€Im0tmah Ijfarta High Mass for the Children of Radio, Heatir
Wf*f 40* -»t- <$ ^ '/n s .. W * A*«, «^*«k*i« f^imlt^^r • '.y-^j**' *"**<** W*'"* /<fc* 4 *-»»?«••* ><? t 8 > M ..-•2.' IV. 1 A I, V i«>CvV ^ f^* "S - •>. ^ W^rW^^J^y^ „ . „v •&*>*$* -JSs, t tjy ^i^i;." Hi% M Friday October 128,1055 -.»#« Far East Prmm,m TmpWBSm^k Seniors Win Essay Award Cfeojge V?, SclnjeJasTof Aqainaa 6th gradel y/JUIam Gfagiutat J2-J-V <>,. *• Church StaWmmMission " ""*"'" Institute aS)d ErcunueJa Cazoneri poly B«de*meri, *tocjej Jilijtth East met West last Thuri of JSfotM Dante HlghrSeiiooI, El* Calbout, & Helen, ^portable Hear Bi evening in the Community mira, toole top psJzes in the .MisX»it0¥- Mary Ellen Foody, i.gt. -.1 Memorial auditorium when 4), sion Seenearwna Bssay Contest 4 Patrick, Eamlra, pert and; jpencil (Continued from Pagre 1) blossom- The Bishop found the Moslem. He saw this situation Grace Mar Gregorios, Archbishifj was, announced Sunday evening •wt * * ,,f „. "L. m> to be penetrated and converted. Idea of the white flower surviv as one out of which Christianity of Triyandrum, India offered HQJ^ by XQUIS 3aagie, contest chair It Will be by the Sisters," the ing in Its purity on the filthy bog, would rise and Arid |«rJectloij. Mass in the ancient oriental Sy$f* man, at th* Btehop Sheen Jecfure Raines5th ,grade Rochesterr Patrici, bicyclea Slater^ MSr, ^ty. Bishop stated. a simple metaphor of the mystery tiishop Sheen fold the audience Malankara rite, Jane Carroll, 0Sti . Margaret Wary, The fliishop said that in theo f the Immaculate Conception. in the Wasr MenaoriaL ~ * " — 0 that the town of Fatima, Portu Over 6000 people saw for tW WINNEBS receive a full 4 portable radio, Barbara Dotvnes, country ol Tibet there Is only one On stage for Sunday eve gal, where our Blessed' Mother St Charles Borromeo, ^^^{^ Catholic.
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