~~:c: :~ ~sh!~~=~ my dry gulch. ~~dr:~=: ~e~if~ ~ me and a friend around the para­ Several days later, someone's diers struggling, soldiers carry­ town, in a beauti------minehadbeen. Be­ troopers base. His room was as nudge woke me from a sound ing their friends. I saw soldiers ful wooded section of South fore long he showed up with his hot as an oven, and although sleep. Although I withdrew dehydrated and soldiers County. He did a job for me, haul- own can of beer and a real mallet smaller than my room, deeper into my sleeping bag, I wounded. And, I saw soldiers ing and arranging rocks in my in a pack. He set lo work like an crammed with six sels of bunk knew that it was past 4 and any my own age smiling. yard. In return, helel me pick out artist, a sculptor. beds. The soldier's roommates further attempts to sneak some I offered water and words of a bottle of wine as a present. I Now Dan's about my age, were very friendly, for they sel­ sleep would be futi le. I didn't encouragement, but I couldn't choseaBeaujolais. "Whatareyou, but he's been beat up a bit by dom had company, let alone two bother to change my clothes, expre$s my admiration fo r the French?" he inquired. life. Heslurshiswords. His teeth blond American girls. since the rolling of my sleeping soldiers nearly as eloquently as "No, I just like their wine. I'm aren't in the best shape. He goes We talked about war, peace, bag and filling of my canteen I would have liked. part Canadian. I' m Jewish. My on about his past. His dad died Israel, and the future. I was in seemed like more than I could By the time I reached the bot­ mothercamefromMontreal, but when he was 14. He'd hit his awe of the boy nearly my own handle on three hours' sleep. (Continucd on Next P,1gc) she was born in Romania, the head on a rock and drowned. land of the Gypsies." That's why Dan's two grown sons have both he went on about the Jews. served ti meat theACI. He even 1 met Dan hitchhiking. I saw recounts the scary story of their him in his worn red-checked crimesofrobbery.Somehow,he shirt and torn jea ns, strolling keeps a lively twinkl~ in his eye with his thumb out. I had some and a sharp tone in his voice, stops to make, but hours later, l despite the gloom. washeadingalongthe highway Da n and I haven' t said our Know someone and spotted his figure again. I last "WhatCheerNetop" toeach tookitforgrantedhe was a local other. He's still at it, bringing Narragansett Indian. I pulled overnfewboulders witha hung­ overand took him up. "Can you over companion in a w retched give me an hour and help me looki ng truck. He's planning a getting married? buildastonewall?" !asked him. round raised bed for my wife's "Then I' ll take you w herever flowersand herbs. He'sasturdy you have to go." brave. llikethecurveshe throws We heaved up some pine- me. What goes 'round comes sap-coveredrocksfroma pilein 'round between us. We're part .~ front of a neighbor's law n. We of the same genera tion a nd the ,~ heaped them in back of my jeep same community. We speak in and threw them into my drive- words of stone. Tell us their name and address and we'll send them a one-year complime ntary subscription to the Rhode Island Jewish Herald. Peace Agreement (Continued from P.ige 6) Newlywed Subscription On Sunday night, soldiers A committee of rabbis in the and police dispersed a group of territories meanwhile warned Couple's Name ______settlers who attempted to of civil strife. establish a new settlement In a public statement, the Address ______outside the West Bank town of commillee described the City ______S ta ie __ Zip ____ Tekoah, near Bethlehem. government's moves as "crazy The settlers declared that and dangerous," adding that Wedding Date ______this was merely the opening " the people will not be able to Your Name ______shot in their struggle against stand idle in the face of extreme the government's plans for an treacherous acts against Eretz Address ______agreement with the Palestin­ Yisrael. There will be war over Judea, Samaria and Gaza." City ______S tate _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ ians. Earlier on Sunday, the Reacting to these and other Council of Jewish Settlements threats, senior police com­ M..iil this coupon to; in Judea, Samaria and Gaza manders met Monday to Rhode Island Jewish I lcrald, P.O . Oox 6063. Providence. R. I. 02940 said it would intensify steps discuss strategies for dealing against the government to with the possibility of large· prevent an Israeli withdrawal scale unrest. from the territories. ''''"'o ,,, •• ,,t• ••• ,.,1•,o ,,,, I''• •••• • THE RHODE ISLAND JEW ISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 - 13 MILESTONES Local Woman, Family

Attend Summer Retreat ,.,., t- What does Hasidic music segment of our Jewish commu­ have in common with doo-wop nity that has been underrepre· street-comer singing? At the sented at our previous events." ~ - very least, they both have a For the fi rst time, the insti­ ~ t~' beat that makes you want to get tute offered nine fellowships to up and dance. people in their 20s, hoping to ~ American fo lk music special­ inspire a group of young lead­ ist Robert Cohen demonstrated ers that wi ll help further the -~, that crowd-pleasing truth, with Havurah movement's work. numerous foot-stomping ex­ " If the enthusiasm of our fel ­ amples, as part of a six-day lows at the institute is any kind Louis Hafken, M.D. celebration of Jewish study, of reliable indicator, I think the culture and renewal this sum­ future of the movement looks Hafken Joins mer at the University of Hart­ very promising," Levine said. ford in , Aug. I 6- Havurot are egalitarian, reli ­ Plan's Center 22 , gious mini-communities dedi­ Providence residents Dr. cated to Jewish learning, Louis Hafken, M.D., has Richard Plotz, his wife Judy prayer, celebration or social ac­ ioined the Mental Health Serv­ Plotz, and their children, tion. They are found inside ices department of Harvard Martha, 14, and Michael, 13 , synagogues and outside the Community Health Plan of /NE) attended this year's retreat, synagogue and movement af­ New England's (HCHP their sixth institute, according filiation . Providence center. to Dr. Plotz. "One thing I sensed about Dr. Hafken comes to HCHP / NE Also attending the institute the institute was this strong from private practice. Boa rd for the fi rst time was Lee sense of community, which is certified in psychiatry by the Teverow of Warwick. something you don't get in the American Board of Psychiatry The retreat, sponsored by the mainstream. Everyone is in­ and Neurology, Dr. Hafken National Havurah Committee cluded, everyone is made to earned his medical degree from (N HC), brought together reli ­ feel a part," said Diane Grexa, Washington University, St. gious scholars, rabbis and an institute fellow from Ari · Louis, Mo. , and served his resi· artists who offered mini­ zona State University. dency at Barnes Hospital and Garber and Bozek Are Wed courses and workshops on ev­ " I plan to bring this feeling Washington University, St. Stacy R. Garber, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Perry Garber of erything from basic training in back to my own Hillel and try Louis. His professional activities Cranston, was united in marriage on Aug. 9 to Adam 5. Bozek, the Jewish prayerbook knowledge to start up Havurot there," she include active participation on son of Linda Cloutier Bradford and the late Brian J. Bozek of (or " How to Davven Without added. the medical staff of Butler Hos· Westerly. Getting Lost") to an examina­ In addition to the new fe l­ Judge Peter K. Rosedale officiated at the 4 p.m. ceremony at the tion of the Shekhinah (the fem­ lowship program, the institute pital. on the faculty of Brown University where he serves as Casino at Roger Williams Pa rk, Providence. A reception, also at inine presence of G-d) through· for the second year featured an clinical assistant professor of the Casino, followed the ceremony. out Jewish history. artist-in -residence, funded by Joli 5. Garber served as maid of honor for her sister. Lorre More than 400 participants the Rita Poretsky Foundation. psychiatry and human be­ havior, and on the editorial Arnold, Lisa Komher and Heather Russell were bridesmaids. gathered for the event. the This year's artist, dancer Liz board of the Annals of Clinical Dean Bozek was best man fo r his brother. Ushers were Keith N HC's 14 th annual Summer Lerman, offered an intensive Brothers, Sean Sullivan and Joseph Turo. Institute, the largest turnout for dance improvisation workshop Psychiatry. Dr. Hafken resides in Bristol. The bride is a graduate of Lincoln School in Providence and such a program to date, accord­ and choreographed a group Boston University. She is employed by the Museum of Modern ing to Committee Chairman Rosh Hodesh dance for more Art in New York City. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Levine. than 200 dancers in celebration RAVI'S PLACE David Licker of North Miami Beach, Fla ., and the late Mr. and "We've held eclectic week­ of the month of Elul. ~e~ c 11"-"-' Mrs. Louis Garber o f Providence. long summer institutes and For more in fo rmation about FREE PICK-UP ANO DELIVERY The bridegroom is a graduate of Westerly High School, Boston weekend retreats since 1979, weekend retreats and next 521-4163 University and New York University Law School. He works at the and this year we did something year's Summer Institute, con­ New Yo rk City law firm Cravath, Swaine and Moore. He is the new," said Levine. " We made a tact the NHC in Philadelphia at Leonid and Rayi Margol~ grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bozek of Westerly, Alice Bro· concerted effort to include a (2 15) 24 8-9760. cato of Westerly and the late James Brocato. Following a wedding trip to Nevis, West Indies, the newlyweds SJM, mensch, well­ have made their home in New York City. Great gift for the New Year ... tdue1ttd, i,erson1blt and fun-loving 1ttks SJF, 19ts Soldiers traditional egg-rich braided loaf (challah). 30 to 40, sophlrtle1ttd, Pure, fresh and natural, from our kitchen to yours, Intelligent and vlmlous. FREEZER READY. SPECIFY PLAIN, SESAME, POPPY mi!iZml {Continued from Page 12) dered how she'd react to the SEND $25 FOR 4. INCLUDES SHIPPING. soldie rs as she ascended ALAN SPIVACK The Braided Loaf, 54 Brilner Dr., Smithtown, NY 11787 • (516) 979--0912 499 PURCHASE STREET tom of the mountain, I was thor­ Masada. NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 oughly disgusted with myself Onmy way back tot he camp­ (508)997-8241 for complaining earlier of heat, site, as I was saying a si lent hunger, and exhaustion. I was prayer for the soldiers, my Is­ worried about my Israeli friends raeli friend Lee, interrupted me. who were about to join the army, She told me that she wanted to about my friend the para· join the army, and that she be­ Jlonrellgaui trooper, and about the future of lieved in the army. She'd do :PATCHES Israel. ~igmmnt Sliop, anything to protect her family, INCORPORATED My reverie was broken by an her friends, and her country. As FURNITURE ·ANTIQUES· GLASSWARE American girl al the end of the she walked away, I added her JEWELRY • CRAFTS • FLORALS trail with a personal fan in one name to my prayer. hand and a mirror in the other. Emily Fink is an incomi11g se­ Tuesday through Saturday 10 lo 5, Sunday 12 to 5 She was looking at herself and nior at Classical High School. She complaining about how the heat 941 NAMOUIO DRIVE, WARWICK, RHODE ISLAND• (401) 463-3310 is theda11ghter of Herald Contrib­ GOVERNOR FRANCIS SHOPPING CENTER made her curls frizzy. I won- uting Reporter Mike Fink.

"U11 ique Perso11alized w:»v av:, Cbildnw's Gifts" ~ n·~~ RABBI CARL A STOR ¢ PRICES STARTING AT $5 :i,,m v,:,, CE RT I F I EDMO HEL Rocking Chairs Wall Mirrors Clothes Trees Doll Cradles :io,n>i 18 yea rs of profess1011al experience Cantor Sam Pessaroff Bulletin Boards Toy Chests Students· Desks Bookends a•V>"l>l For a Dignified, Meaningful CERTI FIED MOIIEI.. Clocks Lamps a,,," Re ligio u s Cer e mony (50B) 532-606B and much more _,.,....,w,,....."Jwl• .. Jo."1HfMllw 203-442-0418 fWorkJ Trairted al Bik11r Cholim 1/o.,pital Ju11.1alm1 ( 401) 946-8885 1e1JwT....,,._... 208-443-0760 CResidcnce) Ii~ .1pp,nnt111L·n( c1nl\ ...... - ,, ,._ h \11lkr.,nd \I.in, l,,.m,,tl 14 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Beth-El Will Hold Open House Hebrew Classes The Membership Committee Temple Beth-El is the oldest of Temple Beth-El, chaired by Reform congregation in the Begin Sept. 13 Lynn Aaronson, will host its state of Rhode Island and one The Providence Hebrew sixth annual New Member of the largest in New England. Ulpan begins its third year of Open House on Sept. 9 from The temple has a membership classes on Sept. 13. Under the 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. of 1,175 families and offers a dynamic leadership of Ruth The open house will provide daily evening minyan service, a Adler, a master language ed­ prospective temple members synagogue library, a religious ucator, the ulpan offers a information on the variety of and Hebrew school as well as a precious opportunity to study programs and services avail­ thriving young adult group. Hebrew in an intensive environ­ able. Members of the temple's The temple is located at 70 ment. Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Adult Orchard Ave. on Providence's In the 1992-93 year, the Enrichment, Social Action and East Side. ulpan boasted more than 40 other committees will be avail­ For more information on the students involved in one of the able to answer questions. membership open house or to many classes. Students come All prospective members receive an application for from a broad spectrum of who attend the open house will membership, contact Executive interests and backgrounds. receive guest passes to attend Director Rob Goldberg at 331- Some are teachers; others are High Holy Day worship serv- 6070. executives; still others are ices. retirees or individuals who have found some free time to finally become more familiar Women's ORT Plans Busy Schedule with the language. With the summer season elude the ORT " Road Rally," Classes are offered on four quickly coming to a close, the Sept. 11. The annual Paidup different levels, at the fol­ board of directors of Women's Membership Dinner will be lowing times: American ORT, Elmgrove held at the home of Sherry • Beginners (two sections) - Chapter at Large is putting the Cohen, 80 Dryden Ave., in Mondays, 8:15 to 9:45 p.m. or finishing touches on a busy Pawtucket on Sept. 21 at 6:30 Thursdays noon to I :30 p.m. 1993-94 calendar of events. p.m. • Intermediate I - Tues­ The 1993-94 officers, who Events also planned include days, 6:30 to 8 p.m. were installed at a June 15 the second annual KIDZ Expo • Intermediate II - Mon­ dinner at Ledgemont Country at the Jewish Community days, 6:30 to 9:45 p.m. Club are as follows: Robin Center or Rhode Island in Provi­ • Advanced - Tuesdays Baron, president; Sherry Klein, dence on Oct. 24 and a family 8: 15 to 9:45 p.m. treasurer; Sharon Gaines, finan­ night at the Providence Civic Classes will run for two cial secretary; Lori Elias, honor Center for " Aladdin on Ice," 14-week semesters; the cost of rol; Paula Binder, program­ Oct. 14. each semester is $180 (which The Last Hurrah ming; Tricia Coleman, public­ All Women's American ORT includes cassettes and mater­ Jerry Gold and daug hter, Rebecca, 9, watch the Pa wtucke t ity; Ellen Golden and Karen fund-raising events are open to ials). Many schools have Red Sox play their last game of the season al McCoy Stadium Berge!, fund raising; Laurie the public. Anyone interested offered financial help for on Sunday. HeraldplwtobyOmarBradiey Brieter, scholarship; Karen in participating in any of the teachers who have expressed Rasnick, membership; Rhonda planned events or would like to interest in studying at the Covit, hospitality; Sue Enz.er, know more about becoming a ulpan, and some assistance is Dvorah-Dayan Club donor; Amy Rotundi, cor­ member of Women's American available. Leisure responding secretary, and Sue ORT, Elmgrove Chapter at All new students seeking to Readies for YardSale (Continued from Page 3) Harlan, recording secretary. Large, can call 732-0622 or enter an intermediate or ad­ Plans for the coming year in- 399-7098. vanced class must schedule an The Dvorah-Dayan Club of morning with my dad. I made appointment to arrange place­ Na'Amat/USA will hold its an­ a n effort to make up for lost ment. Students interested in nual giant yard sale on Sept. 12 father-son time. My wife, it the beginners ulpan need not at 381 Cole Ave., Providence, seemed to me, was pulling into Ongol1course in Westcllester CountryClublopen the home of Ceil and Seymour herself like a snail o r a turtle. I 1otllepubhcl,lleated swimmingpool,1ennis,10-20 have Hebrew reading back­ minutestomanybeaclles. la rgescreened ground, although it can be Krieger, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. d rove off to Newport over the courtyard. parking aldoo,. 2bedrooms. 2futl helpful. Davorah-Dayan Club has Mount Hope Bridge a few times batlls, grea1,oom(l1ving rool!Vdiningrooml,cable worked vigorously to raise to get myself o ut of town and televisions,lullyappliancedkitcllen!break!ast Ruth Adler is a former head areal,d1sllwasller,microwave. c0Heemaker,etc .. teacher of the Ulpan for inten­ moneys which benefit abused a way from the local streets. laundryroomwitllwasheranddryer.2minutesto sive Hebrew studies at the women and needy children in By the time the autumn sun OelRay.20minutessouth o1WestPalmAirport Hebrew University and former Israel. It also helps cover ab­ had faded into deep December Nochildrenunder1Byea~o/d orpets. visiting professor of Hebrew sorption expenses for Soviet and then my personal Labor Day Availableseasonalor mon11lly. Occasionalweekly language at Brown University. Jews who choose to live in Is­ in Ja nuary for second semester, arrangements. lfwanled. our maidserviceis rael. It also provides day care, availableatvou1add1tionalexp.ense. In addition to her position with I hadn' t much to show for my the Providence Hebrew Ulpan, high school scholarships and time out. Instead, everything Call Burt: 331.6624 or 435·4680 she is also serving as the seminars on Judaism and holi­ had slipped by, failed me. Time Hebrew language consultant at day celebrations at community had begun to hang and d ry like the Alperin Schechter Day centers in Israel. The club for thatex-marine luxedo-maker School. needs workers to set up and sell in his Pit. Who o r what would For more information on the or even to purchase items. reach over to me with a strong Ulpan, contact Mrs. Adler at If you can help, call 351-2139 outstretched arm to gel me out 273-1505. or 274-3694. of myself? The Providence Hebrew Labor Day gets me down like Ulpan is a project of the Jewish Are you celebrating a this. My kids go out and buy Howto Learning Exchange at Beth major event in your life? new shoes, shiny and fresh with Sholom. All classes take place the perfume of shoe polish or at 275 Camp St., on the East Let us know about it! rodeos, or gaudy sneakers that Side of Providence. Classes are Black and white smell of canvas and rubber. open to the entire community. photos welcome. When I whine about the mean­ ing of life, they hold up their kill a hands, a signal that shouts, "No More 'Meaning of Life'!" I t,1ke to asking total strangers these End baldness, big questio ns. Lines from poets I re,1d in gain confidence. college come back to haunt me, busine&5 as I murmur the graceful lines WITH A PERMANENT to myself getting prepared for SOLUTION TO HAIR LOSS Labor Day and opening classes Robert Frost put il lhis way: • StateoftheArtlransplantlechniquesusing Full, Mini, Mic ro and Single Hair Split Grafting Dr. Robert LI.'Onard Outontheporch'ss.1gging floor • Painless Outpatient Procedure HdirTnu,

ecrct must be WE'VE MOVED TO ~ known. H · A· I · R 9 2 2 Reservoir Ave., Cran ston Word I Wi\:. Ill my hou:,c alone T IIAN SPl A NI steps (401 946-0884 Word I was in my hfe alone J Word I had no one l<'fl but G-d THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SE PTEMBER 2, 1993 15 • THE JEWISH COMMUNITY JCCRI Plans Sobibor Uprising Survivors to Gather Open House at Death Camp Sept. 12 In conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the uprising of The Jewish Community the Sobibor death camp, survi­ Center of Rhode Island, 401 vors of that revolt will gather at Elmgrove Ave., Providence, the si te of the death camp on will hold its fall open house/ Oct. 14 to unveil a plaque to the new member welcome on Sept. quarter of a million victims 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The murdered there. community is in vited to attend For more information on this free of charge. event, contact Thomas (Toivi) The featured event will be Blatt at (206) 836-9101 or by the community opening of the fax care of the Simon Wiesen· Family Fitness Center at the thal Center, (3 10) 553-8007. JCCRL a state-of-the-art fitness facility with high-tech equip­ ment. This opening will include When you an nounce the birth a tour, aerobics demonstra­ of a child why no! include tions, a fitness orientation and a black and while photo? free swim. The center's director of fitness, recreation and sports services, Jay Snyder, and his staff will be available to answer questions. The Last Barbecue The fall open house/ new Marion Kaufman (from left), Ma rcia Siobin, Ellen Biener and Michael Litchman were some Invest in member welcome was de­ of the 25 guests attending the end-of-summer Vanguard annual barbecue for sing les between 25 signed as a family event; there and 40 held at Kaufman's home in West Warwick on Aug. 26. 1-frruldpliotobyOmarBrodley are programs for all ages. For Organic kindergarteners through chil­ dren in grade three there are Emanu-EI to Host children's art workshops from Temple Shalom Prepares Futures noon to 3 p.m.; for those in Open House grades fo ur to six there is a Club 456 opening reception from I Temple Emanu-EI, a con­ to 3 p.m.; for those in grades servative synagogue on the for High Holy Days East Side of Providence, in vites nine to 12 there is an Outdoor Temple Shalom, the Conser­ family-oriented events for the Club opening (Club 456 and new and prospective members vative Congregation of New­ enti re fa mily. Outdoor Club receptions will and their families to an open port County, now in its 33rd A dynamic Sisterhood, a se­ be held in tandem). house on Sept. I 2, from IO a.m. year of service lo the Jewish nior group, the Tree of Life, a For adults, there is a Gallery to noon. The open house will include community, is p reparing fort he couple's club and an ongoing 40 I opening reception from I forthcoming High Holy Days of adult education program are a to 3 p.m. with work by mem­ breakfast, activities for children 5754. few of the many activities at bers of the Pawtucket Arts and tours of the facilities. Rep­ On Sept. 8 from 7 to 8 p.m. Temple Shalom. Risk versus reward. Council. The newly refur­ resentatives of the various It: and again on Sept. 12 from 10 Affiliated with the temple is Thercwardsofyourorganically­ bished Infant Toddler Child­ organizations within the temple a.m. to noon, the temple will The Samuel Zilman Bazarsky grown foods are substantial. In fact, care Center, which has moved community will be on hand to youcanreallysinkyourteethinto host an open house. Members Religious School, which has a its location to the preschool discuss the year-round calen­ them.Morenavor,no toxinpesticides, of the Membership and Ritual full program of learning for chil­ wing, will be available for a dar of programs and events. andthebenefitsofnutrient·richsoil. CommitleeswilljoinwithRabbi dren ages 4 to 18. Working tour. Refreshments at the fall Beginning its 70th year, Bread&Circusstockshundreds MarcS. Jagolinzer, the temple's closely with the Bureau of Jew­ open house/new member wel­ Temple Emanu-EI is a center of cenified-0rganic options. Every· spiritual leader for the past 19 ish Education of Rhode Island, come will also be provided. for Jewish studies, worship, thingfromproducetopizzas,pastasto social action, and celebration. years, in welcoming prospec­ the school offers young people pastries For any additional informa­ an opportunity to study and to Chooseanorganicfuture.lfsthe tion, contact Evy Rappoport at The temple is located at 99 Taft tive new members and sharing with them the benefits of be-. experience their Judaism smanest investment you11 ever make. 861-8800. Ave., at the corner of Sessions Street and Morris Avenue. coming affiliated with the con­ through a wide a nd varied cur­ For further information, call gregation. riculum. Bread&Circus Inadditiontoegalitarianser­ For more information, con­ the temple office at 331- 1616. WHOLE FOODS MARKET vices forShabbal, the High Holy tact Rabbi Jagolinzer at846-9002 Days and the fes tivals, the or come to one of the open 261 Watennan Street, Providence Society Installs Officers temple offers a full program of houses. 272-1690 At its annual meeting on Ruth Meierowitz, assistant sec­ Sunday, the Society of Friends retary, and Andrew Teitz, of Touro Synagogue instal led counsel. officers for its 1993·94 year. Also elected as directors in Jacob N. Temkin of Providence the class of '96 are: Dr. An­ is serving his third term as thony Caputi, Or. Alan Fein­ president. berg, Tylor Field II, Michael Other officers include: David Fink, Saul Sch weber and Looking for all Bazarsky, Barbara Epstein and Bernard Wax. Or. Melvin Prostkoff, vice presi­ The installation was per­ II dents; Brian Gillson, treasurer; formed by Sister Lucille good women! Seymor Schechter, assistant McKillop, president of Salve treasurer; Rita Slom, secretary; Regina University in Newport. To JOtn us for breakfast at

CORRESPONDENTS WANTED Rhode Island Hadassah Day If you would like to correspond for the H erald II by writing about what is happening in your SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 10 30 AM community, contact the editor at 724-0200. Newport Ooublctrcc Hotel Goat Island, Newport, Rhode Island For New & Paid-Up Members Couvert $13.50 Limited Seating Bus leaving Cranston Offices at 9 a.m. and JCC at 9:30 a.m. $3.50 SOUTH COUNTY HEBREW SCHOOL round trip. For bus reservation/information, call 463-3636. Guest Speaker: Dr. Ruth Gruber DI RECTOR Part-time Postition. Administrative ex­ ------perience,knowledgeofJudaicculture andcumculumdevelopmentrequired. n Be Part of the New Hadassah. l•:i.·I• You are invi!ed to join us. Calf today. TEACHERS to1mplementHebrewSchoolprograms ------IWednesdays&Sundays) (401) 463-3636 n. H.I\ODL ISLANIJ CMAl'TLR OF MADAS5A lt SEND RUUMU TO: SEARCH COMMITTEE, 15 MULBERRY DRIVE, WAKEFIELD, R-1 , 01879 tV,0ASSA.H THE WOMEN'S nQNIST otK;A.NIZATION Of A.MEJIICA.. INC

1,tl/ . .,,. ... ,. 16-THE RHODE ISLAND JEW ISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Brown to Entertain at Meal Site Maccabi Games The kosher meal site at the activities and to share a hot (Co ntinued from Page 1) Jewish Community Center of meal at noon weekly, Sunday Sharon, added to her optimism Rhode Island, 401 Elmgrove through Friday. Doors open by winning a silver medal in the Ave. in Providence, has just weekdays at 10 a.m., with 100-meter backstro ke and a begun its new season, and the casual conversation in the bronze medal in the three-day first special event for seniors is lobby for an hour. swimming event. Whal made coming up on Sept. 9 - a fall Exercise is scheduled during his victory sweeter was that it preview of events. The preview th e week at 11 :15 a.m. Bridge is was only the second time he'd includes a group sing-along held on Mondays from noon to swum in the event. "I feel very from 12:30 to 1 :30 p.m ., fea ­ 3: 45 p.m., Women's Forum is positi ve about Joshua winning turing Herbert Brown at the held on Tuesdays from I 1:15 four medals and three ribbons, piano. Song sheets will be avail­ a.m. to noon, " Friend to but the best part is that the com­ able. Friend" meets on Thursdays petitio n has been very good," No other special programs from 11 a.m. to noon, Shabbat the boy's mother said. are offered this week (except traditions are observed on Fri ­ In the 4 by 100-meter senior for meals) as the staff perpares days, tea, coffee and hot relays, Naomi Greenfield, 15, of for a month of upcoming muffins are served on Sundays Newton, Mass., eagerly waited events - including the JCCRI at 10 am.; and movies and to spring into the pool assoonas yard sale, an open house, a bar­ video programs are held once Amy Finstein touched her pad. becue and a special seniors' or twice per week. For a com­ Throughout the spacious pool outing. The center will be plete listing of this month's area.coaches, parents and team­ dosed on Labor Day, Sept. 6. events, check the kosher meal­ mates screamed words of en­ The kosher meal site invites site calendar posted at the couragement as swimmers seniors to join in a variety of center. plowed their bodies through the The menu for the week of water. Sept. 3 to 10 is as follows: Greenfield, despite finishing third in the relays, was jubilant CITATION Sept. 3: apple juice, chicken Commonwealth ol Mas!lllct1usen1 cacciatore, sweet potato, broc­ after winning a gold in the 100· TheTrialCOur1 coli, fruit salad meter breaststroke a nd a si lver Middles.elOi¥iSion ProbateandFamityCoun~rtmenl Sept. 5: orange juice, three­ in the 400-meter individual Oocitet No. 9360588-Tl bean salad, potpourri, fresh medley. "The 100-meter breast· PETITION fruit stroke is the one I'm most proud M.G.Lc. 210, 3 Sept. 6: CLOSED: Labor of because it's my favorite INTHEMATTEROF&t,byBoyVanrn.m.. no,.totheellegeens.ewiththeneedlorthecon­ potato, Capri vegetables, fresh events, athletes feasted on fresh was thecamaraderiesheshared sentolornolicetothewithinnamedtalhef fruit fruit, yogurt, energy bars and with other Jewish athletes that NCSYGroup onanypebtionlortheadopttonolsald ffli.. cool waler before preparing to was her biggest reward. llOfchildSUbS8QU&fllly$pOll,O,edbylhe Sept. 10: soup, tossed salad ,,...._ with tomato, roasted chicken jump back into the pool for an­ As the last swimmer left the Plans Hiking IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO leg, noodle pudding, mixed other race. pool, families and friends had YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A already assembled in the Expedition WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT vegetables, apple sauce. One by one, competitors ap· AT Middles.el Probate and Family Court, Bread, margarine, I percent plauded the concept of sports· center's spacious courtyard for 208CembriogeStreet.Cambridge. Mass milk and tea are provided with manship. "What's reall y nice is theawards presentation. Every· The Junior NCSY Division of 02141 before TEN O"CLOCK in the Congregation Ohawe Shalam, forenoon (10:00 A.M.J on November 1. all meals. Diabetics who are seeingsomanygoodJewishath­ one, from Paula Ginsberg, the 1993. daily diners may request fresh letes competing againsl each executive director of the Striar the Young Israel of Pawtucket, Youa,eent,Uedtolheappomtmantol fruit for dessert. Some meals other," said Amy Finstein, 16,of Jewish Community Center, to announces an end-of·the­ anano,neyifyou1,e1nindigentpe,-son. summer hiking expedition to AnnOigempe,-sonisdafinedbySJCRULE have modified salt - see the Framingham, Mass. Olken, was calling the event a 3:10. Detemunato"lolll"ldigencywijlltbe kosher meal site monthly menu " It kind of helps you to reach sweeping success. Purgatory Canyon. The event madebytheCour1. Cor11ae1theAssl'1anl fo r those with sodium-re­ out to people you don't know Ginsberg praised the fami­ will take place on Sept. 5, Regisler - Adopti,onsCterkotsaidCour1. meeting at 12:30 p.m. in the WITNESS stricted diets. and to learn to work with each lies, in particular, for making SHEILA E. McGOVERN. ESQUIRE For more information about other," noted Alyssa Greenspan, the swim meet a success and for synagogue parking lot. The F.-stJustic:lolsaidCOurt. kosher meal site and other 13, of Sharon, Mass. The young opening their homes lo welcome program is open to fourth - to D118August20, 1993 eighth-graders, who should DONNA M. LAMBERT senior programs, contact Sandy swimmer was suprised to see so those who traveled so far to par­ Reglste,olProbate Bass at 861 -8800. many young people compelein ticipate. wear sturdy shoes and bring a a Jewish event instead of a tradi­ Yet it was the combination of canteen or plastic bottle of tional swim meet. families, organizers and the a th· water. Although Greenspan swam letes-workingtogether- that Other upcoming events at the synagogue, which is If you are an hard to help her learn finish third made everyone a winner al the in the 4 by 100-meter relay, it 1993 Maccabi Games. located at the comer of East ad,·ertiser who needs Avenue and Glenwood in Paw­ tucket, include a family barbe­ a Liu\e space Like 1his cue on Labor Day, Sept. 6, from 32GotfAvenue,Pawtucket, RI 02860 5 to 7 p.m., and a Junior NCSY onc-cigh1h page, call HOPE sukkah decorating party, on Inside RI: 1-401-728-3600 your Rhode Island urL Sept. 19 from 2 to 4 p.m . .-~ Nationwide: 1-800·367-0013 Services at the synagogue Jewish Herald sales FAX : 1-401-724-8076 are at 6:45 a.m. weekdays, 8 a.m. Sundays and public holi ­ representative today. days, and 9 a.m. on Saturdays. FOR FLIGHTS , CRUISES or TOURS Frida y night services are at You'll find ou1 you FOR BUSINESS or PLEASURE 7 p.m. All are welcome. don· 1 have to spend a FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEOS For more in fo rmation about the synagogue or to make lot to reach the reserva tions fo r the hike to Purgatory Canyon, call Rabbi peo ple who do spend Hershy Worch at 729-1606. Pawtucket 724-31 14 a \01. JACK M . MINKIN dba/Ti le-Set The Rh ode Is land Tell them you saw CERAM IC TILE INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS their ad in the Jewish He rald Cleaning, Regrouting and Sealing - leaks Fixed /11 loucb u•itb tbe KITCHEN and BATH REMODELING , /l~hode Island Jewisb commu11it;1 Electrical and Plumbing "A TROUBLES HOOTER W ITH IDEAS~ Jewish • 71'erald 724-0200 INSU lffD • IU. UCEN SE NO 41 10 • MHllffNCl S . • • . • . . t . • . : • . . @\ ~ School Beat ##-cA~ harmonica (blues harp), re­ Instrument 'Petting Zoo' corder, baroque ensemble, jazz jam session, Appalachin dulci­ to Highlight Open House mer and vocal performance. Sessions are open to every­ [_LA~ An instrument "petting zoo" the school. one, no matter what their level for children will highlight the Other morning attractions of ability. Those attending -~ ' morning session of The Music for children and their parents should bring an appropriate School's fifth annual open include a karaoke room; short instrument, and vocalists - . - . . house scheduled for Sept. 11. recitals, continuous Suzuki should bring music. . The petting zoo, which will run violin, cello and piano demon­ For detailed instructions and continuously from 10 a.m. until strations; samplings of early the schedule of afternoon ses­ noon, contains string and per­ childhood group music classes sions, ca ll the school at 272- cussion instruments that chil­ for children 2 to 9 years old; 9877. dren can try out while they and free balloons for kids. The Music School's open learn about the instruments A " Play-In " for adults and house will be held at the main from an instructor. teens will highlight the 1 to campus of the school at 75 John " The zoo allows children to 3 p.m. afternoon session. The St. on the East Side of Provi­ get a feel for the instruments in Play-In comprises a variety of dence. The event, which is a playful, nonthreatening en­ one-hour group sessions in being held in conjunction with vironment," says Kathy which adults will learn to make the Providence Waterfront Czerny, associate director of music together. Festival, is free and open to the Sessions scheduled public.

D a M ANTIQUES Single Items. Yeladon Enters Third Year orEstofes Torat Yisrae\'s Yeladon preschool program is about to begin. Thetwo-yearprogram for3-and Appraised or 4-year-olds and their parents meets on Sunday mornings al the synagogue. It is the only class Pure hosed in the school's program that is open to nonmembers. Furniture • Paintings • Clocks The weekly program allow~ youngsters to interact with their peers while learning to feel, Dolls • China • Glassware Oriental Rugs understand, hveand love Judaism. Yeladon has a parent component as well. It provides a forum Blackandwhitephotosare for parents that helps facilitate their quest for information and know-how, while a llowing them welcome. Send submissions to: 337 NO. MOADWAY RIJewishHerald, P.0. Box6063, EAST PROVIDENCE to participate in their children's first fo rma l Jewish learning experience outside of the home. Providence,Rl02940 43.1,.1:13.1 Both the children and the parents have opportunities to express themselves, and to share in fO!.L FREE R ! J.-800-67S·IZ30 learning and celebration. Marvin Rubin. Proptielor Seen here, Lauri Noorparvar, a Yeladon teacher,and Alyssa Klein, a teacher's aide, help some of their students with an arts and crafts project.

The idea of child care for chil­ Sari Guttin will be entering Mishpahton Offers dren of faculty members was the Aleph class of afternoon much needed at Tora! Yisrael, Hebrew school this fall, yet she 139y~sand After-School 'Home and has been maintained as a has been coming to Torat growing and active program by Yisrael for the past six years, as Away From Home' the synagogue. a Mishpahton member. She iS­ Mishpahton is Torat Yisrae\'s Mishpahton allows children the daughter of Ronni and countmg ... Faculty Child Care program. to come to the school with their William Guttin. Her mother Entering its seventh year, the parents and to participate in has been a faculty member at For nearly a century and a half, Temple Beth-El has program was originally funded their own classroom while Torat Yisrael for the past 12 by the Bureau of Jewish Educa­ Mom or Dad are teaching. The years, and has been able to been the spiritual home for generations of Reform Jewish tion of Rhode Island, and has program provides a Jewish maintain a full teaching families. been nationally recognized as environment, supervised play, schedule in the religious school "d'1$"S unique and innovative. and structured learning activi­ while raising four young chil­ ties under the supervision of a dren, thanks to the existence of Today, our congregation is thriving. Members become full -time teacher and an aide. Mishpahton. enriched by adult education classes, chi ldren grow in our religious school, young adults gather to meet new friends. ;$'1$"::,' MEDICARE & MEDICAID We invite you to learn more about Temple Beth-El at =NURSING PLACEMENT': CERTIFIED AND LICENSED an Open House on Thursday, September 9, from 6:30 p.m. =HOME CARE INC = SKILLED NURSING STAFF to 8:30 p.m. "Homecare You Can Rely On" CASE MANAGEMENT 'd~t;."' Strvi119Afa.,.,acl111.Jt.lt.J a11iJ Rhoile f.,/m,iJ •AN Assessment For more information, ca ll 401-331-6070. •24 -HourSupervision Providing Quali ty Healthcare for 17 years •Registered Nurses •Licensed Nursing Assistants A REMEMBRANCE - Sari •Physica(Therapy Guttin, seen here with a gift •O ccupational Therapy that was given to her as a • Speech Therapy remembrance of her years in •IV Therapy Mishpahton, will enter the •Maste rSoc1a!Work •Pediatrics Aleph class this fall. This past IPtM11pro.~'thyou,.,i/l, June, upon her "graduation," nron'Prtbc,,.,i,'t Sari was honored by her Providence North l(mgstown Brookline, MA 11rogro.m 1ob,lpyouluq1 1

CELIA DEMARCO berg. Margolis. CRANSTON Celia Born in Russia, she li ved in He was a salesman fo r Indus­ DeMarco, 81, of 184 Laurens Fall River fo r many years. trial Supply Company in Provi­ St., died Aug. 25 at the Hospice Greenberg was a member of dence for more than 40 years, Care of Rhode Island, In­ Temple Beth-El and its Sister­ retiri ng 12 years ago. He Patient Center, Maude Street, hood, the Adas Israel Sister­ previously was a salesman for Providence. She was the hood, the Friendship Club of the former City Hall Hardware widow of Si lvio De Marco. Fall Ri ver, and the Fa ll River Co. in Providence. Born in Providence, a daugh­ Jewish Home fo r the Aged. He was a member of the ter of the late Abraham and Besides her husband she Jewish War Veterans, Post Fa nnie (Dronkoff) Silverman, leaves a son, Marvin Greenberg #369, the United Commercial she moved to Cranston 50 of Barrington; a daughter, Travelers Association, where years ago. Mari lyn Sussman of Framing­ he was presented with a SO­ She leaves two daughters, ham; fi ve grandchildren, and year pin , and was chairman of Anita Simons of Cranston, and three great-grandchildren. the board of congregation Fay Abrahamson o f Kissim­ A graveside service was held Shaare Zedek. He was a World mee, Fla .; eight grandchildren, Monday at Beth-El Cemetery. Wa r II Army veteran, serving in and three great-grandchildren. Arrangements were made by the Phillipines with the ; A graveside service was held Fisher Memorial Chapel, Fall Amphibious Engineers. I ;\ Aug. 26 at Li ncoln Park Ceme­ River. He leaves two sons, Dr. tery, Warwick. Arrangements Henry Ma rgolis of Natick, were made by the Max Sugar­ Mass., and Dr. Marshall \ man Memorial Chapel, 45 8 LOUIS MARGOLIS Margolis of Freehold, N.J.; a Hope St., Providence. PROV IDENCE - Louis brother, Joseph Ma rgolis of Ma rgolis, 84, of 280 Washing­ Providence, and three grand­ ton St., Providence, died children. ROSE 0. GREENBERG Sunday at home. He was the Funeral services were held FALL RIVER, Mass. - Rose husband of the late Sarah Tuesday at the Max Sugarman D. Greenberg, 88, of 4700 N. (Broman) Ma rgolis. Born in Memorial Chapel, 458 Hope Main St., died Friday at Chari· Providence, a lifelong resident, St., Providence. Burial was at ton Memorial Hospital. She he was the son of the late Lincoln Park Cemetery, War­ was the wife of Irving Green· Morris and Helen (Schiff) wick.

JACOB J. SHORE MT. SINAI MONUMENTS CRANSTON • Jacob J. "Jack " Shore, 76, of 61 Nether­ Our owner, Mitchell ... his father and lands Ave., Cranston, died grandfather. .. have been privileged to provide Sunday at Community Hos­ For Those Without Graves over 8,000 monuments in RI Jewish Cemeteries pital of Rhode Island, Crans­ Ed ward Adler has submitted this sketch of the proposed since the 1870s fo r two reasons ... the quality ton. He was the husband of stone "for those who have no graves" (see Mike Fink's story in Frances (Shore) Shore. the Aug. 26 Herald). It would be presented with a special black is the finest and the price is the lowest. Born in Providence, he was granite finish. He said he would like to see it installed before the son of the late Louis and the dose of Sukkot, to keep us all during the forthcoming year. Call 331-333 7 for assistance. Minnie (Sudman) Shore. He had lived in Cranston for 25 years, previously residing in Providence. daughter, Beverl y Hoag of Wa r­ yea rs ago. He was an expediter at the wick, and six grandchildren. Weitzner was a member of forme~ Quonset Point Naval Graveside funeral services Temple Beth-El and its Sister­ Max Sugarman Air Station in the supply depart­ were held Tuesday at Li ncoln hood ment fo r 32 years, reti ring 20 Park Cemetery, Warwick. Ar­ Besides her husband and years ago. He was also a part­ rangements were made by the pa rents she leaves two sons, Memorial 01.apel ti me attendant for Hospital Max Suga rman Memorial Jonathan A. Weitzner of Crans­ Trust Bank, Edgewood Branch, Chapel, 458 Hope St., Provi­ ton, and Bruce H. Weitzner of from 1979 to I 983. dence. Rehoboth, Mass.; a daughter, ~:\. Certified by the He was a member of the Gail M. Galkin of Cranston, ci ~} R.l. &ardo[Rabbis Rhode Island Jewish Fraternal and five grandchild ren. She was sister of the late Beverly The choice of more satisfied fa milies t:~fi;a~~~\d, c~~~stonM;~:~~ ANITA WEITZNER Cohen. 458 Hope Street, Providt•nce Guild and the Providence CRANSTON Anita The funeral service will be (Comer of Doyle Ave.) Hebrew Free Loan Association. Weitzner, 70, of 2 1 Hollins held today, Sept. 2, at 11 a.m. Drive died Tuesday at Rhode at Temple Beth-El, 70 Orchard 331-8094 ~:m;~\~r!~~~s::ef ember of Island Hospital. She was the Ave., Providence. Burial will be Out of State: 1-800-447-126? Besides his wife, he leaves wife of Irving J. Weitzner. in Sons of Israel and David Professio1111/ a11d Pre-Need Cou11seli11g Aooi/ablr two sons, Philip Shore of Born in New York City, a Cemetery, Providence. Ar­ Call for your free 5754 0 993-1994) calendar U!wisJ. Booler, R.E Mid land Pa rk, N.j., and Louis daughter of Morris and Pearl rangements were made by the i!c==~======c=l Shore, Lake Worth, Fla .; a (Cohen) Zimmerman of Provi­ Max Sugarman Memorial dence, she lived in Pawtucket Chapel, 458 Hope St., Provi­ before moving to Cranston 10 dence. For over 40 years, the owner of Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel ... Mitchell. .. has served Rhode Island Jewish families over 8,000 times ... as a professional Jewish funeral director. . as did his father and grandfather since the 1870s ... with hon­ esty and integrity. You are invited to attend One of the reasons why the majority SHARON M EMORIAL PARK'S of Rhode Island Jewish families ca ll 45th Annual Memorial Service Su nday, September 12, 1993 • 10:00 a.m. MOUNT SINAI at MEMORIAL CHAPEL Sharon's Ou tdoor 331-3337 Jacob Grossman Memorial Chape.l-ln-ll1e-Woods 825 Hope at Fourth Streets Officintmg Rabbi Alvin I. Licbennan, Coo::;R«;ATI(W Knm.LAm Wu.. B,n;ot,;ust Pre-need counseling with tax-free Please call fo r your From out of state call: Cantor Stephen Dn.>ss, lhuu l'illAtl, 5t,,.M0111 payment planning is available. New Year ca lendar. I -800-331 -3337 Orgmrrsl Only R.I. Jewish Funeral Home that is a member of the national Jewish Cantor Theodore Schneider, T1:MM..1:. B'NA1 Mo;m, Bli:1G1m.:N Funeral Directors of America and certified by R.I . Board of Rabbis. In CIISt of rn11cel/11tion dur to 1001thtr, /1strn to Rndro WBZ m tht nrormng THE RH ODE ISLA ND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SE PTEMBER 2, 1993 - 19 I CLASSIFIED

draft agreement. CLASSBOX Self-Rule One issue still needing to be ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES RENDERED CORRESPONDENCE TO (Continul'd from Pa ge I) ClassBoxNo. worked out is the issue of con­ The R.I. Jewish Herald Rubinstein, head of the Israeli STEVEYDKENENTERTAINMENT - Profes • MERCURIO PAINTING. Interior & Exterior trol over the strategically im­ s1onal master o! ceremonies and disc J)amtIng, sta ining, power -washing. Expert P.D. Box6063 learn negotiating wi lh the Pal­ portant Jordan River bridges Iockey. Bar/ bat m1tzvah SJ)ecIallsts work. J)rompt service and low rates. All wo1k Providence.R.1.02940 estinians, tendered his resigna­ that a re located near Jericho. N.Y. Laser Lighl Shaw Plus Male/f emale guaranteed. Dur wo1k SJ)eaks for itself tion in protest over his fai lure to According to Is rae l, the Dan cing Sensalians. THE PARTY PLAN ­ Insured. lie #5264. 461-3813 10/ 14/ 93 be informed of the secret talks bridges will remain under NERS " CHOICE (508)679-ls-15. R.I. Jew1shHeraldclass1fiedadscost$Jfor 2/3/94 PERSONAL BOOKKEEPING for small bUSI · 15words or less. Additional words cost 12 with the PLO. Israel's control. But the Pales­ nesses and busy indIvIduals. ExJ)erienced. cents each. Payment must be received by But Rabi n asked him on Mon­ tiniansare maintaining tha t they references.R1ghtArmServ1ces. 33 1·0875. MOflday al 4 p.m., J)rior to the Thursday 10/2 1/ 93 day to avoid such a move until will be transferred to the control FOOD when the ad is scheduled to aJ)pear. he had time to stu dy the draft of the United Nations. agreement. Rubinstein agreed In another issue of possible STAFF DF LIFE FOOD COOPERATIVE OJ)en This newspaJ)er will not, knowingly, acce J)t to wait a few days, but he de­ contention, Israeli officials are for membership. Organic. wholesome foods SUPPORT EastSide. 331 -0875. 11 /4/ 93 any advertising for real estate which is In cided not to leave immediately maintaining tha t under the v1olatIon of the R.I. fair Housing Act and fo r Washington, where the 11th terms of the agreement, Israel DES ACTION OF RHODE ISL.ANO - SuJ)· Section804 (C)o1TitleVlllof1he 1968C1v1I round of bilateral ta lks was to J>Orl and intorma11on network for mothers. R1gh1sAct.Ourreadersareherebyinlormed will redeploy its fo rces in the SERVICES RENDERED open Tuesday. administered territories to ar­ daughtersandsonsexJ)osedtodrugthat that all dwelling/housing accommodations may cause cancer and Inferltllty. Roberta : advert1sed1nthisnewsJ)aJ)erareava1lableon For the time being, Eitan eas on the outskirts of Gaza and COPPERFIELD 'S PAINTING & PRESERVA- 431 ·0728. 9/ 16/ 93 anequalOJ)J)Ortunrtybas1s Bentsur, the Foreign Mi nistry's Jericho. TION . Top·QualltyworkmanshJ). Reasonable deputy d irector-general, will But Palestinian sources in exterior/interior J>OWer was hing, carJ)entry. J)aJ)er hanging. license #8884 . Insured. sta nd in fo r Rubinstein at the Amman said Monday that Is­ T & M HOME IMPROVEMENT talks. 27 4·2348 8/ 18/ 94 If you are celebrating a raeli forces would conduct a & REMODELING EXPERTS The Israeli-Palestinia n pro­ total withdrawal from Gaza and HALEY ELECTRONICS RE PAIR : VCR . special anniversary, posal includes a five-page dec­ stereo.camcorder. Reasonable and honest announce it in the Herald. ROOFING •GUTTERS• VI NYL SIDING Jericho within four months. BBB member. Free JllCkUJ)/dellvery. Greater CARPENTRY• PAINTING• WINDOWS laration of principles, an eight­ Now that the Cabinet has ap­ Prov1denceand Woonsocket724-6039. Include a photo with the FREEESTIMATES • INSURED•UC 19715 page agreeme nt and supple­ proved the plan, its job is to sell 9/23/93 announcement. Black and 723-6973 ments that deal with future co­ it to the Israeli public. An opin­ white only, please . operation between Israel and the ion poll conducted Sunday Read your community Palestinians, particularly in the showed a narrow majori ty of news in the Herald. economic sphere. Israelis support the Ga za-Jeri­ Antique Refinishing The main points in the draft cho deal, with 53 percent in fa ­ PROFESSIONAL STRIPPING agreement are: vor and 45 percent against. REGLUEING • REPAIRS F4 • The Palestinians will be Whi le Isra eli leaders were . Sluant CALL SHAF Paulene Jewelers 434-0293 • 454-6656 - granted self-rule in the admin­ busy securing support among (,\1mrnU Fiu and lslatc F,ffEslmates•Pid<-Uo, Oelivei.;R 401 -421-1213 ing the two sites. problems lie wi thJordan, which Free Pickup • Israel will retain its control has complained of being left out • Delivery over security a nd foreign affairs of the negotia ting p rocess. in the terri tories. • Palestinian self-rule will not extend to eastern Jerusalem or AIR CONDITIONING FINANCIAL SALES Israeli settlements in the territo­ ries. Nor will the Palestinians INSTALLATION We want an llldMdual who beheves m CAMP DIRECTOR pe1s0flalability, who1snotafra1dofhard have any jurisdiction over Is­ & SERVICE work, and who exJ)ects to be compen­ raeli citizens. HOT WATER HEATERS • FUEL DIL sa ted accordingly. To the person who • Under the terms of self­ qualifies.weofterape1manentand111de­ CAMP TEVYA. located one hour from Boston, a highly "Three Generations Of Service- pendentbusmesscareerinf1nanc1alser rule, Palestinians wi ll have the vrces .WesuJ)J)lytra1rnng,Quahfiedleads, respected co-ed Jewish cu!tural camp of the ELI AND power to impose local law and a structured enworment, full suJ)port, fullbenefitsandatra1rnngsubsidy. F1r:.t BESSIE COHEN FOUNDATION has an opening order by means of a local Pales­ ~ M'~MMI year earnings $50,000+ for a Director starting October. 1993. Must have good tinian police fo rce. Joe Gladstone - Owner Foraconfidential interview,please camp experience and strong references. Part-time off • Although the Israel Defense call Angela at 401-739-4322. Force will withdraw from some season. full-time summers. Excellent opportunity. parts of the territories, ii will be Contact: M r. George Marc u s, Exec utive Direc ­ able to move freely within both tor, Cohen Found ation Camps , 30 Main St.. the Gaza Strip and Jericho. OVER 18 YEARS OF Despite the apparent agree­ Ashland. MA 01721. (508) 881 - 1002. ment on these points, there are PROFESSIONAL still gaps between the Palestin­ EXPERIENCE ian and Israeli versions of the F01merPartne,o/ MlMlandscoping r ------1 TARESE I RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD : EXPERT MOVING NDSCAPE .,, 11 t, ~, AND STORAGE ONST. INC. LANDSCAPING INC . LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Ne.wLawns • Planting • Mulching i IBGJffi000[70[;ill0 l Turf Maintenance is our Fully Insured Brick &BluestoneWalks&Pat1os Driveways • Backhoe Work s ,,ecialty REASONABLE RATES ~ 15 words: $3.00 'II, Rttid ential and Co mmereial Mo,.ing Fully Insured ib 12c each additional word AA WttkJ y Mainlenance~rvicet! 785-0ISZ 944-9334 Shrub Trimming •Dethatching Call For Estimates Cranston, RI I Category SJ)ringClean-uJ)s • Bricks&Patios Message FULLVIN SUR£0 • REAS0 NABLERATE S FREE ESTIMATES I 245-5457 r------,1 GRASSLEY ROOFING AND j: BONDl-.:0 & INSURED CONSTRUCTION, INC. : : ~~X.:ss RICHARD GRASSLEY 11 CIPCO Roofin g • Siding • Gutters • Sla te Repairs I : "ON!~ LEANING Complete Home Improvements 11 Phone - -AH EA~ ALL TYPES OF 11 No. Words _ __ Date(s) Run _____ IN CLEANING- TO INCLUDE A Box NUMBER. SEND AN ADDmoNAL ».oo. ALL RESPONSES • Ho11sedeanlnR ProJl.rams CARPENTRY I : • - W1;,11e Gloi'l!-jcmltorlal { 11 ~~~\ ~~:~l~~~~ni;':RHERALO VIA BOX NUMBER, ANO FORWARDED TO • Spring/Fall CleanlnR Uc No MA 110007 II PaymemMUSTberec8fVedbyMondayalternoon PRIORtotheThUfSdayonwhlch • Window Cle,mfnR ~ Uc No 554RI Ii 1head1stoappear 1D%d1scoun1givenloradsrunnmgconbnuously!Ofooeyear Pt,st-Cominic//on Cft-tmlnR Carpel & Uphols/t.'1)' .>-.h., 'Orj 401-434-2049 11 Thank You. 726-6702 l,;' _ ___· .. _ ! _ f(1___ 30______Years of BusLness_ __, __ .J.I J______RI IEW ISH HERALD, PO BOX 6063, PROVIDENCE Rt 02940 _ 20 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993

Pell Honored "For happily the Government and secondly, to insure the right {Conti nul'd from Page I) of the United States, which gives to pray and carry on their reli­ worship by Kris Mann, coordi­ to bigotry no sanction, to perse­ gious traditions without inter­ nator of Touro Synagogue. cution no assistance, requires ference by the new government. Although the society had no only that they who live under "To a large extent, this is what idea that Machtley's invitation its protection, should demean madetheJewslinAmerica)back would become a source of con­ themselves as good citizens, in the revolution," the rabbi said. troversy, it becameclearthat his giving it on all occasions their presence attracted greater me­ effectual support." dia attention than normal. "We As Rep. Machtley read the were concerned that the quo­ historic letter to the congrega­ Mail gets to us faster if rum of the service be maintained tion, a veil of silence fell overt he you use our post office and not be disturbed," Rabbi synagogue. box number. Chaim Shapiro said . Rabbi Shapiro said he often P.O. Box 6063 But the protest did not delay wondered w hat possessed the program. Seixas to write such a soul-stir­ Providence, R.I. 02940 It was a glorious day for not ring letter, but he believes it may only the Jewish community, but have been prompted by a fear of America as well, Rabbi Alvin persecution. Kaunfer told the /-lerald. " I Shapirosaid thatJewsinearly thought ii was very impressive America were seeking first to be to have such high-ranking gov­ accepted as equal citizens even ernment officials along with though they weren' t Christians members of the Jewish com mu· nity that truly showed what America s tands fo r," said Kaunfer, who gave the invoca­ Copies ol the Herald tion. It was the first time the are available from ... rabbi had attended the event at theinvitalionofJacobN.Temkin, presidentoftheSocietyofFriends ofTouro Synagogue. GardenCityOrug,ReservoirAve. ParkAvenueOeli, ParkAve. Temkin, who began his third KISHIKA term as president of the Society 12oz. of Friends of Touro Synagogue, Bame{s,EastAve. awarded Siste r Lucille MEMORIAL McKillop, president of Sa lve CANDLES Regina University, with a litho­ AN HONORABLE MOMENT - The Hon. Bruce M. Selya, BoohOnTheSquare, Ange!ISt. graph of the synagogue for ac· justice in the First Circuit-U.S. Court of Appeals, addresses a CollegeH1U BookStore, Thave1St. SABBATH pkg.of $".149 cepti ng i nsla I la tion honors at I he packed Touro Synagogue crowd Sunday at the annual George EastSideP1esc1ip11onCen!e1,HopeS1. CANDLES n .:J ea. annual meeting earlier that day. Washington Letter Ceremony on Sunday. Selya was the featured Hall"sOrug,ElmgroveAve. Temkin was grateful for the speaker for the afternoon. Hmdd photo by Omar Bradl~y LJnteProfessor BookCenter, FULL LINE OF BRISKETS, overwhelming support and at­ University Heights CAPONS, PULLETS & BROILERS TikvaTrad1t1ons,HopeS1. tendance by political, military ments while seeking to investi­ wrote a profound letter to FOR ROSH HASHANAH and civic officials who filled the gate injustices against others. George Washington appealing benches and balcony pews to Pell graciously accepted the for him to grant Jews the right to capacity. Alexander George Teitz award worship in freedom. PROVIDENCE BASED David G. Bazarsky, president from Andrew Teilz, the son of "Deprived as we heretofore of Congregation Jeshuat Israel, theaward's namesake, not only have been of the invaluable Recommended by Weal physicia11s and rabbis greeted the crowd and reflected for his longtime membership of rights of free Citizens, we now on the historical significance of the board of directors of the So­ (with a deep sense of gratitude the day. He told the members ciety of Friends, but for being a to the Alm-ghty disposer of all and guests that George "great friend to religious taler· events) behold a Government, Washington's letter helped to ance," Teilz said, as the entire erected by the Majesty of the establish the foundation for re­ congregal-ion rose in applause. People, a Government, which ~ ligious freedom as a right that Gov. Sundlun told the audi­ to bigotry gives no sanction, to SHMUEL TAITELBAUM the slate must maintain. ence that he was honored to beat persecution no assistance-but CERTIFIED MOHEL The president then turned to lheTouroSynagoguefortheread­ generously affordens to All lib­ 274-3298 861-1403 Sen. Pell and began a Jong ti­ ing of the Washington letter. ertyofconscience,and immuni­ rade of satirical remarks - the The mayor of Newport, John ties of Citizenship," the letter fact that Pell was a ship's cook McKenna, was recognized for reads. ,------~,---"""'~---..... in the U.S.Coast Guard and was hisoverwhelmingsupportofthe The Seixas letter - which a notorious driver brought Society of Friends a nd the Jew­ paved the way for religious free­ laughter from the audience. ish community. The mayor, who dom in America -was read by But on a more serious note, a nnounced his retirement, on Joshua Seixas Fausty, a descen­ Bazarsky thanked the seasoned behalf of his wi fea nd the people dant of the letter's author. politician for his unwavering of Newport. thanked Touro Washington was so moved support to theSocietyofFriends, Synangogue and expressed his by the author's words that he the Jewish community a nd his wish that it would carry on the immediately composed his his­ fight for justice - a fight that historical tradition. toric letter "To the Hebrew Con­ got him arrested six times by In 1790, Moses Seixas, then gregational Newport, R.I." later facist a nd communist govern· warden of Touro Synagogue, that year, responding: II Sl'-1 SS J•lt(>I II Is

Join the wave of the 90s with a total fitness program '\~e~fomi/yt:;,IJ(> designed to meet your needs - climate controlled ~ environment - work your heart and energize ("I DOES YOUR BUSINESS PROVIDE (0 your body u sing the latest s tate-of-the-art high OUTSTANDING OR UNIQUE tech equipment: StairMaster ,. stair climbers, SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY? !fr:*• ~ Pyramid selectorized weight machines, ot;;;:JCC!n Why not let our readers know obout it? Lifecycle,. stationary bicycles and Quinton The Rhode Island Jewish Herald tokes MllMifi:li?ttlOI Club Track™ treadmills - te n aerobic classes "A CLOSER LOOK" 401 Elmgrove A venu e • Providen ce 861-81300 each week (free for a ll JCCRI members) - al business In Rhode bland and baby-sitting available while you work o ut Soulheastem Mauochusetts In every Issue. Open House: expert s taff to leach, assis t and molivate Sunday, September 12 A story on your bultneu, complete with photos, will let our readers know about your work 11 am to 3 pm filness evaluations to maximize your all ond what you have to offer the community. pote ntial -programs for all ages and levels • fitness orientation FOR MORE INFORMATION ON • aerobics demonstrations from 6 to 60 plus -Jus t call Jay Snyder al 'A CLOSER LOOK' • free swim 861-8800 to begin the first day of a new you CALL MYRNA OR JEANETTE AT 724-0200