BRIEFING PAPER Number 7078, 16 May 2018 Corporation tax in By Antony Seely Northern Ireland Contents: 1. Consultation on devolving corporation tax, March 2011 2. Northern Ireland Affairs Committee report, May 2011 3. Further discussion of the case for devolving corporation tax 4. Autumn Statement & the Stormont Agreement, December 2014 5. The Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Act 2015 6. Recent developments | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary 2 Corporation tax in Northern Ireland Contents Summary 3 1. Consultation on devolving corporation tax, March 2011 5 1.1 The experience of the Republic of Ireland 8 1.2 The implications of EU rules on State Aid 14 1.3 Quantifying the potential impact of a lower rate of tax 15 2. Northern Ireland Affairs Committee report, May 2011 18 3. Further discussion of the case for devolving corporation tax 23 4. Autumn Statement & the Stormont Agreement, December 2014 31 5. The Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Act 2015 36 5.1 Second Reading 38 5.2 Further debate & scrutiny 42 6. Recent developments 48 Cover page image copyright : Attributed to: Gladstone’s red box by The National Archives UK. Image cropped. No known copyright restrictions. 3 Commons Library Briefing, 16 May 2018 Summary For some years it has been argued that the Republic of Ireland has had greater success in attracting foreign direct investment due, in part, to its relatively low rate of corporation tax, and that Northern Ireland has suffered from this tax competition.