Omega Wilson Suspended
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(P' 0 \ ' ... ll TODAY I INSIDE TODAY, EDITORIALLY *WFU, 1963 • SUSPENSION • PLEDGING nr • FACULTY MEETINGS • QUEENS' • FILM SERIES * .A Prize· Winning Newspaper * VOLUME LV * * W~eFore~U~nrs~,W~~on~~em, NorthCu~u.~ir~i~d~a;y~.~M~u~c~hl6~.~19i7~0~.~o.~-------------------~N~~-~~-r~l~* * 9- t In • ~ng .. Omega Wilson Suspended BY JOHN ELLIOTT to leave the campus by 2 p.m. Saturday, and for permission to bypass an Honor Council art Of Staff Writer left only after a temporary restraining order trial on the grounds that the present members 1ing. was issued against him by Judge Harvey of the council were prejudiced in his case. Omega Wilson, sophomore of Mebane, left Lupton. Steve Bowden, also a member of the society, or Thrs.) the University campus Saturday night after Wilson had walked out of his trial Feb. 25 was suspended by the council after having ' ,, the executive committee suspended him from after a fellow. member of the Afro-American been found guilty of cheating on a history school indefinitely for refusing to be tried by Society read an appeal by Wilsrm to the exec examination, but his penalty was reduced to the Honor Council. Wilson had been ordered utive committee •. which asked the committee probation by the executive committee after the society appealed the case. The ex!'lcutive committee rejected Wil son's appeal, however, and suspended him indefinitely. Dean Thomas E. Mullen, dean F acuity Defines Liberty of the College and chairman of the executive committee, said an indefinite suspension means that Wison can re-enter the University only with the approval of the executive com mittee. Of University Students When Wilson remained on the campus past the 2 p.m. deadline, the University The faculty has given its approval " in means which do not disrupt the regular and obtained the restraining order from Judge principle" to the Joint Statement on Rights essential operation of the institution •.• Lupton, and two sheriff's deputies were students should be allowed to invite and to sent to the campus about 8 p.m. to serve a and Freedoms of Students, a document drafted civil summons on Wilson. in June, 1967, by representatives of five hear any person of their own choosing." Wilson bad been sitting on the Plaza in national educational and student associations. The other two subdivisions of section four are student participation in institutional front of Reynolda Hall since 2 p.m. with The faculty also voted to appoint a government, and student publications. Both other members of the society, He finally accepted the papers in the hall outside the I • committee to formulate a conduct code con sections generally support the right of sistent with and including the joint statement, dormitory room, and left the campus about students to express themselves and to be 10 p.m. and the student responsibility statement a free of censorship~ dopted by the University in 1968. The fifth section is ''Off-Campus Freedom Besides ordering Wilson to leave the of Students," which is subdivided into campus immediately, the judge ordered him The natk... Ll joint statement is written exercise of rights of citizenship, and in to appear in Superior Court March 9 to in the form of a constitution, with a preamble show why the restraining order should not stitutional authority and civil penalties. hP. made oermanent containing generalities about student rights The last section . is ''Procedural Stand and freedoms and specific articles con ards in Dil\)ciplinary Proceedings.'' "In the Freemon Mark, junior of Elan College cerning on a~d off campus behavior in exceptional circumstances when the pre and past president of tile Afro-American 'We Bombed' Opens Tonight academic and social life. fewid means fail to resolve problems of Society, said that the society will attempt "to get Omega Wilson back in school" student conduct," the statement reads, The University Theatre's production of of military men who are sent to an Air Force or why. Performances will be at 8:15p.m. ·It was drafted and endorsed by the American "proper procedural safeguards shoulq be and to convince the University that what Jose_ph Heller's "We Bombed in New Haven'' base to carry out bombing missions all over again tomorrow night, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, happened at Wilson's trial was not Wilson's Association of University Professors, U.S. observed to protect the student froin the opens tonight at 8:15p.m. The play, concern the world. These individuals do not under and at 8:15 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, National Student Association, Association of unfair imposition of serious penalties.'' fault, but the fault of the society. Mark said ing the anti-v.'ar movement, describes a group stand who is send~g them on the missions American Colleges, National Association of "The administration of discipline should that Wilson wanted to go through with the Student· Personnel Administrators, and guarantee procedural fairness to an accused trial, but that the other society members National Association of Women Deans and student." The jurisdictions of student arid !hreatened to carry him out of the trial Counselors. faculty bodies "should be clearly formulated room if he did not walk out with them. and communicated in advance," Dr. James Ralph Scales, president of WGA Revises 'Campus,"Call-Downs' Since its formulations, it has been endorsed '• This section is specifically subdivided the University, described the restraining by a number of. other professional as- into standards of conduct expected of stu order incident as " regrettable" and said University coeds will no longer receive sociations. · their handbook had been revised and the Upperclassmen will not be required to dents, investigation of student conduct, status that this was the first time since he be a call-down for not making their beds every changes would go into effect immediately." have their overnight slips initialed by the The pr.earnble says that "students should of student pending final action, and hearing carne president that a civil court order had morning by 10 a. m.1 other changes in the handbook include: housemother or house presidents. Fresh be encouraged to·- develop the capacity for committee procedures,. which says, among been nec!'lssary to enforce a suspension. While the above "cleanliness and tidy" A call-down will not be given for break men are required to have their overnight critical judgment and to engage in a sus other things: "the student appear:ing before Hw said that the restraining order was rule has not been rigidly enforced (except ing a busy sign. (A cali -down is the penaliy slips initialed. tained and independent search for truth." the hearing committee should the right not, however, "a use of emergency exec for warnings dealt out to the freshmen for commiting a minor offense. Accumula The WGA council also revised the cam It says that the "minimal standards" for to be assisted in his defense by an advisor utive powers," but the normal procedure women) for some time, the Women's Govern tion of five call-downs results in a House pus, "Realizing the faults of a 'campus" • achieving this are outlined in the body of of his choice." for a university as a corporate institution. ment Association announced this week that campus.) th_e council decided that girls on a campu~ the statement. Double late minutes will not be given wrll be restricted to the dorm from 7:30 when a coed is late when late permission p.m. until the dorm opens the next morn "The freedom to teach and freedom to learn Comedian Tired Of White System (for ball games) has been given. ing. No dating privileges will be allowed are inseparable facets ofacademicfreedom,'' Coeds will not receive a campus if they and a girl cannot receive callers. Previous~ according to the preamble. "Students should forget to sign out on overnight slips if ly coeds were not allowed to receive phone exercise their freedom with responsibility." they call the house mother on the day they calls or go off campus during the day but ) "The purpose of this statement is to leave campus. lf they call on a day after these provisions have been reversPrl h~ th" enumerate provisions for student freedom to they leave, they will be given a two-day new rules. learn " the preamble concludes. Gregory:· No More Nigger Games campus. Failure to call results in a four A campus may be put off for one week - Th~ first of the six sections is "Freedom day campus. without having to take two campuses. of Access to Higher Education," which con cerns admissions policies of the colleges. BY SUE ENGLISH tory texts, indoctrination of young black a neighborhood my momma and I wouldn't It says that each college should make clear children with white sex movies, and govern be welcome in." ment programs that emphasize foreign aid "the characteristics and expectations of According to well-knownauthor, comedian, One of the most emotion-packed moments Sun ;tudePts which it considered relevant to and lecturer, we are now living in a dif and space technology instead of spending the W t;~rshipers Preparing money on hungry people at home. of the speech came when Gregory read part success. in the institution's program." ferent world, and "the nigger game played by of the Declaration of Independence; The :silcond section is "In the Classroom " Mom and Dad would get today's youngsters "The whites' number one hang-up is their ' in trouble." failure to learn that no one wants the white "'But when in a long Train of Abuses and and contains three subdivisions: protection of Usurpation, pursuing invariably the same For -Blackout Phenomenon freedom of expression, protection against im "No more tricks," he said.