New B'nai UJWF Drive At $190,000 B'rith Lodge Is Formed Womens' Div. Boosts Total Formation of the Thunderbird The sum of $190,000 in campaign receipts was regis- Lodge of B’nai B’rith took place tered as of the close of business on March 2. The total Tuesday evening, Feb. 7, at Temple to date represents a 10% increase over the same gifts Beth Israel. The following officers last year in spite of serious losses suffered by deaths were elected: J. V. Dreiseszun, President; Zack Winograd, Ist and removals from the community. V. P.; Maurice Tregar, 2nd V. P.; “We can still exceed last year’s figure if we work 3rd V. Paul Murray Stuart, P.; 10, 1961 Every other Friday except hard,” said M. D. Brown, Campaign Chairman. “The Secy.; Burton Bent- . Second class March Wollheim, Rec. VOL XTV Tiitiuspostage paid at monthly June, July, August. really hard work starts now. We have plenty of pros- ley, Corr. Secy.; Gerry Kramer, Phoenix, Aris. $3.60 per year. 124 E. Roosevelt Fin. Scy.; Sorrell Beilin, Treas.; pects still to be seen and plenty of money still outstand- Sam Cohen, Guardian; Larry Tock- ing. If every divisional chairman and every worker will er, Warden; Jack Sugar, Chaplain; get those prospects contacted and pledges turned in, Fred Monteser, Dr. Sam Cohen, I&SIWqKrHER FEET UJA Leaders Jack Holtz, Irwin Harris, and Dave there is no reason why we cannot raise more than we did Gordon, Trustees. last year.” The activities of the new lodge Adopt 5 Point Women givers were thrilled at hearing Mrs. Paulette will be geared to new projects of Fink the Angel-Pacesetter luncheon at the Century service to the Jewish community at in Phoenix and the surrounding Country Club, Feb. 27. Mrs. Joe Lagman, Women’s areas. The group fulfilled the basic Aid Program Division Chairman, was given an ovation for her excel- requirements for its charter within PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA, lent leadership. Women present at the meeting contrib- thirty days of its formation. —A strong plea for “rededication uted $12,000 to swell the Women’s Division Total to Application for charter member- of our energies” to a 5-point prior- ship will be accepted until March ity aid program for immigrants in 26,500 raised to that time. 15, and interested applicants should Israel and distressed Jews through- Youth Division, Central Arizona and Phonorama con- contact Dave Gordon at AM 5-5569 out the world was made to Western tributions, included in the Women’s Division, had not Maury Tregar at AM 6-9949. Meyer- or Jewish leaders by Joseph yet been obtained deadline of The next meeting will be held hoff of Baltimore, General Chair- at the date for this issue March 14, 8:30 p. m., at Temple man of the National UJA. the Phoenix Jewish News. Beth Israel. Meyerhoff addressed more than 700 key Jewish communal leaders from 13 states at the 3-day Western States Conference of the UJA at Temple Beth Israel Rabbi Zionist Dinner the Riviera Hotel. The UJA head listed these five most important aims for the 1961 AtRantada Inn campaign: To Continue Book Series 1. Help Israel’s people to con- tinue to receive all Jews who seek Continuing his Thursday evening law. The most famous of these haven on their shores. Adult Education Series of the books, “The Ethics of the Fathers” 2. Speed the building of creative Great Jewish Books at Temple laid the foundation-stone of Jewish lives for thousands of recent new- Beth Israel, Rabbi Albert Plotkin ethical thought upon world culture. comers who have not yet been will on Thursday, March 16, begin "The Rise Os Jewish Philosophy, truly absorbed into Israel’s econo- to review in a series of four talks 940 C. E.” to be reviewed on April my. the “Great Movements in Jewish 6 will study “Beliefs and Opinions” 3. Help fellow Jews to settle in Life.” by Saadia Ben Joseph Al-Fayyuml other free lands. His first lecture, “THE BIBLE of Egypt, considered the first great 4. Assist the reconstruction of TRANSLATED INTO GREEK” Jewish book on Philosophy. Jewish community life in areas of will deal with the influence that Concluding this series of the Europe ravaged by the Nazis and Greek culture had upon the Jew Great Jewish Books on April 13th, where the local Jewish communi- as reflected in the great books of Rabbi Plotkin will turn to the myth- ties still are too weak to complete the Apocrypha, written about 200 ical literature of Chassidism, such reconstruction without help. BCE. founded in 1740. All 5. Provide welfare services for this Series will of these talks to be held on On March 23, four Thursday Jews in need in 26 countries out- enter intellectual de- evenings, beginning a new field of 8 p. side Israel. velopment, discussing the period March 16, m., in the Temple The purpose of the Conference Ben Zakai Auditorium, 10th Ave. and Flower Dr. Aronson Os Minneapolis when Rabbi Jochanen St., was to formulate action programs an Academy of Yavneh are open free to the public, established and are under for local community drives in the year 70 C. E., and began the Chairmanship throughout the thirteen Western known as of Leonard Amdur, of the Temple’s To Talk At Beth El Series the collection of books Adult Education articles, States to mobilize maximum sup- Mishnah dealing with Jewish Committee. The second lecture of the “Uni- Dr. Aronson is now as- the Messrs. Stanley and RABBI CHAIM WEINSTEIN of Phoenix” sociate editor of "The American port for the UJA’s national 1961 Kesselman versity Judaism in goal Arthur Ross will serve as modera- will take place Tuesday, Jewish World.” He served on the campaign of $72,740,000 re- Weinstein, spir- series quired global operations to aid tors for this series. Rabbi Chaim J. March 14, 8:30 p. m., in Beth El Board of Directors of the Round for To Open itual leader of Temple Beth El in Dr. of Co- nearly 600,000 distressed Jewish "Exodus" Auditorium, and feature David Table Christians and Jews; children. Hollywood, Calif., will deliver the Aronson speaking on “Where is Chairman, Religious Section of the men, women and Dr. Padalis principal address at the Phoenix Jewish Life Heading.’’ Minneapolis Self-Survey Commis- In Phoenix Mar. 17 Brandeis District annual American Aronson was elected Rabbi sion; member, Governor’s Human Dr. that a young girl Zionist Fund Dinner, which will be of Beth El Synagogue, Relations Commission of Minne- It isn’t often Next Forum Emeritus Plotkin gets her lifetime at held March 12, 7 p. rti. at Ramada Minneapolis, Minnesota, after sota, appointed successively by Rabbi the chance of Inn. Renz L. Jennings, Justice of serving the congregation for 35 Governors Thye, Youngdahl, An- the age of 14. Series Speaker the Arizona Supreme Court, will be years. Author of “The Jewish Way derson and Freeman. Lectures In Jill Haworth, who was discovered toastmaster for the evening. of Life” and a number of scholarly Dr. Aronson was the recipent of by at the Corona Two years ago Rabbi Weinstein the Minneapolis Distinguished Citi- Stage School in London, got that was elected president of the West- zen Citation, the first clergyman chance. Her very first film role Region of the ZOA and New Mexico ern States • to receive this honor. was of Karen, a central char- - . , (| of that to the executive board of the South- i n! Rabbi Albert Plotkin Temple acter in Preminger’s picture, ern California Board of Rabbis and Beth Israel represented the Jewish "Exodus.” And Jill got to travel Chautauqua Society to the Board of Governors of Bonds Giss, as lecturer at to the Middle East, spending three for Israel. As lecturer at the Uni- Senator New Mexico College of Agriculture in and on Cyprus, in months Israel versity of Judaism, the west coast and Mechanical Arts State Col- production was on loca- from where the branch of the Theological Seminary lege, New Mexico Friday tion. of America, his courses in mar- through Thursday, March 3-9. The trip to Israel was her first counseling are Lodge Guest the Religious The riage and family rabbi participated in away from London; and the blonde, offered in the department of sociol- Emphasis Week program held Senator Harold Giss, leader in blue-eyed Jill found it an exciting ogy and religion. at the college. At the same time, she a pro- the Arizona Senate and member college adventure. Scheduled to appear in a The rabbi lectures on worked hard; and her leisure time gram of songs is the well known of Herman Lewkowitz Lodge No. campuses under the auspices of the B’nai B’rith, will the was limited. Her mother and a singer Bat’ya, of whom Ed Sulli- 960, address Jewish Chautauqua Society, an or- with her, at its regular meeting tutor made the journey van says: “. . One of the finest lodge on which creates un- . ganization better youngster was reminded I have ever heard, this Tues., March 14, 8:30 p.m., at the of Jews and Judaism and the singers derstanding that making a movie didn’t mean great talent from the tiny country Jewish Community Center. through education. speak “Ac- that school work was suspended. of Israel has a voice that truly jK Senator Giss will on ap- tion on Capitol Hill.” He will dis- Although this was her first should be heard around the B cameras, Jill JHHk Sk cuss legislation in many fields, in- pearance before the world.” Bat’ya, a member of the 31 Holds the National Theatre in Tel Aviv, Jgj cluding un-American activities, Troop was completely accepted by Ohel I “professionals” was one the DR. PRANAS PADALIS has toured with the Ohel Theatre anti-communism, public accommo- and of Os Honor not only but Company to the principal cities of dations, and education. A question Court favorites of the crew The third in University Forum Troop sponsored by of Israelis, swamped the England, France, Italy, Belgium, and answer period will follow. Boy Scout 31, also the who which is co-sponsored by Lewkowitz Lodge 960, fan mail. Series, and Switzerland. She will be ac- In addition, first and final nomi- Herman her with the Extension Division of Arizona B’rith, a Court of Honor “Exodus” was produced in Tech- companied in her appearance here nations of new lodge officers for B’nai held State University and the Phoenix Saema Green. 1961-62 will be held. recently to present awards to nicolor and Super-Panavision 70 by DR. DAVID ARONSON the year six- Jewish Community Center, will be Proceeds from the dinner will be lodge will hold its annual scouts who had earned advance- wide-screen with Todd-AO presented Sunday, The Barry Michael stereophonic sound. United March 12, at 8 used toward the support of the ZOA father and child sports dinner ment. Eagle Scout channel p. m. at the Center, 1510 East House in Tel Aviv and to provide March 28. The annual family pic- Stoloff received his Second Palm Artists will distribute the film. The A1 showing open Camelback. scholarships to the Kfar Silver Ag- Board Re-elects nic will take place at Tempe from District Commissioner Phoenix will March subject Stambaugh. Five scouts were ele- The will be “The Eco- ricultural Training Institute In Is- Beach, Tempe, Sunday, April 30. 17 at the Palms Theatre. nomic Challenge Os Soviet Rus- rael. Samuel Shapiro vated to Second Class status, and others became Tenderfoot and and the speaker will be Dr. For reservations call M. L. Trook- Pranas Padalis, Associate man, chairman, WH 6-7775; Ben Plans First Class Scouts. Merit badges Profes- Kivel President Beth El proficiency in designated sor of Economics at Arizona State Borden, co-chairman, AM 6-5815; At of the Board for areas the last meeting were also awarded. University. Dr. Padalis studied at Joseph H. Cohen, co-chairman, AL of the Kivel Nursing Home, Samuel Kaunas, 2-1328. Dietary laws will be ob- Passover Seder Camelback District Executive the Universities of Lith- Shapiro was re-elected President uania; Zurich, Switzerland; at the served. agency a third term. Larry Snead presented the Troop of the for For March 31 Charter for 1961 to B’nai B'rith Sorbonne in Paris and in Warsaw, were Silverman, Elected also Nat The traditional community Seder Lodge President, Chester Stoloff, Poland. He was assistant Professor Vice President; Harry Rubenstein, of Economics at the Universities of Treasurer; and Mrs. Edward Service in celebration of Passover who is also a member of the Rabbi Visits will take place this year on Friday, Roosevelt Council Boy Scout Exe- Kaunas and Vilnius, Lithuania; Friedman, Secretary. and from 1948 1954 As- March 31, at 7 p. m. in the Beth cutive Board. to he was The Board of the Home is en- El Auditorium, W. McDowell Daniel Neifeld, scoutmaster, sociate Professor of Economics at a 302 troop gaged study plans . University Detroit, Mexico City in and for Road. invites all boys over the age of 11 the of Michi- 25 of Rabbi Carol Klein, at the request 20 to bed addition because the The Seder meal will be prepared years to join the troop, which meets j|. gan. He was a member of the of waiting ’pH ; Anti-Soviet and under- of the United Synagogue of Ameri- large number applicants by caterer Jack Grodzinsky. H. M. in its own building behind the Jew- Anti-Nazi for beds in the Home. is ground movements in Lithuania, a ca, left March 6 for a visit to Kivel Dreiseszun, Seder chairman, sug- ish Community Center each Wed- Mexico City where he addressed presently equipped to handle 45 reservations be made nesday night 7:30. member of the Supreme Commit- gests that at tee of Lithuania Mexican Jewry, as part a patients and is completely filled. early: Reservations for Beth El for the liberation of plan past few months the and the Lithuanian underground to strengthen the conservative During the members are $6.50 per person; of bed in Paris, France. movement in Mexico City. Home operated at 98% ca- non-members $7.50 per person; representative pactiy. Temple Sholom Dr. Padalis advisor of the Rabbi Klein was guest of honor It is estimated that the new children to the age of 12, $3.25. was at a addition will cost in the neighbor- American Lithuanian Information banquet during his stay in All reservations must be accom- Burns ppF* York and observer Mexico City. hood of $200,000. and Mortgage Center in New He was scheduled to panied by payment sent to the a ceremony held Monday speak over synagogue At at the United Nations. From 1954 radio and television office. 27, at the Phoenix was a guest speaker holiday night, Feb. to 1958 Dr. Padalis Program and was at a large Plan on celebrating this Community Center, the MEET A NEW STAR: Acting the mass meeting during Puerto Rican by attending the Jewish Editor and Chief of his brief event Seder Serv- members of Temple burn- JILL HAWORTH of visit. ice to be conducted by Rabbi Sholom Lithuanian Service of the Voice Carol and L. ed the mortgage on their property, America; from 1958 until coming Pamphlet Printed Klein Cantor Harold at Osborn and 28th Foreign Green. located E. Rd. to Phoenix he was Lan- —Puerto Ricans are St. guage information specialist with News From assimilating to American city life For further information call Al- By it was Germany Conducts at Washing- pine 4-4739. unanimous vote, the Voice of America faster than any previous group of decided to secure $105,000 In loans ton, D. C. Circle City newcomers according to Clarence for the financing of the first part The University Forum Series is and Probes On March 2 Circle City Women’s Senior, expert on migration of their building. Plans are now Murder open to the public and there is no a urbanization, in “Strangers—Then Donor Luncheon Club held Purim dinner at Circle out for bid, and construction is HANOVER, (JTA) The Han- admission charge. City Club Neighbors,” a pamphlet published fu- House, with the tradi- due to be started in the near office of prosecution revealed tional by the Anti-Defamation League of At ture. that building over hamentashen prepared by Mt. Shadows It is hoped the that it was conducting 14 investiga- the members. The entire commun- B’nai B’rith. This is the first in a The donor committee of Temple will be ready for High Holy Day To series of paperbacks human tions against persons charged with JNHAC Hold ity of 35 families attended. Honor- on Beth Israel Sisterhood, under the services In the fall. the probes ed guests were relations published by the League war crimes. Most of Mr. and Mrs. Isa- chairmanship of Mrs. Philip Ne- involve the murders of Jews in of Tenn. under the Freedom Books imprint. a varied "Rumor Clinic" dore Levin Memphis, The vins, has planned pro- Poland, especially in Lemberg and Chapter of Jewish evening’s entertainment included Dr. Senior, currently serving as gram for its donor luncheon to be Bikur Cholim To Meet The Phoenix to Secretary Blkur Cholim invites all mem- Lodz. Two of the accused persons National Home for Asthmatic Chil- songs and recitations symbolic of a consultant the of held at noon, March 14, at Moun- general Purim Labor of the Commonwealth of bers, friends, and anyone Interest- have been arrested. dren will hold its next the tradition. tain Shadows. in Koblenz an- 19, at 8 The Puerto Ricq, ascribes the rapid Two free weekends at valley re- ed to attend a general meeting The prosecution meeting Sunday, March 1961 U. J. W. F. Campaign will be open- the Community received whole support Puerto Rlcap assimilation to Amer- sorts for a couple will be among Thursday, March 16, 8 p.m., at nounced that the trial p. m., at Jewish hearted at April against Hans public Is invited to from the residents and guests of ican life to "two main factors—the the many prizes to be given at the Beth Hebrew Synagogue, 333 East ed the end of Center. The Circle City. Impressive efforts of the Puerto affair. Fashions by Edith Small Portland. The chief topic of dis- Remers, 54, a worker, and Karl attend. migrants will be building a home for Zenner, 54, a merchant, who were The program for the evening will Recently Edward Weiss, Mayor Rican themselves, and will be shown by Adler’s of Scotts- cussion presented the change of attitude toward dale and lingerie by House senior citizens for all of Arizona acused as former SS leaders of be “The Rumor Clinic,” of Circle City, welcomed Dr. Sam- Glamor complicity the of 8,- by Fran Refreshments Chicago, strangers developing in American of Scottsdale. Cards and Mah Jong and the southwest. After the meet- in murders Waldman. uel Billows of who visited Jews In Minsk. will be served. his many friends in the community. society. will follow. ing, refreshments will be served. 624