Spatial Analysis on Social Economic of Mongolian

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Spatial Analysis on Social Economic of Mongolian SPATIAL ANALYSIS ON SOCIAL ECONOMIC OF MONGOLIAN EASTERN ZONE AND DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE Kherlenbayar.B1, Altanbagana.M1 1Social, Economic Geographic Division, Geography-Geoecological Institute, Mongolian Academic of Science E-mail: ABSTRACT methods to support local economic and social This study aims to analyze which developmental development. This document promotes coherence resources are better for each aimag in the eastern between regional and urban development and region of Mongolia that has actively participated in ensures environmental sustainability. Northeast Asian economic integration. Spatial In addition, the "Regional Development Concept analyses was conducted on human settlements, labor of Mongolia" has to be closely linked to the national force, agricultural resources, as well as the current program, the “State Policy on Population Settlement planning transportation corridor and border port and Residential system of Mongolia” and he activity. Human population and livestock numbers "Mongolia-Russia-China Economic Program”, as have been increasing in some soums and in all cities well as other programs in neighboring counties. For along the current transportation network. Khentii example, projects in transportation, energy and and Sukhbaatar aimags have more potential to infrastructure of the Russian Government’s develop based on opportunities in the agriculture, "Eurasian Economic Association" and the Chinese tourism and service sector. Dornod aimag has the initiative "One Belt and One Road". potential to become an industrial park, with Furthermore, the Mongolian Economic Foreign opportunities to develop its industries, services, and Exchange Program outlines regional economic intensive livestock breeding. Khalkhgol soum also integration. However, it is unclear exactly how to has the potential to develop based on its tourism and initiatae the regional economic integration, based on farming. Lastly, Sukhbaatar aimag has the potential local development available resources. At this time, to develop based on pastoral animal husbandry and the National Development Agency of Mongolia has industries. begun to develop the "Mongolia Regional Key words: human settlement, labor force, geo Development Policy". spatial, agriculture, regional development concept This study aims to identify spatial analysis of the transportation network planning, population and Introduction/ background human settlements, labor resources and the In the early 2000s, the State Great Khural of distribution of agricultural resources in the eastern Mongolia approved regional development policy region and to determine what development documents such as the Regional Development resources exist at aimag and soum levels. Concept of Mongolia [1], the Mid-term Regional Methodology Development Strategy for Mongolia [2] and State The study assessed population settlement, labor, Great Khural’s Resolutions on the Establishment of livestock and crop data overlapped with the planned the Pillar Center city of the Regional [3], The transportation network and identified the most government has also adopted programs related to valuable development resources in each soum and regional development, including the East, West, aimag. Data from 3 aimags and 45 soums between Central and Khangai Regional Development 2000-2017 were used, and the population number, Programs (2006-2015) [4]. The main purpose of the aged 15 and over people, economically active regional development concept is to reduce population, employees, unemployed population, inequalities between rural and urban development; number of herders, structure of GDP by economic to accelerate economic and social development. To sector sector, number of inbound and outbound do that the advantages of the region, the material passenger and transport by crossing border, amount resources of the main commodities, and the price of major export and import goods and resources of the workforce are managed in harvesting grain and vegetable, potatoes data were accordance with their environmental capacity. The analyzed. implementation of these regional development documents expired in 2015. Research result In the Law on Development Policy and Planning Transportation network approved by Parliament in 2016 [7], the "Regional Under the "China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Development Concept of Mongolia" is a document Corridor Program", joint projects and programs are that defines the goals, objectives and approved designed to increase trade turnover, supply of goods 1 competitively, facilitate trans-border transportation, planned to be established in the national and develop infrastructure of Mongolia, Russia and international program. China. A total of 32 projects have been planned in Border port activity the joint project. Consider these joint projects and There are 4 ports on the border with China and two programs by sectors, 13 projects in the transport ports on the border of Russia. The ports of infrastructure sector (of which 6 projects in railway Ereentsav and Bichigt are internationally 4 projects in road); 2 projects in the industrial permanently active; the border ports of Havirga and sector; 1 project in upgrading the border port; 1 Bayankhoshuu are permanently active;and Sumber project in energy sector; 4 projects in thetrade, and Ulikhanmaikhan border ports are temporarily customs, professional inspection and quarantine ;3 active. As shown in Figure 1, there were 52-58 projects in the environmental sector ; 3 projects in thousand passengers traveling through the Bichigt thescience and technology sector; 3 projetcs in the and Khavirga border ports, mostly at Bichigt port, humanitarian sector; 1 project in the agricultural with over 27 thousand trucks and 7.3 thousand sector 1 project on protection of medicine and passenger cars. Over one thousand trucks crossed at health. [6]. Khavirga port and 8.2 (thousand?) passenger cars. Within the scope of the economic development, one At Bayankhoshuu port, 39 thousand passengers, goal of regional development is to establish a 21.5 thousand passenger trucks and 3.6 thousand national movement to build cross-roads between the passenger cars were transported. regions and between countries. As a result, the State According to major goods exported by Dornod Great Khural approved the Millennium Road and aimag border ports in 2016, 220,871.5 thousand the vertical axis infrastructure, the State Railways USD of crude oil was exported via Bayankhoshuu Policy, and the "Development Path" National port, 19,767 USD of concentrated zinc and lead via Programs and continues to construct transportation Ereentsav port, and 1,084 USD of hay and livestock network. The newly proposed road and rail project raw material was exported via Khavirga and in the Eastern region is in line with the Millennium Bayankhoshuu border ports. In terms of major Road, the vertical axis infrastructure and the import products, 18,892 USD of fuel was imported expansion activity of transportation in the Eastern by Ereentsav border port, 579,000 USD of Regional Development Program. vegetables and 1,116.4 thousandUSD of As shown in Figure 1, the road and rail project construction and auto equipment were imported by (corridors) reflected in the China-Mongolia-Russia Khavirga and Bayankhoshuu border ports [7]. Total Economic Corridor Program will be an important amount price of imported petrol from Russia via development in the long-term to increase foreign Ereentsav port is equal to 8% of the total amount trade and cooperation opportunities in Northeast price of exported crude oil to China via Asian country. Bayankhoshuu port. Figure 1. Current and planning transportation route, Population and Human settlement In terms of population and human settlements Mongolia is unique. Settlements areclassified as urban and rural by population estimates based on the national statistical census. The urban category includes aimag centers and some soum centers with relatively high population density and developed infrastructure. The rural category recognizes herders living in pasture area and soum centers that provide basic social services. In the Eastern region, at the end of 2017, there were around 216 thousand people, or 6.9% of the total population of Mongolia. Compared to 2003, the number of people increased by 21,000, but the Currently, the eastern region's centers have been proportion of the total population decreased by 1 connected to Ulaanbaatar capital with paved roads. percent. For settlements, there are 3 aimag center Aimag center-to-aimag center and border port-to- cities and 45 soum centers. Large settlements in this border port connections along the vertical and region are classified as follows: 1 city according to horizontal axis transport infrastructure routes is state ranking and 2 cities according to aimag ranking; 7 soum centers with populations of over 2 4,000; and a soum center based on mining In Sukhbaatar aimag, population growth is normal activity[8]. in all soums; however, Erdenetsagaan, Bayandelger, The population, human settlement and annual Tuvshinshiree and Munkhkhaan soums have growth of population in the Eastern region are relatively higher populations and annual population estimated by the "Average Yearly Growth and growth. Erdenetsagaan soum has a wide pasture area Decrease of Population" estimation by 2010-2017. and benefits from the Bichigt border port. Furthermore, Munkhkhaan soum benefits from its Figure 2. Population and human settlement, Population location along the main road
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