
THE VOICE P.O. Box 10S9, Miami 38. Flo. Return Requested TtuTVOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida

VOL. VIC, NO. 6 Price $5 a year . . . 15 cents a copy APRIL 23, 1965

The Oil Of The Infirm Is Consecrated By Bishop Coleman F. Carroll During Concelebrated Pontifical Mass Of The Holy Chrism On Holy Thursday (Other Pictures On Pages 2, 3 And 5) Pope Tells Why He Can't Message Of Resurrection Visit Philippines This Year Is Optimism, Pope States MANILA (NO — Pope Paul tered the traditions and truths (Text Of Pope's Easter to bring remedies to the recur- cited international tension as brought; to them by the first Message; Page 4) rent ills of mankind." one reason why he cannot visit evangelizers, and made them His speech, delivered from a VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope the Philippines this year. fructify in numerous social and balcony overlooking a crowd of Paul VI, speaking on Easter to educational institutions and in more than 100,000 people who He added that preparations all Catholics, all Christians and had b-aved rain to attend his the fervent Christian life of the all men of good will, said that for the fourth session of the people. Mass in St. Peter's square, ecumenical council also prevent optimism is the message of the brought the mystery of the Res- Resurrection. him from coming here to take "Divine Providence may in- urrection to bear on the prob- part in the observances mark- deed, we pray, enable us one "Optimism will prevail," the lems of modern man. ing the 4OOth anniversary of day to visit your great coun- Pope declared. "Such a positive, optimistic the introduction of Christianity try. For some time to come, viewpoint, drawn from the mys- The Pope also made what tery of the risen life, throws in this Far Eastern nation. however, it will not be possible was generally regarded as a POPE'S LETTER for us to do so. into clear relief not only the veiled appeal for an end to the world outside man but the world The Pope gave his reasons "The great preparatory work fighting in Viet Nam. He said: within him — his own heart and in a letter to President Dios- for the forthcoming session of "May the day come on which soul," the Pope said. dado Macapagal, who had in- the Second Vatican Council, the discords among peoples will "There can be no doubt that vited him to come here. Dated which is to be the last and be resolved, not with the force the heart of man, especially the Feb. 15 but not released until most important, with the most of arms but rather in the light heart of contemporary man, is April 14, the letter said: lasting effects on the life and of reasonable negotiations. And reaching out for life, for growth, history of the Church, keeps let every war and guerrilla for fullness of knowledge and "Nothing could give us great- us continually occupied. operation give way to construc- possession, for the power to er pleasure than to see for our- tive collaboration which is mu- will and to enjoy, for achieve- self the magnificent flowering "Moreover, the present inter- tual and fraternal. ment of happiness." liholicism which has taken national situation, so full of ten- "And may the day come on But the Pope asserted that !§§e (in the Philippines). The sion and peril, makes it inop- which the prodigious energies of man's restless search for hap- sole bastion of Christianity in portune for us to teave this POPE PAUL VI is seen as he delivered his Easter message progress will be employed to piness "stirs up in his heart the Far East, the Philippines center of our apostolic minis- from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica after celebrating Mass satisfy the world's hunger and feelings of desolation, distress, have always cherished and fos- try and responsibility." facing an estimated 100,000 people in the square. to educate future generations, {Continued on Page 4)

Cuba's Holy Week Bishop Carroll To Represent Catholicism Called I Pope Paul NamesThree New Reports Conflict Hope Against Reds \ A Cuban exile group in Mi- Hierarchy At Brazil Rite CINCINNATI (NO — A Bud- Bishops For United States ami has noted a sharp differ- dhist diplomat-journalist de- ence between the local Havana Representing the American dent of Serra International, de- WASHINGTON (NO — Pope iliary to Bishop Joseph Mueller clared here that "the only hope radio reportage of Holy Week hierarchy, Bishop Coleman F. voted to the promotion of voca- Paul VI has made the following of Sioux City. Carroll will head a delegation tions to the diocesan priesthood. for the world against commu- appointments to the hierarchy ceremonies and Havana's short Msgr. Edward A. McCarthy, wave reports for foreign audi- representing U. S. Catholics at More than half a million dol- nism is the ." in the United States: the May 2 inauguration of a secretary to Karl ences. lars from mission funds collect- Msgr. Cyril J. Vogel, vicar key regional seminary in Re- Tran Van Dinh, former act- J. Alter of Cincinnati, has been ed in the United States were general of the diocese of Greens- While the shortwave broad- cife, chief city of the poverty- ing ambassador from Vietnam named Titular Bishop of Tamas- assigned to construction of the burg, in , has been casts reported on religious serv- stricken northeastern region of to the U.S., told an Xavier Uni- cani and Auxiliary to Archbish- ices in both Catholic and Prot- seminary by the Vatican's Pon- named Bishop of Salina, Kans. Brazil. tifical Commission for versity forum audience that his op Alter. estant churches, the group Msgr. Frank Greteman, pas- America. nation's war against the Viet The appointments were an- said, "Holy Week was not men- The Bishop will be accompa- tor of Holy Spirit church, Car- nounced here by Archbishop Eg- tioned even once by the Ha- nied by Joseph M. Fitzgerald, Father John W. Stafford, Cong "cannot be won with the roll, Iowa, has been named Titu- vana's local radio." K.S.G., of Miami, vice presi- (Continued on Page 12) present strategy." lar Bishop of Vissalsa and Aux- (Continued on Page 12) •« *

J^CCLESIASTICAL procession of concelebrants of the Mass of the Holy Chrism preceded Bishop Coleman F. Carroll into St. Voice Photos Rose of Lima Church, scene of the historic rites on Holy Thurs- day. Specialty Constructed Altar Was Erected In Sanctuary For Concelebration By Bishop And 18 Priests

Bishop Coleman F. Carroll Speaks To Large Congregation Following Mass Of The Holy Chrism Bishop Carroll Gives Blessing To Congregation

Oils To Be Consecrated Were Carried Into Sanctuary By Vested Priests The Bishop Breathes In The Form Of A Cross Over The Vessel Of Oil

Father Connaughton Presents Oil Of Catechumens Peruvian Balsam And Oil Mixture Poured Into Vessel Balsam Is Mixed With Sacred Chrism By Bishop

Page 2 April 23, 1965 THE VOfCE Miami, Florida First Concelebrated Mass In Diocese Of Miami

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Eighteen Diocese Of Miami Prieste Concelebrated Mass Of The Holy Chrism With Bishop Coleman F. Carr oil On Holy Thursday In St. Rose Of Lima Church

April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 3 GREETSALLWHOMEUE¥EIN THE RISEN JESUS Text Of Pope Paul's Easter Message VATICAN CITY (NO — The resigned acceptance of suffer- Such a positive, optimistic is the spirit which raises up following is a translation of the ing, of the value of renuncia- viewpoint, drawn from the mys- out of this temporal city of man Easter message of Pope Paul tion and sacrifice. It is a lesson tery of the risen life, throws the timeless city of God, in this VI: which but prepares us for the into clear relief not only the very way giving life to our crowning and triumph lesson of world exterior to man, but also present ideals and strivings Venerable brothers, beloved victory and of life — the mes- the world within — his own toward unity and universality, sons and daughters of Catholic sage of today's feast, the mes- heart and soul. toward freedom tempered by Rome, faithful children of the sage of the Resurrection. wisdom and a concern for what Church throughout the world, we OPTIMISM WILL PREVAIL There can be no doubt that is right and good, toward an ask you to rejoice today. Optimism will prevail. At the the heart of man, especially ever-growing practice of justice, the heart of contemporary man, We extend the same glad end of human existence, life toward a charity that is always is reaching out for life, for greeting also to those Christians is held out to all who wish for effective. growth, for the fulness of among you who, though sep- it. Happiness exists and can knowledge and possession, for arated from us, nonetheless are be achieved. The perfection Oh let us then reaffirm to the the power to will and to enjoy, united with us in our belief in of our being, accomplished in world the message of paschal for the achievement of happi- the risen Jesus. With equal af- the highest possible degree, en- joy — not just an announce- ness. fection we address all people riched even beyond its natural ment, but a wish; not just a wish, but a prophecy; the de- of good will, whoever they may capacity — the light of glory, Similarly, there can be no be, who are now listening to our as it is called by those who sire, at least, and by its very doubt that this very striving strength and intensity the prel- Easter message. have meditated on the Easter for happiness — a striving that promise — the power to know, ude of a new start in the his- DAY OF HOPE is fed, stimulated and sharpen- tory of man as studied against We ask all of you to rejoice love and enjoy with the utmost ed by man's conquest today in intensity in the ecstasy of the the background of the resurrec- because this is the day which his hunger for ever greater tion of human life in eternity. God has designated to welcome vision of God — all this is guar- progress — this very striving the great message of joy and anteed to us. Hope and ioy stirs up in his heart feelings of And so, in the name and in should therefore be the mark of hope. And the message is this, desolation, distress, fear, deep- the spirit of the Risen Christ, of the spiritual life of man who as you know so well: Christ rooted pessimism and un- may the day finally come on looks to Christ. Pope Paul VI Kisses Foot Of Disabled Youth is risen. Christ has resumed His certainty about the future, all which men will put aside their life on the third day after His of which destroy the basis of false ideologies, urged on by death. Christ has conquered This forward - looking, opti- any deep happiness. mistic view characteristic of their need for a new wisdom or death. Christ has entered into because they have accepted this Pope Washes, Kisses Feet authentic immortality. Christ the Christian will diffuse over A like comment could be new wisdom which reveals has fulfilled the prophecy of the world a light that is at made regarding that character- man's true nature as well as His Resurrection. Christ the once comforting and salutary. istic feature of our time, social his true destiny. Of 12 Handicapped Boys Lord lives now and forever. In it the world appears for coexistence, so familiar in our what H really is — abounding world of change and yet so dif- REASON, NOT WAR VATICAN CITY (NO — On cardinals. Behind the altar in But the message becomes in interest and enriched with ficult to maintain, so insecure May the day come on which Holy Thursday Pope Paul VI the apse sat members of the even more surprising: Christ beauty. in its final outcome whether for the discords among peoples will washed and kissed the feet of diplomatic corps accredited to arose, not only for Himself, but 12 Italian teenage boys, some In the words of Holy Scrip- peace or for war, for freedom be resolved, not with the force the Holy See, Italian cabinet also for us. It is true that He of arms but rather in the light of them blind, some deaf and ture, God looked out over the or for totalitarianism and slav- ministers, Roman nobles and is the first of those who live ery, for an insularity even of reasonable negotiations. And others victims of polio, mental immense panorama of the uni- defects and other crippling dis- beyond temporal death. But it more fiercely selfish than it is let every war and guerrilla op- other special guests. is equally true that every hu- verse which had come into be- eases. today or for brotherhood and eration give way to construc- After the Gospel, the Pope man being who believes in Him ing through His omnipotent mutuel respect, for the con- The 12 young men, represent- and is joined to Him has been word and saw that it was very tive collaboration which is mu- delivered a sermon on the sig- struction of a world society in ing the 12 Apostles whose feet introduced into that kingdom good (Cf. Gen. 1, 21 and 31). tual and fraternal. nificance of the day's Scrip- collaboration or for the destruc- were washed by Christ at the which He, the first-born of all and something of His joy in And may the day come on ture. He said: His brethren, has established for creating comes through to the tion of everything that has been Last Supper, were robed n planted and built up on the face which the prodigious energies of white tunics. Red and yellow "Let us pray that the good our benefit: The kingdom of the heart of man as he surveys, progress will be employed to fortune of being hearers of that better life beyond the grave. probes and masters the world of the earth. bands of cloth hung like stoles SPIRIT OF PASCHAL SEASON satisfy the world's hunger and around their necks. divine word, simple and mys- which hems him in, especially to educate future generations, terious, may not find us inat- The paschal mystery is not Departing from past custom, in the case of modern man as Well then, how much comfort, to bring remedies to the recur- tentive and deaf, doubtful or just the mystery of Him Who he drives on toward the under- officials in charge of arranging hope and strength for renewal rent ills of mankind. reluctant, indolent and self- was the Son of God and Son of standing and control of nature: and peace can be spread abroad the ceremonies replaced the satisfied, but ready to receive Man. It belongs also to the sons The work, the gift, the symbol in the world of today by the And let there no longer be papal throne with a low backed it, to live it, and in turn to of men who in Him have be- and the mirror of God. spirit of the paschal season. It on this earth any of those de- chair and put it in front of the announce it as a secret of re- come the sons of God. liberately caused and unprofit- great papal altar directly fac- birth and immortality. And let ALL-EMBRACING able sufferings due to systemat- ing the thousands gathered in us pray that this word, which the basilica of St. John Lateran It is a mystery that embraces PONTIFF REPEATS PEACE PLEA ic political and social oppres- is heard and received here in sion, to racial strife, to the so that most of them could see this central church of all the all men: A mystery already ac- the Pope. complished in Our Saviour, Je- contempt and restriction of the churches, may take itself shine sus Christ, and in Mary, His Message Of Resurrection just freedom of conscience and In the past all liturgical ac- forth to all churches with broth- blessed mother; a mystery of expression. tion had taken place in the apse erly and happy frankness and which we have already entered FEAST OF JOY behind the altar and could be from all the churches in com- through Baptism, and which will Is Optimism, Pope States The thought of brothers in seen only by a thousand or so munion with this Church that come to certain fulfillment on the faith, who even today in so specially privileged guests. it may return with a faithful the last day, according to that Continued from Page 1 a special greeting for them: many countries are obstructed In front of the Pope's chair and united echo to say to us and to the world — the living promise which can never fail. fear, deeprooted pessimism and Courage, beloved sons! Perse- and oppressed puts on our lips the 12 boys sat on benches fac- Christ is with us." Therefore, rejoice! uncertainty about the future." vere in your loyalty and in a special greeting for them: ing each other. Nearby were 20 Courage, beloved sons, perse- lite Easter message, which All these destroy foundations of your fidelity. Nothing will be vere in your loyalty and your reveals to us in - the light of happiness the Pope said. lost of your suffering, which fidelity. Nothing will be lost of He cried out: "May the day Christ the destiny of mankind, even today is a stunning wit- your suffering, which even to- Cardinal Spellman Writes finally come when men will put transcends and supersedes all ness in belief of religious liber- day is a stunning witness on aside their false ideologies, urg- other attempts to give meaning ty and of the spiritual unity of behalf of religious liberty and of ed on by their need for new wis- Attack On Anti-Semitism to life. the Church of Christ." the spritual unity of the Church dom or because they have ac- of Christ. With you are the MARYKNOLL, N. Y. (NO — it but surely it was not from It transcends that blind and cepted this new wisdom which For the Mass itself which pre- prayers and the support of your "Anti-Semitism can never find the teachings of their Church. despairing view of reality which reveals man's true nature as ceded the speech, Pope Paul brothers. With you is the Church a basis in the Catholic religion," "It is one of those distorted yields to death the final tri- well as his true destiny." was brought into St. Peter's suffering and militant. For you Francis Cardinal Spellman of- and terribly harmful notions umph. It surpasses likewise that square on a portable throne The Pope's final expression of also, above all for you, may New York has declared. "Far which somehow gain currency other vision, full of doubts and from the bronze door of the longing was for an end to po- Easter be a feast of joy and of and like a cancer spread among uncertainty, which tells us but apostolic palace. A light rain, from emphasizing the differ- litical and religious persecutions hope. certain people who wish to justi- little of another life after death which began falling intermit- ences which divide Jews and and racial strife. He said: fy their own bigotry." and whose message derives tently before his appearance, Christians, our faith stresses our "And let there no longer be And may it be so for all — "The question of responsibili- more from wishful imaginings stopped and did not begin again for those who are suffering and common origin and the ties than from sure knowledge. on this earth any of those de- until the . which bind us together," he said ty for the crucifixion of Jesus liberately caused and useless for those seeking for the com- as an event in history," the car- fort of the light, for children in a guest editorial in Maryknoll The Easter message surpass- sufferings brought about by sys- Upon descending near the dinal added, "belongs only to and for young people, for you magazine. es that view of human exist- tematic political and social op- altar, the Pope greeted five those who were present at the who are listening to us and who ence which lays such stress on pression, to racial strife, to con- young persons he had baptized Cardinal Spellman declared: time and who cooperated in want to hear from our lips the tempt and restriction of just the prevous night during the "A surprising number of people His death. It is simply absurd present evils and gives the im- auspicious greeting of the Ris- freedom of conscience and of ex- Easter vigil ceremony. These believe that the Jewish people pression of being wise in pro- en Christ: Peace be with you! to maintain that there is some portion to its pessimism. It em- pression ! neophytes, clad in white, knelt have often suffered outbreaks of kind of continuing guilt which braces even the very Gospel "The thought of brothers in to kiss his ring. And may our apostolic bless- persecution as a punishment for is transferred to any group and teaching of the inescapable the faith who even today in so The Pope gave Communion to ing obtain His peace for you in their part in the Crucifixion of which rests upon them as a transience of all things, of the many countries are obstructed the five neophytes and their its fullness of happiness and of Christ. This is not Christianity. curse for which they must suf- poignant depths of evil, of the and oppressed, puts on our lips sponsors. hope. I don't know where they learned fer." Page 4 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida SOME 1,500 persons crowded St. Rose of the Solemn Pontifical Mass sung by Bishop Voice Photoa Lima Church on Easter Sunday to assist at Coleman F. Carroll at 11 a.m. *" Trumpets Heralded The Entrance Of Bishop Carroll Into The Church

Papal Knights Of St. Gregory Are Shown In Sanctuary During The Solemn Easter Mass Sunday Easter Mass Televised By WCKT-TV, Ch. 7

Msgr. James F. Enright Was The Assistant Priest During Mass Diocese Gold Medalists Assisted At Mass From Front Pews

Father Martin Walsh Preached Sermon Father Padraig Horgan Beads Easter Gospel Bishop Carroll Gives Holy Communion April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 5 Practical Problems Involved Time Of Deep Satisfaction In Bread-Wine Communion By Father RENE H. GRACIDA crowding forward to receive Member Liturgical Commission, communion. For Catholic Educators Diocese of Miami In an effort to cope with Ever since the institution of these practical difficulties, the As twenty-five thousand Catholic educators registered at the the Holy Eucharist in the Last : various other methods of com- annual National Catho) c Education Association Convention in Supper by Our Lord Jesus municating from the consecra- New York this week, they were not unaware that for the first Christ, the reception of Holy ted Blood of Christ were time in history, Catholic sehools are being looked upon as Communion un- evolved. partners with public schools in tackling the nation's education der both kinds, A reed er straw was used as problems. that is, bread an aid in drinking from the and wine, has How much difference this made in the deliberations of the chalice. A spoon was used to remained the convention delegates is anyone's guess. But it is reasonable to convey some of the Precious ideal method. expect that some planning for the future and some worries Blood to the communicant. Anc While contro- about the present must have been influenced because of the finally, the method of intinction versies over decision of Congress recently to include religious schools in its was developed whereby the host doctrine were Aid to Education bill. was dipped in the Precious chiefly respon- One priest-superintendent of schools stated that: "For the Blood and while still moist was sible for the GRACIDA first time we have been recognized as an integral part of the placed on the tongue of the practice of the American Educational System." This alone is reason enough communicant. past four hundred years limit- fer rejoicing among teachers and administrators who are devot- Even where these variations ing' their lives to education in parochial schools. ing the reception of communion to bread alone, it would be a were used with some degree of Non-Catholics too have commented, favorably on the un- skill, there still remained the precedented action of Congress. Walter Lippman, for instance, mistake to think that there were no other forces working great problem of adequately es- in commenting on the Aid to Education bill, said: timating the number of com- "What is novel in it and highly significant is the recogni- against the constant and univer- sal attainment of the ideal. municants at the beginning of tion by Congress that religious schools are American schools, that the Mass. they are an essential part of the American school system. Inas- To a very large extent the Unleavened bread (such as is much as the religious schools instruct in religion, they cannot be practical difficulties inherent in used in our churches now) had given federal aid without contravening the First Amendment. THE WAY OUT/ the distribution of Holy Commu- the great advantage of perrr.it- nion under both kinds have But in so far as they provide education which is non-religious, ting extended reservation in a worked to limit this practice. they are entitled to receive federal aid ... It has never been Francis Cardinal Koening, appointed its head by Pope Paul tabernacle if more hosts were These practical difficulties were the rule or the practice to make it compulsory that children VI, stated that the Secretariat will thus attempt to find the consecrated than could be con- be educated in public schools alone ... A parochial school is an at work even from the earliest way to make the Church's work secure throughout the world times. sumed at the Mass. But intinc- American school, and those who would deny it any public as- and at the same time to make contacts needed to establish and tion is not practical with un- sistance ought, if they had the courage of their convictions, to preserve peace. In the 4th century, we were leavened bread and leavened ask that parochial schools be outlawed. . ." Pointing out that government-backed atheism, such as that given a clear picture of the con- bread must be used. Leavened It is true that the amount of aid offered at present is small established in all communist countries, presents special dangers cern of the early Christians in bread, however, cannot be kept in comparison to the enormous need, and some educators have to the world, he said that a dialogue will be sought with them. this matter when it was written more than a day or two before expressed keen disappointment. But at least the door has been Discussion remains to be determined when the Secretariat gets in the "Mystagogic Catecheses" it begins to deteriorate and so opened. A precedent has. been set. There is official recognition into action next summer. of Jerusalem: the method of communicating of the role of the parochial school, despite the still severe opposi- Here again in this recent decision we find that the Church "When you approach, do not by intinction has serious diffi- tion of some groups, notably the American Jewish Congress and has thrown open its doors, not only to welcome all men as sons go stretching out your open culties. a group known as Protestants and Other Americans United for of God, but in order to go out into areas of hostility and hatred hands or having your fingers The other methods of drink- Separation of Church and State. where many of her children have suffered and died for the spread out, but make the left ing the Precious Blood either As the New York Convention of the NCEA closes today, the Faith. hand into a throne for the right directly from the chalice or by educators return home stronger in the conviction that the This is another- aspect of the Church's dialogue with con- hand which will receive the means of a straw or spoon also tremendous sacrifices they themselves and Catholic parents temporary society, hailed by Pope Paul as so important in his king, and then cup your open suffer from the serious handi- have made to build the parochial school system in the United very first talk to the Bishops at the opening of the second ses- hand and take the Body of cap of having the quantity of States are at long last recognized as a worthy and permanent sion of the Vatican Council. This Secretariat, along with two Christ, reciting the amen . . . wine to be consecrated ade- contribution to the educational program of American youth. others formerly established, one for the Promotion of Unity Be careful that no particles fall, quately estimated at the begin- and the other for Non-Christian Religious, covers the world wide for what you lose would be to ning of the Mass and, even mission of the Church. you as if you had lost some of more difficultly, rationed out to A Unique Committee It is obvious that no time is being wasted, since the news your members. Then, after you each communicant so that there carried the story last week that Cardinal Bea met Patriarch have partaken of the Body of is sufficient amount left for the Christ, approach the chalice One of the unlikely results of the Vatican Council and surely Atheanagoras I in Istanbul, Turkey; that Cardinal Marella was last communicants to receive. with the Blood without stretch- «ne that would have caused astonishment everywhere just a in Japan where he met with Buddhist leaders in the ancient When the quantity of wine has ing out your hands, but bowed, few years ago is the establishment of the new Secretariat for shrine city of Kyoto, and Cardinal Loening of Vienna was ad- been overestimated and there in a position of worship and rev- Non-believers, composed of Bishops specifically delegated to dressing a group of Moslem leaders and students in Cairo. remains after communion a deal with atheists. erence, and repeat the amen considerable quantity of the And new the atheists. Surely a dialogue with them to secure and sanctify yourself by receiv- The purpose of this unique committee is very broad. It will Precious Blood, there is like- the freedom of the Church and to advance the cause of peace ing the Blood of Christ." conduct research studies in order to "weigh and evaluate wise a serious problem of either can, with the grace of God, also be a means of bringing the consumption or reservation. the approach of those who disbelieve in God." It will use all message of Christ to them. Inevitably, some did drop the available sociological, theological and pastoral findings on host and in other ways showed For these reasons, the prac- atheism to promote "a dialogue" with atheists, not in order to irreverence to the Body of tice of - universal communion attack them, but "to promote the pastoral efforts of the Church." Decision In Germany Christ. In an effort to safeguard under both species for all Cath- the sacredness of the host, it olics at all times has not been Some have expected the Catholic Bishops in Germany to became Becessary to cease plac- revived. According to the de- take the most radical steps in determining what measures ing it in the hands of the com- cree of the Sacred Congregation The Diocese of Miami Catholics would follow in seeking unity with Protestants and municants and to place it in- oi Rites and the Postconciliar Weekly Publication Orthodox. stead on their tongues. Similar- Commission for the Implemen- Embracing Florida's 16 South- Since German Catholics and Protestants have really been ly,! the chalice was jarred, or tation of the Sacred Constitu- ern Counties: Broward, Char- lotte Collier, Dade, DeSoto, in a dialogue since World War II and have already cooperated dipped too far, and the Precious tion on the Liturgy,, communion Glades, Hardee, Hendry, High- lands, Indian River, Lee, Martin, in many areas unknown in the United States, there has been Blood was spilled. This most can only be 4>iven under both Monroe, Okeechobee, Palm VOICE Beach, St. Lucie. much speculation about drastic changes in attitudes, especially certainly would have been the kinds to small cumbers of per- where common worship in church is concerned. sons who fall within eleven p Editorial PLaza 8-0543 case when there were large A few days ago news from Germany indicated that the numbers of communicants cisely defined categories. Advertising and Classified. PL 4-2651; Circulation. PL 1 6821 Catholic Bishops, after a three-day meeting, have officially THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO., INC. decided to make haste slowly. They have come out with a The Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, Bishop »f Miami, President strong statement against Catholics' participating in joint Eu- -:- -:- -:- charistic services with Protestants. CONFIRMATION SCHEDULE The reason given: Participation of this nature "could simu- James J. Walsh .., Editorial Consultant late a nonexistent church unity." Therefore, at the present time Bishop Coleman F. Carroll will administer the Sacrament it could do considerable more harm than good and cause the of Confirmation in nine parishes of the Diocese of Miami John J. Ward Editor Ecumenical Movement to build on false bases. during the months of May and June. Only adults, high school Marjorie L. Fillyaw Feature and Women's Editor The wisdom in such a decision seems quite obvious, if one students and pupils in eighth grade are eligible this year. Gustavo Pena Monte Spanish News Editor realizes the enormous differences in belief concerning the Holy Following is the schedule: Manolo Reyes Spanish Associate Editor Eucharist or the Lord's Supper, as it is variously called. DATE HOUR CHURCH Much time will he needed for dialogue to explain mutual May 9 12 Noon St. Mary Star of the Sea, Key West Anthony Cborak Angelo Sava beliefs and the reasons for convictions, and indeed much more 5 P.M. St. Francis Xavier, Fort Myers Business Manager Advertising Manager time will be required for love to build up an atmosphere of May 10 7:30 P.M. St. Helen, Vero Beach respect and tolerance. May 12 7:30 P.M. Epiphany, South Miami Second-class postage paid at Miami, Florida May 14 7:30 P.M. St. Julian, West Palm Beach Subscription rates: U.S. and Possessions $5 a year; We must walk before we can run. The eager beavers keep single copy IS cents; foreign: $7.50 a year; May 16 7:30 P.M. St. Anthony, Fert Lauderdale Published every Friday at 6180 N.E. Fourth Ct., things interesting and keep people awake, but thank goodness Miami, Florida they are not the leaders. Many short steps in the question of May 17 7:30 P.M. Corpus Christi, Miami Address all mail to P.O. Box M59, Miami 38, Fla. May 23 4 P.M. St. Philip Benizi, Belle Glade Member Catholic Press Association unity are being taken. All these spell progress, and all of them National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service June 6 4 P.M. St. Rose of Lima, Miami Shores News Items intended for publication must be received by Monday noon. taken together in time will represent giant strides towards the fulfillment of Christ's prayer for one flock and one shepherd.

Page 6 April 23, 1965 THf ¥OKT£ Miami, Florida Doubters Should Pray Humbly For Faith 'PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL' By MSGR. JAMES 3. WALSH when Christ was speaking of Low Sunday Within Octave Tradition tells us that Si the mansions in His Father's Thomas the Apostle died a mai- home, only Thomas interrupted Of Easter tyr for the faith in India. He is Him with the blunt question, the same Thomas who at first The Evidence "Lord, we know not whither April 25 refused to be- Thou goest and how can we lieve the Resur- know the way?" CELEBRANT (After the Creed): The Lord be with you. rection of O u r ADMITS UNBELIEF PEOPLE: And with your spirit. Lord, and thus Now he faced the Apostles CELEBRANT: Let us pray. We join in invoking God's as- earned for -him- squarely and admitted his un- sistance for His Holy Church, for the civil authorities, for self the unwel belief. More than that, he dar- those oppressed by various trials and for the salvation of all come title which ed to lay down to Christ his men. the world has terms for belief. "Unless I see 1. PRIEST OR LECTOR: For Our Holy Father, Pope / '.ever forgol ten in His hands the print of the Paul, our Bishop, Coleman F. Carroll, and our pastor, N., *>«5ven the irreh nails and put my finger in the let us pray to the Lord. gious know him place of the nails, and put my PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy. as the Doubter- MSGR WALSH hand into His side I will not be- 2. PRIEST OR LECTOR: That the Holy Church of God Doubting lieve." i may never fail in faith so that its leaders always be guided Thomas. Our Lord accepted his terms. by the light of belief, we pray to the Lord. From Jerusalem to India! He did so not so much for Thom- PEOPLE. Lord, have mercy. Thomas' faith, once become as' sake as for our own. He 3. PRIEST OR LECTOR: That the barriers of selfish- firm, drove him to conquer hos- let him see the print of the ness and pride which keep nations from peaceful negotiation tile far-away lands and to in- nails and let him place his of their differences may be removed, we pray to the Lord. troduce among pagan nations hands on the wounds. Patiently PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy. the revolutionary teachings of He accepted from the bowed 4. PRIEST OR LECTOR: That all men may recog- Christianity. Eventually, because Apostle his long delayed sur- nize that before peace can exist in society it must exist in the he was as firm in faith as he render, "My Lord and my God." hearts of men, we pray to the Lord. had been stubborn in unbelief, PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy. his loyalty led to his execution He did not bless Thomas, how- 5. PRIEST OR LECTOR: That the newly baptized Cath- in defense of the same Lord ever. He reserved the blessing olics may by their gift of faith become witnesses to the Whom he had doubted. for the faithful in every age who life of grace all their lives, we pray to the Lord. would be willing to believe Him PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy. Here is a wonderful proof how without seeing Him. They are God turns all things to good. 6. PRIEST OR LECTOR: That through the reception truly blessed who accept Christ of the sacraments this holy assembly of the people of God Thomas' hard, unyielding man- on His word, on His authority, ner in the face of a mysterious may be given a clear vision of the risen Christ, we pray not on the testimony of their to the Lord. truth teaches us more about senses. That is the true mean- faith than the submissive at- PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy. ing of faith — and Thomas by CELEBRANT: O God, our refuge and strength, give titude of the other Apostles. It his unbelief makes it very clear without a spark of hope. When with the greatest reserve, writes heed to the pious prayers of Your Church, You Who are the is the Doubter who "by his ig- for us. norance has instructed the ig- the news came in the morning that the Apostles greeted Thom- source of devotion; grant that what we ask in faith we may GIFT OF FAITH norant and by his incredulity that the women had found the as with the simple statement, obtain in deed: Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, has served for the faith of all tomb empty and had even heard "We have seen the Lord." There is indeed something of Who is God, living and reigning with You, in the Unity of the Thomas' attitude in all of us. ages." from angels the assurance, "He However, one can imagine Holy Spriit, forever and ever. Many never receive the gift of is not here but has risen," St. that he was at once beseiged on PEOPLE: Amen. It is something of a shock to faith at all perhaps because Luke reports the Apostle ignor- all sides with details of Christ's (The Prayer of the Faithful remains optional for the realize that one of the trusted in their pride and presumption ed the tale as nonsense. Thom- visit — His wounds were still present time and the priest is permitted to form his own.) Apostles could deny what was they cling boldly to personal as had no time for their almost visible in His hands and feet to be the fundamental proof of opinions which contradict di- hysterical protest. and side; He is not a ghost, be- the Christian religion. Thomas vinely revealed truths. They are It has never been revealed cause He ate some food; He Low Sunday Within Octave had lived with Christ for three presumptuous enough to demand why he alone was separated gave them the power to forgive years. He was not a stranger more proof than the and from the group of the Apostles sin; He opened their minds to Of Easter to His power over death. He great minds of every genera- on the night of the Resurrection. understand why He had to suf- was by His side at the tomb of tion found sufficient. Lazarus when the man who had Whatever the reason, he miss- fer and die and then rise again. It is very sad because faith April 25 been dead for days took up a ed that scene which staggers While he listened to it all can be given only when a crea- normal life again. the imagination — the sudden, Thomas kept shaking his head. ture is disposed to bow before INTROIT HAD WITNESSED MIRACLES breath-taking appearance of Their rapturous account left him the Creator and is willing to With his own eyes he had wit- Christ in the midst of His de- cold, unmoved, and he felt the (1 Petr. 8, 2) learn from God on God's terms. nessed countless other miracles jected, frightened Apostles. loneliness and bewilderment of Crave as newborn babes, alleluia: pure spiritual milk: — privileges granted to only a Some time later Thomas the unbeliever who wonders why Those who have faith and alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. (Ps. 80, 2) Sing joyfully to God few men. He had heard the knocked at the door which had others find joy in things he can- find it weak and rebellious at our strength; acclaim the God of Jacob. Glory be to the Master speak words which only been bolted for fear of their not see. the time of trial or in the face Father. Crave. God could speak. Above all, at enemies. This hesitant attitude was not of bad example or because of least three times he had heard WHAT A CHANGE new to Thomas. Apparently certain laws need above all to EPISTLE more than once in the past, pray humbly. God will not re- Christ say in Jerusalem that He And what a change he found A Reading from the Epistle of blessed John the Apostle his slowness to believe, his in- fuse the grace of a stronger would be put to death, and on in his companions! Their grief (1 Ioann. 5, 4-10) had given way to unrestrained clination to brood over difficul- faith. There is no stage of our the third day would rise again. Beloved: Whatever is begotten by God conquers the joy and the sullen silence of ties led him to question or chal- lives when we cannot say with Thomas, from a distance, world; and the conquest that has conquered the world is disillusionment was shattered lenge Our Lord. much profit: "Lord, I believe, saw Him die. But on the third this faith of ours. Who is the conqueror of the world? — by their excited cries. St. John, We have records of this. Once help Thou my unbelief." day he remained despondent none other than he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus Christ is the One Who came through water and blood; not in water only, but in water and in blood. Signs Of Spring In Rome - Sun, Children And Politics And it is the Spirit that testifies to this because the Spirit is truth. Thus there are three who testify to this: the Spirit By Father Ambrose De Paoli Spring means Easter and East- Voice Rome Correspondent er in Rome means the influx of and water and blood, and these three are of one accord. OOME — With the advent of Germans. Everywhere the big If we accept human testimony, the testimony of God is far J5* Ecumenical Council the ex- r Mercedes buses from Germany better; for God's testimony consists in what He himself has testified about His Son. Whoever believes in the Son of God pression "signs of the times" trees, devoid for so long of parents exchange the gossip of carry their load of tourists equipped with walking shoes possesses that testimony in his own heart. has taken on a profound theo- leaves, which seem to break the day. The menfolk indulge in and guide books to see the logical dimen- out in green buds overnight, and their prerogative of discussing sights. ALLELUIA sion. in the return of the birds from the political situation. The impor- The nodding Italian enjoying Alleluia, alleluia. (Matth. 28, 7) "On the day of My their winter vacations. The fountains of St. Peter's, tance of this ex- the warm sun hardly notices resurrection," says the Lord, "I will go before you into Rome has certain signs of besides their normal function of pression is deep- them, until one approaches to Galilee." Alleluia. (Ioann. 20, 26) After eight days, the ly enmeshed in Spring which form part of her adding beauty to the square, ask directions. folklore. become in Spring a unique car- doors being closed, Jesus stood in the midst of His disciples, the dialogue of In a way the Italians have wash. The breeze of March and and said, "Peace be to you!" Alleluia. the Church with After a long winter bundled little to get excited about with April produce a spray of water the World. in warm clothing, the "Roma- the Germans. They are thrifty which the "Romani" use to • OFFERTORY There are ni" emerge from their cold and cautious spenders, content Father De Paoli wash their cars. It is not uncom- An angel of the Lord came down from heaven, and said -\ other signs of houses to seek the warm sun. to walk or ride the public trans- mon to see cars lined up to to the women, "He Whom you seek has risen even as He the times which To be sure there are favorite port and to buy some bread and await their turn. said, alleluia." have no particular theological spots where one can warm his fruit for lunch. significance, yet form part of cold bones. Among these are Red and white carts come "But wait awhile. The Ameri- our lives. Among these are the St. Peter's and the Chiesa Nuo- from hiding, loaded with ice cans will come later." And that COMMUNION signs of Spring. va of St. Philip Neri. cream and soft drinks. Hawkers they will. Financially speaking, Put in your hand, and know the place of the nails, Spring reveals herself in the Here the young and old pass for post-cards, religious objects the Italians comes off better alleluia; and be not unbelieving, but believing, alleluia, warm balmy days which herald the time away. The children and slides converge on the bet- with the Americans. alleluia. the passing of Winter, in the are engaged in" play while their ter known tourist attractions. Thus is Spring in Rome.

April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Pane 7 U.S. GIVE VIEWS GOD LOVE YOU i LmLt»inii!i!H 11 itrum 11 lit 11 imiiiiiiiin i rtm n i n 1111 »ut»rtM u tiusimi! u i msHMtj tuiimitiitit IIMH: i»iiiniii«iHmHmti >ULituiiiumutu i Htiui 11 IIMarian Devotion Enhanced By Vatican II Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen (The following is one in a series of articles in which key The mother of a young family, working in the kitchen, is American bishops assess the practical consequences of the beseiged by the varied problems of her little ones: a cut declarations made at the end of finger here, a fight there, a fall here, a bruised ego there. the third session of the Second Our office, too, which is charged by the Holy Father to help Vatican Council.) all the Missions of the world has its sorrows, great and small. The Second Vatican Council's Within a few hours of each other, two letters from widely teaching on the Blessed Virgin different parts of the world came to our desk. One told how should enhance the devotion of death came to four nuns and five priests. The sisters, who Catholics toward the Mother of had dedicated themselves to serving lepers, were cut to Christ. pieces and partly eaten by cannibals. The priests were brutally This is because the council's murdered and then hacked to pieces. They had been serving "Constitution on the Church" in the Missions for 15 years. and its chapter on Mary stress her as inseparable in God's plan from the Redeemer. This is the consensus of U.S. prelates whose comments on the The other letter came from council's teaching about Mary a different part of the world. were gathered by the NCWC It told of one of our priests News Service through a ques- who was captured by Com- tionnaire and a survey of formal remarks. munists after they had com- pletely destroyed his church Several prelates took sharp WEARING MURE and his Papal robes, Pope to the thousands of faithful in St. Peter's and rectory. His bishop writes: issue with what they called con- Paul VI delivers the "Urbi Et Orbi" blessing Square Easter Sunday. clusions that the council sought "God alone knows what they to downgrade the role of the are doing to this poor priest. Blessed Virgin in the Church. and the saints" and said that in the Constitution on the ful intercession with God. The He is 65 years old and has to counter such voices the year Church, called this "highly ap- stress on the place of Mary in Archbishop John J. Krol of been very sick for many 1965 in his diocese was to be propriate." salvation's history and the use , who is an under- of Scripture in describing her years. We have found it abso- secretary of the council, noted dedicated to the Blessed Virgin "It would seem well-conceived role in the Church should elim- lutely impossible to trace him, but it is rumored that he was the "prolonged applause" from as "Mother of the Church." to restate the venerated posi- inate any so-called exaggera- killed by these godless men ... Two of our sisters were the council Fathers when Pope tion of the Virgin Mother of Paul VI declared Mary to be Similarly, Bishop Marion F. tions or problems that we must carried away by the same enemies of the faith. At midnight, Forst of Dodge City, Kan., said God, while affording new insight the Mother of the Church. This sometimes meet," he said. they were condemned to death by a Communist court, ordered "an attempt has been made into her position as the first of step had the "wholehearted ap- BYZANTINE to take off their religious habits and to follow them. No one proval" of the Fathers, he said. to downgrade our Blessed Moth- the redeemed and the type of er" and that "most of the trou- Asked the effect the council's knows what happened. May the good Lord have mercy on these UNIVERSAL DEVOTION the member of the Church," he ble has centered upon the at- teaching on Mary may have on The prelate also noted that the said. innocent victims, and may He forgive the Communists." tempts of a few to use terms other Christians, Bishop Nicho- Fathers were "equally grati- that are extravagant, that las T. Elko of the fied" when Pope Paul empha- Bishop Charles H. Helmsing would make it seem that a per- Byzantine rite diocese saw it as sized the "universality of the of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., son believes that Mary was her- when asked about devotion to having "little effect" on Protest- devotion to Mary" by concele- self divine." brating Mass during the council Mary, replied that "I believe ants because "their objections These letters speak for themselves. Is there anything for are against the practice rather with bishops in whose dioceses "Why are we, sinners all, to that most of our Catholic peo- ple have had a true and proper than the well-explained doc- me to add? There may be something, however, for you to are located major Marian belittle the honor and the glory devotion to Mary." trine." add. (Or should it be, to subtract?) These suffering missionaries Shrines. that belongs to Our Blessed are part of your body, which is the Church. If your leg is Archbishop Krol spoke of "the Lady?" he asked. "They understand that she is Bishop oJhn J. Wright of the cut and bleeding, do not your hands rush to bind up the wound? fact that devotion to Mary can- CARDINAL RITTER'S VIEW for them a model of virtue. Latin rite Pittsburgh See, saw If then, the Body of Christ is in agony in mission lands, will not be separated from that we Joseph Cardinal Ritter of St. They understand her role as one "few, if any immediate effects from this point in isolation from you not subtract a little of your comfort for them? Give up a pay to her Divine Son; that de- Louis asked about inclusion of to be invoked as their advocate. votion to Mary would lose its the councils treatment of Mary They understand her all power- others." luxury that others may have a necessity; give up a necessity reason for existence were it to "I must confess," said Bishop that they may have life. Remember! The soul you save may be disassociated from devotion Wright, "that I find the recipro- be your own. to Christ, and that our expres- Fellowship Accepted By Diocese Student cal roadblocks or blind spots or sion of homage to Mary in no psychological hazards here to be way makes her equal to Christ." WEST PALM BEACH — senior at Xavier University in — more often than otherwise — Gregory Boczar of Holy Name Cincinnati, . on the level of cultural conflicts Bishop James E. Kearney of parish in West Palm Beach rather than of theology in any Rochester, N.Y., made one of Boczar also is the recipient of GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs. L. C. E. for $12.95 "This is has accepted a National Science fair and effective sense; I the most determined responses a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship what I was about to spend for a new Easter hat when I read strongly feel that the theologi- to reports that devotion to Mary Foundation fellowship for study but he chose to accept the Na- about some of the suffering in the world. Suddenly my hat is being minimized. as a graduate student at Stan- tional Science Foundation Fel- cal consensus will be more easy to discover and to develop when wasn't as important as doing something to help them" . . . to ford University in . lowship instead. He will be a Ike D. family for their desserts. "We saved this $20 by not He denounced "extremists" on the inherited cultural patterns Church reform, including "ex- Boczar, the son of Mr. and student in the Graduate School (many of them on all sides with eating desserts. Please see that it is used to feed the starving." treme liturgists (who) ask us Mrs. Edward F. Boczar of 1401 of Economics at Stanford Uni- minimal theological elements) to minimize devotion to Mary S. Congress Avenue, is now a versity. have relaxed a bit."

Send us your old gold and jewelry — the bracelet or ring Prayer Of Pope Paul VI For May, The Month Of Mary you no longer wear, last year's gold eyeglass frames, the O, Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, to you we recom- descend to unite us, you who brought forth Christ as a bridge cuff links you never liked anyway. We will resell them and use mend the entire church and our ecumenical council. of unity between God and men. the money to aid the Missions. Your semi-precious stones will O, temple of light without shadow and without blemish, be winning precious souls for Christ. Our address: The Society You, "auxilium Episcoporum," aid of bishops, protect and assist the bishops in their apostolic missdon, and all those intercede with your only Son, mediator of our reconciliation for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, with the Father (cf. Rom. 5, 11) that He may have mercy on priests, Religious and laymen, who help them in their arduous our shortcomings and may dispel any difference between us, N. Y. 10001. work. giving us the joy of loving. You who were presented by your Son Himself, at the mo- To your Immaculate Heart, O Mary, we finally recommend ment of His redeeming death, as Mother to His best-loved the entire human race. Lead it to the knowledge of the sole disciple, remember the Christian people who entrust themselves and true Saviour, Jesus Christ; protect it from the scourges Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to to you. provoked by sin, give to the entire world peace in truth, in Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society Remember all your sons; support their prayers to God, justice, in liberty and in love. preserve their faith, strengthen their hope, increase their charity. And let the entire Church, by celebrating this great ecu- for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, menical assembly, raise to the God of mercy the majestic New York 10001, or to your Diocesan Director, Rev. Neil Remember those who are in tribulation, in need, in danger hymn of praise and thanksgiving, the hymn of joy and of Flemming, 6301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Florida. and particularly those who suffer persecution and who are in exultation, because the Lord has worked great things through prison because of their faith. For these, O Virgin, obtain forti- you, O element, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary. tude and hasten the desired day of just freedom. — Pope Paul VI, Nov. 21, 1964, closing third session, Vati- Look with benign eyes on our separated brothers and con- can Council II. Page 8 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida IN PAN AMERCAN DAY MASS SERMON Diocese Called Promoter Of True Unity

The Diocese of Miami was praised in a Pan American Day sermon for "promoting various forms of true unity." Father Mauro Barrenechea, S. J., director of the Inter- American Institute of Social Formation, in delivering the sermon at the Pan American Day Mass in Gesu Church last Tuesday, declared that through the "initiative of Bishop Cole- man F. Carroll, this Diocese was the first institution to take care of bhe Cuban refugees as brethren in Christ persecuted by the Communist dictator- ship." "Some day," said Father Barrenechea, "perhaps not too far from now, Cuba will be free again, because the present unity imposed over there by de- ception and force, cannot last long." Voice Photos BISHOP COLEMAN F. Carroll sings Solemn Pontifical Mass at Father E'arrenechea declared Geteu Church in observance of Pan American Day. Members of that "then, when the exiled the clergy and Consular Corps assisted at the Mass. Cubans will return to their homes, they will take with Father Mauro Barrenechea, S. J., Delivers Sermon During Mass them, within their hearts, from the Diocese of Miami, the seed of the undty in Christ." "On the other hand," said Father Barrenechea," the Dio- S-T-R-E-T-C-H cese of Miami, is also a first in organizing a Neighborhood MARSHMALLOW CASUAL Youth Corps under religious auspices." m YOUR FAVORITE Father Barrenechea pointed out that "this project is already SKIMMER in operation, and through it the gap existing between races and social classes will be shortened, and the uniting bond in Christ 1.99 will be tightened." Citing the Inter-American In- Take a step in the right stitute of Social Formation which has been established by Members Of Consular Corps In The Miami Area Assisted At The Mass fashion direction with the Diocese at Opa-locka air- DAYTON'S port, Faliher Barrenechea as- Christ will last forever," Father serted that "at the international marshmallow plastic Barrenechea said, adding that level, this is the first and only "the unity in Christ binds men casual! This institution totally committed to together by their minds and by the Christian formation of lead- their hearts." softy walks on crepe ers from Latin America." "Human minds are bound to- soles, pampers you "Men from various fields of gether by the acceptance of marvelously and is the social action are enriched basic Christian principals, illu- here," said Father Barrene- minated by our Faith," Fa- WE most versatile chea, "with knowledge for their ther Barrenechea declared, minds, motivation for their footnote you'll own! "and human hearts become hearts and techniques for their united in a great divine and FEATURE Sizes 5 to 9 in the activities." human love." rainbow of colors "All this," he added, "is per- "By means of such bond," meated with the spirit of Christ, said Father Barrenechea, "we WASH listed below. this spirit which leads to gen- love God with all our strength uine unity; the unity based on and we love our neighbors as we W hosiery, street floor, Truth and Love." love ourselves. This is the true at all 6 Burdine's stores "This," declared Father Bar- unity; the one by which we -N- renechea, "is the way to may dedicate ourselves totally • white • yellow achieve the wishes of Christ to the service of God and our neighbor." • black • orange when He said 'That all may be WEAR one, as thou Father, in Me and The Pan American Mass was • lilac • bone I in Thee.' " celebrated by Bishop Coleman • pink • red Lashing out at the "counter- F. Carroll. • blue • gold feit" unity being sought by "the Assisting at the Mass were Communists in Cuba and other members of the Consular Corps $ unfortunate countries," Father in the Miami area, members 24.50 Barrenechea predicted that of the clergy and seminarians. and up "sooner or later" the Red gov- ernment in Cuba would "col- lapse." 3 Million Pilgrims Father Barrenechea also criti- cized any attempts to bring At Lourdes In '64 about unity based on "arma- LOURDES (NO — More 79th Street at 27th Avenue, Northside Shopping Center ment power," "fear," "selfish- than three million pilgrims All Stores Open Daily 9:30 A.M. — 5:00 P.M. ness," or "criminal interests" came to this Marian shrine Friday 9:30 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. and asserted that these will not city in 1964. A total of tj "endure the test of time." 52,61J were sick or crippled. }• Phone 696-6050 "Only the unity based on •4 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 9 THEY ARE TOLD 'GREAT SOCIETY1 NEEDS RELIGION PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Catholic Educators Meet Northwest 79th Street at 33rd Avenue By JOHN J. DALY, JR. New York, host to the conven- He suggested that the motive tion, presided at the service in NEW YORK (NO — The is found in the phrase, "order in COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION St. Patrick's Cathedral. Arch- the universe," used by the late "Great Society" which Presi- bishop John P. Cody of New Or- dent Johnson has asked the na- leans, president general of the Pope John. He said this concept tion to seek must be built on the association of Catholic school has deep roots in the U. S. na- philosophy that Americans are teachers and administrators, tional heritage, noting the a religious people, Catholic edu- ' March 31, 1965 March 31, 1964 was celebrant of the evening Supreme Court's 1952 obser- cators heard here. Mass. vation that "we are a religious ASSETS "We must not be afraid to Bishop Spence, former super- people whose institutions pre- Cosh ond Due from Banks $1,318,497.87 $1,185,080.04 think and speak and act like a intendent of Washington archdi- suppose a Supreme Being." United Stotes Government Obligations 918,924.26 1,216,025.21 religious people," said Auxiliary ocesan schools, said Mr. John- Federal Corporation Bonds — 99,781.25 Bishop John S. Spence of Wash- son's call for a great society is "Both as Americans and at. Federal Reserve Bank Stock 21,950.00 21,650.00 ington. laudable and that the nation Catholics, we accord to every State, County ond Municipal Bonds 558,207.91 129,81 1.50 The prelate delivered the has resources to meet his chal- citizen the right and obligation U.S. Government Insured or lenge. to follow the dictates of his own Guaranteed FHA & VA Loans 207,655.05 169,679.58 sermon at the opening Mass of the 62nd annual convention of conscience, provided he has Other Loons and Discounts 3,870,157.65 3,121,415.67 "An airplane cannot fly with- done his best to have it inform- Overdrafts 4,334.47 55.54 the National Catholic Educa- tional Association. out fuel," he said. "And we can- ed by reason and, God willing, Bank Building ond Parking Lots 355,943.18 362,027.46 even by faith . . . Yet as be- Other Real Estate Owned — 47,158.27 CARDINAL PRESIDES not build a Great Society with- Francis Cardinal Spellman of out a motivation worthy of it." tween religion and no religion as Furniture and Fixtures 102,814.91 1 12,327.41 a basic philosophy for America, Income Earned but not Collected 24,423.68 27,390.40 there can be no question on Customer Liability, Letters of Credit 5,364.80 — where our country stands," Other Assets 14,990.09 23,302.17 Convention Of Educators he said. Total Assets $7,403,263.87 $6,515,704.50 A RELIGIOUS PEOPLE "We are indeed a religious LIABILITIES Gets Greeting From Pope people," he continued. "In this Deposits $6,484,674.47 $5,671,002.89 NEW YORK (NO — Pope Catholic Educational Asso- tradition, our nation has grown Accrued Taxes, Interest ond Expense 37,310.67 33,058.39 Paul VI sent his greetings to ciation conducted this year un- to greatness. In this spirit and Income Collected but not Earned 104,000.53 68,254.51 Catholic educators here, prais- der the patronage of Your Emi- only in this spirit, we can help Letters of Credit 5,364.80 — ing the timeliness of their con- nence and within the illustrious to build the Great Society to Other Liabilities 9,960.18 9,680.02 vention theme, "Peace and Un- archdiocese of New York. which the President has so el- oquently called us, on the foun- Total Liabilities $6,641,310.65 $5,781,995.81 derstanding Through Educa- tion." "His Holiness notes with dation of 'order in the great pleasure the timeliness of universe.' " CAPITAL ACCOUNTS A message from Amleto Gio- your theme and to your mo- Capitol Stock' (45,000 shores vanni Cardinal Cicognani, papal mentous gathering of Catholic The next day the first U. S. Par Value $10.00) $ 450,000.00 $ 450,000.00 secretary of state, to Francis educators cordially imparts his woman named an auditor at the Surplus ;•...' 281,000.00 271,500.00 Cardinal Spellman of New pledge of abiding divine assist- Vatican council outlined major Undivided Profits 27,658.97 9,741.15 York, host to the 62nd annual ance upon Your Eminence, accomplishments of the coun- Reserve for Contingencies 3,294.25 2,467.54 convention of the National Cath- upon Msgr. (Frederick G.) cil's third session and suggest- olic Educational Association. ed roles elementary school Total Copltal Accounts $. 761,953.22 $ 733,708.69 Hochwalt (NCEA secretary said: general) and the members of teachers can play in furthering Total Liabilities ond the association, and he imparts the spirit of renewal. Capital Accounts • $7,403,263.87 $6,515,704.50 "The Holy Father has learned 18c per share 14c per share with pleasure of the 62nd annu- to the association his paternal Sister Mary Luke, who is dividend paid for dividend paid for apostolic benediction." first half of first half af al meeting of the National mother general of the Sisters 1965. 1964. of Loretto of Nerinx, Ky., and TEACHER-PUPIL RATIO HIGHER chairman of the Conference of As an affiliate of PEOPLES GROUP OF NATIONAL BANKS Major Superiors of Women's with resources in excess of $65,000,000.00 and Capital and Religious Communities, the in- Surplus of $5,287,000.00 we can loan up to $525,000.00 to fluential coordinating body of any one borrower. Catholic Elementary Schools U. S. sisterhoods, said that "the Church has clearly and reso- PLAY SAFE PAY BY CHECK lutely embarked into the open Grow But At Slower Pace sea of ecumenism." You have a permanent record of every financial transaction and NEW YORK (NO — U. S. The NCEA said enrollment WHOLESOME ATTITUDES you know where your money goes. We invite you to open a Catholic grade school enroll- should rise about one per cent "In every field of Christian personal checking account with us. No minimum balance education and at every level of ment continued a trend of in- next September, but at the required — no monthly service charge — THE COST IS ONLY creasing only slightly this instruction, this effort to con- 15c A CHECK. school year as officials fought same time pupil-teacher ratios tribute positively to the ecu- successfully to lower pupil- should continue to improve. menical movement can find A GOLD CREDIT CARD from this bank can provide you with teacher ratios. expression, particularly in the immediate funds on your signature alone and you have the It said no diocesan school of- cultivation of wholesome atti- advantage of being a cash buyer. If you are steadily employed, This was reported here at the fice expected the ratio to get tudes towards the beliefs and worse next year. Seventy-five live in the North Dade Area and feel this type of service would 62nd annual convention of the practices of others," she said. be of value to you, write to Mr. Carl J. Martin, in care of this National Catholic Educational expected it to remain the same bank. Association. The association sur- in their territory and 47 thought Sister Mary Luke, who taught veyed school superintendents in they would be able to lower it for nearly 25 years in , the two weeks before the con- again next year. Colorado and Illinois, told the grade school teachers they can Board of Directors and Advisory Council vention. "This presages better for the teach children to make every Since the end of World War AGNES B. BARBER W. DOUGLAS HALL J. HARRELL POWELL future than the figures would "Our Father" a prayer of President, Peoples First Former President Real Estate Investments II, Catholic grade schools 1 Notional Bank of Miami Shores Sal-Payne Corp. indicate at first glance," an thanksgiving and hope, "ree ' DR. DONALD W. SMITH have grown with tremendous M. R. HARRISON, JR. NCEA summary said. ing that Christians all over . . •EDNA M. DELL President, M. R. Harrison Physician leaps, sometimes as high as 4 Construction Corp. world use these very same Senior Vice President •GEORGE L. SOGG per cent a year. Peoples American Notional Bonk "The reason is that the 47 di- words to address God the Fa- •EDWIN HILL, JR. President, Cuyohoga President, Shell City, Inc. Wrecking Co. In the past three or four oceses enroll almost half of all ther." KERMYT W. CALLAHAN ond Hill Bros.-Stephens, Inc. the pupils, 44 per cent. Among President, John E. Withers ROLAND M. STAFFORD years, however, the increase Transfer ond Storage Co. (MRS.) GEORGETTE F. JOYCE President of the Bonk has slowed down as the schools the 75 dioceses which expect no "They can be shown," she President, Columbia Federal change are many small, pre- continued, "that every time they HORACE F. CORDES Savings and Loan Association LEONARD K. THOMSON encountered financing problems, Retired dominantly rural dioceses whose make an effort to understand '(MRS.) WILLA McARTHUft Former Director, Dade County faced a shortage of teaching Port Authority others, to avoid disputes, they Bay Point Sisters, took steps to improve pupil-teacher ratios are al- JAMES W. ELDER, JR. ready small." are working with Christ for the Former Owner, Elder Electric JOHN H. MERCER DR. H. ROGER TURNER the salaries and other benefits President, John Mercer Dentist of lay teachers and worked to Major reasons offered by unity of His Church." JULIAN B. FRIX Terminal Warehouse Co. President, Turner-Frix LEONARD USINA curb large pupil-teacher ratios. those school offices which Insurance, Inc. •OREN E. MORTON Chairman of the Board thought the ratio would again be "In helping them to make the Insurance and Real -Estate of the Bank The NCEA said grade school effort that God asks of each of ROBERT E, GALLAGHER, SR. lowered next year are the hir- GEORGE J. NAEGELE M. L. WALSH enrollment increased only 11,000 Owner, Lorraine them each day, we must edu- President, Smith, Richardson First Vice President of the Bank pupils this year to a total of ing of more lay teachers (ex- Children's Bootery and Conroy, Inc. cate their eyes of faith concern- FRANK H. WILLER 4,541,000, a rise of two tenths of pected in 40 dioceses) and limi- ANTHONY J. GOCKING ing their Protestant compan- FRANK PETERSON, JR. President, Peoples one per cent over the past tations on class size (in 30 dio- Textiles President, Atlas Chemical Co. American National Bank ions: 'Do I know any? What is school year. ceses), the NCEA said. *Member of Advisory Council my first thought upon meeting The pupil-teacher ratio now In addition, 11 of the dioceses them? What does Christ think Member Federal Reserve System — Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation stands at 38 students per in- said they look forward to an eas- of them? Do I really love structor, the NCEA said. Last ing of the shortage of Religious them as Christ does?' " she year it was 39 to 1. teachers. said. Page 10 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida AUDIO-VISUAL equipment is discussed by Dade County Board of Public Instruction; Mrs. Msgr. William F. McKeever, Diocesan Super- Mitzi Miller, Radio and TV Instruction Super- TV WORKSHOP for diocesan television spe- supervisor of Radio and TV Instruction for the intendent of Schools; Father Joseph O'Shea, visor, Dade County Board of Public Instruc- cialists was conducted recently in St. Rose Dade County Board of Public Instruction was diocesan superintendent of high schools; tion; Irving Ostrow, Educational TV Art Di- of Lima auditorium. Mrs. Mitzi Miller, among those adressing the workshop. Charles Azevedo, Educational TV Coordinator, rector; and Eric Greco, Educational TV

KC Council Plans Anniversary Fete CORAL GABLES — The Among the guests at the Coral Gables Knights of Co- banquet will be a number of lumbus Council will cele- brate the 15th anniversary of past Grand Knights of the its founding with a banquet Council. at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow (Sat- HEADS TAILS urday) at the Council Hall, Main speaker will be Rich- 270 Catalonia Avenue. ard Roberts, K.S.G. side *F the COIN chodft a. y./WWER vuke* yau. ^JPF com« "to THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HMLEAH ' •r ^ GMND OPENING- ; see.: COlKjvtnieht. n«Vu TV dr«y«-in uiiKolou/t uif»#nt fellers "trammit i by c/ajsei.—CJi-caYt t«/«.v//« I'Bn, THE fine JEWELRY STORES ,„* t, 11*19 "to b* u*/rYtlTeh m — so ' vaux */»»ftiaJ« in /t For the Prom Complete Outfits COINS, COWS, COINS Jlf — OL wJ( of tK«m See the Most For Over* XKr v«pr(ci.. Outstanding Fashions Brides and Attendants Open Mon. and Fri. Formals To 9 P.M. Botique CD/NN hhratku.ru Hats CO/Ni favorx-. K.Cyy blanks — if y flJ/-tr«M>*i«tV»r TV XtT. rcfrcshtn

HEY KIDS! Thanks for helping write our opening ad! Above is one of Call for Murray Roof Jobs Address, we invite your inspection. the four winning entries. It was submitted by Nolan Roger Altman, II, 12055 Vine Needle Lane, Miami, Pinecrest Elementary School. Other BIG 3-YEAR GUARANTEE winners were: John Roberts, 7, S9Q W. 39th Place, Miami, Meadowland.. Elementary; Mike Levin, 15, 1711 N.E. 14th Avenue, North Miami, John MURRAY'S EXCLUSIVE 5-STEP PROCESS F. Kennedy Jr. High; and Geraldine Hewitt, 14, 290 East 43rd Street, 1st Step — Pressure clean Roof, Walls, Patio, etc. Hialeah, Hialeah Jr. High. 2nd Step — Hand Seal butt ends of tile See these . . . and all the entries on display throughout our opening 3rd Step — Apply 1st coat of Roof White Supreme week April 26 - 30, in the new First National Bank of Hialeah building, 4th Step — Apply 2nd coat of Roof White Supreme 975 Palm Springs Mile in Hialeah. 5th Step — Coat Roof with General Electric Silicoae THIS EXCLUSIVE PROCESS AVAILABLE FOR GRAVEL ROOFS DADE GENERAL OFFICE BROWARD 7155 N.W. 3rd Ave. PL 9-6604 Miami 33, Florida 523-2612

April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 11 KANSAS, IOWA AND OHIO APPOINTMENTS ANNOUNCED QhsmkaL Pope Names 3 New American Bishops (Continued from Page 1) of Adult Education and direc- make their home in Cincinnati. gelieum in Rome, taking de- tor of the Catholic Labor He attended St. Boniface paro- grees in canon law and sacred INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS • LAUNDRY • DRY CLEAN- idio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Dele- Schools of the diocese of Pitts- chial school, he Roger Bacon theology. ING and JANITOR SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT gate in the U.S. burgh, and diocesan director of High School and St. Gregory He has served as assistant LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS Bishop-elect Vogel succeeds to the Federation of Catholic High Seminary, all in Cincinnati, and pastor of St. Louis church, Cin- ^ SERVING -A- a See left vacant by the trans- School Students. Mount Mary Seminary of natti; assistant in the chancery DADE COUNTY • BROWARD • MONROE • LEE • COLLIER fer of Bishop Frederick W. Fre- When the diocese of Greens- the West, Norwood, O. office, a judge of the diocesan MARTIN • SAINT LUCIE • PALM BEACH • INDIAN RIVER king to the diocese of La Crosse, burg was established in 1951, He was ordained in the chapel tribunal; a member of the 200 N.E. lHh St., Miami 32, Fla. FR 7-1421 Wis. He was born in Pittsburgh Bishop-elect Vogel became its of Mount Saint Mary Seminary archdiocesan administra- January 15, 1905, the son of Hen- first chancellor, serving in that on May 29, 1943 by Archbishop tive council, and executive sec- • Evroward JA 4-8321 • ry John and Mary (Foley) Vo- office from April 3, 1953, to June John T. McNicholas of Cincin- retary of archdiocesan building gel, both of whom are deceased. 28, 1960. nati. He made post-ordination commission. He has been sec- He attended grade school at The Bishop-elect was named studies at the Catholic Universi- retary to the archbishop of Cin- St. Augustine's in Pittsburgh a domestic prelate in 1954, and ty of America here, and at the cinnati since 1944 and an arch- and St. James in Wilkinsburg, a prothonotary apostolic in 1959. Lateran University and the An- diocesan consultor since 1962. Pa., and attended Sacred Heart He was elected by the diocesan High School and Duquesne Uni- con suitors to serve as tempo- versity in Pittsburgh before en- rary administrator of the dio- Pope Walks Way Of Cross tering St. Vincent's Seminary at cese of Greensburg following INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Latrobe, Pa. He was ordained the death of Bishop Hugh L. at St. Vincent's on June 7, 1931, Lamb on December 9, 1959, and In Memory Of Crucifixion by the late Bishop Hugh C. served until the consecration of Boyle of Pittsburgh. Bishop William G. Connare on By JAMES C. O'NEILL To this the Pope, standing Complete Insurance Facilities Following ordination, Bishop- May 4, 1960. ROME (NO — On Good Fri- high above the cowds collected designate Vogel served as an Bishop-elect Greteman was day, Pope Paul VI recalled the in the immense open space in assistant, in St. Bede's and St. born in Willey, Iowa, Dec. 25, ancient and modern suffering of front of the Colosseum and the Leo's parishes in Pittsburgh; as PHONE FR 1-3691 1907, the son of Bernard and mankind as he made the Way Arch of Constantine, answered: pastor of Sacred Heart church, Mary (Meissner) Greteman. His of the Cross from the ruins of "But this explains precisely 2121 BISCAYNE BLVD. Sagamore, Pa.; ae a notary of MIAMI, FLA. father is deceased; his mother the Roman Colosseum in mem- the sorrow of innocence and the Pittsburgh Diocesan Matri- lives in Carroll, Iowa. ory of the Crucifixion. He car- why it is most precious. Christ monial Court; as first director The Bishop-elect attended St. ried the cross from the eleventh also was innocent ... It is pre- Mary's elementary school in station on. cisely because He was the Willey; Conception Academy; To more than 15,000 Romans Lamb of God, the victim, that Dubuque, for his high school and pilgrims, tbe Pope, on the He could save the world." education, and Loras College, windy and rain-flecked night of Likening innocent sufferers to Dubuque. He studied at the Good Friday, declared: "The Christ, Pope Paul declared: North American College In redeeming virtue of Christ ex- "They are lambs of God, they Rome, and was ordained in the presses itself in every human are perhaps those who still ex- Eternal City on Dec. 8, 1932. sorrow." piate and take away the sins of Bishop - designate Greteman At an improvised altar on the the world without knowing it." has served as assistant pastor slopes of Rome's ancient Pala- Wearing a small red cape, at St. Augustine's church, Spo- tine Hill, with the ruined vault lace rochet, stole and white kane, Wash.; pastor of Assump- of the once proud Temple of , the Pope, followed by tion church, Merrill, Iowa, pas- Venus and Rome as a back- members of his private house- tor of St. Michael's church, ground, the Pope dwelt on the hold, made the Stations of the Sioux City; administrator and mystery and even "repug- Cross in the sight and com- pastor of SS. Peter and Paul nance" of sorrow. He said: pany of thousands of Romans ehurch, Carroll, Iowa; pastor of "We look at innocent sorrow. and Holy Week pilgrims from Holy Spirit church, Carroll; De- Who does not see it? Poor chil- all parts of the world. The sta- fender of the Marriage Bond; dren carry in their flesh the tions began within the ruined Pro-Synodal Judge, and vicar inheritance of the shortcomings walls of the Colosseum. Money-wise general. of their father or mother. Who Bishop-elect McCarthy was has not seen the many unde- born in Cincinnati, April 10 served, unwanted illnesses, the Bishop Carroll 1918, the son of Edward E. and unhappiness for which there is Catherine (Otte) McCarthy, who no explanation?" Will Attend Brazil Ceremony $095 $ 95 8 (Continued from Page 1) FORD, PFCIAI HOTHER C.S.V., provincial of the Clerics CHEV., PLY. AMER. CARS of St. Viator, will represent I LUIfiL ALL 0TI major superiors of religious COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS communities in the U. S., while Father John J. Considine, M.M., A*B«C* ODAJCLKJL. ^H/LUAQL. director of the Latin American 7751 N.W. 7th Ave., Miami PL 1-5757 Bureau, National Catholic Wel- fare Conference, will represent U. S. missionary personnel serv- ing in Latin America. AWNINGS ! Archbishop Antonio Samore, vice president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, will come from Rome for the HURRICANE occasion. PROTECTION The U. S. delegation will be the guests of the Archdiocese of Olinda y Recife, whose Ordina- iSAVE ry, Archbishop Helder Camara, DADE Compare JALCO BROWARD has carried on construction of PRICES Before the seminary begun by his pre- PL 4-5561 You Buy! JA 4-2871 decessor, the late Archbishop Carlos Gounea Coleho.

AD-A-GLO LUBRICATED YOUR WINDOWS LATELY? 1. A cleaner that will not harm the finish of any car—new or repainted. 2. Will also clean glass, chrome and the dashboard. 3. Will easily remove all grease, bugs, MOSQUITO SPRAYING SOLUTION, Free parking In duPont garage In our building; Member; Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit and any foreign matter. Insurance Corporation, Florida National Group. 4. When used in cleaning the car, makes the iob simple and easy. Clean get parking ticket stamped before leaving Bank. the car in sections, starting from the fenders and doors working to the Aluminum top — wheels last. Leaves you with clean and dry clothing with no wet feet. Please Call For Further Information Ask for "L.C.Wax1 Phone 667-6361 "Kwik" Expert Service ALUMINUM 4 JAYS Lftj LUBRICANT Cor Clean And Polish Service The proven easy way to have Clean, Lasting Velvety Smooth operating Windows & Doors With "AD-A-GLO" Locks, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Zippers, Tools, Service At Your Home Machinery, Folding Furniture & other articles At most Builder Supply, Paint ft Hardwares 5790 Bird Road, Miami, Florida Made in Pompano Beach, Fla. since 1952

Page 12 April 23, 1965 THf VOICE Miami, Florida ^ +^1^^ ->VA V -^-i s Bishop's Annual Mercy Hospital Dinner

i RENT OR BUY! BEAUTIFUL EXQUISITE WEDDING GOWNS dt SHAVER'S, 7910-16 N.E. 2nd Ave., Little River. They are not iCHINCHl cheap in quality, home made or second grade in any way. Rental prices from $40 up. Hoops and I BUGS | veils also for rental. Bridesmaid's dresses and dresses for mothers of WITH YEARS OF LONG bride and groom available. Formal DEPENDABLE SERVICE rentals for men, too. Call for ap- in North Dade, LEAR pointment. 754-9022. PEST CONTROL, 10870 N.E. 6th Ave., will spray LET ~sTio"Rir~TRAvir your yard every 60 days DO THE WORK FOR or more if necessary for YOU! However you travel, a year, for chinch bug wherever you go, they control. Army worms in- will make all travel ar- cluded at no extra cost. rangements and with no This is recommended by extra charge EVER! Fast the Agriculture Dept., courteous service — pass- j Univ. of Fla. Also 6 port, visa information, travel tips, etc. Book now for S months or single spray spring and summer travel with SHORES TRAVEL • contract, if desired. They CENTER, 9723 N.E. 2nd Ave., bonded representa- | have modern and effici- tives. Free parking in rear. 751-6529. ent equipment. 754-7588. VITAM'IN'ST'ITATUTXL SOURCE! MINERALS! Al- lergy Free, Diabetic & Salt Free Foods. Also Dr. Jenson CHARITY DINNER chairmen, Dr. and Mrs. Products, Thompson, Schiff, op Cpleman F. Carroll to the Mercy Hospital Bronner, . Viobin, Wagner, Franklyn E. Verdon, left; and Sir C. Clyde dinner served Monday evening in the grand Atkins, K.S.G. and Mrs. Atkins, welcome Bish- Hoffman, Universal Dy- ballroom of the Hotel Americana, Miami Beach. namic, El-Molina, etc. They have Breads, Juices, Teas, Seeds, Juice Machines. All these at GERRARD'S FINE QUALITY ATTACHE NATURAL HEALTH FOODS, 275 N.E. 79th St., Little CASES! Take advantage of River. L. J. Taylor, D.C., PHC. with 20 years experi- this attractive special of- ence, can help determine your needs. Prompt delivery. fered now at MIAMI 754-7778. ! STATIONERY CO., 8222 J N.E. 2nd Ave., Little River. BETlEvTlTorrNOTr$Tb(5o They have $15.00 cases will buy an electric sewing ma- for $9.95 and $17.00 chine, reconditioned by experts, cases for $1 1.95. They are complete with one year guaran- excellent quality, wonder- tee. The place is ABC SEWING ful values — Tufhide and CENTER, 12910 N.W. 7th Ave- U.S. Royalite, made by nue. There are 500 to choose U.S. Rubber. Stop in and from, famous name brands. Also see them. They are nice remember their Service Special 754-4656. — only $1.5$.500 and no charge if - if not repaireid d ffo r thah t amount. 685-1564. LOOK YOUR BEST for the summer! KNIT SHOP Get a soft, natural looking permanent at MIAMI SHORES BEAUTY SALON, 9612 N.E. 2nd Ave. They are giving a lanolin permanent, budget priced at only $6.95 complete. Jane Coppeto, { ' ^~^"^ owner, and experienced operators do j hair styling, shaping, coloring, etc. They have been j several years in the 'Shores' offering excellent service WHETHER YOU ARE A jand reasonable prices. 757-4919. RESIDENT OR A VISITOR BISHOP'S REPRESENTATIVE to Catholic right; and Mr. and Mrs. Timoth} bullivan be- with time on your hands, hospitals in South Florida, Father Patrick {TREASURE SOME OF you will enjoy knitting or fore the 14th Annual Charity Dinner which at- crocheting at YVONNE'S Slevin, talks with Mrs. Nelson Swift Morris, tracted more than 500 guests in formal attire. THOSE HEIRLOOMS! Get • them out now, have them KNIT & PURL, 804 N.E. j replated and repaired. Re- 125th St., N. Miami. She member, they will have has everything you will some special meaning. need in knitting and cro- SOUTHERN SILVER- cheting supplies, imported SMITHS, 2156 N.W. 17th and domestic yarns, beads, Ave., are long experienced trimmings, etc. Instruction in this type of work, do a free with purchase of ma- perfect job. They will call for and deliver. 634-01 19. terial. PL 7-1144.

GRAPHIC! They have two stores to serve you. The place is ATLANTIC PHOTO SUP- ! TVfrooWe? PLY CO. at 8011 N.E. 2nd I Ave., Little River and 119 N. Court in Northside Shopping Center, 79th St. and 27th Ave. LET THEM TAKE CARE They do expert printing, de- of your TV and Radio veloping, enlarging, also re- problems! Only $4.00 for pairs on all makes of cameras. Film in by 10 AM a service charge, too. For out by 5,P.M. PL 7-7848 and OX 1-4771. an honest estimate and a good job on Radio and TV repairs, call MID-CITY RADIO SHOP, 9713 N.E (dfouv 2nd Ave., Miami Shores. They have a complete sup- LOOK/ ply of parts and trained J&IL technicians do the work. 3 months guarantee. Sales JUNIOR HOSTESSES during the dinner were, Margaret Miller, who distributed gifts to the and. Service — Zenith, left to right, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Rosemary ladies attending the benefit. Proceeds are Saw 9t 9IL RCA, Motorola, Sylvartia. Sailors. Myrtle Verdon, Barbara Martin, and used for charity cases at Mercy Hospital. 757-7615. I

April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 13 Residence For Girls To Hold Garden Party, Tea April 30 A garden party, open house is provided for the girls who and tea will be held Friday, attend local Catholic high Our April 30 from 2 to 6 p.m. at schools and are trained in the the Bethany Residence for teen- proper standards of Christian age girls, 2400 SW Third Ave. living. of Hostesses will be the Domin- Mrs. Rochelle Reed, Mrs. ican Sisters of Bethany who Tina Schrader, Mrs. June Wood staff the home for girls op- and Mrs. Raymond Nihill are Florida erated in Miami's southwest assisting with the arrangements RETREAT HOUSE section by diocesan Catholic for the afternoon which will in- Charities for young women de- clude a tour of the residence, pendent through no fault of convent and grounds. PASSIONIST FATHERS their own. Entertainment will be provid- WRITE OR PHONE: In a family-type setting, care ed and refreshments served. Friday Evening — Sunday Afternoon REV. RETREAT DIRECTOR. C.P. Individuals May Register For 1300 U.S. #1 NORTH PALM BEACH, Any Weekend. $5 Registration Fee FLORIDA TEL: 844-7750 Requiem For Skin Diver,

AMONG GUESTS at an "Open House" held by the Miami Lost Off Florida Coast Council of the Knights of Columbus at the Council Hall, 3405 HOLLYWOOD — Requiem while swimming off the Hills- NW 27th Avenue, were Brother Victor, B. G. S., (left) and masses have been sung here boro Inlet lighthouse. Brother Shawn, B. G. S., (right), of the Little Brothers of the and in for Edward Good Shepherd who operate Camillus House. Grand Knight Al Speck, skin diver, lost at sea A member of Nativity parish, Volante (center) introduced the Brothers to those attending the West Hollywood, he was the "Open House" which was held in celebration of the 83rd an- son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman niversary of the founding of the Knights of Columbus. Three-Day Fiesta J. Speck, of Adams Street, Hol- lywood, members of the Little Open Today, Flower parish and formerly of Our Lady of Good Counsel Barry Nun-Teacher To Give Riviera Beach parish, Cleveland. FRANK J. ROONEY, RIVIERA BEACH — Their His skin diving boat was Talk At Bass Art Museum annual three-day fiesta will be found drifting with its anchor Sister Mary Joseph, O. P., studied at Siena Heights Col- sponsored by St. Francis of As- sheered off. A massive search head of the art department of lege and the Studio Angelico, sisi Home and School Associa- conducted by the Coast Guard, Barry College, will speak at Adrian, Mich.; Chicago Insti- tion today (Friday) Saturday with 50 small boat owners join- 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 24, tute, and the Catholic Univer- and Sunday on the school ing in over a 20 mile by 60 GENERAL CONTRACTORS at the Bass Museum of Art, sity of America, Washington. grounds. mile area proved fruitless. Her work has been exhibited in A variety of booths, games, 2100 Collins Avenue, Miami several annual shows, including novelties and home-baked deli- He went out in his 10-foot Beach. those at Toledo Museum, Wayne pontoon skiff alone from Port cacies will be available as well Her subject will be "Con- University, Newman Student as many rides for the children. Everglades. It was found about Center and the Lowe Gallery, a mile and a half offshore by temporary Church Architecture A roast beef dinner will be Coral Gables. a Coast Guard helicopter. The and Its Implications." The lec- served between the hours of ture will be illustrated with motor was in a position for Mr. John Bass will conduct 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Wil- slides. running and all gear was on a tour of the European galler- liam Robidoux, George Barlow board except the swimming suit, and Edward Doyle are chair- Also on the program will be ies in the museum. tee shirt and flippers Speck was Raul Spivak, South American men of arrangements assisted wearing. by room mothers. pianist, who has just returned The father of five children from a coast to coast tour and European Pianist between the ages of 9 and 16, is planning to make his home Speck was a jet engine tester in Miami. Af Barry Sunday for Eastern Air Lines in Mi- Mr. John Bass will conduct European - born pianist, ami. He was a master sergeant a tour of the European gal- George Riabikoff will be the in the Army five years. The leries in the museum. guest artist during the final Speck family has resided in program of the 1965 Barry Col- Hollywood for 17 years. Sister Mary Joseph has lege Culture Series at 8:15 p.m, Sunday, April 25 in the audi- torium. A student of Sergei Proko- fieff, Riabikoff has studied in European conservatories and in New York with Mme. Gina Bachauer, noted pianist and pupil of Rachmaninoff. DECORATIVE FURNITURE During his concert at Barry College he will include: Organ Choral Prelude (I Call to Thee, Lord) by Bach; Chaconne in D minor by Bach-Busoni; 2 Ba- gatelles; G minor, Op. 1 E-flat, Op. 33 by Beethoven. _o- nata No. 5, Op. 53 by Alexand- World's finest roof coating — Whire-Tite — has been proved in use for over 17 er Scriabin, Nocturne in C years. One example of their quality workmanship is flat tile roof on the Skinner sharp minor by Chopin; Orien- home, 823 N.E. 96th St., which was cleaned, sealed and given two coats of lasting WHITE-TITE over 10 months ago. Naturally, it still is beautifully white today, with tal Fantasy by Balakireff; Clair no mold, mildew or fungus. Whire-Tite's exclusive sealing and coating process protects de Lune by Debussy; Don Juan ' the roof during hurricane winds and prevents tile loss. Wherever you live in Florida, Fantasy by Liszt; and Necetar there's a White-Tite roof near your home. Dance by Miami composer, I Mana-Zucca. JOHN DAMICH GEORGE NEFF St. Rose of Lima Parish Immaculate Conception St. Bernadette Guild Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus SALES AND SERVICE To Serve Ham Dinner No interest Charge I Guaranteed 2 Years I Insured, Bonded 20 Trucks, 26 other on Financing I 5 Yr. Warranty I Licensed in 46 Cities pieces of equipment, WEST HOLLYWOOD — A 17 Years of Experience in Roof Coatfng 4 service cars Lincoln Continental - Mercury ham dinner will be served by ENGLISH FORD LINE members of St. Bernadette WORLD'S LARGEST ROOF CLEANING - SEALING - COATING COMPANY Women's Guild from 1:30 to FREE ESTIMATES - NO OBLIGATION 4:30 p.m., Sunday, April 25 on the church grounds. HE 3-8511 LU 1-6550 247-1811 Mrs. Edward Blessing and MIAMI NE 5-3603 FT. IAUDERDALE LU 1-6551 HOMESTEAD GABLES LINCOLN-MERCURY 4001 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Coral Gables Ph. HI 3-4621 Mrs. John Heck are co-chair- men for the benefit. Page 14 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Dances, Dinners On Programs Of Oubs Spring dances, dinners and 666-8705 or Mrs. Joseph Azert- at HI 3-7245 or Mrs. Mary luncheons highlight activities of nik, 661-3018. Douglas at MO 1-8222. Catholic women's clubs in South* Florida before adjourn- • • • • • • ment for the summer. MIAMI SHORES — Their an- POMPANO BEACH — A * * * nual Spring dinner-dance will be luncheon and bridge under the sponsored by members of St. CORAL GABLES — A dance auspices of the Assumption La- Rose of Lima Mothers Club be- Sponsored by St. Theresa Home dies Guild will begin at noon, ginning at 7 p.m., Saturday, and School Association will be- Tuesday, April 27 in Silver April 4 at La Gorce Country gin at 9 p.m., Saturday, April Thatch Inn. Club, Miami Beach. 2 at the YMHA, 8700 -SW Mrs. Joseph M. Fox and Mrs. Eighth St. Reservations may be made Walter Greenfield are co-chair- by calling Mrs. James Shatto men of arrangements assisted Dancing will continue until 1 at 758-1455. by Mrs. George O'Hara, tick- a.m. and members of all parish- ets; Mrs. Albert McLaughlin, es have been invited to attend. • * * Mrs. Gus Kaemmerling, Mrs. Entire proceeds will be donat- A "Dombpla Dance" under John Manley, Mrs. Ralph Mar- ed to the junior science labora- the auspices of St. Dominic tin, Mrs. V. H. Palisano, Mrs. tory of St. Theresa School. Ladies Society will begin at 9 John KUM, Mrs. Ray Pfordresh- Volca Photo p.m., Saturday, April 24 at the er, Mrs. Joseph Prescott, Mrs. MIAMI DCCN Annual Corporate Communion cil director; and Mrs. Eileen Ingram. Hie Mrs. Charles Evans is the Thomas Pickett, Mrs. Leonard general chairman assisted by Hungarian Kossuth Civic Cen- and luncheon are planned by Mrs. L. £. La- Third Annual Communion Sunday will be ob- ter, 2230 NW 14th St. Dawson, Mrs. George Weppner, Belle, left; Father Anthony J. Chepanis, coun- served on April 25 in St. Pius X Church. Mrs. Walter LaRoche, publici- Mrs. Daniel Smith, Mrs. A. ty and other club members. Reservations may be made Spittel, Mrs. Leo Thibodeau and by calling Mrs. Margaret Wood the Misses Caterine and Alice Nurses To Hold Convention On Sunday ••'••*••• Plas. A "Spring Frolic" dance * • • FORT LAUDERDALE — College, Boca Raton. Father Da- sponsored by the combined St. Matthew Women Pontifical Low Mass celebrat- vid J. Heffernan, pastor, St. memberships of St. Thomas the FORT LAUDERDALE — ed by Bishop Coleman F. Car- Pius X parish, will be the toast- Apostle Women's Guild and To Hold A Retreat Their annual luncheon and roll at 12:15 p.m. Sunday, April master. Holy Name Society will be held fashion show will be sponsored HALLANDALE — Women 25 in St. Pius X Church will Saturday, May 1 at Kossuth by members of St. Anthony of St. Matthew parish will mark the opening of thfe Third A contributor to many Amer- Hall, 2230 NW 14th St. Home and School Association observe a weekend retreat at annual Communion Sunday and ican periodicals, Dr. Steurer at noon, Saturday, April 24 at the Cenacle Retreat House one-day convention of the Mi- holds master and doctoral de- Dinner will be served from the Hotel Sheraton. ami Diocesan Council of Cath- grees in theology and psycholo- 7 to 9 p.m: followed by danc- beginning Friday, "May 14 olic Nurses. gy from Catholic University of ing until 1 a.m. Mrs. Cesar and continuing through Sun- Fashions will be shown America. He did graduate work Sandoval, general chairman, is day, May 16. by Darcy mannequins and Mrs. Father Anthony J. Chepanis, at Oxford University, England, assisted by Andy Leone. Reservations must be Edward McDonnell is luncheon diocesan director of the Miami and at Fordham University, made to Friday, May chairman. Other members of DCCN will preach the sermon N.Y. He was formerly a mem- Further information and tick- 7 by contacting Mrs. Mary the committee are Mrs. Robert at. the Mass. Luncheon will fol- ber of the faculty at Mt. Mercy ets may be obtained by contact- Flaherty at 923-4266. Radice, Mrs. James Evert, and low at 1:30 p.m. in the Hotel College, Cedar Rapids, la., and ing Mrs. William McShane at Mrs. William Gent. Continental, 4060 Gait :Ocean Dr. at the Mercy School of Nursing there for five years. Guest speaker during the luncheon Will be Dr. Justin Mrs. Edward Keefe, Miami Steurer, professor of theology DCCN president, will conduct a and psychology at Marymount DR. JUSTIN STEURER short business meeting which will follow the luncheon. Elec- THE FAMILY LIFE BUREAU tion of officers will be held and DIOCESE OF MIAMI chapter presidents will make Costumes From Afar their annual reports. 1965 PRE-CANA CONFERENCES Will Be Shown Auxiliary The conferences will include: Marriage and the Catholic Church; Love and •Coffee Sponsored Happiness in Marriage; Marriage and Sex; A Doctor Talks on Marriage; "International Holiday Fiesta" Shanley, O.C.D., chaplain at the Marriage Is A Sacrament; Married Couples Discuss Marriage. will be of the annual Villa Maria Home for the Aged By Auxiliary Of ; benefit luncheon sponsored by which is staffed by the Sisters members of Villa Maria Auxil- of Bon Secours of Baltimore, Service Bureau b iary on Tuesday, April 27 at Md., FORT LAUDERDALE — I. LlllIC FlOWOr (1270 Anastasia Avenue, Coral Gables) the Hotel Deauville, Miami Their annual Coffee will be Reservations for the benefit April 26 and 28; May 3 and 5 Beach. sponsored by members of St. (Msgr. Peter Reilly is in charge) may be made by contacting Catherine Guild, auxiliary of the Original and authentic cos- Mrs. Paul Curcio at PL 7-2864. Catholic Service Bureau,, at 10 tumes from 15 countries in Eii- a.m., Friday, April 30 at the Charcoal Pit Restaurant. (10690 N.E. Fifth Avenue, Miami Shores) rope, Near East and Asia will Of Ulfld be featured by Mary Gordon, St. Jerome Women On display during the coffee April 27 and 29; May 4 and 6 travel advisor for Trans-World which will continue until noon (Msgr. Dominic J. Barry is in charge) Sponsoring A Fair will be the United Fund's Pres- Airlines and modeled by Barry FORT LAUDERDALE — ident's Trophy which was re- College students who will pre- "Fair Day" will begin at 1 cently awarded to the Catholic (500 Chaminade Dr. E., Hollywood) sent a musical program of p.m. Sunday, April 25 on St. Service Bureau as the outstand- songs and dances of the coun- Jerome parish grounds. ing United Fund Agency for April 26 and 28; May 3 and 5 tries represented. Members of St. Jerome the year 1964. (Father Raymond Scully is in charge) Women's Club sponsor the Participating will be Cecilia Mrs. Joseph Hubert is gen- benefit which will include eral chairman of arrangements Hiriborne, Nitaya Chivarach, train and pony rides, games, Marilynn Bogetich, Maria de for the coffee assisted by Mrs. teenage dancing, and re- William Seith, publicity. 4. Cardinal Gibbons High School 'rJl'J:,:!' los Angeles Menendez, Sharon freshments. Facente and Donna Miller. All women in the area are April 27 and 29; May 4 and 6 Members of the Auxiliary will invited to attend. (Father Larkin F. Connolly is in charge) also model costumes, created especially for TWA, and flown to this country for presentation 5= SI. (4300 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach) to American audiences. MURRAY MCDONALD April 26 and 28; May 3 and 5 Narration will be provided by (writer) (Father Joseph M. McLaughlin is in charge) Miss Gordon and William Jay- oox will be master of cere- DRINKS MILK. monies. Music will be furnished (1 quart a day) All conferences begin at 8:00 P.M. by Juan Cortez and his orches- HOW ABOUT YOU? tra. (Please clip and retain for future reference) mSTOO GOOD TO BE

Centenares de fields cubrie- de las dos Americas: Norte- Men presente en la misa un rw las naives de la Iglesia de americanos, cubanos, colom- nutrido grupo de dirigerates Gesu, uniendotse al lobtepo bianos, puertorriquenos, todos sindicales de Kepublica Do- Coleman F. Carroll, que ofi- unidos en la cita de oracion minioana, Venezuela, Colom- cio la Misa Panamericana, pa- por la paz y el desarrollo de bia, Panama, Oomduras y Gua- ra orair par los destinos de los pueblos de America. temala, los que se encuemtran los pueblos de este continen- Miembros del Cuerpo Con- en Miami tamando un curso te, en la ya tradicional obser- de formaci-dn social. vancia anual del Dia Pana- sular de las distintas republi- cas latinoairaerieanas ocuparon mericanx>. El Padre Maiipo Barrene- puestos especiales durante la chea, que pronundo el ser- Entre los concurrentes fi- misa, asi como saoerdates, re- mon, destaco como han fra- guraban hombres y mujeres ligiosas y seminaristas. Tam- casado o estan Hamad os a fracasar, todos los movimien- tos a la unidad dirigidos por I * + • '•* • la fuerza, el terror, o el egois- • *" tm y abogo por la unidad LA PRIMERA ceremonia de Concelebracion de tanta significacion en la historia religiosa * cristiana del Comitinente, enu- de la Misa en la Diocesis de Miami tuvo del Stor de la Florida. La Concelebracion de merando cuanto la Didcesis coma marco las naves de la Iglesia de Santa H r * * la Misa eh ocasiones especiales es una cos- de Miami esita haciendo en Rosa de Lima en la misa de la bendicion de 1«S oleos, el Jueves Santo. El Obispo tumbre de los primeros tiemnos del cristfa- m * * ese aspecto. ,1. , * «. Coleman F. CarroU y 18 sacerdotes de la nismo que se revive ahora con las reformas \ *•••'• El Padre Mauro Barrene- Diocesis participaron en esta solemne cere- Iiturgicas que estan siendo introducidas coin- chea, en su sermdn, advirti6 monia a la que asistierom centenares de fie- cidiendo con el Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano * • * * que la unidad entre herma- les que part&iparon tambien en esa Jornada Segundo. * * i nos, pedida por Jesucristo en la ultima cena, es valiosisima y debe estar basada en Cristo. "Hay — dij© — otras for- mas de unidad que son fal- sas, como la impuesta por las legiones romanas en el mua- do antiguo, o la que querian imponer el dfctadqr Hitler, y la que procura el comunis- mo en Cuba y otros desdieha- dos paises". Tambien son fal- sas las que se fundan en mie- do a un enemigo comiin o en intereses malvados. EI Obispo Carroll Ofida la Misa Panamericana "La unidad cristiana une las inteligencias por la verdad y los coraEones por el amor a Dios y al projimo. En la Cardenal Concha Critica Violencia en Colombia vida contemporanea debense unir entre si los gobiernos "Cudntas veces, ante la-no- ran esperarse tiempos mas pastor de almas, que, segiin nacionales, los individuos de ticia de un hecho crimiaoso bonancibles porque median- la frase de San Pablo 'se ale- y horripilante, quien la re- te los esfuerzos del gobier- gra con los que se alegran y buena voluntad y las institu- cibe se contenta con una pro- ciones intermedias." no y de las fuerzas armadas llora con los que Iloran' '*. testa muda o simplemente de la Republica, la violencia verbal. Cuantas veces se pu- habia sido hasta tal punto Recordo despues el Padre diera delatar al delincuente, "Cualquiera que estudie Barreneehea que la Diocesis reprimida que apenas subsis- nuestra actual situaciou y la pero el miedo y el temor tian algunos pequenos gru- de Miami, para procurar es- de perjudicar los propios in- actitud que en el curso de tas iormas de union en di- pos de bandoleros, se han ella han observado los colom- tereses economicos lo impi- presentado nuevas causas de versos modos, fue la primera de", dice el cardenal Luis bianos, forzosamente tendra profunda intranquilidad". en atendet a los refugiados Concha en una Pastoral. que conceder que esa actitud, cubanos, en presentar un pro- salvo honrosas excepeiones, grama para jovenes de barrios El mensaje del Arzobispo "Se-han venido perpretan- ha tenido el caracter de un pobres en la lucha contra la Primado de Colombia es un do, tanto en las ciudades co- extremado individualismo". pobreza y en fundar un ins- llamado a todos log colom- mo en los campos, seouestros, titute de formation cristiana bianos para que se unan en —crimenes de todo genero, ase- "Todo ciudadano debe an- integral al nivel internacio- la lucha contra la violencia sinatos y atracos que han su- teponer los intereses de la nal, para lideres de organi- y el crimen que han recru- ,mido al pais en un clima de patria a los suyos propios y zaciones intermedias. Termi- decido ultimamente en este profunda zozobra". comprender que el encubri- no pidiendo que IWos bendi- pais. miento es delito punible, no ga a esta diocesis y a su ce- "Si todo esto es motivo de sdlamente ante la ley huma- La carta pastoral sefiala: preocupacion general, no pue- na sino ante Dios", termini . loso Obispo Moos. Carroll, pa- "Cuando pareeia que pudie- ra que sigan fomentando es- de menos de serlo para el diciendo el Garden®! Oomcha. ta unidad panamericana en Numerosos Recibieron la Comunion. Cristo.

Dirigentes Sindicales de Dfetinto- Paises LatiBoamericanos eu la Misa de Ge« Seminaristas Miamenses Partieipan en Misa Panamericana.

April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 17 Oracion de Los Fieles Por el P. Angel Naveran cir, en la Vision intuitiva de iPor q q i tianism'o y que una multitud Dios infinite y en el Infier- de esta la prueba? iPor que Nuestra Religion comienza de judios y no judios abraza- no Etemo, sin posibilidad de los hombres habrian de so- DOMINGO DESPUES DE PASCUA con un nifio pobre, nacido en ron esta religion. chance ni de retorno. meterse a adorar a un pobre un pesebre de una caverna, carpintero muerto en la cruz? Pero ise concibe que los, 25 DE ABRIL 1 que muere en la cruz con la iPor que creer en tal Re- apostoles predicaran la doc- mas ignominiosa de las muer- ligion? Por qu6 creer que Jesucris- trina de Jesucristo, si este tes a los ojos humanos. to es DIOS? iPor que con- Nuestra Religion nos man- no hubiera resucitado,. si no vertirse a una Religion tan bubiera nada en.su favor? .. Celebrante (Despues del Credo): El Senor sea con v Nuestra Religion predica la da creer que a Jesucristo su austere, tan dificil? i Por Fundador, que nacio pobre y eotros. pureza absoluta de costum- que? iQue provecho les podria bres a todas las cteses socia- murio en la cruz, hay que reportar semejante predica- Pueblo: Yepn-tu espiritu. les y en todas las etapas de dark honores de Dios. Por- Que me den una prueba tion? Nosotrps joredicamos a nuestra vida. Exige fidelidad que £1 asi los exige, porqu« para ppder creer tantas co- i Cristo crucifieado,: y resucita- , absoluta a los casadbs, hon- afirma que es Dios ante el sas al parecer absurdas. Celebrante: Oremos. Nos unimos para invocar la aei do, escandalo para k>s judios radez absoluta al funcionarip, pueblo: "Yo y el Padre so- tencia de Dios para Su Santa iglesia, para las "autbridade iPruebas? Las hay y mu- y necedad para los gentiles, santidad al sacerdote y a to- mes la misma cosa." "iPor dira San Pablo. crviles, para los oprimidos y para la salvacidn de todo dos sus miembros hasta el que quereis apedrearme? Por chas, para creer que ese nifro nacido en el pesebre y muer- los Bomfores. •':/. ; martirio incluso antes de trai- tu blasfemia, porque siendo Si Jesucristo no resucitd, cionar a la fpropia eonciencia. un hombre, pretender, ser to en la cruz es DIOS. estos dos HECHOS de la Pre- Dips," Y lo afirma tambien Entre otras las siguientes: dicacion y de la Existencia , 1) Sacerdote « lector: Que en la Santa Xglesia de Dios,; Nuestra Religion exige el ante el Supremo Tribunal Sus milagros tan numerosos y de la Iglesia, creyendo y acep- los resplandores de la fe iluminen y guien a suslideres, Tel amor al projimo como a si eclesi&stico y civil y aiin en tan ciertos. Las Profecfas per- tando moral y doctrinas de mismo e incluso a nuestros rogamos, Senor. ' la cruz clavado. fectamente realizadas en Bl. . santidad, de misterios y ab- propios enemigos y ordena La santidad de su doctrina surdos al parecer, quedarian Pueblo: Senor, Ten piedad. descubrir con plena lealtad Jesucristo se atribuye po- sin explicaci6n posible. y sinceridad las propias fal- y de su vida al mismo tiem deres, derechos y honores di- po que sus propias afirma- tas, los secretos mas intimos vinos., -"Yo soy el principio ., Lo que los explica plena- 2) Sacerdote o lector: Que desaparezcan las barreras, de la conciencia culpable a ciones. Su reinado inmortal de todas las cosas". "Antes en las almas. Bl estableci- ,, mente es que Jesucristo re- defl egofsmo y del orgullo que impiden el restablecimientor. otro toombre, pecador quizas. que Abraham existiese, exis- miento y conserva«i6n de la sucit6, como lo predijo y esta de la paz entre Ins naciones, Te rogamos, Senor. ^ iPor que erear en tal Re- to yp". "Yo soy la Resurrec- Iglesia por El fundada... vivo. • ; ligifin? cion y la \ida". "Yo soy el camino, la verdadi y la vida".' -- • • * . • . . . - .- / Pueblo: Senor, Ten piedad. . % Nuestra. Religion manda Pero los primitivos eristia- "El que ha podido haeer "iEl que cree en mi, auhque creer cosas dificilisimas: Mis- nos llamaban a la Resurrec- muefa, vivira". Y "Yo U re- adorar una cruz al mundo 3) Sacerdote o lector: Que todos los hombres compren-^ terios ocultos a la luz de la cion el testin^onk), es dedir,' sucitare en el ultimo dia?>. corrompido de Roma o de ! razon: el de la Santislma Tri- la garantia por excelencia dan que la existencia de la paz en la sociedad supone lai' Atenas, Ese — Id juramos — nidad, el de la Encarnacion de la- divinidad de Jesus y paz en los corazones de cada uno, Te rogamos, Senor. \ Su aparicion en la tierra es de su religion. de Dios, el de la Eucaristia, no puede-ser sino un Dios". el ptinto culminante d

5) Sacerdote o lector: Que a traves de la reception , de los Sacramentos esta asamblea del pueblo de Dios per- « i ciba. una clara vision del Cristo resucitado, Te rogamos,' I Senor. ' 2 Humildad Contra Soberbia Pueblo: Sefior, Ten; piedad. ^ Por MANOLO REYES La humildad es una de las esencias del amor y el amor 6. Sacerdote o lector: Que todos los cristianos recono-,' La soberbia es uno de los siempre es constructor, jamas ciendo que ban muerto al pecado y con Cristo han resuci- pecados capitales contra el destruye. ' cual debe luchar el ser hu- tado por virtud del bauttsmo, se mantengan -f|eles a sus,." mano y auxiliar caritativa- todos somos hijos de reserva mental, porque todos ipromesas bautismales, Te rogamos, Sefior. f mente a los demas para que Dios y hermanos en Cristo. somos pecadores y ya lo dijo De ahi que la soberbia fruc- Jesucristo defendiendo a la tifique en multitud de ocasio- •- •" • s ellos puedan vencerla tam- La humildad consiste en Pueblo: Senor, Ten piedad. bien. poner la otra mejilla, en Magdalena: "El que este nes en los pseudos Hderes de prenda de amor a_ Dios, sin exento de pecado que lance cualquier orden que para sa- Celebrante: Oh, Dios, nuestro refugio y fortaleza, es- Quien ayuda a los dem5s misterios, sin la mas minima la primera piedra". tisfacer complejos o desa- oucha propicio las oraciones de Tu Iglesia. Tu que eres la se esta ayudando a si mismo. justes mehtales o emotiona- Pero la soberbia es uno de fuente de devocidn, baz que se haga realidad lo que pe- ks, buscan en el pedestal el los males mas difitiles de des- dimos con fe: Por el mismo Nuestro Sefior Jesucristo, Tu cubrir pues en su gradation licor que embriagUe »u ego- Hi jo, que vive y reina contigo en unidad del Espiritu San-| va desde aquella que presen- Despues de la Resureccion centrismo. to, Dios, por todos los siglos de los.siglos, Amen.. ta un caracter irreductible, siguiendo por la que a veces Porque el rerdaderp lider Pueblo: Amen. fluctua en su intensidad y ltegando a la que se oculta es un servidor de los demas; bajo la mascara fariseica de un hombre que nacio par dar una falsa modestia que en de- y ayudar sin ostent finitiva no es mas que otra diosa o revestido de una vertiente de la hipocresia. sa modestia. El que verdaderamerite es Publicacion Semanal de humilde no murmur a, no ha- El amor mueve montafias la Diocesis de Miami bla mal de los demas y no — cuanto mks el caracter des- le importa ni las afrentas, ni viado del soberbio. Se publica todos los tlemes, las humilla«iones, ni las tram- Direccidn: 6180 N.E. 4th -Ct., Miami, Fla. — Telf. PL 8-0543, pas que traten de tender los P.O. Box 1059, Miami 38, Fla. hijos del mal en este la>pso Precisamente donde se transitorio que se llama vi- actua sin caridad, -sin animo THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO., INC. da. Por el contrario, sentira constante de salvar las almas Hoy Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, Obispo de Miami, Presidente dolor del comportamiento de ajenas, en una palabra, sin aquellos que en su confabu- amor... alii florece la sober- lation se estan eondenando Hons. James J. Walsh ...... Consejero Editorial impulsados por un ansia efi- bia. Y aquel que se siente mera y materialista. inspirado de buena fe tiene John J. Ward Editor que aprender a conocer don- Harjorie L. Ffllyaw Editora de Cronicas y Femehina El que verdaderamente es Gustavo Pena Monte Editor, Section en Espanol de esta el hombre soberbio humilde no repara en multi- Manuel J. Reyes ... Editor Asociado, Section en Espanol aunque vista ropaje de eor- plicar sus sacrificios para sal- var el alma del soberbio en dero para tratar de saearlo Anthony Chorak Angelo Sava cualquiera de sus tipos, des- de su error y penerle proa Administrador Jefe de PubUcidad de el irreductible al fariseo, al cielo....

Page 18 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Piden a las Nacbnes Unidas Esfudio Objefivo Sobre Problema Demografico NAGIONES UNIDAS (NA) poblaci6n, y de los proble- cion de las verdaderas cau- — Un representante de la ' mas que el ex presidemte Jus- sas del subdesarrollo tal co- Confederaci6n . International •^••••••1 celinp Kubistchekj del Bra- mo los deteriorados sistemas de Sindicatos Cristianos ha sil describio como el "desier- de comercio, tenencia semi- exhortado a la Comisi6n de to demografico" en las gran- feudal de la tierra y el alto Poblacidfl de las; Naciones rando una resolucion de 19 dudas sobre la influencia del grado de analfabetismo. Unidas a conducir sus 'estu- 62 de la Asamblea General crecimiento de la poblacdon des regiones del Con^inente Sudamerkano. Expreso du- dios sobte problemas de po- de las NN.UU. para llevar a en el desarrollo economico "Considerando que un nu- ' das < sobre si las soluciones blaci6a eori "una base comple- • cabo mayores estudios sobre y social. Pregunto si se ha- mero de proyectos de asis- 2554 S.W. 8 ST. sugeridas por problemas en . tamente «bjetiva en lugar de la influencia de los factores bia tornado en cuenta Ia re- tencia tecnica en la agricul- sociales, religiosos y cultura- paises especitficos podrin ser TELF: 445-3455 dirigirlos a sugerir medidas lacion entre el numero total tura estan esperar.do su . fi- les en la fertilidad. aplkados a otros paises en de control <*e la fertilidad. de personas el aumero de nanciacion, no seria mas aeon- personas por kilometro cua- otras regiones. sejable invertirlos en ense- La e&iaisi&n qite se r«uen Valmore Acevedo, bablan - drado. "~"n esta ciadad esta eonside- do par la CISC, expreso sus El eiifasis en el programa narles la tecnologia de la Acevedo manifest6 que esr del control de la poblacion agricultura moderna en vez taba consciente de la impor- para America Latina, advir- &e emplearlos en progranias tancia del. problema de la tio, puede desviar la aten- de control de la fertilidad?

ipruebeI dud Oftalmologos Examinan Imogen de ia Guadalupe Los autoridades ecle- Ante las -:citadas mono y que el mismo Julian Parreno V^O, tod s i a s t i c a s mexicanas ofirrnaciones diversos fenomeno se presenta Office Mangger mocirnien hon odoptado una ac- offamologos mexicanos en el otro ojo. titud de simple obser- Han realizado estudios' ulttmas palabras de Cristo en la cruz fueron: vacioh con respecto a opticos en Id pintura Tambien senala que Ahorreun30% la distorsion del refle- diversas publicaciones de la Potrond de Me- D "Padre, perdonalos, potrque nosaiben le- que bacen". jo corresponde a ki en su Liability D "Todo est£ consumado'V en los que se afirma xico. curvatura normal de la Si Ud. Califica D "Padre, en tus manos encomieodo mi espiritu". que eh los ojds de la Asf el Dn Rafael To- cornea y que Jos refle^ imageri q*e la Virgen Z—-El Sciiauii del Mandato, que Jesus pronuneiara el Jueves ri ja Lavgnet ha exten- jos luminosos mencio- PREFERRED SaAto,-encierra: - v .de Guadalupe se refle- dido un certificado en nados demuestran que \a j|o efigie" del indio D La «rden a Pedro de apacentas Sus ovejas. el que se afirma que efectivamente el busto UNDERWRITERS INC. Q El maindamdento nuevo a los hombres de arnarse Juan Diego, a qui'en se en la cornea del ojo human© es una i ma- Seguros de Todas Clases los waos a.los otros. - le aporecio la Virgen derecho se presenta el gen reffejada fen la • La estrega de Maria a Juan, eomo Madre de todos en 1531. cornea y no una ilusion kw iwmbres. -...•• reflejo de un busto hu- optica, causada por o\- 9516 So. Dixie Hwy. 3—El sepuiero donde fue celocado el euerpo del Salvador gun occidente de la era pnptedad: contextura de la tela. Tel: MO 7-7541 • Se NJcodemus. D De ^ose de Arimatea. • De San Juan. . • . Una de las mas grandes te con los beneficios que trae aspiraciones de la juventud 4—Ai cfnemrtraftse Jesus, caMHno del Calvario, con las mu- el andar solos por las calles, jeres de JerusaJen les vaticina: es poder salir solos a la ca- tambien hay aparejados pe- MIRE lle. ligros . y emboscadas que CON O SIN ENTRADA — CON O SIN CEEDITO O Su resurreccion gloriosa. crean las personas de pocos D La expansion del Bvangelio por el mundo. Pero la vida hay que vivir- • La ruina de Jerusalen, al decirles que no Uaren por escrupulos o malos sentimien- CORVAIR, Monzo . £1 sino por ellas y por sus hijos. la por etapas, no apresura- tos. Hay muchos jovenes que IMPALA damente. Cada pueblo, cada en epoca pasada se sintieron VALIANT, Pisicorre 5—Enla Ultima Cena Jesus, como nog ensefia el Concilio naci6n tiene sus costumbres, contrariados porque sus pa- i Flnanciamiento de Trento, ademas de instituir la Eucaristia: sus uses, su propio sistema dres no acababan de darle D Hi2» a Pedro cabeza de la Iglesia. de educar a sus hijos. Es la el llavin de la casa. • Institmyo sacerdotes a los apostoles. tradicion que Ina venido tras- MALGOZA D Perdono a sus verdugos. mitiendose de abuelos, a pa- Hoy que los anos han pa- AUTO •saiojspd^ sot « sajopwaes dres, a bijos, y esa tradicion sado, esos jovenes converti- sns iod £ SB\\9 jod r onis 'jm indica a traves del tiempo y dos en hombres y mu jeres DAVID PITT SALES -B3JBTOTIV3 P ?sof aa—E los anos que los padres de- le dan las gracias a sus pa- 5-7244 •soiio sot vs oan soi 3344 S.W. 8 ST. »p mxquioq soi * OAann ojnanuupumu ia—z ben estar con sus hijos, cuan- dres por tal cuidado. Los jo- FiNANCIAMIENTO BANCARIO 5-7085 somm snj , do^estos salen a la calle has- venes deben pensar que para ta cierta y determinada edad. ir solos a la calle hay que es- tar preparados a defenderse i determina la edad? fisica y psicologicamente de Los propios padres o familia- las malas oportunidades y C|ATOLICO €[SPANOL, res a cargo de los'muchachos. tentaciones que ofrece la Ellos juzgaran cuando el jo- vida. EFECTOS RELIGIOSOS EN GENERAL ven o la muchach-a estan en aptitud para enfrentarse so- Cada joven es un brillante Imogenes - Medatlas - Cadenas los, sin acompanantes, con la en bruto que el tiempo y las. Laminds - Crucifijos - Rosarios calle, con la vida, con el tra- buenas ensenanzas van pu- bajo. liendo basta hacerlo brillar con sus luces mds resplaode- Para ese enfrentairriento el cientes. Tarjetas de Bautizo, Recordato- jovencito o la jovencita de- rios de Primera Comunion, Re- be tener madurez eh su pen- Los padres son los encar- gados de guiar sus primeros CREDITO APROBADO cordatorios de Misa, Invitaciones -samiento, seriedad, saber com- ENTREGA INMEDIATA de Boda. portarse con la correction de- pasos en la vida, y cuarido bida, y sobre todo, saber pro- llegue el momento en que los '65 MUSTANG TOP, 63 N. E. 2nd Street - Telf: 374-2312 tegerse b defenderse de los bijos esten ya preparados, Automatico, Radio (7^ peligros que ofrece la calle; Balance ponerlos a caminar solos por 'kA MAIIRII Sup*r Sport' porque los jovenes tienen los tortuosos senderos de la 04 PIAUDU v-8, Automatico, que pensar que conjuntamen- vida. . Radio, Bucket Seats. O1QC Balance 'kA fUfU Biscayne, 04 UIEV. 1 Puertas, 6 ell., ant., Radio. Petfectas C10QC News en Espanol condiciones. Balance .. T1 **«* Hidr. Vest, y Pintura 4 Puertas. Mec. Original. Balance Int. y Pint, como RIVERO 'A? nuevo. Balance . sedan, Radio CON MANOLO REYES Economice, ahorre. (ft GASA FUNERAL Balance 'Al MIIITIAf TemPest, 4 Ptas., ASOCIADO CON PHILBRICK FUNERAL HOME 01 PVltllAl Mcc. Cambios en DE LUNES A SABADO el piso. Vestidura de CfiOC, • FUNERARIA LATINA fabrica. Balance 4%*TJ NUESTROS 30 ASOS »E EXPERIENCIA SU MEJOR PROTECCION A TRAVES DE WTVJ, CANAL 4 • FACILIDADES DE PAGO A LA 1A.M. (DESPUES DE LA ULTIMA PELICULA) 373-0284 660 W. FLAGLER ST. Y A LAS 6:45 DE LA MAflANA ENTRE 6 Y 7 AVES. 373-6363

April 23, 1965 . , THJE VOICE , Miami, Florida , Page 19 Dos Aspectas Gr&ficos del Impresionante Viacrucis Rezado en la Noche del Viernes Santo en el Hogar de los Jovenes Refugiados Cubanos,, en Opa Locka. Viacrucis al Aire Libre Hacen

Un Vfa-drucis monumental organizadd por los jovenes refugiados cubanos al cuidado del Catholic

Welfare Buipaq ;en los terrenos de los. locales donde ellos hpbitan eri; la base de Opa Locka, constituya uno' de los mas emotivos actos de la Semana Santa en Miami. i

Los j&tenes^que jestan en Miami separados de sus padres quelos 'enyiaron a!' exilib'" para sdlvarlos del adoctrinamiento ateo, cohfeccionafon los artisticos pasos del Vkrcrucis. "Durante la pigdosa marcha, gru* pos de esos joyenes cargaron en hombros una ihmensa cruz de madera, tambien confeccionada por ellos mismos.

Un crecido numero de fieles se unio a los joye- nes del Catholic Welfare en: esta Jornada de oracion que fue conducida por los PadreS^1Je.stutas que diri- gen la casa de Opa Locka.

••JESUS cae por tercera vez", uno"de los pasos mas impre- Los pasos del Viacrucis fueron levontados en los j$onanites del Viacrucis confeccionad© y organizado por las patios y jardines que circundan las naves donde se jovenes refugiados. alojan los jovenes refugiados.

NUTRIDO Numero de Visitantes se Unieron a la Jornada Secretarial Para "No Creyentes", Servira a los Incredulos del Viernes Santo en Opa Locka.

La Secretaria para Relacio- no catolicos y con los de las tos nobles y por la impacien- el mundo. "Es una prueba nes con los "No Creyentes", confesiones no cristianas. Su cia con la mediocridad y del amor de la Iglesia por Monin y Javier establecida por el Papa Pau- proposito es lograr una am- egoismo de tamtos estableci- todas, por eso espera de to- lo W, recientemente, estara plia informacion sobre todas mientos sociales contempori- dos apoyo y comprension". dirigida por el cardenal Fran- las teorias de los no creyen- neos". Siskuz Koenig, de Viena. tes, sean comunistas ateos o "El ateismo es uno de los Caballero sean otras formas de agnos- "El sabe Wen como tomar fenomenos mas impresionan- La action de la nueva se- ticismo. tes de nuestra epoca. Ya no Caballero Funeral Home cretaria no se cireunscribira prestado de nuestros evange- se presenta como simple in- •. L. WALTERS, F.D. al ateismo en los paises co- lios, modos y expresiones de El cardenal Koenig es con- solidaridad y de compren- diferericia religiosa, sino que manistas sino que tambien -siderado como uno de los ha asumido las caracteristicas CALL! 8 S. W. comprendera todas las otras sion humana. Seremos capa- pensadores mas liberales de ces algun dia de conducirlo de una rebeldia,_de un repu- CASI ESQ.:A 27 AVE. HI 5-3727 formas de ateismo que se la Iglesia y en los circulos dio abierto contra toda re- presentan en Occidente. de vuelta. a la fuente cristia- vaticanos se le considera el na de tales manifestaciones ligion, es un fenomeno que homfore mas apto para diri- de valor moral?" se ha dado en Uamar "movi- :' Bl se«retariado tendrS co- gir la nueva secretaria, ya miento cultural, -una organi- uao sede provisional el Pala- que esta muy familiarizado zacion militante muchas.. ve- cio d« Santa Marta en el in- con Us modernas ideologias "La Iglesia se siente deu- ces apoyada por regimenes al bon marche dofa de todos los hombres, ferior de la Ciudad del Vati- no catolicas. politkos" expreso la* emiso- UNA CASA. AL SKIiVICIO DE !.A IIKMCION eano; su sede definitiva sera aun de los mas alejados, y ra. tiene . el deber. de entregar 1140 W. FLAGLER ST. ENTRE 11 Y 12 AVE. ^dieordada despues del termi- El anuncio del Vaticano ex- S^ : TELF: FR 3-0725 no del concilio. Tampoco se preso que el establecimiento su mensaje", por eso es que "El deber de la Iglesia de ban designado basta el mo- de este organismo de nin- se ha instituido el Secretaria- entregar su mensaje no pue- mento a sus integrantes, que guna manera modificara la do para los "No Creyentes" de ser realizado sin el acer- Para Mama iseguramente seran obispos de condenacion por la Iglesia dijo la Radio Vaticana. camiento de los hombres, sin distintas nacionalidades y con- del ateismo como error mo- el interes de un dialogo. So- Que Todo lo Merece sultores eclesiastioos y lai- ral; pero refleja la preocu- Asimismo, senalo que el lo asi la Iglesia podra hacer Un Aiticulo ReUgioso oos. Bl Padre. Francesco Mia- pacion del Sumo Pontifice secretariado recientemente oir la voz de Dios en la socie- CON "TffiME^ SU KEGALO PARA «9«SE DlA'' no ha sido hombrado secre- para llegar al ateo y com- creado no tiene el proposito dad .oportunamente". Por ul- CON NUESTRO "PLAN LAT-AWAY" -••• tario. prenderlo. de cOmbatir a los incredulos timo manifesto: "El dialogo, Recordarorio& de Qomunion y sino que por el contrario es es sin duda dificil, por no Boutizos impresos en dorado desde .. , La Seoretaria ha sido insti- En su enciclica "Ecclesiam "para ellos". Luego dijo que decir imposible. Son muchas Recordatorios de misas de difuntos e invitaciones de bodas. taida siguiendo las normas Suant", el Papa.Paulo VI di- a pesar de que se presenta las voces de los interlocuto- estafol^cidas -pa;ra las secSe- ce: "A veces, tambien el ateo de una manera modesta, quie- res que quieren hablar a nom- Reparaciones de Imagenes • Servimos Envios por Correo tarfa& de relaciones con los es estimulado por sentimien- re ser un servicio para todo bre propio."

Page 20 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE , Miami, Florida Madonna Academy's Annual Carola O.P. and many students, Speakers in the 101 point 26, the Band and Girl's Glee Bob Foster, and Dave Mastrian- Retreat was held on April 12, Latin week offered a great deal verbal barrage were Sandy San- Club will present "Say It With ni. Charles Carter competes in illiliiilij 13 and 14. The girls. were af- of enrichment and enjoyment to derson, John Dawson, Jay Music" in the school cafeteria. By WARD KEARNEY broad jump, with Jim Cusak forded the opportunity to grow all. Hamilton, James Harvitt, and Coaches Manko and Galla- and Wayne Dunlevy high jump- spiritually stronger through the Columbus High School's an- finalists Cindy Blumenfeld, gher work long hot hours after ing. In the 100-yard dash, Dick many conferences, spiritual nual "Block C" Awards Banquet Donna Meyers and Nick San- school with an equally hard Santangelo leads a field which readings, Rosaries, Benediction will be held at the Miami telli. Tom Scott earned first working track team. The mile includes Carter, Phil Chisom and daily Holy Mass. Springs Villas Playhouse at 7 By DAVE ROSSI place in original oratory. relay team of John Bronillard, and Ray Christie. Santangelo During the Mass four girls p.m. Monday,- Hay 3. Of the twenty-one persons • Albert Cardensa, Bob Cuchame and Dick Lewis run the 220. took part in an ^Offertory Pro- and Dave Mastriannl set a fast At this time Columbus letters FORT LAUDERDALE — St. representing the diocese in the cession. The Retreat was closed Thomas Aquinas High School New York N.C.iF.L. tournament pace at meets. Endurance men, the milers, { ^, be presented to all Explor- with the Papal Blessing. won first place and a sweep- May 27, nine will be St. Tho- are Rick Tabit and Ramiro Or- *" v-o'who have earned them this Brouillard, and Bob Cash . Tonight (Friday) and tomor- stakes trophy in a Catholic Fo- mas students. tiz. Mike Faubert, Gregg John- past year in inter-scholastic are 880 runners, wifli Albert row (Saturday), the Glee Club rensic League contest held at On Sunday evening, April son, and Jerry Martineau are competition. Cardenas leading 400 runners, will present their annual spring Barry College. 25, and Monday evening, April and being chased by Duchame, shotputters. Also to be presented at this concert. The theme is "The Big banquet are three trophies: Wide Wonderful World." MEMBER, Outstanding Athlete, ScKolar- April 19 the National Honor "Our 18th Year" Athlete, and Sportsmanship. Society sponsored a skating These trophies are' the highest party. All the girls thoroughly awards a Columbus senior can enjoyed themselves. achieve. • Report cards were distributed This evening (Friday) the last week and honors for the members «f the Junior Class fifth marking period were are holding their annual dance. pdsted. For seventeen years Good Counsel Camp has combined a The proceeds of this event will group of trained and experienced counsellors, a well plan- be used to meet the expenses of ned and supervised program of activity and a natural setting of exceptional beauty in a recipe for real Catholic the Junior Prom, which will be Camp Life. held May 15. All students are By JOHN J. CONSID1NE invited to 9pn4 the dance. The Camp is located in the hills of west central Florida WEST PALM BEACH — Lat- along the shores of loke Tsala Apopko ond within the Also attending this dance will in Week was observed at Cardin- area of great springs, rivers, forests ond unspoiled nature. be a few members of the stu- al Newman High School from We do not try to run o hotel. Yet every thought and — In the Woods and dent body of Archbishop MuUoy April 29-23. During this week, consideration is given to the health and safety of the High School. This is a Marist points in Roman history, as- camper. But real true camping experience is the dominat- Hills and Lakes and high school in the New York ing theme. We believe thot such experience con provide pects of Roman life, and the qualities of self-reliance ond obedience that other phases City area. These boys have been values of the Latin language of education cannot provide. Rivers of Florida visiting Miami and Columbus were emphasized. during this past week. We at Daily broadcasts by Publius Columbus are proud to have Chetlius Huntlius, and Quintus SWIMMING * OVERNIGHT TRIPS these fine young men as our Davidius Brinklius, briefed the guests. school concerning such happen- BOATING * CAMPFIRE * HANDICRAFT the three highest Columbus ings as Caesar's conquests in scores on the Mathematical As- Gaul, his assassination, and-the FISHING * HIKING * RIFLERY sociation of America's Math Second Triumvirate. Humorous Good Counsel Camp is a veritable little city consisting of some 30 buMdirigs—^ campers' Exam were recorded by Walter Roman commercials . studded cabins, dining hall, chapel, recreation pavilion, handicraft lodge, rifle range, infirmary, Crabbe, Jordan Pfuntner, and these broadcasts and added to shower buildings, canteen, laundry, etc., etc. All buildings are constructed of concrete George Simpson. Their scores the general enjoyment. block ond brick, heart cypress and pine. ' In addition to the 'regulars' such as swimming (we hove a pool., lake, river and spring will make up the Columbus All students were invited to for this) riflery, handicraft,, archery. Good Counsel Camp offers special training in entry in the society's national participate in a Latin poster booting and canoeing. Long trips up to 20 to. 50 miles are offered to the advanced contest, contest, the subjects for which boater. Special 'safaris' via jeep through the great forests and game preserves — were the values of Latin, Eng- exploration trips on the mysterious Withlacoochee River — overnight trips to Toma- The Explorer baseball team hawk lodge on Rainbow Springs are a few of the 'Specials' recently beat the Jackson Gen- lish derivatives from Latin, and GOOD COUNSEL CAMP PROVIDES TWO SEPARATE SESSIONS EACH SUMMER erals by the score of 5-4. Roman influences in our lives. WOODCRAFT SESSION — This session consists of four weeks of real outdoor life William Seemam, a member of with the special emphasis placed on' woodcraft, water sports, riflery, handicrafts, the Cicero class was placed in hiking and nature study. This session is open only to boys between the ages of 8-15. CATECHETICAL SESSION — This session consists of two weeks of wonderful camp siiiiiiii charge of handling this compe- life with the special emphasis placed on catechetical instruction. The program includes By PEGGY McALOON tition. three classes each morning conducted by the Sisters. The afternoons are devoted to Another student of the "Cicero woter sports, handicrafts, hiking and games. This session is open to both boys and girls WEST HOLLYWOOD — The class, Edwin Olowin, handled between the ages of 8 and 15. student body of Madonna Acad- the collection and exhibition of CAMP STAFF emy wishes to congratulate Roman projects. Professor Ri- Rt. Rev. Msgr. Geo. W. Cummings, M.Sc, M.A. Kathy Lunney and Beverly Mc- cardus Gordonius (Richard Gor- CAMP DATES & RATES -1965 Camp Director Farland who participated L- a don) broadcasted brief daily Gail M. Osterhout, M.D Camp Physician diocesan speech competition at shows over the public address SUMMER SESSION Cecile Berky, R.N ' Camp Nurse Barry College. system in whiqh he explained WOODCRAFT SESSION: Francis Meyer camp Dietitian Sunday, June 13th to Friday, July 9th Kathy Lunney placed fourth Bernard Schneider, B.A. Robert Traupman, B.A. how various Latin words and CATECHETICAL SESSION: South Florida Section in the Extemporaneous Finals phrases are used currently in Sunday, July 11th to Friday, July 23rd Gary Haug James Brennan and Beverly McFarland placed our language. North Florida Section Sunday, July 25th to Richard Allen Manuel Brainan fourth in the Declamation Fi- To climax Latin Week, the Friday, August 6th lack Rollins Franz Kooymans nals. Therefore, both girls are members of the Cicero Class CAMP RATES John eubbins Al Sanchez Frank Rudzik Royce Thomas qualified to participate in the were guests at a Roman ban- WOODCRAFT SESSION: Four Weeks $150 ($20 Nationals to be held in Newquet on Thursday, April 22. discount if application is received before Leslie Apathy Don Cummings City this summer. Due to the work of Sr. Mary June 1st .Special rates if more than one Katherine Welch Katherine Burke from a family attend.) Patricia Bunch CATECHETICAL SESSION: Two week period $60, ($10 discount if application is received be- fore June 1st. Special rates if more than one from a family attend).

For Information Clip This Coupon and Send it to: Notes Camp may TA COMPUTE Rt. Rev. Msgr. George W. Cummings — P.O. Box 551, Venice, Fla. b e reached b y way of the Sun- Anraraf C«f factor For information call Venice, Florida Phone 488-2711 shine State Parkway. M*tal C«li*t« »r»m $450 Turn off at the Wild- Woodcraft Cotecheticol wood exit. Camp is Illustrated only 20 miles west of The PHILBRICK a Application Application Brochure Wildwood. The Seaboard FUNERAL HOMES Railroad supplies a special NAME coach on their train the rf IMC "Silver Meteor" for a I campers coming from Miami ADDRESS and the lower East Coast. INVERNESS CITY . . ZONE STATE FLORAL CITY

April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miarnt, Florida t Page 21 ATfMMACmATA - LASALLE HIGH SCHOOL

•ISIIiiii Spelling Bee Finals Saturday By RICHARD STRATFORD Elementary school students ditor; Lionel Cobo, John Kalter, .West Hollywood; Joy Finzel, , ;. A Day of Recollection was from throughout the state will state spiritual chairman; Frank St. Elizabeth, Pompano Beach; held for the, boy and girl stu- compete tomorrow (Saturday) Shepp and Michael Fogarty. James Blachura, St. Clement, Fort Lauderdale; Mary Ann dents at ImmacuIata-LaS a 11 e in the first statewide Columbian Students who wiil compete to- Ceccucci, St. Matthew, HoHy- High School. Squires Spelling Bee at Immac- morrow for the top scholarship wood; Nancy Gilbert, Epiphany, ulata-LaSalle High School. prize and trophies earned the Miami; Delhi Macharge, St. Periods of spiritual reading The contest will get tinder right to do so by winning re- Patrick; Miami Beach; and and discussion were conducted. way at 1 p.m. at the audito- gional contests that were held Mary Rozinski, Sacred Heart, Two masses were celebrated, rium. throughout the state by the Lake Worth. " one for the boys and one for A four-year $750 Catholic High Squires. the girls. School scholarship will be Students competing and the A Football Night was held for awarded the winner. schools they represent are as Carnival Scheduled fathers and Sons at LaSalle. Trophies will be awarded to follows: The meeting was held primarily the first, second and third place At Christ The King ' Christine Milian, Our Lady for those interested in going winners and a trophy also will "Pioneers of the Pines" will out for next year's football be given to the school of the of Perpetual Help, Tampa; Rob- ert Buchnam, Our Lady Queen be the theme of the first an- team. It was also intended to student winning the scholarship. nual carnival sponsored by • create support for the team Clem Bezold, state Squire of , Fort Lauderdale; WINNER OF Columbian Squire Regional Spelling Bee held in Eva Lynskey, St. Brendan's, Mi- members of Christ the King from the boys' parents. Coral Gables was Eva Lynskey of St. Brendan parish (second Spelling Bee chairman, will be parish on Friday, Saturday, and the master of ceremonies for ami; Cathleen Ezolt, St. James, from, right). From left are: Ellen Parris of St. Michael School, North Miami; Sunday, April 30, May 1 and runnerup; Sister Mary Clarine, I.H.M.; Squire Counselor Ray- the spelling bee. 2 on the church grounds. mond Boymer; Miss Lynskey and Sister Mary Annette, C.S.F.N. Father Walter J. Dockerill, • Judy Copeland, Incarnation Members of the coordinating By JEAN HASTINGS diocesan director of youth ac- School, Sarasota; Karen Lar- committee include Mrs. Jerry •**, tivity, will give the Opening sen, Mary Immaculate School, FORT MYERS — On April 8, Stern, Mrs. Barbara Gee, Mrs. Miami Daily News, was the prayer and Blessing. Key West; Edward Barella, St. four representatives from Bish- in its development. The Keynote Anne Bullard, Mrs! Lucy Thorn- speaker. His topic, the Role of The judges will include Broth- John the Apostle, Hialeah; op Verot High School's Student Address by Jerry Hill, Presi- ton, Mrs. Lillian Cautoras, Mrs. Youth, was truly thronight - pro- er, G. Lewis, F.S.C.., of Immac- Gail Rose Williams, Christ the Council — Linda Bill, Richard dent of the Florida Association Stella Miller, Bernard Barnett voking. ulata-LaSalle High School, and King, Tampa; Michael Kele- Hastings, Pam Mann, and my- and Robert Gosselin. of Student Councils, was another Sister Mary Eugenia, S.S.J., her, Ascension, Eau Gallie; self — departed for Miami Early American: themes will oustanding event. On the following morning also of Immaculata-LaSalle. Beach and the Florida Associ- „ elections of officers,, schools for Eileen Crotta, Annunciation, highlight a variety of booths. ation of Student Councils Con- The next day, the busiest of Principal speaker will be John ference. _ all, began with another general the coming year were held and DiVito, state Knights of Colum- assembly. The Miami Beach then it was. time to leave for bus Deputy. The entire convention which High A Capella Choir furnished home, carrying with us a mem- Pronouncers and dictionary followed was an inspiring ex- men will be the following the, enterainment with its won- ory of an exciting and profitable perience. At the opening general derful rendition of various se- Squires; Lee Stone, State Chief VOICE CAREER- convention. session we were all impressed lections ranging from "Plorate Squire; Kevin O'Mara, state au- 'by the historical pageant, *," Filii Israel" to "Tarpen and —•SPANISH ENGLISH "Flags Over Florida," which Toad." INSTITUTE showed Florida's past under the A NEW DIVISION OF THE several nations who took part BUI Baggs, the Editor of the ADELPHI SCHOOLS For Information Please Consult Boys 6-14 The Yellow Pages of the Phone Book CAMP PIUS ELEVENTH Est. 1931 DOWNTOWN UPTOWN OUR LADY OF THE HILLS Rated "one of the best In the East." 2 miles pri- —•FR 1-4095 PL 7-7623— vate shore. On lake- Mascoma in the iOartmouth- Lake Sunapee Region. 1000 acre campus and EVENING CLASSES woodland. All water and land sports. Indian-lore. REGISTER NOW! Excellent home-grown food. Fire^proof dormitory. IBM All-inclusive fee; 8 weeks, $600., 4 weeks, $320. Write: Camp" Director, Camp Pius Eleventh, Enfield, N. H. COMPUTOR TRAINING AND HENDERSONVUXE, Itf. C. KEY PUNCH ON MIAMI'S BEAUTIFUL BISCAYNE BAY FLORIDA TECHNICAL A Catholic camp for boys and girls agos ACADEMY COLLEGE OF THE ASSUMPTION 757-0671 4841 N.W. 2nd A 7 to 16. 200 acres, 37 buildings in the Blue Ridge Mountains* largo modern RESIDENT and DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS pool, mountain lake, with all camping Miami's only Catholic boarding school for girls; grades one through activities guided by trained counselors. twelve; small classes. College prep and general courses. Excellent Ideal accommodations for visiting par* music and sports departments. Catholic University of America Mary Help of Christians Camp affiliation. Conducted by the Religious of the Assumption. onts. Camp provides pick-up service to (Formerly Camp Don Bosco) or from nearest rally air, bus terminal. 1517 BRICKELL AVE. MIAMI, FLA. fEL. 379-7312 FOR BOYS 8 TO 14 A camp for youngsters to grow...spirit- Staffed exclusively by the Salesians of Don Boseo. ually , healthfully. For literature, write: Located at the outskirts of Tampa, on beautiful East Lake. Open wmm Sunday Winter Address: June 20 OUR LADY OF THE HILLS CAMP Thru c/o SI. Leo's Church Sunday 335 Sprlngdale Avenue August 8, incl. WINSTON-S ALEM, N. C. Fee: $30.00 per week for any number of weeks MIAMI'S CATHOLIC COLLEGE [ALL ACTIVITIES FREE, INCLUDING: Fishing, Booting, Swimming, Gym, Baseball, Ponies, Movies, Crafts,| FOR MEN [Water-Skiing, Hikes, Campfires, eta. Write to: Mary Help of Christians School P.O. Box H, Tampa, Florida 33605

Also, An Ideal Boarding School, the BISCAYNE Mary Help of Christians! COMPLETE BANKING & CONSULTING SERVICE SCHOOL COLLEGE ?A Home-like School for Boys ages 10 to 15, grades 5th thru 9th.S Conducted by the Augustinian Fathers HIALEAH MIAMI SPRINGS BANK |Staffed exclusively by the Salesians of Don Bosco. Excellent facilities.] (Large campus. All major Sports, plus Band and Choir, Dramatics, andjj FOR INFORMATION PHONE 624-9661 101 JilALEAH DRIVE • TELEPHONE: 888-3611 [Shops for higher grades. 16400 N. W. 32nd Avenue MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Write to: Mary Help of Christians School P.O. Box H, Tampa, Florida 33605 Miami, Florida 33054

Page 22 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida CURLEY HIGH TEAM IS FAVORED K. Of C. Track Championships Saturday

The diocese's top high school week, will be headed by county A district 8 sub-group meet track talent will descend on broad jump champ Jim Bar- while LaSalle, Pace and Miami Miami's Moore Park Saturday rows (21-5), dash man Rich Military will be the choices in for the first running of the Harding, who posted seconds in the other sub-group tournament.. Knights of Columbus Champi- both the 100 and 220, and a onships with Archbishop Curley strong 880 relay unit. ' • • • High in the dual role of hosts Two diocese all-stars received and meet favorites. Fred Krishon of Msgr. Pace, additional honors last week, with a 19-4J/4 in the broad jump, St. Patrick's basketball ace Preliminaries in the meet will West Palm Beach are expected is the Spartans' top contender! Butch Stallings and Cardinal start at 10:30 a.m. with finals to be the Knights' top chal- Newman's football standout Bill * • • Drown. in^ the field events at 2 p.m. lengers. LaSalle High won the South and the running events starting Stelilngs, who averaged over Columbus has a standout half- Atlantic Conference baseball 30 points a game last season, at 2:30. miler in Chris Hosford, who title but Msgr. Pace High may was named to the all-state Class have the last laugh. Curley is the meet favorite won the GCC title with a 1:58.5 C squad in basketball. The 6-4 based on its strong showings record clocking. Chris ran the LaSalle clinched the SAC St Pat's center has made the in the tough Class AA circles mile last year and may see crown with a 3-2 triumph over all-diocese team for the past of South Florida and with dash double duty in the K. of C. Jupiter High on a one-hit two seasons and has sighed a MEMBERS OF Curley High School's wrestling team which man Jim Jones as one of the meet in an effort to boost the pitching effort by Manny Alva- basketball scholarship to Miami- finished third m the state high school wrestling tournament area's leading individual per- Explorers team score. rez while Ernesto Erdmann and Dade Junior College. formers. Tom Koziol were providing the Drown, . Newman's hard-hit- are: from left: (front row) Joe Ortiz, Jim Arias; (back row) LaSalle will be led by Ramiro Horatio Villa, Pete McEachern, Fred Laubenthal and Coach hitting power. ting halfback, has also signed a Jim Husk. Jones recently won the Gold Castro in the 880, Tom O'Mal- scholarship, accepting an offer Coast Conference 440 title with ley in the 440 and Lou Mc- The day before, though, the from Columbia University. lite a 50.4 clocking and was second Namera in the dashes. Royals had dropped a 9-2 non- all Ivy League scholarships, the in the 100 dash with 10 seconds conference decision to Chami- grant is for academics, but even. Jones has also been a Cardinal Newman's strength nade High and then en Satur- there is little doubt but that his key factor in Curley relay show- is centered around Ken Duff day, Chaminade was routed 11-1 football capabilities were a de- CAREER GUIDE ings. and John McHale in the hur- by Pace, which should make cisive factor. dles, Pbll Kairella in the 446 Pace champion of something or Carl had earlier been sought The Knights have clocked a and Jim Counihan in the high other. by West Point and Davidson. 2:01.6 for the sprint medley as jump. their best relay showing of the Ronnie Huff was the star of season. Chaminade High, which made Chaminade's triumph over La- - WANTED - an impressive showing against Salle, pitching a four-hitter and ML PEOPLE 17 TO 50 NOW'S Christopher Columbus, La- bigger schools in the Broward getting three of the Lions' own fCYAC Council! APPLY IMMEDIATELY THE Salle and Cardinal Newman of County championships last hits with two singles and a Calendar NOW work as yw train . . . yttMf triple. Bobby Nester added a ia ten fays rarfy Mr k"«k W'*K Our Lady of Perpetual Help pair of safeties to the Chami- TIME CYAC — Saturday, April 24th, nade attack. JOB OPENINGS We Can Teach You 7:30 p.m. Beatnik party, 3921 GROCERY CHECKERS Any Language As M Against Pace, though, Nester NW 170th St. Fast As You Want took the mound and was knock- St. Vincent de Paul CYAC — CASHIERS, STOCKMEN To Learn It ... All We Ask TWO-YEAR LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE ed out of the box in third in- Wednesday, April 28th, busi- FREE Jrt #Uteoent, M kigk icbool Is That You Want To Learn As diploma seeded, EZ time payments, for WOMEN ning. Larry Gilliard and Larry ness meeting 8 p.m. at the visit or pkeae as now. Fast As We Can Teach. DeLeonardis each homered for Church, social to follow. RC Conducted by Pace in the game with Al Stan- Catholic Singles Club of Miami kus getting credit for the pitch- — Wednesday, April 28th, MARKET 8 p.m. dance class and so- TRAINING INST. yo ing win although needing one beriitz Religious of the Sacred inning of relief by Don New- cial, the K of C Hall, 3405 Mem. U.S.-Miomi Chamber Comm. hauser hi the second inning. NW 27th Ave. Corner N.W. 7th AVE. School Of Languages ML Heart of Mary 242 N.E. 2nd AVE. St. Theresa's CYAC — Tuesday, at 78th STREET Stankus and Newhauser com- April 27th, social, 8 p.m. the APPLY NOW PL 7-8448 FRanklin 1-3686 OL bined to limit Chaminade to Sportsman's Club, 5151 NW Resident and day students just two hits. 7th St. UE LaSalle completed the week Lauderdale Catholic Club — with a season's record of 11-4, Saturday, April 24th, house Chaminade was 10-6 while Pace party, 8 p.m. Jackie Watkins, NG For INFORMATION write: was 9-8. Chaminade is expect- 1441 NW 1st Ave., Fort Lau- ed to foeco-favorit e in the Class derdale. TE Dean of Admissions Boca Raton Marymount College CYAC Will Hold Florida Boca Raton, Florida are Meeting Sunday you FORT LAUDERDALE — A meeting of the Miami Diocesan college Council of Catholic Young Adult Formerly Bell lies Business College bound? Clubs will be held this,Sunday, Established 1926 April 25, at the Gait Ocean Mile Hotel here. A non-profit Degree Granting Institution AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR SON'S FUTURE The program will open with Offering Specially Oriented Business Programs for a Master, Bachelor or Associate Degree, For most families. Col- registration at 4 p.m. Meetings Diplomas and Certificates in lege costs are a strain on of deanery and club officers will be held at '4:30 p.m. followed if BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, ACCOUNTING, AUTOMATION the budget. Parents who and BUSINESS EDUCATION by a General Assembly. %ocy m CROSS save ahead for this pur- * SECRETARIAL (Nancy Taylor, Executive, Legal and Medical) A regular Council meeting * HOTEL-MOTEL TRAINING and REAL ESTATE pose in an interest-earn- will be held at 6:30 p.m. and * SHORTHAND (Speedwriting, Gregg or Machine Shorthand) I A Leading Preparatory School for Boys, ing Savings Account here a banquet is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. * COURT and CONVENTION REPORTING COURSES I conducted by the Holy Cross Brothers. have much less of a prob- * OVER 90 INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS AVAILABLE Grades 7-12, both Boarding and Day. lem. St. Brendan CYO FREE LIFETIME PLACEMENT SERVICE FOR GRADUATES. • Character Training and If meeting tuition pay- STUDENT LOANS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND BUDGET PLANS. Christian Doctrine ments is an immediate Will Hold Dance • College Preparatory Courses necessity, ask your folks The CYO of St. Brendan par- DAY CLASSES and HOMESTUDY OFFERED ALL YEAR • Supervised Study Periods to see a Boulevard Na- ish will hold an informal dance CORNER OF FERN & GEORGIA AIR CONDITIONED • Training in the Fine Arts tional officer. A loan may at the Christopher Columbus WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA PHONE 833-5575 be easily arranged. High School Hall from 8 to • Complete Athletic Facilities 12 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday). For information writes School dress, will be appropri- oulev&rd ate. Music will be furnished by PLEASE SAY Dir. of Admissions, HOLY CROSS SCHOOL NATIONAL. BANK the XL's. 5000 Biscayne Boulevard — Miami YOU SAW IT Bex 65, 4950 Douphine St.* New Orleans, LO.70T1TJ| The Christopher Columbus Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Hall is located at 3000 SW 87th IN "THE VOICE' Ave. April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 23 DeConna Ice Cream J FLORIDA'S KEY TO TASTE TREAT Manufacturers and Distributors of IGE CREAM and ICE-CREAM SPECIALTIES A Flavorful Foreign Food: Pierohki * Molds * Spumoni -k fortoni : By FLORENCE DEVANEY Headiijg the meal are Pierohki •*• Rum Cake * French Ice Cream — meat-filled pastry dumplings •fc Coco and Mango Glaces . It's a charming custom in many homes to feature foods sauced with melted butter or from other countries as part of sour cream. Accompany the :| DeConna Ice Cream the regular mealtime pattern. Pierohki with borsch, Ukrainian 3292 N.W. 38th ST. (Miami) Phone CY 4-2420 Not only are national dishes beet soup, or black bean soup and coleslaw. For dessert serve Phone 635-2421 Key Weswest Brancbranch so tasty, they also encourage Children — and adults, too — a fruit compote with crisp to become more knowledgeable cookies. If you wish, serve hot about traditions and customs of tea in tall glasses in the other peoples and are an ex- Ukrainian manner. cellent method of introducing Notice how easy the Pierohki happy homes use delicious, healthful new foods to children. Prepara- dough is to prepare. Egg yolks tion of foreign foods is extra added to the dough increase its cooking fun for you homemak- elasticity and ease of handling. ers, too. Unlike regular pastry which . . . it's extra-fresh because it's home- Your series of "travelogues must be given kid glove treat- produced! Get the Home Milk habit now! in good eating"- might begin ment, you knead Pierohki dough with this simple yet intriguing before rolling out to paper thin- Miami: 2451 N.W. 7th Avt., FR-4-7696 supper menu from the Ukraine. ness. Ft. Lauderdale: JA 3-2449 — West Palm Beach: OV 3-1944 Homestead: C! 7-3235 — Key West: CY 6-9631 Pierohki Wz cups sifted enriched 2 egg whites Foreign Flair Furnished By Pierohki And Borsch floor* 3 tablespoons butter or H teaspoon salt margarine TOM GREENAWAY 2 egg yolks, beaten Dairy sour, creani er soft dough. Turn out on well floured board or pastry cloth (Boy Scout leader) 1 teaspoon salad oil melted butter or and knead until smooth. Divide dough in half. Roll out each margarine, if desired y* to % cnp water half very thin (1-16-inch or thinner). Outxwith 'floured 3-mcli DRINKS MILK. MEAT FILLING: round cutter. Place 1 level tablespoonful of ileat" Filling in (Sglassesadau) Sift together flour and salt. Blend egg yolks with oil. Add center of each circle. Moisten edges o£ circle with egg white. egg mixture and enough water to flour mixture to make a Fold each circle in half, pinching and sealing edges together. HOW ABOUT YOU? Drop 5 or 6 Pierohki into 4 quarts boiling, salted water. Cook TO BECIUST POR.TME\OUN6 REXALL DRUGS ANAND VARIETIES until they rise to surface, about 1 minute. Drain on absorbent FINER PRESCRIPTION SERVICE paper. Cook in skillet in butter or margarine until golden brown, ROYAL PALM DRUG DIXIE DRUG STORE turning once. Drain thoroughly before serving. Serve, if de- : 806 N. KROME AVE. FEDERAL HIGHWAY sired with sour cream or melted butter. • • 'BEST PRICES" HOMESTEAD NARANJA •».MIC. INDUSTRIAL Cl 7-6949 Cl 7-7140 Meat Filling ' % cup finely chopped onion CAM COD ON BfSCAVNE tAY cream < 2 tablespoons butter or Vi teaspoon salt ••: THE FINEST margarine 'A teaspoon Worcestershire GUARANTEED % pound, ground beef sauce WhiM Roof Coating Z hard-cooked eggs, finely 'A teaspoon pepper.. :. chopped CHASTAIN M teaspoon dill weed 7 ge*g 2 tablespoons dairy sour FENCf SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Brown onion in butter or margarine in heavy skillet. Add- PL 8-1855 DADE - MU 8-0541 ground beef, stirring to break into small pieces, and cook until BROWARD - WA 2-1341 • MAINE LOBSTERS brown. Remove from heat. Stir in eggs, sour Cream, salt, _ nFjf?HiiJiurrrfMrHmmnmmMi]]rtfrfr?MUiP)nUu;njiNnrFJMranrfUJ«(iM^>«HiiiNiitrrrrf)riJJ!iiiiiiiNiHiirirtfi)iiiiiJJiJir:ii^niiiiii!iiiiii!iiiii • NEW ENGLAND-SEAFOOD Worcestershire sauce, pepper and dill weed. Blend well. Use • CLAMS, OYSTERS & STONE CRABS See )Tour General Tire 1 level tablespoonful filling in center of each circle of dough. Specialist this week for CLOSED MONDAYS MIAMI'S OLDEST SEAFOOD RESTAURANT — OUR 19th YEAR Makes 2 to 2V4 dozen dumplings. . >, • :.. THREE-WAY *If you don't sift and in the absence of other directions, spoon flour directly from container into a cup dry measure, level off, then.remove two level tablespoonfuls, according* to USDA recommendations. Borsch - CARE SERVICE 1 (2'/2-oz.) can, about 314 1 can condensed cream of CAR cups beets chicken soup

FRONT END ALIGNMENT 1 can condensed consomme 1 clove garlic, optional Cotracted to facloty tpaciltcaUonv C»*tar . . , ' cambar . . , to* In, toaout anglh . . , slaeiine and adtuttatf. Mah«» Macrtns easier Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Mraightar vtopt • . . ends "shimmy anact cylinder*, a™*. Located under our

HuM. Own tmooth. »tlctert J CONDITIONS: Total Family Income Under $3,000 Per Year I Permanent Residence in the United States Wl 7-5661 A symphony in sunshine . . .the Golden Strand Cabana OPEN TO ALL REGARDLESS OF colony . . . 500 feet of golden beach on the Atlantic . '. . Olympic size swimming pool . .. playground and wading RACE, CREED, COLOR OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. pool for the younger set... a challenge for the sports- minded on our 18 hole putting green, shuffleboard Social affairs fare better at court, ping pong table, or on water skiis . . . Health the Everglades. Weddings, Salon with sauna bath. Get that healthy glow this parties, confirmations, club summer at the Golden Strand. gatherings... everything I * • Seven superb banquet and Snack and Liquor Bar on the Pool Deck p ;,.. meeting rooms — even the famous "Roof-with-the-view" I George B. Fitzgerald, Managing Director FORT LAUDERDALE - BROWARO • .Traditional food and service, if required! MAY 1 TO NOVEMBER 1 • Special rates for groups over 40 FOR FORT LAUDERDALE ADVERTISING INFORMATION. CALL GEORGE PETERS. LUdlow 1-1951 . —parking included I UPPER DECK $400 LOWER DECK $450 Call our Charge (/'Affaires (Catering Manager). Fred Schlafly. FR 9-5461. Soon, darling, soon. COLLINS AVE. AT 178th ST., MIAMI BEACH Miramar Clean Town Laundry AT THE NEW In Miramar Shopping Center New 1965 Jel Action f Coin Dry Cleaning Frigidaire Washers I 25c per Ib. - 4 Ib. min.. TV EVERGLADES 12 lbs. 25c I 8 lbs, *1.75 HOTEL 12 Driers, 10 Minutes 10c BISCAYNE BLVD. AT 3rd STREET 6839 Hallandale Beach Blvd. — Tel. 989-9106 APPLIANCES T. James Ennis, Mng. Oir. You Can Help The 6 Famous Makes it lowest Prices it Easy Bank Terms Society of St. Vincent de Paul ? it Guaranteed Services, To Help Others by donating your discarded Superb Italian Cuisine 643 N. Andrews Furniture, Rugs; Appliances', Bedding, FT. LAUDERDALE OPCN SUNDAYS AT 2:00 P.M. j Clothing, Shoes and Miscellaneous Items. JA 3-4337 Lounge Opens 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. PL -4-2431 Any article you may wish to donate will be gladly picked up if you will call 121st Street and Biscayne Blvd. near Broad Causeway Fort Lauderdale, 524-0716, 513 W. Broward Blvd. Hollywood ...... 989-9548, 1090 S.W. 56th Ave. Pompano 942-2242, 2323 No. Dixie Hwy. SHIRLEY DEE LUNCHEON SPECIAL STEAKS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FT. LAUDERDAIE MEAT LOAF SUB HOMES SALAD 2 VEGETABLES SHOP FUNERAL 250 OPA-LOCKA BOULEVARD < • 299 N. FEDERAL HWY. — 3501 W. BROWARD BLVD. TAKE OUT SERVICE JA 2-2811 LU 1-6100 DAN H. FAIRCHILD ESTABLISHED 1930 HAPPY HOUR SEAFOOD TAVERN STITEU? 3G80 CORAL WAY RESTAURANTS C LUNCHEONS ; 8S




Page 26 April 23> 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida URMET GUIDE For the Finest in Dining - \vvvvvTnrvvvvvTi e ya trrn a

THE ONLY ONE 13205 N.W. 7th AVE. JIMMY FAZIO'S PHONE MU 1-5891 For The Best In ... HOUSE OF PRIME RIBS Seafood is great fried. X ITALIAN HOME COOKING 3485 N. Federal Hwy Ft. Lauderdaie Also Try Our PIZZA • FOR THE BEST IN FOOD Grand broiled. NOW . . . The World's Finest NEW ENLARGED DINING ROOM Prime Ribs & Steak, Dinners Divine au gratin. SEATS OVER Cooked Before Your Eyes 200 PEOPLE SERVING 12 NOON TO 4 AM. But hoot, mon! COMPLETE MENU OF . . ITALIAN & AMERICAN Florida's Biggest Entertainment Policy SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES • NOW PLAYING • MIAMI BEACH VISITORS! Have ye tried it Take Julia Tattle Causeway art Nertt-Snttk Expressway te 125tt KENNY GORDON St Exit Turn left to 7t» Ave. ami thm right 7 Mocks te and the BOC III GISI'S. Only 20 minutes away. a la Newburg? — PLUS — Chili wa§n^ TONY MILES HIS PIANO AND TRIO SEVEN • For Your Dancing Pleasure • PILLARS Don't Forget — Open for Luncheons Daily 2727 East Sunrise Blvd. Reservations: Phone 565-4102 or 565-4146 ATEEEF-ABIR THE INTRACOASTAD L Early Diners Special Served 4 'til 6 FULL COURSE DINNERS from I «"ffO POT ROAST OF BEEF with Buttered Noodles BRAISED SHORT RIBS OF BEEF ROAST CHOICE SIRLOIN OF BEEF, ITALIAGIOVANNI'N RESTAURANT, COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND PACKAGSE STORE Au Jus AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT * OUR SPECIALTY * K 1UUH bVMn ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF DAILY FAMILY FRIDAY SPECIAL! LUNCHEON QCo DINNERS SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PLATE $1.00 SEAFEAST 4945 URGE DINING ROOM - SEA9^T 200# - ALSOUP Wine Special With Dinner CARRY-OUT SERVICE — PLENTY FREE PARKING 65c Bottle 1005 N.W. 79th Street 731-6243 739-9443 LIQUOR SERVED AFTER 1 P.M. ON SUNDAY BUFFET ^ 1 OPEN 7 DAYS 11:30 A.M. TO 1 A.M.— Featuring LOBSTER KING CRAB SHRIMP SCAMPI SPECIAL! If ye haven't, mon, may we suggest you order a Newburg dish SNAPPER CRAB MEAT AU GRATIN SNACK-SACK next time you're dining at a New England Oyster House. This 2 Pieces Chicken, French Fries, Roll & Drink, Served 10:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Monday thru Friday. mixed-ancestry gourmet delight originally came from Newburgh, PIUS OUR REGULAR MENU SERVE7D EVER5T DAY Scotland (by way of some of the greatest French chefs). It blends CUiCWW 10:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 9715 N.E. 2nd AVE. Specialize in wedding receptions Kentucky Fried Chicken a luscious, rich pure cream sauce with sherry wine. The result and buffet parties ) 3 PIECES CHICKEN, FRENCH FRIES, $ Hors D'Oeuvres $5 per 100 J COLONEL SAWDER'S COLE SLAW, GRAVY AND HOT ROLL is heavenly. You can order delectable Alaskan king crab a la Decorated Par+y Sandwich $1 Doz.j 1— mRECIPE IMMEDIATE SERVICE j PL 7-6031 PL 1-4835 wJ FISH DINNER $1.00 Newburg. Or shrimp, crabmeat, Florida or Maine Jobster. Ummm. SHRIMP DINNER $1.25 We envy you the opportunity to try each for the first time. Of the FRENCH FRIES, COLE SLAW OYSTER DINNER $1.25 twenty-seventh. One good Newburg dish leads to another. FRENCH FRIES, COLE SLAW SEAFOOD PLATTER Incidentally, New England Oyster House prices are Scotch, too.' 2 SCALLOPS, 2 SHRIMP, 2 OYSTERS, *| 4E iXa FISH FILLET. CRAB CAKE * ' PERRINE-16915 U.S. 1 CHICKEN LIVER DINNER $1.25 CORAL GABLES-280 Alhambra Circle FRENCH FRIES, COLE SLAW MIAM1-3906 N.W. 36th Street CHICKEN GIZZARD DINNER $1.25 NORTH MIAMI-12727 Biscayne Boulevard FRENCH FRI£S, COLE SLAW BUCKET O' FISH $3.95 DANIA-760 Dania Boulevard 5 ORDERS OF FISH, COLE SLAW, TARTAR SAUCE FT. LAUDERDALE (North)-2870 E.Sunrise Boulevard BUCKET O' SHRIMP $5.20 FT. LAUDERDALE (South)-900 S.W. 24th Street (Rt. 84) 30 SHRIMP, HOT SAUCE, COLE SLAW, HOT ROLLS POMPANO-3100 N. Federal Highway WEST PALM BEACH-7400 South Dixie Highway

National Shrine of the N.W. 7th AVENUE and 119th STREET Immaculate Conception OPEN DAILY 10:30 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. MU 5-1891 DANIA STORE Dixie H'way. S.W. 4th Ave. 927-1769 Our Nation's Tribute to Mary SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE VOICE

April 23, 1965 THE VOICE , Miami, Florida Page 27 LEGION OF DECENCY FILM RATINGS A I — FILMS MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR GENERAL PATRONAGE FRIDAY, APRIL 23 (Morally Objectionable In Part For 4:30 p.m. (4) - The FBI Story 8 15 a.m. (12) — Background to Dan- Atragon Incredible Journey •Secret of Magic Island All) NO REASON GIVEN (Part Two) (Family) • Boy Ten Feet Tall Indian Paint •Sergeant Was a Lady ger (Adults, Adol.) 2:30 a.m. (12) — Same as 8:15 a.m. 6 p.m. (10) — Ride Lonesome (Fam- Capture That Capsule Island- of the Blue nSnake Woman 9 a.m. (4) — The Good Humor Man WESH 4:30 a.m. (12) — Same as 11:40 p.m. ily) Circus World Dolphins " I Son of Captain Blood (Family) - SUNDAY, APRIL 25 9 p.m. (7 and 5) — Cry Terror Cheyenne Autumn Law of the Lawless Sound of Music 9 20 a.m. (10) — The Deadly Kiddle (Daytona-Orlando) 7 a.m. (12) _ case Of The HowUng (Adults) Dear Brigitte Lively Set, The Starfighters, The (No Glass.) Dog (No Rating Given) 9 p.m. (2) — Warning From Space" Dimka Magic Fountain, The Summer Holiday 9:45 a.m. (12) — Hideout (Adults, WTVJ 8 a.m. (5) — Miracle On 34th Street (No Rating Given) Disorderly Orderly. The Man From Button Swingin' Maiden. The Adol.) (Morally Objectionable In Part For 11:20 p.m. <41) — shack Out On Dream Maker, The Willow Sword- of Ali Baba 10:30 p.m. (10) — King's Row (Part ear All) REASON - Reflects the ac- 101 (Morally Objectionable In Part Dtike Wore Jeans. The Mara of the Wilderness Tattooed Foiiee Horse II) (Adults, Adol.) WPTV For All) REASON — Suggestive Earth Dies Screaming,' Mary Poppins Thief of Baghdad 4:30 p.m. (4) — Double Or Nothing ceptability of divorce. The Master Spy Tiger Walks, A (West Palm Beach) 12 a.m. (7) - Medusa Against The dialogue and situations. East Of Sudan IVfurder Ahoy? Those Callaways (Adults, Adol.) Son Ol Hercules (No Bating Given) 11:30 p.m. (4) - Behind The Mask Ernll and the My Fair Lady Train, The 6 p.m. (10) — (Adults, WCKT 12 a.m. (5) _ Under Fire (Family) (Adults. Adol.) Detectives Murder Most Foul Topo Glgio Adol.) I p.m. (7) _ one Of Our Aircraft 11:30 p.m. (12) — The Scarf (Adults, Father Goose My Son. the Hero Truth About 7 p.m. (7) -^ Franci3 Goes To The WLBW oflil Is Missing (Family) Adol.) Perry Cross The Mvsterious Island Spring, The Races (Family) 3 p.m. (4) - Suez (Adults. Adol.) 1 a.m. (10) — Ride Lonesome (Fam- Mersey Nikki, Wild Dog Unearthly Stranger 11:20 p.m. (11) — Gin In The 3:30 p.m. (12) - Luxury Liner (Fam- ily) F.B.I. Code 98 of the North Valleys of the Dragons Woods (No Class.) WINK CD 1:20 a.m. (12) — Same as 8:15 a.m. Finest Hours, The One Man's Way Von Ryan's Express 11:30 p.m. (4) — The Golden Hawk First Men in the Moon Only One New York War Party (Fort 5 p.m. (io) — Beyond The Forest Wednesday ' Fluffy Operation Crossbow When the Clock (Merally Objectionable In Part For Myers) (Morally Objectionable In Part For 3:10 a.m. (12) — Same "*. 9:45 Gladiators Seven Outlaws Is Coming. Strikes All) REASON — Suggestive situa- Ail) NOTICE — The classification a.m. Wednesday Golden Arrow, The The Wild and the tions; light treatment of mar- WEAT fB of this film has been changed from 4:30 a.m. (12) — same as 1, "*$ii. Greatest Story Ever Patsy. The Wonderful riage. C — Contemned (1949) to B-Moral- Wednesday . ~ Told, The Purple HiUs You Have To Rur> Fast 1 a.m. (10) — Same as 6 p.m. (West Palm Beach) Honeymoon Machine Rhino Zebra in the Kitchen Friday ly objectionable In Part For All THURSDAY, APRIL 29 Hercules; Samson Revisions made in this film are 8:15 a.m. (12) — Two Smart People and Ulysses 1:20 a.m. (12) — Same as 8:15 a.m. deemed sufficient to remove in a (Adults, Adol.) Friday 4:30 p.m. (4) — Hostages (Adults, substantial manner, the original ob- 9 a.m. (4) — The Big Hangover A n — MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR 3:10 a.m. (12 — Same as 9:45 a.m. Adol.) jection of the Legion of Decency (Adults. Adol.) ADULTS AND ADOLESCENTS Friday- 4:30 p.m. (7) — The Manster (Adults, Beyond the Forest, 'however, still 9:30 a.m. (10) - Execution Night (No 4:30 a.m. (12) — Same as 11:30 p.m. Adol.) contains suggestive costuming and Rating Given) Act One Gordon, The 633 Squadron Friday situations. Adventures of Horror of It All, The Suitor, The 4:30 p.m. (10) - Key Largo (Adults, 9:45 a.m. (12) - The Match King Scaraniouche Ivanhoe Donaldson Stagecoach to SATURDAY, APRIL 24 Adol.) 5 p.m. '(4) _ Geronimo (Family) (No Rating Given) And Suddenly It's Lord Jim Thunder Rock 7 30 a.m. (5) — Miraculous Journey 9 p.m. (7) — Annie Get Your Gun 9 p.m. (5) _ The Naked Edge 12:30 p.m. (10) - Life Begins At Murder - Major Dundee Stop Train 319 from (Family) (Adults, Adoi.) (Adults, Adol ) 17 (Adults) Art o£ Love Masquerade Berlin 8 a.m. (7) — Whistling In Brooklyn 10:30 p.m. (10) — And Then There II p.m. (11) - Flat Top (Family) 4:30 p.m. (4) — Barricade (Morally Back Door To Hell Mister Moses Taggarrtt (Family) Were None (Adults, Adoi.) 11:15 p.m. (4) - Imitation of Life Objectionable In Part For AU) Bandits of Orgosolo Moro Witch Doctor Taxi ffor Tobruk 8:15 a.m. (12) — Hard To Handle 11:15 p.m. (4) - Pat And Mike (Adults) REASON — Excessive brutality. Beach Blanket Bingo Naked Bridge Thundehd r Island (Adults. Adol.) 11:20 p.m. (5) — The Wide. Blue Black Spurs Naked Edge Thirty-Six Hours (No Rating Given) 4:30 p.m. (7) — You're My Every- Blood on the Arrow Night Walker, The Trunk. The 1 p.m. (5) — Down To The Sea In 11:25 p.m. (5) - Ballad Of A Sol- Road (No Rating Given) thing (Family) Bullet for a Badman No My Darling Twenty Plus Two Space (No Rating Given) dier (Adults, Adol.) 11:30 p.m. (7) - The Grapes Of 4 p.m. (10) — Abbott And Costolio Cavern, The Daughter Unsinkable Molly 1 p.m. (2) — Duel In Space (No 11:40* p.m. (12) — The Big Night Wrath (Adults, Adol.) In The Navy (No Rating Given) Convict Stage One Potato, Two Brown Rating Given) (Family) 1 a.m. (12) — same as 7 a.m. 7 p.m. (7) — Run For Cover (Moral- Crack In The World Potato Voice of the 1 p.m. y (4) — The Astounding She 12:30 p.m. (10) — House Of Frank- Sunday ly Objectionable In Part For AU) arse of the Fly One Way Pendulum Hurricane Monster (No Rating Given) enstein (Morally Objectionable In 3:10 a.m. (12) - Same as 3:30 p.m. REASON — Reflects the accept- ark Purpose Point of Order Walk A Tight Rope 2:30 p.m. (7) — Lady From Louisi- Part For All) REASON — Exces- Sunday ability of divorce. - : ivil Ship Pirates, The Quick' Gun Walk Into Hell ana (Adults, Adol.) sive gruesomeness. The immorality 4:30 a.m. (12) - Same as 11:40 11:20 p.m. (11) — Sea Tiger (Adults. _.stant Trumpet King of Treason Walls of Hell 2:30 p.m. (2) - El Paso (Morally of a sympathetic character's enter- p.m. Sunday Adol.) Dr. Blood's Coffin Roustabout War is Hell Objectionable In Part For All) taining the intention to murder is 11:30 p.m. (4) — Angels In The Ensign Pulver Scream of Fear Weekend With Lulu not indicated. The killing, however, MONDAY, APRIL 26 Evil of Frankenstein Seance On A Wet Witchcraft REASON — Insufficient Moral 8:15 a.m. (12) — Calling Dr. Kil- Outfield (Family) Fall Safe Afternoon World of Henry Compensation. subsequently occurs under circum- dare (Adults, Adol.) 11:30 p.m. (12) — Back In Circula- Fiances, The Secret of Blood Island Orient. The 2:40 p.m. (5) — Undying Monster stances of self-defense. 9 a.m. (4) _ stage Struck (Adults, tion (Adults, Adol.) Frankenstein Meets Secret Door, The Young Doctors (Adults. Adol.) 1:15 a.m. (12) — Idiot's Delight Adol.) 1 a.m. (10) - Abbott And Costello The Spaceman Your Cheatin' Heart 9:30 a.m. (io) — Ellie (No Rating In The Navy (No Rating Given) GoUath and the Shock Treatment Given) " 1:20 a.m. (12) — Same as 8:15 a.m. Island of Vampires Sing and Swing 9:45 a.m. (12) — Flowing Gold Thursday Guns of Darkness (Adults, Adol.) 3:10 a.m. (12) — Same as 9:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. (10) - An Angel From Thursday A III — MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR ADULTS Texas (Family) 4:30 a.m. (12) — Same as 11:30 Ada Goldfinger Panic in Year Zero 4:30 p.m. (4) — Raton Pass (Moral- p.m. Thursday Andy Great War, The, Rage To Live, A ly Objectionable In Part For All) FRIDAY, APRIL 30 Ape Woman, The Guest, The Season of Passion REASON — Low moral tone. 8:15 a.m. (12) — Jumping For Joy Armored Command Guns at Batasi Secret Invasion 4:30 p.m. (7) - Perfect Strangers (No Rating Given) Bay of the Angels, The Horror Castle Seduced and (Morally Objectionable In Part For 9 a.m. (4) — Doctor Rhythm (Fam- Bebo's Girl Hustler. The Abandoned All) REASON — Reflects the ac- ily) Becket How To Murder Snip of Fools ceptability of divorce. Bedtime Story Your Wife Signpost To Murder 9 A.M. 9:30 a-m. (10) — Explosion (No Billy Liar Hush. Hush, Sweet Slave Trade in the TELEVISION IHIC SACKED HEART PROGRAM - 6 p.m. (io) — Rating Given) Buddha Charlotte World Today WGMA (Hollywood) (Adujta, Adol.) 9:45 a.m. (12) — It's Tough To Be Bus Riley's Back Hysteria Soft Skin, The 7 p.m. (7) - Camille (Adults, Adol.) Famous (No Rating Given) in Town II Bidone Susan slade (Sunday) 9 A. M. 11:20 p.m. (11) - security (No Rat- 12:30 p.m. (10) — Four Wives (Adults, Cartouche I Saw What You Did Strange Bedfellows THE HOUR OF THE CRUCIFIED .— ing Given) Strait-Jacket 9 A.M. Adol.) Claudelle Inglish Invitation to a WZZZ, 1515 Kc. (Boynton Beach) 11:30 p.m. C4) - Indiscretion Of An 4:40 p.m. (4) — The Prince Of Code 7, Victim 5 Gunfighter Symphony for a I'l'XAMKiO — Ch. 7, WCKT - Span- American Wife (Adults, Adol.) Pirates (Morally Objectionable • In Come September Killers. The Massacre ish - language inspiration discourse.* 9:05 A.M. 11:30 p.m. (12) — Bullets Or Bal- Couch, The Lipstick Synanon CATHOLIC NEWS — WIRK. 1290 Kc. Part For All)' REASON - Light Crooked Road, The Luck of Ginger Thdn Red Line 9:15 A. M. (West Palm Beach) — Present- lots (Adults, Adol.) treatment of marriage. Die, Die, My Darling Coffey, The Third Secret. The IKE SACRED HEART PROGRAM - ed by Father Cyril Schweinberg. 1 a.m. (io) - Chicago Confidential 4:30 p.m. (7) — Wolf Larsen (Adults) Don't Tempt the Devil Mall-Order Bride WPTV, Ch. S, West Palm Beach — C.P., retreat director. Our Lady of (Adults, Adol.) 4 p.m. (10) — Race Street (Adults. Eyes o£ Annie Jones. Man Who Couldn't Three Penny Opera Father John E. Curley of the New Florida Passionist Retreat House. 1:20 a.m. (12) — Same as 8:15 a.m. Adol.) The Walk Topkapi Orleans Jesuit Missionaries, will North Palm Beach.* Monday. 7 p.m. (7) — Abbott And Costello Face in the Rain Money, Money, Money Torpedo Bay speak on the mercy of God. 9:30 A.M. 3:10 a.m. (12) - Same as 9:45 a.m. Meet The Killer (Family) ; Facj-S of Murder My Wife's Husband To Bed or Not to Bed I'HE HOUR OF THE CRUCIFIED - Monday - 7 p.m. (5) — The Way To The Stars Fargo Naked Kiss Two On A GutHottne WIRA. UO0 Kc, FM 954 Kg. (Forl 4:30 a.m. (12) - Same as 11:30 p.m. (No Rating Given) Flight From Ashlya Nightmare in the Sun Umbrellas of Cherbourg THE CHRISTOPHERS — Ch. 5, WPTV Monday For Those Who Th'tik Nothing But A Han Very Special Favor, A West Palm Beach Pierce) 11:25 p.m. (11) — Rogue River Young One Plus One . Young Cassldy TUESDAY, APRIL 27 "Morally Objectionable In Part ITor Youngblood Hawke 11 A.M. 10 A.M. Genghis Khan Outrage, The THE CHURCH AMD THE WORLD CATHOLIC NEWS AND VIEWS - 8:15 a.m. (12) _ Gold Is Where You All) REASON — Suicide In Plot Global Affair Panic Button Young Lovers, The WHEW. 1600 Kc. Riviera Beach — Find It (Family) Solution. TODAY — Ch. 7, WCKT - Father 9 a.m. (4) _ Artists And Models 11:30 p.m. (12) — Sterling Metal Rene H. Gracida, secretary of the Local news of churches in the area (No Rating Given) A IV — MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR , Diocesan Building Commission, will of the Palm Beaches, Diocesan Abroad (Adults, Adol.) news, general Church news and 9:30 a.m. ( io) - The Empty Room 11:30 p.m. (4) — Last Of The Buc- ADULTS, WITH RESERVATIONS Speak on "The Christian Altar."* (No Rating Given) caneers (Family) 11:30 A.M. editorial comment by Father Cyril 1 a.m. (10) - Race Street (Adults. (An A-IV Classification is given to certain films, which while not MASS FOR SHUT-INS — Ch. 10 Schweinberg, o. P., retreat direc- 9:45 a.m. (]2> - Men In White morally offensive in themselves, require caution and some analysis and tor, our Lady of Florida Passion- (Morally Objectionable In Part For Adol.) explanation as j» projection to the uninformed against-wrong inter- WLBW-TV." ist Retreat House. North Palm All) NO REASON GIVEN 1:20 a.m. (12) — Same as 8:15 a.m. ns- and false conclusions.) 12 P.M. Beach.* 12:30 p.m. (10) — Back In Circula- TII1S CHRISTOPHERS — Cll. 2. WESH tion (Adults, Adol.) 3:10' a.m. (12) — Same as 9:45 Adam and- Eve Important Alan Pumpkin Eater, The TV (Daytona-Orlando) 10:15 A.M. 4:30 p.m. (4) - The FBI Story (Part a.m. Friday Advise and Consent Intruder Red Desert HE HOUR OF ST. FRANCIS — 4:30 a.m. (12) - Same as 11:30 p.m. L-Shaped Room Servant, The WNOG (Naples) One) (Family) r La Dolce Vita Sky Above andLthe (Tuesday) 4:30 p.m. (7) — Sierra Baron (Fam- Friday of Dr. Laurent Long Day's Journey Mud Below, The 5 P.M. .e of Deception . Into Night Storm Center 10 P.M. THAT I MAY SEE (REPEAT) - 6 p.m. (io) _ 3in Town (Morally from 5 to 7 Love a La Carte Strangers in the City MAN-TO-MAN — WTHS. Ch. 2 — WINK 1240 K.C. (Fort MveM) Re- Objectionable In Part For AU) World, The Martin Luther Suddenly, Last Summer Inter-faith panel discussion with a broadcast of TV instruction dis- REASON - Sympathy is created Apologies Demanded ' , The Marriage, Italian Style Taboos of the World priest, a minister and a rabbi. course.* for wrong doing. •• —^ Experte"": Mondo Cane This Sporting Life Moderator: Luther C. Pierce, mem- LONDON (NO — Three la- Never Take Candy Tom Jones ber of Ch. 2 program committee. COS P.M. 8 p.m. (4) - I Want You (Adult. Divorce, Italian Style From a Stranger Too Young to Love CATHOLIC NEWS — WGBS, 710 Kc. Adol.) borite members of Parliament Dr. Strange" Nothing But the Best Victim — 96.3 FM — Summary ot interna- 11:20 p.m. (11) - Seven Angry Men Easy Life. ' Nutty, Naughty Walk On the Wild (Friday) tional Catholic news from NCWC (Family) have demanded apologies from Eclipse Chateua, The Side Catholic News Service and South 11:30 p.m. (4) — The Fuller Brush Freud Organizer. The Yellow Rolls Royce «:3» A.M. Florida Catholic News from The Girl (Adults, Adol.) the British Broadcasting Cor- Girl of the Night Pressure Point Willing, The GIVE US THIS DAY — WLBW-TV, Voice.* 11:30- p.m. (12) — The Green Glove Girl with the Zorba, the Greek Ch. 10 — Father Charles Malley, (Adults, Adol.) poration because of a television Green Eyes C.SS.R.' 7:30 p. M. 1 a.m. (10) - Sin Town (Morally THE HOUR OF THE CRUCIFIED — Objectionable In Part For AH) program that poked fun at the B — MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE IN PART FOR ALL . WWIL. 1580 Kc. (Port Lauderd3'e). REASON - Sympathy is created Catholic Church's position on RADIO 10 P M for wrong doing. Abuses. Les I'll Take Sweden Raiders From Beneath THE HOCK OF ST. FRANCIS — 1:20 a.m. (12) - Same as 8:15 a.m. birth control. ; In Harm's Way \ The Sea (Saturday) WKAT. 1340 Kc. Tuesday John Gotdfarb, Please Sex And The Single 3:10 a.m. (12) - Same as 9:45 a.m. Come Home Girl 4 P.M. The comedy sketch appeared fBattle Joy House Small World of MKN AND GQD - WMIE, 1140 Kc. - (Daily) Tuesday of the Living Lone Ships, The Sammy Lee, The Spanish . religious program present- 4:30 a.m. (12) - Same as 11:30 p.m. on a show. entitled "Not So Looking For Love Soldier in the Rain ed by Corpus Christ! Church. Tuesday Diary of a Bachelor Love on the Riviera Station Six Sahara 5:35 A.M. WEDNESDAY, APRIL M Much a Program, More a Way of a Love, The Italian Way Strangler, The SERMON OF THE DAY - WIOD 8:15 a.m. (12) — Slim (Family) Love Has Many Faces Sunday In New York (Sunday) 610 k.c. - April 24-30; Father 9 a.m. (4) — A Certain Smile of Life," Britain's sequel to Man In the Middle Sylvia Joseph L. Cliff,* (Adults) Devil and The Ten Masque of the Red Tiara Tahiti 6 A.M. "That Was the Week That Commandments Time Travelers, The j THE CHRISTOPHERS - WGMA 1320 9:30 a.m. (10) — End Of A Gun Devils of Darkness Night Must Fall Under Age J Kc. (Holly WO00T (* — Denotes presenta- (No Rating Given) Was." It depicted a Catholic Fort Courageous No Greater Sin Vice And Virtue 9:45 a.m. (12) — The Nuisance (No Girl Happy, Of Human Bondage What A Way To Go tions of Radio and Televi- Rating Given) priest talking to a, slovenly Girls On The Beacn Palm Springs Weekend- Who's Been Sleeping • THE SACRED HEART PROGRAM - 12:30 p.m. (10) — Escape In The He Rides Tall Pleasure Seekers. The in My Bed ! WGBS. 710 Kc. 96.3 FM sion Commission, Diocese Desert (Adults, Adol.) women parishidner' •with~40 chil- Honeymoon Hotel Psyche 59 Why Bother To Knock 4:30 p.m. (7) — Terror On a Train Horror of Party Beach Quick Befor It Mets Young Dillinger I <:0S A.M. of Miami.) (Family) dren. • '"•••" ' House Is Not A Home, Racing Fever Zombie THE SACRED HEART PROGRAM — A : WFBG 1300 KC. (Marathon) ' 6:30 A.M. THAT I MAY SEE (REPEAT) — CONDEMNED ! WGBS. 710 Kc.: 96.3 FM — Re- broadcast of TV instruction dis- Affair of the Skin, An Lady Chatterly's Lover Port of Desire course.* And God Created Law, The Pot Bouille EYE GLASSES Woman Les Liaisons 4:30 A.M. Baby Doll Dangereuses (Lovers of ) Balcony, The Let's Talk About Prime Time THE SACRED HEART PROGRAM - Bed of Grass, Women Private Property WHEW 1400 Kc. (Riviera Beach) "CL BeU'Antonio Liane, Jungle Goddess Question of Adultery ? A.M. ~ athless Love Game Saturday Night and Love Goddesses Sunday Morning '• THE HOUR OF THE CRUCIFIED - Love on a Pillow Savage Eye i WIRK. 1290 He. (West Palm Circle of Love Lovers, The Seven Capital Sins ! Beach). CoW Wind In August Mademoiselle Striptease Silence, The WJNO. 1230 Kc. (West Palm Family Optical Service Come Dance With Me Magdalena Sins of Mona Kent Beach). Maid in Paris Smiles of a WHEW, 1600 Kc. (Riviera Bea=>i) SoSfKS , ; Mating Urge Summer Night 7:15 A.M. Miller's Beautiful Wife Sweet and Sour : THE SACRED HEART PROGRAM — • Glasses Fitted and Made On The Premises Empty Canvas Mistress for the Tales of Paris : WIRK, 1290 Kc. (West Palm Beach). Expresso Bongo Summer, A Temptation : Five Day Lover Mitsou Third Sex 7:30 A.M. • Prescriptions Filled • Lenses Duplicated Girl With the Molesters, The To Love . THE SACRED HEART PROGRAM - Golden Eyes Mom and Dad Too Young, Too WFLM-FM, 105.9 Me. (Fort Laud- • Sun Glasses • Contact Lenses • Frames Replaced Green Carnation Mondo Pazzo erdale). Green Mare Moon Is Blue, The Trials of Oscar Wilde Heroes and Sinners My Life To Live Truth, The : 8:30 A.M. I Am a Camera Nude Otfyssey, The Viridiana ! THE HOUR OP ST. FRANCIS - 3 LOCATIONS - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I Love, You Love Odd Obsession War of the Buttons WCCF (Port Charlotte) Image of Love Of Wayward Love Wasted Lives and The 8:35 A.M. • SOUTHWEST . WEST MIAMI "40 c. .i w. o . z.^.,* Ph. 226-9811 Joan of the Angels? Oscar Wilde Birth of Twins — NBC-RADIO CATHOLIC HOUR — r y ( PP Jules and Jim. , Passionate Summer Weekend ; WIOD. 610 K.C. 97.3 FM Knife in the Water Playgirl After Dark Woman In The Dunes L'Avventura Women of the World ! 8:45 A.M. • HOLLYWOOD - NORTH DADE 44,5 H..lyw..d B.Vd. (H.iiyw..d) Ph. 987-2100 CNdght) Please, Not Now! THE HOUR OF ST. FRANCIS - WJCM (Sebriog) • MIAMI -HfAjLEAH NW- 62nd at LeJeune Rd. (840 E. 9th Si. - Hialeah) Ph. 885*2724 9 A.M. (Please clip and saye this list. It will be published periodically.) : IHAT 1 MAY SEE (FM REPEAT) - Daily 9:30 am 5 pm Saturday AMPLE WFLM-FM 105.9 FM (Fort Lauiler- HOIIDt FOD All ? IflfATIflll^- - - [ dale) — FM rebroadcast of TV in- struction discourse.* niiUKJ rUK ALL 3 LUvAIIUnj. Eves. MM. & Fri. 5 p.m. - 8n.m. 9 to 1 p.m. Page 28 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Why Do Good Movies Sometimes Flop? TODAY'S GREATEST TIRE ECONOMY By WILLIAM H. MOORING is strong in New York and Bos- ; HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — For ton?" donkey's years this column has QUESTIONS DUAL RADIUS argued that the Catholic press, "Is Washington D.C. too with its millions of readers, Only later, when it dawned few weeks back, now is catch- Southern? Too small to sup- should get behind worthwhile, upon the national press that ing well-deserved space in our port a serious, nonspectacular? FULL CAPS little.films that are cold-shoul- Too .weary of the race prob- Sidney Poitier's character had Catholic newspapers. While this ,1*1 dered by the national movie a significant bearing upon the may be partly due to current lem?" These are timely ques- 520x13 critics. escalating Civil Rights situation, press emphasis upon Civil tions. 560x13 More than one such film has did the picture get a real break Rights in the South (the story I know very little about movie 590x13 flopped miserably, when it in our daily newspapers. deals with the anguish suffered, tastes in Washington, D.C. I 600x13 might have soared to well-de- COMMUNITY at the hands of blacks and think I know something about 620x12 served success, if the Catholic When I first reviewed it (fa- whites, by a negro couple in the psychology of film distribu- press and people had started vorably) some readers protest- the South), this press interest tors, theater hookers and pub- 750x14 e 650x14 tly—^ecessary updraft to get it licity men. ed hotly that no community of in a comparatively small movie, 560x15 -;<£ e ground. 4 Full Ply-1st Line nuns ever would entertain a represents to me the breaking They shy from the slightest 560x14 e 500x14 of ice. 650x13 There was the artistically man in their parlor. You could public resistance; have BO idea And Premium Only beautiful biography of St. Vin- 640x15 almost hear some of them add If social controversy involving how to overcome the most un- WITH NEW TIRE 670xt5 cent de Paul, "Monsieur Vin- a moral issue has a place on reasonable public apathy. "particularly a negro". GUARANTEE 700x13 cent". tiie movie screen, religious dif- 700x14 I had an answer because I I suspect that the relative = There was "Never Take No ferences of • opinion should pre- They are wider, once spent a whole evening in failure, there in Washington, of s Fcr An Answer", in which a sent no impediment either. And heavier, more punc- a St. Paul convent parlor, talk- "Nothing But a Man," is due, ture resistant and 710x15 , .little Italian boy, encouraged the pictures I mentioned earli- ing with the^nuns about movies! not to public suspicion that the , safer than brand 800x14 by an American G.I. managed er, as well as many others, new "2 ply As you know, once "Lilies of picture is inflammatory, but to' 600x16 • to visit the Pope, to appeal for were cold-shouldered because of cheapies" the Field" was fairly publiciz- the cold failure of the Wash- 850x14 his work-mate (a donkey!) a religious or semi-religious GUARANTEED ed, it went on to make mil- ington critics to explain to their 135x380 iThere was "Marcellino", an- content. IN WRITING 145x380 lions/ at least one of which readers that here is an artistic- IS MONTHS - other boy story of great, deep Kathleen Carmody, in "The ally fine movie, in temper humor. enriches Poitier. More impor- 15,000 MILES tantly, however, this acclaim Catholic Standard", Washington, transcendent over the racial an- Against tread wear, all road More recently there was Ed- hazards (commercial ase, first began in the Catholic D.C. asks "just why 'Nothing gers which embarrass or fright- station wagons a*d nis- 760x15 w a r d Dmytryk's "Reluctant But a Man' didn't click with en so many good citizens to- alignment excepted). Deduct 900x14 Saint", serio-comic tale of St. 3,000 miles off guarantee n Washington audiences, though it day. 13" and 14" tires. All tire 950x14 Joseph of Cupertino. Poitier, of course, won last adjustments are prorated for 800x15 year's best acting Oscar. Lilia months or mites kased H 020x15 These — and many others — sales price prevailing. were relative failures here be- Skala, who so beautifully play- ROOF COATING cause some critics and most ed the Mother Superior, got an CAP YOUR TIRES OR EXCHANGE WHITEWALLS $1 ADDITIONAL I theater brokers, unable to clas- Oscar bid as best supporting Plus Fed. Tax 43c to Etc per tire and recappableexchange . If no exchange add sify them or prejudge their po- actress. ONLY OBENOUR'S EXCLUSIVE $2.00 for 14" tire. $2 Mr 13" tires art $3 for is" tires. No mounting charge. tential, public appeal, passed The film itself was given an PAN-AMERICAN TIRE CO them over. Academy nomination among the FORMULA HAS 38 YEARS MAIN STORE: 1450 N. MIAMI AVENUE Believe it or not, Ralph Nel- five best motion pictures of the Check your phone book tor the store year! EXPERIENCE BEHIND IT! son's fabulous little "Lilies of nearest you and stop in today. the Field" almost did a similar Another relatively small, but TOPS IN LASTING v pancake act. The first critiques excellently produced film, QUALITY and SERVICE... mentioned that it was about "Nothing But a Man", favor- ; some nuns! ably reviewed in my columns a


May Hit Local TV Stations • WATER-PROOF, HEAT-REFLECTING By WILLIAM H. MOORING • SEALS, PROTECTS TILE, 8RAVEL, ASBESTOS SHM6LES How many can endure the • EXCLUSIVE OBENOUR FORMULA, FINEST MATERIAL agony of mind (How much does HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Mar- • BEAUTIFUL, LIGHT-FAST, NEVER FLAKES OR CHALKS it profit society at this time?) HANDLE THE shall Flaum is one fellow who • GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS WITH 5 YEAR WARRANT! inflicted by the sight of wasted TOUGH JOBS does not easily take "No" for bodies being carted from gas an answer. chambers or walled-in ghettos, FREE ESTIMATES • TERMS EASY! When the big networks said on hand trucks? GEO. OBENOUR JR. & SONS, Inc. QUICK! "No" to a couple of grim pic- (ESTABLISHED 1926) Quality Service For 39 Years 20 tures he had made, he started Whether such horrors still SMOOTH! W^ " **> •dealing with local stations. This should be pushed before our 7352 N. Miami Avenue faces in our own living rooms, CUTTING WIDTH means you may very well see PL 7-2612 and PL 7-7861 Yazoo's new Power Mowers for 1965 ore better than ever. his two grisly documentaries, if is an open question. Presumably Many improvements hove been added to increase performonce you have not already done so, the networks decided "No." and durability. The Rugged •Rider* mow up to 15 acres a day via your hometown channel. Most people are fully aware of — quick and eosy. Rear-wheel steering gives excellent and indelibly appalled by his- maneuverability for close, fast cutting. This year there are 5 sizes in the big riders and one is bound to be . One, titled "Let My People toric Nazi barbarism. Still there perfect for your cutting needs, Yazoo's Original Big Wheel Go," has in it more heart-rend- remains a weighty public im- Mowers roll eosily on irregular and rough turf. Won't scalp ing, horrific shots of the Hitler pression that we must suffer or gouge and works smoothly on bonks and terraces. The atrocities than have ever before constant reminders, lest we for- push-type big wheels are as eosy to handle as a baby carriage. Also available in self-propelled models. been allowed on the screens — BONDED LAWN SPRAY SERVICE ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION theater or fireside. So Marshall Flaum turned to Lawn, Tree-Spraying and Fertilizing SERVICE V other, "Battle of Brit- the local TV stations. Both his Flagler Street North to Broward County Line INC. ain" is no tea-party piece eith- MAC'S LAWN MOWER Guaranteed Chinch Bug Control er, or so says my English- films were shown over KTTV 3709 W. Flagler St. HI 8-1869 born girl-friend. in Los Angeles within two days Phone PL 1-0147 (April 8 and 10.) The same Most of Flaum's material 321 N.E. 116th Street, Miami method may be adopted, coast came from the amazing library mmmmmmmmmmmmi Save with the Leader — of "real life" film collected by to coast. David Wolper. Flaum also came Having taken the full hour by some extra grim stuff pick- of "Let My People Go" (I chick- FRANK LUISI ed up in Europe. ened out of "Battle of Britain," Sales Manager having too many memories of The network people had my own), I promise, you that • • • doubts and I do not wonder! a more pungent documentary of Right enough none of us should its type may never come your St. James Parish ever be allowed to forget what way. But I warn you. It is very hatred can do to the minds and hard to take, especially hard, souls of men. The question was perhaps, for those whose sons — and is — how many families, and daughters must now face even as late as 9 or 10 p.m., Communist cruelty and-barbar- Tropical Chevrolet can stomach such reminders on ism in such hot spots as Viet- 8880 Biscayne Blvd. PL 4-7551 their home TV? nam. April 23, 1965 . THE VOICE Miami, Florida Pane 29 ffEROES of CHRIST... BY AL WARE The Question Box Bishop Chd This Time The Readers DeMazenocf DUST AND 1782- iee>i BLINDNESS Give The Answers By MSGR. J. D. CONWAY

THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH (Here are some excerpts from letters I have received about changes in the liturgy. They are not selected; simply taken in They are the children bf Arab refugees who order from the top of the huge stack.) lost their homes, farms, schools, and hospitals as a result of a cruel war 17 years ago-. There The changes' in the' Mass are W7M 7Tf£fi1077O KmP/^SiQV desire to carry this message of is little these children can do to'help them- great. They bring out the real selves if we, who can, do not help them now. love into my daily life at home THE DUST meaning of what the priest is FLIES THICK Take Eid, a dark haired seven year old. He will and at work. ON THE be blind as long as he lives. .'- . To give him doing . . . not just making mo- GAZA STRIP, sight is beyond the power of medical science. tions at the altar and speaking These changes have made me AND As an adtilt he will live by touch and taste and realize more than anything else //V /326, sound. What will become of him? He need not in a language we do not under- HUNDREDS be a beggar on the streets, ragged, dusty, and stand. He is asking us to join that I must change myself . . . OF CHILDREN GAVE fe mMffya>ML helpless. Af the Pontifical Mission Center for THERE ARE with him at that sacrifice in our trie Blind he.can learn to read in Braille, learn • • • SOC/STY, BLINDED own language. a trade, prepare himself for a useful life. To A few—months ago I would IN INFANCY make room for* Eid and children Kke him of all have been in complete agree- BY • • • ages, the Pontifical Center needs additional ment with all the complaints CONJUNCTIVITIS classroom space, equipment and facilities. The I am just one of the millions concerning the English Mass. * OR Holy Father asks your help! .$2300 will provide who like the changes in the lit- TRACHOMA. a vitally needed classroom wing (name it for Most people resent changes in your favorite saint, in memory of a loved one). urgy! lii fact the slowness of things they have been doing the $616 will buy a set of Braille Encyclopedias, the change is irritating. The same way for years and years, $124 a Braille classroom dictionary. $300 will •English prayers are thrilling and these same people are pay for Eid's training at the Center for a year, viewing the changes in the $14 his lunch for a year, $8 his classroom and I only wish we didn't Switch Church with closed, minds in- "reader," $5 his own slate and stylus. back to Latin every once in a stead of trying to realize that while. these new liturgical'changes .were prompted by the Holy For many months children of the PALESTINE * * * Spirit through the Ecumenical REFUGEES have studied hard in catechism How really wonderful to have Council. After the first few Eng- Inquiry Class Helps Bring DRESS classes led by our devoted mission priests and our priests facing us during lish Masses ... to my own THEM UP sisters. They know the answers—at least most surprise I found myself so of them! . . . And now comes the great day of Mass, not shuffling back and TO forth with only an occasional wrapped up in trying to sing Non-Catholic Into The Fold RECEIVE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION. Shall they go to the side view! the hymns and answer the By Father JOHN A. O'BRIEN well as executives like Donald CHRIST altar in ragged, hand-me-downs, the only cloth- - ing, their parents can provide?-. . . Not if you. priest at the proper times that Walsh and Anthony J. Czar- Bless Pope John and thethere wasn't time to think of Every Catholic is asked by hefp them. For only $10 you can supply a child Christ not to hoard his faith, as necki, a Knight of St. Gregory, with a new outfit. What a' iovely gift. wheels he started! anything else but God and the helped me to realize the power- sacrifice being offered by the a greedy miser hoards his gold, but to share it generously. ful aid afforded by their faith • • • priest on the altar. in leading exemplary' lives. The Missionary priests in the Holy Land depend I converted to Catholicism By a strange climax of all such Catholic influ- MASS almost solely for their support on Mass offer- some eight years ago when I • • • paradox, t he ences occurred when I met El- ings. If you are going to remember a deceased more people vira Lampe, an airline steward- IN was a senior in high school. I During the Latin version (or THE HOLY loved-one during this Easter season, by having with whom one ess; on a flight to South Bend. graduated from a Catholic wom- old way) a person's thoughts LAND Masses celebrated, we will be happy to receive shares it, en's college ... I have been could wander (and probably did your offerings and send them on to priests in particularly pleased .with the the stronger, "We were married in the Holy : most of the time) ... but not the Near East. • , initiation of singing by the con- greater and Name Cathedral rectory and I anymore. The Mass is today as more precious got a close-up of the Catholic gregation ... The only thing I it should be and as Christ in- missed so much after my con- one's own faith faith in practice from my wife. tended it to be: a full participa- becomes. Ad- The inspiring influence of the Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $_ version to Catholicism was the tion by all present, raising their Monslgnor Ryan: singing by the congregation, dressed to O'BRIEN. Mass and Holy Communion was FOB _j_ voices in public acclaim to and I don't think my husband every Catholic unmistakable. adore the Blessed Trinity. are Christ's memorable words: Please NAME_ has quite gotten over the fact "You shall be witnesses for me "During Mass at the cathe- return coupon that I go around the house often in Jerusalem and hi all Judea dral a priest announced that an with your STREET- singing old Protestant hymns offering and even to the very ends of Inquiry Class would be held. that I remember. Singing seems CITY -BTATB- _ ZIP COD MISSAL \ the earth" (Acts 1:8). This proved to be an ideal op-, to be such a logical way to THB CATHOLIC NEAR EA8T WELFARE ASSOCIATION portunity to secure a complete praise God, and it is certainly' GUIDE ] We can do this by living up- understanding of the Catholic re- one of the loudest ways to do so. right lives, explaining our faith ligion. Elvira and I attended the April 25 — Octave of Easter. and loaning Catholic literature. class, taught by Fathers John NEAR EAST * * * Mass of the Sunday, Gloria, Another excellent method is Marren and Joseph Brett. to bring a churchless friend to I decided to make the effort commemoration of the Rogation MISSIONS ; a parish Inquiry Class. The "I was awed by the vastness necessary to understand the Day, Creed, Preface of Easter. FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President fruitfulness of such a class is of Catholic comprehension and MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary motives behind the changes. I April 26 — Sts. Cletus and illustrated in the conversion of the depth of its doctrine. But I Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOO. now realize that recent changes Marcellus, Popes and Martyrs. Maurice Fischer, now city edi- found myself well prepared, 330 Madison Avenue:* New York, N.Y. 10017 are insignificant compared to Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 Mass from the Common of Pon- tor of the Chicago Daily News. chiefly because I had come to those which have taken place tiffs, Gloria, Preface of Easter. the Church with many ancient since the first Mass was offer- "In my journalistic work," re- traditions which the Church ed by our Lord. I now realize April 27 — St. Peter Canisus, lated Mr. Fischer, "I was asso- firmly embraced. I found I y that there will always be chang- Confessor and Doctor, Mass ciated with many devout and not destroying, but building!* es, because human circumstanc- Gloria, Preface of Easter. exemplary Catholics and some ward the conclusion of the class es and conditions change. I now of their faith doubtless rubbed April 28 — St. Paul of the I informed Father Marren of realize that these changes are off on me. Cross, Confessor. Proper Mass, my readiness to be received into designed to stimulate us to par- Gloria, Preface of Easter. "Johnny Morrison at the old the Church — my wife's first ticipate more actively in the Chicago Herald, Jimmy Corco- intimation. glorification of God, and to en- April 29 — St. Peter, . ran of the Chicago American courage us ,to realize (by sing- Mass -from the Common of a and Clem Kane at the Chicago "With Clem Lane as my god- ALL-PURPOSE ing and praying together) that Martyre in Pascal Time. Gloria. Daily News, who received the father, I was baptized by Sam- we are all one in Christ. Preface of Easter. St. Bonaventure College medal uel Cardinal Stritch in Holy HOME FINANCING as. the nation's outstanding Name Cathedral. On entering I look forward to each- Mass April 30 — St. Catherine of this New Life, I erected no bar- buying, building,selling with a greater awareness of its Sienna, Virgin. Mass from the Catholic layman, are some who rier between myself and my or refinancing message of love. The changes Common of a Virgin not a Mar- afforded me. valuable insights family or against many non- require an effort on my part to tyr, Gloria-, Preface of Easter. into the Catholic faith. From Catholic friends. Neither had I Dempster MacMurphy at the separated myself- from any of change, but in making that ef- May 1 — St. Joseph the.Work- fort I have come to realize a Daily News I learned that the the, significant things which er. Proper Mass, ..Gloria, Creed, Catholic faith imparts peace were the heritage of my birth. greater joy; I find myself giv- Proper Preface. ing more of myself in the sacri- and joy and makes one impreg- Rather, I have been able to fice . . . understanding more May 2 — Second Sunday Aft- nable against adversity. view them all with a deeper, fully the message of love that er Easter. Mass of the Sun- "Famous reporters such »as richer appreciation as the full- the sacrifice is. These changes day, Gloria, Creed, Preface of Edwin A. Lahey, Robert J. Ca- ness of Catholic faith has more I have increased in me a greater Easter. sey and Edmund J. Cikanek as and more unfolded itself to me." Page 30 April 23, 1965 WE VOIff •v ... , , > ...... r ,i- .... Timetable Of Sunday Masses

MIAMI SPRINGS: Blessed Trinity, 6, Visitotion. 7, 8:30, 10:30, 12 ond 7:30PERRINE: Holy Rosary, 7, 8, 9.30, ll,|St. John Fishef, (4317 "N. Congress) 8, Changes In Schedules 8, 9.30, 11, 12:30 end 6 p.m. p.m 12:15 ond 5:30 p.m. 9," M), 11, 1-2 ond- 6-. p.m. MIRAMAR-: St. Borrholomew, Firemen's NORTH MIAMI BEACH: St. Lawrence, St. Joliano, 7, -8, 9, *1«. TT:3Cr ond 6 Recreation Hall, ot Island Dr. end Pem- PLANTATION: St. Gregory, 8, 9:15, P.m. Pasters ef parishes and missions in the 16 counties of broke «d.) 4:45. 7:45, 9, 10:15, 11:30, 7, 9, 16, 11, 12:15 end 6:30 p.m. 10:30, 11:30 ond 12:30 p.m. Holy Nome, «:3«, 8, 9:39-. 11 ond 12 file Diecese of Miami are requested to forward changes in 12:45 ond 7 p.m. OKEECHOBEE: Sacred Heart, 9:30. Boys' a.m. School, 11. POMPANO BEACH: Assumption, 7, 8, Mass schedules to The Voice. MOORE HAVEN: St. Joseph 10. 9:30, 11, 12:15 ond 5:36 p.m. ON THE Kf VS NORTH PALM BEACH: St. Clare, 7, STUART: St. Joseph, 7, 9, M. BIG PINE KEY: St. Peter's Mission, Revisions should be seat to: NARANJA: St. Ann, 10:30 -(Spanish). »:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 and 5;30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. NAPLES: St. Ann, 6. S. 10, 11. VERO BEACH: St. Helen, 7:30,-9, 11. _^ The Vwee OPA-LOCKA: Our Lody of Perpetual ond 7 p.m. KEY WEST: St. Mory, 6, 7, 8:30, 10, Help 7, 8-30, 10, 11:36 end 6 p.m. H:15 «nd 12:15 NORTH DADE COUNTY: St. Monica, St. Philip (Bunche Pork) 9. / V. 0. Box 1059 7:45, 9. 10:15, 11:30 and 6-p.m. WAUCHULA: St. Michael, 9. St. Bede, 8, 9:30 ond 11. - y Miami, Fla., 33138 NORTH MIAMI: Holy Family, 6, 7, 8, PAHOKEE: St. Mory, 9 a.m. ond 6:30 WEST PALM BEACH: Blessed Mortin MARATHON SHORES:- San Pablo, 8, p.m. (Spanish). 9:30. •and 6 p.m. ; The Sunday Mass schedule for The Cathedral at 7506 NW 9, 10, II, 12, 6:30 p.m. St. James, 6, 7, 8,9:30, 11, 12:30 ondPALM BEACH: St: Edward, 7, 9, 12 St. Ann, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ond PLANTATION KEY: San Pedro, 6:30, 2nd Awe. te as follows: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 neon and 6 p.m. 5.30 p.ro. and 6, p.m. 5:30 p.m. • • 9, 11. Sunday Masses are held at St. Mary Chapel in the North- side Shopping Center (27th Avenue and 79th Street) at 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Another Sunday Mass is held at the St. Mary Chapel at 5:30 p.m. with a sermon in Spanish.

ARCADIA: St. Paul, 7, 11. ' : ; JUPITER: St. Jude (U.S. 1), 8:30 ond H):30. a.m. AVON .PARK:. Our Lody Of Grace, 8:30, iO. KEY BISCAYNE: St. Agnes, 7, 8:30, 10 (Sermon In Sponish) 11:15 a.m. and BELLE GLADE: St. Philip Benizl, 7, 6:30 p.m. VIII reasons why St. Elizabeth, 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30, 12 ond, noon and 6 p.m. . BOCA GRANDE: Our .Lody of Mercy, POMPANO SHORES; St. Colemon, 7, 8, .4 p;m.- ..•.•' . .. • . . • 9:30, M> 12:15. BOCA RATON:' St. Joon 6f Arc, 7/ 9, PORT CHARLOTTE: St. Charles Bor- Van OrsdeVs is Miami's 10:?0, 12. romeo, 7, 8, 9:30, 11 ond 6 p.m. BONITA SPRINGS: St. Leo, 7:30, 9:30. PORT ST. LUCIE: Marina, 9. NORTH DADE'S FINEST BOYNTON BEACH: St. Mork, 7, 8:30, PUNTA GOR-DA: Sacred Heart, 7:30 BARTON H. BENNETT CHARLES H. ULM EDWARD C. McBRIDE 10, 11:30. 10:00 ond 5:30 p

•CLEWISTON: St. Margaret, 8 a.m. ond RIVIERA BEACH: St. Francis Of Assisi 7 p.m. 6:45, 8, 9:15, 10:30, 12 ond 5:30 p.m. funeral service .COCONUT GROVE: St. Hugh, 7, 8:30, SANIBEL ISLAND: 11:30. 10, 11:30, 1 p.m. (Sponish), and 5:30 SEBASTIAN: St. William Mission, 8 p.m: • en, CORAL GABLES: Little Flower (Audito- Convenient Locations — five chapels strate- rium) 9:15 a.m. (Spanish) and 1 p.m. SEBRING: St. Catherine. 7, 9:30, 11. 15201 N.W. Seventh Ave. Telephone 681-3531 (Sponish) (Church) 6, 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30, gically located for family ond friends. 11:45 ond 1 p.m. SOUTH MIAMI: Epiphany, 6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 noon. St. Thomas Aouinos Student Cenier, St. Louis (Palmetto Sr. High Auditorium. 8:30. 9;30. 10:30 ond 12. 7460 S.W. 118th St.) 8. 9:30 ond 11. More experienced — Van Orsdel's conducts DANIA: Resurrecnon (Second St. ond St. thonias (7303 S.W. 64th St.), 5.-7, II more adult funerals than anyone in Dade MANORS FUNERAL HOME inc. Fifth Ave.) 7,8, 9.. 10. 11 ond 12. 8, lQjond 11. County . . . and posses saving^ developed ' OEERFIELD BEACH: St. Ambrose (363 on to the fomilies we serve. 2301 Wilton Dr. LO 6-1321 Ft Lauderdale S.E. 12th Ave.) 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12 ondLABELLE: Mission, 10. 6 p.m. LAKE PLACID: St. James Mission, 8 St. Clements Parish . . . Knights of Columbus Finest tacilities — Van Orsdsl's beautiful DELRAY BEACH: St. Vincent, 6:30. 8, o.m.; 24 Hour Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Service 9:30, 11:00 ond 12:15. LAKE WORTH: St. Lute, 2090 S III chapels provide everything possible for com- Congress-ongress, 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30, 12 and LADDER-DALE: Annunciation >: 15p.m. fort and reverent dignity. All chapels equipped 9:30. Socred Heort, 6, 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30. 'with pews and kneeling rails. St. Anthony, 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30, 12 ano 11:30 and 6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. LEHIGH ACRES: St. Raphael (Lee Finest service — no compromise with qual- St. JBernadette 7, 8, 9, 10 ond. 11 a.m.Boulevard) 8, 10. Homelike Surroundings ity. Our best service always —• to anyone — St. Clement 8, 9, 10, 11:15, 12:30. LANTANA: Holy Spirit (Shopping IV regardless ef the amount spent — and we St. George (Parkway Junior High Center — Osborne Rd.>," 7, 8:30, 9:30 Dignified Friendly Service School, 3500 NW 5th Ct.), 8, 10:30 10:30, 11:30 ond 6 p.n guarantee our service. .and-5:30


ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS MUSK INSTRUCTION POSITIONS WANTED - FEMALE MATURE lady will share Miami Springs home NURSE retired has private or twin room, oom, kitchen privileges to mature woman i Mature lady with refs., baby sit days HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, desires position with same. Low room rental, own cooking. meals for elderly person in lovely private nchange for babysitting, evenings. 621-6887 HAIRDRESSING SHUT INS eves. Your home or mine. NA 1-7631 in Rectory. References. Write, Box 59, the Need night companionship as work daily. home. Call 696-4014. CALL 448-8932 FOR APPOINTMENT Voice, 6180 N.E. 4 Ct., Miami, Fla. References. Phone- 888-1120 or 887-7879. PERSONALiZED TYPING FREE HOME for refined lady on Social (IBM — Exec. — Slectric — Pica — Script) WILL BABY SIT IN YOUR HOME AND MODERN WAY TO PLAY ORGANIST, EXPERIENCED. WRITE BOX 62, CATHOLIC lady to share my home in W. Palm Security or pension. Share household duties Reports — Proposals — Agreements HAND IRONING IN MY HOME. 758-9829 THE VOICE, 6180 .N.E. 4 CT.j MIAMI, FLA. Beach. Must drive. Call 833-5368. and be companion to same. OX 6-1308. Contracts — Manuscripts — Resumes PIANO — WITHOUT NOTES Leases — Stencils — Mimeo — Specs. WHEN YOU'RE PLANNING A Now, POPULAR PIANO'S modern POSITIONS WANTED MALE i 3-5585 CA 6-337' FUNERAL DIRECTORS FUNERAL DIRECTORS WEDDING RECEPTION, DANCE, new, college-tested, LP record LUNCHEON, PARTY, ETC. CALL course lets you set the pace EXPERIENCED WINDOW WASHER. COMMER- lefrigerators spray painted like new THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL. right in your home. No more our home, white or color, $15. 6614356. CIAL & RESIDENTIAL. MR. FRANKLIN, 270 CATALONIA AVE., CORAL GABLES note reading. Many have a 759-8435. (35 UP AIR CONDITIONING OPTIONAL natural ability. Within a EED morning and evening ride to- N.W. 7i SEE OR CALL BERNIE Di CRISTAFARO short time, you too, can CARL F. SLADE, F.D. it. & 7 Ave., time flexible. From S.W. 8i EXPERIENCED WINDOW WASHER. COMMER- be playing piano. Get started CIAL & RESIDENTIAL. MR. FRANKLIN, ive. Area. Well paid. Call 226-8836. today. Only MISSIONARY BISHOP APPEALS FLORISTS HI 8-9242 OR 271-6337 $5.98 BUSINESS SERVICE! TO THE READERS OF Check or Money Order CARL F. SLADE FUNERAL HOME THE VOICE AIR CONDITIONING For old copies of this Publication for his POPULAR PIANO young and good-literature-hungry flock. Please Briarcliff, N.Y. Box 233 send all your back numbers to: TRY OUR CHARGE PUN 800 PALM AVE. HIALEAH TU 8-3433 IN TIMES i LOANS We Repair all makes Airconditioners — MOST REV. HUBERT D'ROSARIO, D.D. Heaters and Pumps. Call 681-3922 BISHOP'S HOUSE DIAMONDS — JEWELRY — SILVER OF SORROW DIBRUGARH (ASSAM) LOANS TO $600! LOW LEGAL RATES. APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE INDIA " OVER 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS CHILD CARE HALPERT'S LOANS 377-235; 449 Pan Am Bank Bldg. 150 S.E. 3 Ave, $3 SERVICE CALLS BEST CHILD CARE, room for mother. Refrig., washers, ranges, air cond. SALE — KRAEER FUNERAL HOME Clean, Fenced, Buses, School. 634-8290. VACATION washer, refrig., ranges, freezer $35 and. up. R. JAY KRAEER, Funeral Director CHILD CARE for working mother in my home. NORTH CAROLINA — Mountain Cottages foi PL 9-6771. St. Michael Parish. HI 3-2965. Rent. Boone - Blowing Rock area. For infor- express what words mation call or write W. J. McMahon, 6027 AUTO RADIATORS Will take very good care of working mother's S.W. 30 St., Miami. 665-5990. Ambulance Service chifdren-at my home. Wl 7-8572. cannot! SE8RING, LAKEFRONT. Large Cottages, Apts RADIATOR TROUBLES! ! PERSONAL care for your child in my large Boats Furnished. Fish, swim $40 to $55 wk home. On acre. Reasonable. 665-3366. COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE 200 N. KEDERAL HIGHWAY Also weekends $20 to $30. FR 1-3779. FINANCING AVAILABLE POMPANO BEACH, JIORIDA INSTRUCTIONS EMPLOYMENT ACME RADIATOR SERVICE WE SEND SYMPATHY 2144 N,W. 27 AVE. NE 4-8695 Phone WH 1-4113 HELP WANTED FEMALE FLOWERS ANYWHERE TUTORING ELECTRICIANS Remedial Reading, Phonics and Speech LIFE INSURANCE SECRETARY, Exper., M Therapy. Private Lessons. Call 754-7943. Shores office. Full Company benefits MjNNET ELECTRIC SERVICES 758-6141. Specializing in Repair. Remodeling EXTERMINATORS LO 6-7521 OR LU 3-2198 Ft Laud. Middle aged woman, live in, must drive, somi txotic Gnrtlfiis housework. Private room and bath. State abili EYE GLASSES ties and references. Write Box 60, The Voice, 6180 N.E. 4 Court. FAMILY OPTICAL SERVICE MIAMI MIAMI BEACH TERMITES A Complete Optical Service. 3 Locations, 6354516 532-3361 Housekeeper, 2 children. f-ull or part time MIAMI-HIALEAH: N.W. 62 St. at LeJeune Rd., own transportation. Carol City. NA 1-3627. (840 E. 9 St. - Hialeah), 885-2724. SO. DADE- CORAL GABLES CORAL GABLES: 8740 Coral Way, 226-9811. Stenos, typists, key punch. Temporary work, CORAL GABLES: 8740 Cor 2269811. 665-5423 HOLLYWOOD-NORTHOLLYWOODNORTH DADEDA , 4415 HollywooHlld to fit your schedule, day, week, month, Blvd. (Hollywood) 987-2100. HOLLYWOOD FT. LAUDERDALE more. Kelly Girls, 306 Roper Bldg., FR 3-5412, 945-7051 371-7398 MOVING & STORAGE HELP WANTED MALE WILLIAM'S MOVING, STORAGE Spanish contractor to build garage, private Padded Van, Lift-gate. $3 up. MU 1-9930. home, good pay, room & board while building. UNERAL DIRECTORS Eileen Vasquez. Call Sun. 3701 Parkland Ave LOWEST PRICES. RELIABLE MOVERS. PADDED West Palm Beach. VAN LIFT-GATE. INSURED. NA 4-3406. 4 BEN W. LANIER PHILIP A. JOSBERGER JOE WELSH MOVING and STORAGE EXTRA INCOME! Local moving, modern Vans. Local, long dis- WASH WINDOWS in 1 bedroom apt. $7. Equal tance moving. In Fla., Ft Lauderdale. Palm pay for other light duties. Write Box 6."Beach, Orlando. Tampa. Key West. NE 5-2461' What The Voice, 6180 N.E. 4 Ct, Miami, Fla. days. Eves. MU 1-1102. Hlwd. 987-7361. SPANISH Man with car, over sixty, one houi-$8 per hour or flat price. Van and 2 men. very light work. Room & board. Come Sun. allAnytime. Also packing. Call Hal, 821-7845. day, 3701 Parkland Ave., West Palm Beach, Fla. Every Family REFRIGERATOR REPAIRS PLUMBING PLUMBING Refrigerators & Washers. Flagler to Per- rine. $3.50 service charge. 271-1658. Should Know SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS ^Plumbing Repair Service 20 years experience. We repair all types sew- About ing machines. For free estimates without obligation call 759-4586 night or day. SEPTIC TANKS Funerals PLaza 7-0606 CONNIE'S Septic Tank Co. Pumpouts, Repairs. 24 HR. SERVICE. 888-3495. This is the title of a new booklet PLASTERING HOMES • just published by the Redemptorist ELECTRIC SEWER CABLE ( 2144 N.E. 2nd AVENUE • FR 3-3121 • 446-6414 Fathers and it's one that every PLaza 9-0355 Nights and Sundays PL 8-9622 ( Catholic family should read. The 5350 W. FIAGLER STREET • 448-6524 S.W. SECTION information it contains may help McCormick-Boyefl Plumbing Co. \ greatly to avoid confusion and PUSTER & STUCCO A DIGNIFIED AND SYMPATHETIC tragic mistakes, and to lighten the 7424 N.E. 2nd AVE. MIAMI. FLA.( FUNERAL SERVICE burden of sorrow during bereave- PATCHING. CALL LARRY WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL ment. For your free copy, fill out and mail the coupon to our office. CLEANING CLEANING 445-3450; 667-2722 There's no obligation. CARPET CLEANING

SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET Nationally Advertised Dry Cleaning Service. NOW - SOIL RETARDANT LITHGOW FUNERAL CENTERS Wall To Wall Carpet 485 N.E. 54th STREET Endorsed and Recommended by Leading Clothiers. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 Cleaning At No Extra Cost JENNINGS Please send me a free copy Marqua's North "CUARDSMM of WHAT EVERY FAMILY SERVICE" — SHOULD KNOW ABOUT Beach Cleaners An Exclusive CARPET MASTER FUNERAL HOME FUNERALS. Personalize* 7134 Abbott An., M.B., UN t-3131 Service far lorn CE 5-7845 NAME . . ftBttmar Parking Rear »f Plait Fitter Gamaatt 2211 S.W. 12th St. (Davie Blvd.) Ft. Laoderdale EST. 1938 Phone, Write or Visit for Free Literature . ADDRESS PIPE REPAIRS U %•**'* Mailed To You with No Obligation DAY OR NIGHT PHONE LU 7-7517 DOUG. JENNINGS, Funeral Director PAINT PAINT ALL RELIABLE Roderick O'Neil, President For the past NINE YEARS we have had the privilege -to furnish PAINT SMOKING PIPES for use at the many Catholic Institutions REPAIR SHOP in the West Palm Beach area. Specializing in Meerschaum Repairs. " Only Shop in South Carrying Kriswell, Stanwell, Wailington, Worth Chemical & Paint Co. and Peterson Steins. Home Office and Plant 1800-1816 — 10»h Ave. North 3902 Semlnole Dr. (State Rd. 7, South) FUNERAL HOMES, INC. LAKE WORTH, FLA. West Hollywood 987-3651 Manufacturers of GUARANTEED QUALITY PAINT ROOFING 7200 N.W. 2nd Ave. 6001 Bird Road Interior and Exterior House Paints Re-Roof ing & Repairs Varnishes and Enamels 751-7523 667-8801 All Types Roofs — Since 1920 Telephone JUstice 2-6146 Henry R. Ware, L.F.D. James E. Matthews, L.F.D. PALMER Roofing Co. WHOLESALE — RETAIL FR 3-6244


asm HOME REPAIRS PAINTING PAINTING AUTOMOBILES FOR SA1E AUTOMOBILES FOR SAU MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS; Windows, Doors, PAINTING — Interior - Exterior. Also Paper Painting, inside - outside, any size lob. LIGHT YOUR WAY Roof Repairs & Cleaning. We do all work. Hanging. Licensed, insured, clean, reliable. Carpentry work. Free estimates. Member to better Business (One call does all) CHARLIE 757-2384. Low Rate. Frank Fortino, 696-3824. St. Mary. Dee. PL 7-3875. For The aECTRO NtON SIGN CO., Inc. Kitchens Remodeled, Sink Tops — Additions, AUTO AIR CONDITIONERS Larry Monahan, OX 1-0805 Repairs. M. Clancy, Phone Ft Lauderdale 2955 N.W. 75th St 566-6949. Miami. Fla. BEST TRADES, ABCO LOCKSMITHS KEEP COOL IN HOT WEATHER EDVITO SIGNS EXPERT — 24 HOUR SERVICE , TRUCKS WALLS SOLD LEAF ALSO 90 N.W. 54th St rt. 8-7025 GENERAL REPAIRS PRICES and 5140 S.W. 8 ST. 444-9318 226-7859 MR CONDITION YOUR CAR E IMPROVEMENT LAWN MAINTENANCE with a FROSTEMP for Daniel J. Horvath TERMS Michael J. Beyle BWLUERS LAWN DRESSING, CLEAN FILL General Manager NewCar'saies'Mgr. PROMPT DELIVERY, MU 1-22321 MU 1-2612 cY2i£v, $10000 COMPLETE ADDITIONS, NEW HOMES, BUILDING PUNS Little Flower - Epiphany AMERICAN ADDITIONS INC., Hank Dorion, SPECIAL 177 FREE Installation « ASK FOR RELIABLE LAWN MAINTENANCE. S.W. SEC- Coral Gables South Miami Member Of St. Monica's PL 8-0571 TION. TEL.: CA 1-1593 INCLUDES MAGNETIC CLUTCH mm BUILDING REPAIRS LAWN MOWER SERVICE Phone TONY THE HANDYMAN MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, Install Air Authorized Service and Parts AUTO KOOL FR 7-4482 Conditioners. Repairs. Wl 7-4256. Fertilizers — Sharpening — Welding 1990 N. MIAMI AVE. — Corner of 20th Street TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU 2-YEAR WARRANTY AMERICAS LARGEST "ON THE TRAIL" AL — THE HANDY MAN 27 S.W. 27th Ave. Call HI 4-2305 Painting, Jalousies, Carpentry, PONTIAC DEALER 20256 Od Cutler Rd. Gall CE 5-4323 AUTO/MOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 665 S.W. 8-ST. MIAMI Light Plumbing and Household Repairs. DETROIT' FLINT- MIAMI No Job Too Small LAWN SPRINKLERS Wl 7-6423 FINE CARS ^ FINE SERVICE CARPENTERS ALLIED LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SERVICE STATIONS SERVICE STATIONS CARPENTRY — PAINTING, ETC. Lawn Sprinklers, Pumps and Wells GENERAL HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS Installed. Serviced & Maintained The Fines! Drive in '65... Fred, NE 5-3463 — Member Corpus Christ! SERVING S. FLORIDA SINCE 1940 FREE ESTIMATES IN DADE Carpentry, Formica Specialty, Cabinet Doors, CALL MU 8-4661 Paneling, Alterations. Claude HI 8-7252. PARISH SERVICE STATION GUIDE PAINTING CARPET CLEANING CHEVROLET INTERIOR — Exterior house painting, 3 men, Carpets expertly cleaned in your home. Free estimate. Roofs & kitchen cabinets Consult The Service Station Reasonable Price. Free Estimates. spray painted. 661-4356. Custom Carpet Cleaning, 821-8083, anytime. Near You For All Your KEITH L. LECKEY HOOKING PAINTING CONTRACTOR Auto Needs. You'll Be Glad You VINYL ASBESTOS TILE FROM 8c- RESIDENTIAL ONLY Endurance, 13900 N.W. 7th Ave. 681-4923. CALL NAtional 4-7955 The World's FINEST HOME REPAIRS ST. ROSE OF LIMA ST. AGNES PAINTING SPECIAL EXTERIOR WALLS $60 BEST VINYL. NEAT-CLEAN. LICENSED, Chevrolet Deaier LAVAL VILLENEUVE INSURED. GUARANTEED BY M. J. SPELLMAN. 0 ..'•••-•' ALL KINDS OF HOME REPAIRS ALL AMERICAN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. PHONE 751-4262 WEEKDAYS AFTER 6 P.M.MEMBER LITTLE FLOWER 444-5123 ". See one of these PORST LARRY'S AUTOMOBILES FOR SAU AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ^ if€0$ courteous SERVICE STATION Pick-up & Delivery Service TEXACO SEE GEORGE KUIPERS Norman Pasearella ^/ representatives St. Thomas (Member Little Flower Parish, Hollywood) Proprietor—Larry Gaboury For The Best In Quality, Perform- SINCLAIR ance, Allowance For Your Car. '^mf ^ '^ Buy of a PRODUCTS 1 CRANDON BLVD. Continental - Mercury - Comet ^"^ETI Lifetime and N.E. 2nd Ave. at 99th St. And Used Cars Miami Shores KEY BISCAYNE STEWARD PL 8-2998 EM 1-5521 LINCOLN - MERCURY tn^J^BRAND MEW 1965 2100 N. Federal Hwy. j| I CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE, Hollywood - Ph. 922-1573 THE CATHEDRAL CATHEDRAL Ji% CORVAIR, CHEVY IT, 18 yrs. in same location and CORVETTE TIRE EXPERT The Best BATTERY CAR TUNE-UF BELLE MEADE VESPA ROAD SERVICE SERVICE HIGHER TRADES " * k JAWA - YAMAHA Car Values LOWER PRICES GULF SERVICE WILL FINANCE v r TAILOR-MADE TERMS -' - Charles Blanehard CENTER REBUILT Are Found OPEN NITES Stiliqr Pick-up - Delivery Guaranteed Scooters Showrooms: PL 1-8564 ' Shell Oil Change In The 7601 Biscayne Blvd. . . . ALL MAKES REPAIRED No. Miami Ave. at 21st St. FR 7-2601 5600 BISCAYNE BLVD. 754-8702 BISCAYNE SCOOTERS Used Cars: PH. 681-5823 VOICE 3011 N.W. 36th Street • NE 5-2582 ST. THOMAS 14354 N.W. 7th AVE. ST. JAMES iiiiiiiiimumiiiHiiiiiiiiiimiiiir: THE APOSTLE


April 23, 1965 THf VOICE Miami, Florida Page 33 PAINTING ROOFING Refrigerators spray painted like new at your WE COVER TRE STATE honje, white or color, $15. 661-4356. • ALL METROPOLITAN ROOFING CO., INC. LICENSED, INSURED, BONDED, GUARANTEED. INTERIOR, EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTIN8, FREE ESTIMATES—NEW ROOFS OR REPAIRS. 3 MEN. FREE ESTIMATE. REFRIGERATORS & DADE: CA 1-6671 BR0WARD: 987-7542 KITCHEN CABINETS SPRAY PAINTED. 661-4356. MEMBER ST. BRENDAN PARISH VOICE "VALUE" REAL ESTATE MART PAINTING Interior and Exterior of Homes and Swimming Pools. Licensed and Insured. Vernon Cassell, 821-2906. ALL-NU ROOFING CO. SCREENS BANNERS, FLAGS, PENNANTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOMES FOR SALE, FT. LAUDERDALE CUBAN. PAINTING 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE. CLEANING, PAINTING, REPAIRS SCREEN Repairs and new installations. Li- LARGEST SELECTION OF NEW & 3110 S.W. 16 Court. 2 bedroom 2 bath, Fla. CALL GUZMAN, 633-2463. FREE ESTIMATE PL 9-5977 censed & Insured. No job too small. Ray, HOLY NAME SOCIETY USED PIANOS AND ORGANS IN FLORIDA rm., patio, garage, built-in kitchen, sprinklers, member St. Louis Parish. CE 5-6434. BANNERS VICTORS, 300 NW 54 ST., MIAMI, PL 8-8795 Refrig, $15,750. LU 1-0118. PLUMBING PAPAL FLAGS Broward, JA 2-5131. Homestead, CE 8-1637 ALTAR SOCIETY BANNERS PATTERSON BROS. ROOFING UPHOLSTERY SCHOOL BANNERS HOMES FOR SALE — HOLLYWOOD TILE & BUILT-UP ROOFS WEARING APPAREL McCORMICK - BOYFTT Patching & Reroofing our Specialty 2 BEDROOM, 1 Bath with Separate Duplex. Plumbing Co. 24 HR. SERVICE Also cleaning & painting roofs. 681-4092 Mary Drexler's DRESSES FOR CHURCH, PARTY OR WORK. $15,000, $7,000 Down. 989-2757. We specialize in plumbing repairs AKRON DECORATORS BLOUSES, SKIRTS. 25c up. 754-9401. 7424 N.E. 2nd Ave., Miami, Fla. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, WHY PAY FOR A NEW ROOF? Rattan and Danish cushions recovered, $4.35 BAKER FLAG CO. Day PL 7-0606 We repair your roof. 30 Years of guaranteed NE 5-6311 REAL ESTATE FURNISHED HOME and POOL... $16,000 Night PL 9-0355 - PL 8-9622 each, includes fabric. Kitchen chairs (seats 2 BEDROOM, FURNISHED $9,000 work. Also new roofs. HI 3-1922, MO 7-9606 and backs) $3.87 per chair, includes colorful 1454 N.W. 17th AVE., MIAMI, FU. or MU 5-1097. CBS BUILDING FOR WAREHOUSE JACK & SONS. 2035 NW 95 ST. vinyls. Sofas and Chairs Reupholstered or LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE $500 DOWN...$5,580 30 Yrs. pjumbing experience. 24 Hours serv- Slipcovered reasonably. Draperies custom CALL ice. Special repairs. Free estimate on new Roof repairing, Lie. & Ins. All work guar. made. Fabrics sold by the yard. Huge savings. HOUSEHOLD GOODS BAY POINT. Corner lot, by owner. Terms or YU 9-2096 EVES. YU 3-4428 jobs. OX 1-4326. Peninsula Roofing Co. Home — OX 1-7576 Free estimates — Your home. cash. PL 9-0805 or PL 8-6271. CALL 949-0721 30 CANVAS COTS, 12" high, aluminum John's Roofing. We cover Dade. Leaks and frames, excellent condition. Suitable for J. A. O'Brien Rear v reroofing. Free est. CA 6-2790. Kindergarten. $6 each. Call 444-1455. 6014 PEMBROKE ROAD \.^-£ PHIl PALM PLUMBING WEST HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE INDUSTRIAL BARGAIN ROOF CLEANING & COATING 29"x54" Mirror and other household articles. 260 N.E. 51st Street, Apt. 1. 754-8371 3189 McKINLEY ST. CALL PLAZA 8-9896 VENETIAN BLINDS - CORNICES 2 Acres $12,000 CBS, 2 bedroom, bath, kitchen-dinette, Roofs pressure cleaned S12. Spray painted REFINISHED REPAIRS YOUR HOME living & Florida room, garage. 983-8058. PLUMBING $47. Snowbrigbt Co. Wl 7-6465. FR 3-8125. UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINE Zoned IU - 2 CALL STEAOCRAFT PL 9-6844 Brand New, Sacrifice, $13. Call 685-1564. 9510 N.W. 7th AVE. 3 Bedroom 2 Bath, central heat, air condi- HENRY FLATTERY RUG CLEANING (MEMBER OF ST. JAMES PARISH) Sewing machines repaired in your home, N.W. 58th Street tioning, Florida room, well, sprinkler sys- $1.50. No charge if not repaired. 685-1564. 7 Blocks West Of Palmetto Expwy. tem. 2 Blocks from Golf Course & Shopping Complete Septic Tank Service Give Your Carpets & Rugs That TAPES, CORDS BLINDS REFINISHED Center. Nativity Parish. Owner, YU 3-3989. Plumbing Repairs and City Sewer Connections OR REPAIRED IN YOUR HOME NEW LOOK SINGER, ZIG ZAG, SLANT NEEDLE, 7632 NW 2 Ave. PL 7-1866 Don't Crank — CALL HANK, 759-8984 CALL BILL FR 1-4436 OR 661-2992 Makes Buttonholes and Designs Automatically. MILLER & BLACKBURN HOMES FOR SALE W. HOLLYWOOD Sold $250 new. Resume 8 payments of $12.56. REALTORS WATER HEATERS Will take trade. Call 685-1564. 1011 Langford Bldg., Miami, Fla. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, air conditioning and heating, patio, fenced yard. $ 10,000. 776S LOUIS E. MILLER PLUMBING CO. DINETTE -Set, Blond, 8 Piece: Couch & Phone 371-7703 W. Meridian St., Miramar. , Water Heater Repairs & Sales Chair. Lamps & Chest. HI 3-0489. 4119 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Est. 1930 HI 8-9912 bedroom, 2 bath CS, partially furnished, APTS. FOR SALE - HOMESTEAD sprinkler system, awnings, Florida room, car- THE FINEST VALUE IN AMERICA WINDOW REPAIRS SINGER FOR $20 port, $15,500. Phone 987-4157. 3609 S.W. 9ft Sewing Machine left in warehouse. Good MUST SELL DUE TO ILL HEALTH Terrace. WINDOW CAULKING, SCREEN REPAIRS, condition. Guaranteed. Phone 759-4586 night 3 FURNISHED APARTMENTS For Adults Only OPERATORS. GLASS AND SHOWER DOOR or day. Will deliver, no obligation. 3 SCREENED PORCHES, 4 BATHS, (12,900 Total. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, carport, REPAIRS. CALL CA 1-3051. CARPORT, GUEST HOUSE, STORAGE, GARAGE. patio. Near schools, church & shopping cen- MARINE EQUIPMENT 1495 OLD DIXIE, HOMESTEAD, FLA. ters. 3010 N.W. 72 Ave. 987-9741. WINDOW REPAIRS — ALL TYPES, GLASS PATIO DOORS REPAIRED, BOATING GIFTS unlimited at Brownrigg HOMES FOR SALE — POMPANO HOMES FOR SALE-N. MIAMI BCH. HAMPSHIRE GARDENS PARTS FOR ALL TYPE WINDOWS Marine Supplies, Inc. 3041 Grand Ave., Coco- AND DOORS. 448-0890 nut Grove. HI 4-7343. $1,000 DOWN Near St. Lawrence school. 1 Acre. 4 Bedroom, FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY ON 2 bath, large Horida room. 18800 N.E. 22nd ALL SCREEN REPAIRS. ST. COLEMAN'S PARISH (2 BLOCKS) Ave. Open. ON THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BUILDERS SACRIFICE — WATERFRONT HOME 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Double Closed Garage FOR SALE and Screened Patio. 39' Sliding Glass Doors HOME FOR SALE-NORTH MIAMI Spacious 1-Bedroom Apartment GOING INTO BUSINESS? in view Intercostal. 1510 S.E. 11 St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE If you need Beautiful Showcases, counter WILL BUILD DUPLEX Fu Price or fixtures, that were used in an exclusive HOMES FOR SALE-POMPANO BCH To your specifications. On lot SM AAA " '"eluding '57 Olds 2 dr.; '61 Dodge Lancer 4 dr. Both shop or fine linens, please call MO 7-1190. 2 blocks E. of Holy Family Church. Cali By owner, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Built-in 945-7255. ft WWII Air Conditioning fully equipped. Best Offer. Wl 5-5457. WHAT A BARGAIN!! kitchen. Wall to wall carpeting. Fura. in fine and Drexel furniture, screened patio, awnings, '63 FALCON convertible, automatic, sprint, sprinklers. Must go north. 356 S.W. 14 St. 15 YEARS V|##V Heating 8 cyl., radio, $1,650. 661-9044, LEE BONDY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOMES FOR SALE, FT. LAUDERDALE OF SPECIALIZING $990 Down Payment — $78.08 Per Month Pays All SPECIAL DISCOUNT, TO ALL CHILDREN IN '64 Falcon, 2 door, stick shift, 6 cylinder, IN THE $1,430. NA 1-8272. 1110 N.W. 184 Dr. PAROCHAL SCHOOLS. ON BAND INSTRU- 2 bedroom, 2 bath CBS, 15x18 Florida room, MENTS, GUITARS; ETC. ABC MUSIC awnings, well, sprinkler system, air-cond., SALE OF HOMES 2500 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY '65 MUSTANG, NEW, ivy 2110 Ponce de Leon 444-5123 all electric. Close to Queen of Martyr. NORTH MIAMI & BISCAYNE GARDENS original miles. 661-9044, LEE'BOND Restricted S.W. section. Owner 581-3240. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BOYNTON BEACH BUYING OR SELLING US #1 Between Boynton Bench and Delroy Beach '57 CADILLAC, ALL EQUIPPED See all day Sun. or weekdays after 6 p.m. NEW-USED CALL FEATURES: Wall-to-wall Carpeting • All Appliances Included 4321 S.W. 109 CT. 226-8249 GRETSCH, FENDER, GIBSON GUITARS. JUST FOR YOU BENDER REALTY • Shuffleboard Court • Swimming Pool • Docking BASSES, BANJOES, PEDAL STEEL GUITARS, 13080 N.W. 7 AVE. MU 1-5621 FABRICS FOR SALE AMPLIFIERS, REVERBS, P.A. SYSTEM, Facilities • Your Own Gorgeous Clubhouse • Rec- ACCORDIONS, DRUMS, BANO INSTRUMENTS. ST. JAMES PARISH reational Director • FREE Brochure On Request. WATERFRONT -$25,800 $350 DOWN, $75 MONTH pays all. 3 Bedroom* FABRICS Nice kitchen, separate dining room. GLADYS K. McLEAN, Sales Manager UPHOLSTERY. DRAPERY 3 Bedroom, IMi baths, Air-conditioned with This is a "DOtl HOUSE" & a "CREAM PUFP* Largest selection in South. Draperies from SAM'S RADIO MUSIC central gas heat. 52 Ft. long dock, sprinkler CHILDRESS & CASE, Realtors $49c yd. up. Upholstery from $1. yd. up. system, storm shutters, electric range, stove, 12006 N. MIAMI AVE. 758-4661 14 ST. FABRIC BAZAAR 1367 N. MIAMI AVE WEST HOLLYWOOD, 983-4370 refrigerator and dishwasher; also washer and dryer. Outside table, chairs and umbrella. HOMES FOR SALE - M. SHORES Drapes and traverse rods throughout It's a well-located, well-built, spacious family home. 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS, $20,500 All good neighbors. Den plus Florida room. Aluminum windows, oak floors, tile roof, central heat and air. CALL DOROTHY GREGORY, ASSOCIATE, Spotlessly clean Shores home. Seeing is believing, act now! Exclusive agent for out' of town owner. - D H. J. VORDERMEIER, Realtor PARKER REALTY, Realtor PL 9-3934 FT. LAUDERDALE 564-6301 ANYTIME SHORES Area. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bat*. Near Barry College. Call for appointment after S> PL 1-4318. <• 4 PRE-FINISHED WOOD PANELING DISCOUNT CENTRE 1 MAIL AN AD Handy Order Blank

See Our Classified Rate Bex ONLY GEMS Genuine Hardwood PANELS For Charges r C? '# I® Start my ad Run for . . Weeks Please send money order or check if yea live jut of Miami

Are ^anltzed Treated - A Sealed Name In Protection against the growth of ... Address .,,..-.-.'. v.i.\'.•'.v.v.v City ..:...

'MILDEW Germs - FungusSanitize - Bacterid chemicals aarc Phone odorless, colorless, and noti- CLIP THIS COUPON - TODAY tpxic to human beings or *^ ** Classification ' '- *•'** PRINT AD BELOW -THIS WEEK ONLY - (in pencil please)

by 4' x 8' PANEL Please limit yoar line tn 5 average wards Guaranteed For Life Of Installation GENUINE HARDWOOD Against Any Structural Defects. 4 DECORATOR COLORS PREFINISHED PLYWOOD PANELS Offer expires Sat., April 24 HOII s Phone nr HOII**s -~T CASH I Open Evenings I AND I DAILY 9.00 to 9:09 I I SAT. 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. I Car Top Carriers PANEL-RAMA Mail Your Ad To: From TREES That THE VOICE BISOVYNE BLVD. Made GOOD! With Any Purchase 82M 6180 N.E. 4lh Cf. Miami, Florida JLiL Page 34 April 23, Vfro'5 THE VOICE Miami, Florida BETTER LIVING BEGINS WHEN YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOWE

HO/MIS KM SALE - M. SHORES HOMES FOR SALE N.W. HOMES FOR SALE - HIALEAH HOMES FOR SALE S.W. HOMES FOR SALE — SO. MIAMI APARTMENTS FOR RENT - N.W. AIL IN ST. ROSE OT- LIMA PARISH 2 bedroom, 1 bath, garage, Fla. Rm., awnings, PALM SPRINGS, 1585 W. 53 ST. NO QUALIFYING JUNE 15 OCCUPANCY 1 bedroom apt, furn. 127 N.W. 74 St. Near 3H9«tr6om, 2 bath, uitfurn $23,500 sprinklers. Biscayne Gardens. Owner, 754-2382. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. $500 down, take up payments 2 Blocks to St. Brendans. Split level 3 Bed- Cathedral. HI 3-9016; 446-0542. Mgi., Apt 4. room 2 bath, carport, laundry room, heat, air Lovely corner 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Vi a.fcafreom, 2 bath, unfurn. F.H.A. $17,500 acre. Filtered swimming pool, 2 car garage, 2 bedroom, 1 bath & workshop, turn. $15,000 cond., washer, dryer, built-in kitchen, fenced. APIS. FOR RENT — SOUTH MIAMI 1600 N.W. 179 TERR. VISITATION PARISH 2 BLOCKS TO ST. JOHN CHURCH Assume VA Mtge. 8571 S.W. 27th Terrace. sprinkler system, Air Conditioner. $22,000. 2 bedroom, I bath turn. $11,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath, central heat, fenced yard, $900 DN. NO QUALIFYING $80 Ml For appointment call owner at CE 5-1314 DUPLEX, Frame $2,000 Down ...... ? 9,000 enclosed garage, large screened terrace. 2 BEDROOM CBS, COMPLETELY FURN. I. S. PALMER, REALTOR PL 4-2266 Carpets, draperies, landscaping. June oc- CAN ARRANGE LESS DOWN 3 BEDROOM $9,000. IF YOU BUY ... cupancy. Price under FHA appraisal. Owner, 445-1306 OR 887-8512 IT PRODUCES GOOD RENT. FR 9-5190 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH $18,000 PINE MANOR APT5. NJAR ST. ROSE OF LIMA NA 4-2987 after 5. 7700 S.W. 54th AVENUE 7001 S.W. 60 St. Walk to St. Thomas . 2 BEDROOM, FURN. AND UNFURNISHED 434 N.E. 102 ST. HOMES FOR SALE S.W. OWNER. 3 bedroom 2 bath, large screened Lot 106x141. Garage, porch. $1,000 -down 1 YEAR New Coloniaj 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, porch, garage, air cond., sprinklers, drapes. RESIDENTIAL AREA. NEAR EVERYTHING Split level, owner built, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, MO 6-8481 for Appointment MRS. ROY, MO 1-6739 Extra large family kitchen, Central heat. family room,-2 car garage, 20'x4O' pool. Many *lo closing cost, no qualifying. Near Epiphany. By .OWNER PL 9-4108 NEAR ST. BRENDAN CHURCH AND SEMINAR County Taxes. 8120 S.W. 62 Ave. MO 6-6408 extras. Reduced $5,000. Now $35,000. Near St. BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Awning win NOAIfS FOR SALE — PERRINE APARTMENTS WANTED — James. MU 1-3390. 14225 N.W. 3rd Ave. dows, air conditioner. One bedroom ha: STHWSE PARISH; Air Cond Heated 3 bedroom private entrance. Only $12,800 total. OWNER Sacrifice, quality duplex, top cond., 2 bath,'-—--closed garage. $17,500. Owner, Fully furn. Near Gables. A SOLID INVEST- PALMETTO COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES CORPUS CHRIST1 PARISH MARY MULLEN, Realtor CA 6-13 3 bedroom, 2 bath, carpeting, drapes, sprink- 1 BEDROOM apt. for adult. N.W. or •Aftejif ¥0874. $900 Down, $9,900 Total. $90 Month. No MENT for $2300 down, 1 mtge., only $15,000. Hialeah Area. Call after 6 p.m. 681-5435. No closing costs. Approx. $110 month. One ler. Many extras. $17,900, terms arranged. qualifying, no closing costs. Vacant CBS TRANSFERRED. 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH Owner, 9715 S.W. 165 Terr. CE 5-8835. 3 bedroom plus den with jalousied porch and side income $95. BARGAIN for young couple HOMES FOR SALE N.E. 3 Blocks from St. Timothy School. Ven or retired. Appt HI 3-0761. Collect, 987-7650 ROOMS FOR RENT NO. MIAMI carport. Newly decorated inside and out. By Reasonable. Call Owner 271-7902 Anytime, owner. MU 1-8618. ' HOMES FOR SALE — LEISURE CITY WALK TO ST. ROSE OF LIMA BEAUTIFUL 1-YEAR OLD POOL HOME ROOM FOR RENT. CLOSI TO EVERYTHING. 290 N.E. 115 ST. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, NO QUALIFYING, $300 Down. 3 bedroom, 4 Bedroom 3 bath, large patio and office CALL Wl 7-5546i Porch - patio,' 2-car garage with 3rd 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. $300 DOWN, bath. Fenced yard. 1 Block from school Air Cond. Secluded location in'Perrine NO CLOSING. FHA. 247-4075. tath.. Air-cond., sprinklers. Bus at door VISITATION CHURCH church. Seen evenings, 10311 N.W. 53 St. Transferring, must sell. Call 238-0636 ROOMS FOR RENT-MIAMI SHORES FRANCES DEAN, Broker 759-4050 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, Florida room, carport, awnings, well, pump, sprinklers. 1 Block to ST. HUGH PARISH HOMES FOR SALE CORAL GABLES HOMES FOR RENT — NORTHEAST Elementary school, 3 blocks to Visitation 2310 S.W. 26 St.: Custom Built immaculat! Nicely furn. room for mature lady. Pvt. T home/Reasonable. 251 NW 102 St 758-8894. . $9,000 TOTAL Church. $16,500, $600 down; payments $94.51 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fami NEAR LITTLE FLOWER ST. ROSE OF LIMA PARISH FHA. room, heat - air-cond. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, ENCLOSED GARAGE NICELY FURN. 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, $125 1 BLOCK TO CHURCH Mature woman. Make your home with us. Duplex, 1 bedroom frame, fum. $16,900 or FHA terms. - ON 100-X130' OT. ALSO DUPLEX, $70. ELECT. INCL. 757-7640 NO QUALIFYING — IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ST. THOMAS PARISH Private room and share .home. St Ross of • large Florida porch. Move 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, Florida room, carport, ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR PERSON •in one side, other side rents for 6540 S.W. 72 Ct.: Walk to Church and School CONFINED TO WHEELCHAIR. HOMES FOR RENT S.W+ Lima Parish. Reas. PL 8-9468. corner, tile roof, hardwood floors. 1 Bed- 4 bedroom, 2 bath, TOTAL, $24,500. REALTOR. - $75 month. $2,000 down. To see room and 1 bath on one side of house has call J.S. PALMER, Realtor, PL 4-2266 Foyer entry, eat-in kitchen, BILL EISNOR, MO 1-4245 'Til 10 P.M. ROOMS FOR RENT - NORTHEAST. private entrance. 3 Blocks to Pace High & pool, patio, lovely woodec 3 bedroom 2 bath, unfurnished. Clean, Biscayne College. $13,000, small down. acre. bright, airy. Fenced yard, nicely landscaped. 3 BEDROOM 2 Bath. Block to Holy Family SELL OR RENT Near school, church, bus. $115 month. 54 St. Business Area. Room, pvt. bath, entry; Church & school. Complete oil heat system HILL, FARLEY & vonZIMMERMAN refrig., near shops, bus line. PL 1-0635. REALTORS 665-1133 Nice older home, completely furn., 6 rooms, 5401 S.W. 114 Court. To see call 238-6935. and .complete sprinkler system; 3 toom air- IDEAL FOR RETIREES 2 baths. Convenient to shopping and bus; cmulitioners, enclosed garage. Price $18,500. walking distance to St. Theresa. Also 3 ROOMS FOR RENT S.W. W 7-7898. DOLL HOUSE, 2 bedroom, 1. bath, beautiful 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, furn., newly painted. fireplace with aquariums set-in-wall for de- TRANSFERRED TO NEW YORK room guest house. For details call 444-4244. 2 Blocks to school and church. Near bus. MUST SELL, clean well kept 3 airconditionei NICE room, home privileges. Lady or couple. WALK TO ST. ROSE & BARRY COLLEGE lightful effect, carport, fence, backyard is 15 Minutes to Beach. $150 month. beautiful with rose garden, fish pond, Bar-B-Q, bedrooms, large lot over 130 ft. deep, land HOMES FOR SALE-SOUTH MIAMI 436 S.W. 26th Rd. To see call CE 5-4233 Call 271-2306 after 4:45 p.m. 290ll,E. 115 ST. OPEN P.M. scaped for maximum privacy. Screened pati Corner 3 bedroom, 3 bath, HUGE FLORIDA tropical plants, well, pump, sprinklers, etc. between 9 and 5. $13,000* 15x20. VA financing, low down payment. ROOM, PVT. BATH, HOMt PRIVILEGES LADY PORCH AND PATIO. Air-cond.-heat, detached OWNER, 2161 S.W. 87 Ct. CA 1-0078 OR COUPLE. CALL 271-2306. 2 car (flexible) garage, sprinklers. Bus at APTS. FOR RENT-DELRAY BEACH door. One low tax. ST. THOMAS PARISH We Have "7" Pool Homes ST. BRENDAN PARISH S.W. OFF CORAL WAY NEAR GABLES. MIDDLE 20's - $125 MONTH No Broker's Commission. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, SOUTH MIAMI ST. VINCENT FERRER PLEASANT ROOM FOR REFINED LADY. 445-1746. ••";•• FRANCES DEAN, Broker, 759-4050 large living room, central gas heat & ai Walking distance — Furn.,1 & 2 bedroom, BOAS REALTY, Broker Eves., 621-7801 cond, large garage. Fenced yard with sprint all utilities — Yearly from $130 monthly rates REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE — N.W. 260 N.W. 62nd STREET 624-8448 lers. Well kept. $17,500 FHA or Conventional 5 BEDROOM, 3 BATH also. Pets. 912 Palm Trail. 278-1402. 3710 S.W. 86 AVE. 221-373 Cute 1 Bedroom furn. home. Fla. -room, CBS 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. APTS. FOR RENT — FT. LAUD. garage. Near bus. $6,200. Mrs. Carr, 691-6916. ON 2 LOTS. WITH SEPARATE UTILITY BEST BUY IN CORAL VILLAS ROOM IN REAR. FHA TERMS. WANTED! BABCOCK HOME 6363 S.W. 32nd STREET FRANK LEONARD!, Broker 696-0092 2 Bedroom Duplex, Furn. Yearly $90 Mo. Owner Will Sell Below Cost ILLNESS FORCES ME TO SACRIFICE UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR 1510 S.W. 20 St. 523-3931 Clean Like New 2.Bedroom CBS »3 BEDROOM HOME. POOL, GARAGE, DELIVERY AFTER MAY 20 ON WATER. $13,500. CALL 696-5654. NEAR ST. MARY CHURCH TO SELL OR EXCHANGE 6371 S.W. 34th St. Listed $13,600 Comfortable, pleasant 2 bed/oom, bath and Vi. APTS. FOR RENT NjE. Make Offer — Home & Extra Lot Furn or unfurn. Wall-To-Wall carpeting, storm 2 CAR GARAGE AND CENTRAL REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. ~ AIR CONDITIONING INCLUDED $350 Down, FHA Requirement Family must join husband wo/king in North. shutters. Plus income from garage apartment. MY MODERN 3 BEDROOM 435 N.E. 121st St. Furn., Large Efficiency. Will Sell Subject To Court's Approval 3 bedroom, 2 bath, carport, Fla. rm., air 444 N.W. 77th Street, 758-4578. 2 BATH, 5 YEAR OLD HOME Utilities Included. $15 week. PL 4-0985. 2 bedroom CBS, has dining room, car- cons'. Near everything. St Vincent. dePaul $24,400 port, Fla..room 12x24; hurricane awnings. Parish. $14,300, need some cash. PL 7-7209. 3 Bedroom, Hardwood Floors, enclosed ga- N.E. 85th STREET. 1 & 2 BEDROM APT., rage; 15x30 filtered Pool, $17,000. 8825 NW IDEAL LOCATION FURN. $75 MONTH. CALL 757-1009. D. H. ZIRILLO 12 Ave. 759-3539. WALKING DISTANCE TO 6570 S.W. 77 TERRACE IJWID0W MUST SELL!! ALL NEEDS 1 BLOCK ST. ROSE OF LIMA REALTOR MO 7-8222 ' $400 Down FHA 1 or 2 family home. Near church, school. TRADE CONSIDERED Furn. 2 bedroom apt., living room, SPECIALIZING IN CHOICE 3 bedroom, 2 bath, carport, awning Florida room. Apply 10774 N.E. 4 Ave. patio, $74.31 month. Miss Forline 754-6667. Cool in summer. Low priced for immediate sale. 745 N.W. 30 St. 635-7749 after 10 a.m. 3820 S.W. 87 COURT BABCOCK CO. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - ^ THE KEYES CO. SALES. RENTALS, ETC. 1705>I.E. 123 ST. REALTORS (NEAR BIRD RD. ) CALL MRS. CRAVATH, 238-4554 -DUPLEX 2 bedroom furn. patio, Fla. room. 3 Bedroom. 2 bath, 2 kitchens, Florida room, PL8-9468 anytime or,PL9-3865 evqs. $400 DOWN buys 3 bedroom 2 bath house, fenced. $15,000, $450 Down. 5961 E. 6 Ave. WILL ACCEPT SMALL MORTGAGE, VACAN1 FHA. Selling price $12,900. Rent $74.31 mo. 688-3983. LOT OR 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, FRAME OR CBS Visitation Parish. NA 1-2359. CONSTRUCTION —PROVIDING IT'S NEAR HOME FOR SALE — MIAMI BEACH DOWNTOWN. PRICE MUST BE RIGHT . 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, garage, new kitchen, AS MY PRICE IS RIGHT. hardwood floors; 12x28 Covered patio, reverse N. BAY ISLE OFF 79th ST. CSWY. air conditioner, well and pump, fenced rear ESTATE Settlement. Terrific Value. Must NO MONEY DOWN NEEDED yard. Custom drapes, rugs. Walk to Elementary sell CBS Rancher this week. and Jr. high school. $14,900. By owner $22,000, Good Terms. 780 N.W. 148 Terrace 688-3194 CARMIItE BRAVO, Broker 754-4731 HI 6-9802 AT ST, MICHAEL'S. CORNER CBS 2 BEDROOM, CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE — CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE — CEDAR CLOSETS, 18x18 AWNING WINDOW FLORIDA ROOM, UTILITY ROOM, PATIO, 120x60 LOT. $4300 MORTGAGE. PARTLY FURNISHED . PRINCIPALS ONLY. CALL HI 8-1087. •Hillsboro Windsor- REAL ESTATE

BUILDER* DEVELOPER 8340: NORTHEAST SECOND AVE. MIAMI 38, FLORIDA Phone PLoxo 8-0327 WATERFRONT RESIDENCES Philip D. Lewis, Inc. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS PALM BEACH COUNTY 31 WEST 20th Street *Riviera Beach • VI 44301 OCEAN FRONT! HOLL' OD REAL ESTATE • IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY • UNDERGROUND GARAGE BUY or SELL • 2 - 8th FLOOR SUN DECKS l Thru I •BAR. NEY 175' PRIVATE BEACH • COMPLETE G.E. KITCHEN HEATED POOL WITH SUN DECK • MARBLE BATHS Luxury Living In North Beach Area CROWLEY/ BOAT DOCKS ON 1NTRAC0ASTAL • INDIVIDUALLY CONTROLLED 2I3O f HOLLYWOOD BLVD. PUTTING GREEN CENTRAL COOLING AND 2 Bedroom from to .REALTOR mm\\ SPACIOUS ROOMS HEATING PRIVATE BALCONIES • A MOST DESIRABLE ADDRESS Walk to Shopping, Ocean, St. Pins "LOOK FOR THE SHAMROCK SIGNS" Church, Fine Restaurants and Entertainment. • Wall to Wall Carpeting REAL ESTATE LOANS 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath from $12,800 * Deluxe Card Room 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths from $15,300 • Spacious Rooms and Walk-in • Elevator Lobby Closets 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths from $25,300 HOME LOANS • Outside baths and kitchens • City Sewer and Water Inquiries Invited e No Obligation "dinettes" * Central Air Conditioning and Heating To Buy, Sell, Build or Refinance Furnished Models Open 10-5 Daily HI 4-9811 Hillsboro Windsor xirversity 5 Furnished Models Open for Inspection 3201 Northeast 29th Street Oceanfront Cooperative Apartments '/i Block East of Intracoastal ' OF CORAL 6ABLES 1169 A-l-A, Hillsboro Beach / Phone 399-4362 FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA —PHONE LO 6-5997 MIRACLE MILE AT PONCE LUC COURCHENE, DEVELOPER - BUILDER








PINTS t \ _


Page 36 April 23, 1965 THE VOICE Miami, Florida