€Im0tmah Ijfarta High Mass for the Children of Radio, Heatir

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€Im0tmah Ijfarta High Mass for the Children of Radio, Heatir Wf*f 40* -»t- <$ ^ '/n s .. W * A*«, «^*«k*i« f^imlt^^r • '.y-^j**' *"**<** W*'"* /<fc* 4 *-»»?«••* ><? t 8 > M ..-•2.' IV. 1 A I, V i«>CvV ^ f^* "S - •>. ^ W^rW^^J^y^ „ . „v •&*>*$* -JSs, t tjy ^i^i;." Hi% M Friday October 128,1055 -.»#« Far East Prmm,m TmpWBSm^k Seniors Win Essay Award Cfeojge V?, SclnjeJasTof Aqainaa 6th gradel y/JUIam Gfagiutat J2-J-V <>,. *• Church StaWmmMission " ""*"'" Institute aS)d ErcunueJa Cazoneri poly B«de*meri, *tocjej Jilijtth East met West last Thuri of JSfotM Dante HlghrSeiiooI, El* Calbout, & Helen, ^portable Hear Bi evening in the Community mira, toole top psJzes in the .Mis­X»it0¥- Mary Ellen Foody, i.gt. -.1 Memorial auditorium when 4), sion Seenearwna Bssay Contest 4 Patrick, Eamlra, pert and; jpencil (Continued from Pagre 1) blossom- The Bishop found the Moslem. He saw this situation Grace Mar Gregorios, Archbishifj was, announced Sunday evening •wt * * ,,f „. "L. m> to be penetrated and converted. Idea of the white flower surviv­ as one out of which Christianity of Triyandrum, India offered HQJ^ by XQUIS 3aagie, contest chair It Will be by the Sisters," the ing in Its purity on the filthy bog, would rise and Arid |«rJectloij. Mass in the ancient oriental Sy$f* man, at th* Btehop Sheen Jecfure Raines5th ,grade Rochesterr Patrici, bicyclea Slater^ MSr, ^ty. Bishop stated. a simple metaphor of the mystery tiishop Sheen fold the audience Malankara rite, Jane Carroll, 0Sti . Margaret Wary, The fliishop said that in theo f the Immaculate Conception. in the Wasr MenaoriaL ~ * " — 0 that the town of Fatima, Portu­ Over 6000 people saw for tW WINNEBS receive a full 4 portable radio, Barbara Dotvnes, country ol Tibet there Is only one On stage for Sunday eve­ gal, where our Blessed' Mother St Charles Borromeo, ^^^{^ Catholic. This man Is a muler ning's talk were His Excellency Jftrst time the Sacriflse of fh#" years tuition free at St John « appeared to the shepherd chil­ Mass said in the ceremonial*. Fisher College Gov- men and atpenci l set: tt Who travels over the Tibet bor-' Bishop Kearney who introduc­ dren, had been named in honor der Into India on his selling trips. ed Bishop Sheen, the Most Rev. and language dating- back to Nazareth College forwonwn. Two 4th ^radeir Mary Walsh, St, •i of Mohammed's daughter. He the days of the apostles. '; year* tuition was granted by the t His conversion was accomplished Paul Yamagqiichi, Bishop of smL M^tM»~pm»ldefltial.,xoinci- Louis, Pttts£ori portable «<grd ' t»y""It "Ifblip of "Caffiollr"" monks Nagasaki, Japan, local mbnstg* Mar Sregorlos was assisted irtr; >6Ueee.,ancl two will be "'financed' player* Theresa WaSer," Koly deuce the hope of Christ coming the Mass by Father Francis^ whose monastery lies just over nori Mid clergy, and prlest-mis- to the Moslem through Mary. TriWtyr, W&fot. portabler. Jatjloj am sioners of the Scenerama, , Lukaczyk, O.F.M., a Franciscan?!) HM* Indian border and who spend IN INDIA and Pakistan, of lakes'Waging St* Char^j|»P* In his address to the day's n<«hnn ..i* •«,„* „•„.,..«. „# r\?Z toe Byzantine-Slavonic Rite*' their lives in prayer lor the con­ Bishop said that statues of Our „t_fi„„„j f »,„„, «»»»«- ft«v. romeo, pen and pencil sefcir\% version of Tibet, second audience of 1Q.000, Bishop r»-»., «« o.ti«. u_.,« .«..«»«J stationed in New Canaan, conn. met *" Sheen stated that "foreign mis­ Lady of Fatima have attracted, •«.„„»,. .«.-.„« „,__ -Lt^jJij; MB COUPLED WITH this statistic many Moslems to the: CatholicLf^J^fw 1 ifS sions exist in order to liquidate the »^#n£ fhfrd.prWo* ^ "tSB^BhTShrlne f ilon Is the amazingr fact that Tibet is ihejHselves.'* that their- purpose. Church. He Jermed. this happen- Archbishops ****** rota* Oltswa^H^-^^ariafc€eny .one of the moast-'-reiigioBs^-eoun- in^as "a modem-inyatery of the "J* ^«5*i .*»»*L*? ^| ^SttM^'aa'Wan by "John Rte*. •n&^o establish the Church in mis- of a m AqulnlaJ Sjfsttttit«i and Desuma ter for Ejigjiii?h>spe^drtif ; Cana­ * 8) tries in the world. One spn from sion areas as a self-sufficient or- Visitation, where Christ romlscomes J^ >^» -,- , . '* 4 hidden In Mary." 1 The Archbishop's staff was de­ Sarids/|S[«E*reth Academy, dian Catholics >fll bef eateTbfBhed iieVi every Tibetan family must be- „, , , . , Sophomore and; freshman high Chu come a Buddhist monk, taking a gamzation staffed by native hier. Regarding the persecution of signed of silver forming two sef*'• ; in WtocKp*^ (?nt, in assq^atjon .._..._» „ iiu _. * j, L, archy, priests and religious. He the Church in China, the Bishop scJiool ^ifehers included: John niscenpeats tmeetin of thg e aserpent thet toplifte, drem up! with As^ufhigition^parisfc w&ted vow of celibacy and spending his " Bishop Yamagouchl, described the brain washing tech- M,*3McIite|'j|ey, Notre Dame High pointed out by Moses in the desert. The School ana taiirle Valerio, St life under the Strictest of monas- as an example of this progress in nlque of the Reds used on the crozier belonged to his predeces­ Agnes HigiKIScbiOijl, ?150 cash;" »h tic rules, the Bishop remarked, ithe missions of Japan. | missioners, the torture methods sor, Mar Ivariios as did the ruby Gerald Lpcklln, UcQuald Jesuit to He said the Tibetans pray daily, ' The Bishop cited the faith,; and the day and night-long In- studded pectoral cross,., handed ^ghScht^^aflft-PatrlclaKMaieip? • »i though they themselves do rot!piety and penitential practicesit*T«gatioBS,.. - ; down to Mar Gregorios at the J St.* Ja^M Coimmercial, 5100 M know Why, to the white lotus I which characterizcharacterizee the devoutli^^^'^S^Si. former's death. The pectoral crossi cashr-Davferl^Nbrthnjpj McQaald -, —i—r - - - differs from the usual Bishpp's -3- to death or is suffering a "liv­ ; if Jesuit Higli -Schorql and Carolyn Pi ing martyrdom," while foreign cross in that it. has a double cross Merhel, St. Agnes High School, th missioners are either imprisoned bar, designating the office of S50 cash, wi or exiled. But Bishop Sheen con­ archbishop. * ElEME!«rAittr School whmera of cluded with assurance and confi­ In his hand, the Archbishop were: 8th grade; Michael Hotra.; dence that "we will go back" to carried a gold "blessing" cross! St, Helen, 950 cash!--Joseph Scol- SOUVENIR continue the work in the salva­ from which hung a long red ker­ Ian, St Maay, Autburn, $25 cash; tion of souls. chief representing the Precious John Staintpfll, St. Thomas, $1? At the end of the address, Bish-; Blood. MAIt < KhfJOKIOS ARCHBISHOP O'GARA cash. birtl Mass in Aramaic op Kearney asked the audience | At the altar, Mar Gregorios "coexistence Illusion" 7th grade: Karen Kirby, Holy don« to stand and repeat together the j vested In a wide gold veil, which PHOTOS of audience in the name of the late "an inspiration for the impris­ Ghost, wrist watch; Frank Mor- salutation made famous by Blsh- iwas placed over his head, and a Mar Ivanios ior the prayers oi oned clergy still In Red China," a one, Holy Family, Rochester, op Sheen, "God'Love You." Icape-like chasuble, also of cloth- camera; Mtargaret Kramer, St Americans which had helped in living prayer for the churches be­ Meeting with the various mis-lof-gold. Boih vestments were en- the reunion and also for his own Francis Xavier, gen and pencil MISSION sinners after his talk, Bishop' crusted with jewels and heavily personal conversion. hind, the Bamboo and Iron Cur­ set Sheen complimented them on embroidered. He told of his becoming a Cath^ tain*. -their-.- work . and, noting - a few IN His SKItMON, the~Areh- weary faces after the week-long b'lic under the instruction of Sfar "He told of" His" own Imprison- blshop told th - audience that the Ivanios. Because of his conversion' ment for 2 years in Red China, exhibit, asked if they felt that particular rite of which lie is the MAY IE SEEN and PURCHASED at the week "had been worth it." leading prelate traces its origin he was forced to leave his home wnere he ww ^^ wWle ^^g Immediately he was answered, since his family would no longer almost in unison, that the mis­ accept him. THOMAS CASEY'S sioners only wished they could In 1944, he was ordainedr a Priest-Co wboy PHOTOGRAPHER stay t week longer, and they paid priest and brought his family into 62 East Av«. HAmllton 7237 particular tribute to the zeal and the Church. At 36 years old* in £;" mlsslon-mindedness of the Catho­ J15JS2- he was consecrated Aux- • -,r '.**•- lics of the Rochester diocese. Blshop to Mar Ivanios and ,,...,, ded him on the latter'* ^v:' '- " ^ath—the following year.. " '•'**:\ ^Mar Gregrorios spoke- b£ the '"•k^--. • r 'r* deathbed statement of his prede­ : -\f, *• ************* \j\ 9MR SIR Win fl»IH MJ& JRJR Sft cessor, that he hoped to Intercede &tt' - Obi heaven with the Blessed Virgin $z i and St, Thomas for the return oi '-T'r' V'> ^ Rochester's Oldest and Largest Religious Goods Storm all tchismatics. •' -. * .'**' 1 THE ARCHBISHOP said that :-'>s i in Trivandrum, Malabar, which :? *. '' V >• is located on the Southwest coast ; *T- Catholics; 20 thousand .of whom -•*;;< • Special Purchase! of India, there are how 100.600 • -<:' . "P f_ i. were converted during the Mairl "r ',. '"•"si. an Year. Mar Gregprios person m: ally brought ,£,000 into union with '':"5V-«,',-.* %i 'r** all "i ;l tflrrtittttafl Katiuttg &m the Holy See last year. 1 '-\ *. He said the great need present­ ff-- 1 ly In Malabar was ~Qii construe t^' '1. •- •<:•- ^' i tion jof churches, and.
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