Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 8(2), April 2009, pp. 146-153 Traditional knowledge of Adi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh on plants R C Srivastava & Adi community Botanical Survey of India, Arunachal Pradesh Circle, Post Box No 127, Itanagar 791111, Arunachal Pradesh E-mail:
[email protected] Received 20 January 2008; revised 9 May 2008 Arunachal Pradesh, falling under Easter Himalayan region one of the global mega-diversity centers, is a botanical paradise and the home of 110 ethnic communities (tribes) most of which are still forest dwellers and so diverse that they can not understand each others language. Hindi is gradually becoming popular among the persons, who are near townships. The paper throws light on different uses of 108 species of plants in day-to-day life of the people belonging to Adi ethnic community of Arunachal Pradesh. Keywords : Ethnobotany, Adi , Nyishi , Arunachal Pradesh IPC Int. Cl. 8: A61K36/00, A61P1/02, A61P1/04, A61P1/08, A61P5/00, A61P5/50, A61P9/00, A61P11/00, A61P21/00, A61P29/00, A61P39/02 Ethnobotany is the study of the different uses of their own culture, tradition and medicinal system of plants in day to day life of the ethnic communities. treatment and knowledge acquired through close The word Ethnobotany was first used by Dr John observation of nature. They are store house of Harsberger of the University of Pennsylvania in an indigenous knowledge which is yet to be address to the University Archeological Association documented. Only sporadic publications have been on December 04, 1895 to describe the study of plants brought out on ethnobotanical knowledge of some used by primitive and aboriginal people and was tribes of Arunachal Pradesh 1-7.